never enough cereal

Collin hears bagpipes. Brandon is seamlessly integrating. And we break down a new business venture.

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cereal, put, work, wishbone, ephedrine, people, color, sudafed, watch, weird, buy, find, give, dog, year, good, talking, thought, information, hobbit hole


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, never enough cereal. Oh, hi. How's how's it going? To bed really? Nice.

Brandon  00:33

I feel like it's important in light of recent events, and episodes to mention today at the time of this recording, is in fact, Hobbit day. This is the anniversary of the first publication of JRR Tolkien stop. Lamb. What year was the first release? 3037 and

Collin  00:59

18? Yes, it's

Brandon  01:03

very I want to say that but I don't know. Well, wait a minute.

Collin  01:07

Hold on. Hold on. It was an attainable now. I'm just waiting with hoppy publishing. Because now saying it was. Now I'm reading about now is the when hot day was first proclaimed? Yeah,

Brandon  01:20

September 21 1937. Okay, got it. Right.

Collin  01:24

Got it in one. Ah, nailed it. They go. So really, that's important to mention. So like I said, I think I think in the grand scheme of things it is extremely essential to do I thought so. I thought it was important. So hey, go Happy.

Brandon  01:46

Happy The Hobbit to you.

Collin  01:47

Did you do anything to celebrate? No, but I don't really

Brandon  01:54

know how one is supposed to celebrate holiday. I didn't have time for a second breakfast. I I did not throw any rocks at any.

Collin  02:04

Any spinalis needed to see spiders. Didn't try to kill a lot of spritely in the forest. kill a spider

Brandon  02:10

like that. That's very hard thing to do, apparently. Yeah. Kill the spider

Collin  02:21

Yeah, I didn't sneak

Brandon  02:24

I didn't eat second breakfast, unfortunately. Or 11 00. Right. Or dinner

Collin  02:29

did have supper. But you know, there's that. So I just I just asked a chat GPT for some ideas for celebrating hump day. And so far, this is what it's come up with. It's so barefoot adventures. Go barefoot today. Or take a leisurely walk outside feeling the earth beneath your feet.

Brandon  02:52

I don't go outside and walk around at recess. Okay, and I wear toe shoes. So that's basically barefoot, but like just slightly more clean,

Collin  03:02

more sterile. You know? Glass new shows. Just a moment. Can you hear that? Are there bagpipes playing? No, it's definitely it's like, outside of my office. Why? Don't why?

Brandon  03:26

Please go investigate why there bagpipes playing listeners. I'll keep listeners and we're going to talk about this. Right? So go ahead. listeners. Do you think that holiday is celebrated by bagpipes? Do you think they're piping for Bilbo?

Collin  03:42

Right now? Very, very disturbing. I was gonna put my head out my window and see how it's gonna go. I mean, are they still here? Are they still dodging? Yeah, very loud.

Brandon  03:59

Go I mean, it's a bagpipe. No, go see. So check. Take a flashlight and possibly stick. Okay, well rock take a rock kick rocks a big rock and on holiday. There we go. scamper. Sneak. Okay, so listeners here go play by play Colin is leaving the office gently sneaking down the hallway as to be undisturbed. Peering through the glass front door. Right while maintaining distance back away.

Collin  04:29

Right in the shadows lurking.

Brandon  04:32

Trying to gauge how many Pipers are piping piping? Right. It is a little too early for 11 pipers piping.

Collin  04:39

So probably not for that. I don't know.

Brandon  04:46

There are some like Highland Games things around Springfield in the fall. So maybe they're practicing. Or so we're gonna go to the Highland Games and be the entertainment

Collin  05:01

A big giant

Brandon  05:03

Parking Lot out in front of a factory is a weird place to practice piping. Full disclosure, it is also 830 at night. So that's also weird. I think I think,

Collin  05:16

I don't know. I don't know what he could be doing. He's been gone a long time. Oh, I'm back. Okay, I've

Brandon  05:22

been giving an imaginary play by playing what I think you're doing. Okay.

Collin  05:27

That's exciting, that whatever you just said, No, so I'm

Brandon  05:30

in the hallway, right?

Collin  05:31

I'm at the craft office.

Brandon  05:33

I wasn't gonna disclose your location. But that's right. That's fine.

Collin  05:37

I'm at my office. And yeah, there's that there's a weird road that runs between the building and craft. And it was, it was the sound was just like,

Brandon  05:46

penetrating through the wall on the side road. I didn't know if there are hydrants in the parking lot, or like on the side,

Collin  05:52

on the side. And I'm like, oh, Mike, what is this so they could hear it getting a little bit fainter. And so by the time I ran to the front, because also, I'm like, Wait, is the front door locked in as a person with bagpipes about to come walking on my

Brandon  06:09

way. So that would be real awkward. That

Collin  06:13

boy. So I ran up and it was locked. I could still hear the backpack. So it's like, okay, they're on this side of the building now. So I opened, I unlocked the door and opened it up. And sure enough, there are two people walking in the middle of the parking lot, and one's just got his massive set of bagpipes. Just walking down through the parking lot. Now there is a bar at the end of the buildings. I don't know if that's where they're headed there. But like, all all the way down all the way down. Okay. But at the other hand, like, you've got to be pretty dedicated to something to walk right back.

Brandon  06:52

Right. And it's like, it's not September. I mean, it's September. It's not like March. Right. So.

Collin  07:01

Yeah. And like, I don't know, like, that's, I think that's the last instrument that I'd walk want to walk into a group of a bunch of a nice abbreviated people. Yeah, so they

Brandon  07:14

there's only one so it's again, maybe he's gonna go find 10 more. Early to fight later, too early to find the year 11 pipers piping. Right.

Collin  07:25

He's on a quest. That's a good point. It could be the start of his quest. Today's day one.

Brandon  07:29

Day one. countdown to Christmas has got to assemble weird. It's weird to have a countdown to the 12 days of Christmas, which is in and of itself. A countdown to Christmas. You can see exactly like a countdown to the

Collin  07:43

countdown. Yeah, well, I mean, I mean, NASA and SpaceX all have the cat that launch clocks and like there's different things that those trigger and stuff as they go down. So it's it's basically the same thing.

Brandon  07:55

Oh, yeah, it's exactly the same thing as a

Collin  07:57

spacewalk. Yes, yes. Yep. So. So that mystery has been solved to the number two on the list is to have Hobbit meals. Oh, okay. does include second breakfast? 11 Z's luncheon. Yeah. Dinner supper.

Brandon  08:12

If I would have known it was holiday

Collin  08:14


Brandon  08:16

Today, right. If I would have like, known this beforehand. I do have like one of those like, cooking cookbook things. It's like, got it somewhere. On the shelf. It's like a hobbit inspired cookbook. I'm sure. I know. I don't know how official it is. But it's cool looking.

Collin  08:35

It would probably also have fulfilled number 11 on this list, which is bake llamas bread.

Brandon  08:40

I think there is a recipe for lamps right in that embassy.

Collin  08:43

So you could have done that. You could have been for Yeah, what is this? That's number seven is it just says hobbit hole. If you're feeling particularly crafty, you can build a hobbit hole play area or a reading nook. That's gonna be as simple as a blanket for it. Or as elaborate as a backyard garden setup.

Brandon  09:03

Yeah, I don't have I do have a blanket.

