third favorite ice cream

Aaron bravely records while being attacked by gnats. HUGE gnats. Just call Collin the bat whisperer. Brandon has been watching Clarkson farming…and he loves it. Main topic? Name a family movie series that ISN’T Harry Potter OR Lord of the Rings. Good luck.

  • Weird and young

  • Exasperated sigh from Aaron

  • Attack of the gnats 

  • Its rough for Aaron

  • Show pity on him in his battles

  • Collin caught a bat!

  • A big brown to be specific 

  • Nobody wants a shower spider

  • Arachnophobia (1990)

  • Movies that we won't watch again


  • Brandon watched: Clarksons Farm

  • Question time! 

  • Movie series that ISN’T Harry Potter OR Lord of the Rings

    • James Bond

    • Spider Man

    • Star Wars

    • Indiana Jones

    • Ghost Busters

    • Oceans

    • Back to the Future

    • Toy Story

    • Jurassic Park

    • Tremors

    • Pirates of the Caribbean….and their DARN theme music

  • Pick your third most favorite ice cream

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movie, watch, bat, blanket, series, big, bad, literally, good, flying, thought, people, spider, weird, hallway, house, point, happened, land, downstairs


Collin, Aaron, Brandon



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show.


Collin  00:14

third favorite ice cream. What's new? You have to unmute before you can talk. Not Not too much really good. Trying to survive summer school, that's what's happening. going well. Well, I mean, it's going. So. Sure. Well, it's fine. Only a week left. So there you go. That's good. That's the good news here. Yeah, progressing, right. Not altering or?


Brandon  01:07

Yes. Correct. So just, once again, it's I think it's one of those battling expectations about the maturity level that these kids currently are. Like, why are you doing such weird little kids stuff?


Collin  01:27

Oh, you're weird little kids. I forgot.



So it's right. You're doing a great Oh, younger than you usually do. Right? or? Yeah,


Brandon  01:37

I'm going to grade Well, I have some of the kids that are going to be in sixth grade next year. But basically, they're still like fifth graders. Right? And about half the classes. Kids are going to be in fourth grade. So Wow. Yeah, they're okay. I know. I mean, fifth grade. Doesn't matter. Okay. Okay. My friend has the fourth grade. Yeah, the kids that are going to be in fifth grade. So they're leaving fourth grade going into fifth grade.



Yeah, I got mixed up. So maturity wise. Were a little different oil down there. Yeah. stupid things. Like why doing Oh,


Brandon  02:17

oh, wait, kinda why doing that? Never mind. You do? Your nine. That's why right. Now used to that. Big, big difference between 1112 and nine. Like, Oh, boy.



No, there really is. Just as he found nine just sounds so different. Anyway. Cuz I'm thinking yeah, really? So yeah, I yeah. A little risky. But, you know, we're going doing hanging out doing stuff. So trying to survive the last week. We'll be good to go. So


Brandon  03:05

it's fine. How about Aaron? How's Aaron doing?


Aaron  03:11

Good. Oh, that sounds bad. All right. So exasperated sigh I am I am playing Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild right now to calm the anger that I have for today. So first thing W is gone. or vacation. She is in New York. drove her up at the airport in the morning. Either there. Yeah. So I did that. And then Tuesday, Wednesday, meetings, and then I've been dealing with a different County, like in their stuff. So what happens sometimes is other counties can get like, super busy. And they're like, Hey, can you help us out? Or like, Sure, we can do that. So I got a case, helping them out. That is like three hours away from me. But I'm like, Hey, can I help them? They're like, why? And I was like, but what do you mean, why is I'm helping you guys like oh, well, you know, just do whatever. Oh, I have any of this work. So then dealing with with them and their lack of support or anything. That's been one issue and then what else we're doing and trying to deal with a nap issue. One of Shelby's many plans has the math coming out of it. And so I've been trying to isolate and eradicate a gnat infestation from and the plants And then when I was transporting one of those that plants, gravity, so cold and then just went in there, and then all of the dirt went onto the floor. So then in staffing meetings, have been still dealing with that stuff. And I just like, right when like five o'clock It was like I'm done. I'm not doing anything else. I'm just going to sit here and do nothing. I doordash some wingstop I have sat here and played video games,


Brandon  05:34

sling bokoblins as your finance


Aaron  05:36

our or whatever. And yeah, that has been the crux of the last, what, two days? Very tired. Yeah, that's really about it. Like, nothing like major and nothing was super to complain about is this mostly small, tedious things that could have very easily been handled by other people. But there, were there. So that's what Aaron's wife has done just the last day. So I must know.


Brandon  06:18

How does one eradicate gnats from a plant? What do you have to do?


Aaron  06:26

So there's like a there's like a special like water and hydrogen peroxide mix decent, like you can spray the soil. And it's supposed to, like suffocate the mass. I think, I know, I need to re look it up. Because I was literally thinking about that. For right now. I've just been like, isolating plants. Just like put it outside. Here. Yeah. And there's two things. There's a few things in life that like really, like, get on this hill in Nashville, one of them. And it's so infuriating that they're at like my little desk. Type, Type type, and then like, yeah, so it's just been like, if I see an ad or a fake article, I don't know. I've been like, spraying it and then like swatting at it. So I'm sitting here, nothing's happened yet. And so if you hear me go back, isn't that so right now? I'm doing fine. I'm just surviving. But yes, so that, like, there's a certain sort of like, in a goal there like you could buy like a special thing. But for me, I've just been just relocating. And I think that's the formula. Comments below If that is not the


Brandon  08:11

right wording, just put it on the porch and let the birds deal with it. Here. birds and other birds.


