Be kind, rewind

- Aaron has a couch

- Brandon makes a carnival game

- Collin is medicated

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I just opened the thing and it was like join why


it's for some reason it's it's linked to my phone. And so if I like close it out on my phone it automatically just like close out whatever.


And so I like you can sit there and it calls on my phone but I can't respond to that or else it'll close out on my computer for some reason.


That's interesting. Yeah. And so I'd be like to listen to it via


Right like crazy and like I can My computer is trying to load I can't do anything about it. I'm sorry.


I understand that don't worry, I got ya know, well it it said start call and it was like we've made group calling a little less intrusive by introducing a new feature ring lyst calling your members of the group will get a notification that a call is available for them to join. And I was like, oh, okay, sweet. Why not click?


That's interesting. I'm having a phone call where the other person doesn't get a sound trigger saying hey, someone's calling you bit it's a little bit interesting, but I see what they're going for but uh, no, no.


I like but I wasn't even on yet. I like literally open the thing and it was like, join


so much


Whatever it is.


Goodness. Well, Aaron glad you made it back. All safe and sound. Yeah. How's everything been? Ah, so I have to go back down Monday morning.


So I'm going to leave here by like 530


and because I have to go I have to go to Norman. Which their offices at So, yeah, even further south. Right right. So no it's it's it's not it's not bad it's just a lot of


there so it's there's meetings there's like partial training or it's like these are new techniques to be able to interview people.


But the problem is, is that the group that I'm in there's only there's a few people with experience I me


and then the rest are like, new like, right off the car lot. brand spanking new, like


People into the adult world like they just got out of college is like their first grown up job. And so


they're very, you know, wide eyed and in everything and so you have to listen to


don't they? like us who have to sit there and listen to them? Like, Oh, we've never actually talked to real people before and we're just out of college like, Oh, well, that'll be fine.


But yeah, it's any everything's, it's nice to talk to. I talked to 11 year olds for living, even


talking to real people. I was doing that.


I'm afraid I'm afraid of adult people. I don't want to talk.


I just don't like people in general. So


I was in there and they worked a little hard. They did the classic like oh, well, you know, go around the room and tell us who you are. Not like


five come up with an exciting story. Like no


I was like, and you know, like, just start quoting a movie characters bio and till somebody notices this right?


So my,


my awesome sarcasm doesn't


like some people don't get it.


And I have the same problem like,


which all the time so like, you know, they did the classic like, oh you know go around the room and tell us who you are and you know the people and like I sit in a group with people who've been in like law enforcement for like, six years or people who are former teachers and then the other side of the group there was like,


like, you know, people who just got out of college, and they're going around, they're like, Oh, so what made you want to do this really will come out it kind of made you want to be an investigator. And people like, Well, you know, I just I just really uninspired to help people and all this stuff and blah, blah, blah. And of course, I'm trying to, like throw up my mouth. But when I got when I got to me, I was like, Well, you know, what, I was younger. I watched. I watched the movie Who Framed


Roger Rabbit, and I just I thought my investigates, investigatory skills will be perfect from what I learned from that movie. And no one on the other side of the room got what I did, but everyone on my side lost their marbles because they're


hurt. And I was like, right? Yeah. I I'm proud of you right now. Just glowing with pride because it's a genius answer. I love it is


they pulled up a movie, like a little clip. And it's like, How to Be kind to people. And it's that it's a YouTube video of a, like a blind person. And he has the sign. It's like I'm blind. You know, please help me up, throwing down like a few change. And this lady comes by and, you know, changes a sign like changes the wording brings up a sign to people start throwing down more money. And then she comes back and he's like, what did you change my sign? She's like, I didn't change anything. I only change the word


And then the injector is like, well, how did you feel about that? And then some of the other people are like, well, or like the, you know, new, new people were like, well, I don't think it was very nice of her to grab his sign and everything. I was like, Well, to be honest, he couldn't really see what she was doing. And again, my half of the room laughter everyone else did not laugh.


It's gonna be a long six weeks.


See, you can tell that I am now old. Because I, when you said how do you be kind? I immediately thought you rewind, obviously.


Like, you gotta rewind before you take it back. That's how that's what


this is.


It's kind of hard to apply that general theme to everything else in life, but starting out, I think, I think




on blossoming a theory as we speak here, do you think the lack of analog interaction has made us less kind to each other?


The the soap because you used to have to do things like that for other people just in general. And now you don't well think. Yeah, like, like payphones, you would have to give up your time because someone was waiting in line. So you couldn't just always be there. There was all a lot of when you're in the analog world, you were there's a lot more social and societal cues that are, you know, on you and that you're dealing with so Yeah, exactly.


I think that's maybe we're some more exploring there. Yeah, yeah, monster meme. Write that down.




Just Just in general, it's, it's going. It's not overly thrilling.


Because, you know, I've already been out investigating and talking to people. And so they're all like, Well, you know, you have to be what an order this lady say. Like, she gave us like a whole spiel of like what we're supposed to say. And I'm like, um, have you? They were talking about like, like police response in heaven, just in case of emergency. And they're like, the average time of a police response is, you know, three to five minutes. Like I'm I work and I.


And when I call


when I call them, like, they, they didn't show up to like 45 minutes later. And yeah, that was like, everyone just kind of looked at me and I was like, no, yeah. Have you been to where I work? It is massive. And yeah, all the a little tan. Oklahoma City. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's where a lot of these like new people work. They work.


Unlike places with large cities, either Norman or Oklahoma City, and then Okay, and then there's, I don't know, I blame stereotyping because the people that hired me took one look at me. And they're like, we're going to put him in the county. And then I showed up the, like, my first day when it came up was hat. I was like, Well, that makes sense. But helping you. Yeah.


You can use all your your hog schema, though. This is good. See?


You've been trying. I did talk to a gentleman. And he was like, he's like, all apologetic cuz he's like, oh, man, I just moved my lawn. And for some reason, I started talking to him about some of the things that you know, dad made this dude most of them are our yard. That's, that's good. That's building relationships with people. And so, yeah, class, move over teachers I've been able to show you because again, like I work with a lot of country people. And so, you know, we talked about, you know, he was, he sounded


Just like dad the way he was complaining about knowing I'm like, Oh my gosh, it's like talking my father.


I go, Well, sir, I've noticed whenever I talk to people like that my accent comes out, like terribly. And I was with the person that I was that was shadowing me. And then they're like, Do you always talk like that? I'm like, I beg your pardon. What do you what do you mean? They're like, sure, don't what you mean. Yeah. And she's, and she's like, you use words I've never heard you use before. And I'm like, Oh, sorry. It's my, my accent comes out. I'm sorry.


I'm so embarrassed. Oh, shucks. And yeah.


I noticed that a few times. I'm like, I really say that, Oh, my gosh.


All of a sudden, you start delving for peace and holler and I might have said that they don't have it's flat there and they don't have hollers already.


I can't I cannot confirm and or deny


the existence of a holler the existence of a holler in any Ferb distance to do for and or from


my current destiny


but yeah, it's it's it's I it's like a three hour drive and I hate every second of it. But then they're like, hey, do you want a state car and like Oh, yes, please. So now it's less miserable because the road takes a big surprise the roads in Oklahoma are so bad that the you have to pay to drive on them. How bad are they? Why are they?


The rear passenger window


became so rattled that it came off its tracks. And so now it's just like, I have to hold it up and then go


Yeah, wow. The roads from Tonka


to Oklahoma City, they're just like, well, we don't really use asphalt. Let's put some gravel here occasionally. And then surprise surprise big, bigger models into it and I hit every single one of them. And I got down there and I'm like,


it's really loud and I turn around and the my window is like halfway down and then I'm like,


No, and of course I was trying to talk to dad my dad I broke up with him and sorry.


Yeah, so that's, that's been my week. And so I'll leave here Monday and do the same thing. You gotta get some audio books or something going on because that's really driving the I know, I have found every single possible radio station pop it within that area, but the problem is that it's the area is so big, that once I find a radio station, it is




is lost again so the way Yeah, well that just means


you haven't searched through all that am radio station


mad well that's the game for Monday right what what am radio channel will you turn into where they're just talking about washer dryer repair forever I got one I did that one time here in Missouri I was just gonna say yeah, I was like I wonder I'm just gonna what am i i think i was common during the radio from Susan to be a smart aleck that might have been what happened but I might have made I just found it and it was it was just these two guys talking about dryer repair on a rail like what what is this? Where did this come from?


