rocks for days

Week of reviews. What is the best rock hammer for YOUR needs? We got your covered. Which is the worst Charlie Brown Special? We got you covered? Plus, what makes a good cooking show? You guessed it, we got you covered!

  • Rock hammer corner

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cooking, people, day, breakfast, rock, watch, egg, game, sedimentary, remember, hammer, couple, movie, charlie brown, christmas, true, igneous rocks, eat, closet, good


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to oh brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show rocks two days. Hello.



Getting online



getting on the lines



getting good know the setup and going to be getting yet my desk reorganized here probably later because it's messy.



Not a whole lot. Right and what's new? It's Thanksgiving break now. parade. We did it. We made it temporary. Wow.



Did the brakes start Monday? Or like did it start start today? Is that one of those schools school districts where it's like we can go Monday?



Yeah. So we went Monday and Tuesday. But we are taking off bonus next Monday and Tuesday. Yeah, so we're taking a full week? Yeah, we're extending on the back end. You know, just so we can have some time to recover from some stuff. You know, if anybody does that they can, you know, they have things happen or whatever. So we have a couple extra days off. So good. Okay, next Wednesday. I like it. Yeah. She's handy. I'm just glad it's break up as a band as well. And like, it's the two day week is hard. Right? Because it's like, um, okay, we get, like, trying to time all your stuff out. So you just kind of get to a reasonable stopping point for a week, you know, because like, you don't want to like Alright, today, we're gonna start that. Oh, yeah. When I see you again, in seven days, we'll pick up on Oh, wait. So kind of timed it out. Got to some stopping points today. So it was pretty chilled. Just kind of like pretty chill day. Like we're gonna do a whole bunch just kind of got done system stopping points and stuff like that. So,



ah, pretty good, I think



in the grand scheme of things. But it's everybody's favorite science unit. Once again, listeners. That's right. It's geology time. What? Guess? rocks for days. That's what's happening right now. So doing that, talking about classifications of igneous rocks, bam. Where, where will the students be digging their holes? Ah, that is to be determined. I do. However, I finally remembered to requisition my school budget this last week, so we're gonna anyway, requisition that I'm supposed to do at the beginning of the school year. And I forgot. Because I don't need to buy stuff, right. Like, I, I always fall into this trap. Like, last year, I fell into this trap hard. Like, here's your budget, buy stuff for your class and like, like what? I don't know. And so, this year, first thing on the budget is shovels. Boom, perfect. Sometime over Thanksgiving break. Gonna take a little trip to Lowe's, and perfect. I thought so. Yeah, so we're gonna go get some shovels, so we can just cuz last year, again, our guy, our maintenance director super kindly allowed us to borrow like every shovel that he owned like himself personally. Wow. So but you know, I feel guilty about asking him to do that again.






Secondly, I don't want to be beholden to him to remember to bring them right. Yeah. I especially with it's that time of year where the weather's like really nice one day and like atrocious the next day. So there might be a time where like, okay, it's getting ready. And I might just have to be like, today go right now. Like, you know, I mean, I kind of just want to have them on hand. So I can go do that. So that's first purchase is some shovels. But it's been good this year, because I found I don't know if we talked about this last week on the show, but I found I went scouring around inside the Mystery Science closet. Yeah, it's in the high school, huh? So there's just a closet of science things over there. That's where the shake table thing is, I do my earthquake building dealing. And so I was just poking around in there. And I asked the guy that teaches like physical science, and some other stuff, like the astronomy and all that. So I was like, um, are there any more rock samples in there? Because I saw a couple of random ones. And he's like, uh, probably let me ask around. So he asked the seventh and eighth grade science teacher. And she dug in her closet. And he dug in his closet. And then I went digging in the science closet. Which, again, incidentally, is the old dark room for photography. That's what it was that Susan told me. That's what that was that causes it is. It's by the, it makes sense because it's by the, like, one of the science teachers, the seventh and eighth grade science teacher, her room is in the old art room. And the closet is right next to that. So that kind of makes some sense. Yeah. What's the darkroom closet. And so there's just all kinds of random shelving. And up on some, for some reason, somebody decided to put rock samples on the top shelf. I found I was like, Hey, I wonder what's in this box. And I got it down in his bowl of rocks. And these are old these have been in this closet for I don't know how long. They have index cards that are been written on with a typewriter. And they're just sort of jammed in like some of their like mason jars, which I've never seen anybody put rock samples in mason jars for three days all over the place, shoved in there. Some of them are, have over time over the course of decades, possibly been put in the wrong jar. Because I can look at some of them and go, that's not what that's supposed to be that doesn't match that card. So I've been trying to scour through them pick through discover what is I mean, they're all good, right? More rocks is good. Because, like, it's really handy that we like to be able to get your hands on the stuff. You mean. Yeah. So twice already, we've had a rock show and tell time where we come back to the back part of the classroom there and pretend like we're in second grade again. And we sit in a big circle on the floor, and we pass around rock samples and compare them and talk about them. Right? So boom, yeah. Okay, so doing that. That's what we've been doing. And then that's the big thing we'll be doing. And the other decision I have to make is, do I really think I need to buy a rock hammer for myself? That's the real question to ask here. What do I mean?



If Andy dufrane can can think of certain uses of a rock hammer? I'm sure you could.



Now I have learned this week researching, I tried to decide whether or not I need a rock hammer. Did you know that there are actually two distinct types of rock hammer available for purchase? It did not. He did not. Well. I have learned that there are two types. There is the pick and the chisel. Rock hammer. So there's the one I'm pretty sure the one Andy dufrane had was the pick hammer. Right. However, I have also learned that these two hammers serve distinct purposes. So where if you are working in the field in a place where igneous rocks are prominent in the pic hammer is the one for you, because it's also called the Hard Rock hammer. The pick allows you to break off and pry out pieces of harder rock. Whereas the chiseled hammer, also referred to as the soft rock hammer or masonry hammer is for primarily sedimentary rock. Which is interesting unaware of this and so I went, Oh, yeah, I guess I need the chisel one. And I mean, I mean, if I was gonna get it, if someone was going to buy one in your location for your purposes, they would Yeah, I would need to need a sedimentary rock hammer. So, I'm trying to decide whether or not I need to get money out of my bills. But what was it What was it called again? As a rock hammer is what you can just look for. Geology tool, boom, geology tools. There you go. Right. Whoa, no, it



comes with a cool backpack.



