aspirational AC

Rock talk is back! With your favorite rock of all, schist! Also a rather depressing conversation about mining in Missouri. Aaron takes a trip through the vowels of Oklahoma. And we discuss ways to make your car get better gas mileage. Hint…nothing very useful.

  • Sorry in advance 


drive, car, bronco, gas stations, buy, missouri, road, gas, hours, mountain, big, literally, people, trunk, cd, rock, wind, taillight, snow, christmas lights



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon and Colin



and Aaron.



On this week's show, aspirational AC.



Hello. Hello. Greetings. Hello. Welcome



to my ad set.



Oh, that is that is important. Yes. Kind of needed.



Haha. Are you sure?



Yes, I'm fine. I'm all the finds



that the most convincing. All right. Good luck with that stick with it. I was trying to come up with a wave of like to do a streamline the podcasting workflow. And I was like, oh, maybe if I can just record the intro. While we you know, while getting the call that way. I don't have to go back and do it. I was like, but I always say the name of the episode in the intro. There's no way that I can No, no, that



is a good point.



So, you know, maybe maybe I just come up with some wacky phrase, and we have to work it into the episode after that. It's kind of like a little challenge. I don't I don't know. I like the picking of random thing that somebody sent out the middle of the episode and I'm just, I'm just not some like weird Groucho Marx thing. Like,



why did the day is



I you know, people don't work. I mean, that's true. But anyway, that was assuming that we have a plan. Oh, and all of our, all of our listeners know. That is not true. is not true. You have made it you have 61 episodes with us. And oh, yes. So you know, there's no plan. If your first episode, welcome, welcome. How's it going? Oh,



sorry. in advance.



Also, sorry, I didn't. Just Yeah, yeah. So we'll, we'll go on this ride for a little bit. cuz everybody doing pretty good.



I am almost end of semester Friday is it?



made it?



And I purposely, this time, was not an idiot. And we're



just like, finished all of my stuff. Like, last week. Done ski. Right. All the stuff that I was going to grade, anything going in for a grade was finished last Friday? Because in the past, I've been like, No, no, no, we'll do it. I'll do some stuffs police or stuff in the last week. No, no, that's ridiculous idea. So many bizarre things that happen, like the last week before they break that are just like random, like, oh, we're doing this today. Like, ah, we are all that. But I was gonna do I was gonna do this other thing, right? So you don't really have the full time. There's all these like surprised things. They're always like, Oh, no, well, you can't do it this day, because we're doing x thing. More like, another teacher has to do X thickness day. So it moves stuff around. So it's just like, you know what, I'ma be done Friday. We did our presentation on Friday. And we're just sort of doing like enrichment, extra stuff. You know, we did we still did some like science notes. But the binder grade is already like you already know who's getting good grades on that based on who's actually been taking notes and doing their stuff. So that's really not like a super big one. But the rest of us like no, I'm done. That way. We can just do things like look at samples and do like hands on rock based activity things and take it real easy, and then just kind of be done. So I'm not like, Friday be like, oh, gosh, I gotta make sure I get this in the gradebook before cuz that's terrible. done that before. And like last year, I did that a bunch and I was like, wait a minute. This is silly. Oh, no.



What's the rock digging go? Yo, it



went really good. The shovel safety was implemented all the shuttle safety was followed night without exception is very excellent. Went to a new spot on the one side of the property there. And then I'm going to ask about going further next time because there's just a big old giant field down there with nothing in it. So I had to one group you kind of you know within that field I do slightly know what's in that field because I set one group to dig a test hole and one of the corners. Yeah, and bang fossil city right there. That's I wouldn't say there are rocks in that field that you need at our auction to so I confirmed Okay, couple couple pretty excellent rocks with fossils in them. Sweet. So they're just that like, you know those Missouri sorry, listeners for this mild geology tangent with those like those really like those classic Missouri southwest Missouri rocks. They're like white and just red clay based, like mud stone type of thing. That's what we found a whole bunch of the ones that none of the Missouri geology websites talk about? No, helpfully, no. Hey, Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Why does your website only list limestone as the only rock and all of Southwest Missouri? I know. I know. That's the bedrock well, but I understand that we're dealing with Mississippian bedrock. Okay, what what, actually fully living there? It's a kind of there's traces of eroded other stuff. So we've got to get got to get back to Yeah. Yeah. It's, yeah, in the other kind of fossils in Missouri are, can be kind of crazy. Because it's, you find it in there just like a big old glommed on of all the seashells like they like it, they're not broken down at all, like a true like, stone, right? Where it's just like, it's just like the glue them all together. And giant ball, right? Yeah, fossilize that, like cookina type stuff, right? Yeah. Like all the crinoids and corals and brachiopods. All that stuff is just like, these are all like, a seashell type thing. Yeah. We found mostly, but so a lot of that is like, it's kind of because it's, it's above the bedrock. So it's like eroded pieces of older or younger material that's sort of broken down and sitting on top of the stuff. Right. So it's a little bit complicated that way, but you know, it's still kind of interesting that that's where it's at. And it's still sort of tells us that it's,



