proselytizing the air fryer

Brandon is thinking about glass houses and ships. Collin is thinking abut the Extreme Home Makeover. Plus, cult talk.

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airfryer, people, pocket, reference, book, good, watch, cult, fans, cards, air fryer, french fries, bought, chiefs, page, desk, air, talking, put, reference guide


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out. If your host, Brandon and Colin, unless we show proselytizing the airfryer

Brandon  00:17

Oh, boy. That Hi, you're you're you're trying again


oh my gosh.

Brandon  00:32

I have an anemic intro. No good. No,

Collin  00:34

no if you kind of come in swinging otherwise you'll be something I'm sure there's a saying they're dead in the water. I don't know who's who could say there's no possible way for people

Brandon  00:45

in glass houses sink ships. Right.

Collin  00:49

Exactly. Exactly how that works. Which is why you don't see very many glass houses sailing across the seas.



Brandon  00:58

Very, very listeners. That's a very deep cut bonus points if you know maybe that's from anyway

Collin  01:07

add the link in the show.


Oh. Oh my gosh, it's

Collin  01:15

been Oh, man. It's

Brandon  01:16

been a week. In a week. Yeah. It's been a little nuts. I even though I was only at school for three days of it, so that's fun. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. How's it going? Well, we're gonna we're supposed to be off tomorrow. Anyway. Scheduled break. Monday. Surprise, five inches of snow. Right out of nowhere. So it was so much snow. It was a lie. It was real weird to me. It was like, it was like warm and warm. And then like, Saturday, Sunday was like, It's kinda cold. today and I snow everywhere. What the surprise, within like a good surprise. Five inches of snow. Right. It was pretty. Yeah. And luckily, luckily for me, right. It was like all like just bucketing down. Like, you know, right during, like, kinda like, I don't know, three o'clock in the morning to like 10 o'clock in the morning, right? Just right in the zone. Were going to school was not a good idea. So once they plowed the roads, it was like, oh, it's melting now.



Collin  02:28

it was gone by like, one o'clock, two o'clock everywhere are stuck

Brandon  02:33

around. Oh, I mean, for the whole day. It was overcast and cloudy here. But the next day, it started disappearing. Sure. There's still some have patches around like here and there, but not very big. After today exist. We weren't but yeah, just like enough to like our school was fine. Because by the time we took our walk, we took a walk in afternoon. Actually close to lunchtime. And the roads were already pretty good. Right. Still tons of snow like in the woods and stuff. And on the grass and everything. So those again, those like the back county roads, just disastrous probably. super wet snow too. So it would have been like real slippy. Oh, yeah. Yeah,

Collin  03:18

I was getting lots of views on Facebook because obviously, you know, we our business, we travel a lot to and fro.


And then the

Collin  03:29

photos coming out on Facebook. We're all sorts of crazy like, it just looks like a bomb went off in these areas with like cars strewn over

Brandon  03:36

the roads. It was it was really, really slick. Yeah, because it was so wet and like, started melting so fast. Like the snow that was around was just the slipperiest thing ever. Right? So that is that would be a problem. I could see as it was just like slush. Just yeah, everywhere. Like real bad. So yeah, traveling right. Kind of in that morning time would be.


That would be horrid. Yep. And of course, yeah,

Collin  04:11

it was it was because the road had been treated right. There was nothing. Yeah, that's what also made it real

Brandon  04:19

bad. Unfortunately. Didn't think about that part. Yeah, they didn't think it out. We

Collin  04:26

know. It's like, it's so so weird. So now interestingly, the day that South Missouri was getting all of that, that on that day, it was like 50 degrees of where we live. That's weird. And tomorrow, we're supposed to get snow and down south are supposed to rate. Yeah,


it's gonna be

Brandon  04:48

I'm like Flippity floppity.


Yeah. Not looking forward to that. Somebody have you already. So yeah, it's gonna be

Collin  04:59

an interesting time. Am I'm Oh man. Yeah,

Brandon  05:02

no. Get your mukluks and read go there because your your earflap hat. Alright, it's important it is that.

Collin  05:15

No, no, it hasn't earflap hat and is it's the perfect it's the perfect hat for him like it just he puts

Brandon  05:23

it really does suit quite quite perfectly. I would Yeah, I really. It is

Collin  05:28

just like, oh, no, that is you. That is that's that's you I understand. I understand all

Brandon  05:33

pulling together. Yeah, true. That's good. But he's a statement piece. That's important, right for your fashion, personal fashion accessories. Indeed. We have heard. I've heard that said. Some say? Yeah, I used to watch what not to wear with my wife. Boom. There's no deep cut. Very interesting show. Yes, That's putting it mildly. But I was still surprised that they, they went for 10 seasons. That was they went for a very long time. I mean, like we have, let's let's think about this. Like, there was a lot of shows at that time, that were like, Yo, you dress bad. Right? They're gonna help you. Right? Like there was a ton, right? Like, maybe not a ton, but it was also not an uncommon show premise. Like there was more than one. Which seems odd, right? Like there was a lot of dressing you shows because you dress bad.


And we're going to do

Brandon  06:43

we Yeah, like 90s movie fashion makeover.


But montage

Brandon  06:47

in the mid 2000s. Right. Is that wasn't?

Collin  06:50

Well, it's also this time where everybody was doing, you know, Ty was doing his house makeovers and like makeovers and like,

Brandon  06:57

makeovers in general. Yeah. Like real big. There

Collin  07:01

even some productions where they would come in. Do you remember the what what was it? Where they would come into? They would remake the whole town quote, unquote. Oh, yeah. Right. When


was that called? I don't know.

Brandon  07:15

I don't remember. I was trying to think of there's the show. The one of the earliest show that I remember that had this premise was the show. It's a rip of a British show, as most good American television shows are, right, it's a rip off of British TV. It's one where the the neighbors, like redo each other's house. Right? They've like pick a room. Remember this? Like, stay with like, switch houses? And like, they had like a designer person. Right? And they would like make over a room in their neighbor's house. Right. I don't know what that show was called. Ratings spaces. That That sounds right. That was a TLC channel. The Learning Channel had that kind of stuff on it. Not like weird reality TV show stuff. Like, yeah, training spaces. That was it was a British show first, and then TLC had that for a long time. Yeah, they can have your house. And they made all of your clothes. Clinton and Stacy were like, no, no, you're living here. Looks better now. But you still dress like trash. So we're gonna fix this.

Collin  08:25

What if we extended this deeper into your life? Yeah.

Brandon  08:29

Mortar. Yeah. And then I did the home makeover with that Thai guy. Extreme Home Makeover Dream Home Makeover from from accounts that I have heard that dude, kind of a jerk. I like to have our desk. Right. Yeah. Because I know like they came to this area and worked on some stuff. And like, I know people that like met him like kind of a prima donna. And like actually didn't do anything like sat in the trailer all day. And then like would come out and film his thing and then like, go back, or just leave

Collin  09:09

he came in after the after the tornado came through Disney.