Magic am Yeah, it is a magical and I can only imagine that Oklahoma am radio is gold.


I like I don't want to find out this expensive.


But I am now kind of curious, but I'm also terrified, right? I mean, you know, you can always change it back is fine, but like, just just run through the dialogue a little bit and see what kind of interesting things show up because I bet you, you'll be like what? you will come across something and just be utterly confused about what.


So I did it last Thursday when I had to go down for like the pre stuff. I was so bored. And like it was weird. No One No One Else was on the highway. It was just me. And I was so bored that I found the honestly like local NPR station, but I guess you call it local. And I called in. Like, I can't remember what I think they're talking about, like education in Oklahoma. And I was like, and I just was like, I'm so bored right now. I'll call in and Yeah, it was.


Yeah, I talked for like 15 minutes and all like is there is a commercial break coming up? No. Okay.


Gone don't tell you when you're done. Yeah, they're good generally good about that.


Yeah, it was podcasting experience coming in handy


CIT strategy


fill the void.


Yeah, it was it was interesting and then I got then I got closer to Oklahoma City and I found all the good stations. I was like, Oh, thank goodness.


But that's been that's my


adventuring for the last two weeks, man, which will continue for the next four or five weeks or whatever. Now am radio. So yeah, just insane. Gosh.


So what's what's been what's been new on yells and


brand new design a brand new game that's going to sweep the nation apart.


So yeah, yeah, I just I came with a carnival game in less than 10 hours. Really? Yeah. is great. My friend came in and she was like, Hey, I think we need a game to like, because the fifth and sixth grade kind of we're in the same area, right? Yeah. And so the sixth grade does hot dog sales, and then they they kind of do the carriage ride. So lady that brings in some horses


outside like around, okay, now inside, that would be way more exciting. I want to say like I'm slightly that's it that's not inside, but continue. Go outside and a good character around and then the fifth grade was selling nachos. And, and then they had a photo booth thing going on. And so


we're sitting there, and we're like, Yeah, but there's no game. And I didn't I didn't have anything to do because the two people are like one of my sixth grade.


My co workers was doing the hot dogs with one of her friends. Yeah. And then the other guy was outside.


And he just had to, like, you know, that's not two person job. So I was like, Well, what do I do?


I need an animal gaming eagerly. So we came up with one. And yeah, less than eight hours or so. And it was awesome.


So we found a big giant clear plastic tub and put her cups in it like one big like a drinking cup. One like small little lab cup that I had, and then like a tiny beaker


and we filled it up with water and put stuff in the bottom to make it look cool. ran it random junk I found in my closet, and then like marbles and bingo markers and


like whatever. And then


they had to stand behind a line they had to throw pennies and they had to get it into the cup and then they get a prize.


It's big. Oh,


they are all over it. They're all over it, man. And But


how was done? Yeah, it was good. It was all free. Except for we had to go buy some suckers. That was like $5 Oh, yeah, Ben.


So suckers were the prize. Yeah, that was our prize because they're like, well, these are cheap and kids like suckers. And they did life suckers. So clearly, yeah.


And she hit the school carnival. The trick is, it has to be just like a little bit of skill involved. Because like that fifth grade boy and up, will keep coming back because it's like, No, no, wait, wait, hold on. We'll try again. Right? Especially if they're friends.


They don't want to lose a penny game of turning their friends. No, no they do not. So there is want to keep trying. And it is two tickets for like 50 cents to play. Thank you.


It doesn't matter.


For three to two tickets for three throws three little toss Reno's into the, into the bin of water. So I thought it was fun. It was fun. I enjoyed it. The kids seem to like it. And we made like, quite a bit of money for the grade level from the carnival. So


just on my game with zero overhead, so I don't know what they made on hotdogs yet, but I had to buy a whole bunch of junk for that. So


you know, wow.


That was awesome. Yeah, that's


that's really cool, as well.


But I didn't wanna do the same game we did last year. That's boring. They'll be like that already. So yeah, keep it fresh. Right. Would you do last year? Last year we did like it was a similar game. We had to throw something else into other cups, but there was no water involved. So this made it better. Last year, last year, we we did a


We were doing a whole thing about like tornadoes and everything. Yeah, we made it like tornado themed, we kind of put the stuff on the table and there was like, in the shape of a tornado, and there was a poster and we'd like blacked out the room and turn all the lights off. And we borrowed the light bar from the choir to like flashlights and stuff.


Throw the ball into the little cups on the table. So similar thing, but there was like, one cup that was like the grand prize. And then it's like, oh, you get it, whatever. But


that's amazing. Yeah, so this one was the same. It took a lot less room. So we could do the photo booth and the penny toss in the same room. So it wasn't really intrusive, was worthless. After people got done taking their photos. They would just come over and play the video games. It was great to have her one.


So it was it was


One of those open campus honestly Open Campus carnivals or the like, yeah, the whole different things. Oh, that's all the whole school was there. So the a lot of the kids came in a lot of the sixth graders were there. It was fun. They kind of all roaming together and it was kind of they're hilarious people. Hilarious little kids. Like, they're great. I like them. So


there's hilarious like, when they're all together like this, oh my gosh, this is ridiculous. But in the boys, they're insane. But it was fun. And they liked it. And so they would go wander around. And then they come back a little later, and they'd wander off again, and then come back with like, a cake because they want the cake walk like Yo, what, but


carrying that around, yeah, and they eat it like what? It's very slowly.


There's also the longest day ever because


the carnival was from six to eight rows. I came up with


With the idea, we came up with the idea and about


838 45 in the morning, I mean, I had to stay after school just till it started because we're like, well, we got to do it now. Yeah. be


hanging out doing stuff so that's good.


Not all put away. There's still random things just laying around in my classroom right now that I'll get to Monday.


Probably the face probably


any of that bucket back because I stole that from the central office. I was Yeah. Hey, do you guys need this like right now? They had a bunch of like extra wastepaper in it. And I was like, Can I have that? Bring it back. Like Yeah, sure. So


that sounds a lot more fun than the carnival I did when I was when I was at candy Valley. Like I was pretty much in the concession stand in that last six hours. Yeah.


Right. Yeah, I know. You don't really know here. Well if there was I don't know about it because I was stuck in my little room.


The only problem is there were little room that they have for us is like,


not used by anybody currently. It's like the extra room. Right? It's like this weird extra rooms by the gym is so hot. Oh my gosh. Oh, like a new thousand degree.


Bruce, yeah, as I was like, I die. So


this is the reason they don't use this anymore. I know why.


Random storage room


where they have meetings randomly, right? Because there's just some old library tables in there. It's kind of it like well, for year to Hades apparently used to be a long time ago. Like it was the old choir room, elementary choir room, like a million years ago. That's what it was really. Yeah, but not anymore. Now. She's kind of like there.


They use it for


testing and like


extra stuff. There's like the, the staff little What's it called? I don't know what's called now. But the staff like the developed personal professional development library thing is in there and like, some tables where they do like, they have to have meetings. Sometimes they do it in there, because it's just like a random room on the side that's out of the way. So, okay.


And home of the best carnival games and all the land, right? All the land.


Well, you know, I would say get start Ready, start getting ready for next year, but we know that won't happen. So just do it.


That way.


It's like a




Garbage wars challenger, whatever. Junk junk junk junk junk wars


show back thing that I know, random TV shows you're bringing back now. I want junkyard wars that was


I learned that was the best you can find.


And I've watched it every once in a while. Yeah.


Was the British ones around there too sometimes it's like YouTube us one other fantastic.


Oh, yes, it is the best that yes, there was this was a junkyard wars and carnival games really


going through my closet and I was like, What do I have in here too? Because I have these huge closets like, and like these big bookcases things, but they're like lawyer bookcases but they're metal. Right? That makes sense to like the other


Yeah. And there's just a bunch of random stuff in there. Because it's a science room. And that's just the home of all the most random things ever.


Yeah, I was just going to my causes like, what do we have in here? I don't know. Let's see. Oh, yeah.


