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Packing for trips is hard

Collin is “pre-guest”

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Hi, everybody. Hello. What's up Skype is Skype is telling me to avoid legal snags I need to tell you that you are currently being recorded.


I knew that already. Oh, thanks though Skype.


Okay. Now you know because there's a big a big red button in the top that says you are recording the not me. Collin is recording the call.


It says right here. So helpful. That's, that's so helpful.


Yeah, at least I got it to work this week. That's exciting. Yeah. I probably start looking at it getting an updated laptop because


Yeah, I realized today that mine is almost 12 years old.


Yeah, because I tried to download all this stuff and it was like, No, you can't. You can't use this when you create


it you hate me.


That's that's kind of what this thing if I overload it just a smidge, it just becomes overburdened. And we'll just kind of stop functioning crazy. Yeah. And then it'll be like, you know what, I'm not going to do that, then it'll just completely shut down.


Like, most the time, it's just, when I try to put new things on it. It's like, no, no.


I guess I can type week I had a


I had a few things and it was like, nope, this is too much. And that's why I kicked me off our conversation last week, or the week before I can't remember. And I was like, oh, man, this is so Oh, nothing's working. Cool.


Yeah, I kind of have to close everything else, but that's okay. I don't need to


distracting be distraction free right now? Really good. Really in the game? Yeah, in the zone, if you will.


Auto Zone.


I mean, I guess Oh, I wasn't gonna say that part. Yeah.


Cultural references. Yeah. Oh yeah, no, I went to O'Reilly's to buy my headlights. Sorry you got us on. Sorry. They're closer to my house sponsor a lot, Brandon. Yeah, just edit that part out it's fine.


I totally use the Rileys the other day.


You're not helping this case. Well, I don't mean to it's there's not that many options in Oroville, Oklahoma.


There's like two O'Reilly's right down within walking distance from the park. I mean, how can you say not a walking distance that's perfect. Yeah, but no one wants to watch the


walking is great. I don't


know that. We're not designed for walking.




like, cuz, you know, there's no sidewalks anywhere around here, but it's not


hinder things. Yeah, yeah, it's a problem but you know it's fine.


So what's new? Oh


lot really doing school things


doing a


talking about like volcanoes and stuff so I actually was thinking about you guys the other day because we were talking about Yellowstone National Park


Yeah, in our great adventure. I was telling them all about like this stuff and I was like yeah, there's like hotels there but there's no TV and they're like what? Wait, why would you go there? No. A certain clientele goes to hotels in in Yellowstone. Yeah, but all my kids were like


I was like yeah when I was there because again this was a long time ago. I don't know how up to


This information is, but I was like, yeah,


there's no TV in there. And they're like, what


was their internet? And I was like, I was like, oh, there's absolutely no internet in there like what did you do? Like Well,


I'm had a book and I listened to the sounds of the geyser, or like, or ours, or you listen to one of the greatest soundtracks ever provided in the classical cowboy hits that your younger brother found in a souvenir shop as true because for some reason we went on vacation with no music


happened, not accident. Well, that's because your CD collection at the time was approximately 14 inches thick last year. It's basically its own carry on.


I'm not taking this on a plane always do heavy. And I can't possibly spend time to reduce this down because how would I you know how it's very it's very last minute. It's very like oh, I'm leaving to this.


Morning. Oh yeah, I should put stuff in my suitcase. Yeah, just throw a little bit this is a little bit of that.


Last year when I went to Australia I bought a suitcase like two days before we left nice just saying like that's so you know how roll


Yeah, I mean it's hard because you're like well I want to pack the shirt because I want to wear it but I also want to wear it before I go on the trip so I'll just leave that out and then you just start down this I don't know that's how I that's why I'm right. Yeah. The new all I know I need this lift out. And I also need this left out I'm, I'm just gonna leave everything out because I want to I want still on access to it. Yeah, because the only thing your suitcase is like a couple extra socks.


That's it.


He's waiting to dump everything into the end like oh, get it in there.


I have the notice. I have the hardest time packing for like


hunting trip. Because I have so many things that are camouflage that I'm like, oh, what I could use this if the weather's like this and I only end up using like, one jacket. And I have I have my rifle the ammo and then I have like, feels like three suitcases and I'm just going hunting for two days. I thought I was gonna say you put it all in the pile and then you can't tell which is weird because it's


it's hard to beg for my hunting because of all the camel I can't find. I can't ever find anything. So quick story about that. I was in a deer stand and I was down in Oak movie. And I'll sit there and all the gloves that I have there. They're like mittens. They have a little magnet on the end. So you can take the mitten part off and like just attach it so you're have a brief, brief thing God has like the half things on the inside. Yeah, gloves and yeah, okay, gotcha. Yeah. And so I was taking that off and I placed it




On the railing because it was just automatically Can I you know, the magnet was connecting to the middle and which was really loud at you know,


early morning and which is really loud. That's why I don't go because animals run away because I'm all like, oh my gosh.


So I connected it in it like fell off. And even though it was like, you know, nine o'clock I could see clearly I looked down and I could not find my glove. I was like it works.


Test. It's a victory. I looked down for like an hour just staring straight down because I didn't want to move and I was like, well, this


so I just yeah, just looked at. I didn't do anymore. Now you have one cold hand. This is just distracting. You can't.


I got back to the camp and I was like, Well, I know my camouflage is working. Yeah, I was just walking down with a deer stand base like an idiot.


Well, did you eventually find it? I did. Yes. Okay, well there you go. That's important. I did have to climb down and then I sat there for like two minutes because it was under a bunch of leaves and I'm like oh there you have to put some orange tape around the cuff. So if this happens again you can easily find it.


Little flashing Bieber that's what I need.


Yeah, cuz that's discreet, like your gloves flashing bright red and


nobody here.


won't notice. Blink Blink. Blink blink. Yeah, why I take I take great


inspiration from the top gear episode when they have the old person car. And they couldn't find it in the parking lot. So they shut up with fireworks and the giant balloon


was going for now and they go so the deer find you right? Is this how me just come to me




So easy.


I'm at this conference training thing for the week. And I am definitely


shocker of all Shockers. I'm kind of the weird one here.


Everyone No, no, I it's it's on public participation. So how do you effectively lead public participation initiatives to get good feedback, meet your objectives and goals as an organization, whether you're in the public private or consulting industry. And there's a bunch of that's delicious Lee vague, right? I know.


You know, an example is


what was one that we did was a case study that we worked through today was


there's a real world


That goes across beach, and people die on it every now and then. What how do we solve that?


Right. So more Aaron flashing lights get here and last night perfect. Well, so then there's,


there's the Okay, so who is the ultimate decision maker in this process? Okay, it's the it's the it's the real authority and is also the city council. Okay. Are they making the same decision no city council approved projects in the area. But this but the Transit Authority has like the final trump card on some things. Okay. So how do we organize the public to give effectively input to give to the decision makers, so that so that those two decision makers can make the best decision given the values of the public and you have taken to account the business owners, the surfers the anti,


you know, or the environmentalists also you have to take into account people who want to access the beach that can't so does


People and senior citizens and in pulling everybody together to get feedback, and then give that to the decision makers. And there's a huge long process that we're working through and learning all those ins and outs and I'm like, Hi, I'm like a streams dude.


