Meeting Horizon

Aaron is apartment shopping. Collin has pet sitting corner. Brandon is listening to 60s garage rock. Mini topic? Unexpected music we listen to.

  • Aaron is apartment shopping

  • Brandon has meetings on the horizon 

  • Pet Sitting corner!! 

  • Collin is ½ way through his homework from two weeks ago…

  • Brandon’s been listening to 60’s garage rock

  • Unexpected music we listen to?

    • Brandon

      • Surf music

    • Aaron

      • K-pop

    • Collin

      • Industrial metal

  • SpaceX Landing:

  • New mars Rover:

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dog, listen, real, music, movie, weird, happening, people, called, surf, fun, dance, band, sitting, lady, rock, week, true, sound, thought


Collin, Aaron, Brandon


 Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out your host, Brandon, Coleman and Aaron on this week's show, meeting horizon






No, this bad one. There it is. All right. Yeah, no, I just got back from eating with the mother in law. Oh yes. I snuck back there watching a movie. So I ran away. Oh, it's fine. Before was the was the evenings treatments a Shana took up that movie sing to watch up there so it's definitely better than Hallmark Christmas movies so there it yes there's a plot and character arcs are they? Yes yes there we go actually the bed Have you seen this movie? No I haven't it's watch this movie saying like the animated movie oh yeah singing contest yeah all these like animals singing stuff the best part of this movie is actually just all the incidental sound clips that happen that if you're not paying attention you totally just miss it a song happening in this movie. Like every Five seconds, they don't play all of it. Like you'll just like, it's part of the, like the background. You know, they'll be a car passing and you'll hear this song and you're like, wait, I know that song. Or like, there's this part where they're walking into the audition room. And this porcupine guitar player girl that's in the audition is definitely playing the opening solo of eruption from Van Halen. But if you're not paying attention, you just mix it. There's a little like, small little details in there. It's just my that's my favorite part about the movie. And when the pig mom lady dances to Gypsy kings in the grocery store apart. Awesome. Who doesn't love Gypsy kings? I mean, come on. There we go. And I like random. I like random movies like that, that I every once in a while. There's a movie that has like a bunch of like a list actors and singers as well. One of those movies where I was just looking at the IMDb and has a lot of just, you know, top tier actors in it. And I think those movies every once in a while they're just fun. Yeah, it's fun. Also the first time you watch it's really distracting because you're like, wait, who's that? But at least I do that with animated movies. I'm guilty of I sit there a lot and go. Wait a minute. Yeah, the main character, one of the main characters is movie. There's like an opening monologue and I was sitting there watching the movie, and we didn't. That's Matthew McConaughey.



Yes, it is. Indeed it



is fun. But I sneaked away. It was almost over anyway. So. Okay. That's it. So I've been up to what about you get? Oh, sorry. Go ahead here. Oh, what's the question? Oh, I thought you're gonna say something. Oh no, sorry. I thought we were going around the thing talking. Yes. And yes, we are



to Brandon's right Aaron.



Hello. I'm the way I'm sitting. I think he's to my left actually. Fine. I have a folder entirely



about how we perceive each other in a circle while he sees a thing.



This is the area we'll get



back to you. Okay, so



North currently so I think Aaron is off to my



left. That's a



West. Oh, there you go. errs is facing both of us. Look at how he's facing away. He's back to us. Look at that.



I'm facing east.



Wow, there we go.



Anyway, Aaron.



Hello. So Aaron has been working this week. I've had a case almost every single day. And with schools starting to kind of revamped reopen up, there's usually a spike in DHS calls. So maybe in the next few weeks I will be kind of all over the place but I've been driving back and forth from bartlesville to Tulsa almost every single day for cases and and families.



So fun wise.



What do you do for fun? We've been looking at apartments. So apartment shopping. Shelby is shaking your head and smashing the pillow onto her face. Because she is having so much fun doing shopping for apartments. But we we've been exploring downtown Tulsa just for fun, like I had ramen, ramen noodles, like legit ramen noodles for the first time today. Probably not. use chopsticks to save my life. My, my brain was just like, No, I was like stabbing my shrimp and just give you the spoon thing to you did, but I only use that just for the broth. And so, so the trick is the whole disposing your left hand at all times, and just kind of helped to get things on the top six with the spoon. I was kind of mimicking what other what other patrons around me were doing? I was like, Oh, yes, Robin. I too have had Robin. This human food of which I have, like stare at a table. Like what? How did they do that? I mean, to be fair, the first time with wet noodles and chopsticks slightly difficult so we'll give you a pass first time Yeah, yes, I struggled. What else did we I think what else we've done I mean, other than that, like a sushi like Oh yeah. Thank you Shelby. Jessie. She's a background I'm, I'm sitting here playing with my phone. Um, yeah, we toured all those kind of last week when we talk. But we went and you know, had a date downtown bartlesville and galavanting around. And then other than that just going to work on my end like it's been. I was doing really good on cases, I was down to two and I was like, Oh, yeah, these are easy. And then it's like, Hey, here's a case. Here's how here's the case. And so, I'm just waiting probably to get one tomorrow. So we'll see how that goes. But that's all I have been doing up here. At least it's more than me. Just waiting till I have to I have to go back to work today Yes. For inspirasi meeting things so yeah, that goes well.



When is when meetings on the horizon?



