Shot in California

We're not going to the movies this weekend

Its just Tuesday in Missouri

The hoodie took me out of the movie

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works. He does other whatever's


that was an exhausted sound, you know near where we have we have


We have flea medicine, so we're good now. Oh, so who needed fleas was it or who needed to flea medicine? You nobody needed her? Well, it turns out we've had, we've had it. We had dog in a while ago and I couldn't can't remember this dog at all.


But we know some scratching a lot. We didn't think anything of it. You laughed. About a week later, we noticed Kobe scratching. And I was like,


Oh, no. Yeah, but he does that sometimes. And he does. He does have allergies. And so you know, I was like, and I paid them and I didn't see anything come off of that. I was like, okay, it's obvious not that. Well, I'll give them a bath tonight. And boy, howdy. They were more on there. So I was like, Oh,


so we can see Billy treatment and medication now.


We're all good. Sure guy. I'm having some some


Cherry lime let's try to help out


with the pleaser


Yeah, it's the parties it goes.


helps it helps wash it down. I that drinking


distresses me because I'm fairly certain I remember enough high school friends to they should be pronounced like walk but nobody


nobody feels me on that they think I'm crazy so


why don't you come down to boy dark and go south? palm to tear yes exactly


wonderful French names at the Ozark Ian's but butcher, you know it's it's fine and then you get to Kip shadow right i think is what you gotta go there.


I have never been there and it's on my list of places to go. I have always been curious. Just because


I don't really know why, actually, it's one of those things where it just sounds kind of appealing. But I have no evidence to back up or about why I should go there. So I mean, that's why I haven't, because it's far, right. Oh my gosh, the traveling that direction in the state is like, impossible, because we all 60 Highway just turns into like a dirt road or there feels like


not quite a dirt road, but like, one way after a while. And it's like way past. You know? Yeah, like in like, I don't want to go.


No, I want to see I want to go out there and see those


bottom land kind of swamps. Yes. Don't you have to go a little further south for that? Yeah, I think they do have. Yeah, way down in the Boot Hill. They've got some really cool conservation areas and wildlife areas. It's all there. There.


I mean, I can't say I can't farming. It's true farming for sure. I mean, that's what see mo is right to farming. Right But I mean, let's be real southwest Missouri is also farming farming.


I mean, they just don't have as many rocks over there say probably farm better, better Well, they're off the plateau so they actually got rid of all the water. That's true. But they also don't have the rocks from the plateau right on the on the uplifted stuff so they don't have like, you don't dig down an engine go Oh, look at this stones.


I know I just kind of dig this hole real fast. 45 minutes later you five inches even like I like Yeah.


We were. We were on a landowner visit and he was trying to convince us that the rocks that were in the stream had been there since the glaciers move through and they were special. deposits from glaciers. I don't under


Damn this, of course, you're standing on this stream bank looming over it. This is, gosh, where was this down in? Near Ozark? Okay? Yeah, there you go. No.


No glaciers came that far south of Missouri. I'm sorry. If you would have said like,


any town on the Iowa border, I would have said okay, maybe or Yeah, I released north of the Missouri River. Drew drew just kind of north of I 70. For crying out loud. Yeah, yeah. He was he was way down on the Ozarks. And


you're standing there and next in the stream channel with just gravel everywhere. And the stream bank is right next to you and it's eight feet tall. So it's over my head and you're just staring at this looking at all of the gravel in the dirt on street, right near like, like, Oh, yeah, it's amazing. Where could it all come from




picking it out of this


You know, it's like a


get lucky you can find some exciting dolomite who


everybody loved all night. They do they like to say it.


I don't know.


Yeah, yeah. It's a crazy idea. I'm gonna make my six figures go dig holes in the ground when we talk about geology stuff. Are you gonna go watch the movie holes for inspiration? I


know, I know. But we're gonna go dig some holes. I'm interested in to seeing how well and just how long it takes them to dig any sort of hole to get.


What equipment are you going to be giving them? Well, that depends on what the maintenance director and I can dig up from ag shop, right?


Yeah, yeah. little plastic spades from the kinetic No, just kidding. But like, spoons from the cafeteria. From the cafeteria. ego, guys, we're going to pretend we're on Alcatraz


You could uh, you can have it set up like a construction company, we're only give like, the only get like a handful of spoons and have like one group of kids as the like administration, like they have to go out and plot the land and survey it well,


but I gotta do it like, a little more group oriented. So they're going to start with their own plots, but


try not to do it like, okay, here's your one shovel.


20 children


take turns. No. Yeah, we'll see. I'm good actually. Yeah, no, yeah. Don't turn bad. We don't want that.


Was the school okay with you putting holes on the school grounds?


Yeah, I told my team I told my principal. I'm gonna dig some holes outside and she was like, okay, okay. So I just have to talk to the maintenance guy and ask where polls can be dug but we have this like


Kind of the non dig right? Well, yeah, but what does know? He knows he knows everything.


Wait. So there's a huge there's like huge, like just tract of land over there. That is between the baseball field and the softball field. It's just


there. Nobody goes there. Really.


And then there's a whole other thing over behind the other playground. It's just like


there's a pile of wood pile


that it's technically on the school grounds and nobody ever uses it for anything. These are excellent out of the way places for holes to be deposited increases our sample size area.


You can have a digging train sex. Yeah, right. We can't just have them all dig holes in the same spot. That's not a very some very different


Sample? Nope. And that'd be kind of cool to at least get an aerial photo and kind of general generalize. We're probably print something on Google Maps and sort of a map plan.


Yeah. And then just have a one point of reference that you can either measure or pace out from. Yeah, exactly. So where we can play complex but also we can't do it from the playground. Because the playgrounds been filled in with like Creek gravel.


knows where that came from. Right. So we can't it's not right. Right. It'll spoil their results, because it won't be. We don't know. We don't know where that rock came from. So it doesn't work.


I'm guessing


I'm using flattery.


It's flattery. Yes.


That's where it's from. It's from flattery, or there's actually a quarry down here. Like a limestone quarry thing. They probably didn't use Corey rock if I if I had to guess no, but they have like cast off gravel. Oh,


mining. Okay, dig out of there and sell out. term. Oh,


it's actually over by word Susan used to live on the farm where she grew up. Oh, yeah, that's right said it's like it's like extra close to that house and so she said she remembers when she was little just there being like sirens and all of a sudden there's like


blasting. Oh my gosh, that's crazy. I was trying not to make that sound super loud. Sorry. So I hope that worked. But


little little Mike technique. Yeah. Try not to make noises into the microphone. Wasn't there Corey? Like in downtown Springfield, like in the middle of town? Uh, okay, so I like the ice skating rink.


Corey. I don't know what it is. But yes, there is something and there's also something there's one over by division and 65 Yeah, that's the underground thing.


I can't remember. So there's that one. There's one of these five and then there's the one that's off of, like right off of


done by secret. But it's literally a quarry, right? Yeah. Active worry. But then yes, Aaron, you were right.