that's what



you know, was there before was kind of cool. Yeah. I also decided I kind of want to go to Eastern Missouri to this st. Francois mountains. St. Francis mountains. Yeah, there. Because I want to see some pre Cambrian Missouri igneous rock. Just because that's the one does, yes. I've been playing with one of the, like Missouri Geological Survey maps from the 70s. Like this super detailed one. Man, that thing is great. So I kind of want to go there. And check out some of that stuff. Yeah, it's my favorite. It's my favorite spot on the geologic map of Missouri. Because it's so weird. It's it just sticks out from everything else around it. Where Yeah, like, you got the planes and you got the you know, and then all of a sudden, like, Oh, that's where the mountains are. That's St. Francis mountains. Yeah. sticking out there. Like, like, what? Well, it's just interesting, too, because it all it's that area has experienced so much erosion, right. And then it's eroded all the way down to the very oldest layer in the state. Yeah. Right. It was up thrust so much. Right. So we look at now and it's like, oh, that's kind of some nice, you know, little tiny mountains. But like, imagine how much stuff was on top of that eroded away. Do what you have left is like pre Cambrian exposure. Okay. Holy cow. I think that's crazy. This gets back to one of my most favorite rules of geology is the principle of superposition of if it goes up, it's younger. Yes. Oh, that's a codified rule. Yes. Yes. It is. Perfect. Yeah. I love it. love it so much. That's it. Yeah, we talked about that in class. Because there's like, like, Guys, that it's this is important. Like, super important. But yeah, that's Oh, you know what else is over there? Jonathan chatons and Tom sock mountain. Oh my gosh, not about never actually been to Johnson shut ins. Well, there was quite a word about it. But yeah, that's it was shut. Yeah, it was shot. You know why? Remember? Okay, so yeah, so get ready for this. Do I remember why do I. So they, there's a power company over there and they use hydroelectric power to create generate electricity for the surrounding area. But the tool that they use is, is to generate power during peak times, you have to release a lot of water really quickly, which is hard to do in the streams of Missouri. Yeah, what they do, what they did small is they cut the top of a mountain and built a dam and a reservoir on top of the mountain and then pump water from the stream below, and store out on top of the mountain. And then during got electricity needs, they let it fall from the mountain, down through the generators and generate a ton of electricity. Okay, but the dams have electricity that they use to pump water up to the top of the map shyest. What are you doing? It's literally broke on top of the mountain, sending this huge amount of water thundering down this mountain and slamming into and destroying the Johnson shuttin. Oh, yeah, yeah, basically, an entire reservoir was released onto the area below it since it since rebuilt. Why? And why do you suck so bad? together? It's insane. Isn't it is a really interesting way of generating electricity. Very quickly. Interesting is one word for it. Yes, that's true. Because they only need it when that when that spike starts to head straight up. Right when they're like, this is peak power we have to generate as quickly as possible. And you just you can't do that with the traditional kind of locker or the traditional reservoir system in the smaller teams is trickled out. Yeah, yeah. constant rate. Yeah, that's, that's right. And that's the other interesting thing about that area. Wow. Okay, there we go. Add that to my natural disaster list to talk about should do my ecology. If I talk if we get to ecology in the spring, again, I want to add



you can take your good old water amarin and run electrical out here. We always just talk about the thing in was it Verona or whatever? The plant over there that like has, like full of dioxin,



right. It's pretty cool. So great. It's so exciting.



How cool is that?



And then that was the town that they dumped. They sprayed all that junk on the road.



Right, right. I don't I don't remember what it was that. I don't remember either. It left me



Yeah, they took all the waste from like that. And like mixed it in with the some kind of spray sprayed the dirt roads. They're like, Oh, look, it's not dusty anymore. But it's full of dioxin. It's like holiday or something like a holiday. Item number. Yeah. Well, that's kind of like a poor Well, the other thing that history was a result of the lead mining and yes, and what they do oh Joplin. How are you doing? And what they do with all the tailings and all the I just dumped it back into the underground there they sold it as gravel across the country, and they used it as asphalt for asphalt roofs so shingles



Well yeah, that's what they did with the the chat piles down there.



Yeah. Yeah, yeah, same area. And they also one of the biggest areas that they saw that was just given away for free for people to use and like rodeo arenas. And let me tell you about Rudy arena. Oh, no dust there. There's no dust in rodeo arena. No dust at all. No. bulls don't kick up any dust while they're trying to throw a man off of their back. No, no, no. Possible exposure from inhalation or Oh my, yeah. are the four guys that fall onto it and just like bust their face on the ground? Yeah. They see something. I don't know.



That's a day.



Dena rocks. And they're all staged and ready to go from the kids get back.



Yeah, yeah, we're gonna just do our last little bit when they come back. Today, we just finished up talking about like common metamorphic rocks and stuff like that. We had to practice very carefully, saying the word. Just Yes, we had to be very slowly. As because as sixth graders, we must be careful, trying to say, just



a very delicate,



delicate balance that that extra is the important part. You don't want them running home to their parents saying mommy daddy we're learning about that's, that's what I told him. What I don't want you to do is go home. And when your parents are like, yo, would you learn in school today mispronounce the thing that we talked about? I don't want you getting in trouble. I don't want me getting in trouble is a bad time for everybody. Alright, so we just make sure. We say it's just Oh, man.



That was crazy.



But I have some really, like I said, I found like 700 billion bizarre rock samples in the Mystery Science closet over in high school. And so there's a whole bunch of schist in there. So we looked at that about Garnet schist. That's even more exciting, but gardens everywhere. And of course, everyone's favorite green schist. Because, you know, it's green. People like you. That's just the ongoing the ongoing joke I have in my classroom as you can definitely tell when something was named by a scientist. Yeah, because it's exactly what it is. Right? Like, we were talking about, like metamorphic rock, we have foliated rock, as like, I bet you guys will never guess what you call rock that is not fully ated Yeah. And they're like, not fully ated like Yes, perfect.



Lee Yes.



So that's a little ongoing joke about how you know things are sciency when the names are just like painfully obvious and also applies to historians too, but like well that's basically my week winding down preparing for hiding. So it about you guys. Here, man. Well,



I'm still trying to recover from yesterday's escapades.



Your arduous journey across the rolling prairie?



Yes. In the snow.



The snow vowels, right? Yes. Oh, no.



It's actually no no snowed. Yeah, that was about a two hour trek in one direction in the snow.



And then thankfully, it wasn't snowing on the way back, but there was still another two hours back. Yeah, it was just like, Oh, yeah,



you know, I'll just get



this done tomorrow. Like oh, no, we did get done tonight. Oh, okay. Okay. So thankfully, I



get I gotta use snow boots.



