golf cart with a colonel in it

Brandon sat somewhere new. Collin got beeped at. Plus, a review of Shark Week 2024 & Chapters 14-16 of a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

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shark, sharks, people, weird, chapter, walk, great, week, fireworks, turned, dog, work, hank, actual, planes, live, happen, starts, year, man


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Old Brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out as your host, Brandon and Colin, on this week's show, golf cart with a colonel


are you I'm good.

Collin  00:21

Mike, my very low. Can you hear me at all?


I say that I was like, okay, okay. Going from very far away.

Collin  00:35

I'm all sorts of I had this terrible hissing going on. I couldn't figure out what it was. And one of my knobs was turned. So we're all bits. I was turning stuff down, and I realized I turned the wrong one back up. So I don't know what's going on. We'll do it. We'll do it turns out every time.

Brandon  00:54

Yeah, pretty much.

Collin  00:57

Goodness. How much rain? Did you guys get? Um,

Brandon  01:03

a fair bit, I would say. I don't really know. 100%. But it was quite a bit he.



Brandon  01:12

I in the last week, we've gotten quite a fair bit, I suppose. Trying to think when the last time I actually talked to you, but all right, no worries. I've just like, throws me off here. So yeah, the other day like earlier, just last couple days. It rained quite a bit like yesterday. Yesterday. What is today? Right? Yes, yesterday morning. It did rain quite a lot. There's even a wee bit of hail mixed in there.

Collin  01:37

Oh, little tiny, little tiny bit. There very small hills. But yeah, we had some hail in there. So. Yeah. Last week. Yes.

Brandon  01:47

Because the last time I talked to you was right before the Fourth of July. Right. Is that?

Collin  01:51

Okay, indeed. And so. And so.


It rained, like on the fourth. Right? It's really, we're getting ready to go to the park to watch the city fireworks. And we were like, hi, I wonder what time we should go over there.

Collin  02:08

Thunder Oh. Oh, and then

Brandon  02:17

text from the city this evening. Fireworks have been canceled due to weather. Or no.

Collin  02:22

They just did it like the next night. Right? But yeah, but it was

Brandon  02:28

it was the timing of it was so hilarious. Like all right. We

Collin  02:31

should probably get ready to go or not Yeah, so it was kind of a kind of a

Brandon  02:46

weird is the timing was just funny. Right? So but we it was fine. We it was right. The next day. It was good. We we big, big news.

Collin  02:53

On the firework run. Oh, we went and sat in a different spot. Oh, man. Oh, man.

Brandon  03:03

I know, this is big news for people like me who just do the same thing over and over again, in perpetuity. Right. So changing

Collin  03:12

the fireworks spot? Kind of a big deal. Right? How


what made the change was two

Brandon  03:20

reasons. Right? Two reasons. One was, I don't think they might had mowed the ditch in quite a while. And so normally what we do is we park on the highway, and then hop over onto the golf course and just go over there but the ditch to get to the it's very steep anyway, very precipitous to get down there. And the grass appeared to be approximately four feet tall.

Collin  03:49

So we saw that and we're not

Brandon  03:57

like we saw that earlier in the week. And we're like, oh, I

Collin  03:59

don't want huh? Oh, no. And so

Brandon  04:03

we've been we've been going to the park and like walking slash slight running and kind of weird don't it's weird. But anyway, and so like down by like the soccer field. There's just like this big huge open field of nothingness where like I wonder if people come and watch fireworks down here.


Wait a minute.

Brandon  04:26

There's three little parking lots. And then you can just go sit on the soccer field. Oh.

Collin  04:36

Turns out just a few

Brandon  04:38

people go to watch fire so there's a haha that's where we found

Collin  04:42

a noose. So is this going to be the new spot? Do you think that the city intentionally didn't mow to keep people from using the ditch? Maybe,


maybe. But I don't know. Yeah.

Brandon  04:53

So here's the here's the question, right that has to be unfortunately has to wait like a For a year to be answered, right, was, was it not very crowded down in that location? because not a lot of people go there? Or because it was not the actual day of the celebration that had been delayed from the previous day and less people wear their general own. Right. So this is the question I don't have the answer to, right. Like, was it just like very easily accessible? Because it's always that way? Or was it because a lot of people weren't there? Because they were doing other stuff, because they got canceled the day before. And it was like the food truck Friday thing that night. So a lot of people were downtown. Right. We were downtown and then came over to the park. I don't know if anybody else did that. I don't know if a lot of people stayed downtown and just watched the big fireworks from there. Sure.

Collin  05:56

I don't know. I don't know. So we have some questions to be answered there. But like, so it was good this time. So we'll

Brandon  06:09

see if it says a repeatable? Yeah, if it is a repeatable event,

Collin  06:14

right? Unfortunately, not one that you can get a large sample size on very quickly. Is it? Yeah, it's

Brandon  06:19

gonna take along

Collin  06:20

a long way. But it's, it's it is


there in committee where our work are depicted. Right. Oh, so like, it's, it's closer so you can see them better? Right.

Brandon  06:40

You still can't see a lot of the ground fireworks because it's behind some trees, but it's a lot closer to the other stuff,

Collin  06:46

which is kind of cool. That's fun. Right? So there's that. We'll see.

Brandon  06:53

We'll see. How am I gonna think about we have made a slight change in

Collin  06:58

the Fourth of July scheduled programming. And so what's your so other than the fact that it just because it was available? How were the viewing angles? Did you feel like it was adequate for what you were wanting from this? Yeah,

Brandon  07:10

it was nice. I mean, like he said, you can see so you could actually be some of the ground show. Absolutely. Right. So not all of it, you get the full effect, but a lot of the fireworks were much more directly overhead.

Collin  07:22

That's good. For viewing right. It's more fire workI,

Brandon  07:29

I guess. So it was really good. It was nice. It was actually really cool evening, too. It's kind of like oh, man

Collin  07:34

should have brought it out here. Yeah, we'll change the world.

Brandon  07:40

This week. Made up for it's like haha, loser. Now it's 7000 degrees. Well, after

Collin  07:47

after barrel move through. The heat came back in with it. Because yeah, it was like, Yeah. There was a week time last week where it's like, oh, it's it's 64 degrees this morning. Oh, this is chilly. And this is weird. And then yeah, now it's just it's just


really hot.

Collin  08:09

We went through it to the Marshfield parade with July parade. Ah, right. Fourth year running for us, and gotta be real. I'm still surprised by the people who attend this parade. It's an election year. So all of your state and federal representatives were at Marshall, Iowa. It

Brandon  08:37

is the county it is the county to county seat right

Collin  08:41

there go. Ah, but you're like, it's very interesting to see like, oh, no, you're a sitting senator. Right. And like, what are you why are you here like this? Isn't that weird that we are to anybody else by there. You're this, but it makes them seem


rootsy routine, right.

Brandon  08:59

Small. It's the show of like, oh, no, I care about the people. They don't spoilers. They don't care about you. But they're here to make you think they do. And then they'll go back and pass all the laws that are good for the corporations and their friends. So they pull the old


switcheroo on Yeah.



Collin  09:20

no. And so you know, we were like, the way I've been reading much Mark Twain, right. It's kind of cheese. Of course, of course, Megan was like, if they have a pamphlet, or if they have a pamphlet and I'm like, You're not voting for them. Why would you ask them? What they do?

Brandon  09:36

We don't live here. What what do you care?

Collin  09:38

I just want to know, so you know, they'd be passing out candy or cops or pins or whatever. And I was in the backyard. Like,


do you have some literature about your candidate?

Brandon  09:48

I didn't bring that they don't want to inform you. They want to give you

Collin  09:53

a sucker. And oh,

Brandon  09:57

literally American flag pin. Mm. Right.

Collin  10:02

I have never seen awkward live before. But if you really want to feel just this, like what it's like to be the machine that is American politics, go to one of these events and literally have the candidate throwing candy at people. I've never seen a more perfect picture of what politics is actually like, of here. Let me throw you this 11 cent Tootsie Roll. And that will mean that you like me, and you remember me? And I'm just like, everyone would you know, was there people who were like, really excited. This was a big deal. And I thought it was cool that they were actually throwing the candy. I'm like, Oh, it works. And that's the scary part. It actually works up a ball.

Brandon  10:47

I gotta remember, for our first meet and greet Tootsie Rolls, that's the move. You got to give. Ah, like my. Oh, I was that was. So that's a weird. It's interesting. You brought that. So you experienced that part of the weirdness that is Fourth of July. Right? The American patriotic machine in motion? Right. The part that I would say, is the part where people don't think their plan through right. So here's what happens. People will go. And then they will go to the one of I don't know. 27 stands on the side of the road that sell explosives. Right. And then they will come to I don't know, a city park in a parking lot full of people and just began to light off explosives in the presence of other people. Just haphazardly. Right, like no real

Collin  11:51

care about the other people that are there.

Brandon  11:54

Right? Like, oh, did you want bombs to be going off by your head


to bed loser?

