walking in a straight line is hard

In which we talk about boredom and marvel at running..why so much running? Plus an “interesting” dive into the world of GM portfolio of brands.

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people, turbo, running, pontiac, car, talking, africa, walking, put, gm, truck, insane, toyota, weird, rabbit hole, van, british, cadillac, day, lincoln


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out. throats. Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, walking in a straight line is hard.

Brandon  00:18

Hello? Hello.

Collin  00:21

I don't know what happened there. It was weird.

Brandon  00:23

I know. I don't either. My computer's doing really weird things. So I'm not really sure what's happening. I just decided to go like Mega slow today for reasons that I don't understand.

Collin  00:39

Well, you know, it is summer time, so it's slowing down finding a new pace of life. And maybe, you know,

Brandon  00:48

I originally have no idea. So I was kind of terrifying. But sorry. Is there great? I mean, oh, boy. That's what I mean. Oh, yes. Ah, boy. And half. Actually, what I mean to say is this.


Oh, no. Yeah.

Collin  01:22

That that, that your listeners was a little bit of

Brandon  01:26

code code there. I have I have a not a boy in Morse code. And

Collin  01:31

yeah, see, I have not made it to the second side of



Collin  01:38

vinyl. So I don't I didn't know what it said.

Brandon  01:41

Of your record. You did on my record, not turned to side to

Collin  01:45

know I have not been brave enough. Because it said to listen to the modules multiple times. So still still trying?


So you What have

Brandon  02:04

you been doing?

Collin  02:05

What have I been doing? Oh, man. No. Ah, what have I been doing? So many? So many so many dog walks? Turns out, we're actually like a very busy company these days.

Brandon  02:22

Wow. So who knew? You

Collin  02:25

know, it's a it's a good problem to have.

Brandon  02:29

Obviously, very thankful, very thankful for I'd rather have an easy problem to deal with. No, it certainly doesn't.

Collin  02:36

It certainly doesn't. But, you know, it just that comes with the territory. So next week, I have onboarding somebody for the afternoons, which does still mean that I still have to cover mornings. But that's, you know, that's half the puzzle that we're trying to solve for everything. So, yeah, so that's, you know, one little piece at a time.


And definitely, definitely been been trying to

Collin  03:07

somebody the other day had said something like, on a Facebook group was like, Oh, do you? Do you ever get bored? When, when walking dogs or something? And I was like, in my head, I didn't answer this. But I was like, Absolutely not.

Brandon  03:22


Collin  03:23

I mean, there are times like, when you're out walking a dog, like, depending on the dog, it can be very boring. But yeah, I was like, You know what?

Brandon  03:30

I mean, I guess that's true. Ah, yeah,

Collin  03:32

I get bored all the time. And it's, it's glorious. It's wonderful. Because my day is so insane. That I that, that having a few moments where it's just like, boring dog walking, and obviously still being vigilant and still being attention, and blah, blah, blah, and all that stuff, but like, it's just like, this one thing going on, not the billion other things that my days usually revolving around it. It's very nice. Very nice. So it was I was just thinking, I was just thinking about that. Well, when when I saw that post, I was like, You know what, yeah, and it's wonderful. I really enjoy not having 1000 Other things to be worrying about.

Brandon  04:26

Yes, true. Nothing else. Right. Just only walking. I hadn't considered it that way. Right. Like that being the only thing that you had to deal with. At that time.


I probably does make it like,

Brandon  04:42

I don't know. What are those weird books? Sin in the art of dog walking? Next TED Talk. Here we go.

Collin  04:49

I mean, in some like, yes. There is there is that aspect of of going Yeah, cuz I like I don't take full phone calls. When I'm I'm walking, I've done it. I'm not answering texts. I'm not answering email. I'm not unless, like, I'll check on my watch. And then I go, okay, like, I there's an there's a concern here or something like that I can let me let me deal with that. But for the most part, it's just yeah, I'm just here. I'm not worrying about creating content. I'm not worried about, you know, my, my schedule next week, like all that worry, goes to the background. I mean, I'm different burner. And I'll say that I'll save that worry for late like when I'm done, right, that's, that's really what that is. And it's nice, you know, like, I enjoy it.

Brandon  05:50

I mean, that is definitely a change of pace from the rest of your life with like, 20,000 random people just calling you out of the blue and like, all kinds of just net stuff like so that is very handy.


Find in being bored.

Collin  06:04

being bored is is important, right? Because it's good

Brandon  06:07

for you. Right? Yeah. I tried to tell my kids this. They don't believe me. Believe me, I have arguments with them. Like being bored is good for you. Like what? No, it's not. I'm just bored. Like, but are you?


Are you really? Yeah. Oh,

Brandon  06:29

no, you're fine. Especially they will like they will come up with something strange to do. Right. Sometimes I have to be like, no, no, no, no, no, not that bad stuff that Oh, to create, or break something or yourself or your neighbor. Like all of the above, right? Yeah, we're all the above Right. Like something Something bad is about to happen. But like in general, right. It's good. Right. Interesting things happen. Right. zaniness ensues, and as a que Rankins kid


next change pace, you know? Yeah.

Collin  07:02

Well, and I know there's I've seen some research that shows that. As far as like creativity, I know that there are I don't know if this is exactly related to boredom, but I kind of think it's, it's closely related of many people, if you ask people like when if if you had to? Do you think you come up with your best ideas immediately? Or after? After some struggle? Right. And, and I think a lot of people will say, Oh, I get my best ideas. Immediately. That's when the when all the good stuff happens. Right? Whenever I'm the first five things I give you, those are the good ones. And I think part of that comes from, like, with the boredom aspect, when you have nothing to do, a lot of self doubt comes in, and you're like, oh, man, I can't think of anything else or man, this is starting to get hard. Or how do I put this together? Or bla bla, bla, bla bla, you start to think that those ideas aren't as good. Because they're, they're eating up a lot of your your brain space, and your brain power, when and when all actuality those are that's when the good stuff actually happens because you're having to work at it. Right. And you're having to think beyond the easy


stuff. Maybe

Brandon  08:19

Yeah, so you're saying that it's like the immediate thing is what's the best? Oh, no,

Collin  08:24

I'm saying the immediate thing is, is not the best stuff, but people think it is. Okay. Okay, sorry. Yeah, I probably wasn't, I probably just trying to follow up. I

Brandon  08:32

was like, Well, I got a little bit lost in there somewhere. I'm probably terrified for the listeners, obviously. totally got that.