Aaron  08:16

problem now. aphid Oh, yeah,


Brandon  08:24

that's true. Or I guess Collins friend. could take care of them. Yeah, you want me to bring over a big brown bat? Oh, yeah. Oh. Oh, okay. I was like so yes, segwaying stories I need to hear listeners calling just out of nowhere, in the middle of the week, sent a picture, as he often does have something just randomly and in this picture, he is holding a gigantic brown bat. Just like no no caption. No context. I mean, just three pictures of a bat. Like him holding a twin gloves. Obviously that suckers got some teeth on them. Holy cow I was unaware that all teeth is bad. The wings in my mind this thing is like feet across. It isn't actually but like, this is in fact a big a big brown bat name, though officially There we go. It's even in the genus. It's big. Brown. Big Brown bat. Yeah, so when I send that photo that way I don't really know I was just eating suffered was like, What is so bad. Maybe it was like what happened is like you don't want to see this picture because she is not a fan of bats. So Oh, Yeah, so it appears to be Sunday. Yes. Sunday,



Sunday at 10. At night. Yeah. So Megan and I had just finished recording the logs I


Brandon  10:06

was eating as we're watching a movie, I think



we were just finished recording the podcast. And she goes downstairs with dogs while I am editing and getting ready to upload. And she's texting me and she keeps saying, who's up? I'm like, nobody is like, some somebody is making noise. Can you go make sure Lillian isn't in the hallway? She'll do that sometime. She'll just get out of bed. And she's a lurker. Yes. All right,


Aaron  10:36

as wonders why,



you know, I opened my door, the office door, and I'm in the hallway. And I'm like, literally, nobody hears something till I stepped out again. And I, something goes right above my head. And I, you know, kind of freak out a little bit by dive back into the office, grab my flashlight. And our ceilings in our upstairs are like, I don't know, all or so they're tall, like I cannot I can stand up. And I cannot touch them. With my hand there. They're up their ways. And I'm shining the light, I'm on the floor. And we also have transom windows above our doors, which LED lighting and air into the bedroom. I don't want to be I don't want to turn on all of the hallway light, and then have kids awake and then be trying to get back to whatever. When he would wake up then I'm shining my flashlight up trying to see what it is. And all of a sudden, it's just like out of like a horror movie where the light is looking straight ahead. And this this little tiny black object goes racist from left to right. And then back. I can't get a good look. And so finally, I stand up and I I shine my light down the hallway instead of up at the ceiling. And then I get the full picture of Oh, those are the wing shapes of a bat. Why is there a bat in my house? Yes. It's just you know, it's not it's not clicking. It's not freaking out it just back forth, back and forth. And then it went downstairs and blew downstairs. And I'm like, She's like, what?


Brandon  12:33

And what was kind of his I imagine she handled this very well. Yeah.



What's kind of funny was while we were recording, every now and then the dogs downstairs would kind of start breaking out and barking tap, right? Aha. And I go down there. And I go down there and I'd hush them and call them right. And I go back upstairs and we'd we'd record them and they'd start up again. They go back downstairs and turns out, there was a bat flying around in the kitchen and in the playroom. And then at some point, when I opened the door between the playroom in the living room, it went Roop blue out into the living room. And it was like floating around the house when they and I recorded. And we get all the dogs in the blue. Yeah. And now it's kind of like, okay, we've identified that we have and bad how what we do. So I kind of open those in my follow up question. Yeah, it's you wrangle this back. Yeah. So here's here's, here's what happened. So I opened the front door with the hope is it's just doing circles on our living room with the hopes that it will find that new path, right as it's ending and hitting the wall. Yeah, I did open gap and go through there and go, Oh, it doesn't, it just keeps flying between our living room, living room, living room, living room, living room, living room. And in the dining room, we have these beams that go kind of hashmark across and it keeps flying and then like living on one of those and then flying around in line. And there's no way I can get up there it is super tall in our dining, right like I'd have to stand on our tall ladder to get up to Ableton, there's no way I'm getting up there. So I'm just I don't know. So what I do is like grab a blank and I'm standing kind of like in the blanket try to create a new wall to try and get it and push it back towards the door. Unfortunately, a new wall that is me does not go all the way at the ceiling so it just keeps flying over you just go above whatever this is. Finally, it goes upstairs again and I'm like great. It's a narrower hallway and I can get it isolated. I go upstairs so freaky cuz I like I literally saw it go upstairs. And then I can't find this. And I'm like, oh no. Did it. land on a train The window and then crawl through the gap and is now inside one of the kids that rooms. And I'm going to. So I'm being asked to look around and look over and on our it did not do that the kids bedroom, but it was almost getting ready that into our bath. It was like, Okay, well these tell you, I take the blanket and again, it's still too high for me to reach it. So I just kind of take the blanket and like, throw it at the bat. And it does what I intended, knocks the bat off, and it lands on the ground. The unfortunate part was it landed on top of the blanket and not underneath it. And so it just gets up in like way. Before I can get down and grab it. I go into my room and I grabbed my leather gloves. And I'm like, okay, I don't know, I've got to do something. So I just kind of crouched down in the hallway in the bathroom and back and forth, back, back, back, back, back. Eventually, I just take my blanket and throw it straight up into the air. And time it the bat hits it doesn't have a chance to force correct or anything cuz I can fill the hallway with with blank. Nice throw it up. I hear it hit it falls this time the bucket falls on top of the bat. But now staring at a blanket with a bat somewhere underneath it into


Aaron  16:23

at this point, brown. Yeah, around blanket around blanket. I should have was a really prevalent it was it was a dark brown blanket.