Collin  09:07

So I go,

Brandon  09:09

if I put my blanket Hold on, hold on. Now going to record inside a blanket. draped over myself in the microphone. I think this

Collin  09:17

is the hobbit hole. So welcome. We're now officially celebrated. I walked in shoes that are basically barefoot Brandon is in a hobbit hole.

Brandon  09:27

Sneaking Colin snug. I snuck right, I snuck around. And I killed the spider. So I mean, this is a really good

Collin  09:34

this is effectively what we've been doing is a reenactment of

Brandon  09:39

it. Not that yeah, basically. Not that we will do this, but I think next year we should plan a actual Hobbit celebration. I'm going to actually do something

Collin  09:47

that would actually be immediate. We might even we may be made given how schedules go we may have to like, oh, it'd be cool to do the hobbit like a hobbit meal and do a live recording at Okay, looks

Brandon  10:00

like Oh man. Okay, yeah.

Collin  10:04

So I think that's things to shoot for. But yeah that's for now ambitions to be this is all be pretty good. Definitely sign

Brandon  10:17

so that in the schedule habit based activities

Collin  10:27


Brandon  10:28

no yeah but hold those getting caught up to their side I've reemerged

Collin  10:33

okay, maybe it was maybe you were, you know, smile was close by so it all fits is

Brandon  10:38

a little hot under the blanket that's really not

Collin  10:42

something they don't talk about in the habit at all I think it's very it's very much of a travesty as the impact of allergies on people on whom

Brandon  10:55

the hobbits suffer from allergies. This is Oh, I this is maybe we'll have the real war that we need. Yeah, totally. Maybe this

Collin  11:02

will be covered in the second series of all the brainpower This is just one allergies into the realm maybe the

Brandon  11:09

Ring of Power protects you from pollen. Oh,

Collin  11:13

yeah, back. Yeah, its powers. Right. Calling protection. Yes. This would explain a lot. Yeah. But ah, but no, it's been been very, very Flemmi the past several days so much know that so I'm pretty sure I sneeze to so violently in my sleep that I pulled a muscle in my neck.

Brandon  11:37

That is quite horrid.

Collin  11:43

I woke up unable to move like my left arm from my shoulder like it's bad like a show. I very painful. Like hot shower or taking payments. I had a lidocaine patch on it like I was a real rat. That's all because at some point last night, I'm almost I almost assured that I sneeze because it's been. It's been rough. And all this also to point out the fact that the did you hear this news about the Sudafed? PE like the fake Sudafed stuff. Did you hear about this? No. Okay. So in the world of allergy sufferers, this is huge news. Because what did they have to do? They had to take the headache, Sudafed, whatever the ephedra and the hip. Take ephedrine, yes. And put it behind. Yes. Well, here's what's happened. First off, first off, that actually did its job. And meth cookers no longer use it. They actually just use different ingredients now. So this isn't actually even necessary, which is very frustrating to me, because they just went, they went, Oh, well, we can't use that. We'll just substitute another thing in. And yet, all the good stuff is locked behind a cabinet.

Brandon  12:51

Okay, yeah. But like, that's one of those things where it's like,

Collin  12:54

okay, it worked. But like, then you

Brandon  12:59

shouldn't like repeal the law and be like, Okay, it's like what Mississippi was like, we don't need law. There is no voter segregation. We don't need laws, saying you can segregate voters like, Wait, that's not. That's not how this works. What are you doing that? No.

Collin  13:17

I know, I know. It's just frustrating because like, here's, we'll get him with this because this is what they're using. And they were just like, Okay, well just use this other thing. So like the whole reason, it's not needed anymore, but it's still needed, because then they would just swing back to it and it'd be worse all over again.

Brandon  13:31

But our sidebar, I'm pretty sure in eighth grade, our Dara officer just gave out the recipe for making meth to a bunch of eighth graders. And I feel like

Collin  13:42

that was a very poor

Brandon  13:43

decision on his part. And I don't know. He basically just told a whole roomful of eighth graders exactly how to do that. And what a plan what to plan in rural Missouri to tell eighth grade students how to make meth. Okay, all right, continue.

Collin  14:04

And I will back checkers are already writing in letters. I said epinephrine. I meant ephedrine I am so sorry. A veteran, as I say a veteran. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, this is okay. So this is my so anyway, so this so what they did

Brandon  14:17

brain on pollen, right?

Collin  14:19

This is why the hobbit would have been very different. If one of them had been afflicted by severe seasonal allergies.

Brandon  14:27

I mean, so maybe maybe Bilbo was worried about it, which is why he was so upset about not having his handkerchief. Oh, like, Ah, right. But then he didn't need it the whole time. So something was happening in the party, especially after he found the ring right didn't need the he didn't need the thing anymore. Right. He got to Bay orange garden. Right. Got her hours in the bees in the pot and no allergies. Maybe. Maybe that is the secret power of the ring

Collin  14:55

and something Okay, Well, what happened was they say they took ephedrine I locked it behind bars and limited how much you could buy. And instead what they made was this thing called phenol. Efrain. It says that it was called they called it ephedrine P E. So phenol Efrain, and they were like, this will this is a decongestant for you, this will make it so that you can breathe again. And they pumped this out and they're like, Yes, this is what is working. This is this will be great. It's all it's all wonderful. Now, recent study was like and what was frustrating was all of us who were like, no, this doesn't work. Like I give me the ephedrine. Like that stuff actually helps me do this. This other stuff doesn't do anything. And they were like, no, no, it it does help you you seem to take more of it. I'm they actually came out with a study and they're like, they're like, Okay, actually the P it doesn't work. It doesn't actually do anything, and it's completely useless. So we're not don't stop buying this. And I was like, Ah Oh, Joe

Brandon  16:04


Collin  16:06

Oh my gosh, yeah, so Sudafed has the actual ephedrine in it and Sudafed, PE, it has the fake stuff. And that's the stuff that you can go buy real quick, straight from the

Brandon  16:18

from the aisle without getting put on the FBI list. And yes, without

Collin  16:23

Yes, exactly, exactly without being monitored. And that was the stuff that that you know, and so if you what was really frustrating is if you went, you know, after hours to a pharmacy, you couldn't get the suit that actual Sudafed, you had to get that from behind the counter. You could only get the stuff out in the aisle, but most of the time you couldn't get it from behind the thing, but it was big deal. And now they're like, actually, yeah, no, this doesn't work. And what really sucks is what I heard a lot of people talking about was they were just saying, oh, Sudafed doesn't work. Because it was braided Sudafed, pe PE stuff. It's the PE so now what has happened is because of their they originally branded it, Sudafed, pe to convince people to take it. Now what's happening is people just refer to that as Sudafed, and now No, yeah, and so now many people are like, Oh, Sudafed in general doesn't work. So now what do I do? And it's like, oh man, gotta

Brandon  17:24

you gotta hit it with the cocktail, right? You can't just like Do one

Collin  17:29

thing, right? Like, I'm like,

Brandon  17:33

the last time I had really bad allergies. I hammered it with like the tracks. My Trifecta was I did like Sudafed in the morning and then like it took another one like however long it is that you can take one right I don't remember because I took one took it to work right? And then we come home like I hit with some like Alka Seltzer stuff, like Alka Seltzer decongestant stuff like glass and then like tea with boatloads of honey in it and then or if you get real bad Susan makes me drink than vinegar stuff and then before you go to bed hit it with like the NyQuil stuff Yeah, you just pounded from all sides of this is that I do not recommend this listeners don't know if this is actually safe so I recommend right don't take them back to back to back are you gonna spread them out throughout the

Collin  18:26

day? Yeah, here but like yeah, I definitely would have a like a morning thing and evening thing and then overnight like Afghan thing yeah, yes. Yeah. And so take delivery

Brandon  18:41

tickets Sudafed at like 11 o'clock at night?

