other Greek things

We’re breaking sports curses with the help of Nicolas Cage.

  • Brandon is fibrous

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king, good, people, movie, talking, olympic, weird, olympics, happened, man, dancing, bit, run, relay, love, break, hear, hermes, athena, god


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Music. Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon and Collin on this week's show, other Greek things,

Brandon  00:17

can you can you hear me?

Collin  00:19

I can hear you now.


Ah, did you push the thing again? No, no,

Collin  00:24

no. So I have, okay, so I have a lot of other things connected to my computer. So when I sit down on my desk so I'm in, I'm a home base, and I have, I know, gas, just for a little bit, though, because I have gotta go back down because we start summer camp tomorrow building hands. So we're gonna do some shoreline stuff there. But anyway, so I am weak. I mean, here, how about I have a task, Cam, uh, a USB two by two, right? This is where I plug in my nxlr cables, but that has to go into a hub, because my little laptop only has, like, so many things that I can plug into, oh yeah, so many ports. So I go from the task am to a hub, and then from the hub to my laptop, and every now and then, every now and then zoom is like, Aha, you have a hub and oh, and it just like, connects to the hub and thinks, is that the audio device



Collin  01:29

No, no, all, every light, everything else turns on and is going because the USB thing is the task. Am two by two. It's receiving my signal, so it's lighting up, and it all looks fine, but the hub isn't an audio thing. So yeah, so that's that is a problem.

Brandon  01:51

I wouldn't open for me either today. I don't understand. It was very weird, weird, but I don't know it's on now. Do I sound? Okay, yes, yes, okay,

Collin  02:01

good. Do I sound?


Do I sound any more?

Brandon  02:04

I don't know, fibrous, perhaps. Oh, wow. Oh yeah, what's up?

Collin  02:11

Oh, my goodness. Look at this, ladies gentlemen,

Brandon  02:14

possibly much more stable Internet, wow, wow. Finally, I think maybe the reason zoom wouldn't open, it was going, what is this is so much faster than what's I can't process this.


This speed the internet's not moving faster than my super old computer can handle. So it's like, oh,

Collin  02:35

right, yeah. And then, you know, sorry,


little guy, here we go,

Brandon  02:40

see how it goes. Oh my god, big test. We did it yesterday.

Collin  02:43

So was so they were installing that down your way and you Yeah, jumped on it. Yeah. Some of our friends got in

Brandon  02:54

with one of the new companies around here, and they really think they really like it. And so we're just like, Yeah, okay, we'll go for that. We'll see what's up. So tested it out here. Give


it the old Reno shake

Collin  03:06

down. So how's the, how's the streaming disc? What you what do you do in there? What's your I have no idea. I didn't test it on my Wi Fi, but it's much, much, much higher

Brandon  03:19

from what he tested yesterday, so, oh, like, infinitely higher than it was on the old, like, weird wireless thing. So we'll see how it goes. But yeah, test run, still shaking out bugs. Who knows? Yesterday, when I had it on for a little bit, all of a sudden it was like, the Wi Fi connection was just like, bye. See you later. I was like, wow, what? But it came back, so I don't know. Who knows.

Collin  03:48

So did they have to run an all new, your brand new router and mode over there? Yeah, big

Brandon  03:55

old thing. So, so, yeah, see how it goes here.


We'll just say,

Brandon  04:01

Nice, yeah, yeah. We,

Collin  04:03

we have some companies in our area that are doing that, but they are not the gentlest on people's properties. Really ruthless when it comes to making a path and installing pretty good. So good, um,

Brandon  04:23

and we rent anyway, so who cares


if they mess up the not my yard, but our

Brandon  04:28

yard looks fine. They run they run it right between our building for a lot of the other stuff, and you can't even tell it's out

Collin  04:36

there. So, so it's fine.

Brandon  04:37

That's the exciting update of the week. Oh, actual, real life internet, real life internet, you


can use usable internet. Yeah, that's yeah,

Brandon  04:47

usable internet. That's the pretty That's the ticket. Pretty wild.


Yeah, pretty wild.

Collin  04:54

Hey, uh, as we speak right now, oh, um, I. At not but maybe three stone throws away. If you were really, if you had your

Brandon  05:07

back, you had a good, hefty stone toss, yes,

Collin  05:10

if you were the kind of person who had a really good stone toss and you had the wind at your back, you could eat, as we speak, be listening to, all right, the Google dolls with the fray.

Brandon  05:25

Oh, there we go, right now. You hear it out the window.

Collin  05:30

I know, I


know it was like,

Brandon  05:38

weird. Never watched the movie? That's that the


City of Angels. Yes,

Brandon  05:45

it is big on MTV. You think, like big and like, swoopy, lots of swoopy. Crane shots in that movie.

Collin  05:54

It was very, very dark. Lots of, yeah, it was raining. Nick


Cage, Nicolas Cage in that movie was, he

Collin  06:01

was the true was okay. He was in city, right?

Brandon  06:05

Maybe we'll put that in four years when we have our best movies that happen in Los Angeles, because that's where the Summer Olympics are going to be. Maybe I'll watch city of Angel. Probably not, but maybe,





Brandon  06:27

we don't need to talk about that. Okay, that's fine. You didn't have to wrap me out like that. Okay, well,

Collin  06:32

as you say, you say Who else was in that movie? And then I thought

Brandon  06:37

I just seemed to recall it was Nicolas Cage, for some reason he's got that was in, like, the Nicholas cages everywhere. That was the time, right? That late 90s, early 2000s and it was like Nicolas Cage is in every movie. It's all over the place, right? Doing Susan's, one of Susan's favorite movies all the time, Con Air, right? A little bit earlier than the earlier than that, and then he's just sweeping through

Collin  07:08

the gone in 60 seconds, remade, right? He's just, he's always, I, I, I forget that his actual last name is Coppola, yeah, yeah.

Brandon  07:25

Age is like, his acting name, yes,


right, yes, his name Noam digger, yeah,

Collin  07:33

wow. Oh, I had Yeah. Let's prepare for this forward covid in France's August. Okay, anyway, yeah, yeah, he man, he cage. What was the thing with him in the acting like he basically just like he bought, he would buy all the rights to those movies and then act in them himself. Oh, well, that was a


little bit later. Oh, right at his peak, gone 60 seconds. Yeah, that was

Brandon  08:01

after that, through that, yes, yeah. He started doing that just so he could, like, act in whatever he wanted to, like, I want to do this movie and, like, instead of waiting around for somebody to make the movie, he was just like, I'm doing Yes, whatever, yeah. But he was in so much stuff. Let me see, like, I am dB, down here. He's so customary movie we can, like, zip down through, but like, oh, all closer, closer, yeah, so, oh, I forget about some of these other ones, some of the earlier ones. Yeah, I would say Leaving Las Vegas the 1995 kickoff. Then you have the

Collin  08:37

rock Con Air, face off. City of Angels, Snake Eyes, eight millimeter.

Brandon  08:46

I never I don't know what bring out. Your dad is gone in 60 seconds. Yes. Family Man, right, like all my heavenly days. Nick Cage, called Wind talkers, the like magic. Man, national treasure. National Treasure, again, right? Lord of War, the ant bully. What in the world is that the World Trade Center movie, The Wicker Man, that's the one where we start over acting like a whole lot. That's where the meme is, the bees meme, where it's like, not the B, that's that that comes from that movie.

Collin  09:21

I don't even think

Brandon  09:25

internet fact check me here, but I think that's not even the actual is that, like the alternate ending scene? Maybe I don't even remember, there's like an alternate ending, yeah? Like it's even wackier than, like the normal one, yeah? Ghost

Collin  09:38


Brandon  09:39

another national treasure movie, like,


there's all, like, 7000

Brandon  09:44

movies in a row, just like Nick Cage everywhere, yes, weirdly, the sorcerers as apprentice. This is when we're firmly in, like, weird Nick Cage.


Oh my gosh, yeah, yeah. Ghost

Collin  09:56

Writer, the ghost writer sequel. Full like, yeah, we go full blown,

Brandon  10:05

like nuts. We have all kinds of like crazy things.