Brandon  09:13

Did they also did the camp Barnabas.


Oh yeah.

Brandon  09:16

And a lot of people I know a lot of people that were they went over to help and they were like, oh, everyone was really nice. Except that Thai gay right. So again, I don't know I don't have information on Thai in current year right in 2024 don't have updated information this time like circa 2004 Not the greatest from what I hear right? So we can allow the people can change in 20 years right we can we're gonna allow that. For legal reasons right now. Don't sue us tie a please. But we

Collin  09:52

crazy. Hey, here's here's the crossover. Guess what show Ty Pennington first made his appearance on a As a carpenter,

Brandon  10:00

was it Trading Spaces?

Collin  10:01

It wasn't Fair Trading Spaces. Yes.

Brandon  10:03

And I've seen that that seems right to me out of all of the people on Trading Spaces. Right. I feel like the least memorable was tie. So like, I don't know how he got to be the Extreme Home Makeover guy. I have no idea because like a lot of the other designers were like, way cooler. And like they were more personable like that Genevieve lady and then there was like some other dude, that was like really cool. Like, they were like, kind of the thing, right? So I don't know how like, random guy though. They were like, Yo, bro, cut this two by four. He's like, Okay. How did that guy get the show? Like where did


yeah, he must

Collin  10:47

have really worked overtime for that. Really.

Brandon  10:50

They were like, bro, you're frosted tips make you perfect for a lead to 1000s television.

Collin  10:57

You're the you're the face that we've been in. Now. I will say you did have an early career in modeling. So this may have also played a role in the light of it. Right? Again, frosted tips go in. Okay, why don't you come in to be the face of this?


We'll try this. I

Brandon  11:10

mean, a lot. Who didn't have Friday prostitutes in 2004 Like I think it was like me. Possible you? I think that's it. I think everybody else like a lot of my friends, I

Collin  11:23

guess, but like a lot of people, a lot of people. It was a huge deal. We'll just say everybody did. We'll watch any

Brandon  11:29

for younger listeners out there. Who am I kidding? They're not there. But for anybody out there who has just watch any like 2004 Like music video, and you'll see barmac Like, oh my gosh, why? The back injuries are everywhere.

Collin  11:50

Yeah, let's see here. 2004 music video hits on MTV. Yeah,

Brandon  11:56

but yeah, TRL just watch the


T R L.

Brandon  12:02

the Carson have frost tips over we confirm this. Carson Daly.


Did you have prostitutes in 2004? Maybe, maybe? Here? I don't know. No, I

Collin  12:15

don't think Carson had prostitute he always had his hair has not changed

Brandon  12:18

since. Yeah, same. Same fair. All right. It's fair. No,

Collin  12:28

maybe no, no. It's like,

Brandon  12:30

and yeah, there's a guy. There's a guy on one of the one of these like, medicine commercials I think or something. There's some commercial on television I can't remember is now I think it's a medicine commercial. Because in the United States rest of the world. They're just every other commercial is for some like medicine. It's



Collin  12:55

On fact, sorry. All right. United States only country in the world where that's allowed.

Brandon  12:59

I know. And I know that I'm just making sure that other our European listeners are understanding my angst here. Okay. So for all of our German friends out there, right. Guten Tag, and also, you don't have this. So you've probably been like, what is he talking about? Right? What's going on? In America? Write tons and tons of like, every other commercial is literally for some like random drug that's like, ask your doctor about blah, blah, blah. Side effects include dying horribly, and like, yeah, choking hazard. Like what? Anyway, this very refreshing thing about when I went to Australia, and I was watching TV is like, Oh, Ah, yes. Beautiful. Anyway, Guy on one of those TV shows. And he looks like really familiar, right? And I was looking at kept every time it's commercial. I was like, Why? Why does this guy look like? Wire? Where do I know this guy from? And it's, it's not the guy, but it He looks just like one of the MTV VJs. Right like that Dave guy. And I was just like, Oh my God. That's what I finally figured out as he looks like the MTV guy. I googled it isn't the MTV guy, Dave or whatever. But he looks just like him. Right? And I was like,


Oh my gosh, what


the heck. It looks like he looks like Dave Holmes.

Brandon  14:26

His name. He looks like Dave Holmes. Right? Gosh. Yeah.

Collin  14:30

You said that you said that MTV Dave guy. And I was like,

Brandon  14:34

wait a minute is Dave Holmes, right? It looks like him. That's why it isn't him. But this commercial makes him I'm like, is that the Dave Holmes? And I don't think it is actually what he looks like. Oh, well, and so just tying it back to the MTV VJ going out here. Oh, he looks. He looks like Dave.

Collin  14:56

And I tell you I tell you what

Brandon  15:00

Are i?

Collin  15:02

Okay, so growing up every time you've watched the Super Bowl halftime show, it was always you know, most of the time it was performers that were you could tell who they were pandering to. I will say that yeah. This year's Super Bowl halftime show.

Brandon  15:21

I was like, You're always like, Man, this halftime shows for old people. Oh, you're like, oh, no, me. I am old people. Like,

Collin  15:28

oh, no, I did. I just wait. I had that moment where as as was unfolding, my brain of the little light came on. And I actually went, huh,

Brandon  15:37

that's awesome. Yeah. Oh, no. Oh, no ushers out here for me. And

Collin  15:44

there's luda and he's on here for me too. And

Brandon  15:47

I am party tonight is happy that Little John got to be it's Super Bowl Halftime Show, though. That feels right. It feels right. Right. Again, back to 2000 for the year of Little John. Okay. I know this is like this is like, like the NFL. 20 years too late being like acknowledging little John's importance in 2004. Right, like,


yes, yes. Yep.

Collin  16:14

I said, I said, I said, I am I'm turning down for you. That's that's who I am. i

Brandon  16:20

My ears hurt. I can't it's too loud. And I was

Collin  16:23

turning for what you asked. It's for you here I ever do, right?

Brandon  16:28

Yeah. Welcome. Yes. All those famous Atlanta rappers in the Kansas City, San Francisco. Halftime Show. Oh, oh, well, it's okay. It's okay. It's fine. It's fine. That's okay. Sure. You're still dancing, Gino. So there's that. He is indeed good. Yes. Yep.

Collin  16:50

Even on skates, which I was like, Wow,

Brandon  16:52

that sounds a bit shocking. Well, I actually watched was some other because I can't be bothered to watch professional football because it's gross. But did watch halftime show. And I do know that the Chiefs one and segue once again. Can we talk just for a second? Here's a statement piece and we're move on.


Chiefs fans are just like the most

Brandon  17:24

annoying people in the open. I can't even read cases you It's so bad. Right? It's weird. I think I've pinpointed why this is. Okay. This


is my hypothesis. Okay, hear me out.

