Van life

- it's raining for some of us, shockingly


- car shaped cars

- Model 3 Truck

- we attempt ASMR

- Overwatch...or something

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Hello, hello. That was so loud in my ears.




everything was turned on, like full blast and I was like, I don't think my volume is on fire. I was concerned maybe you had been, you know, hunting snakes or something on your way back from your training. I needed I needed to do something that rain was terrible.


Oh, there's Yeah, it's been raining all day. It's crazy. You guys. Yeah.


Yeah, luck. Yeah, it's




right now.


Yeah. CO Bruce, that's even worse. Yeah. So it was raining. Yes,


it started. It's been raining all day. And then I had to drive two more to where our court was. And then I had to once they got it once they Let us go. I had to then drive north which I passed the rain. Once I got to like taco like very, very North Oklahoma. Then I went over and then the rain just slowly caught up to me. And then it just dumped buckets all the way from paga city to like me getting home now like 20 minutes ago. And there's only one road from the SCA to my apartment. And it's all windy. And Mimi's car is not really known for its quick maneuverability in the rain. In So yeah, I almost went off once twice. Oh my. Yeah. Like it was it was bad bad but


it isn't super bad here. It's just been raining all day. It was raining when I got up this morning it's still raining cold I like it Chuck we did not like it well it's time to go outside before dinner and he was like nope no think so.


Oh my gosh


that quick is dog walking in history go


for guy he goes through so much


yes he's like I'm the couch though was nice let's go back to that but so yeah, so I said besides apparently columns like oh yeah nice and dry here


it's been well yeah it's weird because yesterday it was I don't know but you guys have we we hit 73 yesterday 73 here yesterday definitely not here okay and then it was like sunny and 73 and then today the temperature just dropped off the scale and woke up today and Like 34 and then it's been overclass, overcast but we did. We haven't got any rain though,


cuz we have it all down here. Yeah.


Apparently it's all south and also west of you, apparently, which is bizarre but whatever is currently drowning. We'll just we'll probably be getting it too late tonight or tomorrow. I don't know if it keeps moving south. I'm not sure which way is moving, but we'll have check here. I don't know. But yeah, so anyway.


What else is new other than Aaron being soggy


and it's quite soggy.


Goodness. Well, we were supposed to go on a


on a float trip yesterday.


And actually we're supposed to go to float trip on Tuesday. But we had got rain


on like,


Saturday, and we were watching the rain gauge and it was like, went up a little bit. Really cool, we're gonna be able to go. And then Monday, I guess the rest of the watershed drained into the river. And they brought, and then it just shot up. It went from like, so we float around 100 CFS, cubic feet per second. Yeah, hundred hundred 20 is like, really nice because this is supposed to be an educational float or we take people on the river, and oh, yeah, yeah. How did like diagnose whether a stream bank is stable and show


what better time than when it's rushing and clearly unstable. I'm looking at this perfect example of instability, right? Well,


we also have just like we only have we only take three instructors on the river, and there are 25 students, and every year we have the people. Every year we range from the people who go whitewater rafting in their spare time to people who have never been in a canoe and don't know how to swim. Seen a river? Yeah, yeah, people people go. Oh water. Okay, let's start there. Oh,


side side note timeout real quick. According to my phone it is currently snowing in Amarillo, Texas.

They are in it's coming for you


losing their minds.


Oh, I hope I don't have to work tomorrow. That'd be


dope. Yeah. Anyway.


Anyway, so it was from like 150, which were like, Oh, it's a little up but it's fine to 302 nine to 900 CFS, which, which in the grand scheme of things, this river has 20 foot tall banks on it that overtop regularly so this river can handle 50,000 CFS and which Yeah, But look that you're not floating that right.


Other things are flooding that like trees.



Actually, yes. Floating boulders, right. And so ours. So when we leave, we've more than, you know more than tripled our our safe discharge that we were happy to be floating we were like, well we can't float on Tuesday. So it started to come down and we're like, well kind of at the rate that it's falling will be able to go. And it just it never got there. So we had to cancel the float trip yesterday and we had two people who immediately stood up from the classroom teaching and we're like, well, we're not floating. We're not gonna stay here anymore and walked out. And I was like, I was like, What? Like you. I mean, we're here just for the float trip. Like you were here Monday, Tuesday, and you showed up Wednesday. And you're okay, you're okay, bye bye bye. Just I don't get it. Whatever.


I mean, I can see where there might be distracted by this, but I might when you've already sat through it. Why? I mean, the only thing


that we had left to do was to do a practice come and take the test. That's all they had to do. Yeah. Left, you done all the other requirements,


then you can just go rent a boat on your own and be like, I'm gonna float any way. And then just go rent one of those really junky aluminum boats. Right it and then just go for it. Yeah. Yeah.


And they had they, like, pulled up their phone, and they were showing this The, the, the gauge data, which we have, because MBC the department, which the department pays for the gauge data so that, you know,


like, we provided that data get out


anyway, and they're like, well, you tell me how this is unsafe. This, this is this is nothing. It's only you know, the rivers that rivers at four feet, you're telling me it's not safe until it's down to two feet, and it's like well, you know, I know that sounds ridiculous, but the number of times like I've taught this class, I've taken it. And I taught it three times previous to this. So my grand total four times, there have been three canoe tips. Almost every single class. Yeah, and the river in the river is placid at that point, you're like dragging across the bottom for over the referrals. But people don't know how to be in a canoe how to get in or get out appropriately. And so yeah, pull people out of rivers, and now all of a sudden, you're going to double the flow. No, like, you're gonna, what's not doing that? So it was like, it's like, it's not just you and what you want. It's, there is 25 other people's liability on our heads when we get them out on the river. That's a man.


I'm assuming it's a man. But yes, attitude. This is a man that never rewound a VHS tape. Oh, just say, Yeah, no.


This is true. He never did. He did. And as soon as he became inconvenienced, everybody else around him is going to be inconvenienced.

Anyway, so So today was, was clean up and

paperwork and getting caught up for the stuff that I haven't been doing for the past week as I've been both teaching and prepping for this, this thing. So


that was not my fun, but my day was not very fun, but


nobody likes paperwork in scrubbing table tops with Clorox. That's true. That's true. It's really


it's one of those things if you're like, I'm my job today is just chores. Just going to go straight. Some tables sweep the floor, clean the toilets. That's what my job is today.




How exciting. Yeah, yeah. And I sent great cards home today so I'm done I'm like Yep. All right. All my paperwork was already done. Nice. Already in there. Nice nice day today Don't worry about it. I just waving them at them here they are like you know

we're calling your parents and telling you they're coming like what know what?


