an unasked for pick

Collin can’t clear his throat. Brandon can’t enjoy Fieval. We found some bands with siblings. 

  • Which Wonka movie??

  • A different Johnny Depp

  • How do I explain this movie?

  • Don Juan DeMarco

  • The unasked for pick

  • Just get the clicker!

  • Collin got suckered!!

  • Making of a banner

  • Does it work?? DONE!!!

  • Grumpy Brandon…

  • Sibling Bands List:

    • Brandon

      • Bad Brains

      • Creedence Clearwater Revival

      • Gojira

      • The Misfits

      • Slift

    • Collin

      • Creedence Clearwater Revival

      • The Ramones

      • The Kinks

      • Heart

      • My Chemical Romance

    • Susan 

      • The Bangles

  • Collin’s Haiku

    • In Best Buy's bright blue, 

    • Strange tech whispers of progress, 

    • Time's dance leaves me still.

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people, band, list, movie, fine, listen, bad, banner, brothers, talk, weird, feel, podcast, read, johnny depp, watch, thought, microphone, vibe, love


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon. And Colin, on this week's show and unasked for a high ROI. It is Wednesday. In fact,


it is it is true.


I don't feel like we've been able to record on a Wednesday and like I'm really

Brandon  00:29

sorry about that. Oh, yes, because I'm too busy.


I was apologizing.

Brandon  00:37

No worries.


Oh man today was It was weird. I started off doing a presentation to some business people about business. And then I drove home. Oh, and I haven't been able to clear my throat since

Brandon  00:55

I've been like, needs a tea. You gotta have the tea. Oh,


yeah. No, it was so weird. I was giving a just

Brandon  01:02

an email here not to make you jealous. But camera mill here.


raspberry tea downstairs. I had the most awkward interaction with somebody I was doing an in person interview with. I was at a table in a coffee shop. And all of a sudden somebody they texted they said I'm here. And I was like, you know, okay, cool. Like I'm over by the wall under a piece of painting like a painting. And they texted back they said, Hey, I'm in line for coffee. Do you want anything?


And I was like, no, please. Like,


thank you. But take no thank you. I am Friday at seven fine line. Like I was just it was just threw me off. It was like nobody I've interviewed a what hundreds of people this point. Nobody's offered to buy me a coffee and I thought you'd hire them

Brandon  01:52

immediately. No, you got it. Yes.


Like you. You pass the test Charlie. Just slept with he works for me. Guys, we say anyway, I know it's higher. But we watched that movie two kids were wanting to we have read the original Roald Dahl book.


Ah, why? horror that is like how your children are scared of like, Burial Rites. But the horror that is Roald Dahl.


Come on in baby. It's

Brandon  02:32

fine. Like Yeah, seriously messed up, right?


Well, Lilian did say that the James in the Giant Peach was a little scary. And I was like, as I was like, Yeah, because it is definitely a little because

Brandon  02:46

it is man. Write some of his poems. They're like, ya know, there


are some books. There are some books that I have. We did. I've pre screened out. But you know, more of them more widely accepted and not terrible pieces of artwork have been have made it into our abode. So they have been reading that.


So anyway. Anyway, did you did pull the trigger and watch? I'm assuming you've watched amazing Wilder version? Oh, yes. Yeah. So the correct version, the correct


version, the canonical version? Well, I

Brandon  03:23

mean, this this, this, this, this question has gotten harder, like, now? Has it? Well, I mean, it's gotten the now has more integral constituencies, I guess. Yeah. Because, you know, it's going to be so I mean, somebody's favorite movie is the Johnny Depp


one. All right, right. Now, if you see that one first. Bear first has an advantage. Right? Yeah. Like whatever you see first, does make an impact. So somebody's gonna see Tim Tim Timothy. Shalini.

Brandon  04:02

There you go. That was hard words. They're gonna be like, Oh, this is the best thing I've ever seen. And then they're gonna go watch the Gene Wilder version and be like, why is I will say they're gonna go what this tunnel? Where does this come from? What the heck is a psychotic part in this room? And listeners if you say that, I will agree with you 100%. Because no matter how many times I've watched a movie, it just comes out of nowhere. And you're like, what? In the unhinged Batman villain is happening right now? I


know. It is so bizarre. And I I did, right, right. As the boat came, and Lily went, ooh, what a pretty boat. It was like, Ah, yes. Now, the next three minutes are going to be fairly weird. And just roll with it. Okay,

Brandon  04:56

so let me know if it's too much and we'll pause. I know I've always had had a bit of an attention span problem, but that isn't a pacing part of that movie or I'm just like, oh, I Oh, man, is this here? Why is this taking so long? It right like it was feel that way about a lot of movies, right? You're like Who left this in? Right who did this? Right? And like I don't for new listeners to the show. Hello, welcome. Also, I'm old now. So like, this is not like a new problem. Okay, I'm not like


consistency here. It's not Yeah,

Brandon  05:28

this is a consistent problem, right? This is not like a new new trend. A, like, don't be like, Oh my gosh, these new generation is not the new drug. Okay, just just so you know, if you like,


right. That's one that's on happening. Right?

Brandon  05:44

I was old when I was 10. But like, I grew, but Oh, even like, all these movies, like, that part is part of the movie. I was like, what it? Why? Like, can I fast forward this? Like, why is this taking so long? I know you want to, like, build tension to add drama, but it's literally like five minutes. It feels like


like what it can there's no need, there's no need for that. I will say that the Johnny Depp version holds a tighter line to the book. Like really does. With like, yeah, so there is that aspect of I when I finally I did watch that. And it was like,

Brandon  06:29

secret Christopher Lee. So come on.


This is different, like this is okay. But yeah, we, we watched that. And


I, I


I think there was a general like, I think, because she afterwards, I think there was just a general like, a sense of awe. Well, from from the from the two new additions to the to the Willy Wonka world of of it. They like they liked it a lot. But they're also like, that was That was weird. Like, that was an interesting move. And I was going, Aha,

Brandon  07:05

I think people's first response, right the first time you watch it, you kind of like, what did I just watch? Like, I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to feel. Like, ah, I don't know. I don't know what's happening right now. Right? Yeah. So that was, that wasn't the adventure that we went through. Love it. So now I've got all those like, me worked for me.


Nothing like so it's all those are all

Brandon  07:40

burned in there. Oh, yeah. So we'll say I will say before, we're the one good thing about the Johnny Depp version. Right, right. Speaking just to Johnny Depp. Right. It it was like the first roll. I saw him in ages. That was like actually a different character. Right after Johnny Depp decided to become Captain Jack Sparrow in real life. Yes. Like, every everything he was in was just the same person. Right? It was just like, Oh, I'm


gonna do it. Woohoo. I'm Captain Johnny Depp.

Brandon  08:21

Right? Like, oh, yeah, he still kind of is just, he has just become Captain Jack Sparrow in real life. Right? If you watch him, you watch him play guitar with that. But with Alice Cooper was that the hot? Hollywood I did. Like the most unnecessary bands of all time. It's like Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper and Joe Perry, for some reason. I don't know why that exists. But if you look at a picture of him, you're like, Oh, it's just it's Captain Jack playing guitar like. Yeah, so it was nice to see. Like, a different Johnny Depp for a minute. Right? Because he has played other types of characters in the past. Oh, yes. Crazy stuff, right.


He always plays like weird dudes. Right? One of my favorite Johnny Depp movies is actually

Brandon  09:14

okay, I don't really know how to explain this.


Oh, I love this segment.

Brandon  09:20

I'm going to try to read Google that. The byline here.


Is it rock? It's Rocket duelist.

Brandon  09:28

I mean, it's always rocket doodle, but


he's in the movie called Don Juan DeMarco. Oh, right. Yeah, this thing I have. It's not him. And Marlon Brando.


Hey, right. And

Brandon  09:46

so Marlon Brando is the psychiatrist for this movie. And Johnny Depp's character in the movie is like things he's done one DiMarco though greatest Love her in the world from like, the books or whatever, right? And so he's like treating him thinking and it's like, it's really it's kind of it's cheesy. It's like a lame romance movie. Right. But like, it's just so hilarious to watch. Like Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando. Yeah.


Wow. That's, uh, that came out in the mid 90s. Didn't ask for

Brandon  10:27

anymore as a deep cut is a deep cut movie. Wow. But this is another movie I watched for the first time on late night television with literally no context


as it's meant to happen, to be

Brandon  10:41

ages to figure out what it was. And then my friend and I went and bought it at like, a US DVD store. Yeah, it was like $3. So I mean, come on. How can you not do that? And then we watched it again. And we're like, ah, movie Loki. Good, right. Like, I haven't seen it in a few years. But it's one of my favorite Johnny Depp movies, just because it's so weird. And it does the dumb like 90s thing at the end where it's like, cliffhanger. Like, maybe he really maybe he really is dumb. But it's like, you know what I mean? Like, it leaves


that like, possibility open into some reason. But it's, it's Yeah. But it's like, like Marlon Brando like, through treating, quote Don Juan and all that stuff he like.