Brandon  12:03

Like, somebody sent us a virus on the road, and like multiple cars had to stop because things were just like exploding on

Collin  12:10

the road. Oh, no, no, don't like, that's illegal. Don't do that. No, I'm not opposed to be

Brandon  12:22

lighting off fireworks in a certain proximity of roads. Right. That's how this was work. But yeah, this is the other thing like I had this is this is the celebration of American freedom. Sometimes it's like, I'm free to do whatever

Collin  12:33

I want. At everyone else's expense. That's

Brandon  12:39

That's what some people mean by that. And it hurts me a little bit like why would you do


you setting up bombs

Collin  12:52

I was shocked this year by the amount of fireworks going off on the actual Fourth of July. I think last year, the had there were more days of fireworks. But I think this year was all concentrated. I think that's just because well it fell during the week. You know, it was it was a Thursday. Yeah. No, but I think this is why but on so I was out doing visits on the night of the fourth. I am. I build the dogs and

Brandon  13:25

cats just love that. Right? I mean, that's just like the greatest. Like, you have to wear like Kevlar arms.

Collin  13:32

We actually did have a dog who was so uncontrollable. It pinned one of our girls in a in a hallway and hold the whole Yeah. Yep, it was so on edge. And it was a great name. And the owner ended up having to leave their campsite and drive 45 minutes over to to get the Oh Mike. Yeah. No, it's great. But I I've never felt like I was driving around and actively being shelled. As far as usually you're like, Oh, they're over there. But this year, it was like it was like, oh, no, you're right here like you're literally on a sidewalk. Nobody did it in the roads for us, which was nice. Nice. Like, I'm at a visit. And people in the backyard again, in the city within city limits. Right? Hold on mortars not just like ground stuff, but like a balloon, like concrete, just the other side of the fence. 120 yards away. And then all three neighbors on some of these houses. Everyone in the backyard shooting off these things. Like what it's it was a yeah, not fun. Not fun for a lot of people I would say I hadn't wasn't like that last year. So I think it was just this pent up like, Whoa, I can't do it on a Wednesday night so I gotta wait till Thursday. I don't know I feel like this year.

Brandon  14:55

There wasn't a lot of this ethic everybody just save them. Hmm. Right, because a lot of times what happens is these stands open up in like,

Collin  15:05

the early part of June. Right? And then you like, slowly Have

Brandon  15:11

you just slowly kind of hear some fireworks

Collin  15:14

the whole time.

Brandon  15:17

Right. But this year, at least where I live, I felt like everybody waited until like, the

Collin  15:22

week of the Fourth of July to like, shoot them all off. Right?

Brandon  15:28

Yeah, it was that we had them going until like, Sunday, Monday, maybe I don't know. Like, they're still. They're still going quite long way afterwards. But like, like, several days after usually, it's like all the before. And then this time, it was like, and also after two by the way, which was weird, like, and there was a lot and it was like, when I was like 1230. And I was like, Oh, are you serious right now? Like why did it was raining on the fourth? So I'll give you the fifth and the sixth. Okay, it's now the eighth. You need to stop like why?

Collin  16:13

Yeah, well, for us all of the late night, like on the fourth. Everybody who shot fireworks around eight or nine, it was totally fine. But then yes, by 10 o'clock. The storms had rolled in. So we we went from concussions of of, you know, mortar shells to the thunder and the lightning in the storm. So it's like dogs and cats didn't get a break. It was it was lots of like, Oh, great. Well, good news was the fireworks didn't go on night. That news was massive thunderstorms. And we

Brandon  16:47

had people out shooting fireworks in rain more jets out here. We did yeah, people still hurt

Collin  16:54

them. Like what guys it's thundering outside, like, yeah, with the sound of my freedom, man. Like what are you doing? Conveniently also really actively heavily riding on

Brandon  17:09

you. Like if that fuse goes off you go stick your head in there. You're going to explode your cranium. That is not what we want. Okay, that's not good. So you may have the freedom to do that. But you don't have the freedom to be able to afford health care so maybe don't remember when you remember

Collin  17:33

as you're buying your as you're buying your mortars and your fireworks that healthcare is not free. So that's fine with that in mind. Yeah yeah, it was. It was interesting. Another interesting here. So now we survived. We shot off a few things. Mostly little stuff. A lot of sparklers and the whatnots poppers, lots of coppers

Brandon  18:04

dragon things or whatever. But like yeah,

Collin  18:07

lots of those lots of little fountains those kinds of things and we had two children with very different personalities and one of them anointed themselves leader and grand Pooh bah of all firework festivities

Brandon  18:31

I think see which one killed the charge

Collin  18:34

right away. Okay, before we read off everything to announce what is going to be love read right and it'd be like you know,


green flames with sparkle and loud bangs Okay,


thank you incoming it

Brandon  18:52

yeah no surprises for you. I'm gonna tell you exactly what's gonna happen


definitely history here

Collin  19:01

with the fountains started to get a little comfortable of like setting off multiple at a time. Oh yeah. lining them up and then going down the road like you know then running out to the next one you have three or four going off cycle toe my

Brandon  19:23

cascading friends, was at the Bellagio. What's



Collin  19:33

the other one just sat there with the earmuffs on next to Megan going.

Brandon  19:37

Yeah, I just wanted to watch. Just like to do to do it's fun.

Collin  19:43

It was it was it was really fun. Just like, bifurcated and yeah. grant announcements and so we didn't do that we we stayed up a little later than we normally do to him to shoot off some of those things and

Brandon  19:57

we know it's gonna be dark. Right? Yeah. can't Yeah, it's got to be you have to have some darkness. Otherwise it's you know, it

Collin  20:03

does lose some appeal, right? Yeah, we had our favorite one this year, at least mine was this, um, a ladybug. And it just had a fuse on it, and you lit the fuse. And I go, what's a ladybug gonna do? Well,



Collin  20:22

it's one of those things of, you know, what are a lot of aerodynamics can be overcomed with just can be overcome, which is more thrust. Cuz it's

Brandon  20:29

true. Yeah, it's just

Collin  20:32

not, you know, aerodynamic thing at all. And all sudden, it starts spinning at a billion miles an hour and then shoots right up in the air, showering sparks down. turns green, and you're like, holy, what happened to that? Was that okay? So that was my favorite, just because they're like, oh, are the these other ones where you know, they have the spinny ones, you know where you light and they've got like the the, the actual blades on them where the they're going to spin up. But you light them and they'll shine as they turn of color and they don't explode or anything that's kind of shoot straight up. Well, we bought one that was big, and it was a two stager so it sure


shot way high.

Collin  21:16

But these other ones just look like a standard firecracker, you know, not an M 80 or anything but something way smaller than that. It was just it just look like that little cardboard little tiny tube no bigger than round than a pencil. And, and those things also would spin and go way high in the afternoon. Like yeah, my Yes. The firework way of just make it just, you know, it's exploding. It's a semi controlled explosion here, folks, it's going to do something.

Brandon  21:45

Everything's fine. Just gonna let it go.

Collin  21:50

No, don't concern yourself with this. Nice. Yeah,

Brandon  21:57

it's always weird how many different ways there are to make loud noises with bright colors? Right? It's kind of weird how like just add, you have to applaud the creativity on some level? Because like, you would think there'd be like five tops. No, no, no, no, that

Collin  22:16

is not true. That is not how it works. If you bottle rockets, not too many, you know, can definitely tell you that the Junebug population around the house is not what it used to be. So you can take them to them and shoot them off. But the Not that anyone did that. But hey, if you're interested, he could

Brandon  22:45

not be able to not be able to most


definitely, most definitely.

Collin  22:53

This week, we went to celebrate, I was gonna make a transition there about America, but we went to a nearby Air Force Base by which we live. And they were having a a science thing. They're a stem presentation with all this stuff there. And so we do what we normally do we look at one flyer and go Sure, let's go and we show all that nice, all the details later. But, you know, you're driving there and all sudden you're like, oh, yeah, no, no, this is like a, an active military base one of only three, I'm going to narrow it down here, whatever the replaces, where the b two bomber is, yeah. In the world, and one where and also getting the brand new one, where it's always now. So you're pulling up and you're like, Oh, Ah,


this is kind of, how's


this gonna

Collin  23:55

work? Well, let me tell you lots of checkpoints. Lots of ID checking lots of rolling down windows. I mean, people look in what you were doing lots of barricades. Lots of all this stuff. And we get in and it's a they put us in a it's a it's a stem where they're just showing off of the military industrial complex, where all of your trillions of dollars go they want to show off a little bit of that today. So they you walk into this hair hanger is what it is. And then the entire back door is open up onto the main repair area where they bring in all the all the all the airplanes that are on base there. Oh, yeah. And so you just walk out and it's like this huge open thing with all these displays and stuff inside and you can go outside and see the you know, where they do trainings and where they have all stuff. But they were also setting up for this thing called I'm just gonna say wings over Whiteman, where they bring in all of these airplanes from around like all these military planes. both historical and modern and show them off for things. So they had like a well, I walked out and I saw the Flying Fortress way in the distance and I saw you know, what did they Oh, what's the what's not as before the beat to the beat 29 It was beat what it was that loud



Brandon  25:21

like every Superfortress, the big one?

