thermocline in my house

In an episode totally recorded all at the same time and internet connection, Brandon and Collin share their thoughts on the newest release of The Grand Tour. But first, they discuss basement cheese and the concept of Ozark Mountain Duck Racing. Collin celebrates the return of the Honday, while Brandon laments the lack of Peugeot 206s.

  • Collin’s not so good week

  • Ozark Mountain Duck Racing

  • Headlamps are life saving

  • Basement cheese 

  • thermocline in my house!

  • At long last… the Honda has returned

  • Collin doesn’t like the newer Accords

  • Like nothing ever happened!!

  • The Grand Tour:

  • We have concerns

  • Lack of Peugeot 206s

  • Just too contrived

  • Season 14:

  • New with Brandon

  • Next week??

  • Answer - I want to know which holidays have the best candy options? Rank Holidays for their candy’s?

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drive, car, big, feel, rally, test, james, people, happened, honda, rally racing, weird, headlamps, fine, episode, running, basement, talking, holiday, dehumidifier


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts Brandon, Colin and Aaron on this week's show thermocline in my house


boy oh boy. It is a Wednesday and in fact is in fact yes



Collin  00:28

yes it's been It's already been a kind of insane week

Brandon  00:33

not did not start off well at all a little bit novel. Oh, wow. That's day so I so Sunday night I go to sleep. But as as one does as one does, like

Collin  00:54

10 3011 o'clock I go to the bathroom one more time. Okay, good. Well, sorry to my people. Whenever

Brandon  01:01

I go to bed works. Sorry folks go downstairs, downstairs, lay on the couch and I fall asleep.

Collin  01:07

I wake up to around two o'clock in the morning to a sound I'm trying in my hay is trying to put this together and we do have a dog staying over and I'm like that the sound of a dog peeing. That's

Brandon  01:24

that's a lot a lot of urine. So I sit bolt upright

Collin  01:31

and I go into our playroom area. It's kind of like a another dining area. And I flip on the light and I'm like, why is this light so incredibly dim and that's when I start to hear it feel the water hitting my feet I realize that there is water



Brandon  01:53

out of my light fixture spoilers I don't know if


you know this but that's not where water goes. It's nighttime

Collin  02:00

that's night. So I emit I become instant awake and race upstairs to find that the upstairs bathroom which I had used that 11 o'clock at night is now overflowing and the water had fortunately not gone towards the hallway where the carpet is no no just stayed in its corner and gone down through the holes and everything that are in my 100 year old home and had just decided that they were going to follow gravity

Brandon  02:28


Collin  02:31

and I got that shut off plunged and draining and then mopped up everything in the bathroom. Then erased downstairs and I just stood there like what do I


how do I what do you do? So I turned off the light but the light was turned off so I step back off and I'm this is not my first day

Brandon  03:00

so I said what I turned the light on so I could see better.


Okay, so this is gonna sound like

Collin  03:06

a weird complaint but it's it's it's when they remodeled the home they gave the downstairs very tall ceilings, I cannot touch that my ceilings I can I have to lift and Lilia above my head before we touch the two legs, they're very tall. That is very tall. This this column is a very tall man. So these are normally he complains about the opposite. It's everything is so small, I blacked my head on all this stuff.

Brandon  03:31

So So

Collin  03:32

now though, I have to run out and grab my massive a frame ladder, right and run it inside. And then I have the our light is a big dome light. And the it's just come flat is complete

Brandon  03:44

brim with water. And I'm like I have to get this down without dropping this losing control over it losing my balance and lower this down being electrocuted. getting electrocuted, you know. And so yeah, that's it, you missed the market and you missed the main thing.

Collin  04:02

Well, I was worried I was actually at that time were concerned about dropping this heavy piece of glass and having it hit the floor and shatter into 1000 pieces. And they'd be having water and glass and everything. So like when you clean the water, you'd probably just bring the glass with it. Yeah,

Brandon  04:18

today, but I'm also barefoot and I don't Okay.

Collin  04:21

I mean, I mean yes, but kidding. Anyway, that's so I mean, that's just you're always barefoot, so I just assume every story you tell you're barefoot like that's what happens now in my life. Like you could be story about like, running down a mountain after a duck. It'd be like, he's


barefoot. It's

Collin  04:38

just Yes. What what I'm not mountain duck running. I am lowering the big giant dome light and it's guy believing me.


Ozark Mountain duck running

Collin  04:52

duck racing is gonna be duck racing that's lowering the dome down and the little screw in the center. So I just put my finger on that in the water just shoots down to that center hole and hits the floor and going everywhere. And then I get that down. I set it aside and I stopped to get the plate because it's got that plate that secures to get that down so wrenches and screws and all sorts of stuff to get down and I'm pulling it down and I'm undoing wires. And I'm like, all of these wires are hot. I know they are.

Brandon  05:24

But now they're coated in water. Perfect, perfect insulator. One thing about water we all know it is. Yeah, it's the universal solvent. Oh wait, we said different things.

Collin  05:38

I get that all separated and I now so now I get that down the plates down.

Brandon  05:44

And now I'm like, okay, ah, now what?

Collin  05:49

So our downstairs are very, very old hardwood floors. They're not like nice new ones that tight fit grooves or whatever. So these workers are soaking up this water. And it all went into this massive rug that we have. So I have to roll up the rug get it outside, start going up Collins neighbors see him bringing out a rug in the middle of the night rolled up, throwing it in the yard throw the yard


personal and real awkward. After I had

Collin  06:24

anybody come downstairs at any point and witnessed this, no, wow, no, this we managed to do this like so stealthily that the next morning when she came downstairs at 7am. Yeah, I'm good at this. Like I'm imagining what Megan's face will look like. But I also in my mind imagining what it would have looked like if she would have come downstairs about 230 This ladder up in the dark, are frantically flipping the light switch, right? You be like No, no, no, no. That's exactly what would have happened right? And this is yet another reason why I am a huge proponent of headlamps. If listeners, listeners, this technology has been around for a decade or more like those easily accessible to people it was not beat without being cost prohibitive. Get a headlamp in your life, it saves you removing splinters, crawling through spaces, standing on a ladder at 2am in the morning with water rushing down all of your head and body as you don't like just get oh my gosh, it's just it's just wonderful. So I got that down and I have to headlamps are just amazing. I want you know the Boy Scouts but that was like one of my one of lots of major takeaways for Boy Scouts. One of them headlamps are lifesaver, right? So there you go. I get I get all this out. I get the floor mopped up, I get it all set. And then it's like, I don't like I'm not going to I was reading I was going on what else but like read it like like what do I do now? And if you read it guys, like, well, here's what people were like drill holes in your ceiling, cut, cut holes in your wall so that you can see where the water is you can trace the water paths. And I'm like, like, No, I know where it came from. This isn't like I'm so concerned about that. Um, I'm just going to I mean, because I was like, Okay, here's the thing, like it's just one time it's a one time this stuff happens all the time and mold doesn't grow and destroy and kill everybody in the house. Right? So like, and the plus here, okay, remember here plus is this is not a new home construction. There's this home leaks like a sieve. The outside air is instrumented in well ventilated, ventilated in every surface. I'm not all that worried

Brandon  08:47

out, just pull a dad and bust out your dehumidifiers. Right? Like set them everywhere. So and there's a dehumidifier in the ah, and then the next morning I peek the audio there.

