Prescribed ad hole

Ads. Ads. and MORE ADS. Plus something about chocobo...and The Witcher. Or something.




ad, game, watch, monster, people, witcher, commercial, final fantasy, click, pay, played, big, talking, person, email address, biologist, youtube, literally, weird, video




what's going on?


Just going over some notes and finally getting a chance to settle down. What's going on over there?


Oh, not a whole lot. Hold on.


I'm drinking Lacroix now.


Wow. That was there. That was obscene. The terrible


I thought was pretty good. It wasn't bad, was it? It was


pretty interesting. Yeah.


It's not. It's not quite what it sounds like in the commercials. Weirdly, I didn't know


that I


wasn't, it wasn't smooth. And it didn't make me represent like, Ooh, that sounds interesting. I want to buy that your disease does that person have? Also like, is this person not know how to drink from a can? What's going on? I don't know. on that subject, I've been getting some really bizarre, like, YouTube ads recently, really know what's happening in my life. But like, I don't know what I've accidentally clicked on on the internet to get these. Like, there's like these. There's all kinds of different random things right, but the ads are all kind of similar in that, it appears that the product is like some sort of like, no, they're they're trying to sell you like it's a lifestyle brand. Right? Like, if you're this x person, this is the thing for you, right? And it's all like, like, I don't know, some of them are just so bizarre and weird that I'm like, even if it is cool. I'm like, I don't want to be associated with anybody like that, like, what are you having? Even if your product is kind of neat. I'm like, oh, mildly interested. I keep watching and I go back. Now these people look ridiculous. Why would I want to do that? I understand. I know. Okay. I understand that kind of hurts me a little bit. So it's really confusing. I don't again, I don't know what I've actually clicked on to receive this.


But what kind of what kind of lifestyle are they trying to?


Oh, they're always like, people like mountain bikers like what is what is this and it's for something like a, like a wallet, like why are you mountain biking, wallet commercial or stand? Or like somebody like doing like, trail running, but it's like a belt commercial like but it doesn't stop. I don't what like I know I get where brands coming from because there's sometimes I go I'll look up something and then I'll be on YouTube or some other social media and you know a little ad icon will pop up and it will be something similar to what I look up or looked up. And it's it is very frustrating but you know as as emilich as I am just trying to look through, it's like no, I want to turn all of my notifications and add stuff off and then just start sending me random things. are random ads and commercials through videos and you try to skip them and they just, they just keep coming. It's true. And there's another very strange thing where some of the ads you can like, click on the Google thing or whatever and you can say, No, I don't want to see this anymore. Right? Because I don't like it or it gives you a list there's a trailer already bought it. Not interested don't want it that is not available on all ads.


It's only some of them.


Isn't that I don't like it at all. I


don't know if there is a tiered system where like if you are paying X amount for advertisement, it's like you can't make it go away. I almost like a some sort of premium ad Tier or something. I don't know. But it's a very weird because I've noticed it because there's one thing I like I am completely not interested in this. It's like I don't know. It's like a vacuum cleaners of garbage. I don't know. And it was like, you couldn't that thing was Wasn't there like, what does it why not why is the other like, silly thing? Have it but not this one. And I was very, very confused and did not understand. You know, and that was on Facebook I had to go through because it'll be like post post post add or sponsor post post post sponsor post post post and I got to the point where if you do it I think the South Facebook algorithm works but if you just complain enough like you do it you know, report add report, add report add any I haven't gone through and seen any ads on like Facebook, or things like that. But I know there are those some options on or lack of options on YouTube, where like if I click on a video, and then look, sure enough, an ad for TurboTax Like, oh, cool, thanks. Then they give me the skip the skip ad button. And then Oh, look, there's another commercial as well. Yeah, but that's a different thing. YouTube started running double ads with everything. I'm not talking about the skip button, there's a thing that you can, like, make it go away. And I have to do it sometimes on on mobile, because there's a an option where it's ad blocking content, like you're trying to read a news article. And the ad is so big that it won't fit in a little prescribed ad hole that they add leave there, right. There's a little void like just an insert thing here. And it's not it doesn't fit. And so there's like, half a paragraph covered up with some really bizarre like medical medicine cold that I don't know they India and sometimes there's a button on there that you can do and the little thing that you can report is blocks content. But again, It is not a universal option that is available. And it's very perplexing. There. There is also a little so there's the skip button on YouTube. But if you click on course I'm not gonna do it. But we're the little thing that says like video timer, you can click on the little icon. Oh, yeah. And and sometimes it could be like you can skip or something will be like why this ad or ad says, Well, no matter what I change, like there's still the same stupid as there's something about for like, just tells you about the region you're in and the type of day and the other people that watch this video, like, this is a target audience for this ad like, Yeah, but the last one, I could make it go away, like, because I didn't want to see that particular ad anymore. Just because either it's on all the time and I'm sick of it. I'm not going to buy that thing. I don't care about your trail running, whatever. But again, like cuz sometimes it's there. But sometimes it's that thing that you're saying. It's like, oh, you're seeing this ad because of your region and watching habits and time of day, like,


people in my region are dumb. I don't


any 60 year old health insurance that I'll be needing anytime soon so they can go away.


It's very odd. No,


no, anytime I see the ads on Facebook, I always marked them as offensive.


I was.


Like I said, gummy bears. No, get out. No, every. Every time I see an ad, I say offensive. And then and then I run, come at me bros are people listening, I run a lot of ad blockers on both my laptop and my phone. Please don't want to see it. And you'd be surprised how much faster the internet load without all of those tracking pixels and all that crap out there. So, you know, I those the websites scream at you like we've noticed you're reading an ad blocker please disable so you can see all of our ads and not our content like damn good. And then I thought somewhere else. Well, this is the this is kind of the conundrum of this is the secondary conversation right make better ads, that's all I'm asking for. Yeah, like that's kind of the problem. I mean they they're yelling at you because they're like, you're not paying to do any of this we have to have at it I get it makes sense. But like, add people make your ads not terrible, they get some new ad tropes or something. They just like they race to the bottom. And now they have to have so many on there because each ad placement is only worth a 10th of a penny. And so they're forced to cram as many on there. And how them flashing change. I was trying to do something today. Oh, I was trying to create a doodle poll. How many of you have if you have created a doodle poll? I don't even want a doodle. Yeah. Okay said those words don't mean anything to me.