Yeah, I don't think I need a backpack to travel to the front yard of the school. But if I have a longer trip, perhaps



what about a 12 inch unbreakable? Am I Oh, four pound Hammerhead. That's what I just closed.



Yeah, there was all kinds of different sizes. distinguished by weight, apparently. I don't know what that means. For me. Dynamite. I think the city might have a bit of a problem. I go blast school appropriate. digging holes is one thing blasting holes in the front yard probably frowned upon. Also not necessarily necessary in sedimentary formations. soft enough limestone that otherwise pop off. I hate hard enough. be fine.



Can I find a Bible that has a cutout hammer in it? Maybe for those listeners who don't know what we're talking about? Shawshank Redemption? Are you cool people out there?



Yeah, that's I've been thinking I've been playing with rocks. I've also, I bought some more like a like a field guide rock Field Guide thing. It was on sale. So I bought that. And then I've just been messing around with that stuff. I also did find it another box of rocks. previously unknown to me in my very own closet. However, it is just a yes at school. Not at home at school, not in my very own personal closet at home. Good point. Um, but it is just a box of miscellaneous rocks, and none of them are labeled. And so I don't know. Some of them are rather readily identifiable. But the other ones are like, What is? What the heck is that? I don't know that right.



I remember going to my first it was like a teacher professional development day. And it was it was a geology lab thing. And I remember all the other teachers getting so excited about getting like free rocks. And some of the other teachers weren't even science teachers. I was like, is this is this what does this does? This isn't what teachers do. They just go and get free rocks. And it's like, the best week ever? Well, I



mean, it's it's hard to talk about the difference between like a sedimentary and metamorphic rock. Like you could show pictures all day long. Yeah, they don't really it's not the same as if you're holding a piece of, you know, sandstone and a piece of like, nice, right? Right. Oh, look, this one has layers, but these layers are bendy. And you can like because one of the biggest differences between especially like sedimentary and metamorphic rock is they feel different. Right? Like, I just feel different. Like this was so weird and foliated and stuff. So it's been nice to have more things to dislike, hey, we're gonna do more hands on things here. Just kind of get a feel for it. And it's nice because almost all I think at least at the igneous rocks, in my notes and stuff, all the, like the major igneous rocks, like just the big ones, like your granite, your obsidian, your, you know, assault all that stuff. Yeah, I have those now. It's like, Look, the salt array, like, Look, granite. Ray rhyolite. exciting is that. So we might do a little like, I don't know, some sort of matching activity, maybe with the actual rocks and like the names I might do that in Not sure to be determined. After a break, we'll come back just to kind of get us back in the swing before we start the next. The sedimentary part. I think it's the order because igneous sedimentary animal, I think that's how it works. Then shoveling, yes. Everyone's favorite activity.



Are you are you going to watch the movies? holes? as a



reason? Probably not. Then movies a little long. I don't particularly love that movie. But we do have to watch a movie coming up soon. Oh, a little. I learned today. But yesterday, I guess that our celebration thing for like, positive behaviors, because we're the PBS school. Now. We did that positive behavior. I never remember what it stands for. And so whenever we like, do that tracking of that, like, Oh, you did this good. You followed all these directions, you get positive points, or Oh, you didn't listen and didn't follow these directions. So you get negative. It's like, data tracking for behavior, basically. Yeah. But if you meet x percentage of positive total behaviors, we have like reward days, once a quarter. So again, in a normal school year, we like go places. Like the why, or the world's worst one the basketball game at Drury law. So boring, a basketball game? Yeah, last last couple years, we've gone to the it's like Drury has a kid's day in like, January. That's what we've used for our celebration is all mostly because a couple of the teachers specifically the fourth grade teachers love Drury women's basketball very much. And so they're like, Hey, we should go there. And nobody says no. And so is go to this dress, with like, 7000 other kids. Oh my so terrible. But like, by this time, your sixth grade, like the little kids like it a lot. But we've gotten the last two years. So by the time they're sixth grade, most of them are like, okay, whatever. Except for like the four that really are into basketball, you know? Yeah. Well, not four, but like, you know, six to eight. They're like super into basketball and the restaurant we're like, cool. This is great fun. But this year, we're gonna do a movie day in the gym. What? So that we're gonna do so we had to find a movie to watch. So maybe holes that will probably have to be Christmas themed. I imagine that was in the email that I read most of it, but I think holds a Christmas movie. Die Hard now. Yes, that's true. Call alone was bandied about maybe that one. I'm not sure either, but



terrorize others.



Yeah, they're already good at that though. So it's fine.



So real question, though. Side question. Is Nightmare Before Christmas. Is it a Christmas movie? Or is it a Halloween movie?



Go? Well, I mean, that I've seen that movie. One time. Uh, yeah. I watched it once when I was younger, and I kind of I don't really get it. I don't get the appeal. It's not really my speed. I was kinda like, okay, that's cool. But it was not a movie. they clicked with me. Like, all these people are like, oh my gosh. Sorry, listeners, if that's you apologize, but I'm just not it's really not into it. So I'm not sure. I would say it's a Christmas movie. But because that's the point. He wants to be Christmassy. Yeah, you know. 100% but, uh, I don't know. Yeah, it's a little funny because Halloween comes before Christmas. So the Nightmare Before Christmas. And all Yes. And he's trying to become the Santa Claus. Claus. Get it? Because, yes, you get it. Bunny. Bunny. That's good. It's a curvy. Yeah, I don't know.



I don't audience audience comment down below with your with your thoughts and debate debate amongst yourself.



Maybe it's a Thanksgiving movie. We're gonna hire



y'all saw on Twitter somewhere that Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and all the Christmas movies will be out on public release, because I guess the deal fell through. We're sure.



