tail of two shows

In which fishing is disparaged, country clubs are disparaged, and a tv show is also disparaged. PLUS, chapters 17 - 19 of a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

  • Dam power generation

  • Dam fishing

  • Dam golfing

  • Really not interested in put putting…

  • Country Club living

  • Tail of Two Shows

    • Only watched the first 4 episodes

  • Who do you think you are Amazon???

  • Wheel of Time Season 2

  • Fallout

  • Amazon may ruin another IP - Yakuza

  • Chapters 17-19

  • Quote of the week: The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

  • Brandon’s haiku

    • Gracefully swimming

    • Captivating yet deadly

    • Lighting flash of teeth

Check out our other episodes: ohbrotherpodcast.com

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people, talking, happening, weird, person, wheel, fallout, country club, day, idea, character, watching, true, visually, long, supposed, hank, started, fishing, walking


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:05

Welcome to Old Brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon. And Colin, on this week's show, a tale of two shows.

Brandon  00:20

How's it going? I'm pretty good.



Brandon  00:24

nice dates day not point million degrees.

Collin  00:27

So I know it was like 68 degrees this morning. And I was like, yes. This is this is the temperature. The holy temperature says good.

Brandon  00:37

That's true. It's really weird. Because was it Monday was like 100. So I really didn't have any idea what's happening right now. I'm very confused. No. Well,

Collin  00:48

I we had had quite the Stormfront move through yesterday. So that was very intense. At least appeared. Oh, it

Brandon  00:57

was not. It was just, oh, here's some rain. Okay, it's more rain. just rained a lot. It wasn't like Big Ben. Oh, well, we got shaky. Well, we

Collin  01:10

got I guess what I say bad. I think was it. We got in town, they had like, almost six, six and a half inches of rain. And down in Branson. They had seven inches of rain over the course of like an hour. Yeah, true. So it was a lot. Question.

Brandon  01:28

What does that mean for Lake based activities that may or may not be happening? And

Collin  01:33

I think I think there's more like more the more like. So that's what I am. Yeah, that's what I'm excited about. Because we have activities to be done. And now we've got more like to do that or like in which to do that. Yes. This is the perfect time for this to take place. Okay. So I don't know what you're worried about. Oh, I don't know if that's how this works. Levels. Let me just go down and see. I'm not a lake boy. So

Brandon  02:08

stay tuned listeners for Brandon's Lake Activity Report.

Collin  02:13

We'll see on the US Army Corps of Engineers,

Brandon  02:17

lake levels. I mean, it's their fault. There's a lake there anyway. So hopefully they're mine. Right? Yeah, they

Collin  02:23

could do something about it. Yeah. So let's see here. What is


usually the have flood

Collin  02:30

stage is 695. It's currently at 663.

Brandon  02:38

So we're Oh, so we're fine. Worried about nothing? Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  02:45

I mean, yeah. Over the course. Yeah.


I mean, there's a lot there. But really, it's the dam isn't worried about it. That's the most important part. Wrong as the dam is not worried about it. Yeah, we're still having a lot of rain to go. So

Collin  03:01

it looks fine. The power power pool is at 661. So we're even above that. So we're generating it's fine. Looks like baseline man. Base pool. 660. Oh, they were only they only raised by three feet.


Yeah, crazy.

Collin  03:19

Oh, generating seven megawatts right now.

Brandon  03:22

Oh, there we go. If you want to know that, wasn't that. All right.

Collin  03:28

The turbines? They're releasing at 675 cubic feet per second. I'm, that sounds like

Brandon  03:36

a lot. Yeah. Well,

Collin  03:38

it's actually not.

Brandon  03:39

I don't know how much is supposed to. So yesterday, I have no context. I have no baseline with which to base any of these numbers that you're throwing at me right now. Exactly. No reference point.

Collin  03:50

That's what that's what the perfect numbers out of context. This isn't it? Yeah. So out of context numbers to get this. So yesterday at one o'clock, the turbine release was 800. CFS, by bozos 1am. Sorry, by so that was before the rain in the middle of the rain at 9am. They were releasing 3400 cubic feet per second. So that's how quickly they ramped up. They went from generating nine megawatts to 50 megawatts, and slowly tapered off back from there. So they did a huge release between nine and 10 to control the flooding there.

Brandon  04:38

So there you go. Sorry. All down river locations.

Collin  04:45

Yes, yeah. Did you

Brandon  04:49

know Yes. Oh, there will be fine.

Collin  04:54

I forget that that's a power generating dam.

Brandon  04:56

I mean, if you're gonna have a dam, you might as well have it generating power. or I feel like, yeah, if you're gonna have one, and it's not generating anything at all, you're kind of wasting literally you're literally potential energy. It's like, well

Collin  05:17

that's the I think the Truman the Truman dam up north. On the Osage. I don't think it generates any power at all. It's purely a flood control dam.

Brandon  05:27

That run, right. Oh, my because it's that's a pretty old one. So sometimes I don't know if this is true, but I imagine if you don't build a dam with hydroelectric power in mind, retrofitting it? Uh huh. To be a hydroelectric power generator is probably super difficult. Yeah, sounds like it would be really hard and compromise the structural integrity of the dam. So once it's done once it's built, I think that's it. I think that's just I could be wrong about that. Dam experts. Please. message us way and tell us

Collin  06:13

don't know. So I think like that, like activities are good to go.

Brandon  06:21

All right. There we go. Did you stay tuned? No. Yeah. That does not spoil as dean.

Collin  06:27

Did you know that? She now that we're going fishing.


I had heard this rumor. Like, but like, I got a, like a guided fishing thing. Yeah. So here's, yeah, that's yeah. And I was like,

Collin  06:45

what? I was thinking just like jovo Lee Foley

Brandon  06:51

messing around here in there. Right. Like, I wasn't expecting to take this seriously. Now, it's a whole day. Yeah. Yeah. Here's the other problem. Brandon's attention span? About 12 seconds. So like. So fishing for like, an hour? I can probably do that. Oh, fishing for multiple consecutive hours. I don't. I don't think that's actually possible. Like I don't like when I was envisioning, going fishing, right. What I was imagining is like, we would go like a little bit here, and then go do something else. And this is just how I do everything. So maybe I was wrong, if you lit like lit from things. Yeah, I do. I flipped from thing to thing. So maybe I was wrong to project here. Right? I was projecting on all of you. I'm sorry about that. I did not meet you. But like, you know, we go out and mess around for a while. If it gets hot, and we like go back and like have lunch, but like swim and whatever. Then we go again, right? Like that's what I was envisioning in my head. That was the thing that like bank fishing, right? Just like I want to walk over here and we'll do some fishing there. Okay, that was fine. And they will go back to blah, blah. I was not envisioning like a multi hour fishing excursion.

Collin  08:28

And I'm a little afraid of that, because I don't

Brandon  08:32

know. Yeah, yeah,

Collin  08:34

we get lots of boy howdy.

Brandon  08:39

Yeah, it's gonna be well, you know,

Collin  08:42

I now more than ever, I want to being the mobile recording rig and just have it set up on the boat.

Brandon  08:49

That's bad. I feel like yeah, here's the other problem. Whenever I go multiple hours without catching anything. Then I will surely become supremely bored and give up everything and not try to played this is why I don't play golf. Right as as just just bring it back to the worst sport ever.

Collin  09:15

That like

Brandon  09:17

whenever I did used to go play golf with my friends, right? We I've never played like 18 holes or maybe I did one time. I think I might have tried to play 18 holes or golf one time. The problem with this is that after about six holes of golf, I'm kind of done with golf. Right? Yes.

Collin  09:37

So like the


nine is okay, I can power through the nine we used to go to the par three nine, the nine hole par three golf course because that's fast. Right? It's like speed golf. You get down you go out when you have your friends your dad. Good smell.

Brandon  09:52

Yeah, but like a long extended period of like having to like concentrating on things for like a really long amount of time. can design a feedback in things like this for me, right, like, I don't know this was well, yeah, hi.

