so much to this gardening business

In which Brandon visits a museum for free, Collin discovered a Wonder Dog, Aaron thinks Umpires are expensive, and Bilbo met some giant bees.

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gandalf, bilbo, goblins, people, talking, wolves, coach, jim, mirkwood, story, eagles, field, dirt, trees, weird, work, museum, left, nice, day


Aaron, Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show so much to this gardening business. Boy

Brandon  00:22

oh boy. Hi, go. How goes it? It's fine I ever I have precisely what I mean to everything's fine. Oh, that's a that's a reference everybody there was it was bridgework coming home on I 44 it was not happening when I left earlier this afternoon. Oh no, that was a fun exciting thing to discover. Sounds like oh yeah, we'll make a while a little bit I'll be good to go. And then obviously it's like stopped traffic hands like Ah kono


mild panic, mild panic. That's not good.



Brandon  01:13

the monad decided now was the best time to work on a bridge

Aaron  01:18

to Atlantis stop

Brandon  01:23

go around.


Oh, you didn't you didn't stop to admire the scenery.

Brandon  01:28

I mean, I was stopped on the middle of the interstate so I mean yeah, they could they like it was one of those like random like overpasses so you just had to they like funneled all the traffic over to go up. And then back down to the


nice apparently

Brandon  01:43

they don't want you driving on a bridge while they're driving under a bridge while they're working on it. Weird matures. I know. Iowa. I drove under a bridge once in Iowa that was being actively demolished. Okay, so like, just close on one leg at a time. They're like, it's fine. It's like a wrecking ball. Like


it'll all mostly fall on this side anyway. Yeah, it's okay. Yeah, it's high. Why do you look panicked? Okay, just drive quickly move along. Yeah.

Aaron  02:20

So that was the delay. Found out the problem. So well, you know, it could have been worse. Yeah, it's true.

Collin  02:30

There's actual solution to the problem.

Brandon  02:33

That's good. Yeah. Like that.


Could have been far, far worse or? Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  02:42

So again, the one day week I have a thing to do.


Yeah, well, you should you should file a complaint with MODOK and

Brandon  02:51

just said Yeah, yeah, come on, guys. One day I was going to do a thing and then had somewhere to be there like now just kidding was closed out the high was


so good. He's awesome. When you're not.


Aaron, how was your How was your Did you? Did you find any bridges or overpasses that needed attention?

Aaron  03:17

Ah, probably, I feel like most of the bridges in our areas or developed when Oklahoma became a state the main highway to get off to go to our house. There is bridge constructing like they rerouted to one side and they just completely tore up or like in like exploded one half of the bridge. And it's like, yeah, we'll fix it eventually. So going up 169. through Tulsa, goes to literally like one lane. And that part of Tulsa is like the busiest part of Tulsa. And so every day on the little drive news, it's like, Oh, hey, be prepared to stop and I'm like, I know exactly what he's talking about. He doesn't have to say what the road is. So that's, uh, that part is miserable.


Surprise. They're not. Hey, everybody. Why are you still driving over here? Please, take another route.

Aaron  04:21

Please. If you think people would adapt by the end, but thankfully, I don't take that route. I go the opposite direction. So I avoid it completely. Well, that's good news. Yeah,


this is the way don't guess. Right.

Brandon  04:35

Don't go the other way. Yeah,


well, I have no bridges that I have. I mean, I'm sure I've burned lots but I have not have not crawled out. But no kidding. I have crossed No, no. No bridges have

Aaron  04:49

of ill repute,


I suppose. recently. So unfortunately, I

Aaron  04:55

have no, I cannot truly empathize in this man. They're well, I will tell you

Brandon  05:02

why I was traveling down the road that needed repair. So we, we went to Springfield today with a bunch of friends. Right? So your dad so we went and ate some lunch, right? By the way. You need to go to a place called Korea on Republic road and Fremont over there. Okay, there. You're welcome. Thank you. Okay, so, Korean and Japanese food? Yes. Just Yes. Okay, so go there. Excellent. Well, you went out today we went to the Springfield Museum.

Collin  05:40

Gets you, right. Yeah.

Brandon  05:43

So it's right on the square. Okay. It's on the square. So, yes. Okay. north corner, this square right by Boonville. Right next to the

Collin  05:52

Fox Theater. Okay. It's just like, there. There's

Brandon  05:56

like a kind of a sign on the roof of the building. Right. But it's just like an old building on the square. It's right by that rickshaw Chinese restaurant that's been open since the 80s. And I've never seen anybody eat there. So I really know what it's about. Well, we went there. Okay. First surprise to the day. The Springfield Museum.

Collin  06:16

Free to teachers. Hey,

Brandon  06:20

so all of us are teachers. So we're free music.




That's an excellent price.

Brandon  06:33

Yeah, I didn't know that. We walked in, and we're like, how much the tickets? And the lady's like, what kind of tickets pyrford was like the ticket tickets, high new ticket, different prices for like senior adult. Oh, right. She didn't see that. We're all there. And so yeah, we discovered that teachers are free.

Collin  06:57

This is great news. Right? This is fantastic. The building is.

Brandon  07:02

This museum is amazing. Okay, so just so you know, that like, it's a little bit weird because it used to be, she was sort of explaining how it worked. And it was like two buildings. And then they like, just sort of became one building to like, you're on the first floor. The second floor is like, what they what's called the second floor is like two feet higher. On the other side of the what? Yeah, it's kind of weird. And so it's kind of staggered like that, like, when you're looking at the door, like the left side of the building is lower than the right side of where the floors are inside. So it's kind of like staggered, like, oh, because when the bit when the buildings were built, they built them to different floor heights, right? Yeah. And they tried to merge them. They merge the buildings together. Sure, the floor heights are kind of the same. So it's like, you're on the first floor. And then she was like, she was like explaining it. She's like, okay, just so you know, this is the first floor, you're gonna take the elevator to the third floor. He goes, that's the second floor. And she pointed across the room, and it's literally like a foot taller.

Aaron  08:09

And I was like, well, that's not confusing at all.


I'm glad this is very clear. And I won't be

Brandon  08:16

confused, right? Yeah. But once you get to the third floor, you walk up the rest of the floors. It's just like a ramp, you just kind of go, you go up to the third floor, and then it sort of spirals around until all of a sudden you're on the fifth floor. And you don't really know how you got there. Right? It's just like, Oh, I'm on the fifth floor now. But I think it's because the building closest that Boonville records Boonville slopes down, you know, south of the square. So it's a matter so I think that's why


yet we actually went to his little museum story trading. Aaron, have you heard of Jim the Wonder Dog?

Aaron  08:55

Gym the Wonder Dog? Yes. Negative. Okay, this is not shocking.


Jim is Missouri's official


Wonder Dog. And look them up.


It's up museum day to dedicate to him in Marshall, Missouri. Not too far from where I live. Oh, Jim was a hunting dog. And

Collin  09:25

on one particular hunting trip, the his owner said something like, Oh, I'm going to go lay down under an oak tree. And they're in the middle of the woods. And Jim walked up and lay down next to an oak tree. And the owner thought that was odd. So then he said, Oh, no, I'm gonna go lay down under a maple tree. And then Jim went and found and a maple tree and lay down next to it.


And he

Collin  09:56

Yeah, and then he just kept on doing this stuff. And one of the stuff worries. So they the owner, and his wife owned a hotel in Marshall. And Jim was kind of hung out there. And one of the tricks that they would do is they would gather all of the attendants there, and have just like asked Jim stuff, and it was things like, go find an out of state license plate. And he would go, yeah, he would go. And he would go sit by the car that had the out of state license plate. They'd say, Go find the girl in the polka dot dress. And he would go and find next the girl polka dot dress, they would also do things like the owner would have a person in the audience write instructions on a note, and then hand it and then hand it to Jim and say, do whatever it says. And then he would go and do it.