Brandon  11:31

He like treats himself kinda like, opens up and reignites a relationship with his wife and all this stuff. Right? So it's like, it's actually it's pretty good movie. But it is. It's weird. It is weird, again, is a 90s movie. So what's his tagline? Say offbeat? Course, was hilarious, offbeat and romantic. It's in a nutshell according to Google here of ours, you know? So that's actually just before we move off of Johnny here. Awesome. Also, you should watch rainbow. Have you seen rainbow?


I have not. But I've heard a lot of like good things.

Brandon  12:10

Oh my gosh, it's so hilarious. If you're like, I like regular movies. hilarious because I like Westerns already. Okay, it's just like a big giant spoof of Wednesday night.


I like it. But Don Juan DeMarco is my pig for the unasked for big. Favorite God damn. Hey.


Also, deep cotton has a

Brandon  12:34

really deep count, right? Yeah. Let me know listeners. If anyone in the world who else has actually seen this movie, I need to know if I'm alone. Or if you've seen it, I need your thoughts. Tell me about your thoughts on Tom.


I think we're alone and we'll move on.

Brandon  12:51

It's like it's just yeah, it's me and my high school friend. It's just us, too. It was the only two people I can confirm I've seen this movie identifications. Ha, yeah, I


don't I have never heard of it. But I never I never got a chance to watch it. So that's definitely on this. Okay.


Well, that's special. Goodness.


What we Yeah. So that was a I don't know, what will we've been on this? I don't know. I think it's just because of the the weather has been so crummy and other things going on. We've kind of just been on this, this movie kick of, of watching random things. So I'm desperately trying to get through the first first book and Lord of the Rings so that we can, I don't know, what do you what do you think what? What are your thoughts on this? Do I finish the first book and then watch the movie? Or do I try and finish all of the books before I try and watch a movie?

Brandon  14:08

I think that okay, well, this is the tipping point, right? Because you're not going to be able to. I feel like you need to forge ahead, right? Because we're just with the book, right? Leave the movies on the table for a while. Because number one, it is a little bit scarier. Right for like, you know, especially for Nola, right, I


don't know if she's here. Yeah. And I feel like you can watch the first one. Like by itself. pretty okay. But the end is definitely like,

Brandon  14:47

tune in next week. Right? And so he really it I feel like they won't want to stop. Right and then definitely the second movie like you just can't stop there. No, right you can't do two towers and then stop for a long time.


You have to fall on that. Yes, right. No one wants to stop after the best movie. Like,

Brandon  15:10

it's so cool. I feel like if you're if your plan is to do it this way, I feel like he should just like do the books, right? Like read the one, like take a break, chill, read other stuff, like, then go back to the next that way you can pace it out. Don't have to worry about it. Thanks. And then that'll buy some time. To me, because again, the first one is not like super. Like it's a little bit scary, maybe for for the littles. But like, the two towers, definitely not ready for that one. Right. So like, I feel like it was best just book it for a while. And then circle back around later. Pick it up. Makes sense. Makes sense. That's, uh, that's I, I have the feeling of I want to you know, I want to get this over with not over with but like, I want to get this started and get this ball going and, and everything. But I definitely need to be more patient with a slow burn this one, which is not usually my way. So I know like it definitely. And you need some space between that because the two towers.


The book is a bit you know, a little dry. Right? Yeah. Because Tolkien hadn't learned about flooding perspectives yet. So as

Brandon  16:33

you get a whole lot of Frodo and Sam. Stuck in a bog. Right? That's just


a lot of bog X. And that is true. Yeah. And then there's still, yeah,

Brandon  16:46

they're there forever. So like it that? Yeah, that one's a bit slow. Yeah. So there, you know.


Yeah. So that's, we're working our way through that book, as a way to, really, we're really coming back and forth between that book and raggedy tam at this point, that is

Brandon  17:09

kind of a jarring, and yet completely cynical thing to do, right? Like, I guess,


because I don't know how we've ended up in this. Like, we're just going to alternate books every couple of days. But that's definitely where we are. And I think that's the, when we start to reach kind of a scary point in one, we're going to go back to the other one. And then we're going to read up until we can reach a scary point in that one. And then we're going to add the tension by jumping over to another

Brandon  17:36

where we just left this scary. Oh, wait, that's the problem. You're gonna get like back to back scary parts for at least one day


is definitely a potential problem that


I have thought of, but yeah, fine, fine. Oh, I mean, it probably will be fine. But yeah, for sure.


Oh, but yeah, that's been a we've been working on with all that fun stuff. I did the I did give that that talk today. All right. Yeah, I know, it's it's not exciting with tangentially related it's just one of those things of I think, practice the talk. It was so weird. Like in practice it, it was a tent. It was a 10 minute thing. I was fine. And like, but I got up there. And first off, they have been using a microphone that I had to hold in my hand. And all that's

Brandon  18:36




Brandon  18:38

actually heard you have.


Hey, now, Megan said the exact same thing. Listeners,


I know that you can't see this. Right. But Colin is a bit of a hand failure. Whilst

Brandon  18:55

he's talking. Right. I can guarantee you right now that while he's talking to me, he is moving his hands and gesticulating wildly in front of


him. So holding a microphone while speaking. Not really a good plan. Very large. Not really. Yeah,


that's, for me, I talk with my hands so much that I, I have the number of times I've almost knocked over a drink onto my laptop while I'm interviewing somebody in a coffee shop is not it's not zero. And it's not even five. So. But yeah, so that. So I had to hold the microphone in my hand. And the reason they did is because the room was completely packed, and they were worried about being able to hear at the back of the room. So I totally understand that. But like I've got the microphone in my hand it also then I'm not the one advancing the slides. Oh, and so I will trust you with the clicky thing. I don't have time having to like, look over and be like Now Jim. Like that. He's like, could you just like, start pointing wildly with your hand?


Right like yeah, Oh, yeah, Jimbo, like, he


said, you could, he said, you know, just like, give me a head nod or like, Just point. And I was like, those none of those are good options like that. So I agree with now I would just look, I would just, you know, I point over to the thing and I go, okay, and I would like gesture to him. For some reason, the combination Oh, yeah, yeah, broke the flow. And the combination between that, and then having to hold something in front of my face. I started to get really anxious in front of people talking, because I like so much so that I was talking. And then I switched to the microphone to my other hand, and I noticed my hand was shaking. And I'm sitting there holding a microphone staring at it while it's actively moving back and forth. And I'm like, This is why am I what is going on? Like, I had the wherewithal to recognize that my body was acting differently than where my brain was. And then suddenly, it was suddenly my, all the moisture from my mouth was like, God,

Brandon  21:17

could it be the nine espressos that happened before this? Maybe


it's I, I just I had a one off clip where I knew that a lot of people were in the audience and they were from a, they're from an entrepreneur class know from a university in town. Ah,

Brandon  21:46

it'd be a statement of State University.


Yeah, say one of those. So I

Brandon  21:54

just listened to show it's fine. It's


fine. They're too busy learning about not actually running a business. So I actually just said, like, sorry, if I'm kind of talking a little bit fast, you for all of you taking notes, I'll do my best to slow down here, which gave me a time to like take a big breath, like kind of comically like, so that I could actually, like, get myself oxygen from the air was like It's in here somewhere. I was just, I was so caught off guard by this, I was not expecting to have that kind of reaction. And I think it was like, I didn't really have that much coffee beforehand. It was like a cup of black coffee. Like, that's what I had had. So I think it was just the, like, my pacing was off. And I felt really awkward with the microphone. And that I couldn't like, move my arms because that's what I do have a walk around. And all of that sit my body into, like, we should be running away right now like this.

Brandon  22:54

I don't know why they wouldn't just give you a conquer thing. Right? Like, it feels like if you're presenting a big thing in front of people. What you don't want to do is rely on other people to click the slide for you. It's the worst. Yes. Right. When you're watching it. It's so jarring to have like, somebody to talk and then had to sit in way and then they're like, click the too far. And then they gotta go be like, no, no back one man. And then like,


it's a whole thing. And, you know, it's just, I those clickers aren't expensive, right? You just give it to them? Click button.