Collin  10:09

Man, you you pulled out, yeah, if you want to see man, he's just really, he's

Brandon  10:14

cranked him out,

Collin  10:16

right? He's cranking him out, going away, just flapping through everything, right? I don't think, personally,

Brandon  10:25

I think we peaked quite early with the rock. That's probably, well, that's hard, favorite one. But Susan will, she'll be mad if I don't mention this. She, her favorite occasion is Con Air. Of course, that's, well,

Collin  10:36

yes, very good, very good one. She chose a good one. Yeah,

Brandon  10:44

right, you know, because there's some kind of not so good ones. Yes, later in line.

Collin  10:49

Yeah, there you go. Just uh, sorry

Brandon  10:53

about the Nick Cage tirade. There listeners and probably ready for that, but that's just how it goes, right? I also low key. I think I've mentioned this several times on this show, but I low key like the God in 60 seconds remake, because it's just so

Collin  11:11

corny, like,

Brandon  11:13

It's so cheesy and goofy that I like, right? It's has all the good tropes that you need in your life. It's got everything. It's got the old Robert Duvall, random Angelina Jolie, like any good 2000s movie, yes, right? Like it's another good my again, my stated favorite trope is the getting the band back together trope, right? Or the forming of the group trope. And


that is what God in 60 seconds is about. So that's

Collin  11:42

what got me and, yeah, yeah, it's, uh, I do like, like, God in 60 seconds remake. I do. I it's, it is a, is a personal favorite of mine, for sure, because it is. It's the planning, it's the scheming, it's the


what's, I


think it's a heist movie. I think it

Collin  12:07

is definitely, yeah, he has to be steal 50 cops in one night. Yeah,


right. I think

Brandon  12:13

I put that in the heist movie list, actually, that might be where we talked about this

Collin  12:16

before. Uh, but yes, I like that movie a lot. Maybe not a lot, but I do like the movie. I will watch it if it's definitely on. And every once more I'll be like, Hey, I

Brandon  12:26

should watch it because now it's on. Like, you can find it for free places. So

Collin  12:28

I'm like, I could watch, go for it. I could watch that.

Brandon  12:37

Oh, man, uh, speaking of watching some Olympic recap for you about that. Yeah, segue here, because all I've been doing this week, rather than dreading having to go back to work on Tuesday, sorry, and sit through just who knows how many meetings, I really don't want to go through meetings. I really need to go clean my room. I don't want to go to meetings. Let me watch some Olympics, right? So we gotta talk about some Olympic things here. Had some thoughts

Collin  13:01

about the Olympics for you. First of all,

Brandon  13:07

I know it's a little bit late now, but we got to talk about Olympic standout star, okay, in the swimming category, right? Olympic standout star in the swimming category, Tori husk, bro, listen, she did two anchor relays. She did the mixed internet I am relay thing, the male female mix thing, and the women's I am medley relay, anchor leg monster, monster coming in clutch with the double gold relay anchor leg man,

Collin  13:44

it was great.

Brandon  13:45

I thought Rowdy Gaines was going to explode. That's how the man was gonna vibrate into a million pieces. He was just gonna, like, burst. Hmm? Just,

Collin  14:04

yeah, it's great. It was good to see it so, good job. Job. Uh Cusk, excellent. The other thing I want to talk about, I

Brandon  14:13

developed a bit of a theory here. So I need your Oh, oh no. Need your input, right? Last night? Was it last night? The night before? Either way, recently, the men's four by 100 relay team

Collin  14:28

sucked again, right? Ooh, bad. Handoff. No medals again.

Brandon  14:36

Womp, right? This is like multiple times in a row in World Championships and and

Collin  14:47

and Olympic performances, they they botch

Brandon  14:49

a handoff, they drop a hand off, they screw up a handoff, they mess up somewhere, and they lose. This has been happening for. For 20 years. Oh,

Collin  15:05

I think,

Brandon  15:07

I think, here's my suspicion, okay,

Collin  15:09

I think we have a sports curse going on here. I

Brandon  15:14

think that's what's happening. I think this is like Boston, Red Sox, Chicago, cubs territory, okay. Oh, I think something has happened. I don't know if they need to get the goat. I don't know if they need to acknowledge the Babe Ruth, but something they they I think we have a sports curse on our hands.


Listeners, international, friends, I don't know if you have, I don't know if sports in your countries are as extremely superstitious as in the United States, right? But like

Collin  15:51

sporting here, yeah, it's like, insane, right?

Brandon  15:55

It's like people think that if they wear fans, especially they think if they wear the wrong shirt on game day,

Collin  16:05

it it lessens the team's chance of winning. Yeah, okay, this

Brandon  16:10

is not everybody. Obviously, I want to put a little asterisk here. It's not also person.

Collin  16:14

It's enough, but also it's a lot concerning. Yeah,

Brandon  16:18

it is a non zero number, right? Exactly. Yeah, right. So famously, like, the Chicago Cubs, like, didn't win any World Series for like, 100 years. Or the Boston Red Sox, it was real bad they blamed on a curse, right? So I've developed a theory here. Okay,

Collin  16:39

do you know the last time, but Well, the last time the men's 104 by one sprint team won any medal. It was a silver medal in the 2004 Athens, Olympics. I think, I

Brandon  17:01

think we have maybe anger to greet God. This is a very greedy God thing to do, right? I don't know if we made Athena angry. Somebody made like Athena angry, because this is like an Athena thing, right? Like, Oh, you think you're good black now you're a spider. What's up? Right? That's another thing that happened. So I don't know. I don't know what happened, but we've got to get these people. We gotta get them back to Athens okay? We have to appease Yes. Athena, Zeus,

Collin  17:25

somebody, right? Apollo, I


don't know what's happening. Maybe Hermes. Who knows Hermes?

Collin  17:30

But, like, I know, yeah, which, oh man, yeah, well, yeah. So I think this needs to be, obviously, congressional hearings Yes, to get tested.

Brandon  17:42

I will, I will be the civilian lead on this. Okay, oh, you know, Carl Lewis is really angry about this right now, Carl, I got you buddy. Let's get together. Okay, we can look into this, but here's get right. So here's, here's my reasoning behind

Collin  17:57

this. Sprinters as track athletes, notoriously, braggadocious and bold, right, full of hubris. Indeed. No, who doesn't

Brandon  18:11

like any of those qualities. That's right, it's the Greek god. This is how arachni got turned into a spider. Okay, she said she could weave better than Athena. And Athena was like, you, you think, watch this. Blam,


boom. What's up? No, I'm gonna,

Collin  18:29

I'm gonna go ahead, go out on a liner. I'm gonna say yes. This is very valid theory. We need investigation on this, specifically Hermes. Because, yeah, Hermes is just what the God of speed, exactly so, right? He he could this. This would be somebody who would be very easy to offend in the sport of speed, right? Yeah, things were said, Things desecrated or whatever. And here we are. Here we are over, over two decades later, yeah, no

Brandon  19:00

metals. Yeah,

Collin  19:01

no metals. And that's why I'm saying. I think I from what I from what I've gathered from this deep investigation. I think this is good, because this doesn't sound like something that Zeus would do. I think he's too above this specific true

Brandon  19:15

and there's no women involved, so, so he doesn't care.


I thought maybe Athena, just because it's

Brandon  19:24

Athens right, and she's kind of, like, touchy about this kind of thing, right? So I thought maybe, yeah, Hermes, Nike, maybe, right.