Collin  16:33

Because that's what I had, oh, choices were made here.



choices were made. So I'm like at this at this point I should have grabbed just kind of bundled up the blanket and run outside. Right and then kind of took it out. But yeah, I didn't. I didn't want me to be running and then it find my forearm and be like, latch on. Yeah, that would have been bad news. That would be that. Yes, though. I start carefully. Looking at the corners. As soon as I see a little wing one out. I reached out and I grabbed that sucker. And oh, man, then it starts let me know it is not. It is very good. I have to take Steve downstairs. And I'm like, Look, you can't live here anymore. It's been real fun. And I'm Thank


Brandon  17:21

you, Kathleen, Tim and his whole entire.



That's good escapade. Well, you got to have a name. So I'm taking pictures. And she's like, I'd really rather you get outside. And I'm like, I know, first, let's take pictures of me holding


Brandon  17:39

is for science, you have to document that, obviously.



Yeah. And that is when I realized just how big this thing actually, like I was, I was pretty used to caught like, I used to catch a lot of pipistrelles, like little tricolour bat, when I helped out with Miss netting as an undergraduate. And those things are about as big as your thumb. This thing is about as big as the one that I held.


Brandon  18:04

Yeah, brown. Most of us have seen to around in caves or like in trees and stuff are the little ones or the small brown bats right then little tiny ones, they're just a couple inches long, I stuck with



this one it was really was a lot bigger. And then you know, I'm looking at it. And I've got gloves on. And one thing that I learned from what I was missing was you can distract them by letting them to on your glove while you reposition your dog or something, you know, stick something in their mouth, they'll bite and let them do that. So I can all the matters, I can show the wing stuff in it. It's really cool. I'm really enjoying this. I'm a little sad that you know, the kids didn't get that experience it. Obviously not 10 1030 at night. So I go outside. And then I intend to just kind of let the bat go. I can open my hand up and kind of throw it to like just a little bit latches onto my hand as it as if to say I'm nothing and then starts crawling frantically up my forearm. No,



no, at which point I do lose it. And so if anybody was watching me in front of my yard go,



like flail my arms around the bat. Went went off towards the street and then caught light and went off up behind the house. But I was like, kept perfectly composed right up until it was like marching up roughly like gas. And it Yeah, and then it flew out and I panicked for a hot moment because it flew and then went straight behind me, which is my house, with the front door still open. But it veered off And when in between their two houses. And I, I genuinely think so either there's a roost up in our attic that is somehow getting inside which I don't know how it would be possible either that either it did that I guess it could be in our attic and climbed down our chimney colored chimneys cut off and climb past the 17 layers of insulation that I have stuffed up in there and got up into our house or Megan that night was on the back deck and had the back door open for a long time.


Brandon  20:32

I think I think that's probably the most likely



scenario two but also I don't know so I do I do need to go in or adequate point


Brandon  20:48

in the in the proverbial Belfry right



in the proverbial Belfry to see if we have any more test kits great big and yeah, that was fun. I really liked that a lot.


Brandon  21:09

One of my favorite parts is start to favorite parts the first favorite part is I like how if you sneeze slightly too loud Lily will like wake up and like wander out and be like we do it but you can have this whole extra pain of like chasing a bat about that


Aaron  21:29

and she does not have that



yeah, that's really funny. Yeah great. Also man I


Brandon  21:45

props to Megan for like hearing that in the first place and like calling attention to that because that's that's pretty impressive if it's just sort of like casually flying around like they don't make a lot of noise so yeah, that is some that's some like mom level 1000 hearing right there like Blam. That's that's impressive stuff.



I don't know if she was hearing it when it was like land and kind of scramble on a wall or a lead or something or if baby Lillian was actually awake but there also just happened to also be a bat around her house at 10pm at night I don't know like she just heard you just said she heard something right and the thought of it fully like over her head and


Brandon  22:29

she had like the throwing of the the wings you know that like could be flow close flew close to her but like behind her so she could couldn't see you know



yeah you know and she was like way miss that for so long. Well we're looking straight ahead. Our ceilings are super tall if the bats flying right at ceiling level we have lights on in your house nighttime except for some like low floor lights for lamps and stuff. Yeah, yeah. Or at nighttime not even that when we're downstairs we just have ambient light from this little plugin Walmart right? Yeah, so it's like of course you're not gonna see that thing at all. Oh, yeah, no, it's Oh, yeah, that was a lot of fun. Just neat and glad I had gloves upstairs garage


Brandon  23:20




Good Good call there yet another reason why he worked loves in my in my in my dresser wrangle that I go it's a errand I


Brandon  23:34

think it's a bit of a letdown that the fish biologist didn't have any nets around you know, like your biggest dreams guy has no fish nets in his house and out


Aaron  23:48

of all the nature videos I've ever seen, like you know pretty relatively graceful like organized and catching a bad and I kind of have this image of column like running around like some like one of those like butterfly net. It's like wailing things off. Like that's my like kind of picture calling doing this.