There's like a shake. Even like across the street. There is a it's like a like structure, but it's an old one. Yeah. And it's not in service. It's just there's big holes out there by the park. And there's another one somewhere because I remember


I do not remember where this place was. We went to


a, like a junkyard thing. To get a Fender




the Mitsubishi


front fender. What ya mean dead. Okay, and like out in the


Right goes out there. And the guys I get on over there I was like whoa why he's like it's just a pit


Like what? What yeah so just out in the middle of this junkyard It was like an old


it was part of an old Cory shaft or something. And it was there. And he was like he just like put trucks kind of in it like not in it like around the side so that nothing fell in there. And he was like, Yeah, okay, don't go with no one knew what was happening. And I don't I wish I could remember where it was. But I distinctly remember going in and we got a front fender because


oh, yeah, I crashed the car. That's what happened. I had to go get it. And then


Right, right, that's what happened. I crashed the car in public. And so I had to we had to wait to get some new parts. But this guy had one


junkyard and we went and ripped apart off of it. That's crazy. And


Yeah, it was just like a whole


big whole thing. And as I seem to remember it was some it was from some kind of mind thing, but I don't remember exactly what it was. But yeah, there's there's a couple in places in Springfield where there's just like, oh, here's a giant hole in the middle of nowhere. Well, right. What's happening?


Yeah, that's crazy. There's a, there's one west of town here off of 50.


It's back off the highway a little bit. You don't really see it, unless in the fall, and you can see the exposed limestone wall. Oh, yeah. If you don't, if you don't Google Maps, look at some of those areas. Then Yeah, you can look out you can see it's all filled with holes and a lot of the locals want to the city to buy it so that they can make it into a swimming hole.


Yeah, they want to assume Park. They just want what's that movie with Corey.


Is it the rocket movie? I don't know. Those are scary movies and they go like cave diving and then yet no no no no there's a there's a movie where kids go and they're swimming in like old quarry thing is like a raft. I feel like it was all those movies that we had to watch like 80,000 times in high school when that's a way of sub so I don't remember exactly what


remember I remember they shot rockets and the quarry out of October sky is it maybe it's October sky I don't like them to be so I never pay attention but I'm pretty Korean there ever the fifth time I definitely remember they're already ended up Yeah, anyway. Yeah, that's that's a weird




it's just a big open like pit quarry. Like it's deep like it's like oh, yeah, yeah, no. Why would they want to see the Turner at foot hole into a swim? Well, he's not safe. No. And the other part is is that who knows what's down there? Yeah. And all the like leaching that's coming out of it. Like there's there's some sketchy stuff at the


That is leaching into that water. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, it's totally like arsenic. Like, yeah, we're junk. Yeah, there was actually


a an old quarry down in Texas in North Texas that had filled in with water. They hit groundwater and it filled up in there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's pretty cool. No. And so they know it's called an artesian wells.




And you can actually go and you can do scuba diving there now. So you the water is crystal clear, because there's nothing in it. And because of the limestone that's there, yeah. Changes the pH so nothing can survive. You know, they've gone and they've sunk whole airplanes and boats and stuff that you can swim around. And we had a friend that wanted us all to go out there one time, but


hashtag kids, so we did it. Yeah.


Kind of weird man I'm


I there's most tales one of the most Texas things you could think of like we got a big hole, throw some stuff in there you can go scuba dive in it. Mm hmm. Okay.


what it's called, but there's a channel that I watch. And it's this guy that goes around with a metal detector and he's scuba dives in certain places.


And recently he's been going to like


what do they call


sinkholes, ON sinkholes your goodness now and like scuba diving in there? And then like there's the Clearwater


sinkholes in Florida that he goes into, like, Oh, yeah, like searches for lost stuff. And isn't there? Isn't there? allegedly, like a big pit sinkhole eating somewhere between Rogers Ville and Marshfield.




Remember this? You were hearing about this?


vaguely. I don't remember.


I don't know where it is. We went to try to find that one time and it eluded us greatly. I remember


because I you're talking to the person that I thought like the coolest place in Rogers. I was like, when didn't lower. That's not even Rossville because it's in London. I know. But like, just like the close. Like, oh, there's a waterfall and Linden. Okay. I want to make sure you know, that's not I know, but somewhere out there. There is like one of those. It's a thing like that. It's like a big hole big. Yeah, big open, open sinkhole thing. And allegedly, it's been open for like ever and there's who knows what, like tractor parts and all kinds of crazy don't know, I remember this story. But I don't know. Where.


Yeah, I've never. Yeah. I could probably ask some of the biologists in that area. probably know, probably know. I do know that.


On my way to work in Pacifica.


And in Osage County, which is like imagine, like Oklahoma, and whatever you're picturing, like that Osage County, like the way the wind blows with across the plane. Very much. So yes, like rolling planes, giant wind turbines, but I was talking to this guy, and apparently there's like a bunch of waterfalls. And he just some old fire guy. And I know, but like, there's the kind of just rivers that somehow connect, and they're just stuck behind, you know, off the main road that you can't see him. But this guy is found He's like, yeah, there's a there's a waterfall over there. And if you will have like, broken car, they just like dump it. Buy it. Why, like I just the place to put it. Like that's so interesting. I mean, you can't see it. I mean,


there's any big open places in Oklahoma where you could put things like a store anyway.


He's like, yeah, there's just like, I want a definition for one.


fall from Oklahoma. Like, is it like that little waterfall and what is it that?


Apparently they're like, like no look at this waterfall and it's a foot and a half from the, from the spigot down to the ground truth from the well.


Apparently, or some, since there's all those connecting hills, that there's some that are I mean again, they're not like gigantic and they're not like that's why I want to definitely get this waterfall it's more like a stream going over a Yeah, I want those downward. Do I measure this in feet? Do I measure this in? inch? I would say feet. Okay, so but not yards? Correct. Okay.




Yeah, I just, I mean, it's probably true. Allegedly that happens sometimes. Well, like I can envision


Like cutbacks through like some sort of topsoil hidden bedrock like down lower but


Oklahoma though certainly northern Oklahoma. Yeah it's just so that is what I water folly like


yeah you don't really picture in


the city the other day and I mean it's just nice gently rolling rolling hills.


And yeah apparently there's stories of there's a bunch of quote unquote waterfalls




and most of them are either on private land or they're on some oh so that not not provable


right now I'll tell you right over that fence can't go on John's farm but it can go there because can do it because, but it's there. I promise wink


I've been told for years that there's a waterfall park in Joplin. I've never seen it. I even look for one never found it. I know. So


well there's like a park and there is a waterfall in it against is that how I should have phrased that particular statement? Oh,


I was told it was there. Never seen it. Oh, boy. Yes. Because speaking of what, who knows what's in that water


is our snake


because it's over by line killed? Damn, I think but you know, there is there is there is one and the Department of Conservation I think just


just bought it. Or just over he opened it. Let me see here.


Um, I don't know.


Okay. Well, like


I've been told for many years, like when I first moved


Over there, wild, wild cat glades.


I don't know what that is.


Again, I don't know the the proper name for this. I just know, I've heard a rumor it existed. And I kind of went, Wow, that's interesting. And he's very hilly in certain parts of that.


You kind of when you get over that far into that county is you're kind of out of the silliness, right? Like it's a little far north and west.


Oh, yeah. I just I think it's a it's a little it's not like a big one. But you know, people say, Oh, it's a waterfall. It is. It is wild cat glades conservation and Audubon Center. Yeah.