Yeah, lots of weeks. Oh, okay. So windows report the 20 something I don't remember exactly. The only day I have currently is Tuesday that I go back. I'll have so far. It's got to work up test. So we'll see how that goes. be interesting. So Susan has been at work like ever Every night till who knows when? Because they have their well because they're doing all the returning stuff. Right. So she's been there since she's the social media person. Oh boy. They had to get all the they had a board meeting again this last Monday, like a emergency session. It was planned. So it wasn't like, you know, not like oh my gosh, I have to do it tomorrow, right? We're gonna do it. It was an extra board meeting I guess to finalize their comeback to school plan. So she's been typed she had been typing all that up her in the superintendent had been working all that getting it already typed in this format stuff and then they had to finalize everything. So she finalized edited stuff they wanted this week is been disseminating that to the 100 Hundred percent happy and receptive public. Good. Good. Oh, wait, no, we don't have we don't have any. No, we don't have that. No, it's so sad. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Yeah. So I can't imagine. Yeah, we'll see next week. I imagine the schedule for what our meetings are about have shifted slightly from the general normal.



I bet that



TV video we have to watch every single years, maybe a little different this time, I think,



is Port 14 or T.



It's already really long. So, but we'll see how that goes. would be. Yeah, I don't know. They are all i breathing. No, I didn't read the entirety of the 700 page PDF document that I got. sent email working. It's not quite that long, but there are doing, like, if you want to do like a distance learning will be optional. Use it to sign up for it and say, Yes, I want that. So they've been doing that. I have absolutely no idea how many or Oh, you mean for the student like that? Yeah, for the students. So what so if, if, like in your class, if you had one students aren't for distance learning, you'd have to be ready to provide materials and stuff for them? I guess. No idea. Interesting. I'm really told me



that if I you'll be the last to know



that I mean, yes, that's true. I imagine one of the meetings next week will be about that. But so that's an option for people. But again, I have absolutely no idea like what percentage of are doing that, or what exactly? I'm required to do for the ones that do that. I don't really know. I don't know if it's like I have no idea. So that'd be interesting. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it was. I don't know. Yeah, again, my science classes lots and lots of like, discussion based things. So uh,



yeah. I don't really know how to



translate that. So you just recorded I don't know. record the audio somehow and then just post it up. Here you go. But I don't know either way. Yeah, not for That's true, but it's at home and not at school and plug it in. Yeah, but it's not exactly. Like, I can't record like live in the classroom. It's a bit big and unwieldy for that. So I'm not real sure exactly. My plan is we'll have to wait see what they tell me. But I guess I should wait and see how many of my kids are gonna do that decide to do that. Yeah. Yeah. As well, so say, yeah, it's about to get real weird. So



see, he laughs






Yes. Yeah. So, yeah, we'll see. report back up about whatever happens there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Go ahead. No, sir. What about you? Oh, yeah. The city has officially stated a mass quarter. Effectively tomorrow at midnight. So anywhere you are in public, you have to wear one. And boy Howdy. You talk about happy people. A lot of happy people in town today. I bet. so thrilled, so excited. They are the can't wait to know. not do that. So I just love being Yeah, I don't know. I don't understand. Like, I know. You can't tell me what to do. People literally tell you what to do every day of your life and you do it. So like you wear pants outside to wear your shoes in the gas station. All right, you stop at red lights. wear a seatbelt. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of the same thing. Right? So I don't know. Anyway.



We've been trying to



stay on top of that. And



we don't know what that's going to do to. Megan to Lillian to the kids schools. We don't know what that's gonna



really do. I mean, it's a small school, like six kids in there, but I don't and I don't know what



she's beholden to. In running the classroom. Yeah, we're not right. So what how she's categorized Really? Oh, yeah. Because I mean, she is technically a school. She's not a daycare. Yeah. But she's not a full school school. Like, anyway, it's weird. Yes, whatever. So we're still waiting to hear more on that. But, yeah, we've been we were slammed with with pets this past week visit again yet again. I mean, it was insane. This past weekend I was doing dropins on a cat. And we had 123 or five dogs overnight. Yeah.



Yeah. Last night. Last night was the first night we had no dogs in our house. And we got to Morris at 6am this morning.



And they're with us until tomorrow because the odors What the heck. The owners are going down to silver dollar city because there's some band playing that they






So they're going to a large amphitheater in silver dollar city



to go see some some band seminar cities requiring masks to be in the park. So interesting. Okay, I didn't know that. I'm gonna They are. Yes. Okay. Well, that's when they opened up. That's the first thing they did. Okay. Nice. So nice. So, yeah, it's been it's been busy.



Looking ahead, we're not not too, too bad. It's going to really start tapering off here soon. So.



But that happened last year to around the start of school.



September was our lowest month till September is just the worst month. Really? Out of all the months. It's the worst one. So that makes sense. It's terrible. No have any listeners whose birthday is in September. This is not a shot at you. I still love you. But the month of September is awful. Part of the reason it's so awful is because it's a liar. Right? Because September is always like, Ooh, it's almost fall. And then like and then one day, it'll be like, Oh, it's like 60 degrees, and it's so nice to days later 98 you thought summer was over a liar. Here it is again. It's terrible. It's just like, ah, the worst is behind us. August is gone and September just goes.



Yeah. So



yeah, there's no holidays. There's nothing to look forward to in September. It's just yeah, it's just like, blah. Here it is. So yeah, so we'll we'll see. We'll see if any what happens like this, this pass. I'm just looking at my calendar right now and seriously since July, the end June 24. We've had dogs, multiple dogs in our house overnight, every night. Then



until last night, so it's kind of this weird break and then we kind of moderately busy. So we'll see. We'll see. It's interesting.



