vacuum store

Collin is writing. Brandon is back in school.

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cassette, vacuum, cassette tape, good, people, buy, write, feel, week, talking, thought, day, vacuum cleaner, tapes, sounds, remember, wait, cassette player, fine, weird


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, podcast where we kind of figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon. And Colin, on this week show, vacuum store. The hall boy, Hey, how's it going? Sorry, I, my computer decided to switch my input to something that has no audio equipment connected to it. And I said,

Brandon  00:36

That's not just a fun, dramatic pause. I was like, Well,

Collin  00:43

I was like, I don't hear anything. I was like, Oh, hi. I was like, Oh, this brain? Oh, no, no, I


was like, I couldn't hear. Oh, he's saying what's going on?

Brandon  00:54

Everything's fine.

Collin  00:54

Everything. Everything is fine. Oh, my goodness. I have been to Iowa. I do it once a week I write an email that goes out to dog walking, penciling businesses. And I write this email. I shoot it off. Right. And it just goes and it disappears. I've been doing this since Hold on, since March 20 2020 Wowza. Every week? Oh, it's annoying. Yeah, I feel like I'm okay. That's something that I'm kind of proud of. I sometimes it's just a little quip. Sometimes it is just, sometimes it's quite lengthy. Because I have a lot of my brain and I need to get it out. I realize I should be doing something else with this. Because it's just an email, right? Just goes out and dies. So I am just 15 minutes ago was like, I know I'm doing it. But I'm going back to all those emails and I'm pulling out relevant or are good ones. And I am going to be putting those on a actually trying to some sort of adding them to a blog page of some sort ha repurposing content is what that is all boom, they go.


Just like, Oh, my goodness, I have

Collin  02:24

a lot of there's a lot of stuff here as well.

Brandon  02:32

So I'm trying to do that, trying to do that. So I can actually have something helpful. But it's hard, because a lot of this stuff I'm like, man I


I, some of it is so like, I'm like, Oh, this is really good. But also some of it is like, really, of a time. And so yeah, I'm like,

Collin  02:54

Oh, this was only I this was only good the like two years ago, and I actually wrote. So I can't do anything with this. Let's

Brandon  03:03

not relive anything from like, June 2020. We can just like delete that we just scrubbed Yeah.

Collin  03:13

I wrote very differently. Three years or four years ago, of where I was like, you know, I used to do a lot of bespoke recaps of like, on this week's episode, we talked about this with these three takeaways. And then were there any Oh, yeah, that's like I did a lot of that, which I'm not going to capture that. But I am also but I'm also trying to look at that and going, Oh, can I can I expand that? I could I can do something with that. Or do I just need to move on and not not sit here? And really, you know, stress about this? Just grab what's over? What's, what's there, and what's immediately usable? And then move on?

Brandon  03:56

I don't know. Yes. Yeah. No, that makes sense. Right? Like, is it a thing that needs to be like focused on? Is there stuff to be mined from that? Or? Man, right? It just does whatever?


Yeah, yeah. I'm

Collin  04:10

like, Oh, can I expand on that idea? Or basically what I'm trying to do is go is there a complete thought here? And is it basically like an blog? As right now? Or do I just have to do more work? Yes, it is. I'm trying not to do more work is

Brandon  04:33

always important. I

Collin  04:34

already did the work.

Brandon  04:37

Yeah. So you want to do it? Again, right, like, right. Now that makes sense. You want to try to optimize it and use it, like use what you already have for something. And if it's like not usable, just be like yep, well, it's there. So anyway, Yep.

Collin  05:03

Yeah, cuz I, I've added these ideas around of like, oh, I need to take an episode or something and like, that could be a book chapter and then I'm like, What can I have to make it a book chapter?

Brandon  05:18

Yeah, I right. Yeah, I have. Yeah, sir. Yes, I kind of understood where you're coming from here because I have some stuff like that in, like, in my job where I like have things, right like stuff. And then like, you know,


I could, like

Brandon  05:40

consolidate all of this and like make like basically I could do like just a ton of stuff and like basically like make my own like ebook lesson thing that goes with my class. But the amount of work required to pull that off is just stupendous. And I'm like,


yeah, yeah, we're

Brandon  06:08

just gonna go with like little chunks here and there, because I could do that. But oh my lord, that would take just an amount of effort that I don't want to fathom. Right? Like I just, yeah. Like, oh, man, that would be so much. Yeah,

Collin  06:29

I was, I am actually going through this process. I go through these. Okay, so I go through these stages where I'm like, I not, I can't write a single thing. Like, it's just really hard for me sometimes. Other times, I'm like, Nope, this is this is full fledged thing. I can't stop writing.


And I have had this thing in my brain of like, I, oh,

Collin  06:57

I should I should do it. Again, these things that I just add to my my brain. And then and then of course, I stress out that I didn't get them done even though they were not ever feasible. Like, it's I do this to myself. I don't know if you do, right, where I'm not

Brandon  07:09

quite to your extent, you're much more intense about these sort of things than I am. Yeah. I'm like, Oh, yeah. I could be doing that. Well, like as I just keep going, I really should do that more. Yeah, I, I'm

Collin  07:28

really good about adding completely ridiculous things to my plate that like are not, you know, you think of the SMART goals or whatever. Like, it's, they're not even remotely close to that, especially with the time that I don't give myself. But I have added to my plate now of like, I need to write a productivity guide for business owners. So that's that sounds.

Brandon  07:54

That sounds. That sounds quite horrible. No,

Collin  08:00

no. Yep. Most of them most of it is.




Mm. Hmm. Yes.

Collin  08:11

Yeah. But I did come up with a great analogy for for productivity. And I don't know, I don't know. Let me let me run it by you. And you can help me workshop this. Okay, so my, because I came up with this while walking a dog and so that I've only reversed. I get these ideas sometimes where I will have it. And then I will never revisit the idea until like way later. And then I'm very confused by my original idea. I'm

Brandon  08:39

like, we have no idea. I, because I've not like super organized about these things. I will scribble. Like post it notes. Right? Where it's like my IT work anyway, my ideas generally generate from scrawled post it notes, right. So sometimes what I'll do is, I'll write down just the beginning of the idea. And then I don't tear it off of the pad. I just like leave it there. So I can like Yeah, got it. Sure. And other times I have, like, I'll save them for later. So I do this thing where I like open the drawer and I stick them to the side of the drawer on the side of the desk.


Right? Yeah.