Brandon  17:43

I think part of it is our geographical region. Right? So like, in certain areas, or if you live in like anywhere in Pennsylvania. You're an Eagles fan. There's no confrontation. You're just an Eagles fan. Right. If you live in Massachusetts, you're a Patriots fan. Right? I mean, when you live in Missouri,


is the battleground zone. Right? You've

Brandon  18:16

got like, there's a big chunk of people that are like Cowboys fans. Right? Got a lot of people that are like, from further north. So they're like, Green Bay or Minnesota fans, right? And then you have people that are like Kansas City.


So there's a lot

Brandon  18:31

of like, fighting, right. And the Kansas City Chiefs fans are always they're very defensive about the Kansas chiefs. Right? And they like arguing a lot. These argue, even if you don't care about football, they're like very vocally tell you that their chiefs fans, and you're like, I don't watch football. And then they'll tell you all the reasons that the chiefs are great. Like, I need you to stop. I thought I was avoiding this conversation. And here you are just


you just keep going.

Collin  19:04

This is what we're talking about now. Yeah. And I know part of this

Brandon  19:07

also comes from the fact that the previous to the last few years, the only Super Bowl that you'd want is in like 1962 or something right? 1960s At some point, so there's a long time of pent up frustration right now. Now they've won like two maybe I don't know, I don't football, but they've won some Super Bowls. And now they think they're just like the greatest like, Okay, you need to just can you stop, please?


Can you please stop?

Brandon  19:41

It's like right now, plus, plus, there's all these people that I know for a fact have only started watching football in the last like three years. And they're like telling me about like, how great the chiefs are like, Where were you in? 1995? Yeah, yeah, nowhere. That's where stop by So there are those people that are like I've been a cheese fan for forever. Forever means like two and a half months. Right? Because they're currently like winning and hot right? And like, Okay, I'm


it's just annoying me.

Brandon  20:12

Not every single cheese fan. Obviously, this is a blanket statement. It's a broad brushstroke. But I encountered many, many chiefs fans


are just,

Brandon  20:23

it's so annoying. Like, I don't know.


It starts with the

Collin  20:33

ah, when they go through the national anthem, and have you have you listened to what they do during that?

Brandon  20:41

I don't again, I do not watch football. I haven't watched football in years. I still though I learned during Super Bowl. For some reason defenses still think prevent defense is the way to go at the very end of the fourth quarter. Why? Why do you still do this? What is wrong with you? Why are you defensive coordinators getting paid millions of dollars, idiots, all of them? All of them stupid. Right? Like I know,


we'll just put all of our defense 25 yards away

Brandon  21:07

from the play. Nothing can go wrong. Yeah,

Collin  21:10

that way when the weather is good, this team who is obviously dominating us in the running game, and passing game will be fine. And we'll just be spread out across the field. I

Brandon  21:19

can rush the quarterback. I can rush the highly mobile Patrick mahomes


with two people. Yes. Yeah, it should be fine. What

Collin  21:27

are you doing anyway? Sorry. But during during the national anthem, and they did that this year, and I will say with brivo singing the national anthem. I was like, Okay, I tuned like this. This is nice. But it's Reba who does like Reba, how would you connect yet? Yeah. Anyway, so they, they did that

Brandon  21:41

for one chance and didn't let anyone down. Now she never


does. And

Collin  21:46

when they get to the end, the home of the brave. They all say in the home of the


crates on me. I

Brandon  21:56

don't know how they get that. I don't know how they don't get in trouble for this.

Collin  22:01

And you can hear it in across all the stadiums of everybody doing this. And I'm like that, like, look, we've booth, whatever you have, like, we're not talking about you right now. Like this is not about you, like we're talking about this anthem is for something else. Like do you get your own time?

Brandon  22:17

No, it's only for you. That's what these are the people that get really mad if somebody like doesn't sing along, or Neil's during the anthem. Oh, no, the nice people who desecrate the anthem by singing chiefs really loudly in every other

Collin  22:30

word. Get real mad. Oh, yeah, they get real. Oh, no. Oh, no. And so and again, this is this stems from ego, right? Look, I can appreciate athleticism and professionalism and elite playing of all times, but like my goodness, fans just can be so awful. Awful. But I seem to

Brandon  22:54

remember I might be making this up. Right. So I need the Internet to correct me. This is what you do. All right. If I wanted the truth, I just say a statement on the internet. Someone will tell me I'm wrong. I feel like at one point in the history, maybe the 90s Maybe the Atlanta Braves got in, like asked to stop doing a similar thing, because they would sing in the land of the free and the home of the Braves.


Oh right.

Brandon  23:19

I think I think the net like the base like MLB was like, Can you can you not do that?


Let's not do that anymore. That's not cool. Don't do that.

Brandon  23:30

I couldn't be imagining this. Right. I may be blowing this out of proportion in my mind. But I feel like that's the thing that happened for real Atlantic people. Luda, luda tweet, so tell me if this really Yes, well, probably not going to. We can we are on the phone. It's fine. But right. So yes, but yes, that's that's yeah, that is my piece about that. Right and to say, I didn't watch a roll. Watcher. Cheese fans annoyed me. Although I will say serious note. Series no time. Even though T fans annoying me. Right. They do not deserve to be shot at doing their parade. Right? Because Oh, good segue there. Want to say? Just want to say rally chiefs fans now? Not really. But I denounce anybody who is going to be shooting at parades at children. Scumbag, your scumbag Ergo as my hot take today. If you shoot guns at people while they're parading, you're a scumbag. I'm sorry, internet, but that's just the truth. I don't move on a hot take for the day a hot

Collin  24:52

take on that. Yeah, we we actually know a lot of people who were at that and

Brandon  24:59

now One of my students was there. Ah, yeah. So I'm extra salty about

Collin  25:05

well, and I was the one of the gentlemen who was there. He is actually retired State Trooper, he just retired this year. And he was kind of around that area. It was administering CPR and first aid to people. And it's yeah, it's absolutely horrendous and terrible. And I'm, hopefully your students made it back safe. Because that's Yeah,

Brandon  25:25

yeah, they did. But then yes, still, so we'll we'll stand in solidarity with cheese fans that were at the parade. Only you?


Didn't those people are? No good.

Brandon  25:42

Boo, boo.


Yes. Yeah. So they

Brandon  25:48

felt like I need to say that because current events with me ragging on cheese fans. I just wanted to put it out. I'm sure not not that much. I just want to walk away. I want you guys


I, I reached

Collin  26:06

out for that I rediscovered something. And I want to see if you have the same memories of this thing as I do. Oh, okay. This is what we do. I was looking at my bookshelf, and I was looking at things. And I realized that I had this book that I bought, because I saw it on a TV program.



Brandon  26:30

it ties book. No, it's not. Okay. No, it

Collin  26:34

was it was always used in a very interesting manner to do. Like they had a specific question that would go to this. I think even one of them carried it in their pocket to do stuff. Anyway, I am in fact talking about Thomas J. Glover's pocket Reference Guide.

Brandon  26:50

The little bow Oh, so you've been watching the Mythbusters.