This started off sounded like one of those weird ethics questions, right that it's like, oh, do you save this like, you know which one's more ethical saving this or that you know what I mean? That's what I was kind of expecting. But then it devolved into I have so many questions like why who ran train tracks on sand? Why did they do that? That's a terrible place to that's a terrible place to lay around. They never need much more saddles. I mean, coming in.


Or that what was that one show? The Western show on like, it was on long time ago. I don't remember. It was like about back to look it up. You're saying it. They were like building a railroad out through the middle of like the Transcontinental Railroad. And yeah, why that


Not a good substrate to build a railroad tracks on you need.


Also, I think the answer here is bridge. Obviously you elevate the train track. Well it's like to train trestle it's a 15 mile stretch along the beach and this is an excellent area. And the reason the track was a Long Beach was because there's a big mountain just inland on the beach and so they built it on the outside of the mountain. This is actually out in countless actually out in California. So you think of California coast, and oh, yeah, so beach, sheer cliff, right, like 10 feet away, right, basically.




quick break. I have to step away for just a moment. You guys can talk amongst yourselves. Really sorry. Okay.


More editing a right




I was gonna wait till he got back good. But I also had a convention slash trainings, meetings I have to attend to for like four weeks down in Oklahoma City.


I'm not jealous of all these conventions, you know. So here's, here's the thing. I have it all. I have to go down to Oklahoma City tomorrow night, which from where I live, is about a three hour drive. You spent right. It's better to spend all day Thursday


in Oklahoma City,


and then drive up that night. I


go to work on Friday.


And then I think I have to leave Thursday or Sunday night. Good to go back to Oklahoma City into which I have it's like a convention slash training






Are they separate trainings? Is that what you have to go down and then come back and they go down again? like are they so so this Thursday they like put on by different groups. So that's why I'm asking.


Their okay, but it's not like one continuous thing, because that's


okay. Yeah, I'll get to that in a second. So this Thursday is like the orientation. It's like, Hey, guys, this is what you'll be doing for black, and then I leave. So for the next four weeks,


I will have to drive down to Oklahoma City.


Again, three hours, spend Monday through Thursday, in which this part's kind of cool, cuz the state pays for hotel and food and things like that. So it's not like it's a very mandatory training, but hopefully they're paying for it. Yeah. And so Monday through Thursday, into which Thursday night I will have to drive back up to Alaska.


Yeah, to quote unquote work, which I'm taking cases, toy and so then I spend up here Friday, Saturday and then Sunday night, go back and repeat the process for another like, four weeks. So always and total. Oh, you're writing? Oh, dear. Okay, I understand that fully at first. So basically, like the beginning of the week you will be in Okay, see, and then


driving back up to where you are kind of middle towards the end of the week. And going back and forth. Berlin. Oh, my goodness. for four weeks.


Yeah, wow. So this Thursday is just kind of like a Hey, welcome. Here's the to meet new people. Okay. So it's like an ongoing thing. It's all connected, but okay. I didn't understand if it was like, you go down for one thing and then like a separate thing, but it's like


Each one is I'm imagining it's like a themed in some way. I believe so because like each week is it's held by different hold on


the almost evening,


I believe like, one week will be taught quote unquote, by, you know, x group in the next like two days is going to be taught by a different person or Peter. Okay, but it's all part of one correct the seminar thing okay. Okay, so that makes more sense. So this is where I will because I've been basically taking cases, you know, going out and talking to people, things like that. But the one thing that I don't get trained on until, which is coming up is like all of like the paperwork of putting it into computer system


and doing those things and the whole system is weirdly wobbly. And it's like, Hey, you know this icon that looks like


This icon, well don't use that icon like but then why does that icon exist? What am I doing this? Oh, yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah. So I will be I will be learning that part. And then it's like, hey, look at the cool resources we have. But you know, that's a state provided. So I don't know exactly how cool it's kind of.


But you know, it's cool is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. Like, like, in in that circle, like, it's probably like super handy and super cool. But like to anybody else. It's like, What? You know what I mean? Like, like how, sometimes


it doesn't happen to me so much. But like some of my friends, like my teacher friends get excited about things, but only because they're teachers because it has a specific connotation to whatever it is they're doing. So like, to other people, it's like, what, what are people talking about?


Yeah, I guess that makes sense. is because I get I get excited when I


See, like, tree supply is




whoa, three things. Like Wait, am I doing with my friends are looking at me funny like Yo guys, it's really cool. You don't understand how many paperclips I need. It's a free. It's a free map of Canada. How come no one else is excited? Yeah, yeah, exactly the kind of thing that you need. So yeah, I'll do I'll be doing that. So I don't know if I'll be able to convert like, I'm I'll try to bring all the stuff down. Well if it's


if it needs to be like if you're home on the weekend. Yeah, I mean, we could just move it to like, late Yeah. But maybe if if we're if not because the class that I guess they call it a class. It's only from like either nine or 10 and it only goes about like three. And so I have like, so afternoon pretty much. Okay, whatever. But I don't know how well hotel Wi Fi


is I mean, that's where Collin is right now.


Oh, that's true. They all go second time he's been doing it. We'll see. Yeah, I'll bring I'll bring this down because it's not like that much equipment. It's literally just a mic, mic. Holding apparatus. And then my left. So, and for the shot.


Yeah, I'll just, I might play around with it. But yeah, I don't. I don't know what to expect, either. Yeah, that's true. There's all these people who've been through it, like how there are some people like oh, it's really cool and blah, blah, and other people like, dude, it sucked. And I'm like, Oh, I don't


forget. That's that's about, you know, their expectations for what they were there for. Right? Yeah. It's kind of like, it's hard to know, because you don't know what that person is like much so like, if they're, what they were expecting versus what they got. Right? Yes, sometimes. I'm like that when we have trainings at school, like our professional development days.


Sometimes, yeah, like my expectations for what's going to happen are not met. And then I am sad. But other people are like, they seem cool with it. So I maybe it was more what they were expecting, but it wasn't what I so it's, it's hard to know, like where everything is going to be


until you go find out


then experience. And other problem is, is that my supervisor who's really cool and really awesome. He's like, well, it's there. They're trying a new thing this year. And so


I don't know what you're going to expect. Like, oh, that's not helpful. who's


like, I don't know who's teaching it. I don't know. Like, what or how they're going to go over it. But me it's still kind of like the same length. And I'm like, Oh, now I don't know what they expect even more. Yeah, so now there's an even bigger element of mystery. So it's kind of like


Darn I got think I think it'll be fun you know the experience it but I just I hate that drive yeah that's that's a bit that's as names would say that's a for peace. So I think because I had to drive down there this last weekend. Yeah that's what you said like yeah I and then I drove up and it's like I this this sucks. Like it's not it's not like a complicated route it's literally I go highway 60 over to highway 35 and go straight down like that's it, but it's just the sheer distance of I have to go an hour and a half West and then I have to go an hour and a half south. And so yeah, I mean I get it I don't like driving one hour. So like I don't even like I'm over it at this point. I'm like, I know I don't wanna drive anywhere. I'm done. So I


Yeah, I understand like if I if I feel like if I had like a more like the car I have no Mimi's car like it's it's reliable it gets good gas mileage, but I don't know if it just my other experiences of road tripping that have been that usually end in disaster that looks like something's going to happen. What is going to happen so I double checked, double check and triple check my car. It's like all right, everything's in order. something's about to happen. Well yeah, there's always that trepidation when you have an


older thing like that so


you're checking in keeping up on it so that's important. Yeah. Mostly Yeah, it's it That car is pretty easy. Like I can actually hear things I don't have dad since of, but What was that sound?