Brandon  09:28

So they're kind of just there. And if I need to, like revisit them, I'll be like, look through there and then like, build off of that. Right? Like I did that last year with one of my things. I was like, oh, I should that's just something to think about for later. Right? Yeah. Stick. Okay. Anyway. So it's really an unorganized jumbled mess of post events. That's really how it works. I don't


Well, I don't even get

Collin  09:59

as far as Writing things down, I just lodged these little thoughts in my brain, which makes them even more distorted by the time I try and go back to them, or I remember them have some sense, like a map, or some thoughts, I will describe it like this. I remember them as a shadow of the thoughts that I had. And it's like,


that's not helpful.

Brandon  10:21

I've done that before. When I write with a note, like, that's what I was getting i Oh, yeah, I forgot halfway through my sentence. Like, I'll write, like, just like half a thought down and be like, I'm gonna save that. And then I'll find it later and be like, Oh,


yeah. What the heck was it?

Brandon  10:38

Really bad. Like, oh, my gosh.

Collin  10:43

So my, my half brain idea here, I guess that's where this comes from, is that I? It's productivity is like, like, a lot of people think it's a First off, it's just people think it's getting more things done in your plate. And I would argue that it's not doing more things, it's just doing the right things, right. Like, there's a more nuanced way of saying that. But imagine you have been tasked with here's here comes my analogy. And I don't know if this actually describes what I think it's describing, imagine you have been tasked with packing the luggage or a two week vacation in the car. There are two ways that people pack, right, they can either pack by waiting until everything's in front of them. So they can put things in a I'm not gonna say cohesive place. But I'm just going to say put things in a more, maybe logical placement of items, right where everything is, like, that's exactly where that piece goes. So that this can fit over here of the other way of packing is by having a stream of people just come in hand you like one item at a time, and you just place it and then reach back to the other thing and go with it on the fly. And that's

Brandon  12:05

it. So

Collin  12:08

that's a way of like, tasks are the luggage being given to you. And if you don't have an idea of like, everything that you're dealing with, it's harder to know like a when you're full, and like be how to fit everything in as you go. But then I also complicate this by saying like, now imagine that you don't you're tasked with packing the luggage, but a you don't know, the vehicle that you're actually supposed to be packing these into, it'd be you don't know how many people are going. So that's like, how I find like, a lot of people run of like, I don't even know my capacity. I don't even know what I can take on. And I don't really know what all is required of me. I just take whatever I can like a big swipe at things. And I try and figure it out as I go and hope that I'm keeping up with everything that I need to do.

Brandon  13:03

Sounds like you need to develop options, see the staging area? Where you get that going on there? We take all this stuff and then kind of pre pilot Yeah, before you put it in the trunk?

Collin  13:21

Well, that's the that's the first option of like, you pack it by like, wait until everything's in front of you. And then like so you can see like, that's what I have to deal with. Like, that's what I would say the staging area is like, Okay, here's, here's what I'm working with. Don't add anything else like or like as you do, like, wait, I need to reassess what's happening? Because maybe it goes in the trunk, or maybe it needs to go on the floorboards. And of course so any was as walking two dogs up a very steep hill and talking to myself as I was, as I was doing

Brandon  14:03

that, so that's what I do you mean talking to the dogs? Of course.

Collin  14:08

I mean, right, right. I was instructing Maisie and summer about how they should

Brandon  14:14

pack. If dogs could pack a car. How would they do it? Yeah. Stone

Collin  14:21

magic. AZ or is it a moped? Or is it a Chevy Suburban?

Brandon  14:27


Collin  14:30

I just don't know how long and how much I should torture that.


Because then I was like, Oh,

Collin  14:35

I could add another complication of they you don't even know what kind of vacation you're taking. So you Oh,

Brandon  14:41

yeah. I feel like you're really illustrating your own problem. Just in your over analyzing of the analogy. Yes. Right. That's really what I feel like. That's what I'm really I feel like it's happening here. I

Collin  14:55

feel like I'm really good at overcomplicating. They want to I

Brandon  15:00

don't wanna brag, but it's kind of my thing. You know, it's just what I do.


Good day

Brandon  15:14

oh my gosh. Oh,


yeah, that's been, uh,

Collin  15:21

yeah. My moral that story. I'm going back and trying to harvest something

Brandon  15:27

of what is that?

Collin  15:33

Yeah, something to through 208 emails basically have like,


what do I want to keep? Like, that's rough?

Brandon  15:45

Yeah, that's a lot of parsing. Yeah, I would if I were you if I was doing this. Yeah. I would start in like, reverse order. Right. Like, I would be like, Okay, we know, here's the most recent things I did. kablam. Yeah. And then that way, you kind of like, know, your plan, right? You kind of go out that way. And then, like, you know, doo, doo doo, and then all of a sudden, like, Ah, okay. Once you get back to like, the real weird, esoteric stuff, then you already know, like, what's up?

Collin  16:21

That's a good point is that I? Yeah, because most of my, I've, I've gotten better. And I write differently than I did back then. Like, I just right before we jumped on the call, I was looking at one one email that I sent out, and it was basically just like, read kind of middling provoke thought provoking questions that I get asked. So I can definitely see how I should just go back. And you know, I

Brandon  16:47

need to edit that a little bit. Yeah, sort of, like, focus in on the thing that you're actually looking for and then be like, okay, yeah.

Collin  16:58

Or just or just realize that like, you know, what, Colin from 2020 and all of 2021 was terrible at writing these so like, I don't actually need I shouldn't the other thing too, right.

Brandon  17:10

Like you got better at doing like, the thing that you wanted, yeah. Right, you know what I mean? And so you're now you know, like, what you want out of it? And so then you can make it easier to pick out the things that you want. Yeah, for when you get there, right, I guess. So. Right? Yeah, it is a overly complicated process of Azov Yujin right so another yeah


yeah, well

Collin  17:48

and and the other thing that I thought that I would try and do like I don't want to make this like I really wanted to find a way to export all of these like in one go.


But that doesn't sound feasible. It is not feasible at all

Collin  18:05

that then they don't allow you to do that which is just most unfortunate because I didn't have to go through and copy and paste every single one that I want

Brandon  18:19

yeah, so well anyway my my problem suppose

Collin  18:25

that I again that I gave myself it nobody was asking you definitely made this for all you that's definitely trolling but he was asking nobody cared. I was like people Oh, did I have I read you the these are just things that popped in my head to have I read you might literally

Brandon  18:46

the show what are you compiled as you

Collin  18:49

can read to you my my was the night before Christmas rewrite. For better

Brandon  18:59

if you have I don't recall Okay. very topical January January it's one month late here

Collin  19:13

okay, yeah, yeah, that's how we look that's you know, it's

Brandon  19:18

like ah, yeah, I


will read all that I

Brandon  19:21

hope I'm looking looking things are things are moving around. Oh, no.

