it's pretty Arkansas

Collin loves AC, but currently hates his. Brandon reviews tornados. We’re still wondering what will happen with Hank.

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people, watched, good, talking, olympics, bad, thought, fine, heard, happening, olympic, hank, big, merlin, movie, work, chapter, coil, person, miracle


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast where we try to figure it all out as your hosts, Brandon. And Colin. On this week show. It's pretty Arkansas. Oh boy.


Oh boy.

Collin  00:19

How's it going? I'm pretty good. I know good, good. Good.


Headphones here. Trying to get it


going well

Brandon  00:35

recovering from vacation mode, right? Doing all the laundry and all this it's all the thing right like, Oh, it's so relaxing if they'd be like, Oh, if 12 billion things to wash now. Oh, dear.

Collin  00:57

Yeah, I know. Yeah. We Yeah, that I did. Okay, so I did take advantage of the fact that there are that there was a washer and dryer and they did all of our laundry that that the night before? Oh, yeah. Because I was like, Yeah, I don't want to have to do for you know, laundry for for people when we get back. Is that not fun?

Brandon  01:21

No, it's definitely worse for us for in that regard. So I don't if you're up for that, but

Collin  01:29

so yeah, I saw I saw you were already eating the spoils of your of your hard earned labor there so


well, I mean, yeah, I figured, might as well do

Brandon  01:39

it now. So you're out. So we just we just cooked all of the fish. Oh, okay. All of it. So that it was like it's one of those things. It's like it was all frozen together. Yeah. So we didn't really want to like,


um, thaw it. Cook some. Freeze it again. That didn't really sound like the best plan. So no,

Collin  02:08

no food, food, health, food, health and safety people would be knocking at your door.

Brandon  02:15

I really like it when you do that. So yes, we just


cooked all of it yesterday, and then ate some and then just

Brandon  02:24

put the rest in that container. So it's a cooked and it's ready, so I'm gonna eat it. We had it for some for lunch today. Also put it on some of the leftover taco stuff that we had. Oh, fish tacos. Yes. So that's pretty good. Had to. It was quite the process. A lot of fish in there. Or four pounds if I remember correctly. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. And it's one of those things where it was like like, so graded, they weren't super large fish. Right. But if there were I think there was 12. Right. I mean, like that. That means there's 24 Falaise that

Collin  03:05

Yeah. Again, it's just it's like the quantity is just insane of like, that's that's 24 Falaise that you have to make room for that you have to you know, find space to cook and Joe season and all that stuff. So

Brandon  03:21

that was the week that was the the Jing gang them on the Tetris seeing them on the baking tray. It was a little tricky, but they all on there. We had to read put them on to baking trays, you


know, because that's a lot but got them all done kind of Mafia. It's

Brandon  03:36

very good. You guys missed out it's quite delicious

Collin  03:44

Well, good. Good. Yeah, we I figured some somebody should just take everything since it was already all together. So I'm glad you guys could could


benefit from that. But it's very good. So just to say no, because they are very tasty little features. So that's very nice.

Brandon  04:08

What have you been up to since returning?

Collin  04:11

Oh my gosh, yeah,

Brandon  04:13

I mean, it's when I last saw you like three days ago.

Collin  04:17

The mystery of tar so no since we got back like I have been it's it's we've been trying to still get caught up on a lot of the house work. Really is is what we've been in the middle of our our our air conditioning unit decided that it wanted to spring a leak


in the oil. Oh,

Brandon  04:46

did you tell it that this is the hottest week so far and ever and it should not do that right now? Yeah. So

Collin  04:54

well, so it had actually, we found out about this book for the trip. And so we the guy came out and unfortunately it is in our attic unit.


Which a

Collin  05:06

lot big story behind this. So we noticed that it was just blowing like basically hot air for us and like we could not get it to cool below 80 Upstairs, which is not cool.

Brandon  05:17

Oh really an honor to be here a little bit. So.

Collin  05:20

So what we did is we had to,


we had to call

Collin  05:27

the guy and he came out and inspected the outdoor unit and upstairs unit and let's be very real, like the house was did a major major renovation probably 20 to 30 years ago at this point. So that's the last update in time. And they've done a little like facial stuff in here. But that was big structural things. That's when they added central air conditioning and heating to the home. And so our units are 20 to 30 years old, somewhere in there, which is getting up there in age. So he got up there and he tested for a leak and he found it in the coil which is in the attic, and it's in a spot that can't be repaired. Because usually apparently there are some tubes that are there in the larger ones versus the tiny filaments or whatever. Again, I'm speaking about something I know nothing of but I do know that usually larger objects are easier to repair especially when they are metal tubes that you need to solder as opposed to tiny things. So it's a spot that can't be soldered. Here's where things get very, very interesting. Because you might say to yourself Self, we'll just get a new


coil. Well, yes, it's

Brandon  06:37

always worked that way. No, no, it'd be nice, Harry.

Collin  06:41

So what we learned we've learned so many things we learned that wit First off, the coil is 20 inches by 20 inches. Okay, it's a big honkin thing Oh, interestingly, my the hole to get into our attic is 20 inches by 14 inches. So you may be asking yourself Self

Brandon  07:06

How did it get there?

Collin  07:10

Let's let's go back to that first little crumb of a clue that I dropped earlier where a major renovation happened 20 to 30 years ago, which is when they installed the central heating and air systems. It's my current belief that when they did the major home renovation I believe that they tore down walls they tore down the ceiling they took everything down to the studs at which broadly they installed they installed the unit and then added a ceiling and then cut a hole okay. So my so my whole access is not large enough. So point number one I need to I need a 20 by 20 inch hole to get the coil even out okay. Now, second thing here. The unit is 20 to 30 years old. What has happened in that timeframe is we have moved away from one type of Freon to another type of Freon


the oh and problem big problem because they don't make coils or the old kind of Freon anymore. Interesting.

Collin  08:18

Yes, you cannot backport they are not backwards compatible with the type of Freon they just don't make those coils anymore. And so even if I could find an old coil, like new inbox or something somewhere I still have to cut a bigger hole in my ceiling to get it up there. But first and foremost is in actually finding the


so a new coil

Collin  08:47

uses I don't remember what it is but it's very it's brand new free type of Freon. The problem there is that let's say I do install I do cut a hole and I do install the coil upstairs. The outdoor unit is so old it cannot run on the new type of Freon because it's not Mandarin compatible. It's not set up the system isn't like that. Additionally, I do know that you can't mix Freon types so all of that so all of my pipes and everything the coolant lines all those have to either be like blown out and like really and cleaned or replaced entirely.

Brandon  09:30

So sure you can't solder this little tiny hole is that

Collin  09:33

I'm really like really thinking about trying to solder this hole because I

Brandon  09:37

think celery and I think solder it and then like just tape it up you know?

Collin  09:49

Yeah, so as of right now, the cheapest option offered to us is to buy a a coil and outdoor units set and reran all of the of the coolant lines to go from outside


up to the attic. Additionally, I

Collin  10:10

still have to cut a hole. Because then also let's not forget, the furnace is also 20 to 30 years old. Yeah. So in talking to the guy who gave me this quote, he said, Well, I know the coil is 20 inches by 20 inches. Your furnace is 30 by 30 inches.

Brandon  10:31

Yeah, so it's time to just make a bigger hole and right, just like, right through one of those beings trust that sucker. You know, make a big, you know, 36 by 36 Access Point with stairs. Now

Collin  10:48

I'm thinking you know what? Now?

Brandon  10:53

Now's the time for spiral staircase is always time for spiral staircase people. So yes, of course, if you can't, I imagine getting giant coils up a tiny spot, you could get a bigger spiral staircase.


Right? I'm sure the stair will become a different width of step. I know. I think

Brandon  11:15

other than the one of the leg it was like eight inches, I think. Right? Probably


get a big ol, like two foot step. Right? Yes.

Collin  11:23

I have. Yes. So something has to happen here. Because here's the other thing, like, in order for us to even start the process to fix our, our AC unit. I have to contract with a home repair guy to cut a hole in my ceiling. Yeah. That's step the second step cutting massive hole.

Brandon  11:48

That is that his commitment that you gotta you know, that's like, Oh, I'm sitting here like, Oh, no. Yeah, that is the correct response. Oh, no, indeed.

Collin  12:03

Because also, like, I'm just gonna throw out some numbers here again, like, like, a homeownership is so wonderful. So the cheapest option, the cheapest option here. It's literally $8,000 Oh, and it goes, it goes it goes way up. Because he was like,

Brandon  12:28

solder and some tape. I think no, I dollars is actually

Collin  12:36

I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm gonna try some like black market, like, back of the truck. Kind of like chopping shop. Sale days at the count at the fair. fairgrounds, right. That's what I was looking for.

Brandon  13:00

into. So here's, here's in theory, right? Here's what my brain is screaming at me right now is a coil is just a copper tube. Right? But it's all like wiggled around. So really, like, you should be able to find if it's leaking. You should be able to find the leak. And then I don't see any reason why fixing a hole in a piece of copper is that impossible. Right? Like it might be crazy. I'm the crazy one here like, yes, you have to find it. But you can do you just like run water through it or do the air hose and put soap on it thing and like oh, there's the hole found it. Okay. Like, they do this with other things. Right coils can be fixed. I know. I've heard of and seen people fix coils before. So I don't know. Yeah.