Collin  09:01

I'll cut that back. I'll duck that audio later. But no, I was like then I went to bed and all freaked out about it. I was like I'm just gonna have to look for water stains on the ceiling. We'll put some kill down on it and we'll paint over it and it's gonna be fine. Whatever. And then I woke up the next morning and I was like hmm I didn't go check the basement to see if any water was and sure enough, I went downstairs in the basement and there was water on the floor of the basement that my friends is how much water and I think more importantly how leaky my entire house so then let me drain through so it didn't stay in the floor but that's good A and the floorboards so what I did was I did position a fan in the basement it's actually still running I just pointed it up at the floorboards where the water had entered. Try that area out Yeah, see, look, I got fans circulation. So and the other thing that I never quite quite appreciated is that. So basically what we're gonna do is I didn't contact insurance, we're just gonna be fine. We're just going to repaint, we're just going to make sure we never dry listeners just


selling towel. And

Collin  10:15

what we're gonna do is some things I didn't realize they don't appreciate because in the basement is where we have our dehumidifier running most of the time, right? Because that's where you need it most the time because that's where it settles and it's where the moisture is damp, whatever kind of basement so it's not for nothing. They make cheese in basements. Exactly right. Cheese basement basement cheese. Oh, yeah, let's I was gonna think it's showtime. Somebody somebody out there. That's your free, punk album name. Oh, you go. You can have that basement cheese slices,


I think yeah, that's because

Collin  10:50

a three three words, that's what you need is just how hot running a dehumidifier makes the room. Like, it has it raises its raise the temperature we're playing because I have little temperature sensors in all of our major rooms. And I can look and see the temperature in our playroom versus every other room. And it's like, three degrees warmer. Very warm in there, which is not based on my experience with humidity in Missouri summers, this is not the result I would have expected. I would.


Yeah, but yeah, but drying the air out you were

Collin  11:34

drying the air out. And it's if you just stand on the exhaust of the thing, it's just blows hot air out. It's just like a dryer we can just as which makes sense because it's drying air. And so it's just like a dryer because it's you know, drying.

Brandon  11:53

Like as you go from like our living room, into the playroom into the kitchen. It's it's a thermal, there's a thermocline weather front in


they're gonna rain in your house.

Collin  12:12

Which is fine, because what I need is I need that room to just be like hot and dry. And that was the thing that dad was like, just run your furnace. And I was like, okay, that's fine. Except we were having a weird like, temperature spike right now where it's like also raining outside. And it's 75 or 80 degrees during today. Yeah, it


was a weird day to day high. Really interesting. Bizarre.

Collin  12:34

And the low overnight was like 65 For us, which isn't enough to drop the temperature of my house very much. And so I can run my I was.

Brandon  12:46

I mean, Megan is not

Collin  12:48

going to complain if you turn the heater on No, but I will complain that negatively fine. She'll be like, Ah, this is the best thing that's ever happened. Do you want to you want to turn the heater on at 77 degrees? Okay,

Brandon  13:02

perfect. Let's make an ad in here.

Collin  13:07

So that was what she should be. Okay. That's how we started off Monday. And I was very thankful that I was actually home for this. Because I finally have my staff down in Springfield set up to the point where they don't need me there monitoring and shadowing or doing anything. All right. I just I can't imagine if I had not. If I had not been downstairs, Megan coming down at seven in the morning, and this had been going on for nine


hours. Like Oof. Ah, but if you wouldn't have been home, I wouldn't

Collin  13:49

have left toilet,

Brandon  13:50

you wouldn't have flush the toilet. So it's kind of my fault. Like I understand like, this is kinda like I touched it. I'm sure if somebody else would have flushed the toilet like the next day it would have happened then. Right? It's just you happen to be the last person that used it. So if you were gone, whoever would have used it instead would have been the tipping point I imagined right. So like, probably didn't really.

Collin  14:16

Who knows, but it was it was one of those and, and Monday like I was back I was gonna go teach in person for the first time in three weeks. And I just didn't have it in me. So I was like, I'm gonna do one more. One more day of zoom. Physically sorry, everybody, we're gonna have to take just a wee bit of a break.

Brandon  14:42

So just in your background, just put a picture of your soggy floor and be like this is why well, no, I just told everybody I was

Collin  14:50

and then Lillian was telling everybody about the waterfall we had in our in our playroom. class too, so she can already beat me to the punch line there but you

Brandon  15:00

yeah yeah so I was lesson from this


will be a light sleeper I guess.

Brandon  15:08

Yeah and I don't know what the lesson here is get a headlamp there's the lesson found oh my

Collin  15:15

god, I can't do these things and having the dehumidifier I will say like we generally run the dehumidifier pretty much nonstop throughout the summer in the basement

Brandon  15:28

and even a little bit into the winter

Collin  15:32

but I forgot just how annoying it is to have to replace the bucket because we have the kind that hasn't Oh yeah, don't think on the battery just unscrew that and attach a hose to it and have it go through my floor drain in the basement. Oh man. It just runs nonstop and I don't have to worry about it. Now I've got beeping every hour and a half at me. Yeah, samples get in here.


Funny story.

Brandon  15:56

So do you feel like Luke Skywalker once you're farming it up? What's your farming? Yeah,

Collin  16:02

yeah, I mean I am repurposing it and watering our flowers using the that to hey they go do other stuff with right we have we have mums on airports that are thirsty things so nice and topped off I did I did get our strawberry strawberries in the ground with hay on them so I gotta get them you know a little bit little map so


you know refusing to rain so

Brandon  16:25

oh my gosh, just yeah, just keeps those nice

Collin  16:29

today trying to have class thunder kids like oh, like guys just rejoice? It hasn't happened in like 70 years


Yeah, yeah. Yesterday was

Collin  16:40

our big day for rain. We

Brandon  16:42

it wasn't a big day today it just like happened.

Collin  16:46

It was there right it was a nice on the way to school. I could while I was watching the front coming towards us as we were driving.


Yes. I last Yes.

Collin  16:58

Oh also major update. Ah, I have the Honda back. Also on Maha to this long last long at long last.

Brandon  17:08

That long last the Honda has returned.


And I

Collin  17:16

this is when I went and test drove a couple of brand new Honda's

Brandon  17:22

not brand new, but like, you know, more modern ones are way newer than yours. Yeah. I keep calling mine 2006 It's actually 2005 I forget this the 2005 Pine doesn't really matter.

Collin  17:36

i i The more I have driven other cars the more I legitimately love this thing. I can't tell you. I have I drove several Honda Accords. And I'm going to be that person

Brandon  17:49

and say, I don't quite have enough. I'm fine. Oh my god.

Collin  17:57

I didn't think I was gonna be this person. I didn't. person I guess


it's because

Brandon  18:06

listeners you can't see it.