Brandon  23:35

Like that's, yeah, that's it. It's like two buttons on those things. Right. So mine has three because I have the pointy thing. But like, Yeah, I do love the laser pointer. Right. And it's get a lot of mileage out of that. But yeah, it's just so bad. Also, importantly, right? A lot of good presentation jokes come from the timing of when you click the Slide. And so like, you build the tension and dramatic effect in your presentation by like saying something and then like clicking it and having the thing appear behind you. Right? It's a timing thing. And if you got to be like now you lose all the you lose any bit of leg comic value that you have right to like keep people's attention, you know, I mean, instead of having it be like a really dry boring thing


you know, you lose all that momentum that you have you lose the the run with it like rep or like Blitz, you're building with people and they get kind of because it gets all stilted right, they get taken out of it by dots and that's what's really frustrating to me those moments of is to be taken out of the moment of listening to somebody and following along with the story. Are you and not that I was like I was the past and bleh should pay attention to me and blah, blah, blah. But I've been in situations where it's like this, I would be so engaged right now, if it weren't for the technological issue going on. And for the sound in the room, it's like, it's easy to get distracted. And I know it is for other people as well. Like, that was something that when we went through speech class and stuff, they were like, you or your job as the speaker is to minimize the number of distractions that you bring to your audience. And for me, that's, like, Okay, so one of my things is, like, figure out like, tics that you do, or like weird movements, or I talk with my hands a lot. So I know that's distracting. So I do try and tame that down a little bit. Not very good at it. Just like, I want, I don't want anything to distract from somebody being able to learn from this or something or like to enjoy this or to get to the point that I want. And to have to turn and say, Okay, now now, yeah, okay, there we go. And then you know, and then


sorry, unbidden into my mind came the scene from American Tail. When that lady's like screaming we waist down

Brandon  26:27

like it's not working its way up blast that because it's like that really good time but the plan right that's


what Yes.


Oh my gosh. I have not thought about that. Whole thing



Brandon  27:06

listeners that just another side tangent for that condiment talking, but that is definitely if you missed it. That is on my list of movies ruined by a single character. And unfortunately, it's five all the rooms a whole movie. Terrible, but alright.


But that is such a wow, I'm gonna Okay, then I've got to go back and watch that movie now. Is that I

Brandon  27:30

can't do that. I can't stand his voice. Other than that, there was great except for five


was voice. Yeah. You know that whole like fifl goes west thing. No. Oh, yeah. Well,


we're gonna talk about that one, but fine. I want to zany, right,


bring it in that really terrible main character energy, unfortunately. No, I tested that talk and got some good feedback and stuff from people. And I had that moment where as I'm sitting there talking with people, they're coming up to me, the phrase, Have you have you considered? Or have you thought came up so many times? And I was like, okay, like, I had to remind myself, like, cuz there were times where they would say something gonna be like, Yeah, we thought about that two years ago. And it's not gonna work because XYZ but like, they don't know that. And then like,

Brandon  28:23

like, yeah, I try that. And we boarded that machine, right,


like, right. And sometimes it's just too long. I can't spend 15 minutes writing the intricacies of why that didn't work. And then sometimes, sometimes people would say, I had to consider it and and it was actually something that we hadn't considered or, you know, or I knew immediate, sometimes it was, I immediately knew it would never work. But like, just as humbling from all the sides. And, and in the moment being like, how do I like, how do I capture these? Because some of these are good ideas, or do I just like go? Yeah. Oh, you hope? Yep. I'll do a shot. Let me write that. Yeah. Oh, send that to me in an email. Let me let me move through here. Because I will say that. So I make my way to the back. And the one thing that they were doing today was they were going, we have partnered with a local podcast, and they are going to start interviewing all of the presenters that come to this to be put on the podcast. So we get a little bit of extra exposure as this event and you get a little bit of exposure as a look person and blah, blah, won't that be great? And I'm like, Okay, so like, what's it going to be about? And the person goes, oh, you know, just like that. What do ya do it? You know, I'd see Oh, nothing, nothing too. Too bad. And I was like, Okay, so like, how long is this going to be? She's like, Oh, I mean, oh, it won't be. I mean, it will I do I'd like for it to be like, you know, maybe 10 minutes if that's okay. And I'm like, Oh, I can do that in my sleep anyway.


I'm fine, move over.


Like he thought over here. And then she goes, Oh, by the way, there's a camera over there. So I'm going to record a video. And I'll have audio from these microphones in front of us. And I'll sync them up later. And it's like, oh, oh, I hate cameras. Oh, now well, now this is not good. Because also, like, the standard they have for the microphones are the well, okay, so they're the little like triangle ones that I have that we've recorded on which, which look wonderful. Like, they look so nice. But they're, you're you're 14,000 feet away from the microphone. Yes. And so I'm a bit taller and stature. And so I was already like, hunched over the microphone, because I was like, Is this sound good? Oh, that sounds great. Just Just stay just like that. I'm literally hunched over the microphone is fine. And no. And then I realized, but I'm on camera. So I can't sit like this. Because I want to look like the Moto the dog walking hunchback. I couldn't look so weird. Because she, she's this petite little, like, four foot 11 person carries just like, microphones are right in her face. And I'm like, like hunched over, like grabbing it towards me like an orangutan. Like, oh my gosh, hold

Brandon  31:33

it. Hold in your hand again?


Like I don't have. That's. So I'm expecting like, so first. And then she's using the same recording equipment than I am. And I thought I didn't say anything. Because I'm like, Look, it's not my place. I'll just, but I am watching her use it. And I immediately know, you went Oh, bad mode.

Brandon  31:56

Right? Like you're doing it wrong. Just let me see it.


Well, you know, I was watching her and I got the sense of, and I was like, Oh, she she's not familiar with this. This is not a new thing. This is a new thing. So I'm just gonna look, she's the person interviewing. I'm just gonna sit here and watch. But I watch her press the record button. And then she presses it again. But I know you just have to press it once because then the red light starts flashing, but she thinks it's a double tap. So I watch her double tap. And she turns to me, I know it's not recording. And she just launched us into an opening.


Oh, no.


And I'm trying to catch her and be polite about it. And she stops and she asked me a question. And I don't think that red lights blinking is this. Or it was supposed to be recording. And she goes, I thought something was weird. And then she turns to me and she goes, Do you know how to work this? And I went? I think you just have to press the button one time. And she was okay. So then she does another opening. You're like complete? Yes. I don't ask me that. Because I have to give you a talking to so I just said I think if you push that button, one time it that's all we need. And then she didn't hold a new intro that was nothing like the other one that she did.


The first time, which


was way more conversational opening. She was just like, Well, we're here here. We're here at this place. And I'm here with this person. And is that What's your last name? Isaac pulled it and she's like, cool. So why did you want to be here today? And she asked me three questions of like, Why did I want to present? What did I get out of it?


And what would How would I encourage other people to come? And she's like, well, thanks for being on the podcast by

Collin Funkhouser  33:51

I was like that was that was like four minutes or less. And I thought like sharks can be a little selfish here of like, I thought it would help me talk to me a little bit more


already way


so I stood up and slumped away I'm like Well fine, they can enjoy that promo and I'll be weird and then I drove home

Brandon  34:25

gasoline she knew what she was doing the whole time. I can blue


got suckered suckered again, no.


Yeah souped up to


and then I felt bad because then the the business thing was using a photo of somebody had taken of her and I behind microphones and they're like, learn more about this petsitting company on the such and such podcast and I was like, I thought I saw that I was going oh no like you don't learn anything about me up Here's why I was so angry so angry bamboozled




tell people just be just be honest. I mean


Ah, so that was that was my name and a fun filled exciting day.


Oh, I I've been ending it. So we are making they're going to be going to a conference or pet sitters, but not from our business from our podcast. And so what we have a booth this time. Oh, I have been. Yeah. Quite flummoxed by what exactly we do with a booth. It's a podcast that doesn't sell anything.

Brandon  35:56

We're so here's what I have. Because we don't have products, we don't have merchandise. I don't have a course I have nothing for people I like, I don't need people's emails. I mean, sure, but whatever. So I won't email you. I will. We are going to set up just a table like a booth with our mobile recording equipment with Megan and I on one side and open mics facing the outside. Oh, danger. Okay. Yeah. People can come sit. Meg and I are going to be like, trying to live podcast through a lot of this of just like our thoughts, things that we're seeing. And I can put all that into an episode. Yes, the parts where she whacks you for saying bad jokes? Yes.


I was then we are like, well, we have to like, give something away. Like what kind of swag? Would we give it? What kind of tennis balls? I'm guessing? Well, we thought about like,


like, like the dog walk pack? Right? Tennis ball baggies. Other things? I don't know.


See? See, she's tough. I saw. So here's one thing of a lot of the promotional materials that you can buy your first look at them. And you'll be like, Oh, it's a buck. 19


A piece? Oh, it's not. Oh, what's


the minimum order? Yeah, it's

Brandon  37:32

like 500.