Yeah. And that's, you know, honestly, that's what I'm, I really am really trying to, like, get my

Collin  14:12

my understanding of what's happening here. Because I just I'm like, Oh, no.

Brandon  14:20

Even though like at this point, really?


I say it will be worth a shot trying to fix it. Yes. And because then like if you're going to have to spend much money anyway. I would at least try some small fix first. And then like, you know, oh, well,

Brandon  14:40

like okay, well I'm gonna have to fix whole thing anyway. So, yeah, the disease mode. Of course.


The other problem here is

Collin  14:50

the other problem is that the R 22 is That Freon was literally outlawed. You cannot buy any more news, okay. Okay. So that now now now, I will say stockpiles exist. However, they they go for a massive fortune. That's true. Okay. So what what we end up doing is you end up running into the instance where just like, like in order to just put like top off our system to feel it was like was over $500 Well that's better than $8,000 Yes, yes, yes, indeed it is, but it's like I can, I can only feed that so much. And if all of a sudden I'm spending $500 a month on just Freon until I saw you fix the hole. It's what I hope will happen. But I am staring at these quotes. And I'm just like, ah, because also let's let's lest we forget, I have two units. I have an upstairs and a downstairs unit which were the same age.


True. That's fine.

Collin  16:18

So, yeah, so that's the that's been on front burner. While I've been home is just like it's pretty gross strip, strip, strategic arising. Exactly what to


do with. With that.

Collin  16:36

So that's been that's been fun. For realsies it's


not very fun at all. No, no, no, no, no, no, but

Collin  16:48

we did. We did go. We have also, the trip to the lake has inspired my children



Collin  17:05

to, to go to go fishing in intensively. Oh, where like, it's like, Remo like what we must do. And it's been fine because I overbought on worms at the lake. And so I have extra ones. But it is like very like we must go like we're going must catch must retrieve must do. And so it's really really it's really kindled a fire for fishing. And which is very which is which is fine because I can walk literally a minute away and be at a pond to fish around our house. Because because the where we live it is within walking distance to the the original original public park of our town. It has a convention hall. It has all the cool stuff. And it has a massive pond where we can go fishing so yeah, we get we get to we have

Brandon  18:08

to it has like fishing hours for people under 15 for something, some teen number.


Yeah, you can just like

Brandon  18:18

I think if you are under certain age, you can just fish there. And whatever, during certain hours. It's like most daylight hours.


You can just go and do it. Like not a whole lot of people do it. But I have seen people there when we're in the park and stuff. So yeah, you can just go do it. Okay. Pretty interesting. Nice. Yeah. So we've

Collin  18:46

been in so that's been that's basically what we have been doing. And we have been watching a little bit of the, of the Olympics.


Yeah, I

Collin  18:56

was gonna bring that later. So okay, okay, so yes, yeah, now Ah, so we we don't have cable and where we live is like far enough away from everywhere that the only way to get over the air antenna waves to your home has to have a very fancy indoor antenna, because every antenna, like broadcast tower is like 75 miles away. just far enough off. just far enough. We're all of a sudden I'm like, do I really pay like $100 to have the antenna in our home? Like, is that what I need to do? Like, Ah, whatever. So we bought we were watching on peacock that the streaming service which occur? I know, I know. Look, I know. I know. But we're doing it for this one month. The one thing that they changed I think I think this is new this year. I don't remember it doing this last year. When you go to the Olympics tab. They have all the individual individual sports in little circles and if If that sport has live broadcasting, it has a little red.on it. Well,

Brandon  20:06

that's handy. This is amazing. That's very nice, very proud of games just like yelling.

Collin  20:12

Ly live, because and then if it's grayed out, it means that it hasn't started yet. So you don't even have to click on whatever it was today, like, oh, no, there's nothing there. If you click on it, and then it's like, if it's if they have recaps from that day, it also looks different. So you can just watch the recap. It's really like, when I saw the red dots, I was immediately going. Okay, like that, actually, is extremely helpful, because I don't have to click on each individual one. I don't have to go to what's going on yet see what's going on. Now with this said, they have so much to broadcast that. And because most of these are just live feeds of what's going on, there's actually not like, NBC commentators on for all of it or all of them, right? What they try and do, and this is just my review of what they are doing. Okay, again, they are trying to cover so much. They will without abandon go into multi screen streaming. Which means like, did I really want to be watching two tennis matches simultaneously? No, no, I did not. Yeah. Will I be watching them? Yes, I will. Yes, I will be other. We tried, I we tried to watch fencing, I really wanted to show the kids fit kids fencing because it is amazing. We watched archery for a really long time, because it was fascinating and really fun to watch, watched fencing, where they went, What if instead of trying to watch, too, you'd have you got to watch all four simultaneously.

Brandon  21:53

Now, that's too much visual. That is, the fencing is nuts.

Collin  21:59

It is also over in less than a second. And so it's like, you're constantly just eyes flick.


She did she did it's like, it's like, it

Collin  22:12

was impossible to watch. It was impossible to do to understand anything, or know what was going on or keep track of who was who or what was happening or why they didn't get the point or what that was. But it just that one was really overwhelming. So when we got to like, you know, when there was just a single stream of like, judo, I was going, Oh, well, that's nice. Oh, how about that just watched judo for a little while

Brandon  22:40

just one thing on the screen at a time when brain can calm

Collin  22:45

down? What a novel idea of just one day. Oh, my goodness. So yeah, that was we've been we've been kind of touching here and there. It's been fun to you know, how basically have Wikipedia pulled up and do deep dives into everything that we're watching and learned. Learn more about, like the fencing thing. One of the kids was like, Why do they have that string on them? eBay

Brandon  23:15

foil or sabre? That's the

Collin  23:19

well, I said, Well, that's actually a cable that they're plugged into a computer on. And it's it they have sensors on their jacket and in their sword and on their face masks so that they can tell who's been touched in when and where it's a little light that comes on. Yes. So that they can score this easier because the you can't do this with the human eye. Basically, it's too fast to do it reliably. You know, they used to do paint on the ends or chalk, or things like that to see who got hit and where. But now they can just do it this way. So that was the kind of stuff it's fun to dig into. Like, why is this the way it is? Especially whenever they did like the archery and the slow motion, and you got to see the arrow go what what what what? Oh, yeah, it'll be like, Yeah, you're like, does it fly straight? No, no, it does not. They say straight as an arrow. They're talking about the general path and trajectory. Not physical, not the physical object.

Brandon  24:19

No, because it doesn't know. That's great. We haven't watched too much of it. We've been a little bit busy, but we did catch some of the big stuff right here. I gotta give that a official. Oh brother. Shout out to a Olympic athlete. So far, this Olympics. This is going to ALEC Cedric of the women's USA rugby team. Oh, see, did you see that highlight? So bronze medal game, right. I don't think women's rugby US women's rugby has like ever meddled ever, like The last, basically the last play for time runs out. This woman runs like it, it looks like 90 meters. She just Terex runs over. I did see that the air has all is fantastic.

Collin  25:19

It was pretty amazing to see just how she barreled through every buddy.

Brandon  25:26

Yeah, so that was, that was fantastic. So that's the most exciting and Olympic moment I've seen so far. I think like that was pretty good. Like, yeah, it was pretty critical. There's been some other good stuff too with like a because we live in the US listeners, you know, Primetime on the press coverage, only we'll show you gymnastics and swimming. Because that's apparently all anybody wants to look at. I don't really know. But that's, for a lot of that. I saw I did watch some of the horsing the Olympics. And the one word that like the cross country, one where they're running or like ever, you know, and they go through all the articles and stuff. Yeah, I remember what that's called. But they had that on the grounds of the Palace of Versailles. That's just like, the most French thing imaginable. Like, if that was somewhere else, it just would feel wrong. You know, like, yeah, it's just like, that's just that maybe the most appropriate Olympic venue I've ever seen. Right? They force jumping on the grounds at the Palace of Versailles.

Collin  26:45

Well, and that's the other part too about this of, of a lot of these. Okay, look, it's just like a lot of the panoramic shots when they pan out to see like, where's this happening? It's also immediately recognizable, like when we were what were we watching? Oh, we were watching the volleyball competition, the beach volleyball, and then and it's like, oh, they're at the base of the Eiffel Tower.


Out here right next to the


things. Oh, okay. Got it?

Collin  27:17

Yes, it's it's way more recognizable than there's a lot of very iconic locales. Yes. That they


are using very well. That's true. And, yes, so that's,

Brandon  27:29

I just thought it was really funny. I was just like, this may be the most appropriate thing I've ever seen in my life.

Collin  27:35

It's very good.

Brandon  27:40

It was really funny. Yeah. Yeah, but I haven't watched too much. Yeah, like in gymnastics, right, USA. Women's gymnastic redemption tour. Kai. Pretty good. Although today, for some reason, because people on the internet have too much time and are stupid. They just were like, Oh my gosh, Simone Biles loves your hair like that. Like, this


woman just won a gold medal, and like, did amazing things. And you're like, You're weird. That is

Brandon  28:14

the dumbest thing I've ever heard. She's like, flipping about, like 12 feet in the air and doing all kinds of stuff. And you're like, man, what? Was your hair get messed up. Like what? style?

