robots don’t have rhythm

Collin needs help not being a robot. Aaron is playing baseball in the dark. Brandon has thawed out. Aaron is in the lull stage of wedding planning. We then dive into a discussion on comedians and what makes us laugh. We’re also super excited about Law and AND old and share opinions on Dr. Who. How does one become a “fan”? Listen in and find out. 

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watch, people, movie, jim carrey, fine, weird, literally, happening, comedy, talking, episode, long, bad, doctor, svu, aaron, true, mike myers, good, play


Collin, Aaron, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Cullen and Aaron. On this week's show. Robots don't have rhythm. So I have a problem. I need I need both of your input on this.

Brandon  00:30

Okay, that's a terrifying way to start.

Collin  00:36

I don't know if we have talked about this on the phone or on the on the podcast before. When I answer the phone. People think I'm a robot.

Brandon  00:49

Clearly because you're not answering your phone. Oh, boy.

Collin  00:53

This is my thought. Reads with me though. He's wrong. But this is I just I will I will. I will pretend like you are calling the business my business. I'm going to pick up the phone. And I'm going to say something and I want you tell

Brandon  01:12

me what it reads. Our read, pay ready. Pick up the phone. Wanna say? Hello, this is Collin. How can I help you? That isn't that what people say?

Collin  01:26

Isn't that what people say?

Brandon  01:31

I don't I can't I

Collin  01:35

Oh, this is what happened. I I do see dizzy. I just happened tonight with somebody who called and I said, Hi, this is Collin. How can I help you? And they responded with there's long pause. Like like a pause. And I have learned at this point. I don't say anything. Because then we just start talking over stuff. All of a sudden somebody went Oh, I thought I'm sorry. I thought you were a robot.

Brandon  01:59

Are you real? I wait. Yes. Hi. And then I feel like are you really? Are you really? Hello?

Collin  02:07

I don't know if I just need to be like, sup? Or be like, Yo, or maybe I do need to start saying oh boy. So

Brandon  02:15

Colin does need some inflection in his voice like it's all about rhythm. Because no, no, that's fair. That's a good point.

Aaron  02:26

This is a serious thing that we need to discuss if I have some young emotional trauma from you too. When I was younger, from what I mean, specifically.

Brandon  02:39

I think I was younger.

Aaron  02:41

When I was younger. Both of you told me to answer the phone thusly. Thank you for calling some cows residence. How can I help you? Well, we did your when your friend would call and they'd hand you the phone they would ask would you guys get a secretary? Or younger brother? So me so I know a thing or two about answering Oh yeah, you need to put you need to throw some inflection in their column to be like yeah, well

Brandon  03:09

but the rhythm about the rhythm the timing robots don't have rhythm. Robot don't

Collin  03:15

fact check that

Brandon  03:18

sound rhythm you have rhythm they got ride in the song but could you ask for yeah

Collin  03:39

okay, took a turn. Okay, so you get some you get some rhythm I guess. Awesome inflections How can I help you? But then I'm just gonna be like hello this is Collin. How can I help you like it's just

Brandon  03:52

Hey yo, they'll definitely no robots also not from the south confirmed. So that I will I will say I will say when like when other coaches call me like my southern inflection comes out like that that is a southern inflection that is learned because that is not Yeah, that is not what I sound like growing up like your mother was from Iowa. So like I don't even know like what I need to tell you right. I need to answer the phone. Y'all got corn. there guys.

Collin  04:29

Wow, just really good people.

Aaron  04:32

But no, so it just just add some add a little. A little a little. A little tempo. So I know. Robots. Yeah. When especially when you answer a robo call. There's that pause. There. i Hi. Is Aaron there. Oh, oh, no, no, no,

Brandon  04:51

go. No robot. I know that first.

Collin  04:55

Anyway, okay. I will work on inflection because I didn't If I needed to get a new like catchphrase for answering the phone or if it wasn't faction

Brandon  05:05

maybe you should just also always have more dogs barking in the background. Yeah, I'm gonna say College of bark. I mean that's true. I pick is a wolf This is Khalid how's it going? Well, greeting


Greetings fellow non robot.

Collin  05:27

Greetings fellow human. I mean, human.

Brandon  05:31

Yeah, let me do it with my human feelings. Greetings pet enthusiast how may I direct your call this evening? That one's the best. Greetings pet

Collin  05:54

and busiest. How managers

Brandon  06:00

just give you like, what?

Collin  06:02

I'm going to hang up now.


What did you say to me be like

Brandon  06:05

you like pets? Right? Clearly, you're a pet owner? Because you're calling a pet sitter.

Collin  06:11

Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, I'm sorry did duction to someone who loved their pet? Oh, ouch. They'll never

Brandon  06:18

call you again. If you would like to not have any business ever? I guess you could say that.

Collin  06:24

Okay, okay, this is all this it's all coming together. Okay, I've got okay notes. I'm gonna have to hire a voice coach. As I need to implement this Okay, thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Oh brother consulting firm see we do in house work and then we go so provide the same services to us there who need help. Yeah, we

Brandon  06:47

can also prescribe you to watch that one scene from singing in the rain or that lady doing the vocal stand by God and I can't stand him at Kate stay in the I love it as speaking what I'm going to find as

Collin  07:10

22nd YouTube clip in the show notes

Brandon  07:15

Oh, yeah. That makes me laugh all the time. Is it the song make them laugh salsa make you laugh?

Collin  07:23

Boom, make I seriously have not seen that movie in a very long time.

Brandon  07:28

My copy is like a messed up. I don't know what happened. Like, I was like watching it. I don't know what's happened to maybe it's my DVD player. I have no but like, I have all these DVDs from all a long time ago. And like some of them just like are like, I'm not gonna work anymore. Why would you do that? Sad. Yes. And one of them is singing in the rain. Greatest Movie musical ever. So it's very upsetting so, uh, guys,

Collin  08:05

during the springtime weather that we are that we're getting invested with anybody else's

Brandon  08:11

nasal cavities. Yeah, definitely. It was a listeners. Exactly. One week ago, there was an inch of ice in my driveway. And it was about negative one degrees outside today. It was 70


I was I didn't know my life

Brandon  08:35

is pain Yeah, day Monday was real hard to go back to work. I was like, ah, where am I? What's happening? I didn't have that I had like I had lots of things I meant to get done over those five days that I didn't have to work but like I got real distracted with playing video games so like I didn't really do like anything.

Collin  09:04

Oh oh you know something something good intentions.

Brandon  09:09

I don't fine yeah. I was gonna do lots of stuff and blah And I was like more or Yeah. Or catch this could not be great.

Collin  09:24

Aaron Aaron Are you all thought out on the gate Great. tenders of Oklahoma.

Brandon  09:28

Yeah, we it was it was so bad finally our

Aaron  09:34

Oh yeah. Well, I've been back my my classroom for a good while. No, the it was so bad. Our parking lot is here where we live. It's like weirdly angled and a lot of like, awkward places. And so I remember I like I was in the car and we all just drive around, see how the rows are. I put it into like neutral like I put it into neutral. I have my foot on the brake. I immediately start That's why they like okay, putting that back in park. And I still kept finding I was like, Oh, well, I feel like literally bank my car on the little like lift of the parking lot just kind of like hold the in place. And so I moved it fairly it's like, nope, nope, not leaving. Yeah, we didn't leave for like, three, four days.