I need to order 500 custom leashes? No, thank you. That takes no, no, no, no. So it and it's, there's just enough people attending of there's 200 people, which is just large enough to make nicer objects way out of our price range. It's also just small enough that it's way under the minimum order for a lot of the products typically buy. And we're not wanting to make a habit of going to these things all the time. And we don't know, pellet calling or whatever. Yeah, right. Like, we don't know how this is going to go. This is our first one. So our instinct is to always go with the minimum viable option of whatever we can do. Like basically what's the cheapest way we can get into this with like, still showing,


you know, a good,


not good face, but like that we tried and still representing ourselves well. And so we came up with stickers, as everybody loves stickers. And that's why I sent you I sent you this there's two stickers things and and I agree with you, we need the one that I sent with, like just a weird saying it's like if that's not enough for a sticker to be worthwhile. So we pay it off. In for stickers. It's like, oh, you can print off 500 of these for $19. Yeah.

Brandon  39:00

And the good thing is like if you have extra stickers, it's not going to take up a lot of real estate in a place right? You just like put them in a folder and like okay, yeah, I use these later later.


I can do something with these. That's going to be fine. Even for my clients. There's only Yes, or I can like mail them to people. I don't know. We haven't we haven't really gotten that. Yeah, who knows. So I just have a booth that I'm going to have a table with a wet cloth over it with a recording setup out so it's somewhat interesting.

Brandon  39:32

Stickers free people want to take but I want a banner. But Ah, okay. So why don't bear but here's the thing tablecloth so so we do have a tablecloth? I do have a black tablecloth and it's a fitted tablecloth that yeah, the nice ones, okay to have one of those, but I want to be in her and I don't want a banner that hangs in front of the table because if people are sitting at the table to know get the banner, they'll hit the channel See, nobody can see it. It's got to hang overhead. Okay, but those are huge. And you have to bring things to attach them to. Because not every booth has that unless you bring that set of equipment to stretch it out over should bring one of those are those you know, those like big? I don't know, are they using for like picnicking and stuff? There's just like a 10th thing. You know, that you like the bag thing, but you like it's like a bag, gazebo or whatever. Yes. Yeah. On it, the I don't know what the name is. But like those things, just get one of those. Can you hang banner on that? Well, but I'm in I'm inside the building doesn't matter. They haven't craft fairs all the time. Right? We went to the craft fair here in town. It's in a pavilion, and there was dudes with tents. And because their banner hangs on the tin. Yeah,


how do we go? So that's actually I didn't think about that. What we landed on was a retractable banner. One that that starts it's rolled up at the base, and you pull it up from the top and so it extends upward. And it's it's a tall, skinny thing.

Brandon  41:13

Like, like those ones that we used in the Miss Saigon show and marching band. Yes, yeah. Only what not quite as large. I know. But that's that vertical style, though. Yes, that vertical style that comes up deep Cuddalore there for listeners. I'll never forget one of the kids. Where were we? Where were we came up and said, How do you know those don't say doc to America? Yeah, this is a post 911 world. Right? Like immediately after? Yeah,


actually. Yeah. Yep. I just I


didn't have an answer for him. Because I was so blown away by this. But because

Brandon  41:54

we painted them. Like, we got the material from the Broadway show or


talking about it was so out of left wing or right wing, but it was so it's

Brandon  42:06

very out of right wing manager.


Somebody will come up. And that was their first response after an amazing performance. And again, obviously, I mean, my only job was to hold the banners in the back of the field, but that's beside the point. But yeah, it's just how you notice don't see death to me. What? Yes, those tall skinny things. And they're like, you know, it's like to end but these are, you know, 21 inches by 48 inches or wherever, like, these skinny rectangles. And so but so now I'm going


cool this I want this. Do I put eyes?


Why? How do I make this interesting? Because, like,


I don't like I don't


I guess have to make some graphics? I don't want this to be text heavy. Ah. Oh,

Brandon  42:55

you've already you already have the design. I I have


I have I have one that I have. I have worked on what I have done is I have it's taller than vertical. So I have made it into a phone. And it is playing like it's kind of like a quasi podcast player with information about us with

Brandon  43:19

the legally distinct podcast player, right? Yes. legally


distinct phone. Just like generic rounded rectangle. black edges like put Yes, I have I have turned it basically into like a it looks like a phone with a podcast player with like the play controls and some information about us with our album artwork. That's what I've done it.


That's how it works. I was imagining like, because since it's a vertical banner, right, I'm imagining like,

Brandon  43:54

right, you can have some information like there but throughout, right, what you need to have is like dog footprints going on one side and then like people footprints on the next side, right? Because you're walking the dog right? It's like zigzagging slightly all the way up the banner right? You put your information in front of that don't know how well that will like read on a banner but that's the thing I thought yeah, there's


no right No, that's good. Yeah, little like a little bubbles with information. And then like Yeah, I mean into it.

Brandon  44:42

Yeah. Yeah. And then like, because like traveling and you have like, in my mind, I know this is important graphically, but like, the dog footprints are on the right side. Right. And the people footprints on the left side, just kind of like tracking right? They go kind of slowly weaving back and forth. So that's what I thought of, because it's like, you know, it reads you know, pet walking, and like dog things are like pet things, but like subtly


Yes. Now I've got to figure out. Okay, well, that will take some time, but I will,

Brandon  45:25

Bubbles might not be big enough for you information if you do it that way. Well, it's Yeah. And


I and most of the sample banners and things like that, that they have, like, they're very simple and it's, like, a big name of dang


true colors. But that's true.


That's, that's hard for me to do. I'm not a I'm not like, as much as I want to be a minimalist, I am such a maximalist it's not even funny. Like, I just like the cats. I say that. Well, it's like, yeah, I really want to be a minimalist on my desk. I have so many, like, things that I'm touching here that I'm like, I can't. Like we like vegans, what we like I'm holding in my hand, the second generation iPod Nano that Megan had years and years ago, it still turns out and everything. I like to just hold it as it feels good in my like


ah, yeah, it's it's, it's, it's, that's what I do. I do, though. Anyway,

Brandon  46:41

for nostalgia reasons. You should make your banner not a phone, but an mp3 player.


Could just confuse everybody just

Brandon  46:49

put the circle thing on there, right? Yeah. Like not the Nano iPad, but like the, the stick one, or like the one that was slightly bigger than the screen on it. But it was just you had that thumb wheel deal on there. And these


Oh, God so confused to be like,


What the heck is what are they doing? We're here. Don't worry about it. It's fine. It's all perfectly okay. Perfectly normal. Everything is okay. Yeah.


All right. So I'm trying to, I'm trying to get this taken care of because, like, printing, and I also have to obviously save time for what happens if it comes back. And it's like, it's just utter garbage. And I really should go to a print shop. Because there are things like, I don't know what the difference between standard standard plus premium Premium Plus cassettes are or why they're whether I would like vinyl or polyester fabric? I don't know. Yeah, I really don't know. It's just what they have. So trying to go through that world of, yeah, I need this done. But also, I don't like it. They are costly. Like they're just costly enough to buy that. I'm going. I really don't want to make an informed decision. Yes.

Brandon  48:23

Right. Yeah, that's true. Because if you you buy it once, and it's pretty good, then like, the potential for using it multiple times is like, good, right? Like, you know, even if it's for like other random stuff like you have it. Yeah. So you can just like use it for stuff. But yeah, any gun good the first time? A little tricky.


Yeah. And that's, that's the other thing of going. Well, I don't want to put too many specifics on here. Like number of downloads, number of episodes, number of podcast guests. Any I know of anything like that. So just

Brandon  49:04

print that on a piece of paper and stick it near?


Oh, no, I'll just leave a spot blank. And that's where

Brandon  49:13

they're pretty big brother. Yeah. Yeah, definitely something I would do. Right. This is how I would do things right. Be like, yeah, tape it on there. But


now celebrating over, there's just a blank spot. And now I can just tape I can just write in my Sharpie on a piece of paper. David.

Brandon  49:34

Right off the paper. Right. It's like it's official. You could like print it off. You know, just throw it in Google Docs and just like drive it up. Right bulleted


out lamb and then just David have to just leave at eight and a half by 11. Blank


I think that that may actually have been key that Yeah,

Brandon  50:00

right. I think


I like you. Because like, I don't care about things like this, like, I would very much with things like that, right?

Brandon  50:10

I'm like, does it work? Fine. Like, I don't care what it looks like, right? I'm the worst teacher ever because like, I have like all this stuff that I've made, like, does it look like cute and adorable? Absolutely not. Don't care. It's


like Times New Roman. double spaced. Done here ago kids deal with this. I mean

Brandon  50:37

not gonna be like, Oh, it's all adorable in Gretna. Okay, I'm not gonna put a border on this good.


Kids are gonna lose it anyway. Why don't I do that? Yeah, it makes editing it much faster it is out there. So yeah, I would just like put up his paper. If it doesn't look professional, like, What do you mean? This is like ultimate cost benefit savings, I get to use this infinite number of times updated information on the go. Perfect. Like I don't see a problem.