Brandon  24:08

I was not expecting just haphazardly slinging blanket though. That's what I was not expecting. It turns out right. The whole time



back that so I you know, I was like should have been though. At first I was like, What? Yeah, cuz I had no idea. Like literally I just stood there for probably a good several minutes. Just Just like a processing because there's a bad my house and then like doing some risk assessment of like, okay, what's the worst that can happen? And I came upon like, the worst that could happen is a dog jumps up and lunges at this bat bite that he did. I have to tell an owner that their dog ate a bat. That doesn't sound like a good conversation. And then it's like, well, like and then it was truly just like, Okay, I have a bat in my house. Now what? Right like now what what do I have on hand that is going to help me With and yeah, cuz it's like a pillowcase. No that's too small like I need something that's why Miss nap yeah instructor was very very fine monofilament wires they can they can't pick them up some bats actually some bats can actually detect the knot and when to monofilaments if I get looped together to great the netting the some bats can hone in on the knot and avoid the net tired. Well Really? Yeah. Other


Aaron  25:36

than knots are on like



even like when you're super tight like Time flies and stuff how small those are? Yes, sir. These are some smaller because they're actually monofilament and some bats can pick up on those. So it's like, what I don't have an I'm not going to read shipping habit and I'm not going to wait for a plan B to also grab it again. Yeah, cuz


Brandon  26:02

they don't land super often. Now, right? When they're going around and do stuff, they're just like,



yeah, they got literally the whole night and then go back and read. So yeah, I landed upon the blanket and that served me well. Target needing to hold


Aaron  26:23

you wash the blanket afterwards? Right? I did just put it back on Lily.



Nice snuggled back up in bed. wrapped around like that. Okay, yeah. Gross. No. Disgusting. Yeah, that's no. And then what are you gonna trace,



say that you had? Literally the next day. I got to work. And Megan sent me a picture of a spider on the ceiling of her bedroom. She was like, Dude, come get the why.


Collin  27:01

Yeah. I got home. She doesn't do spiders at all. No, not even though this woman,



this woman I have stained and collected snail egg in literally alligator infested waters in Texas. And she has not batted an eye at that. There's a spider on the ceiling in the other room. And it's like, nope. mmediately though I did come I did come home. And it was a brown recluse the size of like a half dollar. So you know, holy cow. This is usually that big. It was like three quarters or half dollar, but it could have easily wrapped it but all of his legs around a quarter of all that. I'll say that. That was it. Yeah, this thing was You


Brandon  27:47

and I are going up in here.



So let's so all my people, friends at work. were like, what are you going to come home to today? And I was like, I don't know. I'm waiting for a snake to show up at this point. Like, I don't know. Let's just see.


Brandon  28:03

It's true. Who knows? We've had a bunch of spiders in the house recently that time of year on Nancy found them in there. So we've been getting them. The ones that there's some in the garage too, but we have an agreement. Stay in the garage where you eat all the bugs are cool line. I stay here. Yeah, it's fine. Stay here.



Hang out. Whatever. But going house. Kind of get you Sorry. Shane is like that. She does not do spiders at all, like, even a little bit.



Oh, I get it. I get it a day. You know. I'm one of those like, I'm fine with them. As long as I have eyes on him. It's the ones that like you look at them and then then you turn around.


Brandon  28:57

Yeah, no, it's the surprise spider right? Yes, that's like or the one where you just like do to do. It's like right there like right in front of you. I don't Yeah, it's the surprise spiders that I'm not a fan of.



It's kind of like the most horrifying in my mind. From the most the thing that scarred me the most miraculous phobia was when the lady is showering and the spider Oh man. Yeah, I can't No, yeah, no, I can't right now right that's nobody nobody asked our spider


Brandon  29:34

No, no they don't that's happened here before to like we've had that happen a few times where Shana also just be like like yell for one of us. is definitely spider just like chill another shark. You're like, yes. Yeah, I can't that movie. Yeah, that's I know. It's weird and people look at me crazy. What I say is, that is the scariest movie I've ever seen in my life. Like, I know, I can't know about I'm not watching acrophobia again. I don't I don't know if it holds up because again, I thought when I was like 10 in my friend's basement, which constantly filled with spiders, so like, that didn't help did it? And I yeah, no, I'm out. And he was there. He was, like, just watching it. He like didn't care. He was like, whatever. And I was like,


Aaron  30:31

nope, nope. All the Nope, I can't not watch this.



I don't know what it is about that movie. Like, specific. I don't I don't know either put spiders and like, very, very specific in like particular circumstances. I don't maybe don't know. It. Just Yeah,


Brandon  30:50

yeah. No, I can't. Yeah, either. Nope. Nope. So, anyway, yeah, that's one of the scariest movies have ever seen in my entire life. I know that some people are gonna find that statement. odd.



But I Nope, not be like that, like a horror comedy to write was supposed to be kind of,


Brandon  31:12

I guess. Oh, I don't really know. I don't remember. I don't remember I comedy in that. I probably wouldn't have the same reaction if I watched it now. But I'm also not going to find out. No, because I don't. I will literally,



it's absolutely not. There are some movies that are on my do not watch, like rewatch list just like because they weren't good. Or because they're like, but this one? It's it's not a fear I need to revisit, right? Like it's not. That's Yeah, I need to face it just needs to die silently in my memory as I age.