Collin  19:31

It was the night before Christmas in the pound so still not a creature with stir in not a creature did stir in the crisp air crisp winter chill. I'm not good at this. Paul kings that have stockings. pocking are hung by the chimney with flair and hopes that Santa Claus soon would be there. The puppies all nestled in bed snug and tight. Dreams of milk bones and tummy rubs pure delight, asleep without counting a single sheep in their cozy warm beds they slumbered Eat. It doesn't have the same thing. Then out in the streets there are rows such a DIN the alley cats rats declared with a grin up sprang to the Window Eyes waiting for a sight quite unlike any they'd ever seen. A tiny dogs frolicked leaving prints in the snow they'd heard about a grand neighborhood puppy show rumors of a feast of bacon buffet so fine tails wagging they lined up Oh, such a divine sign. Now Boston now pug Beagle calf gathered near on Corgi on Sheba Akita terrier here, leave the squirrel drop that hat calm. Let's not stray. There's much to prepare for our festive sleigh play. Santa Claus danced through the kennel with Billy leaving treats toys and joy for each puppy to see. With cones filled with peanut butter. He left his mark a feast for the senses a light in the dark. With a wink and upper to his sleigh. He returned while puppies barked, joyfully their hearts warmed and yearned and away. Santa Claus flew into the night yelling Happy Christmas to all into all good night.

Brandon  20:57

Yelling yelling


at me, yeah

Brandon  21:12

that's great. I I think I wrote that. I've it's what I Okay, so

Collin  21:18

it's what I sent out to all of our pet care clients every two years. They just have to do they just they just get that for free. They don't want

Brandon  21:29

Oh, wow. This service here we go.


Didn't didn't think you'd get

Collin  21:36

slam poetry. Did you least expect it? That's all Yeah. So did you did you guys get a lot of fog? down your way?

Brandon  21:55

Yeah, like two days? It's It's ridiculous. It's so damp outside? Yes. We haven't gone to recess all week. No, no, it's been miserable. Because like the first day it was like, so next week is gonna be rough because I had to go to school for like, a whole week in a row. Okay.


Can you believe that's part of like, oh,

Brandon  22:19

we had like, ice craziness on Monday, right?


Oh my god. Yeah. Were you guys out for that? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Good. Yeah. Okay.

Brandon  22:28

Like we we had friends over Sunday night. We're like celebrating one of their birthdays when they're hanging out and do whatever. And so like, they left and I was like, Okay, well, man, it's nothing doing and then about 1130 I went outside before I went to bed just to kind of like, keep the situation you know? Yeah. And my trashcan was a solid block of ice and I was like, Oh, okay. This gets home school the next day, right I went outside again in the morning and the sidewalk in my driveway and the road just solid and completely just, there's no way right. So Allah It was still raining all morning. So it by like noon it was pretty fine. You know, because it was like freezing rain. Yeah, so the temperature came up and the rain kind of blah. Or like then the next day so Tuesday, just outside was just a mud pit. Right because the ground had been frozen and thawed out plus it been raining so it was just then yesterday and today it's been so foggy. It's just like damp and it's not exactly cold but it's not like what I would call warm but it's just dampness everywhere so it's been like really really foggy for like two days in a row like all day too which has been weird and then freezing outside just because again just mud everywhere right yeah how like it would end up you know how like a drive this analogy right we drove the back way home today cuz we had to go somewhere else to this person's house and get a signature on a thing whatever. But you drive through field in Missouri right here you go. Here's some Midwest facts for you people out there. You drive through a field in the wintertime and you look at it you can be like there's cows there right that's our playground looks like right when if if if there was people to go outside right now that's what attorneys just like you can you look at the field and you'd be like, cows, right? That's the field they're in you can tell just because the ground is all just destroy. Right? That would be what happened if we went outside. So we've been playing with indoor recess he thinks because you like wait a sixth graders are already ridiculous enough, right? They don't have a lot of make sense sometimes. spatial awareness. So if they're like, if there's a big giant muddy hole, someone will run directly across it. Just because someone else is chasing them. And they will just eat it so hard and that's, that is what would happen, right? I don't need to be the Minority Report supercomputer to predict this. It will happen 100% This run is like a big giant wet muddy area. run straight through it. Like what he what? Guys? Wait, and then they go inside and be like, what shoes are so dirty?


What do you what course?

Collin  25:49

Of course it is right. Cheryl talking?

Brandon  25:52

Who could have seen that coming? Actually everyone like literally me. I don't know. You're talking about? Oh my gosh. So yeah, we would play some catch up. But zany, right, but in a weird week, trying to like just get stuff like, I'm also like, I've been because of all the snow and all this like ice for ice days, I guess. Right? I just like, was like almost to the end of this unit anyway, just like we have to stop. We have to be I don't care. We're just gonna stop. We're just going to be done. We're gonna wrap up and we're just gonna do quiz review. That's all we're doing. Just like no, we're not messing with it anymore. Just yeah, not even gonna


bother. We're not gonna

Brandon  26:40

drag this out. We're not gonna do this. Like I can't resist scrapping it. Moving on like I can't, because won't be good. If we just keep dragging it out forever. It won't go well. So, man. No, done. Black. You lose. You


lose. You get nothing.

Brandon  27:02

Yeah, so that would be bad. So we're just doing that we're just aborting. We see our quiz today. Right? We just decided this Week quiz review week done. Here we go anything lab so it's been a bit hectic, but it's alright. Just like, Okay, do this, do that blah, blah. So it's been just really weird. And like, yeah, trying to figure out what to do. What to just move on from like, Okay, we'll just come back from this later, we're just going to go, we're not going to dwell or we're not going to do things. We're just gonna scrap this and move because we have to move forward the and it won't. Like I said, they won't do them any good to like, sit and ruminate on these things that they haven't, that they learned about like a weeks ago at this point. It's like, okay, we just have to

Collin  27:56

get, we're done. Just pull the ripcord on it. You know, and that's Yeah, that's interesting. We had Lillian is going through learning about commas right now. And she was supposed to have like, a big test that involves that. Yeah. And the teacher reached out was like, now we're not doing that, too. We're not ready for that. So don't worry about studying right now. I think we're gonna, we're gonna circle back to that later. Because we need to, we've got a lot of work to do. Yeah,