Collin  25:23

Yeah, so it's all a super fortress, the B 29. Off in the distance, and then we saw a b one, they had the Rockwell B, one Lancer over there. So those are off in the distance. And of course, I'm like, Well, we're gonna go see those in a minute. Okay. But then we're just walking around, and one that we immediately we got there right when they open because this is what we needed to do. And I'm glad we did. Because right when we walk right over in the hat, one of those robot dogs

Brandon  25:53

from Boston Dynamics ones,

Collin  25:55

it's a Boston Dynamics dog, this company that what happens is this company buys them from Boston Dynamics. Spec some out. Yeah, and then sells those to the military. And


I feel like there's

Brandon  26:12

those guarantee those costs way too much. They put too much markup on that I can almost promise you.

Collin  26:18

Surely not. I talked to them. They're out of out of Philadelphia, I talked to two very nice guys from now to Philadelphia. And these, okay, just so everybody's aware. I'm pretty sure this is public knowledge. But anyway. These are, these are actively going to be deployed on on basis as security. This is I

Brandon  26:49

play this video game. I knew I think I did.

Collin  26:54

I'm like, Uh huh. So I'm like, talk to me about like, you know, because I got very tongue in cheek, like, come on, like, You got to be kidding me. Like, I'm going to ask some questions about this. Right. So I'm talking to him like, so what are the, you know, limitations for the environment and stuff? He's like, you know, that's a really good question. So we were working on some more, what do you call it? He said, a weather proofing. And I was like, oh, like body armor. And he's like, Well, weatherproofing.


From, you know, such and such, and apparently.

Collin  27:30

Currently, what they have to do in the wintertime, they have to change out the the feet to add traction. And, and so they have to add ice studs. And I went, are you telling me you gave this thing clause? And he was like I study and I was like you gave it clause? He was like, Well, sure. Maybe it really did. And then what they developed is these things. It's like they have these, they have these stations that are they call them dog houses. And what happens is, is the the thing autonomously approaches, and then it opens up, and the thing can go in, lay down and then it encloses around it and it can that's where it charges that's

Brandon  28:15

like the Roomba but like it's a taser on its face.

Collin  28:20

And can run up to five miles an hour.




this is

Brandon  28:33

yeah, we're

Collin  28:35

and so we got to the kids got to drive it if they have a little, just little iPad with this little thing. Yeah. And you just go and they had a perimeter detection thing. So you could be running full force towards something. But because this thing was turned on, you could never you could literally never run. Like

Brandon  28:53

stop it. Yeah.

Collin  28:56

It was creepy. Oh my gosh. And so we got to drive it and like I talked more about it. And I was like, that's really creepy. And he's like, yeah, so we remotely deploy these. So they're homebase isn't in Philadelphia, and they can tap remotely in to these things when they're deployed all over the world. But they're actively going to be on on military bases where as part of security and, and reconnaissance stuff. So so the AI revolution is going great

Brandon  29:27

people. Wow. Yeah. You know, some of the things like there's part of this that is kind of neat, but there's the other part of this just like the worst thing ever, right? Like he's also right. This The other thing that makes me grumpy about this kind of thing, though, right? Is that this thing exists, right? These if they have like a whole bunch of these, this is going to use like tremendous amounts of electricity to charge these things and they're telling me I have to raise my thermostat in the summer because oh, there's no there's no electricity for everyone. Robot guard dogs

Collin  30:11

Yes, yeah, exactly where it's like, oh wait, the power grid that can't charge all the electric cars already. You want me to turn down my thermostat? No one wants to deploy this thing. Cool. Yeah. Come on. What are you doing? Oh,


that is that, isn't it? I

Brandon  30:30

have definitely played this video game before. Yeah. I like, I like the juxtaposition of your child in a pet sitter hat next to a robot dog that does not need pet sitting. That's really kind

Collin  30:43

of the guy. The guy commented, he goes, Oh, that's pretty funny hat and I said, Yeah, that's what our business is. He goes, really so we talked about that for a little bit. And he was and I was like, so you know, we're thinking is because I said, I said how I said, so you're running at five miles an hour here? How long does that last? And he's like, Oh, an hour and a half. Oh my gosh. So okay, so I'm being caught let's just be honest people. But I told him I said no, what I do is I just have a pre programmed route where this thing would walk along and make stops at people's houses and they could just clip the dog onto the body and it would just go do the route and come drop it off and and he said, You know, it's funny you should say that not only are they deploying these in on bases, but also because people love Judge Dredd and etc.

Brandon  31:40

They love it, they love it. They're

Collin  31:42

actually living in police forces. Police forces are buying these to use in juxtaposition with their aerial drones. And so what they are actually having to do is go in and as part of police dog training there actually has to go through like this new D sensitive dissenters. D sensitives. Why can't say that word right? No, my brain so sorry. Holy moly,

Brandon  32:08

the centralization centralization,

Collin  32:11

decentralization, whatever that word is to these automatons because they freak out the dogs, and they don't like being around them. So like that's a whole new thing that they're layering in this man's processes they bring them on board isn't enough to work in tandem, or be at least not be freaked out by them.

Brandon  32:31

Did you get freaked out by them? Especially when this turns into lies of P and there's a dog like this but has a sword on its face or discharging electric shocks at you? Right? This is

Collin  32:43

I mean they're already equipping them with claws like Oh no. face shield to protect the you know the the the camera lens and the thing Oh, you gave a teeth. That's what it sounds like. You just did cool. That's wonderful. Like how I mean that would just be talking about dystopian living on a living on a military base. And then every hour was already already dystopian to dry fire. Like that thing is so weird. It's it's so unnerving to drive by and just see everything the way it is like it's just pretend like it's just it's not doesn't seem that seems like out of oh, it's Stepford Wives or whatever that thing is called. Oh, yeah. All right. So and so just like, imagine you're in your backyard grilling around your white picket fence because they all have at this one, at least, it's true. And then just going along the razor wired fence, double razor wired fence every now and then as with as little as the patrol as a as a robot armor dog walks by making sure that you're safe. Like,


what? Yeah, sounds fun.

Collin  33:59

So then we turned and we got to see the military, actual drones, you know, the ones that fly over and do the unmanned aircraft hits. So that was fine. Oh,


I was like,

Collin  34:11

long story about that one. But anyway, we'll talk

Brandon  34:13

about that later in the ethical dilemmas that that causes.

Collin  34:18

Oh, psychotic, you know, the, the, the mental breaks that forces people out when they're just sitting there with an Xbox controller Anyway, whatever. So then we go over and they're showing what fighter pilots have to where they've got this dummy chair they're supposed to sit in. And I was like, the kids sat down in it. And I was like, this is the most expensive chair in the world. And they and the pilots laughed, and then they were explaining what happens whenever they eject. And then I said then it becomes the really most expensive the day they were like, Yeah, that's anyway, move along. But they had other robotics there. They had Lego row. buts you could build and they had all sorts of stuff. But then we went out on the tarmac because that was the cool stuff was because the other thing that the Air Force base here is well known for is not just the B to the A 10. warthog X, Y Yes.

Brandon  35:13

Ah, yes.


Ah, yes. So

Collin  35:19

they have all those lined out. And let me tell you, fewer things are more imposing than walking out and just having 10 of them lined up slick, looking directly at you. It's like, yeah. That's yeah, that's, that's a lot of fear. And so I see these guys over on the side working on it. And we walk over and it's got yellow tape around it. And they're actually when I can tell from afar, they're there. They're working on loading munitions to go under the wing. And I'm like, Oh, cool. Let's go watch this. So we're making a beeline for this to the corner of my eye again, active military base people are one of my I, I see two people in uniform, making a very hurried beeline to kind of like, kind of quasi cut us off. Because I then realized that like, oh, oh, no public is over here. I had a bright blue shirt. I don't think we're supposed to be over here. But we kind of stand from a distance and I turned and I waved to them. And, you know, they see the kids were watching there. And then I'm like, Okay, well, let's go look at this plane, like, Oh, here's the B to chaser. This is what helps bring it in and land. They have those planes out. They do all the practicing and stuff so we can see those. And then I look beyond I see the super fortress and it's way far away. I see the B one. And I see an Apache and I see one of the huge military cargo ships. They've got planes. I got one of those there.

Brandon  36:49

Oh, yeah, right, whatever. It's called

Collin  36:51

me. I start start walking over there. And again, we've left the hangar we're, we're we're a long ways to the hangar now because we've just been meandering bays and whitewater and walking straight towards the b1. I hear hear. Like, turn it like I look around randomly. And there's just this truck parked in the middle of the runway, still pointed right at us. Flashing his lights. I waive and then I kind of like gesture back to where we were like where we've been walking and he flashes his lights again. And I turned I was like we're not supposed to go over there yet walk back


he put up some sort of barrier. And I'm

Brandon  37:43

not putting a some like orange tape up or something. Guys, yeah,

Collin  37:47

at least with the act of loading of the A 10 warthog munitions they had they had yellow tape caution tape up. But no, no, they didn't want you just for watching around the airspeed. Oh, yeah, so we got our we got the horn honked at us. And then that kind of job national

Brandon  38:07

security threat.


blubbering about like derp derp.