Brandon  31:45

Yes, there are. I do have that list here. There's the I have two lists. I have ones that are like, ones that I don't need to watch again, because they were so bad. That I want to purge them from my brain. Right? Yeah. There's another category of movie that I have, though, that the movie is so like, visceral, and like distressing. That I cannot watch it. Like, I don't want to watch it. Good. Yeah. So there's some like that, like, the one is a man, the name just escapes me, but I'm thinking about right now. I'll come up with a new segment, but dragon phobia is on that list



as well. But yeah, I can't. I thought that what is the name of that movie? That's gonna drive me crazy now. The one I don't ever watch.


Brandon  32:36

Oh, Requiem for a Dream. That's what it is. I had a brain fart there. But yeah, I'm not watching a movie again, either. Once is exactly the right amount of times to see that movie. I have not seen that one. You're good. Okay, good. It's an extraordinarily graphic depiction of drug addiction. Oh, okay. And drug usage. Right, particularly heroin. Yeah, there's one part that's really trippy because his mom is on these like weird drugs. But like, Kim and his friends are heroin addicts. And yeah, nope. Okay. Yeah. It's like, the fact that it happens to them and like, how it destroys their life and the things they have to do to get drugs and Oh, yeah. Yeah. Once is, once is the correct number of times to see them. Oh, man, changing topics to something more exciting. Some better news. Some more uplifting news. Yeah. Yeah. I watched Amazon released the Clarkson's farm. That was tough. Yes. Yo. Alright, so spoiler free edition here until you watch it, we can talk about some more. I don't First of all, know that I don't normally sit down and watch like whole episodes of things. Because my attention span is not do well. I watch all of them on Saturday. I watch all eight episodes, and don't ever do that. So there's that. Um, it's I thought it was just going to him being an idiot. And I didn't know if I was going to be able to watch it because I get that like uncomfortable feeling when you know, people are doing something stupid. And then they're like, you have to see the consequences happening. You know, that kind of feeling of uncomfort discomfort you get. I get that a lot. And so I figured like that was gonna be the whole show. Who's me being like, oh, why are you doing like There are a lot of points where he's like sincerely trying to do this. And like, make it work. There's a couple times where he's like, what about if I do it this way? And it just goes bad, right? Because he's like, well, I want to stop and turn around. What if I'd make much to go in this big loop pattern? Yeah, no, it doesn't, doesn't work. It's like a genuinely a very interesting show. And like a pretty, like, it's an interesting look into like, certain kinds of farming. That I was expecting, partially because it's a little unfamiliar, because it's like an English farm, and apparently has like 1000 acres of English farm, which is kind of crazy. So like, the way that some of the way they do things are like, not familiar, but then also some of it's just like, Oh, yeah, that's literally what my neighbors do. Like right here. That's just how they live their lives. You know, I mean, yeah. So it's kind of this really interesting look at some stuff. He does have some weird ideas. Like his whole tangent about like, sheep is really



humorous. takes up a large part of the episodes. But like, it's actually pretty good.


Brandon  36:14

I wasn't really expecting. I wasn't expecting it to be like a good thing to watch. I figured it would be like, literally a train wreck. But it's pretty cool. I really enjoyed it. So you guys should watch Clarkson's farm. I, so we can talk about it some more. But



I thought was pretty cool. I saw a few reviews about it. And many people said, I didn't read anything about this, not this or what the episodes were about. Didn't want to spoil any of them. But they've just kind of like their big takeaways. And one person was like, I came in this really wanting to hate this. Because I thought this is stupid. And he was like, This is exactly right up my alley. And this is way better than the Grand Tour show, and in much more entertaining on many levels. And he just came across really, really liking it. I was like, okay, like, I need to stop.


Brandon  37:18

Yeah, it came across as like, Yeah, really genuine and earnest. Right is the word I would go for. Because, you know, I figured part of me was like, I don't know if he's gonna, like, make a mockery of this whole thing, right? He's just gonna be dumb and like, ruin his whole stuff. You know what I mean? Like, I figured that's what would be like, like an old Top Gear episode where he just like, completely. Yeah, blowing up everything. You know. They did do farming. When they did the farming for the diesel fuel for a while they accidentally played the diesel fuel stuff. And they did the 24 hour race. Remember that episode? Yeah. They just sort of like completely, like, screwed everything up. I figured it was gonna be that. But it wasn't it was like him legitimately. Well, I mean, as legitimately as possible, like, learning things, and attempting to do stuff and he has, like, people there. He's like, has hired people to help him do it, like local people and all that kind of stuff. And it's actually really interesting. So it was really good. I might watch it again. Actually, I'm not sure. It was really cool. So like, yeah, I I liked it. So that's the spoiler free section. Okay, we can do round two of spoiler Reno's if you guys watch any of it.



I was thinking about making that our challenge for next time. Oh, eagerly. I know. I didn't know you were going to watch all of it. I know. You thought you liked it. I didn't either. I think I was gonna watch one. Let's see. It's okay.



I still I it's on my I do really?


Brandon  39:00

Okay, you can still watch it for next time. We've talked about it more. So we'll we'll save that. We'll stop it there for now. But Joanne, while Shelby's gone, you can watch a couple episodes of Clarkson's farm. Hey, go. Alright. Sweet. Well, then I have a question. Okay. And a bit of a quandary. Question time. So on the entertainment front, as that seems to be things we talked about a lot. Yeah. So we have been watching. Like family movie time whenever Shane has been home and all this stuff, right? We do that we've been watching the Harry Potter movies. right because she want to watch them again and she likes them and awesome. And she hasn't seen him in a while and the first time she watched them she was only like half watching them. So She's very confused. But



anyway, so we read the whole thing. And we finally finished. Okay, we


Brandon  40:08

finally finished this last movie. And then we got to a problem, cuz she was like, wait. This, we've been watching like a movie series. What other movie series? Should we watch? And I was thinking about it for a while. And there aren't just tons of them around. Right? So I wanted to ask you, we're going to exclude any Lord of the Rings bass material, because we have covered that ad nauseum. Right? We can wax poetically about how much we love that maybe at the end, but like, I was wondering, your thoughts on like, a movie series? I don't know, like a series means probably more than two. I guess that was more than most, most things don't have seven. Right? Like, Fast and Furious was the one I was, like, 14, but other than fast and fast in infinity.