Get a state vehicle. And I was leaving this one place and I was like, Oh, no, I got to go back. But I didn't I did some country road I didn't have enough wiggle room to like do like a full turn. So I just put in reverse use the camera and the back of the the state car just literally backed up like half a mile. I was like, yeah, I'm not risking it. I don't want to get stuck out here in the middle of nowhere. Then I got back here about 1130



ish. He



was it was very point oh,



I see here.



A Christmas shopping and then I You are making those almond bark like pretzels and like the little Ritz crackers with Mimi's



yep yeah what what is that called? Um



Is there like a subset Is there a good name for it cuz we're shopping the other day and I was like oh wow this this thing and she'll be like what is like it the thing are you with the milk melted down and put the thing in it and the thing is I never knew if it actually had like a legitimate name but I made that over the weekend and they're mostly all gone so



so you must have done okay, yeah, now



that I've perfected how to make them



excellent Look at that. Well, I



am off call tomorrow which I'm super thankful for. I'm so tired.



But other than that,



I'm I'm looking around our office to see if there's anything of note that I've accomplished this week.



Not really anything um



especially down here that is



you know, we're we have



some of Shelby's friends are going to be coming up from Alabama and to spend part of the holidays with up here because it's Christmas break down there for them so they're going to come up and then a few days and we're going to trek around Oklahoma doing Oklahoma things



yeah, I have been I have been either glued to my computer or out wherever



this past like what today's Wednesday at the past like I left Saturday I had to do all that stuff. So Saturday didn't do anything Sunday and then monday tuesday today I was either glued to my my little state computer or driving out in the middle of nowhere so that's been my eventful week I haven't had a chance to go anywhere because I've been I've just been busy



well sorry



that in this near everything's on the horizon



a few more days and just one more day then I'm too short for this man Yeah, that's that's been the you know, epitome of my week of just not really getting a whole lot. outside work accomplished. I've gotten a lot of stuff work done. And then that's really about it. So you know for me on this and that is



sweetness. Collin. We had some we had some snow today this morning. That was not forecast for and so everybody was literally freaking out. We don't live in Texas anymore. It's fine. Calm down. I know I would like come on. But a central Missouri snows all the time you get over it. You know, it was it was actually surprisingly slick. Trying to get the kids to school this morning. So it was a good Well, yeah, cuz the roads have been below freezing now for some, because on Sunday when it snowed It was like, Saturday was like 45 cents. Yeah, okay, well, it's fine. But yeah, though. That was all good. And we've been going and trying to do a lot of driving around the city looking at Christmas light, a lot more than we did last year is doing a lot more exploring a lot of different neighborhoods. Just seeing the different kind of Christmas lights that are out there. And so that's been a lot of fun. I mean, we're going into neighborhoods that like I've never been over here before. I don't even know where this goes but we explore it. By Oh, it's fun. It's a lot of fun. We've gone through the ones in the park a few times already. We've a living right next to the park. We have a nightly every day sometimes twice a day going and seeing them we'd walked by them in the morning and look and note which ones they were and then we'd drive past them at night. And then we'd go and look at the other ones in other neighborhoods



so excellent. We we did do I think it was like Friday night. We did have like a date night we just went out to Tulsa went to downtown Tulsa walked around for a little bit and then we drove but it's called Utica square which is in like not like super central Tulsa but I guess it's kind of close to downtown but Utica square is a very Ritz boogy part of town. And there's like it's like a whole little separate entity and there's these Christmas lights everywhere and all these like coach shops and all these really like high end shopping facilities but the Christmas lights were absolutely fantastic. And then we drove around like all the reds, people neighborhoods and see all the other Christmas lights were up so that that's what we we did for our Christmas lights extravaganza. Like oh, look at this massive rich person's house. Oh, look at all this massive rich person's Christmas lights. I



hung up. Wow.



So beautiful. We Yeah, it's been fun to go see some of the newer neighborhoods, but I really love going to the older neighborhoods. So we're part of the Victorian district, historic Victorian Historic District. Like me on the edge of it, like we're not in the proper district of it. But they they drew the line with us. We're literally at the last street where they did the cut off that was like, Oh, that's nice that we've been going over to see the really old, like, mansions of the early 1900s that are all decked out in Christmas lights now. And it's just really, really pretty to see them like Oh, cool. Yeah. That's been fun. I've enjoyed that. Why have a picked up a semi regular dog walking client in downtown, which has been interesting, because I'm spending a lot more time there. Either in the mornings, or in the late afternoons, evenings walking along the shop. And there are a lot more interesting shops down there than I ever remember before. And if you do a Google search for them, or try and find them, they're nowhere. Like there are, there's a straight up like, truly independent guitar store. There's a vinyl record shop. Yeah, that's right. It's like, Look, what I didn't know you're here. And then there's like a music store, like, okay, we can go in and buy a trumpet and buy sheet music and buy, you know, the clarinet reeds and all stuff. Like there's one of those downtown and I'm going, I think, weird. Where are these days? Like, I don't know, I haven't heard of any of these names. None of them are familiar. I've been here two years. And it's not like we keep our head under a rock. It's like, we're looking for things. So I know I need to start going. Going into those more. It's hard to do that whenever you've got a dog. But I don't maybe they'll let me and I'll open the box and yelled at all run away. Yeah, like no dog. So it's just been neat to kind of explore that area a little bit more. You know, I don't know, I don't really go down. We don't really go to our downtown very much either. It's kind of there. It's all the things like we drive through it a lot. But yeah, the thing is not really. Because we don't have anything like that, like a pawn shop. You know, like, Yeah, all right. And like, if we just went to an A, you're doing indoor dining, and there's like, nobody there. So we went in. It's a place called lobbies. And it's the old manufacturing. It was built like in the 1800s building is still there. They did extensive renovation on the inside. They have a segment of the original floor of this floor that's well over like 150 years old mazing and they have apartment lofts up on top. They have renovated to have offices, and then they have a different eateries and then like a book slash music store in there as well. And Good grief. Yeah, it was like what and what they used to do is they actually used to make their it's called La me's and it's named after the original company. They used to manufacture Wrangler jeans in there and show all over the place. And so they've got they still kept some of the a lot of the aesthetic around the building. And you can see these huge loading bays. And it just is really, really cool. But it's like, what, why are you here?