You have been warned.

Start working on those excuses everybody.


Yes, I don't know. They have made a big deal about their fine. I don't know what it is. It's like they look like do that, guys. It's, I already show you grade. I don't know what you're worried about. I showed you yesterday. Or this week. Don't stop it. Yeah must have been there the classes there because it wasn't mine there were


four guys.


It was it and then it was raining so we had have indoor recess.


I was cool. oxymoron self love


indoor recess. It's so much fun. I love it with sixth graders. So what do you what do you do? from there? That's the quandary. Right? Because I have primaries my with my recess duty days are Thursday and Friday. Okay, but because the universe hates me, it seems that it only rains on Thursday. And if it rains on literally any day, other than Thursday, we can go to the gym, have recess, in the gym, but on Thursday He has a class in there. So we can't do that we have to be in classrooms doing random stuff. I don't know. If he's boring, kind of like, though. We were going to try to play a game on the thing, but the internet was all jacked up. And so we're like, Well, that didn't really work. And then I'm just like, fine. After there was like, eight minutes left as I was in, do everyone, I don't care. We're gonna sit and hang out. You can talk to your friends just kind of. So they just sat around and talk to their friends and we're goofy. And there was after lunch, so it's fine. Yeah, that's too bad. Okay. But still, it's still like.


Yeah, I mean,


they didn't just sit there on their phones and sit in silence the whole time.


So Amazon's a sixth grade not allowed to see your phone. It's not yours anymore.


Oh, even during even during recess.


Yeah, during recess. Oh, my goodness, they're not technologically responsible humans. So they'll just spend the whole time like taking non consensual pictures of their classmates and posted. Okay, yeah. You know? Yeah, okay.


No, they don't get those some of those fun people. Yeah.


And it's not like, yeah, just like oh, whoa, whoa, go and then like put on something and you're like what? No, girl. Yeah, okay. I can see that gonna have to do some more 20 more games to play inside because


heads up seven up non stop down oh


I guess I forgot about it up, right?


Everybody always cheats look at the shoes now like they stand up they look directly everyone's feet Who tagged me? JOHN? Was it? Yeah, we'll have to have to cheat it heads up seven up the most dire consequence game ever.


Take half battle?


Hunger Games,


okay, it's fine. You don't have to get.


Yes, yeah, you don't know where they're going to take this,


you know, that Hunger Games, you don't have to survive at any cost. I don't know, sit back down again. It's fine.


You get other people picking the popular people and then just repeat the cycle over and over again. So you never get a chance to play. And then when you're finally picked, it's time for for lunch and they say, Oh, we have to stop and then you're sitting in there confused, like but I just can we just take one more round, please. Just one more round. And then it never come to fruition and you're just sitting there sad. And it haunts you for 20 years later that you're picked that day. Wow.


This is exactly why we don't


Yeah, I got to drive a Ford Transit fan this week. That was cool.


Oh, was that when your picture was about? Of course it was. It was just talking about you think I pay attention? I don't.


I even said I'm driving a Ford Transit van.


I can't read. Well, okay. Yeah, no, I was we had to go pick him up from father to read. I can't be bothered. Yeah, I think it's actually like, I see the message and I'm like,


yep, that's the message.


Yep. And I move on. Mm hmm. No, I was very excited. My coworker my coworker right.


Why were you driving a transit van? Well, we had to


shuttle the shuttle the students to the to the non existent float trip


to the nonnegotiable.


But yeah, because we have 25 people. So we get to 15 passenger vans, and we have to drive them there and back and all that stuff, but so unfortunately, My driving of a transit van this year the end of the year was only a short distance only was like it's like an hour total as we're driving around to and from and getting it staged and all that stuff. But it was still an amazing hour because I love driving portrayed the band I don't know why. It

makes me it makes me so happy.


So I can kind of I kind of make a connection with kg because you all say van




so i i have a I drove a state van this entire week down Norman and it was in total I think I put like 500 miles just on it just from where I drove it to down to around in Norman and and back. But like it was just cool to drive like it was The 2000 like 16 Dodge van, or whatever they call it Yeah, I was just cool touch a little camera in the backs like and backup and things so I couldn't be bothered to you know, check my check my side that she's little cameras but yeah I just it just kind of cool it's a van thing brand new and understand I


know we're not I like a minivan or is it like a like a hauling like passenger VO


just no windows


123456 gets fit eight to nine people.


So I guess it's not really a transit band, but it's a van van.


Okay, man, Dan.


Yeah, I apparently missed the driving gene in our family. And then it skipped me and it went both the YouTube because I'm like have to drive Across town. Yeah, let's do pros. and cons. Like


I don't like to drive my car. Like if I like if I if I rent a vehicle, or you know, like, the state provides a van or someone's like here you can drive my car, like I love doing that. But when someone's like, hey, like me down at Oklahoma City and like I have to drive by car grows and want to drive my car, I'd still want it. I


don't care what it is. I don't want to drive.


Over driving at this point in my life. I'm just like, whatever it is, is terrible. I don't want to do it. Like to drive over there. Like it I'm boring or people aren't show for me around yet. I mean, Susan drives everywhere. Because I'm like you I don't like it. You Yeah. Don't it? I mean, I drive sometimes out of necessity. Like, but I just don't like it is. No, I don't why I don't find it enjoyable because it's a very idle experience where you just sit and do nothing. Okay? You just didn't do nothing is 60 miles an hour? It's not like


autonomous vehicle lifestyle there,


man. I


want a self driving car so bad. I It's my dream Kate look. Yeah, it's great. It's, it's what I want in my life is I want to get in a car and I want it to take me somewhere. And then I can just disembark and be done. It'd be great. Do you have any idea? Just next time you go through a fast food drive thru. Okay. This is mostly for Aaron. I don't call doesn't do that. But when you're when you're watching people go through the drive thru. Uh huh. Look at the car spacing. And look how inefficient it is true. It's the most inefficient trash ever. And it's just like there's like a car and then they'll be like 14 feet and then there's like some big truck that can barely fit in there. And like nine more feet and then some other car like what are you? Yeah, I such nonsense.


Stop lights too.


Awesome of the stoplight. This is why I'm getting I'm building up to that. So sorry. So yes, you got me. So like, yes, it's just like that whenever you're at the stoplight, and especially in the turn lane, aka the shortest signal in the history of the universe. Right. Amen. where you are.