Because it is tough, especially cuz I'm going to throw in the like, more family. Because most of the most of the movies series that immediately come to my mind, at least like other than like, like, Land Before Time. Our like, like most of our like horror or ever, like action series. Right? Where?


Brandon  41:38

Yeah, so I had the same thought is that the ones that jumped to me in my mind are like, Friday the 13th Wait, that's not? That's not a good one. Yeah, there's like 1000 of those, but like you right, like, normal. family time movies. There aren't any. I also forgot that there's like 14 lame before times. Yeah.



That's important. Yeah. For going, bam, family. Or like, I don't know what, like family. Are you wanting to find like, age group, but like, I'm gonna say probably one of my favorites. Other than other than Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, those are ruled out. I like yellow. Double Oh, seven is a weird series. Because they're all there's not they're not strung together. Right. Like, have like a story arc between the series when they have the same actor. Yeah. Or when they when they move between actors. So it's a little bit different. But I don't know, I don't would you consider that a movie series? Or the is that more? I


Brandon  42:49

think so? Because it's the same. It's the same character, technically. Right? Is it still James Bond? It's not like, you know, a different person. Right? So I would say yes. And the fact that I mean, it's been going for 50 plus years now, I


Collin  43:11

guess. 60 probably. So we have to have different people



clearly. Yeah. Do you think that will count? Okay, okay, we're gonna count that. Okay. count as a film series. Okay.



Because then my other errand Do you have a film one field film series? We'll go round robin here, like


Aaron  43:31

Well, I was kind of going off of if I had like the, you know, the big c that we've watched live with me in theaters if you're gonna say double oh seven I have like a few but the other one that I was gonna say was the undermanned franchise. Even though there'll be more wire and do with effort then and there's Andrew Garfield then there was maybe three with new Yeah, literally seen his face like 1000 times. I was gonna say them because like, the first three were kind of more like early Sony kind of like the early stages of Marvel. Everything was still kind of like goofy and, and a little bit more lighthearted. I really liked those. Especially kind of like the like, the first one was Dr. Octopus. That was kind of my favorite. That was the second I can't remember. But I would say those because they're, they're still actually and they're still likely to harm And like everyone has the down to watch down and like oh wow like everyone just enjoy him the other guy was gonna say by the Spider Man series


Brandon  45:11

Yeah, I think that should count to if we're gonna count James Bond. The actor King, cat weekend Spider Man. Cuz it's still Peter Parker,



right? Yeah, I think more in the, in the in the vein of Lord of the Rings or a Potter series where you're back the same error occurs through a true story arc between movies obviously Star Wars


Collin  45:46

would be one true that's true all of them are you yeah whittle it down like the internet three, three webs Okay, I don't know what you're talking about


Aaron  46:08

I will also say like the Indiana Jones series that was gonna be the one I was gonna go to you because I really liked it pretty. Adventure. So the fourth one, the second one takes that weird turn. There's only three of those. Yeah, so the quarter before it is always gonna be my last crusade is always gonna be my favorite one. Just because Sean Connery like that one.


Brandon  46:37

And true. Yeah, he's hit me. Sean Connery, Harrison Ford. It's so good. They're so good together. It's Larry. It's the old dynamic. They haven't everything's great. Up, they're actually going to make a fifth one. I discovered. I just heard shooting a new button. Yes. I will say, kind of, I know, I might have said this before. Like, the fourth one's fine. But it's just not like, it's definitely not as good as like Raiders. Right? It's, it's got a different vibe going. It kind of makes sense of Liddell. If if you think about it in context, it makes more sense, right? Yeah. Because, like, the original three are kind of stylized after like 1930 or 30s, like, serial action, like books, you know, or radio dramas. And they take place in the 1930s, whereas the other one takes place in like, the 50s. So it's like, much more. It's got a different vibe go into it. Right. It's, it's more in line with like, kind of like that. 50s kind of like, sci fi vibe going on. So it kind of like adapted it to the decade a little bit. It doesn't always it doesn't necessarily land the same. I'll give you that. But it does have a thing happening. So we'll see if Indy five is interesting. No, yeah, I like the first three in the Indiana Jones movies. Pretty good.



What about not too different movie series for you? Okay, the oceans movies? Oh


Aaron  48:31



Brandon  48:31

all of them. I don't think I've seen the third and then the new the new one without the ladies, right? Yes. I definitely didn't see that one. But I'm not sure I saw this.



Third one. I like all of them. Obviously the first one they're all pretty fun. Yeah, hold. I heard the first two are good. Guys. Love that. Because again, keep in line with family friendly or family here as far as in real rolling through my Rolodex of one because then the other one is gonna throw out there as Ghostbusters.


Brandon  49:10

Yes, yes. He is a Rolodex. It's fine. Never Yeah, I'm at. We've established on the spot in universe. I'm 100 universe. faster to Gus was our I don't know I didn't.