Brandon  10:21

We didn't either for the same reason because our driveway is like, one of the steepest ones in the neighborhood. And I know we could get out. But not back in. No way. There's no way we could go there. So we're just like, I will stay here. We would have to check on Susan's mom was walked in. Fine. Where'd you go? Gosh, wow,

Collin  10:43

man, you guys really did get slammed with ice then? I didn't know it was that bad? Yeah, we

Brandon  10:47

had like, it was like it wasn't. Mine wasn't ice, it was like sleet. Right and like, so it would never turn to freezing rain really, because I kept going out and checking like, just like the trash can. And like the stuff in the yard like see if it was freezing to that it wasn't freezing to that it was like slowly enough that it was bouncing off everything and just landing on the ground a giant piles of sleet. And then and then it froze solid. From there. Oh, yeah. And then it like mildly. Like the road. They like salted the road. So like the first day kind of like, the middle of it was like really kind of slushy and weird. And then. And then it just froze like a heart. Because it was so cold that night. Like you literally could have ice skated on the road. Like, that's how smooth this leak was. It was just like,

Collin  11:44

we didn't get much sleep. But we did have the thing where the air temperature drops so fast that every elevated surface immediately had ice on it.

Brandon  11:55

Yeah, see, we didn't have that which is good, because that's when the power goes out. Yeah,

Collin  12:02

and I could I could actually watch not literally watch, but I was pretty real time watching ice form, like on our back deck as things just the temperature dropped out. That was kind of cool. And then it was really weird because then the next morning the roads were mega mega mega slick. Even though we didn't have hardly any precipitation. It was just because it

Brandon  12:25

was really freezing. On Yeah, temperature cold.

Collin  12:28

But then by like that afternoon after the crews made like a pass on it. It was like okay, fine. We were able to everything was open and

Brandon  12:36

you're going going well, that's good. Because it was it was pretty gnarly down here. But it's not like Aaron and me were similar situation. We're not going out there to slick about. So you actually back to being able to practice outside Aaron, you can have all the bases out on the field. After my drive.

Aaron  13:04

We actually have our first baseball game yesterday. Oh, we're supposed to have a softball game dinner a softball game tomorrow. But it was canceled because some of our our numbers keep dropping. We're junior high. But no. So our first baseball game was yesterday was at home. It was super weird. But it was also for those of you who are listening to coach at a very, very small school, you'll understand small school problems where we just didn't have enough people to get us to where we needed to. We didn't have enough arms. But another big thing about our field is that we don't have a wife. And so about six o'clock, both of the umpires like walked over and they're like, Hey, we're gonna call the game because we can barely see. And so in Oklahoma, if you call a game due to like weather, or something, asked if there's been five innings played, which is technically a full game, the game reverts back to the original score of the fifth inning, which the score was eight for henceforth, we are winning. So we're like, we'll take away and buy. So

Brandon  14:16

we, we Yeah, so we won my technicality, but we have a game tomorrow, which is a way

Aaron  14:24

and so I will I will be going with them to that right after school. But I've been helping some of the other coaches get set up because they've never coached before. And so I've been doing literally 1000 thing, but we like our field, the grass. I mean, it's in there. It's not pretty, but we've had a lot of work on on the infield, the dirt. It's not really it's really soft, but it doesn't have any planet so it's kind of like powdery. So it makes it really difficult for like more than once, unless if they're not hitting 1000 miles per hour. They like the moment they touched the dirt they're like, so that kind of works in our favor. By we swung about really good. You feel the ball really good. It just our pitching killed us. And so it was like he did too. And it was eight to four and then it was at two, eight. And I was like, Well, okay, we need to we need to get through this and then I'm Oh, thank you. So the appeals will defend the softball fields. There was there is one corner over by the opposing dugout that is kind of resembling a small swamp because I left there for like two weeks because it was like perfectly in the shade. Oh yeah, never melted. And so finally with temperature, it finally did mount but everything's just been stagnant and that little corner. And so we we need to drag it like hard if I get equipment over there, so I'm just going to literally just tell and plow a whole field

Brandon  15:55

if I have to. But um, we also have to have been making a

Aaron  16:04

an indoor hitting facility that is supposed to have concession stands and bathrooms because there's no bathroom was over where our fields are. The problem is that they use up all of the money to build the shell. So now we just have a barn

Brandon  16:24

over with with no equipment, no electricity, no bathrooms. No nothing. We can't use it was again planned? Well, yeah, again, small town problems. A lot of people got

Aaron  16:39

all huffy, because like oh, what about the ag program? doesn't bring money into this school. So and No, they can't store their their cattle and goats. There is no, it's going to be user baseball. And so they built it and they're all excited. And then no one's been working on it for the past few weeks. I was like, hey,

Brandon  17:02

what's the deal? They're like, Oh, we ran out of money. Like Oh, interesting. If the season just started already. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yeah, well, I

Collin  17:17

think I play baseball in like nocturnal swamp barn thing that might get pretty interesting as

Aaron  17:23

you move forward. Yeah, so I am fine. If we play the rest of the season, like, away, because having a home game was absolutely terrible. And this is even if you do have like, because you have to get the field ready, you have to get all the balls. Make sure that their stamp, and make sure that they're secure. And make sure both guys are clean. Make sure there's enough water and stuff for the officials. Make sure that all the equipment set up, make sure everyone has the gear, make sure you have your lineup set up, make sure your technology is working. So you can box up make sure you have a warm up make sure you know it's just a lot like it would just play every game away.

Brandon  18:05

This is terrible. With an away game, you just go up, stretch, do in and out and then you're ready to play. Like you don't have to do any of the setup. Right the field. I mean, maybe okay, you don't have to drag the field. It'll make it more exciting. That way. No, it'll make it much more adventurous. Right?

Aaron  18:31

Yeah, the greater the mancoll is the moment they step on like a crater. You're not gonna fall into a giant crevasse that has been opened up the cataclysm that has been

Brandon  18:44

he's had to plan your route according voted, right. So

Aaron  18:47

it's just it's just a lot of tedious things. And, and especially and here's the big kicker. The past several years, this school has never have like legitimate baseball coaches. And so although we have a lot of seniors, we're practically on like a freshman feel base, because they've never been shown anything they've never been shown as a care field. They've never been shown how to stretch properly. They never taught they've never been taught like good fundamental baseball. And so like we inherited this theme, and it's like, what do you know? And they're like, what? So having having bait having to literally start with seniors at basic zero, and how to teach them how to actually like, move dirt is is like rocket surgery. Like it's difficult. It doesn't make sense, but it's supposed to get done but they have no idea how to do it. It's frustrating because you're like,

Brandon  19:44

Coach what I do with this? The Rake? Yeah. Why'd you break it? What What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? It's frustrating but I love the sport. I love the birds. asked me about midway through season how I'm feeling fine. Check in but it's fun. So that's been Aaron's weekend nutshell. How is uh,

Collin  20:27

how was wedding planning going on? Oh, we're gonna

Aaron  20:30

we're in a good world stage right now. So we got we got a good chunk of plan. We got a lot of like a finance taking care of. Now we're coming up in a few months she has a wedding fitting wedding dress bedding area, and then I got to come up with my groomsmen boxes apparently and then we have to say engagement photos and they do some other stuff but a lot of it is planned like we have

Brandon  20:59

are getting the catering sort of stuff situated like we have people to contact now which is like taking stuff. We already looked at wedding cake things. We stopped the sample wedding case but we looked at like flavors. Part one, planning has been very good. As per usual, I have been told what to play on and so therefore my okay. My partner All right now I had I had an idea about what you should do for your wedding. I think Collin, back me up here. I think that your wedding theme should be the first big date that you went on, which is the creepy carnival thing. And paranormal search. Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, I think that's what should be. I think you should recreate it at your wedding. I paranormal circus wedding.

Collin  22:08

Yeah. Pretty easy to do.

Brandon  22:11

I guess everybody can have Top Hats and monocles. Yeah,

Collin  22:15

well even get some of those same performers. They're used to traveling and setting up real quick so you can just bring them to learn

Brandon  22:22

circus away. Yeah.

Collin  22:26

Just let me come on.