that's this is really like kind of slink doesn't fit in, but it's like this is great. It's really, really neat to have. The store and bookstore are awesome because they it's like a used bookstore and used vinyl, but they also have new vinyl and new books. It's kind of a mixture of them. And in the middle of it, they have this huge table with like all these microphones on it, like this. So I went over to Lady a fantastic. I was like, he popped it, she was like go. She was like, Yeah, they think they're gonna do it. And I was like, I love podcasts. Tell me more. Yeah. So she do, just like, I don't know what it's gonna be about, but blah, blah, you know, so and so's putting it on. So as I write down his contact information is good to get in touch. There you go. Boom. Pretty good. This is neat. And have that kind of thing spring up, though. When when took a look. It was pretty cool. They did not have. So we went there. were like, sweet, they have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That'd be awesome. Because the kids aren't going to eat anything else on the menu. And went there. And have you learned jelly? Okay, turn and look at me. Oh, man. We don't have any peanut butter. Or jelly right now.



Or do



you run into both of those things? Yeah. Okay, um, well, you have the bread. Can I have the bread? It's gonna get really complicated for us. I'm very sorry. Like, I'm gonna need the this flat bread, but I can't have this stuff on. I'd like to add this stuff on it and level it. Anyway, it was fine. But he looked at me He's like, why is it so difficult? do it that way. Like, we don't have the peanut butter or the jelly? That's not really humorous. They didn't have either one of them. You know? Cuz usually you run out of one first. Right? So it's like, Oh, we don't have peanut butter. Or like, I only have peanut butter. Right? Like, that's generally how it works. But be as both simultaneously seems very odd. Why that stays out to be so much but it's like what do you eat one? extremely unfortunate if we're just being like, Oh, very, very mean. Okay, well, anyway. Yep, doing a little bit more exploring. This isn't good. Still, still don't have the Jeep, though. That's annoying. That's why he's exploring so much on foot. Really? Stover in 1000 pieces breeding I think we've moved past annoying stage into like, murderous rage inducing. I



I just don't know what else like what, like at this point, like, what are we going to just kind of wait, you know, and, and go from there. It just burns me up.



Is what is I guess? Yeah, that's like it. Yeah, I'm either. Like, this is yours now. Hey, go. You're on a jeep. I was I am. Les done. Yeah, I'm out of here. And let's see later. Van. Get out. Like, right. Right. Exactly. And don't worry, don't worry, honey, I've already found the 2006 Land Cruiser that we're picking up Don't worry. Don't worry, don't have no good.






we've got conversation we're just go swimmingly. I imagine like



find if if it does help any I was actually pulled over Saturday or Sunday. And, you know, I didn't want to do the whole like, you know who I am. I'm important kind of thing. I thought at the time.



Like when he had his license. He didn't have his his work batch.



No. Hey, Oh, I didn't get me.



Right. Um, but he's like, Do you know your third taillight is out like, third?



Third, third.



Good, sir. Of what what do you speak of and so like, we get home,



and it's that brake light thing. It's, it's



Yeah, it's the tiniest little like red sliver of on the back like right above my tail of my license plate. And I was just, oh, the license



plate light.



No, like the above that.



There's a lot about that. Oh, in the back wheel accounts. In the back window. No, on the trunk.



It's on the trunk in the show. I had to freakin go. And the next day went to O'Reilly's. And I was like, Hey, man,






I need to get it not sponsored. I need to get a I need to get a third taillight for my car. He's like, your car has a third taillight like, exactly. That's what the officer






this was this must have been set Sunday because it was really snowing here. And he's like, Well, do you want to go like, hold the thing off so we can do it live? It is and like, I don't I don't know how to do that. I didn't know this existed in like 24 hours ago. Right. And so here it got we got at least about a good three to four inches.



But don't tell me that



good steady snow melted like next day, but it was just like, cold and wet. And he's like, Well, here's an






And so I had to I had to go sit up there in the snow with like, I was like sitting in my trunk. Like looking up. Yeah. I'm like, unscrew the thing. And I was like, I got one unscrewed. And I just went by storm in there and I was like, man, I my fingers are too cold. I can't get it. And then his freakin supervisor comes over it is like, Oh, you drive this car. Oh, this is the stuff you need. And my pants were so today. I was sitting there and I just I bought the lights. And I bought a new set of windshield wipers just in case. But but he's like,



Yeah, dude, I can't believe he pulled you over to that.



I can't believe he did. Either. You were I am. I am equally and or more upset than you are, sir. You weren't even there. So the moral of the story is there's two lights in my car that I haven't named yet, though. if or when I get to it. There I had the receipt ready. And so like, Well, actually, Officer, I actually have proof that I'm going to be






I mean, I don't know why they



I don't understand. Again, we talked about this a little bit when I talked about ripping the whole entire front end off of a Chevy Malibu. Chevy. I'm so mad at you, by the way. Like, why Why? Why do you do that? Like, oh, let's put this right in white right here where no one can get. What's the point of this? Why are you doing?



Yeah, it's just it's not like a big thing in the light. It's just like, I again didn't know it existed. I don't look at my taillights when I press the brakes all the other ones work. And so like



that's the hard thing about taillights. Right is you don't you don't look at them. Yeah.



Right. Yeah. Like, physically.



Get out of your car and like walk around and do the inspect thing. Yeah. Like our as pilot in 1940. Like, I don't know.



Yeah, and and look, but I will make note. I have never been pulled over in any other vehicle. Except for this one.



