standing is illegal

We think about who our ideal sponsor is and give a surprise review of a Kia. We also discuss what it means to be "a fan".

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game, people, big, fun, skittles, watch, good, sidewalk, nice, sit, year, football, literally, fan, event, find, basketball game, presentation, fine, loudest


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host,



Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's



show, standing is illegal.


Collin  00:23

Not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie, gentlemen. I am not feeling well. There's gonna be lots of muting here going on goodness there's been a free flowing nasal day for sure. Tis the season is so bad It hit with today with a vengeance and a half.


Brandon  00:53

That's because today I find inside Oh, it's cold today, by the way. I mean, D windy is all getting out. Oh,


Collin  00:59

yeah. So all that stuff in the air and it's actually cold. And my body was like, finally Yeah.


Brandon  01:07

Shut shutting down shutting down. So



I am



I yeah, I've got my


Collin  01:22

Kleenex with soothing lotion I got is all sorts of good stuff. Because it's like I always forget I like I have literally been blowing my nose for many, many years now. And like, every time it's like, I get that one spell right. Don't have to blow my nose very often. I'm like, Okay, I'll just use toilet paper to do it. It'll be fine. At soft, right? I put on my butt. It'll be okay. And then after the, like, the 10th time I'm like, why do I wipe my butt with sandpaper? Oh, no.


Brandon  01:59

Well, not to become too graphic for the listeners. But you're trying to remove things with the toilet paper?



No, but you just had a knife.


Collin  02:08

Well, but it's also like you don't feel like it's that rough? Because you're like, oh, what the difference between that your nose like nose can be that much more. But then you're like oh yeah, absolutely surprising can turns out


Brandon  02:23

it turns out statements not entirely. Not at all. Not even a little bit





Brandon  02:35

Oh, so


Collin  02:38

yeah, I'm This is my voice for the evening. Enjoy.


Brandon  02:42

Excellent Yeah, I find that whenever my allergies finally decided to kick into high gear that I become much better at singing Johnny Cash songs. Right like Oh, for sure. My voice just goes He's like, Oh, okay. Yeah, he's like I'm done here. No, yeah, sorry. That's



what makes it


Collin  03:11

what makes it funny now is that you know doing this kind of thing where you sit down to record and you you lock in how you are for an hour right? And then it doesn't come out for a couple weeks or inch for the other podcast instance like literally months this is cold season for Colin I can tell.



Good to be myself just



like I was


Aaron  03:45

two weeks ago when we podcasted I was just kind of curled up in my little chair. Oh yeah. And I had all my little metal tissues and all my stuff that I needed myself most of the time because I just be like I would just sneeze like eight sneezes in a row like I am back. Hey guys, welcome back. Yes. Yeah. Okay, me sneeze


Brandon  04:13

brother podcast sponsored by


Collin  04:17

ad that I need to add them to my list sponsor.



It's one of those trees.


Brandon  04:27

It's how it works. You got to start out with like, Hey, we use your product a lot by the way


Collin  04:31

you do right here and winkley Hi, we think that our listeners and your target audience align quite well. We've already mentioned your product many times on the episode on the podcast. Links to this episode. This episode in this episode and it comes highly recommended. Love to partner with you to fasci


Brandon  04:51

Hey go.



Already a big fan.



Huge fan. Huge fan of all the



all the great Yeah.



Yeah, perfect.


Brandon  05:06

How could they turn that down? No possible. Wait.


Collin  05:09

Literally all the reasons.


Brandon  05:12

Literally all the reasons. Oh man. Yeah. Okay, so speaking of real quick aside here, advertising that is in a weird spot.



Okay. Okay.


Brandon  05:28

This week I saw I saw an ad. And hi. And then the, like the sponsor for the event. Like just don't match



at all


Brandon  05:39

right and it just gives me great chuckles right? Yeah, because it's October, right. As you might know. Shana big wrestling enthusiast, so we watch wrestling, right? And it's October so that means it's time for Hell in a Cell brought to you by skin no joke. No joke.





Brandon  06:19

I saw that ad and I was like



okay, how about



a big logo? I want to sell logo and then right





Collin  06:39

I you know, I under you know what branding? Well, I mean, Skittles,



beloved by


Collin  06:44

all apparent you know, and whether you are in hell in a sell or



somewhere else,


Collin  06:51

I guess you could be enjoying a bag of the rainbow Enjoy your


Brandon  06:55



Collin  06:57

That's it. You know the way the rainbow the rainbow knows no boundaries,





Brandon  07:04

Yes, Joe.


Collin  07:07

Literally known for crossing from one point to another. So he talks about like, Who's Okay, I want to know, I want to know, was it Hell in a Cell that was like, Skittles, we need to bring on skills or was it Skittles? Who was like okay, who have we not?


Brandon  07:28

Yeah, it was just like yeah, we'll do your next pay per view and then like, just didn't tell them what it was they thought it'd be like classic champions or summer slam? No, just agency.


Collin  07:39

Yeah. And they were like we'll buy the next six





Collin  07:42

but doesn't matter what


Aaron  07:45

they're just as surprised sitting there.



They were hoping for


Brandon  07:49

hoping for next month which should be I think should be Survivor Series. Maybe but like this. Like Nope, you got October and



Halloween we got to be thinking about Skittles we got dosta still Hell in a Cell that is the rainbow what



was happening?


Collin  08:12

You know, before I go in for my big match, I like to sit down with a big old box of Skittles and really get in the mood


Brandon  08:22

Yes, Drew McIntyre is gonna be eaten before we go in the ring right it's like Skittles


Collin  08:26

the commentators got their big old bag box a big bowl of Skittles sitting there I can't believe what's going on today.



Yeah, right.


Brandon  08:39



Collin  08:40

coming coming down the runway or whatever that thing's called the


Brandon  08:44

the tramp tramp thing


Collin  08:46

right off the top of their teeth and the dumping into their face. That's true. Instead of Pyro it's just like, rain from the ceiling.


Brandon  09:01

Right interesting music plays right dramatic walk out the post and then just like Skittles blasted everywhere.



beedis Fire



is great. What could possibly go?


Brandon  09:21

Like there's a couple weirdly, there's a couple wrestlers where this would totally



be fine. Like


Brandon  09:28

like the new day like it. Okay, I can see that. Right? Like some of the ones where they like all the bad guys like steal shower like that does it


Collin  09:36

doesn't work. They're missing like middle distance stare off into


Brandon  09:40

it. Yeah, like Oh, yeah. They just do it. They're like, they're like dirty bad guy like their heel promos. You



know, like, Oh, yeah,


Brandon  09:49

there's all been like, smarmy and bad guy and then like Skittles right off in the sky.


Collin  10:00

I think i think i think it's all really really missed a big opportunity here.


Brandon  10:08

There's still time it hasn't happened.


Collin  10:10

Well, I really await to see how skills is incorporated. And I guarantee you they'll not be the early catch the replay is exciting. It's when I watched the


Brandon  10:21

Yeah, when I watched the recap show, I hope that there are Skittles raising the ceiling. Just be great. Just


Collin  10:29

kill product placements.



Yeah, right.