Collin  10:17

We recently went, putt putt golfing on like a little nine hole putt putt golf course. And by the end of that, I was like, okay, cool. Well, that was that was a thing I did. Let's just

Brandon  10:30

even by the last time I played Piper, like, I feel like Susan will tell the story differently, right? Because she did beat me at golf in public. And she will say that she destroyed me from beginning to end, right. But sort of my version of events here is that I got really tired of it was hot. And I was like, she's glaring at me. Now. She came in to look at me. I gave you credit. I said, you wonder. I said you beat me a puppet. She's, she's just she's telling me this. She's like excuses. Excuses. Oh,

Collin  11:12

yeah, that's kind of like, like, yeah, beat me. But if I didn't gotten tired,

Brandon  11:18

but I did get really not interested in.


While it was just like, way too much. Mini golfing too many golfers used to be like fun and like zany. And there's like weird things and braces and where things were pirates involved. We're not totally sure about that.

Collin  11:34

But like,

Brandon  11:37

yeah, it's just like, oh, man, can't do this. I'm tired of putting

Collin  11:48

this so that's yeah, I exact same where I it's it's very interesting for a little bit that my attention span just goes to the garbage. So I have to figure out how to pace this string. So

Brandon  12:04

what you're saying is we're about to annoy the bejesus out of this fishing to probably like a fishing guide. Yeah, he's like, serious maybe I don't like people are weird. There's two types of like people there's like people that take like, everything like super serious. And then there's like, some like, like a bum people. Yes. Similar to the beach related activities, right? But here in the Midwest and the Ozark region you get, you get two kinds, like people you got super serious, like people. And then like, just the bumgenius just like lay in the chair all day. Right? Which is fine, too. I don't care. But like, I can't do that either. Like, like we go, we've been going to the park. right to exercise and stuff. Yeah. Right. And so, after we go, we sit down I've told you about this, we sit down on the bench by soccer field and kind of like, you know, just recover a little bit, right, we do your stretching and then sit sit on the bench and hang out for a while. And like Susan wants to sit and enjoy the nature and like, feel the breeze. And I'm like I'm really like mess with her Call, man. Like it's really

Collin  13:22

really, really yucking on my yum over here.

Brandon  13:24

Yeah, so about five minutes. I'm pretty good. And after that, I'm like, Okay, I'm calling now. Long enough we'll see. We'll see how this works. Yeah, I'm a little nervous. Because I'm a flutter especially this summer, right? Like, I've been like, whenever I I'm afraid about the sudden jarring out of my rhythm. Right? Because like I'm we've been going exercise and then I've been like reading for a while and then I've been like watching TV and playing video games and reading like, bouncing around to like working in the house doing laundry cooking stuff, but like it's all debt.

Collin  14:13

Now, like

Brandon  14:17

being presented with a big blank canvas with like, nothing on it. It's like what do I do though? How do I


there's nothing to flip between and I don't

Collin  14:32

Yeah, the options get real, real narrow. I envision riding the ferry quite a lot.

Brandon  14:39

Ah, that'll be fun. Schooling one time. So you're ready

Collin  14:45

to have right back and forth. We

Brandon  14:46

had to ride it back to Kansas, right? It's twice you have to go forth, right. You can't you have to go back and then forth again, right. You can't.

Collin  14:53

Now unfortunately,

Brandon  14:55

I think you have to go forth and then back and

Collin  14:57

forth. Back right because otherwise you would be not where you want to be. But the other problem is there's not a lot on the other side. No, I was just about to say that even once you get on the other side, it's still like 40 minutes to something else. Yeah.

Brandon  15:13

So it is a little something close by, but it's like, so like, I don't think there's much. Yeah, it's not much


to do. Yeah,

Collin  15:20

I will say that there is a restaurant 30 minutes away. And we I think we have to drive through ludie to get there. Oh,



Brandon  15:30

Is that the one in like? Theodosia? Yes. Did okay. Maybe two restaurants?

Collin  15:35

Yes. Now we have

Brandon  15:37

have eaten at that one before. You have? Yes. You have. Yes. Like, conservation. Colin. Is this.

Collin  15:48

This was a civilian Colin.

Brandon  15:52

We're just Out With Dad. He's like diner go. Yeah, yeah.

Collin  15:55

He finds he just finds them. Right. He finds them. So he knows. He has all those Heidi places. So yeah, that'd be cute. Yeah. So I think that was fine. We'll go through Ludi a couple times get to stop out run around and go to rocks at the sun is excited

Brandon  16:13

to know where it is. That's the most important thing. Like found. Bam stamp.

Collin  16:20

Get the Extra Deck.

Brandon  16:22

Yes. The lady sign. Picture. That's it. Ah. I mean, there's

Collin  16:30

not a whole lot more to do there. We'll see. We'll see. I don't think so.

Brandon  16:33

Cool. Should probably a fire station and then like,

Collin  16:37

yes. all coming together.

Brandon  16:42

Yeah. The the you Yep. That's,

Collin  16:50

that'll be fun. We are I am trying to get so much done before. And I

Brandon  16:55

bet you are. I am trying to worried about you. I'm a

Collin  16:59

little worried about me, too. Oh, no. I'm a little worried. I mean, just like trying to plow get like way far ahead on some projects, like we're still trying to hire a bunch of people. So I'm trying to push as much through so that I can possibly do like an in person or to like Monday or Tuesday, then give them say, Okay, we'll give you know, just try and get as far forward on that. Then like, podcasts, just like it's all these projects. It's like, I have set release days for things. I have set things I'm now trying to double up on work to get ahead of it. And it's not it's not gone. Well, not going well at all.

Brandon  17:42

So, yeah, yeah, it'll be fine.

Collin  17:48

But other than that, yeah, it's been we've been rocking and rolling. I've been we got our our first first client in a, in a particular country club, here in town.

Brandon  18:01

Oh, there we go. Now the floodgates are open. Now you're in

Collin  18:05

know that I know won't be it won't be when he talked to people what? Oh, well. My dog is super spoiled, which means they don't want to use us. But it was fine. I understand. It's whatever. That's true. But also, I'm now interacting with like, country clubs, security guards, and like going through like giving my name and number and I'm, I, I have this thing in my brain where I think it's just fighting for legitimacy. And so when you come through, they give you different colored mirror hangers. That that tells that tells people why you're there. So they've got like, all sorts of colors I've only seen to red means you're a visitor. Yellow means you're a contractor.


And yellow. Well, I'm

Collin  18:53

supposed to be a yellow. But sometimes they give me a red and I feel like I feel slighted. Like no one will not take

Brandon  19:03

just a visitor. I'm

Collin  19:06

here to take these people's money

Brandon  19:09

independently contracted to work there.

Collin  19:14

Yeah, yeah, get out and trying to get the security guards to understand what I'm doing. They don't that's not it's not a thing there. I'm the very first time I showed up. You want to know, where I was, who I was, who I was with, who I was visiting, and where that person lived. The last few that say what streets that on?

Brandon  19:34

Because they want to make sure you're not sneaking in. Right, right. Why you would sneak into a country club? I have no idea. But yeah, it's a thing to do. And so like they want to know who you're there to see. Yes. Yeah, right. My so it doesn't, but unfortunately,

Collin  19:52

I don't memorize where people's addresses are. So when they asked me that, I had to pick up my phone and look at it, which just looks super cool. suspicious? Like, where are you going? Let me read on my phone moment. Please. Thanks.

Brandon  20:08

That's fair. You don't necessarily remember I so I said

Collin  20:10

something like, Oh, let me check my software. I think that's what I said. Let me check my software, double tap, etc. That's not my business. See? Yes, that's

Brandon  20:18

Wet Bandits. Right. They don't have? No,

Collin  20:22

they don't have software, they won't even think to say that you can't. That's like, you know, if you're a cop, you have to tell us, you know, it's like you. So, anyway, I've been, I've been spending mornings and evenings walking around there. And just, it's been a it's actually very peaceful to walk back there. Because there's nobody, nobody out. Nobody. Yeah. No, but either in their house, or on the golf course. Or at their third home, which is where this client is? Oh, yes, true. Right. Well, yeah, we're

Brandon  20:54

not there. I guess we're just not there like this. But the people that are are there. I guess they go to the country club, to like, eat sometimes. Yes, they do. Do that.


