the next closest park

In which we discuss how off Oklahomans are, how there are no casual Civil War enthusiasts, and the unfortunate side of dog rescue. PLUS, hot takes from Brandon. 

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movie, people, oklahoma, year, good, watch, move, weird, thought, battlefield, humid, dog, school, book, kids, steve martin, dude, day, turns, great


Brandon, Collin, Aaron

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. All this week show. The next closest Park. Oh boy. Everybody

Brandon  00:26

pretty good. Really? Yeah. Yeah. You know, I had it. Yeah. Okay. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Am I die? But it's fine for us Field Day. So like outside all day Blad Oh, yeah.

Collin  00:42

What's the weather supposed to be like?

Brandon  00:44

I don't think it's gonna be too bad. Like 70s So Oh, definitely have had worse.

Collin  00:53

I was gonna say for seven years. In May I take it

Brandon  00:59

it's been like weird. It's been like so humid, but also like, cold for some reason. It's very strange. I don't really how it's both of those things at the same time. Like that's not normal. Like it's been uncomfortably warm, but also very humid and hot. Like yesterday was like actually cold like, I don't know. It's really annoying. So I'm like trying to do all this laundry. Like put away like my winter clothes and like my winter jackets and stuff. And I keep having to get them back out because it's like, Oh, it's cold rainy today. I know.

Collin  01:30

Silly you trying to put away your winter clothes.

Brandon  01:33

So I put away all the one. Ah, take that. I can't outsmart

Collin  01:37

me. Yeah. I was wearing a I was wearing a t shirt and a hoodie today. Yeah. When I was out and same thing with yesterday, because it was like, It's chilly enough. But then as soon as you start moving or doing anything, it's like, oh, no, no, I'm hot. But if I stay it's like cool,

Brandon  01:53

like a muggy because it's also been raining every day.

Aaron  01:56

So that's cool. Love that.

Collin  02:01

No, no. And bide love that we mean? No. So what is your what is what is your field day consist of?

Brandon  02:11

Hill? Mystery.

Collin  02:14

Oh, what


is that? Because?

Brandon  02:22

Because our school is just one giant construction zone.

Aaron  02:26

Forever, I guess, um, Field Day. And

Brandon  02:32

like, they were gonna have it last Friday, but it rained all day. Oh, this is rain makeup field day. Yeah. Well, actually, I think it was supposed to rain all day. And it rained like a little bit. And but they'd already moved it. So like, but it rained like the days before. So it was like soggy. And whereas it was one thing but it's actually going to be at the Moana Park. So yeah, so I don't really know how field is gonna go or what it's gonna consist of, because it's not at school, and it's a completely new location with a bunch of stuff that feels like it was just made up yesterday. So I don't

Collin  03:20

know. Sounds like this is gonna be the best field day ever. Yeah, well,

Brandon  03:25

here's the other bonus part Field Day normally run by high school students. Right? They like, facilitate all the games and stuff. But because it's at the park, no high schoolers. Oh, so there's that.

Collin  03:47

Because they're not being transported, I guess.

Aaron  03:49

Yeah, they're not being transported. Hmm. Because, like, normally, they like

Brandon  03:57

they just work for a little bit and then they switch off, right? It's like just volunteers, you know? So like, very rarely do they work like, all day long. Some of them do, I guess. But like, because they're still doing like some classes have a final tomorrow. Air quotes. Final. Right wink wink nudge nudge wink. I mean, I don't really know how they're gonna do a final because my grades were due today.

Collin  04:19

Oh, it does. So it's not a real final. Yeah, they're not real finals.

Brandon  04:24

They've already done the real finals. This is just like, here's the thing. We have to do this. Yeah, I think most guys have already done their real for real fine.

Aaron  04:38

They just have to like, call it that. It's weird. But So tomorrow is a mystery. Mystery. It's happening. No one knows. So,

Collin  04:52

Aaron, do you have do you have field days out in the magical land of Oklahoma?

Aaron  04:57

Um, they have We call the land rush days. One of the things that they do Oklahoma that land rush

Brandon  05:05

is I just reenacting you just like you have run across the field. You just like put cookies on the ground and go first to grab the cookie winds go.

Aaron  05:13

A lot of a lot of the, like elementary people do the effects away land rush, where is something called that where like the kids get like, whacked, like wagon, and then make them all like, covered and probably series commemorate the, you know, the founding whatever is a coma, and wagon. And they just like take off in a big field. And they claim this a wonderful way, you know, I guess I can't, I can't think of what it's called. But that is a year elementary thing because we in the middle school, don't do anything like that. But I remember seeing all of the little kids on on the on like social media where it's like, oh my gosh, our kids participated in their last Land Run thing like, oh, yeah, we do that.

Brandon  06:07

Alright, can we? Can we just pause here?

Aaron  06:10

And take a moment to acknowledge? What a

Brandon  06:15

weird thing it is that that actually happened in history. Right? Can we just acknowledge that that is bizarre.

Collin  06:23

For our, for our non US listeners, or for those who aren't as aware of the late 18 or 1800s 1880s

Brandon  06:31

Pop quiz, Aaron, what year was

Aaron  06:32

a criminal and Russian? Yes.

Collin  06:37

You heard it here. First from a history teacher.

Brandon  06:40

I bet Shelby knows like right off top my head because they had to like that was the answer to all the finals in elementary school.

Aaron  06:46

Usually we pay attention to our stuff here. You're silly. It's a big kind of event where literally, there was a big starting line. And they just told people who wanted to grab away I'm like, hey, at this time, whatever the gun goes off, go and claim your spot. And so they literally they just took off. And people who wept early were called Sooners to gain their plot of land and they just had to go in state. They got their claims. And everyone was just cool with it. Oh, except for you know, the Native Americans who are already here.

Brandon  07:27

Yeah, that is the other part that people kind of forget to talk about, like

Collin  07:32

the land was already claimed. Right. That was the that's a very important part of this story.

Brandon  07:38

Whoopsie daisy 1889?


Sure. That's about right. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  07:48

All right. I just want to read this Wikipedia article for our international friends. Right? Because an estimate this is 1889. Okay. 1889, April 22. So like, kind of hot, dusty Oklahoma morning. An estimated 50,000 People

Aaron  08:10

were lined up.

Brandon  08:11

Right. And Aaron is not exaggerating, there literally was a starting line. They like, shot off a gun and people just like took off. And wherever they stopped and said, Here, it was, like a certain amount of acreage that they just owned now.

Aaron  08:28

Yeah, that was that was their claim. And people would contend it obviously. Yeah. If you're, that you just just race somebody. Be like, Hey, this is my spot. Now. Like, Darren, you put your flag that therefore I did. Well, Chuck did it. Okay. And then yeah, that would be your thought. And I, although I don't teach it. And because you don't learn about Oklahoma history. So well, the freshman year, like I've had to help students, we kind of like fill in for the spot. And I'm like, kind of like read it out loud. It's like, Yeah, this is a strange thing that happened in your history, by the way. And so and then, like, no images can do it justice because it was such like a big deal. And it was like, oh, yeah, here's, you know, 1000s of people that just took off and Baggins and horses are on foot. And it's just like it like I can't can't really comprehend that. Because it's like, oh, you're in a picture. Moving on. And so I guess that's kind of why they do this little land grab thing, little kid so they can see but even like a clap of 20 doesn't do justice of like the magnitude that had transpired during this time period.