You You're you You're in the lane and then like one guy goes one guy remembers that he's driving and go. And again, there's another guy in like the world's largest truck who's like, taking up way too much road space for. And then he goes, and by the time they remembered where the accelerator accelerator is the lights right again. I don't I don't know what fast food restaurants. dresser Brandon's been through, but every Donald here in town, it's awful.


Every fast food that I have ever been in, I've always had like, the world's largest truck, like in my bumper. Mm hmm. And so even though I try to screw up a smidge, they're like, Oh, I'm going to be in your backseat now. And so I've always had people that's just been like, on my tail like they feel like they're going to get their food faster and like I'm purposely going to slow down


the one here. They leave Like you could fit a car in between some of these cars because they're like, they're just like, Oh, good. What are you doing? Go move up. I did watch and then they're already driving on their phone. If they had a self driving car, I wouldn't have to worry about being killed by their negligence. That would be great. That would be fantastic. I don't have to be like pulled to a stoplight and see some dude on his phone like, great. I'm going towards you know, it would be perfect. Hey, they want it. They don't know they want it yet. They do. Sure. Sure. Yeah. How would that like? Yeah, I want that's what I that's my dream is to just get in a car and have it take me to work. I can just sit there drink my coffee. stare out the window. Not driving. It's perfect.


Yes. Why? That's why public transit needs to come back and style Oh man.


Yeah, that would be great too, because because


it was it was really nice to now granted. When I was in Stillwater, I took the the campus bus, which was pretty much like the city bus because like it picked up everybody. And my apartment was at the tail end of the complex, so I'd have to walk up all the way to the front. But yeah, it was just nice not to like, had to fight morning traffic. I was literally in the bus. And it just dropped me off. And I knew where I knew where it was going to be. I knew what time it was because they made a little app that said, Hey, your bus is here I go Thanks app. Night and I'm like, man, I could sit there like read text on my phone, do homework or look at notes and I had do nothing.


Yeah, that was


the last time I was on a bus. This is kind of like a side stories like sub story. There's a gentleman that got on the bus and like immediately threw up and I'm like, I'm probably gonna take the bus for a while and I haven't taken But sentence




Some guy got on the bus and you said stay above 50 and Aaron's like, Oh no, I'm off.


Yo can have it, I'm out. But now


and I don't want one of those weird like self driving cars like Tesla is like, you know, oh, it can no just only self driving. I just want those concept models where it's just like a lounge on some wheels. You know? And it's just like a huge open inside because you don't need all that other junk anymore. Okay, I don't have to have all that. That nonsense. So it's bigger inside I can like you but like a bigger, you'd be more comfortable. You can have stuff in there. You can, you know, read your book and just cruise down the road and not worry about where it going, man. Sure.


Go. I just


won by a Barnes and Noble this weekend. And like the whole way up here. I was thinking I was like, man, a beer in the If I could like either myself read the book or like, someone read me the book while I drove up so dope


audio books, if somebody

wants to hire and dirty and wants to hire somebody




do the voices.


I feel like if that's the case, maybe you should just hire someone to drive you and you can sit at the back and read the book by yourself.


I think I think if we're gonna go with with hiring somebody, let's get the driver, not a reader.


Although the reader might be cheaper to hire, I know.


I know. You said you just didn't really care to read there and but bit much. Yeah, come now. Read this to me now. I'll go ahead. I made it. I did make a request at a last week. I stopped in Stillwater and I went to buff went to Eskimo Joes and I walked in I was like there is no valet outside where's the manager in the poor little high school kid was like, sir I don't know what a valet is and I'm like why do I bother with these peasants in the manager came out and since I worked there previously they're like lever custom like lever employees alone like he doesn't know what a valley is. She's like, Oh, yeah, you're right you're fired. I'm like, haha, Wow, great job. She's the proletariat's need to learn.


Well, my kid they started


any way.


Show for working on it.


Over or book reader, I guess.


Yeah, look for both. I don't know. Right


people One person to drive you and another person to reduce


What are you driving Amai back Jesus man


Lana back now i i need yeah I need to do like what we used to do when we're when I was little go sit in the very far seat of the suburban and have someone drive and have someone read to me so I can just lay in the back and not do anything




i future is set


out well apparently I can just get Collin a driver you guys he's all about that van.


Van light we we are you going to are you


going to forsake the Land Cruiser Is this the plan now we're just gonna forsake that and then go full full hog on the van like full size guys man van Reno


Yeah, I think so. vans vans are a treat a delicacy that she was a boy

once once every now to too much of an exposure just ruins it entirely is to be to be to be with you for a moment and then be let back into the wild and be free. So, so, so no it is it's not it's not a it's not something you just keep around you know, it's just a when you're ready for that kind of experience. You just you just step out you get it and then you move on to something else but Oh, it's so much fun. I don't I can't I don't know how to explain this but it's just because it's big. But it's you're in that little especially the way they've got the cockpit setup in kind of setup is a little bit high and the steering wheels there and gotten full shifter and you're moving this huge thing that all the space behind you. Great feeling.


I never go big fans like that.


Go ahead. What


Oh no, I just remember what With just for Boy Scouts that old rent I like he takes the suburban a lot but sometimes he'd rent like a 15 passenger man.


Yeah, like how terribly uncomfortable it is in the back there smushed into the seats office.


Yeah I just imagining like what it must have been like for dad just tending to all those small human beings or you know,


really awful idiots so I


yes, I can imagine that was quite the headache.


Literally and figuratively. Yes, yes.


Oh my gosh, Poor Dad. But so really what I want to know


is like, we're gonna have to come to Collin for these van reviews of like, transit versus like, sprinter. Right. That's the big divide in the van world is like transit man. or Mercedes like sprinter or better faster yeah or whatever the Dodge one is I don't remember that they don't I don't know


either oh no that's that's the


master okay and then yeah so that's what we need to know Collin we need to we need to yeah man on the ground here


okay well I'll start


time next time like guys get we're gonna get the van but yo but I'll take care of it I'll go and it's just like man Don't you worry


yeah like Collin why why do you have a sprinter Why do we have that out here for my work


my other Don't worry other work van reviewed


Didn't we almost get on a van for like whenever we went down to when I came down to Texas to do like field research with you.


Yes it was the whole point I wanted this little van They


wanted a van to go down by the river.


Yes. And get the fish it was gonna be fine. So this is also we're calling the wanted to go to West Texas in a van.


I mean, it would have been fine


would have been fine


like seeing the picture it was actually like kind of neat, but I'm really glad we got the truck though because it was big and spacious and a truck. I


Collin tell it you know what's also big and spacious of man.


Oh man.


