allegedly important

In case you were curious, Collin still has car trouble. Shhhh, Aaron is hunting wabbits (deer actually). Brandon has a shorn Chuck. if want to call it a main topic, the boys focus on how they stay organized and the trouble of forgetting things.

  • Collin’s car problem 

  • This is why Honda doesn’t win at Formula 1

  • End of the quarter

  • Corn harvesting is a legit thing

  • Aaron are you there?

  • Aaron is hunting

  • Aaron’s purchase...the foam roller

  • He needs a bigger one

  • And he’s working out

  • Chuck has been shorn!

  • Going back to the office

  • Staying organized

  • Note taking

  • Forgetting things 

  • What’s a nice word…

  • She also brought me a cookie

  • How was your nap? Have any dreams?

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week, people, notes, email, day, notebook, big, tire, nice, honda, class, problem, weird, year, office, write, fine, true, dog, bad


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Brother, a podcast three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show, allegedly important.



What's up?


Collin  00:31

Oh, it's been on weeks. Oh, it's only Tuesday is is a bad sign. Oh, man, anyway. Yeah, no, I think first thing is I think he'd be abreast of the Jeep saga.



I told you about that. I know that there is a Jeep in pieces in a mechanic shop. Yeah.


Collin  01:12

Yes, that is all. All 100% true. Cool. The other thing that happens is, and we're just gonna say this. So they came back and they were like, Oh, it's going to be the Gothic got deep bricks or got the order the part it was the wrong part. I think I told you that they tell you that. Yes. Okay. And then they were like, Oh, it's going to be $6,000. If you want to before Thanksgiving?



Yes. Be 4200 is one fixed period is after Thanksgiving. Who does?


Collin  01:45

Because I called them. And I was not very happy. And I was like, Look, I mean,



no. Like, why?


Collin  01:54

Yeah, I said, your original quote was for 30 $200. And now I'm being I'm basically effectively being a, it's an extortion racket. At this point, you're doubling the price for me to get it a two and a half months after I You said it would be done. And I said, I understand that you got the wrong part. So answer me this. Was it your competency, or your part suppliers and competency that now I am now paying double the original quoted price? And I said, because one of you was I need to know who she didn't like that. And got him. And you know what, you know, shockingly, shockingly, within literally 24 hours. They called me back and they're like, Hey, we found another one. It's it's a huge transmission, but it's been lightly refurbished. And it's only 12 $100. And I said, What the hell? What do you know about that? magically appeared, I know, was like, wow,



wouldn't she know?


Collin  03:00

I said, I will take that. But I was so livid. I mean, I poo. And, and yeah, so I was like, oh, wouldn't you know? So? It should be should be done by tomorrow.



I don't know, though. Oh, boy.


Collin  03:26

Though, that's fine.



Something All right.


Collin  03:30

It was it was definitely, definitely. But anyway, so that's all fun. And then tonight, we were driving around to go look at Christmas lights with the kid as you do. And as you were hitting the Honda and I'm like, This keeps pulling to the right. That feels really weird. And then like kind of wobbles as I'm driving over 45 miles an hour. I don't like this. So when we stopped my cut out in the front right tire was like megalo like, it was not that low whenever I went to work this morning. And so I went pulled into a pump and paid for air. And I filled it up first and I checked all the other ones. And by the time I went up to the to I checked it last before I drove away. It had already lost like three pounds of pressure. And I was like awesome. I'm awesome. Though I don't know exactly what we're going to do in the morning when we have a flat tire but Well, yes, we're going to let you have a spare tire.



It does not come with a spare tire. Cool, because there are batteries in the back of it. That take up so you can't you can't have a


Collin  04:46

dip. Okay, nope, there's no that's a design flaw Honda. I think maybe it's not even like under the car like old school. Spirit type Ito does come with With a slot in the, in the engine bay like old Citron note, like in which is always the most awkward and like, horrifying thing to see when you'd pop open one of those hoods and there was like a tire or like a Yeah, other random cars from like 60s like there's a spare tire in here. What in the world? Why? Why is that here? Like a disturbing growth that we weren't expecting to find those also just like staring at you and you're like, Ah, yeah, that's handy. It's right there. Everything's right there. It's good. You know exactly what, no, no, no, it um, it. It comes with a little pump that you can plug into your cigarette lighter. And pump up the tire. Um, now, now, hold on, does it come from the factory that way or since you bought it used for that, like no, no, dude, there's totally no spare tire here. Just this little janky air pump that I bought from AutoZone this is this is from the factory. This is from the manufacturer. from Honda Honda, listen, I know you're smarter than this. I know you know that if you have a hole in your tire. You can't just put more air in it. I know you know that. It does and up does come on because it does come with run the manufacturer a can of tire tire sealant. Honda Come on. Now. What are you doing? Oh, it's so funny. This this type of design is why you're terrible at for me the one this is it right here. This is the one this ended this oversight. arrabal this oversight in engineering Honda, that you have decided to get used to be reliable, right? People be like, Ah, you know what a car's never gonna break down. Honda used to be able to meet the nicest people on a Honda. Now they're angry because all the tires are flat. And you didn't provide it with a spare. Man. So that's garbage. Oh. So unfortunately, because my oldest daughter, oldest daughter, let's be honest. simplify this to everyone because is a very small child. There we go. oldest impassionate soul. She caught on to these feelings and then realize she has school tomorrow. But Daddy, what if the tire is flat? How will we get to school? q emotional, massive amounts of breakdown. Right? She's trying to please very like oldest daughter. We are in possession of bicycles. That's loose dirt riding your bike to school tomorrow. This is why Yeah, this she seriously said that. She said, Well, I guess we can we can ride bikes to school. Right? Just have to go slow. And I said, You know what, honey? Yes. If it wasn't, like, six miles away, we would do that. But okay. Okay, that's a little far for a small child to ride a bike. Yeah, in the morning. But, um, so I like had like, didn't comfort her and be like, honey, like, I still have my bike pump that I use on my tires that I can use on the car tire to get enough pressure into it to get it to a filling station to get more time more aironet that we can at least get there and then come back. And then I can take it and get it repaired. And it was just like, what if, if and she started telling me that we could borrow a neighbor's car and say listen, Honda has provided me from the factory with this can of tire filler. Don't you worry, honey, don't you worry on the thought of every wait a minute minutes. No, they did not either. Oh, man. Honey, I I thank you, honey, it's gonna it's going to be okay. That's great. Oh, not great. It's funny that she is all fine. Yeah, it's you know, she just gets ease into those kind of things and kind of gets fixated and kind of pull her back. Her back though. Yeah, so hopefully tomorrow. I told Megan as the public I go pick up her Jeep tomorrow, so I'll just bring the Honda into a swap. Well, we got to get a quote on this tire. Our tire supplier only sent us this one night. $100 tire, if you would like to wait six to eight business days, we can probably get you the the $80 one that's supposed to go on there. But right now we only have Perrelli performance





Collin  10:15

Yeah. Used to the to the to the actual we'll start with the Kevlar lining right now. Yeah, you've got to you've got to bind the wheel and tire together can't move separate.



Oh, yeah.


Collin  10:29

Anyway, that's probably what I would get from them. I think you need to get just a spare wheel and mounted on the roof on a roof rack like a Dakar Rally truck. Right? You should. That'd be awesome. I do that. concern. Totally cool. Honda hybrid, the giant, giant, Spare Tire Rack, you could get more than one that way. You could have like the double. Yeah, like the double rack where you have them stacked on top of each other, you know? Yeah. You know, sometimes the mount to the front, you know, like the grill or like on the hood. I've seen that. That's true. Did the rack for the fuel cans have to have? Yeah, that's true. Yeah, you can go on top with one wheel, one tire and wheel. And then the other one the other one on the road. This is perfect. What could go wrong? I see no problem with this. Yeah, totally gonna increase the resale value of the of Honda by doing this definitely does not damage any of the aerodynamics or the fuel mileage by strapping giant tires. No, yeah, that's the good thing is that a lot of people think that by strapping huge objects on gangly objects to the roof of your car, you damage your MPG, you actually don't actually enhances it because it pushes you down gives you a lower center of gravity. Oh, yeah. More more downforce more downforce in the corners. Something something



Perfect. Okay, possibly go wrong. Nothing. So that's the answer.