So in that updating it is, is important. Because if you have to go through a hassle of redesigning or resubmitting graphics and all sorts of stuff, spacings That's great. Yeah, you just just won't. And you'll end up going, well, I'll just leave it here. And I'm not the only thing going. I'm trying not to be precious with this. And, but also going, I also, I don't, I don't know what to do with this. This is such a weird thing when they when we had this opportunity come up. And we said yes, we'd love to be able to do that block. Now what like, because if we had I know what we would do if we had a product or if we were coaching, or if I had, you know if I was memberships or things like that, but like, I don't have any of that. Just just kind of the podcast is the product and I just need to be here to talk to you and see if you listen to it. And if not, yeah, okay, bye. So just being like, hey, here's information about us. If we're not here at the table, that's pretty much what I'm thinking.


True. Yeah, yeah, I feel like that's, yeah, probably because it's like a

Brandon  52:28

first time kind of test the waters if a situation like, you kind of have to, like do the best you can. We've talked about this before, right? You do the best you can. And you see what happens. And if you do it again, now you have a baseline to judge from right now, you know, ha, this would work better or this right? You just kind of have to go for it. And see what's gonna happen.


Yep. And it because yes, it's a if I sat here long enough, I could probably get a much better version, but then I wouldn't have one ready to go. Yeah, in

Brandon  53:13

time, right. It would be ready it would be ready in like six to eight months.


Next year. I'll pick it up next. So I am I in one sense, I'm like okay, I am happy that there is


a you know, a time sensitivity


to this because it means that we're just going to IKEA Colin is just going to have to go we'll just punch through this and


it'll be history and I'm pretty sure the other person is going to be like yes, do that. It's fine. Say


I don't care and then I'll be like Well, but wait a minute, we didn't try to


like just click hold on. What I need to do is I need to try all possible combinations of all the hex codes hold on back Just leave me be


like oh, no no, I'm you know trying


trying to be a reasonable human being the but I also hopefully you haven't had to be as any any neurotic decisions that you're trying to make or overcome these days.

Brandon  54:41

Oh, no. Do anything too crazy, right? I don't know. Maybe we should get here if you need more underwriting. Maybe we'll design some stickers for this show to you. They go back all right. Trauma bonds when you go meet some.


Some nice stickers out there. Right listeners you want stickers. columns in the mood for more knobs. Well,

Brandon  55:04

if you want stickers, let us see what we can do. Be great.


Yes. You know, again, I just need to I just need to survive this law.


We'll see what happened. I refer you to the fine. But you've


you've managed to stay in school for longer than a day at a time. Yeah,

Brandon  55:31

yes. Somehow, somehow, someway managed to go many days in a row now. It's a little bit confusing. I don't know what to do with myself. Like, I mean, I gotta be at school all we do. Yeah. wizardry, avidly right out. Oh, yeah. isn't right. It's sort of like, okay, all right. Now we can do like normal things. We don't have to be like looking over your shoulder to be like, Alright, we're gonna do this today. Or tomorrow, or she wanted to do it, right. Like, who know, you kind of have to be like, a anyway, like, so we're just like, Okay, we're just gonna go now. We're just gonna do the things that we're supposed to do and get on with it.


Well, that's nice, though.

Brandon  56:21

So yeah, it's been nice. Just to be like, okay, an actual routine game Ember routine. Ember that and how this works like, blah,


back? Yeah. See? Yeah, that's very handy. At least. So good. Yeah.

Brandon  56:38

We'll see how it goes. We have a think Monday is like an in service day. Oh, so we're gonna have a small breaking stride there. But like it was scheduled anyway. So figure that out. And I have lots to complain about after that. So tune in next week to see the horror that is that because I it's going here's your preview. Dang, I don't know a lot currently, but it's going to be the active shooter. Training thing. Which, yeah, looks


fun. Go. Yeah. Not what you want to be spending time doing but also.

Brandon  57:34

Yeah, welcome. Welcome, everybody. Yeah. Welcome to Yeah. All right. Yeah, tune in next week for that. Let's see how that goes. We hear me a ribbon on the local sheriff's if they handle this poorly again, so we'll just


Yeah, I think yeah, we have a long history of quality.

Brandon  58:05

Entertainment. Find it. Yeah. Right. So we're gonna keep it up here. Yeah, goes, Hey,


I'm not looking forward to this. It's really not very exciting. Because I was like, oh, man, I

Brandon  58:17

have stuff I can do on this day, and I'm gonna be able to think they're gonna email today. It's like, Oh, no.


Oh, come on. All this? Hey, all those hopes and dreams you've had? Yeah.

Brandon  58:33

And then, you know, they're just like gaslighting to you again. Because like, females sided with us. We're sorry, we didn't get this out earlier.


Like, you just forgot. Don't lie to me. You just You just forgot and didn't think anyone would notice. Like, stop.

Brandon  58:47

Oh, like, this isn't a thing that you can just like, plan spur the moment, right? Like, you can be like, hey, entire Sheriff's Department. Would you come in three days? Like that's not


how it works. We'll be like, Oh, I'm sorry about this. But you know, like, you didn't we had

Brandon  59:08

no way it wasn't like a change of plan. Like you can't just surprise schedule. This is not Yeah, pop it. This was a lot of moving pieces here. Don't lie to me. Oh, yeah,


that's, that's bad. Yeah, it's really bad.


So yeah, look forward to grumpy Brandon.

Brandon  59:37

Oh, the other reason listening is I'm going in with this attitude, you might be thinking like, well,


that's a terrible attitude to have. You might be right. But the history that we have at my school of doing these is quite poor. And so

Brandon  59:56

it's not really just athletic stellar expectation. You for how this is gonna go. Yeah,


they have a track whip. There's a known track record here. Yeah.

Brandon  1:00:07

Known commodity somewhat. So like,


I don't, I don't actually know what to expect. But my expectations aren't good.


I don't know what to expect. Yeah, they aren't good.

Brandon  1:00:24

I may recap past events for you. If,


you know if time allows next week, I'll tell you a little bit about how it goes. So well, that sounds cool. Yeah. Bye, but


but, yeah, what I have learned is that you always trust you know, if I know people say don't judge, you know, pass, Pat was that past performance does not in indicative stock investing. They're like, Pat, indicative of like, future success or anything like that

Brandon  1:01:00

in stocks. That's true in people, people.


Eric protip it's very true, like very true, really true. Less that person comes to you. And they actively say, Look, I know, I'd have not been doing well at this. I recognize that. And I'm working to change that. Unless they say that. Just you know how it's all going to turn out? Yeah. Spoilers.

Brandon  1:01:27

They will not ever say. Oh, you want them to just I know you? Do you know why they do? Right? You know, they just, they just like, oh, yeah, it's fine. Again, it's just like a bunch of gaslighting nonsense. Like they're like, oh, yeah, we never said that. If you're gonna hit me, at the beginning of the year, in our motivational beginning of the year, meaning if you're going to drop the whole, like, prior planning prevents poor performance stick on me. And then have a whole year of like, forgetting to plan stuff. Don't Don't expect me to look kindly upon. Right? If you're gonna do that, and then like, not follow up at all, like, come on the guy like, like, you can't, you can't do it. Okay.


People are people, those positions, forget that. Like, I have, like, hey, you know, the example that people are looking for, like, it's you. It's whether he knows, it's you. And until you get that through your head, it's still management or whoever gets it through their head of like, no, it's it is you that that not just we're looking for but everybody's looking to Yeah, it's like nothing nothing's gonna happen here like that. You're never going to see any different results. And then people get frustrated, angry, like, well, I don't understand why people aren't. You know, insert what they don't think people aren't. And it's like, because,


yes, what others? It's not me.


Yeah, I was doing that. I did this thing, right. I, you told to do the thing. And I was doing the thing. And that's what we were doing. And I thought that's why but no, okay, fine.

Brandon  1:03:24

Yes, not? Yeah. But we'll see. Again, let's see reserve final judgment for actual time, but we'll see how it goes. Okay. Yeah. Woohoo. That's what I've looked forward to.


Oh, that's, that's, you know, not That's not fun. Now.

Brandon  1:03:47

Listen, we challenge ourselves to as a podcast endeavor featuring brothers, right? We challenge ourselves to talk about favorite musical acts that contain brothers or siblings, you know, could be sisters. So that contains siblings of some sort. Right? And so we have assembled a list of


sibling musical acts with on my end at least much gnashing of teeth. And kind of uncertainty. Well,


okay, so this was yeah, it this one was very interesting to me because I did I had to do a lot of research into this and like, and to, which is not something because I just I honestly like, I only have a very, very few number that just right off the top of my head. Yeah, I knew for certain that they had siblings in them. And then I had to decide like, what did I like that group or do I just know of the group and then I'd have to like think of groups or like Read lists and be like, Oh, okay, cool. Well, I like that group. But like, I didn't know they had siblings in them. So this one was a weird one to kind of

Brandon  1:05:09

hard to. Yeah, I did a similar thing, right? My list is like, the way that I finally settled on it is like, if you, like, gave me the choices of these right now, which ones would I pick to listen to? Because a lot of the band like on the list of like, sibling bands,


there's a lot of them that are good. Or like I like like one song. Right? And so I couldn't put it on the list of like, favorites.