Collin  18:45

Exactly. Exactly. Try to find that yeah, drowsy, non drowsy, and then other stuff as well to help the other sick it's real bad.

Brandon  18:51

You got there's a vixen there. Right. Just open your nose. right answers.

Collin  18:56

Yeah, really? Really cap it off with a good yeah schmear of

Brandon  19:02

acts that hate that stuff though.

Collin  19:04

So bad. So that is that is that that is the big big news of this this decongestant is has been it's fraud fraudulent basically that is so yeah, yeah, that's

Brandon  19:21

so weird anyway, because like I know for the longest time I haven't even bothered taking anything because all the stuff that I ever tried to take like didn't do ya one single bit of goods. I was like, Well, this is useless. I'm just gonna sit here and put a hot towel on my face like as it was.

Collin  19:42

Yeah, I will say like the actual Sudafed worked and then the only other thing that really was beneficial to me was drowsy. Benadryl, like, like all the full strength and strength like heavy heavy antihistamines stay away from machinery. And yes yes the do not drive the do not drive I don't even like

Brandon  20:06

on the couch that's bring Yandex is close to you before you start like don't get up

Collin  20:12

that will that was good and every every I mean everything else that I've tried I've tried all the versions of Claritin, all the versions of Allegra all the nasal sprays all that stuff like the help like

Brandon  20:24

I tried that it for me to help other people like Susan moms, I was like each track clerics and like I did did not touch anything even remotely happens in my sinus cavity. Any good at all for me personally so

Collin  20:39

I've huffed all the all the Flonase like, and it just, it may help a little bit but I'm still ripping, sniffling like coughing sneezing mess. And so I'm like, Well, why would I just wasted $30 on this? I feel like I just

Brandon  20:57

Yeah, keep going lay down with the hot washcloth in your face, man. That's the that's the

Collin  21:02

that's really what it Yeah, it's lots of hot showers. And yeah, and washcloth is really where it's at. That's true. Right? Yeah. This is not a show of medical advice. We're not doctors, we do not play on TV flamer all of this is for entertainment purposes only and not should be construed as medical advice or feeling symptoms. You should go speak with a medical doctor immediately anyway, okay. Disclosure over that. Very

Brandon  21:28

good. Thank you, thank you. There, ya know, like it.

Collin  21:36

I had to I did an interview with a with a guy who does like helps investments and and things and I had to read that like, corny disclaimer, but on the other podcast before the show because I had to disclaim like, this is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investing advice. All investments carry risks, but like that's true. I was like, Yeah, I have to read this because I'm gonna guess I don't want to get it, you know, find whatever. So like that. I felt I felt funny reading that because like, oh, yeah, hey, look, legal stuff, or re


important legal things.

Brandon  22:30

Other than mysterious bagpiping and Sudafed problems, and how are you?

Collin  22:39

I'm a bit jumpy. Can you tell? Ephedrine? Yeah, it's really weird. You know, I've had, I've been hiring on onboarding a couple of different people. And I got some very sweet feedback from one of them on. On Tuesday, they said, I said, Oh, you're and you're, you're really good. You're really good teacher you like, you repeat stuff a lot. And they kind of pause and I went, it's a very kind way to say I talk a lot. And they're like, oh, no, no, no. Like, I, I always know that you're going to, like, say the right thing at the right time. And you say it so much that it really helps me remember. And I was like, again, like, I really feel like, it's just saying that all I do is talk. Which is true, because I do i It's I was trying to I'm trying to systematize, this onboarding process as much as I can. And I'm trying to trying some new things. And each time that I do, or I find myself saying the same thing, I try and write it down and go, like, Where can I put this? Like, is it? Is it supposed to go here in this moment? Or is there some other place I can I can put this as far as getting this information to them, like does this belong? I think just trying to think more situationally with with the information that I'm giving. And then you know, when you're putting together a lesson plan, like this is stuff you do have like, when do I introduce this concept? And when's the appropriate time to dive into this and have this discourse? And with the recent two people that I've onboarded I've been very intentional about thinking through that and going, does this belong in a video like, or do I have to wait until this situation comes up when we're in person, so that has the most impact on them? Or can I put this in a written document or do I need to have it in a written document and a video so that I'm catching different things, and then I also reinforce it in person, cuz I don't want to be too repetitive to where they feel like, all I do is regurgitate stuff. But also I want to be I want to use the time that we do have together for the most optimally, I guess that's how I would say that. Yeah, that's tricky, right? Because at some point, like, they have to pick it up themselves. Right? So you can't just like keep

Brandon  25:35

telling them over and over again. Because that doesn't help. Right. So it's very, it's very difficult to be like,

Collin  25:42

you know, where do I like,

Brandon  25:45

especially with like, science instruction, right? It's very difficult because there's, like, just such so much like information that, like, I have to give them that they have never heard before. Yeah, you know, so it's like, it's a very, it's very difficult to be like, Okay, here's all this and then like, how do I reinforce it with like, other stuff that they could do? I mean, like, yeah, they can like, synthesize this information into something else, right. It's weird. Sometimes it takes a long time. Because like, you know, today, we were talking about stuff and feel like the whole lesson was about it. And then at the end, the little exit Tickity thing was like, Alright, tell me about how this works. And some of them were like, okay, yeah, we did it. And some of them was like, what? Oh, dang it.

Collin  26:37

Yeah, it is hard to know when when people are going to catch that. So like, what I, the way our onboarding used to work was, I just literally sent everything to the person myself. And then I got tired of repeating the same things over and over again. So I sat I shot a video of me going through the handbook, going talking about certain topics, talking about how to do a meet and greet, how to do the dog walk, how to do the stuff, I shot all those videos, and I had him on there. And then it's kind of expanded from there. Because like, oh, yeah, you know, I always do this, like equipment overview. So I can do that in a video because like, I don't need to do that with them in front of me, I can show them a hat. And then when I hand them a box, and I can be like, hey, all the equipment that you watch the video on, it's all in this box, like and they kind of already know that way. I'm not having to use that time in the field to go, here's your leash, isn't it pretty? Here's your flashlight like I don't, I don't need to do that I can do that somewhere else. And our hashtag not sponsored or Squarespace, which this this illustrious podcast is also hosted on, just put together their own course, like you can host a course on your website with like different modules and materials, and downloadable stuff, and all these and click throughs and completion rates. And I was like, Oh, I can use this to train my staff. So they, the last two staff members have gone through it, and they watch a video and there's click throughs, there's Downloadables. Under each one, there's an at the very end, there's a quick quiz. And then after two weeks of working for us, then I feel send them our field certification quiz, which is a lot. But by then they've watched a ton of videos, listen to podcasts. And all that all the videos are of ours. They're different resources that we've pulled from. And so over the course of next couple of months, we want to bring in more of those resources in house kind of recruit, create them from ourselves of how we actually do things. And then hopefully by then they've got a good gist of it. But I've just been very much like, Oh, weird, like, I kind of have to wait for this kind of visits to come up before I can talk about these aspects. And so wondering if I can capture that somewhere else? And then then I can even more so reinforce it, when I'm actually in that kind of visit with them. Yeah, I

Brandon  29:11

think it's better to not hear about it, like in the situation, right? Because then you have like a context to fall back upon. Like, so you have, like, the background knowledge. And then you get the chance to apply it much more quickly than like, sitting and like getting all of the information for the first time like in the middle of the thing happening.

