random rock rambling

Dogs, rocks, and dragoon revolvers. It’s a big week.

  • Collin is alive

  • Collin has a dog?

  • Brandon is BUSY

  • Random rock rambling

  • Dragoon revolver!

  • Quote of the week: “Courage is resistance to fear. Mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” 

  • Brandon’s Haiku:

    • Seeking new knowledge

    • Anxiety and fear build

    • Pain sears nerves and flesh

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dog, hank, talking, pumpkin, happening, major league baseball, bit, revolvers, horse, egg, nights, weird, sagamore, merlin, chapter, plan, random, sitting, lead, coming


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:00

Music. Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon and Collin on this week's show, random rock rambling. Ahoy. Oh my gosh, ahoy. I have been unwell.

Brandon  00:25

Dear listeners. We apologize for coming to you late this week, but Collin has barely survived illness, and so

Collin  00:34

oh my gosh,  this is the first day he's been able to like speak. So yep, there you go. That's fun. It's been fun or not, just been, like, completely blown out, exhausted by four, like, I just completely ran out of gas, and that was even with, like, a midday nap sometimes, oh my gosh. It just completely took it out of me. So anyway, yes, I am. The rumors of my death were a bit premature. And hey, you're stealing my my quote of the week. Oh, sorry, no, not really. Mark Twain quote of the week. The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Yes, yes, yes. I feel like I tell that people to people a lot like, over the summer, whenever I had to disappear for like, a month at a time to, do you know, take care of visits and stuff, I basically like, hey, yeah, we I'm gonna meet with you every week to do this thing. And there was like, Collin, do you don't hear from him for a little while, and then he pops back up. He's like, anyway, let's start doing the thing again. So there's a good, good mark, Twain one. Yeah. So, anyway, yeah, so things have been, things have been happening, stuff, I guess, but, yeah, we've just been trying to survive. I have not felt and what really, what really did me in was I started to get sick, and then I had nothing but, like, social events, right? Like two days in a row, double though, on the same day last week, we opened with a chamber breakfast that we had sponsored, and I gave a 15 minute talk in front of 160 170 people, or whatever. And then exactly 12 hours later, we were at a fundraiser event that we had also sponsored, and like, needed to be there. And, like, I crashed hard. Like, I just, we just had all these commitments that it was like, well, like, we, like, have to do the thing. And that was like, body can't do thing not possible anymore. No, yeah, it's true power and try to power through, like, extreme illness is, uh, definitely has its downsides, right where it's like, Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine, and then just like, nope, nope, not fine at all. Like, zap gone, where, all of a sudden, you just, yeah, you just like, I where it's it is so weird where you have, like, it feels like you have the same energy reserves, because you, you feel like, Oh, I am energetic. I am well rested. But you just you gas out so quickly, like, like, yeah, does it last as long? Does it last as long? And then you end up just like, Oh, no. That was true thinking video game terms. What happens is, your stamina bar depletes too fast, right? It's like you have a status ailment. Boom. They go, yes, not me playing a lot of video games. That's not that has not related, unrelated. Everything's fine. Yeah, no, yeah. So it just, it's been it's been interesting. It's been interesting. But, yeah, we're so we're kind of back on the upswing, and have have a new addition, maybe say, in the midst of all of this, right, in the midst of all of the recovering, finding a new friend. Oh my gosh. I like listeners the way that I was introduced to this topic, right? I want to read you this direct quote from my brother here. I. And look, send me a picture of this thing that he found, um, hanging out in a random front yard, chewing on a rabbit. What? What an introductory sentence? Um, what on earth? Yeah, so we so many questions in the midst of trying to get me better, like you run into that area where it's going, I want to do nothing but lay here and waste away. But also I know that if I do that like I'm not going to get better, like, I do need some sunshine. I do need to get up and move a little bit. And so we took a family walk through the around our block again, not we walked out our front door, and the walk generally takes about 13 minutes on a good day. So like Mega far, mega far, we reached the halfway point, and we stopped at the intersection, because we have to look left and right. And we looked to our right, and we saw no cars coming. We looked to our left, we saw no cars coming, but we did see a little, tiny, tiny puppy sitting in somebody's front yard going to town on a dead rabbit. Is, I mean, shocking to say the least, right? This is what I was like, and we stared at it. And dear listeners, this is like from all outsets a three month old purebred Porgy, and it is just sitting there in this front yard, Hamming on this rabbit. And I like, look at Megan. And Megan looks at me, and we're like, what is that? We're looking around, right? I'm looking for the owner who's sitting on a porch. This happens all the time over what, yeah, is the owners just sit on the porch and let their dog do the thing. Nope. Nobody around. I'm like, talking out loud. I'm walking around this home. Dog is just sitting there, hanging out, eating a rabbit. I go over, and I just like, kind of kneel down a little bit. The dog runs over, scampers to me and jumps in my arms. And I'm like, oh, first, how cute, but also, oh, you smell like dead rabbit. That was a bad yeah. Oh, no. So now, so now I'm holding a really adorable fuzzy thing that smells like hi carcass. And I'm like, oh, oh, no. Choices Collin and I look over at Megan, and she's looking at me with these eyes that are wide, and I just go, like, like, in my head, I go, am I? Am I? Am I doing this? Am I is this? Is this doing a thing? So I go up to the house that was in the front yard, and I like, bang on the door. I ring the doorbell. The problem is, it's like, 815 in the morning, and so like, maybe gone already, maybe gone already and not really going to be around, but no movement. And I'm like, I'm left here. I'm going, well, I can't just leave this little puppy just hanging out. I just, I cannot do that. And so we walk it back to our house, take a picture, post it all over on social media, contact everybody. We can letting them know we have it with, you know, general address and nothing I have, I have never we have found and rehomed. I don't know a dozen dogs. I'm just gonna say 100 dogs. I don't know that's probably a little bit over, something that might be a bit of over, but it's a lot. It is a non insignificant number, right? Like, it's quite a lot that's happened to you. This happens to you all the time. This is very weird. And I didn't realize it must be some weird, like vortex going on here, because when we first moved into our home, I don't know if I told you this, but I looked in our mailbox, it's just a flat mailbox, that upright mailbox, that's kind of an oh yeah, like Right, yeah, kind of it's just a little bit deeper. Hers was kind of wide and shallow. This is a bit deeper and narrower. But anyway, yeah, you flip it open. And when we moved in, I just kind of glanced down in there and I saw a random rope thing. And I was like, okay, cool, whatever. I just shut it because I was incurious at the time. Eventually, I got curious enough, and I reached down into that. And when we moved in, the owner prior to us kept a slip lead in her mailbox. That because that is how many dogs, that's a lot of dogs. That is a lot of dogs. So we have done this whole rigmarole so many times and keep do you keep a slip lead in your memo? It is still there, though, hey, original person slip lead is still there as an homage to them, because