Collin  08:38

Thank you know, I think from the self perception, the, the the the thought is like from from the individual level, we think our best ideas are the first three or first five things out of our mouth whenever we're trying to brainstorm. But the reason we think that is because after that things get hard for us, and we start to think well, I'm doubting myself, those didn't come easy. So because they didn't come easy, they must not be good. I'm not as creative as I thought. But what actually happens is when when you start digging into the harder stuff, that's when the creativity and the good ideas actually come from, you know, the things that haven't been thought of before or haven't been tried of


before at least. Okay, that makes a lot more sense.

Brandon  09:21

Thank you for clarifying that for me. I got lost in there somewhere. Your Collins has stopped making sense. Yeah, I was just like, Oh, I thought I was following and then I was like,


what? Okay, sorry. Sorry. So yes.

Brandon  09:44

Yeah, you come up with new things to do just because you are trying to occupy yourself right when you're bored like like, oh, okay, well, I need to I mean, not when you're walking dogs, right? It's when you're being Zen and enjoying. Yeah, dogs, but in other aspects of your life, where you come up with like things to Do right, like, you come up with stuff or ideas or new ideas or things to try or something like that, right? So it can like foster creativity, because you're trying your brain is kind of like looking for stimulus. And if you have to come up with it on your own, right, it can be something creative or new or interesting, instead of just like, you know, just all external input from other places, right? Having come from an internal source is beneficial sometimes, because then you like us, it's new, trying something new doing something new, right? It's hard in 2023, to try to not have stimulus from external sources, right? That's like where we want it from all the time. You know, you're like, dopamine overload. So you know, right, like, I just got, yeah, like, but you know, it's fine.

Collin  11:01

It's true, because then, you know, when, when boredom, when you don't have that constant stimulus, your brain is going to try and do things to to, to take up that time to keep you occupied. And that's, that's great. That's when that creativity can actually happen. Because then you are able to draw from the or what

Brandon  11:21

are you sorry? Like, or that's when you finally put up your laundry? Oh, not that that's what I did today. But when you find it, oh, I should put this away and like, put up my stuff and make sure I have like, do laundry like that's that's the other thing that can happen. You can just be genuinely productive and be like, Oh yeah, we're not do a thing now.

Collin  11:48

When you don't when you're not having your your brain absorbing constant, you know, endless scrolling on Instagram or Tiktok or Facebook or, or weird YouTube video rabbit holes. Not that anyone has

Brandon  12:01

got one for you here and a little bit. Oh. Got a new one. Okay. Well, we'll put a pin in now and we'll come back to that. Right that video game playing not that I was doing that today, as well, but like, and you're

Collin  12:18

throwing yourself hard into this summer has been what three days long for you so far?

Brandon  12:23

Oh, man. Yeah. For you know, it's


sort of a slog. What's really really been okay, so.

Brandon  12:34

So yeah, last day of school was last Friday. Right? So add add some emotional times. Hey, this year, my kids set the record for most kids crying on the last day of school. What just, you know, in you and I were very emotional, emotional times. Because in our school, sixth grade is the last elementary grade right? Do I now no longer in elementary school? Oh, yeah. Right. No more elementary. No more and like ever, like a bunch of them are like very busy or they're doing stuff or like their parents are very busy so they're like they don't see each other outside of school ever. Just like different groups and stuff like they don't they're not able to see each other outside of school. And a lot of the kids are very close this year. Like it was very emotional day.


Like patting people

Brandon  13:33

on the head like oh, I don't know what to do in this situation. There's lots of crying in this hallway.

Collin  13:36

Anyway, a lot more tears than I was expecting.

Brandon  13:44

Not expecting this so yes, did that we finally survived the last day we survived the field abrasion day somehow Yeah. Field Day at the city park in the knee non school based location How did that

Collin  14:06

go? Since you didn't have as many people helping and stuff like

Brandon  14:13

mean in general it was fine. All the people that they had to they're doing stuff they just kept being like, oh, you should give the directions because you're louder. Why? So by the end of the day, I was like it was just hot. Like it wasn't like as hot as it could be. You know, was just like, all day outside. I was like no. I want to go shade I want air conditioning these Eddie's help. It takes

Collin  14:54

it out of here right it'd be an out in the been out like that and especially having to be because you know You're not out there to enjoy it. You're you're being active. You're yelling or speaking loudly. And directing and facilitating. Yeah.


That's a little rough. You're just extremely exhausting. So that's fine. We survived. We made it somehow. Some way. And then, yeah,

Brandon  15:23

so yeah. So summer break for it. Okay, so Susan is still working though. But she was off like Monday and Tuesday. In the Oh, so like, yesterday was the day that I was really like, bored out of my skull right. Now I'm alone.

Collin  15:42

Oh, no, right. Yeah. So

Brandon  15:44

another two days are like the weekend like I'm home but like, he's here and we're talking and like doing stuff. So like, Yeah, yesterday was I was like home by myself. I have a terrifying prospect for her I'm sure. But like

Collin  16:02

what am I coming back home to what?

Brandon  16:06

I was gonna still be standing is going on around here. Oh, no.


So that's where

Brandon  16:14

it yes, that's where yesterday really felt like the first day so because it's like,


Oh, no. What am I going to do? Like? I was fine.

Brandon  16:28

I started with laundry. I will slowly find a list of things to tinker with. I'm sure. Surely not. I mean, yeah. Got to futz with something. Right? Just in my nature. Right? I have my father son after all

Collin  16:44

updates on that here in a minute.

Brandon  16:47

Okay, yeah, I'm not probably going to build a radio compound, but you know,

Collin  16:54

pause real quick. I'm gonna get Alright

Brandon  17:04

I'm back. Hello. Sorry. Hello again. Uh huh.

Collin  17:10

Just make a note for an edit.

Brandon  17:13

Yeah, make sure to edit that one for sure.

Collin  17:18

And it around 20 Okay, here we go. People love those. Those are good show notes to leave in there too. Oh, yeah. Oh, but anyway, so yeah, you were you were futzing is in your nature.