I know the word Doodle,


okay. And


that's not in conjunction. So doodle is of service on the internet, where you it's a way to schedule meetings. So you go in and you schedule, you select a myriad of date and times. And then you take that and you send it to people and you say which one works for you. And so, in a way that quickly scheduling, meeting my boss about that, and then, and tell me when you want me to be there. And all you do is as the organizer you log on and you see which dates everybody or the most people can be there and then you schedule for that day, instead of having to look because you would schedule a meeting with 1420 people, it's almost impossible to just manually go through and guess which Days open or not? Anyway, I wish I knew that today, the banner ads, there was the big top banner. And there were side banners on both the left and right and the content was just crammed in the middle of this really narrow band. And the ads were refreshing so frequently, that I could not click on a date consistently, because because it would they go to refresh and the whole page would reload. And then they would move it in the banner would be half as wide because they only paid for half as wide banners. So the calendar that was click on would jump up 12 pixels, and then the next time it reloaded jumped down and then move left, right. The target I was trying to click on was literally moving around the screen. And I was trying to predict predict a slash guess where it was going to end up so I could select the next date.


It was so odd, bad.


That's how I'm


looking at Twitter is kind of the same thing where they'll be like, it'll say half of post, or you know those kind of clickbait icons, and then we'll take you to like a different website. And then you can't find what you clicked on because it's just so filled with ad all that's true. Or there. The trick that I've noticed is they do it over like multiple pages, where there's a instead of scrolling down past ads, they have a next button where you actually click it. So it counts as a new click new ad thing. And that thing that you wanted to read is on like, the first page, but when you click the thing it takes you to like page three randomly, like but now I have to go click back to but not give up. I'm like yeah, like it's a really weird Like, why would you put me in the middle of this? I don't understand why you do that. Yeah. I've blocked a lot of like fake accounts like that on Twitter that some like spam account. And so if I look at my block list just on Twitter alone, you know, because it's like that it's either like a fake account that's like promoting something or it's taking you to like a fake website, or something that just makes you click on just for spam. And I've just go through and I'm like, yeah, block, hide mute. On a lot of those because yeah, I just like, man, I just want to know the story, but you're just making fake things, and I don't care anymore. Yeah. Yeah. I don't need to know about what this person's favorite food item was when they are 12. I'm done with that.


It's not that it's not that again, like


you said, it's not that it's not the ads are bad. It's that these ads are insufferable. Yeah, well, there's not that it's Yeah, a lot of us. They're not in Well, and they're not implemented. Well, right. Like, and I know there's some of them are just like, again, it's a mystery how some of them show up because I, you know, I don't know why I have ads for like, women shoes like I don't what is that get out? I don't know what this one on here Stop it. It's like just random stuff is just like they paid to be on this page for today going, whatever but yeah if they were just made better they were like useful, you know because again my biggest gripe is just like the thing that you're presenting to me the type of person that you are showing in the ad using your product is not a person I want to associate myself with. So well you just you just need to let them track you better so they can get a better view of it or editor targeted ads. It's fine to their printing. No better service I might, I might have changed my demographic to being a, we're talking about your personal information on like Google, I may be listed as a 55 year old man. So I kind of get while I get some of those older insurance things, but I'm like


yeah, that's, that's actually no longer a mystery.


But it's just like, man, I don't like you don't need to know. And it states like boldly like we don't sell your your information to other sites. Are you sure you don't because I feel like you do. But our third party contractor totally does.


Yeah, yeah.


Well, yeah. If you go look into the ad profile on Facebook, or Google, it's really scary. What they have you pegged as, I think when when we were living in Texas. Yeah, yet. It picked up on that we lived away from family That was one of the categories of people they had that lives away from close relatives. And, you know, that's creepy. That was that one was really creepy when you're like, why, like, how did they figure that out? I wonder what they, what on earth they do with the stuff they collect on me from my work computer. It's all over the place. It's the weirdest stuff like daily just like all the stuff that we're talking about in class or whatever. Just like today I googled. Basically, there was a weird combination of isobar maps and air pressure related things and ancient Egypt and like just yeah, literally all over the place. Like there was a little bit about what are we doing reading today, something Uh oh yeah like main idea or no theme that's what we're doing theme stuff like what just all kinds of weird things that tie into that like yeah I don't know


yeah it's I


i understand people have to make money and ads are great way to do it and nothing against ads it's just make better ads and don't be so creepy about it


also yeah okay


almost having a making better ads watching TV yesterday and it was it was one of those like talking the remote control that you talk at and it tells you to do things you know it changes your TV by talking about it. Yeah, they were they were talking about it and They talked at the remote and then they like put the weather on the screen. It was basically a we're going to stay inside and watch TV today right? But they talked at it and it showed the weather and it showed like the temperature and then like very clearly the extra rainy symbol right? Yeah, downpour cymbal was just a cloud with the rain coming out of it. Cut back to the reverse shot of them on a couch with the window behind them. What is like? Sunny nothing happened. I was like, come on. You can have somebody spray a hose at the window. What is that?


You can try?


No, come on. You can't you just you're so demanding. Why Why are you so as I am very demanding I in this particular context, I do like how they're already starting to release Superbowl commercials way before the Superbowl I think they started airing Super Bowl commercials, or like the pre commercials to the real commercials. The Super Bowl. That's really me that was have to have a trailer. Can we just That's odd. But there's I mean, they're coming more big and elaborate. Because that's the that's like the main I was reading some statistic that it talks about like like the main viewing at one point time is during the Superbowl and that's why all these crazy outlandish commercials have like three like a three part play essentially. And the price tag is ridiculous. Yeah. And so I there was a commercial about an ad on YouTube, that it was one of those things where It's just like when you want to pull up on my phone. It's like, Oh, sure enough, there's Budweiser, 2020 Super Bowl commercial, and it's an ad, and I can't get rid of it. And it's a minute long. And when you click on the thing, it says, save to Watch Later, save to playlist share, or why this? You have to watch the full thing until it goes away. And then when you click on it again, it pops back up. I'm like, I see. I want I want to know who has a playlist of just commercials did they watch? I don't think you want to know. I do. I will admit I have watched them. We did watch we did.