Collin  28:31

So that was really dumb. Well, but I mean, people, people are going to Yeah, you always get those. It's I don't know what it is about the Olympics, that ice I still contend that prior to any event, it should be required to have a random person selected from the audience to


do the event. I was tired.


I should be like the week before the Olympics. They should be like in the run up to the coverage. Right? You should have people trying Olympic events. Hey, NBC, are you doing?

Brandon  29:07

Where's where's the set? Yes, this is free. Like doing that, like every event? Because that would mean if you did it for over like two weeks maybe? Yeah, because there's a lot of Olympic Summer Olympics has as we mentioned before, a 7000 events. It's so it is so much like

Collin  29:27

and most of them are just variations on a theme which is fine. Like,

Brandon  29:33

you can do like a swim. Yes, right. I just all the strokes and all the distances. I know, trying to swim. I need

Collin  29:41

somebody who tries to go down and back as fast as possible. So here's

Brandon  29:45

100 Right.

Collin  29:48

Here's here's John. John is works in middle management in IETF. He, here he is. He's going to swim as fast as he can Um, and you can then you can get a time and then when and then what they'll have is on the actual event, Jon's time will just be at the velvet coat

Brandon  30:08

John's line, like they have the record time. But John's line Sean's

Collin  30:12

live at here. Nowhere even close.

Brandon  30:18

Like, they just show up for the first 30 meters and they turn it off. They're like, okay, you've got the idea, you excetera

Collin  30:23

etc. I think if they did that, there would be fewer, you know, a couch, couch quarterbacks or whatever,

Brandon  30:35

you know, worried about someones hair.


girl alone, man.

Collin  30:40

I would just, you know, that's something else to have, like, hey, what if we had somebody or had even Simone wear those like a G force sensor or something like that? So you could see what her torso goes through whenever she does those twists and

Brandon  30:55

turns like used to do that, like sports science thing? Right? They would do weird things like that. Yeah, like, just the height. How fast? Is she rotating anyway? Like, 90 million miles an hour and a little corkscrew?


Yeah, yeah.

Collin  31:11

Just to give some idea of Peak Peak athletes are able to do this. And then here's John. And here's what John's doing. Right? Like,

Brandon  31:22

it's not for women's. So you could have Jane, Jane, you're gonna have


Jane doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Just like, it would really, that would help.

Collin  31:33

Because when people it's so true, when somebody is the best at their craft, they make it look easy. It's just when somebody is so good. They make it look effortless. And because it looks effortless. People go well, I mean, why? Why do you do that? Like, no, no, you really couldn't. You really couldn't here but the Okay, whatever. What adds?

Brandon  32:09

Oh, the other thing is, though, we've been watching this swimming, right, the fringe swimmer guy doing all the insane stuff. That Liam guy. He's been doing pretty good. So that's pretty impressive. Lots of like, the crowd is like, you know, rightfully so going bonkers for him in the old pool there. Yeah. And I saw earlier, the medal ceremony, right for him. And he's up on the thing. And he's got the national anthem playing and it's very beautiful. The French national anthem, right. But I was thinking, I told Susan this and she rolled her eyes on me. So I haven't tell you not to


whenever I hear the Marseillaise right.

Brandon  32:54

The French national anthem makes me think of Casablanca. I hear that national anthem, I think about the part in Casa Blanca, where they're, the Germans are in there. And they start like, singing the German anthem, right? The Nazi anthem, whatever. And Victor gets up, and he starts conducting the bar to sing the French national anthem. And they out seeing all of the nods.


Yes, that's Well, I think that's what

Brandon  33:29

I think of when I hear levar say, so. I'm sorry, if that offends you, but it's very patriotic. So I'm

Collin  33:36

just gonna say their worst things you could think of when you hear the national anthem. So I think it's a pretty good one.

Brandon  33:41

I think it's a pretty positive one for listeners, let me know your thoughts on my like, weird national anthem schema here, but that's what I have.


That's what I that's what comes to mind. Whatever. I

Brandon  33:54

think whenever I hear the word say, is I the first thing I think of is that scene in cast Blanca. Because I'm a bit weird like that. No, no.


No, no. Right. I didn't want to say

Brandon  34:17

in Olympic mode here, right. If I take a small serious turn, before we get back to zaniness,

Collin  34:25

right, real quick before we do that, I'll just have one mild thing of saying this. I went to go find that that that clip of in Casa Blanca. When you search singing French national anthem in it, it just pops up. They're so nice. It's the first it's the first hit. So lots of people doing that, apparently. Anyway, so you go.

Brandon  34:46

So I did want to bring up just briefly, right? I know that the Olympics is time for like celebration, and like happiness and national anthems and things right athletic prowess. Right. However, originally, in ancient Greece, one important aspect of the Olympics


was of course, the Olympic Truce. Right. So I feel like oh, just mentioned here.

Brandon  35:19

The extreme number of armed conflicts currently happening in the world, right? Just Just where do we know? Right? Just want to make mention of these? Right, according to the Geneva Academy over 110 currently


happening? Really? Yeah.

Brandon  35:39

A lot of these are like, in. They're not like International. Right. We've covered some big ones before here. We've talked about the Ukraine, ongoing Ukraine Russia thing. And we briefly mentioned the Burmese problems with the inside Burma Myanmar area, but roughly this number is hard to pin down, right, because there's so many, like, small things or in between, like they're in that are not their intra national, right within just US states. So according to this the most are in Africa. Right. With one big one that's not talked about very much the Western Sahara issue is still going on. Since like, 1975. So


that that's right.

Brandon  36:43

Asia over 21 Oh, this breaks it up. It's North Africa in the Middle East. 45. The rest of Africa 35.


Asia, 21. Europe, seven,

Brandon  36:59

Latin America, approximately six. So wow, Central and South America.


So I want to unfortunate part of the

Brandon  37:11

Olympic action is a lot of these athletes come from very volatile places. Right.



Brandon  37:20

we can't overlook that part, right, because there's a lot of these that we don't hear about right. Right now, you hear about Ukraine still. And you hear about the


Israel situation, Israel and Palestine situation, but not about like the Congo, not about

Brandon  37:39

Haiti erupting into the horribleness. Right, the Azerbaijani conflict, right with Armenia.


So, just to say, that's

Brandon  37:52

an important part of the ancient Olympic tradition, right? It's a Olympic Truce is much easier to have an Olympic Truce, of course, when the Olympics are only happening in Greece, and you're having a truce against just the other Greek city states. Sure. So it's logistically much easier to do that, you know, that's not not true.

Collin  38:13

That's for sure.

Brandon  38:18

As I mentioned that, and bring that up as important thing to think about during this time, when all the world is looking at the international stage, right, just as you just mentioned, Hey, guys. Some of you need to do better, right, or we need to knock it off. Right. That's what we got.

Collin  38:37

Well, and especially bringing bringing a light and attention to the


other splits is I

Collin  38:47

struggle with saying the word smaller conflicts because they're really not for those experiencing them. Yeah, but the smaller in scale, its scope, right. Or, or, or smaller in exposure. Yeah, you know, that kind of thing to have going. Yeah, this is not something that anybody really pays attention to. You're right. And it makes you doesn't make you kind of sick to think about that of going, man. Yeah. Not to sit and in and, and focus on just the sufferings of the world. Because we're certainly not what we want to do in our day and age.


But it it also makes it so that you go

Collin  39:34

yeah, there's there's a lot more, more work like that to be done,


I believe. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.

Brandon  39:41

And so yeah, I just I just wanted to kind of mention that briefly. And as a bit of a downer. Sure. I think it's important to think about that. And think like, oh, you know what, especially in this time where we're like, Oh man, look at all the these cool people from all over the world and you get to see and you know, see cool stuff like I think today cool. Amala won the first ever gold medal in the Summer Olympics. I could be wrong about that. But it wasn't like trapshooting. That's


cool, right? That's exciting.

Brandon  40:09

Ireland the other day when they first ever like swimming metal, gold, by the way to surprise Nice one, right? Big one, right? So like, those accomplishments of things are really fantastic. And while we're thinking internationally during the Olympics, it's important to just kind of remember like, hey, there's also some knackered stuff going on there that we need to be made aware of and know about. Right? Yeah. Yeah, go back on. zenoss. Right. So you had a question that I thought of?


Roughly 30 minutes before we started this. Oh,

Brandon  40:50

these are my favorite. Yeah.


Could I interest you? In a patented? Oh, brother. Movie challenge? Oh, yes.

Brandon  41:00

I haven't been doing what I have done. Well, he's a long time. Now. We haven't right. I've been slacking. Sorry.


Okay. So I thought

Brandon  41:08

we can either do it next week or the week after or leave it up to you. But we need to do some sort of like top three slash top five Olympic movies.


I mean, isn't there really only one? Well, I mean, yeah, but there's other there's also other ones that are right. Yeah, a top three, three Olympic movies. Yeah,

Brandon  41:32

I think three is good. Because there's a lot of movies about the same thing. So that's kind of like


Alright, there we go. Done.

Brandon  41:40

I like this or the week after.

Collin  41:42

Let's do in two weeks that will hell weeks.