Yeah, this is good to not have five dogs as we're ticketless. Yeah, we had, were they enormous like always, I was like, Well, here's this giant lab and a boxer and a great game like,



well, we didn't have any great dane staying over. But we do sit to great names for daycares. Monday, Wednesday, Friday.






I'm like, on last Friday, we had we had a blind doxon we had a Labradoodle. We had a we had we had him we had a tiny like your key thing. We had two Great Danes. We had. And then we had a lab and this is basically another lab mix. In the house.



So, yeah, sounds fun. Colin question. Where did you put Noah? That's the real question. Has anyone ever asked or inquired about like petsitting? Like anything other than like a dog or a cat like Has anyone asked you like the pets that like a snake or a ferret or something?



That that is that is, um, I will say that the exotic requests for us are basically non existent.



When I was petsitting, a little bit during my undergrad



Yeah, I took care of a professor's hinge back toward his collection and ball python collection. Oh, okay. his basement was like a corral for his



back tortoises that you could kind of right on. It was. It's a triangle. I think he was like a herpetology professor or some sort of biology professor. He is Yep. He wasn't like an economics professor like Do not listen just for fun.



No, no, he's a he's a herpetologist.



And yeah, and he had like, Yeah, he had lots of them. Lots of them.



The multiple Ball Pythons and that was fun. Just because it was so different. And like the feeding regime was intense and insane. Because I bet it's very specialized. Yeah, very specialized. Since then, like I've always wanted to take care of bird. We've never taken care of bird. I've always wanted to take care of more snakes. I've never taken care of a snake I've always wanted like we took care of a



Oh, a bearded dragon. One time when we were in Texas,



and it was more like, please make sure he's still alive while stopping



and check on him. Yeah, it was pretty well, I mean, that's true is do you think the reason is because a lot Lot of those animals, like a snake, for example, if you're gonna go away for a day or so, like it's in the cage, you don't even have to feed it like, every couple weeks or something. So is it just that they're just so low maintenance? Or?



I'm sure that has to do part of it. I think also just the prevalence like that just statistically, I mean, that's true, like, how likely you are to be just slammed with people that need snake care. Fair, I think I think the most unique one that we've taken care of in guinea pigs though, yes, you



know, we get we're taking care of guinea pig but a lot of those have like automatic feeders that you can do. Yeah, you clean them out once a week kind of thing. We took care of a like 150 gallon saltwater tank before, but we were also taking care of the cats. So it was a little like oh also



while you're here



Please make sure nothing dies. But yeah,



besides that, it's really just been like, a lot of puppies and a lot of old all dogs is what we do like what our bread and butter tends to be.



There we go,



cuz they're the ones that need the most care, right? Well, that's true. And because people with puppies don't feel like they can ever leave because they have a puppy people, yeah, people with an old dog most the time with medications, can't leave them or do anything with them. So you would call



me Chuck or me know, that's where we're at right now. That's the weird thing we've been thinking about is like, Okay, we got to go back to work now. I've been home since March. Right? The Chuck every day. Yeah. So like, I gotta be by yourself now. Like, oh, but follow guidance. antonino does he get he doesn't get around very good. And he's kind of, he's got some medicine he's on right now. So we're like, well, what are we gonna do? Yeah, let's see it.



Yeah, well, that's a, that's the thing that everyone's thinking about is a big separation anxiety issues. And just the level of care that



pups had the past six months.



Yeah. I think I've talked about it here. There are dogs that we've been caring for for over a year. And they've just started to come back. And they are like, glued to our hips now. Yeah. Like, it's like, you have not been away from a human in many, many months. And oh, yeah, I can tell. And so



I'm going to chuck mostly sleeps on the couch and then wakes up. Well, it's time for dogs to go outside now, excuse me, and, you know,



Well, yeah, but but I mean, there's still those things of like, get trying to get back into that routine and just stress them out too much and, you know, put them in a stressful state. situation or something new. So starting to do those things like jingling your keys and just getting going into the garage like you normally would and just like, open up the garage and close it, but sit there in the car for a while and yeah, but he knows that that kind of like, start doing some of those cues to communicate like this is okay. Remember this? Yeah, like that's okay. Those are all things that you can you can do. It's just, yeah, it's new. It's hard. Hmm.



So, we'll see how it goes. But poor old boy doesn't really wanna. So



be rough for him. But, you know,



it'd be fine



with me. Do you have a Do you



have a neighbor or something? Someone who could come by and maybe check on me thought about that?



Come in. Check them out.



Yeah, I get Susan's mom to do it. But she's all Oh, he's so much work. He literally sleeps all the time. Like we're talking about



literally the most high maintenance dog. I think I'm aware. Yeah,



right. Oh, he's such a diva napping on the couch. Again. Having a more napping? Yes. Well, the other biggest problem that she has with him is is that like, those 10 minutes after we leave him at her house, where he's like, pacing around, just like he just won't stop pacing like he will in like five minutes. be fine. Hold on.



A because he realizes it's okay and be he mostly just gets tired. Like he



goes to things. Like oh, there is water. Okay, I'm good. Now. Let's go. Just for the roll. That's all he wants. And then he's good. Like, I'm damn black. Yep. naptime. Oh, I had a lady dropping off a dog



was coming up our stairs. And she was kind of I don't know, she she was kind of tearing she didn't look like she had the best balance come up the stairs and she has a one and a half year old lab. And






talking about people with mismatched with their pet anyway, she's coming up in their labs lady's a little bit older but anyway, the lab bolts and this lady just goes flat like a pancake up our steps. As that dog is like, pulling her not lifeless body but limp body up the steps a little bit like tugging at it because the dog is trying to get in the door.