And there are multiple multiple eyewitness accounts doing this. They took him, they took him to him you to take to do this. Yeah, yeah. And all of that. Was they would they would, they would say, you know, go find a black car, go find a blue car or go fly. Oh, one of the ones that he would do is they would, they would ask him to go find the people from x city. So he would have a they'd say go find the visitor from Kansas City. And he would wander over the crowd and sit by the person. Apparently, he chose the winner of seven consecutive Kentucky derbies. He chose the winner of the World Series of baseball and he could choose the sex of unborn

Aaron  11:38

babies. Hold on here. Missouri signed a bill making Jim the Wonder Dog Missouri's Wonder Dog. We are pleased that Jim has finally been recognized by the state or Jim lived his life a story of Jim has been well known throughout the state for many years, but now he is truly miscarries wonder dog.


Oh, there's a shop. Here we went there. We talked to them. Talk to him.

Aaron  12:05

Well, how did you find this? What is this? Oh, the true story. Jim, the Wonder Dog over 10 bucks. Okay.

Collin  12:12

Well, so at the


at the Lilian school. They talked about this, and they actually read the book about him in class. And then Lillian was like, oh, I want to go see the museum. And we were like, okay, yeah, what goes to the museum? So we went

Collin  12:32

to the museum, and sure enough, got it.


And there's, yeah, it's really wild. I wish there was another one where they, they like, yeah, he went and performed. He went to the, like I said, the University of Missouri, it performed in front of their head veterinarian. He had all his tests do it. And it was, yeah, that was it was that. So it was, it was very interesting to go and learn about Jim the Wonder Dog. And it's just this little, little, little shop little museum that's built on the grounds of the original Hotel, where the where the owner and his wife lived and where Jim lived, where his life


and it was just pretty neat.


To kind of hear of all the one off stories involving Jim. They have a little video that they play for all the visitors of interviews of people who actually saw Jim were alive at the time of Jim again, Jim was back in with us back in 1930s, late 1940s.

Aaron  13:40

So next question, okay. Thank you. Yes.


So is a boot for peace ago.


But yeah, they

Collin  13:49

the video was shot a while ago now. But yeah, they talked to some survivors even talked to is kind of it was kind of neat. They talked to the girl so that story I told you about the girl with the polka dot dress. They got they they tracked that lady down. I don't know how. And we talked. Yeah, yeah. They interviewed her. And then they had the dress that she wore, framed up on the wall. From whenever she got to meet Jim. So it was uh, oh, gosh. Yeah, it's pretty. It's all volunteer run. Kind of. They've got a cool little memorial garden.

Aaron  14:26

I'm looking. I'm looking at the pictures right now. It's at the rough motel. Oh,

Collin  14:31

yeah. No. So

Aaron  14:35

the question is, how long did it take you to actually go through the entire museum?


Like seven minutes? It's very so it took us longer to walk around and read the placards in the memorial garden. Then it did technically. Go through the museum so that is adorable. Yeah, look,

Aaron  14:56

I'm looking at these little pictures and yeah, they fit okay. So there's a picture

Collin  14:59

of Have a

Aaron  15:02

older lady holding like a dress.


That's that's the lady in the polka dot dress or whatever.

Aaron  15:09

Yeah, I can download JPEG. That's okay. I'm the one to talk Memorial Garden.

Collin  15:15

Oh, okay. This is not at

Aaron  15:18

all what I was expecting. Fourth, okay. So as for commute wise, how far over the overdrive is that?


Well from from Springfield, it's about a two and a half hour drive north. Okay. Oh, geez. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it's it's ways that Marshall is is not close to anything. It's even further away than the other place. So, I know

Aaron  15:46

where Marshall Missouri is. Hold on. It's good luck. Arshile? Texas. No, no. Okay. So from from your all's location? It Hold on. Wait for it. Wait. Oh, it's like straight north? Yes.


Is it straight as the arrow north?

Aaron  16:09

Literally? Yeah, there's there's that road and then boom, right there again. Okay. Wow. And


it was really neat. The they they are very I will I will say this. No, look, running a volunteer Museum is tough. So I don't look, it's fine. They are. They're a bit lacks on what hours of operations mean? Because we checked out everything we read the read the online I called and I verified when they open and they said yes, we open at this time. We showed up at the time that they were not open


at all.

Collin  16:48

So we leisurely, went through the stroll garden. Then, like walked around the square. And went, Well, what do we do now? I guess we'll go eat breakfast. And then while we were walking to a breakfast place off the square, we saw that they were open. Finally open. Okay. Yeah, there was like 45 minutes after they were supposed to be open, they were finally open. But that's fine. Okay, and that's fine. Again, it's a volunteer organization that keeps this thing up and running. I'm surprised they even have the hours that they do. So then we got in, and they've got they've got memorabilia that they're they've got people have saved fliers from when he would travel and show off his, his abilities. They've got books that were written about him and all sorts of photographs of people with him over the years. And stuff. So it was it's pretty neat to know, it's kind of just a neat little interesting story, right? If you're like, really like, okay,

Aaron  17:47

it's different because yeah, there's, there's all those. I mean, there's always like something like somewhere that you just stumble upon, and you're just like,

Collin  17:58

Okay, I'm, like, the

Aaron  18:03

what was that? But like the potential Little House on the Prairie prairie house up in Independence, Kansas, that we went to, we're just driving and we saw, like, a little school building, and we're like, what is this and like, oh, what's the oh, okay, like, where the door she could have possibly live? And like, you get out. You walk around there for like 10 minutes, right? Okay, and you just leave. So it's like, there's always something hidden somewhere. That you're just like, oh, yeah, that's

Collin  18:33

here. All right, let me go.


On your right. It's usually a very hyper local piece of history or a hyper, like, very specific single point in time, right?

Aaron  18:46

Yeah, it's not it's not anything like, you know, it's going to draw large gigantic crowds. It's like, oh, yeah, I'm here. Hey, do you like this? Okay, and then you just show up and then yeah, it's like the same people that's just like that are interested in the same thing that you are and then you just do the thing and you leave there's no amount of like


yeah, that is bizarre. Like I'm looking at these pictures. I'm like, this exists. Like, yeah, it's cool. Because like, at first, I was like, thinking he was gonna be like, Oh, it's gonna be like, you know Balto and like his story like now it just, you know,

Collin  19:29

dog guests, which which

Aaron  19:31

in hindsight is actually like really cool because it's like a dog did what now? I'm not I'm not dissing the the fact that this dog was very wonderous. isn't just that what I was like, spitting.


Oh, I forgot this other part about Jim as well. Oh, tell me about Jim. prior prior to him, and this expo is a he was actually deemed Okay. Outdoor Life snag zien the hunting dog of the country. Okay, so that was, that was his first award, it was deemed the best hunting dog in the United States. And then when they Yeah, so he was this great hunting dog and then while out hunting, that's whenever the owner said the thing about the tree. And then so on and so forth. Jim, Wonder Dog being able to pick out all this stuff.

Aaron  20:22

I will say I did not realize how bad it was today. Until I actually like because I've been outside like all day, like eight o'clock this morning. Being in the AC, like at noon, I was like, oh, it's really hot outside. It's melting things like it definitely like understand that.


You are doing more more work on your fields.

Aaron  20:45

Ah, yes. So Oh, sorry. Look, being a head coach is fun, I'm having fun. But it there's so much to this gardening business.


So I I've been out so the field, my softball field, the there's two parts of the field, there's the infield, which is dirt. And then there's the outfield, which is all grass.

Aaron  21:14

Bermuda grass. This is the boring part really, like, again, the few niche people will be like, oh, yeah, that's actually really interesting. Where the outfield is Bermuda grass, and the dirt. So soil sorry for you know, environmental engineering,


I unsubscribing.