Brandon  17:38

Right and so I had to find something to do with that. Moving forward. I probably the weather's still been pretty nice. I probably need to go wrench on the old bicycle a little bit. Make sure it's all fitted up and everything and get it out right around a bit since the weather's not super


hot. Yeah, there's been a nice breeze lately. Knock

Brandon  18:00

Knock that's what we


should do that either. Sorry next week maybe some of that

Brandon  18:10

mess around there to go so those are my plans don't have a lot


really nothing else

Brandon  18:18

is really super exciting. Oh, we did go back to the Asian grocery store. Yeah. Oh, we're excited. We're back there had to buy to buy some well we bought some Thai sweet chili sauce because you just need that your life I learned it goes on anything you want really? For the good if you get takeout egg rolls and use the reason for that right good egg rolls on and as I am not creative enough to make my own egg rolls we you use it for other stuff so you got some of that the reason we went is we had a lot I buried like I celebrate like a heritage month or whatever


which is this stuff

Brandon  19:12

they came library and like presented things and talked to the kids and everything like that. So Susan bought them some like snacks they shouldn't be like you know the the library bought them. Snacks is like I thank you for coming and doing the thing. Yeah. Rent or whatever. Smarter the sauce really good sauce and, and and oh boy. Life changing. Japanese KitKats what? Oh, yes. I don't know why. But Japan gets all the good stuff. They get all the good KitKat flavors. Right. And the ones that they had in store. Currently were strawberry KitKats These might be the greatest candy that's ever existed. They're amazing.


What? Okay, what makes them different? Because I'm very different. They're there. They actually

Brandon  20:15

taste like strawberry. I don't know what sort of magic this is. They're pink kickass or pink. Right? But like, you just open the figure. It's like, oh, that's struggling. Right? It tastes like so strawberry. It's not even funny. Like it's just overwhelmingly strawberry in like a good way. Yeah, not like a bad way. So it's like a lot of flavor in this like little teeny


camping. So that's what I liked. The discovery that we made was big. Oh, that's pretty good for that.

Collin  20:56

I don't know. How many did you buy? The bag? Oh.

Brandon  21:03

They're like the small ones. You know, like the little ones you get for like Halloween? Yeah. Like that size. Kinda like the two. Right? Little two packages, but they come in just like a sack. Right? It's like this weird, like paper sack thing. Because it's not plastic, you know? So it's like, it looks like it's like a paper bag. But it's like a, it's like legit. It's like a KitKat one they're wrapping is just like paper. And there's like 12 in there. I think of like the little little ones. So ragged, we're like, I don't want to go all out. Just eat them all one day, and just be sad.

Collin  21:45

I mean, we have a long summer ahead of you.

Brandon  21:49

I mean, probably gonna go back to have any more. But

Collin  21:54

this is not a one and done trip if we're being honest.

Brandon  21:57

No, no, no, it's just the latest trip. Right? Okay. This one? Yes. Yes, no, that's the other. The other really interesting you've done recently. And you could do that. So I think it was last weekend. We went we had to go to like a graduation party thing. You know, and then it's on the way home. It's like, Oh, stop by here. Grab some of this and do that. And.


Nice. So, yes.

Brandon  22:30

That's really the only other exciting thing I have going on currently.


Yeah. Honest. Yeah. It's summertime. And yeah. Sure. So

Brandon  22:44

I guess now is the segue to the YouTube rabbit hole that I found myself in.

Collin  22:47

Yes, yeah. Well, we're circling back to the pin. And we're

Brandon  22:53

gonna pan out and here we go. So I've discovered a man with a mission. Okay. Brandon, Brandon, as his mission doesn't really? Yeah, his mission is slightly confusing. All right, to two people, actually. So the first one The reason I found the second guy, because I was watching. I don't know if I've talked about him on here before channel called do called like, geo wizard. Right? Please ring a bell guesser and he does his most famous work. He's like a very British guy. Like little guy. He does that. But he also does these really? He has attempted four times to walk in a completely straight line across Wales. What? Yes, yes. That was my original thought. That's right. Like, he does things like that. He went all the way across a city without touching a road.


he dribbled a soccer ball across

Brandon  23:59

Britain like the England Scotland border. Right? That little thin part. He like kicked a soccer ball all the way across. The straight line ones though, are the doozies because, you know, it's like it's very weird. Because walking in a straight line is hard anyway. Yeah, add to it. Wales, a country known for not being flat at all? No, like no, a lot of light trespassing is you know, gotta go fast like the farmer's fields and stuff like that. So his goal is to was to walk across Wales in a straight line. He had drilled recently, he just completed this task, like officially, for the first time the other three attempts in the ended in failure like whenever he got sick or hurt or something like he just didn't.


It didn't work out like it went bad. So he would

Brandon  25:01

he does he's he has this really kind of strange obsession with walking across things in a straight line. And for those who are like GPS thing died, oh, sorry. Well, I'm

Collin  25:12

just I'm just that. That might not I don't know, I don't know if people appreciate just how difficult that of a task that actually is of going up in over Hill Valley and Dale, and also, like, around with mountain and like around objects to have like, if there's a tree in front of you like how, yeah, does he allow himself to get off course? Like, what are the rules that he sets for himself?

Brandon  25:38

So there is like this really strange. Like, okay, so imagine the line, okay. And then within a certain number of deviation is like the Platinum, I think he calls it the platinum zone, like so many feet of deviation. And then there's like, a wider margin of error that's like gold, like a wider one that's like silver. So he tries to stay as close to the line as possible. There is deviations, obviously, because you have to go around or you have to, like safely scarper down a mountain, right? You can't like walk straight off the edge of a cliff, you have to like go about you have to try to not go directly through somebody's back garden. That's probably a thing that they don't like. He does all this like crazy planning with like, Google Earth. And then he like, finds this line, right? And then he like downloads that into his little like, GPS thing.


Just goes,

Brandon  26:39

and it takes him like four or five days to do that.


That's insane.

Brandon  26:46

That somehow his Yeah, and his girlfriend is like the support vehicle. Right? I don't know if I could talk Susan into be my support milk or something like this. I think she'd be like, What is wrong with you? Why no?


Yeah, yeah, it's like goes goes off the line. And it's very insane.

Brandon  27:08

And so highly recommend you watch this because they're quite entertaining. And what's

Collin  27:11

it what's the YouTube channel?


I think it's with the

Brandon  27:16

summertime. This is his handle. I don't remember his actual name.