Collin  19:33

Got us a victory, okay? Perhaps, right. You know, because Athena is what she's, what she's, like, justice and wisdom. Yeah, so if they had won through like, deceit or, like, lack of sportsmanship, maybe, maybe she would have done something as a personal affront in her, you know, town thing. So, yeah, I think that there's obviously a lot. Of really good avenues to go down on this. But I'm gonna, I'm gonna stick with Hermes or, I guess, you know Nike. So,



Brandon  20:08

yeah, I think, yeah, it's, it's just suspicious to me that golden in Sydney right before that, like every Olympics, was gold for the US, men's 4.1 team, yeah, gold in Sydney, silver and Athens nothing since then and again. It's played with drops and Miss handoffs and all kinds of stuff. And it's been happening for a very, very, very long time, right? Again. Carl Lewis is very mad about this track. Spencer. Carl Lewis, yeah. I mean,

Collin  20:41

right, please. Carl, listen, I

Brandon  20:45

willing to collaborate here on this investigation. I feel that we, I

Collin  20:48

mean, I feel like we've already solved this, but yeah, we need to get some more people behind the Yeah. We need to take, I don't know if we need to take the

Brandon  20:57

04 team back to Athens. This

Collin  20:59

is why I get the repent, right? Look, you love a good getting the team back together, leading the


team back together.

Collin  21:09

As a civilian lead, you have to go find these people. Figure out what


a side quest, right? This is


you've just done. You

Collin  21:19

gotta figure out what their current motivating factors are. You know, you got to bust through some some some things that they regret from that time. Because they all probably know, right? They all probably know what they have to do. You've got to dig without offending. Oh, and man, I'm just excited for what Nick K shows up. That's like,

Brandon  21:40

I mean this, I feel like he would make a good cameo in this. I feel like I might need Nick Cage's help. Okay, all right, so we got to look for Sean Crawford, Justin Catlin, Coby Miller and Maurice green, right? Maybe Darth Patton, because he competed in the prelim heats, so he might need to be there too. Oh, it's

Collin  22:01

really going to be tricky if they, if they've got a story of of us, some from some tech, or some some coach that they were working with, we gotta go, oh no.

Brandon  22:11

But the Oh no, the coach, I think about the coach. Yeah, terrible,

Collin  22:16

right? So see, like, oh, deep. How deep does this go? And how many people have to be back? So this is, this is

Brandon  22:26

the this. Okay, so I'm reading just right now for the first time

Collin  22:30

that in this silver medal winning heat, Justin Gatlin and Coby Miller botched their baton hand off.

Brandon  22:40

Was the story the Genesis. This is Genesis right here. Uh huh, this is it. We've got it, we've got it. We've solved it. So now we have to figure out how to make amends. What must be done to redeem the men's four


by one. Because you,

Collin  23:02

because it's gone on long enough we must end this. So, oh, my quest starts now.

Brandon  23:08

I'm gonna have to, I don't wanna download Twitter. Ew, gross. Uh, get on the internet some other way. Have somebody else download Twitter before you. And it's true. It's true. It's someone who does only there was an official, oh brother,

Collin  23:21

Twitter slash x page that I can, oh yeah, reach out. Justin Collin say, hey, we have, we have, we have a very serious podcast, and we have a mission. Look, can't get into a whole lot right now, but it didn't need to meet you, uh, indicate maybe they're true. This

Brandon  23:44

again, important, because 2028, Los Angeles Olympics, right? How good would it be to come back to home turf? Um, turned and and do it? Maybe, maybe we just have to go to Athens and run another relay with no like, do it right? This time. That feels like a movie thing, right? We go back.


We just run a nice relay, and we we do it, perfect, yeah, get the hand, get all the hand offs good, right? We think, but, but, but the real secret

Collin  24:21

is, the real secret is it's their their minds and their hearts. Are they in it for the right horse? It has to be that right? It's not. It's not just in the mechanics, because that's what it's they've been trying to do all along. They've missed the whole the true meaning of the reason,


oh, it's about running. He's a team instead of a group of four individuals, Carlos said

Brandon  24:41

that. He said he tired of seeing just four random people come together


and run without being a team, right, right? So the building team need a montage, okay? Of like running on the beach and.

Brandon  25:00

Eating some Greek food,


right? Strolling the Mount Olympus, right? I don't know, like, Yeah, but other Greek things, other inserted, other Greek things, the dancing in a circle, possibly throwing some plates.

Collin  25:19

Okay, yelling, Oppa, right. So good listening to Abba. Is that Swedish? What was the listening

Brandon  25:31

to some sweet zoo key music, yeah, sorry, right, yeah, yeah,

Collin  25:36

exactly. Think that could be it. Sorry, yeah, there's gonna need to be a boat somewhere. It's a boat. Yep, there's some digging through personal drums to get through this. And it's the it's the hearts we we grew along the way, as we finally in the dimming light of the last sunset before the Yeah, something, whatever runs out because I don't slam

Brandon  26:01

that beautifully, perfect relay,


yeah, oh, because,

Collin  26:05

because the people who manage the stadium are only giving Oh yeah. They're gonna come in for


sure the lights on, yeah, yeah, demolish the

Collin  26:13

stadium. That's what they're gonna do. No, no, no, it's under they're getting ready to tear on, and so we gotta sneak in before they tear down the last day. Oh my gosh, that's good. Finally, finally. Arts united, combined, running is one, yeah on his past and yeah her speaks is red. Boom. You know, it's got to be a shot of everybody walking like,

Brandon  26:48

you know, into the sunset, arms draped around shoulders, Baton firmly in hand, right?

Collin  26:54

Yeah, good, yeah. I think I've solved it. Car Lewis,

Brandon  27:01

we need your help here, buddy, that's what we gotta get.

Collin  27:05

It's, I mean, I don't see what I think we can get.

Brandon  27:09

I maybe we can get, well, I don't know. We get NBC to help us, right? We get Al Michaels to narrate this first in a little Docu series, Bob Costas. We find Bob Costas, right? Like, yeah, he'd love

Collin  27:24

to come out. He's not doing Yeah. Mike Tirico,

Brandon  27:29

I don't know whoever. Other Olympic announcer people, Mary Carrillo, probably be down right. She'd

Collin  27:34

probably come help. Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, again, when, when the Olympics aren't around? Like, sure, they do other things, but, like, yeah, a whole lot. So you know, it's gonna be fine, yeah? So this is my plan

Brandon  27:54

to break the men's uh, relay curse here. This is my, this is what I've been strategizing about today, where my thoughts have been,

Collin  28:02

I think they right places, being perfectly honest. So all right, this is good, right?

Brandon  28:14

So, yeah, there we go. Let's do, oh, I did watch the debut of the Olympic break dancing,

Collin  28:24

right? Oh yeah, this okay. So look, I'm not gonna say this can Okay, this confused me, but here it is. Boom, nailed it. Now,

Brandon  28:36

also confusingly, not going to be at the next Summer Olympics, because there's not really a whole lot

Collin  28:41

of funding for break dancing, but, but it's here. Now, this is that that is confusing. I I understand there's not a whole lot of funding, and they can only gonna try and deduce certain things. But, yeah, I guess, I guess I wasn't aware of the one done, right? The one and done of break dancing in 2024

Brandon  29:06

Okay, yeah, that's true, right? So I think it's one of those things where I've seen, like, clips and stuff of, like dance contests usually associated with Red Bull, right? This feels very red bull to me, right?

Collin  29:20

But there are, there is a an international dance contest stuff, right? This is not unheard of, so, yeah, the

Brandon  29:32

Olympics is interesting. It's really weird. There's a lot of mixed reviews about it, or a lot of people, not a lot of people, but some people online are like, can't believe it's in the Olympics and but these are also the people that are like, we need more exposure for this stuff. Like, but not the Olympics. Like, what do you mean? Not the it's like, the best thing, what

Collin  29:52

are you talking about? I don't know, right? It's confusing. I. But yeah, so I watched it little confused, not 100%

Brandon  30:03

sure how one judges break dancing, because a lot of times someone did stuff. I was like, Dude, that was awesome, and they, like, didn't give them any points. So I was like, that's confusing, because that was cool. Um, I

Collin  30:16

don't know the coolness there's more to judging

Brandon  30:20

break dancing than just coolness factor. Apparently, weird, weird, but, like, I would think that's a very important element, right? Coolness, yeah, you know, but yeah,

Collin  30:34

it was very interesting. Round Robin, 1616,

Brandon  30:39

people, person round robin tournaments for the male and female break dancing contest. That's interesting. It was interesting, yeah,

Collin  30:48

ah, so there you go. So after the first round that it was like taught, so they had four groups of four, right?