In my


reading intervention, classname. We were talking about author's purpose. And we did make a commercial because we're talking about persuasion. Right. So we've made a really cheesy Like infomercial. That's one of the projects that we do. So great. So we did watch them in class we did do some research. So we did like the, you know, oxy clean in your flex tape or whatever. So. So let me just run this down through real quick. This is YouTube app on my phone. just pulled it up. There's a Budweiser commercial. Scroll down. Worst Monday Night Football 2007. There's a roosterteeth. There's a noobs guide to a video game. There's a binging with babish cooking, and then earning your degree at home over 85 degree programs with 435 plus specializations for a Walden University add, just like it's not a video. It's just a thing. You click on YouTube. And so I go to the three dots and says, Why this ad stop seeing this ad control your Google Ads Click stop seeing this ad will will try not to show this ad again. Click ok. What's wrong with this ad? To Wow. Let me see inappropriate or irrelevant I will click inappropriate because me and whoops, it's gone and says thanks for your feedback. And I'm sure enough if I keep scrolling down


to do


random random Oh look, the first real peace plan ad like the daily wire that's not a video it's this is what this is what and I'm pretty sure this is also a push per What is it a


YouTube plot not YouTube plus, what is it called?


There's a difference.




they changed three times. And so where there's no ads at all, and


yeah, they really not pushing that quite so hard, though.


Well, but here's the thing. Cuz like, the more ads they push on regular YouTube tries to make people go onto YouTube. Well, YouTube prime, and so you don't usually have to pay more. Maybe I should say they've stopped blatantly pushing it. So for a while there it was like, every there was like YouTube ads about the specialty YouTube service and I was like this is a little odd. But yeah, so they're not blatantly pushing it. I do see what you're saying they are subtly hinting that you should do it. But yes. And in the moment you said that since I have removed three different ads, just scrolling down a face on. So I think the question here is, would you be willing to use the same services, but is in a paid version so that you didn't get ads like Facebook Look, but you pay him 20 bucks a month. Well, this doesn't apply to you. Okay, I know because I don't I don't use that service anyway. But so but so Google, imagine if you could you use the Google search engine. Now this would go with the antithesis of everything that they do. But if they offered a search engine that was 30 bucks a month for zero ads,


or YouTube, give him don't give them ideas.


No, I mean, I would really like you know, Facebook, into we're on Facebook, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, happy great to pay them $3 a month, $4 a month for each of those to not have to see as it all now. I know that specifically with the YouTube thing. On the homepage of YouTube, the YouTube thing, on the on the homepage, whatever. I don't care in the video. It's kind of the, the creative the content creator is responsible for saying how many ads are in those videos? Yes. So most of the things that I watch it's not really that bad. There's I'm there at the beginning. Whatever, that's fine sometimes at the end, but I don't always make it to the end anyway, so it's fine too. And it's the there are a few that I watch. Like people every once in a while that there's are ridiculous. There's like, four ad breaks, like duquan is a 20 minute video. Well, yeah, stop. But that is not necessarily our YouTube YouTube just gave the option for that to happen. The person was like, Yes, this so yeah, I'm done. Oh, I don't really it doesn't bother me that much. It's just annoying sometimes because, like, I don't imagine that that they are there. Because for one thing, the people making the videos, the ad revenue from them is very miniscule anyway. You know, so I understand like if you are a person who does that, like you need that to support you, and that's fine, I don't care, but make it has not trashed. I think we need to restart this video. And just every time I tried to remove an ad or a sponsor, I need to be ringing a bell is this whole time we've been talking I am literally going through Instagram, and it's post post post sponsored. Hang on, hang on hang overs in Japan. I don't know what that is.


Post post. Post,


a Halliburton.




That one See I just I don't know, I'm just I'm just around. But yeah, we just need to start changing and it just like ringing a bell constantly because this whole entire time I'm just vindictive and like, I don't want to see this and now I see that on my work computer because like, I put stuff on the, you know, projector project from my computer for stuff and sometimes you like, what that's no we're not looking at that get out of here. Like your ad that's not what we need right now in the middle of the sixth grade classroom going so yeah, cuz cuz that you know, but usually also on that computer you can you know, when you zoom in you some of that stuff just gets pushed off the screen so you don't see it anyway.


It looks


so terrible that


no I know when you control Plus, it, yeah makes the text bigger. So it elongates the formats. He's got to scroll down but it was all that stuff off the side but they can see it better anyway that way so it's fine You don't have to go just a little bit and it shoves it away


sorry now now I'm just on a rampage hunt to remove the change that is this is this is what this what happens unfortunately, like I'm looking for a video to watch or specific video and it just like oh hey, here's something that's totally unrelated that you might have talked about, like two months ago and I'm like, I don't know. And that's not what I want. Like go away. And so I'm just putting my phone down and done. Good. Hey, so So what are the ads going to look like on the Oh brother podcast when we get approached by I don't know who get approached by at this point


after this episode. literally no one.


No, no, they they would they would They would say no we agree with you. We need to make better ads. Oh brother make make better make better ad britisher they made a South Park episode of fake ads or


was it with


fake? Like fake clickbait clickbait ads? It goes like a literally whole season about us. I've made I've only successfully made it to a very cheesy infomercials, style ads. So uh yeah, well we made last year, our project we did for our class was against persuasion we made part of the project was the kids had to design a thing to sell. Right? So they had to make a thing, or at least come up with the idea of the thing to sell. So last year, we had the pencil holder five thousand, obviously. And we took a water bottle and cut the top off and a rubber band in it to this I posted the desk, basically just a way to hold your pencils. And it was like one of those. Are you tired of your pencils falling off your desk and then there was like a really cheesy side of the pencil just like rolling away from someone's hand like no, like, oh, gosh, and then they had to convince people why they should buy it. They had like all the pros and all the good things that you need about it. This year, we did it was something called slide socks. Because slide sandal things are very in fashion. In the sixth grade Enzo, it was a product designed to keep them on your feet better, so you can be fashionable without falling down. So there's a shot of one of the girls in my class like tripping over the stares at her shoe like Santa like like flying through the air like a like it's God and another girl like just sort of falling over the hallway. And we did a product intro and then we do the thing where they like, you see the person do it successfully. Hi grace, just like all the waves like yeah


that's amazing.


I love that. It's really good. I get the fun project but it's so and I'm not the best because I am guilty of contributing to the terrible ad marketplace. But yeah, we do get the market research parts the best when we watch like the Snuggie commercials and like the really bizarre things that they like. Maybe that should be one of our next challenges is to buy one of those like our landish see on TV and then like we test them Friday night.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't hate this plan.


I gotta be honest, I really hate


you just you just get them really cheaply. And then we'd be like, all right, would you get in? Why, like right now? How does it work? Yeah, I've been running to go like two big lots or something and they just have like a bin for like a wall of like, all those things like that. I like Walmart too. There's a spot there where they used to be. I haven't seen it in a while, but there was a section and As Seen On TV series, all that stuff is sort of over there in the corner. I think to actually have to use it


though. Right? Like whatever. Well,




It's not just a okay so future challenge by something quote, unquote, as seen on Yeah,


yeah. Because you got in


the past isn't, doesn't live up to the hype. wasn't as useful to you, as you, as they said. And so you have to answer you know, you also have to give us a brief summary of the, of the infomercial. And in diagnosis, and then you have to explain why you picked it and how you use it and did it work?