we use it all the time now as well. But I'm used to stepping out being like straight dog, straight dog, going on a walk, having a dog follow us home, US posting pictures, us, taking it, driving at places you know as rescues reach out. Literally, nobody wants this dog. Nobody has reached out. Nobody has said, Oh, I think that's my neighbors. I think this is somebody's I've seen that dog before. It's three months old. It can't go very far. It didn't come from miles away. Like, people were like, oh, like, the only comment we had was like, Oh, I think you need a post in this place. It's. County away, and I'm like, No, I have seen homeward bound. So, true, I do. Dog's legs in Homeward Bound were also a bit longer than this one. That's but there was a cat. Oh, true. True, true. Yes, I can't remember, but there was a can, yes, um, and thanks to Linda at cinema cannon.com we know exactly what kind anyway. All right, so I, um, I took, we, like, have the talk now, right? And we're just like, well, like a couple things, like, we, we honestly need to be prepared to have somebody contact us as this could share their own and matriculated through saying, oh, that's actually my dog. I need it, but in the meantime, like we just have to keep the dog right. And we had just had a conversation with the lead, the director of the city shelter, who was like, We have no more room. There is, I can't keep dogs. We're turning them away. We've come, you know, super, super close to having put down dogs this year, which is, hasn't happened in a long time. Um, so, like, they're full. Every rescue is full, but like, we were gonna hold on to this dog, and so this morning, like we had to, so we have to go out, buy food, get some treats start. The dog is like, also potty trained already. Kind of, yeah. That's pretty wacky. Like, yeah. And we took it to the vet this morning and scanned for the chip, and no microchip. And so the vet was like, congratulations on your new dog. Like, oh, god dang it. I So yeah, we had to have a discussion as a family of like, Oh, do we do, yeah? Like, are we ready for this? Like, are true? Like, that's true for me, yeah. Is your heart ready for this? Because, gotta be honest, like, this wasn't on my 2024 bingo card. Like, not all gonna be like, was not on my bingo card. And, and, you know, the kids were like, you know, yes, what are you talking about? So, I can imagine the kids. There's only one answer here. Dad, yeah, yes. What do we kind of, also, we kind of already have the dog. So what's the point of this conversation? Also true, yes, we could try harder to leave everything out there, right? We're still going to the posts and keep people in contact, but yeah, so we booked a new client consultation or whatever for the vet tomorrow, because again, like, well, we've got to know what we're dealing with. Because that's true. Yeah, just like, the things run through my head, did somebody literally get this dog, like, last week and is just like, fed up with it, and they're like, oh my gosh, I can't deal with this. Um, but did they? Did somebody let them out in the morning and have her and then go back and fall asleep and then just never worried about it after that? But it was like, we're coming up on over 48 hours at this point. Like, that'd be weird. Were they was somebody traveling and had a family member watching this dog, and the family members too embarrassed to say that they lost it, and so they're not speaking up or like, what goes, my head goes? Or did they just get like, did they just go and get their blood panels and their their their fecal samples and tests and do all that stuff? And did they just learn that this dog is has like, $3,000 worth of vet bills coming because of its medical condition, and they just kicked it out the door? I don't know. So, yeah, right, we're trying to to do all this. And so we sat with the kids, and we're like, Okay, well, we need to go to pets, PetSmart pet store here and get some stuff. So we went shopping, and Noah really wanted to get the dog a puzzle. It's like, we okay, it was baby steps here. So, so we have a puzzle. Okay, never mind, never mind. Good choice. Noah, that's what I meant to say. Good job. Oh, so, but yeah, so that's been that's been wild. And what's crazy about this? It's so funny. Um, last Wednesday, the local chamber reached out to us and they said, Hey, we just had somebody drop off a bunch of dog harnesses. We don't know who to give them to, so could you use them in your business? And we were like, Oh, sure, cool. That's fine. And they were like, weird thing, there's five. Five of them, they're all bright pink, and they're all small. And I was like, yeah, that is kind of weird. I don't know what on earth we're going to do with these things. Turns out these perfectly fit straight on. Oh my gosh, yeah, but who I also? I also had just had a conversation with the shelter, and they had been saying so we were kind of on the like a conversation of a cat had come up periodically, and so, but we need to be hypologenic, yeah, and, but those are kind of hard to come by. And we were talking with the the the shelter lead, and he was like, Oh my gosh, we just had a breeder shut down their whole organization thing, and it's complete mess. She surrendered 30 hypoallergenic, kind of these, like mountain forest cats. And I was like, how? I was like, I'm sorry, what? Oh, the Siberian cats. Yeah, Siberians. And she was, he was like, Yeah, I just don't know we're gonna do with these. And so literally, a day ago on, uh, sorry, so on Friday, we we met, we talked with this guy, um, we found the dog on Sunday, I think in my message, I said, Saturday. So we're still really, we're still really fresh into this. But anyway, like on Friday, we talked with him, and I go, Oh, well, I started scheming. I was like, Well, what I need to do is figure out, how do we get one of these hypoallergenic forest cats in our house? Because I think that's the direction we need to go. And I had this, like, whole game plan of, like, first we're going to turn in our volunteer forms that have been sitting in our fridge for a couple months, and then we're going to go volunteer to take care of these 30 kittens that they're working with. And I'm going to have a conversation with Megan. I'm going to be like, Megan, how do your allergies? And she's gonna be like, Oh, it's weird. I don't experience these at all. And I'm gonna be like, Oh, that's crazy allergies with these cats and all that nuts. That's wild. And then we were gonna slowly pivot to fostering a cat in our home, and then we're gonna keep the cat. And that was my, like, six month plan. Kind of universe has accelerated your plan. Oh, it said, Hello. How about this random rabbit eating dog? Yep, yep. She's just the sweetest little thing too. She's a three month old puppy and plays. I just, I'm just like, okay, okay, and speedy. We know that Swift. That's what we know. Yes, a swift and speedy, Swift little mini herding dog, right? Yes, that's the other thing too. Of we were having those discussions of, oh, by the way, this dog is a hurting dog by nature, not a hurting dog, yeah. And, you know, so you may walk quickly, the dog is not going to like that and is going to want to bring you back into the fold. That's true. So we have had those conversations because the dog is already like we'll be in the family room together, sitting, talking, and one of us will stray right and get away from the flock or the herd, and then come get thankfully, thankfully, we are gently, somewhat guided back, coaxed under the under dress, under the dress and the professional auspices of a tiny shark. It is true. It is. They are very funny little dogs, right? It's kind of a like when you first learn that a Corgi is a herding dog. Your brain kind of goes, Wait, what are you serious? Right now? What right makes sense? Because, I mean, it doesn't make sense, but, like, it's interesting, the plan here, right? Because they're cattle herding dogs. But the reason they're so low, is so the cows kick over their heads and don't hit them, yes, right? This is the, this is the most bizarre plan of all time, right? And they're like, no, no, instead