Brandon  30:59

That round was round robin, everybody in the group dances off against everybody else, and then top two from the group advance to the next round, and then it's single information, knockout tournament style after that. The awkward part is, they did it just like you think they did. It's like very step up, right? One person is standing on one side, the other person is standing on the other side,

Collin  31:23

dance battling. That was, there's no posse with them, which is

Brandon  31:28

unfortunate, because I feel like it would bring a little different energy, but it's okay. It's fine.

Collin  31:34

What's interesting about this to me is like, when we we've been watching, obviously, a lot of the dying, a lot of that stuff too. So we, like everybody, kind of has the same repertoire of moves, right, of different point values and such was there anything like that where they were like, Oh, here's like, they're all trying to do this one move, and we're gonna get great on it. There was no Okay, so here's the other part. There's no like, point system, like, nobody scored. Like,

Brandon  32:08

okay, when I say there's no point there's not a point system like diving, where there were nine judges, right? But it was like, it wasn't like every judge was giving a score if that, if that was happening, they were not acknowledging that in the broadcast, it appeared to be more like boxing, where there's nine judges, and every judge gave the round to one or the other person. I understand, right? And so that's where the points came from. For the point totals like this round, you got six, you got a three,

Collin  32:41

that's your point, right now? Yeah, right. So three judges

Brandon  32:45

thought you were great, six judges thought you were good, and that's, that's where the point took. But it was a more of a boxing situation where they're like, oh, this round goes to this person, but it wasn't unanimously given to that person. It was every judge basically had, like, one point, and you could give it to

Collin  33:03

either one of the competitors, right? And at the end of the round, however many judges gave you a point, that was your score, which is a little weird, but whatever man I'm I'm reading this thing right now, apparent, but there's like the main elements of breaking dancing, yeah, okay, four. Is that four? Well, yes, there's top rock, yeah, freeze down rock, and then power moves. Oh, down rock, I think is code for footwork, spins, footwork, transitions and power moves. The top rock is, is performed while steaming up. It's like the dancing part that stylish hand movements, sir, stylish hand sorry,

Brandon  33:54

it looks like dancing. Yeah, that's really pause, yes,

Collin  33:58

comes to a halt, minute routine, often in a difficult position on their heads or hands or in a dramatic fashion, dramatic, yeah, yes. Oh, okay, cool. Judging the car was like the big

Brandon  34:11

spins and the flares and yes,

Collin  34:13

in the combination of complex sequences that requires they offer involve breaking spinning your whole body of hands bash shoulders, your head, yes.

Brandon  34:22

Okay. Now the announcers we're talking about, the judges are also looking for more arbitrary things, like, are you actually dancing in time with the music? Right? Musicality, yeah. Musicality, rhythmically, right? And then they they were not liking it. If you were, like, repeating the same move again,

Collin  34:46

right? So if you like,

Brandon  34:48

did some big thing and then you just, like, did that same thing again later, they were like, Nah,

Collin  34:53

that's not cool. Oh, get points off. It's

Brandon  34:57

kind of like, it's kind of like in a. It's a weird analogy, but in Tony Hawk Pro Skater, the first time you do a trick, you get like, a certain number of points, and then if you do that same trick again in your point run, the maximum value for that trick is less.

Collin  35:15

That makes sense. Yeah, right.

Brandon  35:17

You've done it again.

Collin  35:18

So they they didn't like repeating moves, right? They didn't like that. And then they were talking about, like, looking

Brandon  35:28

for like combinations, like unique combinations, like putting together stuff.

Collin  35:33

I thought it was cool. Like, um, one thing I thought was interesting was

Brandon  35:41

that, like they did, they did do the whole event with live DJs. So like the music that was going to be on when you were up there, you didn't know it was going to be it was like a surprise, which is kind of, that's like, that's more like a traditional breakdance style, right? So it wasn't like you could plan, it's not like gymnastics, where you plan your routine out to, like, a set music thing. It was just like, this is the music go like, and it's like, about the creativity and the artistic interpretation was part of it, right? Yeah, that was cool. That was a good, I like that part that it was like, mixing up a

Collin  36:18

little bit, yeah, your toes. Well, yeah? Because, literally, yeah, sometimes on your, on your on your hands, on your head. And that does make it again. It makes it feel more more authentic, as it's not a rehearsed thing. It really is free styling, yeah, which is what that is about in your right, like they have to the creativity part comes in of right, not just repeating something over and over and over again because they're good at it or because they can fit it in like that. That is not what this is supposed to be about. It is about ingenuity, and it is about the creativity and thinking and looping things together as the music changes, as in whatever. So I, I mean, it's impressive to watch people do this. I do watch this quite often, so or, like, not often, but like, see it comes back to YouTube and stuff. Like,

Brandon  37:10

are you often just watching break it like, obviously, all right, I have one more really random thing to tell you, yeah, right. So, because break dancing is an Olympic sport,

Collin  37:26

does that mean that it's finally time for a third break in movie,


break in three Olympic dreams? What? It's

Collin  37:41

gotta be real. I wasn't even my brain wasn't there. Yeah, I

Brandon  37:46

think that would be like the greatest comeback movie of all time, right? It has a lot of the tropes that we already talked about, so we don't rehash too much. But I feel like, right? You know you could have, like, all the cast is still alive. So you have ozone and Kelly and turbo come back, right? One of them could be a coach, right? But then they could be discouraged, and they could go back to the streets and find their love of dancing, and then, boom, take

Collin  38:15

it to the Olympic stage. Think breaking three Olympics, right? I

Brandon  38:19

think that needs, think that that's a free one out there, guys, I feel like,

Collin  38:25

I really think that there's, I don't know,

Brandon  38:27

I don't know why we wouldn't make this movie. No, come on, was

Collin  38:32

it seems like money literally just sitting there,

Brandon  38:39

right? That's, that's what's got to happen. That could be, that could be the new best Olympic movie,

Collin  38:44

breaking three. This needs to happen. Yeah, maybe good, right? Sorry,

Brandon  38:55

that's why I was thinking about sitting too. It's like, oh my gosh.

Collin  38:58

Breaking three. Best Olympic movie ever. I'm

Brandon  39:05

struggling with the Olympic movie challenge because of some self imposed rules that I have placed upon myself. So, oh, it's, there's this very important I've like, it's kind of hard to find they're all so dour and like, sad. All right, we'll

Collin  39:21

talk more about this next week. But I'm having, I'm struggling, right? Because I put two restrictions on

Brandon  39:27

myself. I do not expect you to have follow these restrictions at all. Just want you to know that, okay? Oh, sure, you go with what your heart desires. Okay? But I thought, because I made a list, like, real fast, and then I went, these are all winter Olympic movies. And this is the Summer Olympics. That's a bit weird. Oh, it turns out all the good Olympic movies that I like are all about the Winter Olympics. So I thought I'll try to find some summer Olympic movies right, to throw into the list, right? And another really important part of the Olympic story. Is like overcoming adversity, you know, stuff, right? So we can't have team Great Britain, win anything. Okay, that's what. That's another important thing for my So, there's a lot of movies about them. Can't have those either. Those are out. Okay? I don't want any of that this. This is fair. I understand. We don't need team Great Britain winning anything. Okay? And I would like it to be sober. So I'm I'm stymied, right? So I'm crazy. You know how it goes next week, but that's where I'm at in my journey right now, because I want we talked about this before, like if, if you thought Americans were obnoxious when they won. Oh boy. Oh my,

Collin  40:52

pretty bad. Is there?

Brandon  40:53

Pretty bad. Spain did the world a favor this summer when they beat them, they beat England in the Euro finals. Okay, I supply you. Everybody in the world needs to thanks Spain right now. Good job, Spain.

Collin  41:05

Okay, way to go. Thanks Spain. Because, man, bad, it's real bad.

Brandon  41:20

That's a personal struggle that I'm having.