Brandon  1:05:39

If I like, like one song. Yeah, right. I can't be like, oh, I want to listen to that. Like, I might want to listen to a song and then be like, Okay, I'm done. Yes, I'm fine. Because a lot of them are like, a lot of these are not like, beds that I would actively seek out. I mean, they are these ones that I settled on are, but like, a lot of them on the list are like, oh, yeah, I've heard them. And that's kind of it. That's kind of where my, it stops. Right. My enthusiasm stops there. Right. So it was kind of hard to decide on the final one, I still have one that I'm like, I don't know, I should have put them on my list because I really liked them. But like, I listen to them sometimes. Right? So like, you don't I mean, that's where I was at. I was like, I liked his band. I didn't listen to him like a ton. But I do like them. But also, I don't like actively seek out the music. But like, if it's on and I find it, I enjoy it. Right. It's like, it's hard.


Like the the final kind of qualification was difficult for me to settle on.


Yeah, and so I don't know if I have these in any real particular order. Because either No, yeah, okay. All right. It's


not like a like, these are five that I like.


Yes. Yeah. That is that is that is for sure. And yeah, I yeah, I don't know. This may be just my, my bias here. But I, I just gotta say, I have a lot of just of older bands on here. Like, I don't


have a couple older ones. I have some weird stuff on here. This list is very odd. Okay.

Brandon  1:07:31

I think this says a lot about me here, where I am at musically, again, to the other problem is, like, am I listening to music depends on, like, the mood that I'm in? Oh, sure. Right. Or like what I'm feeling at the moment. So as always, asterisk subject to change.


These were, these are ones that were open research. And were top of mind.


Sure, yeah, this Yeah, that's true. Yeah. That


makes it hard. Because yeah, yeah. Then that's like, the next day you're like, oh, yeah, I


could use that one as well. Yeah. Yes, exactly. And

Brandon  1:08:12

I have some I have, I have I have one band specifically on my audible mentions list where I'm like, oh, like they've been like, I'm not like actively listen to them. But I wanted to at least mention them. But they're not on the top. They're not in the top five.


Okay, okay. Why don't I I don't know how you want to do this if you want to just round robin or if you want to go through your top five. Your top not top five or what? I think we'll

Brandon  1:08:35

just round robin we usually that's usually how to do these things. Yeah, it's better that way. Yeah, that way we can have some so yeah, we can do that. We'll just go bounce it. Like Okay, sweet. until we run out. Yeah. Okay, I mean, while I do have this firm number one, as of like, this week, right, like, it's the one I've been listing has been a lot after I found them. So like, I liked them the most right now. So like, I kind of have a one. Like, you know, ish, but like, Okay, so that's where I'm at. Yeah. Okay,


sure. Why don't you Why don't you kick us off here.

Brandon  1:09:09

Oh, boy. All right. The moment I have been dreading right, I feel like I feel like I'm gonna do it. I'm just gonna pull the trigger. I'm gonna put on the dark horse in my first was spot I am going to put on a Bad Brains. Gonna do it. Okay, and put on Bad Brains. Right DC hardcore. Right pioneers and legends Bad Brains. I like I like, I like a lot of that genre of music. Right? And so like, I just feel like this is a good band to put in there. Cuz they have brothers in them and they're like a really important band and I like bad grades and I have like actively I think I have a bad example somewhere. So like, I feel like that counts right if I own bad things, or have owned a bad brain CD at some point, I'm


I feel like that makes him for the list. Okay. But yeah, it's like


it does. It does and they have there. Yeah, they were there in the 70s. Right, right from back.

Brandon  1:10:14

Oh, yeah. 7076 right. It was, but yeah, okay. They're in poverty. They're like the ADC. And so like, the Yeah. They were two ladies. But yeah, like, East Coast hardcore kind of music. Right. Like, I like that. It's like bandmates. I like the sound. I like the energy. I like the vibes. I like that brain. So, okay, Dan Willis. I'm gonna put I'm gonna do it. Pull the trigger. I'm adding batteries to the list.


I feel like Hey, I feel like it's good. Right? Plus, he just doesn't look bad in DC. It's a great song. Right? It's killer. So like,


this is? This is a good point. Yes, definitely good. I mean, I then I I'm looking at my list. I'm shuffling things around right now. I really? Ah, I don't know i Okay, so I'm, I'm going to put it on here. This is one that I actually do like to listen to it. Probably people will say they're overrated. Fine, whatever. Also hailing from the late 60s, early 70s. Creedence Clearwater Revival.



Brandon  1:11:18

nice. I actually,


yeah. Who doesn't love a little CCR in their life?

Brandon  1:11:23

So I'm gonna go ahead and spoil it. That was my next one on my list, too. So there we go. We'll just combine this together. Right.


Okay, nice.


Nice. Yeah. No, I


dare just i Yeah, no, I, I.


I don't know what else to say. Like, I


do enjoy listening to them. They're not on my like, top high rotation, but they're one that I don't think they have a song that I don't like at all. And they're just, I don't know, I Yeah.

Brandon  1:11:56

Good. Okay. Yeah, I liked him, too. I always that's a band. That's like, there is you forget that there are two brothers in it. Right, because everybody knows John Fogerty. Right. But there's also Tom already, um, webs out Tom, right, like right off the bat him? Yeah, that's really good. I didn't realize that they were not really a band for that long either. No, no, just three years. Four years? Yeah. Three, like four years. And yes.


That's the other part of like, obviously, they had a massive impact on it. But like, discography wise, like, there's not much out there, like, okay, they have tons of songs, don't do it here. I'm gonna say like, but then I have tons of like, album, right?


They weren't producing for 20, you know, for two decades or three decades. So it kind of changes the mix that they have in the in the pop culture. I guess.

Brandon  1:12:57

It does, right. But I did discover the NS astounding. CCR fact. Oh, I was. I was stopped dead in my tracks. When I read this right now. I read that their greatest hits album. It was released in 1976. Right after the Benbrook have is still on the Billboard Top 200 list. What? Yeah, no. Yeah. It's been on there for over 600 weeks. I read this fact on something. I was like, ah, Hold on. Wait. Well, he was. I think, I think you say influential. Oh, that is the understatement of the year. Right. I feel like a lot of people lose like CCR, right.


That's great. Yeah, cuz yeah, they stopped in 72. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's okay. That is


I stupefying, right. You can still know what to do with that fat. Yeah. It's kind of like I don't know how to process this.

Brandon  1:14:23

Hey, hey, that's that's fun. Right. That's a fun. Yeah, I like It's so catchy.


So groovy. Right. I like it. So I agree. I agree with that because I also have it on my list. Okay, you go. So that means I take these your turn for number four. Yeah, it's okay.


Number four, number eight. Next.


Wait your turn for number next. Well, no, it'd


be my number three, I guess. Oh, no. So it's my, my, my my next one. Oh, yeah. Okay, yeah, well, Because

Brandon  1:15:00

I did bad brains and then you did CCR, and then I also did zzr. It's


now now I'm like, Oh, how that's okay. Yeah, well




my next one is I again, I've, it's it's hard because I started to do searches for like, like, making sure like, Okay, what about this music genre or this music genre or whatever. So I had to have a punk rock representative. Anyway, I'm pulling out the Ramones. Oh, my going


for this? So? Yeah, with and

Brandon  1:15:42

that one. I will say, technically, technically, this is my I always have one where I'm kind of cheating here. They're not biologically related, though. But they adopted the same last name. Right? So ironically, canonical are brothers. They are blood brothers. Right? So this is, right. This is where we're extending. It's the sometimes you get to choose. I'll allow it. Okay. I'll allow it. Because I love their man. So I'm gonna allow this. Okay, thanks.


Thanks. So I just have to make that one caveat, because there's always gonna be one person. It's like they're not actually brothers. Well, I guess they are because they are, you know, yeah. canonically they are constantly brothers.


So it's okay. No, I definitely allow that. That's fine.


Good, because it's done. Anyway.


Very nice. Um, let's see. Let's see what to put next. I think. Next here. Yeah,

Brandon  1:16:47

I think we have to think next one for my next one. I guess this is the third one I have mentioned. Yes. In no particular order. I'm gonna put Gojira pull out the Okay, brothers. We're gonna go go JIRA. Alright, it's really like sometimes I just like to listen to massive walls of noise. And like, grew like really cool. Like groovy guitar parts. So yeah, you know, gonna go with good year. It doesn't hurt that Also fun fact fun. Good Year, factories day. They have the world record for loudest concert ever. That's fun.