I mean, they live in a country club, and they can go there so that a lot of people just go and eat there. I've only known one person that lived there. And it was like my friend's dad. So like, again, there's two types of people, the country club, very serious people. And then people that like drink all the time.

Brandon  21:22

Those are the two people similar to the like,

Collin  21:25

Jimmy was a country club. Aha. So they're

Brandon  21:30

on the golf course doing that, or the country club doing that. Or sitting in a house. Doing I don't know what they are like, that's, yeah. Wondering why you're there. That's what they're

Collin  21:40

staring out their curtains. Yeah, looking at you going? Why are you there? What are you doing? Yeah, what do you ever use that person? That's every

Brandon  21:47

every neighborhood has one old lady. Like this, there's like a whole community of

Collin  21:52

people with a fence around them that stare at each other from their half open blinds. Yeah. And I was thinking I was, you know, realizing that to be walking around these, these massive, you know, 15,000 18,000 square foot homes, like, alright, they have no reason to be outside like everything. They just, that's true. day indoors, right. I'm sure some of them even have little, you know, little out, you know, enclosed greenhouses or whatever, they can go you know, patio things that they stay on. And

Brandon  22:22

what do you call that? What is the name of that? Rotting it a brain turned off like old movies, they have the room where there's all the plants the solarium or whatever adularia

Collin  22:36

so that's I've been spending my mornings there and in doing that, and then doing nice hour long walks in the evenings which has been particularly nice I enjoy those a lot. Oh yeah, I knew it was a different kind of call whenever I was talking to the person's personal assistant Yeah,


I was like oh, ah, arch change it up real quick.

Collin  23:04

Well, yeah,

Brandon  23:05

we're different

Collin  23:08

Wow. Let me put on my good shirts.


That polo on I'll be I'll be flipping around the country club. In the t shirt wear no t shirt. Yeah, that that you get pointed out as a as a

Brandon  23:25

man the door is what they may not do. Oh, yeah. Sorry, buddy. You gotta go here's

Collin  23:32

the here's the here's the extra shirt. Let me give to people who don't show up dressed appropriately. You can go Yeah, like the dinner jackets. Like yeah, here's your you get the extra dinner jacket and yes to go hey, this is what we've been doing and dealing with so

Brandon  23:47

actually just a blazer which is not a formal attire, but that's fine. Everything's fine. You know we can complete say that. Well, Blazers not formal

Collin  23:59

Lastly, degreed

Brandon  24:01

we need to stop we need to stop judging everything by Victorian dress standards. Okay, we're getting getting a little bit weird. I'm not changing my clothes five times a day, depending on the hour and the activity I have planned. No,

Collin  24:16

I refuse. I have not. It sounds it sounds very much like me where I kind of sit we start the day and I figure out all the activities that I have to do and then I kind of thread the needle with what I'm going to wear that would generally kind of fit most of them now unless it's going to be like a nice dinner or like

Brandon  24:41

if there are exceptions obvious where you have to go and like really, like there's no getting out of it. You have to but like for your normal day. It's not It's fine. Yeah, Well, I have not been doing anything very exciting at all. So I would like to talk about the tale of two shows on Amazon Prime. Ah, right. This is what I've been doing. So my summer been catching up a little bit right now I have not not obviously, partly is a halfway review. I think I've only watched the first four episodes of both of them. That's enough to get you to know. Yeah. And so that's this is a no that this is not a completed review, but the themes still stand. Right. And so, so we're gonna talk about that real quick. Before I discuss this. I got to talk. I have to angrily talk about Amazon Prime Video, though, right? Oh,


okay. I don't know who you think you are, and who you think you're like fooling. But being like, Oh, by the way, now, we're gonna run multiple ads in the middle of your service that you already pay way too much for to watch. Because we can't manage money. And Jeff needs money to buy more ugly hats and stuff and go to space. cool sunglasses. No. What? No, the whole point is to not do that. What are you doing? Stop it. It's annoying and stupid and greedy. And I'm like, okay, there you go. That is?

Brandon  26:26

No, capitalism ruins everything. What yet again? All right.

Collin  26:31

It's really frustrating. Because it's a paid service. It's I know, it's it's not the service they're being paid for. But it's like, oh, my gosh, like, they're one

Brandon  26:38

of the reasons they upped the price originally, so that they would include the service. Yeah, right. Now, because you're over paying people to make these shows, and some of them are not good. Right? That's not my fault. Okay. It's not my fault that you screw that up and you miss manage your money. And the IRS is going to charge me more and take advertising revenue revenue to pay for that, like, what are you doing with your life? Like, why? What is this nonsense? Like, the greed level is just off the charts. It's just ridiculous.


Alright, enough of that. Ah, I would talk about our perennial favorite show. So we'll have time. Oh, no. Oh, no, we're on Time Season Two.

Brandon  27:33

Right. Hey, I've been attempting to watch that. So what I've been doing is I've been watching a real time season to further referred to as just real time because I'm not going to say no, no, no. It's implied. Second part, do. I've been juxtaposing that by while watching the fallout show on Prime right now. I'm going to base this entire conversation, right. I'm gonna preface this whole thing.


Saying yes. But you have a bus slight bias in source material. Right? Because as previously stated, I've never read the Wheel of Time.

Brandon  28:18

I don't want to actually at this point, I'm not interested at all. Right? Like every book is like a few pages. And there's like a whole bunch. And people say that and lots of the books like nothing happens. And so I'm not

Collin  28:33

the battery life. I can't.


The fallout is of course, based on the video game series. Right? It's like post apocalyptic, nucular times. Okay. So it's kind of like a, what's the word that oh, it's like retro futurism. Right. So it's like, what if the world only functioned on 1950s technology?

Brandon  29:00

Right, just like vacuum tubes everywhere. And like all the tech and stuff, even though it was like, it's kind of like the microchip was never invented. Right. So even though the bombs fall in, like 2077, or whatever, the tech is still like, it's just iterations on 50s. Tech only. So it's got this like vibe. Yeah. And part of the fallout charm that the show executes well, that we'll get to a minute is like the soundtrack because like, all the soundtrack is like, very 50s pop stuff. That's very interesting.


So anyway, that's what we're gonna talk about here. Right? Just like kind of how adapting material into a television show can go good or go bad. Right. Now, this again, I'm nervous again, because I just heard that in the fall they're supposed to be adapting their Amazon Prime is scheduled a new show about the Yakuza series. Right, but like a dragon thing? Oh, yeah, because video games are

Brandon  30:03

incredible. Right? And I live in as I want to be grumpy about that.

Collin  30:12

But like, some of

Brandon  30:13

the decisions in television making, right, like I think


I don't know, like, it's hard to know where to start here because these are two very different shows. They're they both have like serious tones, and there's like serious stuff going on. But like, the way that people respond to deal with them are very,

Brandon  30:36

not the same. Right? And so like, I guess you get the background now the way like talking about just like TV stuff in general, right, like the most jarring thing when you watch both of these shows. I've been watching them back because I don't really like to real time. So I've been watching that and then I've been watching all that afterwards.

Collin  30:55

cleanser. Yeah, well, palate cleanser.

Brandon  31:00

So like, one of the things that happens is like the lighting department.


Right? And like, yes, one of these shows is like in a wasteland, right? It's like a desert it it's kind of like California is supposed to be like Southern California, I guess.

Brandon  31:19

Kind of in that area. But like whereas I think so I don't remember we're supposed to be. But like, anyway, outside is like very bright, and vibrant. And like all it's very colorful and stuff. In the wintertime, you can never see what's happening. Because it is so dark. All the time. Daytime, dark. Right. And we've talked I know, we've talked about this before, but like I think, you know, sometimes you say like, you're watching a show. And you you're being like, well, like it's not even nighttime. How can I see things right? Because you forgot that to watch television or movie you need suspension of disbelief. Right? And and then it sounds like a cool idea until you see it executed. And you're like, bro, what I cannot see anything. I have no idea what's happening. I saw the quote from one of the people that worked on the Lord of the Rings, right. And they were talking about stuff and like the Battle of Helm's Deep. And I think it might have been Elijah Wood or one of the hobbits asked him like, well, if it's nighttime, Where's all this light coming from to see by? And the guy turned and looked at me goes,

Collin  32:36

the same place to be this coming from?