Brandon  28:25

unless, like we spent the last won't mean all week, right? Tuesday, and Wednesday, and part of the day we did, like review stuff, we did our thing. We did our study guide. And so we did all this review practice, right? And so hold them, right. Like, look, it's been a long time since we've done some of this stuff. So we need to make sure that we're doing these things I'm asking you to, right, we need to make sure we're taking seriously blah, blah, right? And for like our rock ID thing, right? We had to like I was like, You need to make your sheet, right? You need to like write your descriptions. And if you write them, you can use one of the tests, right? To help identify your rocks, right? I just go What's this rock or they write it down, you know? But if you have a description sheet, you know, cuz scientists do that. They like write down the descriptors and they go, Oh, these means it's that right? So I was like, if you do that, then that will be helpful to you. And whole bunch of them. Were like, Yeah, whatever. Oh, fun. I don't care. Oh, no. And like, you know, they're like, whatever, can do it, right. Don't need to use their thing. Right? They just took their quiz. They were done in like five seconds. And I graded it and I when I released the scores this afternoon, I said, I am available for retakes next Wednesday. If you're interested. Oh, yeah. Because like I was like he didn't do the thing you didn't do I pass for you? Right, I said Follow these steps. The ones that did did really good, but the other ones who I know, this was the day they screwed off, they rushed really fast. And they hung out with their friend in the corner and play games on their Chromebooks and pretended like I couldn't see them. I watched them the whole time. I know exactly what you're doing. And I was just going, like, it'd be good for us like, like


oh, yeah, it's,

Collin  30:23

it's trying to I don't know, I'm sure it's hard to not to not do the like, I you know, the whole I told you so like to, to, to do terribly. I guess.

Brandon  30:35

I did it to my coat. My fellow teacher. I was like, Oh, I told them. Not to the kids. And yeah, I was like, I know exactly. I didn't tell us I just I just blanket statement into the class like, I know exactly what's happened today. Because this is what happened. You thought this would be you said the illegal word to yourself. You thought that this would be easy. You're like, oh, this is easy mode. I don't have to worry about this. And then. Right. You're overconfident your humerus has come back to you. Yes. And has found you wanting right? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I told him you can take because the test is in two halves. So I was like, Okay, you can you are, if you're interested in taking one or both. Again, redoing that. Come see me. And they'll schedule for when they let me know. Smiley face. So we'll

Collin  31:45

see what kind of response you get. My Oh,

Brandon  31:47

yeah. Yeah. Kinda sounds like it. Be some of them. Right? I told him not playing around. Right? You're in sixth grade. If you don't write me, if you write me a two word answer on this question. I promise you, I'm going to count it wrong. I told them that yesterday during their study guide review. And guess what? I said to them, one of you will do this, I promise you and they're always like, no, oh, no one would do that. I promise you tomorrow, someone will just write. Like, you know. Yes. Always have. Right. It's like not even a yes or no question. There's really? Yeah. Like it will happen. Yeah. And when it does happen, I am counting it incorrect. Because all they like to do the thing where if you like, if you're like, What is the difference between blah, blah? They'll say like, oh, one is this and one is that? You didn't answer my question. You didn't tell me which one is which therefore? I don't know if you know, the correct thing. Right. So I told them in advance, two days in a row, I will kind of wrong if you do that. There's always one. I even told them, one of you will do this. And I was like, No. Yes. One of you. Probably the person that said Nah, it

Collin  33:23

Yeah. The one of you that just said that.

Brandon  33:26

It's denying it outright. before I'm even done talking to thing that guilty people do. You have watched enough police dramas to know


the one who can't stop talking. I see you. Yeah. Right.

Brandon  33:41

You might as well just put the done right after you get done saying there because that we're going to commercial and when we come back to commercial Oh, look, I'm great at your test and I've gotta get wrong.


Oh, me. So

Brandon  34:01

that was mildly amusing slash annoying today, because I hate it when I go. This is what's gonna happen to this prep or do ice things. I know. And it's like APM right about I haven't take all these steps to try to avoid it. And we put in these bolsters and be like, Ha, here's things means. I would say the majority of them, the majority of the answers are getting like much better. They're like written expression answers. All right, finally dragging it out of them. Because I did joke with him the other day. I was like, I understand that when you turn when you become a sixth grader, like something weird happens to you. You just become the laziest person ever. And you think to yourself when you're answering a question, exactly how many words do I have to type? Yeah, and you're looking for like To the least common number you're like, is it? Four? Yeah. Yeah. One spoilers is not one and tell you that right now is


much. Yeah.

Collin  35:13

Surely not more than two though. I mean, that's

Brandon  35:17

giving you grief about it as like, I understand that. It's like you must fight against this.



Brandon  35:24

the fight reciting. Yeah, it's a fight worth fighting. Okay. Some of you. Some of you were excellent. Right. You're doing fine. But others of you, we need to battle harder. Because sometimes you you write words, and I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to tell me because you've tried to condense the sentence down so much. And then it's not enough. Words. And I'm just like, what? Yeah.


What are they trying to say? I get out my Rosetta Stone.


I wonder what this could mean. Plug

Collin  35:59

this into chat. GPT. And expand this thought me because what does

Brandon  36:04

this mean? I got nothing here, folks. Nothing. Oh, that's how we secretly made kept GPT unusable. Just start reading it sixth grade writing. And it will just completely implode upon itself. It just really was you ask you the question. It'll just give you some answer. And you'll be like, what is it we'll

Collin  36:30

just start responding with bear.

Brandon  36:33

That'd be like half a sentence. Like the most important word in that sentence is spelled wrong. You're like, what? What can this be?


Yeah, yeah, the one

Brandon  36:44

it's how we do it, guys. This is how we fight back against AI overlords. You start feeding them sixth grade papers. Okay. Oh, man. Perfect. So I will have sentences saying the same sentence eight times in a row

Collin  37:00

with I'd be very careful with that, because you know, they're going to start like building our All right, our society off of that. So you don't want the President to have using a speech.

Brandon  37:14

But that's how we'll know that's how we'll know nobody's bothering to read it. They're just printing it straight off and using it. Oh, peppered with misspellings and they'll be on the teleprompter going


yeah, oh sorry.

Brandon  37:28

Gotta nobody wrote this. Yes, and everyone's just we fight back against the Terminator future


we got this

Brandon  37:38

we stop Skynet.


It was so simple. It was so simple people whose right

Brandon  37:44

there all along has Middle School writing the answer exactly, yeah

Collin  38:06

we will see we'll see how far that happens. That's fine. Oh, okay. Well,

Brandon  38:14

yeah. One by one. I am sorry. Oh, no, I was waiting. No, I am. You talked about

Collin  38:31

kind of an overconfidence I don't know. I have self or whatever. But I I would confidently strode into Best Buy this week.

Brandon  38:43

Wow, there's a sense you don't hear very much in 2024 No.

Collin  38:49

I feel like Robin Williams and that whatever that caveman thing was that Robin Williams No, that was it. He took a brand new Fraser Brendan Fraser Wait, okay. Wait my brain anyway. Really?

Brandon  39:00

I'd like you to know that. This is the second time this week that Encino Man has come up in my conversation.