Collin  41:22

Okay, yeah. I, yeah. I

Brandon  41:23

don't feel constrained by my, no, no, arbitrary,

Collin  41:26

like, cuts here to this, but like, um, and I, yeah, this is, this is hard. Um,

Brandon  41:37

yeah, because I was like, I came with like, a bunch of movies. It's like, oh, not a bunch, because there's not like, a whole bunch anyway. But I was like, Oh, these

Collin  41:44

are all winter olympics movies in the summertime. Summertime. Can't do that. She's okay. But, like, I

Brandon  41:52

wanted to challenge myself,

Collin  41:53

challenge yourself, see

Brandon  41:54

if there are any good ones. Because, like we said, there's a clear winner, obviously, already. So, like, but,

Collin  42:02

but not that one, yeah. But what else is there other than the greatest Philippine movie all the time that we already know, but if you don't know, tune in next week for us to talk about it. Yeah. Tell you press. Tell you exactly what it is. Just sitting right there isn't it. Don't


touch it yet.

Brandon  42:26

Let it simmer

Collin  42:36

down anyway. Don't need 80s SNL coming over here. Yeah, weird.

Brandon  42:44

90s Sno references, yeah.

Collin  42:48

Interestingly, if you go into Google and you type cinema down, it's like, SNL, Oh, see, they

Brandon  42:54

go, how's that? Sherry, oh, Terry, exactly.

Collin  42:57

It's right. Oh, I don't know they're right. Yeah, I'm gonna include a video link here. Hold on. You go okay, to dust the book. Yeah, sure. Cool. Cool. So we were we left. What chapter did we leave? On

Brandon  43:29

competitive once again, only put my bookmark in the place where I am in the book I have to back. So you're gonna have to, I really need to double bookmark this action here, it was not that one. It was the chapter 15, the competitive examinations. Yes, Ren, right? Chevy's a bit weird. I thought he was going off the rails a bit here, but he came back pretty quick, right? I thought we were gonna have a whole other chapter of this nonsense, but he came back. He brought it back. Okay, you reined it in, and we still had some contiguous story action. So he the king, King Arthur, has come to the place where the spring is. Um, yes, because

Collin  44:11

he has just won his not his bet, but Right, he had said that his prediction to arrive, his prediction, yes, yeah.

Brandon  44:18

So Arthur and the whole royal retinue has shown up, and the Valley of holiness, and they, we get this, this whole little sidebar thing is a, is a thing anecdote about the army positions, right? It came up a little bit last time when he was on the phone, right, when he found the phone cave and was on the phone about the the army he's being appointed. Yes, yeah, because Arthur is, you know, he feels like going army,

Collin  44:46

and he

Brandon  44:50

is trying to appoint some army people. And so Hank was like, Oh,


good, dang it. They didn't. I forgot to

Brandon  44:56

tell anybody about the West Point. I. 0.5 or whatever. And so, like, I have all these army candidates, and that would be really good armiers, and the king doesn't want any of them. Oh no,

Collin  45:09

oh no.

Brandon  45:12

So he goes, and he sits in this interview, and it's like, the most ridiculous thing of all time, right? But it's a sad tire of like, you know, just like weird satire on the hiring process of this kind of stuff, right? Because he presents somebody that has, like, is really qualified and can read and do math and all this stuff, blah, blah, but they're like, but have your family been a thing for four generations? Oh, sorry, I'm sorry you're not qualified for this position. Get out. Yeah. But so we get a little bit sidetracked here, because he starts talking about, like, the classism thing again, right? And how, you know these people don't know any better, and you have to, like, take that into consideration, where you're talking about saying he goes on, right? I'm like, Oh no, we're just gonna but then he stops and he goes on to the army, selecting things. I was like, okay, okay, good, we're good. He made his point. He moved on much better than earlier. We

Collin  46:12

had, like, a whole chapter of just the point. So that was better, well, and he does go, yeah. So he sits down with his candidate, right? And he's, he is trying to Yes, bear them the indignity of examining the Weaver's son, yeah. And then he goes on and on and on here about all of the the, what does he say here? It was so beautiful to hear the lad lay out the science of war, the wallow of details and the Battle of siege, of supply transportation, because the guy's just repeating back to him what he had taught him, right? Like, yeah, I thought that was a good, a good part of this where here Hank is like, Oh man, it's so good to hear all these things that I taught him. That's wonderful, great.

Brandon  47:07

It's kind of weird, yeah. But like, so yeah, you kind of left going, like, does he actually know any that means, or is he just,

Collin  47:13

like, saying stuff and whatever, yes. But so that was a little bit weird. But, yeah, he

Brandon  47:20

did that, and they didn't want him. They wanted the other guy whose parent had established four generations of nobility, because that's the best thing to do ever. And he even asked the other person, like, can you multiply? And he's like, who, what? Yeah, well, he

Collin  47:41

asked him, he said,


Can you read?

Collin  47:43

He said, to take me for a clerk. I knocked the blood of it. He goes, answered it No. And he's like, can you write? No, right? I do like

Brandon  47:54

the answer to how much is six times or nine times six? It is a mystery that is hidden from me by reason in the emergency requiring the Fathom of it hath not been in my life. Days occurred, and so not having no need of to know this thing, I abide barren of this knowledge.

Collin  48:13

I really want to use this as a response, and I don't know something, I might shorten it to I abide

Brandon  48:22

Barrett of this knowledge.

Collin  48:23

I mean, yes, please. It is so good because, again, it's just, man, how many times? How many? How you know, they always challenge them going, Man, how would I like in how many ways can I say I don't know and like this? I should rip this out on a sixth grader in

Brandon  48:41

this year. Be like, it is a mystery that is hidden from me by half that the emergency requiring its fathoming have not been in my life. Like,

Collin  48:49

what did you just say? Exactly, yes, yeah, I Oh no. It's so good. It's so good. Again this I

Brandon  49:02

was like, where did the other thing go? Where he says,

Collin  49:05

Uh, oh, yeah. Do

Brandon  49:07

you know the science of optics? He's like, I know of governors and places, but I have not heard of this before. Yes.

Collin  49:13

Oh, well. And then, like, in the very next question, um, he asks, like, it's a sheep worth four Pence and a dog worth a penny. And see kill the dog again. Another great answer. He says, Verily, in all, in the all wise and unknowable providence of God, who moveth in mysterious ways, in his wonders to perform. Have I never heard the fella to this question for confusion of the mind and congestion of the Ducks of thought? He's goes on because this is just a hypothetical situation, but the guy responding says, Wherefore, I beseech you. Let the dog and the onions and these people of the strange and godless names work out their several salvations from their piteous and wonderful difficulties without the help of my it. It,

Brandon  50:04

yeah. He also, I also like this a little bit before that, but he says he asked him something, yeah, no, it's right after that part where he says, What do you know of the laws of attraction and gravitation? And he says, like, well, mayhaps he's talking about the king. He said, may have His grace, the king did promulate them whilst I lay sick about the beginning of the year, and thereby failed to hear his proclamation. Yes, I was, maybe I was sick that day when we talked about it okay, and I don't know, maybe I was, maybe I was not school that day, and I don't know the answer. Like,

Collin  50:37

all wonderful. All wonderful. This is very funny, like, back and forth of like, not knowing things

Brandon  50:45

and all that stuff. So, so that was pretty funny, but he decides that his plan is to be like, All right, fine. I'm gonna let them have their thing, but I'm gonna suggest to the king that we make up an entire regiment of just my people. So they're just like, everybody is like an officer, and you're like, Well, maybe not the best plan I've ever heard, right? That's definitely if everybody's an officer, not really how things get done, right? That's when you like too much middle man, if it's a bad thing, right? As we know. So that's but he was trying to get his people in there anyway could. So he decided maybe I'll just do this this day. That's chapter 15. Kind of weird, but we're still progressing a little bit, so that's good again. Just a very interesting

Collin  51:41

i i, yeah, it's, it's, uh, it's all, it's interesting to see this progressive you can see it's like, in some cases, he has this grand scheme, this grand plan for what he wants the place to look like. But in a lot of instances, he's really just winging this by the seat of his pants, as as situation by situation comes up that's true, right? I think we get some of that in the

Brandon  52:03

next chapter too, because he is the one about the newspaper, right?