Collin  26:56

Okay, got it. But I rediscovered that I have this. I have I remember that. You had that? Yes. Yeah, I have. I have the I realized that because they they update. It's only on its third edition since 1989. Okay, so I already work right there. Right that stuff. But they do. But I have the I have the third edition. But the 23rd printing?

Brandon  27:19


Collin  27:22

they update these things like crazy.

Brandon  27:25

It's, I mean, if you have a pocket reference guide, you do need the up to date. Yes, right. I still printing these? Is it saying that you need to print? They are up

Collin  27:38

to the fourth edition now? Oh, yes. Yes, you go to Sequoia You can get this is what I love this. You can get the pocket reference. You can get the Handyman in your pocket. Or if you're for if you're really trying to go for broke, you get the desk reference. And it is both of those books combine

Brandon  27:59

that desk reference. This, this is what I'm talking about. This is a much more efficient thing than the encyclopedias that we talked about. Because you can buy this on Amazon right now for like 25 bucks the desk reference, right, like, only slightly used for like, no Pocket Edition, right? This pocket reference edition $12. Yeah, that's way better than the 900 for the encyclopedia.


Yeah. And you may be asking,

Collin  28:32

well, if it's pocket, it can't possibly cover all the topics that you need. No, no, my friends. Here's the last sprint. Here's the Table of Contents.

Brandon  28:39

Are we ready for like gencos pocket. That's what we're

Collin  28:43

not in. It's not a thin book, but it can fit in a pocket, maybe 1990s baggage. Okay, so you start with page six is the trade names trademarks and references. Then page seven, you move straight into air and gases, then automotive. We're not done yet. Carpentry and construction. On page 109. We're at chemistry and physics, then computers. And then we talked about the constants are the physical and chemical math. Then we move into electrical wiring motors and frames of electronics. There's a first aid here on page 209. The general information I haven't even gotten through all of that thing, but there's just general information, general science, geology, then there's a whole section dedicated to Blue solvents, paints and finishes. And there's hardware math. I love this as the one that I spent a lot of time on page 487 starts with the mine


mill and aggregate

Brandon  29:42

force. Everyone thinks that well

Collin  29:44

I'll get back to that. But anyway, there's money there's plumbing and pipe rope cable chain in knots because you always need more rope than steel and metals. Again, second reference for that surveying and mapping. Also fun tools. I love paid 617 starts with water you Yes water and you're wondering what rods have it that goes from page 617 to 638. Okay, there's 20 pages on water. Then there's weather and safety tips, weights and properties and materials, welding. Then there's conversion tables, they give you a 14 year perpetual calendar and then there's an index.


I think I need to buy one of these for my classroom.

Collin  30:23

You definitely need to use this thing.

Brandon  30:25

I just put this on my shelf and just be like, Yo, kids here. Again, these other books like when we say pockets, listeners, if you ever seen like those pocket this field guide books? Oh, yeah, right. That's what they're that's kind of the size. We're talking about. Only like an inch thick. Yeah, it's like, technically a pocket. Oh, like

Collin  30:45

it was torture pockets. And this isn't as though they gloss over stuff. There is. Oh, no, hurry about page 407. I am on the clamping force in standard dry torque table for the course. inch threaded carbon steel bolts. I can give you the torque. The what is that the torque force here for different bolt sizes out of this, which is why this was on Mythbusters. Yeah.

Brandon  31:16

Yeah, you know what I needed this.



Collin  31:19

this thing. It's just a word of beauty. It's so wonderful tools

Brandon  31:25

would have come in handy in science the other day pH of common acids and bases, that would have been real helpful to talk about right? We needed that. Yeah, talking about was hard to explain chemistry to sixth graders, right? We have to flip tricky.

Collin  31:38

In the same book, you can flip back a few pages. And if you've ever seen all those patches on military uniforms, they have a whole pages that describe what each one of those are and why they're there. Like, what I didn't know the difference between a First Sergeant and a sergeant major and what the patch difference differentiation between those, but I do now. Like this is it's so wonderful, and in the world of Wikipedia, and like Googling and stuff like to have this thing. Oh, it just makes me so happy that this is still around. It's being printed. It makes it anyway.

Brandon  32:13

It's a wonderful desk reference is listeners case you're interested. If you're curious about what Colin was talking about, here's your dimensions for your desk. Right? The six by nine inches. 12 180 Page? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's for all for literally $25 I really don't know, how is there a better value? Anywhere? The dollar? Like I feel like, like, this is like, cents on the page of like, infinite usefulness? Well, right. I can make this just,

Collin  32:59

I can make it more more more, more enticing to you. They have bulk discounts. I

Brandon  33:04

saw that right.


Do you want to order 500?

Collin  33:11

No, no, unfortunately, Brian, I'm sorry. Unfortunately, the bulk discount ends at 23 2399. After that, no more discounts they go back to

Brandon  33:23

they actually have ordering. Who is ordering 2300? Why is that? Even a number that you would even consider buying? Of this like super Dan's reference book will work. Unless

Collin  33:42

for like, unless I can't even imagine because that's this is I'm sure if you're like Barnes and Noble, you're not buying through the website. So like, like, who is unless it's like, like trade schools, I guess may give these out to students.


But like, what?

Collin  34:01

They love how it's 2399 After that number.


Yes. Sorry, guys.

Brandon  34:08

Do you want 2400? Sorry, full price on the last one. Can't do any better? Oh, it's really I don't know what I cannot figure out what you need with 2300 of these books. Right? Like it's, I don't know, is it


astronomical number.

Collin  34:31

But this definitely when I again because I was cleaning stuff out and I had this tucked away up on top of the shelf and I have now moved it back to its proper state prominence on the desk on the desk because I used to have a kind of more of an antique writing desk or that the secretary's desk and I had my pocket reference book next to my pocket dictionary, which was next to my pocket the source which was next to my French dictionary, and they were all like roughly the same sizes, and they just sat all right next to one another. And I'm like Hayes That's what I need. That's what I need. Yes.

Brandon  35:05

Okay, I'm gonna send you this. I think this is good. I'm gonna send you auto suck. My, oh,

Collin  35:16

my computer's not happy right now I'm gonna have to stand. Oh, now I was making me angry. I'm going to send you this photo that I got from their website from their website that shows how not pocket this is. It's, it's it's fantastic, but I'm like, I think I think everybody should like this. Don't buy an encyclopedia set just get your kids know like

Brandon  35:42

Yeah, you think this this is better anyway, this is way better. I'm going to send you this this is um this is the what they have

Collin  35:52

on their website to show that it is a pocket Reference Guide let me

Brandon  35:57

know. Oh, no, here it is. Let's


let's see

Brandon  36:04

that's a big pocket. I'm not gonna lie. That is a carpet your pants pockets. Okay, that's a bit our heart

Collin  36:11

pant pocket here. And they haven't even shoved it all the way down. They've just like, tucked it in right in the top corner and it's sticking out. I

Brandon  36:20

think as you can see jaunty angle, does it you know, for the advertising. It's bad advertising. Puts it all the way in there. You can see it like

Collin  36:29

it doesn't make one confident in the pocket. Playing share. That's true, saying

Brandon  36:37

yes, you definitely can't sit down with in your pocket or ask him to be real and compromise to be big George Costanza moment for you right there like, Oh, right. He's gonna be all out of whack. anything's gonna be all out of whack. You have to go to the chiropractor. Right? Like,


what did you do? sat on the pocket Reference Guide.