Collin  18:07

But I'm head butting my microphone right now just in anguish of this. I can't like i i I'm I got spoiled on it. These two big things. This thing is way overpowered. It's not it's not safe. Like I can spin the front tires on this thing in any weather condition. any weather condition. I just, it does not matter. Like you can you can spin the traction is awful. But it's a it's a three liter V six with a with a battery boost on it to fill in the gaps when the V six is not enough. This is what they thought of as a hybrid back then, okay, like this is where they were coming not really how hybrids work. That's what a turbocharger is for. So Colin really needs a 1994 Honda Civic


Turbo charge. That's what

Collin  19:01

pretty much I just I got it to sing and I like you know, I stomped on it and I was booed off and I was like oh yeah, that's right. That's why I love this thing so


much. It's just they took

Collin  19:17

the hybrid and they were like what can we do we need to get this via this three liter V six is definitely not enough for us. We don't know yet.

Brandon  19:26

Are you telling me in Collin that your 2005 Honda is faster and more furious than the current generation

Collin  19:38

this is exactly what I'm getting to I would this is exactly so I went from driving the I'm used to driving this three liter V six with the with the with the booths on there. So it developed something like 250 horsepower for a front wheel drive Ford or slant sedan, which is enough like that's a lot Um, and I did was test driving some other ones and this is their new Yeah, so yeah, so this 2005 develops 260 horsepower in this thing, which is a lot, okay. And we, I test drove the newer ones and these are all 1.5 liter four cylinder engines. And I, oh, you can feel it. And it's just, it's not exciting to drive. And again,


I never thought I was this person that's a little higher revs

Collin  20:37

in the forest gone, that's how four cylinders work, you just kind of rev them out. That's what you have to do this thing, you know, you just plant your foot and you just shoot off like a rocket. And I then I did test drive they do make a two liter four cylinder with a turbo in the sport model. And that's, that's a much better but I will say I also test drove so the last year that they put a 2000 and put a V six in and Honda Accord was 2017. I did test drive one of those and I was like, I this is what I like.

Brandon  21:14

Now I'm going to tell you a secret.


Okay? Here's a secret for you. It might

Brandon  21:23

be easier to find aftermarket engine parts for Honda than literally any other car that has ever been made in the history of the universe. So basically, all you need to do if you feeling froggy, just by Honda. And then if you do something as simple as slap a new air intake, all you have to do is bolt it on. You have 12 more horsepower and you're

Collin  21:51

just like boom died. That's all you got. It just it comes out of the box, you basically snap it on. Done. That's it like Honda's basically just like Lego it up, just pull it off and stuff they really do, especially the civics and I will say this, this whole gripe is is also couched in the fact that like, the Accord is a much larger body style now. And they use the same powerplant in many of the civics as they do the Accord. So it just feels a little bit underpowered. You know, I did drive so you don't know.

Brandon  22:26

You know, like, die. Yeah, right. That you know, that little pesky problem was like, dying in


a car crash. Yeah, you know, darn Honda for making you not die. So

Collin  22:39

it's, it's so infuriating. So I did, I did test drive some civics and obviously the smaller bodystyles a small engine, it, it makes a lot more sense. And it feels a lot more peppy. And so that is something that I read. Okay, but here's what

Brandon  22:55

you got to remember. So in the Civic, the smaller car with the still smaller engine, but it's more you make a difference?

Collin  23:06

Oh, yeah. And how that performs. So if you put three people in that civic, it now is a dog. Yeah. Right. And it doesn't move. Whereas the Accord because it's bigger and heavier already, your body weight adds only a small percentage into the car. And so it is unaffected by carrying people Yes.

Brandon  23:26

That's what you kind of remember he says, this is this is why I steer clear to the Civic because I'm sitting in there and then I'm like, you're gonna

Collin  23:32

you're being lied to. I has once you get a Megan and some children and their children how it's gonna go, or it's gonna go wait. That's the only thing to have like, oh, like the Civic like si or the Civic sport, like, those seem nice and peppy until you put other bodies in them. And then it's like, yeah, no, thanks. So this is again, why I'm going. If it were just me, like, the decisions are very different. But now I'm looking at I need space. I need a little bit of pep like, because again, if I'm putting four people in here, and I need to get up and go or accelerate, like, I can't just be doggone around.


So yeah, we have stuff but again,

Collin  24:08

your weight doesn't make a big as big of an effect. Because it's already bigger. So it's already heavier. So adding more weight is like

Brandon  24:18

whatever. Yannick just can't I found that myself that I

Collin  24:22

found myself looking at lead over discoveries and this entire


course. It always ends there.

Collin  24:28

They're so pretty even Oh my God. Oh, my guess. Yeah. And I'm just talking about the ones from like, 2004 like those. I just can't not love those. It's so bad. And you can find find some for like $3,000 now and I'm like, Colin, no, no, no, no, no.

Brandon  24:50

That's a big no,

Collin  24:51

that's a red flag. That's right there. That's what that is. That is a red flag. Luckily, today, Missouri is under a red flag warning because of all this Wind and colonization by $3,000 laid over No, no.


I was like, oh, but look at the pretty windows at the top Alpine. Oh, the double.

Collin  25:11

Anyway, that like how I like how on one hand your conversations like Will the engine is not up to spec and new turbo. I just feel like put the window is pretty.


Right? I'm I'm so conflicted. It's just you are because it's at the base of it. It's just like I

Collin  25:29

just need a sensible, like, humdrum boring old family sedan. And I couldn't quite do it with our last purchase because it wasn't a chord, but it was the weird hybrid model that nobody wanted. But I absolutely love now. And like with that was like, oh, let's get up. Ah, but you just said the word.

Brandon  25:50

Now, now, yes, right. So you are experiencing this problem, your perception of reality has been altered dramatically by the fact that you have spent so many years with this car

Collin  26:05

you've bonded with it is what you've done. And that you are trying to You're not just trying to replace a car column, you are trying to replace a bond that's that Dow and, and you cannot replace this bond

Brandon  26:19

in a 20 minute test drive. And the problem is, you're trying to know, and you'll never be able to. So either, you're just going to drive your Honda forever. Or you're gonna have to accept that it's time to forge a new bond. And you have to start back at zero, you know, and then you have to grow your love. From there. You can't start at like 100 where you are now you can't do it, you got to start at you know, build back up. This is important therapy.

Collin  26:59

When I first when we first got the Accord, um, all the things I'm talking about now that I really liked about it, we're not on my checklist that I know I was thinking you were like you were you were just talking about all the things that annoyed you. I recall this, I remember this happened then all these things annoyed you Oh, yeah. You're like, oh, this is lame. And I don't know. And, and now you're just like, I'm in love. It's my soulmate. And this is why I'm my father son, because


I have this relationship with this car. I can't let it go. And

Collin  27:33

yes, so I am trying to ground myself to get back with my checklist. Things that we need, like, what


is this movement? Do?