Yeah, that was real fun. It was real fun. She did.



Fortunately, she didn't like bruise herself. She kind of caught herself with her other arm real real fast and kind of held herself there. But I was just like home by Gosh. So that was the meet and greet and before she came back over, she's gonna Come back in a couple days I was like, when you get here, call or let us know or you know, I'll be on the lookout so I can come out and I can help get the dog out of the car and get the dog inside for you. So you don't have to worry about that. Yeah, cuz I was like terrifying, right? Like that was not it's not what I want to see.






This lady walking up and all of a sudden this dog freaks out just



a lap right now.



Oh, boy. Yeah, yeah, fun times. Yeah. Down there turbo. That's a comb dam. There's, is that something else that you offer? Like, like, kind of with that lady with, you know, Mitch, match. Dog personalities? Like, is there some sort of no animal therapy or animal counseling you guys can do. It's like, well, you know your dog's been having a lot of anxiety and so Know you can do X, Y and Z is that something else that you also offer for your services? Or



it's not something we charge extra for every those conversations we have. Yeah, you know, people bring over their puppy that's just completely insane. And we'll go Hey, what are how are you guys working with the dog at home?



Have you thought about this? Yeah, well, usually we



just we have you have to gauge to see because people get very defensive about their dog's behavior.



While it's like their kids, right. Like, it's like, your kid is throwing cereal in the grocery store. I think I at this point, I am questioning some things.



Yeah, well, I mean, a it's it is it is that it's it's they they don't think they might not see a problem because they don't think it is a problem. But be they may be touchy because they're embarrassed by it. Right? They may. And they may, they may be ashamed that you bring it up. So starting that conversation with Hey, we noticed while Well, why Dixie was with us, um, she was really hyper. And so we did these things out, what are you guys doing at home for that? And just putting it on them to say and see what they say? And if they say, Oh, well, that's just kind of how she is or, you know, or Oh, rich, she does that. It's like, Well, yeah, and we saw that these these three things helped. Have you, you know, try it. Try that next time and we'd love to hear how it works for you. Just keep it real positive and real. Yeah, this is what we did while we were here. Most of the time, what we convey to clients with as far as like dog behavior is your dog is just fine. Like really? It really is.



Or, or your dog behaves differently with us and that's okay. Especially when we have a lot of dogs here. Um, dogs fall in line very quickly. That's your general Coby.



Yeah, dude, somebody lays the smack down and



you're going to be fine.



Stop messing with me seriously, stop touching with



Stop touching.



And, and, and so we we don't we seem to some behaviors that the owners don't see, but we don't see a lot of the behaviors that the owner see. And that's mostly because the dogs don't get away with much here, right? We don't, we kind of run a much tighter ship, especially when you start having four or five dogs. You just, there's a system and everyone obeys the system, right? And there's no leeway. And that were mean or cruel or anything like that. It's just there's a pattern like that we have procedures in place that we work through and we have a



schedule, and we have manners that everyone is going to do. And so the dogs are like, oh, okay, that's what I do now. Okay, sweet. I sit before I get my food ball. Great. Yeah, yes, yes, that's what you do. And, uh, but so we report a lot of that, that kind of thing to the to the clients. But since we aren't trainers we don't we don't offer training service we have a lot of we get a lot of people ask, Hey, could you train my dog while they're here? Like it's not a it's not a train and stay. That's not how



it works. Training is when you do dog training like you, owner person has to be here doing, you know the person that normally listens to?



Well, yeah, well, yeah, no talk to you talk to any dog trainer. And they'll say 90% of the training classes actually focused on



the human. Yeah, just showing them what to do



during this, how to train them, how to be consistent how to read the dog, how to get ahead of the dog, how to do all that stuff. Now, if they have things that they are working on, that they would like for us to continue doing, we will reinforce those to the best that we can. Yeah, but we're not the we're not in obedience school. And if and if they think that they are getting a train and stayed at our Our rates they are grossly



sadly mistaken, sadly mistaken.



Like Yeah,



they wouldn't want to pay what I would charge for a train and stay they don't do it right. They wouldn't.



Oh, geez. Yeah. So



things like a lot. Yeah. The find some more exciting exotic pets than to sit.



I don't think there's a lot that many kinds of clientele up in that area. These are nice unless Colin's gonna. They're gonna start doing a lot of you know, rural. Okay, can you watch my prize cow or something? Not doing farm sets.



No, no, that is



really sound very exciting. That's a whole different kettle of fish there right like yeah, horse bro. Seeing in donkey feeding and



pig bathing I don't know what else. Expand your clientele, man, it's probably



the best way to do it.



Well, I will say that there are there are pet sitters that they focus on farms. That's what they do. I bet that they'll go do B they'll go be farmhands for a while.



But no, thank you say first of all farmers never leave the farm. Let's just be clear. That's not a thing. No, like no farmer. Ever that I know is like, Oh, yeah, I'm gonna leave for a week. No, it's not. No doesn't ever work for the sell.



These would be more inclined more like a hobby farm kind of thing. I got you've got two horses. I've got you know three dogs. I've got some geese. I've got some chickens. I've got like that. Not



Not Not like an actual, like a big, big boy.



No, yeah. Not jumping again, combine to you know, middle harvester wouldn't



I go into the milk barn? Just checking everybody that's true that make more sense your little tiny farm or hobbyist farm. Still though it's a lot of wheat. That's a lot of things. Yeah a lot of scary things. Farm lady things I'm not really ready



that's about it. We've had a lot of dogs and master now required in town. So



no, nothing. Nothing new and exciting. I did get. I did get halfway through my homework from two Episode Two weeks ago. Do you Wow. Or did plane Wow, I gotta



go that it is.