Collin  12:13

I think accept everything. See, so hopefully, tomorrow we'll have a Googler swapped out our cars or broken cars. It's fine. Yeah.



Something with a lot. I gotta go back to work tomorrow.



Yeah. Oh, right. Because you had the extended day. Extended day. holiday break. break break. So


Collin  12:47

Drake thing laying. So back to work tomorrow. Then just a couple more weeks until the semester is over. That's crazy.



Yeah. Sort of snuck up on me there till close this year. So


Collin  13:06

go with that means. I mean, I don't really run my class as some it's not a semester affair, because sixth grade. So it's like, hey, wherever we stopped, we stopped there. We'll just pick back up again. It's fine. Don't worry about it. Yeah. It's not a it's not like a you know, some of my other teacher friends are like, Oh, I gotta get all this done before the end of the quarter like me, it's fine. Like, it just come to the end of the quarter doesn't mean you have to, like, be at the end of thing. Right? You know, it's okay. Just, you know, you need as much time as you need to be fine. Whenever you get done, you get done. And if I need a week after break, okay, whatever. Yeah. And to see how long it takes. It's kind of a arbitrary timeline. Anyway, so like, why we Yeah, especially because like, this year, I don't remember the exact numbers. But our our school day year, has been divided up in a very bizarre manner. Like, it's not none the court none of the quarters are of equal length. Because the state of Missouri said like, last year, they passed that law. I was like, nope, no schools allowed to start in Missouri until this day. Because that's important. For some reason. I don't really know why. They said that. I don't know why they care. What day your community chooses to start school. Right? Like, especially Missouri, like some, some schools need to start later. Because like, like if you live in Southeast Missouri, okay. Your school needs to start there's lots of farming happening. Okay, and you You might need to start a little bit later than the time. Like, that's okay. It's fine. Okay, we understand. We know, that's how these committees work small communities like that in northern Missouri to like, there's corn to be had, okay, you got got to deal with it, you might need to start a little earlier, so that you can take a break in the fall so everybody can be corn harvesting, cuz that's, that's a legitimate thing to happen, you know? So Calm down, guys. But they decided that like, no, this is the start date for every school in Missouri. So like, our first semester is way shorter, then are seconds. So it's all divided up all bizarre. So like, literally, it doesn't matter, because they are just like me, whatever. So there it is.



Thanks. I wonder who got their little greasy paws on that and got some


Collin  15:58

I don't know, I don't know why they care. Agree. Do that. Yeah, we're Yeah. Somebody was like, oh, yo, we got to make this happen. And that messed everything up. So we had it, we started a week. I almost a little over a week later than we did last year. Just Just because, like where we started. Like, they were like, No, you can't start it at like, but But what if we just want to get started and just go Come on, man. So I really like what's the big? Unless they're concerned? I don't know, on being irregularities, or I don't know why that would matter. Because it's all based on the number of hours you're in school anyway. And they passed this law before the world ended. So like, it wasn't related to that at all. Maybe they saw it's not based on it's not based on days anymore. It's like hours per thing. Right. So like, everybody already has way more hours anyway, so I don't know what the I don't know exactly. Maybe they saw coming. Maybe this is them. The foretelling time No. And apparently we learned that misery government wants a school kids out kid to be in school at all times, no matter what. Anyway, so like, I don't know why they were like, No, you can't start yet. That seems counterintuitive to how they've been acting this past year. They're like, no, literally all kids have to be at school all the time. Why would you even not have like, Why you ask the question? Are you doing? Like, no, you have to go to school? Yeah. So that's weird, but whatever. Hello. Oh, there is like, are you muted this whole time? Because I've seen that. You've been here. You're like, Is he gonna stay think I was getting ready. Say Aaron, have you need to unmute if you're talking right now.


Aaron  18:16

I was I wasn't listening intensively actually. However, I didn't. I didn't expect I didn't think you all would want to listen to this. I'm looking into your meat typing.


Collin  18:29

I definitely can't. Okay.


Aaron  18:30

Yeah. So I'm I'm still documenting an investigation, everything. I'll text you guys later of what I'm doing. But there's, there's a lot that's like, Hey, here's this. Here's this, you know, hey, do you want to do this? No. Okay, here's this too. So there's just been a lot of wonky cases. And I had one today that I'm just now getting a chance to type everything but the server's down so I have to type everything in a microphone word. This is the state's finest at its best. Um, what is new with me? Thank you for asking. Um, anyway, on



to another topic.





Collin  19:18

going hunting this



going hunting this weekend. Lastly, rabbit for the last. No, it's


Collin  19:25

for playing go.


Aaron  19:27

Gonna go deer. Okay. I thought but I didn't know who was like we could be with a friend. I've been trying to scout out places for duck hunting, but every time I go somewhere and like, too far to drive, I don't do it.


Collin  19:42

But you've already driven there so much.


Aaron  19:51

For the past month, two months. I'm Shelby myself have been getting up at like 536 To go for like a walk or like an early morning workout. And we've we've upped the, the amount of working that we do, and so my body's a little bit sore. But I have purchased the greatest invention of all time. Oh, problem is, I don't know what it's actually called.


Collin  20:24

By is,


Aaron  20:25

I got, I got a little, so what it is, so when your body is this episode's not sponsored, although I would like it to be. So whenever I can fit, whenever I was looking for this, whenever I can figure out what else and have this my throw the box away already. So basically,


Collin  20:49

whenever Luckily, the instructions are on the box, it's fine, don't worry, everything will control how to use it, but


Aaron  20:58

I do. So just picture of it. Um, whenever like, let's say like your back is like really sore or like your your leg muscles, check. Got it release or have that in you know, you're like, man, I just really need to like work like out this, you know, soreness, like the sore muscle or this kink or something. You basically like put this on your back, or like under your back and you like you roll on it basically.


Collin  21:27

It's like a foam roller.


Aaron  21:28

Yeah. Okay. And it works out the most interesting is I like holding it and I haven't used it like, like an hour. So I'm like office thing is my best friend. And then usually they have like, bigger, like rolling tubes, basically. Yeah. And I got I got the smaller one just to kind of try it out because I wanted something to like really, like, get at the muscle. And let me show you kind of the strong foam roller. Extreme firm, high density deep tissue massage with spinal channel is one that I may or may not have recently ordered from an undisclosed site that starts with an A and ends with an Amazon.


Collin  22:20

Because, again, oh yeah, I've never seen one. That's a ball. Yes.



So this one.


Collin  22:25

I've only seen them when it looked like big tubes. Yes. I


Aaron  22:28

sent a picture of the tube I'm getting all right. Yeah, so this one is what? That looks scary. So we've we've been doing some Shelby's doing this thing, which I'm going to start attending classes. It's called f 45. Which is like a, like, not like a high intensity workout, but it's kind of like a mixture between,


Collin  22:53

like a fighter jet. Yeah,


Aaron  22:55

it kind of it's like it's like a workout class. And so we've been kind of just upping the the workout routines. And it's like, Whoa, I am almost 30 and my body hurts. So I just got something a little extra on to kind of help relieve that thing. And so I saw this and I'm like


Collin  23:14

an orange cookiebot red. Yes, let me know how that works. Because my shoulder I have a big patch really bad the left shoulder just been destroyed. And


Aaron  23:28

I can cause a nothing works cool. I'm at home that one. If we're when we go up to Christmas, you need to need to ask him about because it's it's like, like weird. It looks like a butcher's hook that like Yeah, but it's like plasticky is really cool. Um,



but they're like I saw I Know What You Did Last Summer. I don't want anywhere near that thing, man. Holy cow.