Brandon  38:15

Oh, yeah, even from a colonel very soon.

Collin  38:18

I'm waiting for the black bands to pull up whenever you try to get in you have to show your ID they had to like look in the car to see who was there to even get there. And then once we parked, we had to like speak with another checkpoint of officers and military folks. And then we had to walk in and then to walk into the area where the stem thing was being put on. They had to do they had your arms out right and had to check us do the little ones and the metal detectors and stuff and have us inspected before we could walk in? Oh, yeah. Right. Yeah, that's kind of kind of a big deal.

Brandon  38:59

It's not understatement of the year.

Collin  39:01

The big deal probably shouldn't just wander around. It's fine.


So I take it,

Collin  39:08

I think I take that as a badge of honor being the I pushed, I found the limits where we weren't supposed to go Yeah.

Brandon  39:15

beep that.

Collin  39:20

It was oh, anyway, so that was fine. Everybody said that. It was great. We got to Yeah, so that was a that was our that was our recent adventure to that my only time there was the fourth of July. Freedom Bill getting beeped at and I should have been like I paid for that plane. Okay, I know. I didn't say that. Well, I was really what really probably would have. I would have been thrown

Brandon  39:53

in Jimmy's would have come when they would have turned on the robot dogs


They've just been like, run

Brandon  40:01

out and I was surrounded by robot dogs.

Collin  40:06

Wolves? No, I suppose be to be to chase. So what they have at this airport airbase is these big, open canopies where they can pull planes in so that they're covered from the elements from above. And people can work on them. They're out. They're not in the hangars, they're out more on the runway. And there's just no I was in rows and rows. And that's where all of these planes were on display. And let me tell you, when I walked by the BT chaser planes, and they had the stepside ladders going into the cockpit.


Not for you, though, not for me, not for me.

Collin  40:42

But I turned to Megan and I said, you know, I bet the kids would love to be in there. She said, Colin, no, we are not doing anything

Brandon  40:50

deep that was

Collin  40:53

this was actually on my way out to be beep done. So when we Oh, I was already trying to figure out how but I just talked about tempting. It's just sitting there I'm sure that I don't think the keys were in it but already I'm

Brandon  41:04

you were already on the radar this

Collin  41:08

year. Oh, they were definitely watching. Like this guy got a little he lingered a little bit too long by


communists we're gonna get we're gonna

Collin  41:20

that's how it is. You know, it's one of those Yeah, I'm out there just using my my family is as covered for me to

Brandon  41:30

cover, right like it was of Joseph McCarthy's like, various get, like,

Collin  41:34

finally. You know what, that's what they do these this is, this is a honeypot that they only put these on to draw this

Brandon  41:44

thing it just

Collin  41:46

figured it out. This is the STEM program at all. This is no yeah. Oh man. Yeah,

Brandon  41:56

that's gotta be it. They It's a trap.

Collin  42:01

So I just I was just making so many people nervous out there. You know, first, as I'm walking towards the a 10, and I'm lingering by the ladder and then walking towards blood. Like they just so many. So many red lights were sore flashing phone calls being made, I'm sure while I was wandering. I've done nothing.

Brandon  42:22

That exciting. Nothing to potentially compromise national security or deep debt by a base command editor.



Brandon  42:31

Some No, no, I did not get beat up by a golf cart with a colonel in it. Right. That did not happen. But I just


Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  42:43

You have for you a brief. I will be very brief here. The brief review of Shark Week 2024 so far. Oh,

Collin  42:54

right. Hey,

Brandon  42:55

it'd be like I'm imagining this year is very early. Right. Probably because the Olympics are happening and they don't want to run concurrently with the Olympics. I would imagine that would probably be the case. Right? But they know what happened to the ratings of the Olympics. Yeah, nobody's watching that much Track and Field anyway. And so like, they're, they're gonna watch X instead. Right? So that's gonna happen. Especially at NBC for being bad at sports. Okay, sorry. Anyway. So brief review of the week so far, right. I didn't get to watch last night. So we'll save that for part two, potentially.

Collin  43:35

But first of all, host host John Cena.

Brandon  43:42

Right. It's weird to have a host you can't look at weird Oh. Joke is never not funny. When

Collin  43:51

it's weird. Number one. Not really great. Interviewer John Cena, right. I wouldn't imagine that's really in his skill set. It's really awkward. Seeing him I

Brandon  44:04

don't really think he's that great of like an actor. Anyway, I've actually seen him act and resume things because you know, John Cena really care about like, the when there's no like, professional wrestler John Cena in front of you. He's really not interested. Right? Like, it's kind of like math, whatever. It's also weird that because he's not wrestling anymore.

Collin  44:30

He's like, shrinking.

Brandon  44:33

Right? Oh, because he's not like working out, like all the time. And all this stuff, right? He's, you know, and so like, he's just smaller. Hmm. So he's, it looks weird, because the only context I'm used to seeing him in is wrestling and being like, super jacked.


Yeah, so now it sounds like he's like Devo. Like he's still muscley right? But he's not Like, swollen muscley sure it's not just like, it's so he's like, trimming down he just looks

Collin  45:07

strange. Right? It looks weird. And also,

Brandon  45:12

yesterday he was doing something and he like, made some sort of joke and did something weird with his face. And I've realized that slimming down John Cena

Collin  45:23

looks an awful lot like Jim Varney book. And now I can't unsee you

Brandon  45:31

know what I mean? Like, no.



Brandon  45:40

I think it was a very wide mouth. I think that's what it is. I think it's what it is.

Collin  45:45

But like, Oh, no. Okay, so I, I want you to google your hand on heart. And on heart.


I typed in Jim Hardy,

Collin  45:56

and the first hit is John Cena. First is the only one Yeah, well, these people are saying that John Cena looks like a jack Jim Varney. Yeah. Wow.


Whoever knows. Until he like starts slimming down. Because you know Earth P world's pretty a slim guy. You know? Like, yeah, look at that. Like this very.

Collin  46:30

Oh, there are horror articles on this. You've hit on something. Oh, yeah. Look are Jim Cena or sorry, Jim Cena now are John Cena and Jim Barney related. Find out if they're related. They are but Barry. This is weird that you're right. They look.

Brandon  46:50

Yeah, it's very. It's very strange. Right. It's very distressing. Anyway, now that that's out there. Okay. Just know that I've been staring at bat going. Huh? He looks like Jim party.


Yeah. What a wonderful thing to have in the back in your mind. Yeah, yeah. So.

Collin  47:09

Yeah, that's weird. So, so anyway, right. We have some like, very.

Brandon  47:19

We have a broad variety of success here when it comes to Shark Week. 2024. Right. It's

Collin  47:24

kind of wonky, right? Like, night one. kind of bad. Like a lie. Right?

Brandon  47:32

If the Belly of the Beast bigger and bloodier, right. Apparently, these people decided, you know, what's an interesting way to study sharks feeding whale carcasses, right? Finding a whale carcass?



Brandon  47:47

So what if we build a giant fake whale carcass?

Collin  47:52

Yes, complete with

Brandon  47:54

like that you can climb in and there's like an observation portal inside and you can just be in there why sharks are trying to eat it.

Collin  48:04

Clan? That's kind of right. Ah this weirdly weirdly So this reminds me of of the I read about a people were trying to study these what are they these blood sucking eels? And they're trying to understand like how they did it and how it was impacting how they gorged and stuff like that. But they couldn't get approval to attach these to live fish. So they just filled hot dog casings with blood and stuck these in tanks with those things and had the high that so I'm driving with this. It's just on a whole nother level of like, yeah, it's

Brandon  48:45

a similar idea, but like bigger, like bigger 20 fun. 2930 foot whale, right. Oh, we're dealing with Whoa. So it's kind of weird, right? And they were talking about like, looking for like the big they were looking for like big female sharks. I think that was the show one of these shows. But as doing that, I don't think it was this one. I think it was different one more on that later. Because that was the first one. Oh, no, that was different. All right. Anyway, so that was that was kind of it just studying that and that kind of

Collin  49:18

stuff. So it was all right. Whatever.

Brandon  49:22

Then the next one was something about Mako Zilla. It was just like looking for like giant Mako sharks off the coast of California. Okay, that's kind of neat. That was pretty good one. There was one called JAWS versus Leviathan. This was quite possibly the lamest one ever. Right? It was basically talking about like you know how like Shark like, killer whales and stuff like, attack great white sharks now.

Collin  49:56

They're like, what would the battle have been like? See?

Brandon  49:59

Steve million years ago when there was bigger sharks in bigger whales to like, Huh. And it was just like, a really arbitrary ranking system of like how fast they think a giant ancient whale would be.

Collin  50:15

And like, how fast the shark is, like, the bite force of maybe giant, ancient, which is very good, right? And they were like,

Brandon  50:29

they kept talking about these things. And they kept saying these things about like, how they would say, like, how the whale is related to the Orca and the like sperm whale. And then they never mentioned the sperm whale again. Which is kind of weird, because you're like, what a giant whale eat a shark like that. To sperm whales eat


sharks. No, no. Hey, go.