of like, other kinds of dogs, what if we had a load like, so. Low that the cow couldn't kick it, and it just went whoosh right over its back. It is so bizarre, because you're right, you go, here's the plan. We're gonna have a dog that herds these animals, these cows, but the cows are not going to like that. They're not going to like that at all. They're going to, matter of fact, they're going to kick, which would kill a normal dog. But right, like we're going to come, we're gonna come, we're gonna literally have them come under the radar. These aren't even in stealth mode. Stealth mode, literally the BT bombers here, coming in, lightning fast, and the cows not gonna know what's gonna hit them. They just know they need to move because something is angry, right? Yeah, swooping, yes to her. So yes, we have been. It has been a very, very interesting last couple days for us, as we're making these adjustments. And also now it's also weird, right? Because, again, well, yes, this wasn't in the plan. This wasn't in the game. Like, we had no idea, like, well, like, we have, like, travel and stuff planned coming up and a few, like, little getaways and things like, okay, yeah. Like, now, like, back to planning and coming around, that not like a burden kind of thing, which is like, oh, that we've got to remember that. Like, we've got to take care of this first and foremost, instead of just, you know, disappearing for 11 hours a day. Like, yeah, it's kind of not okay. If only you knew. Some people I know, I know only, if only I knew, but yeah. Also, like, really busy and so add too much to our people's plates. But also, like, I know, because, yeah, we did. We did that a couple times when we traveled to some conferences. We did have our employees come over, and obviously, you know, for legal purposes, we did pay them and studying, like, whatever. But like, yeah, that we had to go through that process, and I had to have them come over and walk through our home and see where everything is, and do the meet and greet. And then I remember, like, halfway through me talking, I was like, Oh no, we're we're definitely one of those pet parents. I actually turned to him, I was like, I'm really sorry, but here is, like, three things that I need you to know. Yeah, remember those crazy people I told you about in in your orientation? Hi, it's me. Let's remember those ones I told you to, like, call me before you agree to anything that's me, like, I'm, I'm the one that we have to screen before take on any but I've already talked to me, so it's fine, yeah, so we're, I, you can move forward. So anyway, yeah, it's just been that's been wild because, yeah, we were planning to go out, you know, do a quick trip for some birthdays and stuff. So anyway, yeah, that's right. So they got it under their crawl that they wanted to see a baseball game. So we're, trying. We're trying to play. So, yes, so we, are we, um, or do they just want the peanuts and Cracker Jacks? Well, so we, they don't know about that yet. I don't think, oh, I don't think we've, I don't think we've rehearsed the song. So maybe that's some homework. We definitely have to do that homework before you go into a baseball game well, and so, like, I was like, Oh, okay. Well, the Kansas City Royals are an hour and 20 minutes. No, no, we need to go to the other team across the state that's three and a half hours away. I was gonna say, this is the ultimate This is an important decision in their early baseball fandom. This is a monumental task as a Missouri citizen, right? Which baseball team is going to be the first game? Indeed, this is a big one, right? We got two. Got two big ones, as many people in Missouri will definitely let you know, right? You can tell what part of the state someone is from by who they root for, but, but it's very interesting. It's a very interesting conundrum. So is, was this? Was this decision influenced in any way by perhaps a former St Louis resident that you know? Well, I think it's certainly that certainly helped the cause. But also, we're in this weird pocket where, interestingly, while we while the town is closer to the Royals, I think, as a popular. Goes, they are definitely more Cardinals fanatics. Yeah, there's definitely more of those around now. Really the Royals fandom shifts a lot more. Kansas, heavy. Kansas heavy, yes, yes. Cardinals are gonna pretty big. The bread and butter of most people in the Missouri side. So, so that's been most of the influence. So when the option came up, it was determined to travel across the state. So we are now trying to play in that now of a sense, like, Oh, right. Like, that's games are really long and, like, also it's really far away, so it's not a day trip, Nope. Can't be a day trip, so we gotta do it overnight. So no, but luckily, they play about 190 games a year, so surely there's one that you can fail. It's going to schedule, it's going to be fine, right? Like, it's just like, all of a sudden going regular season games. International listeners, baseball is insane. I don't I don't know why they play so many games well. So I actually did find one where we wanted to go. And I logged on to the Major League Baseball thing on the website, and I went to all the processes, and I could not buy the tickets. I tried seven times. I tried different browsers, and I tried. I even, like went into private browsing mode. I even at one point switched off the Wi Fi from my laptop and tethered to my cell phone. I then just tried my cell phone with two different browsers, nothing on the Major League Baseball website would allow me to purchase these tickets. So I would like, and it kept saying, we've encountered an error. Go back to seat selection. That's all it said. So here's, here's what I would like to tell you. Here's the process of buying tickets or major league baseball games, as it stands of yesterday, first you have to go to the app store and download not the Major League Baseball app, but the Major League Baseball oh, what's it called? Oh, my gosh. I'm so angry that my brain is preventing me from remembering this. It's called the MLB ballpark app. Okay? It looks like a scam, because it looks like a slight knockoff of the major league baseball that does sound scammy, right? Not gonna lie, yeah. It's like, oh no. This is the one where you spend money, yeah? Definitely this one, not the one with the name brand recognition and the cool looking logo. This one, you're like, Okay, so you have to download that one. I tried doing it without a guest account that did not work. So I had to create an actual account with Major League Baseball. I then tried to just enter my card information directly into the form. That would not work, so I had to go into the wallet portion of the app, add a card directly, and then I could check out after I have downloaded a very specific sketchy app, created an account, added my card to a weird looking wallet thing I could then give them money. They then gladly accepted my money from the baseball Why are you? Why are you making so hard to take people's money? This is like I what I was, I was to the point. I was to the point where today I was going to be calling the ticket office and asking them to, please, let me spend money with them. I was gonna, I was planning on talking with a human today. That's the extent that we were trying to, like this was failing. And I was just like, No, that's crazy. Like, what the heck, baseball? Anyway? Um, what's, what's been going on with you? Oh, not a lot, really. Also, listeners, I slightly overspoke 162 major league baseball games in the regular season, right? So, regular season, 162 game, what the heck I know, right? Anyway, yeah, it's insane, right? Even the cricket fans were like, what? Why? Why is it so much it doesn't Yeah? So, yeah, uh, no, lots, just sort of doing school stuff, like in school mode, officially. Oh yeah, so like trying to navigate things right? We did our first quiz the other day, right? Just kind of hammered that one out, nothing you know, not like a big, giant one or anything started, like mainline science things, trying to think about, like, changing up some stuff. So I'm trying to see if I have