Aaron  23:52

I don't meet hook stick arm. But yeah, this thing. Um, like my I've had problems with my lower back and the back of my legs recently and I put this ball on the ground and I just like, roll back onto it. And just let it just have that my bag and I feel absolutely phenomenal with this thing, so we need one for Christmas. I got you fam.


Collin  24:21

Me that we didn't get into I mean a report on how it works console board.


Aaron  24:25

I've been using this thing for a week and I


Collin  24:27

mean, the other one tandem together I


Aaron  24:30

I just like the bigger one because I'm not what's the word coordinated.


Collin  24:37

I'm gonna say you get a bigger one because you're bigger.


Aaron  24:40

Yeah. I'm just not very like graceful and so I think the bigger one would be a little more it's easier to use with this thing.


Collin  24:48

Well that one the small ones for more like targeted, like yes certain like a one area whereas though big roller from what like my friend tells me is for like your like larger. muscle groups in your back. Yeah. Right. But then, like, if you have like one spot, it's still not quite he hit it with the ball thing. Right? And then that's what kind of, because I've done that before on a like a softball, right, yeah. Because I like right between my like my spine and my shoulder blade, right, that's the mark of my left shoulder where it's just like constantly under attention from the right heard it like a long time ago. And it's all like, you know, so it's just constantly, too tight. Always wanted to


Aaron  25:32

play nice. So I need I need to least get you one of these because this thing is because I was like, oh, man, my, you know, my back. I was you know, walking around like an old person. And then I jumped on this thing. And it just like, Whoa, I can't move now. Really nice, but cool. We, you know, we just been working out, you know, we've been eating healthy, you know, most, you know, majority of the year. And so we're like, oh, let's you know, let's you know, let's it's up the ante on workouts. And now we're like,



oh, world. Oh, no. Crap.



Too far up. Too much, too, but


Aaron  26:21

we're gonna we're gonna have Shelby's family come Friday. And I don't know what we're eating. But we're gonna have dinner here. We bought a tree bomb. The family bought us a tree that I had to put together. yesterday. It is very festive. Nice. Has off. And then decorating or there. I'm not too crazy on the decorations. But there is extremely more noticeable decorations and


Collin  26:53

a week ago. But in general, yeah, that's been. Yes. Which is that's what season is all this weekend? We are no Shelby's and we are not at Rome and she halls have been decorated.


Aaron  27:08

But yes, they definitely were not decked for Thanksgiving. No. But they are all decked


Collin  27:16

out now. Susan did it a bunch yesterday, I helped move stuff around. And then we bought a new tree. Yeah, because we've had the same one for a really long time. And it's just not. According to Susan, not big enough. And so Oh, plus the branches were like, like, starting to not look very good. And they were kind of like, falling apart. And they're starting to break. You know, I mean, because we've had this entry for over 10 years, I think now at this point. So it's time to retire it. So if she got a new one. It's very big. Nice. And all of our ornaments fit on and it's so weird. So it's like seven and a half feet tall monster thing. We put it in a different spot. Right? It's all good. Okay. Susan has been collecting Christmas ornaments since she was three. He's got a he has all of them. She's ever had. Yes. Like you do. And they all must go on the tree. That is the rule. And so the other tree, the tree was getting a little weighted down. Probably when the branches were breaking because it was like I can't hold on swated But yeah, we did that we've been doing this weekend. I mean, when I say we, Susan, and then we helped you with the tree part. She did all the rest of it. Obviously, because she's very good at decorating and I am not and so I look We also tried our hand at dog grooming today. Oh, yeah. Hey, oh, yeah, whatever I told you that the after the the dog grooming place in town was like Ah, I just can't believe all you people making my life so hard. Want me to groom your dogs? Because you know, sorry to interfere or your life. We bought some dog grooming stuff. Right? And so we've been just kind of keeping him trimmed with scissors since then, but it's kind of nice. So we took him outside today. We got one of those little stand thingies to help keep them stable on the table. Mm hmm. Right. And some dog shears though, one Shawn dog today nice. He's only mildly traumatized. But it's fine. I told him, he didn't have to go and sit in a kennel with a whole bunch of other crazy dogs. Okay, this was like 20 minutes. And you were done. You have to be fine to better. Yeah. Immediately back home, right? You didn't have to wait, come up and do all that stuff, though. Sure.



Yeah. Because he's old boy, because, you know, he doesn't want to sit around with concrete floor. Like, old dogs don't like that.


Collin  30:29

No. Yeah. Like, so. Yeah, we got one of those little it's like a little Stan thing with like a little harness deal that I think we used right? I'm not real sure. The box that we got did not come with any directions at all. It was just like, here's the thing like hook. Okay. Figure it out. I guess. We learned that our table is not quite thick enough to like, hold it up, because it was like it like screws to your table, you know? Uh huh. I would just put it on our plastic folding table. So that we put a towel on it. So we can like stand up. But it's just a sort of, like helping stand, you know? So he doesn't like, Oh, yeah, whatever.



Why we're sharing. And it worked pretty. Okay. Right? It's fine. And like, just as like a cheap pair of dog clippers, which are kind of cool. They were they worked pretty good for.


Collin  31:23

He's had a lot of hair. So a little rough, but and we are not very adept at using them. So that would be the other dilemma. We're trying to like not go to ham because it's getting cold. So we didn't want to like take too much off, you know? Sure. trying to be nice with bad the guards and stuff though. It's pretty good. And like, you know, one of the little the little moving blade thing is like a plastic or ceramic or something. It's not metal. Oh, so it's it's not gonna like, bite into them if you get too close. Yeah. Which means it doesn't cut like maybe the best, but it's just a reciprocating so probably doesn't matter because the top one is so like, whatever. Yeah. It worked pretty good. He's there's a lot less hair on him. It was on me and ground. But



so maybe next time he'll it'll go a little better. But it's pretty good. It's not bad. So like, you know,


Collin  32:26

little monkey around the ears a little bit. That's fine. It's fine. It's okay. When you opening up a shop, I don't think anybody wants to pay me to groom the dog charge, you can just lay out for free in he was not very fond of it. But it was a win pretty good. And he's cleaned up there on the edge of the scissors and stuff. There's little scissors in there. Probably a little sharpening, but it's pretty good. And like basically the cost to buy all that stuff was just basically already paid for itself. Do we using it one time? Yeah, for sure. Like, because we didn't get like, high dollar clippers. Right? We didn't get like professional stuff. Because, you know, like, you gotta see if you're gonna, if you like it, if you're gonna be able to stick with it, you know. So you don't want to go out and spend $300 on some exactly first and then be like, every month. it's wintertime, so we don't really need to like shave him down real bad, right yet. So it was good practice to like just try to trim off a bunch of this stuff and thin out a little bit. kind of see how it's gone. So next time, it would be better. Because it was adventurous. That treasure sitting out in the backyard with a dog on the table like Hey guys, what's going on? Everybody? See here? Just



Just one day when a dog dog.