And the reason the reason I brought this up is because I actually, this was like a week ago or two, I actually watched a video, and it was like, top 10 info stuff that like actually work. And, like the announcer was like, I gotta be honest. I was not expecting this to work, but I did. And I'm like, Oh, okay. I like it. It's really great. There's no commercial. I have to use Watch virtual being awake later at night I can get some answers


this is gonna mess up my search history so


oh that's true I don't want to buy online Oh then


private browser


gonna be so bad yeah incognito browser this right there


we got a live one


here I will send you of course enough an ad I'll actually send you this is why one of the videos I watched other email address right the extra one where the stuff goes that's where you bind this one under under that one and then


you have your throwaway email address.


Yeah, I do I the one I have had ever since I was like 12 the very first email address I ever had. I still it's still active and I still use it and it's really when you go to a store, when they use a you go to a store and they're like, Hey, we need your email for this thing. I give them that one bouncer on it. I don't want you stuff Then they send it there and then I just cancelled it later. But like, I don't want that junk in my like Gmail or don't I use all time? Sorry. It's the it's a relegated for extra things. Consequently, My hobby is I don't do like Aaron Why go through and delete as I just go through and just delete emails from that thing. It was like thousands there. I just never go they never go away. They're built up over years. Forever What? Go back to using that email with just random stuff like oh, here's this x store or here's this random thing that you unsubscribe to a long time ago it's still hanging on your inbox cuz you didn't bother to read it because you don't care. But you had to give somebody email. So


what you don't like delete, delete,


but just do you don't like Wait, you're saying you don't like delete, delete. You just have them. In the deleted folder and then there they shut it all. I like no, I don't even open this email, like this email is strictly for that. So like, I hardly look at it. And then though later, I go through and just like delete in mass, like I'll just sit there for like 20 minutes just deleting emails, okay? Because there's literally thousands of them because I look at it like never because nothing important gets sent there anymore. Everything is migrated over to another email address.




So protip have backup email address, that's my pro tip. I will admit I am kind of very in the same thing because I still have my OSU email that I had when I was a student. But the only things I ever signed up for was like, like for Amazon Prime. And then


all the other stuff that's


like, oh, try and make a new account for this and it's like I'll just use this one. And then oh yeah


this one.


Yeah, so just a filler one but every time I'm requested to put like, my like stone number down for one of those spam things, I always give them my work number. And scam artists don't really like calling someone that when they answer a Department of Human Services child welfare, and they're like, Oh,


you made a mistake.


Evil it's only a little money. They deserve it.


My ass


Yeah, I don't put phone number down in this app. They're like man, these usually not mandatory so I don't bother with that. I know what call me. I talk on the phone. Yeah, here. This is really funny to go like shopping with with dad or and or especially uncle Gary, when like the poor high school kid terrifying. Just wait for the poor high school kid that's working his first retail job. And they say, oh, sir, can we please have a an email address? And they're like, why? Like, okay, like, Dad, just, this kid doesn't know about a lot of the new order. They might my email address. I'm like, Dad, they're just trying to sign you up stuff. It's fine. But it was really funny. I was with Gary uncle Gary somewhere. And they asked them for an email address. And he's like, he just went on this little rant of I don't say why they gotta ask. Ask for an email address like well, because they need it in their system. Like this poor teenager was on the verge of tears. Almost. And I'm like, No, it's okay. Just walk this way.


My goodness.


You guys watching anything cool these days? Watching? Yeah. Um, no, not really. I did watch over Christmas I watched season three of that was it called the marvelous Miss Mazal or whatever this may be hands on. It's a show about this female comedian in the 1960s. She's from New York and it's about like her trying to make it as a comedian. And the story is like, okay, and


the acting is pretty good.


Her dad is played by Tony Shalhoub, which is hilarious, and, like, so the acting is really like The characters find the acting is pretty good, but the the, like set dressing and the costumes and stuff are so good because it's like a period, like like 1960 New York. And then there's she goes on a tour with this guy. So they're like Miami a little bit and like Las Vegas, and just like the production and the costuming stuff is really good. I like that. That was pretty good. And then of course, the only other show that I'm watching currently is the curse of Oak Island.


Now, are you watching that


show in as a contemporary and contemporary in real time, or real time? Right now? seasons okay. middle of it right now. Holy cow, that show. If you know about the show, like it's just bizarre enough to where you're like, wait, wait, hold on.


I gotta watch again.


I don't know if you know about the story, like in it was like 1790 or something. They found this hole on this island. It's a Oak Island is an island off the coast of Nova Scotia. And these three people like found a hole there. And they're like, Oh, that's weird. Let's dig down. So dug this, like weighed like 90 feet down in this hole. And they found a stone that had some writing on it. And they moved it and like a little while later they started flooding. And so they gotta get out, but it's like, it's big, like, open pit that somebody had dug. And they, you know, basically they think something is down there that somebody hid in some sort of extraordinarily elaborate tunnels. booby trap system.


Well, mostly, no one.


No one knows what I mean. There's lots of really outlandish theories about what on earth is down there, perfectly expandables and sometimes you're like, Oh, it's probably nothing. And then like, they drill a hole 190 feet down, and they come up and the core has


wood in it.


And you go, wait.


That's not that shouldn't be there. Yeah, and it's like song, or like chopped, like x is like X marks in the woods. And you got that. Why is that? 180 feet below the ground?


Like, what is


that? Or, like they found they were metal detecting on this beach. And they found this thing like this piece of like, under it's under the waterline basically. And they're like, Oh, yeah, it's a piece of lead. And it might be from 1600


years, possibly older like this could be as old as like, the year like 1200 you go Excuse you. What? What? Yeah, how? Why? Yeah. So it's so bizarre. And just so strangely intriguing, but I'm like, No, I have to. I have to keep watching the show. Like, I didn't care. So yeah, I mean, it's really satisfying in the end, like, What on earth kind of thing because it all makes just enough sense for you to go plausible. Yeah, I totally see that. But then you back out and you go, but no way. Really? No, no way. And then and then they find something like that, or those weird coins or you know,


metals and they're like, weird Old Spanish coin just


down its underground. This only came from a continent and a half away and you're going yeah, what? The lead thing they did the spectral analysis and it definitely came from like Central Europe. Or there's another thing what was the other? Oh, yeah. There's like a big Swamp Thing there. Did they, you know, it's just there on the island. It looks really weird. It's very strange. And they had a, like a swamp biologist person come out and look at it. And he was doing soil samples and studying the depth and what was under there. And he goes, Yeah, this is not very old. This is only like 200 years old. Because under this is like marine debris. And they were like, but he's like, yeah, it was probably it's only like X number of years old. I don't I don't remember the exact number. It means like it could be man made. And they were like, Wait, what?