Brandon  22:29

I mean, like, I mean, theme wise, you know, if we can get a big fan, that's probably be, you know, fair enough. But no, you know, I mean, you could decorate the inside of your building like the inside of a tent, right? That way. You don't have to worry about the temperature. Right. You could do like the you could put like posters like Sideshow posters up you could have like stripy banners you know, could to evoke the circus theme right you could just throw peanut shells on the floor watching the videos that I sent about it i Yes. Yes. Yes I cuz I was going really air went to this I got so confused. It was one of the towns that roads I mean, yeah, but like I was just so like taken aback like Oh, I was just I was not expecting this. Like yeah, it was crazy. So yeah, I think I think this would be an exciting theme. Right top hats round right little like vests and caravans or whatever like it'd be exciting

Collin  23:38

Yeah, you know, I don't know how you know you would want to enter in into the the the area with with this theme what kind of like, read beast to be

Brandon  23:51

right there and have to be lots of like, dry smoke. That's definitely number one obviously.

Collin  23:57

And it's dimly lit which is fine because you're used to playing baseball in the dark so why not get married

Brandon  24:01

and then like Blam, big spotlight. Come out like the ring master gear crappy sick, right?

Collin  24:08

Oh, yeah. The leader of the ceremonies is the ringmaster up. You can have the preacher dress up like pantaloons in the red Yes, waistcoat.

Brandon  24:19

But you're just thinking of Dumbo again. Okay, hold on. You're thinking about Dumbo.

Collin  24:23

Okay, but Oh, but create more Dumbo

Brandon  24:28

or. Okay,

Collin  24:29

well, have you ever been so Dumbo? Let's remind ourselves the first five minutes of that film.

Brandon  24:39

Or just putting up the tent in the rain. Okay. As a slave song. It's It's fine. It's totally not okay, it's a little bit weird. Yeah.

Collin  24:51

So I mean, not to take away from the wedding planning here but side tangent to that. Man revisiting a lot Have a wonderful childhood memory like movies and films and being like, Oh, I think this needs to wait a little bit longer. For instance, we tried to watch the Aladdin That opening is fierce. Anyone remember

Brandon  25:17

how that open? Yeah with the big giant Sand Tiger do it that guy right? Eating Oh man. Yeah, cuz he wasn't worthy. Yeah, so he deserved it obviously.

Collin  25:32

At which point at which point no, it turned to me and when what else can we watch? Wow. Oh, I went I went good point. We're gonna we're gonna Yeah.

Brandon  25:41

No, it was just like, Dad. There's no trucks in this movie. Turn this off. I can't get out. Get out of there.


I know.

Brandon  25:48

I Dad where's the tractor? Oh it out.

Collin  25:51

I didn't want to I didn't want. My problem is here's my problem. I don't want to jump straight to the later Disney movies. Because then they'll never be able to go back and appreciate like, the art and style of those early ones. until they're much older.

Brandon  26:07

Wow. So you're going to take your children chronologically through the Disney catalog like you like so the only way that you've watched so far as Snow White.

Collin  26:17

I mean, we have watched Steamboat Willie so oh my guests do anyway. I mean, but seriously, like all the later ones also are trash stories and whatever anyway, but like I want it like all the all of them. Not all every single one. Come on. Now that's a little bit harsh. But like I don't want to throw out like, you know, a Pixar movie. Especially like a toy store. Like okay, imagine I sold them. You know the last Toy Story one, and then I try and convince them to suffer through watching toy the first Toy Story. Nobody's gonna want to watch that. Yeah, the first Toy Story is great. Except that it is great. But if it visually looks worse, right? Like you're totally I'm trying my best not to spoil them

Brandon  27:03

on these like these. He's just gonna make him watch all those terrible like 60s ones is like just the same animation over and over again. What color needs to do, right, so you need to watch Kimba the White Lion. The expectations lowered and then throw the Lion King Adam. Whoa, look at how, which is totally not a ripoff of Kimba the White Lion at all? No. Oh, definitely. Definitely not cool. Oh, yeah, it was I think, first of all, it would be wrong. See? That's true. Chronology is that's like saying that's like making your child suffer through Nausicaa the Valley of the Wind before she watched Kiki's Delivery Service. Right? Like, that's like, be like, Okay, this is but that like really? Okay. But that would be more so for like, because they're animated basically the same, right? Like, you can get that now not because of not good. Not too long. And it's like, punching you in the face with environmentalism. Which is fine, but like, it's so like, guys come on. Anime. And it's all like gray, actually, but you also don't want to, like, throw straight to like printed on it. Okay. I mean, that one does need to I don't know, I went we went straight to it. Okay, we're totally, we're totally fine. Everything's fine. We are normal.

Collin  28:28

But yeah. Okay, so that's but that's more based on like, themes and maturity. I'm basically saying like, Disney, most of the Disney movies and I'm talking about are all basically the same age range. But I don't want to show the nice, like, newly animated to performly Aristocats

Brandon  28:43

only and all the problems that that comes with like this.

Collin  28:47

They do. They have, they do like, but anyway, that's the later some of those early hand animated films. Watch those so that we can appreciate those and then we can move on. But anyway, this is these are my neurotic.

Brandon  29:04

comings and goings. So So you have to watch. jank Collins is going to only show his kids janky 70s animation furniture for

Collin  29:15

the next five years. Okay, no, so I hold on

Brandon  29:18

like the 70s Lord of the Rings. Hey, wait the the dental overdue one or like the car? Yeah, yeah, that one? Yeah, the pencil. Yeah, with the crazy weird like stenciling man, if he said Trump, man.

Collin  29:36

No, you know what I did? Do?

Brandon  29:38

They're seeming wizards. Yo, what the heck? No,

Collin  29:42

I have we found a copy of some of the 1960s 1970s Dr. Seuss movies.

Brandon  29:50

You see, oh, my, no, these

Collin  29:51

are bad. These are bad. And I was like, Oh, cool. Here's 1970 ones. The Cat in the Hat.

Brandon  29:58

It's a I mean, that's when the great came out though. in that

Collin  30:01

timeframe is good. The Grinch is good. This one this was 30 minutes of sheer like it was it was insufferable. The amount who animated a dino? Ah, I actually have no

Brandon  30:14

idea. Um, I don't know if I've seen this almost Google. I would not worry about Cat in the Hat. Animated


1971 1971 1971

Brandon  30:28

Oh, cat head cartoon 71 Yeah,

Collin  30:31

Kablammo long, which was I was like, I was like, perfect. We love Dr. Seuss. We read this story all the time. And they don't even is a TV special, which is what all these were right. Yeah, they were. They don't even stick to some of the themes. And there's a weird interrupt, because they're, you could just tell they were like, stretch it, stretch the story, stretch it, there is a call, there's a song called calculators eliminators, which will be stuck in my brain ever saying for about seven minutes, or eight.

Brandon  31:03

And the others don't say this apparently is 24 minutes long. Yeah, to start playing this. I don't want this really in my YouTube recommendations. But

Collin  31:11

right, back out, back out, you know, run, run, run. It's all based on a weird premise where the cat accuses the fish of stealing basically his car, but it's like his his wardrobe or whatever, or whatever, he uses the fish of stealing it, and then convinces the kids that you need help finding it. So they go and try and find it. And then the fish has gaslighted just enough to believe that it is missing, and tries to help them find it as well. It's all very odd. And

Brandon  31:38

we can we talk about how like, just sort of in general that the Cat in the Hat is kind of a jerk. And like, that's just kind of his MO and it kind of makes sense to go with the themes of all of that stuff where it's like, Wait, what am

Collin  31:53

I? No, no, it's a very weird one. Especially because in the book, it's like, like, and our mother came in. And she said to us today, did you have any fun? Tell me what did you do? And Sally and I did not know what they should we tell her the things that went on there that day. I've heard the story a little bit, right. i Yeah, we do. And then it says, Well, what would you do if your mother asked you, like kind of pits it of like, would you keep a secret from your parents if a cat came and played your house?

