
We are full of pie and also majorly sick. But does that stop us? Almost…it almost did… but we are HERE! Collin didn’t buy an ad. Brandon is confused about Kansas. Plus, breaking news about the life of a realtor.

  • Most searched for pies in America?

    • Apple pie

    • Grape pie

    • Shoofly pie

    • Buttermilk pie

    • Sweet potato pie

    • Key lime pie

    • Pecan pie

    • Mississippi mud pie

    • Kansas!! Frito chili pie

  • Pie review 

  • Antenna raising

  • Intercrustal seismology

  • Collin doesn't buy an ad

  • Real Estate agents grumble

  • Collin’s haiku

    • Mensch of the woodlands,

    • Tom's laughter echoes brightly,

    • Nature's song, his heart.

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pie, talking, good, thanksgiving, work, week, sell, ad, sales tactic, agent, find, magazine, searched, fine, page, remember, real estate agents, guess, word, matilda


Brandon, Collin Funkhouser

Collin Funkhouser  00:05

Welcome to Oh brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show marbley oh boy, oh boy. Full of pie and slightly sick here we find ourselves indeed. Under the weather on to the woods. Together nonetheless. Ah, yes. Oh, boy. Are we always under the weather since it happens, I guess happens around us though. Well,

Brandon  00:33

I mean, most of the weather does happen above you, you know, but most all the most weather happens in the troposphere, this fear that you are in. And so I guess it does happen around you. But today particularly so under the weather, cold Midwest Thanksgiving weekend festivities, has brought about the runny noses and the coughing from everyone. So

Collin Funkhouser  00:56

when we have no mute buttons, so that's the that is truly wonderful. That

Brandon  01:01

is facts. Our view button is diving to the left like oh, yeah, okay, went to the left though. Good things good.

Collin Funkhouser  01:12

Also a good thing that we have such an acoustically sound room to be in so you can't even hear it. When I do that. There's definitely

Brandon  01:17

not hear anything else happening in the kitchen. Oh, wait.

Collin Funkhouser  01:22

It's a room where it's exclusively filled with hard surfaces.

Brandon  01:26

You know, it's a challenge. And it's alright. It's really realized that dishwashers This is the level of professionalism that we have today, ladies and gentleman, appliances running along with noses, but hey, it's fine.

Collin Funkhouser  01:42

We should go catch them. See?

Brandon  01:47

Ba ba ba. Yes.

Collin Funkhouser  01:49

We have festivities coming. Wrapping up. It's been a cool, cold, wet, windy. series of days yesterday was beautiful. But

Brandon  02:03

on the day of turkeying Right. But it's alright. We have made it we have survived mostly till today. Leftovers and surviving on leftovers and more pie than you can shake a stick at. It's you know, it's quite a lot of pie. It is a lot of stick. No big stick big pie. But yes, I was reading yesterday, we talked about a little bit right. The most searched for pies in America. Right. And this is a list is distressing. Okay, hold on. Let me see if I can find this again here. Oh my god. But there are some entries on this list that are perplexing. Okay, so yes, here we go. The America's top Thanksgiving pies now again, when Google compiles these things, right, it says, searched for pies. Okay, now I don't know if that means, I don't know how much of this correlates to actually consumed.

Collin Funkhouser  03:12

Oh, like it's just like a measure of curiosity. Yeah, maybe? Yeah. Okay. Now,

Brandon  03:17

I don't know if they're searching for the recipe. It because it again, it just says searched for.

Collin Funkhouser  03:24

So so it's it's an in? Yeah, um, precise metric for pie consumption,

Brandon  03:30

but probably might be somewhat close. Nonetheless, though. We have some interesting candidates. Okay. What, what I was saying,

Collin Funkhouser  03:40

I'm concerned I

Brandon  03:42

Well, yeah. So like, there's a lot here. That sort of makes sense, right. Main apple pie? Or actually, basically the entire northeast coast. Apple pie, right. Vermont, New Hampshire. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Say apple pie. There's also a lot of pumpkin pie on this list. This makes sense. Right? Um, and then Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. I need your help. I need to know what in the world a Shoo fly pies. Shoo. Shoo fly. Yeah. Now apparently it has molasses in it. Well, I I hope it's not like the only ingredient. Right? Because like, straight molasses will just like glue your teeth together. And then oh, that's it.