Collin  29:37

Right? That's really not ideal all the

Brandon  29:40

time. You know, sometimes if I find but in like if it's like a weird thing, like Definitely. It's a lot to take in probably. So it would be Yeah, it's like breaking it up and putting it into things like that is is hard,

Collin  29:53

right? Yes. And like one of the examples that we did is I did, I used to do a like the first time they saw their software, saw their software was when we were I was standing next to them. I was like, Okay, open it up, login, blah, blah. So I shot a video of like, here's where everything is. So it's just a screen ScreenFlow of working through the software clicking buttons showing. So like, they see that, and then they get the hands on time. So, like what you're saying, like how to, here's your pre exposure, and now we're actually doing something with it, and trying to find more of those cases that fit well, with what we're trying to instruct. So that I don't have to. But so it's more naturally reinforced. I guess what I'm trying to say? Yeah, no, yeah,

Brandon  30:42

that makes sense. Because you just, again, you're seeing it multiple times that way.

Collin  30:45

And you get it like, yeah,

Brandon  30:50

the reinforcement is there sort of naturally, because you just get to see it over and over, but not in like a way that is. Not in a way. That's like samey, right. It's like a different delivery method, kind of,

Collin  31:03

yes, it's just playing the same video on repeat, right?

Brandon  31:09

You get, like the background information, and you get like a practical application. And then you get like a, you know, troubleshooting part, right? So you get, like more exposure to a different circumstances. So it helps set it

Collin  31:20

a little better. Right? Yep. Yeah. So that's, I think that's been a lot of consuming my brainpower recently, of just like when I'm in these situations, just trying to be really, really aware of that, so that I can make the most of it, because I want to make sure that when people are done with my, with our initial training, that they really are equipped for 99% of the stuff that they're going to encounter. And right now, I feel like we're kind of hitting this, like high 80s Just because I'm not getting it to them ahead of time. It's more like, oh, yeah, that's when you were in, you should do this next time.

Brandon  32:02

It was hard to because like, you know, it is a lot of information. And you have to like kind of spread it out.

Collin  32:08

Otherwise, it's like, too much

Brandon  32:12

like overload and he can't remember anything. You know, it's all at once and like, all the same time and then it's just like, yeah,

Collin  32:18

so it's a tricky. Yeah, to do, right. Like,

Brandon  32:24

it's better than what we got with our new, like, Student Information System thing. Which, by the way, is still not working. That's cool. Yeah, I still can't use it. It's still like not set up properly. Oh, like a month into school. I have not I can take attendance kinda.

Collin  32:45

It's all I got Daladier. Hey, but you couldn't have done that before. So look at the look how much time is freed? I mean,

Brandon  32:51

it could yield like here to the office. Like the old like, pad thing. Like yeah, zero here. Give it

Collin  33:00

figure they have is to do that. Like it first of all.

Brandon  33:07

If anybody ever uses the word seamless integration around me again, I'm probably just gonna kick them. I think I'm gonna do like, I'm gonna budem Right, right. And needs like blam. Take that. Yeah. lined me

Collin  33:23

know, did they? Did they promise like, was it like, oh, normally they're gonna seamless integration, or they said, Oh, yes, with your system, this will seamlessly integrate. And there's not a problem.

Brandon  33:34

Yeah, because like the old system that we had, right? Like, it just the company like, sold the software, they like didn't want to do it anymore. Right. And so this other company, like, bought it, and like, they were already a student information system thing. And they bought the other one, and they just sort of like, brought it in together. You know, but for whatever reason, ours doesn't work. The people that were responsible for implementing is didn't

Collin  34:07

as cool like it are,

Brandon  34:10

we had a training, air quotes training,

Collin  34:15

which was a zoom call with some random dude

Brandon  34:22

who is like an he was an ex teacher and now works for this company. And I'm pretty sure he had taken too much Benadryl because he was just like, yeah, and then he was like going through and like clicking on stuff and like talking about it, but my system wasn't even activated yet. So like I couldn't even remotely follow along with anything he was saying and I was like, I have no idea what you're on now. And then he did the old classic like he kept saying, like the old classic line of like, Well, yours is gonna look a little bit different mine but you should find something that looks like this. I

Collin  34:56

hate I hate. I hate ah,

Brandon  35:00

If it's the worst thing of all time, like I really, I really strive to eliminate that, from my life as a teacher, like, I don't want to present my things to the children that way, because it doesn't help them. Right? Like it does not help them to accomplish the task that I gave them, right? If I'm like, I need you to do this in a completely different way than I'm about to show you like, what, what is the point? What is even the point

Collin  35:27

we had that are old software, or old software, we would complain about functionality, and they would send us a screen recording. And I would look at the screen recording. And I would say, it was fantastic. Software, isn't it, though? I said, No. I said, I said you recorded that on an Android. I don't have Android. I have an I have an iPhone. And he would respond with the text forego. Oh, I don't have an iPhone, so I can't help you.

Brandon  35:55

Well, the other the other part, that's real cool is when they show you from the administrative side of the thing. Right? But you're on the client side, in the interface is different. Oh, right. Yeah. They're like, Oh, yeah, here's this

Collin  36:08

like, that's no, what are you doing? Yeah, that's, that is that is really that is that is tough, because they can't not like they didn't, unless they created a dummy account to be the client side. Like, yeah, they can't see it. It's like, oh, yeah, you won't have these buttons. And this isn't over here. And this is a

Brandon  36:30

different one. I've, I've fully customized my customized my interface menu. And then they like, don't tell you how to do that. Right. They like don't mention, they're just like, it's possible to do

Collin  36:43

anyway. And, like, again,

Brandon  36:47

it feels like they were this person was trained by the sales department, because they kept like, showing you all the features. Like, like we've talked about before, like all the other features,

Collin  36:58

and not like the how to

Brandon  37:02

take attendance feature. Like the number one feature in the student, entertainment and entertainment, this student system, right? Like, or the information in student information system is what they're called, right? Just like the general term is like si s,

Collin  37:19

right? And so

Brandon  37:23

like, they're like, oh, like how do I access student information? Like how do I find

Collin  37:31

a phone number to call a parent?

Brandon  37:34

How do I look and see if my students have medical things I need to know about how do I find if like my students are you know this like now I'm going to show you how to make a cool seating chart from you I have a piece of paper and a pencil I don't need I don't need your stick a seating chart. Okay, I do that in like five seconds by myself. need this like $100,000 operating system, seating charts and devastated my life? Like yep, I need access my students the students information. numpty, doing

Collin  38:19

tell you sure how it would be. They would just we do this is this. I just had a flashback to one where they were showing us a demo before we switched our software's for a company where they were like showing us how to change our brand colors for it. And I was like, Cool, cool. Cool. Cool. Cool. How do people pay me like, you know,

Brandon  38:39

the whole point of having a business providing a service for monetary compensation? I do I do that. Right. Wow,

Collin  38:47

I could put my logo there. That's That's wild. Oh, man.