Collin  52:07

Yes, first newspaper, actually, yeah, but, but before that, we

Brandon  52:12

get a bit of a side note. He goes back to his plan, right? I we thought he abandoned this plan many chapters ago, where he was going to go out disguised as just a peasant, right? And so now he's like, Okay, we're back on that plan, because I got distracted by the phone cave last time. But now we're back. Now we're back on the plan, the peasant plan, right? Yes. And he's convinced the king to go with him, right? So King Arthur is gonna go. And then we do get a bit of a funny aside here, where he's like, Well, shouldn't we tell gwynevere that you're leaving? And he looks at him, and he goes, Did you not forget that Lancelot is here? So no, whatever I do, she's not going to pay any attention to me at all.

Collin  52:55

She noticed not the going forth the king, nor what's day he

Brandon  53:01

returned, of course, I changed the subject, right? Like this, yes,

Collin  53:06

next, of course, yes, I love that,

Brandon  53:10

which is kind of funny, right? And then then we get a really way too long description. Before we can go, we have to do the king's evil thing, where he's like, blessing the peasantry, right? So that's why he's here less the king is because the king is divine right. He rules by the Divine Right. He is in touch with God, and so he is going to help, like, heal people and stuff. And so there's a really overlong explanation about how, normally, at this event, the king gives everybody a gold piece this time, Hank has decided to replace that with one of the shiny new nickels that he's minted at the new Royal Mint. And so, because they're so new and so shiny and have the king on one side a gwynether on the other, this is much better than an old Roman gold piece. Ew, gross, yuck. It looks so bad. And it's way more economical, because it would have been paying out $240 before, and with the nickels, you can get away with. It costs about 35 so we're saving the kingdom a ton of money here. And the peasantry is super excited, because the coins are all shiny, and you can really clearly see Arthur on it. So they're, like, hyped, and so there's way too much explanation about how averages in gross domestic product and all this stuff, and it's very,

Collin  54:31

very kind of unnecessary, yeah. And I love how he starts off by saying by Yeah. I mean, I think his first, his very first argument was on how terrible the old gold was, right? And he just goes on about like, these weren't even minted. These were hammered out. What is this? I can't believe this. What?

Brandon  54:55

Yeah, why would you want that? What a shiny new nickel. Oh,

Collin  55:01

yeah. It said this would have cost, yeah, we touched 700 to 800 patients at former rates. This would have cost government $240 at the new rates. We pulled through for about 200 we pulled through for about 35 Yeah, it's, it's nuts, right? So we get this whole deal, and we're all done. And he,

Brandon  55:24

King's evil, business is all done. And he, you know, he's trying to, he's getting this done. And he sees another one of his people, obviously, because they're just everywhere. It's a newspaper vendor. He's like, Oh


my gosh, the newspaper. I haven't seen a

Brandon  55:45

newspaper in a long time. I'm so excited about the newspaper. And

Collin  55:50

so he specifically says one greater than kings had arrived the newsboy, yeah.

Brandon  56:01

Oh, it's very excited, right? So he's got the thing I do, like, my book has this, like, printed up thing in it where it looks like the newspaper headline, okay? It's, like, got these weird, like, old typesetting thing. You can clearly see that this m is an inverted W from a type set thing, right? Like, oh, that's cool. It's, it's all wonky looking because of what, what it would have been like to do things. So there's this, like, really weird artistic flair in here. But this, this part is where we do get

Collin  56:34

a bit, a small, tiny bit of actual character development a little, a little teeny Bitsy, right? Because he reads it and he's like,

Brandon  56:51

huh, yes, once, I could have enjoyed it and seen nothing out of the way about it. But now it's not. Its note was discordant. It was good Arkansas journalism, but this was not Arkansas. So he's like, maybe went a little too far with the sensational newspaper headline stuff. Maybe I gotta dial it down a little bit for the people, right? Like it doesn't quite fit in with the times. It's a little too out of place.

Collin  57:20

Yep, I Yep, it was good enough Arkansas proofreading, right? Damn it. That was funny.

Brandon  57:30

And then he's like, but the other you know, he's like, it's pretty good. And there's another big, long excerpt of, like, what was in the book, what was in the newspaper there, and he said, It's all right, um, but. He's like, the other paper, it was like, it was a little too much. It was like, it was good, but simple. It was dignified, it was direct, but it's not the best way, like the Clarence way, because it's like, oh, right, circular Monday, King road to the park, and then it's just like, ditto, Tuesday, quote, quote, King rose, yes, reports on all the comings, goings, yes. Like, okay, well, so he's like, we got to find a middle ground here somewhere. He's like, the way that I'm used to doesn't

Collin  58:15

quite work. Old Clarence is not quite enough, right? It's yeah, it is interesting because yeah, at this point he is seeing kind of the fruits of his labors and directions and how they're not quite quite. He thought, yeah, yes, yeah. Because he says, As a rule, the grammar was leaky and the construction more or less lame. But I did not much mind these things. And I really like this last one. He says they are common effects of my own. And one mustn't criticize other people on grounds where he can't stand perpendicular himself.

Brandon  58:49

Yeah, that's a good spot. And I do like that.

Collin  58:53

Yes, I was like, Oh, well, there is a little bit of he knows that he's not the best at this. And so especially if he was the one that's supposed to be teaching, teaching them, yeah, yeah. Like he's going, you're right, I


I can't do that, not what I can do. So yeah, we get a little insight that maybe he's not the expert in all things, not all maybe, right.

Brandon  59:21

He's got some little to go, right? But then there's another, just like humorous aside. Here he's pondering this, sitting there reading the paper, and some friars come and they're like, what

Collin  59:34

is that? Oh, yeah, you're folding. And he's like, What?

Brandon  59:40

Because they couldn't figure out what it was, because it wasn't written in Latin or Greek, right? But I did like where he's talking about it, he's trying to tell him what it is, and he's like, it's a public journal. I'll explain that later. It's lines are a reading matter, but it's not written by hand, it's printed. I'll have to explain to you what that means later too. I. 1000

Collin  1:00:01

Yes. Sometimes explain what a paper is, and then, yes, yeah, it's just like, oh, it's made of this. You don't know what that is, okay. Anyway, it's um, yeah. And they're very, they're very awestruck by this, very,

Brandon  1:00:18

I mean, this is kind of a interesting kind of thought, right? Because if you this is kind of the something


similar to what would have happened

Brandon  1:00:26

when Gutenberg did get the print and press rolling, right? Because before this, if you wanted a book, you somebody had to hand write it, you know what I mean. And so that's what these scribes did in the monasteries, right? They were handwriting things like, mostly the Bible, but there were some other texts too. And so if you wanted it, like they said here, that's, uh, you know, a year's work for many men. And Hank's response is, nah, it's a day's work for a man and a boy. And they're


like, What? Laugh.

Brandon  1:00:54

It's very shocking, the rate at how that could work, right? It's a miracle. And he's like, okay,

Collin  1:01:00

maybe a little but it's fine. Yes, no, it's a bit worrisome here, because they say, Aha, a miracle, a wonder, dark work of enchantment. He's like, I let it okay, maybe, but you just

Brandon  1:01:14

read it to them. And then they're like,


oh my gosh, that's exactly what happened. And he's


like, look at Yes.