Brandon  10:35

Like the main event, going to be just like those two main events probably going to be these two ladies who have like, finally decided to be enemies, right? They finally betrayed each other. It's this big storyline. It's been developing for a long time anyway, so don't give me that match. Like a big giant, like, they just like hate each other. And it's just like, you can see the anger in other faces and it's like big Skittles sign on the side of thing.



In the background, the background is big right in the background.


Collin  11:10

Ready for this? Okay, I'm officially on sale. Now.


Brandon  11:13

In that case. It's gonna be great. It's so ridiculous. Yeah, I see.


Collin  11:24

Like this. Okay, I'm ready. I wasn't ready. I wasn't okay with this. But now I am.


Brandon  11:29

I'm on board right now by all for it. Ready


Collin  11:31

skills? are more things like this.


Brandon  11:35

Yeah, right. Just like totally out of nowhere, like, and again, most wrestling pay per views. Like, just like whatever. Like, okay, Survivor Series. Okay, the Royal Rumble. All right, fine. Like this one's specifically it's just so weird, right? Because it makes it because it's like the menacing and it's supposed to be like, because traditionally in wrestling, like the cage match is like, you've had this feud going for a long time. And like, nothing else can settle the final scores like the final it's supposed to be not with lazy writing with the have but like, it's supposed to be like the final crescendo of like, a big feud is like in the cage. Right? Like the, you know, nobody can escape it locked in there, and you've gotta settle it



to when to leave, right?


Brandon  12:29

Again, with lazy writing. It doesn't happen all the time. But you would think that like, it would be like all big and dramatic and you know, missing and Skittles, like



it's gonna be great.


Brandon  12:43

Just really funny. Every time I see the logo, I just giggle Okay. Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to destroy you, but fine. It's good to see I can't remember if that is this weekend or next weekend? It's hard to know Really? I can't be I don't remember these things. But I'm not going to like buy it obviously. That's ridiculous. But


Collin  13:17

are you is it ridiculous?


Brandon  13:18

Oh, no. It is ridiculous. I'm not paying to watch that. I just watched the reCAPTCHA later but



the highlight yeah


Brandon  13:31

yeah, that's what I just saw that I thought that you need to know about the silliness. You know,


Collin  13:36

as we as I'm putting together our sponsors list it's good to know things like that are out there working so we can really reach out to


Brandon  13:44

Yeah, I don't know.



What would be


Collin  13:52

Skittles is to hell in the cell. As blank is to the Oh, brother podcast. You go. Okay.


Brandon  13:58

Yes. What's the most



like? Not quite appropriate?


Collin  14:11

Some thought to be put into that. Okay.


Brandon  14:26

Other than that, how's your life been done? Nose nose faucet. Oh my gosh,


Collin  14:36

yes. Other than that today, it's been it's been a good week. We've been really really enjoying evening bike rides with the kids around the around the neighborhood. The weather's just been so awesome to get out. And the kids have been insanely confident and independent on the bikes especially Lillian but Noah to ever increasingly


Brandon  15:01

I mean, not not really surprised there with the first one really surprised at


Collin  15:05

all matter of fact, I need to get like a bungee cord on her to pull her back. Because if you don't if you if you aren't careful you'll luck you'll look up and you're like, why are you a quarter mile away?


Brandon  15:22

So you got to, you've got to start the chase. Right? You're gonna start making the grand tour. Right? You do the chase, you guys are cycling through there. But come on. No, it's your turn to be


Collin  15:34

like, really is it really is. Yeah, we went we actually biked a portion of the Katy Trail for the first time.





Collin  15:44

that was, that was nice. It was nice fall. Weather lots of leaves everywhere. So we've been enjoying that. And the construction crew you I don't know if you guys remember this. Last June, they were replacing the water mains on our street. And they dug a big hole took a big chunk as I had giant hole. Yeah, the titular hole. Well, the pit of despair of despair.



And well, they have a


Collin  16:18

they started three weeks ago, at the far end of our block replacing the sidewalk. The sidewalk that was originally poured in the late 60s, early 70s is now getting replaced. And they have been slowly working and so the kids and I have had lots of fun going out and seeing the the backhoe and seeing the dump truck and the summit mixer and seeing the skid steer moving stuff around. When they moved, they've cut through our replacing all of our sidewalk too. And it's been fun, that's been really nice. The construction workers have been really the route the crew that has been having really sweet to the kids demanding to like be as close to the



as possible. Right? So


Collin  17:11

they, they have put up with a lot of us just like sitting on a corner staring at them with, you know, you shovels or the backhoe for like, literally hours a day.


Brandon  17:23

Their eyes really confused, like, why are they still?


Collin  17:25

Right? It's, it's been it's been every day for a little while now, especially as they've been getting closer to us. But But, you know, but they've been working in the neighborhood for a while. And we would go and find them and track them down. Yeah. Wave to them. And so they are just about to finish. And I so I called the city and was like, hey, just want to let you know, the crew that you had working on on our street have been really awesome. And I'm glad they're gonna be done. But my kids are going to be really sad.


Brandon  17:54

So thank you guys.


Collin  17:56

Like, their kids are really gonna miss him. So thank you for for an awesome crew. Because Yeah, like the kids are gonna miss them because it's been you know, we've literally been watching them work around the neighborhood for over a year. And they're just at the end of it now. So it'll be it'll be sad. It's funny, sad, but it'll be really nice to have a functional


Brandon  18:17

sidewalk to actually use austro you don't want like jaunty exciting angles on your side. crevasses in the middle of it.


Collin  18:25

No, no, no, no.


Brandon  18:27

It's like modern art. Right? It's like a Picasso. Cubist, like, dude. That's so far out here. as well. They're planning on I read something that my city is also planning on doing some sidewalk renovation at some point.



I don't know what that point is. But like


Brandon  18:49

it's not on the side of the city that either because this side has like no sidewalks anywhere so


Collin  18:55

so our portion of the of the city still has the some original brick sidewalks that were Yeah, that were that I really like because they don't collect water. They're actually easier to walk on in the wintertime. And they look really cool if the owners keep them up in the summertime because the grass grows through them. Get a cool look. If they're kept up otherwise, it just looks like another part of their yard. Which is really annoying. Yeah. But fine, it's fine. Yeah. So that's, that's probably been the biggest thing most exciting. We were really worried because there's a big like huge tree right on the corner. And that was the head busted the sidewalk up to the extent where there was like a six to seven inch differential in the middle of the sidewalk where the row Yeah. And as they kept on getting closer, I'd go out and I talked to the format and be like so What are you gonna do about the tree we can do about the tree? And he was like, I didn't, you know, it's like, dude, stop. Because I didn't, I didn't want to cut it right. I don't want him to cut a tree down. And he was like, well, the city has told us to save as many trees as possible. And I was like, Okay, well, that's, that's nice. That's good. That's good. That's nice. I like that. And then nervously watch them hack and cut and dig around this thing. And they take the cut into some pretty big roots. They just you had to Right.



Right. But,


Collin  20:41

but I think, but I they were able to save it. So we'll see how long it survives. Mm



hmm. Yeah.