Brandon  32:42

And he was like, oh, okay, yeah, that makes sense. Because it's a production. And you can't see anything.

Collin  32:55

It's happening, right, like

Brandon  32:58

so one of the problems is that it's just so dark all the time. It'll literally be like the middle of the afternoon. Dark. In a cave, forget about it. You're just looking at your you can see yourself on your phone screen, right? Just like the brightest turn all the way up. You can see your eyeball like, man. This is great. What a wonderful show is happening here. Is that, right? I think the other one is just like whoever is directing these


actors. is another problem. Right? Because like, in the Fallout show, we get we have multiple characters. Okay, they are all acting

Brandon  33:45

differently. Right? They all are emoting differently, because they have their different people. Right. Every single person in the Wheel of Time is dour, and serious. And annoyingly, we don't talk like that. Every line of dialogue is delivered in this tone.

Collin  34:12

Very, all very hushed and serious, very hush serious

Brandon  34:16

as you have no idea what's happening because they're not talking I will say, even though her character is not particularly interesting, currently, it's not really doing anything that can't remember the names that Gwaine girl. She's the best actor, by far out of all because she actually has like, emotions on her face. She's really giving it her all so you lady whose name I don't remember. Good job. You're doing all right. So far, not the plot not particularly interesting. In four episodes, the plot has not advanced in the Wheel of Time. I'm like it all right. There's just like nobody says anything. Right? You have no idea what's going on. And, you know, you know, the


parts in Harry Potter that everyone hates, because like, you're just like, Oh, Harry, if you just talk to your friends, this conflict will be resolved in like five minutes. Oh, sure. Yes, right. Yes. The All of that's the Wheel of Time Season Four so far. The four episodes so far? Like, it's just like moraine not talking to anybody. The girl, the serious girl not talking to anybody.

Brandon  35:33

They're just didn't no one's telling anybody anything. Right? Like, they're just gonna like, oh, I should just, I'm just gonna suffer in silence. Like, guys. What are you doing?


Like, annoyingly, like that. Sometimes when you when you do this, right? What you do is you as the writer is you like, leave clues to the audience that like, the character knows something else, like you get clues about what they know. And then you kind of know why they're not saying stuff. Right? And it kind of makes sense. The Trump's a little annoying, but like, it still kind of makes sense. And it continues on it goes on. Now you get nothing, you get no breadcrumbs.


From the Wheel of Time, people. Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. Everyone was just like, quiet and not talking. And then when they did Talk That Talk like this, and like


antastic it was like, What is? Why is this going odd? It feels like it's just been like years with nothing happening. It could be like two days, and I have no idea. Like the concept of like, actual time doesn't exist, which is weird, because it's in the show title. So

Brandon  36:51

like, how long do things take to happen? I don't know. Right? Like, is this? Is this going on for like,

Collin  37:02

many days?

Brandon  37:06

an hour? Like, I

Collin  37:07

have no idea. That's so frustrating. Because, you know, it's it, you have to be things have to be at least something. Sure you have to suspend disbelief, but also, like, part of good storytelling is being engaged. And if you're constantly wondering, like, when is this taking place with how like, it just, it makes it feel like a more of a drudgery because then you're just shows that you're hyper aware of how quickly it is not progressing? Yeah, like there's

Brandon  37:38

no main, like, their story isn't moving. Like some of the sub stories aren't even moving. They're just like, Yep, we're still here. So like, I don't know, if that's because it's been like, three hours or like, if it's supposed to be a big deal, because it's like three days. Yeah, right. Right. And, like, I think that in the Fallout show, right? It can we have at least three main characters, right? Sometimes there's some other ones but like, well, there's four, there's really four points of view that you're following. Like some episodes, you don't even see one of them. Right, which indicates to me a lot of time passing and that person is like going to where they said they were gonna go. Right? At the Wheel of Time. We have checking with every single person all the time.


And we're not even doing they're just like sitting right there. Just like oh, they're sitting over there. Like oh, they're looking for Lauren and little distance like oh, they're like, they're just like constantly reminding you these people exist. Granted, there are more of them. Right? There's a ton of people in this show. Oh, sure. You know, but like,

Brandon  38:40

like don't forget about this guy. Don't forget Don't forget about him. Don't forget anything like I don't care about half of these people because they're just sitting there doing nothing. So like, Why? Why don't even know what they're progressing towards right? Like the mystery I just don't understand the point right? And like the plot device is the big one. So like in so far in Fallout four episodes in we know the everybody's trying to find like, well, not everybody, but they're well I guess they were they were trying to find this one guy. And that was it. Like everybody's looking for one dude. Boom. That makes sense. In the first two episodes of Wheel of Time, I have no idea what's going on. Zero. I know that the girls were in the tower thing. Right? I know that brand is hiding. I know that big guy is off with some random soldier dudes. I don't know why or how you got there. And then I know Matt is a different map but he's there somewhere.

Collin  39:46

Like he's locked in a room

Brandon  39:51

cool, like it doesn't stay.

Collin  39:54

very captivating. Sounds like Yeah,


and like everybody because everybody keeps their attentions secret. But you have no idea what they're going to do. Right in the photo Lucy is looking for her dad.

Brandon  40:09

Gun. Very clear. That's it, it to see why she's looking for but she tells everybody I'm looking for my dad. Right? Yeah. Okay, cool. I help like other everybody else was looking for this scientist guy. And she was looking for scientists guy because she heard that she, he needed him to get to her dad. Like, that was it. Everybody knew everybody was looking for the Science Guy. Because it was very clearly stated what their motivation was. And then when they behaved in weird ways, you knew that that's because of their character. Right? Like, why is that person doing weird things like this? Well, you get to see some of his backstory. Why did that? Why is the Brotherhood of Steel guy doing that? Well, because you saw some of his backstory, you know that he's trying to prove himself, right. So like, it makes sense, because you can see it and they say what they're doing in the Wheel of Time you see what's happening, but you have no idea why.

Collin  41:12

And I know sometimes they will do that so that you are left wondering and then you'll get at the very end they'll do like that montage cut of like, what was actually happening behind the scenes, and they'll do the look back.


Yeah. Like but but not knowing anybody's Yeah. That's bad. It's like, like I get you want to keep the whatever the heck moraine is doing. That's like your big mystery. Like what in the world is moraine? Doing? No one has any idea. It's a mystery. I'm not even sure Marina is what she's doing at this point. Probably like other other people, like, totally wolf guy or whatever.

Brandon  41:56

Like, what is he doing? Why was he with these people? Why he's just wandering around? I don't think I'm led to believe that he's supposed to be like discovering his goofiness. I think that's what's happening right now. Oh,


but why? Oh, what's the point?

Collin  42:10

Something? Why is he so sad about it? Some some legend is gonna He's meant for something. You're gonna find that out?

Brandon  42:16

Who knows? Like, it's so dour. And like, Yeah, I know that you're way out in the middle of the woods with no friends, but like, just so like cry all the time. Like everything and like not doing it like it's so confusing? I don't understand. So do you think it's the? I don't know. How is this? Like?

Collin  42:43

Is it the character development? Is it the writing? Is it the acting? Is it the writing the writing? Yeah,


I feel like yeah, I

Brandon  42:52

don't, I've never read the Wheel of Time. So anybody who's read the website, please feel free to comment on this statement right now. Do people in the book talk this ridiculously? Or did the show writers take all of the dialogue and just throw it out the window and write a completely new dialogue for him? Sure. Which I know happens sometimes. Because they're like, Oh, um, you know, on the show, Render, I'm going to show what's up, right, even though you have like,


dialogue and everything already written down by the author of the source material. Right? I know that sometimes. That's the thing that happens. And I have to change some stuff. Because there's like characters that are there and their situations that you

Brandon  43:32

are added to like Apple like, is all of the dialogue and we'll have time this bad. Does everybody talk without actually saying anything? Because if so, I've definitely never reading that book. Because that sounds horrible. Like, I don't I don't know, man, it's so I think it's, it's got to be the director. Because, because in the real time, like the, because every single person is doing these things. It has to be the direction. Right? Not everybody is going to act like this terribly.