Me and my friend were just like looking through the closet like, oh,


what can we do with this thing? I don't know.




know, I can't remember what led me up to this. But last year, like the administration was going to come do like the observations. And I didn't have like an experiment planned. And I wanted to do experiment. So I pretty much like went through my science closet and was like, What can I use to make a random experiment like I have these these feathers? That'll be cool. And then get like, I got this, this box. Some with that. And yeah, trying to tie in


Talking about a little more pressure than the school garden. Although I was


a little that's a little more terrifying. reviewed.


Yeah, I had nothing planned like we were going to like, the kids just took a test. And they didn't have like any of the thing major. So I was literally going to put on like a movie. And something science related clearly, but I was like, oh crap.


Here's these popsicle sticks. I'm going to do something with those. And here's some yarn. I don't know what I can do. And so I think I ended up doing it.


I gave them the concept of like they had a budget. Each item costs a certain amount, and they had to like build a bridge. And so I kind of did like a construction style, where it happens very, very stem that's right in there. I


think we were talking about like, weather patterns. And so by going


A lot of my kids are like Funkhouser, what are we doing? Like, I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know what I don't know what what we're doing either. Just let's just do this. And I'll explain later.


We'll make the connections in the wrap up tomorrow, Mr. Coco. Well, it was it was kind of the same thing whenever I was still in college when I was a substitute teacher. And they called some school in Stillwater called me. And they're like, Hey, we need you. But we don't know what we need you yet. So just get here and like, Okay. And then there. Was I, right. And so I show some calls that


I show up, and then they're like, Oh, hey, we need a PE teacher for today. I'm like, Oh, cool. And they're like, well, the the original PE teacher was here, but she had to leave for an emergency. And so she didn't like, come up with like a lesson plan for today.


And so


I pretty much had to come up with AP, like activity for like, six different groups and steal the cone. They love that one. I


think we did a


blood circulation relay was like, all right, this is the heart. Now you have to go and get the oxygen. But the bacteria are the people with the dog balls. And so you have to avoid the bacteria. And yeah, I was I was flying by the seat of my pants on that day. Because they're like, All right, here's like fifth grade. And then here's like pre K. And then I was like, Ah, I'm going to call a color and you go grab the hula hoop of that color, and then put a beanbag in there. And yeah, the kids loved it, but I was just like, all those all those grades can steal the cone. It's okay. Thank you.


They're like, what do you like? I love the kids. The kids. The kids in my class love that game every time they buy that and P they come back like yeah, we bleached it like I don't even know it's like into


the kids asked me what asked me like, what is this game called? And I'm like I do the thing. I don't know.


I haven't I didn't think that far far yet. Give me till tomorrow. No, that's when you say what do you think it should be called? Like?


Let's Let's name it right now. When you continue this creative process


work workshopping, workshopping its






So my best friend and his wife


Weird segue sorry, but they move as they move to


to Washington State.


He got an engineering job up there. And they loaded up everything on a in their, like RV trailer got rid of like half their stuff


and then moved up there but he when I know I'm in college had this like awesome sexual couch.


Then I hit you know like the big L shaped couch thingy. And I joked for years, like man, I would love to steal your couch one day. And so last week, you're like, you're sitting on it right now where I am. And you


know, they're like, Hey, I got a job offer in Washington. We got rid of our stuff. We have to find a way to get into this couch and I'm like a mega burden.


And at the time, I had the big pull out


And then I had a love seat. And I accepted but then I looked at my furniture and I'm like, Well, I forgot I already had some things go. And so, the day before I left to go to Oklahoma City, wait and see what happens here. Are they currently stacked on top of each other? Negative, okay, like back to back in like a spine thing? No, they are not. There's no bunk bed couch system going on, which I didn't think of. But


of course you did. And so I was sitting there. And he just lives in a fort now that all a bed it is awesome.


And, like they like they were coming down because they lived in Bentonville. They're like, Hey, we're going to drive, drop this couch off, then we're going to drive back and they're going to leave. And so I had to go borrow one of my other friends, families, trucks, and then like move


Half the furniture by myself. And then I got back and then I had to go and meet them pick up said couch


and it was it was a long, monotonous task of furniture arrangement, which was finally completed after like six hours of you know, cursing and temporary crying and just like I just want this cow that's all I want.


And so I got the other couch, the loves the name of our is gone. I still have pull out thing but that is currently in the corner.


But I do have a good home tour that is going to go and then I have a futon randomly that dad came by one weekend and was like I need a futon. I'm like not really so now I have a futon


It's like couch Tetris. That's totally imagine Zach is like how you move all these things around in your barn? Yeah, yeah, it's like not big at all. It's


like couch Tetris like it is


um so the living room actually looks pretty pretty bomb I'm not gonna lie algae pretty catchy stuck with love it like I don't know what to lay on first. Oh gosh, all the softness. So I have I have a futon so it's kind of like an it's in a box pretty much an open inbox I got my TV with the little entertainment system thing barber I have a massive coffee table which I have no idea where that came from. And then I have my big sectional. And then I have a futon. And I can actually lay out and do do the fun things like watch TV or video games or video games while I watch TV. So there's there's many possibilities




It is a while watch me it's a cornucopia of of




it is the epitome of a lounge and a lounge. But yeah, that was that was my weekend before I left to go to Norman. And that's not stressful at all. No, yeah, no. Yeah, but relaxing. And then I had to leave so I couldn't enjoy it. Yeah, that's even worse. Like, yeah, just be gone for the first part of the week just knowing that there's a new couch in your house that you can sit on right now.


Thinking about it, like Yeah, I did all this work. And one of the people I was I was down there with was like, Aaron, why do you look so bummed? I'm like, I got a couch and I can't sit on it for a week. bullcrap. She's like, seriously upset about a couch. I'm like, it's not just a couch


to one couch, you've always wanted


Dreaming about this couch for years and it's finally mine and I have to be here. Enjoy it. But yeah


let me be and then didn't have a picture of the couch on my phone I couldn't reminisce about it.


Dog like


everyone else is like and this is my toddler like he wants to my couch.


This is my couch. I like it because it is big and it is brown. And it is comfy.


Yes, I am now I'm actually talking to you guys.


I have my laptop on one end. And I can't I still cannot figure out a stupid setup with my mic stand thing. And so I have my gamer heads.


plugged in and I'm actually currently playing video games all talking because I just going to enjoy this. Dang it.


I'm joined


well now I have to know what you're playing.


So I got bored and I got called know what am I What am I playing? Call Duty World War Two.


And as a historian I am slightly disappointed but like I pick up I asked expectation now I know


I just thought maybe one game like I picked up like I'm sitting here playing and there's a there's a weapon in here and I'm like I'm the Germans didn't have this firearm 44 but I'm okay.


Maybe next time. I don't know, Activision. Hey, listen, guys I know read a very strongly worded letter. I'm going to write about it in my blog. Yeah. All right. Well, you're barely talking about it on your podcast.


If you're bored Let's follow me on my blogs. I can blame how bs Activision is about their historical content. Yeah, do right now. This was what this is for.


Its okay, okay


my goodness, I'm enjoying this couch thing and that's all that matters. That's




um but yeah now they have this this headset I can actually take it down with me to Norman and so if we need to


podcast while I'm down there like this is 1000 times more portable


than my mic stand thing so when you do that we can


tweet yeah


Yeah, well I am killed me with his couch. I got pictures on my couch on my phone thing. Yeah, I laughed so hard. I think I'm out of what I do now. Dang it home and I'm like your background is now he's been a screensaver




Facebook page


profound, profound isn't a relationship cow yeah with this code was this couch


making fun of something that could have happened after I got off this you don't know


yeah hi


has a lot of


what's the word emotional significance? Because I didn't hit like it was like a weird time during my college career where I was like, is this really what I want to do? Like what am I doing? That was a that was an everyday kind of thing of like what am I doing? Where am I going? How did I get here and


my friends


His his apartment was a lot cooler than mine. And he had, you know, an Xbox and PlayStation. So we go over there and do homework and whatever. And I spent Yeah, I spent many times on this couch and


they were not like they weren't like, let's say dark times, but they're moderately dim times. And


and yeah, my this is the same friend that I was the beneficiary at their wedding. him his wife's wedding. Oh, yeah.