That's a really weird thing to just like, happen. And like yeah, there was like, Oh, yeah. Here's a iron spike we found in the water. It's probably from like 1600 like one no one should have been here in 1600 and one Yeah.




that's a good job. I like that. That's all we're watching. Okay, for that perpetual obsession with professional wrestling that we have to watch all the time. That's what you know. But that's different.


Yeah, not any move along Aaron What do you watching?


Um, like, I mean, legitimately show or legitimate show. I mean, I watched the, the Witcher and I actually got a chance to finally watch the Mandalorian but most of the times I you know, if I have stuff to work on, I literally just put on like, Whatever shows on Hulu and just start working, but a show that I was actually captivated for the first time in a long time since Game of Thrones, where I was like, Oh, I gotta be excited for the next episode was definitely the Witcher it reading the books and then actually, you know, and playing the games and actually just watching it on the screen. Plus, I'm a huge fan of Henry Cavill. Just regardless. And so, when that show, yeah, I've watched I finished it in like two days, cuz I was like, I have to sleep. But it's so good. Well, there's only eight episodes but they're just so


good, man. Yeah.


The other they're fascinating. They're, they're intriguing. You know, playing the games. He's like, you know what's going to happen, but it's still just like, like, clutching your pillow in anticipation kind of thing. Like, is he gonna make it out of this? Like, I know he is but still like, wow, you know, so Without without spoiling it, what's the premise of The Witcher hindered capital is awesome. Oh, so it's it's based off of Polish lore like, like folklore, you need to tell Collin what a witcher is. Now I'm getting there, I'm getting there. And so, let me start with the beginning W is over time. It kind of manifested of, you know, the, like the lore, and you know, kind of urban legends. And it was just kind of put together of that a folk tales. Yeah, folk tales. A, what did I say?


urban legends,


over urban legends of Polish mythology, whatever, that a so a witcher is a is a person that was taken when they're younger and pretty much transformed into a monster hunter. And they you know, they go around doing you know, they're specialists and killing monsters. But they don't have like any emotions or feelings or things like that name. And this one pretty much covers the story of a witcher name girl. And, you know, there is adventures. And, you know, going around killing monster monsters and there's a whole dynamic with, you know, fantasy and some Polish history in the mix a little bit. Not much, but you know, in a whole different world. Probably exceptionally high fantasy, like yes. Okay. So it's, it's, it's very, it's very neat. And you know, a lot of people who liked Game of Thrones, like the Witcher, and so it's a very easy thing, but a lot of people are now comparing it that it's better than especially the later season of Game of Thrones, but I just like, I just like seeing a video game adaptation into a series for You don't see it that often and so just now kind of a big nerd out watching it that is a where in this story of girl does this take place so it likes to jump up okay. So it it'll those stories about where the timeline this was supposed to be is also even though Khalid he's allegedly emotionally deprived right he is involved in an extraordinarily expensive love triangle, it's very


It is very


is a problem there's so these things don't necessarily compute one another but if you if you if you read the books it is much easier in the video game. Well in that way, if you played the second video game, it makes a lot more sense, but true and so it covers that, but it definitely does the introductions. And it it goes in how


Gerald meets




but There's a lot of jumping back and forth, but it definitely introduces Yennefer and Tris. And then even though dandelions character in the series is not named dandelion, it's dandelion. The first time I saw that I saw that meme or whatever he was saying his name. I was like that. How you spell dandelion? Yeah, it's, it's actually, uh, it's surprisingly funny. Like, there there are some funny moments in it, but there's also like, you know, drama and action and, and romance. It's got it's got it all. I just, I'm just going to tell you that right now. It's got it all. It's great show. So is this 1000 I don't know. It's gotta be if he's Davey know if Tris is there, but it's gotta be post Witcher two. But it also has some elements of so it like the first book. I mean, it pretty much introduces the Witcher. Yeah, and it's pretty much you know, not page by page, but it's pretty much In the books, it's not like one big long story. bunch of like little miniature stories that are still somehow connected. Yeah. Because


there's the thing with their stuff with the genie.


Right? So that that's something that actually


that's actually in this series in the show. Yeah. Wow. Really. But it it kind of introduces the dynamic between Yennefer and Europe. Okay. And so that's in there. And that kind of starts it that thing that's like, middle of the season, kind of because it shows like Jennifer's introduction and backstory, and then you know, introducing Gerald's and the dandelion esque character and introducing to like what's going on else in the world and it's, I just like the way they did it. And again, another, you know, a video game adaptation. Because we don't you don't get to see that a lot and Yeah just really cool yeah but and it's also it's also praised for its its action there's you know the choreography is very intricate and unique yeah and it actually depicts you know the the Witcher quote unquote fighting style that's in the video games. Although with me I'm just kind of panicking and dodging out of the way the entire time but it actually it's a legitimate like oh wow that's cool because I'm just like




I'm kind of stack tactic that I have, but he makes it look like a lot better. Like, the magic in the games very much. Face signs. I use when you had to either fight unit igni right. And you need to protect ones on time. I use those but then I panicked a lot, because I was like, oh, there's a monster up here. And it's like, oh, it's level 30 and I'm level 15 Oh no, I wrote run faster. Please.


Roche is in the in the series,


which is the horse. Yes. That is super awesome. Does


he hang monster heads off the saddle? He does.


That's fine. I mean, like he carried he hasn't strung across the back. I'm doing the game off the side of his you have bonuses from the Griffin head that you have hanging on your thing. And, you know, it talks about how he you know, gets the, you know, the butcher of whatever the town is. Oh, and he goes that story. And it's, it's neat. Yeah, it was one of the first shows that I actually would sit down and binge watch because I'm like, what's the next episode bring? I was interested. I was curious because like Colin says, I'm here via here, being the thing with the Witcher is he is supposed to be like, his job is purely to be an expert on monsters and their slaying. right hey. So a lot of times in the game what happens is someone will hire you and they'll say there is a monster. Yeah. And so then there's like, these things that are sort of like mini investigations. You have to figure out like, what monster What the heck is it all this stuff and then you have to apply your knowledge of okay? This certain monster requires a certain method of disposal, right there is not a, all monsters are slain in the same manner. situation. I see. Like this monster requires this. to dispatch it. This monster requires this in the third game, it goes like off the walls, like sometimes you have to do like spells. And like, you have to do like certain little ritual things to go with it. So it's very like it's a lot slower paced, and more deliberate than it sounds when you like, oh, killing monsters like no, it's very likely Slow, deliberate, like I have to use like this particular oil on my sword because it will kill this monster faster and I have to know this spell and I have to do this. It's very like, net. So I see. That's why Yes, I was curious how the show handled that because that's not necessarily good.