What we do here

Brandon  39:11

I don't know the most 90s movie ever. It's it's peak early 90s Pauly Shore and

Collin  39:21

as previously discussed I you know, unfortunately, yeah. Or no, no,

Brandon  39:26

I think also it's pretty easy as fine as the side guy. Yes. Oh, well, yes. As as the also their character as the if you're going to bank your movie off Pauly


Shore. Oh, well, just Yeah. Did

Brandon  39:44

you so if you compare and contrast Encino Man, and like, bio BioDome. Hmm No, just now. Do man better anyway, you felt like Brendan Fraser in Encino Man. I did go where the CDs man Where are those Compact

Collin  40:00

display. It is it is such a weird feeling. I know have you been into a Best Buy? Okay, no.

Brandon  40:09

So I remember need to go with because my I need to at some point like, do something with his laptop situation.


Well, yeah, okay. Yeah. So we I, oh my gosh,

Collin  40:26

I this is i up. I don't know how I would describe an early 2000s late 2000. like

Collin Funkhouser  40:34

Best Buy but like cotton say that lots of yellow balls lots of yellow. And I don't know if you get this feeling it was oppressive with the amount of stuff in it. Like, there were

Collin  40:48

racks and I think it was because like CDs and all of the shelving were like I hate shelving, seeing shelving, long shelving, lots of shelving with shelving, right, like it was everywhere. And so it just kind of felt like you were walking through this valley with these super high ridges that were on either suspended view

Brandon  41:11

discs in various forms,


right? Yes, yeah. And you had to, like,

Collin  41:15

meet wind your way through to get to like the outer edges of it. And like, then yeah, all of a sudden, like every now then you'd stumble across a vacuum cleaner. And you were like,

Brandon  41:26

I'm not sure I ever really explored the outer edges of Best Buy. Right? I was a bridge too far. Stuck mostly to the middle. I guess to continue this metaphor, the rivers and the lakes that I was used to. Yes.

Collin  41:42

I also also appropriate, right. I

Brandon  41:46

didn't go over at least in the Springfield, Missouri Best Buy. Right? When you go in the door. Well, when you went in the old door in like 2000. Right. The the right hand side, like the back right hand side, kind of the mystery to me. I knew the bathroom was over there. What's the battle? I got? I don't know what else is over there?

Collin  42:06

Yeah. Not sure anybody actually knows sit

Brandon  42:09

back right corner. A mystery. And I will never know. Because it's gone. Absolutely. It is.


I went in, in that incarnation

Brandon  42:20

anyway. Yes.

Collin  42:21

Yeah. Because again, I don't know how many. My last touchpoint with this was in fact, like 20 years ago for being very honest about this. So like, this is this is 20 This is why I felt so out of touch because I was came in expecting this. Like, there's a lot of things here, right. And there's, they don't have those tall shelves anymore. It feels so

Brandon  42:46

open and empty.


And there's still stuff but like

Collin  42:55

they're really making use of their space. So much so that they have like a whole like, hey, look, here's a smart treadmill for you to try out. Right. Nice. They have switched the home the home used to be all over on the left side where that was the vacuum in the washer, washing machines and stuff. Now all of those over are on the right side and there's like wide open you just walk in and your like refrigerator is right over the back wall used to be like TVs the box okay? So things that have remained in the back left wall was stereos or your car that was the car audience. back right corner was the home theater where you could go in and they have like a weird like theater room where you can go experience.


Okay, so the back wall is mostly


unchanged TV, so I never went

Collin  43:47

over that. Yeah, right. Yeah. And I could never afford a $10,000 home theater system. So it's like also true. No reason being over there. The back wall almost completely unchanged. Still TVs. So home theater, still some cardio the other spot that is also completely unchanged. The location of the cameras, the Oh, the middle, the middle kind of back. Yeah, that's still where they have like, if nothing else is the same in this.

Brandon  44:15

Yeah, the computers were kind of on the left side or the right side right side

Collin  44:19

yet. Those are all not really there anymore. They have very few actual computers in the spacing, which is which is very odd. The one

Brandon  44:28

thing that I would need it to Best Buy. You would think right, like, yes, like Yeah, but I guess I mean, it makes sense because I that that huge footprint of all the stuff that you remember, strolling through was all their shelves and shelves and shelves and shelves of physical media. Right? Yeah, games, DVDs. CDs for days, right? I mean, that's the only reason I ever was in the best buys to look for video games and CDs right? That's all I Oh yeah then they're like you know, it was very you have a team that's what I'm doing this by looking at home theater nonsense get out here.

Collin  45:09

Computer games, other software there, your copy of Windows or whatever, like, I just it was such a different feeling of like this is not it was not a computer store it was it was truly just like a an electronic store or more so it was bands

Brandon  45:29

computers really Yeah, that's the thing that that's if I was going to Best Buy that's what I was going for. Right? Like I would need uh you know, that's what that's what my brain thinks about especially now right like, oh, well the traditional I do like a CD right? Do you like them? Although I read earlier this week, you know what else he was making a big comeback apparently enough so that I saw advertised me on an ad cassettes. For all I saw a new cassette player featured in a magazine article, and I just sort of showed Susan and what years this

Collin  46:13

was. vinyls. Is this our vinyl? Is that what this is? Maybe is this. Oh my gosh, but

Brandon  46:20

cassettes were never like good. That's the weird now. Like, I mean, they're usually much more user friendly. But it might be but there were there's at least some sort of small push for cassette based music. Well, yeah, like I saw this thing. It looks like an old Walkman. It has like USB plug in battery and whatever. But it's actually only wired headphones. And I was like, Yeah, good. Is like terrible. Like the metal. The old headphones. Were the top like the little small on ear headphones with the big foam. Yeah, that Hardy handle as metal headband thing that it apparently made things that always broke. Yes, absolutely. I was imagining plugging a set of those dollar headphones into this new thing. I was like that. That's the jam right there as to what

Collin  47:13

to do in your investigations here. Did you get a


see how much these were

Brandon  47:19

with this one in particular that I saw was like 120 bucks. Oh, yeah. Why? I don't know. I mean, where I? I mean, can you like here's the question, right? Like people are making actively making vinyl still. Yeah, it's still like a nice thing. Right? Yeah. It's anybody releasing cassettes? Yeah, do I have to like dig through a box in the attic at dad's house to look for that. Like, iron butterfly cassette. I used to have the car. Like, pretty sure there was a Steppenwolf one in there somewhere that I just found the 10 sale probably right? Because my first car only had the cassette player. Right? Because that's how we roll. We're cool like that. Huh? So like, what? drag that down? Like, I don't know. It's really weird.

Collin  48:22

Just a ploy to get people like more people like garage saleing or something to Haley.