Brandon  36:53

Right? Like, oh, no, your vertebrae? Blonde. Exactly. Yeah, our chiropractor to get you?


Yeah. Yeah. Nice. Sorry,

Collin  37:03

doctor. I, I started to carry his pocket Reference Guide.



Collin  37:08

put it in your backpack. Backpack anyway, I, it didn't help me thinking of. On their website, they claimed that it says pocket ref continues to be the world's number one pocket reference. And I wanted to know, who are the competitors? Is

Brandon  37:26

there? I mean, if there is not another one, it is automatically the world's number one by reference. I mean, when you google pocket reference, it's the only thing that comes up. That's got that's got to be something. Right. Let's see. I just Googled pocket reference book. Boom, there it is. Right there. That's it. Nothing else.


Only. Oh, look.

Brandon  37:57

97% of Google users like


this book, by the way. Yes. That's right. There's all kinds of things here.

Brandon  38:08

Is it there is no other pocket.

Collin  38:13

It's crazy. Yeah. And even on a Reddit, I had like, looked through a Reddit thread did some research on this. It's like throwing a Reddit Reddit thread if somebody was like, anyone have any alternatives for this? And people were like, No. And the reason was it because it wasn't available in the country where the person was. So like, everyone was coming together and was like, I'll just mail you a copy. Tell me

Brandon  38:35

what to say. That sounds like a very rare thing to do is like browse moutier Dme like,

Collin  38:40

I mean, I mean, another thing that Reddit does is it quickly devolves into like some like, like, terrible, terrible thing. So I was like, Oh, that's true community coming together. Wonderful. Yay.

Brandon  38:50

How can people that are invested in pocket reference guides be How is that community can be toxic? I know. Like they're all coming together around a book literally designed to help you in any situation. Fight.


One good read, it's

Collin  39:08

no reason you should not be helped by this. Yeah, they're just like, Yeah, well, gotcha.


We'll do that.

Brandon  39:15

Oh, it's so sweet. I feel like that's just that has to be the helpful one. Right? Like what else could it be?


So yeah, I just

Collin  39:30

gave it delighted me to no end trying this. And then I remembered of all the MythBusters shows were like, I think, I think only a couple times like, I think towards the end. I don't remember I just don't remember where I think they'd show it. Show it every now and then. Like, let's we gotta look this up. But then other times, you could just see them like in the back like flipping through this and had pages bookmarked and all sorts of stuff. And


yeah, yeah, anyway,

Brandon  40:00

There are a few times when Adam like, highlighted it, like, you know, he like specifically by name. It's like, well, I'm going to use this plan but other times he would just be like reading the book, but you're like, Well, I I saw it before so I know if he's like something through this like, you know certain size black book, I know what that is right that has to be That's true. I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to see if I can invest in with these from my room. I think I think my I think a sixth grade science classroom is the perfect place for one of these to exist. absolutely have to get on that. Yeah, yeah, I could still remember the area I bought this from. Yeah, I was like, when did they? Oh, it's 2008. It was a Oh, okay. That's great. Ah, nice. Okay, nice. That was Lester territory. Oh, man. Makes me happy. I'd love things like this. I'd love I love the physicality of that stuff. Oh, yeah. Like, like,


it just was handy. Right?

Brandon  41:17

You had to worry about your Wi Fi working. Right. It's like much faster, sometimes like to be like, oh, I need this one thing. Exactly. Blam. Okay, got it. Like, there is a certain, like, efficiency of reference books. Oh, right. Yeah, it's just like, you have to wade through like, search results or like, things with similar titles that are like a news article or like stuff you don't want, right? It's not you're like, if you're looking for a thing. And you have a book about that thing? It's, it's so much faster. Right? Than just black. Done. There it is. I found the thing. Have it? Pow.


Yes. Right. Also,

Brandon  42:03

the reference book is designed


in a manner that, like,

Brandon  42:11

when you're searching for that, like data point, like it's designed to show you the data point, right? Is it though a website Google, right? For all of you who may be unfamiliar, right, Google, all Google ads is a search engine that is looking for that word? In a list of websites whenever you search, right? So like, yeah, you sometimes you can't find things. Because like, it's hard to find what you actually want because it's like buried in some like website and you have to go like trolling through like eight things and trying to find the thing you want, right? You've like read a whole bunch stuff. And we're just fine. If you're like doing like certain research things, like that's what you want to do. But if you just need a piece of information, sometimes googling it just like is difficult. Well,

Collin  43:01

and I will also say that the physical, the physicality of the reference books, for me, helps keep me a focus and be also like, I can't squirrel away. Whenever I'm on the like, if I'm on the internet, and I'm googling and then all sudden, like I'm in a rabbit trail, and then I wake up from a fugue state five hours later, and I'm like, Wait, what am I what am I doing? Exactly like wiping myself off of like, what happened?


I am I why am I listening to Northern Macedonia folk music what is going on? I don't know. Exactly.

Collin  43:34

I can't try Xavi. I cannot connect the dots again. Just like whatever

Brandon  43:39

I did. Maybe once I was watching northern Macedonia folk music on YouTube. I don't Don't ask me how I got there. But I was there. It was weird. I don't know, shout out northern Macedonia.

Collin  43:55

It's just, it's just real nice to have like, you know, like, oh, well, let's go learn about insects. And out here. I've got a book on insects. And here's a bit about that. So like, here's a dictionary, like that's what we're going to do and I don't know, it just makes me happy. So I recommend that and then I also read digital books a lot to like, I've got a little e reader over here but it's also a unit Tasker because I get again see aforementioned this guy being distracted. So it's like, but there are times where it's it's just like no, I just I just want to sit down with a reference book or with this rapid you know, thing. I just want I really just need a focus


given me

Brandon  44:36

I just had like a flashback to high school having to write those big research papers, right. And, again, listeners because it is me I am the old one now. Asher was there for me. In high school, I was only allowed to use like two internet sources for my research papers. All of the rest of them had to be put And so like I have these memories of being in the library, do you ever wondered why, like, why are these library tables so big, it's because I had like nine books open at a time. I was like, I have this memory of like sitting at a table. And I have like, something like, six, maybe seven or nine, but like six reference books, sort of like opened with like, post it notes stuck in pages, and I had like my note cards, like kind of scattered out, like, you know, because you used to have to write, I used to have to write every source on an individual note card, right? And then like, the information that I was going to use, like the information from that book, or like the quote from that, or whatever, like one per note card. So the front of the note card was the information in the back was the citation, right? Just a bear, try remember how to do that. And so I just had, like, stacks of no cards next to these books, and there was all everywhere. But it was interesting. So this is an interesting process to have to do. Because, right, so that was the research part, I had all these books. I'm thumbing through the books. And again, it looks like you're reading a lot, but you're only reading like, the relevant section of the reference book. Yeah. So you like you look real cool. But you're only reading like three pages for each book, right? Anyway, anyway. Like, you're doing that. And so there's this really interesting process that happened when you do this. Because whenever I was writing my paper, right, I literally just like, put my note cards in the order that I needed them for the paper, and then like, laid them on the floor, next to my desk. And then like, that tie wrote the paper.