Yeah, because they the Dodge Dart had had a version of their pro master that was a like a city van was kind of small. I don't know if you've seen them, but they're they're much smaller. And I really wanted those because I had I had to put fish in buckets and I wanted to include


not an index in the back of the truck right


Exactly track right so but it was they didn't have any available


you were too late.


I was so on the van there Yeah. Collin was very sad when he notified me He's like, can you get a van so I got a truck and I'm like, Oh, I'm so sorry. so heartbroken for your loss.


I guess you were trying to blend in in Texas. right you're wearing a giant truck now? Well, that is


that is true. Especially out in West Texas. If you are in a true if you're in a white truck. You will nobody will think anything twice a white all the f1 50. Yeah, that's what all the company cars out there that the oil companies use. Everybody has white boards. It just because that's the easiest color to come by. That's true.


Right common. But yes, that's almost worse. I don't know. driving trucks either.


They're so big there's Aaron likes driving trucks. You know, I've heard


for some reason fan is not I don't mind driving a van because it's supposed to be big but whenever I'm driving like one of the new f 150s like we have for work you just it's so big


the most enormous thing of all time. I don't know what happened. This I don't know what caused this. Why know exactly what caused it, but the small truck to just go extinct, right? No. I know. It's like, Oh, no, by because I keep all my friends used to have those like they're fine. Like I didn't drive one but like, sure. It was okay. But now like that doesn't exist anymore. No, and even the ones that they're coming out with now are huge in comparison. Well, yeah, I think the new Ford Ranger is basically the old f1 50. Yeah, like f 150s. Like the old f2 50. They just sort of gone up and it's like Enormous thing and it's it drives me nuts. Yeah, like Yeah. Mostly because it's just unnecessary. Right? part of my brain is going why that's not Oh, you don't need that. It's purely for coolness factor or some sort of perceived coolness factor, right? Like, huh. And so, I mean, you can tell right the difference between people that have a truck to do truck stuff and people that have a truck, because cool, like number one, number one look for a trailer hitch. I will tell you, yes. If it has a trailer hitch, look at it. If it's like all shiny and bright that no. It's all like beat up and Rusty like your things. Looking inside of the bed, It's like perfect and pristine. Why do I have this truck? If it looks like this is all scratched? Haha, you're doing truck things. So I'm not I'm not like anti truck. I'm only a certain type of truck. Right, right. I'm certain type of truck driver. Owner person. Right? That's, that's what it is. Yep. And also, I think it has to do with the person that owns the truck to do truck stuff. understands that they're driving a truck and they know how to drive it. Right. About like a good week. Yo,


not right, not like it. Or, you know, a Miata? Yes.


Whereas other truck status person, like they're the people that I get angry at in traffic, right? They're the ones that Video is doing insane things like why are you doing that? Why? Why would you drive that way? It doesn't make sense right? Why are you wanting to be behind somebody in the McDonald's drive thru?


Sounds like if we just saw a drive through is a lot of your problems would go away


really would help a lot I'm telling you what,


like cuz I know like the the medium or like really small cars come from like the you know Toyota and but like all all all those cars are all those like those trucks are so expensive, and it's weird. It's really enough cheaper to just get, you know, like a big truck and call it good. But like I would like a truck but I want a small truck but they


don't exist, right?


That the 2006 Toyota Tundra is like the largest truck that I would ever want to buy or own and that that's the body's style that they had before. They went to their current one. Yeah, the without enormous, huge job in saying, but yeah, you try and go and buy a 2006 Toyota Tacoma and it's still it's still $15,000 and it's got 340,000 miles on it. And it's like, yeah, I'm good.


Yeah, those are mad. I can't afford those. Well, no, but it's just yeah, it's just the principle of the matter. Like, why is that? I understand.


Now, if someone gave me a truck, well, I mean, I mean, f1 50. Okay, I guess yeah, that's kind of different. That's kind of different.


But it has has to do with you know, they're part of the reason they got enormous was because like, safety regulations are insane. And so like, yeah, you basically have to drive inside of a massive plastic ball. Like to be considered safe on the road. Yeah, but the other Cuz like, if you look at just like the eight pillars on that truck, you can't see past it because it's eight inches wide. Yeah. Whereas on an old like steel body pick up from earlier they're like,




Totally cool.


But if you rolled over on it you would totally be crushed it.


No, not in like a not you're not No, I'm in like an old like Ford F one big check. No, you can imagine with a hammer and just like me, sure, whatever. Okay, like




f1. 50. Yeah, early 90s when I was like,


let's go was it was just like a steel cage.


Yeah, till someone took the roof off of it. Anyway, we got


it. It worked.


Did it


did this


squeak was there. For you like it's it that's how this week work. That's why they put this weekend. It was a fractured squeak to remind you of the silence in your life to appreciate it Oh, I didn't have it for that long afterwards so it didn't count


it didn't matter why is it

I know that's that's my second point. Yeah. Okay whenever that's what killed the small truck for real well, yeah. Whenever gas prices took that tumble back down all of the truck manufacturers like Yeah, all right. Sorry seconds coming now, as they were they were going smaller, reasonable like humans, mid sized vehicles human sized and then gas prices tanked years ago. And with the oil all the weird oil things are happening which fascinating in its own right but then Basically the car manufacturers just went Oh, nevermind. Okay anymore. JK. Here they come back with a vengeance like they like the very next year the models were enormous, like so crazy. Yeah


how quickly that turned around? Yeah, like a month


there's like no show that design out Give me that other one what were we thinking? Well because I mean when you think about it like the way it was going like smaller, more efficient more powerful motors and and like they're designed for like electric drives, right electric drive is like the torque each thing in the world if you are truly interested in trucks for truck things like electric power is where it's at. You will pull everything or you could like doesn't matter. He's put some emotion that you will pull, like dump trucks it doesn't matter right But because it's not cool right? It says cool for exactly yet. That's what we had to make it cool, right? Because the cool thing is to screw with the little exhaust output thing on your diesel and when you pass people like blast, black diesel exhaust at you go cold coal Rowland. Yes, exactly. Yes. Because that's cool for some reason, but it doesn't have the it doesn't have the torque, power and the pulling power of an electric motor. It does not good. Like it's, you know, but it's not. It's not better. So, because there's no the technology just got shelved because people didn't want anymore because gas prices fell off the roof ends up like okay, well, just kidding.


Yeah, no, it's it'll be really, really interesting to see the expansion of the electric Those other those markets other other besides sports cars and sedans, because sports cars are sedans are dying anyway, which is, which is very sad because you try and go out and find a nice four doors a day and it's like, no, how about this SUV? That's like a sedan, but we put it on stilts.