Collin  44:16

On purpose. Right? They have to be they're being told what to do. So I don't fault the actors in this because they are being told what to do. Right?


And for some of them, it makes kind of sense, but like, nobody is happy. Nobody is I know that there's like a world ending bad guys and blah, blah, blah, but like, I'll see. Yeah, but I don't know anything about I know that they're there. I know that they're gathering there the enemy is gathering strength. Oh my God, I know that. How are they doing it?

Brandon  44:52

For voting? Yeah, right. Well, like that's like what They do. Right? Like, why are they again, I understand know the motivation of like, going, I understand this. Like she, she has clearly stated her motivation to us, right? She wants to learn to be more magical, so that she can protect the people that she loves. She has stated this out loud with emotion. Right to several people. So she has a clear plan. Right? And I can get behind that like it the fact that she random person is like the most interesting person in the whole show is like, I can't care about anybody else because they're so like, stoic and they're all like

Collin  45:51

I'm gonna talk this loud about my stoicism and not


not, it's just like, every single character is doing the trope of like, I don't want to let people in because I don't want to get hurt. Yeah, it's like five people. But you didn't want one person can do that.

Brandon  46:08

Right? That's a fine trope for a person, like five people really doing?

Collin  46:18

Well, you'd hope that there'll be at least one character who's like, rising above that and you know, doing the, you know, leading better or pushing people through but yeah, if everybody just dour sourpuss, you're like, Well,


this is so

Collin  46:34

that's not fun to watch. Because nothing's nothing gives you hope. Or, you know, yeah,

Brandon  46:39

there's a reason, like the only other person that's like, even like remotely jovial sometimes is that Mac guy, right? Like,


he's clearly being manipulated by red witch lady. Right? Super, hateful red lady. And, like, she is doing something to him. Like, she's, like, let him go. But she's like, making him go something, you

Brandon  47:04

know what I mean? She's like, controlling situation. So he's just like, but he's not in the show very much. So like he he's the only person they forget exists. So like,

Collin  47:15

don't get updates on the one person that would actually help change

Brandon  47:19

the news, like, you kind of know what's going on, right? Red lady basically manipulated him into think that he was able to escape with the person in prison next to him. But person in prison next to him is doing something for red lady. Right. There's they, like she's forcing her to take him somewhere. So like, you, like you've seen that? duplicitous action. Right. So you know that wherever he's going, he's in peril. And so like, you have feelings about him kinda, even though you don't ever see him, you know that he is in trouble because he's in he's being manipulated to go along in a situation for some reason. And so you don't know what the reason is, but you know that he has the gospel. So he has your sympathetic towards him. Everybody else hears it. Whatever. I don't like, and there's not even like any action really. to like break up the pacing. There's no like I was gonna say gunfights in follow up. There's gunfights there's no guns in real time. But like in Fallout, there's like, everything's paced like Paisley action sequence. Like walking sequence, they do the thing and they do the lead Lord of the Rings thing where you're like, somebody's walking somewhere big panoramic shot to show that traveling has happened. Your location right.


That's it we'll

Brandon  48:58

have time to get somewhere here somewhere somewhere else. Do they operate there? How what's going on? Currently, part of the like, I don't know why, like the timetable of things again, ironically, because I don't see them going even if they're not doing anything right watching Lucy just like walk through the desert in a big panoramic shot.

Collin  49:19

And then

Brandon  49:22

or a couple panoramic shots and then like seeing her in a new locale tells me that she has traveled

Collin  49:28

to get somewhere right? Tada. i Well, this is what this is what the show runners of the Game of Thrones towards the end were being either lambasted against to they started to do this where all of a sudden distances just like were completely meaningless. And it's it's hard to do. It's hard to I feel like it's hard to do right and still hit a TV show expected length of I need to show A lot of things are happening and people are moving. But how do I do that? Well, and not do that in real time. Like, walking for a long time, but too often, it's just like, we need to go to, you know, northern Dale. And then it's like cutscene them walking into northern Dale and he like, well, kinda not, doesn't give me everything that I need to understand what's going on. And


they don't even like the the simple fix, right is to like, have an interaction with somebody. And the character just says like, oh, yeah, we've been traveling for four days to like, that's all you need. Just like a throwaway line to like the innkeeper, to the waiter to the stable person to the right, like whatever. But you just need some sort of indication about how long or like if there's meeting somebody like Oh, took longer than expected. Oh, yes, we got held up because of flooding. Ah,

Collin  50:58

what, you know,

Brandon  51:01

we had to take an extra day, like something like that you see a signal to me

Collin  51:07

about what your what happened? Well, the other thing that I know that was the first season or series or whatever was was tough was everything looks so brand new and sparkling. So yeah. So what happens here is that there's no attempt to show time, or age changing, or making people look more or less road worn and travel weary. That's true, because I'm sparkling now and then boom, I'm sparkling over here. Yeah,

Brandon  51:38

I was going to that. Yeah, that's a good segue. Because like, the other thing is just naturally, like we talked about before, like, I prefer the lived in aesthetic. Yeah, you know. And so like, Fallout has that because it's like, very broken down. And you can tell it's been sitting out in the sun for like, 100 years and no one's touched a thing, right? But like, so already. Okay, like every everybody Wheel of Time other costuming is all just like immaculate and like brand new. They just sewed it and throw it on them. Right? In the four episodes of one of our main characters Lucy in the Fallout show, like at the end of the of the fourth episode, her shirt is all like messed up. It's got blood all over her arm. She's like, bandaged up, she's wearing some like, in the video game you. You have like armor pieces that you can find that you put them on over your clothing that you're wearing, right? She's added some of that aesthetic to her little vault suit thing, or like blue jumpsuit.




So she has it like tied to her waist and she's got like bandages all over her arm. And like she's wearing some of this like Raider armor stuff. So like her aesthetic is very different from when she left. Because at the beginning of the show when she's in the vault, right? Everything is like pristine, and like perfect right? Now she's all like, destroyed.

Brandon  53:01

Like, so even in four episodes you can see in her a lot has happened. Right? Like she's been through a lot already. Just like visually you can look at her and be like, she's got like dried blood on her lip. She's got this weird leather armor thing on like, you know, like you can she's visually different than she was before. Everything was like perfect in her suit was like clean and whatever. Right? So even if none of the other characters go through such a dramatic change, you can see the passage of time in her. Right. You can see that event. Right we're in like you said in the Wheel of Time you could travel like Wolf guy. He's been traveling for a long time looks exactly the same. not dirty. He was even captured by some army people. He hasn't looked like he was captured. He doesn't. He just looks the same as he always looks clean, pristine, no dirt anywhere. There's not even that thought of like, Oh, time has passed in. I can see.

Collin  54:17

You know all this. Right?

Brandon  54:19

Like, in the Fallout show. One of the characters is a ghoul which is like a person that's been exposed to too much radiation and they have like, really they live really long time. They like half mutiny people. That's like the lore. So like his costume is just like




right, his jacket thing these were like the bottom is just like shredded to rivets. And this visually indicates to you that he's been out here for a very, very long time. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Collin  54:50

You need some perspective to know like, what what are we dealing with? Like really? It's it goes a long way to bringing people into the story. without having to do a lot of exposition as well.