Yeah. No, they just backtracked on making it a bit. I think they just made it. That one free to watch.



Well, that wasn't me then,



I think is what they said. I think that one is free on Apple because everyone's like, I hate you. Why are you ruining my life by taking Charlie Brown away from me? Last good thing in the world, Linus. He's gonna take him away. ourselves. Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is an awful movie. Well, I agree. It's definitely one of the weakest specials. Great Pumpkin is far superior. in just about every way, but you know, it's there. People watch it. It's only like 20 minutes long. So like, it's it's not bad. That's the worst thing in the world. Definitely not the worst thing in the world. But it is one of the weakest penas features. Yeah, geeks will give their voting one is actually super weak to it. Excellent about that. I can't remember. It's like you voted Charlie Brown or something? Like that's not



another one. They're like they're in France or something.



That Yeah. I don't know what that was called. Or I do remember that one. I



didn't. I didn't know that. There was another like, Charlie Brown specials out there. I only knew of the Christmas and the pumpkin batch and thanksgiving and all that. I watched it on TV one time. I was like this. This is a licensed Charlie Brown movie. I have never heard of this.



Yeah. I can't remember what it's called though. You're only I had Charlie Brown. That one? What's the one with a? Yeah, you're not like



I can't remember the other. What's the one prefer Google Charlie Brown France. Bon voyage. Charlie Brown. Boom. Look at that. Yeah. parenthese and don't come back. Yes, I do my car. Do you call this one now? Yes. But yeah, that one's Okay. Fine. The Christmas ones obviously the best one knows. But it isn't No. It is known. So. There we go. Mystery solved. Thank you. You're welcome. Say everything Baba is trying to run as a Christmas movie. They are welcome. Yeah. Shrestha says, Hey,



come back. Sure. Okay, Kelly, vaguely recall that one? I don't really know. I have not seen that one. I've seen it but only like,



twice. Maybe it's one of those ones that I vaguely remember. Kinda like one part. Like, remember, like one part only? And then the rest? And like, Huh, what? I don't remember this. Maybe that's where some of your fever dreams of movie clips and TV segments come from? Like, we talked about a couple couple episodes back where you only have like, just remember that one snippet of something? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it definitely adds to it. Right. Like, yeah. What is that part? Because that's the banding part is you have that one memory of like, a piece of it. Like I don't I don't know what the rest of this is. Because like the ice cream or something in that blue, Ashley Brown. There's like house, like goes out the window. And there's like a whole thing there. And that's like, what I really remember. And I have no context for the rest of it. I don't remember why they're in France. I don't know what's going on. I know. All right. Yeah. Yeah, I



just remembered them being in France. No, no context of or remembering some why. It's like, oh, France needs it. Yeah, pretty much like oh, this is not happening. It's



exciting. Yes, Thanksgiving break at long last. That's something to do. I play video games and get angry at them. Mostly. What are you playing? I decided to punish my. I said to punish myself. I was like, well, I am finally going to play second row. Oh, gosh,



yeah, yeah.



Yeah, I got that nice. Yeah, it's something, it's fine. It's fine. Everything's fine. I was angry. Okay. This is I have made a good choice. I have made a choice. That's what I've done. It's one of those like, it's really frustrating, because it's like, it's one of the things I hate most about a lot of the Dark Souls games. It's made by the same people that make Dark Souls and stuff from software people. They're like, Oh, yes, I love boss fights that are super long and have multiple stages. And if you get one thing wrong, you have to start the whole thing over again. Oh, that's so fun and enjoyable. There isn't it like feels really great. It's fun. And they're like exploring and running around and fighting random enemies is good. And some of the mini bosses are really fine. And a lot of the boss fights are fun, right? Like, mechanically, they find it makes sense, but they're so long. Yeah. Like in Dark Souls, you can combat this by like upgrading your stats. And like, bashing on the boss and do like mega damage, you know, to kind of get through some of the attrition, this one doesn't really have that option. So you just have to like, do it over and over and get the timing all that and I know it's the point. But it's still like, why is this boss have three phases? Why? Well? Yeah. Now what, what, what what mechanics make it fun? What makes it what makes us maybe unique or interesting to you compared to that like that the moving around to the world is right is satisfying? like running and jumping, in grappling, hooking and the stuff. And the combat is fun. It's very, like timing based, though. Yeah, I mean, so like, your normal enemies and your mini bosses when they have like, a handful of attacks. It's okay, you can be like, you got to go, Oh, it's this one, I need to run away, or it's this one, I need to just block and I need to do these parries or whatever. But with the bosses, especially when they're really long ones. Like by the third phase, you've got all the bosses stuff down. And then the third phase, like completely different like, well, in order to practice the third phase, I have to get to it reliably. Yeah. Can't do. And then. Yeah, that'd be that'd be for some other stuff like the art design and like this cool environmental storytelling stuff is really cool. It's really satisfying, just like, run around and play. But some of the boss fights like, why is this so terrible? That's where I'm at mentally currently. It's probably only gonna get worse because like, halfway through, so that means the ones the end will be even more terrible. No, just think of how much better you'll be at them. Yeah, that's the plan. Probably not gonna work out that way, though. Oh, well, I had to look up a term you use there. I had not heard of it before. But it totally makes sense in game context, environmental storytelling. I had, oh, I had no idea what that meant. I'm like, are they talking about like, the environment is like coming from my contact background with like, like, ecology pitches, like yes. Rees, and you're like, No, no, this is how objects are arranged next to each other, to further the story visually. Yes, mechanically. And I was like, Yes. Okay, that totally makes a lot more sense. And I was really confused for what part of it is to they they do things with, like, they do play with like, the actual, like, natural and like that, quote, unquote, game ecology, if you will, right. Yeah. Like that. Space is always very interesting, where they do stuff, but yeah, it's where it how they placed objects and like, things that are just around not even necessarily like interactable things for like stuff. It's just there that you've noticed, and you go, Oh, why is that there? Okay. You'd like dialogue or something sort of vaguely explains to you what's happening or Yeah, what things are put next to each other and it kind of makes some modicum of sense in the game aligned. Yes, sorry. No, no, it's fine. I'm attracted with you now. That's good. extra layer of storytelling medium there. Yeah. To add to things. Sure. I guess. What's it? What's an example of good environmental storytelling versus bad? Um, no, no. So like a bad would just be like, when?