Brandon  09:55

This little blurb says at 12 o'clock Monday, April 22. Up population of Guthrie was zero. Before the end of the day it was at least 10,000. Yeah, I, I'm trying to get on Earth.

Collin  10:09

So to put this into perspective, I've been doing listening, but I've also been doing some maths. So it's been dangerous, but at the time 50,000 people was approximately point oh, seven 9% of the population. To put that into context. It's measurable point oh seven. To put that into context, if the same percentage showed up for today of something that would be 264,002 people, a population larger than Birmingham, Alabama.

Aaron  10:47

Okay, that's a lot of people. Wow. Yeah. And so yeah, little kids. Yeah, they get little wagon. And they just, like, go out to some field. I know, at Yale. My other school. They did that. And like, I watched it for the first time because I'm like, Oh, this is, this is what we do. Okay. And then it's like, oh, yeah, Oklahomans are yours. They did this. And it's just a weird thing to like, comprehend and to look at, like, Yeah, this is, this was a normal thing back in the 1800s. It's absolutely crazy. That we do have typical track and field days. But those do not have the same. What's the word? You know, patriotic stirring, as well. Yeah.

Brandon  11:49

People aren't as excited about just like running. Like, but I'm not running to steal land from the native so I just really can't get behind it.

Collin  12:00

For some reason, their quarter mile pace drops

Brandon  12:03

by double ally. It's crazy now. Oh, man.

Aaron  12:09

Well, it's so bizarre to me. Like to discuss little details like that, especially with like my kids that I have. It's like, oh, I mean, yeah, this did happen. And they're like, oh, this actually was a real thing. Like we just thought it was something dumb that we had to deal with or in elementary school like No, it isn't real. So you're welcome. Thanks history but that's the that's the extent Middle School. We don't do anything fun. over that last week, yet, we got a Friday from rollerskating. And yeah. Where I had flashbacks was gonna be Brandon. He was in high school, and just eating CPC content and you could ever want me to do your brother. No, I think all the time. No. See, see that which is a statement I thought I'd never say


Brandon, did

Collin  13:21

you did you survive your your trip to the ice skating rink?

Brandon  13:27

Yes, I did. Just barely. Because that was a day that was so incredibly humid. I thought I was going to melt right. I thought the bus ride was bad. Okay, so here's how humid it was in northern Arkansas.


How humid was it? Okay, actually wait

Brandon  13:44

before that we did have a bit of a problem. So we do their due to an old stipulation at school that says field trips must be educational in nature. I don't know if this is still true. But just to be safe, just to be safe. We do a little drive by of P reg battlefields on the way down to Springdale. And it's kind of like drive around a little loop and I get to give a tour. As the resident history teacher, I get to point out things like oh, look, here's where they fall. And here's where here's the tavern. Right? So, but they're doing construction and so the road is all weird. So we couldn't even go see the Elkhorn tavern. Oh, because we were not about to get out and walk because it was raining. So you know, there's that. And now this was the sign. Because apparently, all of Arkansas is under construction. We got down there. And we're like we always go and eat lunch at this park thing. Right. My fellow teacher did they she's been going there for like years, right? And we go down there we rocked up to the park. And there's no Park. Right? It's full of like backhoes, and oh no. And so we're like

Aaron  15:01

Ah, what

Brandon  15:05

are they doing? Are they like redoing the park? Is this park now closed? What are where are we going to eat lunch?

Aaron  15:14

So, we

Brandon  15:16

were driving a school bus down like the narrow side streets of Springdale, Arkansas, trying to wiggle our way to somewhere else. So I jumped on Google Maps. And we found the next closest Park. Oh, no. No, we went over there.

Aaron  15:37

They had a

Brandon  15:38

covered little pavilion thing with tables in it. So we're like, Ah, here we go. We went over there. We had our lunch there is other perks like by the Library

Aaron  15:48

is where we were at know that that was

Brandon  15:52

fun, but like on our way over there, I was like, Alright, we got to turn left on the street. Street closed due to construction detour route this way. Oh, my gosh, are you

Collin  16:02

another left?


Different level or one?

Brandon  16:07

So that was, that was a bit of an adventure. But so we finally go down to the Job Center and right, we're hanging out work. And so it's so humid last Thursday, it would go into the ice skating rink downstairs. And it's like, you look across the rink. It's like foggy. Oh, because the air is so humid. Right. And the ice is seen since ice right? So here's this very thin like, mist inside.

Aaron  16:37

Oh so good.

Brandon  16:44

Why would you get all the kids survive skating? With all their pieces in tank? No broken heads or knees or restoring things? That's good. Job. And then after that, we went like to the swimming part. But the indoor pool room. Oh, my gosh, I thought I was gonna die. Like it was so humid.

Aaron  17:06

In the indoor pool. No, just no.

Collin  17:15

Just it was it was a sauna ask man or if it was full blown

Brandon  17:19

sauna million degrees in there. There's somebody like when we left. I was they get to go back to the locker room thing and like change stuff. So I went and I stood all the way down at the end by the door. And there's like, just to be like the doors this way. Get out. But there was an air vent there. And so I just

Aaron  17:38

did in one spot. moving air.

Collin  17:43

The most beautiful thing. A breeze I never knew. I never knew this was what I needed in my life the whole time.

Aaron  17:55


Brandon  17:59

so it was a little wonky by it was we made it we survived. Made back.

Aaron  18:03

Oh, ah, we did it

Brandon  18:13

this week has just been like get through, wrap up stuff. Do things clean up my classroom. We all know I'm not good at cleaning things.

Collin  18:21

So Oh yeah. Did you decide if you need to move your rocks?

Brandon  18:26

I just like nobody can give me an answer. So I just went ahead and did it anyway. Just like okay, I'm just moving my stuff. I'm just packing it up. Basically, my room packing up consists of, I have one of those big lab like a lab table in the back of my room, like the with the blacktop and everything.

Aaron  18:44

And it's like, attached to the floor. So it can't move. So,

Brandon  18:51

oh, my main cleaning strategy is I take my little milk crate, things that they keep their binders in. And I just start stacking them on the table. And I just fill it with like shavings that were on my desk and like from over there like this stuff that's just out that needs to go somewhere. And I basically stack it really high on the table. And then Tada, we're done.

Aaron  19:17

That's where it goes.

Brandon  19:19

gets out of the way. It's they don't have to move it because it's in a fixed position.

Aaron  19:24

Right so it's fine

Brandon  19:31

it's technically cheating, but I don't care. I'm not gonna you know, it's something I'm sure it's more than others. Maybe hopefully. Yeah. Some teachers like take this stuff to their house over the summer. No, no No

Collin  19:50

What is your end of the year ritual looks like to tear down your your room.