Brandon  55:03

Yeah cuz they can visually understand what's happening. And even the other character the Brotherhood of Steel guy, so like he started out like all clean and stuff but like he's been going for a while his like armor suit thing is like, got some dings on it like his little thing is kind of chunked up. He wasn't even in the last episode that much. But like he's, you can tell that he's


going through some things as well. So like, it's like, visually very clear. And I don't know if that's because, like, it comes from a video game format, when all of this visual input like matters a

Brandon  55:37

lot. Right? And maybe it's because I don't know the people from what I've heard that people that are running the show are like super big fans of the video game. Like, some of the producers of the game met with him and were impressed about like, how well they were doing stuff. They're like,


oh, oh, okay,

Brandon  55:57

this is for real now. Oh, so like, visually, they nailed a lot of stuff. Right? And so they care about I think, maybe because video games are such a visual medium. Perhaps, since the source material comes from that these people are familiar with that aspect of it in a different way than the Wheel of Time. People are? I don't know, I don't know if the people that have done the Wheel of Time show have actually ever read the Wheel of Time. I couldn't tell you like, it doesn't appear to me that they have but like, I don't know. As someone who also hasn't, I don't really have any leg to stand on in that conversation. But like, it just it just feels so like weird to look at. I don't know. So yeah, that is the that is the halfway mid season review. We'll times the fallout show. That's where we are right now. There's a lot review here. But like,

Collin  57:06

it's good to know that the Wheel of Time series is continuing to meet expectations from last season. So it's better didn't

Brandon  57:13

get better. That's I don't know if it got worse. I'm not sure tell you at the end, but it definitely didn't get better. Right? Like that's definitely did it. It doesn't feel like it got better. I'm not sure it got worse, it might have got worse because all the characters are separated. And so like, it's even more disjointed. Right, because it was kind of disjointed when they were all together all the time. So now that everybody except for those two girls

Collin  57:48

are separated.

Brandon  57:52

It feels even more like what what's happening. Where are you going? What are you doing now? Just like if feels more disjointed, because everyone is spread out. So it might be slightly worse.

Collin  58:07

That's that's not that's that's a good boss. Yeah,

Brandon  58:12

they go. Alright, stay tuned for the end of whenever I get around you.

Collin  58:22

There's times when?

Brandon  58:35

Contemplating compare and contrast. Yeah.

Collin  58:42

compare contrast. Always good.

Brandon  58:45

And of course, reading some Mark Twain

Collin  58:47

breathing some Twain. Yeah.

Brandon  58:50

Indeed. Deeds. We

Collin  58:53

left off looking at a rather foreboding castle that right. What kind of what we did? Yeah.

Brandon  59:01

Yeah. He was trying to ascertain who owned this place. And Sandy was like, I don't know.

Collin  59:08

Yeah. Didn't care, nothing to explain here.

Brandon  59:14

This chapter starts really weirdly. Because he's like, Well, he talks about, he's trying to figure out how he's gonna figure out who lives here. Right? He makes some sort of weird offhanded joke about I can't just go ring the doorbell because there is no doorbell. Like, what's like, he sees somebody coming out of the castle. So he's like, Oh, I should just ask them. Right. But of course, this person is


happy. He realizes he knows who this is. Right? This is just a science. Speaking of like, not talking about things and just finding out later, right. He's like, oh, this person See these see is basically a roving advertisement stroke door to door salesman that of course he commissioned why I love that and forgot that was a little idea of my own

Collin  1:00:14

was it's persimmons soap all the prime Donna use it. Yes.

Brandon  1:00:20

Pre Madonna. And so like


oh, so he's talking about here just how ridiculous it is. Like just for me personally that he's talking about like making the kingdom better and making life better for everybody and he does that through advertising.

Collin  1:00:38

Ah, we have found it right exactly advertising. I have to tell people about all the cool stuff going on rising Yeah,

Brandon  1:00:46

and so we get this really long rant about how this soap Advertising Scam that scam scheme works out a lot like cash.

Collin  1:00:59

Right? It doesn't really Yeah. Because of a couple bullet points here and then it says a secondly these missionaries would gradually and without creating suspicion or exciting alarm introduced a rudimentary cleanliness among the noble the What do you mean exciting alarm through cleanliness like education, freedom. Soap, right. It's all tied in.

Brandon  1:01:33

It's so funny. Like it, it just out. He's talking about the how dirty he's again, he's talking about how dirty they are. Right? He's feeding into this myth that that middle aged times were disgusting, right? And everybody's all dirty. And like it's just gross all the time. Right. But it's, it's partly based on reality. Right? Have you ever Yeah. This reminded me of that. Have you seen that thing about the the Vikings when they invaded England? Right? No, have you ever read this thing? So 13th century, right. This is from the Anglo Saxons, right? And it says the Danes made themselves to acceptable to English women by their elegant manners in the care of their person. They comb their hair daily, according to the customer, their country, took a bath every Saturday, and even change their clothes frequently, and improve the beauty of their bodies with many sets trifles by which means they undermined the chastity of our wives English were so mad. The Danish were so hot

Collin  1:03:00

in saying clean right and clean. I really

Brandon  1:03:09

can't believe my wife likes that guy more than smelly on me.



Collin  1:03:15

I guess I'll have to bathe now and succumb to the

Brandon  1:03:21

I was reading this and I thought about that. I was like, Oh my gosh. That's hilarious. What it made me think of immediately was was that account? So clearly, Hank feels the same way. You gotta get him cleaned up.

Collin  1:03:40

Yeah, and that way that well. And that way he won't look like such as a weirdo whenever he's the one bathing and such. So

Brandon  1:03:48

he's all dressed at the end still. So like the end? You know? He doesn't want to he won't stay nice. So yeah, anyway, they talked a long time about soap and it didn't go well. This guy's had some trials and tribulations of soap salesman, and all that stuff, right. But we do find out who this castle belongs to. Right?

Collin  1:04:10

This is of course,

Brandon  1:04:12

Morgan, le Fay sister of King Arthur and wife of Ki, rinse, dine, have AM. So yeah, she is notoriously apparently in this version of the story of not a very nice person at all. And that's kind of what we


see is quite terrible, right? So that's where we go. But he goes in anyway, he goes a calling to see what's what's right. He just kind of goes to get sidetracked here. And just kind of goes, Ooh, what's this over here?

Brandon  1:04:48

Let's go investigate, right. This is how just to jump back to Fallout quickly. This is how video games work, right? You're going somewhere. You see a thing and you go


over there after today. doo doo.

Collin  1:05:00

Let me go explore this open world. Let's go. So

Brandon  1:05:04

he's assigned questing currently, right? He's forgotten what he was supposed to be doing in the first place, because he keeps getting distracted by state does Yeah, so he goes, goes in there and he sees what's going on and like, the first thing he used to do is like, stabbed somebody.

Collin  1:05:30

And someone would start stab a rat. Yeah. harpooned a rat, sorry. No matter what strikes him is how it's just a matter of course, like it's just a, it came so naturally to her for like as walking through the room, talking to somebody turns around stabs guy walk keeps walking

Brandon  1:05:56

so she has a she's very black hearted. Indeed. Right? And so he's kind of going on to see what's going on here. There's, they're in the middle of some like music and stuff like that. Right. And she's not happy with the music, either. Right? She's Yeah, it's a whole thing. And so that's kind of where we get introduced to them, right. And then he starts talking about her dungeons, right? Her dungeons do have a reputation. Right. And so, they she tries to like she doesn't like the fact that he's there. And she's like, oh, you know, maybe I'll, you know, send you to the dungeon. Right? Oh, well, he.

Collin  1:06:46

Well, he Well, he pays a compliment. Yeah. Oh, to Arthur to Arthur. Yeah. He said something nice about him. Forgetting that she utterly hates her brother. Yeah. And immediately calls for him to be jailed.

Brandon  1:06:59

Yeah, but you know, Sandy saves today again, again, right? So, you know, he's, you know, she says the day she comes through in the clutch, right? She was like, Do you know who this is? Yes. Yeah. And they're like, oh, oh, and then she tries to play it off as like, Oh, I I knew that. I just wanted to you know, I just wanted to see some of your Magic Of course, I totally knew the whole time that you were you obviously ah ha yeah,

Collin  1:07:32

she say I did but play this little Jess with hope to surprise you into some display of your art as not doubting you would blast the guards with a cold fires consuming them to ashes on the spot. Later on it says she says get one with which I would long childless Lee curious to see that. He says the guards were less curious and got out as soon as they hit

Brandon  1:07:58

Do you like it? Do you like that little dance? Very good, right. Yes. Yeah. So it's,

Collin  1:08:05

we've been introduced Yeah, a very hot tempered individual here. And he's he's really going to be start playing with a little bit of fire I believe, I believe. Yeah,


I think so. So we'll Yeah, kind of gets into it pretty quick. On like, the next chapter there. Feasting is always happening. Oh, yeah, we have prayers. Prayer, can dinnertime. Uh huh. Oh, no, this is with the with the musician thing is here. Right. And so he kind of is trying to figure out

Brandon  1:08:38

what he can do about the situation. Right. And things like that, like they musicians play a rendition of in the sweet by and by, which is I don't think it's a middle aged time, but whatever. That she does not like that. And, like, is going to execute them? Uh huh. It's bad. They're not good. minstrels here, and then we have a lot more drinking and joyous behavior. The men are telling anecdotes and they just kind of go on to talk about the party here. There's another Ken's gonna talk about weird did I put that mark Yeah, so that's kind of what's going on party party happening. And then they Oh, yeah, they're gonna

Collin  1:09:37

what is it all right.