Sounds like super human. Literally x men power like I don't know.


I terrifying how good he is.


Speaking of terrifying that suddenly Oh my goodness. Ah, got me again.


It's all good anyway, BI like in in the bronco I definitely didn't happen have it. The Jeep I definitely didn't have have it because I didn't there was wind in those two cars just like trailer rattling and wind noise and a terrifying worried coming from the transmission of the cheap.


Oh yeah, that too, after


that thing was terrible. But it wasn't it was a fun little car but yeah, the accelerator would stick on it. And so I'd be only going to venture but it want to feel like it'd be going like 60 and the brakes sucked on it. So yeah. So he's trying to keep you on your toes right.


Quickly involved driving right?


zone out. Yeah. So attention that way Hi. It's an accident you get turned into like a manually have thrown the


neutral. Just we all stop.


I miss it but I definitely don't miss it.


Collin Where Where are you right now? I am in a hotel in Kansas City right by the airport. Oh nice.


Yeah. Airports things just what you love?


Yeah, I have the right yeah, it's not too bad, but it's fun. I don't I it's very weird. I'm not a


business II person. And yet we know the only people that I'm around are hard core business people or


Communications majors or PR people or when you were describing that conference, I was a little confused why Missouri Department of Conservation person was there because it doesn't really sound like a it sounds like a marketing PR department people it. It really is, although public engagement and public participation are kind of it is a little unique in that it because you act as a facilitator of it, like you're not in the decision making process, you're not involved in the outcome, but you're helping bringing all these people together. And as an in my role, I actually do that I actually sit on a couple of committees that are that's how it's structured. The streams unit is the one facilitating this and bringing together all of the players to make a decision and, and that's how my boss operates. And so and that's how she likes to make decision of because we are


In most cases, a third party, someone who can't regulate, and just the only vested interest we have is taking care of dish for us and wildlife. We can get other people to the table and go, you guys are the actual ones who have the power to make a decision. So let's make a decision and get everybody together.


And I think that's the only reason really why I'm here. But it is very odd because like, there are people from a city up in Wisconsin that are here and they are, you know, and there are people who there's a politician from Columbia here and people in from a consulting firm here in Kansas City and a guy who runs a utility company out in Nebraska. And they all have public initiatives that they're trying to


get through. And then I'm like, I work with the streams.


I mean, and then it's the I'm going to eat breakfast and


Everybody's in business casual. Are you wearing official biologist gear? I am.


shorts and sandals Please tell me please tell me you're wearing the official blue button up with khaki cargo quick dry cargo pants and sandals yes




I was hoping that that's what was happening it really and I'm just so glad that


it came true because it's just perfect. Like the untucked shirt and the kind of like slightly baggy pants and this just like general disgruntled just shoveled look of like, hey everybody what's going on? stream streams don't care how you look. Right?


They're not judging you.


And I met the at the breakfast bar going through and everybody is in like the annoying business casual or like suits, and they're all it's a seven in the morning. They're already on their phones. Talking about


Give me the TPS reports and I need this itemized list and talk to Shelly that tell her that we don't want that account anymore and blah, blah. And I'm just like, I do not belong around any of these people. And I do not like


that many acronyms hurts.


me. No, you're coming from a teacher profession that like literally only understands acronyms. Can you just knock these? Like, I don't. Even our staff meetings, they're like, yo, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, What? Why? Stop? Oh, I just want to know this. I don't need


to I'm just a random person. Like wait.


Yeah, yeah, we all went we all went out to dinner together and I ditched my formal quote unquote, formal wear


my cargo shorts and say what is what is the violent is casual where the form awareness


pants. Yeah. Oh boy. And then I put on my watch out my khaki cargo shorts I put on my vibrant five fingers and like, of course


those are not fingers just so you know.


I know. And then my, like, quick dry air wick shirt, and we're going down to me. I like what


they said. So do you wear that to like work and I said, Oh man, I wish I could.


Absolutely, to very casual work in the forest. What do you want?


Yeah, I was really disappointed whenever I got a big person job coming out of grad school because I was like, I'm gonna have to buy like pants and we're real shoes. And they were like, they were all just staring at me because they, you know, know, everybody is in this business. And this world has a different fashion. That's just what they do like a uniform


Right, it's there.


I was like, Yeah, but man, I was really happy when my Boston when I found out my boss doesn't wear shoes at the office and they all just stared at me and they're like, Yeah, why?


I mean, I was like to be fair, sometimes I still say are you when you say things like that and has got What? Oh, man, but like i will say funny story about when we were visiting you guys last time. Like Yeah, I don't these are things that I've just like, you know, there you and I, you know, when you first start doing that stuff, I was like, What and now it's just whatever, okay.


We're going out to the car and Shana was like, What is he wearing on his feet?


Talking about Oh, right.


Yeah, it was really funny. It was


so much


And now I'm in the middle of everybody who's the typical days just in a boardroom talking about expense reports and getting a new account and


leading the process or whatever and process improvement.


And I'm very weird. So


it's like, I understand those are words that I'd like to now like at the beginning of our school year meeting. They always have that and then like the insurance lady comes and talks. And then like the accountant, the school accountant lady comes out and talks about like, payroll stuff, and my brain immediately goes, I cannot process any of this information. I have no idea what you're saying. These words don't these words literally don't make sense to me. I don't actually meaningless.


Like actually reading was like, I just my brain doesn't function in that space. So


with when we It is interesting, because when we were trying to tackle a case study and figure out how we were going to approach it, these people


Coming from such a completely different world where, you know, they're bringing stuff, and rightfully so of stuff that I'm like, I would have never thought about even working through that, you know, there are people in my class that have run for mayor or have been advisors to mayors and things like those kind of positions. And so they know that world. And I just like me more about, you know, that the political intrigue


and wanting to know how to how to really play the politics, which is a something that I hate and would never do, because, you know, politicking is just annoying to understand how it works. If you're dealing with those people, you know what I mean? Right to get in their mind of like, Yeah, I know, you said this, but you're actually me.


And they're like, Oh, well, obviously. I mean, I'm like, I didn't get that at all.


I don't I still think it's weird that I immediately went to ethics problems. I don't know why I did that. But it's


Well, in summit, it is it is a little bit, it is a little bit of ethics because you're going, who, whose values are going to Trump, who's in the senate situation? Should they even drag each other because if the businesses are going, you know, we actually don't want to restrict access to the beach and just want people to cross wherever that means that more people can have unlimited access to us as a business.