It's right off I 44 and Red Mill room. Anyway, right off a Shoal Creek. Okay. Yeah, I think that's the only thing I can think of. I mean, I think it has to be in but again,


actually seen it again when we were thinking waterfalls This is no it's like it's again it's like three feet of falling. Yeah I mean, I mean


for trickling down a small rock face not like a like a roaring torrent, right?




more babble yeah it's weird. There's weird things over there. Hercules blades has higher has better waterfalls. waterfall is definitely yards yards at least to call it's pretty complex. It's really fun to hike through there when the when all the when the dry Oh no. We talked about this for every time I've been there. I got lost.


Oh, yeah. Okay.


What's that topic away?


aboard. Was it the last Valley in Arkansas, and the first time it weirdly never got lost. They're just saying.


When I was younger, I remember. Like Karen was like dad or


Somebody's like yeah, there's a waterfall in the cave. And for some reason I cannot put two and two together. And I remember and I remember going like inside and I was so disappointed because I couldn't see the waterfall because it was a dark cave Did you not bring


too light sources into


the various more you are not bad was like no keep the lights off. We don't want to scare the backs.


They don't mind


going and being like, we can't see the waterfall in a dark cave. Being all shouting in the cave is terrifying way more than some light. They don't mean that.


That that first part, we had to like step over the water coming out. freak me out when I was little terrifying. I had it in my mind that I was going to slip in just go shoot right out. And then when I got older, I could just step over this


Me. Yeah. But, you know,


nobody said you have rational thoughts when you're little that's not


by definition, not what happens. Yeah, very much a


definition. No rational thoughts.




Try to non rational thought


this morning and when I was leaving work so dangerous segue, I'm saying




I'm, I just leave bottles at all. And I see this. This is the morning and I see this little like the middle of the road and it kind of looks like it's about the size of like a stress ball. And so I'm driving and I'm getting close to this thing. And then it moves this little this little boy, little black dots. And I'll do roll siloed the way forward and then I saw all of its legs extend


Please do. How many legs?


Do I need one hand or two.


So, I think it was like a little, it's called a Texas brown tarantula. Because those are very common up here. Uh huh. And so this thing scurries, like out of my, like off the road, but like, I can't see it in my rearview mirror. And so the whole day of the car up in the car, so when I, when I was leaving,


I was leaving for Husky to come back home. I turned on the main road and sure enough, there is a there was a another


brown Texas tarantula. Nope, on the road. And so my mind says it's the same one.


And therefore I have to leave the country. Obviously. The whole day. I was thinking about that and I was like, it


I just stole my car. Did you? Did you call john Goodman?


Yes, I should have. But no, that was it. There was a interactive phobia reference.


Okay. No, that no trade up that I watched that movie when I was like 10 or something officially forever. That was the scariest movie ever.


I was thinking eight legged freaks. I watched a movie in my friend's basement. Oh my gosh. No, definitely full of spiders were like on his couch. And I was like, no.


I saw that movie.


No joke. scared the heck out of me when I was like, it was like 10 No, this has officially the scariest thing I've ever seen. I hear it doesn't really hold up super well. I'm not watching it again. Okay, I don't get it not doing it. I'm not. I didn't know no joke. I


probably three times a week when I'm showering whenever I think of that scene.


It's probably Yeah, I just can't No, it's not okay. As a 92% on Rotten Tomato. I know maybe it is but I'm not watching ever again. Yeah, I


just looked up the images, the refresh it back of my mind and the first image is just like a spider. Like looking straight at the camera. I'm like, Well, I'm okay. No, that's I distinctly have the


like, I distinctly remember, like, physically shaking. Like I was so scared that this movie like I've never done I've never done that before. Right? No other movie has ever made me be like, physically terrified, right? Yeah.


Yeah, I will tell you what, man. Then obviously I had to go and live in the basement for like ever. I could go there. So that was


Bill Nye going


I distinctly remember going to BB and Bruce's and Illinois. And you guys, you Jacob and Bry No, never, no matter what we have done that,


to make to watch goose bumps


or one of the like, spin off movies. No, no, it was hold on coming to me. freaked me out. It's coming to me.


It's not goosebumps. It was the show. Tales of the crypt. Yes, Tales from the Crypt.




I couldn't was coming. So I remember that weird gatekeeper thing. And I couldn't remember what it was called. That was like, You know the thing with the name.


But yeah, so I remember watching like being locked in the basement.


Or the other ones. Maybe there was a door. It doesn't lock. It's fine. Yeah. So


that was the one about


The first movie that freaked me out as a child there was a door is at the top of the staircase. Yeah, I think so wait before you came down and then it it bends down to the right before you into that bottom hallway because it was next to the like the garage right off the garage. Yep, yeah.


Yep, I forgot about that. I forgot. I forgot we watched that. I didn't remember torching your little brother making you watch. I mean, it's fine. Look how it's fine. No problem. Look how you turned out.


Where were you going with that? You know, I stopped visiting.


fine, it's fine. You're fine and no worries.


Oh, man.


It's weird. Isn't that weird? How? Like, you can have such an impact on somebody and then I like could barely even remember that that happened.


Oh, yeah, I was a horrible person torturing brother. That Yeah, I blocked it out because I don't press memory.


I was talking specifically about Tales from the Crypt because


I only I could not tell you I only remember what that the host thing looked like. I don't know anything else about their game show. I don't know, like Nickelodeon that they came up with. I have no idea.


I never watched Nickelodeon.


I know blasphemy grew up in the 90s didn't watch Nickelodeon I couldn't know I couldn't be bothered to watch Nickelodeon wasn't I didn't I wasn't into it. Yeah. Yeah, there wasn't there was a Tales from the Crypt.


Secret though Secrets of the crypt keeper is haunted house. Now it wasn't a show. I mean, it wasn't a game show. It was an actual like, spooky story thing. guys seem to remember it was like a short story format. And but there so there was there's that and then there was a is there. Yeah. Tales from the Crypt. is like those short stories. Yes, but there's another


thing where they came up with


that was based off of Tales of the crypt that was had like they.


Yeah, it was a Secrets of the crypt keeper's


haunted house as a children's Saturday morning Game Show. on CBS. This is Yes. Where the kids were like I had to go through a haunted house. Yeah. From


1997 Wow, what a great run. I don't Oh my gosh. Yeah, I have no memory of this. Yeah, we have no idea.


Middle School By this time, so I was like, yeah, it was something like they had to see who could withstand the scariest stuff and go through.


Yeah, yeah. OG fear factors is very interesting. For Kids. Yeah, but I don't


even recall any oh my gosh, yeah, they had to solve puzzles and do


Yeah, it was all like also like, kind of three dimensional stuff that they would go on with we really really bad effects. But yeah, I'm watching the trailer right now. Is there any other kind of effects from 1996 1997? Three honest No, there isn't a bad one.


Yeah. Oh my gosh, I did watch this. Yeah I did not I know. I do not remember this. Yeah, yeah, here I am. Yeah, they had to get the number of skulls on the pikes at the collective


scoring system. They had to they had to they had to go through the obstacle course and collect all the goals and then at the end they had to put them on these bikes and whoever gets it stacked first wins. Yeah, is it weird The first thing I thought of was then they put them on London Bridge


down it was the rebels


Yeah, there's like there's like a kid on the like swaying bridge and yes, the block these. I'm like I'm watching the like the first the first


Episode it and yeah, it does not age well. This sounds like a weird mix of


like, let's just get you're just just going American Gladiator and like,


like that


same air that same light, like oh, we have to have, you know, some sort of game show for everybody. And it's not as like physically demanding clearly because it's kids but it's definitely like oh, I had no late night How are you forgetting how popular discovery zone was man that was like that was the thing everybody wanted to do that


where you smashed your fingers in the rollers Slide it literally all your friends birthday party you never learned you're like, Oh, my hands


are slow down just one time. Yeah. Gee, I wonder why they don't make slides like that anymore.