That's impressive and reason because the gas prices fell back off. So I hope we can make it bigger again. Sorry, you don't need that little car anymore. Normal and useful. You have to have a enormous thing that really if you like, I get it. I understand that. In American culture. The car is does not serve. It's not for functionality. Right? It hasn't ever been functional possession. Right? Like guess it takes you around places But it's never really designed to be purely a functional thing. Right? Otherwise you would not have ever created a Cadillac with like 18 foot fins on the back of it right? That would never have existed. Yeah, yeah. Right. There's no reason to create that. There's no reason to create these like, something like those iconic cars like the 68 Impala or something like that. That's not necessary if it's only a functional piece of machinery. Well, because it's also an outward expression of the owner. And its art in some levels, right. So, like, I get it, I understand this. It makes sense, right? You drive your car because I remember when I guilty I'm guilty of this. I understand. I drove a Dodge Charger around right a




That was not like, you know, it barely worked at the time. So it's not exactly a functional piece of machinery. I'm driving strictly to go from point A to point B. Well, sure. That is I'm driving it around. So people see it. I'm driving around as an outward expression of my somewhat boisterous personality type, right? Like Yes, yeah.


Yeah. There's there's an expression of yourself in the what car you drive, how you drive it when you drive it. All that stuff goes into it as well. Just a


driving around at 930 at night on Springfield in Springfield, like, on accident, right? Yeah. Cruising battlefield on accident. Like, Oh, no, How'd I get here? Like this, right? You drive around to be seen. You're hanging out with people and meet people. It's not like that. I can get it. I understand. But like me Point, like some of that stuff has to be kind of put on the side for the minute and be like, Okay, um, but this other stuff is also maybe slightly more important for like, the betterment of road going society, right? Yeah, we're sharing this space together and we need to not make it atrocious. So like, that sounds crazy. Like, I know, I know, I'm insane. But like, I want myself. I want my self driving car to look cool too. But like, I wanted to drive itself. I don't wanna drive it. That's


primarily I don't want to be the one driving it.


Yeah, it can still look. Right. I understand. That's the other big problem that electric cars face is their desire.


I wanted to


Well, no, it's not that. I mean, some of its that To be honest, but like Some of it is, there does a lot of the design features that are on cars now. Are there for a reason? Like, take the grill? very iconic thing has to have. Right. That's what RI perceives as car. Right? That's part of what we think of when a kid draws a car. They put that on there. I mean, yeah, electric cars don't need that.


Monday have any way.


Because there's an expectation of it


is expectation of what a car should look like. Yeah. So even though a lot of the designs that electric cars like when you see those, like auto shows and stuff, those things are in sane,


and I want those.


That's why my life extra bad. Like things were like, the door opens up and it's just like eight feet of empty car. Yes, that's what I want. But like those are not widely Receive because they are so far outside of the comfort zone of what is, quote unquote car like, right? So like, yeah. So even though you can do all this crazy stuff like Jetsons stuff mans nuts, like it's possible, but nobody will do it because nobody will buy it because it's so far out in my field that it's like no think think of the amazing vans that you could have. Right that you're going to not


think about? Well, because it's just guess yeah, people want to a car shaped car to go along with this stuff. But yeah, you look at all the concepts out there and you go that is beautiful. That's amazing. And it never ships in one it's because those are kind of definitely cut more costly to make those shapes. Those are coming down as they're changing materials and stuff. But secondly, there's not a market for something you know, shaped like a plum or you know, some some weird a Morpheus blob or whatever, you know, I look at the stuff that vwos coming out with some of their plans. Those cards are Really cool, they're really, you know, really being able to play with shapes. Because they don't have to have a grill, they don't have to have the space out there, they can do stuff with it that you can't, whenever you've got a big, you know, iron brick up front, but it just takes a little buy in. And yeah, you know, the early cars, you know, I think the Nissan LEAF of like, it was also the statement of, look at me, I'm different as a way of breaking some of that psyche of I'm an electric car, so I'm different Look at me, so I can see how it'd be a marketing thing to for company.


But at the end of the day is, you know, and so the trends are gradually shifting to those those styles.


And like, you know, I think because you think I mean, it's going that direction. I mean, if you just look at where the car was in 1988 Oh, right. Yeah. And where it is now. It's like Oh, snap, okay, but a lot of those Still there, but like, all the elements are there, but they look very different. Yeah, but I think even though like Tesla is doing a lot to help that even though Elon Musk is absolutely insane person like because, you know, they told him to like, there's no market for electric cars. He's like, what's this? And like, you can't make them fast enough. You know, like, I know you can't get one because they're you just can't because people just buy them up the second they're available boom gone. I would I




I see him around here sometimes even you know crazy. Yeah, like I saw one the other day I was driving back through Republic and Tesla right there.


What the heck, what by


but, you know, but it is take that kind of in you know, that level of insanity to be like, you know, People just telling you, there's no market no buy that. Oh, yeah, watch this, and then makes it instantly sold out. Like I can't. So they are going that way, but I just think that it will take some time. But uh, there's a lot of cool things that you can do. And I think it just be more interesting, right? It could be even more interesting. It's more called car cultural. If you think about it, because you have like, crazy designs to look at. You have instead of just like, car shaped car, does it have


more levels of expression and variety? Because you think back to a lot of the cars of the I don't know, like the cars the 90s they all kind of look just look like




boring, you know, Advil, blobs, and


not as bad as the cars in the 80s around


Brown. Brown squares.


Yay. How cool is that?


Yeah, everybody. Just thought, yeah, they went from squares to rounded circles and ovals. And just everything looks add in kind of depressing. But that's like, yeah, see how much how much more variety you could add in really differentiate the cars. And one good thing about the electric cars is that, well, they kind of all drive the same, because it's just an electric motor. Right? So you can play with suspension a little bit to make the feel okay. But then where do you differentiate your car? You have to make it look different than everybody else in interior


in on the on the interior, you know? It?


Yeah, well, both you kind of start catching people's eye because you can, you know, drive an IPS and drive a Tesla and drive you know, a Nissan and electric drive is pretty much just electric drive. Oh, yeah.


But I mean, you say that but most of the cars I mean, not most but a lot of cars driving on the Right now are the same parts just packaged slightly differently. It's like the same. The engines are exactly the same they have a different stamp on them. Like so a lot. A lot of them drive the same already. It doesn't like you're driving like, unless you're driving a some kind of. I don't know. If you drink all four door like I'm no Mini Cooper, whatever. Or like an Aston Martin like it's gonna


that's gonna drive Yeah, well like sure


emotion normal cars are like Yep, it's the same like even like the Mustang it uses the same chassis bottle of stuff that for well throw it on there and like okay,


yeah, that's true, the whatever, you know, whatever base they're using is true. Yeah. Ford Ford has gone a long way to cutting out a lot of their, their foundations and really trying to build platforms that are highly adaptable across a wide range of cars.