Is is really



just to remind everyone It was the ROB Nibbana de God.



Basically a match made by God. And it is. Oh so many cringe moments, so many cringe moments. I realized sort of after that, in doing some of the thinking about a lot of those are structured as movie musicals. Yes. Right. So it kind of makes sense. That's why some of them are very long, because they have these big things that are happening. And I couldn't tell like I think I might have mentioned this before. It's hard to know. Like, if it's in, you know, in western musicals, sometimes the song isn't really happening. You know, I mean, percent, yes. So, like in some Western musicals, when they're dancing around and singing, that's not really happening. That's just the character's thoughts being expressed in that way, is not happening like in the real world, in other musicals that totally is happening. It's Kind of. There's some clues sometimes they give you in Indian cinema. I wasn't sure. If if it was for real happening, or if it was not, there was a different kind of that structure was slightly different. And I was confused by I just didn't know. Like, do they know they're doing? Is everybody on this is just the main character expressing their emotions this way? I don't understand. So that was tricky. Mine Mine has had



I don't know of the three or four songs already. I think, one



I guess maybe one or two of them have been the very clear like this is not actually happening. This is just an experience of how this person is processing their emotions right now. And then the other two, I have no idea. I legitimately cannot tell because usually it's like they're in a normal scenario or like they're on a street and Like the background actors pretend like they're not there. They're just going around doing their normal thing. But ah, in one of their in one of the one of the things scenes, he's like driving a car and singing, and he gets out dances on the roof and everybody around him gets really mad that he's dancing on the roof and blocking traffic and like yelling at him, and people are like, it's causing accidents and pile ups and stuff around him. Oh, well. That one he's doing it in real, but then like, and then it's like to another cutscene like within the same song. I'm like, well, maybe no, maybe, maybe not. So I don't know anymore.



The key that I missed whenever I was trying to recap this was the main character.



I he's he



I glossed over this but he went to a friend's wedding to watch his family friends get married. The Bride is like I could you imagine being married to you. That'd be the worst thing ever. And he's like, oh, haha, Yeah, that'd be awful. Well, the groom that the lady was supposed to marry dies in a car crash on the way to the wedding. And her father's out. Okay, her father, yeah, did rough five minute opening. And then the father absolutely loves the main character dude. And he always thought of him as a son. And so his dying wish is that the main character, dude marry his daughter



to take care of her



and to be with her. And so that's how they get married.



That's the opening thing. Okay, all right.



And it's like, there's no love between them. And she's like, and then at some point, like his, his colleagues at work, find out they invite themselves over to meet his bride and she's like, walked upstairs and he's really embarrassed because he's like, you're supposed to come and meet my friends. I'm really sorry. But I need you to do this to me for like My honor. And she does show up and she does serve everybody and she plays his wife. And then afterwards she's like, I can never love you. There's no love in my heart for you, but I will be a good wife. And I, you know, it's very, very interesting. And he's like, perfectly fine with that. He's like, that's great. That's love to me, just like obedience kind of thing. Again, very interesting.



Well, I mean that, but that's kind of I imagine, this is some sort of commentary on like, because arranged marriages are still very much a thing.



Yes. And



right, especially among certain groups like the like blower and they don't have casts officially anymore. They have cast, right. Yeah. I mean, yes, let's be honest, but officially, the caste system no longer is there, but you know, you know how it goes. Yeah, so arranged marriages are still very much a thing in certain parts, especially in the rural part, I imagine. I mean, what do I know? But like, so that's interesting that it's probably some sort of commentary on that would be like, you know, kind of missing out on because you're not real sure. Like,



but but he like but then like he has genuine feelings for her. And so he they go to movies and they're watching the dance and this is the part where they watch all these dance movies and he thinks the reason she likes the dance movies is because the main actor in the movies is always like some hunk who's like, doing all these cool moves and like really super confident and he's like the nerdy, insurance salesman kind of guy. He gets he goes to his friend who's like a, like a motorcycle writing, hairdresser, kinda guy. And he's like, hey, make my love story come true. And so he does like the whole makeover. He makes him a fake beard. He doesn't care.



He gets his clothes also. And he kind of plays almost a zoo lander esque. A mint out like, yeah, way,



way over the top to the point where like, I had to pause it a few times and go do something else because it's like, I can't watch this character. It's just so






I am so embarrassed right now for what's happening on screen I can.



And like she's rebuffed



by him and she doesn't like him and like he's majorly flirting with her. And the part of the movie that baby is seriously uncomfortable is he her husband is going undercover to flirt with his wife to get his wife to fall in love with somebody that she's



that's not her husband. And he's okay with that.