Aaron Are you hammering in the bathroom? Someone hammering now then. Someone's hammer. I don't worry.



Okay. Anyway, batted Viber storytelling is like, probably when they just spot it everything at you everything. And they're like, Oh, hey, blah, blah, blah, blah. And there's not a chance for you to because a lot of the thing about video games is the story. What makes them kind of different is the story is there as much as you want it to be. I mean, so like, in a game like sekiro, or like Dark Souls or something, like you can go through and read every little item description and like, look at everything possible, and get more stuff out of it. You know, and just like little stuffs inferred, right, like, Oh, well, this item is in this boat that the bandits used? That's interesting that that would be there. Or like, oh, here's this giant, like there's a giant snake in Sakura, like a big giant monster snake thing. And like, randomly around, there's just like, a snake skin hanging in the tree. Like, Oh, that's cool. So that means it comes over here and does stuff, right? In a game like, Red Dead Redemption to like around the camp. There's just like stuff. Like, where people's tents are next to each other. Like, you can tell like, Oh, these people get along? Well, because their tents are close by and there's that other guy who's tents over there. And, you know, he wants to be away from everybody or that kind of stuff? Or where they move or what kind of stuff they leave around outside their tent. You know, like, it goes with their character, you know. So just kind of little, those little extra details that bring environments make them more believable. In a story, I think, instead of just like, random. on, you know, whoever knows whatever junk is just laying on the floor, like whatever. Games like Fallout do a really good job too. Because there's like, okay, that item is here for like, a reason. Like, it's not just like around like, Yeah, well, it sounds a lot like the difference between what like museums used to be or just a collection of like, books is a random read off in a cabinet. Yeah, versus like a diorama where you can see Oh, okay, this is how this was l this is what this looked like, this is what color it was. Look at these things. Yeah, it's almost like a more more curated instead of just like, yeah, blah, although, you know, some games used a blah setting too, because that also gives off a certain environmental image shouldn't rain here, so it's got places? Yeah. Well, it's like in TV, the, like MTV cop dramas, a lot of times it be that as you know, Bob, of course, you know, they're on vacation or whatever. Kind of just moving it along through. Quick. Yeah, exposition. Yeah, yeah. Whereas otherwise, in a different sort of medium, it would just be implied. Because like in a video game, you would have like, you would find like a date on a calendar circled and like, ticket receipts or something like that. That's how you would know he was gone. But you don't have the time in a television show. So yeah, you have to become exposed to that. Mm hmm. Nobody likes moving along. Exactly. Moving along the story. Yeah. Let's go. Yeah. So yeah, anyway, that's my big claim. And that's kind of it, but recover from that mental anguish of we discussed a couple years ago, just the constant state of people around always, all day, sixth graders everywhere. So it's a bit of a nice mental break of just like yeah, look, it's Quit. The world can be quiet. Look at that. Yes, it's possible. Indeed. Oh, well. Nice. We haven't had a whole lot going on here. We were crazy busy with dogs last week, like insanely busy. Lots and lots of dogs. And then over Thanksgiving, nothing, which is fine. That's okay. I'm, I'm cool with that. It's just interesting now. Like tomorrow, we have eight dogs. And then Thursday. We have one. One dog in addition to Kobe. Like, this is what Yes, I mean, other COVID that's where they tomorrow you have a bunch. Yeah. I know. I know. Whatever. People are doing different days. Yeah. But like, this is weird. It's all in that day instead. Yeah. Very odd. It's just for one day, not like, Oh, we have we have a we have eight dogs in our house in our house tomorrow. And all but one goes home. Oh, wow. Yeah. So weird. Really weird. Really weird. And we've started doing take cares for a guy that works at Hobby Lobby. And so he has these Grazie, grazie ship, to like, he's working Black Friday. And he's like, yeah, I'm gonna drop my dog off. And then I'm not gonna be here for like, 12 I'm so sorry. Dude. I forget about Black Friday, because that's not a thing I ever participated in. So I don't often think about it until someone mentions it and like, Oh, yeah, that's a thing



that's happening.



I will make doubly sure to avoid people that day. Again, the only again, the only context that I have, because I've never done it. Personally. Like the only context I have is like, extremely negative. Right from like news. Or like, you know, you know, old ladies getting a fistfight over the last tickle me Elmo, right. That's the bad Yeah, I remember. That's true. That's true. I remember the fist fights over tickle me Elmo and Cabbage Patch dolls. Yeah, for that very, very clearly. I can't tell you what people are getting fist fights over these days. It PS fives. I think that's what did you hear legitimately sold out? Yeah. Did you hear that? Sony? Well, yeah. For some Well, I mean, yes. Totally not. On purpose. Right. Limited early, really early. or limited release at the beginning. Yeah, totally. Totally. Not to drive demand for there. But yeah. Definitely not artificially increasing demand by totally underestimate. Yeah. Because what giant company like that, like, Oh, we underestimated the amount of people that would be interested in our product by 1000s.



No, you did.