Number A lawsuit must have been.


I was the 90s they're like, yeah, walk it off. You're fine.


Yeah, the ball pit of disease.


Okay, so thinking back on that obviously Yes, with my adult brain you're like, why did you ever go in there but as I was a kid I was like, Camp all the


time in the little pyramid thing, right? And then Oh yeah. Oh yeah, no leaping off trying not to land on any small children like


that where you don't have that you don't have the risk reward center of your brain. You're just like only risk. Yeah, I mean, great. You know, we're not worried about anything else. I'm not worried about how many small children have urinated in this ball pit.


Doesn't guard your mind, right?


No, you look at that ball, Benito.


Think about the levels of Pico coliform. Yeah, he just you kind of get shivers down your spine. As a child you do it. Yeah. And then you just jump right out of there and you go eat pizza. So that's a great thought when you don't kiss and wash their hands.


Eat some pizza




your crush creatures back then.


When you're eight Yes, just how it is fine built up our immune system we drank out we drink well water and


played in infected ball fits. Yeah, no TE I was going off the


one night when I was deep in the inner webs.


I'll try to find like


early 90s cartoon shows like Saturday morning cartoon shows. The correct answer is Biker Mice from Mars.


That was


like oh and cowboys from Mesa. How could I forget I love that show. It's like I said,


reboot. Reboot one. I did also love you but I hadn't unnaturally just like an unnatural fondness for cowboys of Mesa. I don't know why.


Wasn't really great i guess i mean maybe I cuz I watched an episode not too long ago and I was like oh


wow, actually not that good not that great but they you know you gotta steal that ninja turtle spin off right there's a couple there's a group of people fighting bad things right like strange arcs or posture that whenever like


yeah I don't know why trait irrational but I love cowboys movies very much


but I said a


not as much as the Rescue Rangers nothing beats those maybe well except for possibly


my favorite cartoon show of all time




Oh I love that show. Yeah, ensure that 1930s Art Deco no airplane pirate wolf


The cloud surfing, cloud


cloud kicker whatever his name is.


I can picture the pirates voice because it's like


I don't remember his name now but oh man, it's so great. Shere Khan the like bad guy business dude, whatever.




it was so great. And the


Duck Tales that are Queen duck also died during my man tailspin.


I thought it was the coolest thing that Louie had a, you know, Island island for our gas station. weirdness thing? Yeah. Awesome.


episodes, right. were like, you know, it's fine. But definitely remember the lady was a name.


deco question mark.


She's like the owner.


She's the one that bought blues yeah right there's definitely a weird episode in there where she like falls in love with like this weird ghost thing where like lives in like the attic or something. It's like Louise by very weird oh my gosh, it doesn't make any sense.




hilarious as a board invite only bright colors action, hilarity and then like everyone's probably like


I'd go through and come up with just different cartoons that I remember and they all kind of flooded back to me.


Tiffany and I remember this one. I remember this one. But what else did you get? a?


how you'd ask that? I would Yes, because you brought it up.


I hit you with a big gun. One of them was


one with Sam arise.


Tom cats that was another one


fighter pilots


f 14 Tomcat it's like literally everywhere like to the store


to the baseball game plan everywhere doesn't matter. I got caught up looking at the the tailspin intro Oh yeah, it's so good. Why reboot was another one john Carnage that was his name the pirate. Ah


ZI sorry I couldn't hear his accent back then I had that big. Like it was like some sort of big like dirigible thing


like a vulture and that's where they they flew their little biplanes in and out of yeah






Well, obviously the greatest Batman of all time by Kevin Conroy is the answer when someone asks you Who is the best Batman, you said, Kevin. And you watch their face kind of go. And when they look confused, you know, they're liars. They've never seen any Batman ever. Just Just walk. Oh, girls. Yeah, who's the best Joker Mark Hamill. That's who


Skywalker is the best Joker ever. So I was going to talk about so on Netflix. They came out with the dark crystal series. And it's nothing for that. Yeah, I saw that. I saw an article is one of the sketch sketch. Sketch axes get


in there. And so like I was like, there's there's 10 episodes.


And I'll sit in there and the whole time I was like,


why is this guy sound like the Joker


and in that I IMDb and like


And they also voice to Joker in the Batman games. Yeah. Oh my goodness. Oh good. But there's a there's a podcast that I listened to. It's called talking tunes with Rob Paulsen. Oh yeah. And he does like a lot of those 90s cartoon voices is so difficult to listen to. Because like them all the same time goes and he invites other voice actors. And they'll talk about like, what how they got into voice acting and then they'll just like read random scripts in their characters voices. That's how my mind gets exploded every single time.


It was Ron Paul, and then they had




what's his name? The guy that played God.


Mr. crafts responded, Bob. I yeah.


Bob beats me and Ron Perlman.


His name when I say that right


like I don't even watch Sponge Bob like it's on sometimes I've seen it. I don't like that show. controversially, not a sponge bob.


It's one of those names that's like that.


Clancy Brown




Met what I knew Shut up.




In, in.


Yeah. The only thing I find funny about Sponge Bob


is that the Bikini Atoll and by proxy Bikini Bottom was the site of massive amounts of nuclear testing by the US government in the 90s.


Yes, this is a fans. This is a fan theory. It's great. I mean, the blast they set off


The water at the Bikini Atoll was so big and irradiated so much. They were like,


yeah, we're not going to test any more here. so bad. Like there was like, yeah, it was way worse than they thought. So that tying it with that show is the only thing I find humorous about it. Exactly. You ever read the stories of when the US Navy was trying to dump nuclear waste, like in the barrels? They filled them with cement and they dumped them and now they got the reports that some of the barrels started to float? Yeah. So the order of the Air Force to go and try to straight Yeah, they shot them girls.


What a great plan.


Also on the beginning until they just like poured concrete over it. And they didn't bother telling any of the sailors what they were pouring concrete over there. Were just like, yeah, just go pour this concrete noise out there hanging out. I see the pictures are hanging out with like, no shirts on digging holes.


In this dirt, pouring concrete like, Oh, no. Oh, no, it's like that. Well, I mean, I did. I don't know if you guys watched the HBO series Chernobyl. Yes. That is I don't haven't watched it. I know that. Yeah, that's very much the same thing where they're like, No, no, it's fine. And so yeah, guys were just running out with no shirts, shorts, barely shoes, you know, trying to put out fires. Yeah, I mean, let's be real. If you were wearing a shirt, it's not really gonna make a difference but like no, but it just visual is more powerful that goes to that mindset of, you know.


Yeah, there's a there's a scene that I really enjoyed how they did that.


They like once a day, they would pick a person and they have to like, run out onto the roof and knock the


slide slagged off and then run back in the camera like


follows the person that follows back in that shows like how fast that have to be. And then they know that that person would like the amount of the amount of radiation he can handle for a year. No, I know it's for the rest of my life. And it was just it was less than it was less than like 50 or 60 seconds or something. Yeah, it's it was it? Was it? Yes. Less than 60 seconds. Does it read that that happened? I've read about that. I just liked how that that scene was kind of played out. And that's what kind of caught me into interesting.