I mean, you have been driving that one for a long time. Most of them. I think that's like, statistically. Right. That's how it works. Right?



I think mostly because the bronco was never fast enough. Also, like I'd be like,



goes 50 miles an hour.



And we're like, oh, but it's hard. That's so yeah, I think I'll look at him a little bit. He



goes Rufus, Rocky.



Desert doesn't count. But you probably just can't hear anything.



Wind noises squeaky it's best



to get kick going and get off the road faster.



I've had I've had the most like mechanical problems, but I've had the most like cosmetic problems with this car like headlights, things like that. Like there was one time and the the bronco the power steering just said he I'm not going to work. And I was trying to turn off onto the road to go to our house. And I just kept like going straight like, Oh, I guess I'm going this way now.



And it's fair. Yeah,



every every time I've been pulled over in my, you know, adult life, it's been in the car. And then when of course when I told Dad, you know, he gave me a typical dad answer. So, but



he asked you about why you didn't have a checklist in me. Yeah, yo, do the 150 point walk around inspection checklist before you go anywhere watch matter. We'll do on that one.



It was funny. I told Shelby the last time like we were actually up there. I was like, hey, just wait, my dad is gonna. When we pull out he's gonna stand behind us. And look at our tires and he's gonna text us. Hey, you're bald tires. looking a little flat and Jacqueline Kaiser do yes. Well, Sam, I noticed your rear tires just a little low like Thanks, Dad. Yeah, the moment I got out of eyesight and like, well, just



because why don't you know why don't you know literally every single sound the car makes by the way. Come on.



I do not know.



I mean, I couldn't hear it in the bronco if we're ever listening



there. I haven't listened to the episodes.



I used to have a 91 blue Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer edition.



And older than that. That was the 91 Wow, it was I



was I was older than him just because it was it was it was released off the assembly line like 190 but yeah,



yeah. But no, it's it was gigantic. It's bigger than the room I'm in right now.



It was it was a Windsor 57 and three Windsor engine. Well, if anyone 51 just a massive just tank






a thing and so on a good day got about nine miles to the gallon. Although after when dad got it fixed. It got 17 miles per gallon just going out there. But it's basically the bronco is basically an old f150 just with a camper shell like attached like it's pretty much like same chassis, whatever, just bigger. And I in in the early years of having it I will just take the camper shell off pretty much just be a backlist truck you know,



roofless is looking for nearly backless, a cabriolet truck, if you will.



And so sure in in in the later years, I had somehow gotten complacent, I don't know how or when. But I just did not put the because then you put it on and then you've screwed it and then had like the plastic inside lining. And I didn't put that on right. And so the slightest wind ruffle, the slightest bump, pretty much everything on a road and I'm sorry, I'm just made this horrendous squeaking sound. And like I knew where it was because there's two pieces that came together, like right in the middle. And it was that little chunk that I just I don't know if I just put the wrong screw in. Or if it was just the metal piece those together but if it was very loud, and that vehicle also had a lot of road noise anyway and so plus of that did not help facilitate any comfort of road experience whatsoever. And so normally you can hear when I was coming granted the truck was very loud, but my music which is blaring because I couldn't hear it. And also I didn't get I wasn't the first person to drive my trucks. Or my truck. You guys were it was on the birthday and I on my birthday and I had to sit in the back of my own car.



Oh, you guys drove it? Did we? Did this happen? I think



we because we drove Oh sorry. You drove up the driveway into the circle. And then I think Colin drove down the hill to the other circle. And then I drove it like down the driveway. Late to sit in the back of my own vehicle on my birthday.



And I remember this I do this it is not in my book of grudges.



He will not be cross you Aaron I'm sorry.



I'm sure I mean you're about to turn 30 so your memories going.



Nikki's Wait, let me drive you to that.



Yeah, I mean that's fine of me. I don't like driving so I don't even care but yeah, like



it I definitely do that vehicle the the bronco in the blue suburban. I do miss



like driving tanks,



they call it



like to drive cars this size of an aircraft carrier



is my favorite they call it Jeep was an absolute nightmare. But I do miss I miss the bronco and I missed that no behemoth of a of a suburban even though I never got the drive because I was always little but I was just like just being inside of it and just like you know driving through the field or whatever. But yeah if I if I could have vehicles now which the new Bronco came out and it's only like $50,000






let me yeah Google



that real quick.



And then my teacher salaries just get right on that one. Yeah.



Yeah if I had if I had a choice of getting those vehicles back it'd be it'd definitely be those because those are just fun now that I can probably buy a suburban for like 1000 bucks



so now I



can actually afford the gas because in the bronco Yeah,



nobody can afford that much gas now.



I had to agree. Like over 100 bucks just to get it from E to full and so most of the time I drove a good egg



hey, here's 15 bucks all I got a little dent see how far you only ran out of gas once? So if you



know, on the way to school and dad Funkhouser was behind me. Oh, you didn't fill it up ninja.



Well, I mean this were rescued. Like Box. I will say the one thing about the new Bronco lineup is it is infuriatingly confusing as to what exactly you want, and what the actual good one is. There are seven, seven different trim levels there really seven. Starting to get the base one starting at 28 five, that's the 2021 Bronco five. And then it goes all the way up to the bronco first edition, or at get this It starts at $57,000 or a Ford Bronco. I would much rather have a Toyota four runner.



What have you seen the Ford Rangers? I



want the one I want the one that has wind up windows. And like, right. That's what I want. Where's that one? Like the janky headliner? Right. You know how much money you could save on a car if they just reduced winding windows like manual windows into the lineup. Boom. You go. Not only is it cheaper, it's also weight saving it right that's important yet for your gas mileage and your racing. I mean gas mileage, you can shoot



What is he telling you? You've seen the the Ford Rangers, haven't you?



Yes. And the ridiculous don't talk about?