Yeah, it is it is, you're already driving the same thing. It doesn't matter.


I know, I just, it just becomes a little more equalized. But all of a sudden, you can't even make the engine sound different, right? You can't even play with exhaust notes unless you pipe it into the speakers


that you already does. Well, they have to because people don't hear it. Yeah, they don't have to, like they don't like it's such a perceptual difference that they have to do that otherwise, like, like people are all of a sudden going like a million miles an hour and they're like, Oh, I didn't know because you had no audio cue. Sure. You don't hear it coming? Because there's no audio kids just quiet just like like they did right when you watch like love on your watch. If you watch that recently, yeah, in the past few years like the Lamont races like the big like Audi that's winning. All right, yeah. That's it. You're here. They like so they have to add in some of that stuff to make him like to make people not become killed by cars, because you can't do them anymore. The one drawback, the silent ness of the car that like, you know, you have to add extra things in that you don't have to now it's like a compromise between what car should be in like a safety of like people are used to listening for traffic and if they can't hear traffic then that's a problem. Yeah,


yeah, please You don't think?


Yeah. Yeah.


Goodness. Well, glad we got that solves.


Yeah, there you go. But I'm just I just want you to think about all the vans You can be driving like crazy vans. were exciting.


I can't wait for Ilan to get bored with this truck thing and start thinking about vans because you don't happen. That's


right. He's a guy to move two trucks. Because that one that one lady just like built her own truck. Did you see that? Yeah, she just like




I don't remember what her name is. That was amazing.


Yeah, she's some engine some engineer and she took a model wasn't a Model S and made it into a truck or no is a model three. No, no, you're right. She took model three then she made it into a drug. And it was amazing. It was so cool looking. And just you don't think of people being able to mod those kind of cars but there she was like, Oh my goodness. This makes me very excited. What What is this?


Oh explain.


She She bought a model three

Tesla Model three, and she turned it into a pickup truck. Her name is


Simone gears


Yes, she's Yes. sweetest born and she she basically hacked off from the the a pillar I forget what's right next to your shoulder. The pillar


goes out of order a Friday.


Yeah. Oh yeah, she hacked off the B pillar for the people are back behind her and took out the cap, you know, the the cabin space behind that and took it all the seats and took it down to the bed and made a truck bed behind her. And is you know, it's all wheel drive. And it's a small one.


Yeah, right. Yeah, it looks it's kind of like the Australian


you You go, Oh, I want one. Yeah. I just want like MU anyway or milieux or whatever it's called. I just think those trucks like those styles are so cool.


But alas, I don't know have one. Yeah, that's true. Because you not have done that Australian.


No, that's that. That's really neat. I I wouldn't have the Oh what I do. I mean,


you could take the light bar off, I guess.




that's true. It's a bit much but I would hope she's exploring it drew it does go with the aesthetic very well. It's a Mad Max, right. Like


I do love that movie.


Love, but


I am concerned for you if that's how you describe that.


good movie.


Which one is the question?


Oh, let's let's really let them think about that before he starts


talking. Go ahead.


I think the new one for Fury Road is actually pretty good. And then the second one


Okay, that's fair. Save us a Beyond Thunderdome.


Wait a minute Hold on.


Okay, that's that's acceptable answer. All right. Yes. A good


it's still raining outside. Are you kidding me? Yes, it's already here too.


It's okay. I got 14 hours of rain is fine, normal.


I got a new phone and one of the one of the things that's on here, it has a little icon that's, it says raining and it says for 17 minutes And we'll see if that's true or not. Okay, the countdown is on. It's not road against the wall that I know my phone back.


Throw it out of the rain. Take that in there. Yeah, no.




It's talking to 17 minutes. Are you sure?


Are you sure?


Please take your final.


I don't want to lose your phone.


Don't want to do this to make me.


We'll see. We'll see how long that lasts. But that will


say it's good to keep writing to stay at that.


Check. Why not?


Right? Why don't I stop, just keep going. Yeah. few more days. We've done tomorrow because I'm in a band practice tomorrow and I don't want to drive all the way into his house. In Babe lives in the middle of nowhere. So like, no take forever to get there. And, like, I don't want to drive there if it's already nasty.


Yeah, it's supposed to be rainy and nasty up here tomorrow, so you should be good. Well, next Tuesday and Wednesday it looks like we're supposed to get snow.


Yeah, yes. Yeah. Is it still is it up there's no they they said it was gonna snow next


for ride a


here but I think they might have


it I think that's just because it's supposed to rain and the low like, it's like the low tonight is 38 and then it's just low decrease next Monday the lowest 30 and then we go 2628 25 so all next week is going to be really cold.


Oh no, man. Oh, hold on. We're back.


Okay, that's insane. No, I'm not I don't want to snow because then I have to drive in it.


I have to ride my bike in it. Why do you do that?

Because we only have one car.




thanks in total


Why do you think I have been looking into truck so much trying to is that what you decided on was trucks? I would really like it 2006 Toyota Tundra

is what I really like but

they're so expensive and I have so many miles on them that I just can't. So I'm trying to find because the also

the marketing definitely works because when I asked Megan what she wants, she says she wants a small SUV, but she means like a Honda CR V and a Honda CR v is a civic on stilts ah I don't want a you know a car that's been lifted I want a true purpose built SUV

and so that makes it a little more difficult because she doesn't really like the way


other SUVs look so that's why he goes Land Cruiser all the time.


Okay fine you don't want a truck let's just get a Land Cruiser which doesn't really meet her definition of small but it

does meet the definition of SUV so I think we'll just play with that for a little bit. That's a good compromise. Now I was actually looking into like, the new Jeep Cherokees and yeah, them because they're they're little little softer. They're not as as hard style.

See if she would like those but

we'll see.


I can't even picture what a new


Jeep Cherokee looks like. I haven't really seen one. Imagine a less aggressive. I don't know if it makes sense but like a less aggressive Grand Cherokee where the grill isn't as as deep and it's not as Angular. It's a little bit more rounded.




Finally, there was some way you could Google that a stone by how you I can't reach my phone right now. Just don't know. You were just reading how many minutes? It's all I put it back on the charger. I Pan Am I


30 more minutes of rain. That's 70 minutes of phone life.




let's do far away again. Oh my gosh. I can't do what you want to do.