So what about that? Yeah, I bring it up as much as possible, like, oh, how's your day? How's your day? Well, I was a beneficiary of what I was really excellent. By the way, have you seen this couch?


That day, I was a beneficiary at my friend's wedding but it's pretty good beneficiary on the couch I would have been perfect.


And so


you know, always going over there if I just had like a crappy day and him and his wife just being


Super awesome people. And when I finally after 12 hours of moving the


giant hunk of crap, I was I sat down on edge in love.


I sat down and I'm like,


this is like the first time I ever sat on this couch without my friends.


And so it was just like a


it's like whoa, this is pretty heavy man.


Yes, yeah, yeah, you're welcome. Good, good Marty nice.


We've been having some gravitational pull. me Yeah. So this is this is a pretty


special couch to me. I am. I am comfortable. I am content. It is heavy and it is not moving again for the next 30 years whenever now it's stationary. So it is stationary.


This is what you get behind.


Now if only


the historically accurate firearms were there they would they would just be complete I




I picked it I picked up a gun I'm like I'm the Germans didn't use this gun. This was a Japanese farm. What does this do to the game?


One of my so many models that is the number in there it's okay. Yeah, yeah.


What? What am I one of my friends is a is a speaking of being super annoyed at historical things. is a post malone fan. No, artist, musician or whatever. Yeah, I'm just really wondering where this is going right now. So


hang with me. You will. You won't regret it. But, uh,


Okay, first of all, we've already regretting this.


Love me. So that's nothing to do with it.


Yes, that's true. I'm still work.


released the music video and it was thinking about that meme. It says like the scene the one the cream alone. Post alone. Do you know that's like yeah, middle school pig is great. Sorry. Anyway. And so um, he released a music video and it's medieval themed.


Like it has a you know, very nice maiden


just just a medieval style. And the whole time I was watching the video. The armor is wrong, isn't it? It is. Yeah. And I was like, if this is later in the time period, they actually wouldn't be using full plate armor instead of partial plate armor. And actually the banners of that style wouldn't come around until about the 13th century. Very nice. And I To this day, what are you doing wearing a tablet that was so 12th century. I cannot tell you what the song is actually about because I sat there and complain about the video the entire time.


My friends like did you like the video? I'm like, not one. Let me tell you about the which actually wouldn't been us until too late.


Like you're like, Um, no, I don't mean history. So thanks so


much guys. Just bear with me. Okay, Tokyo. I like it. I like it.


So there's this is partially hilarious because I have literally just watched a video yesterday on YouTube about this exact same concept. There's just a different media that they were talking about. They're talking about some movie on Netflix. I don't even I can't remember now. What it was some sort of new movie on Netflix in the guy. It's one of those like, he talks about Arms and Armor, right. And he's talking about the armor and he was like, watch.


What like he was ranting like, hardcore, like really bad. Yeah.


reminding me of that, right. It's Friday night.


It's that Scala gladiatorial to that Matt Easton guy. Oh yeah, so good. He's so funny. Like,


when he goes on these tirades about stuff it's so hilarious and so it just made me think of that that


you're not alone Aaron Yeah. Dang right.


I was I had my little my little nerd moment no one understood what I was talking about no good it's like really cool concept


that's that whole like, no one else cares, but I care I care a whole awful lot


it's important guys I promise doesn't happen in Syria and happens in my house to me very frequently so I can I sympathize very much dealing with right now.


All the other than what? Like, listen. They just look at me like


what are you


Talking about, I have no idea


on the grand scheme of things. This is totally not a big deal. But right now we really need to focus on this one issue.


I was out after Carnival once I did this week goes out.


Oh, well, my week back to work was breezy. Last week. I was at the


you know, last time we talked I was at the training thing. Right.


In that, yeah. And that that it ended really well. We the last we did several instances of role playing. So we would get cards with little bits of information on them and we're supposed to act as a character where the wizard, right? No, no, no, but in the last the last row






Made Yes. No in the last one that we did they


there was some conflict about beach usage between the very, very lots of beats usage at the conference. Yeah, yeah. Between the nudists and the locals. And I got my card. And I was the prowl on society or your local nudist? No, no, I was the nudist, president of the society. through it. Yeah, Andrew.


And so what you know, you weren't supposed to share with who you had. And we went around the room and we were practicing our interviewing skills. And so this person gets picked to interview and I get called next. And I


took his shirt off and walk. No, no, I walked. I walked up and I handed her my phone and I said, Could you hold this I don't have any pockets. And


she just she looked at me and then all


Sudden it the dawning realization what was it what was about to transpire?


Because you said that to her wearing cargo pants, and she was like,




yeah. And so she was like, he's like, so is there anybody else we need to talk to? And I'd be like, Yeah, no, there's this really cool guys like something like Johnson, you know, he comes down here all the time. And you want to you know,


we we were the, the, the, we called the new people. We had to


induct them into the Society of nudist so they, instead of newbies, we call them newbies. Oh, yes.


What else to call him. I know what else


I'm slightly concerned that you took your role playing so seriously that you came up with like a backstory and like you seem to come out


Some sort of weird like, Masonic traditions of your local people like I don't think it works like that. I just think I like to do it. I don't like to wear pants like me neither. Okay, cool. I think that's kind of an initiation, right whether you have to go into the cave and


artifact, right. What else? What else? You've been playing Dungeons and Dragons, you gotta calm down.


I was not far with the driven thing here. I think,


you know, they did. So the background was like, you're the president, the Buddhist society and you're very Grandmaster, like yes.


And, but not much. Not much backstory. And so when they would ask like, What's your job and when you do, you know, I had to come up with stuff. So there was


Oh, oh my the phrase that


they were trying to do it. She was asking


Like how would I describe the group and I was like, you know, the group lately we're a bunch of


tight knit loose hanging people around here. And it's just great to be to have everybody here. And they


I'm sorry, it's only so much anyway. No.


I just


if I can't, if I can't make, you know, at least somebody uncomfortable these innuendos and jokes. I don't know. It was just I had an opportunity and I took it let's be real. I just


Oh, yeah.


Did you did you have to stay as that? That character like all day, or? Um, no, it was just for that. That one exercise? Ah, anyway, I did anyway. Yeah. When we came back from lunch,


shirtless, strolling in the room.


But no. And then we, we came back and this week was just, it was insane because I was.


It's a short week because I had Monday off. Or Columbus, indigenous peoples innovative people day. I don't know. Yeah. And yeah. And that's when I read that article, I realized that it was Columbus Day after I read that.


This makes sense now. Yeah. And then because we got we're trying to prepare for our big workshop that we give twice a year, and it's this coming week. And so we were trying to get all prepared for that. And then I was trying to onboard a new hourly employee.


And let's be honest, make my presentation that I was supposed to have made like a month ago to give to my boss to let her know how it's going to be next week.


That was fine.


me know, I know, I know. So it was just it was crazy. And then Thursday when the end and I had a had an outpatient surgery, that was interesting.


It was what it was.


It was planned this planned and it will just will say that as part of family planning. Somebody had to bite the bullet and that was that was me who drew the short straw. So, Collins turning into dad of telling us when he's having major surgeries like the day after, after its after Yeah, it's a major awake for the whole thing, unfortunately.


You want to talk about awkward, you know, I'm getting there. I'm actually


getting prepped for the surgery and the nurse is like so what do you do for a living and it was like, it was like, I am not talking about anything right now. Did you just re up your nudist backstory like she




should have


brought that back up your Alter Ego like oh hey funny but the lady the lady who was doing the intake form was like


each time we do one of these I think we need to get in you know we need to get our practice in in good with a local wax center so that we can sit everybody there for prep and see how how quickly people drop out whenever they find out they've got to go get a Brazilian or something and


that's funny but she put the she put the pad on my side monitor my heart rate all that stuff and she was like now when this comes off you a lot of guys will say oh she she put on it because oh well you're not you're not nearly you're not nearly Harry as other guys. And I was like thanks. I think


she put it on she goes down. A lot of guys say that this hurts the worst than anything else. And also


I don't believe you. And then she, she went to halfway through the procedure. I was, I was sweating so profusely that the pad became unstuck.