Collin  33:56

Yeah, he was again. He was like, What the heck's going on what he did to me and he lost their mind. Yes, it's true. It's fine. Is it? So we're pretty good. And we've got is, again, like I said, there's a lot less hair on him now. Judging by my sweat pants and the ground outside, you know, and if that's the only the goal if the goal was to shear and he's shorn, you know, like, can't do much. Yes, different than that. So this stuff worked pretty good. And so



see how it goes and then try to do better next time. So I found I think will be the better next time because it was trial run, trying to figure out how work again, I don't ever cut hair or anything on anybody. So like, you know, yeah,


Collin  34:58

yeah. For the first time. Sure, not bad, right? Like that's, yeah, you can do it's a very passable first try of dog grooming. That's, you know, okay to go. Yeah. Well cool you could you add them to your skill set. There you go about it today about all the excitement we've had so far. It's just Christmas decorating, dog shearing. And that's it, Video game playing, I guess, and then try to mentally prepare to go back to work tomorrow. And try to remember what on earth I was doing. I left myself notes, it was cool to be like, this is what you're gonna do when you read it in the future. Yeah, it's like, hey, do this stuff. Remember this stuff? So, at least now I did that I have some post it notes. About my plan for tomorrow. I'll do that. I'll leave. I've been in my office so infrequently. The past eight months. Yeah, but seriously, like, I go in once a month, maybe. And I do, like, try and leave notes for myself. Like, this is what I did when I was back. That was it when I was in the office. And I'll leave them there, that when I come back, I'll be able to, you know, have an idea of what was going on and give some context to things that I see or what people are talking about. is it's really bizarre. I was in the office today, and just feels so it feels really alien. Like, really, really alien at this point to be in the office to see other like my co workers and my boss and you people do Yeah, I bet that. Yeah. True.



Oh, my boss is trying to get us to come in which which


Aaron  36:56

that is kind of a kind of a so weird thing, because he's like, our office is still technically open, but it's closer we actually are and it's gonna be sold and go. Because apparently lost too much money. And I thought it was a better idea to close offices that,





Aaron  37:12

it's so weird when I see people like, you know, big zoom meetings that we have. But I saw my supervisor for the first time today and my time, two months.



I was like, Whoa, that's true, like, but I


Aaron  37:26

and then I kind of would call and talk about like leaving notes. The problem is I have too many sticky note things. And then I have too many like miniature notebooks that are like, oh man, I'm gonna take this so I can take notes. And then I forget where I put that notebook about, like all my little to do lists and all that stuff. And then I pick up another notebook. And I write that for a little bit. And then I find my other note, other notebook. Oh, well that. Whoops. The wastepaper?



Yeah, I haven't. I



and as I have, I haven't a mountain.


Aaron  38:14

I have a mountain of sticky notes. But then like, write something like extremely vague. And then like a week later, I'll



be like,


Aaron  38:21

I write this. That is stupid. I completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing with it. Ah,


Collin  38:26

yes, that's it. So I use post it notes. And I put them I put them on the window next to my desk. Right? Just like Blam. There they are. And then I put them around the edge of my computer monitor. Right, like, just I put them around outside. Yeah. Okay, go whoops. Is that a problem? But I tried to like, do that. And I do I put them like all the way it looks like on my computer monitor. Sometimes it's like a lion's mane where like, goes all there? I'm sorry. But then I take off all the not the ones when they become irrelevant. Like if they reminders for like x thing or whatever. Then I just rip it off. Throw it away. You got to do that part. Otherwise you get real confused. Like what the heck is this for? Oh, wait, that was two weeks ago? What I still have to somebody? Yes. You have to when you write when you write a sticky note that says, report due in two weeks, you have to put either a start date or end date, a date. Yeah, I got data in two weeks. I'm going to be like, What? Why I was dealing like because it's cool. It's like, I get a random email. It's like oh, picture day at this day at this time, whatever. And I'm like, Okay, and then I won't ever get another email until like that morning, usually. And so picture day is Definitely not a thing that goes in my mind as far as important things to be thinking about. I just from my life in general. And so like, whenever it happened, I'm like, Okay, I gotta, I gotta make sure that I know what day it is. Because I don't want to like, it's always weird because like, one hour will be like, the kids will be in there for like, the whole time. And then another one, they'll be in there for like 30 minutes, right? Because it's all weird. And depending on what time everything happens, and like, usually at our school, they're like, okay, we're gonna start at this time with this grade level. And then we'll just work down until we're done. So I don't have like, definite times, right? Like, just have a day. I know it's gonna be in the morning. Like, I got, so he kind of have to, like, but I put that note on there. Like, okay, picture day is x day. glam. Just so I know, to be thinking about when I'm planning stuff. Like, I don't plan really anything big for that day. Make that like a random review. Something is like, we're gonna have a weird times and it'll be all strange. And I don't want my classes to stay together. I don't want like, one to like, fall away behind. So stink. So yeah, trying to manage that. That. Yeah, be awful. So I'm not about that life. So I do that. After my myself things like piggy, they exist. Yeah, otherwise, I'll forget. And like what? Yeah, like, we're gonna have a reward day. Soon. Yeah, I forgot when already. On a post it note though. Somewhere, somewhere, oh, but I don't remember what day that is occurring. And so like, I also need to kind of fit that in my schedule. Like, okay, when is our reward day because we have a two hour block of time. So like, that means I need to, I think it will be during my third and fourth period of time. So that means my second hour is my plan time. So that means first hour, that day is like a wash. It's I need to make sure that we just do whatever, like basically nothing like stuff, things. Things and whenever, cuz we're not gonna have class because with Dick, the two other guys won't happen. So that's silly. Are these abstract? Yes. Oh, no. But yeah, that's what I do. 12,000 plus. It's been, yeah, it's been hard, because I used to have a notebook for the office, and then a notebook at home. But because I am, so now I'm at home, I've just had to consolidate everything into like, one notebook. So it's a little weird, because my notebook now has filled with, like, work and home crossover information. But it's literally like the only deck if I have to have it in one place. Otherwise, I'm going to lose track of everything. We should do like left page work right to page home. Yeah, it's times when I sit down to take notes for a meeting. Those Oh, that's true. Made a bleed over. Yeah, yeah. Okay, so. So basically, right now, it's just, and I've tried to do different colors of like, home is in blue work isn't? Oh, that's right. Um, so I'm trying to stay up with that. But it's, it's mostly just mostly just important that everything goes in just one book. I've even even had some that are I was halfway through a notebook, I've just had to put off to the side, like, no, like, I just need to do all the fresh one composition notebook. What I'm going to start with and we're going to go from there. And no, that's good. I think the colors is probably the best way to go then. Because that way, it's just it's easily identifiable as to what goes where.


Aaron  44:06

So I've, I've started doing more. So I have I take a lot of notes just in general, like if I'm looking through history or something on a case. So I have like my notebooks for notes. And then I have other notebooks strictly for like interviews. And I got I got quiet and I was like oh man, I'm getting good at this. And then because I did a thing. It's like, Well, when I talk to you want to interview children, I'm gonna use glue and then when I talk to other people, I'm gonna use like, black. And then there's one day the only colors I had was like, green and red.



Like, Oh, no, oh, no.



Whoops, ever made a boo boo.


Collin  44:46

Unless what you do is at the top, just write like just draw a little box and color it in and say equals green, you know? Child right like green equals child. Red equals adult prison. Yeah. Okay,


Aaron  45:01

so I, that's what I ended up doing. But I was like sitting there and like, I pulled up and I was talking to this person. I was like, I'm using like a purple pen, like, what am I doing? And I was like, Yes. Tell me about this. And I was like her eyeball.


Collin  45:15

It just means that or the other options at the top of the notebooks, like, you know, like john smith. Like pregnancy child, like,


Aaron  45:25

within like, a week later, I was like, why did I write this in? Like, I completely forgot. Like, why did I write this in? Like, this color? and was like, what kind of moron like oh, yeah, that's


Collin  45:36

my bed. even close. Sometimes it's important. Back, which,


Aaron  45:42

which, like, now I got all those other pins died. So I'm back to only using black and blue bands, and it's gonna stay that way. Dang it.


Collin  45:51

No, I like I did. I did that. My last year. Or my last couple years of college. That's kind of what I started doing in my notes for class. Right, like, majority of things I would write in like black. And then like, assignment, things I would write in, like the blue, I think, like, important information was read. And then I did yeah, green was something else. Because I had four, I bought a thing and like the red, blue, green, black pin thing was like, well, I had all these, like, use it for something. And so that's what I did. I just carried that's kind of how my notebook was deleted for that class. If it was like, Oh, why did I not do this? years ago, isn't it? It took me so long. I used to write everything in black. Like, where the heck is that? I don't even know.