Collin  27:42

What does it serve? Tried to treat it more like a washing machine as opposed to like, yes. Upon, that's okay. It's okay. As long as you know it's a bond, and you give the new car a chance to grow the bond. And don't try to immediately bond with it in like five seconds. The problem is, is that I immediately bonded with the like almost $60,000 Tesla Model three. Okay, okay. All right. So maybe a middle ground, Vaughn. Because I was just like, oh my gosh, this checks all the boxes. It's wonderful. But I need to be like, Okay, remember that Tesla is owned by an insane person and be like, oh, yeah, right. Yeah. I don't know if I could support that. Again, I should never have driven that car. No, we should never have gotten it. But I was like, Oh, I would like to drive one of those at that point. So now I'm trying to find this middle ground. Again, I'm like, sensible, within budget meets the demands of like muscle. Because the other thing is, is we're going to probably have this next car for another seven years. It might have been Yeah, yeah, that's. And so trying to try to plan out a little bit of what am I needs now. And sure, we can always sell the car. But buying and selling cars is That's annoying. So I especially just have this for another seven to 10 years. So like, I can't think of everything. And that's not what's stopping me. It just goes, I know, I'm gonna need more space. And I really want dependability. But most that's what I need. And so those are kind of guiding a lot of these decisions as far as like, tried and trued which is why the lands of


this has never happened.

Collin  29:18

Exactly. This is why Land Rover is what happens. Now the question is you want reliability?

Brandon  29:25

That's not it. That's,


that's not the answer. Yes. So trying to put together


just, I just

Collin  29:36

get what really caught me off guard was how much of like, I guess it's just because over the years, I've just started driving increasingly faster. And how much like that because you can kind of do any Texas? Because I did it broke me and it was like, Oh, you're lacking 100 Yes, always. Yeah, I'll drive to Houston at 100 miles an hour. Yeah, why not? Just like That's what caught me off guard. I was so shocked by that. And I think that also is coming off the heels of like I went from that, like that tiny, like, very underpowered Corolla to back to my car and I was like, Oh, that's a difference like I can I can feel that difference.


And I'm trying to Yeah. Trying to find the feeling,


man, you know?

Brandon  30:26

So, yeah, still still in our shopping we did test drive a test drive recently. Oh no.

Collin  30:37

Oh no actually actually Okay, so I was looking at Land Rovers. And then I did test drive a Land Rover Discovery Sport.

Brandon  30:43

It's a us us. And it's like the same size as our jeep. It's weird.

Collin  30:51

And we test drove every test drove a while so test drive a full Grand Cherokee, because I was like, how much bigger does that feel than our Cherokee? Because I've actually never driven one and I was like, Oh, this feels huge. It is a boat, and annoyingly

Brandon  31:04

no more rear legroom than our Cherokee. No, that sounds that sounds about right. Right.

Collin  31:11

So that to where do they now Now importantly, where did they give you that leg room fries, which I don't really need? It's all in the cargo. It's all cargo space.

Brandon  31:19

Well, I mean, that's

Collin  31:21

useful as a family bios and stuff like we need to put more stuff back there. But it just was weird how I couldn't get even like a couple inches more.

Brandon  31:30

That is a weird way to move the seat back like two inches give something right


like and

Collin  31:36

so that you know, that's a midsize SUV and then we drove a compact SUV. It was like the same size like in the back like room. That was odd. And then

Brandon  31:43

we did test drive I took Megan on it is really weird. And we had like 15 minutes

Collin  31:48

left and I was like, I've got something that I really want to drive. So we went we test drove and one of those Jeep Wrangler Unlimited with the Ford horse. Oh my God, it was it was the Sahara edition, which is by the way, the trim level that I would get for many many reasons but that day nothing you know, it's like such not a daily car like it's, it's so hilariously awful. I was just I was shocked. And I had driven some of the late 90s, early 2000s. wranglers before and but those were the short ones and those just felt normal. The appropriate size. appropriate sized ones. Yeah, those felt different and they felt lively, but they thought they're so tiny. They feel like you're just gonna do donuts in like any second. Yes. This thing though, was just like much more of a boat. It felt just huge and


huge. It does look and I look ridiculous.

Brandon  32:50

That's the most like inappropriate car ever created

Collin  32:57

well as the fact that it has this one I think it would have would have felt different it would have if it would have had the cloth top but because it had the heart of the heart our top four door wrangler it just it feels so on. They look weird horrid, right and when I when I say listeners when I sorry any listeners


on this car, I apologize

Brandon  33:22

when I say it's inappropriate is I have never like Jeep is uh, basically designed to be an off road vehicle. Right?


That's what it's for to his job is this thing

Brandon  33:38

cannot go through a ditch. Like I don't know what I don't know what's for. Are you talking about cars have purposes and you need a purpose to drive? I have no idea what it's for.

Collin  33:50

I see them all there all over the place. Now. I know. I know many people that have them.

Brandon  33:55

They are all immaculately clean and and GP right. Many other Jeep owners like they'd never wash their car. Because it's like your Jeep Wrangler and you're like yeah, it's money. Good. Right whenever doc I drove through a field yesterday. Why? No one knows. But they do have the reveal yesterday. These things never seen them with like even us back


of dirt on them. Right ever at all.

Collin  34:29

It's so confusing. I don't understand.


And trying to find

Brandon  34:36

trying to find a stock version is almost impossible.

Collin  34:41

If it's used it is oh, no, everyone's put the stupid as we'll entire combination you could possibly imagine. And I can't stand that because I drove. I mean, I drove a 1991 Jeep Cherokee that was in line six with oversized tires. And it was so underpowered. It wasn't even funny like it was just and that was with a slightly modified Asians to it. And knowing that these people are putting huge tires, massive lifts, and not doing anything to the engines. It's like, what? What are you doing? And the same thing with trying to find like an unmodified Toyota Tacoma of like, I just want to just get straight from the factory. That's what I want. I don't want all this stuff. You can, they're almost impossible to find and drive and test. So it's like, I'm test driving this vehicle. And this one, thankfully, was actually standard, but I have driven other like, the Tacomas are, are exceptionally problematic. I know that the Jeep Wranglers are too but like, I drove it Tacoma. And it was the only use was used when that the house was like, heavily modified. It was like, well, now I'm just test driving the modification or even test driving the truck at this point. Like I can't tell you anything about it Tacoma could just tell you that this has ruined it. Whatever it's happened, this is this is worse in in my approximation. Hello, yes, sorry. Everything is fine. Nothing everyone will happen at all. Okay. Back to this.


What last Did you hear?

Collin  36:09

We were talking about the ugliest Jeep in the world. Oh, I was in the middle of saying something about it's very, it's annoying because the tire thing tires and wheels thing, right. So it's like a personality stamp. People want to like stamp it on their car. Because like, it's a weird thing where you want to buy the most popular car of the year. But you don't want it to look like everybody else's car. So you have to do something to it to make it like yeah,

Brandon  36:38

individualized. And it's annoying when it's like wheels and

Collin  36:41

tires. Because people just throw them on there. And they don't think about like what you said power or now your your gear ratios are all messed up, right and all this stuff, you can just put a sticker

Brandon  36:51

on your car, right? It's fine. Just put stickers on window, boom.


Personalize, it's better,

Collin  36:59

you can come off when you want to resell it to somebody else, right? Because if you put, you put like big giant wheels on your car, and all this stuff, like you don't have power now. Right? And your gearing is all messed up and it like eats up your rear differential. Right, because your gear ratios are all bad and like

Brandon  37:16

you're going, your speedometer is wrong. And like all this stuff, it's like a whole it's a whole mess of problems. Like because you wanted to put bigger wheels on your car. And so the next person that buys it, right you take sometimes you take the wheels off, and then you sell it and unsuspected didn't


know that you


have been ruining

Brandon  37:37

all the gears in

Collin  37:38

your car, the transmission and in the differential and everywhere. For all that time. They're just like, worn out because we've been working way too hard. Because the ratios have been


ineffective. That's what I've seen.