Aaron  21:36

This soil itself, it is like clay, like it is just hard clay like it gets wet. And then it just like going to, like solidify and good luck, you know, you're playing on concrete, essentially, this is I've been out there the past like, you know, weeks, just just doing back and forth maintenance or, you know, setting out the water Rio that I sent you pictures of setting that up, going and actually like physically, you know, mowing, and then just dragging just taking a big old recall the nail drag, which is just imagine like a big heavy like steel comb, and dragging it behind something. And then you just dragging circle, and just trying to do anything possible. Get you know it in decent shape, and to where like you can stop you play it. And today I went up to Coffeyville, Kansas, which is you know, just right on the border in, you know, Oklahoma and Kansas, and went to a little bead shop, went in, you know, got just a little extra bermudagrass. And they're like, Oh, do you want you know, this guy? Do you want this guy like that? I did? Is it green? Like? I don't know, I don't know what you want for me to build into my school. I went down there. Water the field, voted. And I was up there at nine o'clock. And I left there about like 230 and is talking to one of the other coaches he's like, oh, yeah, you gotta get you know, this, you know, you know, blah, blah, blah, just you on there that will kill this. You got to get rid of that. And then this, this weed here. This is called Blood. I'm like, it's that one's green. And that one's green? I don't know. No. And the other is what's fun responsibilities of being a head coach is trying to find dirt. So this is all clay infield, which I've worked in work and work so it's moderately soft, because there's just a layer of clay and then there's there's some decent soil underneath it. But trying to get in contact with these people with companies that do like soil and rock and be like, Hey, do you have stuff for baseball softball field like we do? It's this like I was perfect graded. It's all this stuff? How much they send you a quote. And then I go to my ad and superintendent and so like they gave us this quote, What can I get? Like, oh, well, we could get this Oh, but how about this person wanted. So trying to do like the logistics of

Collin  24:19

just getting dirt. Like

Aaron  24:23

just give me nice dirt, put it on there and call it a day. I we got our schedule situated kind of. We have a big tournament that we host. However, the previous coach failed to notify anybody before they left that they had provided a set schedule for a tournament because with tournaments, you typically have like eight or 12 teams show up. And I don't know who's coming to our own tournament. Which that's like a big money Make your for us. And so I was talking to the ad and my assistant and they're like, Oh, do you know who's coming? And like, no. Do you like Oh, no. So we've been in pure panic mode for like two days, trying to figure out like, trying to track down the old coach, trying to figure out like, it's kind of awkward, because like, especially today, I finally like contacted other coaches, because you know, if there's like a rain delay or something, you want to get a hold of somebody like, Hey, can we postpone it? And so I like, texted a bunch of coaches and my number. And everyone's been like, super excited for me. And some of them are like, Hey, we're confirmed to come to your tournament, right? Am I? That is an adorable question. I don't know. When I do, I will let you know. And some of the people are like, Oh, that's right. You're just not taking over. You don't have anything do yet. I'm like, I don't. But So thankfully, there was a breakthrough, where we finally tracked down the previous coach, and we finally tracked down this list these lead elusive lists. Tomorrow, I'm gonna go up there, find it, and then just call all these people and see if I get a few more people to come in. And then


that was like the biggest stress. Oh, and then like, what am I assistant coaches just like, resigned? Because of reasons not because for the other coaches or kids, but they're like, Yeah, I don't want to do it. Like,

Aaron  26:25

okay, bye. So they I have, I had two coaches. So three in total, and then now it's just us two, which which is fine. We gameplan today, but trying to the back and forth of like, contacting parents, contacting, you know, our brand rep people and trying to order like cat clothes and all this stuff. It's it's kind of exhausting. It's, it's interesting, because it is like, administrative. And people are asking you questions, and you've been assistant for a while and you're like, oh, go talk to the coach. Oh, crap, that's me. Ah, shoot. But thankfully, everyone has been really like, helpful. And my patient is the financial ladies over the front office. I'm like, Hi, I'm new. I don't know how to fill it. And he does paperwork. And they're like, Oh, well, I'll


take care of you. I've got them on my side, like me now. They'll give me anything I want. And the I got some kids whose parents are on the school board. And I have a group message thing with the parents. And they're like, hey, what do you need? Like, as far as dirt wise? Well,

Aaron  27:42

I'd really liked this. And they're like, Okay, we're gonna get approved for you, Mike. Shut up. I can't tell that say that. But I'm just like, oh, really, I mean, I mean, I guess if you want to it, because it's like, I gotta get stuff to get the weeds. I gotta get the speed, I gotta water it, I gotta get fertilizer on it. I gotta be like, constantly down there doing something. And what I met with some of them, I'm like,


I mean, it just be like, really nice if we can get, you know, turf one day. So that way, I wouldn't have to drive up here so much. And you know, it'd be for the kids. And that way, we wouldn't have to spend so much money on this. And it just that it's for the kids and a lot of people like, yeah, yeah, we could totally do that. Yes.

Aaron  28:42

Because as much fun as it is to mow almost every single day, it's not that much fun. And I have more important things to do, like finding a stupid list of teams that we're playing. And so I definitely, if there's anything of me winning an Oscar, anytime soon, it was the past few days, because I've just

Collin  29:02

been, ah, well, I It's tough. But

Aaron  29:09

you know, we got to do what we got to do. But Oh, could you do anything make it easier? Well, I mean, turf would be really nice. And my school is gonna get wind turbines in the next like, two years. So we're gonna get like a big influx of money. So, like, super worried about it.


But I'm trying to get people on my side. So we can actually, like get the ball rolling. Because if you think about long term wise, like trying to host tournaments, sucks because like, what if there's a rain delay? Like what if you know something happens to your fields and call 20 people instead of like, oh, it rained. Well, still time to play. And it's it's a big moneymaker for, you know, especially a lot of small schools, and we're very small school. So I I've gotten things worked up and

Aaron  30:04

you know, loosened a little bit, but it's, I had to scrub 10 pounds of dirt off of me today. Because I've just been just wallowing


mostly supposed to leave them on the field we're doing taking all that valuable dirt with you. Right? That's the stuff that they don't want. That's the that's, that's the clay. I

Aaron  30:27

mean, I've been molding pots this entire time.


Yeah, you could start a pottery class.

Aaron  30:33

What are you saying? So when you say condition field? How do you judge? If it's conditioned


enough? Do you have metrics is do you have a tool that you measure?

Brandon  30:46

So it's gotta it's gotta run for 10 minutes without getting tired? Right? It's got to be able to live? Repeated Oh, not the Pacer? No, The FitnessGram


is a multi capacity test. That progressively gets more difficult as you continue.


Ah, horrible memories of gym class. Yeah, the PE. So the so for my field, and particularly, I look at how well is the outfield grass holding. And then I basically flooded, like, I'll set the sprinkler on there. And I will just like, move it. And so it'll be like nice puddles, like, Alright, does the grass hold pretty? Well, it's muted. So it should, and then you know, it's a little wet, you can play on it, the dirt, that's your big, that's a big problem. Because it's you know, if a big gust of wind goes comes through, is it blowing, you know, you know, a dust cloud off your field. So with like baseball and softball field, you need like a good mix of like, sand soil.

Collin  31:56

And you know, something else. Obviously, I'm

Aaron  32:00

really good at this, to make it where it's soft. But like the water is like, if there's water not standing, it gets absorbs, all you got to do is drag it and it's ready to go. You can you can condition your soil with things called like turpis, or field conditioner, which like helps bond a lot of like, kind of think of like an aggregate really, or like a bonds, a lot of stuff. Like it makes it soft, but sturdy enough to where like if the ball is hit on the ground, it's not going to like get it like same. And so you can slide on it not get hurt. And you know, if it rains, it's not going to completely set you back for days. Just get your dry. So the other the other big thing that I look at is a lot of the parents are like, this field hasn't looked this good in like five years. I'm like, thank you. I promise I'm a coach. I just looked homeless because I'm covered in dirt.

Brandon  32:58

But what I'm hearing here is a potential crossover event with the FFA soil sciences team. That's what it's really what I'm seeing and if you don't know. Oh, yeah. The ultimate collapse.