Aaron  19:55

Oh, this is actually kind of weird because it's actually the first time that I actually Am I saying somewhere? And so it sounds strange, but hear me out. The first year I got done teaching. They Yeah, they know the whole scenario, it's like, well, we actually don't want you coaching. Like, you literally drop your coat. So I just come out. And then last year was kind of strange because I was like, I'm gonna go to the bigger school, and which I did, but like having to pack up all of my stuff. And having that weird mixture of like, being a former elementary teacher and the middle school, like I had way more stuff than I actually like, originally planned. It's like, oh, this is, I don't like this. And I'm gonna own some things down. And so for this year, I have, I had to consolidate greatly with with a lot of my stuff. But for us, I'm kind of in a strange position, kind of along with Brandon work, like, Hey, you might be moving classes. Because I'm in a weird corner where the special ed classes are all kind of like down there. And they're like, we're getting some interesting kids coming up. And we might need it. I'm like, Alright, cool. You're gonna tell me when they're like, Okay, get ready. And so all I had to do was basically just do inventory on all of my stuff. Get everything moderately prepared. And just, I just bulldoze it into a corner. And just like I, though, I have to move myself there. Just to hear how, if anything, and so the end of the year kind of meeting was no, just turn in your list of things are broken. Which, for me, my classroom was the optimal out because last year, it was the, like storage classroom. And so I didn't have time to actually, like, do the whole, hey, can you check or repaired this because it was like, they didn't get my, they didn't, I didn't have ease until like, first week, or like, three days before school started. And so I was like, Hey, can I get this? Now? Okay. And so literally the night before school was supposed to start I do have the coaches and myself were like, throwing things in my classroom players. This goes here. And then we existed, I don't have time to see what I needed was broken. And so for the whole year, I had broken sockets missing, like, ceiling tiles. And so I actually got to sit down with my principal and be like, Hey, I didn't know a chance to get like, do this. And he's like, Yeah, your costume was the weird one. So yeah, just give me a list of actual stuff that you need. And like, oh, here it is. Here's literally everything that I didn't have the entire year. So it was actually kind of nice to sit down and be like, and I had this they're like sure, like oh it's actually kind of nice just to like throw my crap into the classroom. Be like hi boom I don't have to do anything I'll move it yet because you're gonna sit there until people start cool. So that that was actually kind of nice for me for ones that did not like have to worry about like taking the car down there turning it Mikey you know, doing that routine check of like turning this yet you turn this that kind of this okay by so this is this was the first time that now that may or may be subject to change. I've had a few phone calls from some schools about head coaching jobs, but as of right now it's just like I can just I can leave it there. I don't have to like cram like for large maps of like the world and flags like in my little office at home or like all my work textbooks nothing Oh, cool. Okay, sit down that was awesome yeah, it's annoying. Like yeah, it's it package up your classroom. It's really annoying.

Brandon  24:32

So I'll be real mad when I do this and they're like don't even get to the floors or anything this summer because again, my school is one giant construction zone and it's never ending. It's like Arkansas apparently just always have a construction. High School this year is like I 44 right just construction all the time. Forever.

Collin  24:53

They would have so many Merrimack cavern advertisements there. Yeah, there's all over the walkers. It's so strange, right? He's

Brandon  24:58

like Kevin switch with a light

Aaron  25:01

what's going on where is it I don't know while I will say I did not really like take the effect or account until like I was living was older but like Welcome Screen battlefield right yes been there yeah thing yeah yeah you like what do you like specifically remember about

Brandon  25:36

cannons general lions grave spoilers general lion the Union General dies it will use some street battlefield Confederate victory but seven months later the union wins at p Ridge battlefield that's the whole reason P raids happened sorry I'm in tour guide mode my bad guy I remember

Aaron  26:00

the farmhouse right there's that farm

Brandon  26:02

did the dude was like farming in the army. He's like, Oh, you're a hospital now.

Aaron  26:07

Right? Yeah. I

Brandon  26:11

might be about it. I have a very like specific memory because for one time for Boy Scouts, we did the cycling merit badge and we had to like cycle like X number of miles and so we went to Wilson's Creek and just biked around the path which started out is like happy fun time. Oh, by the nose like I might die.


This is rough, darling. And not heavy. Yeah, okay.

Collin  26:36

Yeah, Megan and I actually went in went cycling there and then the the battery in my jeep died there one time so

Aaron  26:49

ah Rena, bring it up. Because we're talking about the civil war in eighth grade. We pulled up like, relatively close places to visit, like in Oklahoma, and I always made it the thing or like I now kid, like, what side did Oklahoma fight for the war? And like the south like, no, you've never done a state yet, though. So but we have fallen out from st battlefields. And there's a picture on one of the websites. And if that table that's inside the pool, get

Collin  27:33

the lights that show you where they went? Yeah, the

Brandon  27:37

kids things don't what

Aaron  27:38

is it? And I went super limbo. Like it's really cool. Because like, I like these lines and like, it moves and they're like, the announcer was like, super monotone, but he's like, really cool. And like, like, move the things and kids were like, Oh, okay. Cool.

Brandon  27:58

Yeah, like, narrates the battle. Like, it's, it's like a, it's like a thing. And it has, like, it's so listeners. It's like a diorama table. Right? So it's like, a 3d representation of the area. And it's got these lights, and it kind of like it's like the battles like the strategy and it lights up like blue and red or whatever. And like, you'll be like, Oh, then they moved over here. Lip. Like getting the Confederate charge was here. Looks like it sort of shows the battle thing on there is a Yeah, that looks cool.


Yeah, it shows you the

Collin  28:37

how they moved over there has a little light up lines that lights up to shows that the routes that they're going. And I I mad respect to that because making history come alive is incredibly difficult than trying to get people to understand battlefield movements across the terrain like, impossible. So I that was I thought that was that was always very well done. When we went there.

Brandon  29:02

Yeah. Oh, one more memory I just thought of. I was there for Cub Scouts one time. And I don't know it must have been around Christmas and I ended up on KY three. Because I was in that farmer's house and that we were like going through it and hearing it and I was on KY three as like a small child. The place to be stuck. I


mean, dig that up.

Brandon  29:30

Yeah, very old archival news footage of me in a Cub Scout uniform at the house at Wilson's National Battlefield and surely it still exists. I mean, somewhere does it Yeah, I'm in like an A I'm in a vault somewhere. Combat KY three. Liza, yo, what's up? We're gonna

Aaron  29:56

I just I just thought that part was what's happening because I never really like? Yeah, like going there? And like I think I watched like them do. They were setting up for we did go to a reenactment once. Yes, it was out there. Yep. There was like

Brandon  30:15

tents everywhere. It was real hot because Wilson's the battle was in like August or something, right?

Aaron  30:21

Yeah, it was hot.

Collin  30:24

Yeah. And the foundation puts that on every year,

Aaron  30:27

maybe before August.

Brandon  30:30

But it's it wasn't the summertime.

Aaron  30:32

Right? Yeah, it was a hot. And everyone out there in their wool uniforms.

Collin  30:39

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the history lesson. Don't die of heatstroke.

Aaron  30:49

Yeah, that's, I just thought that was was me. Brandon said historicals sites. And I was like, Oh, yeah. Concrete battlefield. It's a literal historical site that I never am not that I didn't appreciate it when I was younger. But it was just something that was like, where you were going to where most of the cool table pick yellows

Brandon  31:10

go? Well, it's sometimes hard to appreciate that when you're really young, because you're like, it appealed. Yeah, August 10 1861. Boom. It's yeah, it's just like, because now it's like a field.

Aaron  31:26

And so it's kind of like, okay, cool.