Right like so he's trying to fake his wife to falling in love with somebody that's not



her husband. Like this. It does seem a little weird, like plot wise. I don't know. little weird. I think that this has some elements of the book. If you've read the Scarlet Pimpernel Why does that sound so familiar? Well, it's like, it's kind of the other way around. Like, but the the wife is married to this guy and he's just like dull and dreary and terrible. Actually, it's kind of the same thing. And she's all like, Oh, don't like him. But he's like playing that character because he's actually this like dashing rogue. That's like, out there helping people and doing all this stuff. But like, disguise You know? So she has no idea that that's him because he's always playing this like dour down to earth.



reversed but yeah, cuz he's putting on a show to be the outgoing version, but he's actually the more Yeah, yeah. So yeah, it's very much like that were like, but but he's intentionally trying to woo his wife away. And I don't know put her in a weird situation where she would have to make at some point, decide is she going to disregard her marriage and go? sky break? I think that's the weird thing. Okay, the logical conclusion is you're trying to get your wife to cheat on you with obviously you but like, that's still



Yeah, but that's the way to cheat on you with yourself. Wait, what's happening



so anyway, they get in this dance competition and like any good musical



some parts just don't make any



sense at all just have to gloss over that it's supposed to be



what he's trying to do, right he's what he's trying to do is awesome. And she does end up falling more and more for him and that's just because he's he's very outgoing. And he's very like, obviously trying to woo her and complement her and he's very confident in himself. And he's not like that at home. And then the part where I got is there, their dance partners for this thing and they're getting ready to go to the fire. dance competition and that's that is halfway through the movie.



That's getting to the dance competition. I don't I don't know where the rest of this movie goes. We're gonna find out. We go.



Keeping suspense, but how does it end? But how weird do the other hour and 24 minutes? Where do they spend on that?



I'm gonna guess a large part of it's gonna be dancing



in real time at the dance competition.



I said yes. Jesse will compete. It's wait in line. Guess the



rest of it is just the actual dance competition. This whole thing would be great. That'd be awful. But it would be



it would. Oh my god. How about a shift in tone for a Ruby



who's like no now heard everything, real time.



This is actually a docu drama. We're gonna turn into



I mean, that's very few movies pull off the in real time. thing very well. Right, right, like run Lola Brian comes to mind might be the only one I can. That one's really weird. douzo German so obviously it's bizarre but like, yeah. So I'll keep you updated on how when if I'm able to finish that, the exciting



conclusion. Conclusion finally.



Well, that's how I've been this week because it's like, I don't really you know, I just have, this is my last week at home, basically, I guess for now. We'll see. This has been kind of like, Well, what do I do with my stuff? Doing it's been really weird. So like, I really watched anything really done a whole lot. Weirdly been listening to a lot of 60s garage rock. That's been intriguing. I don't really know why. I just sort of saw one and it's like, that's watch that. Listen to that. I mean, this playlist thing submits to a lot of that. Lots of bands that have the title of something, literally anything like really weird things. Kind of doing the 60s Garage. I think they're very strange songs. Some of them are bad. Like a real bad but, yeah, so I've been doing sweet listening, some of them just doing listening something different, be interesting. Again, not necessarily good But just different was trying to, because it's kind of weird because I'm not, like mentally prepared for school. Definitely, you know, because it's been so long and I have no idea what school is gonna look like. So like, mentally I'm just like not present for that sounds kind of like floating around doing other things been very strange very hard to get like next week I imagine it'll help some but like he's getting very weird like oh I actually have to go somewhere how bizarre is even summer school was over a month ago now so I'm like well been sitting here Chuck hanging out with Lynn. Now what? Yeah, so no ever been doing anything too exciting



Oh, I did have this thought. Today I want to pose the question to you. Oh, it would cued me. Keep dislodged this thought in my brain was Brandon, you're listening to 60s grabbed rock? Absolutely, if the question has to do with music, and I know I'm not exactly sure how to phrase this, but like, it's not necessarily like what is a guilty pleasure type of music that you listen to, but maybe what's a music that you listen to that is unexpected for you or if you told somebody you listened to it, they would go






I don't know if that makes sense really. But like, and maybe it is a guilty pleasure music but I want to come at it more from the angle of if you told somebody you listen to this band.



Not maybe on a regular basis, but you throw it on every now and then.



What would your you know getting a response from somebody?






oh no. Yeah, that's hard one. I feel like a lot of times when I say bad names to people, all I get is what? So, that's a real tricky one.



So maybe unexpected music we listened to.



Uh, okay, so other than 60s garage rock, clearly now I'm a big fan of, obviously, out of like ours. I've listened to about five songs and like, Oh, yeah, that's good. I like certain music. Do I like surf music? Oh, he's like, yeah, like surf rock, vintage surf rock and any of its modern age. carnations so there's a few bands now that play like modern surf rock so that either like others so there's a one band that comes to mind. There's a band from Ontario, Canada, weirdly enough, not exactly a surf capital of the world, but they're called the surfer. Which is the greatest name ever. Right? But it's like an all female surf band. They just, they're awesome.



Sounds like it.



There's another one there. I believe. Russian. They're called the Messer. chups. And they're like a Russian surf band. With like, they're weird because they have like, a lot of their visuals like, like, horror inspired but like cheesy like classic horror like Frankenstein and like The bass player I believe her name she goes by his Zomba. rella. Right? So, no, no, it's uh it's that kind of like classic or not like weird stuff so Becca, but I like there's another one there's another one like that. Like a man or Astro man these kind of bands like that I like Yeah, that'd be the one I would say that my weird genre at least it'd be like yeah, like surf rock people like watch. Why does mine I like surf rock. There we go. Nailed it. No I don't get I like it is one of those things like, right yeah, I don't think about that for a while because I do listen to a lot of we talked about that before too in the music episode but like, that's what I'm that I'm like, Yeah, I don't know anybody else. None of my friends or coworkers are anything none of them. Listen to start music and also No Yeah, I would say my I would say my Yeah, it's a very after bombing basically after the Beatles they killed surf rock hard, right? Like, because before, before 1964 I guess the US is all about like surf rock and Hawaiian music. When the Beatles came, they're like no, forget that by this. So it died a hard death, but it's a very niche, but I like some I like some of that some of that old surf rock is weird like the ventures I'm blanking on some guy that I could see their face I've seen the videos Oh man, they're hilarious they're so good. Yeah, sir frock is mine.