Yeah, because they're they're always so little and quaint. And now they're literally the size of a f150



f150 10 years ago. Yeah, another new one. Here. Yeah, no, no, they're they're ridiculous. Yet again. No, I want I want like, I gotta get some random car from the 80s. No, sign up windows. And like, here's the thing to accoutrements, right. The just a radio the like the ones with it has a spot for the tape deck. But there's no tape deck, so it's just sort of like filled in with a weird thing. Maybe some particle board that's been spray painted to match or not really, it could be just black or white. That might be true. It's a little piece of black plastic. It's just like, you didn't get the tape player. I'm sorry. Well, no, so you say that, but I just read a report today about how prices on cars from the 80s and 90s are starting to go up because people want that 91 Toyota Camry First of all, it's never gonna die ever. Literally ever. I thought to yesterday I'm not even joking. Seriously, am gonna get this in a minute is a it was a Toyota. what came before the Tacoma it was whatever came before the coma. So reaching back to the truck it's I don't truck. The truck is 25 years old. It's In addition, one owner family got 70,000 miles on it. They're selling it for $47,000 Well, Toyota truck I mean it is an unkillable truck. You know that it we all know it's a good investment right because can't break that. But anyway, I just as people are turning to try and find more collectible cars or at least cars that they remember from when they were growing up. Yeah, he's a 90s cars are now starting to get snatched off the market. Oh man, I need to buy another Cavalier way that get that Toyota Cavalier back drive Chevy Cavalier when I could change the headlights without removing the entire front end of my car. Great to remember that you remember those days Chevy remember them? No, you don't know you don't. You've forgotten your way. I forgotten your ways. Well, no need to change the alternator was a hammer. Right? And even that was kind of optional. But it's kind of you know, just like, why, you know, when I'm looking at another car I'm going Oh, baby, what's the late 90s? Early 2000s wouldn't be such a bad deal. Any show. That's true. That was that that 93 Honda. Boom, yes, that's collected is cool. And I like those big size body, you know, anyway. Yeah, right. But no, this brings me to something I thought about before, like for real? Right? Like, I was slightly joking about the wind up with Windows earlier. But if you really think about it, if you if you want to increase things like gas mileage, one of the things that you have to take into account is the weight of your car.



Right? And reducing the weight is going to increase your fuel efficiency.



So, like all of these things, they're like, Oh, no, we've got like, you know, seats, adjusted 700 different ways, and they're heated and they're like, those seats weigh like 120 pounds. Yeah,



right. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but they're, they're heavy. Right?



Like, old style is like, it's a seat and you move it back and forth. Like you save so much weight in the car, though, your fuel efficiency is gonna skyrocket if you pair that with, like modern engine technology and emission design. If you cut all that junk out of the car, your fuel is your fuel efficiency is gonna skyrocket Well, you know what else you know save costs, you know? airbags you know those those costs a lot of money. side impact resistant doors those are pretty heavy to true. Let's just make them out of steel. Like it's the fine Revell pig iron though it's you know, what's you know, what side impact resistant a steel door? But like, I mean, you have like, I understand compromising for safety things, but like does your trunk really need to be like fully lined with like all this? Sure. No. Right.



In the trunk,



UK of it. We just make everything out of carbon fiber and then that they've done which Wait, you know, that's true. But there's a balance to be played obviously. But like, I mean, but you can start with like little things like the seriously like a front seat of your car. Like it does not need to be that gargantuan Yeah, right. I remember that really hit it doesn't matter how plus your seat is if you drive in your car for multiple hours, your back is going to hurt in a story because it literally doesn't matter what it's made out of. Right. The backseat of a Maybach you know, maybe, maybe, yeah, long wheelbase Mercedes, right. Like, that's different. But like, if you're driving,



your back is going to hurt. That's just



sad. This comes from sitting there for a long time. So like, that seat isn't the problem. It's the fact that you're driving for many, many hours in a row. Yeah. Like, you could, you could chill out a little bit with that. I was thinking that is it. The nobody would buy it? Because it's



like, oh, but it's not fancy. It's to like, you know,



poor I don't know that. It's so common. No one wants common cars a






But no, you're right, as people as people looked at cars, and they became a status symbol. You know, they also started to want to see these these comforts, or these modern features that just became to be expected of, you know, it's really interesting to go back and listen to some of the very early top years and see them bragging about how, like, AC is standard, right? It's like, what? Yeah, what? This progression of things that get added or bolted onto a car. I mean, is it just because you really think about it? How many times a day do you roll down your window? honest answer? Hardly ever, hardly ever. Yeah. Once Yeah, ours is generally once a day when we get home and check the mail. right that's it that's the only time I remove the window like look I don't need them to be like all electric 700,000 pounds of motor and my



little handle well done. Yeah, honor. There we go down and you know, all this.



Yeah, like locking, all that weird stuff. I don't need that. I just act what you actually need is just the handle round. I go down Plus it's a workout to get a little bit a little cardio in there. Yeah, filled zone. Right? They go. What is it? What did the carton say? Um, the top gear with time when he was like 80s we didn't go to the gym we went to for a drive cuz we didn't have bestir. Yeah. Now since air conditioning is centered, you literally don't need to roll down your windows anymore, right? I used to do that, like, lean over and like, frantically try to roll down the passenger side window at a stoplight. Right? Because you like, it's like, yeah, you know? Cuz I technically had air conditioning. But like, I didn't really know, it was a stretch goal. Yeah, it's a button and it said it was a lie, though. as well. As regular conditioning. The fan worked. The blower can blow some of the hot air back at you and like, fail. It's so nice. Yeah.



I love bathing in my own sweat.



But yeah, because it's not a tool, right? Like he's talking about? It's not a it's not



a tool for a job. Like, getting me to work.