Aaron  46:44

It took me so long to actually like develop, like a good note taking strategy. When I was in college, like, Yeah, me too. When I was a freshman and sophomore, I was like, God, I can draw and doodle on anything and do this and this, but like, it wasn't till like, the last two years of school. I was like,


Collin  47:06



Aaron  47:07

if I did it this way, and then like highlighted a few things. Like, it just makes life so much easier. And I and I made sure to talk about that. When I first started teaching. I was like, Hey, kids, here's some interesting ways to take notes that I totally didn't know about. It, it took me a long time to develop an actual style that I was enjoying, and you know, was Yeah, it's just been doing.


Collin  47:37

Again, it's the thing that you just have to do it and you have to be it, you have to put a lot of thought into it. And that's not something that people like you said something people tell you because at least from my experience, you don't like a lot of people just like art were like when you're in school, they were taking notes today. Okay, what, what? And so like, nobody really teaches you how to do it. Yeah, like,


Aaron  48:10

well, I correction. Mr. garrigan, sort of taught us how to tell


Collin  48:16

Yeah, but he's, like, outline like he would just go write this down and then write it down. And then he would talk about Olga Romanoff for like, 20 minutes and be like, okay, now write this down. And then you would say something else, like, I see, I had, I had to spend my first class of teaching Anatomy and Physiology or ecology or the stats, people have like, four or five different systems of taking notes. And like, Yeah, we do that in sixth grade. Yeah, I just tell them like one for college students, right? Like, this is the Cornell Method. This is the mind mapping method. This is the drawing method. I take notes, but with the outline format, I just like that's how my brain works. Yeah, it's easier for me. It's like so yeah, annotations. And the date always goes on the upper right. It's underlined and highlighted. I usually forget the date, but that's always date and who's presenting and sometimes in what room? Because that changes sometimes. And because you contact me when things happen. And then like, the structure is, and the real key there is like not writing everything out. You're not dictating or doing a dictate. Yeah, right. Like you're just doing the key words. And really, yeah, the important part for me was always trying to make connections and that's where the like the indentations were huge in my brain of like, I was organizing things as they were being presented. And like drawing arrows, and I loved having the pin set. So I would always sit down and have my pencil and then I'd have a black pin, red pin, green pin and a blue pin. And those were for a lot of times like drawing graphs, like if they were drew drew us true figure or something. Like I was able to do it, while they were creating it. So we have to go back and recreate or whatever. So it was always a mess. But I, you know, note taking is it's a learned skill. And it is something that if you not just, you know, quote, writing things down like, there is some organization that you can put on it, if you want, yeah, do some structure. But that's what makes it hard to do it in sixth grade, because we, like we talked at the beginning of the year, kind of, how could we do it in science, because it's, there's a lot of things that we need to have. And for like, my big quizzes, a lot of the quizzes and stuff, we can use our notes on it. I mean, we've been using them. So like, if you wrote it down, but it kind of gives them a purpose to do it, you know, because, like, why we write notes, because you can use them later. That's, you know, but we had to talk about that, like, they've never done it before ever. So I have some slides, like my slides that are like, read, like, this is your writing this down to this. And I will say right that. And but we have talked about, like, leave spaces, okay, we draw stuff in there, you know, leave a space. And then like, just pick up where you left off the day before I leave, skip a space and then go again, some people like just turn to a new page and they have this alter notes, like, spread out for like seven pages, where do you really need like, two and a half? we doing? Like one or two sentences on one page and then four sentences on another page? If we do it, what is that?



The the hardest


Aaron  51:45

classes that I think I ever had, was in in college, I had a What was it? It was a is either German history or Scandinavian history. But the professor in history got the the professor said you will need at least two folders for this class. And I you know, set aside legitimate two folders for that entire class. And I know front end, but like they were like the big thick, like college rule like 200, some odd pages one. And I went through like one and a half of them. And I kept them in there somewhere around here. But I just remember him looking at us and like you will need


Collin  52:30



Aaron  52:32

two things for this class. And it was Yeah, whenever he stopped us up for a day, I would leave a space, and then I would date it. And then this is when I actually started getting like to a rhythm of taking notes. And then he was like, Alright, that's that this chapter that this part will be on the test. I took a paperclip. I stuck those pages together. And I studied those pages whenever it came to it later.


Collin  53:01



Aaron  53:02

yeah, that was I heard so much in those classes. They were they were fun, but they weren't fun. But I was like, oh man, I'm actually doing notes. Good. And I think I ended up with like a C in that class. But I get I was I was what mattered. Was all that matters.


Collin  53:21

That's a big Yeah, that's a bigger thing. I don't have like a notebook like that for work. I have a like a binder. It's my planner thing, like I made. Because that's like my, like my plan book for what we're doing in class and like, like our assignments and everything. So I try to just, I just did that. Like my friend, my friend has like a fancy like the fanciest thing you've ever seen in your life. Or she has like the creepy one with like the stickers and stuff and other weird things. I found a free template somewhere and printed that sucker out. And it just has blocks and days a week on it. boom, done. Yeah, that's all I want. Yeah. That's all I don't need stickers. I don't need it to be pretty. I want function. I made large boxes in which to write things. And it's just up the top of it's just like, it is like the week of blank. And so you just fill it all in. Right? That's fine. And so like what I've been last year, I just use it to plan out. And then I realized like, wait a minute. I'm actually going to need to look at this thing again next year. I have like, that's what I have currently as I have my new one I'm using and then I have the one from last year kind of next to it that I'm referencing for like pacing. And so I'm trying to add in more detail this year, about what those things are, like point values for us. And, like, what did how many points? Did I make that? What is that? Usually it's like an arbitrary number like 10? Sure, why not? Like that's what we need today? Well, just because I'm not, I'm not, I don't want assignments on my gradebook, or like seven points, 12 points, like 17. Like, like, most of them, you're going to get points if you're doing it, and like at least one for participation, and then like, the rest of them, whatever. So I've been trying to add, because it's a box of seven, right? There's like seven. So I like the ones where that some people don't like this. And it messes me up like my other friend. She doesn't do it this way. And it confuses me. I like the dates to go across the top. Right. So my columns are like, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, like, my columns are that day, and I go down. She has hers where it's like, the dates are on the left side, all the rows of the dates. Like why, what's



my brain literally can't figure out what she's doing. Like, why? Why would you do that? I don't understand.