Brandon  20:50

I'm sure it'll be fine. I think so. I think it will be fine. They had the I think they had the the city


Collin  20:59

arborist crew out there, because we get a lot of grants. We This is like the third year in a row. We've gotten some big grants from from actually from from the Department of Conservation, for for tree maintenance and for for having really nice trees in the city. So they were out kind of inspecting it as they were working. So I was like, Well, okay, at least somebody else have eyes on this. They go


Brandon  21:26

see. They're doing stuff. They're professional ish. So I had the option.



Sure. I don't know. How about you?


Brandon  21:38

Me, a general, you guys are talking at the same time was fired. Perfect. Perfect. I like it. I think is weird. It was just like, like, it's that today is the end of the quarter. So it's just been like, get done things dude. stuff, right? Like, it's kind of man, like, not really doing too many new things just trying to wrap up loose in so all the stuff and today was like our end of the quarter celebration day. So we did nothing. So it was kind of like a long day of stuff where there's a kids met their reading goal from the English teacher this morning. They had like a little party in there. Right. And then if they didn't, they was coming I room I have like, study all time or whatever. And this afternoon was like, our behavior award stuff if we've been meeting our like PBS expectation thingies. So he's had like, a big long extra recess time and did some other stuff today. Since Normally, we would like go to a place but you know, that's not allowed. So we've had outdoor recess and did some stuff and just mess around inside. So there's kind of like a, you know, it's weird day, cuz we're like, in the middle of some stuff because like, well, we're gonna put that on hold, we're gonna do our presentations,



Monday, and then, like,


Brandon  23:13

try to get some stuff done and other stuff just like, Okay, well, we'll, we'll finish that we'll start those Monday, cuz we've been doing our geography like Final presentations



for class. And so


Brandon  23:28

a Wednesday was the last day to finish them. And then we spent Thursday doing like pure editing stuff, just so we can kind of have other eyes on our presentation and practice presenting to like a partner, you know, before we get up in front of the class and, and go, because they don't, they're not very confident presenters. It's not a thing that they're did they like or that they're there is this like, super comfortable with that. The whole get up present your thing for the class. So we're just kind of taking a slow and practicing and do some stuff. So Monday is the real deal. We do present presentations Monday. So we'll see how that goes. But it should be pretty good because it's just kind of like for fun. Our it's the first presentation I make them do all year. And so for our geography final presentation is like a you have to tell about your dream vacation destination. Because that hits kind of all our geography things right? Like, what region is it in? What the continent is it on? What are the landforms in the area? What's the climate like? All these things? Like what country or city all that stuff? So you're at like an actual location and you're landform geography blah, blah, climate, and then they just have to do like fun stuff like the food and what activities would you go do and all that kind of stuff. So it's, it's a little more fun. It's not like super serious. But it's like, kind of like, Okay, this is what we're doing. I'm telling them like we're gonna do a couple of these years. So this one's you know, practicing getting up getting comfortable before the class, all that stuff. So yeah, guys, they're usually pretty fun to watch, because they come up with some, but some of them most of them are like pretty normal like, oh, London, Paris, and some of them are like, really bizarre, like hyper specific locations like what why did



you pick that?


Brandon  25:31

Like, what did you? Why? Why that one. So it's very interesting to see like, where they decide to go. It's weird. So it's just fun to watch. Fellas, too. I told them, because some of them, like I gave them a rubric. Right. So they have a checklist. And I've been finding a lot of them on the floor. Oh, no, you know what? They help you? Yes. And so I told them, because like Wednesday, it's like your job



as a peer editor,


Brandon  26:04

is to help your classmates presentation be the best that it can be? Uh huh. Oh, like you have this list? And I've held it up and waved at them was like you have this? Well, you should. Some of you lost it. Maybe your partner has won, like, but when I'm watching your presentation, grading it, guess what I'm going to be looking at this exact paper. So what's another mystery? Yeah, what I'm looking for. And I even gave him like, an example. Right? Like, I made it a presentation. I presented it to them. Before we've The first thing that we did, when I introduced this was I made a presentation I presented to them. And then I give them a copy of mine, like in their Google Classroom file thing. So they can look at it. If they wanted some, like, you know, just a reference. And some of them use it very well. So don't look at it again, ever, you could tell which ones don't do. But like, you know, like you have all these tools. It's not a surprise, what I'm going to be grading the song. So like, plus your presentation score that's added to the end. Which is partly made up of how well you present your presentation, and partly made up of how good of an audience member you are.


Collin  27:35

Ooh, that's an interesting one.



I like a lot.


Brandon  27:41

Because I told them, like, not all of us are comfortable doing this. Right? None of us like to be up here. So we have got to be as respectful classmates. So part of your grade is how well you do as an audience member. That's what



but that is That's true. That's right.



Go ahead. Yes,



that's really key. Because


Collin  28:08

I'm being an audience member, like, like you don't like it when you're presenting and seeing somebody not paying attention to your stuff. Like


Brandon  28:15

that doesn't feel good. Yeah, I mean, we've been working on this for a week and a half, almost two weeks, right. So like, we want to I want to show off all our work. And we want to show all the hard work you're putting in and if you're not gonna listen and be a good listener driven Dude, that's not fair. To the rest of class that's not being respectful. And part of our PBS expectations are respectful classroom behavior. In this case, that's what we're doing. And I told them, I was like, I hope that you're better listeners for them than you are for me something like that. That's awesome. Grades. Good. Not very good. Isn't it though? If you have


Collin  29:00

anybody that's really nervous about presenting, you can tell them my fainting story. That's okay. I realized



I forgot the fate D story. Maybe I'll tell them that on Monday. You should totally tell them the fainting story. Tell them that I forgot about that. That's great. Yeah.


Collin  29:18

Oh, man, I just, you know, things happen to you in life sometimes. And you're like, This isn't like, I hate that. Like, what what on earth? And then it's like,


Brandon  29:27

you know what, I can pull that


Collin  29:28

out of my back pocket now and tell it to people who are like really stressing out about, you know, talking to somebody on the phone or like, you know, we're having to present something for work or for a class or whatever, and it's like, trust me, you'll be fine. You'll be just fine. It's true. That's true.



is right I


Brandon  29:48

think for I think you should probably give us a brief recap for the listeners who are now going What on earth is he talking about? Give him a give him a brief insight into Your anecdote here, please. Uh,


Collin  30:02

here's the quick story. first semester freshman year at Missouri State University, I took speech in debate, there's just took speech class speech 101. As part of that, they would select the top students at the end of the year to give us speech as part of a speech competition for that year and that semester. I hate giving speeches, but I was selected the top for just my little class. And then we had to do a spend the day competing, giving the same talk over and over to multiple judges. I then advanced to the final round at night. And the key part of this really is a couple things. It was part of the grand reopening for the Gillies theater, it's a historic theater downtown that had been undergoing renovation for like 10 years prior to this, or whatever. Yeah, like forever Forever. And so they were finally having it here it is going to be part of this event is their, their the year that they were opening, there was they were going to hold it here. That was check one check to my advice, or my teacher had said nobody shows up to these things. So of course, this was packed house standing room only. The judges included things like the mayor and the president of the university. And like other big businessmen, I was the only biology student that had made it to this. Everyone else is like a business major or was in like, speech and communications, and, and the speech. So I go all day, I don't I'm not eating, I'm not doing anything, except presenting. And I'm really stressed out about this, because it's very stressful to give talks, and I make it to the end, it's at nighttime, it's like six, seven at night. Go to the guild boys. I've got my speech that I've been practicing for, like a month or more at this point. And I've given it already several times today, I get there, my advisor comes up and my advisor Maya, the teacher comes up and goes,