Yeah, that's on my cars for really, that's, that's all it's for. It's for transporting me to work and groceries from the store to my house. That's kind of it. I don't really, I don't see the cars like me in my car rides in a car. It does anything. Like, that's what I just wanted to work. I want to Yeah, it's a tool, it does something. And like, it's not talking about depreciation and how dumb that is to add to that equation, like I bought this $50,000 car. Oh, it's worth 35 Oh, look at that. Immediately. Like, the instant you saw the paper, your card drops in value, like,



half. But you know, it's just tool does a thing.



I don't care. Like I don't look at it that way. You know, there's other things in my life. Like we talked about this before, too. But like the car just right now it's like not to care. I don't care. I just wanted to go and come back. And stop. It's nice. When I want it to when I want it. Yes. Yes. I just wanted, I just wanted to work it.



So I want



so much to ask, I don't need your fancy schmancy stuff. Like I don't need a backup camera. Because you know, I can do turn around. I can turn it like Oh, look. Well, yeah, I mean, as somebody who spends probably way too much time looking at the interior of Land Cruisers is is really interesting, because I have those same thoughts go back and look at the interiors from the 80s through the 90s to early 2000s. And then some of the more modern one, and just on functionally. It doesn't do any more right now than it did right. 2030 years ago, correct. It doesn't do anything more it based do things differently. But you're right, it still goes the same way and a lot of time. Like he says the four wheel drive system is the exact same underpinnings very hard to the same is just, you know, looks faded here,



right fancier now.



I'm not. I'm not saying that every car should look like the interior of a Citroen to CV. Okay, not saying that. Oh, that's like, however, if you want it. Yeah, I mean, it's like, you see the seats in one of those things. It's like a pipe with some fabric draped across it. Right looks like a deck chair that they're like, No, no, it's fine, guys. It's okay. They were they were they were envisioned for going on, you know, picnics in the countryside. So Well, yes, give you the Cheetos, that it was designed that way to be affordable, right? But I'm not saying that that's what everything should be like? Well, you know, there's expectation of like, because a lot of car manufacturing is driven by like American car culture. It's basically like, Oh, my car needs to look amazing. And part of that is because as Americans, we have to drive everywhere. It that the only place the only way to get somewhere is to drive. Basically everything so far away and spread out and designed for driving. Then you're you know, people have to spend stupid amounts of time in their car going places and they want it to a nice place. Right? They want it to be Yeah, they want to be nice place on their journey. You know when you you know when you're going somewhere and you're traveling seven hours in your car, like that's and I know for our European friends that is the dumbest sentence. We've probably said all night to you it's like you do What? Why? Because we can right I drive seven hours in my car and I'm only in the next state the ovary right I guess if I drive from here seven hours I can only make it to Illinois. That's it.



As far as I've gotten that is quite depressing to think about it that if you think I right,






if we drove seven hours in most of any directions, we haven't gotten to any place particularly different or interesting. Yeah, right. Like, Oh, no, I'm in southern Arkansas. Why am I here? day it. Yeah, if you want to go to the coast, you're adding another five hours on top of that before you get all banned on any banner. Yeah, it's like yeah. Yeah, Europeans. Here's a distressing thought for you. If I need to get to the next closest country to where I am currently, my drive is 13 hours. Right? No, before they before I hear Welcome to Canada. I have to drive like 13 hours. It's 12 or 13 hours same way if I want to go south basically exact same distance before you hear it. Hello, welcome to Mexico. Right That's it. That's it Hola. Bienvenidos perfect. Like it's so far. Ah, so like, you know, this is why they're like that like oh, it has to be all like nice because people are in them for so long. You think if something just is like the entertainment system of like, one CD changer is not enough. We need we need a six CD changer to rotate now I personally as somebody that had a CD collection of like a lot a lot a CD changers to me were always like weird, like, why would you do that? I put six CDs in there but like after a couple hours in the car I'm like, I want different ones now. I only made sense whenever they moved them up to the dash right whenever they were like in the back of the car. aftermarket ones like it's under the backseat like how unhelpful were the trunk that was always my favorite was they put him in the trunk of a car? Yeah, like mounted to the top of that. Yeah, like what guys? What are you doing? Well, let me change my music get out of the car Walker out of the bag. Take out that big, giant thing that regular that stinking stupid thing. My I didn't ever have a bunch of my friends in. It was like cartridge that you had to bet look like a giant cassette tape was full of ctds it was the most ridiculous question what are we doing this guy? This is ridiculous. I don't understand why you're right. Because and I guess part of is because I'm so like, I guess whimsical with what music I would listen to. Right? I want to hear the song. And then I would have to like flip through my CD thing and find that one CD. But like, if it was in my CD change, I'd be like, doomed forever. Like Well, it did I can't get to that so anyway, I'll just turn the radio on. Listen to this ever yeah well that's it and I'm just gonna stuck stuck here now because I can't and don't have to get out of a car to change CDs. It's raining. They were really awful. It really was that was it. I don't know what they really thinking about that. Like, I know the the thought process like ah, one CDs. Awesome. Six is better. But then then we like Where is it? Where do I put it? Where do I put my CDs in the trunk? Wait a minute. Why would I do that? actually doesn't sound better. It is so good. Like, sure. Don't think that's better. Take this in here. I'm crazy, but I don't believe Yeah, you're like you even are the ones like in the backseat. I think one of my friends was in the backseat because I'm pretty sure it was my job to as passenger to like crane around and like try to re jam it in there somewhere or something like that. Like Yeah, so if you have to have like a co pilot for she had to change your music, right? Yeah, because otherwise there's no way you could manage these ungainly things like a 1920 race car you have to have somebody over there manually pumping the oil around corners. new song You are my on hand CD. I don't know yet. Live or disc jockey to find this one right now go ah. Just kind of what it was like we were gonna drive around there. Yep. find this in there somewhere. That pile of CDs. Okay. Move on. I think of it more like a wind. Somalia, in Somalia. You know? handpicks your crafts your next you know, few hours of music enjoyment for you. Yeah, based on your current mood and curates a road on which you are driving like, Oh, yes. I think that this rancid album was perfectly paired with this. back road and Missouri. Slightly aggressive and yet catchy and enjoyable. Yes. Beautiful. Oh, my God. And you know that the most the most, you know, gas savings there is you know, you kick out your CD Somali a and you you know, that's immediately at least 120 pounds that you say the gas savings you get about that? Just tell because no, actually, you're saving gas money when you have constantly driving somebody around because they pay for part of the gas. Right? Oh, so that's like, that works. It didn't work. every relationship was with the Somali. So if they're paying a PX they're your friend, then you gotta be like, you know, like, dude, I drove around all day. Like, okay, yeah, here's a hydroxide guy. Boom. Okay. So save on gas. I put on my old man hat five bucks back in the day. Gas, man, it go.