Brandon  48:31

That's bizarre. Yeah, it's real bizarre, right? I guess. You now have to buy your hifi stereo. So you can you can record all your stuff. You know, like, record your songs off the radio. Oh

Collin  48:58

don't I don't understand because it's definitely not. No, it's It's, I mean, it's better than a than vinyl but like, what on earth?


Did they use more portable than vinyl?

Brandon  49:10

Well, yeah. But like why? Why? Why that form factor. All right. No, right. Holy cow. Hey, if you go to tape heads You can buy tapes of your favorite alternative things would you like to buy? This is like I don't see I guess these are like some dough that can't be some of these are like old like vintage and some of these are like new. This appears to be a rancid cassette tape from like, right now. It's hard to tell with ranted because they all their album covers or just their name. But it's a good job guys where you go. But yeah, this is painted Hi Fi 24 bit audio fam Hi wait Hi Fi Cosette says there's a buzzword Yeah.


Oh, well dollars. Well bucks. cassette. Yeah, they're okay. Well that's, that's interesting. Yeah.

Brandon  50:24

Apparently some people want cassette, some people miss that cassette spooling out crazily and having to shove a pencil in there. And like, wind it back you know, really just a important part of your life that you need to have back. No. I mean, who

Collin  50:48

even has a pencil to shove in there to wind it back up and it doesn't take place.

Brandon  50:53

Not a sixth grader. I tell you that much last who doesn't have them? Because they're all on my floor. Oh, but that's Oh, no. Yeah, I just thought that was that's a real crazy. I don't know. I don't know what this is. It's like weird. We'll see. Right. We'll keep an eye on this. listeners. If you have insight into the cassette tape industry, please let us know. Which we need to know. Why.

Collin  51:28

Why? Very importantly, here.

Brandon  51:31

Why? Yeah. What are we doing? What's going on here? Yeah, some of these are not. Some of these are bands that definitely were not around with because it takes her thing. So like, there is a thing. Oh, he go. Here's some more on Amazon. Let's see if we can find you a more reasonably priced. cassette player doubtful. These are just like tapes forever. Man. That's crazy. This is this is a weird, Austin's only $17 column you're in a portable cassette player. $17. This one is a portable cassette player that looks like a cassette tape. How could you say no to that? I mean, come on. It's just the cover. Maybe that's the cover.

Collin  52:24

I think. I think this is a ploy to lean into nostalgia for things that should not be nostalgic. This is this like yearning for things of the past to get people to buy more work things. Because, you know, they they are not spending enough money. It's like people try to play up. Ah, I don't know, like TV shows that you see these political Oh, I had it was a cult hit a cult classic. And I'm like, what is it? Are you just trying to make it kind of desirable now? Like, are we rewriting history to think that these things were cool all the time? Like, now

Brandon  53:09

I think Hold on, hold on. I felt like I feel like you're veering off a little bit here. Because the cassette player was cool. Now, right? Like it was the coolest. You know what I mean? Like, literally everybody has one had one at some point. Right? I mean, yeah. And so I feel like SharePoint, it's a bit different. You know, because like, saying, like, oh, I can't I don't know, any cult television shows. But like, saying, everyone loves this. You know, everyone loves Three's Company. Like, what? I don't think that's true. Right? But like saying, like, everyone has a cassette player. Yes, that's actually faster. Like,

Collin  53:58

yeah, but for people like, okay, so it was a thing, but like, where people actually wanting to go back and use one or I guess maybe that's just the definition of nostalgia. Is that

Brandon  54:08

like, sounds thing because like, I think you're right, it is like our vinyl because like, now like, like, people are just like, Okay, so here's here's kind of what happens, right? Kids get like, nostalgic for their parents stuff. Yeah, right. And so like younger kids, I we had this conversation in my class, like a side conversation the end of the day, the other day, cuz somebody asked something. I was like, Look, here's what you need to accept for the next several years of your life. Like, the most powerful marketing force in the world is the teenage girl. Yeah, they're talking about Stanley Cup. And I was like, Oh, why? Cuz they like them. And that means it's cool to like them, so everyone likes them. So like, like kids like their parents stuff, right? Sure. And so like,


luckily, people

Brandon  55:04

skipped a track tapes, but like, you know, when we were kids, like, why wanting to listen to the records, and I like the things that, you know, I was we're in like the 70s fashion was in, you know, you know, it was a big thing for a while. Sure. In the 90s, like 70s based fashion was a big thing and all that stuff. So now, like, the kids who want their parents stuff, those kids, parents are our age. Oh, no. Right. So like, are in a little bit older, right? Like, like, a little older than us, like, those are the kids that want. That's the stuff that's like in fashion is like their parents stuff, or the parents are also, like old enough. They're like, hey, that's cool. I wish I could have that again. And now that they want it again, right? Because they are talking, you know, they're like, Yeah, you'd have a Walkman, you know, whatever. So it's like, back at thing, just because of that of a combination of like, those people are now old enough to have like, disposable income and just like buy random junk. And then their kids are also interested in their parents stuff. And they found it in the attic, they saw pictures, they have whatever, right? They have all the home movies from the giant, like VHS things. They watch that stuff. And they're like, Oh, that's cool. You know, that's fine. You know, they explore that stuff. That was their parents thing, right? That's like their gateway into like, looking at new stuff outside of current things. So they go through their parents. And what do they find? The giant box of cassette tapes, right. Actually, back to Best Buy. That means you also need to buy that rack that holds the cassette tapes, right? Yes. Right. And I believe that the last time I was in a Best Buy, that's actually what I bought out the cassette tape, right? I bought a shelf for DVDs. As when I bought I'm pretty sure that's the last time was it a best buy? Okay, I bought a physical media shell fail. Oh,



Brandon  57:10

Because I have a bunch of DVDs still. But turns out I was right because I was all mad because they like oh my bought this thing and now the internet took it away like Right? Was your

Collin  57:24

thing that you don't you know, lord it over people. Yeah,

Brandon  57:27

you know what, you know, at Netflix can't take away from you. Also, your cassette tape. That's your big


word faux wood shelf. All right,

Brandon  57:37

there's two. As far as I'm aware. There are two cassette holders only. There is the big cassette rack that is faux wood. And uh huh. It's like, it's got it's like plastic, but it's like, looks like wood around the outside, and then it's got the black insets in the tapes sit in the little black thing. Or there's the wire one. It's just like though, it's like small wire. And you just set the kid sets in there. I think those are the old I guess there's a third there is an all black one. Right? But those are the only three cassette racks. I think that exists. I think


they're all black.

Brandon  58:22

There's the fake wood one. And then the wire one for your like, Scandinavian minimalism, but with a massive rack of cassette tapes. Yeah, I think that's that's your choice.