Brandon  31:30

I mean, that's probably why the mom dad took us to the reenactment the thing because like, all the tents and all the dudes out there and all this stuff,

Aaron  31:36

right? Yeah.

Brandon  31:39

Concert harmonica playing I think it's just tends to happen to these things. Like casual, casual side effect of reenacting. Yeah,

Collin  31:50

like if you want to know what the 80s and 90s that were like, Yo, stand next to some secondhand smoke, if you want to know what it was like civil wherigo Civil War, but listen to some harmonica is playing, right. had a neighbor

Brandon  32:00

who used to live over here. That was a civil war. reenactor like he had the whole kit. Right? He actually did the March when they reenacted the march from like, down here in like, southern Missouri to Wilson's Creek a while ago. He like was a part of that. It was like, I don't know, it was like, I don't know when it was. It was a long time ago. But he did it. He was like, part of the thing. I was like, Oh, my gosh, why the hell the staff had like a billion books and like little, he was way into it like maps and like all kinds of stuff, right? Because if there's one thing that I know, it's people that are into the Civil War, like, there's not a lot of like, casual Civil War enthusiast, right? If you are a person that's like, into the American Civil War, these people go all in like, they all end up being reenactors. Right? It's just how it works. Right? They have, they have a box under their bed full of wool uniforms. They have like muskets in their closet.

Aaron  33:01

It's real. Like, whoa, what? I will, I will say that that the movie Gettysburg, like a four hour long movie. So that movie was actually shot, like 99. Or like, 90% of the people are like, volunteers are like, Yeah, so what we're going after, is that, like, they would show up upset like, hey, you need a cannon? Because I have one. They're like, yes, please just stand over there. And

Brandon  33:31

one of them casually has cannons in the garage, like, what a budget

Collin  33:35

saver for the for the producers of the show? Like, oh, we don't need to do any sort of budget for it or assumes sourcing, we'll just put out a call and they have to respond. It's in their blood, right? They will say

Brandon  33:47

you already have them and they're already period correct and 100% accurate because they know

Collin  33:52

because they know. And if and they'll show up because they know if they don't we'll do it ourselves and we'll mess something up and we'll get a button wrong, and they will never hear about it. And they won't be able to sleep at night for them. So involving them actually makes everybody happy at actual conversation from the boardroom, in case you're wondering,

Brandon  34:14

probably Yeah.

Aaron  34:17

I saw the thing on YouTube about is the history buff. And he kind of already like historical movies and he did that. He's like, Yeah, it's crazy. Because like, like, Oh no, we need to save money in like 1000s of people just shut up and like a cannon. You need to add in. I have like four. Like yes, please. So we're gonna need

Brandon  34:45

Eddins just sit around

Aaron  34:49

you Oh, you know, brain strange segue. Great segue but our specialty as it turns out, so I actually have things to talk about. no shocker. So gay wrote

Collin  35:03

it down. What is this? Who are you? What's going on?

Aaron  35:09

So, Governor since the governor of Oklahoma, who I'm not necessarily big fan of actually came in touch for something for one. Okay, Oklahoma is actually getting $600 million investment into public education. Wow, that's a big number five, I'm looking at the thing. So they will come.

Collin  35:38

Look not to take away from that. I was hoping it was an announcement about Sasquatch hunting, but I am still interested in the story. So just keep going. A little bit of a promo. That's what I was hoping they'd change

Aaron  35:51

500 500 million will be directly into the getting funding formula with I don't know what that means, which includes six weeks paid maternity leave, though. Or that teacher what teacher pay raises $3,000 For teachers wasn't dear to four years experience to me. 4000 for teachers, five and nine 5000 for teachers, 1015 and 6000 for teachers for 15 years and one additional 10 million into three year literacy program in Oklahoma. Well 120 5 million to the red dot Foundation, no idea what that is. And then an additional 100 50 million, and a three year pilot program for school safety and security. So yeah, that's the first time that our school has had anything added to it. Since the teacher walkout in whatever year that was years ago. But yeah, is that an account? That came across my desk a few days ago? And I was like, Oh, what is this gonna be activated, like it was gonna be activated, like in the fall. So when the school year starts of next year, boom. We're actually working in Oklahoma. Get on in Missouri.

Collin  37:28

And I'm sure that there was no, no fight or struggle with getting that passed. And it was super easy. And everyone agreed.

Aaron  37:36

Yes, no. No fighting with any native Americans or oil companies. And everybody was happy with it. And we've not looking into it any further. We're getting money back. This is the same guy that like ticked off every Native American tribe in the state of Oklahoma. Because he's like, Oh, Native Americans aren't doing the part. That's like, Kevin, what? What do you mean? What? They literally doing their part? Like, oh, no, they could be doing more like they're literally funding the state of Oklahoma with logging. So that guy actually doing things for, for teachers. Because yes, a few years ago, teachers didn't get a raise. However, it was just like a one time deal. And it like wasn't like, consistent, or like, alter anything. And so the sheer fact that they're like, Oh, hey, yeah, by the way. We're gonna give you access to stuff. They're not including, like supplies and everything. But the sheer fact that everyone's like, Oh, hey, we're doing this. And it's actually going to be sustainable for a long time. Like you kind of like, oh well, hats off. That's very exciting. Dave,

Collin  39:02

look at this good news. You

Aaron  39:03

bring it that. Well. Thank you, Oklahoma for doing something good for one. I appreciate it. I say that and of course we'll be like, Oh, we not talked about you know, oh. Oh, I wasn't getting like something was really dumb. Like now. What Oklahoma? We did so good. Yeah, just yeah, we've

Collin  39:27

we best to stop talking about it less they do something even worse. So

Aaron  39:33

yeah. Very, very common for Oklahoma. And so yeah, I thought that was neat. We're actually actually getting appreciated for one and we get and we're getting money. So I will not complain about money. It's really nice. I don't have a That's Mike Warner, so Oh, I mean, that's a big deal. I don't I don't have nearly anything remotely as exciting as $600 million at all, at all. So,


no, I've been doing phone interviews and

Aaron  40:20

all sorts of things, trying to hire people, um, had may see here,

Collin  40:28

not a whole lot of change on that front, we're still kind of pushing forward with a couple different candidates and training people on boarded and trained and everything. I did, we did have our first our shortest stint of an employee literally ever this past this past Monday. Oh, no, not a great record to have. No, no, it was not. It was not indeed, she started on Monday. First email went out at like 9am by one o'clock, I got the resignation. So really good stuff. Really great stuff I currently they there wasn't a pending like, this is the state of hiring. People apply to everything they accept more than one offer and see which one they can end up liking. Fastest. And so they accepted our offer. It's like when

Aaron  41:27

you buy a shirt. Sorry, go ahead. Sorry.

Brandon  41:34

I was like, so many people buy clothes online, and they're like, buy eight things. And they're like, Okay, I'm gonna send seven back because I only want this one. Boom. That's what

Collin  41:43

Amazon literally has that feature where you don't pay unless you keep it right. Like they have that feature. So yes, you just go I don't know, but I'm not. I'm not invested in this. There's nothing to lose if I don't like this. So yeah, they they had accepted our offer agreed to start knowing full well that there was this other one they were more interested in. That was like a maybe.