Aaron  33:12

The there is a surveying team here at my school where they used to go to like surveying competitions. And I teach and I'm like,


what? You look at dirt the whole times like no, it's actually like, really cool. Like, we take like soil samples. And like we like we grade it. Oh my gosh, he's like that old man from the movie.

Aaron  33:39

Atlantis, where you like things and he has little

Brandon  33:43

thinking about South Park bigger, longer and uncut. But yeah,

Aaron  33:46

that one? Yes. I did talk to a lot of people because if you know anything about my school, there's literally nothing around it. It's pretty view, but there's hardly any trees. So I was like, Hey, can we plant some trees around my field to get you know, some shade and some areas? They're like, Yeah, we could do that. windbreak


Yeah. Hey, guys, I'm gonna tell you what happens if you don't have windbreaks. Oh, wait, you already know.

Brandon  34:14

Condoms. Oh, it's happened before John.

Aaron  34:21

So it's really kind of nice because like, the way that I've been talking with people, like getting like the whole school involved, not just like, just like, I talked to the the band's people. I'm talking. I'm talking to the Ag people. I'm talking to the maintenance people. And they're like, what the van guys like, Dude, I didn't even know that like our old softball coach left. That's how little like the coach has talked to us. And I'm like, No, I mean, we're like a school and we need like, your all's help and you know, you need my help and blah, blah, blah. And so I just tried to get like other programs in Like activities like onboard and play Oh, planning fundraisers, that's another big thing. You have to get fundraisers approved. It's a freakin fight other activities like, Well, these guys did this thing last year, and this is their big money thing. Like, I don't care. I need monies. So I'm trying to I'm trying to orchestrate a big like, evening events where I have like, a bunch of kids show up, there's like a 5k or ELA run, and there was like a softball, kickball tournament and like, we feed them watermelons. And, you know, with food and cookouts. I'm trying to organize that kind of a big moneymaker. Or at least my programming for the school. And people like oh, you're actually like, bringing money in like, well, what they do last year, it's like, oh, they only raised like, 200 bucks. I'm like, Ah, no, I, I need money for things people you don't understand. umpires are expensive.

Collin  35:55

So trying to like coordinate it. Like everything is a very interesting task. That's like, it's it's

Aaron  36:08

there's a lot to it. But it's kind of fun, because it is administrative. And it's like, Hey, Coach, what

Collin  36:14

do you do about this? Oh, you got to wait on that couch.

Aaron  36:18

Oh, that's a bad idea. Oh, no. Well, you got to talk to the coach. Oh, no, it's me. I need adults. Oh, wait, that's me. Oh, no, crap. There's, there's a lot of stuff like that. Where if it's gonna be really enjoyable, and seeing the excitement on a lot of people's faces, in talking about the things that we're doing, and the sheer fact that people are like, willing to help like, Hey, dude, I got, I got this can machine can help with this. Like, where do you want it? Like, oh, well, I want it over there. Do this. And it's having a supportive community is really like making my life way easier.


And having like it show up and be like, Hey, can we help like Mo and of course you can small human. I would love that. Thank you. You're welcome. So that's, that's really fun is the people like, oh, well, they're not gonna be very good and blah, blah, blah. And now having people like, show up and be like, hey, yeah, we're here to help and, or to do whatever. And that's kind of, you know, a moral victory. And that's kind of nice. That's gonna be good. Good sign for what's hopefully come to season.

Aaron  37:28

Sweet. got the ball rolling. I made that hunt earlier. And no one laughed.

Brandon  37:37

Because you were done. And I was finding my internet. Everything's fine. with you guys.

Aaron  37:41

I didn't know the other people. And I was like, I mean, we're just trying to get the ball rolling. And they just looked at me and I'm like, because it's

Brandon  37:50

like a ground like a ground ball.


Now okay, so

Brandon  37:54

I'm sorry that they don't appreciate your jokes. I'm sorry for you.

Aaron  37:59

We appreciate you will be an oddball after


a while, but it's alright oddball out

Aaron  38:10

whatever it was, so yeah, I'm sitting inside of the AC. I'm enjoying not being in the sun. But I definitely am very, various shades of red and burnt

Collin  38:27

but it's worth it for the children. thing Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's what I've been up to. The low and we start practice.

Aaron  38:36

We start practice next week on Monday. And I've been having been in constant contact with the local newspaper people because they want to come out and take pictures. And I'll say things like man one more week and in my principles like how do you do you have breakfast Monday and I'm like, man who scheduled out crack me again No, no. I can my own enemy that's Yeah, so we start practice and then our first game is definitely a good

Brandon  39:13

texting the coach. Oh, it's

Aaron  39:14

funny dad. Messages. I don't really want to hear

Brandon  39:19

any reminders about how close school is just starting. You just keep putting yourself

Aaron  39:26

first game is and we have school August 14

Collin  39:31

thrilled Yeah. But yes, that's what I got going on. Oops. Very nice.

Brandon  39:42

Hard gardening man. As


he is. He's a man of the earth out there tilling the soil and

Brandon  39:48

of the soil. You're out there like I'm imagining like those like he's out there and his overalls. He walks out to the softball field in the early morning reaches down out, grabs a handful of dirt picks it up

Aaron  40:10

guy thing and Brandon, I am teaching my kids sarcasm, because I told them I was like, hey, if we do good, on certain days, Fridays can be, you know, relaxed fit or shorts day, but like, but we don't if we don't have a good practice, you know, we'll be practicing and Jean overalls. And one of the kids is like, Coach, I don't own Jean overalls. I'm like, gosh, dang it, you will understand humor by the end of the season. I promise you. I don't care if I teach you softball, I will teach you sarcasm.

Collin  40:43

Important. That's my goal anyways. All right. Well, that's


cool. I'm glad those things are coming together.

Collin  40:51

Do you have a good group of people of people on the team. So I met a few of them for a parent meeting. And I only have about as of right now. 14 kids, for seniors. For seniors, three juniors, 479, and


three sophomores, and in the restaurant, I got a I got a small team. But everyone, everyone says that everyone left, because they didn't like the previous coach. And so they I think the rumors are to be believed that most of them will come back

Collin  41:42

once they realized that there's a new sheriff in town.

Aaron  41:47

I might have more, but I have like 26, like junior high kids coming. So that's a little intimidating. Yeah. And so as of right now, we're gonna have practices separate. So we don't have like, overlapping of 1000 kids running around. I wasn't the one. And so because as young as of right now, there's only two plus coaches. So we'll, we'll do practices separately.


But everyone that I've talked to you they last year, they didn't have a great record. Because I guess they just according to everybody, orange, quote, unquote, coached, but I was like,

Aaron  42:25

decent, but apparently they didn't do so great. But everyone I've talked to is like, oh, there's talent on your team. They just gotta get on in the right direction. So softball will be interesting baseball, everyone says that they will be really, really good. They're young. They're teenage boys. Will be a headache.


Well, you know, in some instances, we generally, you know, hopefully this is not a scenario where we go from a one bad situation into another would be bad would be bad. Some would say much like going from the frying pan into the fire. Trough which is which is our next chapter that we we read in Deus Hobbit.




And this one. Oh, I have to get my book over here. Get ready. Sorry. I made the transition that I wasn't ready. Sorry. Oh. I love this one starts to just very plain matter of fact, Bilbo had to skate the goblins, but he did not know where he was.

Brandon  43:40

Which sums it up, you know,


some of them right up? Very, very well done for for this chapter

Collin  43:54

Yeah, and I also

Brandon  43:57

like he's just kind of weird, right? It's sort of like goes I mean, it's kind of he's that last for too long. Because he hears some sounds. You know, that don't sound too goblin. He I


love it. I didn't sound like goblins. I just I don't know what that sounds like. But I guess I could imagine something. Like goblins. Just not Yeah, exactly. Just, I don't know what the problem is. It's just not like goblins.