Brandon  32:18

Exactly. There's something about the cat and that's kind of an anarchist. Right. Like it's

Collin  32:25

not? I'm not okay with with what's going on right now. But okay. And the weird part is that Dr. Seuss, himself was involved in the like, like, in the production of the like, because he these come out in the 70s. He didn't pass away until 91. So he oversaw it was like,

Brandon  32:45

This is good. You're like, Okay, fine.

Collin  32:52

This is not canon. Obviously, we're gonna move on. You know,

Brandon  32:58

this is why the Dr. Seuss estate will not let people make stuff anymore. Yeah. I mean, actually, it's mostly Mike Myers fault,

Collin  33:05

but they also that movie makes me so angry. Just not as angry

Brandon  33:11

as it made that Sousa state that data. Because they basically said no more live animated movies. Ever. I know. None. Zero.

Collin  33:23

That one was so bad. Illegal. Yeah. When I mean, the Grinch really wasn't much

Brandon  33:32

better. But no, not really. But like, at least it sort of made sense. It did. Again, the Cat in the Hat story, like the cat in the head is not a story. It's like, yo kids. I'm going to be just like chaos in your lives and like, destroy everything. Like make you lie to your parents about it. Like, what is happening? Now, why is why is the cat just the ID right? Just like, ah,

Collin  33:57

it is. Yeah, no, it really is of all things. And you guys just like the one like that that movie it just visually he's like, so upsetting in the costume. Well, I

Brandon  34:11

mean, yeah, but that's just looking at a picture because he was trying to be Jim Carrey, and he's not. And so like, very much not. You could definitely tell that he was like, trying to go for that same vibe. And like, Jim Carrey pulls off absolutely insane person. Oh, you know what I mean? Like easy. Yeah, you saw the mask

Collin  34:37

on like ways I'm still discovering these years later some

Brandon  34:39

but Mike Myers does not do that. He can't that's like really that's never really been his like stick. You know? It sounds really weird to watch him do that. Like, what's happening? Why are you doing like watching Mike Myers do an impersonation of Jim Carrey basically them

Collin  35:00

And I would rather watch Jim Carrey all day long then Mike Myers. Any of the I don't know, what do you guys feel? Jim Carrey or Mike Myers? Neither? Or both? I don't know.

Brandon  35:11

I mean, neither really like. I don't I don't know I've discussed before a comedy is a very hard thing for me to enjoy. Right. So like they have a different style, obviously, like a court like when I think Mike Myers all I think about is like Wayne's World, right? That tells you how old I am. Which is just kind of like a gag over and over again, which I don't really like Wayne's World that much. But that's what I think of when I think I might write that and Austin Powers obviously, but I also don't really like Austin Powers because it's just a gag over and over again. It's not really like that. And Jim Carrey is like I don't know. I guess I generally enjoy his movies more, but he's way too. He's very manic. Right. And like, I am can be so over the top and crazy. Like, I don't think that funny either. So like, I like the physical comedy aspect of it. I guess. That's good. He's much more animated and entertaining. Like his body motions. Yeah, are funny. And whenever Mike Myers does body motions, and like Austin Powers, they're just like cringy you get that? Like? uncomfortable feeling? Like you don't like to watch it? You know what I mean? Yeah. So that's like it, but again, we've discussed my taste and comedy is like very dry. Like, it's very much informed by like we said British comedy and like, sort of that 80s Kind of like Bill Murray Chevy Chase, just like really witty, sarcastic. Yeah, bad comebacks like there's no real fast like,

Collin  37:05

I mean, like Chevy Chase movies, they go back and watch those like, they're so rewatchable because you can catch new gags all the time, or some of the stuff.

Brandon  37:13

They're just some of the stuff he says is hilarious. He just like spits out these little comments. And if you're not paying them look like the little side comments are hysterical. Right now John Candy does that too. Right? He just like says stuff like Uncle Buck is just hilarious, because he just like, says things like stone faced. It's the most ridiculous thing ever. It's like what Steve Martin did that's a very like, that's a comedy that I find humorous is like really witty, snappy comebacks, like bantery, stuff like that. So yeah, those guys, those are my big comedian, people like Steve Martin. Like, one of my favorite comedy movies is actually like my Blue Heaven. It's not really that funny. But like he's playing a Italian gangster. And just like his response, but it's first of all, it's Steve Martin and Rick Maraniss. So like, come on. Yeah. And like, yeah, the way that they talk to each other, like the things that they're saying, and their responses to each other isn't stereotypical. Like, I love how like flat it is. And just like, he's saying, These things are completely outlandish, like, very matter of factly. And I just that makes me I like that delivery model more so which is why I'm sort of off put by the Jim Carrey's of the world who's like screaming at your face. There's also I don't like Will Ferrell because he's like, just screaming at you. He was my whole time. He just like shouting at you. And I'm not really into that.

Collin  38:56

Yeah, yeah. No. 100% agree on literally all of that.

Brandon  39:02

I think one of the I mean, one of the

Collin  39:05

lines that sticks in my head is in the movie flats where he's like, Excuse me, can I borrow the hell of my car hit a water buffalo is like super serious, like deadpan stuff. It just is but it is totally an utterly absurd but with the way it's delivered by them is there's just you don't see that. Right. It's it's totally it's like so fast, like blackly. Yeah. You can watch it multiple times because you're like, wow, they said that and he said this and that's why he said that and like it just kind of comes together a lot better for me. I do enjoy that a lot. With that said, if I had to choose between Jim Carrey, Mike Myers or Will Ferrell I would watch Jim Carrey because of the physical comedy of it. And most basically, it's just like, he is on in everything that he does. Like there's no

Brandon  39:52

oh yeah, there's like halfway Jim Carrey that doesn't exist. You know? Even though you end up Watching like Ace Ventura news, kind of like, what my watching right now I understand but, you know, it's, you know, like, I knew I didn't get Jim Carrey because, like, Dumb and Dumber came out, I think when I was in like, middle school maybe. And I was like, not into that. And I was like, exactly the demographic for everything. And I was just like, No, this is dumb I don't like. So this is a very date maybe a little earlier than that it was early 94. So I would have been elementary school still, but like, all my friends were watching it. In the next couple of years. It was like really big, right? So yeah, fourth grade, fifth grade, sixth grade. Like that's like, you know, that's the kind of age that would really think that would be hilarious. And I was like, no. No, I'm good. Like, I

Collin  41:08

don't I have one of the movies that did slightly change me on Will Ferrell was the

Brandon  41:19

is a stranger than fiction. Movie.

Collin  41:23

I didn't watch that one, where he is a guy who's has like, he's talking to a shrink and he's like, I hear these voices and things happen to my life and I don't realize what's going on. And it turns out that his life being written by an author, who is Emma Stone, Oh, okay. Yeah, I I actually really do like this one. Because it was It wasn't him like,

Brandon  41:49

as elf. Yeah, I mean, elf gets a slight pass just because it's a Christmas movie. Right? And so you can like it's okay, it's fine. Like it put it past that one, but like,

Collin  42:00

it was kind of it just it was a little a different taste to it. Because also like, yeah, all the time. He was doing like, what Ricky Bobby? And yeah, no, that no movies? No Tell, like there's just a little bit like, he pulls it in just a little bit more. And you're like, okay, like I this is tolerable.

Brandon  42:17

Yeah, those movies where he just like, go full on. It's like, oh, no, that's too much. I can't No, no. Yeah. Aaron, what are your thoughts on comedians in movies? Favorites ones he can't stand to watch are you actually Will Ferrell enthusiast, like,

Aaron  42:35

I love going on like Netflix and watching like, comedy stand up. Like like their specials. For a long time I was really interesting, like Kevin Hart, but kind of overtime, it's kind of the same thing you said, like Will Ferrell like just very like loud and like in your face. I my my sense of humor is pretty drastic. As I can go from like one extreme to the guy or like one one in the spectrum that's very kind of like, on paper that's more kind of like, you know, quit and like storytelling with like John Delaney. Or I can go to like before often in the spectrum and talk about like weird things like with for Chrysler, or.