time to do that, or try to figure out the actual logistics of, can I make this relatively crazy? I. Actually happen? Do I have the material stuff to say? Find them right? Like these kind of things? So yeah, but just kind of getting in the swing of things, trying to figure out stuff, right? I did have a conversation today with one of the high school teachers. She's like the facts teacher, right, I think is what they call it now, right? She's doing like a, kind of, like a, like a class about like education, right? So, like, okay, for like people that want to be teachers, right? And so she needed people to, like, have like places where students could come in and observe classes, right? Okay, you know. So she's kind of like, in the spring semester, she said, if they they want, the kids want, they can actually do this, like, dual enrolled for, like, one of the early education classes, the one where you just have to go and, like, observe, like, so many hours in a classroom. Oh, cool. They can actually get college credit for that if they want, if they want to. And so, like, I've had people come and do that in my class before, so I just went and talked to her, because she sent an email. I was like, I was on the list of people that she had, like, heard might be okay for this. And I was like, All right, well, I have some questions, and I'm not good at asking questions in email, so I just jogged down to the high school and talked to her for a little bit, and I was basically just going, like, All right, look, things you may not know about me, a lot of my science class is like, rambling discussions about rocks. Is that okay? Is that good enough for what you actually want these kids to do? Right? Because it's a lot of talking about random stuff and then, like random experiments and breaking stuff. That's what my science classes, yeah. And if it's true, they're gonna come in. I just want to make sure that you're okay with that, right? That's right, not heavy on certain things that other subjects like to do in their class, right? But they're gonna, like, rotate through certain teachers, if they, you know, if they can get enough people to say, Yes, oh sure. So like to be like the mentor teachers, whatever. So, so somehow, I have ended up on a potential mentor teacher list. I don't know how that happened. That's completely, completely by accident. I don't know who gave her this I plan, but that's what. So, so what's the the age group of people that you're that you're going to be working with as a high school students, high school students. So it's like for one of their classes. So I think they're, I think they're, prob, I don't know exactly who they are yet. She didn't tell me. There's a couple couple of them are seniors. So it's probably like juniors and seniors, I would imagine. I don't know. It could be other people, I don't know, but it's high school students. So this is one of her classes that she's doing. She put together this whole thing. She was telling me she'd like wrote this grant, and they can do all this, like crazy stuff. And it sounds really cool, right? So I was like, Heck, yeah, let's go, as long as you're okay with your students observing me being random, and that's okay with you. Let's go like I'm I just need to be I just before I leave, I just crystal clear. You're okay, and I could probably, should probably get this in writing, if possible. Random rock rambling is perfectly acceptable. Okay, yeah, right, that's fine with you. Today. Here's a good example of my life today. Today, we're talking about the layers of the earth, as one does, right? Talking about how we know about those layers of the earth, and how the fact that there are these layers of Earth prove the Earth is round. Checkmate, Elon Musk, boom, take that. So anyway, one good analogy when you're talking about layers of the earth is, of course, the egg, the Incredible Edible egg, right? Because if you just imagine, you have to do a little bit of imagination like add the inner core in there, right? But otherwise, the egg is a very good example, because you have the crust right, the shell, the asthenosphere, ooh, the membrane inside the shell, right, the yolk and the egg white, right? Well, rather the white is the mantle and then the yolk as both the inner slash outer core, right? So especially if you think about like a hard boiled egg, the analogy works much better, because now you can cut it and you can see the thing. So I had a bunch of slides that are goofy, and they have, like, cut eggs, and they're equating these things, right? And so we start talking about eggs. Right? And I got very strong reactions, right about eggs. They were like, I don't like eggs. What do you mean? I love eggs. They started arguing in class about egg preferences. So I stopped, and I grabbed a note card, and I said, All right, it is officially time for a formal survey. I need to know. Right now we're gonna survey the whole sixth grade. I need to know, are you talking about eggs like this? Are you an egg white person? Do you like the egg yolk? Do you like the whole egg or do you not like eggs at all? And I need to know this information right now. So what I did was I collected all of this data and then graphed my results on the board so that they can see the spread of egg preferences for sixth grade science students, I think it's what I called my graph. Phrase, name, right. Boom, right. So this is what I did today. I right. I can see you coming back down to the person's office, going and to be clear, this is fine, right? Like I did, okay? Survey. I did this. I can explain my reason, right? I did this because, right? One thing, interpreting a reading graph is a very, very important science, like standard, oh yeah, is on, like, every science test ever. So that's important. Number two, right? We have only a couple times in the year where we can, like, make graphs right for science class. So, and last year, as one of my side quests, I had them create a survey and then graph their results right. And so I was thinking today, it's like, wait, I can expose them to more graphs in random questions like this, just sort of throughout the year. If I could come up with just some more of these to do a few times by the time they get to I think I did it in January last year. It was right after Christmas break. We came back, and that was our first one. Like easing back in, I was like, if I can expose them to this a little bit more throughout the year, maybe it will make the project in January make more sense to them, right, right? Because they will have seen this idea before, right, other than just like the one other time that we the couple times that we do it for, like a science experiment, right? If we can put it in this context, right? The context I'm going to ask them to do in the future, they'll be more comfortable with this idea, and it might help them later, even though, so right now, they're just sort of like looking at it and seeing that it exists, but sure, they don't like know exactly about it, but they'll have observed it before, and then it'll make the conversation make more sense when we talk about it later on. Yeah. Well, thought process, well and, and it's something that, like, they like, how am I gonna say this? Like, yeah, it's a it's really low stakes. But also, like, they have direct tie in into this. Because I think what gets really hard about getting data and interpreting data is when it has nothing to do with you. I think that gets very difficult because, yeah, exactly, you have no conceptual understanding on basis or where things are or relationships to one another. Now that I'm externalizing all of this relevancy and I have no connection to it, that's where it tends to get loose connection. And it's hard to interpret a graph because we don't see ourselves in it. And so being able to start kind of weaning off of that little bit little or, like, really strengthening that initial exposure, I think that that'd be that sounds like it'd be really good. Yeah, I think, plus, it gives me a excuse to write overly long science titles on things, which is like a joke that I like to do. I just like to do that because I think it, I think