Brandon  44:32

And he hears he encroaches closer, and he decides that it would be funny. If he they're talking about how they've lost him. Right. And so he thinks it's going to be hilarious. If he uses his little new magic toy to sneak upon them, right and be like, oh, here I am.




yes. And they are quite befuddled and shocked and oh, what is it? What's the phrase that he uses there when he jumps out? He hears the burglar. Yes, he said here is the burglar. And that says a

Brandon  45:16

fallen is very miffed because he was on guard and nobody sneaks by me. How would you do that?


He has to go on and he does tell him about the way he does not tell them about the ring at this point, does he? Yeah, no,

Brandon  45:30

he does not. He just decides that it's best to be he tells them everything else. Just leaves that part out too. So they don't need to know about that right now. It's fine.


We don't need Yes. And


I think gets a little suspicious. Look from Gandalf where he goes, I wonder if he kind of thinks what I what I left out.


My story. Yes. Exactly. Trying to find this place, but

Brandon  46:03

I guess it's further up. So yeah, he's, they're reunited. So good. So good. Yeah, yes. Sorry. Exactly. Right. And they just sort of plan. Right. They kind of they're like, Okay, well, now what?


Yeah, well, then they, the as they're, as they're discussing and going about this, we're introduced to a new kind of creature in the, in the realm where, where they stumble upon this where they stumble upon the wargs.

Brandon  46:36

Yeah, so they hear them? Yeah. Right. They kind of hear them coming. And they're not quite sure they hear I'm kind of off, you know. And then did they have to, you know, they hear I'm getting closer, so they kind of start to worry about them. And then there's a big long is this, this is a big long kind of talk about like, how wargs and goblins are

Aaron  47:01

like, you know, in cahoots, right.

Brandon  47:06

It's kind of weird, but like


Yeah, well, it's it's a it's another sign of these like deep old alliances that are that are there. But yeah, they do talk about them. And this is where Bilbo is like, he'd never met a wolf. But he knew the noise because he'd heard it described in Tales. Right. So it's this other like billows connected to lore and stories of of times be gone. And I don't it's very interesting how how to recognize a sound based off of description from us story, right? Yeah, yeah. Okay. I found the part is looking

Brandon  47:46

for to hear it's already good has Oh, no, what shall we do? What shall we do? He cried, escaping goblins to be caught by wolves. And it became a proverb. How we say, Out of the frying pan into the fire, just doesn't feel connected at all. I don't really,


there's a little bit of Yatta, yatta yatta in there, like, Damn, you know?

Brandon  48:07

Yeah, right. Like those do those two phrases don't go together? What


do you talk? Yes, of course. And obviously, right now, we all know this. You know?

Brandon  48:24

If you want to be in the no children, USA escaping God loves to be caught by wolves.


Darn. Right. Yeah. And everyone will know, everyone will know what you're talking about. What you mean? This is not true. Whatever.

Brandon  48:45

Humorously, they decide that they should just go up the trees. But Bilbo is too short. To go up the gap.


He is far too short to climb trees. Aaron in years, how do they illustrate this part of the story?

Aaron  49:05

Yes. So I was about to ask, do they refer to your old stuff in the books as other wards or wolves? Or is it kind of the

Collin  49:14

US bow? It's kind of above. Okay,

Aaron  49:19

so when you said warriors, I was like the firt. Like in every panel. It's like wolves, wolves. wolves, wolves, wolves. Oh.

Brandon  49:27

Yeah. It starts out with wolves. And then it moves once they actually show up.

Aaron  49:32

Talking about the work, right? Yeah. So these when he said Bilbo can't get up, it's literally, you know, a zoomed out panel, and there's the trees and all the drawers are literally sitting on top and there's people trying to jump up so he's like trying to reach and then there'll be eaten if we don't do something, Dory, be quick and give Mr. Baggins a hand. Please hurry, Mr. Baggins. He's like on his shoulders, and he's trying to like pull them up. So it's it's adorably doing, you know, doors and hobbits, like climbing trees. The sheer amount of wolves isn't like articulated. But the next panel,

Collin  50:09

there's like there's a lot as like,

Brandon  50:17

uses the word hundreds. Seems a bit much, but you know, yeah, you know, these are, quote, why wild wolves or so the evil wolves over the edge of the wild bird named? Yeah,


you know, insinuating that there's something more they are something more than just a typical, you know, average run of the mill.

Collin  50:43

Well, yeah. Okay. So yeah, they

Aaron  50:46

that's, that's showing a lot. And I mean, there's a lot of blues and greens. You know, imagery wise, but it's showing pretty well, there's not a whole lot of talking. It's more narration than anything, kind of like describing what

Collin  51:07

all is exactly happening. And with everything, so. Yeah, let's hear. Okay. Thanks. That's nice.


Yeah, so you get them up kind of last minute there as they trot into the clearing.

Aaron  51:23

And only just in time, though, yeah, that's true.

Brandon  51:27

And wouldn't you know it? This is the exact place where wolves just hold their meetings. Of all the luck. I know. Ah, well,


about that, everybody.

Aaron  51:45

It's a bit weird, right. But again, you spoke

Brandon  51:49

to the kind of presents this wider world aspect, like we find out because, you know, Gandalf speaks fluent warm,

Aaron  51:56

obviously. Found the part where it's at, we're using the

Collin  52:00

term war. And it explains like what that definition means


in the top panel, so I was sitting there reading all the descriptive stuff. I haven't, like, read this, and I was like, it'll and so I was like, Oh, look at the pictures. So um, I've been catching up like, so that

Brandon  52:23

it goes more into how the wives and goblins are cahoots. Apparently, they form raiding parties together.


And it just so happens that there was a great raid planned for this very night, right? Yeah. Right.

Brandon  52:37

Who What are the odds? Right, but of course, because of the goings on with, you know, the slaying of the Goblin King and whatnot. RAID is probably put on hold, you know, but the wives don't know that so they're very confused. Right? But again, you get this it's like this system right? It's like it's sort of like Bill does look into like, even though Bill it doesn't find out immediately right but like, into the goings on of the wider world, right? Like there is. Yeah, like, nefarious intentions here right? We are beyond you know, it's really kind of showcases that he is very far beyond what he's used to because this is a very

Aaron  53:18

odd situation. Right? Sure. Because it's not

Brandon  53:22

this is not the Shire anymore. You know? We're not in Shire the Shire anymore toto right we're very far away in very strange lands where goblins and wolves get together and raid human settlements right there's a very

Collin  53:39

you know, it kind of is showing

Brandon  53:41

like it's getting weird out here right we're right the further we go away from home The Stranger Things are getting for

Aaron  53:49

parole Bill though, right? Yeah,


he's kind of having having fun or having a hard time I should say



Brandon  54:02

and then so there's much goings on about you know, this whole next part is just kind of like a whole bunch of craziness right we we the words like discover they're up there the goblins come right yeah, now they're now they're like, oh, works can't climb trees but goblins can for chop them down or so now. We have a problem right now. We have discovered


a flaw in our plan, right? Like before I

Brandon  54:31

could like wait them out. We can do whatever but now there's a thing here that's going to chop down trees to we need to escape with the quickness. Right.

Aaron  54:42

Well, and is this where? Yes, Gandalf

Collin  54:51

decides to have fun with them. And I love this so much of he's just kind of chilling out watching everything take place. figuring out what's going on. And then all of a sudden, he gathered huge pine cones on the branches and set when a light with blue fire and throw it at them.

Brandon  55:09

It makes a plan, right?


It's a

Brandon  55:16

way to go about things. You know, maybe not the best plan and it starts out fine. Yes. But it may burn some wolves and stuff and then about once the goblins get here,



Brandon  55:33

they're like, Oh, hey, cool fire. We'll just put on the trees. You're in losers. Like, oh, I don't know ultimate backfire of the century, right? Like we've got.


It's so great. It's so great. Oh, yeah. Pine trees are our guests. What pine trees are highly flammable.


Yeah, very flammable. Very

Brandon  55:53

burnable thing.

Aaron  55:58

This Oh, this was not not well thought out. No, it will be fine.