It wouldn't stick. So they had to pause the procedure and wouldn't progress until they had another way back on. And then at the end, she was peeling it off and it just like, she pulled off the second one just slid off. And I was like, see,


you need to tell you guys to come in here not be hairy and sweat, like in church and you'll be fine. And she


she, and she thought that was very funny. But the lady even better like I'm a nudist, so it's fine. It doesn't bother me. Fine, right. Take it off, take off. I shave her reason.


Yeah, no, that was that was an interesting procedure. The doctor was like, halfway through the doctor was like, I'm sorry, this is taking so long and usually it's usually not this hard. And I was like,


Like, I would apologize, but I don't know what I did wrong.


And then she's like, I'm just having problem, you know, finding some stuff right now. It's kinda interesting. And I was like, yeah, again, I'm going to try not to take that too personally, but, you know,


then at the end, she was like, are you doing okay? And I said, Yeah, I'm doing fine. And we had been having some banter back and forth. And she goes, you know, no one ever asked me how I'm doing and, you know, my back kinda does kind of hurt. And I said, Oh, I'm so sorry for you and I pray large, robust, vast difference for you all the days of your life. And she


she's just kind of stopped what she was doing and smiled and was like, Okay.


I cannot handle these kind of awkward situations. Don't get me started. Don't start me talking because we don't know where this is going to end up.






So that's been fun. So I'm, I'm on some hydrocodone just to make that perfectly aware.


Collin is high.






But I saved my story for last Geez.


Well, yeah, I don't think we could have followed that one really well. So


what I was going to kind of


geared towards was that when I was down there, we had to do kind of like mock interviews with some of the people and then they're like, you




we read it. And then and then Collin dove in.


No terrible idea.


I'm out No,


but I had to they're like people who have interviewed before who or who has experienced interviewing, you know go to this side and for the people who've never interviewed for what we do this you know, because that says as investigators, we have to if there's a case we have to go talk to the kids they have to go talk to all the the family members that's involved and sometimes can go good. Sometimes they can go not so good. And then they're like, okay, here's your script.


Have at it. And we're going to have all these new people aka literally the people that just graduated college. You know, be the people who are are the are the people who's going to come interview you the either disgruntled or cooperative parents. I'm like, oh, Dave's on disgruntled.


Did you just have like the law and order theme song playing in your head while they were passing it out?


So anyway


no I didn't think about that till later because I was like I did have the first part is like here in here in New York the Criminal Justice Services Yeah, yeah


these other stories done um, but no i i made each interview because they had to come knock on my door and interview me and my home about whatever concerns and I just I I had a lot of fun with it. I can't exactly tell you verbatim like what we talked about but


so I we're not a nudist right now I was so I was either a fair and just a great just to clarify


Southern Gentleman


or also known as a redneck or was a like a posh


sophisticated, like aristocrat and they're like, oh, what are we doing? Yo, I was like, Oh, good afternoon.


Tomorrow, revolution, what is happening? And they're like, how are we supposed to do it? I'm like, you're supposed to adapt to the situation and action.


It's Yes. And yeah, so people were not expecting, like what I brought to the table. And that was fine by me.


Because Yeah, there's, there's been some times where, like, I'll go up to a house, and I'll be like, Oh, this is like, you know, nice and quaint and, you know, should be pretty easy. And then it becomes not easy. Or I convince I visit some of like, a very rundown home and have like, some of the nicest people in the world. And so and that's kind of what I explained to them was like, Guys, you have no idea what you're going to come up with. Like I have had.


I've not never I've never had a firearm before.


into that mean by that doesn't mean it can never happen. And like I said, I've had the, like, like the most horrid home conditions, but have like had like the nicest people that I've talked to, or have gone to really nice homes and then just had like, really like, vulgar


people that I've talked to me so I'm like, you don't know what you're going to get. And the more like, fluid in your conversation that you are, the easier it's going to be with for you. As you can not like hold your ground but kind of hold your ground. But you know, be able to talk in any situation and know when you need to leave or no one you need to like, push to push the conversation. Like if you know like those things, I mean, you'll be fine. But yeah, they were not expecting you know, what, what what I brought to the table and I was totally okay with that.


Did you start talking like Foghorn Leghorn?


No, not not that Southern. Oh, I did think about it, but I was kind of like knowledge probably, you know, directed towards something that what they're going to expect given towards the area that we inhabit.


Take it a little seriously, except for one. He pulled out just actually in Druid. And he just went with it. And he


really caught off guard there. Yeah, I was either I was like sometimes, like super aggressive, or just like, like overly polite and nice. And


I did not use my script at all.


Because I was like, there's no script in the field.


Like a 20 year veteran. Yeah, right.


But it was it was like there's a lot of things like that that I enjoyed because I like well, this would have been nice for me to learn, you know, before actually went out and did it and then the


did a lot of like the cliche


first day of class stuff? Like no tell us look like go ahead and stand up and tell us a little bit about you and just you know, just have a little fun with it and like I hate you. I don't want to be here. It is seven o'clock in the morning. No one is this chipper. I've been doing this for a while. Don't talk to me. Again. Just Just tell them your bio from like, your sky room character or something is telling about you like well, I can think of I woke up I woke up the other day and this wagon right


there. I was about they caught me trying to escape the border. right but it drove me back.


Money Yeah, like we did some of those things like that. And I'm sure some of the other people that because each other do like every two days, someone different like someone who that either presents or like some sort of training that we have to do.


So every single person that comes to our little little thing or that we go to is like so I would just want you know, everybody to go around the room and tell me a little about yourself. I'm like, I will


not find something. I guy, I will tell you, I am not happy.


But yeah, so that's coming up with different video game protagonists to tell them about the people that sit next to me. Like we're all kind of the same like we're,




are one day, like I woke up in the vault.


Like we're all people who like understand why we're here but we're all miserable that we are here or are down there. And so like my little group, we kind of like we know what's going on. We've even though I've been only doing it for like two months and they've been doing it for some time. Like we've all kind of connected and all of us are enjoying like


each other with our kind of little like things like that.


But yeah, I might have to come up with something different for every time but yeah, every single stupid time we have to talk to somebody putting so just go ahead and you know, tell me a little bit about yourself. Why? Why do you hate me? socially? This really


is I, I hated that when I was in college.


Like, especially like the first few years, not so much in any Oh, because everybody has such a small Canvas, everyone knew each other. But at Oklahoma State, everybody did that. Until like, I got to every every class except for my life history classes. Because the history professors were all old and grumpy anyway and they just did not care. But yeah, like for like my I had a 730 speech class, and they're alike. So you know, just go ahead and you know, this little tell us a little bit about yourself.


It makes sense in speech class, because the whole point of that class is to talk about extemporaneous conversation but not


at eight o'clock in the morning. I mean, okay, that's


what I'm saying for speech. That would make sense. That's the one where it's like, yeah, okay, I can see that.


sociology, that's a weird one. Like, what?


My history professors are always pretty cool about that. And they're like, I will only care who you are. If you come to my office and talk to me. Other than that, I don't care like Oh, cool. Like, it was always, you know, like for the traditional syllabus week, where, like, the first week of school, you don't necessarily have


like a class class. You just go in and you know, you're not going to do anything. It's pretty much like, here's the syllabus. Here's who I am. This is what you're going to do. Like you need don't do anything. Every history class I had was like, all right, day one we're going to be talking about


You know, the French Revolution are like, Well, I didn't bring any paper. This is a blast.


Every every history professor is like, if you come to my office, then I'll care like, Oh, yeah, they're not they don't like people just like me. This is perfect.


Yeah, it was. I don't know what I'll be doing this coming week. I know, like, we're going to do some, like


some more interactive interviews, or I Oh, I do think we're actually going to have like a fake port port there. Where they, you know, people have like,


like, you'll have to testify, which I've already done like four times. And so that'll be fun. But other than that, I have no idea what I'd be doing this week. I just know where I'll be. And that's about it. No, surprising. Yeah. It'd be boring if you knew what was going to happen.


Yeah with it. Throw the punches you know, be be malleable. Go with it, you know?


Yeah, it's, it is it is quite


an interesting job I'm in. And


it can be can be interesting.


Like I got back Thursday night like super late like annoyingly late. And that's like, that's when you call the cog and they're like, hey, you're out. I'm like, I have an hour Well, yeah, don't talk to me. I'll eat my phone.