Collin  37:56

Yes, and it's, it's true. And again, try and find those unmodified ones and then you're just left with going out what it wasn't even as this like it's just a big mess. And so it was kind of shocked by it because again, I had these kinds of again, these these memories of like, the shorter ones and the buckets, they were older they were smaller too like they weren't hadn't been all puffed up and kind of bloated as the more modern ones are. And so it was just a Yeah, yeah, so if we just have those it's been weird to have your test driving week.


So yeah, I don't I don't recommend

Collin  38:33

them isn't work and the other ones either. So what's what's been what's been with you?


like nothing ever

Collin  38:48



So anyway, that's why I hate aftermarket wheels.


They really are terrible.


Yeah, it's good stuff. Yeah,

Brandon  39:03

this hole is out here.

Collin  39:06

Oh, no. Okay.


Did you do a speed test?

Brandon  39:09

No, I was afraid it's always real low anyway. So Oh,

Collin  39:15

well I will I do want to talk about us. Before I got we got sidetracked on how awful oversized tires on underpowered off road vehicles are. Was it because nobody does anything about the gearing or anything like that? Yeah, well, what was your unless you want to do something else? What was your main takeaway or what what did you think of the most recent


Grand Tour? Yeah,

Brandon  39:51

I was mostly okay. Right. He's mostly pretty good.


I didn't mind it.

Brandon  39:56

i That was pretty good. PSA I don't know, what are your thoughts before we talk more in detail? I, I was digging it right up

Collin  40:09

until spoilers, everybody. James May crashed.


Wow. So you weren't digging for very long.

Brandon  40:19

It had the same. It was had a similar feel of some of the other ones. And it

Collin  40:29

was it was bringing me in bringing me in, and then that happened. And then they didn't expect that to happen. So naturally, I'm sure they had to erase some scripts. But I think my biggest beef with it was in the, the Top Gear days, you knew they were scripted, but everything was so cheap that it didn't really feel as scripted. Like it was, it was it was kind of more on the nose. It was definitely a joke. But because I have so much money being thrown at this, um, they descriptiveness really comes out. And like the stage nests and things that were always staged before I know that, like, it just seems very apparent that they that they were staged. And it's starting to get


a little old.

Brandon  41:31

I'll say that. Yeah, thank you kind of you kind of nailed my thoughts there. Because like that, that's pretty much exactly it. Like the the way that they go about staging it. It's just like,


I don't know, it's just not there for me,

Brandon  41:52

right now. You know what I mean? Like, it's just off, there's something that feels off about it. I think I think you might be right about the money thing about just how much they play into it. Like you can tell sometimes they're leaning into the joke. Right? That's fine. I get it. But also like kind of ruins a bit of this sincerity, about the whole thing, which is what made I think


sort of what made the

Brandon  42:23

old stuff like really good. Was there it was this like, sincere undertone to things right like that. They were loving things, and they enjoyed things. And I feel like they're just bored. And I think that's why I'm not I mean, yeah,

Collin  42:39

yeah, you there are moments and I one thing I always look for is I look for to see if they have genuine laughs around each other when they're talking and and that those come through every now and then. But there are times I just like the the one that just gets me every single time is when and Top Gear. Clarkson has changed his Citroen into the giant high rise, and his driving down. And James May is unable to breathe. He is laughing


so hard.

Brandon  43:15

Yeah, height of dying.

Collin  43:17

He is dying, that. I look for that. Although I think waste what I've tried to do is going judging what you're you're putting your thumb on there is going is this? Is this? Is that? Are they bored? Or are they having issues? Are they concerned or anything? Yeah.

Brandon  43:35

Yeah, I think he was bored. Right. And so I feel like that comes across because like some of the ideas should be good. Right. hoeing a hot on skis. Should be humorous. Yeah. Right. But it


just kind of wasn't you know, like

Brandon  44:00

there should be slightly more actual rally racing in the episode about rally cars


where they only did like the they only

Brandon  44:09

did the one thing on the lake or whatever the very beginning kind of raced around some

Collin  44:17

but where was the where was the the race? A different a more modern one. Right? Like,

Brandon  44:27

yeah, there was like just just not

Collin  44:32

because that would have been the perfect time to say Mr. woman thinks that you are crazy to now only you know, only the choosing these early 2000s Because it was a weird premise to begin with of like who why? Why did you just pick the early 2000s era unless

Brandon  44:51

because that was the that was the last big like, World Rally Championship like explosion where like it for winning. It was like super popular with everybody. Yeah, a lot of people really liked it. And like, but you still, like, even now, it's hard to find in the US to watch. Like, it's

Collin  45:13

impossible. So, I think that might be why also because also because those cars are pretty

Brandon  45:22

available, because it did make like 12 billion of that. Oh, yeah. So like it in the, in the Top Gear era,

Collin  45:29

they would have been like, we think cars and this year are superior, right, obviously, a ridiculous premise. But like, they should have just come out and stated that because that would have played into the like, oh, here is a more modern one, or here's one from this, and that's why this is better, they're gonna race you and you can figure out you know, that you're wrong and beat the time. Like, like that. I was looking for that. And it wasn't there. I was also

Brandon  45:55

disappointed. Partially because I did watch rally racing in that time. And the they, like, I don't know why they did this.


But you the,

Brandon  46:11

the, the Audi thing just annoyed me. Right? The Audi S for the Clarkson EB was wrong car. Because if you're gonna have


to one Okay, we are recording.

Brandon  46:27

Alright, so the big problem is the Audi.


Right? Okay, what why? Because

Brandon  46:35

the Audi is not a car at a rally car. And it is for is not a rally car. Never was never competed the this and all. And so the fact that there is the super WR X, the Mitsubishi Evo seven, where is the Peugeot 206. That is the natural car

Collin  46:59

that fits in this slot. This is the other rest of this is the other car that was competitive during that time. Right? Yeah,

Brandon  47:05

the Porsche 206. It was a huge, huge thing. Right? So



Brandon  47:10

where's that at? Where is this? I understand trying to be funny and you want to drive an Audi because the Audi Quattro was a big thing. But the Audi Quattro was a big thing in like, the 80s. Right? Not 9911. So do you hear me at all like doesn't fit? And then there's no rally racing?


There's no anything, right? It's

Brandon  47:34

weird. Like, oh, here's these rally cars. We're gonna do no rallying at all. Zero, just sad.


It's a letdown.

Collin  47:47

Yeah, I think it's, I'm now trying to watch these more with a critical eye going. What are they trying to tell me through what's on screen? Because if you do watch the other challenges or other things that they do on the show, they are trying to prove a point. By the comparisons, I've realized that more and more, but I just wasn't sure what


that was this time. Yeah, I have no idea

Brandon  48:14

what it was like, again, that having the wrong car. Having the the obvious omission of the potato sticks is a problem. Right? I get it. They don't like French cars. I get that's the gag. But like


I was kind of a big one. At the time. It It feels

Brandon  48:36


Collin  48:36

It just yeah, like what I don't understand what the message is supposed to be. I don't get the joke, I

Brandon  48:41

guess. Because you know, I like you said to earlier like the massive rewrites that have to happen by doing possibly one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen recorded. On screen. I have a problem, right? Like,

Collin  49:00

why they thought that was a good idea. That was bad.


was bad. Like, what?