Collin  58:37

And the wire one yet looks very appealing until you actually try and go in like sturdy shoes. Very, very hard. Yeah.

Brandon  58:44

Yeah. That's, that's the difficult. That's a hard one to pull off. Right. It's hard to get it to go back in there. Right. Looks nice. Well, it's in there. Taking them in and out a lot. Not really. It's hard. Hard to get in there, you know? Yeah. Oh, look, here's

Collin  59:03

a vintage. I hate that word. Plastic cassette tape. Hoelscher.

Brandon  59:09

You just hate it because now it's vintage. And it's not as old as you are. Right that's Oh, I


told. I told you.

Collin  59:26

I told you. I was interviewing somebody for the job. I told you this, right. Oh, yeah. I was like, This is not okay.



Collin  59:37

very, oh my gosh, yeah. Where she was like, oh, yeah, it's a 1984 stepside cab my my dad bought it from my mom because that was the year I was born. I was or that when she was born. And I was like, I'm


sorry. What?

Collin  59:52

No, that's not in your head. You're what you're restoring this car. Okay, you

Brandon  59:58

cannot have this job. Get out.

Collin  59:59

I yeah this interview just letting you know I'm we're talking

Brandon  1:00:09

because this has been filled already but I

Collin  1:00:11

don't know for legal reasons I did there was no discrimination based on the person

Brandon  1:00:19

maybe the age of her mother Don't worry. Yeah, not her family. Oh that's fantastic.

Collin  1:00:32

Yeah, I just I mean it really hit me like a ton of bricks and I was like let me just check a water really quick

Brandon  1:00:44

Oh, that's great. Okay,

Collin  1:00:47

well sounds like you're pretty ahead of the curve on on getting ahead of the cassettes. Do you have any any cassette in your possession right now?

Brandon  1:01:00

You say I guess big fat. You know, I can't see there's zero there. I think okay, so I don't I am not aware of any cassettes in my possession. That's not to say that there's not a cassette tape in this house in a box

Collin  1:01:18

somewhere good distinction. Okay,

Brandon  1:01:21

because I think maybe Susan might have a couple that are like stashed away in a box or drawer someplace and like a but I don't believe I have one. Right that I can think of. I never really had that many anyway. Right? Because like I had a few I had the ones that I definitely had some that like I recorded from other things. I had those Oh, of course. Okay. Yeah. And then I had a bunch that I bought like randomly at garage sales. I just had it in the car because you know car with the stupid cupholder thing that has the like cup holder and then the like six tape slots? Yes. Definitely had one right? Yeah, we just like set it on the floor of the car and it's just like sits there weirdly awkwardly and the couple is basically useless but you can definitely put change in because that saves and I had one of those. So yes. Very important. Yeah. No, but I don't think I currently have a cassette tape. I will do some research and I will find out if there are any cassette tapes in my house. Oh my gosh, my research assistant has just walked in and handed me the righteous brothers reunion cassettes


side one song

Brandon  1:02:53

one Unchained Melody right where it belongs to real that's right where that's right where it's supposed to be okay. We do in fact have at least one brothers righteous brothers for you did yeah. Wow. Okay, got it. Okay, that yes. Oh yay

Collin  1:03:31

Well, I can't wait to jam out to that next time. We're all together. Oh, yeah,

Brandon  1:03:35

definitely bring it up. That's got a tape player in that thing right. She does. Perfect. Yeah, I don't even think he has he used to have that gray. Yeah. One that we ended up putting toys probably. Yeah horse. Yeah, that's right. Yes. I don't know where that is. Anymore Hmm. I don't know what tapes would have been there that would have been my that was still like real early 90s So that would have still been young me country music phase before I realized what was wrong with that plan so I didn't feel I grew out of that. I thought I definitely had some like random country to take it's works and done Garth Brooks in 10. That's 100% I do believe mom had like nine Garth Brooks date. I don't really know if he had that many albums but there was a lot we

Collin  1:04:33

probably had some duplicates is just backups, you know, a little bit of redundancy. We

Brandon  1:04:38

definitely did have random country music tape so I think that's what a lot of them were are moms in my country. Yes. I have no idea where this could be. It's a mystery. I have to look in that cabinet. Same thing. thing and see if they're just like sitting there.

Collin  1:05:02

They probably are just still stuck there waiting for you. Sack they're

Brandon  1:05:05

like covered in spiders is lifted this in


hundreds of you take them if you dare. Yeah,

Brandon  1:05:16

some Indiana Jones situation like do I leave it here or pull out books and done I don't know what to do obviously tickets obviously yeah side note up like a good transition here. Did you ever finished a list or talked about or things

Collin  1:05:42

I need since it's just us here.

Brandon  1:05:45

Okay i

Collin  1:05:47

i started list. It is it is. It's not all tied. All right. Sorry. Sorry.

Brandon  1:05:52

It's fine. This would be a good point to interject that if we had it. Okay. Coming soon no worries. No worries. No worries. I just want to check.


Anyway, yeah. And then I go back to the bank


Yeah, it's been a bit of I don't know, it's just been a it's been a wild wild week. I just I, I took out so

Collin  1:06:27

I know we're like running long year, but I just find other side story here. I took a vacuum cleaner in a repair speak.

Brandon  1:06:37

What? Guess where? Hey, do that. Was it just like an old guys shed? No.


Oh, no. So I went to

Collin  1:06:51

a place in Springfield, because I Okay, I called everyplace here locally. And they don't they don't have them. They don't work on the model of vacuum that I need repair of course, that's

Brandon  1:07:03

fine. It's fine, whatever. But now, in Springfield,

Collin  1:07:08

there's place called Imperial vacuum cleaners. Yes. If you're. This used to be I don't remember the old name of this. Maybe used to take her vacuum cleaner to this place her her 19 What 60s Kirby the

Brandon  1:07:21

curry cabbie. Oh, where's that place?

Collin  1:07:25

It's right over my craft. Actually. It's right. Yeah, office. North Blundstone. You pass by there's a Walmart over there now. But like, you just go past that. And like, yeah, it's right before. Cherry Street up there. Kinda like yeah, okay. I just walked in. And I was like, hi, I need your help. And it was they have changed owners. So now they're more like a factory direct repair supply house is really what they do. But they also do they do in House Repairs for all sorts of makes models. And of course, I came in and I was like, I have this vacuum. I bought it in 2018. It is not is no longer happy with life.