Yeah, meanwhile, Japan's Fukushima power plant.


The environmental somebody, somebody was like, yeah, we've got a lot of buckets with irradiated water. We're just going to dump them into the ocean if that's okay with everybody. Yeah, you know, it's fine if they don't like the ocean. He said there that specifically. It will help dilute it.


solution to pollution is dilution, but still


radiation works. Why don't you and I understand that I have radiation works? No, no. It's a big ocean brain and you don't understand. I mean, I flew over it. It's big. I remember, but like, that's not how radiation works.


radiation and like


other pollutants like it like dioxin are not the same don't function the same way right now.


You don't go Oh, this is like you're not looking at a parts per million.


Not quite the same. You're so picky. Yes, I am.


Turns out Yes. Turns out yes, maybe.




decay and other things don't don't function quite the same way. Yeah. So the water is really going to delete those alpha particles. Oh boy. Go right through there.


Doo doo doo doo.


The book that I posted on our little group chat thing


about Nikita Khrushchev when he came to United States, so when he found out that the Mississippi River fell backwards due to a earthquake, he wanted to replicate the same thing in Russia to like the Volga in the upper and all those kind of other rivers to help with, like water trade. Oh, yes, but whatever. The Soviet manipulation, the rivers is turned out so well, and so he's like, Guys, RLC I'm looking at you. But if we drop a nuclear bomb in Siberia, and the book goes into detail how a scientists had to like explain to him what how does the killer works and he's like, but I just wanted, like a big boom like, No, no, there's no to the big room. That happens. No, no, it's fine. No.


Yeah, so they just damned all the other


represented the RLZ going, Oh, fine. ternary don't need that. You don't need we don't need a multi million dollar fishing industry will just we need some more cotton. That's




problem again.


Well, that's not quite to that extent but just makes you go. I'm sorry what?


One of the commissioners


the Department of Conservation is like, really, really big into trout fishing. And so he asked to the fisheries division. Why aren't Why isn't there a trout park? A trout farm in Moberly?


Is that really? Yeah, I'll give you a minute to find where Moberly, Missouri is. Okay, hold on.


Hold on.


Google Mobile Lima's


I'm gonna my kids. He's like too lazy to type anything. I didn't know what to stop Moberly Shut up. 930 So


give me a minute


and I'll let you I'll let you tell me. I'll let like Moberly mo it's got a nice ring to it all right. I'm


arena. No Pfizer no map. Oh there it is.


Not door.


literally never heard of this before. I know. It's called the box Park is pretty amazing. Hey, Area Community College.


Looking at the map of Missouri, I found it. Oh, that's and I want you to pan out and go.


Gee, I wonder why there's no child there.


I wonder I wonder what


You know, it's shocking it's like


because trout kind of need like cold water and springs and let me tell you, there's none of that up there. No, there's like, nothing like nothing. It's it's it is mean trout don't live in this random lake. I didn't know this until just right now,


though he he was not a lake fish eater, fishing enthusiast man. He told that he told the fisheries DIVISION CHIEF


that well, you could you could, you could drill a big well, and chill all that water coming out and make it as cold as you want. That. It's literally not how this works.


You don't drill a hole and then say I'm gonna make the water as cold as I want.


Like geothermal heat regulation is not like a refrigerator.


I'm going to set this water 55 degrees and


so my division chief was like, and so I had to explain to him how water works.


Wow. Oh no.


That's bad. Yep. And how there should be.


He's not far from the balmy it's kind of far. Literally everything in Moberly looks like it's far from places but there's a north


or south, which is north of Columbia here. But where's that?


Then it's raining album. Yeah. Yeah, Bennett Springs is not up there. It's south of me. Southern you, like 45 minutes.


Is that the North? Is that the only other place? I think that's one of the most northern trout places, but I couldn't remember if there was another one. I know there's only a few in Missouri springs that


I don't know exactly.


But if it's down the south of Sedalia by by about 45 minutes, it was that far south. Oh,


uh huh. Okay. Yep. Yeah. So you got I mean, he's I'll go there. Just go to bed springs or you can come all the way down here to Rogue River. Have some lovely trout. I've seen them


Well, yeah, I mean, I think I think Montauk would probably be a little bit closer but maybe I don't know. Anyway, I know. It was just not just crazy. It was his that was his big ideas. He was gonna go break free trout the Moberly and and they they they wouldn't are so the department has on hand like what happens if we can no longer use the trial part let's just say it gets completely shut down and breaks and completely unusable gets flooded out and everything gets washed away. Yeah flooded are those those little pins they break right cracks.


The sport in the 1930s




So they looked into it and they're like, okay, in today's dollars, what would it cost to just build the facility? And it was, it was it was like well over $50 million to build a medium sized trout facility. And now that didn't include buying the land and acquiring the water rights to the spray. Oh my goodness. Just the infrastructure not even right now. Just the infrastructure. It's insane.


So that's why there CCC had to do it. That's what


exactly yeah. Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Not paying that much money in the 30s for that, there's like, Oh, you guys dig these holes. Please. Got it.


Yeah, man. Insane. Yeah.


Wow. Yeah. And so the


I mean, that's this but that's like, the kind of facilities that they're using is, is if they tried to replicate those in today's dollars that's what they have. And they've acquired that you know, they didn't they a lot of those trial parks were initially either CCC or they were privately built by businessmen to try and build it on their own. And yeah, when they went under the department at you know, back in the whatever came in and scoop them up Yeah, for cheap. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that makes sense.


Yeah, that's a lot just thinking about what's down that road remember, that's a lot of


that's a lot of that's a lot of just infrastructure building because there's all those different pools and then they channel off the main river, and like, they're like next to it. So that whole bank is built up and flattened out and dammed up there so they can make the pools hadn't been so that's Yeah.




My mics pop off. That's little, all the things. I'm awkwardly holding my mic and trying to get the staff to fix. So continue to talk


cursing the background.


That's cool. Boy, you got to be supremely high class and have a fancy mic stand. Mine is a dual currently sitting


next to


my window. I'm like, Oh, I took it to that. And so it was working. Be brief. But if I tried to adjust the stand, the bass connector was like, nope. And so I'm going to try to see if I can do it to my table. So carry on. Okay. Anyway.


Yeah, I interviewed somebody for an hourly position today. Oh, yeah. And it's one of those like,


seems like a very qualified person.


And I asked our


office manager. I said, Did this person introduce themselves to you?


I asked him, Do you know we're traveling?


No, no. In my email, I said, Please introduce yourself to the office manager and let her let her know that you're here. And she'll come and find us. And I said, Did did the person innovate? You know, did they introduce themselves to you? And she was like, No, all she said was, Hi, I'm here for the interview with Collin, and then turned in sat on a bench.


didn't talk to anybody else. Not quite how introducing yourself works. I know. I know. I know. And then when I brought the brought them back to the room to be interviewed. I just opened the door and let them walk in first and assumed that they would introduce themselves to the people sitting in the interview room. No, this person just went and walked right in and sat down at the table and then stared at the people in front of them.


It was like, Oh, okay. And so my coworker was like,




It was just so as you so awkward.


It's very awkward to see people's hands and tell them your name. That's all. That's all. It's hard. It can be hard. It is. I don't know.