it's hilarious, because I enjoy reading science titles of certain papers, right? Like overly long and like hyper specific things, and I like to do that on my graphs for the class, because I think it's funny. So give me another example. Excuse to do that. Yes, yeah, absolutely. So that's what I was doing today. So I'm doing that and planning a side activity, right? Our pumpkin cat, our pumpkin launching activity, is going quite well. Oh, this year, right? My first side quest of the year, because it is fall, and I'm trying to will fall to happen like, Oh, really bad. Yeah, is the first one we do. Is pumpkin Chunkin. Oh, sure, right? So I have these, like, stuffed pumpkins that I got. Susan actually got me some more from the Dollar General this day, or whatever. Perfect, more bag of pumpkins. And I just have these, like, bins of stuff, right? I'm like, Hey, make something to throw a pumpkin far go, and that's what that's amazing. I have, like, some PVC pipe and some dowel rods and some, like, of the big fat craft sticks and like, twine and yarn and tape, and I do have a couple rubber bands that I let them use. And so they just kind of go to town, and then they get mad that they're somebody's copying them. But there's really only, like, three or four answers anyway, so I don't really know why they get so mad about that. Great, but it's going quite well. They're they seem to be enjoying it so far so and I have the longest throw in history. Currently, somebody built this thing. They launched my little stuff, pumpkin, 40 feet down the hallway. What? Yeah, what? I was not even expecting that to happen. Like, that's insane. Yeah, they built this slingshot thing, right? It's like they went the step. They did the step that no one else ever does. Well, I also have a random pilot cardboard that you can use, like at all times this thing. But they did, they did the step that no one ever does. They cut right? They made the little fork thing by lashing together some PVC pipe. They use a couple rubber bands, but they cut out a piece of cardboard to act as the seat in the slingshot. Nobody, nobody ever does this step. Oh, nobody does this step ever. They just string a rubber band across it and try to, like, awkwardly squeeze the pumpkin and the rubber band and pull it back and let it go. So you're losing a lot of there's a lot of energy loss in this system. Yeah, these kids made a seat out of cardboard. And the second attempt, the first attempt, they were like, aiming at the floor. I don't think they really knew what was happening. And so it didn't go very far at all. But then a couple days later, they tried again, and this thing sailed down the hallway, like, oh my gosh, what's happening? Nice. So that was pretty good. That's pretty good. Yeah, you gotta, have gotta give something to to have resist, to resist against them. Sit it in there, so that the force gets transferred. More of the energy from the van gets transferred to the pumpkin, right? The thing that always happens, the thing they always mess up is they don't. They just, like, will run the rubber band across and, like, try to, like, pinch it. Like they put their hand behind it and, like, pinch the sides and try to pull it back. But like, you're losing so much because it can't push against anything when it goes forward, right? You only have this little tiny strip of rubber band pushing the pumpkin forward, and nothing happens. And so there's just so much energy loss. And so these people put a thing, a seat in there, which is the game changing feature of the slingshot. I do have a couple really good catapults too, right? I should probably do, like, actual pumpkin Chunkin and, like, make some classes, right? Like, oh, in this category you got sure, like, have the slingshot category, the catapult category. And I do have one group that has manufactured some sort of piston, which I'm very excited to see. How this works. They haven't tested it yet. They basically built, they took a PVC pipe, and then they took some my dowel rods, and are just made a piston that slides in there. Oh, and they built a little seat thing on the end with a plunger. And their plan is to just hold it and then just, like, smack the bottom, and like, launch. So I'm very I want to see this work in action. I need to see, oh my gosh, because it's just cool. This is awesome. That is that is really intense. It's really neat looking. And I just want to see it work, because I think with some fine tuning and some correct angle holding that that thing could go quite far. So sure, I need to see this in action, like they've been sort of futzing with it, trying to get the basket so that the pumpkin can sit there, so they can tip it over at a deeper angle, because they just had like a top thing, right? But so when they tried to lay it down. And to get a to, like, lay it sideways, horizontally, to launch the pumpkin, it like fell off. So they've been like, building a little seat out of craft sticks and tape to, like, hold it until the they can hit it with the plunger. So I need to see this happen, because I'm very curious. Nice, yeah, so it could, it has the potential to go quite far, right? We'll see that actually happens, but think could be cool. That's what I've been up to, random science and apparently, volunteering to have high school children come in and be like, teacher students in my classroom. So that'd be good. Very nice. The other reason I had to go talk to her was because I was also, like, some days, right? Because some days are just discussing and, like, taking notes and doing things, like, some days there's not anything for them to do, yeah. So like, if they're looking for, like, a super active classroom experience, maybe not every day is going to be what they want. I mean, I don't know. I'll probably find ways for them to help do stuff, but like, I just want to make sure that's okay with you, yeah, making sure that you have expectations set for like, yeah, or if they're needing to meet, like, I don't know, like, a certain number of observation hours with a certain number of like, hands on activity things. Like, we can throw some random things in there, right? We can do that. But I need to know, the beginning of the year, they're a little bit light, because we're still trying to do some stuff, so and also the plate tectonics unit. You know, not the most exciting, right? I understand this, but kind of can't have the rest of geology class without the plate tectonics unit. Kind of a big deal, right? Makes it hard, yeah, you know, convection and tectonic plates moving. That's, uh, kind of a big deal. So Right? Like we need to kind of get that out there for it. So yeah, that's pretty much what I've been doing this week, right? That. And, of course, oh, reading. Reading cameras. We found ourselves in an awful predicament. Anyway. We did lead, right, not good, going badly. We are jailed, right? We have been jailed for our, uh, attempting escape as a slave, and we have been jailed, um, with some impossible sleep coming on. Yes, right, couldn't rest because it's in the jail, right? And it's, it's all terrible in there, because, you know jail. And so he's trying to figure out, How on earth does a person get out of jail? Again, again, yet, yet, again. This is pretty ubiquitous, right? So we have this farcical trial thing happening right again. We have more of the this stuff going on here. And, yeah, can't sleep in the thing, and he does get let's see, how's this happen? Here he has him call Camelot and ask for Clarence. He's like, how do we prove what's happening? He's like, Yo call, do the thing. You go, call him up. It's fine. We'll do right? This is his plan, because he's, he's, he's out of touch, right? He, you know, he wants to do these things, but, you know, they don't. Haven't trained up some of these people on telephone and telegraph, right? And so he's trying to figure out what to do. So it's not going well. And he again, we have this issue of like he thinks a thing is gonna last a certain amount of time, and it actually is gonna happen much sooner. So there's like, panic that he's not gonna make it right. That's sort of what's happening here. He's He's