Aaron  49:31

Is there enough? Behind re listen to anyone? Oh, yeah. So what is the two old ones? And then there's there's one with an all female cast. And I think they're coming out with a new one.



Oh, I thought they were three. Oh, cat did that I but what? Right, right. There were two old ones and then the all female cat.


Brandon  49:55

Yeah, and there was a new one scheduled and I lost count of that one day. pandemic shut down times because I was getting ready to come out or getting ready to be out there. I saw a trailer for that one. And I don't remember anything about I only saw I saw a trailer for it. And then I haven't heard anything about it since then. I don't know what happened to that. That's true. I forgot about that.



So many things happened like that, all through COVID times of like, I was that was not supposed to come out last month, two months ago or in two years. I don't. There's like,


Brandon  50:43

Yeah, I don't know. Like, right. So many things. Yes. It was like it was coming. And they were like, going to finish filming. But then like, Oh, no, just kidding. And I don't know if they went back and started again. Or like, yeah, sort of, like lost count. And I. As it went on and on, I sort of like, just stopped paying attention. I was like, well, I gotta think about now I suppose. What moving? Yes. Okay, so I have to investigate.



Yeah, what were on your lip? Or did you? Well, I


Brandon  51:20

was gonna say, Andy, I was thinking about ones that I liked. And most of them are like, most I think, I feel like the majority of movies, they get to three. And they're like, done. Yeah, because the trilogy is like, kind of the standard movie fare of telling the whole story. So it is rare, kind of to get that extended out, like elongated versions, right of this storytelling. That's what makes like Harry Potter anomaly. I know, they were doing off the books and everything. But it's still like, different than how everything else kind of works. Right. So I was thinking like, the only other one that immediately came to my mind when I was thinking about this the other day was Back to the Future. Right? Yeah. Yeah, kind of works. But then I sort of drew a blank after that. And so that's why I want to ask you guys what your thoughts were on this because I was like, I mean, I guess technically, there's three Ninja Turtles movies, but



it makes it hard. Because what again, what I love about Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter is not just the story arc within each movie, but the whole story arc across all of the the movies. And yes, I because I don't like it when each one is kind of its own separate pack thing. So that's kind of like how james bond is a little like, air. I don't know. Because thing like, like, the Bourne franchise, or,


Brandon  53:04

yeah, like, even for this first three board movies really do kind of go blah, blah, boom. And then and then there's that one with Jeremy Renner that I never watched name. And then there was a new Jason Bourne movie that I forgot to watch. Things like this. I was like, Oh, my watch that. And then I like never thought about it again.



Same thing with like, Mission Impossible, right? each movie is like, we're doing destiny doing this thing. And like, yeah, real connecting a light connection between like, like, his wife or whatever things going on around things. But no, like, Ah, you blew up that building last movie and now you're gonna do this thing or whatever. Right? Like it's, yeah, it's


Brandon  53:47

well, it's that's that's the weird thing about the Fast and Furious movies. Yeah, right. Yeah, they sort of like, they don't have any sort of cohesion. And it's just sort of like, this one who's got Jason Statham like, why he does what I don't like, this would be has this guy or this one has the rock now. Like? What? And then it's always just like, Oh, yeah, this is this guy's brother. Like what? Oh, okay, I guess. Oh, so with that,



that I will say we haven't been any other than Land Before Time. 114 series. Toy Story. thing a girl. Yeah, work through. That's true, too. They do a wonderful job of connection between movies and purpose for things and other you know, storyline. Yeah, I forgot about Toy Story. There we go. There's another one. Oh, yeah, they


Brandon  54:56

just had four. I forgot the Toy Story four was the thing. That's right now to look at that. Yeah, see, it's another one where not just Yeah, what was Taylor's like, oh, by the way, ready for current currently? That's fine. Yeah, that's okay. I'd rather than like, wait a long time between them and then make it actually connect to the rest of them and make sense as a whole storytelling medium then do like, the fast series where it's just like, Oh, it's been two years time for another one. That I don't want another one. They don't. It doesn't make sense. Every time I saw when we went to the theater the other day, remember? And they saw the trailer for that. I just remember watching it going. What? Why? What is happening? Yeah, she's like, somebody had an idea about a car chase, it would be funny. And then they made a whole entire movie about that. Like, that's, well, I guess, what



were they had? Were these with these franchises like this. They'll buy stories from writers that were meant for one thing, and then adapt them and push them into


Brandon  56:19

Oh, yeah, they like don't get picked up for something. And so they're cheap, and they buy the rights to and then they sort of smash them together.



Yeah, like, Okay, I know, you told that story with horses and in the Middle Ages. But what if we did it with thrift cart? And you're like,


Aaron  56:36

I like I was, I was gonna make the comment about the Percy Jackson series. But like, those movies are very good. Because Oh, that'd be a perfect one. Because it's adapted for like families a little more last year.


Brandon  56:54

And it's from a very large book series.


Aaron  56:56

Yes. Yeah. But then, like, video stuff, like, now let's make it terrible. And so did they finish that one?


Brandon  57:06

I know, there was a glut of movies like that where they? The Hunger Games happened? Right? Basically, there was like, it was like, Twilight happened. That's another one. But I didn't put that on this. Because now and then Hunger Games happen. And then they they were like, Oh, yes. Why we must make every why a novel into a book or into a movie. Right? And so they just like started gobbling these up. And there's a couple that they made like, two. And it was so bad. Nobody went to them. So they just didn't make the third. isn't that bad? Oh, man, that's just hurt. This isn't like i think i think it was the Maze Runner. They didn't finish or they're supposed to be like a whole big thing. That was it. divergent? Maybe. I don't think they finished that one either.