Collin  31:59

nobody else is giving the talk like you're giving it so you need to change it take out the part where you talk about the fake award because I had created this thing where I was creating the fake awards for the people who founded silver dollar city and the company that they made because I gave an award to a local missourian. And so I had a name for a fake award and I had a whole thing about the fake award and I kind of made it funny and he was like nobody's doing that. Take that out. So I'm taking that out. Cuz maybe they


Brandon  32:24

shouldn't be maybe they shouldn't be so boring and terrible thing


Collin  32:28

to say they come in and then they come in they're like, we're all going random random order and I'm like oh great random order. When am I gonna go and they're like scratch that. They number us off and I was like right in the middle. I was like great right where we want to be and then they come back into third time ago nevermind random order go. And they marched us into the theater, sitting down lining outwardly, right and i i'm it'll sound like great, whatever. I get up. I go I walk out on stage, bright lights. I mean, it's you're on the stage standing room, only people up there black. I make it through my first sentence. I take a breath and I fall flat on my face, back, you know, land on the stage with a huge thud that echoes. My friend who was in the audience at the time thought it was part of my talk. Because he said it was so bizarre. Just It was so unexpected. I wake up I look up the MC standing over me and I just kind of raise my hands he drags me off. And our dad is waiting in the wings. And my teacher comes over and he's like there's a backdoor. We can go back. It's fine. Dad's like we're walking out the front and I'm like To hell with that. I'm going to go find me the backdoor Meet me in the alley dad.


Brandon  33:54

Because I'm just jumping off the roof. Where's the ladder? where's


Collin  33:58

where's the fire exit?



And we we had chicken fingers at the steak and shake and downtown that night. And I got fifth place. Hey.


Brandon  34:14

Alright, so like dog I knew but like how bad were the other people that you fainted? And they you did better than them? Like, how trash are they gonna feel real bad about themselves. Like I'm a business major. And I'm like in business communications. And I got six plays by to do this.


Collin  34:39

Yeah, they're not. They're not they're not putting that on the resume. Are they? Oh, man. I haven't.


Brandon  34:51

They tell the story very differently. I think


Collin  34:52

that's okay. Yeah, yeah, I think that yeah, I think I think there's the kind of fuzz the middle Bart apart. Yeah, so it you know, moral of the story is, uh, eat frequently, especially on stressful day eat good. eatings good. And, um, you don't, you just don't end. what's crazy is there are still days where I have to do a presentation and I still have to do a talk or something. And I get really anxious for those, like, I still get not passing out anxious, right? I've, I've already been there done that. But like, I still get really anxious sometimes when I have to do something, and it's just a constant reminder of like, yeah, like, this is you this is find new new ways and remind yourself of like, that happens. Like, yes, that's a fear, that's an anxiety, but you can do things around that there are things you can control, and to remember that. And what was really crappy about this was that I know I said that this competition was towards that was was at the end of the semester. What's key here is that it was towards the end of the semester. So even even after this, I still had to go in and give two more talks to my class to finish out the semester, right, so I did, I did open the very next talk that I had to give, I can't even tell you what it was, Oh, I think I gave a talk about some famous clarinetist or something. And so I took my clarinet in, and I opened up. But when I walked in, I said, stage falls. 101. And nobody laughed. Nobody thought it was really funny. I thought it was,


Brandon  36:37

yeah, people don't have people don't know that. People don't understand humor


Collin  36:42

is very self effacing. Very, like, I get it like, Yes, I literally passed out in front of all of you. I'm trying to put that out there. Because, like, you know, I know, I know, you know, you know that I know that. You know, like



no use just brushing this under the table.



I was gonna own it, we're gonna acknowledge it.


Collin  37:05

Go for it. Really trying. Anyway, that was



Oh, so?


Aaron  37:18

Yes, we live life lessons.





Brandon  37:23

In the


Collin  37:27

Aaron, Aaron, have you have you? Have you driven all of their back roads in around pawhuska and the surrounding area?


Brandon  37:35

Or passed out in an auditorium full of people?



I have.


Aaron  37:43

Never in an auditorium. I definitely remember. I joined not speech in debate. It was like sixth grade. And it was like some literary competition where you had to like, read a book and like, like, recant the story with something. And there was like a whole competition that I went to. And I remember I didn't read a book because I didn't know that I was if I was like going or not. And they're like, Oh, yeah, Aaron, you're coming in. So I was like, oh, oh, no. Um, and I remember it was kind of during kind of in the wintertime. So I just had like, some coffee. And I just made up this story about like, the night I never read the Charge of the Light Brigade, a little poem thing, but I pretended that I read something similar to that and so I just kind of recanted that story and in into the valley of death


Brandon  38:49

rode the fire, but it wasn't


Aaron  38:50

that dramatic with it. But the only thing that the person noted was a dramatic have cough drops next time and I didn't do very well. Um, but as far as driving all over the county



It was a this week had been I've been no bueno.


Aaron  39:11

Some of or some new cases kind of like a surprise who's crazy um,



Monday I got home at like



eight which isn't technically too bad. Tuesday I got home at like nine. Wednesday I got home at like 11 yesterday I got home at 1033 out of those four days. I had law enforcement with me.


Aaron  39:47

The place like the stuff yesterday I I sent call on a snapchat of it, of my progression of the day of because I'm kind of stuck in the middle of where I am between kind of two offices, and I had to drive to one office get a state vehicle, which is a new 2020. kiya, which I'm actually becoming a fan of a hand. I had to drive over an hour doing hot laps and the reason is a little keya. Yeah. What is it? It's, um, it's the thing on the paperwork says it's a black Impala. And so when I showed up, I was like, um, y'all gave me the wrong keys. Like, no, that's it. That still sounds documented. All right, um,


Brandon  40:38

broadly known as a Kia Sorento, homey.


Aaron  40:42

Definitely a mom vehicle, but I'm kind of enjoying it. It's a lot of fun.


Brandon  40:49

So you pretending that you're the star and the reasonably priced,


Aaron  40:51

reasonably priced car this is this one's a little more on the expensive side that, oh, they're closing all these offices. And then we have all these new vehicles that just materialized out of nowhere. So, I mean, no, I was I was very busy the last few days and today, which is Friday? Yes. I got it. I say I sweep down and work on work on all lot of things. Shelby is at a town she it's her fall break. And she is off adventuring with one of her girlfriends up there in Illinois somewhere.



One of these people get fall breaks, right? So she's


Aaron  41:44

out there. And I was like, Oh, you know, I'll just have a weekend. And then I had lunch with her brother today because he was in town. And he's like, Oh, man. What are you doing tomorrow? Oh, well. Oh, I go watch some college football. And he's like, oh, What time's the game? I was like, that's a good question. I'd Google it. And I was like, oh, man, that's crazy. Missouri states playing tomorrow. He's like, where I was like, Brookfield. Like, you do anything tomorrow. Like I just told you like, no, we're gonna go to Springfield tomorrow. So apparently, I'm going to watch a Missouri State football game tomorrow.