Brandon  49:07

What are you? You know what I mean? Like that is just That's a terrible idea.


Like in No, no way at all.

Brandon  49:18

Is that a good idea? To drive down a tiny tunnel full speed at a wall


with lights that weren't

Collin  49:26

even turned on? Apparently. Yeah, like with lights. It didn't even turn on until you got into the right bank of lights. That's


horrible. Like

Brandon  49:38

that's terrible. Just Just Just drive the cars in the snow I'd be much better like the rally cars after all, that's what they're for.


Right? Like that's, that's how they work. They don't do that. That was just the worst plan. I've literally ever seen in my life. You know, and like

Brandon  50:00

I can't believe they actually did that. And then tried to kill James like, I don't know how he's not only that was

Collin  50:09

genuinely like, Oh, wow. Especially because in times past when Brexit happened they cut away from actually like impact whatever they kind of show the aftermath.

Brandon  50:18

Yeah, but this I mean, and you see, you really get an appreciation

Collin  50:22

for just how little stopping distance he had and how close he was to the wall. And

Brandon  50:30

yeah, Jeremy everything

Collin  50:34

it was, that was shocking like when you saw that it was like, it happened so fast. You were just like boom like, oh my gosh, what? Yeah,

Brandon  50:43

I remember I remember reading that he was in a crash when they were filming this. Yeah, right. But, you know, obviously all it said was James may


crash folks head, right. No, but that

Brandon  50:55

this was like, this was a horrible This is a 100% preventable crash based on the, the, the idea that preceded it. You're gonna mean, like it didn't need to happen. No. So like, other times, it's an accident. Right? Like, you know, Hammonds crash, the big one was like, legitimately an accident. You know what I mean? Like, he was driving the car, and he like screwed up and it crashed. Or anytime they do that, that's what happens. It's like, they're driving a car in a moderately normal way. And they, there's an accident. It's fine. You know, I mean, that fine, but like, it's not unreasonable that that would happen. This is like 100% guaranteed, something bad's gonna happen. Yeah, like, there's no there's no. And this is after, you know, they had driven through the tunnels underneath the parliament building or whatever. From wherever that was right to do loudness tests like this. This is included. Yeah, shenanigans. Yeah, this is ridiculous. So that I think that kind of took me out of the whole deal. Right? The lack of Peugeot 206 is the fact that they did something so incredibly idiotic. Like, even by their standards. And then like you said before, like the


the just the way

Brandon  52:27

that they did some of the stuff was just like is not by making a flame thrower thing. That was lame. Yeah. It was lame. Is what it was. That was humorous. Or, or the when James got stuck in the eyes, at first, I was like, Oh my gosh, like, Okay, this is that's genuinely terrifying. Yeah. But then how watching the, the reaction of of James sorry, of Jeremy and Hammond. I was like, Oh, okay. I don't feel like you're pious panic. And then when? When Hammond was like, Well, you know, I'm into survival stuff, right?

Collin  53:08

I have an idea. I was just like, Oh, yeah. Oh, oh. Okay. All this was set up to make the Audi the hero Right.


Which Okay, yeah, whatever. But it was just Yeah,

Collin  53:24

it was just too contrived. There was some parts that were good. Like I it was one of the things like I sort of enjoyed it while I was watching it. I didn't ever want to like turn it off.


Right right. I didn't ever go oh my gosh, I have to stop this is too much. Right. I never said that. But also

Brandon  53:44

you know, there was some parts that were like they had promise but then again they just like they didn't deliver on the promise like they had the we found a workshop but then like they just come back like an immeasurable number of days later and it was just like a completely different car like okay, all right. Yeah, this is ice well we're not trying a different car or was it a wrap that they did like clothes are rough but there's no way to do that wrap in that shop in right so that was like who knows how long later while they were waiting for James to convalesce it again some hospital which again is fine but like


it was just kind of not

Brandon  54:30

interesting. Part of the what I enjoyed was like the shots of them like putting and moving about with the car and like them even like pretending to put on a bolt or whatever like that. Yeah, that was fun to watch and see.


Yeah, and then so like, the complete just like, like, oh, the doors closed

Brandon  54:57

up. It's like there was some hammering noises in the background when Hammond was plugging his car into the computer and typing away, you know, but like, and even that was just kind of like, okay, whatever,


like, is fine, I

Brandon  55:12

guess. But yeah, I


just kind of was not it was just not

Brandon  55:18

there was something missing about the whole thing. Rice is very like lackluster I think is the best phrase


to describe it, you know? It's kind of very like men. Yeah, it feels like there's just kind of men, which is sad, because these are a premise that would should be enjoyable, right?

Brandon  55:44

These are not bad ideas they have, but the execution is just sort of you know, like this. I was,

Collin  55:56

I was trying to remember, there is a tough year where they, when they get three French cars in from auction, and they go and they restore them back to right and they say they found a shed, and then they it was a commentary on people who do resto mods on on cars and the cleaning and polishing dude, do you remember this at all? Where it I

Brandon  56:27

remember they went to an auction? I don't remember them being specifically French cars. Maybe the auction the auction house that I'm thinking of is the one where they went and they did the


the rally in Majorca. Oh, this was this one. Oh, yes.

Brandon  56:45

Like that. It was like the not the it's not like a world championship rally but like the like timed rally thing where you have to like drive within the certain speed limit and do the certain thing and hit a certain time goal to do the thing, right? Yes. They had the James had a weird

Collin  57:02

French car. They had the French card with a restored with the yellow headlights after they had was that that one? I don't

Brandon  57:08

know. I know that Jeremy had the little convertible. That was way too small. And Hammond had the cab because his granddad

Collin  57:15

built it. Right really boiled. But can maybe this was a bit late. I think this was a bit later. Anyway, that one, they kind of did the same thing with this, where they just push them in. And then they push them out. And the cars had been modified and changed. Yeah.

Brandon  57:30

And it doesn't quite have that same is to it. Yeah, as other ones.


It was just a very,

Brandon  57:40

again, that word contrived. So it's beautiful. See? I mean, after you watch him in like, rip doors off of a car. Oh my god, like, you watch Jeremy. Like, use a pickaxe to

Collin  57:53

smash a hole in the hood? And like the African one or whatever. Like it's not. It's not the

Brandon  57:57

same? Yeah. When they just like anyway, like.


So, yeah, it's just,

Brandon  58:06

it was just, I mean, I think the really the best way to describe it is, like,


flat. You know, like, it's just kind of flat. It's kind of like, because

Brandon  58:19

I think some of the prominent, like, some of the premise like you like want to see them do that. Right? Like you want to see them actually


build the little hut to camp in, or come up with it. Yeah. But

Brandon  58:32

they're just like, oh, here it is. And then we're actually not gonna sleep in it, right? We're just gonna, like, you know, like, we're not going to show that part or anything. Like, there's a lot of like, non delivering on promises as well. Which is


just boring.