And I said, Okay, well

Collin  1:08:20

describe the behavior and blah, blah, blah. And I said what it was and then of course, when they plugged it in it

Brandon  1:08:28

didn't do any of that. At all. That's how it always works. Never, never when they're watching no Bye. So I

Collin  1:08:42

I described what was going on and they're like, well, let's, we'll leave it here. Well, let's, we'll tear into it. We'll try and do a diagnosis because what you sound what you're saying sounds like familiar to what we've heard before and these kinds of things. It may be a control panel switch, or it's whatever like I I don't know, all I know is I don't have a vacuum anymore and they're like, Well do you need a vacuum I said well when I say that I actually mean to say that my backup vacuum cleaner is a 1960s Kirby heritage and they were like what I was like anyway it's not important but I

Brandon  1:09:16

so yeah, he's like flexing on the vacuum guys like jealous much. No, you know what I'm rocking at home like

Collin  1:09:30

no, I think they were mostly concerned because they're sitting in there with like, all these high tech like latest and greatest vacuum cleaners and I'm like No 1960s That's what I bring to the table here but yeah, don't mess

Brandon  1:09:40

Hey, this vacuum cleaner in the universe. That's what we're pretty

Collin  1:09:45

sure the base is made us cast iron. Like really? Probably. really sure about that.


So I oh my gosh, I just

Collin  1:09:57

yeah, it was so funny being in there and just like handing them off a vacuum and like I was dropping it off like a daycare and being like See you later little buddy you know let it go way off to the big ol world right make some new friends hopefully I hope he's so yes our column later should see if I can report but yeah so so our our main vacuum this week has been

Brandon  1:10:28

in the been the Kirby we don't work out

Collin  1:10:30

yeah tell them tell you why because yeah we did so we had we had the other one downstairs because it was more flat it had more like head and height adjustments it was better on hardwoods and yeah, Kirby and to the curb has been our upstairs bathroom. Kirby Yeah, it's been our upstairs one which is great because it's all carpet and it does a fantastic job like genuinely like it's still like

Brandon  1:10:54

the carpet. You don't have to carry it up and downstairs. So it's a real winner this week, really.

Collin  1:11:03

And the other thing that I so we had a we had a canister vacuum for our downstairs and I wanted to canister because Okay, so speaking of okay, so speaking of nostalgia, like I remember

Brandon  1:11:14

the vacuum bag. Remember this? So I like I remember, I don't remember what it was. Do you remember the one that Mom Dad had that big, giant, weird black thing that lives in the closet over there? Like that thing? had weird vacuum bags to you? That was annoying. I didn't like it, didn't it? Yeah, I don't know what that was. But it was like big monster black thing, you know? Is that? I don't know what it was said that goes into the washroom. Yeah.


Well, I

Collin  1:11:49

remember the basement canister that you could pull behind, you know, when you put the little the white one? Yeah, the white one. So that's what anyway, so we had one of those. And I use the dickens out of the hose apparently, like, I have a hose fiend

Brandon  1:12:08

like a prize prize.

Collin  1:12:12

I use this to clean all sorts of places. Like, up above the, the window, like on the little window thing. And like, all sorts of things. And not having one readily accessible is very frustrating. Because you again, in order to in order to convert I will say it's a good thing. The Heritage the the Kirby can do this. But you have to basically tear off the front. Do you remember this in the vacuum?


Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Collin  1:12:48

It has the roller on it. But in order, but you can you click it you slip a lever and then you turn the knob on the front little panel a couple times. And it removes the rubber band. It's not a rubber band, but it's the thing. The belt that's called Rubber belts. Yeah, they take you off of the drive shaft and then you just suck. You take the thing off, and then you can clip in a harness for the for the


hose. Yeah, very advanced technology here.

Collin  1:13:22

I mean, it's ingenious for like, how do you get this belt off? Like it's pretty cool. Like I like it. On the other hand, extremely inconvenient to like, Oh, let me rush over and No, no, no, there's no there's no real step process this let me run upstairs and find the hose. Let me bring it downstairs. Whereas most

Brandon  1:13:45

modern vacuums just like ours, you just like pull the thing out? Yes. Yes. And the back has like just like a random spot worse. Random attachments are just like stored clipped to their right. The big the hose extender, aka sword slash thing you throw out your sibling clearly. Yeah, but as one does, yeah. Sorry and he doesn't

Collin  1:14:24

fly so well. You wouldn't think it but man those things are aerodynamic.

Brandon  1:14:29

Yeah, so we thought to have to when we had an EMIC rocket or

Collin  1:14:35

not. They just fly straight. This was like an over like topsy turvy thing. Anyway, all that to say

Brandon  1:14:43

it's been been fun that's all else. Well definitely sounds exhausting. Carrying the giant vacuum cleaner up and down. Yes. That is a behemoth but


that's I I've been doing

Collin  1:15:03

blast past all over going into a vacuum repair store Pintu

Brandon  1:15:09

been doing? I just had an a visual of you, like vacuuming your floor Walkman clip to your belly, right? Rocking out your


vacuum I mean, if you don't not

Collin  1:15:31

having a Walkman that's basically been my life this week.


See? Ya accurate out. We

Brandon  1:15:38

now know that that problem is solvable. Uh huh. So I mean

Collin  1:15:45

as soon as Yeah, so now I can actually fully embrace it. Yeah. By blank cassette and record you

Brandon  1:16:00

Hey, this is something to look forward to. Perfect, beautiful. Yeah. That's anyway. Yeah, that's, that's all in Best Buy's and vacuum stores who saw that come in? I know. Right. Y'all are welcome. Ah, well, before you scamper off to bed, might I ease your mind? Oh, yes. With a bit of a haiku. Now, actually,


this haiku might induce trauma

Brandon  1:16:55

slightly because this is a haiku


about the school bus.


Yeah I love it

Brandon  1:17:09

Alright, are you ready?


I am


a school bus

Brandon  1:17:12

IQ right here I am no seats to be found. sundress cacophony


echoes fill the void


is so traumatized.

Brandon  1:17:40

You can feel that one can't you? Feel the bus seat? Right there.

Collin  1:17:49

Yeah, and just like the lack of any insulation or sound deadening anywhere and I'm just I'm particularly

Brandon  1:17:55

proud of thunderous cacophony. I like I was visualizing the rattling noises of the bus filled with just like all the yelling

Collin  1:18:09

Yeah, the windows that didn't like actually stay up. Yeah. And like, everything. Yeah, there was everything was just so terrible. Yeah,

Brandon  1:18:18

yeah, yeah. Yeah. Plus just shouting, every bus driver shouting kids routing. Everyone's shouting.


Yeah. Turtle

Collin  1:18:28

screaming going. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. No. Okay, great. Great. You captured those emotions. super well. Good for you did it. Nothing. Okay, well, with with that relaxing.


Oh, yes.

Collin  1:18:53

might send the head a will. We shall we shall I say to you, alright.


Love to you and you and you.

Brandon  1:19:04

That's for another time. Okay. Love you. Love you. Bye bye.