Brandon  56:06

Maybe they will be fine. Because because all of this commotion attracts the attention, right?

Aaron  56:19

Some other people hanging out people per se.

Brandon  56:24

The great eagles are just you know, chilling out. Right? The Lord of eagles just happens to be

Aaron  56:32

hanging out, you know, doing his thing. And he's basically

Brandon  56:39

just like, What the heck is all this racket? We're gonna go check it out. See what's going on?

Collin  56:44

Yeah. Yep. It's great.


I love this because yeah, it's very much a well hey, what's


that down there?


Let's go see.

Brandon  56:56

Yeah, me too. Eagle. Right so you know not named yet but spoilers. This is thronged. Or que fror you talking nerds out there? That's what they that's who this is coming out hanging out. And he sees some people and then the Eagles are like, well, these he doesn't really know what's going on at first, but he's like, well, there seems to be fighting against goblins and wolves. And I don't like goblins wolves. So we're just gonna, I'm going to help these dudes in the tree out, right?


How he picked sides so easily. Just like me. Yeah, no, I don't like those. So anyway, you're my friends now.

Aaron  57:41

It's wonderful.

Collin  57:45

Right? That's fine. So it's all good.

Brandon  57:47

Gandalf of course knows the Eagles. Because you know, he's Gandalf, but deep lore here. So deep lore nerd time, right? Google's love it. Eagles, of course, the servants of montway. Right? The one of the guards across the sea, right in valor. And Eleanor. Gandalf, also big buddies with montway. Right when he was back over there, too, in his other form, before he crossed before he crossed the sea to come to Middle Earth. So there are no just sort of like tangentially equated because they know each other from kind of, for me eagles are the servants of the great Lord of the wind

Aaron  58:27

model. I see. Yeah. So they're also like, not just eagles. Yeah,

Brandon  58:37

they're kind of like, you know, watchers, and they report back to him. You know, it's kind of like a thing. So, like, they're not just birds.

Aaron  58:45

They're a little bit more, you know? Sure what they seem. Gotcha. Okay. I didn't know that. So very cool. I'm sure I watched it one of those three hour long

Brandon  59:04

breaths filling this similarly. Come on, it's it's fine. It's right there. Playing his day. It's hiding in there too. So it's okay. So but yeah, the Eagles like they just sort of, you know, again, this is one of those instances where, like, Gandalf kinda knows what's up because he knows the Eagles and stuff. But as the Eagles just come by and just start snatching dwarves out of trees, Bilbo is like, what is right?


Rightfully so rightfully so. You know? That would be a bit alarming if you're being attacked from below and then suddenly giant birds start plucking people out of trees like that would not be fun.

Collin  59:58

Hello, But yeah, they so they they pluck them out and get and Bilbo does not know what's going on like Brandon said and there he's quite concerned by this but thankfully I love that he never forgets that flight somebody right he's clinging to Dorries ankle because he's basically the last one to be plucked out just in time. And he doesn't think he's gonna hang on they take him to his the mountaintop look out and it was quite cold in there. And they were they go from here? No, yeah, they kind of laid laid there for a little while. But this was Did they have what did this look like in your book, amen.

Aaron  1:00:39

So my book is wildly falling apart. Finding some like frantically ways to make sure I have everything. So they rescue them fire


for a little Bilbo was very nearly left behind again. Yeah, clutching to a speed going through in every image of Eagle that I've shown they've always shown very, like proud majestic looking creatures either in I don't know if you ever saw or played the video game ordering board the north the exact same like concept art here that I'm looking at. So go through the eagle product feel and rabbits and small sheets, Zoom below stomach was full and he slept curled up on a hard rock more soundly than ever. And like the next page below is waking up and eagles are flying again. Over.

Aaron  1:01:37

Over valleys and yeah, they just plop them on top of a rock and they say Alright, well, wherever you you fare. So your irises, RISD, UEFI, journeyman. And then they just start clamoring and walking through and it's it kind of it shows a lot of this, especially with the caves in the last chapter of kind of how far they do take them, but in hindsight, not really that far, because there's still like, so much they have to go through. But it you know, it shows every person has their own ego. And they're just sweeping through valleys on streams, and they finally just leave on a rock and say, Alright, bye.

Brandon  1:02:14

Yeah, because Gandalf even asked him, he's like, can you take us this far? And they're like, no, no.


That's not what we do. Yeah. Like now. You're talking about


well, yeah, they.


Alright. Did you have anything else about the presence of the Eagles through this spot? Brain? Oh, no.

Brandon  1:02:42

You're saying now that they're sat down. Now they have to go to an even stranger place. Right? Because they're out of food. They have enough bad no supplies. But Gandalf knows a guy. Yes. Right. And I was like, Hey, I


know a guy but

Brandon  1:02:59

kind of grumpy.


Old touch and go, I thought,

Brandon  1:03:03

so we'll, we'll try him out. Because you know, they're not supposed to be here. Gandalf had kind of another plan. And so he's just kind of being like, Okay, well, we're near this dude. Just let me follow my lead, guys. Don't worry.

Aaron  1:03:20

Oh, yeah, this is this is this is great.

Collin  1:03:27

As far as we're gonna go meet this kind of impossibly scary person. Right. And it's set up it is set up the way there is just a little bit of tension here of the way Gandalf kind of presents this so who they're going to talk to that it makes you feel uneasy of like, Oh, who is this person? Why

Brandon  1:03:49

Gandalf not painting a great picture here. Right? Like it's not helping.

Collin  1:03:57

Yeah, cuz he goes on. Oh, I love


I love sorry. Before we get there. I love when he before they get to that point they Bilbo asks him why it's called the

Collin  1:04:09

croc. And, and this,


this reminds me of, you can tell it's an aspirin. Because it's an aspirin. It's called the Caracas because Caracas is his word for it. Right? Yeah.

Brandon  1:04:25

Because that's what he called it. I don't know. It's


what it's called. Because that's what it's called. You're like, oh, okay, then. Cool. That sounds who's this he right. That's yeah. And he goes into this long planning, and I am sure I am sure. There are management and negotiation classes written based off of how Gandel handles this. I just I know there's a class out there. It's hilarious.


Like I'm going to buy to be careful, be polite. Okay, let's go guys. I'm sorry what?


I love it yeah, you get build those

Brandon  1:05:07

like really slow realization of a what? Why he did that like much later right? Yeah cuz it's really funny though like the payoff to that comes much later here but so Bilbo is really confused he's like why would you do that? I'm not no one but then we find find our boy we find who Gandalf is talking about. A very GIANT PERSON. Baylor this year

Collin  1:05:37

right. Which, which talking,

Brandon  1:05:41

talking come on beyond just means bear in Old English Okay look, you can't come on lazier ones. Wow. Wow one of these lazier things here. I feel like he works so hard to like do all this other stuff later he's like nah bro called the giant bear guy.

Collin  1:06:02

Bear. Yeah nailed it but it

Aaron  1:06:10

can't be perfect in everything. Hey

Brandon  1:06:16

targets kids story right? It's fine good sorry.


Yes. Yeah just roll with it


but yes, he goes, and I love how this is set up just the how he pairs them off. And the description Oh, I I want to go see this place like so badly. Just how it's described with everything.

Collin  1:06:48

Right it's descended


under enchantment of no one else's own but it goes and describes all the flowers right in the giant bees. There's Yeah, everywhere like go outside.


Yeah, like,


come on. Come on. That's what I want. I want that.

Brandon  1:07:05

Yeah, it's really it's very low verted right would be a word for this, right? It's a very, it's a very stark contrast to where we've just been. Right? We were just in the goblin cave. Right where it's dark, literally can't see anything austere. No, nothing. Right. And now we are in a very lush, green garden space. Right. So you can tell it's a mixed, it's a very different location, like all of a sudden, right.