Brandon  42:19

It's gross. Why would you do this? So? Yeah.



I I get it. I tend to gay. I get I get one football game there.



I've attended. Well, you because you know who the coaches right. Bobby Petrino. No.


Brandon  42:43

Oh, he's not. Yeah, I didn't know that. And he's not. Yeah, no, that's not a great little Bobby. Ooh,


Collin  42:51

okay. Yeah. This out flesh this out. Aaron sounds excited about Bobby. No, I'm not. I'm not.


Aaron  42:58

I'm not good. Okay. I was. I was



frustrated when basically


Brandon  43:06

Google Bobby Petrino motorcycle. Oh, no.


Aaron  43:11

Let me see if I can find that YouTube video.


Brandon  43:14

No, no.


Collin  43:16

That was why was that? Oh gosh. Oh, geez.


Brandon  43:19

Yeah. Yep. z, z.



would find column.


Collin  43:28

I found a man in a neck brace is what I'm finding.



So here's,


Brandon  43:34

yeah, read the rest article. I saw the word


Collin  43:36

mistress. I saw. Yeah,


Brandon  43:40

Bobby. Definitely was involved. The reason he's no longer coaching Arkansas, is because he was definitely involved in a motorcycle accident with a very young teacher's assistant on the back of his motorcycle. Who is you know, deaf. They definitely got his wife driving around. Yield motorcycle. And then yeah, just discovered like, Oh, hey, they're not just studying football. That's what


Collin  44:13

Yes, the 51 year old Petrino and 25 year old Jessica


Brandon  44:17

Hmm, yes, yes, that would be well that






more than 326 phone calls and 7200 text messages. I don't think I've talked to anybody that much of my entire life.



Yeah, right. That's


Aaron  44:36

so that so that that's that's another reason why he's definitely not like, this is also the man that was the head coach of a of an NFL team and then like just left, like, when you know, like during, like a few games in a season. And he's like, I'm staying here for good and then he like went to Louisville. Three times. And he went he's at Arkansas and yeah, Missouri State land at them somehow.


Brandon  45:08

Wasn't didn't go to Mississippi for a while. Is that true?


Aaron  45:13

I don't know. I kind of thought following but


Brandon  45:16

maybe it was just Louisville. Louisville. Yeah. But yeah. Bobby's


Aaron  45:21

shirt. He stayed. I will say one time when I was in high school. I don't know where Colin was, at this time, but I, it was one of those times where, like, everyone was just busy. And so I was like, I'll just go to Missouri State game. And so I somehow I got into the student section because I was doing a dual credit program. And so I had a Missouri State ID.


Brandon  45:52

And again,


Aaron  45:53

I just sent the student section and I just kind of someone gave me a sign to hold. And it was it was the it was the s on bears. Big bears, like me. Like I'm a geology major like that. So crazy. And so yeah, it took me like a whole game to learn the fight song and stuff. I just liked going because it was it was just fun and unique. Like the whole the hometown school and stuff. But yeah, apparently we're gonna go up to the Missouri tomorrow. And Mike might catch up with dad for a wee bit and


Brandon  46:33

a long way to drive just to watch



two hours and


Aaron  46:38

there's the I remember distinctly there was these gentlemen that would come up to every single football game, every single basketball game, every single baseball game. And they're like, super rich alumni from like, Houston, Texas. And they would just fly up like on a like a Tuesday just to come to watch a game. And they would always come to Joe's and they'd always sit there and have their two beers after game and then they would just leave. And then like, Oh, we have a game Thursday, like, Alright, well, we'll see a Thursday like, wait, so you're gonna fly from Houston?



Just for a day. They're like, yep. People later,



like, Oh, my gosh.



how rich are you?



Yeah, like


Brandon  47:35

I don't think I like anything that much to be like, this falls into literally nothing. Like this falls into a


Collin  47:42

larger topic of like, I think it starts with like school spirit. But I think what you're talking about there, it's kind of this larger topic of our like, think like, getting into into something that much.


Brandon  47:57

Yeah, like, literally taking the word fanatics. Seriously.


Aaron  48:02

Listen to one of the persons that used to paint his face to all the Oklahoma City games. We know and I would camp out in front of the stadium just to get in early. I'm definitely. I mean, 100% on my fifth year senior lap. I was like, too tired? Crazy. Too many drunk people. Don't don't because it's about the time they will they allow alcohol into the stadium. I was like, No, thank you. I will watch it at home. I will wear my OC hat. And that is all I will do. Um, now I have a friend named Bryce, who is like, Oh, hey, man, we're gonna we're gonna get together. You know, with all this stuff. He's like, can't like why football game. This is also the same man that will not go out and do anything, especially on like Bedlam. Bedlam is a huge thing in their family. So, but the battle is the Oklahoma State rivalry. He already plans a year in advance. He's like, I don't ask me to do anything on this day. I won't be sitting at home watching TV or I will be at the game like Okay. Uh, I think it's nice to be like, supportive. And like, it's going to tailgate. For me. This was from my perspective of, you know, going going to tailgates and stuff like that was always fun. The aftermath of a football game of trying to corral people was always kind of a nightmare. But going there and just being a part of, of just a different atmosphere. Granted, I also don't like people, but they're there. There's something about, you know, yelling, or someone yelling power then like 60 other times joining in. But that is like, that's fun and you know something definitely with you. No, no. What do you when you call the hogs when your Razorback fan, you know, that's that it's just a little, a little tick that people have called the hogs to. Yeah, so it's, as I was hoping to do just just keep any listeners who don't know what I'm talking about.





Aaron  50:31

yeah, I can


Collin  50:31

edit that out. Don't worry, don't worry, nobody will know. Okay. Dang it. Like, it's,


Brandon  50:40

it's one of those things where, like, I know, I'm, like, my personality is just way too impulsive to, like, sit down and plan my life around an event like that, right? Where I don't like clear my schedule and be like, Oh my gosh, it's gonna be this thing. Right? It's like when I was younger, like, wasn't really a sports enthusiast. But like, the closest analogy I have is like, I used to go to lots of like, music concerts. You know, when I'm when I was young, when I was a youth, and that kind of thing. But it was always just like, Hey, you wanted to go this one? Yeah, sure. Fine. Okay. Not like, Oh, my gosh, guys, we literally have to stop everything for this event. Right. That's never just been a part of my personality. So I find it very odd. It is a thing that I don't understand. I guess, because I've never been like that. Like I've driven a long way to see like concerts before. Like, with. But definitely during finals week in college, one year, somebody won tickets. One of the people that was we knew like one tickets to go to Kansas City to see the offspring. And they couldn't go. And she was like, Hey, you guys want to buy these tickets for me for like, 20 bucks. And we're like, yeah, like, I like winter for tonight. like, Okay, bye.