Well, I mean, it's hard to normal life in it interview. It's kind of like important right? It's kind of expected you know? Like it's different when you go to like a like a conference or something because when I go to those things like I can't died I know that you have this like weird social football thing like I know you don't actually care about my name is I'm not going to bother to tell you. Right like


I know you're just like conducting yourself according to like social norms, but you don't really care. So I kind of I don't participate in this shenanigans raining because I don't let everybody like job interview. Submit have a


different situation it is necessary for life. Just kind of what you do but yeah, anyway anyway


it's better than the person that just didn't respond to my email so i that is true. It's


true. I mean marginally better I suspect but better I guess showing up is important step or an interview at one interview home


are to be interviewed if you don't come to the thing


all those


things has a mute button, okay? in a coffin anything.


Oh, yeah, it sounds like Aaron's dying. I don't think I'm holding it now. So I kind of gave up


1920s I'm just holding it right to my face now right I like it. We can


put on the floor.


Now Aaron is laying on the floor


to be perfect vision to you last week of you talking about CrossFit just like laying on the floor with the microphone next to your face. Anyway, let me explain today besides the the whole spider fiasco


i think i think that's pretty much all we need to know about it. So I started


is what it was called investigator.


A case is called I go out, investigate. Do I have a trench coat? No, it's 1000 degrees here. But no, it's fine. It was 1000 degrees in Los Angeles and Humphrey Bogart, your trench coat, I do have a fedora. Perfect. You ready? But again, I can't wear habitat. So I had to investigate where I had to go out to the county jail. And and then


gage an interview with some.


What's a nice word? Well, that's enough. So, yep.


So the tennis court, it wasn't my case, I just had to be there, talk to the district attorney, meet the judge.


And then I sit in like four cases, which all have the same


side enough, wrong math, not that bad, blah, blah, blah. And then I had to go back in write reports over the reports over the interviews. And so I didn't leave the office until about like, six into which I also had an hour until I also had to go through and go through criminal history reports, which were I had to find them in the database, these individuals and write all the bad things they did.


And so from about




This morning, all that kind of kicked off. And so I moved my furniture around and this was like a few weeks ago and to which the dad had bought a futon


for which he was going to give to you, Baba to give to the painter. Yeah, but he has already had a bed setup and so he just like dropped it off with me. And it is now my my gaming platform. But I kind of like moved it into the living room and so I can actually like lay on it because I had a love see that it couldn't fit on. Okay, it's like perfectly next to this little like, window sill that I had originally my mic stand wasted on and so before we were getting set up, I was just like curled up on my futon. Trying to lower the mic stand. like can I lay horizontal don't


listen to me


To talk this way, but the only way would have happened is that the mics Dan was like pressed like into my face.


So I was like, I'll sit up. And so


I suppose I'll sit up. I have scattered on my little table here tonight.


But I was just so like, mentally and physically drained. I just lay here. Is it just like just I understand being mentally drained? I have to have sixth graders to all day long and very strange people. I get these all right. not human, but you can sit up right? Yeah. I'm, I'm fine. Now I'm actually awake. Like when I got home. I was like


that's all we have naps. Then I press the button to turn the mic on. Oh, dear goodness.


Bay. It was it was


Very interesting last few days.


I'll tell you guys about when the case is over. Yeah. But yeah, it was just like here's this like, Oh, yeah. So


um, but no, I got it. I got a little setup. Well, I did past tense and then my mic stands like, nope, you kicked in and broke. I'm holding this massive stay


on the floor and attach the little like clamp mechanism to my table.


So whatever works, sounds sounds terrible.


First of all problems I know, through having such a burden having to sit up. Oh, no.


I transition to sitting on a on a yoga ball instead of like a chair at my desk.


And I will tell you


things if I have to get up from this thing quickly, it is very, very precarious.


Very bad.


It's like,


six to my legs whenever I try and roll back cuz I'm in short. Oh, right. And then like, you have to get a wide stance and you're trying to like waddle backwards really goes through. So the it's not a like a heroic effort. It's it's a heroic effort getting out of this quickly, but it was not a glamorous one.


Just got it just kind of bounce quickly. And then just as true you could hop but you


know, I'm, I mean, I'm, yeah, I'm sitting on the floor currently, so I don't know. I will, because that's where I sit. Oh,


like you're like in your classrooms. I know. I'm talking like right now this instant, like, home, because my. So my computer sits on my on this coffee table.


And it was the same coffee table. I've had my computer sitting on for like 100 years at this point. Like


it's the same one. It's the same one. It's the same coffee table I had at my old apartment. Remember that?




nice, right? So it's I said,


I said my computer on the floor because I didn't have a desk until like, recently anyway. But


it just sits it sits there and I'm sitting on like one of those little yoga bolts or things like the little yoga pillows that you do yoga and apparently, apparently people do yoga on them. I just sit on it because it's comfortable.


Like I was looking into get a mic stand, but if it attaches to my table, it's gonna be like, way up in the air. And so I hadn't


been doing that yet.


And the little cable here is only like two feet long. So I don't know. Oh my gosh, it's not very long time to figure out exactly what this is. So I can find a longer one because it's not.


And you know, it's so helpful that there's just one type of USB Oh wait, no, there's 1000 hits. I don't know how


Yeah, that's my mind's on a stool. Okay, because I can sit on the floor and this little stool that I have that I said I wanted my desk chair. Because this desk is like, vintage 1960s desk. So the little chair parties very narrow


and so like no chairs, I can try and fit in there. But like this little folding stool fits like perfect. wasn't on that. But my computer is not at my desk. Because that's where where do like school work and stuff my computers on the floor? Yeah, on this coffee table mostly. Because when I'm done working on it, I can sit on my little couch and watch YouTube videos and seven and not


have to move my computer around.


Yeah, awesome.


And it's also the same laptop I've had for like, a million years too. So a battery like just is not exist anymore. Just like no. at all time. Yeah.


Yeah, battery does not work at all. Because it's you know, awesome.




now I know how that it's fine. It's fine.


doesn't need to be mobile. I just sit here and watch YouTube. I can type things and then I could


Yeah, it's a desktop perfect. It's old enough it's kind of being so it's fine


Hello. Oh man. Sorry I had to mute again because I had to sneeze


you're getting ready to say something and they just went Oh,


hold on, cuz I was like mute button immediately.


That was dangerous. Sorry about that.


Bad scared me for a second peaked all the audio like why am blown up nice


which drinking water yeah I can fell over oh no yeah I'm not fancy I'll have liquid I just have some water in a cup of




yeah I guess for Frank




so I'm better in France it's great


yeah well that's why they always say demeanor as right right my my but it's not mineral water from the tap


water fancy anti tap water whoo


I'm gonna regret not taking French in high school


well because it's so useful


So handy in my job as a teacher at a school with a very high percentage of Spanish speakers. Hey man, I will say I will say that when I had to go to a week long training course in Milan today and guess who had to go shop at the loo boodle jewelry.




it was like one time.


But the biggest problem is I always went almost without a doubt without fail. I think of the French word before the Spanish word and I start to say it and I go, No, that's wrong.


Backup and say, No, it's not what song is Scott. I'm like, I can't.