saying, like, oh, you know, if I can just wait till this time, they'll surely be here from Camelot by then to save me. And they're like, oh, it's actually going to be at this time. He's like, there's no way they can make it by Trump Camelot to save me. Yes, quickly realizes that he's really in a bad way. Yeah. So he's, uh, he's really been in bad way. He's really kind of freaking out about this, right? He is about. To be executed, right? But then Done, done, done, timing, right? As we have found it, that's pretty much that the chapter, right? It's just him, sort of waiting around being in peril, and then, right, you have anything to add for that chapter? No, no. It's just pretty straightforward. And like, yep. It really was a lot of him like, yeah, kind of like, a lot of hurry up and waiting, but also just like, Yeah, you know, I sick said no more. It was say, like, Well, yeah. Anyway, he was, he was, yeah, he was sort of building to face this right, face, this face. What was going to happen? Yeah? So he tries to get a message out to Clarence. He tries to do this stuff. He's, he's worried about the timing, right. Oh, I should, you know, that's the big issue here is the timing is off, and he doesn't think he's going to make it right. Then he's talking about, then there's some more talk about, like, the laws and how they're kind of, like, wonky and like, What the heck is going on here? But, but, yeah, so, so there's no way the Knights couldn't arrive in time, right? That's what the last chapter, the last paragraph here, it starts. The fact is, I did need to lean upon somebody. My knights could not arrive in time. They would be as much as three hours too late. Nothing in the world could save the king of England nor me. Which was more important? Which, again, classic Hank right? This, nothing could save the king or me, who is far more important, right? Right, not merely me, not I like this next sentence too. He says, more important, not merely to me, but to the nation, the nation, right, the only nation on earth ready to blossom into civilization. And this is what he's mad about. He's mad about that him dying will not be good for England at this moment. It's very inconvenient. It's really standing on the precipice of industrial revolution. He cannot die here because, you know? Yeah, it'll be bad for everyone else, and they're depending on him. This is going to make their lives better if he's around. Gosh darn it. So why isn't this, you know, this isn't fair, yeah, yeah. So that is where we leave that one. However, he has, once again, not fully understood the situation, because, quite possibly, one of the most ridiculous sentences I've ever read in my entire life is coming. Oh, right, excellence. We set the scene, dear listeners, we have Sir Lancelot in his nights to the rescue, right? What? What could possibly go wrong? What could possibly go wrong, right? So he is up there blindfolded. The Hangman has unslung his rope, right? The person in front of him, like, goes right and is hung, and then there's, there's going down the line, right? It's like those movies, like, they just go down the line. There's hanging. People should collapse, should Blab, right? But he is next. I was shaking with fear, right? He's terrified. He's He's scared, he's ready, he's he's next up in line to face death. And then, just as the noose is being placed around his head, right by George, here they came. 500 mailed and belted nights on bicycling. What? What is happening. My book has, like, I said, my book has these illustrations, right? I'm about to send you the illustration for this page. It's hysterical, because he's definitely just a person, uh, in armor on a penny farthing bike. Like, What in the world is going on? Oh my gosh, yeah. And he says, what he say, Yeah. He goes, the grandest sight that ever was seen, I guess, right, how their plume streamed. The sun flamed in flash from the endless procession of webby. Webby wheel, yeah. What? What on earth? Oh my gosh, right? And so Lancelot comes, he says, he starts yelling, everybody, this is the king, right? Blam. And then they, like, actually believe him, because earlier, the king was like, saying, I'm the king, and they all laughed at him, right? Because they're like, you're about to be executed. You're clearly can't be the king, because kings don't become executed. Obviously, right? Don't tell that to the French Revolution. Never mind. But Right, right. So Well, he said, ah, there really is something peculiar, grand about the gate and bearing of a king after all right, immensely satisfied was he to see that. Ah, here we go. And and the icing on the cake, right, Clarence himself comes and says, Hey, what's up? I thought you'd like my little surprise. A long time privately there. They wanted to show off. It's just like, like, what, I'm sorry, just hiding this one, keeping this one under wraps for later, right, nights on bicycles. It looks in that photo that you sent, like there's genuinely nothing regal about this. There's like, you just think of it for hilarious. It's absolutely, just, yeah, just, just hilarious, yeah, yeah. It's, it's great. So yeah, that's, that's what's happening here. We end on that. We start, we start off with a sentence that's, you know, not start off, but we, you know that this very, very short chapter of, you know, nights on bicycles, and they just wanted a chance to show off. So here we are. Congratulations, yeah, yeah, so we did, and now, right? Most of my thoughts on this reading this week come from this next chapter, because this chapter is actually insane, right? I what on earth? Right? We come to chapter 3439 excuse me, the Yankees fight with the Knights. Oh boy, right. Yeah, oh boy, right. So cast your mind all the way back to the beginning of this book, right? Sir Sagamore, right. Had challenged Hank to a duel, but then he had to go off a grayling, uh huh, right, but he's back Right, right, and it was, we don't That was the other thing. Time in this book is kind of non existent as well. Like it well, it's implied that quite a long time has passed to get this point right. Yeah. I think we fast forwarded at least once, several, like, a non insignificant amount of time in the interim, well, and I remember when he had to go a grayling, there was a statement of like, well, that takes a really long time, so he won't be back for a while. Yeah, and how, how funny is it that he's been so worried about timing and making sure things match up and that he can like, come out of this, and to have this kind of event come back upon him, Yes, right? We've actually been teased this event for a very long time, right? Turns out, since the very opening of the book, right, we have been here, right? We have a checkoff gun situation happening. We have two literary devices of import, great import in this chapter, right? So first off, we have checkoff gun, which we'll come back to in a minute. What? Yeah. So we have, we have this I did like the line. It was not because the tournament was a great matter, and it was not because sir Sagamore had found the Holy Grail, or he had not, but had failed. It is, Oh yes, absolutely, yeah. But there was a lot of, there was a lot of he's talking about how there's why there's so much interest in this tournament, because, as we know, tournaments are a dime a dozen, and you can just have different tournaments all the time. It's no big deal, right? But this tournament actually is secretly a duel between two mighty magicians, not a duel of muscle, no but of mind, not of human skill, but of superhuman arts and craft, the final struggle for supremacy between the two master enchanters of the age, right? Because sir Sagamore has Merlin in his corner, right, and so he is weaving all manner of spells and whatnot upon His person and weapons and armor and such, right? And so this is not seen just as a duel between sir Sagamore and Hank, but of course, between Hank and Merlin, who. Dun, dun, dun. Yeah. I mean, he goes on about imbuing sir sagamore's arms and armors with supernatural offense, right? So that like making him invisible, right? That's a thing, right? So that's what he like, even like, yeah, he's, he's