Collin  56:13

Well, I've met a psychopath today. This is awesome. Yeah, like, oh, my goodness, I can't. What are you doing? Why would you anyway, because I only I don't like. So like, I have those. I have like three sciences babe, bam, and RTI and then three histories. So I'm using all the boxes, like the top box is usually like, what the thing is, and then any details about what it is or instructions that I gave or point totals, I put in the other boxes underneath it, to try to fill it in to make it more like it's a plan book slash record keeping of what was done during the day as well. Right. So like, but things the other two boxes for is like, oh, how did it go, we need another day. This was blah, blah, like, I try to fill those in. So that's what I have. I just have a binder. It just sits on my behind my desk. And my desk at work is weird. I have a desk with all my computer and all my stuff. And then behind my desk, I have like a small table. I don't know it was there. When I got there. I'm just kidding. It was just bought. That's my planning table behind me. So I just spit my chair around. Boom, there's a very nice bookshelf with all my stuff on my little table back there. So I just spin the chair around. Plan mode. Got it? Done, right. Yeah, it's very, it's very weird. But it works. I like it. And then again, the window is where all the that's the key. I think, for my, my workflow area, because I have I am a person that like the reason I like the post it notes. I don't, I don't like the notebook as much because the notebook will be closed. And I can't see it. Yeah, right. And I need to find things like fast sometimes. So that's why I use the personas for my like stuff. Because like my gradebook plan, book thing, not great. But my plan book is just, I just leave it open on the table for like the week that I'm on. So I can just look at it. Bam, there it is, bam, I got my I started using a. But I also started taping my datasheet things to the window. Just so I have them. They're looking at them all the time. So like my data sheets, or the these things I made for with the help of my friends, but about like what standards are my main goal standards for the units? I'm working on those, right? When the kids have one, two in their binder, and we do a little checks, and we talk about them and stuff like that. But I have that on the window. So that I know. Those are my focus things. Here they are. I'm looking at them all the time. This is my focus for this unit. And I felt like I should do that. I look at that because it doesn't match. My thing. Is this going to be important? Yes. Okay, got it. Nailed it. And I also write the dates. Like if we do like a little quiz, like a skill check thing. I write the dates on it. So I know when the last one that we did was Yeah. But I have to again, I have to have it up. Because I had it before where I just like had those in my binder to never turn back to look at them why they were the thing. So I just have to print one out and slap it on the window. So that I can go, Okay, this is my important things are on this space. That's the stuff I need to focus on that stuff I'm working on right now. Boom, there's I can see it. Like, I have to see it otherwise, sometimes it doesn't exist. Like, that's just how my brain is functioning like I need it. Like it in my face 100% like, Oh, here it is, boom. That's why I find using like I have to use for a lot of my like to do lists are is actually my email inbox. Like, if it's in my inbox, it is an active thing that I need to be working on. All that's true to my friend makes fun of me, because I have like a billion messages in my inbox. I don't delete them, because I'm like, Oh, I need that for reference. So I bet he has like, she deletes everything. She's like, no, it's less for emails I got about once a week, I have to all file things away. Right? I have I have folders and subfolders and nested things like where emails go to live forever. Like they go off to them? Yeah, well, I delete them eventually. Like, oh, like at the end of the year. I go through and just like blast, delete, like a bunch of like, the newsletters I got. Yeah. Sounds like. But then there are other after the week is over. I delete that. Yeah. But there are other things in there that are like, no, I actually have to actually have to keep this because this is a to do item. And I need to remember that this is there. And keeping it in my inbox is one of the nagging thing, because I hate things in my Oh, yeah, I do that I mark it as unread and leave it there. It's just this Oh, yeah, that's where that is. And so yeah, I need to do that, again, like emailing myself a list. So that it's in there, right? Because Because also I'm having to work between like, my work computer and a lot of like, my phone and my only anger, just like I'm having to spam these systems without being able to download a bespoke to do app or something like that. So it's like, yeah, just on paper and in my inbox. And that's how things get done. Well, I have I get a lot of stuff like randomly that's, you know, like a link to a Google Sheet, right, or a Google form that I need to fill out for something, you know what I mean? And so like, I have to, I do that I just leave it as unread. So it's like, do this thing. Put your stuff in here until it's done. And then like, Okay, got it. Let's get it out. I bet. I did that too. I just leave it marked as unread in my inbox. So it's just like this big bold thing like Shannon, my face like, Oh, here it is. Otherwise, I'll, what I do is I'll open it. And then I'll be like, Oh, yeah, okay. I'll do that later, when I have time. And then not do it, and then get a follow up email. follow up email to rest. Just to me, it says, fill out the form. Oh, no. Yeah. Did I Oh, it's always like me. I always get it recent to me later. Yeah. Like, I got, it also happens with the roof, like the performance review thing we have to do every year, you know, like the, like, twice a year, I have to have like, an administrator comes in my room and like, does an official evaluation. Yeah, like the official one. Right. And I had a few already. They're like, they're just like real informal. They have like informal evaluations were just like hanging out. And the principal comes in, like hanging out the back, like, yo, blah, blah, they check it out your rooms off, and then they leave. It's like real informal. There's popping in to say hi, whatever. There's an official one that you have to like, schedule. Right? But they always send it out. Like, alright, what day in in four weeks? Would you like me to come in? I don't have any idea. I'm vaguely aware. Like, I have my week planned out. That's kind of as far as I go. Right. Like, I know what I'm doing this week. Mostly, right. Like, sometimes I change my mind, you know, but like, like, oh, we're not ready to move on to that thing yet. So we got to back it up a little bit. But like, for the most part, yeah, we just do it like, yeah, it's like, oh, we need a review day like bad. Like, we got to do an activity today because we got to give this thing but like when they send it out, like okay, fill this out. Which which one of these days and, like four weeks so you're gonna come in? Pick a day. I don't care. Tuesday, Sure. Why not? Whatever. I'll be right no earthly idea what on earth like, I don't know how to schedule you to come and evaluate me in five weeks like,



I don't know.


Collin  1:05:12

That's also something that gets posted on the window when I finally put that in there. Yo, they're coming on this day. Don't forget, be ready. Yeah, people, I don't like channel like do anything special from the calm right? Like, whatever comes to my classes, my classes here we go oh yeah. Yeah, like I lucked out last time because I scheduled it. And then like they didn't show up because there was like an emergency thing happened, how to do it. And then I schedule again. And they didn't show up again. And so the assistant super, the Assistant Principal, came just like randomly, he just like showed up. And he showed up on our testing de force, where we would know he loved it, though. It was great. We were weird. It was like the end of our earthquake unit. So we, I think I mentioned it like we build things out of toothpicks and marshmallows and then throw on the shaky table and try to break them. Well, he came in on that day. Oh, cool. So he got to see all the fun stuff. He likes sciences. So he was good to go. But like, he was like, yo, that was great. So I was I showed him like my papers. I was like, yo, here's all the stuff we did before this. I'm not just like, out of nowhere, right? Here's my here's why. Here's the build up we got here's our parameters that we had to meet. Here's what we're unit talking about. So I was like, wow, why are you breaking stuff on the floor? Like But no, there's a plan. Okay. Don't worry about the reasons don't weird reasons. Fine. But yeah, that's another good one the person know for sure. there to see you put it here.


Aaron  1:07:08

I do like there's a system now. In my go Never there's like a meeting scheduled, or something, we get the kind of those I guess Google updates sent to me. But the problem is that I get notified of when it's scheduled, like the day of like, Oh, hey, you know, two weeks from now you're doing this and I get that notification. And then I don't get any Oh, hey, just let you know, in another week, you do this until like the day of or the morning of get a notification. Like oh, hey, you have to do this on this date. Am I Huh? What? Where? But that is kind of nice to have. Because I've almost missed several, allegedly in board meetings, where like, there's, there's one day my thing went off. And I was like, oh, man, I got a meeting. And so I got my camera, I'll set up and I'll sit in there waiting. And I was like, hey, my supervisors like what the heck? And then he calls me. And he's like, are you on this meeting? And I'm like, Yeah, the thing said at this time, and I'm waiting for you. And he's like, it's not it's not on zoom. It's at the office. I was like, the notification didn't tell me that. I then had to drive like 20 minutes to the to the other office, not like an hour away, thankfully. But I was like, Hey, I didn't know that. And he's like, well, it's in the original email like, Yeah, but I don't remember that. That was like two weeks. Like,


Collin  1:08:33

I'm sorry. That's Yeah, I am not good at like a Google calendaring. I don't know. I don't do that very well. I'm kind of bad. So yeah, that's why I have to write it down somewhere because I won't. I won't. I


Aaron  1:08:52

I like my setup that I have for like all my notes and documents. Like I still have most of my stuff like on paper. Now granted, I use Google Classroom when I taught but kind of now for my organization. Like I still have like, all these folders that I have. I know where everything's add, but if you're like, Oh, hey, can you put that on this document? Like I don't


Collin  1:09:13

know. I don't know where that's bad. What ancient language? Are you speaking to me? Because that happens


Aaron  1:09:20

a lot where people like, Oh, we sent you this drive and like, I don't I don't know how to do that. Yeah, well, please help. Yeah,


Collin  1:09:27

I lost the link to that. I didn't mark it as unread. And I dug buried in my emails. Yeah,


Aaron  1:09:32

the problem with that is that I marked them. Like I flagged the email. And like, I store it to be like, Oh, hey, this is an important document. And then I forget to when I'm done using it. unclick it again, flag.