Brandon  41:45

Okay. That's my thought because that's kind of a big list, but


just throw it away. Okay,

Brandon  41:51

I'm gonna put it in. Bold. Ah, okay. Okay, so I just thought maybe my begin right to get back a little bit since it is Olympic time. Yeah, right. Maybe shoulda done it before Olympic star but that is the oh brother way of doing things just slightly behind schedule. You don't

Collin  42:09

want because then it'd be too cluttered. Right. There's too much cluttered. You know, be too hard to cut through the noise. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  42:17

This way everybody could focus on watching the Olympics and then after or near when it's done it hitting with the Olympic when

Collin  42:23

they're right when they are still begging for more, more. More.


Bam. Got him. All right. So did that hop three Olympic movies. Perfect. Okay, beautiful. Love it. Yeah.

Collin  42:43

It's gonna be great. It is.

Brandon  42:46

I'm very excited for this I to think of two other Olympic movies. But

Collin  42:51

I know. This is why I said three.

Brandon  42:55

That'd be obviously chariots of fire. Now I'm skiing.


Yes. Oh, good. One Olympic soundtrack. Yes. I mean, it's not bad. Not bad. But maybe the most important soundtrack song

Brandon  43:17

ever for people of at least my age. Right. It's very, it's very important culturally. Right.


Yes. Also, also, just side note here. The

Brandon  43:35

thing that I hated about the Olympics is also been in full swing this week, right? Where all the announcers are like, could you believe that this person is so incredibly old and yet performing at such a high level in their sport next year? They will be 29 Yes, yes, indeed. Some lady was like, are those a dude he's like, I can't believe how old this guy is in the swim race. 3131 years old.


Rowdy knock it off, buddy. I don't do it. Now we watched a

Collin  44:16

we watched the debate. What was it? Oh, archery. Archery. Right. And they're like, and it was a 16 year old versus a 23 year old and they were already they were already setting this up like like, you know, young whippersnapper versus like old timer kind of thing can result 23 Like, I hate I hate now this every single aspect of what is being talked about right now on thing. Oh, yeah.


The oldest person ever in

Collin  44:56

sports 3232 It's starting, like,



Collin  45:02

I can't turn this off right now.


Yes, you

Collin  45:11

Yes, that's, I didn't notice I didn't notice that on the end. It was an archery of all things. I was like, Oh my gosh.

Brandon  45:19

Usually the cooler in archery a little bit, but you know, I started hurting the swimming. They were like, Oh my God, this person is so old.


31 right. Why? Why would you do that?

Brandon  45:39

So rude dog.


Oh, right. I forgot to mention it.

Brandon  45:46

Well, on the episode last week. Other updates. I mentioned it to you in person, but we didn't record it that we formed. We went to Lake. We went to see the movie Twister. Oh, yes. Yes. So your brief twistors Movie Review? Oh, yes. Yes. Here.


X number one. Okay, first thing, right. Is I have not seen this many people at a movie theater in a very long time.

Brandon  46:19

Right. Granted, I haven't been to the movies in a while. But there really hasn't been that many movies to go see. Right? There's really been nothing that's come out that. Yes. This one. And we went with our friends. And there was a line out the door. Right? They had like multiple theaters.


Screening this movie, right? It was insane. I had to sit on the third row. That's how many people were in here.

Brandon  46:54

Which is kind of cool. Right? But having said that, close it a long time.

Collin  46:58

How's your neck? How are you doing?

Brandon  47:00

It wasn't too bad. It wasn't too bad. You said to do the kind of like lean back lay down thing. So my lower back was a little bit uncomfortable from like, stretching down but but there was not. There was so many people in the movie theater. It was incredible. Like they just I haven't seen it like that. And for a really long time. And my friend made a good point. And he said that's because there hasn't been any like summer movies in a long time. It's all just been like this year is Marvel movie. And the first couple of years I was like yeah, that's so cool. And then after that they're like would look very oversaturated right?

Collin  47:48

Well, and then well then it became here's the other other Marvel movie. And here's three Marvel movies. Just

Brandon  47:57

they really they really go on beaten that dead horse like real bad. Like Yeah, real guys. You gotta like spread them out a little


bit. You gotta like do something because this isn't going well. No, it's not like they were not. box office see these


very good kind of hating people. Yeah, they're not good at it. So

Brandon  48:25

they showed up for twisters now, because they would say it's very like summer. It's really good. Susan. Yeah. Who's one of her favorite movies of all time is Twister original. Said it was very good. Right? He was not disappointed at all. So except for there was no references to Philip Seymour Hoffman. But nobody said Bob's road. She was kind of sad about that. But you know, it's okay.

Collin  48:54

You can't you know, can't have everything. I

Brandon  48:57

guess. That's true. That's true. Other than that, it's fine. It's fine. But it was pretty good movie. Really? It's not too bad.


Yet the science is like, mostly accurate. They're still really like, yeah, it's

Brandon  49:10

not too bad. Right? I was seeing their their cars flying. So I was like, Oh, that's okay. Some of the things are a little bit like I don't know, but like overall in general for movie. It's not that bad. Really. It's pretty good.


It's very like part of me was thinking like Man, there are

Brandon  49:30

a lot of tornadoes just back to back to back. And then I remembered this spring and went actually


okay you know, never mind I got

Brandon  49:40

this may just be a documentary of earlier this year.


It's all coming together.

Brandon  49:48

Yeah, like tornadoes. Like three days in a row is like that does it? Oh, wait. I'm


actually actually

Collin  49:56

guys, nevermind. This does make perfect sense. I

Brandon  50:02

thought there was one part where the people of Oklahoma were surprised by a tornado. That's not true. That's not true. Not right. Like, oh my gosh, there's a surprise tornado that they smell that thing coming no

Collin  50:15

way in Oklahoma is even people who are just passing through Oklahoma and actually don't live there. And they're just staying there that night. And nobody is surprised by the presence of a tornado.

Brandon  50:28

It's true. I know, they wanted like a big, they wanted to kind of recreate that part in the first movie where they're the drive thru, you know, oh, yeah, that part. And it's like, all of a sudden the tornado shows up. Right? And in 2024, this is very difficult beef. Because cellphones exist. Right? And so again, like if this was known, you'll like every single person's phone and the I think it was a rodeo arena would have been going off with National Weather Service alerts, they would have been like, Oh, guys, you should go, like 30 minutes.

Collin  51:02

Facebook would have been pinging people mark that you're safe from the tornado and all this stuff going on, too. Yeah. So you, you

Brandon  51:09

had to have some suspension of disbelief a little bit. Right. Have like, you know, phone edge. Sure. Because phones ruin movies. Right? A lot of like suspense and storytelling, because,


you know, you can just like purchase column. No, I can't.

Brandon  51:30

Okay, it's done. Like, that kind of messes up a lot of like, traditional tropes in movies that you were gonna cut to ruin them completely. Yeah, really handy for some things, but like for other things, it's like,


no, it's not.

Brandon  51:53

But it's really good. It's I thought it was good. It doesn't feel like sloggy. Right. Even though there's like, lots of action. There was never a point where it's like, I did not go my test is I never looked at my watch. And wait, how much longer do I have here? Oh, didn't have that moment. So that's good. That's a really good test. That's, that's really my test at this point in my life. My test. If I don't look at my watch, go.


How long have I been here? Yeah, then. Then we're good. Right? I feel like that's a good test. No, it is. Yeah.

Collin  52:27

Because it means that the pacing is fine. That's engaging. You're not, you know, your, your brain doesn't have time to roll its eyes. And yeah, I

Brandon  52:37

think if anything was good, right. We know if you've heard me rant about the Wheel of Time, you know, that I just obsessed with pacing and stories. It was actually really good. Right? Like, nice, like, mix of action and some like downtime. And some like, there was some, you know, some of it was kind of like, cheesy, but not in like a bad way. Right? Like, yeah, like, Oh, she you know, she had to overcome her


fear of storms and the stuff that she developed with, you know, her trauma and all that, but it was alright. Not too bad. So, that was good. Overall, is

Brandon  53:19

it good? There's some parts that are a little bit like weird, but it's overall it's pretty good. So do give it the recommend. For me and Susan price even say yes, for sure. For sure.


Check, check and check check. Yes, okay. Yeah,

Collin  53:38

I've seen it. It's been kind of breaking not breaking box offices, but it's been looking like it's been doing really, really well. Yeah,


it's been doing good. So it's a it's very fun. It's just like a fun movie. It's

Brandon  53:52

like very like popcorn a movie. Right? Where some of the stuff you go what on earth why would you do that? But it's like popcorn movie. Sure. Right. No matter what Shelby says I think they represent Oklahoma pretty accurately right really accurately says where

Collin  54:08

he doesn't live in Oklahoma.

Brandon  54:09

Yeah you know from my what I know them as well and the other part the the main chaser guy they say at the beginning that they come out of Arkansas Yes, right the tornado wrangler guy did just drive his truck straight into tornado. Like I feel like that's pretty Arkansas. Right It's pretty. Really



Brandon  54:32

It's really in Arkansas. Right. Like I don't know.


Yeah, so I thought I thought

Brandon  54:41

it was pretty good. I

Collin  54:42

don't know. I don't know about the science. But that guy is doing the right thing there. Yeah.

Brandon  54:47

It's pretty good. A lot of a lot of the shots in Oklahoma were just like flat. Maybe there are too many trees in some parts. I don't know. But like it looked pretty much like Oh, Well, it looked like when we drove to Wovoka. Right. It's kind of what looks like sounds like it's fine.