Maybe Tom, his name is Tom, I think. And what was the what was the the YouTube channel again? Geo wizard. Geo wizard. Okay. Yeah. Now, that is kind of insane. Right. This is a large commitment to a rather insane idea. Yes. Yeah. However, however, the other one that I found tangentially related,

Brandon  27:52

because he showed up in one of these, one of the geo wizards videos.


There is another man. His name is Russ cook. Right.

Brandon  28:03

I would like you to Google rust cook right now. And adjust it. It's the first thing just to see what he's doing is he's up to

Collin  28:11

Okay, so I will I'm in YouTube and I I was on Search Rescue. The first his his have video posted one day ago was day 33 of running the entire length of Africa.

Brandon  28:24

Yes. Yep. That's what, that's what that's that. Yep. That's That's him. Oh, my gosh. Is that you? What is he? He is in. He started in Cape Town, South Africa. And he is just sort of running and I believe his end goal is somewhere to knee. I think. Yeah. He's just rubbing.

Collin  29:02

I have so many questions. I read you. Meet you. Yes. Three weeks ago, his I finally started running the length of Africa.


That's what? Yeah. Is he is he currently? Go ahead. Go ahead. No, that's fine.

Brandon  29:21

I was like, he's currently I think yesterday or the day before that post. He's like, he just passed through like vinto.


Namibia, so far has made it which is quite far

Brandon  29:30

in the grand scheme of the entire continent of Africa. Not very far at all, but


quite far from Cape Town. Like over 1000 kilometers of just like running. Is he is he known for being a runner, or is he

Collin  29:47

okay, so that's this is kind of his.

Brandon  29:51

Okay, yeah, he's, he's like, he's kind of strange. And that again, he's extremely British. If you hear him speak, you're like, Oh, yeah.


He's extremely British,

Brandon  30:02

like his little. I was watching an interview or something. And he was like, they asked him how he got into running and he was just like,


well, the pub one night, I couldn't get a ride home. So I just ran. And I was like, that was pretty easy.

Brandon  30:21

Maybe I should look into this running. Wow. It just sort of started wrapping around

Collin  30:33

that's I mean, you couldn't get more Forrest Gump II than that. Holy moly.

Brandon  30:39

I mean, it is. It's very Forrest Gump. Like dude in Africa, being Forrest Gump, right. It's basically


I mean,

Collin  30:54

these kind of things just are really hard for me to just mentally comprehend. You know, like, I mean, I know like doing hard things is important. But this I was like, Man, that's crazy.

Brandon  31:12

It's insane and it's not like he's not like running like small distances every day. Right? He'll be like, oh, yeah, I just busted out that the morning 26 k's and you're like what? Excuse you just like you're like a just like running and then like he'll stop and eat and take a break and then like run the rest of the day. Like what Yeah, cuz that's like running like a marathon plus like every single day right? Yeah.


I mean think of the amount of like

Collin  31:48

fuel and what kind of recovery your body would have to go through that's


insane. Yeah, he hasn't stopped yet. He then 33 days of just running like he hasn't had a rest day


at all. Which, but how do you eat enough? Like how do you actually eat enough? How do you feel that Yeah, yeah, I mean,

Brandon  32:18

obviously runners gonna be like bro gummy bears what like if only


right like it's just like,

Brandon  32:28

some dudes following him in a campervan thing. Like there's like two or three sometimes people in a van that are like driving with him but they're not like always following him. You know? Like they have to go and do other stuff like do weird like passport paperwork or fix the van when it breaks because obviously it's going to break if you're driving across Africa Come on. So just out on the road just running one of his longer videos you'll notice what is almost robbed like they already right like the third video is like him I was getting mugged. Like it's like, cheese leopards out there. Dude turn around them like

Collin  33:16

running man. Well as his his YouTube channels hardest geezer and navigating to that part. Oh, sorry. Sorry.

Brandon  33:27

His channel name. Yeah. Just to to really drive home. The Britishness of this man. His channel name, his Twitter handle also is hardest easier.


There you go. That's his number. I am sorry, no,

Collin  33:46

I'm just I keep going. This is

Brandon  33:51

so so here's, here's the deal. Like, it's intense. It's a lot to take in. Right. So like, you know, here's, here's the other problem. A, like he's run through South Africa. A pretty, pretty tough accomplishment. South Africa not you know, just the safest country in the whole world. You know, fair. He's currently running through Namibia, which basically just like 99% Desert anyway, so it's like, that stinks. He's also very ginger. You notice like he's so he's like, I don't know how he's not dying in the desert. But he's got a bucket hat,


you know that. Next up is a gola so that you know, as far as safety goes, way down the list, you know, like, Oh, no.

Brandon  34:53

Then and after that, the DRC Oh, boy. So, yeah, I, that's an intense like, I don't know how you like, just block that out like yeah, I'm just gonna run through Angola, right like, ah, you know, like, ah like yeah, like that's just sounds terrifying, right? Because I'm sure like, there are nice people in Angola, right there are also warlords kidnapping people to mined diamonds there so

Collin  35:30

like, I mean, is he I can watch a video but is he doing this as a just a an endurance thing? Is he trying to draw attention to things in Africa? Like or is that just

Brandon  35:43

part of it? Right? Like I think he's doing that he's trying to do that raise money for like charity stuff, okay for Africa as well. And also like just like Mega endurance like world record stuff also let's kind of like all tied into one little bow of let's run across Africa for


ever like because I mean, that's what I mean when you think of large continents. I'm

Collin  36:23

gotta be honest like Africa is way up there.

Brandon  36:26

Yeah, I mean some some say it's number two on the list right? Like some say

Collin  36:31



Oh, my goodness that's, that's okay it's amazing.

Brandon  36:40

Yeah, so this is what I've been following right? Everyone's while I told you about this so again, we just call him running guy, right? Because you know it's just easier to just come up with your name for these things. So we have running guy so like, with all the YouTube series that I watch right we have trained guys, right like that we don't have running guy now. It's always gonna be like so it's running guy dead yet like but no, no, I don't think so.