Oh my gosh, I have a great idea. And we can either do this. We can do this now because we're ready. We got a lot of time, but I'm there. But but here's an idea for something coming up. I have purchased

100 scripts text adventure adventure game.


But its bio on but


I would school like our computer game,


but I would play the computer


Oh no.


And I would read out the US had to give me commands and I would read on my little sheet that I have here like it's a PDF and and i would give you like you could say like inventory and I would say you're currently holding a candle and a wet sock or whatever then is the inventory. And then and then you have to say okay, go north and the exits and I as a exits are north, south and west and you'd have to work your way through the map that way. So it's an audio text adventure game.


Very excited about this. So


how did you find this when I stumbled across it from, you know, diving the depth of the internet? It's called parsley adventures. And is the future sponsor of the blue? Yeah, hopefully. But I don't know. I'm very excited to try this out. And I thought, either we could do it over this. Or we could do it when we're all together for Thanksgiving.


Oh my gosh.


That Yeah, it's, I'm trying to think of what like what, what the original game or like it?


Do you remember? I don't know if anybody else is going to remember this. I do the like, Oh, you do? You already know what I'm gonna say. I do. Okay, so one. Yeah. I don't remember what the name of that game was. Remember


either. I tell you Weight like the weight the one word you'd had like, the climb the mountain.


No, that ain't no, that game was amazing. Yes. Yeah, it was all that was


castle adventure. And the other one was called.


Oh my gosh, the mountain climbing game was dope. Right this game. I love that game. It was almost as good as dark forces.


Well, it's game, but


it was treasure. Mountain mountain. Sorry. Yeah. Treasure mountain and but the text adventure was castle adventure. Right? Yeah, that are colonial castle or


something like that. Right. But it was definitely on the super old like IBM box computer thing.


It had the monitor built in. So if you take a standard tower and lead outside and then yeah, a portion of that front panel was a tiny tiny CRT. Monitor


yeah the keyboard was like attached and like folded down yeah and then it was just it just had a floppy disk spot yes like five inch floppy right and yes there was that's what it was and there was like the cast some sort of castle adventure game where you go through and yes all that stuff but


part was was you didn't have a joystick or controller on the keyboard you had


to say which direction because you couldn't even use the




arrows right no sad to


say go here there was another one I think where you could use the arrow keys maybe probably but there was one that was texting you had to like tell it what to do and like anyone reached out what happened to you and yeah, and there was a dragon you know or something and you had an ogre whatever some sort of like ogre is wearing like the first room. I'm pretty sure they were over there. And you had to like bye The key is, hey, to go around and like do all the stuff. Yeah,




So anyway, so imagine that. But one person plays the computer and has the sheet in front of them. And so you have to give them the commands. And what's fun. What's cool is that the people that you play with you go round robin. So each person gets one command, and then it goes to the next person to give the next command. And so it was


Aaron and I have to both control the same character. Yes,


yes. Okay. So you could tell there, you know it. So Aaron would say North and then you could say, No, we're going south. And then Aaron say no, we're going north, and then you U a few years ago, there was a, I can't remember like who started it. But someone took like the Pokemon Gold emulator until you could play it on my computer and uploaded it to like a major server and just said, All right, people can play this but they can only type like what to do into it. And so like you know, it's like the Pokemon game go around cash battle whatever and so like thousands of people got onto this and they camera if it was like Pokemon Gold or which one it was but they like and they wire red blue and gold are basically the same game and they live streamed the whole event like one side of the screen they had like people's like commenting on the game like oh this is awesome. And on the other screen or on the other side or in the middle it had like the actual like what you would see normally and on the other side it had like the chat area where people would be like up, click on bag, open inventory and the game did it for them. And so it like the you can watch it in real time and it was so trippy and people and they beat the game because you know there'd be people on there. That would be like, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, and the computer would read that and they would do it. But everything was happening so fast that it just looked kind of glitchy. And so it was a little weird at first, but once you kind of eyes adjusted and your brain adjusted to like what was happening at the same time,


was he was watching speed runs, right? Yeah,


pretty much but like it just like people wouldn't do like there'd be some people kind of like on their trolling. there'd be some people on there like actually wanting to beat the game, but like every person that input and an action would happen. And so yeah, I can't remember what it's called. But I remember watching it in my apartment in Stillwater. And I was like, what is happening right now? Yeah, it was just me. Yeah, it was. It was so cool. Because Yeah, like thousands of people got onto it. And just like, we're gonna play Pokemon emulator and eat it


That's funny. So yes, I think maybe if you're brave enough to do that, we can


do it just just an idea that throw out there Can we could we could try it offline first and see how we go.


That's fair. That's fair. Probably a good plan for when we break it when we like. Know, but why can't I pick up the chest though? That's what? Yeah, the chest. Is it a mimic? That's right. And you take it first. If you ask it has to tell you.


DRU mimic.


You have to hit it. You have to walk it like in Dark Souls. He's Oh, yep. It's trying to eat me now. Okay.


That's you ask it yet by hitting him.


normal people do. Yeah, it's fine.



we go so RP geez advance now for


love it


just come on it if we figure out the best way to make a synth band out of that I think it'd be good where we go


got it I don't have a keyboard anymore, so I can't help you


get on that


one either.


But sure there's something you can download on computer


or not my computer. No, no, not at all.


There's barely Yeah, man this one not so much either.




sorry Aaron. Aaron is really shooting right now. Me? Yeah, who are you? What are you shooting? Now? I'm trying to get stuff updated on my ps4 just was not


responding is it Overwatch? Is it Overwatch now?


I do have Overwatch but now I don't play it on ps4. Okay


What do you play it on? follow up question


Who is your favorite character and why is it good GK


so I'm terrible again gee.


I am a


so I originally played it on my laptop, but my laptop is so man that just doesn't run properly. So I got it for myself. ps4 but I haven't really played it online I've only played online on my laptop


I am a


Reinhardt main oh there we go and then wait for me boy oh I'm also a Lucio because I can watch wall run like no other and yeah I just yeah I can boot people off the map and run away boom in the hole and run away Yes there we go so but I have not played it in so long like my the Wi Fi situation in my apartment is so wonky. Like I don't really do a whole lot but I'll get a notification that's like, Hey your services are like you've reached like this amount of stuff and I'm like but no i i have more and then they changed your different provider and I can Object everything up. So I think I've got finally got it to where it's, it's set so I can do like more online stuff, but I mean, I don't really play online hardly at all. Well, yeah, I just use Wi Fi for, you know, this purposes and you know, YouTube which


don't need anything else. True. Yeah.