Brandon  43:22

Or like, in between things of like, great. I'm also the same sibling that thought the Redneck comedy tour was absolutely hilarious. I don't want to watch it now. And I'm like, so

Aaron  43:36

like, I do I do like bull Ferrell. I liked the movie called was talking about that. I actually watched that. And I was like, Oh, it was actually really good. Um, Jim Carrey, just because of that. I mean, physical comedy is always gonna be like one of the purest forms of comedy, because even like in the silent film days, like that's what people reacted to. Yeah. Last fact of it. So Jim Carrey is always going to be, you know, one of my favorites. Plus, he's just like the charismatic individual. Bill Murray is also one of my other favorites. Just because it's always like, Hey, man, and it's it. That's like, no matter what movie he's in, he's the same person, but he always makes me funny. Yeah. I literally watched parts in that. I showed parts of Canadian bacon to my class, and we talked about Canada and geography,

Brandon  44:25

that I'm not allowed. I don't know.

Aaron  44:28

That part we live part where over and the Canadian police officer made him write all the graffiti in French. Oh, yes. The kids thought that was hilarious because we talked about, you know, the languages and Quebec and everything. So they thought it was hilarious. Really, even though that's a different part of my life. I mean, that's like our like I grew up after those guys. Like watching cricket scarily like, even like watching him like even like the little like, Saturday Night Live stuff I thought he was like the funniest human being. And again, it was physical stuff but him just the last

Brandon  45:10

show he was,

Aaron  45:13

like really like Adam Sandler, but he even has a comedy special on on Netflix and it's actually hilarious. But sometimes it Will Ferrell does get a little bit like, okay, alright. Kevin Hart, and him kind of things like, alright, okay. Alright, that was kind of funny one, but

Brandon  45:34

also like crude humor with

Aaron  45:38

Jimmy Carr. He's also really funny because it's just like, bam, bam, bam, bam. So it like their story to it. But it's like it's a gauging and then it's just like, you know, just big things going, boom, boom. So he's really funny. My, my spectrum of comedy is really wide and broad. I can just sit back and just watch comedy specials all day. But as far as like those guys, like sometimes like, oh, yeah, man, like, go. It's like, you have to watch some of the classics like The Grinch or something. overtired. Like, again.

Brandon  46:10

I mean, don't remake the movie, but yeah, also, I'm gonna stop watching it now. Yeah, so kind of one of those things like we put the Grinch on Christmas. Before we want a Christmas break. I was like, Oh, I kind of picked the wrong movie for this. But no, the answer is home alone. That's the answer for we could watch that. Yeah, that's kind of that's kind of how I how I feel that whole comedy thing. That's interesting. It sounds like you have a much more well rounded one. than all of us like, nice job. Way to win. Way to win the comedy thing. And yeah, yeah, very cultured man. Indeed. Sorry. No, that's good. We talked about

Collin  47:08

Yeah, Brandon, I overhear going like, yeah, all the SNL cast members from the 70s. That's basically where we stopped.

Brandon  47:16

Um, you guys just said his name earlier. In the movie, the jerk. The St. Maarten.

Aaron  47:24

St. Martin. So Steve Martin and Martin Short actually have a comedy special on Netflix. And it's just them doing them things. And the first time I was here, my stomach was hurting from laughing. It is just like, it's typical of them. But it's over the top. And like, it's just them going back and forth. And so it's like really funny that we're talking about like them, like when they're beginning out, and then just like them over the years, and it's a really good one.

Collin  47:52

And they just came out with a new movie, didn't they?

Brandon  47:54

Yeah, there was a show or something. I saw a commercial for that Hulu.

Collin  47:58

Yeah. Was it called only murders in the building? Yeah. Who's

Brandon  48:03

the there's a lady to the lady. Ah. I don't remember. But Selena Gomez. Is it Selena Gomez. She's a different person, but okay. I thought it was someone else but all right. I don't know. That's fine. Yeah, no, I mean, he's currently, that's been Yeah, I heard that because it's very new. I heard it was pretty good back. Don't watch that, obviously, because I don't have Hulu. But you know, Steve Martin is very underrated. I think in this day and age. I think he definitely. It's not like historically true. But I think nowadays, I think he gets overlooked a lot just because he is older. You know. I mean, he's, he's pretty good. And he's just a good actor in general. Right? He's got some range, right? You do have to watch the Spanish Prisoner in school. Just watch that. Not yo. We had to watch that Mr. Himes class. Was this I'm still

Collin  49:10

teaching when you were there. He was here a year after we were there. That's why I put my pencil behind my ear. Ah, there we

Brandon  49:16

go. Yeah, he was like a movie he like wrote stuff for about movies. So he would always make us like he would do like these weird things in class where we had to watch that. Spanish prisoners is like weird thriller movie, where Steve Martin is in it is like, the antagonist or whatever. And it's like, definitely not funny at all. But like, I mean, it's not like bad. It's just like a it's very interesting, right? It's a very strange movie, about like, deception and they're like, tricking this guy do all the stuff and like, he's like, a comment, almost kind of, if I remember correctly, something like that. But uh, yeah, it's crazy. And he does that. He's also in that what's another movie? It's like really bizarre with the Martin he'll play a mean banjo does play a mean banjo. That is true.

Aaron  50:16

When the pandemic first started, there was a video clip of him on Twitter that he posted. Yeah, it's just, it's just him just taking that banjo and I'm like, Hey, this

Brandon  50:27

guy gets it. Oh, yeah, that's a really

Collin  50:30

does he good at it? But he's like, like, top five in the world.

Brandon  50:35

No, yeah, he's like, No, he's like, teaches banjo being like, I don't know. Like he's. No, he does. Yeah,

Collin  50:43

he's like, one of the masters like truly? Yes. Which is just hilarious. I just again, one of the things of like, of course.

Brandon  50:53

Sure. Do it. Oh, the other Steve Martin movie that I couldn't think of is Novocaine the like, weird murder thriller thing where he's like, a dentist, which is kind of funny because he was a dentist and Little Shop of Horrors. Anyway, that's

Collin  51:14

Oh, hold tight. It's all tied together.

Brandon  51:15

Yes, definitely. So there you go. I remembered kablam now I kind of want to watch Spanish Prisoner again. I wonder if I can. very intrigued completely left. Oh, nevermind. Okay, well, that's fine. We'll allow it for now.

Collin  51:48

Oh, done a lot orders back on line order.

Brandon  51:54

What why actually, I love line orders for you. But

Collin  51:57

normal orders get to really no, no, like, like the just like the straight up like yeah, no, I

Brandon  52:01

saw it. There.

Collin  52:02

There. Hold on. I was like, Yeah, well, that was my, that one was my favorite. SVU got to like all those stories, because I didn't like thinking about them. Or like, fair enough.

Brandon  52:14

I love Mariska Hargitay so I that's just like, you know, whatever.

Collin  52:18

But I yeah, I just was like, I don't these don't make me happy.

Brandon  52:24

I mean, I mean, yeah, most police procedural shows aren't like, just sunshine and flowers.

Collin  52:32

Yeah, but most of the ones that are on like that normal one are like, true. Ooh, a guy swindled money from the bank. Okay, fair, rough, rough, rough, rough. Right? Like that.

Brandon  52:46

Fair enough. Fair enough. So yeah, I just like the characters in the SVU. Like, all the different sectors and stuff. Although, people so like that one, but and that's the one that like the reruns are on all the time. So like, I don't know, like, Yeah, somebody? Hey, if you want to do that, you can leave that. Actually. Interestingly, she I read that she is now officially Bershka obviously, she is now like, officially like the longest running female character in television history. Really? Yeah. That shows been on since 1999.