Collin Funkhouser  04:36

Could it be perhaps that you are unable to shoo fly whenever it's stuck in the molasses? And so it's just made for what you can't do with it. Mm hmm.

Brandon  04:43

Does that mean that it's actually just fly pi it's

Collin Funkhouser  04:45

just fly pi. It's just you think it's pecan or raisins? Turns out as just flies guy raisins?

Brandon  04:50

Yeah, yeah. No. So that was that was a big confusing one. And then And then again, we have some more concerning concerning pies, right? According to this list, okay, I don't know how true this actually is. But the Tennessee North Carolina area, it says buttermilk pie. Oh. I have worries about that. That sounds like something out

Collin Funkhouser  05:19

of the Great Depression. That's a that's an 1820s pie, right?

Brandon  05:23

Because when you click on this thing it just says, yeah, it's literally just buttermilk. Egg yolk and flour. Oh, oh, no. With a little bit of lemon zest. No, like, I guess there's some vanilla extract, but like this doesn't sound like a pie that you want to eat. Okay, no.

Collin Funkhouser  05:46

Okay, so I just searched this because I was curious. I was curious what this looks like. Okay. And the description actively says it is. I was right. Okay. It says it is one of the desperation pies. made using simple staple reads. And now there's a whole world of pies I didn't know existed. Desperation.

Brandon  06:04

Like the water pie. All right. I saw that was that guy? That fella that. cooks the random Yeah. recipes on tick tock or whatever. Like the vintage recipes from the vintage.

Collin Funkhouser  06:17

So that he's so crazy. Yeah, it's so funny. Because

Brandon  06:20

it be Dylan Hollis right? Yeah, I guess hilarious. Yeah, so maybe Hey, buddy. Can you do a buttermilk pie for us? Because I need to know what that is. K Rena at uns because I need to know what is the other ones other ones include? You know that we have a very stereotypical southern variety here with the sweet potato pie. Okay. Florida is of course following the law there says key lime pie. I think that's I think that's mandatory. I don't think you get out of having key lime pie in Florida. No, I think it's like officially the law other other ones? It makes sense. Texas with pecan pie. Although I think it might be peaking in Texas. He can I think that's how it works. Confusingly. Louisiana is Mississippi mud pie. Oh. And Mississippi is just chocolate pie. So I don't know what.

Collin Funkhouser  07:24

Somebody tell Louisiana.

Brandon  07:27

Hey, guys. Hey, you messed up a little bit here. Right? Most of the other ones make sense. A lot of like normal pies you would expect right cherry Apple banana cream. It's a little bit of a left field there. There's a Bonacci pie. Banana and coffee. Yes. But here's where it gets worrying. Oh,

Collin Funkhouser  07:48

we're Oh, Kansas, Kansas.

Brandon  07:50

Yes, you are on notice. Right. It's just like it says Fredo chili pie.

Collin Funkhouser  07:56

No, no,

Brandon  07:58

I don't think either. The person making this list was just having a laugh. Or Kansas doesn't know what pi is? No. And they're like, What? Frito Pie? Yeah, I love Frito pie. And then that's it. I don't know. I'm a little worried. I have

Collin Funkhouser  08:17

absolutely atrocious.

Brandon  08:20

My friends went home to Kansas for Thanksgiving. So I'm gonna ask them when they come back. What did you did you have for the Frito chili pie. I must know the answer this question. Yeah. Yeah, that's a confusing one. Right?