And we just like,


Brandon  52:06

it wasn't a big planned event thing. It was just like, uh, yeah, I'll do that. Let me find that. I mean, my friend wrote to kitty saw last spring, got to Taco Bell drove back home. That was it. You know, so it is fun. It was really good. But uh, yeah, salika all I have to stop everything and do this thing. I just don't. My brain doesn't function in that space. And so I don't understand. Like, and it's been like, Oh, I'm gonna miss this one. Like, okay, doesn't deal. Fine. Like, I don't know, I just I like, cuz, you know, school spirit is one thing. That's, that's one thing. But like, drop everything. fanaticism is just something like, what? I don't understand. This is all because I write because I remember like, in high school and in college, and when I was in the pet ban, try that's a it's a fun environment to be in. And, you know, I was always in the pet band. So like, I had to be places. It wasn't like, a choice really, like I was to be there. But it was. Yeah, whether I wanted to be or not, I was there. But it was, you know, it was fun. It was a big thing. And you know, especially like high school.



big, heavy,


Brandon  53:30

you know, crazy. rogersville right? It's weird. Because, like, the school I work at now is definitely like, none, zero. And it's so bizarre. Like I it's like, what am I doing? Like, nobody goes the game. I just like sit there. Do anything that is very odd. I don't know.


Aaron  53:52

But like, the biggest kind of mental changes, especially coming from rogersville granite with when I played football. When I play when I was on the sidelines. We like we were fine. We were good. people showed up the that knew that stadium that the built You know, it was always relatively packed. And then when I went to any Oh, you know, people just like showed up to our games. And they were just, they're the loudest people at the stadiums was aka us the band people. And we were just like, I was like, No, no Cheers. Like, is this no one, no one does anything and then go into like, smaller, like schools and towns to do like shows at other sporting events. And then like, you know, then going to Oklahoma State. You know, like 75,000 Plus, people just screaming cops. Oh man and then when I became a coach, you know, ran it. I did not know this until I until I started coaching there. caney Valley had the longest losing football In the nation, and so you get parents that showed up maybe the one or two high school kids and their friends. And that's it. And like no one


Brandon  55:10

that was I was lugging around a little football when I started.


Aaron  55:16

And I was probably the loudest person because I was up in the little press box with my little play sheet. And you can dang sure hear view without him. Microphone.


Brandon  55:26

Oh, I'm definitely the loudest person at the middle school basketball. It's me. It's surprise. It's me. So everybody, cuz we are the game that I went to. I only made it to one game last year for the heads up season, right. And it was great fun, as I'm super loud, and like, just really into it, right? Because that's how I always was whenever I was there. Like if I'm gonna watch a sporting event. I'm here to watch the sporting event. I'm not here to like, mess around. I'm here to talk to people. I'm engaged in the basketball game. Right, right. And so this is like, me yelling, carry it on at all stuff. And I definitely some parents definitely looked at me.



He was right.



Did they it's like it was fine.


Brandon  56:23

And there was definitely some parents. There was some parents who like I'm sitting by, you know, getting the band together. My boss was there. That one is the she's the principal. Right? Yeah. She was like, wow, what? I I'm here to watch basketball. And he was like, Are you always this? loudly? Yes. Yes. Yes. I


Aaron  56:49

have Hi.


Collin  56:50

obviously haven't met. Hi, Leslie. It's not this context. Not


Brandon  56:56

in this context. That's true. But she says I've just like I'm sitting next time, like, Alright, let's go. Let's do it.


Collin  57:05

We will be a group.


Brandon  57:08

Be that well? Well, she was the people that like, she's, like, I have a history of like playing basketball. So her like cheering is more like sports oriented, like very specific. Like, yeah, you know, like, you know, that that kind of like, focused like really into the plays. And I come at it from a very MUB I decided a long time ago. But I'm a professional spectator. It's just my role time. Besides in high school, when I took PE in summer school, me and my best friend decided, you know what? Actually, we are professional spec. Yeah.



That's what we're doing.


Brandon  57:48

If the PE and summer school didn't give it away, that way. Yeah. I'm not about to take a whole year of PE. I think we mentioned that before. But we do so like mine is more like encouraging and shouting and sometimes I shout silly things. One of my personal favorite things to do is I developed this over a long history. I like to yell out penalties from other sports, specifically during basketball is way more fun. So like, yellow like holding, like it's great. It's really fun. You try it. It doesn't have to be live right? Just Just start calling out other penalties for like hockey, and baseball, soccer rights. start calling those out. While you're watching your mascot.


Aaron  58:53

During marching season will be the pet ban at that football game. In Oklahoma you can play like all the time in the band. It's not like in Missouri where you'd like the plays are only in football when the play is action. You have to stop playing in Oklahoma you can never


Brandon  59:13

forget. Yeah, no, no, she doesn't like fun. It's illegal. That was a Missouri fun in high school sporting events is illegal. We were always


Aaron  59:22

whenever we weren't even playing we would just be yelling. And that was the fun. It's a fun part in pep band at basketball games. Because the jazz fan sat right behind the opposing bench. So we would get ourselves a little rosters and be like oh number three. Hey, Kimberly. Hey, Kimberly, you get those shoes. Those are really nice actually. Well, they fit me just like yelling random things like that. And whatever


Brandon  59:57

number Yeah, college is the worst because like the Only people that were at a Crowder basketball games will pet band and the baseball team. So like there was so much yelling from the student section that it was ridiculous like,



oh my gosh.


Brandon  1:00:16

It was so it was similar to that right? But yeah, Misha doesn't like fun. We almost got kicked out of a sectional basketball game. Like the whole student section, because we were being too loud. Usually they stopped the game. They stopped the game and announced and announced if you don't stop



Oh, my


Brandon  1:00:36

misery you can't continuously stand either. Standing is here to sectionals, basketball game, you're gonna stand up and be shouting all time. So continuous standing is illegal stopping on the bleachers is illegal. Right? continuous shouting is illegal. That referee stopped the game. And where it's like basically said, If you do not comply with the regulations, we will empty the gym and play the rest of the game. Without fans. Wow. Which you can imagine the course of booze that just rained out. Right? Yeah. Well, Barrett, and we were parked for you the party Jim. Like, oh, man, it was bad. Word. They were mad at us is great.



The best. So I think two things, the best chant


Aaron  1:01:34

that I learned that I still use to this day. It's definitely not the cleanest is the nuts and bolts thing. In the end. Yeah, no, no.



Um, but


Brandon  1:01:48

I like the rebound when I did the rebound.


Aaron  1:01:51

My, my whole my whole experience. So you know, college football. Cool. Going to a bath. Oklahoma State game at Gallagher iveragh. In the arena is a completely different world.



It's it's just this


Aaron  1:02:16

construct of noise. And I've only been to a few games that Gallagher I but but it is such even if you're not a basketball fan, which me I hate basketball. I can blame that on. What's his face from Logan? rogersville. But just just being in that, yeah. That that room basketball for me. But being in


Brandon  1:02:41

that's fine. What's a whole new everybody agrees.