Ah, really? Yeah. That long. Yeah.

Brandon  53:36

So she is I think she is now the longest running female character ever and like the second longest running character of all time? Yeah. Like the first longest one is like some random dude it wasn't like a British show proper for like 50 years or something. So like, you know, whatever but she is like one of the lungs and the other one of the other longest writing characters is actually ice T's character on the same show so that's he's also like top five so yeah, he like came in in like Season Two or something so he's

Collin  54:17

when you have a show that just runs and runs and runs right like Why of course you're gonna be

Brandon  54:26

yeah that was crazy. I was like whoa really? I wasn't expecting that like a random

Collin  54:35

yeah longer than like cuz I if like if I had to pick a character from the Law and Order franchise I would have put like a jack coy or something because like Yeah, but

Brandon  54:44

like, like you said the normal lawn or like went away for a while and it wasn't like continuous. Whereas it was on first but then like, and he also wasn't in like, every episode or whatever. Where's like, I don't know if she's in she's on all of them, I guess but she's been Not every season, because there's some episodes where it's like, oh, this is the, you know, episode about this person. And like, because they do that once a while, you know, like, this week we're featuring this guy and like it's just all them doing something so like, whatever but yes. longest running. And also Jack McCoy. He's interesting too because he's on like all valon older shows. He just like shows up randomly, like, hey, Carrie. I'm Sam like talking to Dr. SVU. Sometimes, boom. He's like yelling at one of the days, right? Usually on the early seasons, he was like, Alex or whatever. Like, Oh, yeah. being destroyed District Attorney things. Such Yes. And I I need to watch I need to get my to do list. Yeah, the earliest episodes are pretty good. I haven't. Like what was that what Briscoe? That guy? And his partner guy who I don't remember his name.

Collin  56:06

Well, it was replaced with pretty early on.

Brandon  56:11

Oh, he

Collin  56:14

and was that the guy that he was the older guy. He was the older guy and the other guy saying in the musical.

Brandon  56:27

Another movie anyway, this is lighting. Guys, right? This is how my brain works as well. Like I'm always like, yeah, he was the guy. That was another thing like the guy that's new in law and order. I don't remember his actual name. But he played Michael Weston in that show. Bird notice. That was actually pretty awesome. I like that show a lot when it was on USA. He was like a spy was like a CIA, ex CIA guy or whatever.

Collin  56:53

Ed, Ed green. I don't know who he played who plays him. But I Lenny Brisco. And, yeah, because he was Jerry Orbach.

Brandon  57:02

And and it's hard to look up characters on that show, too, because there's like 7000. And so because they also list every person who's ever been on the show ever, and they're like, guest star crazy.

Collin  57:18

So sorry. No, no. Ed Green was the guy's name. He's played by Jesse mark. Okay, that's

Brandon  57:23

yeah. Anyway. Yeah, yes. Okay. Ed sounded familiar to me. So, Ed Lenny, on the Yeah, cuz, Joe of Montana. Anyway, whatever. Okay,

Collin  57:36

there's so many. And it's hard to guess which one the taxes are on.

Brandon  57:42

But, yes. I think I try to remember there was other spin offs to other than SVU. But like they're they like, a lot of them didn't last very long. No. It's a nice because they don't have Mariska Hargitay. So like, obviously, I can be very, very good, but But it's fine. Everything's fine. Yeah, I don't ever watch the total marathons I have on Sundays, every thought all the time. Why?

Collin  58:24

Why would you? Why would anybody even suggest that? What a preposterous idea.

Brandon  58:28

And at this point, like, I've seen so many of them, it's like, the show comes on, like, I kinda remember this one. Oh, no. And then like, this is familiar. And then because a lot of I mean, obviously, it's a it's a procedural show. So like, there are similarities, you know, and I'm watching it going. Okay. And then, usually about like, 15 minutes from the end. I'm like, Oh, yeah. Okay, I remember this. I got it. Now. I'm good to go like that. It's fine. It's okay. Everything's fine. It's been on how long it's been like, over 20 years. I've actually been watching the show. So

Collin  59:07

you know, at some point, you may even forget what happened. So

Brandon  59:11

there's this year, and there's a bunch that I missed, right? Because I used to watch like the early ones like a lot, because I that's my favorite cast, right? The early ones with all the people. And then there's a whole bunch that are like just a couple years old that I have never seen ever. Right. And so every time those Come on, I'm like, Wow, alright, I guess I'll definitely watch this because I have no idea. I definitely have not seen this one. So there is a large episode count to choose from.

Collin  59:39

Oh, yeah. And what I can't like about it is while there are those little story arcs, like you said, every now and then there'll be something that focuses on one particular character and kind of where they fit all this stuff. Like, by and large, you can just kind of hop in and out. And not really,

Brandon  59:57

yeah, you don't it's yeah. doesn't need a sequence, right?

Collin  1:00:03

Which is really nice. Especially because there are a bajillion of them. And you just go, Oh, I'm just this is this is on sweet. It makes it really enjoyable. Yeah, and you don't have to stress about it. Like, that's one thing that I get pretty worried about. If I was I think we've talked about before, like, especially in the world of anime, where it's like, oh, you know, one piece has also Yeah, like 1000 episodes, stuff, and you kind of have to watch them in order to get the most out of it or make the most sense to you. Yeah. Which is not like it's hard. This way, you just kind of pop in and out and be like, okay, like, I like the style, like the formulaic nature of this, and the characters are cool, right?

Brandon  1:00:42

I know, I'm gonna get each time this is on. Yeah, I think that is definitely a plus for like television shows, you know, I mean, because like, you can just watch one. And you're like, Oh, that was good. But you don't need to watch the other because, like, there there's a we talked about that to like the difference between like, series. And like, bash, you know, like, that's different, where it's like, every episode is sequential. You know, and it has to go in order. Whereas something like line order or like house, you can just like us watch an episode of House be like, Oh, that was cool. All right, anyway, like, yeah. Like some, some sitcoms like that, too, right? You don't really need to watch. Like, if you wanted to watch one episode of like, family matters. That's fine. You don't really need just tons and tons of context about what's happening. You could watch it, it's okay. You know, like, like, if you were wanting to I don't, I think you're trying to think of a more recent one, because I don't watch these kinds of shows like The Big Bang Theory, right? You can just like watch a episode. Done. Okay. I don't really need a whole it's very self contained. Right. Like Seinfeld is like that. You could watch one episode of Seinfeld. And then not a you know, like so that's a show that I think for me, I was definitely the wrong age to watch that because like, everyone's like, Oh, man, Seinfeld's great. And I'm like, Huh,

Aaron  1:02:17

I guess that's fine. That's the same way with like, me and friends. Like I couldn't ever get the front. I could put on like scrubs on the back or in the background and just like that all day.

Brandon  1:02:33

I don't know why. But like, what people like trends like

Aaron  1:02:38

what else? I just never, it never was like that appealing. And like, especially with those, like those hits shows or like, Oh, good, you know, The Walking Dead, which I do get into but then like, after the third season, I'm like, or zombies. Or like Breaking Bad. Like, I never got into the hype of those who like TV. This kind of changed for me for a certain point. Because I was like, always, you know, coming home and like, oh, man, I get to watch log order or I get to watch this and then like as I got older, like the more I watched it, like well even even like with law and order, like I know what's going to happen like the like you've seen I got 1000s of the same rerun. It still just have like the same, like lacing is very similar. Yeah, like Yeah, they do they have they have the person. Wait Is the other version? I guess. So. Like, that's always the one that even like, even if go episode is on, although on the channel USA. They literally have lawnmower marathons, like

Brandon  1:03:40

all week long. Yeah. Every Sunday for sure. I mean, no matter what, you can just sit there. Watch it. Yeah. So now, I think that's part I think you hit on something important. They're actually like the fact that it is. Like, it's supposed to be like a mystery, kind of like you are I find myself like, you're sort of more actively engaged in watching it because you are also trying to like figure out the things to where like other shows just like haha, okay, like friends, like you watch Friends. Like, when you watch Friends, you're not really trying to figure anything out. You're just trying to like, stare at it, I guess. Whereas, like, the TV shows, I tend to like are like, shows where there is some element where you have to be kind of paying attention at least a little bit to kind of like, try to figure it out to you know, I mean, that's, that's an appealing nature.