Brandon  50:53

There's your answer.

Collin  50:57

It's not very exciting, though. Not very exciting.

Brandon  51:01

That one was not very great. Right.

Collin  51:03

So that one was not wonderful. That was fine. I think maybe

Brandon  51:10

it was this one. One of the shows not maybe it was the first one. So the first one I can't remember. Anyway, I don't remember which one it is. I'm gonna get this off my chest. Now because this is the most annoying thing in the whole world. They this, they were talking about big female sharks, right? And they just like came up with like an arbitrary word to describe a

Collin  51:29

dominant, large female shark.

Brandon  51:34

And they just kept saying the word over and over and over again, like it had any sort of scientific meaning whatsoever. Oh, no. And they were like, is this the queen? Shark?

Collin  51:44

Like, what? I need you to stop saying that.

Brandon  51:48

Because any interesting points that you might be making are undermined by this terrible vocabulary that you are deploying upon my ears. Right, it reminded me awkwardly


of Mean Girls. Right? They

Brandon  52:03

were desperately trying to make fetch happen. That's fair fetch is just never gonna happen. I don't know how to tell you this. No, but you can't. You can't just I told Susan that. And she about fell off the couch. Laughing.



Brandon  52:19

a good response. Yes. Yeah. No, no, no doing that. So that was, that was a big major annoyance that has just bothered me. The whole week so far is just that show. Talking about the Queen boss shark. That's not a real thing. You can't just like say things and like, make them actually mean something on a scientific level. That's not how this works.

Collin  52:39

Stop it. The first actual good show

Brandon  52:46

was the Sydney Harbour shark invasion show. It was actually very good, because not only was it your boy Paul de Gelder, a man who was being enabled diver in Sydney Harbour and got his arm and leg bit off by vulture. Yep. 2009 It was him hosting the show, going back to Sydney Harbour and investigating the different sharks that are coming around and the increased shark activity around Sydney. Right. So that was neat. And they did like, not Okay, number one, as a person who has been to Sydney, Australia. slightly biased. The show was cool, right. But they did a lot of like actual shark science in this one. And they like, did cool stuff with the underwater cameras and like Shark tag fences, monitoring different species of sharks inside and outside the harbor and seeing how much crossover there is there and like monitoring other things like increased other fish presence because of the conservation that's being done around Sydney, and Australia in general. And the fact that the harbor is a much cleaner, less polluted place than it was, is also making the habitat just better for all things. And so sharks are there, too. Right?

Collin  54:08

So that was a good show. That was good. I will say all together needs to switch his web host Because apparently, his the traffic driven from the Shark Week has crashed his website still bandwidth limit exceeded so 509 error. Just Paul, if you contact whoever you're using the host list.

Brandon  54:30

Yeah. Probably need to have that a little bit. Right. Because I don't know how often the hit is website is hit during the rest of the year. Oh, yeah. This week, Shark Week. He's

Collin  54:40

been on like, five shows. So you know, maybe that could be part of it. Next up, we

Brandon  54:50

had Oh, this one was terrible. The big shark energy. This is the worst one.

Collin  54:55

Maybe ever. It's terrible. It He's talking about. Okay, so this chart,

Brandon  55:03

this one was bad, cuz they were spent the whole time talking about the which shark would be the alpha shark in a pack of

Collin  55:13

male sharks. But that's not how sharks work. Why would you just why would you do that? I don't know. I don't know, it was really dumb. It was really bad. Because, like, first of all, as we know, as

Brandon  55:29

more people should be aware, this is why science literacy is important. The whole like, alpha thing is not.


It's fake news.

Brandon  55:39

Okay, I don't know how to say this. But there's no such thing as alphas. The study done on wolves about that turns out was a bad study, and it's false.

Collin  55:48

And so that's not how wolves work, either. Um, yeah. And so those alphas around the gym, by


the yeah, pretty

Brandon  56:02

cool. All of those weird alpha male bros on Tiktok. They're also lying to you and just trying to get money from you. I don't know if you know this, isn't it? But those people are fools. They never did somebody just hurt their feelings once and they never emotionally recovered from that. Probably girl dumped. Yeah, a girl dumped them when they were in high school one time, and now they're sad boys, but they're pretending they're not sad boys. Anyway, so applying this concept to a shark, a non PAC animal

Collin  56:38


Brandon  56:40

a weird thing for actual biologists to do. Yeah, right. Like,


do sharks,

Brandon  56:47

can you find sharks together? Yes. Can sharks work together to achieve a common goal?

Collin  56:55

Ie eat something? Yes.

Brandon  56:59

Does that make them a pack oriented species?

Collin  57:03

No, no,

Brandon  57:07

there's a big difference between being a pack animal and being able to work with somebody else to eat something. Yes, right. And this was a delineation not made in the show. All of their tests were completely arbitrary and mean nothing. And in my opinion, as a non marine biologist, this is a bachelor don't the other one was to was also in the same vein, the shark frenzy mating games. Lame. That was pretty self explanatory. The Great White serial killer. That was kind of interesting. It was about like, again, this was a Paul de Gelder show, I think this the only the ones that have been good at Paul, and it's just about the increased amount of shark attacks off the coast of Mexico. And they were monitoring shark populations. And they were helping to introduce


the divers

Brandon  58:08

that urgent and mollusks divers there to like these little miniature portable shark cages that people started using in New Zealand. So they like, because that's what that's where the attacks are happening. These guys that are free diving down and harvesting stuff off the seafloor. Sure they're getting attacked by sharks, because, you know, they're down there. They're not paying attention. They're working on the thing. shark fishing, and then all of a sudden, the giant shark cards randomly go through that looks good, huh?

Collin  58:38

Yeah. And so they were trying to

Brandon  58:43

test out and like, make a reproducible, like miniature shark case. So you can like sink down and like you can be in while you work and like, store your stuff and like move

Collin  58:53

it along. And help the fisherman

Brandon  58:58

that was actually looking at that. That's a useful show. Good

Collin  59:01

luck helping other people. Yes.

Brandon  59:05

The next one was the classic, deadliest bite. They're just measuring different shark bites and stuff from different sharks. Again, your boy Paul was back again, nice, the real star of the Shark Week. And they did it with like, they did the old bite meter. And then they did like, cool, slow motion 4k camera.

Collin  59:25

thing. That was neat, right? Or not cool.

Brandon  59:29

Never not cool, right? 6000 pound shark?

Collin  59:35

Kind of it was fine. To mid show, right? It was just talking about

Brandon  59:41

shark biology and what are the actual upper bounds of great white shark? Right? Because there have been reports of like massive sharks in the past like they've been either hunted or whatever. And they were like really, really big. And so They were just sort of speculating on how big can a shark yet how would you know and like what conditions and stuff does it need to get there? And then some cool stuff with like the liver, they were talking about how the shark liver works. So that was that was that was

Collin  1:00:16

a monster hammerheads. Obviously, this one's great.

Brandon  1:00:22

They're talking about Hammerhead populations in the Bahamas, and Florida. And are they related? are they developing into a subspecies or not? Well, there's no but still interesting. They did genetic testing on that because they have some slight morphological differences. Right? It but it's like their DNA and everything else is like, it's not different enough to be classified as a subspecies. Yet. Stay tuned.

Collin  1:00:50

Stay tuned. Ah, great white north, right.

Brandon  1:00:58

First time appearing your boy astruc. Please pass Andy Castle Grande, right to shark filmmaker extraordinaire. This one was actually really cool. This is about the great white shark population in the Atlantic.


Being more

Brandon  1:01:12

northern than has previously been seen in a an extremely long amount of time. Right. So they're like they were people who've been seeing sharks in like Nova Scotia.

Collin  1:01:22

Oh, yeah, that's,

Brandon  1:01:23

that was their thought. They're going like fishermen. And especially we're like, what are you doing here?

Collin  1:01:31

Hello. That was cool. Because

Brandon  1:01:35

it was basically they're kind of postulating like these, they found one, at least one shark there that had been tagged off of the coast of Massachusetts. So it appears to be just like the extending of shark migration, as the population increases, potentially back to like older numbers, because we're sharks in the Atlantic Ocean were hunted like mercilessly. And so as the populations increase, the range of the shark is also extending. So they're seeing how far that's going.

Collin  1:02:10

How's a good random crossover event

Brandon  1:02:14

on Wednesday? The expedition unknown sharks versus Nazis in paradise?

Collin  1:02:20

gave this one. The title is weird. Wow. So they're talking about

Brandon  1:02:27

Nazi ubos in the Gulf of Mexico, and World War Two, right.

Collin  1:02:32

So far. Yeah. And so there are some ships that the Nazis

Brandon  1:02:40

sank that are, they don't know where they are. And one of them is a fuel tanker ship. And all the fuel is still in it. And so they're trying to find out where it is before it rusts through and all of that oil and diesel just like dumps into the Gulf because it's in the wreck. shreds. That's bad. So they don't know where it is. And so their, their hypothesis they were working with is, we're gonna go to a wreck where we know it is. And we're going to tag some sharks there and put like cameras and tracking stuff on them. Because you know, where else sharks go? Other wrecks, because they're like, reefs in the Gulf, right? And other fish are there. So maybe the sharks are going to other places that are shipwrecks that we don't know where they are? Oh, Trixie, which is like that's,

Collin  1:03:37

it sounds insane. Yeah.