Collin  37:09

And did she and and you said Is he trying to run all the way to the to the northern tip? Yeah. Yeah. to the to the sea there. Yeah

Brandon  37:22

that's his plan. So it's gonna take him like, basically all gear. Yeah. Yeah. Because it's I think it's I think his goal is like, Christmas. Yeah, cuz it's right. Maybe beers? Cheese. Yeah. They were joking about that the other day. It might be longer might be. Oh,


I don't know. Yeah. That's a lot. Right. Like Yeah, cuz I mean, I mean, you

Collin  37:47

are doing 30 My, what? 30? What, how many miles is he? You say he's doing doing a day? Or two? I'm not really sure. I

Brandon  37:54

didn't do the conversions. Because you saw me. He's talking to kilometers, right. He's British. He's rolling. But like that before the angry British fans. I know. We use miles sometimes. Yes, I know. Okay, sorry. He's talking about kilometers for running. So he'll he'll do? He's probably doing 50 60k a day. Right. What is that in miles? Like? 30? Isn't it? 30? Yeah, one? Yeah. So probably like, probably 2030 Miles is running a day. You know, satellite 2030 mile jog. Like, you got it? Yeah. So that's me in.

Collin  38:36

Yeah, it was rescued more than a year. I mean, that's it. That is a year of running.


That's all you do. Again, he hasn't had a rest day yet? I don't think so. That's kind of nuts.

Brandon  38:50

I don't know how he's got to have one eventually. Right? He's gonna be like, bro. Yeah, stop.


You can't give me okay, because that's what I'm

Collin  39:00

gonna be like 200 days straight running. Like you can't? Yeah, actually do that. Yeah, I think your

Brandon  39:08

body will throw off it like nope, nope. My knee is not doing it like not happening.


So we'll see. We'll see.

Brandon  39:17

Following this updates to come by this is the series that I'm now following. Like, we'll have to subscribe to this channel now because I have to see if he makes the


right path to know what's going on here? See how he's doing? If he's

Brandon  39:36

surviving the Namib Desert, like Yeah, I

Collin  39:41

will. I just saw one that said you know 24 hours without water as he crossed another desert and yeah,

Brandon  39:47

so Okay, so that that okay, here's what happened. Here's that. We'll look inside of the second to last video, right. Oh, so he's driving and they get to there at the border of South African Libya. Okay. Now, the van cannot cross the border because it got a broken windshield. So the Namibian government said no, that van cannot come over here. Oh, interesting. So the, like, it was like didn't pass safety inspection or whatever. So they're like, Okay, well, the plan that they came up with, will drive to the border at night. Let Russell cross the border. So they just like loaded them up with food and a bunch of water and said, just to run, wheeled trash back down south, to this town, where we've got a guy that will fix the windshield tomorrow. And then we'll just come after you, like the next day or whatever. So Oh, no, right. But then the van border crossing like took forever. Because the paperwork involves was insane to get like the van and all this stuff in the van, like, basically export it and import it into a new country. Yeah.

Collin  41:08

I think I think about that, and when, like, when like, Top Gear did those challenges of like, the like, how, how did they orchestrate that? Yeah, I don't even want to know how much time they had to spend. Yeah.

Brandon  41:20

paperwork is involved in this, because it's a lot. Yeah, they showed the stack like it's just like, he's huge envelope full of paperwork. They had to do it. So but like, he's just like, just sitting off running at night. Like there's like, here's your headlamp. I'm sorry. And torch. Sorry. Thank you. Thank you. And thank you. And so he's just running. And then like, it gets to like mid morning. And he's like, Oh, no, my water bottle leaked. Ah, I thought know where my van is. Oh, no. Oh, my gosh, basically, he like, he just like, stopped to the side of the road. And some random truck drove him into the village. And then he just like, hung out in this village until the dude showed up to fight. Wow. And then he like, I'm guessing he just like, went back to the truck picked him up and start right from there. Like, Alright, got it. Like, like, next day or whatever.


Like, that's, that's a plan.

Brandon  42:26

Right? Like, yeah, I'll just run through the desert alone at night by myself. Totally fine. Yeah. You know, there's no lions here or bad. You know, they're

Collin  42:38

scared. They're scared of that her which is? Yeah, right. Obviously.

Brandon  42:47

She was like reading it was like, Yeah, you know, it makes me I like it when I see cows or something over there. Because like, I figure, Lions would much rather eat a cow than me. So fair enough. That's yeah, you know, I just like I take solace in that. That's one way to look at that. You know, like, it's a plan you got going on? They're like, Oh, I don't know what?

Collin  43:08

Well, and like, you'd think, you know, prey prey animals are going to be more in tune with predators around. So if they're not worried why why would you?


Why would you be? Yeah, right. Yeah, I

Brandon  43:21

saw David Attenborough talking about that. Once. That totally makes sense to me. Yes, I know. Exactly.



Brandon  43:34

this is the rabbit hole. I've been sucked down. Huh, crazy British man decides to run the length of Africa.

Collin  43:50

That's way more way more riveting than my YouTube rabbit hole in which in which people debate about why the 2024 Lexus GX won't have a VA and why that's a terrible thing for all of humanity. That's a terrible thing for all of humanity. Because it's not the VA that they used for the last 14 years. Because remember, because they didn't, that came out in 2011 2010. And then it had the same engine in it until 2023. And


people so like, yeah. Does that Yeah.

Collin  44:32

13 years. 13 was 14 years. And people we don't

Brandon  44:36

even talk about how long it is. Everything's No, everyone knows. Everyone could do.

Collin  44:40

Everyone could do maths. So yes, they people are quite cross with this. Because it's not not a VA


it's a it's a turbo v six. And this. Just no good. No good.

Brandon  44:54

To be fair, low boost turbos basically don't do


anything right. Give me some torque I guess. But like, they're kind of not really. I don't really do a lot. I'm sure I can. I

Brandon  45:12

was unaware that that heritage from 2011 was just so mind boggling that we must be upset about it

Collin  45:19

forever. Well, people are are frustrated or upset because it is a proven drive train bulletproof. Some would say most dependable others would say, and so about who's putting

Brandon  45:31

this out again? Why? Yes, it's exactly releasing this.

Collin  45:36

Exactly. Toyota. Yeah, right. Yeah. Like

Brandon  45:40

Toyota is plan 20 will not release a car. Unless, is it like their goal, like their actual goal is for like a car they released to like, survive in a third world country for like 20 years? Yeah. So like, they are confident that their car will survive like


Kyrgyzstan without service for like, ever. So I feel like this is

Brandon  46:13

maybe where is this people? Are this like just the American audience who's like, really upset that not every single car is released with the VA in it? Yes. Well, it's

Collin  46:23

mostly the American audience. I am not in non American audience. world, most of the

Brandon  46:31

global podcasts calling we are we are a global.