No, don't know your phone has not been nutritious. And then I yeah, then I got back to like, like my office the next day. And I had like a few cases and I just sat there and did nothing for like three hours. I had to do like the the pre conference surveys, which took me whole like, two hours to do and then I just sat at my desk for like another hour and a half then I'm like, I'm going to


leave early and I just left them like three


Yeah, I was I was not had a gamma Friday.


Aaron was Aaron was quite sleepy


but yeah, well it's a long week employed me really. So yeah. So this next week should be slightly easier now that I've kind of adapted to what I'm all doing or how long it's going to take and things like that true. Oh


yeah Lily All right,


buddy. I'll have all my not all my equipment but I'll have all the stuff with me if we need to do some podcast and for sure we will for sure.


I also found out that it is for $5.


To the Department of Conservation, you can hunt rattlesnakes for


All year long. What if there's a rattlesnake?


I was really bored One day while I was down there and sounds like are you?


No, no, no, no no no no I Aaron is too much of a sissy.


I mean like Aaron's good sounds like Aaron's going snake hunting. I think he is. Now Aaron.


No snake. Don't just bring that up casually and then not intend to follow through with it. Okay. Well, I was I was sitting at my chair. Hi, you like a knee high rubber boots, your milk boots, right? Yeah. Some of those. And then


I don't know what you hunt a rattlesnake with a rattlesnake stick, which is like a snake snake or you get the ones like with the giant tongs, right? Uh, but no, I was sitting there at my little, my little desk while I was down there. And the person next to me was


was in there talking. And I was just like, pulled up on my phone.


I was just looking at a


What is it called?


Hands on the Blanco no hunting licenses for Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Conservation maybe


but I was like sitting there like looking at that like a price sheet like how does that like how much does like a bear license cost and all this stuff then I was like there's a heck yeah, we do know what? Well that's mostly towards like the the East Arkansas. Southeast maybe. I mean, we got we got some buyers down here. But I was like, Whoa, check this out. And of course she was not interested in like what I'm like, you know, you can hot rattlesnakes for $5 and she's like, I can't believe I'm sitting next to you. I'm like, no, it's really cool. Look at it.


You can get it by


giving Collin Collin by Thanksgiving how many snakeskin belts will Aaron have? I think he will have all of this next game of snakes again. I think he will


be dressed in sake snakeskin wallet wallet belt. Yes. Belt. You literally have a working on boots. Yes. working fine then that's not that's only a month away.


So okay, that's true. There is a ZZ Top song about wearing a gator skin boots their song?


I don't, because we need to replace it with rattlesnakes? Well, I think while you're on that topic, Aaron Just so you know, it is unlawful to possess an American alligator in Oklahoma. I just want to make sure that you are aware of that and said this. It sounds like you're starting to go off the deep end.


person that tried to murder me when we were down in Texas, but that when we were in the water, you're like, Oh, hey, I just remembered there was gators found in the river like a mile away from us? Yeah, I mile away.


No, well, no way they would swim that at that bar. Yeah. So


alligators don't swim at way to me don't so we were. I won't. We're doing something down in Texas, whatever Texans doing the free time. And the rattlesnake boy, I don't think you get. Yeah, we pulled to this river. And I'm like, Man, this looks like prime habitat for gators and colleges pauses. I'm like, I'm Collin. He's like, Oh, yeah, I'm the river over the


family of Gators. I'm like, huh? Yeah, now this will be fine. And so I from learning the lessons of the late great Seaver when I grabbed a gator stick and was pulling the net I had it out in front of me like poking the water.


Just so again, I want to help you in your endeavor to to go after those rattlesnakes Aaron. You may not


Introduced deposit place or drain any deleterious noxious, toxic or petroleum based substances into or around any underground dinner rock crevices for the purposes of taking reptiles or in Vivian's. It's who I am no gas. Why are you quoting?


Like Oklahoma conservation laws? What is happening right now? Just Just so that this is out there and Aaron can make his belt and the safest way possible, you know, trying to you know, want to make sure he's doing it accordingly. My goodness, I




This is where they seem to remember that this is where they find like enormous rattlesnakes to I've seen pictures somewhere like and they're like, Yeah, I got this seven foot rattlesnake Like what? Yeah. Southern Oklahoma i think is where these come from. So yeah, and the dead the masa sagas, which are like the meanest of mean rattles.


Thanks to Yeah, what? I've literally never heard that word until just right now it's Masada plain. What is that? The masa sagas, they're rattlesnake species, and they're found in central us down to northern Mexico. And and throughout and they're like


they're smaller. So sometimes they're harder to see. But there they get these thick short stubby bodies. And they're they're pretty mean. Oh, yeah. Looking at it almost right kind of kind of like an adder i mean i think in wasn't invented here at like life yeah there are some of those yeah some of those adages like fat little dudes so


they're kind of like listen I'm not going to bother you once you get near me I'm gonna eat your face off their their honoree because they got all the NT. Yeah, no, but they can only add in like why but


yeah, they live in kind of wetter areas. So wetland


We're a Jason to water a lot of times. So that's, that's, that's something I know that we have to watch out for. Because


we're, I'm around water quite a bit. So


I'm no IDs. I've never heard that. And I've never seen one of those. So this is all news to me.


I'm also just thinking about that. There's a show on National Geographic. It's called like snake city. Right?


It's this dude and his girlfriend. And they live in South Africa. Okay, like Cape Town, South Africa. And they're stared snake removal people, because people just call them and they're like, there's a black mamba in my living room. Oh, my goodness. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. They're like, Oh, yeah. And sometimes there was one the other day some dudes like I just saw this big snake go in my woodpile. I don't know what it is. Definitely Mozambicans.




No, yeah, no no, you're down


and then there's like, because they get they get all the cool snakes in South Africa so there was a boom slang right but I'm saying that right in the tree like in the park like right above the technical yeah


thank green mom does forest Cobras Oh, night patterns or whatever is hanging out in people's gardens and they go and they get them out right there was definitely one where this lady there's a black mamba like under her bed like






team any curry kits? No, thank you. Yeah.


That's That's insane. It's crazy, right? And they just go and get them out. Take them out to the wood or somewhere else like Dr. Midway


get rid of them, you know, dump them back into the


Before us, but like yeah, it's a they get some crazy ones like


cheese no i i the animal removal people are insane. I don't know how they especially Black Mamba animal removal people like what?


Yeah, no, that's not a normal sign. No, no, yeah. They bring up on the show quite often that


if you are bitten by a black mamba, you got about 20 minutes. That's kind of like


the the animal removal guy for pasta. literally looks like a younger version of Bill green, but still with a beard. Huh? And he is just like, because he showed up to


my case or working on and he was just he came out and my first I was like, Oh my gosh, is that bill green and he


I don't know how many teeth he has but


it definitely impaired his communicate communicate Tori is able to talk skills communication does not a word was said there is no community story. It's communication is the word you're searching for. What's the some biology


and he came out and he said something to me. And I was like, ha yeah, it just it he's like, I'm gonna go get to the


squirrels and just like walked away and I'm like, Okay by a


strange person and the I'm not like one other one other running with them. But yeah, I'm sure he is. Had to catch some


crazy, crazy specimens. Yeah. And so yeah, I can I can only imagine how difficult and how


tasking that


Hey, there's an animal my attic. I don't know what it is come get it. Like okay. Yeah. Yeah. And imagine imagine when you get to there, it's a forest Cobra. Yeah, right.


Like, oh, this is an enormous forest Cobra


in your face.


Like, I think it's mine This refrigerator. Let me stick my hands back here so I can move it out how this works and Michelle it's kind of nuts.


I will say I was terrified for years.


There was a show on the animal planet. And


I thought that was my my thing. And it talked about, you know, snakes crawling up through the pipes.


And it was like


some sort of


possibly like in muslin in Africa or Australia or something.


But like a snake had crawled in through like the the plumbing and bitterness individual while they're using the bathroom and sure years afterwards like I think it was like a middle school and I first watched it like it was years afterwards or like every time I would have to use the bathroom It was like a thorough investigation of the toilet I was like okay


this is just to make sure like yeah yeah like oh I was three down I like it was like okay I'm gonna check behind the toilet is anything no okay I'm going to open up this okay there's nothing there. Alright and I'm going to stick a thing of toilet paper and hold it over does anything attack it? No. Okay.