Aaron  42:07

And so that one came through and they may let us know. So

Collin  42:13

that was that was a lot of fun. And, and you know, like, this points, like, you know, why don't really don't really surprising anymore. But like, that's, that's what we're doing and trying to move through. So it's a it's one of those things like okay, well, you know, just live and learn and keep moving forward. I did. I did have it yesterday, Brian, you'd said it was so cold. Well, I was walking this dog and I was along the grass. I saw it. I was like, wow, that is a big pile of poop. My dog didn't do that was walking, I should go ahead and just clean that up. I'll be a nice person. I bent down to pick it up. And it blinked at me. coiled in horror to find that it was in fact, one of the largest bullfrogs I've ever seen in my life. I was so

Brandon  43:18

I will. I will show you the terrifying surprise.


And where's the picture?

Collin  43:24

Oh, it's coming. The reason the reason it had not hopped away was because it was so cold the day before it was like 94 and then overnight, it dipped down into the 50s and the frog was like oh, no, cannot go on. And so it was just hanging out and not very lively. And so I think I think my message just came through

Brandon  43:53

let me know if that comes through and on. Good grief that it's huge. Even the dog is like what the heck is that?

Collin  44:03

Yeah, so I of course in my update, I had to say that we got to meet a celebrity on the walk. We got to meet Kermit the Frog. And

Aaron  44:16

let's say I will say that there's a board and the staff out there that like the prompt dumping that will be perfect candidate for frog for Frankopan. So Colin, good job.

Collin  44:29

Okay, I will add that to my list of of sports to inter did that that was that was my highlight yesterday getting to see this giant frog and then I was like, Can I take this phone home? Like what are where to put this Friday?

Brandon  44:48

Oh, yes, she'd be so enthusiastic.

Collin  44:50

Yes, that would be exactly what go for a dance pond.

Brandon  44:56

Right. Oh, I'd like to add about your friend

Collin  45:03

to put into your suspiciously Angular pond now I was a bit suspicious he spent too much time in Oklahoma I don't really know yes rubbed off him already pond was influenced.


And we thought

Collin  45:19

it was like the natural shape of ponds.

Brandon  45:22

Square of course.

Collin  45:25

The bucket is angular can't scoop a circle with a square bucket African point knows.

Brandon  45:31

I mean, thank you can I think this is mathematically possible? Right, like, anyway?

Collin  45:44

Yeah, just infantile. decimally, smaller, close together.

Brandon  45:47

I mean, it's what you do, right? That's what you can approach a circle if you like, continually add sides to a polyhedron. Right. So if you have you have like a square, Pentagon, a six a gun, a sceptic on an octagon, and nonagon a deck a gun, right? They just get progressively more circular. Right. The more size you add the the

Aaron  46:10

closer it approaches to historical. Yes. Yeah.

Collin  46:15

Obviously, all bucket operators, an excavator, or people are trained in this method of just now they took,

Brandon  46:21

they all took trigonometry,

Aaron  46:24

and geometry, so they know.

Collin  46:29

Oh, no, they're supposed to take the second year. Yeah, there's been a ton of rain here. I got to take the kids down into one of the ravines by dad's house and show them the streams that run through and got to talk about the difference between perennial and annual streams.

Brandon  46:47

And El Nino stream, right. I feel like that's what's up man? For sure,


so we

Collin  47:08

got to show them that and, and show them on a map and kind of like, Hey, this is the start of a river, which was kind of neat, and talking about how all the rocks that are here are going to end up,


down, you know,

Brandon  47:20

in the, in the Gulf of Mexico, where they're going maybe

Collin  47:25

all the way. That was a lot of fun to get to see that and just see the immense amount of rain that are in the area. And rescue few turtles and sliders are all over the place. So stopping moving them across the road as necessary, as long as it's safe and you're on an abandoned country road. And it's not nighttime.

Brandon  47:49

Yes, put Yes. Your high vis jacket on. Yeah, our European listeners are going well. If you had your high visibility jacket, everything would be fine. So it's

Collin  48:00

and as we know, in France, it's mandatory to have one in your car at all times. is

Brandon  48:03

mandatory. actually illegal to get if you stop on the side of the road, you don't put it on you can be fined. Look, if you exit your vehicle,

Collin  48:12

as we know, randomly. Then I just has been French facts

Brandon  48:17

with Oh brother. Fast food. Oh my

Collin  48:22

goodness. I was that's a great segment, which is more of that. Yes. And then I took a phone call from a potential client today. It's always great. When I can immediately know that this person has run out of options and they are talking to me.

Brandon  48:41

Not a good Not a good start to the interview.

Collin  48:45

Right? Love I love me feeling helped me to point out here my only hope right like it really is like call me Obi Wan because I'm your only Oh yeah, exactly. Funky Bunch here. My only

Brandon  48:57

like, Oh my gosh. Anyway, new T shirt design coming soon. Ladies Gentlemen.

Collin  49:03

The waffling the waffling on, this was amazing. Amazing. First First it was oh, the dog is dog reactive human reactive. They've never left it alone before it cowers. They're worried about biting. Not sure how this is gonna work. And then it was well, it's not so bad. You know, they've had a friend take care of it before. And you know, it would probably be fine.

Brandon  49:31

That code for she realized she told this person on a jury when they told you like the whole truth meeting like I mean, I mean, it's not as bad as it sounds, though. Like, I don't want you to like really worry. I mean, you're a professional.

Collin  49:47

I'm sure you right. Yes. So I asked some questions and was the own winner you needing this and that basically they needed us to start a four day trip. In two days, so they need this course. was laying Yeah. Okay, well, first off, we know, like we can do a meet and greet. But that's probably not going to work out. We don't have availability really. And so if we do a meet and greet, it would be for future services, like if you still want to move forward. And that was this morning, and then like, eight hours later, I was there. They scheduled the meet and greet. And then all the care information forms. It was like, the sweetest dog ever, like, no problems, like applying a little bit of anxiety. And I was like,


I talked to you. Nothing wrong.

Collin  50:47

Yeah, I was like, I talked to you this morning. Okay, know who you are like, oh, you can't trick me. I know. I know. I take I write down phone numbers. And I write notes about you whenever I'm talking to you on the phone so that I can cross reference this stuff for later. We turned that down. We were like look like you know. Maybe if we have not

Brandon  51:12

you it's me to work.

Collin  51:13

It's mostly


a dog though. I can't think I'm waiting for

Brandon  51:20

a horse. It was a bullfrog celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County, last Bullfrog

Collin  51:27

Kennedy seat. Oh, I get so many phone calls from people who have unexpectedly recovered a stray dog. And then realized, Oh, I actually can't do anything with this dog. I was just trying to be a nice person and then put it in my garage. And now it's been there for six and a half hours and nobody's coming to get it. I don't know what to do. And all the pounds are full. This happens so much. And so I have to talk to them. Give them some advice and some Facebook groups to post in and then say, Yeah, I mean, you took the dog on. And unless you want to rerelease it. You have to, you have to see this one through, like champ, like you got to see it through. And then I send them a PDF full of rescue phone numbers from all across the state and say good luck. I can't help you. Like we're not doing this. But it's really sad when that happens, because we will have the best intentions because they go oh, a lost dog. The owner will be looking for this. This will only be nearly a trifle of my time. And then

Brandon  52:40

No, it's not. It's not lost. Just abandoned.


It was abandoned.