making a big deal, like he's, oh, he makes him invisible to, not to everybody, obviously, only his opponent, clearly, right? Because it's not a very good tournament if he's invisible to everyone, duh, right? Let's obviously no so everything is destroyed, and Hank is fighting not to just defeat sir Sager more, but to destroy Knight errantry as a whole, right? His quest and his whole journey has been, ironically, to prove that knight errantry is dumb in a waste of time. Yeah, for some reason, he proceeded to do this by going on nightly errands, but that's okay. That's neither here nor there. No, right? Don't speak such things. But I think, I think part of the commentary here is that, like, he, like Twain, is saying, like, yeah, these stories are kind of dumb. Look, here's Hank going to all these things. See how kind of weird it is. Yeah, it doesn't make sense. Yeah, yes. See, yeah, that commentary again, of like, Oh, and this just happened, and this just happened, and here we are in this adventure, and there's no kind of rhyme or reason, just roaming around, yeah? So it's kind of like a meta commentary on, like, yeah. Some of these King Arthur stories are kind of lame because they don't make any sense. I'm going to tell you that by making this story that's kind of weird. It doesn't make sense. Sometimes, old move right. But now, oh, man, this is the wackiest thing of all time, because Sirius agamore comes out right, bedecked in a suits of armor, like his giant suit of tournament armor, right? And the horse is all armored. He's got his big, heavy Lance, right, and Hank comes out in his tights with no hat, right? He says, says the comfortableness of gymnast costume, flesh colored tights from neck to heel, with blue silk puffings About my loins and bare headed. My horse was not above medium size, but he was alert, slender, limbed, muscled with watch springs and just a gray hunt to go. So he's fast, sleek, small horse, right, and he has no real weapon, except for, except for, oh, I love this. This is great, right? So he's, he's asking about the stuff, right? Where's your weapon? Blah, blah. He pulls out a Lariat. Oh, man, what is happening? Mm, so his plan becomes clear, right? The plan becomes clear. At first, he does, like pretend to, you know, not be able to see him, just for like giggles, I guess, to play to the crowd, right? He's like, pretends that he can't see Sir Sagamore for a while, right? But there he goes. So he just like, we have a classic right, where sir Sagamore keeps charging at him, big, heavy, heavy War Horse, heavy armor, heavy Lance charging at him. And Hank basically just goes, like, I'm imagining like a Bugs Bunny situation, where he just, like, takes a step and leaves to the side, and the horses Yes, yes, thunders past. Yes, yeah. He just like, keeps jumping out of the way, and the horse goes lumbering by, right, as we know that, you know in the horse is going to get tired, right? He's going to get more Sagamore, that is, he's going to get more angry, right? And be more determined to keep charging and charging and charging. And Hank is just waiting. Yep, he's biding his time well, while Sagamore is getting angrier, right? Angry, making more more RAS decisions here, yeah, charging in more furiously every time, right? And this like, this is the greatest part. This is so fun. I was like giggling to myself. I was reading this because this is so hilarious, right? He was I was sitting on my horse at ease and swinging the great loop of my lasso and wide circles around my head. The moment he was underway, I started for him, and when the space between us had narrowed to 40 feet, I sent the snaky spider of the rope cleaving through the air. And then. Are to decide. And he just lasso sir saga were right out of the saddle. And he's able to give a little commentary on this act too, where he then he goes, unquestionably, the popular thing in this world, right? This world, oh yeah, is novelty the whole point of all of the night airtree, you know, stories and tall tales and, well, you've never seen this. And this is how big this thing was, and it was bigger than last time. Like, it's all about that. He's applying it to this, this moment of going, Yeah, they've never seen this before, right? We've never seen anything of this cowboy business before, the cowboy business. Oh, I like it, right? And so, right, they wanted to. People kept trying to do this again, right? And he kept, like, just yanking him off Yomp, Yomp, jump. People kept charging at him. He just kept getting him off there, right? Um, well, he does say there is this interesting moment where they the crowd went up and shouted, encore, encore. And he said, I wonder where they got that word, but there was no time decipher right on this, yeah, it's a French word, right? Where'd it come from? Uh, yeah. So he people just keep wanting an encore, and he keeps obliging there, and others keep sending out more and more nights, and he just keeps lassoing him right off the horse, even the mighty Sir Lancelot himself, right. Boom, got him. Chaplow, right. Uh, but he's not done, right. He's not quite done. The crowd is, you know, excited about this, right? We're good. We're all good. Um, but he said, The victory is perfect. No other will venture against me. Knight Aaron. Tree is dead now. It's not because he's noticed Merlin, right, sneaking in there, and he's challenged these people, right? And in order to fulfill the challenge, right, Merlin has stolen his lasso. Old sleight of hand expert has stolen it. Sleight of hand expert, the bugle is blowing, right? Yeah. And so he's like, fine. So now you know you're gonna keep going, but you have no weapon. But the terms of the duel was you could bring whatever weapon you want, and if you happen to not have your weapon, it's on you, buddy. Sorry. It's not my fault. You don't have your weapon, even though I definitely stole it, and it's under the seat, right? Now, everything's fine. Don't worry about it. That's a document Merlin makes. He's like, Well, you know, you know, you said bring whatever weapon you want, and it's not my fault that your weapon isn't here currently, right? Oh, no. So he's like, alright, we have to go, you know, we have to do one more time. And the king even says, like, would you, you know, you know he, the king doesn't want to sanction this, because he's like, Well, this isn't even fair, because he doesn't even have a weapon, and you're going to get into this jousting match without a weapon. This, this last time, right? He's like, I can't do it. This is murder, right? You have to run away. And now we have another extraordinarily ridiculous scene occurring because Hank's like, yep, we'll go. And he stands there, wow, sort of Sagamore is charging him down, running, barreling down on him with his lance the king and everyone else is saying, you have to run. This is surely murder. And then this is I, you, you talk about out of nowhere, like out of literal nowhere. There's no pretense, like we are used to at this point in this book, having us introduced to ideas, concepts, um thoughts, new ways of thinking, without any context. There's no pretense for this delivery of the sentence, there's, there's absolutely no sign as to zero where this would come. No lead up, no hint, nothing. Nope, right, right. No, no lead up at all. Never been mentioned once. Right? The sentence is, listeners, then, he got within 15 paces of me. Then I snatched a Dragoon revolver out of my holster. There was a flash and a roar, and the revolver was back in the holster before anyone could tell them what would happen. There was a ride of this horse plunging by and yonder lacer. Sagamore, stone dead, yep, what? What do you mean? Dragoon revolver, what are you talking about? He just had this the whole time, like he's had this whole time. This is a very strange intersection, right? This is like, first of all, we were introduced in the very opening chapter of the book to Hank in a museum where he met Mark Twain. The museum curator was remarking on a hole in the chain mail. Yet, right? He said, like, Oh, this must have happened later when somebody you know stormed the castle or whatever. I