But you have the accessibility people going, I need a dedicated access point that's safe so I can get my wheelchair down onto the beach through the dead zones or I don't become killed by train. Those are antagonistic to one another. unlimited free range access and specific access point. That's true. Yeah. That because then it'd be a battle of Okay, which business is going to have the access point place right by them? And nobody wants to decide which business gets the access point over whom? Until you the one that pays the most for the permit? Exactly, right.


So there's a little bit of ethics and and we, as a facilitator, you are not making that decision. But you are putting that up in front of people's faces and go, you have to make a decision here. Yeah, that's true. These are the options and how you present it to them and how you walk them through making that decision is what we're learning and discussing as a class. And, yeah,


I'm still not jealous, just saying now that you know, there are there are parts of it, where I go like this, the lady that's teaching the class gets paid to do this. Like she gets paid as a consultant for public participation. So she was paid by she gets paid by cities, municipalities, by like, the EPA, she gets brought in as a third party to facilitate and design the discussion.


Yeah, I'm like, Okay. All kidding aside, that actually


Sounds like it's kind of cool. And terrifying is what sounds like.


But to know that like to know that you ultimately aren't making the decision, you're just designing the framework to get everybody together and giving them a process to work through it, and then helping them along the way. That sounds to me. I don't know. That sounds kind of fun. That does.


agree, disagree? That sounds awful. I


mean, it is somewhat freeing in the fact that you don't have to make any choices and so it literally doesn't matter. Like Yeah, so I can see that why I do that sometimes, like in conversation just naturally was like, Well, what about this? What about this, but I can are like, school committee meetings or whatever.


It's kind of like a like, I guess it's not so bad. Not Think about it, because I do that sometimes. Yeah, it's kind of a natural conflict resolution kind of approach. of I'm also


antagonistic and then when everybody starts agreeing on something I like what about this though? You know, I know I don't


own those skills over the years. She does Jackie.


Yeah, I'm very good at doing that. Like, is that what you think? Like? No, but I just wanted to know what you thought about it. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, I just have to throw that out there. Somebody might think that just not me.


Well, Funny enough, there is a stage in the planning process is why I'm on the wellness committee at school. Why? Because they get together and start talking about like, yo, we're gonna like run and we're gonna like, yo, not ever because everybody else is like, athlete person, right like fitness person. And I'm like, hold up, stop.


My role to be like, you guys need to bring it back down a little bit to normal people and


funny enough


There is a stage in the process where you think of alternatives to the proposed


solution. And then you have to come up with frameworks of criteria of decisions, criteria of decision to compare all of them across equally, and then rank them and then say is this you know, which of the options that we have been proposed. Here's how we rank them in by which criteria and here's how it all lined out. The exciting The more you talk about, the less fun it's sounding Oh, no, the new we were doing today. I was like, Okay, this is a grueling and this is absolutely terrible, but it's kind of fun to help, you know, help a process. That's fun. I guess so but just like, thinking about doing it's like, oh, no,




no, now I don't do that. Look, when you when you come up, you can look at the book. Can you


You can read through it. Knock yourself out.




I got this other book I'm reading currently it's it's, you know, I've been busy.


Oh man, although this Sunday is having its next meeting in Banff, Canada next year Oh, away OG.


She was describing about what they do. And I was like, oh man, that sounds like it'd be really boring to blah, blah, blah. And then she said, and they're gonna think they're going to be in Banff, Canada, and I think it's so much less boring now. I mean, you can see elk. Just walk around. Bam, Bam. It's awesome. Uh huh. But I was thinking go stare at the hotel like Yes. Hello. How are you?


go hang on the lobby. What are you doing? Don't worry about it just fine.


Oh my gosh, speaking of lobby, the hotel lobby here has like a coffee bar that's open 24 seven, and I got in on Monday. And checking what is not until like noon or whatever. Yeah, it starts it started 815 on Monday. So I got in at 745. And I was like, Oh, sweet baby Jesus, there is coffee. I walk over and the guy was like, have you checked in yet? And I was like, No, because it's 745 in the morning, and he was like coffee's only for guest and


weird. I was like, I'm literally I'm going to be a guest at noon. Like I I'm pre guest right now. Check your records. I'm




Like, there's a reservation with my name on it that you will let me check in. Because you said it's not noon yet. And now you're yelling at me, because I'm not a guest.


So first of all,


I mean,


the lie obviously of Yeah, is acceptable in this situation.


But also, I have never been confronted with such a scenario. I'm utterly perplexed about why that would be. I was in the only thing I can think of is that maybe this hotel is really popular for holding meetings, or something, or probably over by the airport is by just all people are just there and yeah, yeah, it's weird, but it is odd. And so instead of grabbing coffee, because he said coffee's for guests. I poured myself a cup of hot water and made myself tea. And he




hee, kind of scowled. And I said,




That's, that's very perplexing. I don't know. I never, never


never. I mean either.


Aaron, when you're in Oklahoma City, just lie and say you're a guest. Like, are you a guest? Yes, of course, when you talking about why would I be here if I'm not a guest and then just take the coffee and run away? Don't Don't even ask, don't don't even look.


I think that this is the same place that they've then now staging wherever the past like five years, so as long as I just bring my name badge down, I think I'm okay. Again, I don't know where I'm going. It's fine. Just say you're a guest there so you can have breakfast refreshment.


So, catch me up on this. Where are you going to Oklahoma City? Okay, so first


Iowa, I have to go down to


city don't know. So I have to go down to Oklahoma City for it's like a it's called core training. And there's also like slash convention slash meeting, I think. So, abs. So I wish wrong so uncork CrossFit boy.


This Thursday, I have to go down for an orientation where it's like, Hey, this is what you will be doing blab, blab blah, like, cool.


That's fine. And so then I have to drive back up here Friday. And then


for the next four weeks, four ish weeks, I say, I then have to go drive back down to Oklahoma City from which from where I am. It's about three hours.


What city


Monday morning, spend time down there from Monday to Thursday, and then drive back up


Thursday night to be at work on Friday. And then you repeat the process for more for four more weeks. Yuck,


man, you know what it sounds like?


Sounds like we got to get this live so he has something to listen to on his journey. Right? I think so. I think so.


hours and hours ahead of yourself. You can listen to


me like


I knew I


know. It's, it's not like a complicated drive. It's literally like a


straight shot here straight shot south and then it makes it worse just because it's so monotonous. Just like


Like going through by highway 60 goes by toll booths. oh no this is it takes longer if I took the toll booth oh wow good job avoiding paying for row because right for that I have to go like South


and then over but this is like through Osage County, which is like all like Great Plains eat and so which is very slow rolling hills and you have to go through the the winter mind farm. But it's that's kind of cool. But that's well I mean it's kind of cool the first time. Yeah. Right like, the first time I saw one of those I was like, Oh, that's pretty neat. The 75th time I saw one of those I was like me. What, whenever?