Aaron  1:04:32

I will say the one TV show that that ever made me like truly tear up because I was like that emotionally invested in that.

Brandon  1:04:43

Doctor Who? Yeah, like there.

Aaron  1:04:48

There's something about like, there's been a few episodes where like the adults, the doctor is like, painting forms, or like he's regenerating, and it's just like an emotional scene. Here's like I don't know why I if I, if anything, like over the top like Hollywood performance, but there's been a few times where I've watched it, and I just like something was said, and I've just been like that glued to the screen. And even like when I if I just watched a YouTube clip of it, like just that scene, I'm like,

Brandon  1:05:26

feels, oh, suppress feelings. And like, everything else is like, Oh, that's cool tea or like, Oh, look at the robot. But then like, there's just like, sometimes we're like, just an episode just like, hits you and you're like, Why does my, why is my face wet? And like, Why does my heart hurt so much? Sometimes it was those Doctor Who? I'm like, where did this come from? Why? What are you doing to me? So it's weird. I know. But like, if you've been infected as much as I have. No, that's, that's true. It's just like that's, and that does come from like, actually just sitting in watching lots of them. And that's definitely a show that has to be in order, I think it'd be more useful. That's what the specials they are. But like, some of the episodes aren't like, linear. They don't like they're not asked, but like, as you get, like closer to like, the end of the season than they are? Yeah, well in ones that they always run together. And well, I think too. The other thing that's interesting about that one, British television in general, is like, they do like this series, which is like this season all goes together. And then like next season kinda goes to goes together, but not necessarily goes with it. You don't I mean, like, it's, it's more like, a self contained, like, this is all self contained episodes plan. The I mean, that's at least that's my experience. I haven't watched like a whole bunch. And I've definitely not really full disclosure, not really a big Doctor Who fan, I've seen a couple episodes and just kind of been like, Okay, that was fine, I guess. I can't really get to it like, but at least they are like of this season or whatever. And like, especially because they change doctors all the time. Like all the ones with this doctor sort of go together. And then all the ones with this other doctor sort of go to get it, but they don't you know what I mean? Like you don't, there's not enough crossover, where you're like you're missing something like really big? Well, I'm sure there's like little details that a big fan would understand. But they're not. They're not necessary to appreciate what's happening there. They're just good. It makes it more digestible. In in a lot of those episodes where there are crossovers. So the one of the original doctors who plays all Vandor in Harry Potter.

Aaron  1:07:47

Oh, yeah, his name. Yeah. He's one of the he's one of the reasons doctors and sometimes he he comes back or some like the previous doctors come back. And like even like it personally didn't like specials. Like, for some reason the Christmas specials are hit differently. But every time like a season in there, or something, there's there's always that like, little like, Okay, this is you know, it's emotional. And then it's just like, oh, boom, here's someone back from the past. Like, if you're not a diehard fan, you don't know who that is. And that was me when I first watched it, because I'm like, Alright, everyone on Twitter is freaking out. Why was that? And then you go and search and then you watch again, it's like, oh, that's like the Seventh Doctor whoever and like, oh, he came that was crazy. And then like they'll do like other things where there's, it's it is time travel and time is what we want to leave though some characters from a different season that caught the doctor be involved with this doctor from like, a few seasons later. So like, the person that the doctor marries, has been like an overall character throughout most of the series and then like some of the companions have meant to and so although yes, the doctor does change like they're still the stuff that follows with him and that's the weird thing about the time travel is that it's all like intertwined somehow and so sometimes it'll bring back someone from a different series into a new series broke a little bit be like a main character in some way shape or form and then with time travel, they go back and so but Neeraj, like who's this random person, but you're like oh no comparison from

Brandon  1:09:24

so and that's what kind of sold me for a long time like I was super heavy invested into it. And then I'm like, I haven't seen an episode like yours. Feel bad? I don't because I'd like emotionally prepare myself for watching so now I want that I don't need that nagging that's fair. Buddy, again, that structure does sort of just lend itself to like, you can still just like jump in kind of anywhere and watch it and then you end up like you where you're like, oh, I don't really get it but like you're also not You still can understand the premise of what's happening without like fully getting it. You don't I mean, like, you're not like, you're only missing out on like a little piece, not like a huge app. I literally have no idea what's going on right now. Which is how it is with some shows. If you just like, I don't really watch the show now like, Huh, what? It's, I don't know, anything was happening Yeah, well, I think

Collin  1:10:27

some of those two I like again, just, they can be intimidating to dive into. And I know there's some of those also have a culture of like the like, you're doing it wrong. Kind of like you're not. Oh, well, yeah. But of course, I say this as I started off this episode by talking about how I'm having my children watch porn. Yeah, so they don't do it wrong. I don't really have a whole lot to see here.


But my kids can only watch Snow White, so they don't get spoiled by fancy animation beauty.

Collin  1:10:55

But, but yeah, like I there are times where I've watched those, those and I worry that I'm missing, broader context, like you said, Aaron of like, oh, this scene is super impactful, because this is a earlier doctor because this tie in or whatever, and I'm just watching it over here like a like a schmuck going. Cool that happened. So I do kind of worry some of those that have such a long history that I'm missing out

Brandon  1:11:22

on, on more contact. I think that goes to how well they're written. Right? Because like, if they're written well enough, then you know, kind of doesn't matter. You don't mean? Like it. You It's kind of like if you've seen all the rest of it's like a bonus. Sure, where it's still like, if it's written well, and it's done everything well, then it's like, it's still good. And it's not like, lesser, really, it's just like, if you get it, then it's like a bone. It's extra. You know what I mean? But I can see how you know, sometimes if you're like diehard fan,


you'd be like, Why are you taking time to explain that? Like literally everyone already knows that? Types

Brandon  1:12:05

angrily a keyboard ready, like a free pizza? Like, you know, whatever. But yeah, I think generally things like that are if they're written well enough that you kind of like, it's fine. And then you can sort of discover it as you go. And that's how you that's kind of how you, you kind of have to do that. And in a way, because that's how fandom works. You don't I mean, you like, Oh, I wonder what that is. And you sort of like digging a little bit. Yeah, you know, and then all of a sudden, you're in like a giant chasm. And you can't get out. I just stuck forever. Everything Yeah. But that's how you kind of become a fan, you kind of have to put in a little bit of work to, you kind of have to dig around and be like, oh, yeah, why is this important? And like, Oh, that's really cool. And then you kind of get interested in you might watch some older stuff a little bit, and then kind of like, learn about things and kind of make those connections and then you get invested. And that's how you get stuck. So I think that's, you know, that's, that's good, too, right? You can work for a little bit. It doesn't have to just necessarily like, plop itself down on front of you. So if it's, again, that's a testament to how well stuff like that is written like Doctor Who like, even though it's not for me, like tons of people really like it, because of how good it is like how well they write it and how well they tell the stories and how they approach that thing. Like, people will watch an episode. And then they'll be like curious about it. And then they'll want to watch more. And then they'll watch older ones, and then they'll like, or read stuff about it online or whatever. And then all of a sudden, they're going to Halloween parties dresses, the doctor so like, you know, it's just how it works.