Brandon  1:01:23

And they like the feel of the paper and the stuff, because it would have been, you know, different than the vellum or apartment they would have been working on. So they were all excited about that. And then he had to rest for his travel. Departed in the morning, right? He's finally gonna go out a traveling

Collin  1:01:46

in the next chapter. 17, yes and yes, the Yankee and the king travel incognito, kinda like,


but, but they attempt, there should be they attempt, right? So they disguise little King Arthur. They give him a haircut, and they train trim his facial hair all up, right? And get them all there and make him look a little bit more common, you know. And I didn't have a comment here just about the vocabulary that's used, right? So it this is, I don't know if there's just a me thing, right,

Collin  1:02:24

but the word calmly,

Brandon  1:02:29

right? Yes means, like, attractive and stuff. But like, when I hear calmly does not sound like a word. That means that

Collin  1:02:39

this is no, this is really true. I always have to because right, my my brain ticks over and immediately thinks, oh, it's, um, it's a kind of a plain Jane, yeah, it

Brandon  1:02:50

doesn't sound like a good thing. Like the way that the word sounds doesn't really just give me positive connotation. No, right? So I always have to think really hard, like, Collin is good, good because it doesn't sound good, right? It doesn't sound, doesn't sound necessarily.

Collin  1:03:12

It's not bad, like it's in, like, wretched, or like horribly or disfigured, or whatever. It's just, it's just, like, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Like, yeah, just it, that's it makes it sound like this is the average or below, like you're okay, yeah,

Brandon  1:03:26

but it's pleasant. The definition is officially pleasant to look at, attractive, but,

Collin  1:03:32

but I just don't feel that

Brandon  1:03:36

right, like it doesn't come

Collin  1:03:40

it doesn't work that way. It's an

Brandon  1:03:43

old English word, so it's actually an old English, Germanic word, look at that boom, meaning fine or handsome. But just doesn't extremely archaic, right? Not used anymore, ever. And maybe that's why, because it is archaic, and I don't hear it very much, and I only encounter I've never I've never heard anybody say it out loud in active conversation, outside of talking about a book fair, right? Don't think, I don't think I've ever heard in anybody just like, whip that one out in in conversation, right? Like, oh, what a calmly man. Like, never. I never once that I can remember has that happened? So it is extremely archaic, and that could be why I have that like connotation. But like, just the sound of the word, it just doesn't sound very positive, even though it is exposed to be a very positive expression of one's looks, which I just find interesting. I don't know if that was just me or if other people had this problem?

Collin  1:04:43

No, this is a problem where words that just don't get used in that context anymore, it's hard to break that habit of our perception of them because we don't interact with them very often, like if you heard that in more and more daily parlance, you would. It'd be easier to quickly pick up on that, but

Brandon  1:05:01

because it has more meaning, right? Yeah, right. But

Collin  1:05:04

you're right. I have the exact same problem with I mean just that word exactly, because it's like, no, I don't, it doesn't, doesn't sound like what it means. And so I'm never going to remember that. Yeah,

Brandon  1:05:17

that's very interesting. It's one of the other words. The other word that I have a problem with is gloaming, right? Yeah, that word sounds much more sinister than it actually means. It just means like, yeah, right. It means like it's almost night time, but it sounds like

Collin  1:05:34

in like menacing, but it just means like it's dusk, like, whatever, anyway, that's

Brandon  1:05:42

words that don't match what I think they should mean, right? We get all disguised, and we go out and we learn that Arthur has absolutely no idea how to act like a pessimist.

Collin  1:05:55

Oh my gosh, yes, He's

Brandon  1:05:58

clueless. He has no idea what's going

Collin  1:06:02

on. He is, yes, not used to this life. I mean, ever so disconnected. He doesn't even remember and and because it's been so, so, I don't know, cloistered and protected, like in this instance, where you have the the people of more nobility are walking through he's just like, he doesn't even remember his current station in life of needing to rise or sit or what that's supposed to do around other people. Yeah,

Brandon  1:06:29

he's like, You have to get up, they're coming. And he's like, Huh, what? What

Collin  1:06:32

are you talking about?

Brandon  1:06:33

I was planning a war with gall in my head. What's going on? I'd love, as you do, you know, just think about the invasion of Gaul. I mean, obviously, obviously, but yeah, so he keeps having to, like, harp on him and remind him, and he's like, You have to bow and avert your eyes. And he like, can't do it like he he like, can't bend his neck down to look away, because he think he describes him as, like, kind of standing angrily and like, leaning like, Yes, oh, what did he say here? He physically cannot, like, do this. Yes,


yeah. He said he was not

Brandon  1:07:12

possible. Another good word, by the way,

Collin  1:07:15

well, he said, True. I forgot when you said the goal. I was remembered about. The next sentence. He said he was up by this time, but a farm could have got up quicker if there were any kind of boom in real estate,


yeah, like he is so unbounded


by a humbler attitude, my lord King and quick, duck your

Brandon  1:07:31

head. Move drop it. He did his honest best, but Lord, it was no great thing. He

Collin  1:07:38

i Okay. I may need help with understanding about what this means. Of, he looked as humble as the leaning tower. Of,

Brandon  1:07:46

well, even the Leaning Tower is very majestic, yes, and it's not like bowing down. It's just kind of like listing like a beautiful,

Collin  1:07:54

beautiful sculpture, you know, obviously still beautiful and, you know, but in Regal, but just listing a tiny, tiny, yeah, it's

Brandon  1:08:04

like, just kind of, he's like, only bending. He's like, only averting, like, just a little, right? So he's like, oh boy, yeah. If I, if I had a for scene with this thing, would be like, I would have said no, yeah. So he goes on this, and he comes around, and he's like, do, to do. And he like, leaves him for a minute, and he goes and he he's getting some he says he's gonna create some water. But he's like, secret to rest and happy at ease for a minute. He comes back and he likes great guns. Where did you get that? Because the king is just bought, like, a dagger. Dagger, yeah. And he's like, bro, you can't have


that. You're not You're a peasant. You're not allowed to have a knife. Come on, can't be carrying us around.

Brandon  1:08:58

If somebody sees this, we're gonna be in big trouble. And he's just, like, completely clueless. He's like, What?

Collin  1:09:04

What do you mean? I don't know what he's talking about.

Brandon  1:09:15

So weird. Then right after that, he he asked him the question that, like, throws the rest of the chapter into slightly chaos. He says, When you know that I meditate a thing, well, okay, so when you know that I meditate a thing inconvenient or that hath apparel in it, why do you not warn me to cease from that project? And he's like, How can I read your mind? And he's like, Oh, well, I thought you were better than Merlin. Merlin can read my mind.


He's like, oh, oh, a trap. Oh no. Merlin is a prophet, yes.

Brandon  1:09:51

And so he has to dig out of this hole real quick. He's like, all right. So,

Collin  1:09:54

so, yeah, King, look,

Brandon  1:09:57

you know people like Merlin, yeah. He's a prophet, sure, but like, how far can Merlin really see into the future, right? And he's like, Oh, it's like, you know, 20 years. He's like, Oh, yeah, but that's probably like, the maximum, right? Everybody that does prophecy eventually finds the limit to which they can look into the future, right? Some people, it's like a short time. Other people, it's a long time. And what did you say that this is a very Socratic argument, right? He's like, wouldn't you agree that the longer you can see into the future, the more powerful prophecy you are? And the king's like, well, obviously, that's true. And he's like, Well,


what if I told you


I can see 13 centuries and a half into the future?

Collin  1:10:51

Yeah, yeah? Because he says, Yeah. He says, What Canst thou truly look beyond even so fast to stretch his time as 700 years my leave as clear as the vision of an eagle, does my prophetic eye penetrate and lay bare the future of this world for nearly 13 centuries and a half? But

Brandon  1:11:10

then he's like, I shouldn't have said that either, because now all the king wants to do is hear about the future, and I gotta keep remembering stuff and telling about it all the time.

Collin  1:11:17

So annoying,

Brandon  1:11:22

which is really funny. He's like, Ah, man, I really stepped in it now, because now I gotta keep bringing this up all the time. And all he wants to hear about all the time is this, and we got other things to do. Why? Well, I

Collin  1:11:36

mean, why wouldn't you if you had somebody who was telling you 1300 years in the future, which is, you know, his presence, yeah, he's going, yeah, it was really funny. Yeah, I prophesied myself bald headed, trying to supply the demand.