Aaron  57:59

They don't think ever finish the virgin series. I think they got it. I


Brandon  58:03

think they did the first. They did like two or three. And they didn't do the last one. Because like, they just did such a bad job that nobody went and watched it so they just cut their losses and stop moving. So I feel like the Percy Jackson did they only just make one of those. Two, sir. What they are. By now one of them is the Lightning Thief. Because like a bunch of kids read that one.



And then I don't know. Yeah, yeah, cuz then I think beyond the Oh, okay. Well, okay, so what about what about Jurassic Park? Does that count? Oh, yeah. Right. Now we count they get a little weird, or more modern one. Like, I don't know, like, things kind of went off the rails with Jurassic World for me when they came back in 2015 or whatever that was?


Brandon  59:03

No. Okay. So I would I like that movie. I will defend Jurassic World. I mean, if Jurassic Park two exists, that movie makes no sense at all. Right? Right. And that's all weird. And this is big, convoluted storyline. It's just like that Ian Malcolm show. But like, it doesn't make any sense. Like, why is your daughter gymnast? Like what is happening? I don't understand. Like, at least jurassic world is like is dinosaurs eating stuff? Perfect. Exactly what I want. Yes. Like, is it dumb? Yes, absolutely. Does it have really stupid parts in it?



Yes. Is it really a great popcorn movie? Yes. So


Brandon  59:50

I didn't see the one after that. But I was like Jurassic World.



kingdom, fallen kingdom, Hall kingdom, something like that. I don't know.


Brandon  1:00:02

Yeah, I didn't see that one. Again. I think I just forgot to. But like, I kind of liked Jurassic World. I thought I thought it was like exactly what a Jurassic Park movie should be like, was it as like suspenseful and creepy as the first one? No. But was it a good popcorn movie where dinosaurs people? Yes. Okay, I will say I can't defend the whole side plot with the Vincent D'Onofrio character where they're like, but we can use Raptors is like, for the army. That's dumb. Okay, I can't defend that. I can't stand by that at all. That's ridiculous. stupidest thing ever. But once we that old like cartoon like dyno writers, right or whatever, I think I had toy for that. Yeah.



Oh, I mean, yeah, my brains going down like really weird rabbit holes here. I'm really trying to hang on the thread of like, movie or families because the other one that just popped into my head was tremors. tremors five. Now I desperately Yes. Because it's so hard to find what those ways are? Like ridiculous really can't be sci fi films. Like, obviously, there's plenty of Yeah, or like the movie because they're cheap to make, right? The movies series for the Marvel Universe, but you know, or Batman or whatever. Like, I don't think those are really common, but find something that again, I've kind of put it in more perspective of Harry Potter. Like, ah, you're right. Really? Yeah. Usually not, though. Right. Alright. Yeah, there really isn't.


Brandon  1:01:53

Yeah, and then again, most of them started stop at three, they do the three, sometimes four, right? You get the four. But a lot of them are just three. And then they're like, okay, we're done. But again, that's they finished the story. So like, you can't be mad at that, then I can draw it out or anything. So what sometimes they are, but yeah. It's a good length. The trilogy is a good length for it's a good movie kind of length. Right? You can kind of do that. The X and certain points that way. So it's a good structure for movie is because usually they start kind of just tacking on stuff that adding the world that don't really be like, I'm thinking of just I don't know, I have not I honestly, I have not seen all of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies at 35. Or the worst October 6. One is the war. Now there's five. There's five. Yeah. Oh, yeah. There's five that are literally like, almost 15 years apart. Yeah. So I like the first one a lot. Oh, and then after that, I'm like, Yeah, that'd be real. I saw the fifth one. And I was like, um, I know. The fourth one was real weird. That's what it was like, oh, now because completely new people. And there's like a mermaid lady. Like, what? Huh? And the fifth one is not really very good, but dang it. Every time there's an action sequence they play that stupid song. I'm


Aaron  1:03:33

like, yeah, let's begin. Good score. I'll


Brandon  1:03:38

get you right like you can get into it whenever that happens. You like



yeah, go I think part of that is that song so catchy with those were really big. We were in high school marching band. And like all the bands, all the doing the theme music and Astro.


Brandon  1:04:03

Part of it is so good. Such a good score that when it like comes on, you're like, ah, dang it. I have to enjoy this. So good. That's a lot



like this. This challenge is reminding me of the challenge of buy to door or to learn that not a BMW. Oh, yeah. Right. It's a movie series that isn't Harry Potter. And we're all I don't know. They're all kind of close. But that really is good. But not really as good


Brandon  1:04:37

at work. Yeah, that's why excluded Lord of the Rings too, because I knew we'd all be like, Oh, that one clearly. But yeah. So yeah, it's weird, because when you think about the like, it's like you have this clear favorites. And they're like, Oh, yeah, I guess there's these other ones.



Let's pose. It really. It's like like, like pick your third most favorite ice cream.


Brandon  1:05:00

Really? That's a good point. That's a good analogy. Why would I do it? Yeah, why would I add a good point like wow, I guess this one I don't know. That's not the one I ever picked. Because I like this one better. Yeah. Go



challenge third most favorite ice cream and watch Clark Ben farm and B will right next time. Sounds good guys. Love you. Bye