Brandon  1:03:39

And it sounds like it should not work. Right, like kind of work. Really. They did find a shipwreck. It wasn't the one they were looking for. But it was another one that they didn't know was there.

Collin  1:03:50

Did not see. That's the thing. If you didn't know that's weird. Yeah.

Brandon  1:03:54

So it wasn't, it wasn't the boat they're looking for. But they did find another boat. Because they they put the GPS thing on the shark and they saw that it swam like way over here and then just like circled one place for a real long time before it left.

Collin  1:04:11

And they were like, Huh, that's probably what

Brandon  1:04:17

went over here. Yeah, cuz that's what they do it reef locations and shipwrecks. And so they went over there and dove they're like, Yep, there's about here.

Collin  1:04:24

Turns out that's, well, that's cool. Okay, I

Brandon  1:04:28

want to shuck archaeology. Yeah, yes. Sure. And then shark ology shark? pH archaeology,




Got it sorry. I

Brandon  1:04:45

lost my thing. scrolled. And I forgot where it was. I think only a couple more left here. The alien


sharks ghosts of Japan.

Brandon  1:04:53

Right. That's why restaurant, right? The guy the wildlife biologist He looks for extinct or critically endangered animals going to Japan and looking for the angel shark. One of the most rare sharks of Japan because it was just caught up in a lot of like longline fishing and stuff and so it's very endangered. No,


that one's really cool.

Brandon  1:05:17

Lots of like, I like that one because there was lots of just like other random trucks, not just your classic

Collin  1:05:23

like Great White Tiger Hammerhead, whatever the weight Oh, and then the last few that I watched so far are are the three there's one it was just like the when sharks attack show,

Brandon  1:05:43

you have to have that and trek week. I think that was kind of boring, though. There were but it was just like people's GoPros or camera footage from sharks by the people. There was one about like monsters, like Monster sharks of Oz.

Collin  1:05:56

was about like that. Their flooring, so

Brandon  1:06:01

because of that one mako shark that that guy was like reeling in, and it like came up and it was just the head and the rest of the shark had been bitten off. Oh, yeah. Like, they're like, What do you think that could be?



Collin  1:06:14

What did that? What? They don't know? No.


Spoilers, they still don't know. Oh,

Brandon  1:06:21

well, I don't really know conclusive evidence could be a another, like, the aforementioned like, really, really giant, great white shark. And then they get real big. Could be that could be better. No. That was it, basically. And then the killer whales that are actually killing the sharks. So they're not in a lot of the places where they traditionally have been. But they found them in a different random spot. So that was kind of the way I was looking for places where sharks were. Yeah, so they're not in like, there were not in what like some of the key ones were not like a bay where the first seals are. They were like out in slightly deeper water on like a reef who had like a box of tuna and stuff on it. They were there instead. Because I guess, you know, too many workers over there. Eating sharks are like Nah, bro, we're out. We're going over here.

Collin  1:07:18

We'll go that is the recap of Shark Week. So far.

Brandon  1:07:22

They're watching it last night because I had to go favorite season mom's house. Well, there you go. Those the basic short. There's a few more. We'll give you the tune in for part two next time. All right. Very brief, very brief rundown of February 2004.

Collin  1:07:42

The hits and misses

Brandon  1:07:45

the pretty goods in the very low lows.


I like it very much.

Brandon  1:07:52

That's been my week rematch. That's pretty much

Collin  1:08:00

it just as a quick aside that I mean, it's very exciting. And then now you've been rolling through the Tour de France. Everything with your with your boy pug guitar, trying to

Brandon  1:08:10

actually not watching the Tour de France because I can't so

Collin  1:08:14

right. Yeah. Everyone, anything about it? I've just been I've just been getting updates on online and seeing recaps because you know, anyway, kept Yeah, I don't really

Brandon  1:08:26

know. I haven't I've been avoiding it in protests. But I did. Of course, of course. I had to see some headlines somewhere that my nemesis, my least favorite person in the history of the universe. Winning


news. fukusa newsroom, a Tour de France. Is every news bicycle racer that's ever lived, lived. Long live more coveted. He's just such a beautiful. I


hate that man. So much. Hopefully now he'll retire. And I never have to see his ugly, smug British face ever again. But of course, I will have to all the time. They'll just replay it forever, in perpetuity.


Ooh, she's greater than Eddie Murphy.

Brandon  1:09:06

He's terrible. Well, when you stop,

Collin  1:09:10

and what's going to happen is that as people get close to it, then you're gonna wheel him back out. And they'll gonna have all those conversations about it and it will never die. It'll just be a topic. That's gonna talk about

Brandon  1:09:24

him forever. Right? Because that's how it works.

Collin  1:09:29

And because he's just so amazing. Nobody could ever possibly get close to beating it. So it'll just be always I mean, they

Brandon  1:09:35

probably won't either. That's another annoying part. Right? That's the thing that will never happen. And so

Collin  1:09:42

just be there forever, looking smug, being terrible and unknowingly for

Brandon  1:09:49

and ignoring me for all of eternity. Right? And if you're Yeah, that's all I know about St. Francis. I saw that one headlines like oh my gosh, I would have not watched the Rest sad and they would have been up there. I would just like turn it off. No.

Collin  1:10:05

Oh wait

Brandon  1:10:10

no man is my nemesis like I just

Collin  1:10:16

gives you He gives you purpose that helps. Nemesis. That's what he is

Brandon  1:10:28

yes the depths of my loathing from our Cavendish No, no bounds.

Collin  1:10:34

We'll see this is still fresh,

Brandon  1:10:36

Astro, they could go lower. That's what I'm saying.

Collin  1:10:40

Could be more depth. Many more fathoms, right like eggs

Brandon  1:10:55

chicken speaking of fathoms, talons right. Now, if you were to mark to fathoms, you would, of course have to Mark Twain. And so that brings


us today.


Ah, got a bed today, so I know

Brandon  1:11:24

you will like that segue. And you know what? I that's

Collin  1:11:29

fine. Ah yes, so, once I started a new chapter, with, with the twain here. Yeah.

Brandon  1:11:44

What was that? 1313 1313 13? Was it 1314? Yes. 1314. Yeah. Okay, good. Because

Collin  1:11:56

these ones are kind of weird. Overall, they're kind of just like,

Brandon  1:12:04

I don't know, I don't really know about how I felt about these chapters in particular. Some of them, some of them just kind of felt Fillory especially, especially 13. Right. It says Death chapter goes off the rails quickly.

Collin  1:12:16

And I kind of lost like,


Who is he talking to?

Brandon  1:12:21

Is this all internal monologue? Is he saying this out loud to these poor people? They have no idea what he's rambling about, like.

Collin  1:12:29

Yeah, I think that that's kind of, I don't know if that's intentional here of like, there's a lot of confusion going on in this and I kind of liked the idea that there is some it's not all internal monologue, to show that it's kind of like, yeah, it's really like, because there is so much that's going on in this in this chapter with him. Like, with all the stuff in the background and the stuff that he's teaching in the schools and like the, you know, it's just a little Yeah, I just feel like there's a lot more. A lot more here. Yeah, it's pretty. Yeah,

Brandon  1:13:04

there's a lot so I don't know. I don't know really. But yeah, he's he's still on his way to this castle is going to with the lady, right. And he's like, really hungry. Because he's, he's comment I think this chap these next three chapters, basically, are continuing comedy commentary on like, how dumb I think Mark Twain thinks the stories of traveling knights are. Because he makes a lot of reference to like, I'm just traveling around

Collin  1:13:35

in a suit of armor. With no luggage. No food. Yes,

Brandon  1:13:43

this is dumb. Like.

Collin  1:13:46

Like, he's,

Brandon  1:13:47

he's mocking the idea of like, the questing night, right? He thinks it's dumb. Right? He thinks this is the most idiotic thing ever. Like, how, why would you do this? Why is this a good idea? Setting off

Collin  1:14:01

a low iron in your armor? traveling across the land with no food or water or air clothes? And

Brandon  1:14:10

right, like, what

Collin  1:14:11

are you doing? Getting back to earlier whenever they had all those those tall tales and stuff that that? Hank would say? Well, that's obviously a lie, right? Like that's obviously fake. You didn't actually do that. Kind of pulling that back into here like yeah, this is just what how did anybody think that this was an actual story that yeah,


this is not just physically possible, right? Yes. Kind of like banging on about the logistics of the whole matter because Hank is like the ultimate pragmatist, right? He's like, an inventor and designer and like, you know, this kind of guy like labor and he's like really clever and all this stuff like he's looking at this idea going like, this is why this is not possible out though.

Brandon  1:14:58

But in this chapter, he goes on and on and on and on. Not

Collin  1:15:02

so much. Yeah, again. He's, yeah, he's not happy to be here. And yeah, I think it is just a frustration of pointing back to his, his feelings towards everybody who he's encountered so far as well of everybody's dumb and nobody's bright. This is all stupid, like, what is even going on?