Collin  46:56

Well, yeah, it

Brandon  46:58

was like, you can like see, I mean, I always lay on the floor, sometimes just keeping a pile, right? And you're like, Okay, it's like playing cards, right? You have your pile, and you do the one, and then you set it next to it. And you do the next one, and you can, but I organized my paper, I just put the note cards in order of how I wanted them, how my paragraphs are going to be structured. And then just sort of typed around them, because I had my quotes and my information that I was gonna stick in there, you know, according to blah, blah, blah, like, blah, you know, and then you stop in there. And then all of a sudden, you have like, 12 pages of paper, and you're like, ah, what happened?


Yeah. It's,

Collin  47:40

it's, it's really nice to when you can see that, like, it's very visual flow of information, like when you kind of get around that, like, it does help. Because then there's when you're staring at it, it's, it's easier for me than to like build something out of a blank page, because now it's like, but I am like, with the cards, it's like, no, I am placing stuff there. Look here, here it is. That's where that is. This is how it works. It's very, again, it's a very physical way of working with information and data.

Brandon  48:11

Yeah, and it's interesting, because you can kind of like, you can kind of like lay your note cards out and kind of look at it. And then you can like,


when you if you're while you're

Brandon  48:23

planning, right, because this is what I did. I was like, I was thinking about it. You're like you're physically moving the car to a new spot. Yeah, kind of looking at it and going, well, that's better. I like this. Yes. Like I can, this makes more sense. It makes more sense to put it here. Right? It makes more sense to do this in like, that's how you can lay it out. So it's like this very interesting thing that like, I don't know if that happens anymore. Right? Again, hello. The old one is me. Like that's a real interesting thing, like, a way to, like, physically organize information that I don't know, if people utilize I mean, some people utilize them in a similar way. Because I've seen like, people that do like video essay things like I've seen those like, weird pinboard things that you can make on those websites, websites, they look kind of like a Prezi but it's not a Prezi it's like something else it looks like when you zoom out on it. It looks like that meme of the dude that's like connecting all the string to everything. Right? You look like you're inside like John Nash's garage. Oh, gotcha. It's everywhere. But um, so that you can there's sort of things that do that, but like, that was basically me with no cars. Just like throwing them on the floor, moving them around there. You know, this is a really interesting, interesting way to organize things like that, right? This is just a way to do it. Give it a shot listeners. If you're trying to organize things. Try no cards, right? No cards for the win. I believe this is how Vladimir Nabokov wrote balefire I think he wrote ideas and things on note cards. Oh, and then when he was like rewriting it, he was just like moving them around in his hand. He was like reading through it and being like, nope. Prep, and then just moving it to new spot. Oh, interesting. I believe that that's true. I think I read that somewhere. Like outline holding a note cards, and then like, had him in his hand and was like reading through the poem or whatever. Like, yeah, it's like writing pieces of his poem on note cards, and then trying to figure out the best order to put them in. I have a stack here that has that fully work working now. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, that was decorative. Elements, my desk at work, I use it for random things, but should incorporate this somehow. Think about this brainstorm. Using note cards more,

Collin  51:04

how do I make work?



Collin  51:13

And again, it's for different I understand people have different


needs and requirements.

Collin  51:18

And it works for different ways people's brains are wired, right. But it's like, it's one of the downfalls of moving away from that that physicality of like people who have that tactile sense, like, I know, like, no one has that like, hardcore, like, he's a very tactile person. And, and keeping him engaged with information, like is, is a lot easier when he can like, we can hold it instead of just trying to, like, poke at it. So anyway, it's all that makes sense.


Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  51:50

Well, and the downfall of like, not doing it in like a learning environment. Is that like, maybe that is the thing that would help you. But you never get a chance to try it? Sure.


I mean,

Brandon  52:06

I think that's one of the benefits of, like, doing certain things in school, like, you know, one of the reasons when people I was like, Well, why are we doing this, like, well, you know, part of these things like may be good for you, or may not matter. Like, the secondary lesson here is like, maybe it's not good for you, but somebody else is gonna be like, Ah, yes, this is the thing I need to do. Like we talked about, like taking notes or whatever, some people take notes certain way other people do it another way other people do another way, right? Like, kind of have to find the way that works for you. To organize all your stuff, right? It doesn't have to be like somebody else. No, that doesn't matter. Okay. Because you have to be ordered. So you can find yourself. Yeah, yes, that's


Yes, please. Well, I have a trigger. That's fine. I've done Oh,

Collin  53:00

no, he said, like fighting, having something organized, or when, like, when you leave, like when you're not there for this for somebody else. I was talking with a friend who is he just got a different job. And I was asking him well, so tell me about your, your off your, your onboarding process, like from your current one, because he's a an engineer and manufacturing plant here. And so I was anticipating him to say like, Well, I had to submit a documentation of where all the projects were on the project files. And here was, you know, here's where I put it all. He was basically like, no, they just kind of asked me to hand them the computer. And so I did. Like, what, are you kidding me? When I had all of like, when I left my job with the with the department, it was like, I had to sit down with my supervisor and like, go file by file, and like, write out a text document of like, in this folder, you will find this stuff. Or like you, oh, it was, which, which was something that my master's advisor had taught me to do of like, Look, if you have folder structures, you should have a txt file. It is a dot txt file that just says it's a readme file. And when you open up the folder, you should have that should be your your top file. And that you click on that, that should describe everything in that folder.


Oops, so that oh,

Collin  54:30

yeah, no, it's real bad. I don't do that at all. But like, they were wanting me to basically redo that kind of thing whenever I left and I was like, this is a bit much

Brandon  54:41

to know, just like, open the file, right? You know, you tried clicking the button layout, maybe you could do that. You could. So anyway, it just made me it made

Collin  54:56

me laugh because I was like, Oh my gosh, like here. Here I was with like, you know, I as biologists, they're like, We need to go through file by file and know where these are and what the folder is like, I had to give them folder, file paths to certain named

Brandon  55:09

them things that are good, right? Like, I didn't name it, like, file seven. Come on.