Brandon  58:48

You know? Because like in the, in the in that when you're talking about earlier, the one where they did build the campers and Jeremy built the big Citroen multi storey apartment complex or whatever. Yeah. Like, the joke was, they were sleeping in them, and they were living in the thing that they made. Right, I realized that they're in the Arctic Circle in the middle of the winter. Right. So like, the actual ability to do that is not necessarily there without you know, dying. So I get it, but


it just was after, you know.

Brandon  59:31

If that's the standard, then this was just kind of like me,


like kind of not there. Yeah. Yeah, it was an interesting take. Yeah, I just I No, no,

Brandon  59:51

it was fine. Like it was fine. Right. Was it entertaining? Yeah. It was fine. I wasn't like mad that I watched it.


By It just kinda was. Whatever. So, I don't know. I just don't know. Yeah, I finished that up, I guess last night or the night before, and I just I didn't have that.

Collin  1:00:21

Rewatch ability to it ceiling which is another point that a judge like what would see this again? And what would I laugh or or not? Or whatever so


yeah, I didn't really laugh that much well I need to either first time so

Brandon  1:00:42

because like oh haha we woke up on a ski resort oh haha we slept in a museum hut like I mean yeah

Collin  1:00:55

yeah that was funny when they were in the Amazon and they thought they were camping on in the woods and they woke up on their you know the we're on a four but

Brandon  1:01:06

that's again I understand the joke like there's a joke here about like it's not actually because the whole joke of episode is like it's not really that wilderness II right there's a lot of compute a lot of people live here and it's pretty connected right there's stuff here so I get the joke but like it


just wasn't a funny joke.

Collin  1:01:29

This felt like it was made for their European viewers. I will say that because I

Brandon  1:01:33

mean that's probably fair, right like like I'm sure that there were jokes in there and I just didn't

Collin  1:01:41

you know, again that commentary of like yeah, this is your last great wilderness and like oh, well get ready. Is the windshield wipers? Yeah, I mean I Yes. I think that is definitely

Brandon  1:01:51

part of it. Right. Like, like, the European wilderness is like four square feet. Right You know what I mean? Like that is part of the commentary here. But so that might be the most humorous part of the whole episode now that thinking about actually yeah.


Because a lot of the rest of it just was kind of myth. Right? Myth

Brandon  1:02:21

I think part of me was taken aback by the almost death of James May Oh, yeah. Oh, really? Like what Yeah, yeah, that was kind of set the tone and maybe if that hadn't happened it the rest of it would have been a lot more lighthearted but like I think I think that I think that I think that might be part true illumi over every action being like James like literally almost died like on camera


to not okay. Yeah, I

Brandon  1:02:55

think I think that sort of shocking event really took me out of it as well.

Collin  1:03:02

Like yo, you really went through with this terrible idea and almost killed James like what the heck why

Brandon  1:03:07

would you do


this so yeah,

Brandon  1:03:13

I think it was so jarring that I think I was not into a lot of other stuff they did just because I was so aghast that like


wow, this what

Brandon  1:03:24

happened like the beginning and now we got like,


what like we'll see.

Brandon  1:03:36

We shall see sort of an implied the cliffhanger ending right. Like oh, we have an implied part two, yes. At some point. So we will see if that is actually true. And if it is better, please no pretend flame throwers on your car exhaust please. Please don't do that. Not not necessary. It was bad. Like it was real bad. Like, big real bad.


Yeah, they weren't even that given that impressive. But ever, you know, Galloway was horrible. Like it looked foolish. So just annoying. Like really?

Brandon  1:04:24

Gotta give this Why yes, in short, no poser toesIK shaves too much James May almost death. Yeah. And just a flat effect for a lot of the rest of the stuff were like. Just kind of like no way up. Here it is.


And I don't I'm sure part of this is

Brandon  1:04:59

again, like one of the reasons why they stopped the in studio stuff was because it was like, how much more and more new things? Can we do? Yeah. And out of now that we are well out of out of that territory

Collin  1:05:17

you know, what else? Can we have commentary on what what other funny things to do with with cars, but also realizing like, Jeremy Clarkson is 62.

Brandon  1:05:33

And, yeah,

Collin  1:05:35

they're getting a bit older. And I guess that's what I wish they had more of, instead of just trying to do funny stuff, or do stunts or things like that, like,


I really wish they would start having like, more of the comic, like,

Collin  1:05:50

the more of their commentary or their take on a particular topic or car or, you know, thing like, the whole, like, rally racing, British rally racing kind of tournaments and stuff like that. Yeah, planning is heavily like that themes that they were able to bring up and about, try things. And that just feels kind of missing. Like, I guess their voice in it, maybe is what I'm actually missing. Yeah,

Brandon  1:06:15

I think that might, you know, that's a good point. Like,


because I think

Brandon  1:06:20

the most if I think back to the old Top Gear episodes, like the most like profound


episode, where it was like,

Brandon  1:06:31

you could really tell there was, like, you're talking about, like, their thoughts and their opinions and their tags, I think was the,


the lancea segment. Right? You remember this,

Brandon  1:06:45

where they were talking about the greatest car company in history, and they they said it was lancea. And they were talking about the rally history, and they drove that Stratos around and they were driving all this ln T 's and stuff like that. That was like a very profound thing, right? Like, you miss those moments of profundity? Really, in the grand tour. Like they're, they're like those really serious like, sincere,



Brandon  1:07:20

moments of like, now, this is a beautiful thing. And I love this, right? You don't get



Brandon  1:07:27

in these episodes. You know, for whatever reason, they didn't talk about. You know, maybe it was because James died, but like, there was no like moments of like, Oh, yes. rally racing. This is a sport about x. This is what it means, right? There was no moments of profundity at all right, there was no like Jeremy like waxing poetically while doing a burnout, right? I'm still always weird how weird they happened. But like, he would do that a lot in the old stuff. Right? Yeah, that's how there was those moments of like brevity, like, serious kind of feeling moments or whatever. And when they're just like, 100% weird and silly all the time.


It's like you know,

Brandon  1:08:16

whatever. Yeah, because they did have those moments of like, we brought all these cars out, we did all these things. And they came all this way, right? Like we, we came to this conclusion because of XYZ and now we see this, like that. They didn't have that. That's very rare now, because they are just doing the big, big productions kind of stuff. And yeah, you're right. It was like a weird echo of it. When they were talking about the Lancer, right? Yeah, a little bit. Because they were talking about how Hardy it was and how it overcame all this stuff. But like, it didn't ring as sincere as like you know, some of the other ones they did

Collin  1:08:54

like, there should have been a cutscene to them talking about the history of each one of those cars showing the the pedigree that it came from the racers some of the most notable events and and why, like, now is the best time magical quality footage.

Brandon  1:09:16

That would have been useful in your rally episode. Video of a rally car. Right Carlos signs like flipping out yeah, they could have the other the other option would be Ford Focus. I was the other big rally car there.


But, you know, just like, stuff like that, or

Brandon  1:09:43

Yeah, the battles between cars like it was a very impress a Lancer heavy battle, but like, you know, talk about the drivers talk about the this talk


about, you know, the rally courses

Brandon  1:09:59

because they There's a big famous rally he had like, Sweden or somewhere, right? Or Finland, I can't remember where it is. But like, there's a big they do winter stage race there. And it's like huge and stuff, like,


talk about that talk about style now, like,

Brandon  1:10:15

anything related to the topic at all would be great.