Brandon  1:15:25

Yeah. And I think that comes like they get to that really quickly when it's like time to stop and like go to bed and he's like, Well, I can't undress in front of this lady. And I also can't undress myself because I'm wearing this armor. And that means I have to sleep in this armor raining and all. This has now become a home for the bugs because it's drier in there. And so now my armor is infested with


bugs. Yes.

Brandon  1:15:51

I know I can't sleep because I


have a bug Hotel. Like he

Collin  1:16:02

so he's very good cross about this whole thing. Right?

Brandon  1:16:07

Now he wakes up, he's really sleepy. He's starving. And he doesn't have any food because, you know, he doesn't have any pockets. His armor? Of course.

Collin  1:16:17

No, it's not. And so

Brandon  1:16:23

he's, he's, he makes a comment here about how these, these Britons were used to long fasts. And you had to bear them to as and also how to braid up against probable fast before starting in the style of the Indian in the Anaconda. Like is not Sandy was loaded for a three day stretch. So he's like, how do they do this? How do they knew all this stuff without eating ever? Why?

Collin  1:16:47

Hmm. And yeah. He's limping along behind. Because he's now he's Yeah, he's just be draggled. And he's frustrated with how this is going. Yeah,

Brandon  1:16:59

he's like, I let her ride my horse. Mostly because I couldn't get back on the horse myself. Oh, he sees some he Aspies some people there. And yeah, he's like, Oh, I would love to eat breakfast with you. And they're so like, taken aback. A night, such as him would want to dine with them. That they're like, Oh, yes, please. Nice. Like, yeah. And then the girl is like, No, you should do it. He's like, should you be quiet?

Collin  1:17:29

For the first scornful lip, right? Yes.

Brandon  1:17:37

And then, and then he really? Yeah, now he goes off the rails. And he's talking about like, the free man and how they're not really free because of the economics of the situation. The wages for their toil are not worth their actual time. He goes, it's very, very, very, very, very, very, very heavy with econ here, like that. I don't know who he's talking to you. But he is a lot of these lines

Collin  1:18:04

are in quotes. So he is talking to somebody on some point. Yes. Right. So tell me about the loyalty


and about how the working man is not inferior to that of the ruling man. Right. The ruling man only rules because of the work of the working man. Right. It's very, very heavy stuff here. Right. Like, well,

Collin  1:18:30

yeah, I mean, he's going in giving examples of like, you know, yeah, they were not allowed to keep doves themselves. Yet when swarms of my My Lords dovecote settled on their crops, they must not lose their temper and kill a bird. But so basically, you know, again, saying you can't do this thing, but other people can and their right to have doves impacts your ability to earn a living, but you can't have the dog that's right for somebody else. Like he's really placing this of how they're positioned in the society. Yeah.

Brandon  1:18:57

And he's kind of talking to here about this. He's sort of talking around the idea but like, when he's when you're talking about like, equality, and like equal rights and stuff like that. His point here, when a lot of these things are like, just because you are equal does not mean there's less equality for somebody else. Yeah. Right. Like in the feudal system, he views like, oh, well, if you are free and equal, that means there's less freedom for like the king. That's what the king say. And he's like, that is baloney. Is not true. My book here has this lovely political cartoon of a balanced scale. And on one side is like the poor man and on the other side is the wealthy King person and the wealthy King is is like lower down because he's worth more weight,

Collin  1:19:40

right? He's worth more the ruling class is better worth

Brandon  1:19:47

more than the working man. Right? This is a very, again 1880s thing that was happening, right? And so it's very prominent here. Again, this is another thing where you look Get to wait. Wait for it you go. Oh. Oh, dang it.

Collin  1:20:03

We've solved everything. This is so cute.




Ah right. Yeah.

Brandon  1:20:11

Yeah. Oh, you have all these people that are like fans of people like Elon Musk who like, Oh,

Collin  1:20:15

he's just better than you like.

Brandon  1:20:19

He's not like I don't know Doggett about like, that doesn't mean, like, what? Yeah, that's kind of the crux of this whole chapter. Right? He's very, against this idea of, of people of higher office or people of higher wealth being more worth more than a working class, man. Right. That's


his. That's the big

Brandon  1:20:46

thing he's talking about here. Right. And he recruits some, at least one of these people to go back to his, quote, man factory,

Collin  1:20:57

which is, I think he's rather the name. Yeah, right. Yeah. Market. Yeah, there's a little bit of a branding problem here. Yeah. But uh,

Brandon  1:21:10

but to go back and to learn this stuff, right? He sends him to Clarence Gozi menolak. Hilarious. And he'll

Collin  1:21:18

write it you get you hooked up

Brandon  1:21:21

there. So he's recruited in this guy he's freeing. He's making this free man actually free by giving him the ability to like, read and write and think for himself and improve his worth in his own eyes or something. So

Collin  1:21:37

yes, that's that one.

Brandon  1:21:41

Any more thoughts on that after you get there? Yeah, no, I

Collin  1:21:43

think that's that's it, where he's, he's, he's really seeing it, basically, as his he's trying to bring this idea to of freedom. That to at the individual level to a society that just doesn't honor that it does doesn't value that Yeah, right. So it's all said, it's this weird. It's, again, very interesting how this quote unquote modern sensibility of like, yeah, this individual is individualistic freedom, and blah, blah, blah. But it's like, that's not what the society was set up to do, or that's not value that's not seen as important in this in this where they are, so it's how he juxtaposes those two things going. Yeah, I know it's a parent bring this this way of talking in this way of bringing people together and I just I wonder what how far that's gonna go with us.

Brandon  1:22:40

Yeah, we'll see. It's probably going to come back it's already come up like four times so it's probably going to come back again. Generally nothing

Collin  1:22:48

at some point.

Brandon  1:22:52

What are the next chapter we do progress the journey now slightly, right? We have paid for breakfast, right? And we're on the go. And it's this this this is like, so weird, right? He's let's see. He is going on this thing, right. He's getting ready to go. He's talking about he has a talking about minting and money and all this stuff, right. And then right, he comes across some other people, right? But he like really, really wants to smoke his pipe. Right? That's that's the crux of this chapter. He goes on and talks some stuff and he's on his journey. He's going to thing and he wants to smoke his pipe. And he gets it out of his helmet where it's been keeping it right and he puts whatever is in there in there, which is not tobacco because that is a new world crop and not available in England. And like everybody runs away from it



Collin  1:24:02


Brandon  1:24:07

They're afraid that lady is afraid of what the heck is going on

Collin  1:24:15

all right away from Canada came in Oh, yeah. They came in by the came in were they rush to come in volume and battery like yeah, there are. Yeah. Is that Wait, was that did I am I just given her yeah, she runs away. She was after she read after after he loved it. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  1:24:33

And then, like he's going on and staying and he is confronted with some other nights. They like stop in the road. Right? And he's there like coming towards him. And so he likes it again. And they like stop and won't come any closer

Collin  1:24:53

to 300 yards away. And, you

Brandon  1:24:55

know, he says like he says to, he'd like Oh, in order to placate that other people and the the lady, that Sandy that he's like, Oh, only only those who are, you know, have malicious intent against me she'll be harmed by my smoke in my apparel, right? She like makes them walk in front of him and he's like, see? See you bear me No, Ill Will you're fine. Right. That's how he gets her to convince to come back with him right then. But as he's going along, you know, these other group of people see him and they stop. And she's like, oh,

Collin  1:25:30

yeah, you know? No worries.

Brandon  1:25:34

Like, I'll help you light your pipe. And they'll be they'll be struck down because they clearly wish you ill intent. And he's like, or, or I could go around. Yes.

Collin  1:25:42

Love that. No, ah, wait a minute. Wait a minute. He's like, ah, oh, no, that.

Brandon  1:25:52

Another backfire? Right. Another unintentional backfire. From Hank here. He's like, Oh, yeah, only villains will be struck down by magic. And she's like, Oh, no, they're villains. Don't worry. There'll be stripped down. He's like, or

Collin  1:26:04

we can go around. We could do the other thing. Yes. Yeah. But again, this. You can see we've got well, if you've got that, like, why don't want yeah, why why would we not use it? Why wouldn't we? That would be great. And so he like,

Brandon  1:26:27

it comes to pass that he or she basically says none, and I'll go, and I'll tell them and then I'll negotiate their surrender.



Brandon  1:26:37

And so she gets off. She goes over there. She tells him What's up, and they just all agree to surrender to Him. And then they just he tells them where to go and they go to Camelot and wait for him to come back.

Collin  1:26:50

Uh huh. Which is weird.

Brandon  1:26:54

And then, so this chapter is very interesting, because like this chapter, we see that like, she is like, she has this initiative and she does this thing. And he's like, Ah,


she's great. Look at this, you know, I, she,

Brandon  1:27:07

I you know, he says, How much better she managed that thing that I should have done myself. She was a Daisy. Daisy Binti. That's what that's what that's what we in this chapter is she has like bargained him out of being attacked, assailed by many nights.