Brandon  38:54

Yeah, it's been rough. Another side note. That's another side note that I have. Right. So sorry about brand logos. Hey,

Collin  39:02

my school refuses to standardize the school colors.

Brandon  39:11

Right? Like, I don't know why they're against this so badly. But again, this year, once again this year, I have ever received my shirt. Right. I will say that we're supposed to wear like school shirts on a certain day of the week.

Collin  39:25

Or like or the thing right?

Brandon  39:29

And the yellow color, my shirt. It's so bad. If Susan Susan said what it looked like and now I can't see it and hurts me. She said it looks like the stripes on the highway. Oh no. It's like the yellowish orange

Collin  39:52

that's Oh no.

Brandon  39:55

Mo dot shirt. Oh no, I can't

Collin  39:59

that's thing wrong with murder? Like, I don't know why. Like it doesn't this is not hard, right? You just like, pick a color, right? Like administrators can pick a color. Get the hex code for said color.

Brandon  40:15

And then any club that's going to make a shirt or anything you say, you have to use these colors moved in. Right? Is it? Is it like why? Why are all the shirts different colors? It's not that hard. It's weird, and weird problem to have like, yeah, even the logo, like I don't know if it's as bad now, like the logo is like, not standardized. And I don't understand

Collin  40:42

why it makes sense. It's a weird thing

Brandon  40:50

to like, not have locked down a launch.

Collin  40:55

Yeah, and you would think, like, you would,


you would think that they would order some, like, test runs, usually some test prints, I'm sure that the school has, has probably been in the community for a little while. And this isn't the first time that they've ordered shirts so that you know, they just go like, they go to the shirt place. And they're just like, yeah, do this with yellow. And then they like,

Collin  41:19

don't think about what it

Brandon  41:23

means, right? Like, I don't I guess nobody at the t shirt place or in administration has ever seen like a box of crayons with more than eight colors in it. Because like, you can't be like, yellow and then like, oh, that's just one color. Right? Like, ah, like, we talked about this in my science class, right? When we're talking about like, perceiving the world around you. Right? It's a funny thing, your brain, right? It? You know, it's just like, taking random bits of information and trying to make sense of like these huge just amounts of information that your senses are putting in. But like,

Collin  41:58

if I say the word blue to you, we're not thinking about the same color right now. Yeah. I mean,

Brandon  42:08

we're probably not right. I know, through conversations with other people I've had. Orange is another big one, right? If you say orange, yeah, it's likely that you and the person you're talking to not thinking about the same color.

Collin  42:24

It's almost impossible for you for you to, like, think of the same

Brandon  42:28

color. But I mean, just like based on your preferences and your exposure, and like, you know, your experience with stuff, right? Like, I like one of my friends, right? When I say orange, I usually think about like a very, like, vibrant color writing like a vibrant of orange like she thinks about like burnt orange. Right, like much more like Foley kind of orange. Right? That's what she thinks about? Well, I know that when I say orange, like I'm looking like, it's a much more bright orange. Like when I say blue. I usually think about like that civilian blue crown. Right? I that's, that's, that's what I think about when I say blue, like that color. Yeah. Other people think like royal blue. Other people think like sky blue, light blue, Baby Blue, whatever. Like just like, if you say like, oh, yeah, I want this, go to the printer. And you're like, Yo, I need this, like blue and green.

Collin  43:21

Like, what you're gonna get back is.

Brandon  43:27

You know, who knows? Infinite shades different than what you envisioned? Because you don't have you don't you didn't go to them with case 2020 2320 23 Right now, okay. You can identify the color by a number. And just give it to them and say I need this and they can go okay, got it. Blam done, and it's gonna match every single time.

Collin  43:51

And, and the, the coding or like, generating a something for print versus a digital copy, they will tweak it differently. Right? They will, they will, because they have to make it. Yeah, they're depending on trans translation process there. But like it does exist, like we do have the technology to make sure that this doesn't,

Brandon  44:15

yeah, when you design your thing on, on, you know, some design program, and then you send it to the printer, but then they're, you know, it's gonna look you right, it's gonna look different on paper versus on a shirt. Right, like, color transfer and the printing is diff, it's going to whatever color you printed on is going to affect the pigmentation in the tint and the hue of the colors, right. So like, you know, this is a thing you have to think about. And think about these things, and I don't get paid the money to think about these things and it bothers me a lot because I'm the only one that is bothered apparently like I don't

Collin  44:57

Yeah, All right. All right. It's just one of the things you're like, really? This is really like what? Like what? Yeah, again, you're always gonna start.

Brandon  45:19

You're gonna start meetings with like how to be. You gotta be professional. We gotta take this seriously. And they do this. Like, what?

Collin  45:26

We we stressed about the details, and we

Brandon  45:31

didn't know. Except you didn't?

Collin  45:34

Yeah, that's odd. What color yellow? Is that supposed to be? Yeah. This is more miracles.

Brandon  45:41

I don't really know what you're doing.

Collin  45:50

Now, that sounds like a massive frustration. It's just another example of this where it's just like an annoyance. It's like, Oh, yeah. Well, it's another example of just like this breakdown of, of like, somebody should care more than this, right? Like to somebody like, who was somebody happy to get this back was what somebody like? Like, what? How did this just makes you question?

Brandon  46:13

Like, yeah, that's the other problem, right? You like, you kind of feel bad because you like somebody is proud of this.


It shouldn't be. But they are.

Brandon  46:26

Doing it, right. Like it hasn't. Yeah.

Collin  46:31

All right. Salary. That's right. That's right. It's well, you know, maybe maybe you'll get put on T shirt committee

Brandon  46:43

for next. Yeah, yeah. Because they listened so much. To committees. That's how it works. Right? Well, yes. That's mainly go on the committee. And then you spend like many hours like discussing a thing. And then you take it to like this, the administration and the board and they do something

Collin  46:57

else. That's like,

Brandon  47:00

right. It's kind of like trying to tell me what you want it for Christmas. Oh, right. Like detailer. She's like, tell me what you want for Christmas. And then like, you give her thing and you tell her that she buys you whatever she wants.

Collin  47:11

She already bought it several months prior. And she's just kind of hoping that it aligned basically cut it July.

Brandon  47:17

What is on sale. So she was like, too bad. This is what she made me tell you. Why do you do this to me? Well, because you did it. Once you did our wedding, right? She she's the one that made us go and register and do all this stuff. Right? Yeah.

Collin  47:34

And the place where she worked, right? That's where she

Brandon  47:38

register at Macy's. Right. And she was like, Susan, I weren't going to register for stuff because we both like already lived. We have like had established apartments like separately. Well, yeah, like what are we going to? Like we don't need anything and so so it means is obviously like, you know, make people buy you do towels. That's what he's so she made us register. And she took us around and she saw every single thing that we scan. And what did she buy us for our wedding? crystal bowl? 100% not on the list

Collin  48:22

she wouldn't want to get your stuff on the list because that's what everybody else does. Right? That's so funny. Oh, that's such a I don't know what I don't know what kind of move it is. But that is definitely our move.

Brandon  48:40

Larry is is what it was

Collin  48:41

amazing. I teased her about that so much. Thanks for that. Thanks for all the everything on my list so question Question. What are you What are you What does the crystal bowl currently being used for?

Brandon  49:07

That's in the cabinet.