I set out that conversation because I have no idea what most of those words are. The


future. I'm


not explaining it because I got into a not a heated debate with one of my students, but like a conversation for my students. They were hostile


mean, were they there? No, no, listen.


So we actually got like, into a discussion about like back stories. And also like One day for free day we just figured you were like


yo widow makers sucks and they were like, stop it.


I was terrible what a maker.


But like we got to a discussion we start talking about back stories and I was like, all right, you know what? Fine. We're going to watch the YouTube stories about them because they Blizzard would put up like a, like a story arc about the character.


And herds of these exist.


And they're like they're really good.


Like Reinhardt's is super sad. Like it's super awesome, but it just like really like, Oh, I wasn't expecting that. Now. I'm a sad panda. But me, I mean, like they're there. They're really good. And then we watch that and we discussed more and things like that. But guys, I think he was like a Hondo main or whatever. But


yeah, go always getting it so Collin what you're missing out on is it's a like a online it's basically like an online team shooter where it's like it's a mostly there's like a it's a usually like a capture the point type of situation or lamb either in competitive mode they do either capture the bull zone or like move the payload thing down the road, but it's like six on six right? Yeah there's all these weird characters and they do like different they have different abilities and all that nonsense but like basically it's a six on 16 match where you're trying to achieve some sort of objective with like weird things so you have to balance out between like your tanks your healers and your support DPS right I Ok. Ok. Ok. Those like this is I can they all


have like really cool back stories and like very unique like character develop


Even if you don't know that it's you need to know that there's tanks, healers, DPS coming


to accomplish a goal


Yes. together some of the and then there's there's very much debate on which ones are real tanks and which ones are off tanks. Right like, you know is Bridgette a tank. Is she an off tank? Right? We don't Who knows? That's not important. Like


I never really played Yes. What's what's the hamsters name? But remember, I just


I just only ever hear referred to as hamster so I don't really know.


It is a hamster in a giant meth cannon like it's a


giant hamster ball with guns on it. It's really, it is.




And he has this weird grappling hook thing where he like grappling hooks the wall and like, slams the hamster ball into people as part of this thing. It's really nice.




Yes. kind of ridiculous. Yeah, it is. It's very ridiculous. But it's really funny to watch sometimes. I watch that replay and I watch it sometimes


because it's hilarious but yeah, the the 30 people are not the three people the What does it


the esports I don't watch the esports that's too intense for me


whenever they watch random Let's Plays that's like the tournament's of it. That's, it's pretty crazy. Like,


yes, it's very intense. I watched one match was like, what I can imagine, you know, dad, so competitive League, like, it's crazy, like official teams and everything. Wow. Yeah.


Yeah, they were building an an Esports Arena in Arlington just before we left and they had won a contract and one of the big things was That they had to be able to guarantee I forget what it was it was just an act of God the amount of bandwidth to the area that they could dedicate just to that so so they could stream and do all their stuff their number that was their big their big pushes that they could quote unquote guarantee that for the arena


yeah it's not because they they do that they will did you have to play it online and then they have to they always stream it right to so there's all kinds of bandwidth happening but yeah, it's not should watch you should watch some Overwatch Collin it's really weird if your eyes will explode it's like so much twitch like so much like twitch aiming stuff like they just like fast twitch mouth. Like oh,




there's a there's a lot that happens. span of you know because Mass mass only last like, what? Five minutes? Maybe?


What depending on?


Yeah depends depending on


like, what if they meet the goal objectives right? They can go a little longer whatever but


like the like there's a lot that's happened in like a span of like two minutes and then


God has a lot of homework to do. He's got to watch a watch got some dark soul speed runs, you know, hey, we did feel like I've kind of get a dictionary.

He's got it. He's got to find a Sprinter van to drive around now to compare it to the transit. He's got lots of stuff to do.


So busy. Oh,


okay. I'm


gonna start sending you guys homework. Hold on. Let me think


Hopefully nothing right now Aaron's brain can't compute mode right now Aaron is very sleepy




we will let you go then drift off slowly just you'll be


been driving boy we get it right now that's hard to whisper just whisper


to you while you sleep


This is Mr. podcast


as Mr. podcast


oh my gosh hold on let me get so good


Aaron does not sound good me get my info


only work like there is like a real need for a light you know like a need sorry but like there's like there's a huge following for you could stop now as Mr. Doing because it is it can be a very serious thing and then you get the people on there like jerky Nick jerk town over here. Just jamming it into the microphone.


He's got a practice No, I watch it sometimes it's totally like school when you're like all like stressed out. I watch it. I do I watch me as Mario once a while. Good.


I like it very comfortable.


I mean, I don't like the mouth sound one. But like somebody else that was fine like this scratching one the mic scratching one's cool. I don't mind that one. I'm fine. But like tap on things. Like the tapping would like with their fingernails. Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. I don't like that. Eating ones. Those are a little much. Yeah, those are I just kept those. I just don't want those ones done. Next up.


Yeah, I think it's fine. It's fine.


Yeah, I don't I don't think I've watched like one like fully like, all the way through. Well now, because I'll get because they have like, they'll do like a span. And they'll be like, all right now we're switching over to like food and I'll be like, Nope, can't do it. Sorry.


We usually the ones I watch their themed, so like, I just picked the ones that I like. And then I watch those ones. And then everyone's like, let's try this one. Nope, just kidding. Got that one. I'll put it on. I'll just listen to it while I'm doing stuff. Or whatever. It's I think it's relaxing. Personally, I enjoy it.


No, good. Glad you have that.


Yeah. See some more things for Collin to check out? Nope, they were a it's a lot. It makes me uncomfortable.


It made me uncomfortable. Just like speaking do normal things like note Stop. Don't you see that? We're


learning a lot about Collin here and they're always like about positive and like affirming how great you are and that makes him uncomfortable. You see, this is very interesting. They talked they're just like really


quiet and like enunciating weird and just like


how you hate people.


Yeah, it's relaxing.


And it feels better whenever I turn them when I turn the volume really high so I feel like they're talking at a normal level. Just Just

don't don't whisper to me It creeps me out. I don't like it. Weird noises


any any air some artists listening to this you I got you Okay. Yes, I believe in you. Keep it up. I appreciate you. Yeah, keep one. Appreciate. Appreciate your hard work. So I will. I will keep listening.


I will I will not but you know it's cool. Just whatever I just creepy. I don't know.


Yeah, totally get it.


Let you go to sleep bear man.


We'll get there too. But anyway, cool.


So much homework. Oh my gosh


I will I will love you guys