Yeah. So that's that's my upcoming


fun activities that I'll be doing. So I'll be I'll be


Learning I'll be taking so I've been pretty much taking cases where I go out and I interview referrals that people have, you know, for, for child safety. So I'll go out there and do that. But the thing that this is learning is all like the other stuff like how to properly put it into the computer, how to properly write a DA report, which is not fun.


how to properly you know, use Bob of all resources, and how just not suck on paperwork.


So that is what I will be doing for the next four or five weeks. That's my week was annoying. Yeah, like it's, it's, it's interesting. But everyone I've talked to has given me like mixed signals. And even my advisor, or my supervisor was like, Yeah, they're doing a new one this year. So I don't know what you'll be doing.


Which is not really comforting. So it's a surprise. Yeah. So that's fun. I am


or something? Yeah.


So are they there then they're paying for the hotel? Yes. They will pay for hotel and they will pay for food. So coffee, which apparently the coffee right breakfast does not count since is provided by the hotel.


But then I can do what's called the travel log. Since I'm taking my own car, which I will get paid for it whatever reimbursement or whatever. Yeah, miles. Yeah, it's every it's per mile. So I'll get paid for that. Well, that's handy. He, it's, it's interesting. But again, I'm just I hate the drive and we'll see what we'll see what you say about interesting next week. We'll see when that doesn't go.




yeah, like no one can give me a straight answer on what I'm actually doing. So it's a mystery. That's a Yea, mysteries. But yeah, I called that and told him yesterday and he's like, that sounds


Fun I like


it can be if I close my eyes and thinking


that Yeah, what was he know about fun? He's taking the same test in like 30 different states to become a licensed.


Yeah, he doesn't know he's just like


so will, we shall see how I was telling Brandon I might try to bring my equipment down because classes only go from about nine to 10 or nine or 10 to about like three maybe the latest for it's all pretty much have a whole afternoon, evening to do know, whatever. And so if we need to try to do the recording thing of others. I can least have this with me just in case.


Okay, and then yeah, if not, because he'll be home on the weekend. I told him we could try. Yeah, we can too. And you just might hear


Susan yelling at the football from the other room on them. So I'll try to turn the mic down a little bit. Make sure the doors closed. So she's not like wow.


So you know,


the fun stuff. Yeah.


So it'll be interesting. But okay.


Yeah, I'm not


I'll do it. I'll be fine.


I mean, it's one of those things like when I go to this for free, no, no, no, absolutely not. But when I go to this and get paid doing it, okay, sure. I can I can do that.


Like I'm gonna do I go ahead right now, if they just like handed me like, like a handful of cash or credit card said all right. This is like


All you'll need for this trip. Do not spend any of your own money. Go my god who could do that. But yeah, I just I don't mind road trips as long as it's not my own car.


Like I'll tell him Brandon, like I don't like I try to keep as good a shape on this vehicle that I have. But given my prior on the vehicle


repertoire, it's just a hint of paranoia every time I'm like, all right, I can be on the road for a while. What's going to break this time? And so that's my rational fear every time Yeah. Then they don't have a company or state car you can take they who


didn't think about


I text my supervisor they said we have we have statement vans. Uh huh. And think probably get them a horse from


they might let me take you down for a day but I don't know if they'll have


You take it down for like, a whole week. Yeah. So it's something I might ask them tomorrow.


I will definitely ask. I mean, I think I say no. Okay.


We have a


If not, I can try to talk sweet talk the district attorney because we have court tomorrow. And I'll be like, Oh, my supervisors so mean he won't let me take a state car and I'll be like, pairs available for you.


been to the facilitator conference already? He's already got it. He's got under control.


Yeah, so like kind of what what like what Collin was doing? Well, not exactly what like completely opposite of what Collin was doing.


Literally nothing like how it was.


So I had to go to tribal court,


which, you know, there's a lot of tribes and


Welcome home. I don't know if you knew that but I've been told. Yeah, believe it or not believe it. And so it's just like me. Like I don't know who anyone is our is. I don't know people and like I'm just like clutching my little notebook like some terrified High School freshman. And everyone is a dress like to the T and I'm just wearing like, you are you wearing vibrant five toes? No, I was actually wearing tennis shoes but I I may or may not have been wearing zip off pants. And


they were they were full. They were full of the time and weight and issues. Hey, Richard Hammond pulled on them like a hoodie. Well, I have an important question. I am I the only one that does not own zip off pants.


No. Okay. All right.


Yes, I was just like this.


Awkward, like, Hi, I'm from DHS. They're like, Okay, do you need something small person? Like, oh, here, I'm here to learn things. Right ghost in the corner, like, okay. So it was apocalyptically terrifying. But then at the end of the day, everyone's like, oh, you're fine. We're just joking. I'm like,


I can breathe now.


Yeah, it's it's a fun experience. I'm having fun. Have fun.


You're having an experience. That's true. Yes, I did a saying and that's all that matters.


To get a gold star on my little report cards, take home


Like I didn't


I was able to open the door by myself day I didn't good.


Oh dear.


Yeah, I have nothing exciting happening. I feel very


left out here. I'm not going anywhere just been


sitting and doing tg things that nothing


you gotta figure out what the rocks? No not yet.


Okay, getting that ready we're working on it


ya know, we got to figure out some more suppose there's a school Carnival soon. So that's fun.


The 18th maybe? Yeah I don't remember a date is


Friday. So that's exciting. Not really.


Yeah next friday so


Yeah, that's all I got. What roles do you have in the carnival? Uh, that's a good question. I don't know.


So they usually


this is my first year with the sixth grade people. Like they traditionally do, like, selling of some sort of food. Slash, facilitate the, like, horse buggy ride and thing. So I don't really know what I'm doing just standing, I guess I don't know, was he was


standing Okay, well, because last year, like the fifth grade, when I was in fifth grade, we had like a game. And so we set up and we manned a carnival game that we made, right?


That was fun. It was like action going, right? I get to do my Carnival barking, and I got to do all kinds of stuff. Now I think we're I don't know


It sounds less exciting. As I'm saying, I'm not real sure what's sorry. So I want to talk to them this week and be like, so what are we doing? I don't know. Like, so they start pulling out a clown costume. What do you know? Not it I run.


I run away


the, the carnival that I did last year at uni Valley. They're like, hey, go stand in a concession stand for eight hours and like, done eight hours.


It was like, it wasn't that long, but it was gonna be like to it's like from six to eight. So I'm anywhere for eight hours. I know it must be my classroom. Do that as we had a which people love their Bingo. We had a bingo tournament. And then you could go and visit different classrooms and they had games Yeah, in the classrooms but like people brought like prizes and people were going to stay there. play bingo.


Every prizes gone and so they're like this only lasts maybe about four hours. But with the bingo tournament, it could last longer. And so I was I believe I was there for at least like five.


But I was I was in the concession stand the whole time, so I will terrifying. That's a lot of Bingo. Yeah, as a lot


considering how I've never actually played a legitimate game of Bingo. It's a lot. Yeah, I'm trying to I'm struggling to recall if I've ever played a game of bingo, not in a classroom setting.


And I don't think so. I think the answer is no.


I think I've only racking my brain here.