Nice. I thought it was ALRIGHT. So yes,

Brandon  55:12

I there. The


twister spoiler free twisters review. They're pretty good. Yes. One good one?

Collin  55:24

Well, you mentioned the the data thing in the science, I heard a phrase this is shifting gears a little bit here. But yeah, I don't, this phrase caught my attention today as I was driving and I was listening to what was a news report, and they had a Fed Chair guy out there. And he said the phrase I had been thinking about this all day about being the the right phrases of somebody being data dependent, versus data point, dependent. And I thought that that was okay. Very interesting distinction, basically saying, like, no one single factor, or will will determine our decisions. But the preponderance of data and indicators will lead us in the direction will show us the direction we need to go. And should, should, right, and people, people who do like economic forecasting or just like making decisions in their own life, about how many people try to reduce it down to a factor or like the thing or the sign, or the one thing that will tell me or show me to do this or not. That's kind of like, you know, the movie twisters have, like, there wasn't just one thing that made it good. There was a lot of different things that made it a good movie. In the end, I'm sure there were one or two highlights or whatever. But like, it's, it's always in totality. When you think about it in that concept of, you know, you have to take everything into account. It's not just one or even two things when you're doing this, cuz he was obviously referring this into like, yeah, when we do a rate increase or not like, we don't just look at one piece of housing data or employment data, we take everything into consideration, which is kind of a cop out, right? Because they don't want to say like, what their priorities are in a lot of cases. So they kind of have to obfuscate a little


bit there. But

Collin  57:34

it really, it really shouldn't be that way. So when you were talking about the science being good, and like making decision, like data, that kind of stuff. Like I was like, oh, yeah, I heard this thing today that I've been read. It's been bouncing around as I've been. I've been walking talks.

Brandon  57:48

It's very interesting, right? That reminds me when you said that. It reminds me that I haven't yet mentioned this to you. Have you heard about the final experiment?

Collin  58:03

No. Oh, this is very important. Okay, I had to sell. And there's a countdown. Oh, that's always fine.

Brandon  58:13

134 days.


There are going they there. This experiment is a it's flat earth based,

Brandon  58:23

right. So important is this? Right? So this is amazing. So there is this dude, right has gathered together? Um, at least two flat earthers. And this website says a globe earthers. But that's not no, that's me. Normal people. Yes. They're going to Antarctica to witness the 24 hour sun. Oh, right. In the winter,


which on a flat earth is not possible. Right. Right. The flat earth?

Brandon  59:03

I guess model that I don't know. Some say they don't have a model. But the map that you normally see the flutter right a 24 hour and Arctic Sun son should not be possible. Also, according to many Flat Earthers you're not allowed to go to Antarctica. So they're gonna go there.

Collin  59:24

Well, So wouldn't that just like, yeah, that kind

Brandon  59:27

of invalidates a big part of the argument right there.

Collin  59:32

But seriously, what are they going to do? Like, I guess they'll just have to say this really? This isn't Antarctica like feels. Right?

Brandon  59:38

Yeah, they'll have to, but that's the plan. Right? So that that's the thing that's gonna happen. And I just would it's a deep dive into this person is paying for both people on both sides of the quote, unquote, debate, to go to Antarctica and see The 24 hour Sun, which cannot be seen on a flat plane, right? It only works if the earth is a sphere. And so that's what they're gonna do. They're gonna go in 134 This is

Collin  1:00:22

a vase, the column ladies and gentlemen.


But if you didn't know me, I will say, kudos to this crew.

Collin  1:00:29

I mean, first off, it's a lot more globe earth team. Then there is the flat earth team. Why No,

Brandon  1:00:36

Mike, I think some of the people, because I've been kind of following this a little bit from some people that I watched, like, I've watched a few of their videos about like debunking flatter stuff, and then like, that gets you more videos recommended. And then all of a sudden, this happened. And I was like, Oh, wait. And, like several people, several of the flatter people are like, refusing, they like claim that it's fake. They're like, I want to see No, I'm like, they're already kind of backpedal mode. Enough, it feels like some of them no, like, oh,


because they die on this hill a lot. Right? And this is

Brandon  1:01:28

dying on this specific Hill, a lot, a lot of evidence, a lot of evidence, like, it's really, you know, you can debunk people and like, tell them that their math calculations were wrong, or that they're not using the curve the globe curve calculator thing correctly. And actually guess if the glove is supposed to be hiding 20? You know, I don't know, like 27 feet of curve and you're seeing, but you're still seeing a six storey building. Did that. That makes sense? Right? Like, that's okay. Like, these are things that they talk about, and they just, like, use the science incorrectly or use the math wrong.


But this is a very concrete yes or no question. This is a very concrete data point where they can say, like, I'm observed

Brandon  1:02:25

because they go on and on and on about all these observations, they're just like,


the Earth doesn't look round. First of all, what does that even mean? What and

Brandon  1:02:38

but they die on this hill, a lot of going to Antarctica and seeing the sun. So somebody's like, hey, I'll take a Antarctica as you can see the sun.


And so that's apparently

Brandon  1:02:50

what's going to happen.

Collin  1:02:56

I mean, but that's what it that's what it takes in these instances of, of just getting into a yes or no question, right? Like, yeah, you have to say, Okay, you need to put them in a situation I'm thinking of the really famous one of Uri Geller right where he was put in that he was the illusionist that claimed to have telekinetic powers or whatever. And in that very famous TV thing where he was like well why can't you do it and like all of a sudden all the excuses came out stuff meanwhile, it was just like all right, yeah, like is

Brandon  1:03:36

he there? He the guy that was blowing on the cards like that, is that him? But the thing in front of him and he's like, Oh, it won't work. I don't know what's wrong with it. Yes.

Collin  1:03:45

Oh, we're bending spoons. And he was doing I wish I need to find this Yeah, this video of him. But yeah, he where he gets he gets put to task when he's on the car in the US the Carson cars Yes. Johnny Carson, right. Yeah. To to bring that out. And who was the Who was the guy was that guy?


Who said see Uri Geller.

Collin  1:04:20

What is he? He's the he's the he's got the challenge right. What is that called?


What the hell? Who was that? Oh, that's me. Yes.


Is this more more thrilling? Random knowing Yes. I could see Yeah, I can't remember.

Collin  1:04:52

This is gonna drive me insane. Oh my gosh. I can see his face. So I can see all the interviews that he's done. Um


so here's what I'm gonna. Here's

Collin  1:05:08

what I'm going to do. Ah, The Amazing Randi.


Is that guy is that who this? Yes. Okay, yes. Yeah. The Amazing Randi. Is that who you're thinking of? No. Oh, oh, okay.

Brandon  1:05:28

Oh yeah. James Randi? James


Randi. Amazing Randy. James Randi. Yes. Yes. Okay. Yeah, cuz

Brandon  1:05:34

I found a clip here.

Collin  1:05:36

What I what I what I wrote, but I had to Google was anti Uri Geller guy. And that.



Brandon  1:05:45

You know, there was some there was one person listening to this. It was like screaming at their device.


Yes, amazing,

Collin  1:05:55

Randy. I'll throw in a video that he did when he spoke it. He spoke at Google. It was pretty fun to see. Yeah, I think or maybe. Oh, is that when he did his TED talk? I think that's what that was. Yeah, if you haven't seen that alto Alto in his TED talk, it's pretty good. Anyway, he's great.

Brandon  1:06:21

Yeah, it's like one. It's just one of those things where I think it's very interesting that a, they actually actually agreed to this. Yeah. Because if your whole worldview is deny what other people say? But like, not actually provide any more. What it's the fact that somebody said, Yes, it's very interesting. And I even heard a thing, I watched a video of a flat earth person being like, he was basically taking people to task and saying, Look, if this happens, and if this is true. Like, we have to believe the results, like you can't deny this, this is the thing that we've been saying can't happen. And if we see it happen, we have to change your mind. We have to Yeah. And I was like, Okay, first of all. Wow, nice to hear that from you, flatters guy. Cool, but like,

Collin  1:07:22

but at least they're recognizing what they're hinging everything on. Right? Yeah, that is


just an admittance of, of just exactly

Collin  1:07:33

how thin that is. And in right, like, Okay, this is the piece of evidence.

Brandon  1:07:40

And he's also kind of mad at some of the, you know, bike leaders of the movement, quest work that like, the people that have been, you know, kind of started a big online presence of flat Earth, and like, have those people are strangely silent. And those people are


not wanting to be involved at all. And in that kind of thing, right? Like,

Brandon  1:08:09

he was kind of calling those people out being like, Yo,


what's up like, these

Brandon  1:08:14

people are, you know, they're the ones tooting the horn, they are the ones, you know, really bringing this up and really fighting and denying all this stuff. And then now when you're confronted with this, you're like, running away. And like, he's like, that's kind of messed up. And I, you know, I was kind of mad about that, which is also surprising. Let's be honest, good for that guy. remember


who it was now, because I watched this video Like, two and a half weeks ago. So I don't remember who

Brandon  1:08:46

that was. But I think it was. I saw a response video to it. So that's how I heard about the first time. But yeah, so that is just just in case you weren't aware of the Ominously Titled final experimental.