I know I

Collin  55:19

do just so anyway, so I was like I was I was that angered greatly. So


the jealousy burning white hot


deeply anyway

Collin  55:50

any other adventures you've had? Well, I

Brandon  55:53

have a couple of things that I noted down here that I I actually wrote things down that I thought about this week again, so that I wouldn't forget them. Because a lot of times what happens is I get here and I'm like, oh, yeah, we're gonna talk about that. And then we get here. And then you asked me, then I go all the time? No, nothing. Literally, I forgot about it. Right. Yeah. So I want to talk briefly. This is just a thought that I had. And I want your opinion on this. Okay. Right.


I believe that we're surrounded by this cult, right? In this call.

Brandon  56:32

When they talk about their thing, they always they try really hard to convert you. Right? I'm of course talking about people with air fryers. Right. And these


is there another object

Brandon  56:52

currently, that people so vehemently love, that they will like, try to convert you because anytime someone mentions the air fryer, the person who brings it up? The first question they ask you, they're like proselytizing. The airfryer. Right. They're like, you have it in front. Right, right, chicken airfryer I think you'd really like it. Right? And then they like go into all these anecdotes about how they use their airfryer and how wonderful it is. And like, how much joy it brings to their life. And you're just like, oh, are these airfryer a cult? What is happening right now is

Collin  57:32

they do have that story arc of like, before I found airfryer my life was just


like an infomercial. I had to heat up the leftover food in a microwave. Oh, then I saw like, Oh,

Brandon  57:55

I just this is the thighs. What are your thoughts of this? Because I this week I had happen to be like, twice. Like somebody brought up airfryer to be like, twice I was like, what is happening? Why? And they always say that. Do you have an airfryer? Are you like, even if it's somebody you've already said no to they'll like did you buy one since last time we spoke? Why did you not rush out and purchase an air for

Collin  58:18

a reason you don't love me? Believe Shawn the non believer believe

Brandon  58:25

in their frying? I don't know. It's even so insane. Like, I was talking to somebody and they were like, oh, yeah, I was in the front is gone. It's gone too far. Okay. They were like, Oh, I bought I bought a bag of vegetables specifically for the fryer. And I was like, Bro, that's just vegetables. What are you doing? You got got? They got you. They're bringing you up to the next level. Right? This is your ascending in rank in the airfryer

Collin  58:58

I understand. Some comp you're telling me some company is now marketing. Vegetables from like a bag or something like that? Yeah, better. More. Yeah, fryers there. pacifically. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

Brandon  59:15

Yeah, totally couldn't just microwave these by the way. Different bag that they're selling. Right? It's like, like my guy. You could have just bought like asparagus and then throw it in the air fryer. You didn't even pay the three extra dollars to know the special airfryer asparagus like what? First of all asparagus gross. Anyway, why are you eating that? But second of all, you don't need to be like you could just get some burgers and use it was some olive oil be like Boom. Done?


Well, especially in

Collin  59:54

one of the selling points of airfryer is that you can do like You can put anything in it. Right? Isn't that one of their like? Yeah, it doesn't matter is their stick? Yeah, stick tastic for sure. Yeah.

Brandon  1:00:08

And using more Yiddish in my life, it's their stick.

Collin  1:00:12

As as one should.

Brandon  1:00:17

Right? Like, I don't know, it feels like sometimes the things that people bring out to me, right? When they're like, I don't know, maybe it's because I'm on Team fat. Okay. And if I order food somewhere, I'm eating it. I know who has all these leftovers? I don't know who these people are. But like, people like oh, yeah, you can really heat up leftover french fries. Who has leftover french fries? Yeah, me. Right, those suckers first. I'm not

Collin  1:00:48

a franchise. As a society agreed. We

Brandon  1:00:51

eat those first, right? Yeah. Yeah. Why you? Like not in your fries, bro.


What are you doing? Like why? You have is this a cry for help? Yeah, I think so. I think it is. It did eat your french fries. Does he have a french fries? No. Oh, right. I like,

Brandon  1:01:14

again, you know, again, a team fat.


So they're like, oh, yeah,

Brandon  1:01:17

I hate on my leftover pizza in that.


What's leftover pizza? Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. Right? I have. Yeah. Somebody

Collin  1:01:27

told me they heated up their leftover chicken strips. Like what's you get like for those? What do you mean leftovers? How are you eating a chicken and half your fries. But you have to heat up later. What is this? How do you? That's, that doesn't that's not real. That's I think I just I think what they've convinced themselves is that oh, like, I think because they have an airfryer I think they're fighting, trying to find more uses for the airfryer things. So oh, I'll just air fry it later. But Aaron president now but really, they're like, yeah, they actually are really hungry. But they're just like, No, no, I will just wait till later. Like,

Brandon  1:02:17

yeah, like bought this thing. And they're like, oh, man, I need to use it more. What can I do with all reheat my french fries by just eat him now just eat french fries now. Okay, I promise you, even if they're like, passable, and therefore, they're not better than when you just ordered them. Right there. If you or if your french fries are bad now, they won't be better later. Okay, that's just kind of like the law of French fries. Like it doesn't matter what you do them?


Not better. Okay, not? No.

Collin  1:02:52

I'm reading it. I have an article here from Yahoo lifestyle by the Australian Yahoo lifestyle. So you know,

Brandon  1:02:59

it's right. Very good here. These are the eight things most

Collin  1:03:04

cults have in common and I think we need I

Brandon  1:03:09

mean, who's gonna know more about cults in like, the Australian Outback has to be like, they have to have Oh,

Collin  1:03:14

cults, right? Oh, absolutely.

Brandon  1:03:16

Let's see. airfryer


qualifies. Okay,

Collin  1:03:19

so the first one, the leader is a very big deal. Now, I don't know who the inventor of the airfryer was.

Brandon  1:03:28

But we could just like, oh, let's look. Oh, I don't know. I've never seen it here. Anybody that

Collin  1:03:33

can name drop. airfryer. Probably because he's from the John airfryer. And you can't pronounce his name.

Brandon  1:03:41

That would be part of it. Yeah. Fred, vendor vrij W E ij. And what's that from another vendor? V. Yeah. And I Oh, yeah, that's hard. Yeah, we have no he said wha anyway, so maybe this time, but the leader in this case is just the airfryer right. That's what I'm the air Firebrand.

Collin  1:04:11

I think the tail term the technology of airfryer has supplanted the inventor and this because he invented the technique, but doesn't have like his own style or brand. I don't think yeah, no, I

Brandon  1:04:25

think so. I think this airfryer brand. I feel like that. The idea? Yes. Is the is the thing. Okay, so boom, we got one clip.

Collin  1:04:34

Okay, uh, followers don't get to make all of their own decisions. And I think that that's exactly what we were talking about the French fry thing with the French fry thing. Yeah, I think that they have convinced that the airfryer has convinced them to not eat at all now, because then you can use me later.

Brandon  1:04:51

Yeah, cuz sometimes you already you have an oven already. Oh, yeah. Right. And you have a microwave probably So I see you may even have like a toaster. Right? But the airfryer calls to them says, use me for I am the way. I think that's because I think that I will count that one too. Okay. Okay,

Collin  1:05:14

that was the next one. Next one. Enlightenment is expensive. We've already talked about this. Especially.