So which also sort

Brandon  1:07:38

of leads you to believe okay, maybe this bear on guys not so bad, right? It's like, surrounded by flowers and stuff. So it's like, okay, maybe he's not like the worst guy around. Could be worse things out there. For sure. Still some hope in you. Right? This will be okay.

Aaron  1:07:55

Yeah, it's not there. Yeah. And, yeah, anyway, I


just I like how he set this up. For sure. And then this is where they say, you know, just start this is where he gives them the instructions to just start coming every five minutes. Right? Like, just just go with that. That'd be that'd be great. Okay, guys.

Collin  1:08:18

I think that's fantastic.

Brandon  1:08:21

Yeah, and it you know, it's interesting. So we talked about the payoff here, right? Where it works out where, as Gandalf is telling this story. Right? He's, he's using like, very vague language, you know, me and my

Aaron  1:08:34

traveling companions. Bears like

Brandon  1:08:38

you call one a companion like with an Sahiba becomes more right. Like as he's telling his story, he just sort of like is casually dropping is using language that implies you know, a certain number of people but he's not like never set as numbers right? Except for I think he just like doesn't maybe like and so bear in his casually like, but he's so enraptured in the story that like, you know, when a couple more people showed up, he doesn't really care. He's like, Yeah, sit down. Keep talking. Get off anyway. Tell me more about Yeah. I love like, I don't need you service. Just sit down. Like it's


just stopped. Yes. Yeah. Keep saying like, yeah, thanks. Anyway, keep moving along. Right, Move. Stop. You're interrupting the store. Yes. And all through this. Gandalf or Bilbo is is realizing, ah,

Collin  1:09:40

yeah, like you said, like, Oh, he


did this intentionally. He did this so that he wouldn't overwhelm Bay yarn. And he's doing this so that it's he knows they are so well that he knew he would get caught up in this and he is it's just making that this introduction to the point where they are it's just like, okay, yeah, whatever. Get over there. Are you I got it tell me this story like I'm really need to know to know this.

Brandon  1:10:05

Yeah, cuz when you you know say comment all out loud is like what


that did it happen right? Come on we're


right so they all

Brandon  1:10:18

get in there. They are just kind of like accepting that there's a billion people in his house, whatever. Right? All right and the interesting part is here we can now juxtapose this against

Collin  1:10:31

what happened to Bilbo in the first chapter? Because it's

Brandon  1:10:38

it's the same trick. Gandalf played the same trick on Bill. Ah, ha, ha ha. This is true. Yeah.


So now all of a sudden you're like, oh, ah, Gandalf. I see. Okay. Gotcha.

Brandon  1:10:53

Ha there, buddy. I see how you got Bilbo to come on this right. I see what you did. You just brought boards to his house. A couple of the car. It's a bit too it's not so big deal.


Right. It's a bit Trixie.

Brandon  1:11:07

That's a very tricky and that's what it is.

Aaron  1:11:14

Yeah. Oh, yeah. And

Collin  1:11:16

I just looked throughout this because yeah, he starts these little words keep dropping where he's like, you know, and the drawers and our troop of ponies and he's like troop of ponies. Well, the traveling circus or do you always call a troop call six a troop? Yeah, well, like there's just like you said, like he keeps like, these little subtle hints where br is like,


what? Wait a minute. Okay.

Brandon  1:11:38

The key is a strange word to use here. What do you mean? Yes.


He says what can it doesn't do against so many veterans? Like a dozen that's the first time I've heard aid all the dust. Yeah. Like, like all right.

Brandon  1:11:55

Let's see Daisy.


Oh, I should say That's right.

Brandon  1:12:04

Oh, yeah, real quick before we move on. I also have enough just casually dropped at the beginning, right. He's like, they were all captured. Not me. I was obviously not foiled their plan, right. Like, yeah, little bit of shade at a party is funny to me. Yeah. Like he's like they were all captured except for me. Where? Uh huh. Anyway, then it gets like real weird all of a sudden, because barons like all right, I guess you can stay here and we'll eat and then he like clap his hands and a whole bunch of just like animal servants come in and start like, guessing the lace up and like bringing out snacks look kind of strange, right? Like

Collin  1:12:48

it's it's a bit weird. Yep. The sheep, their dogs their their horses is right, like bringing out beds and tables and all sorts of stuff going on right now. And yeah, your little just a little like, this is nice. We've been we've been through a lot, but this is probably the first one where it says like, okay, yeah, that's odd that that's really


it's real, real strange, right?

Brandon  1:13:17

Like, it's really weird. But you're like, Okay,

Aaron  1:13:20

I guess he

Brandon  1:13:22

they aren't has horses to do stuff for him. All right, cool. Whatever, like weird. horses and dogs and sheep that like, carry milk.


Somehow, whatever.

Collin  1:13:36

Right. Yeah. And they get that all set up. And there's this interesting part where they're all getting ready for bed. And this This happens quite a lot throughout the telling of the story of just like the juxtaposition of people with different priorities of, of the dwarves stay up talking about Smith craft and gold and metals. And then it said, they are did not appear to care for such things. There were no things of gold or silver in his hall, and few save the knives

Aaron  1:14:06

are made of metal at all.

Collin  1:14:10

Again, just these these differences in people's priorities, or the characters where they place their value, what they're wanting, what they're after, what their what they want in life, what kind what their goal is. And it's an interesting to point that out of the doors for all about discussing the metal and the riches and these things and they are in it. specifically states. Yeah, that wasn't here at all. Like that's not what they yarns about.

Brandon  1:14:39

Yeah, it's very explicitly he has no interest in things like that. He's just like, whatever.

Collin  1:14:44

Okay, right. Give me my giant honeybees. Let's

Aaron  1:14:47

go yeah, there's some some, some singing and falling asleep

Collin  1:14:59

and And this is the part where now listen. There's there's


like growling outside and scuffling in scurf shuffling going on around outside of the halls.

Brandon  1:15:16

Yeah, Bilbo wakes up. And he's like, What is that noise? Right? What's going on? And we wake up the next day and I bet yours is gone. Right? For basically all day, right? He's just like vanished, didn't really know where he's at Gandalf kind of dropped some hints about, you know, like, don't worry about it. You know, it's okay. No, there, he kind of, you know, talks about he found a lot of bear tracks outside, you know, there must have been regular bears meeting out here last night, right. There's bear tracks, but they are in couldn't have made all those bear tracks. Right. And so it's just a casual like,

Collin  1:16:01

keeping a bear meeting. What's


not a not a special meeting, but just a regular regular old bear meeting outside,

Brandon  1:16:09

obviously. Yeah,


that's pretty tight.

Brandon  1:16:11

Yes, there must have been a regular bears meeting outside here last night.

Aaron  1:16:16

That's a sentence. You're like. It was



Brandon  1:16:22

I was just introduced to the fact that wolves have meetings, but like, this is a lot to take in right now. Like, I don't really




And this story is wonderful.


Because it it ends


where he says, oh, and I followed the tracks, and they went, they went they went straight off in the direction where we had our pleasant party with the words. And I think I mentioned your question. Anyway. Moving on.

Brandon  1:16:54

infer what you will, anyway.


Yeah, that was that was wonderful.

Brandon  1:17:02

It's funny. When I like when, when so the bears gone all night. Right. They don't know he comes. You know, but in the next morning, so let's have like a day of just like hanging out and eating snacks served to them by ponies, you know, whatever.


As one of us,

Brandon  1:17:19

as one does, but the next morning they were awakened by Bay orange, who said, Ah, you're still here. Not eaten by wolves or goblins or wicked bears yet I see as he yanks Bilbo up out of bed, right.

Aaron  1:17:34

He was in a much different mood.

Brandon  1:17:37

Yeah. And we find out that it's because he went to investigate for himself, and found out that everything that Gandalf told him is they actually did that's actually true. And so it's

Collin  1:17:47

like, oh, well, alright, then I had

Brandon  1:17:50

because he was still kind of skeptical about it. Like there's no way this story is real. There's no way they did that. I can't I don't believe you. That's too crazy. And then he went and checked. It was like, Oh, nope. Okay. Well, I guess I was wrong. You did kill the Goblin King and light a bunch of wolves on fire. Good job.