Collin  49:09

Excellent. Excellent. Yeah.

Brandon  49:11

Not as part of the everyday bowl rotation, you know,

Collin  49:15

cereal being an aggressive cereal bowl or something like break that

Brandon  49:19

now. You know, I don't I can't. I can't tell you the last time I actually have consumed cereal like on purpose. Really? Right. Yeah, I don't eat cereal. Okay, I actually I can I can't happen so infrequently. I think I can tell you exactly the time, right? Like every Christmas Susan makes that party mix stuff with like Chex Mix and some other things.

Collin  49:41

Okay. I ate the leftovers. So like,

Brandon  49:47

I haven't eaten any cereal in like a year, like I just don't,

Collin  49:51

oh, is this a? Is it just a conscious effort? Or is this just you're not in a cereal phase or like what's the I feel like? I feel like Partly Yeah,

Brandon  50:04

I think part of it's like I just don't like promo I just don't want to eat cereal. Okay, I just don't like it.

Collin  50:10

I think a couple things here. Number one when you like, I eat breakfast at like six o'clock in the morning, right? My lunchtime

Brandon  50:25

at work is one o'clock in the afternoon, like cereal is not making it that far. Is not how that's gonna work. Okay, if I ate cereal for breakfast I had to eat that definitely needs second breakfast somewhere. Like I'd have to bring, like a snack

Collin  50:42

break. Whatever. But like, also, I feel like

Brandon  50:49

there's a cost benefit analysis that happens with cereal, right? In order to feel satisfied. And eating cereal. I feel like I need to eat like a big bowl of it. Uh huh. You know, in cereal cost like $20 billion it's like not even if you buy just like normal, like, the off brand and the cheap like, whatever like

Collin  51:13

it just feels like you're always out of cereal. Right? You're just like constantly

Brandon  51:20

out like there is never an enough cereal in the box. Right? Like it's always gone. And I think that is also just real annoying, right? Like just being chronically short of the thing you're trying to eat it's like

Collin  51:41

ah, so do it. I took

Brandon  51:44

sandwiches all the way man. Oh

Collin  51:49

pony there's there's somebody definitely listening to this right now who I may or may not be associated with that is definitely struggling through this conversation. Because they they may be of the like, cereal bean variety to the extent where like, one of their favorite pastimes is like mixing different cereals together. Kind of like that's that's all right a cereal cocktail apologist to create a

Brandon  52:20

Do they really enjoy like those hotel things when they have all the cereals and like a little dispensers and you can just like

Collin  52:28

like I can just imagine the look on their face suicide

Brandon  52:31

thing it looks like Donald's you know, when you like put all the sodas in the cup? Is that what she does? Yeah,

Collin  52:36

I can just imagine the face of like the big smile that came over as you were saying that thing? Is she the person this person whoever they may be it was going like

Brandon  52:45

oh, yeah, some mysterious individuals mysterious it was like

Collin  52:49

that's all they want. Like every time like you're in a hotel they in that there? It's just a beeline straight to it. It's it's Christmas every single time

Brandon  52:57

material if you do that. I mean if you're like a serial mixologist, then it's a technically a different experience every goal that you have, so you have to go back for more than one right?

Collin  53:09

Yeah. Oh man. That's Oh, that's I don't know why why haven't we monetize this? Because you're like, oh, gosh, it's a whole experience new experience every bowl like with like, we can put together a pamphlet that you download is five bucks for a with like recipe.

Brandon  53:28

Okay, got it. Got it. We'll get on that.

Collin  53:31

Oh, man. This out. Wow, this is this is okay. Dustin you can bump it up with like other additives of like, this is standard milk and this is what you know do into the whole mix. Milk range.

Brandon  53:46

And we can put in recipes for like homemade almond milk or eggs. It's like Mega easy. Just like yeah, water and almonds and and blender with

Collin  53:54

some blender. Yes. I didn't like you to squeeze a little bit but like, Well, yeah, like, you know, like, you could throw that in there. That's like this is okay. Well, right. You're trying to see if cereal mixologist is taken hold on. Oh, it's not a thing. Oh,

Brandon  54:17

it is now baby.

Collin  54:21

Speaking of

Brandon  54:22

speaking of hosting courses on your website, Hi.

Collin  54:28

Now let's just go over, it's fine. This is definitely this is definitely important. We're going to see this is the last step of this conversation here because this is what happens. It's available. Oh baby kiss What's up now? This is amazing. I am it is oh yeah. Serial is available for $16 a year. You can have

Brandon  54:57

that baby zero mixologist talk Calm. How are you right now? Let's go.

Collin  55:02

Yeah. And then you have the course you buy the book and then you get the course of somebody standing all we can shoot a cooking show. And just like James

Brandon  55:11


Collin  55:12

and everything be perfect. Yes, this is okay, I am writing I've never had to register an LLC actually a real like this is a really good idea. And then for the certain individual in my life, like it's a business expense to buy cereal. All dreams come true. Like we have to buy everything on the store shelf and every new variant that comes out and mix it with other stuff.

Brandon  55:59

And you have to get like some of those fancy glass bowls to eat it out of for the camera shot right? Exactly. Can't exactly like ceramic bowl. And we can do that beauty shot right for the bed gram.

Collin  56:15

Right and for the pamphlet in Belle don't they don't they? Well, but they also do like for those don't they? Also a poor elements glue in to get that

Brandon  56:24

out for these ones, man. He's gonna be the real deal. And like there's gonna be live action. Right? There's actions if it's in a video, you're going to action shop that.

Collin  56:33

Oh, I know. I'm just saying like for the promotion but yeah, like, yeah, then you can have like, themed, like, seasonal. All sorts of stuff like

Brandon  56:42

to own that scientific discussion about cereal to milk ratios. Exactly. All the way from the like, drowning to the Aaron. Right? We call that the Aaron don't know the milk still in the fridge? Yeah,

Collin  56:56

it has. There's so little milk in there. The the milk is just Yes. Still in the fridge. It's not

Brandon  57:01

the glass. Really? Not touching the cereal at all. Make sure you keep them six feet apart

Collin  57:10

at all times oh I this. This is brilliant. Okay. I'll just as people need that they need that they're looking for experiences they are. That's a big thing for people these days is experiences and you're taking something that's mundane that they're already doing and you're kicking it up a whole other elevator. That's true.

Brandon  57:44

Okay, so let's see what else you put you cereal? Like, can you go like go like ham, right? You gotta put like, Nope, no, no, not handle like fruit, right? Fruits, dried fruit, fresh fruit, right like that in there. Like other stuff. I don't know. Like it actually just sprinkle cinnamons directly on there to add it instead. Right? Like,

Collin  58:03

spice it up with stuff you will get to experience now we've got so much everybody likes this idea makes you

Brandon  58:24

not as excited to serve someone else I imagined.

Collin  58:26

Oh, no, they are already running to the store.

Brandon  58:31

buying those like, the little packs, right? Like the remember that don't make them the boxes anymore. Remember the little boxes? Yeah, right, that now they're in that like weird plastic thing. Or they used to be in a little like the mini cereal box or it was like just like a tiny box that you bought on those big packages. Right? Yeah, like the individual servings?

Collin  58:51

And do you remember that those boxes served a dual function.