But the hundred 35 minutes What's going on? I did I did not want to get bad. I want to get the bad bad bad takeout or snake inspection one of those things




I was not I was not I was not gonna die on the toilet by thunder


I've seen movies I know how embarrassing that is.




like the third thing people bring up about Elvis so it's you know, written tonight.


Took me a second.


But not not the first. Not here, not the first. It's down on the list don't have Yeah, exactly.


idea for another


segment that we could do is where we could go round robin reading the police reports from our cities. And


I don't know which one


I know what


is weird. This is like oh, somebody


I don't know are just ridiculous and drug related like 75 pounds of marijuana.


The first


I just


get emails from the city about stuff and the other first one was the driver was found to be driving while revoked possession of cocaine with intense distribute possession of marijuana and possession of a controlled substance.


That's bizarre around here. Nothing fun. Well, I mean, I'm sure I can have a few things that that'll I know I can have two things a weird ones, like bizarre things here but like,


yeah, so anyway, that segment we don't have to go down that road. I just


see, Indian crash with a tree is another one that I'm scrolling back and seeing Okay, anyway, we'll close out of that.


In Oklahoma, we have this


called the it's called the jailbirds


and out of every cattle me Yeah. Just imagine what the like


mental image of what you're thinking about crying and running wild right now. So I'm


not a


it's a magazine that is published every like, two weeks I think. And what it what it is is that it takes the mug shots from all of the individuals who were


arrested and booked that that mic night and so they then posted in a magazine which other states don't do that but in Oklahoma like it's


there you have the internet. Yeah, yeah and you


are like Oh no, that's that's that's that's wrong to do not know. Okay, so I am


Yeah, if you want to google it real quick, it's actually really, really interesting. It's really funny when I was in school during like homecoming week, so it was Yeah, so it's really funny during like homecoming week which it is in Stillwater right now. I'm early so was I'm coming in and they lost to Baylor. But you can go through it, like the week after. And you can be like, Oh hey, that person's in my class that person's in my class that's persons in my class. And they had like a whole section just say, Sure, TUI. And I'm like, hey, that I know that person. Hey, I know. That's so weird. I it's a it's something that these that this guy did an interview with on the news. And there's like, Yeah, I just felt like people should know. And I started with magazine. And I'm like, Oh, cool. Okay.


Like, that's neat.


I don't


I don't know how to feel about this. I don't know. I'm trying to be very


well, the psyche of someone who


subscribes to that. I know you can pick it up at a gas station. Yeah, but still like what you said to purchase it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It's only like three bucks or something like that. But Aaron has an errand hasn't bought one Don't worry, but he knows. I know it exists.


It's the person who listens just to the police scanner all day, I guess. I don't know. I don't know how those diagrams overlap. But that just seems weird. I mean, strong so I don't I don't know. I have


as a weird like,


I don't know. Really.


I'm trying to form this thought in my head. Like so. Okay, let me back up a few feet here.


Like I like to watch that life PD show sometimes. Oh, yeah. Right. But then I find myself morally conflicted and


While I'm watching it, okay, because


I am watching people less fortunate than me in an altercation with the police for my own entertainment. Yeah. And that's a little weird, right? I had to myself thinking about that. And I go, Okay, that's bizarre. That's a weird classism thing that's happening here. And we monetize for entertainment value. Yeah. Right. And sometimes, some of the things that people say on the show like the presenters, he's gonna go Wait, huh?


Yeah, like the jokes that they try to make you know, like a Haha, but sometimes they say something and you just go


so funny. Yeah. And I don't know, maybe.


Cuz, I don't know. This area of Missouri. I know. Like extremely like


Poverty written. So like, yeah, that's just something that happens around here. And so I just kind of think about like, that's not really


fun. I mean it


and so I I have a hard time because I enjoy the show. I I like to watch it sometimes but other times I catch myself going, wait.


Yeah, I don't know how I feel about myself right now. Because I kind of feel like you're kind of being voyeuristic on someone else's. Yeah, someone else's misfortune. I'm morally conflicted by enjoying someone else's bad time. Right? Yeah, maybe because they're, they're struggling people like they do. They're doing their thing. And they're, you know, they're in a bad way. And I it's not a mirthful situation. And yet it's being presented to me on TV as entertainment. Well, on the extreme end of the spectrum is the big thing that was happening. Gosh, was that like 10 years ago were like the homeless people fighting for money and being recorded tomorrow.




yeah like 10 years or more so like on the extreme end of this year at that end going


like this is really a yeah situation and then but then it is a continuous spectrum all the way up to you know big brother reality TV of everything in between and knowing you know, what is stage what is not stage what's real life and and being from the outside looking in and and knowing as you mentioned have I have a position of privilege to be watching this as someone's life is being not you know, is being destroyed in some real alternative. Right, like, yeah, on the one end of the spectrum, like when you're watching like jersey shore or whatever, I know my show my reality TV show a little dated. It's




That right, they signed up for it at least Yeah.


Whatever, whatever misfortune may befall them, they signed a piece of paper saying, hey, follow me around with the camera while I do weird things, right?


And so a lot of most network TV reality shows are that formula, right? It's like, oh, here's my, I sign this paper. You can follow me if I something happens. Like


I told you, you could do it. So it's fine. Yeah. And yeah, like I know, like, a lot of it is like overhyped, like there is a script to it. And but like, like the people that you originally find or real people, but then they're like, All right, we're gonna make this you know, yeah, we're interesting. Yeah, there's a production value, right? That's added to it. But with like, a show like that, like police shows. Yeah. It's more like


a wait. This is somebody like real life event. They didn't really sign up to be on TV tonight. They just happened to be speeding.


through town with the bunch of marijuana under their seat. Yeah, so the


Yeah, they're bad. They're bad life choices are now on TV for millions of people to witness. And I don't know.


Like, I have trouble reconciling that sometimes I'm like, yeah, I'm I'm gonna watch something else now because I'm just like, so sometimes I still watch anymore.


I still find pleasure in the like, Ranger show they have these but with like Game Wardens. Oh, yeah, that's usually better. Because it's like, oh, I'm getting this stuck deer out of a fence or like, Oh, I just wrote this guy a ticket for fishing without a license. And I just told him not to do it again. It's not really an extreme, right? By still. So like the continuum for being kind of hits. Like that's kind of the endpoint and sometimes when I'm watching the other one, I'm like, when I'm watching some dude, UCLA, running from the police and thrown on his face, like yeah, that's uh, yeah.


I know like, I know shows like that, that say like originally started for like value of you know, like entertainment. But I remember I was watching kind of a, I


guess he call it a documentary, but it listed like shows like cops or how to catch a predator caught a lot of the first one right there.


That was the that was the one where it's like, Hey, we need to show to live for entertainment. Let's follow cops around. And then I remember like shows afterwards, like police coming up to these shows and saying like, Hey, can you do a show? Like kind of along the same principles? That helps like if people watch it like hopefully they won't do it? Well, yeah, but I mean so capsule is really


originally designed to not it was number one designed to be entertainment, but number two designed to help the PR of the police department. Yeah, it started. That show started in the early 90s


When that was it was not a good thing, right? Yeah. After a lot of that, or especially in in California, right after rodney king in the LA riots and stuff. Yeah, police departments across the country got a bad name.


No matter what blanket statement bad. So cops kind of other like side intention was to highlight the good things that they often do, right? Like, hey, here's the good police officers on TV, right? But you're still.


So there's this dichotomy that's happening where you're showcasing the goodness of the police officers juxtaposed against the badness of the criminal right here that's still presented to you as entertainment.


And that's, that's the weird part, where it's not like educational and it's not like


anything like that. It's entertainment. So it's just got it's got this weird like,


I don't know, like, Roman spin on it. We're like, Oh, yes.


Watch them fight, right. Like, it's kind of like


after a while watching it. I'm just kind of like I find myself going.


Yeah, I'm not as comfortable with this as I thought I was five minutes. Yeah.


You take it out of that of


what is a show versus when you start to realize that Oh, yeah, this is reality. This is somebody's life. I'm watching. Yeah. That that that's it's heavy.