Collin  1:27:25

And so he's like, she's great. She's just the best, blah, blah, blah. And then we go to the next chapter. And now he's doesn't like her game. Now, how quickly the time tables? And

Brandon  1:27:40

yeah, it's like, oh, well, he starts off well, and now I am the proprietor of some nights said I wrote off. You know, who would have guessed? Who knew? That was the thing I would have? And then he like, starts talking to her. This chapter is really hard to read. Right? In my opinion, because he's, he asks her something, and then immediately goes, Oh, no, I shouldn't have asked her that. Because she like just launches into this, ah, tail. Right. And so, in this chapter, chapter 15, you have like, all you're alternating the whole time reading between like her soliloquy here, and his internal monologue with slight interruptions, where he's trying to steer the conversation somewhere else and desperately having none of it. He's trying to get the conversation off somewhere else. It's not happening. It

Collin  1:28:38

starts off. You see, I had recognized my mistake at once I had set her work. So going, it was my own fault. She would be 30 days getting down to the facts.

Brandon  1:28:48

Yeah. And her her style of storytelling is very much like earlier, when we had when he was talking about he trained the monk guy is the reporter. We read that very long being about what had happened at the tournament, and it was just like, So and so smoke, so and so and then so and so smoke, other guy and then other guy, smoke is president. That's that's her manner of storytelling, right? She's just like, reciting this whole thing to get to whatever she he asked her. He, she like, goes off on his big thing to get there. And he's like, Oh, yeah.

Collin  1:29:23

Yeah, she hasn't. Where do they live? That's what he asked. Yes. Where did he live? She did and she starts going down this hall. It reminds me the whole history of the thing, right. Like, it reminds me of the the internet recipe guides were like, how do you make pasta? Yeah, it's like, I was in a villa in Santorini one time, my grandma like no,

Brandon  1:29:47

yeah. Yeah. Like if you're looking for like a like, Oh, easy, homemade bread. And it's like, when I was a young girl at my grandma's house in the summer, like, oh,

Collin  1:29:56

I don't know What's

Brandon  1:30:02

New as you scroll down and like just keeps going, keeps going, right? You scroll down. Like if this was a Word document, you're on page like seven, and there's still no ingredients anywhere, like

Collin  1:30:15

scroll bars really tiny. No. Yeah, it's like,


this is this is

Brandon  1:30:24

kind of like modern Internet articles, right? Which I'm convinced that more than half of the articles I read on the internet are AI generated, right? Because they stay like just go on and on without saying anything. But like, so click Beatty. There's like, one of the great things and then these go on, and I just need to, I need them. And it's at the very bottom right? And so that's pretty much this whole chapter. It's kind of a filler chapter feels like because we don't really learn anything. She doesn't really tell us anything. No, or if she does, I didn't really get it either. Like, Hank, I'm just hanging going, what is happening.

Collin  1:31:03

But I again, I think it's yet you know, so many things from this. Like, you can extrapolate. Yes, sure. Good storytellers, bad storytellers. But also, again, just how out of place Hank is. And he's got all these grand ambitions, to do these things, and to get these things in motion and to revolutionize the city and the country and get these people to do the thing. But he's, there's so much to get through, right, like he's telling and speaking in a very modern way to people who, that way of speaking and understanding and storytelling is, you know, hundreds of years removed from being invented. And so yeah, it's just how, again, these two completely separate worlds of, of operating, and where he

Brandon  1:31:53

how he's, he's very, like, get to the point, I need to know the crux of information immediately. And that's not how information is delivered in this world, right, where she had habits like, you need to know the whole history of thing before you know the thing, right? Like, Ah, he's just going to tell me that, again. The food blog is the ultimate an analogy here. Like, just

Collin  1:32:15

Yeah, yeah. And I mean, so so much so that he falls asleep, right? He said, My last, doze off to slump. They're thinking what a pity it was. Hey, he's just falls asleep, right? Like the on the last page. He's just like,

Brandon  1:32:31

were things last week. He's like, and I was like, oh, yeah, my interest was gone. My thoughts were far away. And sad. Like, this is sad. Yes, sums up his whole idea. This takes all day, like she takes all day to do this, right? Because by the end of the chapter, it's nighttime, and the sun is now setting. Right? She'd started at about three in the afternoon, and the sun was now setting. That's where that's how long we've

Collin  1:33:01

been going here. And so, yes, it's just yet again,

Brandon  1:33:10

the best part though, is at the very end, right? He asked her one question, she told him all of that information. At the very end here. They're what they're going by this other castle, and he was like,

Collin  1:33:22

Well, who lives there?

Brandon  1:33:23

She goes, I don't know. I guess

Collin  1:33:29

she didn't and she and she had passed it without calling. So again, this sounds like Well sure. Like she's not interested in the castle so she has nothing to say about the castle and she's not really interested in that but she really wants to tell you this big long story and soliloquy about all of his history and whatever when all these others afraid oh so it's these, these chapters have been have been weird, because while there is some story progression, like there's not a whole lot of it, but there is a lot of just like, Hank, in this weird situation or Hank learning this lesson or Hank Yeah doing this thing so I don't know it's but I find it

Brandon  1:34:20

odd how certain chapters have almost no story progression and then the next chapter

Collin  1:34:24

he just moans about how her story has no progression like yeah oh, is

Brandon  1:34:31

the meta narrative going on here? Oh, now doing Twain what's

Collin  1:34:35

happening? John figured it out I am still enjoying this rather much.

Brandon  1:34:52

I have to but just every once awhile this chapter is where he just starts rambling. He's like, Oh, no,

Collin  1:34:56

no, that's not what I got stopped by. Yeah, but I am so curious to see like, where

Brandon  1:35:02

is this going? Like, is basically at this point? I have no idea. Right?

Collin  1:35:07

I imagine. Yeah, I

Brandon  1:35:09

guess we'll see. I don't I don't want I don't want to have any predictions right now. But yeah, like, where are we going? Surely we're gonna get somewhere.

Collin  1:35:18

There's got to be some hotting up at some point in here. Right? So I, I have a feeling that once he starts interacting with more of the structure of the civilization that that will things will, the gears will really grind? I think so. Because right now, he's just kind of off doing his own thing, right? Like he really is. He hasn't interacted with us. He's been outside the Kings court. He's been outside any royalty or any other nights or any other things. He's just been out kind of running things. So I have a feeling as soon as he starts interacting with more important people. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if maybe

Brandon  1:35:58

wherever he gets to wherever he's going now to, I think, because this is he's on his way to do that. Right. He's on his way to encounter more people.

Collin  1:36:08

Indeed. So we'll see. We'll see him. Yes. The next

Brandon  1:36:14

is called Morgan buffet. Or as we know, from our three and Lynn is

Collin  1:36:18

quite important person. So our wish. mayhaps look, look at that. We're going to ask Yeah,

Brandon  1:36:28

also my other one connection to this chapter is she at some point says lack of day, and I was like, Oh, that's very red wall. have you to say that out loud right now. That was my first thought immediately. It is. Everyone in bed? Well, Abby says that. That's there.

Collin  1:36:51

We're reading Martin the warrior right now with the kids. And that's a good one. It's a great one except one of the main characters is in fact a mole. And so I have to I have to say burr II. Boy, you're gonna get through this. Oh, yeah.

Brandon  1:37:08

Do you have to mold speak Adam? Right.


That's a great Miss. Miss. Miss Rose, Miss Rosie's Morrison, Morrison. Mojito. Oh, all I've

Collin  1:37:19

been doing the past two weeks just waiting for the one without a mole. Without a main character.

Brandon  1:37:29

There's there's always they're always in there somewhere.

Collin  1:37:31

I don't mind. I don't mind the supporting cast. But whenever it's like, on every page, I'm like, oh, it's one of their best friends though. And not what isn't it? Yes, it is. It's Grace. roms like, Roman rose. They're just that's the Yeah, just again, that's fine. But it means I mean, we weren't birds Oh, well. I do have a haiku this this week. Do you? Do you have do you want to do you want to your boat? Burst? Or?

Brandon  1:38:09

Oh, yes. Okay, so


we'll save it. Did I save it? Oh, no. Did I out beer?

Brandon  1:38:18

Hold on. holding on. I'm glad that you're that you still have not mastered mold speech. So that's no

Collin  1:38:28

I think the moment I do that, but things are gone very wrong. Really great.


I lost my quote.

Brandon  1:38:46

Go Mark Twain. Quote. The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer up somebody


else. Oh, hey, go look at that.

Brandon  1:38:58

Kind of brings more positive use week. It's great. Little down on Shark Week will down. Cleansing some heavy stuff. So going for that one.

Collin  1:39:12

Thank you. Positivity is always good. And Allah is here with a haiku from last topic from last week. Ancient worlds revealed through Misty paths. Secrets call silent game of lore.




nice. Yes, I just find the pages pages pages.

Collin  1:39:39

Very nice. Thanks. Thanks. I was trying to figure out how to make it more apparent without using the name but I don't think

Brandon  1:39:48

I was good. It was good.

Collin  1:39:52

Well, stay cool this week. We'll do three more chapters for the book. And All right, keep chugging along through okay. Hey, I love you. I


love you.


Bye bye