Yeah, they could be usable too. They could be

Brandon  58:59

you could like pull the side off and then cut through the thing. And then you could use those as a bowl, which was just more it was aesthetically more pleasing than the weird plastic thing. It just has the plaque it has like the plastic with the

Collin  59:15

weird plastic top on it. Number one. You know it looks like a yogurt container. But

Brandon  59:20

it's for like cereal. You know, I'm

Collin  59:22

talking about right? Yeah, yeah. Number one. Trying to open that. Impossible. Right because you always feel the cereal everywhere. Just this is how it works. Yes. Because the adhesive that they did that they put on there was not made to be taken off by humans. No,

Brandon  59:37

he's like super glue. They actually put superglue on it and it's like now it's feels fresh forever. They

Collin  59:42

are they thought that you would be keep you would secure the plastic in a vise.

Brandon  59:50

Having worked in school, and I used to do breakfast at a long time ago, trying to watch children open those things.

Collin  59:55

It doesn't go well. Right just Not

Brandon  1:00:01

cereal everywhere, right? Like

Collin  1:00:06

I don't I don't understand why these companies haven't like, haven't looked into that. And for goodness sakes, why haven't what do we talk about this? Like why? Yeah, we talked about this like, why hasn't anybody from Ziploc all General Mills? Yeah, like, right like,

Brandon  1:00:22

I mean even Yeah, the old box don't cardboard box thing right? It was better. The cardboard is like ease more easily recyclable than that plastic stuff that some of that plastic can't recycle it right now. But the cardboard you just throw it in the cardboard bin is super cute. Super cute. And again, it's much more aesthetic. Right? It's nice. It's like a little box. You can actually buy them for your house and like put them in your cabinet. They just like stack up in little row. You know? You can be like oh, what types do I want today? Oh, this little

Collin  1:00:53

one. Right like you know they don't ask me they're not they're not interested in that. Good good.

Brandon  1:01:08

Right, they saved they could make more profits by

Collin  1:01:14

not printing the cardboard, right? Yeah. Disappointed Kellogg's. We're doing dope incoming allergy interruption. Oh, here it is. That Sudafed wore off. Gotta get some of that. NyQuil or, or equivalent, right whatever. Other things

Brandon  1:01:49

I was saying I was appealing. Lovely huh?

Collin  1:01:51

What we bring to the table? Yeah. I goodness ah people are still thinking

Brandon  1:02:08

about cereal and he are sneezing all the place. distressing as well.

Collin  1:02:13

So it's other than having fun with your new software. What's what's new with you? Um, well, I really was trying to

Brandon  1:02:24

do things, you know, we have some sort of assembly tomorrow don't really know what's happening. Right? It

Collin  1:02:32

was whatever. So I wasn't ever again doing some late tectonics, right.

Brandon  1:02:40

Boundary types.

Collin  1:02:41

I, I have a very distinct memory of watching the TV. And it was Bill Nye, the Science Guy in his paper with paper plates floating on top of water. Talking about plate tectonics. This was also the time of I always forget like the fever dream again. The fever dream that was the 90s of the rat that was involved in a Bill Nye the Science Guy during the guy in the rat suit.

Brandon  1:03:16

Vaguely I went the other I don't know a couple of years ago like I have these vague memories of Bill Nye watching the show right? Like I went back and I watched an episode like I was on YouTube or something

Collin  1:03:31

good gracious.

Brandon  1:03:32

How in the world did you like the Add nightmares?

Collin  1:03:42

Oh, anything?

Brandon  1:03:44

I did that remember being so zany? Right?

Collin  1:03:47

I didn't remember that. Okay. So I am

Brandon  1:03:52

going to make a good I was taken aback

Collin  1:03:53

by it is it is a fever dream and I want to apologize people again the letters this is if the allergy medicine people I have I will correct myself. I am very sorry. The rat as the astute as the astute 90s TV show right watchers will have been writing in screaming from their lungs. I was of course referring to Beekman swirled with the guy in the rat. Ah, not Bill Nye makes more sense. That makes more sense. Except for the fact that they were very different and that one was even more disturbing. Like that's distressing.

Brandon  1:04:35

Even more flashing lights and weird noises and

Collin  1:04:39

and it's just very like enough already his

Brandon  1:04:42

camera angles like Why

Collin  1:04:44

yes. Oh my gosh, sequence world. This is to you. Do you is it do you remember the show? Now?

Brandon  1:04:52

I remember the name. Okay. I don't think this is the thing that I watched. Okay, it doesn't sound

Collin  1:04:57

that familiar. Oh, well. Wow, yeah. Okay, this is I'm now just adding the IMDB to the show notes. And

Brandon  1:05:04

I just like Google it real fast here because I don't remember.

Collin  1:05:08

Yeah, no I don't you'll probably see this and go what?


This logo?

Collin  1:05:15

Yes, they'll watch the intro to yield

Brandon  1:05:19

is a man in a red suit but like not even like

Collin  1:05:23

not even like I

Brandon  1:05:25

don't even understand what's happening. Yeah, I don't

Collin  1:05:31

this was definitely like

Brandon  1:05:33

from 92 to 97 and I guess

Collin  1:05:35

it was probably this is uh, this is probably like I watched this right now and I go, Oh wow, this definitely has the the chaotic feel of a lot of current YouTube channels like, of someone being like, wow, we're gonna go over edge world. Like it's crazy. Like that's really what's his whole shtick of the very off the wall is to have to keep keep attention, basically. Yeah, this is

Brandon  1:06:15

this is weird. I don't remember this at all. However, boy, oh, boy. When I was scrolling down here, I found the show. I did watch. Oh, boy. It's wishbone. That's right. What's up now? Oh, story. It's a story.

Collin  1:06:32

It's such a good. Such a good series. That was on for too short, too for too few years.

Brandon  1:06:38

I think it's underrated here,

Collin  1:06:41

I guess. And every time we get to take care of Jack Russell. I use and what's the story? Think about Robin Hood

Brandon  1:06:56

or like,

Collin  1:06:58

yeah, or what's the one that I always remember? Yeah. When he did a Hercules when he was hurt at all? Yeah. Yeah. Ah, yeah. For those not it again, those not inculcated into the world of the 90s television series. This was a live action show about a dog playing out classic. novels. Literature. Yeah, sure. Yep. Yes. Yep. I don't really remember why. I think I think I'm gonna have to. And sometimes just, I don't remember. I don't remember why either, but there I also remember why I'm looking at it. I don't understand why my brain immediately latches on to this. I'm gonna send a photo of when he was playing Robin Hood. And yeah, and the photo that I'm sending you is a wishbone drawing back is Bo and everybody just needs to remember he's gone

Brandon  1:08:01

you know this is just how it works appreciate there was a hamlet wishbone which is also really weird to think about just kind of like this is exactly what I thought you were gonna send this I see a memory of this as well.