Collin  52:45

Yes. Yes. Yeah, like Well, here are your here are your options. And several of them are like five and a half hours of went away. So you have fun, right? Like that's what you're dealing with at that point.

Brandon  53:01

A basically Yes. It is. Unfortunate, though, because it's like a hard situation because you want to do like the right thing and you want to be like, helpful and stuff. But at the same time, like, well, it's not really

Collin  53:25

going well. We have I have been in this exact position, right. I have ended up it ended with me needing to drive an hour and a half one way to do a err on the side of that, like, we have done this so like I feel people's pain and like I totally get it but like that's what you're gonna have to do. Right? Like you're in the drop everything try and get this taken care of moment. Yeah, right now and trying to get people to understand exactly like they have committed whether they realize it or not like,

Brandon  54:00

yeah, you're in there now. But he like Yeah. Good. Good luck. Yeah. It's that this is all it's all she wrote. Like, yeah,

Collin  54:13

yeah, the unfortunate side of dog rescue. So

Brandon  54:16

yeah, it's true.

Collin  54:21

I'm happy as anybody like been reading or watching listening to anything interesting these days.

Aaron  54:28

I'm still

Brandon  54:30

watching all the Top Gear episodes and other related things, right. I'm getting my summer reading list in order, right. That's kind of what I'm doing kind of deciding what I'm going to be reading here. Okay. Kind of go through my little stash of books here and going Hmm, what do I want to do? What am I what is my plan? That and of course BattleBots is still happening. So you know that we're in the finals now, man. So the bracket started very exciting. Susan is just super thrilled. Obviously, she just sits there and goes.


Like, that's what it says.

Collin  55:18

You know what? It's fine. It's fine. It's it's it is input.

Aaron  55:23

It is input, right? Yeah,

Brandon  55:26

I've been doing that I had I was thinking earlier. Right. Did you have a place you

Aaron  55:29

were going with this? By the way, was this like a? Did you have a thing here? Were you leading to something?

Collin  55:41

Oh, I was talking. And I was on mute. So that was like, I was saying things. I was like, nobody's responding. This was not a segue. But okay. All right. I was

Brandon  55:53

gonna like because I was gonna attend Is it is it might be? Because I Didn't your wife. Yeah. So all right. Yes. So I, I did have another quiet tangent. I was thinking about this today. Right. And I

Aaron  56:09

have this, like, weird relationship with certain genres of books. You know, and I was thinking today, like, I don't really know why,

Brandon  56:24

like, when I was younger, I think we've talked about this a little bit before, like, I used to read a lot of fantasy novels.

Aaron  56:30

Right? And then like, now,

Brandon  56:34

I really struggle with it. Right? I read like Game of Thrones, and I read like, Tolkien stuff, right. But like outside of that. My fantasy reading has shrunk dramatically.

Aaron  56:46

And I think there's a reason why, right? Here's my thought.

Brandon  56:53

And I'm about to anger half the internet here. So just get ready for it. Who's hot takes with Brandon. fantasy novel book

Aaron  57:04

covers our kind of trash. They're just not good. They're not interesting.

Brandon  57:12

A lot of them look like they're just straight out of 1987. Right, which is just like, wow, they're just there's nothing about a lot of fantasy book covers that makes me go, oh, I want to read that. Like, it's not exciting. They're like, very generic.

Aaron  57:27

Right? Like, they're not like, oh, man, what's

Brandon  57:32

that? Like? It's not there's nothing that because I'm a browser, right? I am a browser. This is how I find books. I browse. Like, I look, I go to bookstores, I wander around, I look through the shelves, right? I just like browsing. Right? It's my thing, which is why I like buying books online, it's very difficult for me because the browsing aspect is gone. Because if you click on one book, it's just like, suggest to you like 50 other books like that one. And you're browsing is just, it's,

Aaron  58:01

it's disappeared, right? But like fantasy books, all the covers are the same. Right? It's just like, boring. It's like, a weird

Brandon  58:15

person with some strange background behind them, like, menacing or like, just like generic text with an object in the center. Right? Like, even the Game of Thrones book is like this one. Now with a sword, like,

Aaron  58:33

cool, like, what? How riveting

Brandon  58:36

just really went like, you know what I mean? Like, there's nothing cool about it. And I'm blaming book covers, for my lack of enthusiasm about a whole genre.

Collin  58:50

I will say this, this is book covers are heart or heart. They're very, they're very difficult. I will let's let's give them let's give them that. But when you have content, like I don't know, an entire fantasy novel, you'd think there'd be some aspects that they could pull from it to make it more original. Because I'm thinking also like, like, just book covers in general of just how annoying they are. They are there are a lot of bad ones out there, right? So many bad ones. And it's because because they go, I don't know, here's one, like, here's one thing from this book, and that's what I'm going to try and promote without trying to capture more of it than that or grab people's attention. And they they fall into those tropes way too easily.

Aaron  59:36

To do and it's like, I just can't,

Brandon  59:39

like I just I don't know, there's something about the cover design. It's very off. It's like, almost off putting to me like I don't want to read that. Like it's so bad. Like I don't even want to look at that book. So like why would I want to open it and read it.

Collin  59:55

So you heard it here first people bring in literally judging book by its cover,

Brandon  1:00:01

I mean, that's how browsing works, you got to look at the cover, and then you pick it up, you have to have something that makes you want to read it. And also, a lot of the titles are really not very exciting, either it's like, something blood prints, like all of them.

Aaron  1:00:19

You know, like, I definitely, I definitely can understand brands, because the cover doesn't get you. And if you flip over the back to read, like an understanding if it's anything like the blood prints of food, or like, come on, or if it's anything that like, throws names out there to try to, like, lure you in with, like, well look at like, look at this high fantasy like Gunstar in the world of food and like, I want us to like, look up like bandwidth of media to figure out like what that is, like, that's what that's what got me was dune. Everyone's like, oh, you should read dune like a sci fi like, well, this is the dune. And then like, if you look at the back here said on a desert planet was react as soon as the story of a boy portrays who becomes the MA D even though like what is what is that? What does that mean? Like great family ambition, or robot and then it's like, the family of the high Emperor like man don't don't don't have any more look up people that I don't know who they are before I started reading the book like

Brandon  1:01:30

Yeah, right. Like, it's yes, it's just, it's just I agree there, right? You gotta get it, there has to be something to hook you. Right. And sometimes it's the cover. And then you pick it up, and then you read the back. And then you do this, and then you do that. But if you're just like, if you just browse, like, randomly, the if you just like Google like fantasy books, and you get like a list of like the newest ones or whatever. It's just like, you'll see the word bones. You'll see the word Ranger, you'll see the word blood like 80,000 times. And it's like, there's no discernible difference. print any of these books, just by looking at them. And I when you get into them, when you read them, obviously there's going to be differences, right? But like, button, you just looking at them. You're like, I don't how do I pick one of these? They all look the same. So sorry, the anger of all of our fantasy fans here. Oh, the word alone is also in like concept of Oh, right.