Can't do that. I do it all the time. But I'll say something. And then like, wait, that is how that is the French word. That's not right. Right you're, you're translating from English to French and from branch to Spanish.


extra step in there because my brain is too slow and my Spanish is so bad so I


the kids make fun of me. But then half time they say the wrong Spanish word too, so I don't stop. They don't know.


argue that's the best part. Like they'll start like you say it like this and then someone else be like, no, that's wrong. Like


oh dear, I'm just gonna stop


it more


and more.


See your earring. didn't hear anything.




but funny.




you guys have any plans this weekend?




I don't think so. It's hard to know I'm very often not told what they are until they're happening. Well, that's sort of how it happens. Usually they don't involve me it's like oh, hey, we're going here.


Like I like not invited or I mean not saying I was wanting to be like right


okay, we're gonna go to this mic. Okay See ya. Cool I guess by cool somebody she said something about going to see a movie or somewhere friends but like that options that were given to me. I was like he No, I don't think so. There's literally no movies that are happening right now that I need to see. So I know there I think that might get squashed. I don't know if we'll just go eat dinner, but like


I don't want to see any of the movies. They don't i don't see the Downton Abbey movie. No, yeah, no, I don't. I'm good actually.


Like it. No 47 meters down. Come on.


Dude. No, I saw the first one of those. Like, because I was lied to and was told it was going to be an actual movie. What I got was just a big heaping pile of garbage.


masquerading as a film. I was so trashed. I was I was angry after I watched a movie, like physically angry. It was so bad.


Like, I would rather watch all the shark NATO is back to back in a marathon. The watch that I have evening pile of garbage again. I have a friend that she has a degree in marine biology and She now works for a


She was she's one of those people who is with Noah. And they know and anyway they go out on fishing vessels and they track the catch and all that kind of stuff. But anyway, yeah, when she's not doing that, she reviews those kind of like really cut rate shark shark movies. Now the problem is it was presented to me is not a cut rate shark MIMO and what I got was a worst and cut rate. Like I would watch any of those dumb sci fi movies. Like shark, right, like a two headed shark. I would rather watch that movie again. Sure. Versus shark didn't know that. Okay, okay. Maybe not that one. No, I've seen that one. No, okay, bad. there's a there's a movie called. She wants the so called Ozark sharks. And you have also seen that movie, okay. Okay, there you go. Because my wife has a strange obsession with like,


Really bad sci fi shocking movies. She watches them like with the full intention to be like, hysterically laughing at them because they're of their silliness. Yeah, yeah, that's what she wants in that movie. She wants extra silliness like how silly can this person be eaten by a shark? Right


I'm offended by Ozark shark because you can clearly if you watch that movie you will say to yourself where is this movie supposed to be taking place because it's definitely not


where anywhere knows. What is this?


Like it's


like I understand all these are shot in like California like all of them are like some random place like I don't know, wherever is cheap. What is happening now to you, I guess. But like, you look at it, you go okay. For something so clearly tied to a name. You could I mean


I understand the average viewer probably has no idea either. But because I live there it's like oh my gosh, what? Why? Why are you doing this? Why did you die? You could try a little bit


because you're like, first of all, man this movie running around in the supposedly Ozark summer in a flannel shirt. lies lies. All lies are dead. And where that where that new jeans outside, running from a dead die heatstroke immediately.


No shark there was one it was like in a hoodie. This room. He was clearly shot in Southern California in the winter.


Yeah, he's wearing like a hoodie and jeans. And he's supposed to be in the Ozarks in July. You go the Ozark Mountains. Yeah, yeah. No, there's no way you're not happy son. Good.




the sharks not going to kill you, it's going to be the heatstroke


running from it and you just dropped dead because of the heat just fall over all over. So I couldn't get past that part. The rest of it was exactly what you want. Like I'm going to send the couch on Saturday watching pop eating popcorn watch a dumb shark movie, right? But like that detail was dying in my brain. Like I couldn't get it out.


Right. One fatal flaw the one fatal flaw this man is wearing a hoodie in July. I just


I just can't get past this. It's so not real. They


took me out it we had a broke my immersion is he's wearing a hoodie. Let's be ready, baby. Okay, it was just it's one of those weird little things I get hung up on the movies that I can't get over it like this movies ruined forever. I can't watch it. The rest of them are hilarious, but yes. 47 meters down. Trash.


Like just it's so bad. The


Such a it's a cop out the whole movie is a cop out there so


have you seen it? I have I steered clear from it. Okay. The like it I can't even spoilers spoilers incoming for 47 meters down


here is pointy ears and we don't even


though whole thing, okay? Is like


Mandy Moore I think he's his movie I think I want to say like


she's all like, Oh, it's like a girls empowerment thing right there and do all this stuff, blah blah. And like at the end, this is like, super, like it's exactly what you think it's going to be right a cheesy sequence where they're like,


be like swim up and like the shark tries to bite him they like punch it in the face or whatever. It's like crazy. And then they get on the boat and they're like, Oh my gosh, I'm here. And then like, the camera like


washes out. And it goes back to her. And it's she's still on the bottom of the ocean like suffering delusions because of like, oxygen deprivation because their tank is running out and then she's dies


and you're like what?


Oh my gosh, they add this extra like minute and a half. Just be like just kidding. Haha she's dead you're like oh my gosh I hate you. I hate you. Wow, good Wow. Like if it would have just ended there at the first part where they like punch the shark and like rocket up to the surface like sure is fine. That's That's okay. that's acceptable. It's dumb. But yes, that's what I thought was going to happen. But then it's like Haha, she's just hallucinating. Turns out nothing happened. I'm yeah, just on the bottom 47 meters down still waiting for somebody to come bring some oxygen saver. Oh damn.




put a bad done bad word. Watch the shallows instead with Blake Lively that movies much better.


Here's our time detained who are our topics for sharp movies? Yeah, that one, the shallows and jaws. Okay shot over.


That was easy.


If you just if you want some popcorn and to laugh hysterically any shark NATO movie oh my gosh, they're so ridiculous. But like, in the best way possible they're supposed to be like right yeah. Seriously like I know they're not lying to you 47 meters down you


can tell they're not lying to you a lot a lot of issues going on here the animosity, yeah trash movies that lie to you




couriers lied to me. Oh, yeah, they said it would be an enjoyable experience life.


Wanted to I never. I don't get angry movies generally. Like, I get angry at the plot of movies. Right? Like, Oh,


that's a different we can talk about that later. I can talk about that forever. We don't have time for that tonight. Next time bring it up again. I dare you. But


hold on. Let me let me write this down. Put a put a pin in the Hunger Games and what nonsense that movie.


But I can't. Yeah. Okay, I get angry that movie because anyway, but like,


I get like, I get like, Oh, you know, I didn't you know, I didn't like that thing because I noticed like, I like movies. And so I'm like, Oh, I come out of movie theaters. And you know, Susan's like, Oh, do you think I was like, oh, man, that sabotage Griffey, that one part was great. She's like, that's all I was talking about. I didn't


UI that


you thought of the movie, like, Okay, hold on. We got it brings back a minute.


I watched. I watched we watched a good example of this. We went and we what's the San Andreas movie with the rock? Obviously? Oh, yeah.