There was there was an article I was reading and it was just it was about,


oh, gosh, I don't remember what it was. But they were describing this, this lineman had been electrocuted and died. And they were describing about like his life and they were describing the morning routine that his wife would do. He'd been a lineman for like 20 years. And he always took three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day, and she would take a bite out of each one of them before he left and I'm reading this and I


kind of got that same feeling of like, I don't think I need to be reading any more about how the necessary bad, right like that. Yeah in and I think a part of that it's like it's good to have that because that's a very it's those those humanizing aspects are really important because we don't have a lot of those today I think of being able to relate to other people of, of what they go through on their daily basis. I think I would say that a lot of that is buffered because of technology and distance and social Discord. Kind of like what we talked about the beginning. Right? Because I don't because I don't rewind videotapes for anybody anymore.


You know, I know I don't understand their suffering, right. It makes me less empathetic. Because I know I remember when I was a child and you get the video in the store, if not, rewind like from the from the Smith


Family Why? Yeah, exactly. Video clearly.


You're angry. Right and not angry, but like you're, you're upset to be inconvenienced in such a way, because somebody was inconsiderate to you. Because you know, this Simon clue says do that. And you're like, well, that's annoying. Now I have to wait. Because we know that that was not a fast process to rewind the video.


Yeah, I gotta wait five extra minutes to watch. But now in the grand scheme of things, is that the big deal? Absolutely not. But you're aware of how other people's actions are affecting you? Yes, yeah. or lack of action in this game. Right. So it made you cognizant of other people's actions in society.


And now we're that I don't have that. I don't have that's just one less thing that's not being part of in the forefront of your mind. Yeah. Or, or when that happened. They're just they're just like


is they seem less real or less important when some you know if something's you know, if you forget to mention something in an email well it's digital that doesn't have a physicality to it it's not that big of a deal or text messaging is seen as ephemeral and not really lasting. So it's not that big of a deal.


But we're not rewind video tape is a concrete evidence of humanity failing you just right in your hand. Well, yeah, no, yeah, it is.


That's so it's, that's what's weird about my job. My job is I have to go and investigate people know with allegations of child safety. Like that's that's what I do. I then yeah, I interview people read report, and I send it to the district attorney. So it's, it's my job to learn everything I can about these people and be involved in their life.


And that is it honestly, it's a weird feeling.


like to get to know somebody


that like you like, and not like in a conventional way of like, Oh, this is my friend I know.


This is a complete stranger, that I am sure trying to figure out what's going on. And that's one thing I tell people, my K, I can't, how can I help if I don't know who or what I'm helping. And then people usually have a tendency to open up a little bit more after they have other customers out for, you know, 20 minutes or whatever. But I'm like, Hey, you know, I'm trying to figure out what is going on and how I can help. But then yeah, then you get involved in people's lives like that. And you start to learn and either you do like you read police reports about the family or, you know, past relationships about the family. And so then you write everything out of report, and then you send it to someone else so they can get involved. And


I'll say like, you have to be kind of like desensitized.


Like really, like extreme cases?


And like, yeah,


you have to think about this is data collection. Right? Yeah. Otherwise Otherwise it's like, oh, yeah, you can't have a biased opinion about anything. And when you when you go and talk to, like, x man


if you go and talk to like, law enforcement or like firefighters especially, like those guys have, like, the weirdest sense of humor is is because they have to because there around so many weird things that like to get involved in people's like personal lives. And a lot of people that I deal with either are not on the very good end of the spectrum, either with the law or, you know, not really good,


you know, financial situations. And so I deal with a lot of those guys who are families that have passed


histories of drugs and so like you You read all these things and they're like, like this is someone's life that I am reading about or talking to or being involved with and so it is just a weird feeling to


the people today you know you have to be desensitized to that or you know you're


there there's there's a time where you're sitting there thinking like should I do I need to stop the door Am I like what what do I need to do in this and then the more you get involved the more you get connected with the family and just and it just becomes weird so like it's kind of the same thing with watching those like top shows like, but like I'm there having to deal with those. Yeah, converting. Yeah. Yeah. And being involved in being in those people's lives. So it's, it's again, to quote the famous philosopher. It is pretty heavy.


I think I think it was Aristotle I can't remember.


Yeah, yeah, yeahs.


You watch those shows? And it's like yeah, they do have some sort of, you know educational or promotional thing that the police but when you're actually you know, they're seeing it firsthand or Yeah, just like man, this is someone's life I'm getting involved with how messed up is this? Yeah. And it's only like, yeah, especially on TV and for like, three minutes.


And you are


weirdly granted a window into possibly the worst three to 10 minutes of that person's life. That's why Yeah, yeah. And it's really weird that that is the part of people's lives that we choose to focus on.


TV camera, right.


That's the weird bit but you know, like, Well,


why as a culture my obsessed with watching all the bad things had stuff. Yeah, right. Like


Yeah, like I might not obsessed with


Why do i'm not watching a show about somebody getting a new dog?


Right? Yes. Why am I not watching a TV show about the trials and tribulations of new couches? Right? Right.


I only have like one viewer, but like, it's the it's the cultural cultural perspective of like, oh, for some reason I'm drawn to this negative thing.


Yeah, there's a I don't know why. I'm actually on Twitter, on Twitter right now. But I was on Twitter yesterday, or the other day where you can find negative things and right, and so we follow a lot of sports people so it doesn't really count. But there's one video that someone posted and it was like, a fight at a club and just seeing like the retweets and the likes and then like right above that is the


the animal rescue website, the dodo people


Yeah, that like they showed people like rescue puppies. And just like the amount is so like the spread on it is so vastly different like there's like thousands of more likes for like the violent people fighting video compared to like the 200 people who liked the video and the dogs and their posts at the exact same time. And yet people are just kind of obsessed with like this aggressive fight culture, but I'm like, but I want to see the people wrestling the kiddies. Like


I know which one of those my wife would like.


And then I even I even brought that same concept up to


one of my college professors for it was a sociology class. And the people I'm gonna do it, right and they're like, Oh, no, people don't do that. I'm like, you're heard of the the channel world star? Yeah. Bet me on this.


Yeah. And so people yeah. And then people got on the thing and they're like, this is how many people follow this kind of stuff. And I'm like, exactly.


Like, I want to watch the pier the person who traveled 3000 miles to get a frickin Newfoundland puppy. And they won't give it to me.


And I do think part of that is a desire to see people. I mean,


is it like, just a desire to see people like that are worse off than you so that you know that your life isn't so bad? Yeah. Is that is that part of it? Like, that's how I was just sitting there thinking like, Is it is it like a?


Almost, I'm trying to think of the correct word. But like, yeah, like, oh, look how much better off I currently am now, even if I'm like, in a bad way. I look at my TV and find someone worse than me. I am not being filmed running half naked down the highway. Yeah. Yeah, that's not my life. So instead of instead of being like, Oh, well, okay. Yeah, that's a good point. Because I was I was. Yeah, like, oh, gives you perspective, right?


But you again you got to measure it correctly, right? You gotta you can't wildly outdo your like perspective like some things don't match, right? Like you can't you can't be like, Oh man, this traffic sucks. You know what sucks worse linen graph.


fair comparison.


In some ways, you gotta you gotta rein it in a little bit. Like, Oh man, I had a bad day. My drive home from work was terrible. At least I wasn't tackled by police officer bless them. We it's a weird thing. Think about when you put it in perspective that way like you get, we have to make this more reasonable like, move. Yeah, I know. It just is I I was just trying to think of why you would be attracted to the to the to the negative negativity and but it's not. It's not it's not a it's not. I think part of it is not as a


Not stemming from the individual. Right? Hmm, this is what is presented to you as culturally acceptable. Right. In the culture of the United States. Yeah. Okay. That's, that's where it comes from. It's not an individual person thing. Because individual tastes are shaped by the culture that they're in. Right. So whatever is trickling down from you, whatever is being presented to you from somewhere, is what you get, right? Yeah. And so that's


because that's what they assume you want go I don't know, like, this really weird. Just think about that. Like, clearly that's how everybody wants because the Hallmark Channel exists, right? So that's exactly. There is a market for this one.




Hallmark again, we need to direct you to our previous episodes, we discussed your catalog


working on those other states.




comes coming slow, drag it out a little bit.