Collin  1:09:00

It's like, it's a bit click Beatty, because honestly, it's sad. But you know,


it's okay. Because

Brandon  1:09:08

that's how you get people's attention nowadays. I guess you got to have some big, bold, striking title. Yeah, that's the plan. So follow ups will report back in at least 134 days. Now, this is going if they go what are the results? What did they say? Just put that on there. Put that on your radar there. That is a thing that exists.

Collin  1:09:37

I'm actually going to Simba from the time of recording. December 12 is 134 days from now. All right. So I'm going to say how under

Brandon  1:09:48

their like, rates. results here going on. I'm

Collin  1:09:56

gonna I'm gonna go ahead and do myself a favor. I'm going to Go ahead and copy the website address in, in, in their


call into the notes. Good idea.


Yo, here we go. And I'm going to read haha. So that's an

Collin  1:10:16

alert, I'll do an alert one day before we guys

Brandon  1:10:18

pay remember, this is happening. So look for I'm sure some of the channels that I've watched before will show up here.


So, we'll that will probably have

Brandon  1:10:31

a lot to talk about it they've already been talked about a lot already. But, you know, there's a lot of time to


die down between now on that, so we'll see. Yeah,

Collin  1:10:39

well and for them to start coming up with theories for why things Do or do not work or like how it can be faked or stage so I'm really interested in that. Because

Brandon  1:10:51

those videos are great because some of them are like really, like concise and short and stuff and then there's one guy it just sounds like the most tired human ever. And he just talks about why they're bad and how this is false and I can't believe that Yep. Which I mean same buddy, but like I watched his like it was do you think is Dave's Dave? I think I watched his like I think he did like an hour and a half video debunking that like Terrence Howard interview with Joe Rogan.


i Okay, so that is

Brandon  1:11:37

the most zany thing I've ever heard in my entire life. I actually

Collin  1:11:42

listened to that episode. I don't listen to very many but I did listen to that episode is My goodness. Like, there's a there's a lot going on in that

Brandon  1:11:54

it's bad. It's real bad. It's a lot. It's it's very intense. It's it's very something I don't know. It's, it's just actually crazy stuff. Exactly. They're like, I don't know. Yeah. I don't know, either. I don't know. It's, it's, see, I watch like, I just couldn't stop watching this video of the guy like tearing it to shreds. I had to watch it. I didn't watch it all at once. Because that's a long video to watch it listen to somebody ripping apart and it re explaining over and over again. Why? One times one


is not equal to two, which I didn't know that explaining. But there you go. Deep in case you were unaware.

Brandon  1:12:55

Which just goes to show that using groups of language when learning to multiplies is really important so that you know what multiplying means. And you don't sound foolish on the Joe Rogan podcast. That's what that

Collin  1:13:12

are really smart. You

Brandon  1:13:13

don't know. Because if you have one group of one thing


the total amount of things you have is one

Brandon  1:13:24

they go thank you for coming to my math district issue draw you a diagram to this but you know, I don't really


want to do that right now. So this is


too much

Brandon  1:14:04

moving away from bad math to bad water supply, though. You know we can get to?


Yes. Boy, boy Haik is investigating. Why hang water? It's a holy fountain. The whole fountaining Correct. Nope. Not doing that right. First of all, I like to just make note of why I'm looking for this chapter here. This is like several chapters in a row of like coherent narrative, which

Brandon  1:14:43

kind of a big deal for this book so far, right? We have at least four chapters of


just actual congruent story.

Brandon  1:14:55

We haven't had a really long winded rant about geopolitical situation and totally not North America. So really picking up steam here, right? We're really cruising. We're doing we're hitting some after chapter 12. We're hitting our stride, right? actually did like these three chapters, I thought they were pretty funny. Possibly because they were continuing to tell what actual story and we got to see the whole episode, kind of play out through thing and a nice continuation from the last chapter. So I think we're doing I thought it was good. I really liked it.

Collin  1:15:34

Well, because up until now, it's kind of been like some little vignettes. But like, we've never really rested long, like you said, like, we're gonna die sit in this situation, because again, he's just being swept away from one thing happening to the next thing happening to the next thing happening.


That's true. You know, that's just kind of guy he is. He's

Brandon  1:15:54

a he's a mover and a shaker. Indeed, we do have the chapter 12, the holy fountain, right. Where I did. So they get they get up there. Right. They right up there? I did, we did have a bit of another humorous interaction with a girl Sandy


here. Right? And where he is like, yelling things, and she's like, What are you talking about? I can understand you. Was that this chapter? Right? Yeah. And he's like, oh, yeah,

Brandon  1:16:34

I forgot. He got all mad. And he's like, Oh, I can't get mad at you. Because, you know, I forget that you don't speak modern English, right. And I'm just going to, you know, he gave her gave her a hard time. And that is the end of the chapter. So we're jumping a little bit. But he said, When she starts talking again,


and he says, I can't. He's like, I stood

Brandon  1:17:00

in awe. Because what I realized I was in the awful presence of the mother of the German language. You still impressed with her ability to just build sentence on sentence on sentence, and then he's not going to give away until the thing is done? Yeah, in a very German way. Right. Which is kind of funny. I don't know much about the German language. But I do know that Germans in order to make compound words, they just shove a whole bunch of other words together, and just string them all along to massive words. And they just like blitz through them until they're done explaining a thing. So I thought that was kind of fun.

Collin  1:17:44

Well, yeah, and they just in to make Yeah, like you said to make words. They just make this ad the other words to the word to make the concepts. Yeah, they just Yeah,

Brandon  1:17:51

they just keep shoving them on there and making one like supergiant word. So I thought that was kind of, but backing up to the actual case at hand. Right. Merlin is already here. He's working on the phone. Right. So all thanks talking to the abbot. And I thought this exchange was really funny, where he's like, he's like talking about it. And he's like, he's like, oh, you know, you can go work with him. He's like, no, no, no. Can't have two magicians working at the same time that we'll never do. is like, you gotta, you gotta let one. Do his things. Right. And, and, you know, you gotta let him try until he quits by himself. And then I'll go try, right? We can't go. You mucking about and then we might make it worse, right? We might. Well, he says it was before.

Collin  1:18:38

He says, Yeah, if you were persuaded against his will, he would load that well, with a malicious enchantment that would block me until I found out it's secret, it might take a month, right? So he's like, No, just leave him to it.

Brandon  1:18:51

What he's actually doing is he's stalling until all of his parts can get here that he sent for.

Collin  1:18:58

Because, again, he did send four parts

Brandon  1:19:01

of his mystery list of parts as at the end of last chapter, right? We needed some number fours and some number threes and some, whatever that means. And so he's got to also just wait until they show up because he can't do anything anyway. till they're there. So he's just like, No, no, it's fine, man stoma. Oh, cool. Um, skin hanging.


Yes. Right.

Brandon  1:19:33

So he goes and he goes and talks a little Merlin who's in there, you know, waving his hands around and smoking incense or whatever and doing all kinds of stuff and trying to do these like big crazy enchantments and he's like,


okay, cool. I'm just gonna just leave it to I'll be back at work. Okay, I'll come back a little bit. Well, we're worried about it later.

Collin  1:20:00

Yeah, what you're getting he's wanting to see how much of an effort what kind of effort Merlin has put into this because he's going. He's coming at this from a logical way going. He said, I had an idea that the wellhead sprung a leak. Some of the wall stones in the bottom had fallen exposed fissures that allowed the water to escape. So he's he's going about this and going, Yeah, I know. I'm just going to realign the well, so but I need time to do that to do the

Brandon  1:20:25

work. Yeah. So yeah, he does a lot of deduction, right. He's very, because very Sherlock Holmes girls that he's like, I looked at the chain 98 feet long. You know, I had him lower me down in there with a candle. Yep, a crack in the wall.

Collin  1:20:43

Well, then he says, I noticed how awful

Brandon  1:20:45

the wells should be. Because only the you know, the first 30 feet of the chain are actually been used. The rest of it are all rusted and broken. So I kind of looked around and said that's about how much water should be in here. Okay, okay, we got it figured out.

Collin  1:21:01

And I love that he starts he's going trouble. He's troubled because he knows that if this is actually the case, he says in in America many centuries later, when an oil will cease to flow they used to blast that with dynamite. If I should find this oil dry, no explanation of it, I could astonish these people by most notably having a person of no special value dropping a dynamite ball onto it. It was my idea to appoint Merlin.

Brandon  1:21:28

I liked it. What we'll do next is Jesus. However, it was playing that there was no occasion for the bomb. Yeah, and cannot have anything in the way he would like. He thought it would be very exciting miracle if you could blow it up. Right. So he was like, that would have been way cool if I could do that. But alas, I have to do something boring and then make it seem cooler than it actually is. Which Yes, boy. Foreshadowing. Does he ever


good to have that? It's a little bit uh, ah.

Brandon  1:22:01

And then we have the exchange of Sandy where she's talking about the thing I talked about earlier. And so, so that's kind of where we leave that chapter. Right? He's kind of getting his stuff ready. And he's waiting. And he's formulating his plan about how he can do this. Right. But what he can do here. So this whole this chapter is pretty funny. I like to


just waiting. Yes.

Brandon  1:22:31

Type 13 though. Are you done with that one?

Collin  1:22:33

Yeah, no, that's fine.