Yeah, no great, but


it's like the earthquake and they do all this stuff, right? I was thinking, Okay, it's a ridiculous disaster movie with the rocket will be fine. Right? Right. There's some good cinematography in that movie. There's some camera shots. You're like, yo, that's awesome. Like, there's some like really long pan shots like this is part where his wife's like running through this building. It's collapsing. And it's just one shot. The whole thing realized, Oh, it's amazing. It was so cool. And it's also that shot was great. She was like, what I know.


You probably have good things to say about Interstellar too, and never thought Oh good.


Okay, movie has to be interesting. And well made it can't be. It can't be like well made it boring because I'm not gonna stay away through it. Yeah, after about the fourth ending, I was like, Okay, well, we should wrap this up alone. Only Peter Jackson is allowed to give me multiple endings. That's the only


nobody else officially once your contract. That's it. Yeah, that's it. I don't want them 75 endings from anybody else. I don't care. You know? Yeah, I heard it was good. I don't like


have to be in a very specific mood for like routing, like, movies like that. It's not like, and I can't take Matthew McConaughey. Seriously, if you're trying to present Matthew McConaughey to me in a serious role in a movie. You failed already. He started I can't. Personally, it's just amazing. I can't. I can't even take it like that because I think of like Sahara. And like, how 10 days. That's all I got. And I'm like,


That baggage follows him in my brain and I can't dislodge it I just can't watch him in a movie like it says again I just expecting him at any Minaj like a rip his shirt off and like jump on something like I'm


the only movie that I kind of like him in is like a time to kill and that is just because he happens to be in a good movie with Samuel Jackson. Mike is not a Matthew McConaughey.


There's there's a thing called the in between two ferns.


And he interviews Matthew McConaughey and there's he brings up a question. He's like, You kept your shirt on for more than 10 minutes. Are you okay? And maybe less?


Yeah, I mean, I know he's been other movies. I'm not interested in watching them. I just I'm just not a fan. So that's all I got. I don't know. But like, the middle of the Sahara Desert. Why?


Y is fine because it's like goofy but like it's not like


Good like that Operation Condor movie with Jackie Chan is much more interesting than that one with the San


got Jackie Chan and of course well yeah again starting a much better foot


Well yeah, also Well the problem is that Jackie Chan movies have also ruined me from watching like fight scenes in movies


like the jump cuts and the bad fight choreography hurt my brain are you doing this to me? By I could watch this good thing right me as a quote like if you can't see the fighting it's been this they're not fighting.


So yeah, if you just hear you have close up shots best cutting from between individual hits or whatever. When you edit it, you have to edit the heck out of it. That means it's bad. Yep. And it's not just a one camera angle go. Yeah, like a swooping, you can give me that Michael Bay swooping camera on a fight scene. That's good. Like, it was cool. In the first Jason Bourne


movie but then every other director was like, yo, but when if I get to the only worse Yeah, but like not good and from like weird angles, right like nine angles that make sense like bizarre angles like why did you cut to like a weird Sergio Leone like foot shot for that you might you that didn't need to exist Why are you doing that?


So? I don't know but like, yes, that's why I didn't want


I was like now I'm


not going to the movies this week yeah, my often seen bad


bad sharks. Downton Abbey. A cloud in the storm drain. I know. Thank


you though. What do you didn't do again? Anything? No, no? sure there's no fleas on the carpet. Yeah, yeah tomorrow


Be a little insane. We have let me turn it off to you and


we get


at eight o'clock we get to Great Danes. Oh, one one Weimer Raynor.


116 year old Beagle




German short here is the weirdest shopping list ever.


And then and then at nine,


eight o'clock Bordeaux, we get


like, it's like a, she's like a


cow lab mix and then a month when we're getting, we'd have 8246 or seven large dogs. And then we currently have a 14 year old terrier in our in our care and then


will have Colby


Colby plus.


Yeah, into kids. Yeah. So, but those are all daycares just tomorrow. And now that's been No, no, I mean, it's bad. But it's like not it could be worse. It's gonna be it's gonna be so bad. That's what Yeah, but no, and the kids, there's a touch of truck or things that go


event for the kids in the park on Saturday. So we're going to go to that. That's just that's just where they bring our tracks, place cars, garbage trucks,


diggers, bulldozers. And have them kind of all in a row. And and the kids can climb in him, take pictures of them, talk to the operators, that kind of stuff. And school kids have always enjoyed that.


We did we first did it when we were back in Arlington. And I remember that. I was like you're doing what? Yeah.


Is really


Cool, but then I this sounds like something I I'm pretty sure this happened


or something like this happened when I was in elementary school they like brought these things to the parking in the back parking lot of that old elementary school building. They probably did that with.


I remember they did that in middle school with like farm equipment, at least. And then in elementary school, they did do something similar


that I remember it was it wasn't a farm equipment, because that was something else, or just like living in Missouri, but that was a Tuesday. It was just Tuesday. They came over and cut hay and I read the tractor. That's what happened. But they


went to the farmer in Iowa and they're just like, Hey, I'm ride this tractor and they go Okay, like, yeah, they there was something like that in elementary school. I remember because there was like weird things, but it was like an ambulance like a limousine like a fire truck.


Like we like that yeah that's not familiar so weird is I initially thought but like


when you phrase it as I touch a truck day like boy


it sounds a little weird but yeah it does sound a little weird and I'm also expecting something cool like a giant dump truck more like you know like a neighbor's Ford


they won't have that it's it is more of a that's what it is in Texas it's just dudes trucks in a parking lot. Yeah it's just Walmart


Walmart but don't get too close to attract because they'll see you through


the prism I drove through Amarillo I was like, Oh


my gosh, why is anybody out here? Why way and also like, why are all these trucks so enormous like a stick this their space, you gotta fill up the road.


Somehow so I don't know


even even growing up in rural Missouri did not prepare me for




lift kits the yeah


we should we should put a pin in that one too because I can talk about that for a while I have some thoughts thoughts on that topic as well. So we put a pin in that one too and write that one down somewhere where my pad There you go.


Pick that up. Live fan, sir. Yeah, specifically trucks. We need to talk about that. We need this we need to discuss this. Okay.


Finn Aaron's being I'm sorry Aaron we need needs to be discussed.


On those us campus OG for the little car. Good parking work is all to park This is we're taking them by one drug. Yes.


All right. Don't pin in that.


Yeah, the park. Yeah, that's all I got riding dogs.


I will have a team of draft horses aka


like a cart like a dog cart. I should get them all harnessed up and go. Yeah, that would be good exercise for the dogs right?


You want to hold that microphone closed your face down. He's getting tired. His late dad is drooping. I'm laying down.


Anyway I was talking


Yeah, I think that'll be good exercise for the dogs will cart thing. You can hug them up. I'm sure they would love it. Dogs wouldn't freak out at all about that kind of thing. It doesn't take years of training to do things like bull slay. No, no, no.


No, that's what's great about it is it just takes 15 minutes, right? I mean clearly


Know how to do Wait No. Okay, maybe I


don't want to be chasing eight dogs down the street. No.


The kids can choose one of them will be attached to it right?


Just hold on honey is


your strong child grip did a lot of that duck


sitting horses judging drugs


anymore and I don't know what I'd have time for as true as a lot.






well yes


Aaron is falling asleep so we'll


call it quits he laid down he was out


tired I can't hold it


weighs heavy. Give it that shot like a light thing shouting from across the room know




listening this whole time


I've been talking and this is the last thing I heard.


Oh man. Well


guys have a great evening. Okay


we'll do this next week