I have a file with a little star thing. Yeah.


Aaron  1:09:47

100 or so little red things like, Oh, I'm looking for a document. I forgot what it's called. So I can't look it up that way. So I'm gonna go, I'm gonna do some digging real quick. That's true.


Collin  1:09:58

No, I find this search the name of the person. into? Yes. Ours are a lot. Yeah. The other problem is we get I get a lot of my information allegedly in this like weekly newsletter that our principal sends out. And it never fails, that no matter what I do, I look at it, I promise I look at it. There's always something in there that like one of my fellow teachers will be like, Oh, hey, are we doing that today? Like, what? What are you talking about?



Didn't? Didn't you see? Did you see what you put in the in the thing? Like? No, where did she? She is?


Collin  1:10:41

There's always something that I don't see. She jaybirds is like, the way that she writes it in there. I just for some reason, my brain does not find it. I don't understand. But it happens every time almost like, Oh, yeah. Because she just lists it. And like, it'd be like Monday, these things are happening Tuesday, these things, you know, whatever. So sometimes the information that you need is on the day. Right? Sometimes the information like that infer the thing that I need to know is at the very bottom, somewhere Oh, no. You know, is it like? Oh, I don't know. I got glance at it at all. And try to take it in. But inevitably, I missed something. Yeah. Oh, no, that's bad. What else always tells me like, Oh, yeah. Do you see that on her email? Like? No, no, no, that's bad whenever you do whenever you do newsletters or things like that, when I was making those, like, the same information, like the same kind of information went in the same spot. right in. Yeah. And I think that she'd like changed up the format, like recently. And I think that's just, I mean, I had problem at the beginning earlier, because I didn't find it either if her old format, but like, it's different now. So the top is always like some sort of like, it's like, personalized paragraph about thing, right? Whatever. It's like leadership one on one top part is like personal information. This week was hard for me, I struggled with x thing. I know you are struggling to fellow human. We should bond and empathize over each other, you know, that that thing? And then like, then it started segwaying into other things. And there's like this list of dates with like stuff. But like, somehow, I look at that. And I don't see. The one thing that I know about, it was actually pertinent to me. Yeah. It's the thing that I did look very nice. There's so our English teacher almost always catches me. She's like, Hey, did you see this? No, I didn't thank you.


Aaron  1:13:14

There's an email that's sent out almost like every Monday or Tuesday, there. There's two kinds of email. There's one that's like, it's from one of our original directors that's like, Hey, guys, Mondays are really rough. And I'm like, Oh, my gosh, and then it kind of details like some sort of sob story. And then there's always the, you know, 20s or so people that will always message back, even though it clearly says at the bottom do not respond, where they're like, Oh, thank you. This was so inspirational, motivational to me on my hard Monday, and then followed up with 20 do not respond to this email into which I always want to be like, yeah, guys, make sure you read and don't respond to all but I'm sure I'd get in trouble. And then a few hours later, those there's always an email that says, from our district supervisor, the big honcho that says, Hey, guys, we're gonna have a celebration, zoom, call this Friday at bla bla bla, bla bla. And basically it talks about like, hey, everyone's doing a great job. Keep it up. Bah, bah, bah, but always on Thursdays. It's always usually guaranteed. There will be an email that says, Sorry, guys, the celebration call is canceled. And like, Oh, no. Oh, darn. And then sure enough, followed that up by Oh, no, that's really that's really hard to hear. I've always looked forward to those and then please do not respond to all so it's always a continued cycle of, of every week of I'm going to get spam notification that talks about DHS news. There's always that Monday email and then there's always a celebration call followed up by 50 or so. Do not respond. Hey, respond to all All emails is always a guarantee and i o every Monday morning, I have to go through and click out exactly all of those things.


Collin  1:15:06

Yeah, I logged into mine today just to check and see if there was anything that I need to know for tomorrow. They had to the average check after this probably just to make sure that if I try to sneak something I had 1200 like



discount code emails for like, teacher. garbage. Hey, try out this curriculum. No, stop. I don't want you to think it's not good. Leave me alone. I don't want


Collin  1:15:35

to Wow, go Yeah, I don't want your garbage. It's not good. Like it's not. It's bad. Okay, it's not interesting. It's like, Oh, look, we can your students can read about this like, yeah, I can do that. By myself. Thanks. Yes, I don't need to buy stuff from you. Go away. Good to you. Awesome. No, it's terrible. So much junk from like, all these places like NASSCO or California Education Academy and like, something else I've ever the other one I deleted. It's like, hey, it's always like, I don't know what they think I teach. But it's like, Hey, you can engage your students in this subject like that. No, that's not even remotely what I'm doing Go Go away. So



you don't pay attention to anything. This is obviously Yeah,


Collin  1:16:39

I don't want that to go away. Copy and Paste job. And I get a bunch of emails for like, language arts like to teach language arts Get out of here. I know they don't know. They're just like, Oh, you are teacher, I will send email to like, that's what, but that. And yeah, like, help your kids learn math, but like, I don't need that guy.


Aaron  1:17:09

I still get the emails from different departments that are that are more focused on like, you know, other other fields of DHS, like food stamps. And it's like, are you gonna be at this meeting at this time? I don't know. I don't know. I don't do that at my job. me. Please, don't.


Collin  1:17:32

Please stop. Please stop.


Aaron  1:17:34

I don't know who you are scary person. So I get I get those emails a lot.



Yeah, as of recently, I


Aaron  1:17:43

haven't. Knock on wood. I haven't gotten bombarded with those emails. But we we have a new director now that when they do an all unit,


Collin  1:17:57



Aaron  1:17:58

you have to respond to it. Even if it's even if it's not directed at you or not. Yeah. Remember, supervisors like this is tied to it because like, our emails have a setup that has a little, like, quick message at the bottom that's like, yes, or a thumbs up like no, yeah. But I'm just like, really? Like, hey, this person, get your stuff done. And everyone has to respond to it. Like Oh, sure. You know, you're not talking to me. Oh, of course. I'll do that. Come on now.


Collin  1:18:26

That's terrible. Why?


Aaron  1:18:27

Yeah, it's cuz she she's there with a nice word stickler,





Aaron  1:18:40

you know, to Team activity and team unity. And



well, they


Aaron  1:18:50

they have the stuff that's like, Hey, guys, we're gonna get an all zoom meeting. And we're gonna talk about, um, you know, all the progress that we made together, which mostly ends up with someone, some director yelling at some person that's not even in the right unit. So that usually happens. And then we get the


Collin  1:19:11

what is it like, Hey,


Aaron  1:19:12

guys, if everyone can go ahead and give me a call, so I can tell you what a good job you are? In, or good job you're doing? It's like, I'm out in the middle of nowhere.


Collin  1:19:23

I don't have time for this, like, I have no service. Can you just text me like struggle with that? Like, I know, that people like want validation for what they're doing. I understand as a group people that wants that, you know, they need that. That reassurance that validation that you are doing a good job. You are, you know, your stuff is good, whatever.



I have a hard time because I don't require that really Like, I think part of it might be my prior work background. Right? Like,


Collin  1:20:06

working in, like factory setting. Right? If, if you have to talk to the boss, it's not good. Right? Right. Like, it's kind of the, that's kind of the mindset that I have read, like, if you're talking to the boss, like you done messed up right to like, Yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to talk to the boss. So like, for me, like, I know that I'm doing a good job if I, if you don't tell me anything. Like, I'm just assuming everything's good. We're just like, if you're not coming to seek me out and like, tell me something. I feel like, that's good. we're on the right track. We're doing good. I'm just gonna keep doing it. So like, I don't like in schools are real bad about that. Like, like, oh, everyone's either like, or their staff meetings, they always, she always wants to start with like, the celebration time. And I'm like, No, just tell me this stuff. I need to do it. Give me the data, whatever. Use your big acronyms. I don't actually know what you're talking about. Go for it. Like, I don't really want it don't like that part. Yeah,


Aaron  1:21:15

I am super fine with. And this is kind of the same thing when I was a teacher, like, I'll meet with you, like once a week to go over stuff, and then get out of my classroom. And my supervisor and I have have a really good relationship.