Brandon  1:22:36

13 that we have the restoration of the fountain. And he goes crazy here. This is kind of what we do here. That's what


he does. Yeah, it goes all out. His people come and they bring him just all kinds of crazy stuff. It's a lot. It is a lot. It's all off.

Brandon  1:23:03

So anyway, he's got the stuff here. He's kind of dirty here. He's talking about names and Merlin, Sandy, and have the name of the spirit to fix the thing. And he's like,


okay, okay, I got it. I understand. Right. I

Brandon  1:23:20

understand what's going on here. Because he sorry about that. Because he's like, Oh, well, do you know the name? He's like, Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, of course. He's like, do you? Oh, yeah.


I can't I can't tell you now. You know, but But yeah, I've

Brandon  1:23:32

figured it out. In my own way. I understand this. And I know that this made me think about this is another strange text to text connection I have but I, earlier I've been rereading The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Gwen. And


the was that turned into a? Yeah, Misaki. Yes. Okay. Okay, cool.

Brandon  1:23:57

There's a Ursi. There's a animated by him. And there's also like, a, some other series somewhere. But anyway, the way that the magic works in that universe, is you have if you you know the true name of the thing,


right? And if you know the true name of the thing, then you can control it and do

Brandon  1:24:17

that's where the magic comes from. Knowing the names. That's wizard study that real names, right. Like nobody in that universe uses the actual name. They'll have like, a use name, right? But their real name they keep it anyway. That's what made me think of when he's like, oh, yeah, I know the name of the spirit.


mucking up the deal here. Don't worry about it every spy Yes.

Brandon  1:24:43

He gives his people's Oh, but he's got all this pipe. Right, which is what you'd be expecting. Right? He's got some just because apparently he's been manufacturing lead pipe. You know what Apparently,

Collin  1:24:55

he's got all this stuff. Everything is kind of a miracle. So what he says yeah, So now

Brandon  1:25:01

he has he also has like,


yeah, everything I need. Okay. The first things are pretty standard right? Tools. Pump, lead pipe. Creek fire.

Brandon  1:25:14

What shaves a big rockets Yes, he's me. Roman candles, colored fire sprays


electric apparatus. Okay,

Collin  1:25:24

hold on, what's up, and lots of sundries all of this from that simple order that he sent out like, this doesn't really map over to that but whatever, whatever

Brandon  1:25:36

is on it right? It's uh yeah, so he like goes down and they spend some time he convinces the abbot. He's like, Alright, we're gonna give up. Okay, I'm going. Here's my thing. My mom, my only condition I really need from you is to stay away from me. Yes, don't let anybody within like 50 yards unless they're my man, and I say they can come in.


So the plan here is

Brandon  1:26:07

to fix the well with a little bit of manufactured miracle action. So, you know, basically, we go down we fix the thing we put in the pipe. We have the pump there.


You know, these things make sense.

Brandon  1:26:22

Then we empty out the Hogshead and we take it up to the roof and stuff it full of fireworks. Uh huh.

Collin  1:26:31

Definitely happen balls full

Brandon  1:26:33

of gunpowder on before quarters.


Wait a minute, huh? Yeah,

Collin  1:26:43

he's really a putting it all over the chapel. And why did he said he said I said something about like, why he was going to do it on that day. I was determined to spring the miracle before midnight for businesses on Sunday. Yeah, for business reasons for Where's a miracle work for the church on a weekday is worth a good deal is worth six times as much as you get in on a Sunday. Exactly. It's really he,

Brandon  1:27:07

he didn't want to waste this, right? Oh, we'll be doing more miracles. I gotta do it with the most literal bang for your buck here, right? Gotta do the thing. So


it's so

Collin  1:27:17

you can tell it's so interesting that the actual repairs of the well, were completely meaningless and pointless to all of us that tactical gets back to cold. It's important that he is trying to set up the spectacle of this. Exactly.



Brandon  1:27:37

So that boy, does he ever so the abbot proceeds in right next day, we're beginning at 1125 sharp, you know, because


it's a weird time, but whatever. We, you know, make sure Merlin's got a nice front seat to see the whole thing, right. They had

Brandon  1:27:58

a big, solemn procession in the habit and all the people come in, he goes up there and he starts to his, his play goes up to the platform and he extends his hands and got a little push button in another hand, and I like this, he says. And then slowly pronounced this ghastly word with a kind of awfulness, which caused hundreds to tremble and many women to faint and then written out here in my book, there's this big long giant word in some sort of like Gothic font and I cannot for life me hardly even read it.

Collin  1:28:33

This is this is printed out here. And it starts with I should send you a picture of what I have here. I'm reading on an e reader but it starts with Constantinople eaten or something like that. And then it goes into


Constantinople politan

Collin  1:28:47

metropolitan Sure dude lacks slough spine. Yes,

Brandon  1:28:51

yes, it is. Yeah, he's just like yelling in gibberish really loudly. Like, haha, and just as he does that, he


pushes his little button. Uh huh. And kablam one of the

Brandon  1:29:10

bowls of Greek fire that he apparently put it there which is totally a thing that just everyone has access to no problem. He


then he has multiple

Collin  1:29:24

colored fire right now his

Brandon  1:29:27

corner is a different color. Right? So lots of shrieking women curling up and all the things that so many says another


word and pushes another button play on

Collin  1:29:42

Red Fire This Time. Oh man.

Brandon  1:29:45

So the first one was blue within there's crimson red, and then a third word. Green. Yes, waited a real long time building the tension in the room and Then yelled out the last one smash button. giant purple smoke glare blowing up and then the things go off and

Collin  1:30:15

Hogshead he then like he turns and he's going he's making a big deal of commanding the spirits of the possessors to now just gorge into the skies all the fertile fires that remain in Him and straightaway dissolve the stomach.


Really going into

Brandon  1:30:29

this and he says the name

Collin  1:30:33

blue. Blue good. Yes. Yes. So you got fires that lights he's got fireworks going off in the top of the building as he's objecting the spirit right is what this is supposed to be. And then yeah, then the water the water comes


out of the pipe. And it's rare

Brandon  1:31:07

and the you know, he gets a lot of joy out of the fact that Merlyn is just like completely aghast. Right? He had never heard that name before. neither had I. But to him it was the right one. Exactly. Any, any jumble would have been the right one.

Collin  1:31:30

And that's important because Merlin believed there was a name to the Spirit. So in his mind, he had a name and it worked. And so he figured it out. Yeah.

Brandon  1:31:43

So he's, he's playing the game here manipulate people, but that was just a very start strange. They were he was definitely all in for the spectacle for for doing that whole thing there. So that was

Collin  1:32:01

well, and now we start to I will say one that stores the scent end of this sentence we start to see I mean, with Hank, we already know that what how little he thinks for the people that are around him and everything he is doing, right. But there is the sentence toward the end of this chapter where he said, he says the populace uncovered and fell back reverently to make a wide way for me as if I had been some kind of a superior being. And I was, I was aware of that. You're going Oh, okay.

Brandon  1:32:35

Okay, yeah. Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Oh. Yeah, he's, he's totally not the compass at all. Everything's fine. Yeah. 14, the rival legend magician, right. Now, this part is really funny, in that, at least at the beginning here, where he's talking about. He's like, alright, we got this water flow in. He basically is like, huh, now for my next small miracle, if I could only convince these people to save, that would be great. And so he's trying to like, you know, try to prod and be like, you know, I think you know, it's fine. I like the way so he asked one of the brothers, and they say no, and he goes to the Father, and he's like, Oh, come on, and won't be so bad. And he says, You know, I have mysterious knowledge with, which teaches me that there was an error that other time. And so it's not related at all, if two things, it really he's like, yeah, that was a different sin altogether. Had nothing to do with bathing. So you can bathe. If you want to. It'll be fine.

Collin  1:34:01

No, there won't be any. Any issues there. Doesn't know nothing to worry about. For sure.


What because he's, he is it is he decides he wants to go out and not be

Collin  1:34:17

known. Right? Like, is this? Is that what happens here?


That's a little bit after this. That's okay. Right. He does this first. Oh,

Collin  1:34:23

again. Okay. I'm

Brandon  1:34:24

sorry. Yes. Okay. Yeah. So, so this, this chapter has a lot of things happen, like, back to back to back real quick, right. So he does that first. And he's like, okay, yeah, they go down and they kind of fix the bottom. They're like, we're gonna go fix the baths. And he said, it's actually not really that bad because they just left it alone. And it didn't worry about anything, and it was fine. And so they bathed and it was great. And then everything and so he was like, Okay, so my time here is going well. Then, right? He comes in then he comes here he says, you know, he's he kind of wasn't feeling good. He's got Oh, he's tired from all his. Whatever. Now is when he says I want he's Oh, he fixed the bath. He made them take a bath, joy and rapture. Now he wants to go out he's he was convalescing a little bit. And now he wants to go out and see the land. But he wants to go in the sky. Yes, because he didn't want people to know it was him because he wanted to get the real lay of the land. And he thought if you went out as the boss, people would not tell him the truth. And he wouldn't get to see things for how they really were. And so he wanted to see how it was right. But that lasts for about like five seconds. Because he goes this was a good plan. I guess. It goes, we don't get to know what happens because he's out exploring a little bit. And he's like, oh, there was a cave appeared where there was a guy in it. I think he left. So let's go up and he discovers that the cave has been occupied by his telephone crew and made into telephone clerks, telephone offices.