All right. Yeah, and he


really it his whole demeanor has changed. Right. He was most jolly and seem to be in splendidly good humor. Right? Like he really? Yeah, it really cheered him up to.

Brandon  1:18:23

Yeah. Yeah. It says it was a good story that if you're said Bayern, but I like it's still better now that I know. Now that I'm sure it is true. Right.


Yep. Now

Brandon  1:18:39

we, we've had a respite, right, we've got a rest. It's going pretty good. And now they start thinking about what's coming next. They start asking they aren't about where to go. And he's like, Yeah, I can give you some stuff. And I'll give you some things here. But I'm gonna do that because you better not eat anything in Mirkwood. And they're like,

Collin  1:19:02

What? Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  1:19:06

So it's, it's again, this juxtaposition of like, everything's fine and it's glorious. The next place you're gonna go is pretty terrible, right? Like, you get some like, foreshadowing. They're like, it's not great. Here's why. And so you're you building up some more foreboding. Right Bilbo is now all of a sudden, like, oh, like, even though he's in a place or it reminds him of his house?

Collin  1:19:37

Yeah, and they are and is saying these things. It's quite foreboding at this point, because he says, In the dim shadows of that place, I don't think you will shoot anything wholesome or unwholesome. So implying that there are very bad things out there, but you're likely not going to hit them. And then, without straying the path from the path that you must not do for any reason. And suddenly it's like it is this like oak Hey, like we're back to being serious now these dangers are out in the world and we're gonna have to leave our comfort soon to go out there. Yeah, so they're planning for that


Oh, and they


have to send back his horses

Brandon  1:20:23

that are sent back this way as well. And you also get this like whole thing of like, as they're going towards the edge of the forest like, you know, Bilbo sure he sees what could only be a giant bear just out of sight over there,

Aaron  1:20:35

right? Just just over there. Watching them, guarding them, maybe

Brandon  1:20:41

making sure they send back his horses, maybe like you get some random foreshadowing, because they're like, that part where he's like, and he would not see beyond again, except for that part in the Battle of Five Armies. I'll tell you about that later. Well,


that was shocking. Oh my gosh.


That's like, what?

Collin  1:21:16

That was wonderful. And this is, this is also where Gandalf was like, well,


here's Mirkwood. Anyway, so back to ponies. I gotta go. And they're like, What? What about your horse? And he's like, Well, I'm not sending it back. So yeah, like, Well, why not? He's like, Well, I'm writing it. That not through Mirkwood

Brandon  1:21:39

Yeah, that's like, I gotta go somewhere else. You know, typical Gandalf, like, anyway. I'll be seeing you got other things to get wizarding things to do? Like what? We know.


Now, yep, and then again, the mood just really changes with with now that he leaves and Thorin says this phrase of everyone's kind of complaining about how heavy the packs are. Because now they each have to carry their own stuff plus stuff for other people. And he says, Soren says, Don't you worry, it will get lighter all too soon. Before long, I expect we will all wish our packs heavier when the food begins to run short.

Aaron  1:22:18

Like, yeah, like, Okay, this is cheerful.

Collin  1:22:24

Yeah, it's very. Yeah,

Brandon  1:22:26

it's not going well, right.

Aaron  1:22:30

Now, well, maybe I'll talk about later. Next time. Okay. But there's a lot more reason why that happens with Gandalf was not around. Oh,

Brandon  1:22:44

boom. That's what we'll talk about next time, because he's his absence will sort of bring this out. But we talked about that.

Collin  1:22:51

Okay. Yeah.


Yeah. And now and now they're well in this for this. Interim, he asks, again, can we just go around this whole thing? And his told? No, because it's far worse in either direction that you're going to go so might as well just walk through this place in a straight line. Best of luck. There you go up.

Brandon  1:23:13

Don't drink the water. Just don't drink the water. Yeah, that's where we're left right at the edge of Mirkwood. Yeah. Which sounds like a terrible place and plunge into the forest. Yep.

Aaron  1:23:34

There we are. Boom. Now, I


don't know any takeaways from these enclosing airmen? Did you what were your thoughts working through these chapters?

Aaron  1:23:46

So this was kind of like another like, obvious switch because we go from dark Gray's to then having

Collin  1:23:58

dark greens and blues and then it's like, no way.

Aaron  1:24:03

And Doran was definitely especially when I was a kid was one of the more like memorable individuals because it's like because the part that I did read it's like, oh, gain off saying this person like, why why is it Why is he was the person why like, oh, it just friendly, large person

Collin  1:24:24

that lives by himself.

Aaron  1:24:27

So, like, reading upon it, especially then and now. Like, seeing those that subtle change of like, Oh, hey, you know, maybe there is hope, you know, of us getting through this thing coming out good on the other side, and then like, yeah, don't, don't don't go off this path. And then just kind of that Oh, back into the heat, the definite dark side of things and

Collin  1:24:48

how you know, that there's something


like it's not as it's never as just as pleasant as we want to be like there's, there's something else that we have to Uh, you know, get through and push past and always something like that, especially with this part in the book when it's, it's not like another little change, but it's like a change is coming. And good bad for those of you. So I always thought that that was kind of a nice little neat little, you know, me a little play and a nice little part to add does like yeah it is, you know it is fun and whimsical and look all these giant creatures making you know, food and whatnot, but it's just it's different in a good way. So I that was always my part on it, it just like whimsical and like, Oh, look at this magical little hut like, Oh, it's so cute. It's like, wait,

Collin  1:25:43

what does that happen? I don't trust it. So

Brandon  1:25:52

I mean, yeah, that's pretty interesting, especially when you consider the bay earnings a skin changer. You really got some good themes there going. I like that analysis. That's good.


What about you, Brandon?

Brandon  1:26:15

The chapter is very uneven, I think, right? Like you know, as the out of the frying pan of the fire chapter is kind of weird, because it's like, it's kind of like, it feels unbalanced. Slightly, a little bit. And then, but it is again, like aristocracy, it's that transition from like, you know, we've been in these like terrible places we're running, We're escaping or, you know, peril and poor. And now we found a place of refuge with Bayern. Right. So they're very contrasting, right. It's a very high contrast and, and just situation or what's going on here, where it's like, the situation in the field it like, didn't seem that, you know,

Collin  1:26:57

dangerous, but it was,

Brandon  1:26:58

and then like you're in Bay on Oahu seems dangerous, but he's not really. Right. And it's like, it's like a very high contrast to chapters here. And then especially knowing where we're going, right, it's like this, it's like a little respite, you know, on their journey, like it's, it's a very, it's very interesting, because Bill has a lot of time to like, reflect, right? He, like I said, he starts really missing home. Because he's in this very holy place. It's you know, but he hasn't been in quite a while because they've been underground for very little time. In a long time. Yeah, exactly. So, he's, uh, it's kind of like a little break, and a little bit of introspection, but it's a it's a nice contrast to the perils of the outside world. Right. I think that's what I like about this part is you get this big contrast in in what's going on yeah, that's my take. Yeah,


I I completely agree. Especially as it is this weird. The action is so reduced in this it really is a time for for reflection. And this exposure to it. I think between both of these chapters, a continual nudging out of our understanding just a little bit of the broader world of kind of when we're in this inaction we're just learning about things learning about bigger picture before we dive back into some things that are going to face more imminent and personal peril yet again, and go math exact more immediate dangers facing us Yes, yes, I know I thought that stuff well, we will pick back up with chapter eight. of the bone bomb something about spiders something something something and fly. flies, spiders. Spiders. Yes. That that one.

Brandon  1:29:02

Be up to our journey through Mirkwood next time


no Don Todd nuts not cheerful, cheerful dun

Brandon  1:29:11



And on that really not bombshell, considering how foreshadowed it was. And that was it all. Will Will in there. All right. Love you guys.