Collin  1:10:21

And the only reason I didn't even describe the reason it was, maybe they didn't want to be too on the nose. But like Scandi flick, like the rally maneuver, or whatever, right? Like, yeah, like try, where were the worst, where were the Scandinavian rally drivers that were racing them and some other vehicles or whatever it just like, there's, to me, there's so much that they could have done that, for whatever reason, they didn't quite pull those strings together. And here I am spending Amazon's money to make this happen. But

Brandon  1:10:52

you know, it's like, I just don't, it would have had a much more through line with the rally, as opposed to

Collin  1:11:01

the adventures of them. And maybe that just goes to show like they in and of themselves aren't that interesting of people to like, focus on,

Brandon  1:11:12

which don't have like, now we're all doing this thing and this theme in this way? Well, I don't think that's necessarily true. Because,


like, Would you watch them? Do anything,

Brandon  1:11:27

like by yourself or in other contexts? Like, they are raging? I don't really know why it's just so like.


You don't I mean? Because like,

Brandon  1:11:39

it feels like in this episode, like there wasn't any.



Brandon  1:11:46

There wasn't a lot of time that it was. It didn't feel like them being them. You don't I mean, it wasn't like, clerks and doing clerks anything's. Or James doing weird jamesy things, right? Was James driving really fast at a tunnel into a wall? That's off brand, right? Like, that doesn't make sense. So I wonder if there was no like weird, Scandinavian facts or even being dumb for like clerks and being ridiculous, right? Like, it was ridiculous, but like, not in the correct way? I guess I don't know. Like.


It's very odd.

Brandon  1:12:27

priyad, the uncanny valley episode, I feel like

Collin  1:12:31

Yeah, and I wonder how much again, just kind of behind the scenes, I'd love to know what the different than the writing rooms look like now than they did at when they were at the BBC, to know, like, how much of things are being written for them how much they are writing, what that balance is, if it's changed at all, and kind of what the direction is for each episode, because I definitely think Clarkson still has a heavy hand if not heavier. But what does that look like in that room? Where they're putting together an episode? I would love to be a fly on the wall. Yeah, see what that

Brandon  1:13:07

process is? Yeah, I think that would be interesting. Because that so that is what it kind of feels like, it's just if there's something that's different, and I don't know what it is, I don't know if it's because there's nobody be like, you know, how about you bring it back a bit. Like, if they just like, are letting the pure insanity be unleashed. And nobody is reining it in? Right. Like, this has been that's been my that's been my singular complaint. Since the very first

Collin  1:13:39

Grand Tour episode of, of this seems like all shackles have been released. And nobody's telling these people No, like, they have no constraints. They have no budget constraints.

Brandon  1:13:50

They have no time constraints have no writing constraints. They have nothing. It's just, it feels it feels a lot more frantic at times. Yeah.


Yeah. So I don't know.

Brandon  1:14:03

I don't know what that means for like, like you said, like, What is the vision supposed to be like, I would like somebody to explain it to me beforehand. Like, here's the vision.


This is what we want.

Brandon  1:14:17

Like, is there a message? Are we as long COVID affecting our brain, like what's happening here? Like what they did say

Collin  1:14:27

had been what he did say had been three years since I have filmed it a long time. And I was like, Surely not. But maybe not three, three, but because I did do the lock down episode, right. Yeah. And I liked that one. That one was pretty good. But again, that was smaller scope. Yeah, familiar territory. It

Brandon  1:14:50

felt like Top Gear because they were just, you know, focused. I think that was yeah, it was


very focused.

Brandon  1:15:01

So maybe that's why but yeah, it's been at least


two years probably. Maybe, I don't know. a while now. Yeah.

Brandon  1:15:23

Other than the left out of the episode, what's the what's been done with you? Oh, yeah, it was fine. I'm not a lot is going through the week. You know, trying to get my life together for next week, which is going to be ridiculous. Next week shouldn't be just bizarre. So,


oh, no, there will

Collin  1:15:43

there's lots of days where like, we are doing


other things not class related. You know, I

Brandon  1:15:48

mean, like, our this day is a celebration day. This day is not Halloween, Halloween party day.


This day is a

Brandon  1:16:01

tornado drill day. Like, it's just


ridiculous, like. So that's fun. Next week is gonna be fun. It's gonna be great.

Brandon  1:16:13

Sorry. Yeah. Well.


That's pretty much it. The school, gone through doing stuff, trying to

Brandon  1:16:26

figure things out as I go. And how it is. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No. No more on that next week. Next week. Okay, well,


really grumpy about that, probably.


But it's alright. be fine.


Well, well, I

Brandon  1:16:53

think by the time I stitch all of these pieces together, we'll have a we'll have something not that anything was stitched together. Obviously, there's no one contiguous piece. Didn't mean to break that. Yeah, 100% You're fine. Ah, fine. But leave you this. I was thinking of the day. I was having conversation with somebody. Next week. I want you to I want you to mull this over. And if my internet's working next week, we're going to have pulled it out of the wall. I'm called somebody else.



Brandon  1:17:33

want to know right, it's now officially holiday season.


because Halloween is upon us. So I want to know your

Brandon  1:17:45

Halloween candy tear list? Right? Which holidays have the best candy and why well think that candy is okay, so that's what we want to talk about next time. So is it is it

Collin  1:17:59

Halloween specific candies or are we within ranking

Brandon  1:18:06

holidays in their candy options? I think we're going to rank holidays in their candy options. I think we because this is the start now right of holiday time. Right? I base this purely on when Reese's special editions come on sale, right? So they start selling Reese's pumpkins now. And then they stopped selling Reese's pumpkins at Easter. So we have we have a few holidays to rank because all of these holidays like they have candy evolved. Right? So I think we should I think we should do twofold system. We're gonna rank the holidays for their candies like which holiday has the best candy and then we can talk about favorite candies at each holiday as part of that conversation. But I want to give you some time to think about this. Okay, definitely a good one.


I like that deep, deep

Collin  1:19:03

potentially deep dive here. And sometimes you know you might have a holiday where you're like oh I didn't have what is a good candy for this. I don't right so like this is

Brandon  1:19:15

just in case you are like a lot of different like this one, you know

Collin  1:19:23

holiday candy ranking because it's important information. Holiday season comes up. Reese's pumpkins go on sale, but that's how you know it's holiday time. Right?

Brandon  1:19:33

And they make that big change and the preponderance of candies are out there are and they tumble a holiday steamed. That's true. There will be themed after some sort of holiday until

Collin  1:19:44

Easter really? Yes. Indeed. That's that's the holiday season for candy. Candy holiday season goes from that also goes with the holiday. Like baking show theme right that starts back again to is Halloween time and then you'd have one up until spring and then summer no holidays no special call it candy holidays in summer

Brandon  1:20:14

for some reason for July doesn't have candy


I guess cuz we spent so much money on fireworks but yeah.


Okay, well, we will that we will do that next week. All right.


Yes. Okay. All right. Good.


And on that note on that bombshell. Love you Thanks