Collin  1:36:14

Oh, my gosh, again, guys. I'm sorry, what? i And of course, he just happened to be be occupied. Because he said, How long has this office been established? Oh, what? since midnight? Bear servoz? Yeah,

Brandon  1:36:26

yeah, of course, you know, whatever. And so we just have the Holy conveniences Batman is where he, he's, uh, you know, just getting word of Camelot. You know, what's going on? You know, he's been away for a while out here venturing. And so you kind of want the word about what's going on back home.


And so he hears calls up, calls

Brandon  1:36:50

up his boy clearance.

Collin  1:36:51

So apparently, they have telephones now, and I'm like, I'm sorry, what is happening?


What? What is this? Well, they did mention this

Brandon  1:36:58

up at the beginning. I know I planning on doing it. Yes.

Collin  1:37:01

I wasn't expecting such a massive revolution to come forth such as this and have it not like, here's the other thing that is going around in my brain and going. Okay, so telephones have invented. How is the rest of the society still functioning? The way it has been? Like, it seems very odd that there's not more clamor or talk or things like that, like to me,

Brandon  1:37:26

it's because it's done in secret? I guess. I guess it's just, it is weird. There are telephones. They're not for everyone. It's only for him and his people to use for these things. Right. Which is you're right. It is weird. It doesn't make a lot of sense when you think about too


much because yeah, it's not like it has it diffused out

Brandon  1:37:48

into like popular use, like a lot of this stuff. He's just like making and then just like having, you know, I don't know what he's doing. Because it's not really putting it to use in Sephora. He's ordering lead pipes to fix indeed. Holy fountains apparently.


But yeah, so Clarence, he gets all the clearance. And he's the best. I like the part where he's like, oh, yeah, he's talking about it. And he's like, telling him how cool it was. And Clarence was like, Yeah, I know. I made those selections, myself personally. And so the Mattea thought had a that you'd like it?

Collin  1:38:22

Okay, well, a lot of people getting involved in all this.

Brandon  1:38:27

But Clarence tells him, The King is coming out. He's heard about the miracle. And so he's come in to see the King is on his way there. And he's like, okay, and then just random side note, did you know that the king is pointing to army generals, and not one of them is from our West Point academy that we had notes about?


What are you talking about?

Brandon  1:38:51

Of course not. Why would you what's nice, like, but don't worry, I slipped in some lieutenants into the Kings retinue that from our group, so don't worry,


it'll be fine. Yes.

Brandon  1:39:07

Oh, dear. What? CIA is going on here? This is ridiculous. Again. And then. And then. Yeah. And

Collin  1:39:14

they're like doing the subversions of like, get there fast. And if he has to kill horses to get there before they do, and he goes, Well, I wired the school. Let me patch you over.

Brandon  1:39:26

He's like, No, we ran telephone lines up there to you, bro. It's fine. Yeah, of

Collin  1:39:30

course. He immediately has to comment not on their conversation but on the pitch sounded pretty good considering where I was and what's going on.

Brandon  1:39:39

On the state of the telephone infrastructure. So yeah, so anyway, gets all this done. He's all excited. So he goes back down to the Abbey. And


there's another traveling wizard there. Button in on his miracle Nurse. Yes. He has indeed.

Brandon  1:40:03

This is more of him talking about kind of like it's you know, of Hank being looking down on these people because this guy says that he has the power to tell what anybody in the earth is doing. And so, people asked about all these employers of the Far East and whenever Hanks like alright, what am


I do eight? Uh huh.

Brandon  1:40:27

Ah for it, it never occurred to these people to ask what someone in a close proximity would be doing right. Now, right, so, so they cannot see how this person was, uh, tricks into my little bed here. And it comes to pass the conversation. He's like, Well, you know, what is King Arthur? He's like, I can tell you what King Arthur is doing. And Hank, I was like, Oh,


I actually know a

Brandon  1:40:59

play. You can hear his internal monologue. He's going oh, oh, okay. This is good for me. Yes. What is Haygarth are doing? And the guys like, oh, well, right now he's of course sleeping, which Hank goes,


Ah, false.

Collin  1:41:13

He knows he's

Brandon  1:41:15

on his way here right now. So, and then he gets really mad, because a lot of the people believe this other guy. Yes. Hank is like, I just fixed your holy fountain with the whole big smoke in the bushes. Blah. And now you're gonna believe this guy? Or just coming up? Yeah, come on. I was I find I just found that part really funny where he's, like, all sad and upset, because they like they just turned your back on it. So quick. He talks. He talks later, but you gotta have a ready to take a bit of venture who could offer no evidence with his powers, but a mere unproven word. So bad that I have these people had seen me do the very show. He has bit of masking history. And the only one within their memory was this other guy. Like, yes. So. But if that's him, he's like, fine. He does some calculating. And he, he does some more calling. He's like, Yeah, I know. I will. I know, I'm right. And the King will be here like tomorrow at this time. Or like three, it's like three days. And so they're like, Okay, fine. That and and then in three days, the king shows up. Hahaha. Yes. And they run the guy out of town on a rail, which again, being the thing that I've seen in this book, and you know, Brother, Where Art that? Of course. That's yeah. And so that's Yep.

Collin  1:43:07

And this, I do like the way he ends this. He says, yes, a man can keep his trademark current in such a country. But you can't sit around and do it. He has got to be on deck and attending to business right along basically saying he has to be doing all of this stuff, lest it start because it's going to slip away so easily. And so quickly. Right? No rested on

Brandon  1:43:28

your laurels here, you know, got a turns out. Yeah, that's gotta keep it up. Because like, I just gave him a spectacular miracle. And I had to do like this little mini one afterwards, because nobody believed me after I did the big thing. They just were getting exhausted. So yes, I did like these chapters. So I liked that we finally have a bit of a complete story. We didn't get real sidetracked with anything. Right? There was no super long, weird tangents about other stuff. We just were trucking along now. So far, knock on wood will help keep that. But those ones I like those are like that we have a whole complete story. Again, we're not getting a lot of change from old Hank, other than he seems to be understanding his environment better.


Yeah, right. Now,

Brandon  1:44:28

that may or may not be a positive thing because he is using that for his game.


At every stage, yes. But he at least is observing

Brandon  1:44:38

and learning about the people that he is surrounded by.


So that's that's good, at least right where he's learned at least

Brandon  1:44:50

being learning lessons. Yeah, because he hasn't, like failed. No, he hasn't.


So we'll see if that helps. ever happens? I don't really know about that. But we'll see. We'll see. Again,

Collin  1:45:08

I will i It doesn't matter what happens with the rest, like at the end of this book, I will be astonished about it because I just I don't see what what's going to happen here.


Yeah, it's hard. It's hard to because, like, of course, our narrator is Hank, right? If you remember that, too. So

Brandon  1:45:31

part of the reason it sounds so ridiculous in incredulous and incredible is because Hank


is our narrator.

Brandon  1:45:40

Is Hank the most reliable narrator ever in the whole world? Right. One would say no, one would say no. Right? We do have to remember that this whole premise of the story is Hank dictating his experience to Mark Twain. Yes. Right. So this,


this may be a secret memoir,

Brandon  1:46:01

not sure this might fit into our category rather nicely here. Right, because our narrator is just never dictating his experience of life to somebody else. And there have written it down. Right. That's the purpose of this book. Hank, is telling Mark Twain, Mark Twain is writing this down in a hotel room, I think. Right? Is where we met him in the beginning. Yeah. So.


Right, we can remember that. That's very important.

Brandon  1:46:33

That framing makes this whole thing make a lot more sense to what you think about it, right? Like the fact that that's the structure of your narrative.


It makes little more sense. That that's how we're doing here. So yes, there we go. I did like these chapters a lot better than some of the other ones that we've had. So far. So good, better so far.

Collin  1:46:54

My Mark Twain quote of the week oh, yes, right. Did you do inspired not by the Olympics, but by all of the unfortunate

Brandon  1:47:06

commercials that are on between the Olympics. Because the Olympics, the Summer Olympics, always have the misfortune of being the same years. Elections. And so, boy, oh, boy. Some of that, some of the commercials right at home. They're not good at all. And so they're quite bad, and quite annoying. So here we go. Here this is for you. Election people. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself

Collin  1:47:52

I mean, it's really true. It's really true. Back then

Brandon  1:47:57

100% of them, obviously, but it does appear to be near 100% of the people running in Missouri, so I'm just gonna say that oh, they're really bad. They're really bad. We did we're not gonna talk about them. Anyway.

Collin  1:48:18

We'll moving on. Yeah,

Brandon  1:48:21

save that. So in closing, I also have haiku


for you. Yes. Haiku tree here. I could try

Brandon  1:48:31

to him when


the world is watching

Brandon  1:48:39

athletic prowess abounds. Sporting dreams come true

Collin  1:48:55

Olympic Olympic IQ I feel so patriotic now.


Yeah, USA. Whoo.

Collin  1:49:02

Whoo hoo.


Okay, wonderful.

Collin  1:49:04

I love it. I love it. Hey, do this. Same great thing. Same great time, same place next time.

Brandon  1:49:12

same bat time same bat channel.

Collin  1:49:13

Yeah channel. Ah, indeed we will. Yes. Love you. Bye