Collin  1:13:48

Well, I think, yeah, part of that too is is when the writers recognize like, who, who they're writing to who they're producing the show for. And if you only ever made something for the superfan it would be it'd be so inaccessible. Yeah, exactly. Not watchable in Yeah, it's totally opaque to anybody from the outside going like i Something is happening here but I have no idea. So you're right, like Yeah, right good writers are able to walk that line between each shirt giving bad service, but without being like so all illusionary illusionary today you can you can swing either way. Like some of the Star Wars stuff has been like, see, look, look what we did. We did the thing. We did

Brandon  1:14:39

the thing. I was just thinking about Star Wars.

Collin  1:14:43

Right? Like, is it awesome? Right? Yeah, you guys really cool that? Yep, we did it. Okay, now we can you know, answer money perfectly. That's

Brandon  1:14:51

because Star Wars fans are the shadiest angriest people on the planet right? They just like they are they let's not be let's be real. Like literally nothing is good enough for them. Right? If you go by like online stuff like literally nothing is good and again part of that is because you became a fan as a child and you have developed your identity from a very young vulnerable age around this thing and whenever somebody challenges that thing you like are it affects you deeply? I mean, like whereas other people who just sort of like casual fancy be like Oh, that's sweet. I'm gonna be into that the people that are like you know, bread every novel and like, bought those dictionary things when they were little and like did all that stuff there they're gonna be just like hyper offended because like it's wrong because they've part of it they've developed in their mind the version that's correct. And it's not like it's the most correct to them only and then so like their quote unquote ruining it whenever you see it that's what you read all the time. I read about that like Wheel of Time stuff, you know, and that there's a lot of people online they're like, You ruined everything like because Edward is like most people like well that's pretty cool. I liked it. The people that are like obsessive over it are just like so angry because you ruin my life. Right like the current the current shenanigans with this stupid Lord of the Rings show that's on Amazon oh


my god that that that dwarf lady doesn't have a beard you guys are awful token will just want to stab you in the face like guys well in many

Collin  1:16:38

of them down betrayed by the talking estate, because they're involved. Right and they have over Yeah, and I saw many comments people really like obviously they're just do this for the money now. They don't care about respecting his story and sticking true to this. Bla bla bla bla.

Brandon  1:16:58

Like, okay, guys, I got a question for you. Aragorn didn't have a beard either. Are you? Do you now hate Viggo Mortensen? No, because he's awesome. Okay, stop it like

Collin  1:17:13

this? Well, again, it's also kind of being like, hey, quick question. Is any of this real? No. Okay. Let's move. We're moving on and moving on. Right. Like, like, it's just Sure, yeah, you can have opinions, but at the same time, it's like, you have to take a step back.

Brandon  1:17:32

Like, yeah, also, you know, Aragorn, he's probably just joking. Right to Gimli. That's also in the mire of possibility, right? It's not like it's fine.

Collin  1:17:42

Okay. Oh, no, this is exactly,

Brandon  1:17:44

yes. Our lay the Smith crafted Dwarven women from the clay with full beards actually never says anything about the door of women in that origin story, just the seven dwarves that brought that conquered the air that went off into each Dwarven family. So calm down, it's fine. It's okay. Deep breath. And again, that's, it's sort of detrimental in a way. Because, like, on the one hand, you know, in my opinion, even if it's something you disagree with, it's now like, like my thought is like where I where I sit on this like this. Specifically, we'll talk about the the token stuff, like Oh, no. Bringing a thing to like a whole brand new audience and new people that will discover something that I think is cool. And I like, oh, no, how terrible. More Tolkien stuff available widely to everyone. Oh, no. Like, guys, this is not bad. This is good news. When you

Collin  1:18:49

happen. Again, this circles back around to a topic that we've had on before is gatekeepers to tie. That's yeah, that's true. Because you're right, it does. Say it's like the people who yell and scream about the prequels again, I'm gonna I'm gonna circle back to Star Wars, because this is obviously yeah, that's fine. Like, if you enjoy that, there are segments of Star Wars fandom, who will say like, basically, you're not enjoying it, right? That's not correct. You actually need to actively hate those. And for the majority of people like Well, no, but that's what i Those were my first exposure. So yeah, like I and you're telling me I don't like them. Like, okay, like, what am I supposed to do with that? Like, how do you have somebody who's like, these make me excited about Star Wars. And then I have people with neck beards yelling at me about liking Star Wars, eating correctly. It's like, yeah, okay,

Brandon  1:19:49

I guess I'll also listen up guys. I was there. Okay. I remember when the Phantom Menace came out. Okay. I was there. I wouldn't talk with eaters to literally no one was mad

Collin  1:20:07

when it came out. Nobody was angry. Nobody were Star Wars. Yeah.

Brandon  1:20:10

It was only like 10 years later that people started, like be mounting it and be like,

Collin  1:20:15

it's not as good. You know, I mean, you know, justice. I mean, all the people that were sound people are

Brandon  1:20:20

like, Jar Jar is a bit much. That's a little bit weird here that was that like, Yeah,

Collin  1:20:25

but like the people in the costumes in the garb in the first in line. Were all the people who grew up on the originals, right? They were the ones who were scrambling, and now they're the one turning around and like, actually, no, I didn't. I've kind of like the people who, who claimed to have been like, punk rock all along. You're like, no, no, when punk rock was actually popular, there were people in the entire United States where no one liked it. No one liked it. And now everyone's tried to like, you know, whitewash their past or Yeah, like, put black fingernail paint on their past. I don't know. It'd be like, No,

Brandon  1:20:59

yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. Hey, hey, all you people. You know who I didn't see it? Those punk rock shows? You? Yeah. Get out. Anyway, yeah, like, and you know, there's there's a lot of good that did come from the Star Wars prequels. You know, even if you don't really like the story, even if you think some of the directing choices are not the best. Now, looking back, that's fine. I would agree with some of that. Like, can we really argue that the end of Phantom Menace is bad? Oh, yeah, bro. Come on. Hit me with the dual the fates. That double triple lightsaber duel between Obi Wan chi gone, Darth? Come on. Are you gonna tell me that's bad? looked me in the eye and tell me that's bad. You can't? That's right. Okay, thank you. Yes. But again, like, it makes it more accessible to more people. Maybe back in, you know, more media would get created about Star Wars. they'd write more books. They'd be more comic books. And like, as a fan, this is this is what you want. Right? Like, even though I didn't really love all the the newest trilogy, right? It was fine. But like, I don't care because there's still more Star Wars. Yeah. And if that is your favorite movie. That's okay. Because we can both count a Star Wars movie as among our favorite movies ever. It doesn't have to be the same Star Wars movie. That's fine. Like, the coolest thing about Star Wars is like the universe is literally gigantic. And it's full of like, so many like crazy, weird things. That like, everybody's gonna latch on to something interesting and different. Anyway. You know? And there's there's room in the Star Wars universe for that. You don't have to like only like this one thing. You can like, lots of other stuff. It's okay. It's fine. You can like Rogue One. That's alright, if you'd like Rogue One. You're listening to this. That's okay. That's good. Don't let people on the internet tell you you're wrong. Because you're not

Collin  1:23:24

exactly. You're not wrong for enjoying things you enjoy. Yeah. Wow. Now I'm going to go watch. Eight minutes fighting.

Brandon  1:23:33

Yeah, you will, man. Okay, well, I remember I was in that movie theater when that double the other lightsaber side came out and that like music drops. Everyone was like, like, I promise you that was real. Like I remember that. Okay, good. It is so good. Oh my god, the best movie song ever.

Collin  1:24:01

It's playing right now. I got to posit. Beckett, but

Brandon  1:24:11

Oh, man. Okay, well,

Collin  1:24:14

it looks like we have up and down, right. Okay, well, we're working on the challenge for next time.

Brandon  1:24:25

We'll see if we can actually get our act together and figure out what it should be trying trying hard,

Collin  1:24:32

hard to pinpoint exactly the takeaways. That's true. Make sure it brings the most value. Yes. Hopefully no more. So I think hopefully there'll be a little teeny bit of snow so we get Okay, yes. Very good. Bye