So it speeds up the process a smidge but it's still very like, Oh, I have this monster I need these potions and I need as herb and you know them going out to get it.


You have to like enjoy it. Hey, and you do this?


And like, do you remember in I don't know if it ever talked about any other games but there's the like the Giga Mora. Were it's the that name before the king's daughter and that's actually like a monster. Yeah. Okay. And so it talks about that it goes through that story. And because they're like, because girl gets mad. He's like, I thought you said it's this. It's like well, I thought it was But no, it's not this, it's this instead I have to do things differently now. And so that part's really cool how you know, like, he is a specialist he has a degree in monster hunting, fighting. And so he's he's a very he's a specialist. Professional. Yeah, cuz in the third game, at least there's, there's sometimes that option to just like, stab it. But there's then there's the other option of like, dislike the more like a thorough in depth like Wittering way of like dispelling or curing a curse or something like that. And it's it's also very crazy mission with the spoons, right? That monster that like think lives in the tree. It has the spoons everywhere. Yeah, that one, or do you remember the Red Baron? Misha that was that was messed up. Like it was it's also like a good story element because you know, even though he's there to like, Oh, yeah, Al a monster but it's variable. Like, no, please. He's like there actually are friends and he's like


It's the way that


any hint there, Henry Cavill portrays Gerald is very like, Yeah, he's, you know, good at killing things, but he's actually got like kind of a soft spot for things he's like, fine just,


you know, a kind of stuff.


Again, I like it I couldn't I couldn't It was definitely one I can rewatch numerous times. Yes, I've been meaning to watch that Carnival row show on amazon prime. I just can't like I keep forgetting that it exists, because it looks kind of cool. Kind of like the idea of that. Like that, but I just can't remember to do it. It's like, some sort of like, it seems like some sort of 19th century London, but there's like, magically things there. So it's like, there's like trolls and fairies and stuff happening. And I don't know exactly, but it's kind of like Orlando Bloom was in it was like legless is there, I think. And it was stuff. I don't know. It's kind of looks cool. The settings looked really interesting. So I don't really know what's about per se. I haven't watched it. But it looks interesting. So maybe if I get around to that, I will get back to you. And that's good to know. So, Collin, that leaves you Yeah. Um, I have been going back and going back I have been I started at the beginning of the life below zero show.




the Discovery Channel. Yes. Somebody's been watching it. I've been I've been watching that. And so I ended the night and sit and watch that in the background. And it is extremely fascinating and extremely terrifying. And I sit there and I go Yes That would be awesome I think that'd be lots of fun as I curl up on the couch and I go oh it's 71 I need to make it warmer yeah as they go yes harvest the harvest the fat buying the moose I yes, it's delicious. And I go I go on kind of hungry right now I need to go get another Lacroix Oh the guys out there like boiling a moose. Whoa. So he can just eat the gelatin and he's like I'm dinner was oh, this guy's dinner was was gelatin made from boiling a moose and fat he pulled from behind I in the skull


dinner. I was like suddenly much less hungry


37 seconds ago. Like,


oh my gosh,


that's pretty cool. So what I been aspiring to him. I actually think it just I think I'm only in season four. And I think the 11th season just wrapped up and I don't think it's going to be renewed. So


Oh, wait, man. Yeah, yeah.


But you mentioned,


you mentioned adaptations into a movie from a video game and how you can kind of tell that there are certain aspects of it of like, Oh, this is this part of the game. I watched the Netflix TV series, Castlevania.


All right. This guy.


And, and I didn't know it was based on a video game. Which Belmont. Is it?


A Trevor? left?


Yeah. Trevor. Trevor Belmont. All right. I know. The first two Simon. They know I think that was his dad. Anyway, they adapt the they adapt Castlevania three and follow Trevor. Okay. Whatever. And there's definitely a scene of like, you are in the marketplace go talk to villagers to gather more information. It was like he ran in he was like, Oh, I don't know what's going on around here. So he went and talked to this butcher. And then he was like, thanks. And then he ran down the street and talk to this person and get more information. And I was like, okay, definitely this really feels like a video game and then I googled it. I was like, this was a video game. re I played one of them. Does he have a whip? That's really important. Okay, go okay. Yeah, he's canonically sound texture to that. Here we go. I didn't know that was the thing. That's funny. So I played one has a waiting game. Well, I have played the the intended like the last one, but the first one. It's like impossibly hard. And then I played one at some point in college. Because my friend bought it, and we had it around, and we played it some, but I don't know what that one could have been. Well


yeah, I remember. Oh,


wait a minute. I definitely never played any of those. I watch people play on loose looks stupid. And then last one is our first one is hard mode. Any craziness? Oh my gosh. And then you're watching people more, you know, the kind of the cult following that it established. I was like, Oh, this is actually actually very interesting. But it's definitely one of those games that whenever I did try to play it, and I'll just like musubi bullcrap. And I just it was kind of like one of those games where it's like, the ghouls and ghosts. That's also all the hard man Yeah, let's be real. All just about all original Nintendo games are impossible.


Right? Yeah. But


yeah, just know there's a whole genre, but like, what Colin was saying was, you know, move games into adaptations. There hasn't really been much success, you know, like with World of Warcraft, blue. That you know, domestically did me


i think i think


series is the way to go. Yeah, not so much. Yeah. And hard to tell. It's hard to tell a giant story in you know, two hours. Final Fantasy anyone? No, no, no, thank you. Yeah, I don't want to know, technically there was a final fantasy movie.


But yeah, that's what we're talking about. It was just like,


well, there was I didn't know that that one was better. We'll see the CGI version we have but there's another one to the Spirits Within. He's only talking about Final Fantasy in name only because well, that's the thing with Final Fantasy. It's just the name that good the stuff changes but like, if you're gonna make gay or movie out of like Final Fantasy eight, Toby M. possible. I that requires like,


so many seasons of television.