Collin  1:02:34

Right. Yeah. Well, because it has to be the singular, singular person, whether that's salvation or like, the last remaining or, you know,

Aaron  1:02:44

except to era. Yes. Yes. Hmm. There's that. There's that. What has

Brandon  1:02:54

sorry, go ahead. Okay. As I say, I also did I do have something that I watched though, I have random film review time with Brandon. I figured this is where you were segue. Me too, because I told you about this while ago. So I forgot. But oh, I thought you remember it. Alright. Anyway, apparently, I have watched the movie just randomly. Because I was I had nothing to do so I was like, I'm gonna watch this. Now. Unlike my other this is separate from fugue state Movie Review corner where I remember nothing about the movie, right? I had a vague memory of this. Right? And a vague memory of this movie,

Collin  1:03:33

then. Vague Movie Review corner. Yeah, I

Brandon  1:03:36

mean, I kind of remember the general idea of this movie, right? Like, I kind of understood that right? And so I was just like, but I was sitting there thinking about like, Why did I watch this movie? So I watched this movie in sophomore English class. I don't know why.

Aaron  1:03:55

Right. I

Brandon  1:03:58

other than the only thing I can really tie together here is that Mr. Himes was a film dude. Right. And so like, that might be tangentially related to why I watched this, right.

Aaron  1:04:13

What? I have watched

Brandon  1:04:16

the 1997 NEO noir,

Aaron  1:04:19

the Spanish Prisoner right now

Brandon  1:04:28

is it like a movie about like a con? K. But unlike a movie like The Sting, where the protagonist is the person doing the con, in this movie, spoilers for 1990 sevens? The Spanish Prisoner? The protagonist, is the person being conned, right? So all of the twists and turns come from the revelations that you know, reality is like not What it was right or not what it seemed like.

Aaron  1:05:04

So it's really weird.

Brandon  1:05:07

And I didn't know this until after I watched it. And then I kind of looked up some stuff about it to try to figure out like, like, because it's a pretty high like score on like stuff. And so the director is this dude called David Mamet. And apparently, he has like this big cult following about stuff. Like, he's done a lot of a lot, but he's done a lot of several movies. And he's like, people like him, like, praised for like, his writing. Okay. Now, this is important.

Aaron  1:05:49

Because I don't know why. Okay.

Brandon  1:05:56

I've never seen any of the other movies that he like rip wrote and directed. I have seen some other movies that he just was a writer on. So he wrote like, he was a writer on 1980s ones. The Postman Always Rings Twice. He was a writer on the untouchables. He was a writer on wag the dog. Right? He was a writer on Ronin, I think I've seen parts of Ronin I'm not really sure. But he wasn't the director. So like, you know, he was just a writer,

Aaron  1:06:29

so I'll add a bunch. But he's like,

Brandon  1:06:33

apparently prays for like his dialogue. Right? Like the dialogue writing of this dude is like, apparently really great. And I say apparently really great. Because after you watch this movie, or after you watch the Spanish Prisoner, at least you go,

Aaron  1:06:50

why? It's not like, good. Right? And you can tell like,

Brandon  1:06:57

you can tell they're going for that, like Neo noir thing where like, everybody's kind of like, weary. You know, and, but like, it's not like a snappy dialogue, right? It's not like a Raymond Chandler, right. It's not. It's right. Covering BullGuard would deliver these lines badly. Okay, so I'm saying such classic lines, like the dude needs this lady. And she's like, if you ever want somebody to cook you dinner,

Aaron  1:07:23

or dinner and breakfast, just give me a call.

Brandon  1:07:29

And this is supposed to be like peak writing. And I'm just like, what on earth?



Collin  1:07:36

very confusing.

Aaron  1:07:40

What? Oh, guys are terrible. It's so weird.

Brandon  1:07:46

I don't I don't really get it after viewing one of his movies. Like I don't really understand the like, why everybody likes it so much. But you know. So there's that little elephant in the room. This movie does contain luminaries such as the protagonist is a guy named Campbell Scott, who I'd seen before mostly because he plays a dude called Boris in that one. Corona came the name of the TV show now. But anyway, Royal Pains a TV show about like a doctor in the Hamptons. That was a good show. But apparently he's like George, see Scott's son. And the main antagonists in this movie is one Steve Martin. This movie is notable in that it's like Steve Martin in a serious role.

Collin  1:08:48

How does Steve Martin pull

Brandon  1:08:50

that off? Oh, it's not bad, right? It's pretty good.

Aaron  1:08:55

Like, he,

Brandon  1:08:57

it's he's still cuz he's the he's the guy that's conning the other dude. So he's like, kind of taught he kind of fast talking, you know? So it kind of plays into that part, like, but it is more of a serious thing. Right. So the other part of this movie that drives me insane that I did not remember is like,

Aaron  1:09:15

it feels like

Brandon  1:09:19

it feels like when they were writing the script. They put like brackets that said, like insert here and then they just never took it out. Right. Oh, because the main the main.

Aaron  1:09:35

The main plot here is that

Brandon  1:09:38

the other confusing bit is the the main character's name is Joe. Okay. And then Steve Martin's character's name is Jimmy.

Aaron  1:09:46

So that's annoying, but so Joe is like a math guy. He works for the company and she invents the process.

Brandon  1:10:01

This is all the information you're getting this movie needs. What is the process? Apparently, something that will make the company a lot of money. Wow, what a premise. Yeah. And because this is the 90s still, right, it's they're gonna beat the Japanese in no market

Collin  1:10:21

the market. Yeah. Right like

Brandon  1:10:27

it's really hard to like, follow along, like, be invested in the story when they're just like the process. They just they just keep talking about the process or he works at my company or the company he just He literally says the company like you couldn't even like come up with a fake name. Cheese. Fisher enterprises. I don't know. Something just manufacturing Inc. Yeah.

Aaron  1:11:02

Like, like,

Brandon  1:11:04

you know, what's it going to be like a Seventh Street Corporate Solutions. Boom, there's a corner. There's a company right there got it better.


I was looking. I was

Collin  1:11:16

looking at the trailer for this. And I noticed it also has one. Ricky Jay.

Aaron  1:11:22

In here. Yeah.

Collin  1:11:25

Which was weird. I was like,


I? He's in a

Collin  1:11:30

lot of weird roles, too. Yeah,

Brandon  1:11:32

there's a lot. There's a lot of people with this theory that you're just like, Oh, that guy. It's one of those movies. You're the it's the Oh, that guy. Right. Like, that's, it's that movie. Like it's late 90s. So a lot of times it's like, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's her. You know? Why you know them? But like,

Aaron  1:11:55

You do, right? Yeah. Yeah,

Brandon  1:11:58

it's a movie about like,

Aaron  1:12:02

Jimmy, Steve Martin is like,

Brandon  1:12:05

the like meat, you know, just casually, at this company retreat in the Bahamas because they went on a company meeting in the Bahamas for some reason. I don't really understand that. But they just like happened to me on the beach, you know? And then they like strike up a friendship and all this stuff. And like, just these like little things casually happen. And then it turns out, she me is a con man and he wants to steal the process. And so Joe gets wise to it and he calls the FBI and then oh, no, it's a fake FBI agent. Like

Aaron  1:12:50

oh my gosh, it's like

Brandon  1:12:54

so it's like, unraveling this, like, Jimmy's reality is like her jokes. Alright. See, I got confused again. Joe's reality is like, not what he thinks it is. Right? He's like, trusted to many people. And, you know, he's got to discern what's going on and all this stuff. Right. Who is on his side? Really? Right. Spoilers. Okay, turns out nobody. That's

Aaron  1:13:25

so lame. Like

Brandon  1:13:28

it's almost like too much. Right? Like, it's almost like it's like, it's like keep being there's reveals like, it's not like Jimmy's not real. This apartments not real. Yeah. The FBI is not real. Like. Okay, okay, I get it. It's like, elaborate, but I'm a stand why? We understood. Yeah. It's fine. He slowly sort of like unravels the situation and starts to deduce what's going on and then like, the end is still like, saved happens to actually be some joke that was told earlier, the movie, right? It's like, what what black, black, black.