I cannot recall a time I've played bingo that I was not in a school building in a classroom somewhere doing it. Same.


Yeah, I don't think so. I don't, that's very good. I don't I don't usually go like


I want to go play bingo. It's not something I go and seek out. I mean, I could be wrong. It could have happened at one point in my life and I just don't remember is that that's something that happens sometimes like I you know, it wasn't like, enthralling, block it out and throw it away in my brain in a river. But I don't think maybe


Yeah, I want to go with no. No.


pretty confident that yeah, I think I'm pretty confident that's just yeah.


I don't get the appeal. I don't get to.


On games like that though. I don't I'm not like a


gamey person. I don't really enjoy that. Like, I'd like to play video games and you know, the occasional


card game, but like, She's like, Okay, I'm gonna play one hand to crack I've done now by


I want to play like, after hearts for games. We play with me, me and that's where you are with your games now. Yeah, me


Why it could get a losing rummy 7000 times in a row might have put me off of this. Yeah, I don't even think I'm done. I don't want to play more. Yeah, maybe like constantly losing it rugby or any of those other weird versions of rummy like, yeah, gosh, I, we, at my unit meeting sat down and tried to play cards and they were like, What do you know? And I was like me, kind of. It's been a long time. I probably haven't shuffled the deck of cards in 10 to 15 years.


And then they immediately tried to jump in and try to teach me like hearts and spades and all this stuff. And I was just like, Nope, I'm out. Nevermind. hardest part is pretty straightforward. spades is tricky, because you have to like there's bedding, and you have to do things. I remember we used to play that. Yeah, you have a partner and you have to bet and you have to partner bet. We used to play that on Boy Scout troops alive. community and help that. I think I've played it like it sounded really


really familiar, but they were trying to teach me and one person was trying to teach me the basics. But the two other people were trying to teach me how to meta game and how to game. Oh, yeah, yeah.


If you double blind Bluff, you get you like, Whoa, stop. Exactly. And then she was like, you've got a call Michael, are you gonna set my bluff? And I was like, I don't know what those words mean. Yeah. I don't know what cards to match first. It was the guy he was. He was describing the process. And he was probably like, three minutes into his explanation. And I was like, that's cool. Cool, cool. What do I do with the cards in my hand?


Because he was going like, all these different scenarios and possible outcomes. And when I was like, Yeah, I've got seven cards. Do I put one down or two? Yeah, that's because I again, last time I played spades was probably


20 years ago at this point.


So, I recognize those words. But yeah, somebody was talking about the other day. And I just remember that.


Like Cory always just go blind and he's like, say something and I forget what it


is. He's one of the most points possible at all. Until, like, that's what we just did. We just like yeah, we just didn't we didn't really, like when I say play. Yeah, no. Like, yeah, and that was the problem. Otherwise, we're taking it particularly seriously. And that was the problem is I was obviously not taking this seriously. It was all just kind of a big joke and a big funny, fun time to people. Like they were cranked to 11 about card games and they take it super serious and it's like, they live and breathe playing cards. And it was it was


it was really funny. They were getting so angry. Me.


But anyway, yeah, I may have been playing into


A little bit too just because it was just like you guys are being ridiculous about Yeah, I did that the other day we went to because we go It was Susan's mom on Friday, right Friday's is the thing we do. Like one day, she somehow convinced us to play dominoes. Which I guess it's better than watching a hallmark Christmas movies and stinking summertime so whatever. But


yeah, I forget that when you play dominoes, you have to go through all dominoes.


Oh, wait, like, Oh, yeah, that's just like, we'll just play one game and I was like, Okay. In my mind. I thought one hand. Oh, no, she did not mean one hand.




She meant one round. But yeah. Oh my god. Like Yeah, I was like, oh my god.


She's got the big one like the double like,


like the 16 or whatever. I don't remember. It's a big one. Oh yeah, she's got


The big ones forever maybe 12 number hi oh no, no I was 16


Yeah, it was like the double eights or whatever like no


basis goes forever




I was I was okay I like I was into it for like it was a good mother's like attention span situations where like I was into it for like four hands and I was like crap.


Give me


like maybe, maybe maybe Christmas movies in the summer so bad after a while they're still there still awful mostly because they're all the exact same movie.


They are. So the plot is like the same. So I just like sitting there. I'm sitting over there in the corner like smoking the plot out loud and Susan's like throwing magazines at me.


Like, Oh, no, what sort of conversation is


Experts and going to overhear why person saying and then misinterpret it and be like, Oh my gosh, what and then have the misunderstanding of Oh no. Maybe they don't actually love me. And then they're going to be sad. And then, and then there's a reveal at the end where it's like, No, I was actually telling that person to go away. I love you now and they're like, Oh no, that means I didn't mean Christmas is great and Christmas is saved and then we can bake cookies.


Sounds like somebody is to write for harm, or I got the formula down. I saw a tweet.


At one point, it was like a guy. It was like a like a joke tweet, right? But it was like a, like, some man is a band that lives like in the suburbs and commutes to the city. My biggest fear is


being at work and my girlfriend meeting her high school sweetheart and him teaching her the true meaning of Christmas. Because it's literally every movie like


It's so bad.


He's like, What do you mean? There's always like, what do you mean the insert family business here? He's gonna close. It's been in our town forever. Like,


oh wow oh Christmas miracle. Ah, do so DJ Tanner's and like 7000 of these, right Really? Well Candace Cameron but as well, I only I only


she could be


I do that I forget that I have this bad habit of only bring people as their actual other character names until Yeah.


It's making sure I don't know if anybody watches much full houses. I did. So sorry. But I'm like, no. And so in my mind, I can cock these like, elaborate plots where all the movies that she's in are like in the same universe are like oh my gosh, like,


and I start passing these out loud. And Susan again, throws mega


me until


I don't I just don't understand why. I don't either. It's It's very, I gotta keep myself entertained.


And it really helps because in one of those movies, she plays her own sister. Right? Which is weird because


yeah, she plays like, like a twin, right? But it's just one, you know. Oh, yeah. And so that really helps my movie universe. So it could be either one of them like it.




Like, oh man, can you believe this happening again? Last Christmas. This same thing happened. What happened?


Oh, no. Yeah.


Sounds like there's a market opening. Maybe


We can start yeah


relationships only lasts about four months because by next Christmas she's ready to go again.


rebounding power just get these get can't sustain that holiday magic all year. Right? You got it?




it's pretty something I guess but


cool is the right word. No, it is it's the one you know, I know it is it. Okay, well whatever. Also it's they suffer from the same problem as the sci fi movies do have like, Oh no, look at this movies in Wisconsin. You like no, isn't that Southern California? You




Oh, yeah. One of them.


It wasn't like I don't know if I mentioned this already, but it was supposed to take place in Iowa.


Christmas. Okay, Iowa in December. How many? Let me guess how many pine trees they had in the background? Okay, was it a couple, but also the biggest problem was it's Iowa, December. Some of the scenes were like at nighttime. There's it like they're standing outside in like, their light sweater. And then they're like, jacket, it's not buttoned up.