It's this complete side note, but I was sitting at work the other day. And for some reason, I don't know why I didn't have my headphones in. I was just sitting there typing away. But the Chocobo theme song popped in my head.


And I was like, and I stopped and was like, What just happened? And so like frantically looking at it as like, Oh, it's a joke about theme song, but he said Final Fantasy and I was like,


controversial statement Chocobo


Join me. You don't like Chocobo racing and no no fancy seven cars trying to get that thinking gold Chocobo is just about the worst thing about breeding all the joke about Final Fantasy seven, so you can get the Knights of the Round and basically one shot Sephiroth and be like, by feeling as Oh, it's so awful. I gave up I was like okay, I'm just gonna go It took me forever to LA stables Oh Collins don't make make make the choco theme song The intro to the song.


No, no, no copyright strikes. Please.


Let the 30 seconds. It'll just be it'll be playing and then over the top of it. It'll be niggling new copyright intended to copyright dude to copyright to do. Yeah, I had a flat now a terrible flashback. To whenever I will try to mimic what Brandon played. Like, I could totally play Final Fantasy seven and then a game like this games. Is bullcrap because I wasn't


good at quote unquote strategy. But


in case you're wondering I can spell Chocobo but not theme song. Thanks Google.




oh the Chocobo in the breeding and the not now I don't have time for that. I just want to know, you know racin nega over to be Chocobo Oh no, no no no I forgot yeah that you would race them to get a certain yeah agreed yeah getting great get to get the great up so that would you bread on you would have a good one you had to get like the best. Yeah there were other colors correspond to different abilities but you wanted the gold one they could do everything So they can go get that thinking spell or whatever they called it the materia from the thing like the ultimate spell and holding their game. final bosses of the Final Fantasy thing is the worst devil


knows the Dark Souls before dark soul.


Like Sure. gangs have so many phases like the 87th phase the lady in that you find an eight iron were named with the witch lady, whatever. Yeah. Gee, it was impossible. Like I finally got her next phase. No.


I didn't play much of eight. I played a lot more. I played seven but I played a lot more of nine.


Or like nine I played all the way through 789 and then I was like


I didn't I started 10


get at it. came up. I didn't really couldn't get past that stupid water game.


Hold up blitzball I forgot about blitzball


Yep, can do it. Yeah, I know I


don't remember. I played part of it and I was like, Man, this is fine. I didn't like it as well as the other ones for some reason because I really like nine to I don't know why the games weird but yeah,


I liked it.


vv that's why dark major that's what's up.


Tang. You can you can believe this or not. I can you can download an emulated version on your phone now. I know I have Final Fantasy nine on my phone. Oh, yeah, but really? Yeah.


I played in a while. I'm not very far, but


I played How was the gameplay?


How's it because it's all turn based stuff.


That's not bad.


But I was moving around the map though.


It's not bad.


Oh, do you remember Final Fantasy Tactics?


Yeah, it was hard. Yeah. I couldn't get past the first level. I liked it though. I like the job system and all the specialization stuff. But it was hard. It was hard mode. Because that's it. That's another game where if you're not ready for that you'd like what?


I understand what's happening. I'm so confused right now.


I think that was also when games kind of came out where there was no, like, adjust the level of difficulty. But it was mostly like, you get it now. Try something else. That's why people get mad at Dark Souls do like, oh, Moon should have an easy mode. Like, no, no, no, don't play it. And that's it.


I think I


think that sometimes because, gosh, it gives hard but like, Yeah, I know.


I think the great


philosopher, Aristotle once said, Get good son. I think he did paraphrase. I'm paraphrasing, but still, the problem with


the difficulty settings A lot is they don't like


the way that they have to scale them. It's not necessarily always, it doesn't feel like it's just the fairest thing in the world. Because it's just like, oh, all we're going to do is reduce your damage and increase the hit points of the thing. Like, wait. It's not really it's not really, we're going to increase your damage taken and decrease your, like, damage output, and then just up the stats and everybody else. So it's kind of like a weird like, is that really the best balance?


guys got anything going on the rest of the week this weekend?


Um, no. School talent shows tune any students? Yeah, town show me a couple. Tommy's got that and then


I did. I think


I'm whoo whoo.


Sorry, world.


I have a few investigations. I have to travel a distance but Shelby's coming up this weekend to see family and so we're actually going to go to the wall rock History Museum. And, you know, learn history about Frank Phillips and


Oklahoma stuff. So that's man. That's all I got planned?


Tweet. Right. Did


you Did what? No, go ahead, go. Oh, no, anything interesting, saying home


next week I'm going to the Missouri natural resource conference


conference for a couple days. And that's it. Thankfully, maybe


we'll see.


Conference stuff


getting more. Oh, I don't think they tell you guys


maybe told you we they put us in a box as far as job and position goes,


Oh, no, no.


Maybe. So, it was they're trying to decide if we were going to go Date wide and standard natural resource management or statewide and go under the science. They have moved us into science. So we all get scientists put at the end of our title now, hey go screams scientist. However, because we were being pushed into a structure that did not change very much. We're being compressed job position wise and push really low. So if you look at the org chart, technically, myself and my co worker at the same level as part time technicians, too, that's not really good. And my my boss's boss was a unit chief. She's now being supervised by somebody who has a grade A pay grade lower than she is So her pay grade was lowered by twice, twice. So she dropped two levels. Oh,


goodness, her, her current pay


does not change. They didn't dock her. But effectively, let's just say she's getting paid. You know, $50,000 I don't know what she gets paid, but $50,000 in a pay scale that's maximum pay for that scale is 40. So she can never get another raise.


Ever, ever,


period, as long as she's in that position, which is awful.


Yeah. So that's also so I don't know what that has done to to the rest of us as far as that goes. So they'll be it's not a priority right now. But there will be another job study probably in a year. Naturally reassess what everybody's getting paid what their, what their scale and range should be for that position. Because we are technically a brand new position in a brand new organization, so they've got to make sure everything is is, is appropriate. And you know, understandable. So that'll be that'll be what's coming down the road. So that was not fun. But yeah, so we have a we have a box, but we don't know anything about job duties or, or anything like that. So I still don't know what I'm going to do. And as a matter of fact, here in two and a half weeks, we are meeting with our new boss to tell her what it is that we do. Oh, but don't even know. Oh, cool. Yeah. And the other part about this is this is fun. Get ready for this. The science of the science has a bunch of divisions, whatever the new quadratics science




has had her entire 30 degree background in terrestrial ecology. The new terrestrial ecology chiefs previous 30 year background


was an aquatic ecology.