I will say


Aaron  1:02:48

I went to a Oklahoma City energy soccer game. And last year and this year, and just the number one the amount of profanity that is just screamed at at the soccer matches from just like diehard loyalist fans. And this is these are also the people that they have, that energy fans have their own bar that they go to after every energy game. And like it's just packed with just energy fans. But it's also one of the only experiences of people handing out pamphlets of words that we can't say especially all the Spanish words that we can't say. Like, yeah, we can't put like the chance and it's mean like, I talked to one guy and he's like, yeah, I'm accountants my brother the lawyer and we just love like, is coming out decked out and nothing but it energies colors are green, blue, it just coming out in like just you. I didn't pick the color, but just just come out. But in that and you know, they have they have these pamphlets that they have their versions, and depending on where they sit on a way games, they have the censored versions of songs. Because there was one game they went and they said the whole away section was next to like a like Children's Hospital section. And they had to revert to like the back page the pamphlet that had all the PG version of the of the chance. And so like that going to because I knew soccer fan soccer matches were like we're crazy. But like


Brandon  1:04:36

that's where it seems weird to me. That that have that seems like



now I've could be way off base here. But like,


Brandon  1:04:46

that seems like a weird forced thing where people are like, become part of a fandom with an expectation of like because this is like an 80s English soccer hooliganism right And then they just went, hey, that's funny. Let's do that. And it doesn't like develop from like an organic place because like, there's no reason to do that.



If you've never Yeah, you


Brandon  1:05:10

don't mean especially if there's like some random soccer team in the Midwest, like you have no history of soccer.


Collin  1:05:18

Being right, you think you are you're right now.


Brandon  1:05:21

It's sort of like, Oh, hey, this is the expected soccer,



cultural Yeah, well,


Brandon  1:05:29

we'll just copy it and like do


Aaron  1:05:32

that the energy actually came from an Irish league team, that that the


Brandon  1:05:40

owner does happen. But the fans



didn't. Nobody. family moved to Oklahoma.


Aaron  1:05:47

Oh, well, I was I was gonna say the day because there's a lot of families that were brought in, especially like when they were traded or into the organization. So the families came and then therefore the fans game then that just kind of steamrolled and culture implies you get from the Hispanic culture brought into that mix as well.


Brandon  1:06:06

Yeah, but Hispanic soccer culture is different than it then. Specifically English soccer culture, because English soccer is the hooligans is the soccer riots is the profanity is the, like, breaking stuff is the fighting, right is the gangs, right?


Aaron  1:06:24

Like definitely not the last three LBC especially in Oklahoma City, but it is kind of a nice little little mixture of, of the Hispanic culture that especially energy games, because there's like a giant huge followed supporter that have their own Spanish chants and things like that. And then we have, you know, the the random chance that we have, but we never like vandalize anything or think I mean, I've only been to two games I can't say much or defending much


Brandon  1:06:55

again that way. There you go. That's kind of a it's an even an England that's kind of going away. That's a very like, late 80s, early 90s kind of phenomenon. It's like the soccer hooligan gangs have like, I'm a West Brom fan. And if I see somebody wearing a shirt, that's not West Brom I'm gonna beat my right that's a very that's a very specific to English hooligan culture.



Like that's what I


Brandon  1:07:25

like I'm a West Ham United and if you're not wearing that shirt, I'm gonna throw bricks at you like What



gave you quickly right? Like Come on, man. It's alright.


Aaron  1:07:42

Amit if it's if it's anything like those, those Texas Tech red Raider fans of throwing Protea things that people Collin.


Collin  1:07:55

Yeah, like I was really one of them. No, it did one Texas Tech game. My time there. And I was through tortillas right through all of the tortillas that we had. No. So that I get a tradition of like, as the opposing team comes on us ga T is out into the field. Don't understand that. And then the my other memory of that game. I couldn't even tell you who we were playing was towards the end of the game. We were winning. And so the student sections started tearing up the bleacher seats and passing them down and throwing them onto the field. That because that makes sense. I didn't understand. I think I think it was like, I think cuz the other team was starting to get like was all standing and was getting rowdy. So they were basically saying like, sit down Go or, you know, like sit down kind of thing. Oh, yeah.



Or go home. I don't. Again,


Brandon  1:08:53

again. But that's that's supposed to be the shake your keys thing? Yeah, go. Anyway, and I think I think part of this, again, part of this for that from the live sport perspective, especially if it's a televised sport. I think some of this fan behavior becomes because it's so boring. Well true. Are you there? Yeah. Because there is a shocking amount of standing around and doing nothing literally at professional sporting events. It is even those collegiate ones that are on television. Yeah. Like all this thinking commercial breaks they just stand there and tell you like all hyped up like I'm gonna go this game blah blah and then you go to the dangers like as far as like football like there's they're standing here. I can understand you would know that with baseball, baseball. Literally nothing exciting ever. 17 hours of baseball. One exciting play. Oh, right. Like those ESPN highlights are a lie. They show you like three like really big like exciting events. You gotta remember that takes place over seven hours. Yeah, have a baby


Collin  1:09:56

for the first inning, right and that's where all of the that's what they do. So baseball


Brandon  1:10:00

fans know that you just sit there. That's why they that's why they're so obsessed with statistics because it's something to do. Right? adding things, right. But like other video like, oh, there's all this excitement and now we're just standing here. So I'm like, amped up. I'm excited. Standing, breaking action. nothing happening. So we channel they channel their like, energy into like, negative. Well yeah, like swearing at the opposing team or vandalizing their own stadium because that's a that makes sense. No. Like why I'm gonna break my chair. I'll show you like what? Okay, yeah, he's literally showing, he showed me. You can't sit down.



Now when your legs get tired, I guess. Whoo. Yeah.



Could you hand it back? Please? I actually really need it. Yeah, I'm tired.


Collin  1:10:55

Now. Yeah. But I don't know. No. Yeah, that was my. So I recounting the number of events that we went to. So obviously a lot of football fans in high school because of the band. And then which I really had to be totally enjoyed being being a band member. And doing that, and mostly just dealing with somebody else. Making loud noises most of the time. And then I went to one event at one football at Missouri State and went to one football event at Texas Tech. And then I went to a Rangers game, which is a baseball, which is fun, which is


Brandon  1:11:39

baseball. It's baseball a little a little.


Collin  1:11:42

And that is the extent of I guess we went to some hockey events growing up to St. Louis Blues. But that is the extent of my like,


Brandon  1:11:54

Kansas City blades minor league. What went to that to that one was that too? Yeah, that's where he went. Well, I went, I didn't go to Kansas. I've never went to a blues game until Susan and I went, like the year before we got married because they were playing the Red Wings.


Collin  1:12:13

And the Red Wings are my favorite team. And so I watched we went I thought we went as a group to anyway, I thought we deserved I think it was Kansas City. It was Kansas City. Okay, maybe Yeah, well, we went cuz I had, because I have a play test



at home. That we got it the game? Yeah. Is blade.


Aaron  1:12:35

Uh, yeah. Well, my experience was


Brandon  1:12:39

there would have been Kansas City because that's where that's where we got to the point.



Good point. Never mind.