I hear

Collin  46:37

I'm just talking about the right views. And I've watched from YouTube or of angry Americans bickering


about how it's not obviate. But and so

Brandon  46:49

always make her about how it's not a VA, because they just think eight is a bigger number than six. Therefore it's better, even though your gas prices are still like 350 gallon.

Collin  46:59

Show. Bet Haro fun. Yes, and Toyota or Lexus. But anyway, Toyota is releasing just weird Angular shots from different body panels. And there's only three photos out there of this thing that exists in the world. And they are everywhere on YouTube. Every YouTube channel is using this same photos and they're going into excruciating detail. I mean, like, we're talking 2025 minute videos about the latest release

Brandon  47:34

of body panels. And the linker. It's horrendous. And to my blinker. It's like it's not granted truly wonderful, hard. Some new cars, like,


kinda ugly. Yeah, yeah. Other than that, I'll give you that one. Okay, you can have that one. That's fair. Will these people still buy it anyway? Yes. Yeah. Yes, it's fine. It's fine, everybody.

Collin  48:06

And also adding adding much to the computer. This is the other sub t, this is the sub the rabbit hole, there's a side corridor of side corridors in the burrow, in the burrow or in in the war. And as your as you are traversing the Warren trying to dig down more into the GX opinions, these little side, tangents keep coming up of the TX. And so some people have comparisons of opinions, obviously, everyone has opinions about about with the T axes and why the TX is important, the TX and the GX on the RX and the LX and everything. Oh my gosh,

Brandon  48:43

I need to step away from this for now, that is a lot of confusing lettering.

Collin  48:48

In case you're wondering, the TX is based on the I just unplugged my


computer Hold on. It's fine. The

Collin  48:56

ATX is based on the Toyota grand Highlander because they made the Highlander and they made it bigger and then Lexus while Toyota said well, we need a Lexus version. So they're making it that obviously, there's reasons and and so people are trying to that keeps getting thrown into the mix of discussion. And it's like, why, like it's not it's not it's not the same thing. But people have opinions so as as they are want to do through.


I didn't always find

Brandon  49:23

it weird that car companies like to do that a lot. They like to like compete with themselves for sales. There's like a whole lot like IGS, high GM, GM is the worst. Right? Which is why they got in like was that 2000 789 Whatever. Like, they're like a government like you have to stop making so many cars. They made like 17 cars that were just like in the same price bracket under different names. Yes, they were they were the same or Pontiac.

Collin  49:54

And they were this well, so and they were the same car. So actually the same car So I was I was looking at one today. It was a 2008. I wasn't looking at it as in like to purchase but I was staring at it. Okay. And it's the body style of I think the 2010 Ford Escape Ford. What was the one up from that?


Ford Expedition? Okay, okay. Okay,

Collin  50:20

so is a Ford Expedition from 2000 And what 10 I think. And yeah, 2010 was looking at this body shape and then I realized, oh, it has a Buick badge on it. So it's the Buick mountaineer, which is also the same as the Lincoln Navigator. This is this is that's Ford. Okay. But GM Yeah, they sold they had a they had Pontiac versions of the GMC and Chevy and they were the exact same body style was the exact same car just different badging in different kinds of


bits on the inside. Yes.

Collin  50:59

Well there's like all the

Brandon  51:01

trucks are really bad like the Chevy Silverado anything like the GMC whatever Sierra it ever seen truck exactly the same. The GMC one usually is like where they put like weird stuff like first like all the weird stuff comes out on the GMC for it's like they're the high end. Winky face. Yeah, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. That was the higher end one because like, I only think about like, think about trucks. Right? My brain is very stuck in like 1987 to 1996. Right. Like, that's what? Yeah, that's what I think about. Think about like, whenever people tell me like, GMC is the higher end one. Like I only am thinking about like a 1992 GMC, right and it doesn't look very high end at all. It's now the exact same as the Silverado. It ends. But other weird features come out there first, like the backup camera. And like the other weird things they do. I don't know. Like, it's always there first, but it's the same exact same. And like the cars I can't even remember. They had so many car brands under the GM badge. Like yeah, Pontiac Chevrolet, like just a billion other ones like same car Saturn, right? It was at the same one two same cars like

Collin  52:20

the old Pontiac saw the old Saab as much to like me Yeah. Yeah, Dale Buick, Buick and Cadillac. Oh, yes. You

Brandon  52:32

can Cadillac? Yeah, Buick.



Brandon  52:38

those cars have the same car. Except for that one. You were the the weird Cadillac like CSB or whatever. That's like a weird strategy. But like, all these the Umbrella was enormous. And like the Hummer, right, but it was just like Silverado GMC truck parts in a different body. Right. Like all the other parts are the same, like

Collin  53:01

mercury. They own mercury.

Brandon  53:03

Oh, yeah. So they don't have to see Mercury is not around anymore.

Collin  53:05

No, Gio, they own Geo. She's interesting. She's geo around still. No geo is not around anymore.

Brandon  53:11

That's a desert. So geo is dead. Pontiacs dead.

Collin  53:16

They own Lotus.



Collin  53:19

so sorry. I am on GM authority.com.

Brandon  53:23

Sorry, I'm the authority for all your GM needs. Apparently.

Collin  53:27

Apparently. But yeah, they they, they would swap parts between a Chevy Impala and a Pontiac G six, which was also rebadged as a Oh, the G six was a Chevy. Oh gosh. What was the two door the G six the two door one right? Well, no, they made a four door version of the G saves? Yes. Oh, I'm pretty sure see the

Brandon  53:52

two door ones the most off. But yes, whatever. The Chevy I can't remember all the small car names but like, they're all the same. So I don't like on one hand.


Yes. You You just make all the parts. So like,

Brandon  54:10

you know, finding replacement parts and having extra parts is easy, but then you have to turn around and compete with yourself on the car lot. Right? Like that? Doesn't make sense. Like why would you do that? How much money are you losing by competing with your self? Like you're not competing with Ford? You're not competing with Honda. Okay, you're not competing with Toyota. You're competing with yourself? Only


because you have like six of the same car. Yeah, and

Brandon  54:44

and they did what I wouldn't bought a Honda anyway. So my time

Collin  54:51

Yes, Saturn, Vauxhall. They still do Vauxhall.