The Cisco switch offices. The stated purpose of this was to make them more well rounded and better suited for higher level positions down the road. So I'm going to have to think so so step one, teach your new boss, teaching your supervisor, what you're currently doing and how you can fit in with their objectives. sack. Second part of that is educate a terrestrial biologist on what a strict Is what is streaming is. So this gonna be fun, especially when you consider that the entire so we're the stream unit, the entire reason we exist, the and the only reason we have existed for the past 30 years 25 years is to provide technical support and assistance to fisheries management biologists and other people in the agency. That's the only reason we're here. We provide technical advice, data support needs, help them figure stuff out for watersheds and streams, because the fisheries management biologist, gets an undergraduate degree gets a master's degree gets out and all they want to do is measure fish and stock fish and manage a fish population because they're a fisheries management biologist. They're not as hopefully drop fish from an airplane at some point. You know what? Yeah, that's what they do all watch those videos and go that's what I wonder why and then and then The, you know, things. And so whenever you start asking, okay, we're kind of watersheds they go, what, how, what's my end goal? Why can't I just come as your fish how to fish fit in this and we're like, actually, if you focus on everything but the fish


you'll have better fish. That's true.


That's true. And, you know, on some level, they get that, but it's very frustrating to them because they want to be doing fish work. So we, we discriminate was developed, to be technical support to them to give guidance, educate, give date, you know, manage their data needs, do GIS, work out new systems and methodologies and tactics for them. were being ripped out from that, being ripped away from that and being put over in science. Science does not provide technical support or advice to anybody. They, they they do their research, and then they go Hey, biologists Look, he's less than


zero. Point 05.


What's up? I'll just go.


Yeah, okay, cool. So what do I do with that? And you're like, You're welcome. And then they run away. You know, there's more involved in that generally, but that's the perception of a lot of people. And so we are going to have to basically convince people of like when they said, What's your job to say, we provide technical assistance to both manager biologists as well as landowners of Missouri as to the mechanics and functions of streams and watershed.


And they're going to go


we don't do that


here. So we're gonna go, we know, but we need to, yeah, but what we do is that you fill out those, you fill out those things. We did that at school a couple years ago when they were kind of reorganizing them, just like the pay scale and like making sure it was on track, whatever. They had that thing where they do sort of cataloging the job. We had to fill out this big thing about what is your job? Exactly? Yeah. When I was a para, right, like, what is it that you do? So it was all the hourly people because that the Missouri hourly wage thing that went all wonky, so we had to like, follow more of a strict hourly, like, employee situation, right? And to get the rates right, for your yearly pay or whatever they had to do this big thing about what is it that you do? What are your duties and all the stuff? And if you haven't extra duty, what is that? What does that entail? What does that look like? It's like write all this stuff out for them is very annoying or like it, but it sounds like that. You have to do that. Also listeners, please take the time and Google fish restocking airplane. Yes. You'll thank me later.


Yeah, yeah. So that's


it's beautiful to watch. And you go people actually, they did. They did do that, didn't they? Wow. Now so people still do that every now and then for really remote likes or


tom tom


they also used to parachute beaver


in a good video too if you want to see hilarious video watch tonight It's like when the very he's a very dropping surprised yes very shocking surprise beaver with one of those like very chipper 1950s announcers doing the voiceovers. Oh man. So good. I find Yeah, you're welcome. Aaron's also that's what I wanted. Every late 50s early 60s Gold right there. Conservation at its finest, added something. I gosh. Oh, yeah. No, it is it is. It's amazing. I'm so yeah, there's a lot a lot of stuff. We got to figure out. Exactly how the hell what where when why how and how again and how mostly mostly the how what in the system what it's the what that I'm going way I don't know cuz they're like Oh don't worry your job your job duties not gonna change I'm looking at this I'm going my job duties gonna have to change


know how it's


not put okay yeah like


when I don't know In what world you think you're living in but


everyone's job is going to have to change


so pretty cool


my boss does know what his dream is now I give them I've got Jays a lot.


Yeah exactly, exactly,


exactly. Yeah well it's kind of it's kind of like in my position you know I'm a child welfare specialist and you know I deal with kids, but then we had someone come and talk to us that was like, a, like a foster person and they're like, so what do you do? Like I don't I don't know now what what what do you do there I go I deal with foster parents and I'm like, oh, okay,


like I don't do that.


So I that's cool. I don't know what you want from me. And they're like, oh, okay well just going to staff with you and like oh, okay, but you can't help me sir. Please go away All right, hold on. I'm Oh, this poor beavers right.


very shocked. Literally just


put them in a box and Oh, that's so cute. But probably the guy is so confused.


Oh, okay.


I can say I've seen beavers being literally kicked out of a plane from the 1950s 60s video. Yeah. Oh, that makes me Happy operation Dumbo drop was not so far fetched after all.


It was the president and as a great movie


putting all of these videos into your into your watch later with your with your Super Bowl pre commercial commercial


take that in as a


you know


parachuting beavers


and his typed in air dropping beavers and that was the first thing that popped up. Oh yeah. Not a lot of wide variety of search results in that one, but pretty amazing.


Is this what you meant?


Yes it is.


Thank you YouTube


what ad Did you see for that video, just carry


For grubhub actually


Oh, I did I did actually download that then after one time and then ever since since I got rid of it it's like hey you know in grubhub go away


my area I live in middle of nowhere globa


there's only three restaurants at it goes for Kelly.


Oh, yeah, that's bad.


We Yeah, I download it. It asks me to update my location but once a month I update it and it's like we're not offered they're like I know just that's why I just didn't want to update my Okay. Hey, thanks. Appreciate it. Hoping someday maybe I am. My my ad was about Pop Tarts fixed with Pressel commercial starring Jonathan Van Ness. Excuse you What? The title of the of the commercials sponsored by by pop tarts. It's Pop Tarts fixed. The Press Commercial, starring Jonathan Van Ness. I'm confused. I hope that's okay. I don't know what that means. I thought you said mixed. And I was very distressed. I was like, No, no, no. No, don't worry. Those are two things that need to remain separate costs. Hmm. Well hey, pop tarts. Kellogg. Whoever, whoever makes you when you steal that? No, we're coming for you. We had an idea first. No, no one wants that idea, bro. Oh, like like strawberry filling from a pop tart inside about pretzel. With the extruded plastic cheese, oh God.


I will advertise that on


Oh the other mountain. Yeah.


Well, we should probably


hit rock bottom. Okay.


Shut it down.


Before before it gets even better


save some for next


time. That's true. Yeah. Okay.


Love you guys