think he made a Cromwell reference, I'm not sure. And Hank says something offhand, like, now I should know I was there, right? Yep. So this, we found out that that is Sir Sagamore mail shirt, right? So we have this. This is our checkoffs gun situation where, literally, almost literally, where we have been introduced to a thing, right? And then later on, we find out that, I think is important, right? We find out the meaning behind it. We find that whole thing. We've used the thing right now. We also have this very strange intersection, because this is also the most clear case of a Deus Ex deus ex machina I've ever seen, ever right in writing, which is the idea that, like all of it, there's just like something magical that happens to save today, right? This is an old Greek theater term because they used to, like bring in people on like machines, and usually it was like, represented by the gods. But it's literally a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly or abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence. The official definition, ta da this will do it. I bring to you, thanks. We have a rather interesting intersection of A A Chekhov's gun and a Texas machina being in same paragraph, very weird, right? This is very, extremely strange, right? And he just shoots him, right? Oh, no, there was a hole through the breast of his chain mail, but they attached no importance to that little thing like that, as the bullet wound produces little blood, so they couldn't figure out how he did it was magic, right? Um, and then he stands there and waits. He says, I challenge anybody else who wants to No, anybody, all, everybody is that at this point where he turns not just anybody, he challenges all nights. Yeah, come against him. Yeah, take it, renounce it. Or I proclaim you recreate nights and vanquished. So that was what he said to them, until some of them came approximately 500 right, and they just all scrambled in their saddles and took off charging, and he just starts blasting away right. I snatch both revolvers from the holster, began to measure the distance, calculate, bang, bang, bang, right. And now he has a problem, right? Because he does have very limited shots with the revolvers. They don't know that, nope, but we do Yes, right? Some literary irony here. We know this. They don't. And on his last one, they right. I was never so happy as when the ninth down man is. I detected the wavering in the crowd, right in the panic and the instant loss now and so they he raised both resolvers and fired at the last one, and then they just ran away, right? They're like, Oh, okay, I'm just kidding. The day was mine. Night air tree was doomed. The march of civilization had begun. And oh, by the way, Merlin, that loser is, uh, his stock was flat, right? Yeah, again, yeah, he just keeps rubbing it in there. Just like, like, take that, Merlin. So overall, this was, that was a very abrupt chapter, right? We've got, we've, we've done a lot of things in this chapter. It's gone nuts, right? So we're gonna have see we're close. We're on the very downhill here, I imagine, because the next chapter, we stopped at a good place, right? The next chapter is called Three years later. So time is, once again, convoluted. We only have a few. I think we have maybe two weeks left this, yeah, if I calculate correctly, and then we'll be done. So we're gonna, we have to see this is a big, like climax event, though, right? This is like a big moment, impactful on. Right here. So we're gonna see on the downhill slide here, what the long awaited question, what if any, will be the resolution to this story? I have no idea. I there have been times where I have and we'll talk about this in our in our post book. Wrap Up. Of like, I have thought I've been able to, I would be able to kind of come around the story and get ahead of it a few times and be like, Oh, this is where we but no, no, no, I haven't. They keep busting out Dragoon revolvers just randomly and wrecking my plan. Like, what? Haven't the foggiest idea anymore? So And as we've said, like Hank really is not a very dynamic character, no, right? Hank is not really learning lessons, right? The things that he does learn, they seem to be very small, right? In comparison, I think this is like a very I think this is just like a bit of commentary from 22 like that, Hank and modernity is just better, yeah, than old ways of doing themes, right? That seems to be like the general theme going on here, like the old ways, the old world are just no longer necessary and don't really have anything to offer, right? The modernity and like, industrial revolution is the answer to a better world according to Hank here, I think, I think what that is saying is in comparison to the time, and this is, you know, in comparison to the time that Hank is in, how much development is Hank expected to have. That's true, right? In his thought processes, in his views, in his systems, if you do view modernity and as being superior, he can't develop, right? He can't make changes here and that these old ways of thinking. And it can also be construed as, like, think of also how far you have come, how far the world has come at this point, to see how ridiculous we were, but a few 100 years ago. I mean, in 1889 how ridiculous you were 30 years ago? 30 Yes, right? Like, that's uh huh, you know what I mean? Like, yep, you know, I think Twain's looking at some of this as a not very far away, no past, right? Like, not super far at all, but, but him, let alone a lens, Yeah, him using the lens of comparing to hundreds and hundreds of years prior. It's like, oh, man, look at those people. It's like, but a lot closer than you think, yeah, yeah. So yeah. There's a, there's a bit of an interesting juxtaposition where, like, normally, a character like this would undergo some sort of, oh for sure, change, like, even a little one right, where Hank is, like, nope. Hank is imposing the change on everybody else he is. He kind of like the opposite bizarro character arc land, right? Like every other character is undergoing something, because Hank is like imposing his will upon them, which has some weird colonialist implications, but, you know, it's fine. Well, we look forward to next week. Yeah, yes, hey, all right. Well, to wrap up here, I do have a march Wayne quote of the week. I was waffling a bit, oh no, on which one to pick, right based on the events of this chapter, couldn't really decide which one I thought fit the best, but I think at least I'm going to give Hank the benefit of the doubt here a little bit, right, um, and I'm going to say I'm gonna pick this one for this week. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. Yeah, right. Say what you want. He did have to stare down a charging sir sack, right? He did have to be somewhat composed, yes to deal, like he had it all under control in front of ground, right? Yeah, yeah. So we did have to do that, right? We'll at least give him that, right. So. I don't think I've used that quote yet. I think it's getting very hard to make sure I have not. I keep checking the thing, being like, Did I use this one? Oh, no, it did. So I had to get back. So there you go. And also, it sort of parallels rather nicely with the Haiku, the Haiku of this week, right? Okay, so this one little pretext right now, it's been a while, so we've done this. So this, this relates to the I talked about last episode with the watching my bad YouTube rabbit hole that I felt, yes, yeah. And it goes with the quote, pretty NASA, too. So here we go, seeking new knowledge, anxiety and fear build pain Sears nerves and flesh. Okay.

Brandon  1:21:06

Insect bite YouTube videos, right? Don't watch those and try to go to bed. Please don't. Do not recommend zero 10. I thought we left that last week. Oh, my God, we did. But it was so impactful that I had to run, much like the pain from an insect bite. Yeah, lingers on. Lingers

Collin  1:21:29

on. That helpful tip I think in the show, don't get bit by things and keep drag revolvers on you at all times. Is the lesson, apparently, from this. So, yeah, there you go. Take that into our coming week. Yeah, love you too. Bye, bye.