Like it's, do you know how cold it is? December like, you know, like you need to all be wearing like Carhart coveralls Get ready. It's a meta narrative on our concerns and projections for what it's going to be like, after climate change has taken effect in 2150 know it actually, because


They're, they're really filming this movie in Southern California


may know you're not and you're missing the the environmental undertones of the very near future dystopia where it's?


winter in Iowa is like 48 degrees. Those worry, the hellscape is upon us. There's no more corn. Oh, and we have to we have to escape it by Christmas, right? Uh huh. No corn. No.


Add that to your universe with can't either. Okay. It's a little hard to fit in.


Give it a try, though.


But yeah, it's the same. It's the setting problem. It's the it's the geographic setting problem to bother me in these movie. Yeah. You've clearly never been Tayo otherwise you would know that you could not be outside.


Because it's so bold that you don't


it's not a thing that people do there


are the ones that are like it's Minnesota and there's like,


tiny bit of snow on the ground. No, that's, that's false.


Again, again,


where's the feet of snow? Right? That IO has ditches are 12 feet deep for a reason. Snow, the snow has to go somewhere. Yeah, it goes in the ditch. In a huge ditch. That's where it goes.


dusting of snow and your light jacket, you know, get out of here.




throw on some coveralls and some need. Yeah, yeah. It should be


This this Hallmark movie presentation brought to you by car heart.




People don't look as romantic though, whatever. They're just this beige. cover all bases and bobs at.


Blizzard. Fine. They stand out in the blizzard too high contrast to the background as romantic as can where you're not boots. Perfect.


This is accurate. I remember. I remember they're having over the farm in Iowa. That's what that's what was their name.


They're not wearing dainty leather jackets and a sweater. That's how this works.


Oh, well.


Oh, man, I really want to see that the remake where they're just out there.


Driving snow


The blinding a white out there trying to go into romantic walk in the evening. And the wind blows like whistling down the road is like in the final in the final closing shots.


they stumble and fall into the 12 foot ditch of snow. Yes.


I mean they can be in town, but it still needs to the winter need to be more wind driving snow. Yeah. And there's there was no hogs in this movie, which is also incorrect because as we know, Iowa has the most hogs per capita of any state in the United States. Yeah, we had zero hogs. 00. No sign of horns, there was no sound of hogs. There was a smell upon if you look at one of those agricultural maps or United States, Iowa just like black with dots that represent hog


they're all right here.


Turns out,


not represented in the home by Christmas movie.


I know why that wasn't Why isn't it the Hog Farm in need of saving? It was some like weird bookstores and they should be the Hog Farm. There's let's get their own no bookstores and I was at need safe.


I mean, there probably are but you know what, there's more of hog farms. Statistically it's more likely that a Hog Farm would be under duress than a bookstore. Yes. I'm trying to ignore them.


Just it would be realism.


Yeah, because we already know that that's actually that's driving our number one priority here at the Hallmark Channel. When we make movies, it's realism. You know, I don't I don't know why we can't be entertained and learn things about Iowa at the same time. Right. This is there's, there's room for this. I want you just want geographically conscious. How am I Rudy's? No, I want you to I want you to do one. They already do them. All your


Anyway, right Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel just play all year long. There's pie not iterating. Yeah, why not do like a state series like Christmas in every state and that way we can learn about the geographic diversity of the United States through Christmas movies. Look at this is problem solving right here. Look, look, I went to a conference and even No, no, I've come up with a solution. Fantastic. Yet again. I want you to repeat this sentence. I want to watch a Christmas movie and learn about Iowa and be entertained at the same time. Slowly. Yeah, real




We can celebrate the diversity of America because that even we can see that the people in Iowa and the people in Alabama both love Christmas, right? They both are just looking for true love at Christmas, right finding. They're both trying to save. Insert family business name here.


For the holiday season, right? They're just trying to help their parents out. Look, it's bringing us together. I just want the movie shot in the movie setting is supposed to take place in Iowa, and the one in Alabama to not look exactly the same. Like Southern California. Southern California was like, wow, they found the one spot and each state looks exactly like Southern California. Right? Like


I never do. I never knew that Alabama had palm trees and look like yeah, it doesn't look as Adobe style of stucco housing. Was it? Yeah, no. Yeah, yeah.


thing. I don't know why. Yeah. So I think I think this is the direction to go in. Right. I've solved it. Okay, let me do. Let me let me get my letter out. There you go. Pick this up. Hold on. Dear Hallmark Channel realism, the 50 states series.


We're good. Okay. I expect our royalty check and there's still time for there's still time for Puerto Rico, right? You can still you can stay right.


You can expand Christmas in the Marshall Islands. Look at this. Look how great this is. This is it just it literally literally writes itself.


Mostly because it says shift, see and shift to be done. Okay. First of all control, control CY shortcuts right. And now


I'm on a Mac sighs not trying. I do want to say Command C Command V. You guys been like? Mac nerd. Anyway. Yeah. So they go, they go control C Control V. And then they find Missouri replace all with the Kentucky in and then just just go from there. Right I cannot cost tons of money to fill a movie in Missouri. We already know


It's time on her hands.


So she just, that's your film career? Yes. So again, come shoot a movie. It was very, like if you want to shoot him, you could pick your region in Missouri. Right? The average, what region? Would we?


What would we pitch to them as the quintessential? No, I'm not thinking northern Missouri because that starts bleeding into I was tearing through the show so




And, you know, I don't it has to be it has to be the river. It has to be the Missouri River region, right. Somewhere on the Missouri River. Yeah. Because those are accents that you that if we're going to talk about bleeding into other regions, so you can't do the Ozarks because that could be Arkansas. Right. You can't do over like on the western border, because that takes away from Kansas and Oklahoma. Yeah, but you also have to make sure you're staying out of the urban areas, Kansas City and St. Louis because that just again, looks the same no matter where you go. God it's just big city. So


Gerardo hate Gerardo i think is the only answer to to go dry. Now I understand. I understand. Before you rag on me too much for this I understand that Cape Girardeau not on the Missouri River, but the Mississippi River. Big. You said you said river the river. Yeah. Yeah. So either there or cannibal because


you know that may be a good connection because I'm trying to think of what small family business is going to be under duress, a bookstore


in Hannibal, Missouri, Missouri.


Yeah, see Mark, Mark Twain bring in River Road slain. I mean, this is perfect. God and really either either either Hannibal or Cape Girardeau because they're both on the Mississippi. You can kind of pull in river boats and and you do that anyway.


This is really, really coming together. I think so I think it's great. I got a river backdrop, you get so so this is


Our next project after podcasting.


No, no, no, we're writing.


Yeah, writing the script for the Hallmark Channel. And, you know, I expect this to be huge and really important to royalty checks just start rolling in. I mean, I think it's a great plan. We've literally done 98% of the work for them at this point. Yeah, they go to the state and do it again. Again. Hallmark Channel people. Hey, it has to cosplay. I don't know what it costs to film a movie in Missouri. Obviously, not a film director.


It has to be less than


it has to be. There's no way more. You're not competing for sets for anybody. Let's be real here. Yeah, yeah, there's not a Yeah, you're not gonna.