Yeah. I was shocked by that Demon Souls remake, man. So they want? Yeah, I never buy video game things. The release day? Or usually even the release year? Like I wait a little bit. Because usually Usually, the first one is the first iteration of the new one is not the best one. And in like two years, it'll be cheaper anyway. So like, well, and especially because they've gotten into this. Not necessarily tech talk, but because they do stretch it right. They'll do different form factors. They'll do a slam they'll do different bundles and packages with them over time. So yeah, I feel like Yeah, I know. It's going to be cheaper here in a little bit. Or the last Xbox that came out, right, the first one that didn't have any memory in it. What are we doing stuff back, so I waited and bought the one that had like, a lot more memory for stuff. Like why would you do so? But yeah, I just wait is fine. I don't and there's nothing that I'd be like, Oh my gosh, if I don't play it right now. It's okay. It'd be fine. It'll be there. Later. I still can't get over itself. Its size and its shape. It looks very, very trippy. Looking very weird.






it does it is more aesthetically pleasing then the Xbox thing though. Well, that's just it's like a giant rectangle. That's it. It's like a huge, right? It's enormous. And it's just a rectangle. Like, it's so big like, what? I was thinking to myself. Like, where would I put that even? I don't even remember that day in here with a grand, I guess. Giant vertical. Looks like an old PC tower. Like what? Well, that where you played that thing? Yeah. Where people were having to look at their entertainment centers and TV stands and be like, oh, where does this thing go now? Yeah, it doesn't go on mine. Or fit in there. I don't understand it. But I don't either. But whatever. Like, it's fine, I guess. But you know. Yeah. It is weird though. Thinking about this, because I, I bought, I've also been playing the Tony Hawk remake. I finally bought that, by the way. It's great. But the thing about those the hardware and the powers and like the video games that you remember, right, I was because you're like, oh, man, I remember all this stuff. Right. But obviously, the graphical fidelity is like, infinitely better. Yeah, and the one that came out in like, 1999, or whatever. Um, but you don't really realize, like, how much better Really? In your mind, right? Because in your mind, you've, like, at least in my mind, like, because I have continually been involved in playing video games. And we'll just take the Tony Hawk. franchise and stuff. I have played a bunch of them. Right? Not all of them, obviously, but a lot. Up until like, I know, a couple ago, I would just buy them because I used to buy to use like, Oh, yeah, check this out, need to use games or whatever. So I've played tons of them. But because you like play them incrementally. As they get better over the years, you kind of forget what the first one looks like. And so I'm playing the remake, right? And I watched a video that was comparing the old one, like the first one. And I went, Wow, it's like you the, like, the polygon shapes are the thing that you would remember being different. Because like that one was, like, I remember that. Like the, the character models didn't look great that some of the animations are really weird, and stiff. The thing that is absurd is the draw distance that you can see forward in the game. As like, in the old games, it would be like, Oh, you can see up to that point. And that's the that was the processing power of that. Yeah, it console. And then it was sort of like foggy, you know. And so when you watch those old videos, it's like, it feels like you're in this actual fog. Like, how did I ever find any of this stuff? Right? Because you can't see it at all. Until you like really close to like, how did you ever get any collectibles? Because it's like, you have to be right. So impossible to see farther distances because the the hardware can't render the game that far away or explodes because it can't deal with. Yeah. That's a good point. I know. Sometimes I know myself included, how you can say okay, well, it just looks better. But that doesn't affect gameplay. But when you put it in this context of like, well, actually now you can start putting things on the horizon things, you know, broadening that world, giving you Yeah, text and then putting things out. So you know, you will go find them easier than just by pure happen. Yes. So that was the one of the things I was like, wow. That's crazy. And also makes sense why a lot of those first levels are several of the levels in Tony Hawk one are inside of buildings. Right? Because you can limit that you don't have skyline not to have skylines, or Well, a lot of all of them are enclosed, but like the couple of the really big ones that are outside like you go. I saw the videos of those things like whoa, how did you do? Allen ever figure that out because you can't see it. All right. Yeah. So that was a little eye opening. Wow. There we go. True. And I think the other thing is that made it hard for me to realize that it's because they a lot of those levels they've remade over the course of time, right. So you can play them again in a different iteration from the first one. So maybe that's the one that you remember. You know what I mean? And not the actual first one. So it's like, oh, no, that's, that's way worse than I remembered. Oh, well, what's he? Right? He's not playing that first one anymore. So yeah, doesn't really matter, I guess. But yeah, the feel is there, that's fine. But the actual execution is far superior. And that's what we're after. At the end of the day, most times. Yes. Really? Just want to do a certainly impossible skateboard tricks. That's it and impossible combos and silly things. Yes. Perfect. All I want life. It's true. To beat did you guys do the TV ever finalized the homework that we normally talked about last night? Yes, I did. Did you do the homework? Did



I did not all errands that



no homework boy this time? No. Well, that's all right. We will fill you in Aaron. apparel, all the glory. That is James Mays. Oh, cook. You know. So last time, I never watched the only baking show or a cooking show I'd ever watched was like, one of the really, really wasn't one at Gordon Ramsay yelling at people. And even then I never really watched the whole. Did you ever watch any of those old Julia Child? Well, yes. So I remember watching. Watching that one, you know, watching her cook. But that was that was it? Um, so there you go. My perience in the cooking world is to the child. And ordinary me to very upset as a second. I'll have her an excellent Epic Rap Battle of history if you're interested.



I was about to make a comment on that.