Oh my gosh oh my gosh

Collin  1:05:31

it's already airfryer asparagus, the upselling upselling the upselling of


our higher cloud. Uh huh guys.

Collin  1:05:44

Then there's the, the us versus them mentality.


The microwave people? Yes, yeah. Ah,

Collin  1:05:52

this is it a cult. It'll be a definite and succinct separation of physically, culturally or philosophically from the outside world. And I feel like that's true. Oh, yeah. They have the physical manifestation they have their physical. A shrine of their counterspace dedicated to it.

Brandon  1:06:10

Because you know, people with airfryer don't keep it in a cabinet. That's, that's just facts. Yeah, it says that all the time.

Collin  1:06:17

You must, must display it so that you can you can see, so that you can display also your superiority to everyone who arrives in your home, or to signal those who are also within the cult that you are one of them. Yeah, they can't complete a conversation without talking up in the air fryer, but just in case they forgot. They'll at least see it sitting on the counter

Brandon  1:06:37

space when they go when they go into your kitchen to refill their water. Right. And then they'll just see it be like, ah, do you have any? Okay, it's like a signal. Right. Okay, gotcha. Okay. I'm in the right place. Yeah, nice. Okay. All right, man. Yeah, we are really.

Collin  1:06:57

So a few more than we have. It's a good place to be right. Because the nobody joins a call and says the the group ID being a part of it. What makes them feel better, right with a promise for a better life?

Brandon  1:07:09

I think and that's why all those like Pinterest boards have air for like the air fryer recipes and like bigger frog guides and so I feel like that is what that's like the community like the place to be right I feel like they get that there.


Yep. Yeah, check. Coupled

Collin  1:07:24

coupled with this is the leave at your own risk of the leaving the cult will make your life worse, and something may happen to you. Right? You may not be as healthy you won't be able to enjoy those fries. People will ostracize you you know, the inconvenience being there

Brandon  1:07:43

ostracize you. That's true. Right? That's

Collin  1:07:51

then the the everything else is fake news. Right of the No, our truth is the only way.


Yes, like,

Brandon  1:08:00

well, what but I have a toaster oven. No, no, no, bro. That's not the same. It's not It's totally different. Right? That's, that's not as good. But I have just a real oven. No, no, no. Why would you do that? I want to use a real oven. And like one way to it. Yep.

Collin  1:08:19

Or that? It's really not all that healthier. You know? You can't convince them otherwise.


Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  1:08:28

Put six tablespoons of butter in there. When you airfreight. It is not better. Okay. Like,

Collin  1:08:32

I couldn't taste the air. And then this one, look, I can't look, we have seven out of eight. So what I'm saying right now is, is we may need to have do some digging for this. I haven't heard of any news reports of this. But typically cults don't pop up on the news for these kind of things. The last one is is harm to members. So

Brandon  1:08:57

okay, well, I mean, that is okay. That is usually the thing that makes cold show up on the news. Yes. It's when they get to that. It's like Heaven's Gate.


Yeah, that's like, Huh.

Collin  1:09:07

Okay. What, okay, but I will also say that it's not just physical harm. It could be psychological

Brandon  1:09:16

as true. It could be emotional damage. Yes. The rift between family writing don't have us your family doesn't have the airfryer. Right. And then they're like, they push you out of your life because you're too involved with air frying. And like, you won't come to Thanksgiving, because you can't you can't cook Turkey in the air fryer. Yes, I can't accept that. Right. Okay, so we're borderline on that one. Before we rely

Collin  1:09:44

on that one. All I'm saying is though, we don't know how underground it is right now. That's


true. That's true.

Brandon  1:09:50

Might not have 60 minutes datelined. Listen, Ted Koppel. Right, Dan, rather. Are you at it? Rado, Where is Waldo Waldo needs a redemption arc here has gone off the deep end a little bit. That Al Capone's vault thing really? Damon and he's just gone downhill ever since. But that was that was that was the problem, baby. Me.


Anyway, but yes,

Collin  1:10:20

I think we start submitting this to a

Brandon  1:10:24

yes watch groups right around here a little bit worried. A little bit worried. Yeah. Yeah I feel like I feel like we hit some Yeah, I think if we hit seven out of eight boxes so far I think that's because sign design day. Okay, we're here to help you. Alright, we are escaping. Escaping airfryer Okay, we're here

Collin  1:10:58

online if we people

Brandon  1:11:00

that we have an email address, okay, email us at the show. Okay, you can DMS, like Instagram or whatever, right?

Collin  1:11:06

Have we ever saved up? Yeah, yeah, we

Brandon  1:11:08

will help you. Okay. We have. We have toasters, I will get you some grease. All right, we can have like microwave pizza together. Right? We can. We're here to help you. If you want to escape the cult of airframe. Okay, we are your first step. We are your outreach. We're here for you to support you. All right. We'll sit we're going to work this out. Okay. So reach out to us. Let us know.

Collin  1:11:49

And that's, you know, that's the kind of help that's, I think, I think this is gonna help a lot of people. So I think we're here. Okay, finally, Ali. This is so good. Having to do


I love it.

Brandon  1:12:11

Here's a real first T shirt, right. Oh, wait, we said stickers. Sticker. Paper fryer. Okay. Yeah, escape airframe. I like it. Good. Project Project. Yeah, project here. Fry. Project escape. Right. Right. And I think we're we're we're trying to name a little bit. All right. But I feel like we're on the right track here. Yep. I'm mostly

Collin  1:12:37

happy with myself that I spelled the word proselytizing correctly

Brandon  1:12:43

the first time. Oh, wow. That is pretty good. That's a good yeah. That's a hard one.

Collin  1:12:46

My my exhausted brain is just in the flow state right now.

Brandon  1:12:52

In zone Yeah.

Collin  1:12:57

Oh, really? Well, I don't I don't know how I could top that. With. With a haiku at all this. You had something else you want to share? Oh, no. I think that's it. I

Brandon  1:13:08

think we're I don't think we need that. Firm. Boom for today. Okay.

Collin  1:13:14

Okay. Well, I will. I will. As always a haiku comes from the week's previous episode from some topic we've discussed. So I will, I will read mine. Green carpets stretch applied. mowers dance in morning light. fairways groomed with pride.

Brandon  1:13:38

That was beautiful. Was a tear tear


so that's good. I should I should I should

Collin  1:13:56

send that card to to our local


joy. Enjoy

Collin  1:14:10

Oh, that's good. No, yeah. Well,


hopefully you don't get any too much. No. today. Yeah, you do. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks.

Brandon  1:14:23

We're always had if you need to.

Collin  1:14:25

I know. I know. Seriously, I may. I may have to I may have to because we're looking at anyway, like one to three inches so we'll Oh, nothing. It's not doable. Yeah. It's not like you're like four or five. Whatever, you guys. Yeah.


I'll stop complaining. Okay, well, we'll do this again soon. All right. Okay, love you. Love you too. Bye