I don't even

Collin Funkhouser  08:37

Yeah, that's I'm gonna guess they didn't get the memo on what exactly they were supposed to be doing. Yeah. Or

Brandon  08:44

they're just like, hey, it'd be funny if we put this Yeah. I feel like that's what happened.

Collin Funkhouser  08:48

My hope is that was actually the third most searched pie.

Brandon  08:50

It might be third favorite pie freedom that's most of the shocking ones. Right? But I wanted to bring this to attention again, listeners. I need you to know that Arizona wants grape pie. Oh, in Kansas doesn't know what a pie is. That's what I wanted to make sure that we did. That's what I needed to know. Well,

Collin Funkhouser  09:21

I think have we done have we done a pie breakdown?

Brandon  09:24

You know, we might have but I don't recall. furiously searched thing here. I don't. Ah.

Collin Funkhouser  09:34

I'm searching. Oh, I think I'd have to search with our other document. Maybe

Brandon  09:37

Oh, I've done this maybe but while you're searching Yes, go ahead live on the internet. You go ahead and search I would like to say that Shoo fly pie also falls into the desperation pie category. That's wild, right. It is in the list. Okay, there so. But that's what it says Herme cake with pie crust they post Civil War invention When cast Started in cooks, cookware and stoves made Highcrest more feasible for the home cooks. Right. So, there's that you eat with your hands. Oh, no, just you just go for it. No fork required products. It's molasses and brown sugar. And you literally can't cut it. Right? You can't. Oh, no. Are you gonna cut that? It's not possible. Yeah, you just scoop that out and dig in. Just go for it. Right? Oh, no,

Collin Funkhouser  10:34

I'm I don't know about that. Yes, on episode 113 Alero of Theseus back in 2021. We did our top five favorite holiday pies. We did our anti establishment pie for some reason.

Brandon  10:49

Who knows what that is. There we go. And for those of you wondering, see if the list still holds here. Okay, let's

Collin Funkhouser  11:00

review this review of our own. We're reviewing a list that we made a review. So Brandon's did our top five. So Brandon's was a strawberry rhubarb pie,

Brandon  11:11

and then a banana cream pie.

Collin Funkhouser  11:16

Then a cherry pie. Then number two is lemon meringue view. And number one, French Oh pie.

Brandon  11:28

You all stand by that list? That's a strong list. I feel good about that one.

Collin Funkhouser  11:32

Yep. Now Collins number five he put chili Fry was a little bit of Kansas because for five I put potpies. Number four was pumpkin pie with whip pacifically then I did an apple crumble pie. Number two was a key lime pie. And then number one was a peanut butter pie. Now having just had a bunch of cherry pie. Changing your there may have to be some things moved around. And all this just a little bit has been made. But that's okay. Because I think at the time, we had discussed how our number ones were more along the lines of like, not something we don't have all of the time. But like when we had that option we always we always choose that sounds like something we would say. Yeah, that was what we did with that. Yes. Also, interestingly, back in November of 2022 I still had consumption it while recording in my office. So that's good. Something something's

Brandon  12:45

right under the weather again,

Collin Funkhouser  12:47

again, it's

Brandon  12:48

always we did our Yeah, one of these days. We're gonna get Colin over the weather. It's

Collin Funkhouser  12:53

great. A fly above it will be all for the better. Yes.

Brandon  12:59

Indeed. So the big Oh, well, but not today. No.

Collin Funkhouser  13:10

Today is not that day. Be and that's perfectly fine. We will survive.

Brandon  13:15

We'll survive, isn't it? Right. Right. Good. Well, other other exciting events from over the weekend listeners, we'll just clue you in on what we've been up to here. Colin, have you sufficiently recovered from your yesterday activities? Right. Right. After filling Colin up with pi. It was time to do heavy manual labor. Right. That's what we were called to do yesterday.

Collin Funkhouser  13:44

But not just any normal manual labor. No, we weren't moving furniture. We were not doing anything of that sort. But we were in fact, doing in an intent of raising indeed and rising flush with pie.