Aaron. Oh geez. Um That's one of mine. I have more for this is an ongoing discussion of music Don't worry, I'll save some of my other ones for later. Yeah. Next time. Yeah, we'll do after this next time.



Ah, man, like



there's some times where I if it's either I know since I drive most of my time, like if it's on like the radio or something I just kind of listen to whatever. As far as like Guilty Pleasures go. Ah, you know, I it's it's been a while since I actually like listened to listen, but if something pops up on like my, like YouTube feed that's like then I was like oh since you know like this. I do like that. Um You know I, you know, I like listening to Kpop for a little bit. Okay, there we go. I haven't listened to it a long time. I couldn't tell you like who's popular or like, what's, you know, what's new out there? But there's just be some times where it's like, okay, there's man, like, I want to listen to something. But I don't want to be like, I just want something until you know a little bit more happier go lucky and Kpop feel that for sure. And so it just be something where, you know, if you'd like, I sometimes I wouldn't seek it out. It would just be like, in my little, you know, recommended page. Sometimes it just finds you. Yeah, that's just found me. And so, you know, sometimes it should be like, Oh, yeah. Another time. Like, another thing that definitely happens. Especially when I'm out driving, if I'm just like, bolted to the channels, because, you know, all the channels that I listen to. You don't get out driving through panca City is the you know, Hispanic channels. Oh, yeah. I was listening. Listen. The Spanish music like now the little like 20 like, you know, more.



What is it called?



like Mary Yaki stuff, not so much. But like, you know, Hispanic, you know, rap, or like hip hop and stuff like that. Sometimes I'm just like, Wow, this looks kind of delightful. I don't know what half of it means, but it's fine. It just it just something that's, you know, a little bit more. You know, that's kind of out of the ordinary for me, that'll just be like, Ah, okay, all right. Okay, I can dig this, though.



Yeah, a pop in.



Yeah, I do this a mariachi. That's good stuff. I like the northern northern stuff, the more like polka based stuff. Yeah. It's really it's fun to the German influence. There's a large German population in northern Mexico weirdly. Anyway, yeah. In the late 18 Anything we need is what determines and some of that musical like that accordion stuff. That's where it came from. Ah, easy. Very strange.



Yeah, I did not know that



my dates might be slightly wrong. So feel free to check that invite. Is it there are Yeah, there is a big German influence in parts of Mexico. So there you go. Colin. I'm after the last time we talked about music. I'm mildly terrified about what's about to come on today. Yeah. I know. After apparently calling only listens to music, cartoons. Yeah. So like the Muppets, and I guess I'm assuming the gorillas Are you still a gorillas guy like






on that, I will say that, uh, yeah, I was gonna put like, I loved That's metal Like what?



Actually is very close to



is a gorgeous era By the way, okay? No, no, no, I really, I, there are times where



I just I think I'm



I used to do this a lot more than I currently do but listen to certain music based on how I'm feeling and emotions throughout the



day is true of like, I don't I



there are times where I will listen to music to elicit



certain emotions. But there are also times where I need music to match my emotions. Yes. Right. Like, like, and, and so one of those



is like, industrial metal is like, right. Like, like there are times where like that, like you just, you can't, I can't get around that and it is what The thing again, I'm not not to justify this, but it's one of the things like, it's not my place all the time. Like I don't even have many artists included in playlists, but it's like every now and then it's like, this is the one thing I need to listen to right now to match how I'm feeling in the situation and love it. You don't listen to a couple of them and then move on. Right again, you just you're done.



Right? So I don't know. That's a



that's good. But what do you have an artist or a group that you like, in the industrial metal genre?



Well, I think one of the first ones that I listened to I think, I don't know probably was for everybody was, you know, Nine Inch Nails but then like, heavily by like Ramstein, Fear Factory. And then yes, you know, Marilyn Manson. Indeed, I think more of those were those common ones that just because I'm able to surface those, it's not as true, right? It's not something that I'm like, Guys do deep dive into this. And I think it's because again, I when I listen to music and listened to it for very particular things, and it's like I want a certain sound right now, and yes, that gives it to me like it's just I don't really know how to describe that connection, but it is.



I listen to music like that



sometimes I do that too. That makes sense, right like this was a really emotional thing. Yeah, that was a good one. A little less on my favorite industrial metal band is a little bit less than the brooding side is like a Nine Inch Nails of a Trent Reznor but I love static x. Like a launch. Yeah,



yeah. Static x. Yeah. Pure factory.



Yeah. Yeah, I think I said that means great and they just they're coming up. their new album this year, which is weird because Wayne has died. Right, though Did you know about this thing's been happening. So Wayne static died a few years ago. Which is awful. It was kind of like an accidental like he took the wrong medicine type of thing. It was like a real like. So that was we're fortunate. Yeah. Yeah. So he passed away. And so this last year was like, it's like the I can't remember the 20th anniversary of their first album was 2019 because I think Wisconsin death trip came at 1999. So that's, that's the that's the first I've heard that album, like back in high school is like, what is this? This is fantastic. Anyway, so they went on tour last year and they had a guy Like, just dressed up as Wayne. And like they had the family's blessing in the band was like no, we want to do this. It was one of Wayne's friends who just like put on this mask and kind of dressed up as Wayne and sang all the songs. And they went on tour and it was like a big tribute to Wayne static tour thing. And they just came up with a new album with like, his like some unfinished a bunch of unfinished stuff, like vocal tracks and everything. So it's pretty good. It's pretty awesome. Like industrial. I believe the other day used to describe their music is evil disco. If you're into that, yeah. If he was all into, like, electronic sounds, and like, yeah, there's guitar but also check out this keyboard part. Yeah.