Where Yeah, I don't

Brandon  1:17:32

remember where it was. But they I don't know if it was the one in France or their red rock concert is really cool, though. I


watch that before. There's like a jurist sometimes I like just like loud music. Uh huh. They're like, just like the big wall of sound stuff.

Brandon  1:17:48

So I like the JIRA. So I put them on the list. Right. They get their brothers to go. That's my next one.


What my Yes. My insert. Other ones here. The

Brandon  1:18:02

third one I have mentioned if ever go


oh, well, I'm gonna go.


I'm gonna go back.


Older here, and I'm going to throw out the kinks. Oh, I forgot. With Ray and Dave Davies. Yes. Yeah. A little bit more or less 60s going on here? Because I do I my when I think anyway, yeah, so that's my, my list is kind of like, old kind of rock and roll and then like cancer, kind of punk rock and then like old time rock and soul and punk rock. So anyway, so

Brandon  1:18:43

that's fine. That's fine. I don't Yeah, listen, I have Bad Brains CCR and Gojira on my list so far. It's fine. It's just really this pretty encapsulate, encapsulates my very wide taste in music. So I feel like this is good. Yes, this is true. Like


I just, I really. Yeah. Anyway, I'm looking at my list and I want to make sure I mentioned the next month anyway, what's what's what's in your,

Brandon  1:19:15

my next one? Hmm. I'm gonna put my early punk rock stamp on this list because I do love me some punk rock music and so I have to go have to go classic. I have to go the misfits. misfits so hey, the misfits, right. I like the misfits a lot. Yeah, like listening to them. Controversially, I don't think Michael Graves is that bad a singer. So it's fine. Turns out maybe he's not a great person. Well, there is that but you know, there's that but either way, I don't mind that. Okay. I just like the like, the message is so weird. Like, I like them. Part of me just like the turmoil and weirdness of the band, it just like, so interesting, right? Like they had like two albums and they're like eight each other for years.


And they got a whole other like, their whole. What? Like a horror horror horror vibe. Yeah, yeah. Going on to are just made it really like, what? They were definitely a like, what is going on here? Kinda Yeah. I think I think the fact that they even made those two albums like was a miracle and another yeah that together definitely

Brandon  1:20:37

is with them because they don't get along very well. Right. Like right it's so hilarious but so that like the whole like backstory the whole band is just is just fascinating, right? It's just so interesting and strange because they like, sometimes they like best friends sometimes they like literally hate each other. It's ridiculous, but


but I like the music and I like how I like the like I don't really, like I'm not like a horror movie person. Right? Or like cheesy old B horror movies.

Brandon  1:21:10

I do like, so I can get behind the vibe of like, for punk a little bit because it's like, it's not supposed to be serious. Right?


They sing about like the weirdest stuff, but it's like, half joking, you know? Or like, it's just a joke. Like, it's

Brandon  1:21:25

funny, and it's supposed to be like campy and Circulus. You know? It's Oh, yeah, I can get behind that. The lyrics if you just listen to the lyrics out of context. not wonderful. Right? You'll be a little bit like, what in the head you have to be kind of in on the joke, right? Don't


just go singing misfit songs around. Okay, you're gonna get some bad looks.


Yeah, people are gonna have some questions. They may pull their children in across the other side of this. But

Brandon  1:21:53

sometimes they're like, actually seeking like the plot of a movie or like, it's like a, it's like a can't be weird. Or they it's just like, funny. I think it's funny. So like, I like the misfits. I put the misfits on release to kind of show some love for the misfits and Jerry only and Doyle because they're the brothers in that band. So they go. Okay, that's not the real name. But what? Surprise, surprise Doyle, Wolfgang Von Frankenstein? Not his actual name. Who would have guessed? Right. Wow.


I don't know. I don't know. Have we? Have we seen them in the same room? Or do we not see them? So I think we


can pretty well. Pretty well. Do that. But yeah, okay. Well, my next one is a band born in the part of the 70s. Some would say born in the heart of the 70s. Yes, I'm talking about Anna Nancy Wilson. That was really

Brandon  1:22:59

good. I can't I can't be mad at that. That was


us looked at that. And I was like,


yeah, that's excellent.


Great bands. I really like Banhart. And Wilson has just still can belt it out and is amazing, amazing vocalist. And everything that she does. So I really liked this. And I periodically run across in my brain just stopped. Where heart performs at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, induction of each band is this. What's the other rock band? Oh my gosh, this other band, of course. Okay, this is look, I'm going to figure this out by I watched this performance of, of and seeing this probably on an annual basis at this point. It's just phenomenal and is by far away just like a wonderful example of the artist both of their artistic talents. So art is


on my list. Please bring it right to find my other thing here. Okay. So my, my final entry. Right. final entry.

Brandon  1:24:32

Here we go. A bit of a newcomer on my musical radar. Right? We'll also weirdly the second fringe band enlist. Don't ask me how that happened. Great. I'm gonna show some love here. I'm gonna go with I'm sure I don't know if I'm pronouncing this right. The band's name is swift went Oh, yeah. So l i f t array with the most fringe brothers of all, it's John and Remy of ours, obviously. I mean, it's like, it's very, like bass rock psychedelic stuff. Right? But it's real cool. I really like. Okay. Well, I discovered them. The first time I saw them, right? They got recommended to me on a YouTube thing. And so they were doing this thing with like the levitation sessions. That's like a psych rock. Festival thingy, right? But they filmed this video inside of an old particle microscope tower thing. And it's just the sickest looking thing ever. And so I was like, I have to watch this. Like I have to this is important. Right? It's like real heavy, like psych rock. And it definitely has like spacey vibes. They definitely seeing the bat like


rockets and like, controls and stuff. I don't know. That's not important. The music is cool. Okay. Right. It's very like,

Brandon  1:26:14

it's like put it on the background and just like, kind of vibe out to it. It's really nice. I like so I've been listening to the most recently is this man, I've listened to some of their stuff. I listen to that levitation session a lot, because it's just awesome. They have a new album that was it the other day. So good. So I recommend some swift for you. Right? Just like real like psychedelic space rock genre that you're a do or want to be into. This is the one to go for. I


think, okay. guitar parts are awesome. Like the bows and helmets of gold at that time is great. Right? That Ooh, mom or whatever that

Brandon  1:26:53

song is. That sounds really cool to like, the guitar person. And so it's really neat. I like that one. It's just like a very, it's like a very interesting sonically, there's


like, tons of like, crazy sounds and like weird guitar riffs and harmonics and things happening all around. So it's neat.

Brandon  1:27:07

I like There we go. That's my number as a firm number one as of right now, or I'm number one, as of today, as of actually right the second now.


Who knows? Who knows about like next week, but as of right now, right now, that is vitamin


D. Okay, so look, I, I, I am not proud of this. The the that other rock band that my brain was trying to desperately CLI out was, you know, Led Zeppelin.


I thought there might have been, I thought I remembered something about that. But I wasn't for sure. Yes.


Yes. They are at their inductee at their induction of the Hall of Fame. Hart came out and performed Stairway to Heaven. And my goodness, it is nice. It is good stuff. So I recommend that I just sent over here may not have saved somewhere online. Again, going through this list, it was very much a reminder of Oh yeah, that band and like, Oh,

Brandon  1:28:22

yeah. And there's tons of bands that I like, but it's again, it's like a


song right? Like, yeah, it is a song. So I am gonna go ahead and return to an emo punk rock roots here and I'm gonna go with my, my chemical romance with this one. Oh, yeah. With Mikey and Gerard Way. Yeah,


yes. We go. Oh, yes. Hi. So yeah,


yeah. From their formation to their, their eventual, you know, long Good night, or whatever they're doing. Yeah. So they still they're doing the reunion and going on some tours and stuff now, but I, they're just, they were over time. And I was over time. And I know, I appreciate everything that they've taught, so can't be mad at that.

Brandon  1:29:14

You're definitely not the only person. So that's good, though. Let's see


what I can do whatever you want about what's going on here. So anyway. Yes, so I'm definitely a fan of more of their older, older material, but that's just because of that again, first mover advantage of what I was exposed to first. So yeah, I definitely struggle with that of again, getting back to my on my list of of clique of Creedence Clearwater Revival like look, there was like three years to select songs from so like everything's kind of in the beginning vs bands that I've been playing for 20 years. It's like, Ah man, kind of hard for me to get on board with their later stuff, but that their original stuff like that's where I am but trying to grow as a player are sent to and just be like, Okay, well, yeah,

Brandon  1:30:01

I think every fandom has that right. Like, like, it depends on Yeah, depends on when you come in. Right? And the people like argue too much about like, Oh, that's not as good as this like what doesn't matter that's what it is


this time, right like, and so like you can't Metallica fans are notoriously horrible about this. Well, as they were like, they were like thrashy right. And then they were like, the Black Album was cool. And then they did like a bunch of weird stuff was like, weird like post grunge.