Oh, no. Anyway, continue. No, it's it's so good. Like. It's fantastic. Oh, but side note, when I log back onto Amazon to watch that. It had it had recommended me like 15 bollywood movies. There's a billion other things like maybe you should watch this. Oh, wait. Oh, yeah. You're probably not gonna watch all those. But I just thought really funny that it was like, Hey, you still want to watch these? Like, remember these? videos are so good. Yeah. That was hysterical. So I thought I'd share that as well. Great. Great. Um, no, I uh, I'm obviously a big fan of James Bay. And anything that he has to do, though, you know, this is this is really interesting. I liked kind of the conceit of it. Being You know, he was paid to make a cookbook, and he's cooking recipes from it. As part of this, but I absolutely love the one part that always gets me is when he goes back and he gets the help coming from the closet to do the cooking That bit that he did. That's very funny. Like, he needs help. And you can see the look on his face where he's like, his steps. I mean, I need assistance. I need assistance. The right muscles work. I just, it was I like that part of it a lot. You know, the the actual booking stuff? Yeah. It seemed great. It was it was nice to have something that was kind of being watched tongue in cheek and being presented in that I haven't. Again, I haven't watched it many cooking shows. The what I hear about them is that are they tend to be very presented in a very serious manner very polished manner. This is almost irreverent towards the cooking show, as a whole. Not over. Yeah, that's Yeah, I agree. Right. not overtly in any way of like, middle finger up, do it. But like that, but just, it was very like, yes, we know, we know. We know. We all know what these kind of shows are. This we're not doing that. Yeah. And he shows that in a couple because there's a couple of that I watched where, especially like, I think it was the breakfast one where he there was one party's like I would show you. I want to show you how to make this by showing you how I screwed it up. And it just goes to show them like screwing up the Vegas like this is terrible. absolutely awful. I don't like it that throw it in the bin. Like good. So that's, that's a good you know, that's a good example of that. It's like, well, this is how it should have worked. But it didn't this time. Oh, well. I was like the part where he does the like, I can't remember what he called it. I didn't write any notes down this right in front of you. Yeah. But like the part where he's like, Oh, yeah, you take these random things that you have in your cabinet and make it a thing right. So he had that part where he was like, I'm just gonna take this thing and this thing in the cabinet and this random junk and make something and see if it's good or not. I did he did. He did that with spam. And every Yes, every bump into spam noodle. Yeah. Spam noodle. It reminded me of the Oh gosh, the motorhome challenge on Top Gear where all guests with cooking spam in Oh my gosh. The big fire erupts in Hammonds house. Yes. He's cooking his little tamarins making a little dessert thingy. And it goes all wrong with Yeah. Yes. I had a flashback to that. While he was cutting the ham. I was like, oh, oh, that's true. This one. James May is mildly obsessive spam. If you've ever seen him do anything. Or even like food tribe on the YouTube random cooking thing he does. Like, it's it's definitely like, basic, I really like spam a lot. Weird. But, I mean, it's Yeah, so it was that's that was a cool stuff. Like, I'm gonna make this thing with some just random stuff that you already have in your house. Probably. What can you do with it like that? Then make it more it's felt much more accessible than like other cooking shows that you watch, you know? And I think that's too is the kind of the overall message of all of the episodes was like.



Yeah, like



there's not any really actual rules for cooking. You just kind of go with it. Yeah, and see what happens. And that's okay. Like, that was kind of the message is like, it's fine. It might not be the best thing ever. But it'll be edible. And it'll be okay. Try to get next died. Like it's fine. Don't worry about it. Just give it a shot. A lot of cookies winging it. And then you see, yeah, it's usually not presented in that accessible manner. You know, it's like, oh, he had to be like, exactly like this. And it's gonna be like, amazing. And he's kind of like, maybe it's even like on that spam one where he coats them in. And he cornflakes like, cornflakes. And he fries them. And he like, like, legitimately burns it and everyone's like, Oh, yeah, you've heard that. And he's like, Oh, it's not and then there's like, a really awkward cutscene and they're not burnt anymore. Oh, yeah. There's like brand new totally. unburned ones He's like, see, I have no idea of talking about these aren't burn at all. Okay. Yes, that was very good. Like you said, thinking a lot more accessible, and that these things happen. And just just to do it right and not not do it right. But to do it, comma, right in the question mark I just said, anyway, but does the deuce and tries it right? Yeah. And there's you know, he always joking Lee, most of the times like, oh, now here's the great controversy and he talks about, like, how people disagree on how to make like x thing, you know? And so a couple of times, he's like, we're gonna do it both ways. And see what happens. Like, the pasta when he makes the pasta is like two different ways. And he's like, that was fine. Like, that was kind of the takeaway is like, shut up and eat the pasta, man. It's fine. Don't worry about it so much. Let's just do it is okay. Yeah, don't get caught up in that and or if you've always been in one camp, try the other one. Yeah. Now, I will say it is interesting to because, again, most of my cooking show exposure has been with American chefs. So there are very, very, very great many extraordinarily British things that happen on the show. Like, makes lots of things that you're like not, they're rather atypical for, like, a lots of American things, right? There's like, because it makes like, the pie one, for example, is what I would think about right? To make pies. Right. But like, British meat, meat pie, you know, vegetable pie. Yeah. But, you know, that's a very, in other places. That is a very staple thing, right? England is one Australia, they have a lot of that stuff, because it's very influenced by English cooking, obviously. But like, mini America is chicken pot pie would be the only thing that I could really think of. And, like, I don't, I don't actually like chicken pot pie. I have had like an English pie before. And it was like, amazing. So I it's just not something that I was exposed to very much before. So that stuff like that is very interesting. Because he's like, Oh, yes, a staple dish. Like, what? So seeing that span and kind of learning about just different things, or so that anybody can just be like, Oh, that looks good. I'll try that. What's that? Like? is a different and interesting take on it. So I thought that was kind of cool. Well, yeah, I was gonna add just do that on the segments where he's like, anything in your cupboard, we're gonna make something. There were a few items in there that are I was like, I don't think any of those items are in in American capital. And that's also true. There's a couple of them. They're like that. Like, wait, what you have what in your cupboard we talking about? No. No, no, I don't have anchovies. Sitting in my cupboard. Why would you? Yeah, I mean, some people do we have sardines, I think somewhere. But in similar small fish in Putin, so maybe, but yeah, there's a couple things like I don't have that. we talking about? Some of that, like, Oh, can tomatoes like up? Yeah. Okay, through tomato sauce or whatever. Like, yeah, I have that. Or can get relatively easily, you know, easy access to it. And some of the other one that I thought was particularly interesting was like the breakfast one. Did you see that one? at all? Yeah, I think that was one of the first ones, isn't it? No, it's one of the last ones. Oh, I skipped that one. Because I didn't really I don't like roast. I don't like Well, I'm one of them. The other one was like puddings. Right? Yeah. I don't like English pudding. You know? That one, I want to part of that one. And I was only kind of half paying attention. So I don't really know what's going on the whole time because English putting in something extraordinarily unfamiliar with not being English, so I have no real context. And most of those ingredients I do not have the access to right like I just haven't had laying around. Can't find it in the local grocery store. You know, so that one is a little bit out there. Like the breakfast one like oh yeah, we're gonna make smoked They're like poached fish and egg and like rice or whatever, like, Yeah. Wow. Okay, I got us like. Yeah. But again, like it's interesting, just from a viewpoint of like, like, depending on right, it's very all vary depending on where you live. Right. So if you live in a certain area, when you think breakfast, they're very specific things that come to mind. Yeah, I mean, like, dairy, Jerry specific things. So as an American, you think breakfast, there's certain foods that come to mind poached fish, not necessarily at the top of that list. I'm not saying it's bad, I'm saying regionally, or, like, according to your country, you eat different stuff, like just different things are okay. And even in the US, like, very regional, like what is acceptable for breakfast, you know, like, the Southwest in the West Coast do not have biscuits and gravy on the breakfast menu, anywhere. I mean, that's like a southern slash, Midwestern thing. So it's, it's different. And so it's just I'd say, it's kind of cool to be exposed to things that other people would eat for breakfast are considered breakfast foods. Because they are different. Because when you get presented with like, that or other things that are breakfast tea, because like, you know, traditional English Breakfast is even like, why would I want beans on my egg? Oh, nope. I do want that. Yes, thank you. I want more, or like, Indian breakfast, right? With all the vegetables and the rice and stuff. It's very like, do I really want that for breakfast? And you eat it and go? Yes. Actually, I do not hate this. This is very nice. So this is the it's just kind of cool to kind of thinking about that kind of stuff. Like, what other things are you but how are you limiting yourself with India, your meal choices, right? Like, what? What other stuff? Could you be eating instead? What outside of your little comfort zone have? Breakfast is cereal, or pancakes or waffles? Or toast or eggs in some form? Like, you know, I mean, that's kind of like in the United States, right? Like North America. That's kind of your breakfast, right? That's kind of Yeah, like most that's what most people think of when they think of breakfast. regionally, you have other things like, like I said, biscuits and gravy or in the southwest, like, Teresa, things are whatever, but like nominally, those kind of things are your predominant breakfast foods. Whereas like I said, poached fish and rice, not high on the list of mine, but I'd be willing to try it for sure. Like, that'd be a look good. But seeing and seeing how things are made, like sat? I don't know for me helped me go. Oh, okay. Yeah, I would actually like that. Or it's more interesting than knowing, like, going from ingredients to plate versus just showing up in front of you. Because that's where my bro Yeah, that's true. Yeah. I don't know if I'm interested in this. It doesn't look that good. But uh, but watching the process all sounds like okay. Yeah, I would actually really pleased. Yeah, cuz you get to see that ingredient going, like, Oh, I like that thing. And they see something else. Oh, I like that thing, too. Oh,