What if we turned up the synth? Can we do that? Yeah,



there's definitely a lot of synthesizer that play the third album, I think. Yeah, it's really good. I saw them in concert like a long time ago. Awesome. So like Yeah, yeah. Static x my recommendation tell that first album that push it off the bat. Yep. Do it every time. Exactly. So yeah, I



that was just a brief mini topic that I want to throw out there because I was listening to






the pale Emperor the other day. No, on my way in, which is it's a very different sound than his earlier music. It's but it is it is I think it is also just because those dark brooding moments where it's like this is what I need right now. Yes.



New judgment



That's good. That's that's I mean, there's a place for all that stuff right. You might not listen to it all the time. Yeah, I still sometimes like no I need to hear this song right now. I do that. Like it could be it mine is really random, right like We've noticed but like, I do that, Oh man, I want to listen to this is this thing. You think I need to hear some of this one type of music or whatever that type is?



Yeah. And I'm, I'm trying to get back into listening to more music



pulling back from my extreme amount of podcast listening that I do during the day.



Really bad. So, I'm trying to something that I'm working on. It's hard because you what you've always feel like now. At least I found like when I'm older, because like when I was younger, I used to do that. Right. I used to like, put there I have very distinct memories of putting the record on. sitting on the floor with my headphones and just sitting there. Mm hmm. Right. And I think we talked I talked about this before, maybe, but that he just now you feel like You can't do that even though clearly, I can. Because I mean, yeah, I'm not doing anything else. But you still have this, like, as I do that some, but under normal circumstances, where you're not quarantine in your house, you feel like, Oh, I should also be doing something. So it's hard to find things that you can do. But still like listen, and like appreciate music. So like sometimes I do it when I'm like cleaning the kitchen or stuff like that, you know, I try to find a tax that's relatively not super complex, so that I can listen to music and enjoy it. Because I find if I'm doing really complex tasks, I often don't want the music because it's interfering with my thought process. Or it distracts me because I'm like, Oh, I love this part. Right and then I'm not focusing on what I should be doing. So any, any very certain things to do. But it's hard. It's hard to find time to say Yes, I'm going to listen to this whole thing right now. Or this or you don't I mean, yeah, yeah. Well maybe that'll be a challenge. Maybe thing to do with music. We keep coming back to that. There we go. Oh, I I was really excited that that Mars perseverance rover finally took off.



Right? Oh, yeah.



Yeah to speak to cool space things since last week. Yeah.



Go to the guys came back down. Yes. Is that the thing you were talking about? Yeah, we made it back down. But yeah, the perseverance rover finally got off the ground because they had a problem with their lunch window and all that stuff. By all like this next coming week, they would have to wait forever for the planets to come back to the right spot again. It's good, they got it off. But I'm really excited. Because this thing's supposed to land now and I don't remember November ish. Right? So for those of you who don't know, the perseverance rover is going to do two extraordinarily amazing things that are just super cool. And firsts for the space exploration. The first thing is this giant rover definitely has a helicopter drone onboard. It's going to fly across Mars. So sometime in the future, there will be a helicopter drone on Mars. And this is going to be so awesome. Like, this is so great. We don't even know if it's actually going to work, right? Yeah, you know, is it gonna fly? Is there enough atmosphere? Is it gravity? What's gravity going to be like to make it work? So, you know, all these things overcome, but there's definitely a helicopter drone on this base. It's so cool. I can't wait. I hope that works so bad. It's gonna be awesome. It's crazy to think that we're not going to get



like, it's not going to touch down for another like 200 days or something like that.



Yeah, just who? Yeah, so it's got it's got a ways to go but it's finally made it had some little trouble after liftoff. But they went into like Safe Mode, but I guess it's it's good now everything went just reboot something and it's fine. So see, it's on its way to Mars. The other thing the super awesome thing is its mission is to Drill samples, rock samples, and then send them back to Earth. Hmm, Oh, yes. Yeah, I remember. I remember that. So there's this really big convoluted process of how it's supposed to drill samples and then set them up for some kind of collection thing. All right, supposed to leave them somewhere and then something else is supposed to come in. Another mission later, is supposed to come and pick them up and be able to send them back. So yeah, it's good. We had to wait a long time for that. But that's still really cool that we're going to be able to have Martian rock samples,



calls Martian invasion



2025 and let's listen to cars in stock.



Give us our rock back.



Cool. Oh, I think it's awesome. That's just a really cool mission parameter. And I think it's really exciting. Lots of cool things to think about there. So hopefully that all continues to be well. And it continues traveling safely. Tomorrow. But yeah, that's really cool. That's some cool news. There, the good news, the good news and this downtime, could be or this week. That was my big one. I can't remember seeing



SpaceX landing was pretty, pretty cool. Good. That was really awesome that they were able to make it back down.



Yes, one piece. Everything was good. That was good news. I don't have any other thing that came across my desk. But as I toured this for next week, another maybe another good news challenge was true. I have to do that. Okay. I need to do I mean it's good. Nice. I'm to do maybe get the



manic energies.



Yes, indeed.



Well, cool. Sounds good guys. Yes. Enjoy the rest of your week. And we'll see



you tonight. hope it goes well. Let me see. Let me see. Bye bye