Brandon  1:09:44

Big to do happens, there's like Ray late. They're staying up way, way late. And then there's the there's a woman that shows up. Right. That's what happened. I couldn't find this box. Sorry. Yeah, kind of Quick turn. Yeah. And she kind of brings light onto the situation, right? And she's, she kind of makes known what is going on right here, right? And he gets gets Hank curious about what's going on behind the scenes in this establishment. Right. And she says that the Queen has, you know, imprison these people and all this stuff in. But uh he gets panicked and he's trying to figure out about what to do. And then he says that he's going to do something, or to Sandy say it again. Or Sandy says, Yeah, Sandy comes again and and she basically says he's will destroy the whole castle. Right? And everything if you don't say what's going on and we don't hear these people out the castle will be destroyed and finished. And Morgan believes that he's like, Oh, the poorest queen was scared and humbled. She was afraid.

Collin  1:11:02

made no resistance. Yes.

Brandon  1:11:08

This part is really annoying, because then he's like, Okay, well. He says, Well, they can.

Collin  1:11:20

We'll see later because that later, I can't remember what they're talking about how he talks about how there's a big commotion, right. And then everyone's kind of like, kind of trying to clear out. And he says, well, well, well, they were a superstitious lot.


Okay, I was right. after all.

Collin  1:11:39

I wasn't wrong about that. Yes. He says even the even the Queen herself is super afraid of this. Yeah.

Brandon  1:11:46

And yeah. And then that's where we get the way they're sitting around. It's getting late. They're sitting there and he hears these noises, right, because this is upside.

Collin  1:11:59

After this. I just I just page through


to kind of move away from the situation. He has her call the band back in. And then And then he's he realizes that it was terrible. And he gives them the gives her permission to hang them because they were so yeah, they like get another performance. I could remember that was here and the next bar but yeah, he says, Oh, yeah. And he's like, Oh, in that part. It was like grumpy, because he was like, oh, yeah, he's gonna miss a few musicians anyway, it's like, yeah,

Collin  1:12:26

exactly. Wait a minute. What is it and this, this actually puts her into a good mood. I love it now that the Queen was at ease in her mind once more and measurably happy?

Brandon  1:12:41

Yes. And then so then now it's quiet, because they're going to be executed, and we hear some noises. And he's like, what is that? And she's like, Oh, it's the dude downstairs on the rack. And he's like, what's on the watch? And so he goes to investigate, right? And then we get into this whole big, very kind of silly exchange over very serious situation, right where he's talking about.


So this person is here, because he was poaching deer in the royal forest. Deer. Well, Jiang, he was accused by anonymous testimony. And he's like, what?

Collin  1:13:28

He says, Yeah, and all this testimony isn't isn't just the right thing. Your Highness, that we're fair to confront the accused of the accuser with the accuser. And she says,

Brandon  1:13:37

I had not thought of that. Yeah. Well, then, could this not unknown person be the person that killed the stag like,


ah, hmm.


Then she's like, well, no one saw the stag killing, but this unknown person saw this man near the stag. And he's like, doesn't that mean that the unknown person was also near the stag say,

Collin  1:13:58

Ah, dang it. Exactly.

Brandon  1:14:09

So then, yeah. Then he gets he goes down a freeze the person, and he's talking to him, and there's a lady there. And she doesn't want to say things. And he's like, Well, there's this whole big like, miscommunication that he's like, really confused about what's going on. Because he says, Tell me, I want to know your side of the matter. And he like, won't tell him what's going on. And then his wife is there. She comes from somewhere. I don't really know. And then she's like, oh, you should tell him and he's like, No, we don't want to tell blah, blah. Like it basically comes out that he actually did kill the sag, but he didn't want to confess. Because then you He would be guilty, which means that his wife and stuff with like, didn't sign would like lose their property because a felon, right, but she like wanted him to tell the truth. But he's like, No, I don't want to tell the truth. And it's like really confusing and Hanks just like, well, you can go now I don't


Oh, yeah, this

Collin  1:15:32

is really weird, like, kind of just the I can just because well, anyway, yep. Next.

Brandon  1:15:37

There's a lot of this, like, there's just like this weird like circular logic and it's happening through this whole section and like, they're just like, what is that? Why that doesn't make whatever go like he just sort of gives up. It's like, oh, Anyway, see you later? Well,

Collin  1:15:58

not before saying I'll have you come to my factory where I'm where I'll recruit you to come and work in my colony, as he says. Because

Brandon  1:16:05

he's like, Well, I could see that there. They have potential so they can't go home now. And so to avoid this happening again, I'm just gonna send them to my man factory, which again, is not a good name. Not good name. 21st century just sounds weird. It's got bad vibes, right.


But now, but now our final chapter today, we just decides to go since he's down in the dungeon. Anyway, he just decides to go on a bit of a tour and just see what else in the heck is going on down here. And apparently her dungeon is full of just like really random people.

Brandon  1:16:48

And some of them are have been there for so long that nobody knows why they were there in the first place. Yeah. Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no. Just there. Yeah, just for whatever reason. Yeah. And he does go on here a bit. And he starts talking about the between the lines part here is that like, the only people in the thing are like the free man, the common folk, even though some of them are in here for crimes that people in higher powers have committed and they never have to face any of the consequences for their actions that consequences get sort of shunted down the line and they fall on the common man and he has to take all of the brunt of the punishment for all the wrongdoing. Even though other people will do the same thing, right? Pete's are talking here about this. Like, it's very interesting. We're just like a gentleman could kill a free man commentary and pay for his fine. But the noble could kill a noble without any expense whatsoever. Yeah, yeah. The richer the more powerful you are, the more crimes you can get away with and nobody cares.

Collin  1:18:06

Yeah. And he's specifically pointing her out, he writes, she was a result of generations of training in the unexamined and unassailable belief that the law which permitted her to kill a subject when she chose was a perfectly right and Righteous One. Meaning that this is part of it. This is a cultural thing, a belief of the nobility that this is obviously there, right? Because they're noble and white. You know, it's like the unexamined, unassembled generational thing that's been built up that's now given these,

Brandon  1:18:38

these rights that nobody's questioning. Yeah, because that because just by their station in life, they are better. Right? They are more than right. There's like, the hierarchy in society. It's like, the church at the top above all been like kings, and then like, you're kind of no bully people, and then the commoners. Right. And it kind of is, is that in each you know, you're above other people. You're always above somebody. Right? You always have somebody to subjugate over or be better than or be above and have privilege of right. So yeah, it's like anybody could kill somebody, except for the common and the slave. They had no privilege.



Brandon  1:19:23

if they killed it was murder. But if anybody else kill anybody, yeah, just happen. The thing that happened, and it was no big deal, right? So we do kind of get some of that on here. A bit of the sociological outlook, right, which again, is unfortunately slightly still true. It's one of those depressing things you're like, oh, no, this is 140 year old book odd day.

Collin  1:19:50

Know why

Brandon  1:19:59

and then yeah, he goes up And he just decided he's just starting to leave his opening doors for people in the prison, letting them out. Now because pricked by his conscience there, yeah, do that some of them are like in there for reasons that he thinks are really stupid.


And some people

Brandon  1:20:14

like he said, they don't even know why they're there anymore. And so he's just opening the doors. He's letting everybody out. It's a jailbreak. But he's got the key, right? Yeah, a kind of goes on about that. There's a husband and a wife who were arrested on their bridal night. And they've been just down there in separate cells the whole time. Years later, right. And so they didn't even know what's going on. They've just been sitting in these stone cells for forever. And he's very distressed by this whole plan. They've been down there for like, 15 years.