Brandon  54:54

Only in England though. Yes, the British one. British centric episode. Gotta go not here today to sit.

Collin  55:03

Well, as we all know, voxels were essentially rebranded rebadged



Brandon  55:09

Oh, who could forget that opals box? SK forget the old Opal ripping

Collin  55:13

with disdain and a GM authority. Cache. Yeah, but Opel and Vauxhall are still made together.


Yeah. And yes,

Collin  55:27

but I think I think car companies have done a much better job of,


at least in my mind differentiating when they do that, like,

Collin  55:40

I'm just the Toyota and Lexus. And I still don't think GM is as good as it is between Chevy Silverado and Sierra. And some of those things. There's some closer but

Brandon  55:52

everybody else is doing a better job except for did GM did not learn their lesson. Apparently, when they had to liquidate they get to like file weird bankruptcies and like liquidate half of their assets God and kill off like half of their brains.


They were too in debt.

Brandon  56:09

And then like, yeah, Ford's over there going like we make a truck.


Losers. Right.

Collin  56:23

Yeah, Alex, you

Brandon  56:24

know, is it is it Ford and Lincoln. Ford Lincoln. Okay, so like,


Lincoln, and Taurus is very different. Uh huh. Right. Or whatever other focus. Other Ford names,

Brandon  56:40

I don't know. Like, these are very different cars, right, like very different. They have different market niches, the different like, everything, right? Like a Chevy Cruze and a Pontiac like geez, it's like same market niche. Right, like, a Silverado 1500. And a Sierra? Same niche, right, like, the same, like a suburban and a GMC one. Same thing, right? In a like a Cadillac. thing. All the same. All the same niche. Except, demonize.

Collin  57:17

Oh, man, do you remember how bad the heady days of the Aztec That's it? That's its own Nietzsche thing. Well, so Pontiac AZTEK. This was the same time do you remember Lincoln came out with the mark? Lt.


Do you remember the Lincoln truck? I do

Collin  57:33

remember the? Yeah. Um, yeah, I

Brandon  57:38

think Tiger Woods was in a commercial with the Lincoln.

Collin  57:41

Lincoln. See the Lincoln mark. lt came out 2008 the Pontiac AZTEK came out in 2005, which I still remember being a part of it was a grand prize for the Survivor Series. Whenever Whenever that was done with the Lincoln truck

Brandon  57:53

that was like the luxury truck. Yes. As you would imagine a luxury truck.

Collin  57:59

Imagine. Imagine an f150 But like, luxury, and smoke like

Brandon  58:04

wood in it? Yeah. Like, video with wooden like,

Collin  58:08

yeah, and there was a spot in the back. 80s F 150. I don't know. Yes, exactly. Exactly. Oh, do you? Okay, so I always like looking at the sales figures.

Brandon  58:24

Of the sale.

Collin  58:26

Okay, sorry. Okay, so it originally debuted in 2005. So heady days of the early 2000s. So 2005 Aztec and Mark Lt. Only, only 10,274 were sold in all of 2005.



Collin  58:46

2006 12,753 were sold. We're picking up steam 2007 8380 to 2008 4631 and 2009. As of 2009. If you have a 2009 Lincoln Mark LT out there. Colin, I want to talk to you because there were 147 of you.

Brandon  59:19

All right here for comparative analysis. Would you say 2005 2005 was released look up that 2005 sales figures of the Ford F


150. Just for comparison's sake.

Brandon  59:36

Number one best selling trucking though.


Yeah, to put this into context. We find that real fast, okay.


That's because that is gonna be that's gonna be the one. Oh, no. Okay, hold on. I'm gonna see if I can is that no, sorry, more or less I'm googling. Okay, 2000 Okay.

Collin  1:00:06

Okay. Yes, this is great. I actually typed it. So to put this into context, the Yeah, this is our benchmark is 10,270 4000. Lincoln Mark LT sold 2005. Okay. Okay, HMI 901,463 Let's just call it 10x. Right. It was for every one, Mark LT that was sold 1010 F 150s results.


Oh, man. Wow.

Collin  1:00:45


Brandon  1:00:47

That's insane. No, no, so not 10 Right. Oh, yeah, can't see it.

Collin  1:00:53

Because there was there was 10,000 While 10,000 It's a little less 10,000 were sold and 900,000 So nine so nine for every one that sold nine was what's still

Brandon  1:01:04

chimney? One that is insane. Factories over there, guys.

Collin  1:01:15

Yeah, yeah, they're like, now we've got this. Because they were like, Man, this is the best selling truck as obviously. Obviously, people will think we'll see Lincoln, and they'll see a truck and they'll go yes, I must have


that. No, no, that was

Brandon  1:01:30

looks weird, though. Right? It's kind

Collin  1:01:32

of weird. It had a weird grill. It was two Chromie it looked like somebody took an F 150 and was like, I want more chrome everywhere. Yeah, it just didn't. It was not not a good. It was weird.


Yeah, it was weird. But again, luxury truck. See? I mean,

Brandon  1:01:54

that's a strange one. Right? Like I always like even when Cadillac was doing the truck thing, and it was ugly, right with a Cadillac truck. Not not a beautiful thing. Like, then they were like No, no, nevermind. We're just gonna make the Denali or whatever it was.

Collin  1:02:09

Yes. What was that? What was that the avalanche? I mean, the GM Chevy was the Chevy Avalanche. Do you remember that? And then they made Yeah, they made the Cadillac version off of that. There was a Cadillac One. Yeah, that was that was that's what I yeah, I just have put that together my brain

Brandon  1:02:28

over what's called though. Hmm, was that but it's like yeah, totally. It's upsetting and then they're like it didn't make it for really that long I don't think and then he never saw them again. Because he x t we used to be called the enemy x t. Oh yeah. So how could I forget now and these

Collin  1:02:51

these things genuinely were hideous or these were


absolutely just monstrosities Oh my gosh. Oh, anyway,

Brandon  1:03:06

other things Yeah, people can't see that so yeah, the people they bought them just bought them because they said Cadillac right?

Collin  1:03:10

Oh yes. They were just like oh, that's obviously Cadillacs a great brand I must I must continue having more of that in my life.