look at that.



So, yeah, that was kind of the big. Especially that episode kind of highlighted that. For me. It's like, Oh, yeah, these are other things you can eat. Or like, you know, a lot of people eat eggs. But a lot of people eat eggs one fashion. Only. Forever. Right? Like, that's it. They don't have the variety in their egg diet. I mean, they are incredible. So and they're pretty edible. I've heard that you need to branch out and try, you know, try it. Now. I will agree that making eggs in those variety of ways is a bit daunting. Right? Because even something like an egg, you can make an infinite waste. Most people can make it one or two. And the rest of them are kind of like mysterious, like the mysterious poached egg. Like how do you really poach an egg? Like what do you remember the egg poacher that we had growing up? It was white. And you could practice Yes, it went in the butt. Like, how much water you put in and how long you did it? Who knows? Oh, no. Yes. Mysterious. Anyway, it was only it was only until several years ago where I saw somebody put an egg on the stovetop and a pot and was like, What are you doing? What was happening? I was out working. I think that was like online when I screwed up or something, cuz that's how you're supposed to do it. I know that. Like, I can scrambled eggs, I can fry them. boom, done. That's all I got. Like, I haven't been hard boiled them. I can probably hard boiled egg that in of itself is not too difficult. But okay, maybe I've never actually done it, though. So let's maybe let's not jump to conclusions. Okay. But it is a hypothetical possibility that you understand the possibility that I could do that. You understand the concept of what it means to hardware? Yeah. Yeah, but even like, it took me a while to realize that Yo, if you want to, like make an egg, this just like sunny side up. You just put it in the pan and then put the lid on it. Right. Done. Like, and that thought was like, because again, because I can actually not cook anything, right? I don't think duck cook anything ever. That revelation was like, just a mind boggling in and of itself was like, Whoa, that's different than frying an egg. Because then there's no flipping. Yeah, that little realization of how that works is like, whoa. Cooking mystery saw. Where's my show? Right? It'd be the actual worst cooking show of all time. No one would watch that. That'd be terrible. No. Jimmy ain't being very confused and making inedible things. Or just sandwiches like this week's sandwich is? Well, let's see here. Don't have any different ingredients from last week. So yes, so but and the lettuce is healthy. So we're not gonna have lettuce we got throw that out. Whoopsie, Daisy, tomato, ham and license this. mac and cheese. Yes. So yeah, see, you can see how not exciting this would be for people to watch. When we when we record it up. Yeah, so again, I I really like this. I am I go in pre biased, because it has James dice fair. And I will watch just about anything. I've watched everything James Bay has done in it in a video format. So yes. But I seen him in this environment, and how it was shot. And also again, knowing how others tend to be shot and run. It was very enjoyable to watch. And see again that it was a ton of tongue in cheek really pointed at, at how those typical cook cooking shows are done. Because again, he was saying, I don't know how to cook, but I will say no, I don't believe that given how he was in the kitchen. Okay, I'm just gonna say, Yeah, well, he does caveat that right? He says like, I know, he's like the first episode. Yeah, he kind of says I can't cook. He's like, actually, that's not true. He's like, I can make about five things reasonably well. Yeah. Like, so. It's like, using my logic, that means I should be able to make other stuff passively. Well, also, let's find out if that's true. That's kind of the gist of the whole show. Right is like, I'm reasonably competent with these. Like, a couple things that I know how to make. But those skills in cooking are very transferable to other things. Yeah, I mean, and just kind of the, the willingness to be like, Oh, I'm just gonna try that. See what happens if I do this, you know, or, let's try this one out. See, like that that's I think the point of the show is to make it more just feel more accessible because for a lot of people, myself included, cooking kind of feels like mystery. Right, like, how do you? How do you do that? How do you know that's what you're supposed to do? Yeah, that's true. So I think just the, the kind of the laksa days ago approach and the like, law, the fair attitude of like, where it's gonna throw this in there, see what happens? is kind of positive for a lot of people to see that and go, Oh, it's not like a mysterious you know, thing after all, you don't have to, like, study in a cave with a wizard. Right? Like, yeah, like, knowledge bequeathed unto you from some sort of, like, higher level master. Right, you can just wing it and figure it out. Like, yeah, again, I think that's the that's the point. Yeah. I mean, in theory, again, you could say that theory if I try it, probably has some different results. Uh, but so listeners Oh, brother cooking show coming to you spring that 21. Look. Oh, dear. I don't know. Smash that like and subscribe button. Bam. There we go. Yeah, I think so. I guess. Well, no better. So I watched. I watched the first I binge like, or, and then I was in our kitchen. And I was like, ah, I put my own here. I could No, no. Way moving away. Ah. It's coming. I see. It's gonna happen. It's gonna be great. We're not I'm not doing that. I enjoy it. Aaron. Yeah. should watch it. Watch it turn around to get to my list. Don't worry. At least at least watch like one of them. I would just I would just pick one. That sounds interesting. And just watch it because they're broken out by like, like, again. I don't like roast. Yeah, I didn't really pay. I watched part of it. But I don't really pay close attention because I don't like roast. I don't like roast anything. Doesn't matter. I think he roasted chicken. That sounds slightly better. But like classic like, Oh, I'm gonna throw all the stuff in the pan and put it up into Bros. I'm not into that and like it. Not even a little bit. So I was watching one that you think is kind of interesting sounding the Asian fusion one is probably one of the most interesting I like yeah, if you don't one I just cuz he just kind of goes ham on like all kinds of stuff is like we're gonna try this out. Throw this stuff in here. Like that one. And the curry one was pretty good. Yeah, I think it was another really good one. That one made me really really hungry for some curry, which ticked me off is the closest curry just two hours away. That's not fair. Yeah. So yeah, so they're the episodes are entitled, this will help Aaron to decide. And the listeners if they are interested, too. The first one is called Asian fusion. Second one is pub classics. So that one is English. pub food. Obviously. The third one is pasta. That's another that's the other good one. Like that one too. And then four is curry. Five is pudding. Again, that's traditional English pudding. So not super interested in most of that. A six was breakfast and seven was roast. Hmm. Oh, I liked the the breakfast one, the curry one. The pasta one. And the Asian fusion. Probably my favorite ones. But the pub classic one was good, too. And maybe I should watch the pudding one again? Because I barely remember what happened in that one. So yeah, I like the pub one. Mostly for how he or the pie that he does there. It was really good. Seeing him. It did make me want another one of those. Because again, I haven't had one in a long time now. And that is not a staple. American food is his meat pie. Like at all. Like you can't even find them most places like anywhere. Unless it's like, unless you've somehow stumbled upon like a English restaurant. Right? Which of which there aren't too many. And most of them are just like we have fish and chips. Okay, fine. And kind of the extent that they