Yeah, there's not like a high competition. Once you're here. You can move your caravan of, of minstrels and storytellers from state to state and just


work from the heartland out. As you sure diversity. Yes.


Yeah. Yeah. You know, you know they may actually just start in the headwaters of the Mississippi and float down the Mississippi and and do that another condition but other productions have a bars


on an barge and just barge down the Mississippi. its own really dumb. Huck Finn, right? Yes.


barge lovers or something. I don't know. That sounds bad, but


I'm not the title person. We're just we will leave that up to the other people.


So okay, there's one that 49 more to go. All right. Okay. Good that we got Missouri's out down down in Destin. But we you know, we don't want to give any more away because we want to let them come crawling to us for those ideas. That's true.


Well we we gave them to already we that we've given them Iowa redo Iowa, corn and hogs, please.


They still have quite small towns in Iowa but you can have that have like, scenic main streets that exists. Just make the more corn. Right.




They had to have seen Field of Dreams. Right. Did you see how much corn was in that movie?


It was awkward except that they got rid of to make a bit ball field but ignore that aspect. Yeah, but it was corn before that. So yeah, yeah, great. It's fine. cs pre field post corn.


It's a journey. We can do another errand and what is the quintessential Oklahoma? Where does the Hallmark movie for Oklahoma have take place as the as the resident Oklahoma and expert




homey and so, okay, it's Okie doke. So it's kind of funny. Like when when you when you say, you know, like, oh, Oklahoma was covered in like Oklahoma and the Great Plains for some reason people get really upset about that, like, you know actually there's only like 20% of Oklahoma or like 15% of Oklahoma is actually in Great Plains The rest are forested areas. So I think just despite those people, we definitely need to do it out of like paga City area, maybe I need I need a geographical direction. Okay. Yeah, that is that closer to Missouri or that further away? So sorry, I'm I'm typing a report and I was not paying attention.




geographical Let's see here. Let's go unique. Let's go.


South to southwestern Oklahoma. No, sorry. panhandle. Let's go panhandle, Oklahoma. Oh, perfect.


They can talk about the we can bring in the Dust Bowl history


is perfect. This is perfect. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz I'm, I'm literally looking at a map of Oklahoma and I'm like, what's Oklahoma about Oklahoma? Oh, no, I, I think you're right. I think panhandle has to be it. Yeah, that makes the most sense. Its most, I think distinct, as far as like stories and history that people would be aware of. Yeah. Okay. So look at locality and again, kind of just workshopping this and the the the family family business that it is it still bookstore or is it No, no, this one has to be farm because you have to pull in the we save this barn from the dust bowl or not dad. Oh, now right.


on to it. There's a bank that still wants to reclaim the farm.


Yeah, because of an old passed over, like, like legal document that they didn't know about.


They're trying to grandpa great grandpa had signed over a portion of it but never actually acted on it now the bank is trying to take the farm from them because of a technicality. There we go the end of this look at this. And then we this this farm survived the Dust Bowl and his family will not let it go. Now see, this is good. I like it. Yeah. Look at this. three states in basic man if we're rolling, rolling, right.


Now, granted, this is going to get slightly trickier when we get to states that we haven't been to. But


I can probably still do it better than that. The people at home are gentle because they've clearly never been to them either. So


technically on an even playing field here, I just think I'm more imaginative than they are. I think so. Clearly, clearly. It's against nearly anything.


I think i think i think that past 10 minutes is at least worth $30,000. At this obviously


means three scripts basically written already.


And again, again,


gotta be cheaper to just actually go to the Oklahoma Panhandle.


And film there. It can't be. Right, right, you kick the sweeping vistas of Oklahoma, right? It's, I mean, come on.


I think the only person you'd have to have to talk to is like a single farmer because a farmer out there can own like 1000 acres and so you wouldn't have to you know, you wouldn't have to go anywhere. Yeah, and they wouldn't be using all of us at one time. Yeah, like just what field are your cattle not in that one? Okay, we use our


can we rent a cow for an afternoon right if shooting if we're standing side Yeah, yeah, just shoot shoot the same cow over and over and over for you shots of


like fly the drone out. Over


The field like look at all the cows insert those B roll just randomly through the movie, right? The same have the same cow walking but from different angles. It's walking from right to left, right. It's kind of the overhead shot of like all of them and then boom, you got it. intersperse those around.


Great. Look at this. Saving money. Making quality geographic we accurate entertainment. This is what we need.


Right off the tongue doesn't it?


graphically accurate. My movies here. Yeah, welcome.


I see a burgeoning market here where we teach people about geography. We're through the magic of Christmas. I love stories. Okay, stick move in here and out. No, no, no, don't shut the door.


I think it's great. I love this.


I would meet See, I would be more interesting to watch these movies, personally. Because then you can be like, oh yeah.


I didn't know that about Oklahoma. Oh, yeah. Right. You have like, ancillary details and


dropping, they're like, not just like randomly, but like, you know, wait, wait, wait. So your is your expected utilization movies


for substitute teacher day? Well, they don't want? No, absolutely not. But what I'm saying is, the more see the problem is,


right. We don't have any, any sort of background knowledge about any of these places, right? Where do we get a lot of our, our schema? Right? We get it from media, right? But then, if it's not accurate, we can't apply that to anything else in our life. Right? So you need accurate media representations of these places, to be able to connect them with other things that you're learning or other books you're reading or the movies you've watched, so that you now have a bigger knowledge base to build from.


There, we need our own channel.




That's what I'm hearing exactly the direction that we're


sweeping epic of Christmas.


Kind of rambling, violent, but a little sexy movie.


Okay, maybe maybe that's a little weird but okay.


I would dare you sir.


All right.




this is good. We have to workshop. And I had a little trouble with I see some of them is right themselves like Vermont. Easy. Done, right like


main nail did no problem like Delaware


I'm at a loss for Delaware. Okay, I'll do some research about Delaware. I'm not gonna lie. Sorry, Delaware. Definitely pull up the Wikipedia page on that. Yeah. Right. So like


Some of them will be tricky, but we shall overcome will be good.




I mean, I want to share a cursory look, Chris here, how do I say that word? A quick look at the


probably be more than enough to give us all that we need to know about the complex back history and intrigue of all these places. So that's true. You know, I'm sure that state a Start Page of Delaware helps out a little bit, right? Yeah, I'm sure they've got stuff on there. It'd be right Yeah. Right. Like 13 colonies, like the East Coast, right? You can do like colonial things. Right. So that's, you know, I gotta have a thematic place that way that hope, Charlie? Yeah, right. I'm sure they I'm sure they I'm sure they love knowing that. That the rest of the country things they haven't moved on from colonial times. I'm saying like you mean


great. Oh, great.


Are you are you are you really


Yeah, well so when you get to like the West you'd be like, oh yeah Wagon Train right it will say we're not going to like parody right buffalo


I think it would be much better if we did dive straight into it. No, no


serious business here. Come on now.


Oh, it says Aaron left again. No. Oh, no.


Well, I was gonna, I was gonna offer that we in there anyway, so Alright, sounds good. Let me let me stop recording all right