Gas up here. It



just went up. We filled up yesterday. It was 188. It is now currently 199. But it's holiday price gouging time. Right? People are driving a lot better make gas more expensive. Right.



I don't normally pay too much to the gas prices,



because it's like, what else am I gonna buy? Right. Okay. Right. I



have to buy it if I'm going to drive to work and stuff. So like, it just kind of just sort of accepted that my fate is paying ridiculous. Like, doing exactly anywhere else. Yeah, like what else am I gonna buy? Oh, I'm gonna put some kerosene in there. What do you know? Not like again, do that,



like a shit to delicas options?



You know? Yeah. And I thought you know, I've I have the best app gas buddy downloaded and I think ways can tell you information about the logo. Yeah, where it has the most, but our town doesn't have like a whole just busy lane and tons of gas stations. Right? If you live somewhere like Springfield, that make more sense. But you know, even there's like 100 gas stations. Like, what am I got, like five? In a way maybe? I'm gonna open the app. I'm gonna see which one is not going to be on my route, obviously, because it'll be right and dry waste the time to go there. And then like, no, like, I'm gonna go I'm gonna go and I'm gonna hope it's gonna even out of the course of my life and we're just gonna roll Yeah, well and and you know, you have your preferred destination, right? Like I'm gonna go to this one. Because it's not like all sketchy and grow scary. Right? Like, I've not been asked for a cigarette from the person standing next to me the heart of why but yeah, a lot. Right?



The it doesn't have the that.



It does. There's old gas stations where everyone thought like, oh man, a white tile floor will be such a great idea. But it was I was like really dingy gross. Yeah, like really slimy like all the time like



what's happening here one



time it was a bad idea there was nothing they could apply to it to make it clean again yeah to get off notice in the world we'll get that out of there. That's it. Yeah, so they just like put big mats on it like fine like don't worry like those big syntax mats just like slap bang. There it is. new flooring newly remodeled? Yeah Now they do like a gas station has charm right? But you don't want to like the sketchy one because you know is always like the sketchy one. It's like






I'm not gonna go in there. That's all right. That's fine. And they usually don't have that well the schedule usually has like explained like more expensive gas anyway because it's like smaller and for that's the trap you get stuck in Yeah, but and let's be real this sketchy one does not have good snacks either. And that is important part of oh man the gas station experience especially in America



snack gas station snacks



important because you do travel on such long journeys to get places becomes your source of snacks on the road, right? So you can buy buy all kinds of stuff in there grab gas and just like a random assortment of things to eat



and be on your way that's always my my I always like to kind of a



little game that I play with myself right is like what random things can I buy here the kind of resemble actual me Well, the actual food source I always loved so we we tend to always stop it quick trips whenever we go places them again. But I love seeing the difference in gas stations just of all shapes and all brands. But when you go from the really really small ones to the ones like on the interstate because those are like those like crazy like Walmart Supercenter. Actually a grocery store in there. Like it's not it used to be like that either. But in the last like, I don't even know like 10 years maybe those things have gotten so big



particulars there's like



frozen food section in there. Like you can buy TVs and like, you know, it's wild is it just I love it love the difference between those because you go to ones that are like, barely have a bathroom. They have some like soggy peanuts in a box that you can have to eat and again, probably has water in it. And you're like okay, I got water in it as quickly as possible. And then you get to those and it's like this was like the shrine to the automobile that to come didn't get too bad. I mean, I guess that is the other consideration about which gas station you got to stop that it's the bathroom situation. Right under percent. Is it the sketchy bathroom? That's like you have to get the key with the hubcap on it and go like out behind the building to the bathroom. Like because if that's it, nevermind I'm actually good. I don't want because that bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a year no and it's really gross in there.



There's like all kinds of



mystery things in there that you know any part of it so as much as the big giant ones kind of like are weird. The bathrooms though. Pretty Excellent. So that's at least like oh look a clean bathroom. That's all I really wanted. That's gases $17 a half gallon perfect. I love your bathroom. Thank you so well I like that idea. David gas we still need to do a car challenge I'm still I comb through the the the classifieds looking for a cheap car challenge. And it's really cute that you think I have the kind of disposable income as a teacher that we can do a car challenge that's really well i think that's adorable, like the you know, the motorcycle idea out there the boat pasture. I can't afford a bicycle, maybe physical like, okay, sure we'll start with a garage sale. Here you go. It's 40 bucks. I'd like we just need to come to the appropriate challenge. That's all we need. Okay. write a review about it. dulness will be on our way. Oh, dear. Everything you're stuck with this thing forever. And that was a dumb pilot. No, no, because at the end of it if it's sold or donated, that's the part donating to get here will tell you. It's true, though. We'll keep working on that.



Maybe one day.



Make a two CV out of today. Oh, yeah. Good. I have nothing to add on top.



That's true. I think that's it. I think that's called being enough listeners. Let us know about your favorite place to stop on long trips and get snacks. What do you do if you're in another? Other countries? Do you have gas stations have snacks in them? I need to know the answer to this question. Also, what is your favorite kind of rock? Also, what is your favorite kind of rock? That's a good that's a good question. Okay,