And just sitting there, like they, like lost all of their skin color, because they've been in the dark for too long. And it's very unfortunate time, right. So he's, he's breaking them out. carrying people out of there. The Queen did not like it much, right.

Brandon  1:21:21

Yeah. Any other thoughts about this part? No, no, it's

Collin  1:21:27

trying to think of, of, again, this modern. I mean, I'm gonna say modern sensibility. But here he is offended, by the way, this generational belief, backwards way of thinking and trying to go about setting it right. And just a direct confrontation with that. And I don't know, it's, it's, it's very, it's weirdly very dark part of the story so far, like, yeah, this part like describing the conditions that people are in and the wrongful treating of things and like the, how they how they are visually, like, it's it's definitely not a jolly time during this. It's taken a weird taking a very dark turn at this.

Brandon  1:22:08

Yeah, that's very interesting, kind of, you know, we think about juxtapose that to some, like modern institutionalization of like, imprisoning people, right. Because like, like, the only thing that people in this book have in common is everybody in prison is a commoner. Right? And again, that's still true, also. Right. Some of the problems facing specifically the American prison system, right? Like, that's true, too, right? They these are just normal people, for the most part.

Collin  1:22:44

Well, and you see, he's even struggling in a few instances of, of, like, people with multiple crimes, like there was somebody who killed an assassin. And so he was in prison for killing the assassin sent to kill him. And he's like, Well, that's not wrong to do it. But you can kill him because he damaged the well, that's fine. So what you kill him? Like, yeah, no, wait a minute. This is a very weird, like, he really is starting to like dole out justice, or what he seems is justice and what is fair and what is not. Almost somewhat as arbitrarily as before, you know, for different reasons. It's so yeah,


it's not he's still the one deciding or this Yeah, it's still not better than Morgan. Right? Yeah. Like, because it's just a different person deciding over people. Right? Instead of like a systematic, like, plan, like structure is just like a person. It's still kingly, it's still a person deciding

Brandon  1:23:48

that they're that they have this ability to Lord things over other people. Right. So it is kind of a weird thing that's happening. It's kind of a weird little chapter with that part. What do you think about like that kind of odd? It's a whole like, weird thing. So but yeah, he You can tell he is struggling with what's going on how bad it is. Like it is kind of dark, literally and figuratively, at this point. I'm sure that we'll have time shredders would just show you a black screen. And just assuming it was happening, some quiet in the background, assuming

Collin  1:24:26

that the movement Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  1:24:28

Some chains rattling in subpoenaed time. And he goes on.

Collin  1:24:36

For quite a long time. This really to me hits a very low point where Mark Twain kind of flexes the emotions here, where he talks about the guy who is in this weird cell where he can still kind of see daylight and he could see it right He could see the light shine there at night. And in the daytime, he could see figures go by in and out his wife, children, some of them no doubt that he could not make a hood that was, you know, he looked at the festivities and rejoiced and wondered what was going on and noted funerals and they run his like this, this image of this guy in this hole, staring out through, he can just see all he can tell us lightened day right maybe here's some stuff and imagining the whole world going on around him and continuing to move on without him. This was really like, Oh, this is really sad. This is very, very dark again. I've said that already. But this we hit this point. Right? And right. And he's Yeah, he said he could not make it. He could. And he noted the funerals and they run his heart. He could make out the coffin, but he could not determine its size. So he could not tell whether it was his wife, or child.

Brandon  1:25:55

What like this is just

Collin  1:25:57

the depravity here of this position that Morgan le Fay had had placed these people in. And I think this is really to show



Collin  1:26:08

What a horrible woman she was. And yeah,

Brandon  1:26:12

because he was actually led to believe that that was his whole family. Yeah. And they're not dead. Right? None of them. This is some, like, Greek level of horribleness. Right? Like, this is like something is use would come up with. Right? This is like a very It's nuts. Right? And yeah, he didn't even like do anything really. To me, partially, I can't remember where it says that. But like, yeah, he didn't really like whatever he was kind of was it wasn't even a big deal. Right? And she's Oh, yes, she is just kind of horrible.

Collin  1:26:46

Yeah. And yeah, his crime. So it says, um, but for me, he never would have got out Morgan if he hated him with her whole heart, and she never would have softened toward him. And yet his crime was his crime committed was more of thoughtlessness than deliberate depravity.

Brandon  1:26:59

He said he had said she had read here. Yes. Yes, that's right. Apparently, she had, but that was no way to speak of it. When red haired people are above a certain social grade. Their hair is all burned. Yeah. So red headed people. Let me know if that's true. I don't know about that.



Brandon  1:27:37

yeah, that was kind of weird, right. So we'll see. Goes on his side quests next week? Uh, huh. Next time here. So the side quests continue. I don't think we get to where we're going yet. So we'll see what the world's going on here. Up, it strikes me is interesting, that he talks about how silly the stories are the night stories where people just traveled around to do random things here and there. And then like, here he is traveling around and doing random things here and there. It's very, very interesting that he's like, the he's doing and living out the thing that he was promoting in the beginning of book, right. It's one of the one of the things anyway, yeah,

Collin  1:28:29

it was no, no rhyme or reason for a lot of these things. And it there was no coherence to make sense of what was going on. Things just kind of happened. Yeah, here he is. Here, smack dab in the middle of things kind of happening around.

Brandon  1:28:46

Oh, yeah,

Collin  1:28:47

I still I say this every week. And it still is true of I don't know how this is going to get all wrapped up or like what the punch is going to be at the end. Here's the


real question. Is Hank going to learn a thing? Yeah. After all this time? Is he is he going to actually experience some kind of change? A hurry? He's gonna have static character, Hank. The whole time? I don't know.

Collin  1:29:20

I don't know. I'm very interested to see what happens here. Because I feel as though almost


I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I

Collin  1:29:28

want to guess but like, yeah, I don't I don't see him learning a whole lot here. I do. I do see him becoming more of of the world. Becoming more of the

Brandon  1:29:40

those like him that oh, maybe. Yeah. But but but again, the story arc is,

Collin  1:29:45

obviously there's a lot of things changing on in the background, like his soap, you know, merchants like yeah, there's actually a lot of things going on here that we have no idea about. We're just going to be brought into light of like, oh yeah, there's


that thing that I've been working on and So who knows who knows what's about to hatch? True? That's true. What other random things like that are happening. So yeah, we'll keep an eye out. For one of these. It's like a random Wheel of Time story beat.

Brandon  1:30:11

Oh, yeah. Did you know I was doing this all along? All

Collin  1:30:13

along? That's why, huh?

Brandon  1:30:19

Here, we're probably meant to believe that the scope of industry was so incredibly fast that he couldn't have mentioned everything that he did. I imagine that's what we're supposed to be doing the Wheel of Time. Because I forgot to tell you.

Collin  1:30:35

That'd be hidden. couldn't be bothered so much. She go and go. So in closing today, if

Brandon  1:30:41

I can open my camera, Oh, yes. The the Mark Twain quote of the week inspired probably possibly directly by Mr. Hank. Mr. Hank Morgan himself. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. As I go, Hey, oh

Collin  1:31:07

absolutely. And Hank is definitely getting started on something that which to not know yet.

Brandon  1:31:14

Do we know what it is? Not a clue. By the Sancto also


know? Oh, well.

Brandon  1:31:23

So a haiku for the party. Yeah. Gracefully swimming. captivating, yet deadly. lightning flash of teeth.

Collin  1:31:44

Okay, breaking out the big guns for this one. Oh, yeah. Nice.

Brandon  1:31:51

Shark Week comes but once a year, so you gotta have

Collin  1:31:54

gotta be ready to do it.


Ready to go.

Collin  1:32:02

That sets us off into a great start to the next. Next time. Wants to contemplate Very good. Love it.

Brandon  1:32:11


Collin  1:32:12

who knows? Maybe next time, maybe next time we'll be an in person recording on a boat, or fishing.

Brandon  1:32:18

I don't know if it'd be on a boat, but I would imagine. We'll talk about that later.

Collin  1:32:24

Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Good. Okay,

Brandon  1:32:27

well until then. All right. Love you. Love you.