Collin  1:21:29

To where like,


Aaron  1:21:30

I'm one of those people, he doesn't have to worry about, like doing my job. Like, I usually call him like, once or twice a day to ask him questions. But as far as like, work wise, you know, he's like, hey, do you want to meet in a week? Just to talk? Yeah, sure. But other than that, like, I don't have any communications with anybody. He's kind of the same thing. He like me, he hates those celebration calls and the like, oh, everyone's doing such a good job. Mostly, he doesn't like the, the direction. And the kind of the quote unquote, business aspect that people are kind of turn our field into. And so we're, you know, everyone's like, oh, we're a company and like, Huh, you don't have a product? We don't we're not. Um, and so he's just like, I don't, it's like, I'm fine with not talking to anybody. It's just like, just check in every once in a while to make sure that, you know, go on over stuff and just go out there and do your job.



Like, perfect. Thank you. Yeah,


Aaron  1:22:30

he doesn't, he doesn't cover he doesn't like, oh, man, you're doing such a great job. Like, I don't need that is like, the less time I'm off. I'm not on the phone. Or like, in someone's office, the better like I'm just fine. Well, yeah, cuz you have board you're actually working. Yeah, we're gonna we don't have an office anyway. So Well,



I mean, yeah, but I you know what?


Aaron  1:22:47

I mean, he's fine with me. You good? Like a text message. But yeah,


Collin  1:22:52

I'm good. All right.


Aaron  1:22:53

If I can, and then we'll talk about some sort of nerd thing or new tattoo that he's got later.


Collin  1:23:00



Aaron  1:23:01

I do enjoy. There's our our new supervisor is very much like,



Hey, you know, tell me how you feel and tell me how you're doing. I'm like, it's raining right now. It's cold or rainy. What do you want?


Aaron  1:23:14

I'm standing up here. This is the only place that has service and that's why I'm talking to you because it's so cold. Like,


Collin  1:23:21

I know that but that's you know, and I will say in some something I mean, because there are people that want that, you know, and so, you guys, it's better that they're doing it because like then those people get validated that it's good for those people and like people like us we can be like, okay, whenever it's fine. Like it's it's easier that way right? Then if they were catering to me, then a giant section of the people I work with, they're probably like really upset. Yeah, you know, were like, this way it's like they can feel rather happy and I'm just feel indifferent like so. That's kind of better, I think probably in the long run. Overall for everyone. Yeah, because you can at least put to the side I mean, as annoying as it is, like I know within the department, they're putting a real big push on like non monetary benefits and like things that you get so like, last year, they implemented like employee of the month and like all that other stuff and they have this new system of like, how to rank you and like you get it ranked on your goals whether you achieve them and then you get like go through a calibration is through across the department to rank people against one another and like, all sorts of stuff and then at the end what it is, is one of the most blackbox useless things with the department has wasted a year. Develop The system. And all it is is to like raise people up and be like, hey, job you just like you did what we hired you to do. You're so awesome. Like my Yeah, like, wow, yeah, I'm supposed to be awesome. That's why you hired me, right? Is my boss like, you're great? I know, we're in the same page. Yeah, you're our boss, my boss came to us and was like, Look, I know you guys do great work, you are meeting my expectations of being awesome. So like, if, because that's the other thing is like your, your, your supervisor, Pastor rank you basically on like meeting or exceeding or not meeting expectations. So it all depends on what your supervisor thinks of like, are you meeting? Are you doing what I hired you to do? Yeah, that's kind of like our if my official evaluation that's talking about that's kind of what it is, right? There's their rank, like meets expectations does not meet expectations, room for growth, right. That's what that checkbox thing. And those, whatever 20 billion areas that they look at, right? But the problem is, is that that cat, but nobody else gets to see my it's just me. But the problem is, is that category of exceeds expectations, because it depends on what those expectations are and what your supervisor old's for you. Yeah, because, you know, but my supervisor has basically told me in order of minds, ours or meets expectations, and then exceed, because if you exceed, you get put into a larger pool to compete for a rate, right, like, it's like competitive like, so. And so, you know, if just don't fire me, that's all I want. I'm basically said, like, if I need to, if I want to exceed expectations, I need to rescue a baby periodically. And I was like, Okay. I got it. Right. Like, I don't need I don't like, yes, it is nice to be praised and appreciated. But like, I don't need that to be like a big public thing or like this. Yeah. Right. Like, all I need is like our principal brought us like little individual handwritten notes for like Thanksgiving. That's just like a little postcard. With she wrote stuff on the back of it, like, at school, things like that. That's more meaningful than like, oh, rankings, she also brought me a cookie. I'd say that was the best part. Yeah, but like,



just like a little handwritten note, like, I cool. We're good.


Collin  1:27:35

I want to do anything. I feel. See. I'll be like a grandiose thing. Take me to the RAM. And give me a ribbon. Yeah, like, I don't need more no newsletter. Like, please. That would be the worst thing. Oh, no. Definitely. Like, I wouldn't read it anyway. But it's Yeah, I probably wouldn't see it.



Oh, no.


Collin  1:28:04

Oh, I was really awkward. Like the first year I taught fifth grade, like the three of us got nominated for this like award. And we had to go with the principal and the superintendent to this like, award benefit thing. We're like, a visit weird. All three of us were like, uh, I don't really like this very much. Here. What is this? I got an opt out of this. Okay, it's a good pasta. Yes, but I was like, I really? Hey, this is fun. Cool. I don't know like whatever. Actually, you know, that's great. I'd actually yeah, we didn't do that. Just bribe me some ice cream. We'll be good to go like I was Ward baby bag with crows. But again, I know there are many people in the world that like that kind of thing. So I this is just my own take on it. And like I'm weird. Probably outside. But I don't know. And so awful. Well, I think I need to wrap that up. Probably. thank our listeners in Singapore. And in That's right, Singapore. How's it going? What are you doing over there? Crazy. Crazy. Man. New. Yeah. New Indian listeners. People are new. Oh gosh. No. Ah, our new listeners in India. Welcome. Exactly. Listening. Yeah. How's it going, guys hope it's going with hope your office is better than hope it's meeting your expectations. Right as to confuse office workers at one yeah, US ln or Oh, brother And now let us true there. Tell us about your office experiences. We, we want to know. And we'll report back. I am curious if it's a cultural, if there are cultural differences in situations like that, if it's like, different than if the expectations are different than, like, the current American business model, whatever. Right? It would be fastened, because I imagine, I can imagine the Singapore office culture very different. Now, I don't know, listeners from Singapore, you would have to educate me. But I imagine it's quite different. Yes,



I would agree to let us know. Let us know. right in and


Collin  1:30:58

read your letter on the air. So


Aaron  1:31:01

we should we should do some sort of q&a. Just send us we will try to answer them.


Collin  1:31:05

Got them. There you go. A half an hour and 45 minutes in listener engagement.



It's true. No one's listening. You start next week off with that right.


Collin  1:31:16

segment and put it in front of next next week. Yes, let's do that.



Now it's easter egg at the end, right. It's like a hidden track on a CD. Right like


Collin  1:31:27

dedicated listening. Or those who after they fell asleep for an hour and a half. But listen to when also Yes.



I hope you slept well.



creepy thing you could hear at this moment waking up your voice


Collin  1:31:43



Aaron  1:31:44

using three random people to help blow your kids asleep. You're welcome. Yes.


Collin  1:31:49

I'm asking you about it. Would you dream?



your diary too much. No. I'm sorry.


Collin  1:32:09

Love you guys.