Brandon  1:30:31

Something strange happening. They're like, I don't know.


Well, yeah, I was going to every album

Brandon  1:30:38

has people that love it, because that was their first Metallica album. And so like, that's valid. You can't be like, You're wrong. No, but like


well, I was gonna say the other one for me is you know, Metallica is one but like, The Beatles, obviously. have like, people who are very like, oh, The White Album. How dare you like, White Album? Abbey Road or like, this is the canonical or this is the quintessential? Yes. When they were so reinventing of themselves. Like that was kind of what they did over the course of their careers of

Brandon  1:31:19

Yeah, like every Beatles album is like, quite different. Right? Like, you can't look at The White Album. And like Sergeant Pepper. It'd be like, it's weird that that's the same band. Right?


We need to like, face it. That way. Yeah. Yeah. Like that's not. That's an odd thing. I


just have to embrace this that the 1967 Sergeant Pepper is way different than even a Marine. Like, come on. People. Like this is not. Yeah,

Brandon  1:31:48

we'll early Beatles, right. Like, oh, yeah, go


right. That's just like, weird. Like, it's weird. It's like, of the time, you know, it's like, you know, like, I want to hold your hand and stuff, but like, that band also made Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts. Let

Brandon  1:32:05

me just think about that for a minute. Right. That's, that's wild.


Yeah, well, and yeah, yeah, that was and then even then, like, yeah, where were revolver came before Sergeant Pepper's just by here. And like, even then that one is is still that one's a different is it anyway, it just but yeah, you can really tell like, when, like, again, that first mover like, what? How that how you define that for yourself? And it is, but that was obviously yeah, again, for every band and every fandom has that have like, No, this is the one and it's gone now. Yeah, that's, that's the one you like. That's true. Yeah, well, not every

Brandon  1:32:47

band. Right there are some bands like one that I left off my list right the most? Did I'm sure there's somebody yelling at me right now listening to this going? You left off the most obvious band in the history of bands for a band that has brothers in it. Yes, I did. I left AC DC off my list. Oh, right. Because like it's good. But literally every every AC DC song is exactly the same. Right? As that it


is that it is not bad. I like AC DC, but I have never like owned an AC DC record. Right? Like what you hear on the radio is enough. Right? I do like them they're very important and very influential. But I don't just want to listen to a ton of it. That's one article mentioned

Brandon  1:33:37

that's like dangling over here like Oh, you forgot this one here then forget it right I would if you gave you the choice of saying Do you want to listen to AC DC or Bad Brains? I'm picking Batman's there Right? Have to switch there that's


I was I would add another one to that of brotherly bands that is very salesy. The Beach Boys Yeah.


Yeah. Like that's another one Yeah, have a have a time over time.

Brandon  1:34:06

I like the Beach Boys their stuff is good. They're like really good songwriters. Oh yeah. I did that you know it's just not my vibe random really? Like clearly from the rest of my list the Beach Boys doesn't really fit in there see? Right I would also leave off the Bogleheads I know


I was wondering if you're going to have to Ghazi on your on your list at all but thought about

Brandon  1:34:27

it right but I do like for Ghazi but it's you know I would rather listen to Minor Threat than forgot it. So like it was you know it's okay. Like I own I have that 13 songs EP somewhere that


album. I like that one. You know I like forgot it but you know I again Yeah, that's fine. I did also another one that I thought about and that I liked demand but like I don't like

Brandon  1:34:56

this to them a lot that that new van newer that Greta Van Fleet. and their brothers brothers in the air. It's a good one. Right? I've been I laugh that then that people like some people like really hate them. You know about this deal about Greta Van Fleet? No, no, I don't. Right. Um, so it's like a modern band, right? People, some people like absolutely hate them. Because they sound too much like Led Zeppelin. Right there have a very like, 70s rock vibe. Right? That's like the thing, right? It's very 70s Rock. Or like all these people like, You sound just like Led Zeppelin. But these are the same people that like are complaining on the internet. That real music is dead and more bands should sound like loads. Right? Because then when somebody does they're like, let's leave just copy and then that's lame. Like I mean, they kind of do I mean, they have like a vibe going on. But like since when is more Led Zeppelin things bad first of all, yeah, whoever said that. And second of all, you can't go there's no rock music anymore. And then Greta Van Fleet goes, Hello, we're here to play songs. I go. No, you're laying you just sound like Led Zeppelin. Not yes as the dude it a beard wearing a Led Zeppelin t shirt like what you like but killing me to actually kill me. Right I can


as I mentioned in my last album mentioned, which I just put on here for the laughs And because

Brandon  1:36:31

it's a little bit timely actually. No doubt They've just announced some reunion shows. Right of course just when and Eric Right yeah. Started no doubt. He was like the whole time but started the band in the 80s That's a timely because they they're I read something about they're gonna do some reunion shows some festivals and stuff. So also, I have written down here. Susan asked me to interject her answer to the question. Favorite band was siblings? Susan's answer is of course the bangles. Okay, so that's why I want to make sure we add that in there to get the other PDF. Just some love the bangles. Right? That's a good one. Got it?


Yeah, I mean, there's there's other ones on here that I was. I had thought about, you know, Van Halen was one of them of like, Yeah, but you know, I probably won't. Yeah,


I also like I only ever really want to listen to like two


videos. And then I need to put it down. Right? Yeah,

Brandon  1:37:49

it's the right it's like I don't want any too much. Van Halen. Right. It's too much.


Yeah. And I, I tried to wait, I tried to stay away from names of bands that had like, you know, like brothers and then right or the family. Like, I need to make sure that this I don't want to just be not quite so on the dose but as true, although I

Brandon  1:38:13

will say I didn't realize that like Sister Sledge was actually sisters. Oh, I didn't realize that like Sly and the Family Stone. Were actually all just family. I didn't I didn't realize that. I just thought it was a name. Like I because I there's not this is not something I'm really into. Right. So when I was reading the list, I was like, Oh, really? Oh. Oh, that makes so much more sense now.


Yeah, yeah. Cuz you don't you don't think Twisted Sister and you're like, oh, there must be some sister. You know this. Yeah, I


shouldn't. Yeah, no. But like, yeah, I didn't I didn't realize that so they go sorry. Sly did Yeah. Didn't know. Okay, I apologize.


We obviously this list just as we have done in many times where we have made lists where there's the undisputed champion and we're not picking that one. The secret behind the scenes discussions here to your listeners is that the best band that we set off to the side was Nickelback and we chose everything else

Brandon  1:39:19

we did that was


that was so the assumed for the presumed number one and everything else started to end. So that's just hurts me


Okay, I like this, like this list. Yeah, this was a weird one to work through. It was way too many to read.

Brandon  1:39:49

Do this one, maybe visit. It's like, well, we'll call the next one. Five other bands that also helps look for that in a couple of months. Right? We'll do that. Here's just five more bands that also have. Yes, we've done. We've done like the heavy favorites, right and now we'll just do the deep cut ones. Right we'll really hit some of the esoteric ones. Really. I liked


this one song a lot. That's what we'll get to with this one song with brother of brothers performing.


Yeah, you go. Right. So yeah, we'll revisit it and then we're gonna call it five more


I'm down I'm gonna I can pick five other really strange bands off this list. That's what we'll have to highlight here. Yep. And then we'll have to find the one song that we like. That's a challenge. Yeah, I do that

Brandon  1:40:49

well, can I can I look at look at the list I look at the list of just looking at the list of bands. I just meet a lot more than I thought it's a lot more than I thought. And again, like I feel like they were a lot older like there were a lot of other Yeah 60s 70s 80s There's a lot of 60s stuff out there yes so many 60s bands on there. So I think anyway, there's just an interesting because like I only picking bands here that are you know, older bands like well, a it's a higher hit rate. It's yeah, there might be a higher hit rate. Right.




that's good. Well, I will I will wrap this up here with the Haiku writing all day, okay. And no tears he I gave that talk this morning. I have not been able to not clear my throat just, it's annoying. I've ran out my voice went dry for three minutes and never recovered.


Ready, so I'll read it.


In Best Buy's bright blue strange tech whispers of progress times dance leaves me still


That was incredible.


I've tried to capture the essence of my befuddled this of wandering around the best spy being like what what

Brandon  1:42:25

is why is this I'm gonna go ahead and say it to you nailed it right it's so good


it's so weird in there and I don't Oh, I as therapy I combed through and made sure I think one of the old insight image of what BestBuy used to look like if that was like their see that's how you do a tech store is set up that looks to the screen and full of stuff. And height things with stuff shoved on them that yeah, Rosa that like it looks like elaborate Come on.


Let's see IKEA way right can't find your way out of there.


You have to buy something to get help.

Brandon  1:43:22



so with that we can go and I'm gonna I'm gonna go I don't know if makes them pee, but

Brandon  1:43:39

funny. Funny.


Okay, well, I'd love you. Bye.