Oh geez. Oh, there were

Collin  1:03:21

made as late as 2013 No, Oh really? Yeah.


Oh, what is going on? Yeah, yeah, there's the buyer's guide

Brandon  1:03:36

you didn't really see that very much anymore after that though. Like you saw for a couple of year like two years and they're like okay,


just kidding we've made a mistake

Brandon  1:03:46

nevermind I just kept making them because like well we we order the parts we got to use them up somewhere


Oh, oh man. Yeah the absolute man there's just make me so sick. Anyway, that's

Collin  1:04:04

so anyway, I know you did you did a deep dive into people running in one straight line wave. Yeah, walking in straight lines and then running long distances. And then I my deep dive into bickering about VAT and v's turbo v six is the turbo is important don't forget to say the turbo because people who are Pro Turbo Oh yeah.

Brandon  1:04:30

It's very, that's horrible. Has a very terrible has like a bad image. Right? Because of like, people putting way too big turbos and like there's Honda's well,

Collin  1:04:46

and it and think of it well, turbos were they came out what I mean they a lot of they were put on a lot of things and like the 80s shouldn't have had them like, like Volvo put turbos on like station wagons that didn't need it and Is there the low power turbos that you're talking on?

Brandon  1:05:02

I don't know. That it was to get the torque out though, because Cory had was my friend had one that Volvo had like a low boost turbo on it. It was a four cylinder with like a low boost turbo. It was like basically just to get enough power to get that monstrosity moving. Yeah, you anything else? Yeah. Like, they get a bad rap people that like him because of like the racing people that are like, I know, I'll put a big giant turbo on this car. Yeah, the 80s Did it ever, you know, because everything was terrible in the 80s, this Porsches fault. I think the 911 Turbo started this trend, right through. And then like, everything else were turbo, like, sunglasses were turbo. boats were turbo T shirts, just turbo on them, right? Like, it doesn't matter. Like it is Porsches fault like hundreds? Yes. It was all them. Like, they're, you know, it's, you know, it's like it's a way to put power in your engine. And if it's a low enough boost turbo, like, there's no lag, right? Because the other problem with a real big one, like the power comes like way late because it has to spool and build up boost. But if it's like a real low boost, one, that power comes in real early. Because it's Yeah, trying to work super hard and like, make a lot of extra power. It's just trying to make a little bit more. So there's none of that, like, people get upset about the lag. They really think everything's gonna have turbo lag.


That's really not how that works.

Collin  1:06:32

Well, and I think also to turbos didn't have the reliability. Back in the 80s.

Brandon  1:06:40

Shocker. Shocker. Oh, yes.

Collin  1:06:44

You know, but it turns out, you give some, some engineers 30 years to work on something to get a bit better.


Get a bit better. Yeah. So are they, you know,

Brandon  1:06:59

I'm not saying I'm gonna go get put on my car, but like, it's not that bad. Like, oh, no, of the six turbo?

Collin  1:07:05

Well, especially whenever it's engineered with the engine? Yes. Don't go slap aftermarket. Yeah, it's the best. It's the most reliable thing ever. No, that is silly. But like, oh, a multibillion dollar corporation had engineers stick their faces into this and build something to work as a cohesive unit.


I think, yeah. You know, maybe were to

Brandon  1:07:26

did it. So it's fine. Right? It'd be okay. I think at this point, they've earned some trustworthiness, right, we can just kind of like,


Oh, okay. Yeah, it'd be fine. Right? It'd be okay. Like, well, it was last time you saw Toyota broke down the side of the road? Ever, ever?


Oh, yes.

Collin  1:07:56

Ah, we did not do our homework. And we will. We'll do our homework for next time. As far as looking more at books to potentially read this summer.

Brandon  1:08:05

I want to bring this up to you. Okay. Any closing? Closing statement? Okay. I've been struggling with looking for book lists. Because the like, like the book lists I look at last time. I put pretty sure. Between us we've either read all of them, or the ones that we haven't read are like a billion pages long. Oh, I didn't really feel like we probably wanted to guess like, tackle like a 650 page like Monster. Like Warren Piece is probably not on the table. No. So like, okay. Okay, I wanted some input on like, scaling down or like


finding something. Like, within that kind of

Brandon  1:08:51

realm. Have you had any thoughts about what to because I was looking at these lists. I'm like, we've read that he's, like, I read these. I was trying to either find like a bigger list, or like, because a lot of the ones are like 10 books you should read like high school. It's like, no, no, I've read these. I know this happened. This book is long. I don't worry. Um,

Collin  1:09:17

so yeah, it is going to be hard to try and find one that we haven't so. So our original premise was, you know, reading these, what was high school, middle school, reading list books


and talking about them. And I still,

Collin  1:09:35

I still liked that idea. And, I mean, some of these it's been, it's been a minute, I mean, again, not doing maths with yours or dates or anything, but you know, it's been a long time since we've read the So honestly, I would not have a problem going back and rereading one.

Brandon  1:09:53

Okay. This is what okay, because that was gonna be my next question. Like, because yeah, if it has been a long time, then like, three Reading would basically be like, reading again.

Collin  1:10:03

Yeah, I mean, sure, would we know how something ends, probably, but like, but again, all these are pretty classic. So it's hard to get away from that. But what we are doing is looking at them in the context of like, obviously, modern, you know, looking at him and today but thinking about them in the context of when they were written and other stuff too. So I think that would be fine.

Brandon  1:10:24

You get a different perspective when you are like, older. Yeah, if you read a book when you're like 16, and you read a book when you're

Collin  1:10:32

almost 40 They're just

Brandon  1:10:37

really painful. Like you have a different frequency. So that was my follow. How long ago? Okay, so I will find some of this and just like sending you and see what you thought so, because I was like, do I need to look for something else to add, like a different category? entertained after our last few conversation, reading a book with a really ugly cover? Like?

Collin  1:11:04

Yeah, we will literally judge the worst book covers of all time, like, yes, here you go. No, I think we stay with the, with the premise and because we're rereading them is going to be just fine. If we're talking about them in different contexts, so yes, so send over one's ideas, and we will pick that tomorrow. Okay. Talking about Don't strain yourself and try. Try not to try not to, not to Yeah. Oh, yeah, good. Okay. Well on that, on that on that homework assignment. We will. We will end for the night. All right. Okay. Love you. Love you.