Brandon  1:11:54

That was really funny, right? I do also like how the king keeps asking these questions. He's like, ah, it was a wise head. The peasants cap was no safe disguise for it. You could have known it for a king under a diving bell, if you could hear its works of its intellect. So he's like this, trying to disguise the king up as a peasant. It's just a bad idea. Not going well. He's asking really smart questions, and it's all true. So then we get to the next part, we go off the rails like real quick, yes, so some more nights come. They're being some night errants. They're doing some night errandry, right? They come along and the king will cannot be bothered to act peasantly in their presence, right? He would stand and look with all his eyes, and a proud light would flash with them. His nostrils would inflate like a war horses, no. And so they're supposed to, like, get out of the way and let the rich knights come through and do all stuff and and, and they're not. Again, a very important part of this context listeners, ladies and gentlemen, is that you have to remember people that were knights in the Middle Ages were rich, right? The poor people were not knights, right? Middle there was no middle class. But if there was, there would be nice rich dudes and nobles are knights only. Okay, so the classist thing here is to, like, deflect to them, and like, give way to them. And King Arthur just standing


right in the middle of the

Brandon  1:13:27

road, not moving because he forgets. He doesn't go in disguise very well. He's the king. He's never had to move out of anybody's way in his whole life, ever, and so now he's ruining the whole thing.

Collin  1:13:42

But luckily, right? We just so happen, oh my gosh, right. Ah, yes, indeed.

Brandon  1:13:56

Days, our deus ex machina of today. The thing is,


oh, look what. Look what I just happened to have my pocket is some dynamite.

Collin  1:14:04

What the heck done up in wool in a box, right? Right? He's good thing.


I was trying to save it for another little miracle. You know, never know.

Collin  1:14:12

I'd love that thing. Time would come when I would need dynamite. I mean, he's not, it's not, not true. He's used explosions in just a lot of times.

Brandon  1:14:20

Yeah. So it's, it's clearly a handy thing to have about, right? A person needs to have it about with them. But

Collin  1:14:28

it's like, dang it,

Brandon  1:14:29

what am I gonna do now, getting trapped, gonna get run down by these knights. I got this dynamite. Okay, I guess I'm gonna have to do stance there, and they're charging at the king. So he wait, he runs out there

Collin  1:14:47

and launched out. Yes goes.

Brandon  1:14:49

He goes out there. I passed them at a rattling gate, and as I went by, I flung out a hair, lifting soul, scorching 13 joy. An insult which made the king's effort poor and cheap by comparison. I got it out of the 19th century where they know how.


I just love the what 13 jointed insults, like probably, like you, no good. Like you, low down, 30,

Brandon  1:15:22

no good, blah, blah, blah, blah, one of those type of deals, right? I imagine that's what he's yelling Yes, as he's going in there, your mother was a hamster. Who knows? But, yeah,

Collin  1:15:37

obviously him making a bigger ruckus over here, over this way.

Brandon  1:15:44

So he just stands there, and as they're charging down for them, he waits in the road a little bit, and he just like, flings the dynamite out there, throws a bomb, throw the bomb at them when they were within 15 feet or 15 yards, I sent that bomb with sure aim, and it struck the ground just under the horse's nose. Yes, it was a neat thing, very neat and pretty to see. It resembled a steamboat explosion on the

Collin  1:16:17

Mississippi. And during the next 15 minutes, we stood under a steady drizzle of microscopic fragments of knights and hardware and horse, yeah, oh, delicious.


But I did, like, also here he's messed up again,

Brandon  1:16:32

and he's like, Oh,

Collin  1:16:36

dang it. I had to,

Brandon  1:16:41

I had to keep telling the king like it was all done with, uh, well, he's he tells the king it was a dynamite bomb. This information did him no damage, because it left him as intelligent as he was before. I like that line. But also he said it was a miracle, obviously, but, but I had to tell him that it was very rare and it could only be done during certain atmospheric conditions. Otherwise he would be asking for that all the time, and I didn't have any more dynamite.

Collin  1:17:11

I love that, right? He said, I like anytime we had a good subject, and that would be inconvenient.

Brandon  1:17:14

Yeah, yeah. It would be inconvenient because I hadn't any more bombs a lot. Yes. Oh,


it's so good. It's so funny.

Brandon  1:17:25

So I'm, I'm predicting, right? Since we're out in cognitive with King Arthur, and it's already gone so badly, it can't get better, right? That something terrible is going to happen to them, I imagine. So this is my like, something's gonna go bad, wrong?

Collin  1:17:39

I definitely feel as though the king is going to put them in a position in a little bit of peril, a little bit of peril, and that they just cannot, cannot get out.


Yeah, but

Brandon  1:17:54

that seems to be where we're going, unless he turns around right now. He's like, all right, nope, getting you home. This is too much. You're Nope, can't deal with

Collin  1:18:03

gotta go. We shall see. We shall see. Indeed, oh my gosh,

Brandon  1:18:12

this is good. I really like these last chapters. You really, definitely getting better, right? It's definitely, it's not necessarily doing a lot, but it is hotting up and getting funnier. Like, well, in this part, like,

Collin  1:18:26

well, a lot of it is, it's, it's Hank reacting in the world, given the station that he has tried to place himself in, and he is out well out, I still don't understand exactly why he wants to be going around like a peasant or doing this with the king. It makes zero sense to me, but, yeah, but, but he's now, like, he's now not in in control anymore of what's going on, like, no, like, and that's, that's why these are so hilarious and these are so good, yeah, because there's just he's not in control anymore.

Brandon  1:19:06

Yeah, and I think he, you know, he wants to, like, try to figure out, like, how to make everything better. So he's like, What if I, if I know about the common man war, maybe I can get a better feeling of the world. But, yeah, he's out there just dangling in the wind, and he's

Collin  1:19:22

gotta deal with the

Brandon  1:19:26

the situations they come. So it's kind of funny how he has to, like, try to quickly just adapt to the all the weirdness around him. Because he's still, even though he's been there for quite a long time now, he's still, like, not quite accustomed to things, and he's still very fish out of watery and like not knowing what the world's going on sometimes. So that is where the conflict is coming from, and it's quite funny.

Collin  1:19:51

So hopefully it stays that way. Excuse me, I. These are there. It's getting very good. Sorry button. I thought I was like, everyone has disappeared. Sorry, yeah, no, it's getting very good. I like this very much. All right, so for our Mark Twain quote of the week, for the week, right? Because

Brandon  1:20:21

I'm dreading having to go back to work and sit through a bunch of meetings. My Mark Twain quote this week is never put off till tomorrow. What you can do the day after tomorrow? Yes,


I like that. Yes, it

Brandon  1:20:42

speaks to my heart right now, so

Collin  1:20:44

I throw that one in there. No, it's because there's, yeah, there's the note put off to tomorrow, which you can do today or whatever that is. Like, like, Nah, no. What this actually is, it's good. I like it. Well, I have a haiku from, okay, ready? We're getting in the moment. We're going to say bending silver minds, Mystic hands reveal their truth. Spoons, dance secrets, Bleem, yes.


Yes. So good, so good.

Collin  1:21:29

Such a crazy story. I've watched so many things about Uri Geller. It just like the whole thing. It just blows the amount of hubris you have to do like you have to have in yourself and what you're doing and you're you have to be so convinced, high on your own petard right, to put yourself out like that and just be like, yeah, absolutely. I just, it boggles the mind. Yeah, it's quite it's just this, it's anyway. It's just insane what he was trying to do and convince people of and whatever So, and it's great, great lesson. And you know, you were your own, your own biases will blind you to things. So definitely.


Oh, anyway, so I was good.

Collin  1:22:16

Hey, quick note in the talk more offline about this. Well, because of our travel schedule across a couple different across two weeks, we'll need to maybe, like, double up at some point here, quick. So I'll reach out to you about that.


And sounds good. Can do Aha.

Collin  1:22:33

Here we go. Because you start back when you start back in.

Brandon  1:22:36

I start back on Tuesday, but then I go, like, it's just teacher meeting stuff, and then a week after that is when the kids come. I

Collin  1:22:47

see okay, okay, cool, so, yeah, we'll try and double up here soon and go from there. All right. Sounds


good. Okay, sounds good until next time. All right, bye, bye. You.