go, yeah.



more to it than that. But never. No, no, just fish chips only. That's That's all it is. I apologize to all of our UK listeners right now. Being so horrible. I'm sorry. some exciting news inside baseball here. We podcast just got listed just got listed on India's number one platform for podcasting for real Yeah, I just got it Hey yo India pusher it says called Ghana ga in a comment or Ghana, something like that. But yeah that would happen earlier this week though. You go Wow. That's exciting. Do you love you India? Very fun food. Regional Food is x and I am a fan of your some of your movies. Collins still hasn't finished his homework. Yeah episode so a while back for Sorry about that, but I man, love it. Maybe that's what I'll do over Thanksgiving break. Some more Indian cinema. Take a break from my angry boss battles. Stick a good Ichiro. Happy times, you guys. But yeah, no, I just throw that out there. So that's pretty rad. Yeah. All right. I was like I saw I get a little button to click and I was like, Yes, of course. So, anyway, the news on that front. Very cool. Here we go. Hello, India. How's it going? Well, is it for today? I think. I think that's about it. Right? Oh, I'm gonna go scrub some floors. Go. That's nice. Fun. Fun. Is perpetual battle. Laundry and wage cleanup to since it's time for stuff. So. Kevin over here. Yeah. Some random dudes coming to my house. Hey, yeah. weirdo. I know. The fingerprint. Check his ID door. Yeah. Oh, that sounds hard. He's gonna try to clean up all the dog food off the floor for you. He's got



the static of it. I'm



sure it'll be very distraught to be dead. He's all



he's been getting his food stuck on his face when he eats. And so he just like walk around. He's like falls off. It's like before Charlie? jack. Oh, no. Yes. Is a funny though. Like, why is there more food everywhere. So let's see if we can figure out what to do to help him eat a little better. Turn messy boy currently, I don't know what's going on. Pam, honest face before you eat. Now, I think we might need to raise up his bowl just a little bit. Oh, is he having 200? Over two bar board? Yeah, I think that might be the problem. Because I think when he punches daddy's shoving his whole face in there. We're gonna try to find something that's just like, but he's still a very short dog. Right? So like a stool is not just a little spaniel. So I just like an intro to out the floor. I was gonna say might help him. Three least find your three least favorite books. By stru. Put that in there. say here is here's this random paperback that I bought. And I can't tell you anything about it. So it must have been great. Enjoy. Enjoy. Yeah, we're gonna try that. See if that helps him out. See if he's punching over too far, but I think he's doing I think he's hunting down. He's like, shoving his face in there. It's just getting all over. So



poor chuckles Yeah.



But he's gonna eat his food mixed with the yogurt because helps him chew it since he doesn't. Yeah, teeth, very much teeth. And it really has helped his stomach a lot. So and he loves it. So so many positives there. Right? Very positive. Mostly he's just like, all about it. Like more. But the fact he's shoving his face in there makes him extremely messy boy, after his chin is just like completely covered with yogurt. Yeah. So I expect an update. Yogurt face dog next time. Yes. Just try to find something that fits into there. Don't know what yet Have you on the hunt? Yes. No