Brandon  1:12:46

As we didn't know anybody at St. Louis at the time, right? Because Keith wasn't that red. And somewhere in the Midwest. Yes. There was a hockey hockey. I


Collin  1:13:09

think that's one, maybe two. But like, I'm also trying to think of like other things that like I would be considered a fan of because I never got into the school spirit. Like I never went to school dances I never dressed up for like school spirit week i to the schools that I've gone to, I've tried to remove my name from the alumni list as like vehemently as possible. Every time they get like, I Missouri State has not called me in.



Like, gosh, like


Brandon  1:13:40

five he says email me all the time. Mostly because they'll call me ever if they email me like,


Aaron  1:13:45

I know I from Oklahoma State and the phone calls about once a month.


Collin  1:13:50

No, I I took it I got the phone call aka the Alumni Association and basically was like if you call this one more time, I am going to sue you for harassment Stop calling me and like, I would get their stuff in the mail and I'd call them and I like remove me from this list immediately. I don't want this trash. And like so every I just tried to remove my name because it was like, I never understood that. of like that spirit that you'd have for them. I understand supporting the people there but like as a school and institution I never I never got into that. As far as where that


Brandon  1:14:27

that goes. But well now they just want your money right? That's what they want. like, Well, how about you give us more though






wouldn't that be Bobby? Yeah. Wouldn't be fun if


Collin  1:14:38

you gave us more of your money. Yep. And I was like, No, I'm good. I'm actually actually really good. I don't want to support you anymore. I'm good. You know, I'm fan of other stuff like fan of like nerdy things and fan of like TV shows and things like that. So I I definitely get that side of Have a bit but not the not the school spirit.


Brandon  1:15:04

Even that stuff, there's there's nothing that I'm gonna be like, Oh my god, I have to go sit like I'm you know i mean like I can't think of anything right now even when I was younger when I was not such a grumpy old man, right like I there was nothing that I was like oh my gosh, I have to drop everything and do this. It was just like a Hey, you want to do that? Sure. All right, we're not like we drove to St. Louis one time to watch. Like the warp tour was in St. Louis. Like the year I graduated. We went to the punk rock show in St. Louis. That was fun. But it was just kind of like, hey, that's in July. You guys want to go?



Like, I'm sure why not.


Brandon  1:15:50

And so we drove does it that's a side story for another day, because oh, Lord, that was exciting. But like


Collin  1:15:57

Warped Tour.


Brandon  1:15:59

Yeah, add that somewhere. Good concert horror stories on here at some other point in time. But



that was, I mean, there was always, you know, something that I


Aaron  1:16:15

at least either, like, love to go to like, you know, I, I call myself an alumni of rogersville. But I haven't meant to any like events. I'm not you know, part of any like, social media page are nothing. My 10 year anniversary thing apparently happened then. I was like, Oh, yeah, not.


Brandon  1:16:39

That's not you shouldn't Don't Don't say that. You have to reach out. Bro.



Anyway, Oh, man.


Aaron  1:16:53

Oh, I want her to die. There's, there's just, I mean, any like, I love going to any homecoming. Like, though, that was always fun. I've been there twice. But it was always fun. Because we, I always got to be part of the band. And we, you know, go and play band things and be a part of that. But like, you know, I've never I've always worked on homecomings, or like Oklahoma State, I've never been to walk around and still water gets, I think it becomes like the second largest city in the state of Oklahoma during homecoming. Because, you know, people just flood in from, you know, alumni from everywhere. And like, I was like, I have people and I know, we got to deal with these people and stay busy for like, you know, it's kind of nice to have that like alumni status, but like, I think since I just don't answer their phone calls, hopefully Stop calling me but I mean, Grant Yeah, I have an obsession with hats. And anyway so it is kind of nice that you know, like I graduated from here, like Oh, look at this free hat I got a little or something like that.


Brandon  1:18:12

Aaron's really just in it for the swag they found


Aaron  1:18:14

it. Well, that's another reason why I want to be oil. Why I want to be a coach so I don't pay for any money. I get rehab and free coaching stuff, but I wish there was just like, a god to pay for this. Really.


Brandon  1:18:35

makes me really grumpy as a teacher, I have to pay $12 for that. I don't okay.


Aaron  1:18:46

Fair enough. Well, oh, well, like there's like, my that same friend, Bryce whenever he lives up in Wichita, Wichita had all those minor league games, you know, minor league hockey, minor league baseball, and stuff like that. He would go to all of them. He was a season ticket holder. But he always always had the mentality of you know, if you're in the hometown support, whatever either is. Me mean, he had, he had all the swag of all of all those teams. And I was like, that's a lot of commitment. But down the road from from where we live, we got the Tulsa drillers and they're just no fun to go to mostly because the tickets are cheap. And it's just nice to kind of, like have something to go to just another little clip event. me I've been to countless games of football, baseball, soccer, just because I like sports in general. When I get there and it's like halftime like man, I can kind of watch this on my couch but


Brandon  1:19:50

see that then the problem is they're competing my guess that's easier to Yeah, it's easier to watch at your house. You have all your own snacks You can wear a T sweatpants t shirt to get dressed up. It's great. Then when it gets boring, you can just change channel. Yeah. When either they're winning by like a billion or losing horribly, it's like wow. All right. Ah, something is something more exciting.





Brandon  1:20:24

Cake wars. Perfect. That's a


Collin  1:20:28

hard turn. Okay.


Brandon  1:20:31

Hard turn. Save that one for later too. Because man, that's crazy. Anyway.


Collin  1:20:42

are so many so many topics. We got to start. We got surplus in through these. You got to start doing this.


Brandon  1:20:48

That's fine. We need we need more materials. Okay. All right. No worries.


Aaron  1:20:53

It Brandon throw it. Take words out there. I'll definitely throw some British baking show. Under the Table any day? Yeah.



Next week, food shows. I don't know. What's the



topic? We just got worked through shows.






Okay, perfect.


Collin  1:21:13

Okay, so yeah, top put a pin in that one for next week and it won't contain wine. We'll do we'll do cake wars and food food shows for next week. Okay.


Brandon  1:21:24

Because they're ridiculous things. Sweet. Oh, oh, no. Also James Mays cooking show was coming out on Amazon.



Oh, right.


Brandon  1:21:37

Right. No, it's good. It's usually has a release date. Now. I saw the day I can't read what it was. But it's like soon. Okay. So we're coming soon. At that's happening. I've ever reviewed. Yeah, well, and I think I still want


Collin  1:21:52

to do like a, like a commentary track or something to something like that. I'm interested in in trying to do that with you guys. Like Sit down. We'll watch party and we record while we're while we're watching and that'd be fun.


Brandon  1:22:04

Well, I don't know if I can handle that. But we can. We can maybe do the watch party in the record right after because it's funny. We can do that. Okay, because I don't think my internet can stream and Okay, record. It might die. Some days it can barely record. So I don't know if it's good. Always do that. Like a Saturday. We'll do like a watch it. And then like immediately afterwards, well get on together and talk. Yeah, this is Yeah, this is good. I just can't say I don't. I'll try to find the actual date that's releasing and then go from there. Yes, that's coming soon. I saw the trailer food on the YouTube on the food tribe YouTube thing or whatever. All right.


Collin  1:22:55

Very good. Well, we will put a pin in that then. And all right. be back next week.



Sounds good. Buddy, guys.


Brandon  1:23:07

Let me tune back