Collin  1:14:12

Now that was the payoff was the payoff.

Brandon  1:14:15

The payoff? Is the payoff for that one throwaway line in the middle of

Aaron  1:14:18

the movie. So where is the end?

Brandon  1:14:22

Lamp, I remember that part for the movie. Right? So like, okay, spoiler territory for a movie from 1987. You've been warned. Alright. So somewhere in the middle of the movie, Steve Martin and the guy Joe are like, going around town and Steve Martin is like schmoozing him up because he's pretending to be like a rich dude, you know, rich business guy. Right. And he talks he says something about like, you know, he has some throwaway line about Japanese tourists being everywhere. Right. And so, the end of the movie there on the As both this fairy trying to get out, you know from this place because it turns out he's been double cross where everybody and Steve Martin's there and whatever. And Steve Martin has a gun and he's gonna kill him and steal the process and sell it and whatever else. And this lady just like whips a tranquilizer gun out of her bag. It shoots Steve Martin. She's like this Japanese lady, but she's working with like the FBI. And the other dude comes up. He's like, see, no one pays attention to Japanese tourists. Oh, God.


Oh, that's

Brandon  1:15:38

the only part I remembered. Like, I remember that part. When it happened. I was like, Oh, yeah. Is this weird? It's like, pretty solid concept for movie. Right? But it is a little too. In 1997 E. So like, it's pretty extra. Right? The acting is a little much, you know, with the delivery of some of the stuff. Like, it just feels it feels very late. 90s You know, like, not the best way. Right? Not in a good way. Not as were like, where's like, 10 Things I Hate About You. Feels very 90s in like the best ways. every possible

Collin  1:16:20

way. Yeah. Banished prisoner.

Brandon  1:16:24

Kind of all the not great ways. Right. Like I like it. Parents, sorry. For all those 89% of viewers who voted that it was good on Rotten Tomatoes.

Aaron  1:16:41

Yeah. You know, I wonder how

Brandon  1:16:44

many people actually voted. Actually, I should look at that. Oh, oh, yeah. See? Only 60 reviews. See, that's no good.

Collin  1:16:54

You can get it now. Yeah.

Aaron  1:16:57

So. Okay. But yeah,

Brandon  1:17:01

so I watched that. That was just randomly, I was very bored. And so I was like, oh, I should do that. So I watched that. So I watched it. It's fine. It's probably better if you don't remember it, right. It's one of those movies you can watch, like once.

Aaron  1:17:17

But then like, all the surprises are gone. So like, even 20 years later, you're like, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Collin  1:17:30

Oh, interesting. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  1:17:32

So it's kind of like, you could watch it one time. And it would be like, Whoa, oh my gosh, but if you watch the second time you're like, you apparently even if those two times are 20 years apart, like you can just kind of go


Yeah, okay.

Collin  1:17:49

Gotcha. Well, anyway, next slot.


So yeah, not the biggest fan.

Brandon  1:17:59

I don't really understand the big hype about the dialogue because it's really, really not great. Right. Like, it's really forced. Like, it's, some of it is like, just like, Why? Why would you say that?


Yeah, that's my

Brandon  1:18:20

it's my review corner. I go the Spanish Prisoner. I give it a miss out of 10. Right.

Collin  1:18:28

Okay, sounds I have not seen it. But reading the IMDB and listening to review. I concur. I also give it them in

Brandon  1:18:35

an attempt. Yeah. You can't watch it for free online, though. So that's good. Right. Hey,

Collin  1:18:40

I don't your plus. Yeah, Major. Usually those are usually those are free for a reason.

Brandon  1:18:45

I mean, there's a lot of good stuff that you could watch out for the for free and once a while, right, like


so, you know, you can watch

Brandon  1:18:53

rumble in the Bronx for free. Sometimes that's definitely worth it. Always watch that.

Aaron  1:18:57

Barely. Fair enough.

Collin  1:19:00

Well, this, this brings up a good, good question. It is summer reading time. Do we want to try and do another summer reading challenge of some book in some way is does that fit into your plans? Aaron, would you be able to do this? Or do we need to wait till later?

Aaron  1:19:19

Um, no. I mean, you probably do it. We're, we're gonna be going on our honeymoon next week. And so I think, you know, all of that. It's summertime. I got nothing else really planned besides that. We got summer ball next month, but I'll be gone for most of it. So I mean, I think it'd be doable. Yeah. All right. I'm down. Okay.

Collin  1:19:46

Do we still have that original list that we looked at a minute ago.

Brandon  1:19:54

We will do some research on possible.

Collin  1:19:57

Okay. So on the offline we will continue this conference. They should and we will use our super secret text Gen to come up with a something and go from there.

Aaron  1:20:05

Yes, we will scour. All right. open to

Brandon  1:20:09

suggestions too. So if you got any throw in there right now

Aaron  1:20:13

go do it. And we'll see. Yeah, we'll do that. Oh, we're

Collin  1:20:18

reading book challenge extravaganza.

Brandon  1:20:24

Oh wait that's prices right sorry.

Collin  1:20:28

My goodness. Okay. So, we will do we will commence that and, and Erin you will be excused for missing you know, for the honeymoons? Yes. Give you a pass. And yes, you

Brandon  1:20:41

catch bass is very important. So, where are you going? Do you know?

Aaron  1:20:44

I mean, we're gonna go to Charleston. Oh, in Atlanta. And then like Nashville, I think we're gonna add is quite a loop there. And are you driving? Yeah. Because with airplanes being the way they are right now. Because yeah, hey, what if we just like

Collin  1:21:13

grow roadshow?


Yeah, and so I think it can be or just the word a lot easier. And so we will just we'll just do that out there for a little bit. Then about a little over a week and just like right out a week, and we'll come back but that's kind of what you have planned. And then it's gonna go from there.

Brandon  1:21:39

Alright, so So not only travelogue from Erin but also Erin importantly, road trip gas station snacks. Granny your favorites when you return here. Yeah, what was your go to like? Okay, we need a snack update because roadtrip destination snacks are an important part of this equation.

Collin  1:21:58

And and I need you to do a statistical analysis to see the percentage of gas stations that have the blue windshield wiper fluid and those that don't and those that look like they're doing it spitefully not because of neglect I hope you're writing this down this is all research that you're doing for us.

Brandon  1:22:20

You've been slighted recently apparently oh my gosh it's my entire

Collin  1:22:23

look not that it's been a minute but the entire trip to New Orleans we could not find a gas station Oh, all the way down all the way back up Neri near multiple states people multiple no okay. So fine and each year and he knows if this is this is big gas station conspiracy. Or if this is just you know me thank you, and do the snacks will convene on a book and I'm gonna go lay down and Okay. Thanks. Love you guys.