Collin  1:08:17

Right? I'm no professional pet senator. But I'm pretty sure dog's arms don't work that way. No, they in fact did you do not

Brandon  1:08:32

dog legs don't function this manner

Collin  1:08:34

don't think they can move in such a way Nope. But it's fantastic. Fantastic show. Hard to find. It is a hard to find show for my searches to watch Elsewheres Yeah, I don't know. Why probably because no one remembers it now it's underrated nobody's like seeking it out again like channels are

Brandon  1:09:16

on PBS PBS PBS decided hey, yes that's hard to find it is it has been around for a long time have their own public broadcasting they haven't

Collin  1:09:26

they're trying to you know

Brandon  1:09:29

be normal humans are not be like, oh, what? We should start our own streaming service and try to have dollars to watch every program we've ever made in our life. Like

Collin  1:09:38

no, just stop. Why do that? And it was highly acclaimed to it one I'm reading here one Daytime Emmy win Emmys, won a Peabody Award, and all sorts of Television Critics like Association like awards and accolades over Imagine you are As an actor who's been acting for years on television and a dog that played

Brandon  1:10:09

Hamlet gotten me before you what does that

Collin  1:10:16

that's fair at that'd be that'd be a tough break right imagine this waiting around for those announcements the dog again anyone for right so it's like again


yeah right

Brandon  1:10:28

oh my god dog and hood over here one is me and I'm

Collin  1:10:33

trying to know but not the career path I thought I'd go down but also

Brandon  1:10:44

I hope that guy got his immediately I hope he hope he did right

Collin  1:10:49

you know how they did too right that's maybe maybe maybe that's why we spoke only lasted four seasons because they were like look, we got to kind of keep the dog out of here okay.

Brandon  1:11:01

Through four seasons four Emmys in a row like No, no more.

Collin  1:11:09

Dog man. Big TV series coming down on you Oh, good. I'm going to the show.

Brandon  1:11:27

I'd like to see a picture of wishbone like Lainez dog has like Snoopy just pile of Amy's like laying out front in the dish like the bones.

Collin  1:11:36

that would that would be latterly not really perfect. Yes. Very needed. Let's see her go hunt around, see if I could find some of those. I mean, I've got to save room for our Halloween challenge coming up too, so I still can't get too in the weeds. Maybe there's a Halloween wishbone. Right like there's so many. I mean, the possibilities are endless. Surely there's at least one Oh, yeah, I'm sure they did the Headless Horseman right. Sure. Oh, Sleepy Hollow is on there. I don't know. Does it show by like,

Brandon  1:12:33

by episode like what it was or does it?

Collin  1:12:37

Now it's like, okay. Like weird. Names.

Brandon  1:12:46

See if like uncover like what is

Collin  1:12:48

happening? Oh, right.

Brandon  1:12:49

There's definitely an odyssey one though. That is just like What?

Collin  1:12:54

What? Yeah, so five over sweet Homer see? Even got puns. Even better. Oliver Twist this Yeah, these are Yeah, I

Brandon  1:13:14

don't I Cyrano de Bergerac.

Collin  1:13:19

What Of course he could play that because he's a dog with a long neck. But like That's funny.

Brandon  1:13:29

Cyrano de Onkyo de Joan of Arc


like what on earth have see light files which boats bows to what

Collin  1:13:39

thouched is a world that Ivanhoe what in the world? What is happening here? I did not realize all of this. I was

Brandon  1:13:57

unaware of foolish of the red shades of Frankenstein Franken bone. Boom and go. What's not giving you just any ammunition for your challenge but there's a frame

Collin  1:14:11

that the problem is finding that that's true. That's true.

Brandon  1:14:16

I you know, I was sitting here thinking like oh man, I wonder because I've I've vaguely remember watching this show sometimes. But like,

Collin  1:14:26

didn't think like

Brandon  1:14:29

I'm sitting here being like, how many like actually what he do right turns out like the Purloined Letter by Edgar Allan Poe is one of them.

Collin  1:14:41

Yeah. Oh, that'd be pretty one. Here's what I busied. What are the world Halloween hound the creepy Halloween hound the legend of creepy collars? Ah,

Brandon  1:14:55

I like it. Is this right Island or that's a good one actually.

Collin  1:14:59

Ah well, there's only one true rendition of Treasure Island.

Brandon  1:15:06

That is true, as we know,

Collin  1:15:09

as we know. He's Hercules one. Yeah.

Brandon  1:15:16

The Count of Monte Cristo? Yes. What a happy ending. That one has boilers for the Count of Monte Cristo.

Collin  1:15:22

Oh, you know, maybe not immediately this is insane. I did not realize it was like, just literally the billions of like well makes you realize I mean, a I mean, just how many how many good books there are out there, right. Go. Oh, man, if I really liked Do you enjoy? Do you enjoy watching dog play this? Go read the book.

Brandon  1:15:59

Turns out turns out I do. Yes. I have something for you. Oh,

Collin  1:16:05

no. No. Go take that in the shownotes. Baby bull episode. What? My gosh. Well anyway,

Brandon  1:16:24

listeners I have discovered the the wishbone full episode playlist on YouTube. 59 episodes

Collin  1:16:36

are nine. Go.

Brandon  1:16:39

We go. I found it.

Collin  1:16:47

That's all you need, folks. Hey. Yeah.

Brandon  1:16:53

There we do. Yeah, definitely watch one of those before I go to bed.

Collin  1:16:57

Thank you. Thank you, Bronson. B for approving that shout out. Shout out to fellow wishbone fan apparently, apparently, like,


I'm looking at other playlists here. And these are, this is quite the collection of random playlists. Okay, this is very interesting. Very interesting. Lots of wheel of fortune in different languages. A

Brandon  1:17:27

wheel of fortune. There's like a it's still on like, what? What do you what do you get out a classic Wheel of Fortune

Collin  1:17:33

episode? I don't know. But I'm also going to mention to you as if this is definitely somebody right up our alley that Ali has to say, because it has a playlist. I want to I want you to just get anyway, it has 418 videos in this playlist, which I will say is probably an extreme abuse of a playlist because who has time to watch 418 for these videos, but that is I feel like the habits can be managed by this playlist has 480 videos on it. And it's just titled anthill castings. What's Why 418 videos of people making art castings of pouring like the molten lava into many, many very confused. Very used by this so there you go. There you go. All right. This is definitely again, somebody right up our alley.

Brandon  1:18:39

That's true. That's true. I can appreciate the dedication to this. Yeah. That's

Collin  1:18:45

definitely something. Oh, yes, yes, lots. Okay. Well, yeah, we've got lots of stuff to do to my goodness, so many things to watch. Argh. A wishbone? Yeah, I just found that this person also has a complete playlist of Zuma fu so yeah. Yeah, you really want to go way back in time. I mean, again, I know this is often the same time this is before they became the crap crap brothers. Right? This is yeah, this is their original.

Brandon  1:19:23


Collin  1:19:26

Man. Who doesn't? Lemurs?

Brandon  1:19:28

I mean, that it Yeah, apparently. People have lemurs a lot. I don't know. What question do you think is a boomer who was the inspiration behind King Julian and Madagascar?

Collin  1:19:42

I mean, he definitely somebody had to have watched you. I mean, like, do

Brandon  1:19:46

you think the animators were like, Yo, but like, what animals should be in some dudes like Yo, I got this I got

Collin  1:19:55

I had been preparing

Brandon  1:20:00

It used to be referred knowledge or rip out off as lean receipts as King Julian around there, I'd like to think that this is true. I like to think that's how this actually went down.

Collin  1:20:14

Personally I don't see how it's not true I've just being on new headcanon

Brandon  1:20:19

Zuma who inspired was the inspiration can keep Julian okay so this is this is my new official headcanon

Collin  1:20:27

This is all we know is King Julian that's you know oh well then with those those here's your homework has come up with the connection and they keep you up all tonight and yeah, definitely watching some some wishbone here and we'll I can report and all that fun stuff here soon. All right. Love you