Brandon  13:59

Basically dad was like I was gonna read a bunch of machinery and stuff but then I remembered you were coming. So

Collin Funkhouser  14:04

while I have you here, let's step outside. And your main goal make sure this doesn't fall and break. So yes, we raised a ham radio antenna number dos.

Brandon  14:22

For for him. But

Collin Funkhouser  14:25

this one's cool. It has a it's a direct it's a directional one. It has little motor at the base so it can stick and pivot can swivel from side to side can aim your radio waves main aim your beams where they're supposed to go. Where they're not supposed to go to Oh,

Brandon  14:40

no, don't do that. But then there is a disclaimer FFA. We would never do that. Or FTC FAA? No. Is

Collin Funkhouser  14:50

it if a the airlines Yeah, FCC is in charge of the

Brandon  14:55

FAA? Because you'll bounce it right off their plane. Okay, no I'll stop that. One

Collin Funkhouser  15:02

of the F's, that's what we'll say. It's federally regulated. And there's somebody to oversee it for sure. But mostly without him, we didn't break anything, which was good. That's true. It was only exhilarating a few a handful of times as things almost got caught. That's true.

Brandon  15:20

But the tree moves. So it's fine.

Collin Funkhouser  15:22

The barn did not move. So that's where we had the puzzle

Brandon  15:25

slightly longer. That's why it was a bit more stubborn than the tree was shockingly. Crazy how that? Yeah, right. Where

Collin Funkhouser  15:47

are you fully recovered from it?

Brandon  15:48

I think so. Don't seem to be angled my body this way. And that in the chair. Nothing seems to be particularly strained or broken. So that's a good sign to full check. Yeah, full service check. Good to go for now. Later, you have to go home, recover and get ready for Thanksgiving. part two.

Collin Funkhouser  16:09

Part two. Yeah. How to how do you how do you do dive in headfirst? Or do you take a lighter thanks. Second Thanksgiving?

Brandon  16:22

Well, yeah, I don't really my plan is to not just go crazy, right? Not to go to ham. But they're slightly different fare. Right. The other locale right. So just mix it up a little bit here. See how it goes? let more people see you. So you have to be a little careful. And make sure we get some taking

Collin Funkhouser  16:49

up taking all those a food? Yeah, no, it's

Brandon  16:53

got to be polite. Right. Fair enough. Steal it all out from under you. So yeah, pretty much. So we'll see how that goes.

Collin Funkhouser  17:08

Yeah, yeah. In the middle there would be be relaxing afterwards. No, no. Part Two dose for for us. But I'll be we'll be okay. Yeah, this was a, this was a weird, weird week, getting prepared for Thanksgiving. I don't know how your week before Thanksgiving feels. Especially from the education side shirt, because you can't another one of those, I can't get too far along with things. I've got to kind of pace this a little bit differently.

Brandon  17:36

You have to definitely aim for like a stopping point, right? You have to aim for like, Okay, we need to get to this part. That's why I did this time, right? Because there was some things that I want to do. Like the next assignments and projects, right? We can't start them on those, like, my school still does the old. We're gonna go to school Monday and Tuesday, and then the off Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, just take the whole week, just I mean, everybody else is now so let's just go for it, right. But that makes it extra hard. Because you're like, I have to do a thing. Because they're already going to be like wound up and crazy. And so if you do nothing, it makes it worse. We have to give them tasks to focus on and things to do things to accomplish. But it can't be like, too, like, you don't want to make too much progress. Because then you're out of whack when you come back. Because what you can't do after five to six days out of school is like Alright, remember what you did last week? No, nobody remembers what they did last week. They barely remember on a good day. So like, after like a whole week off there. No, that's not how it works. So we got to get that kind of sorted in aim. So we had to do some filler days. Right? We had to talk about some stuff in science about like New Madrid fault. So when everyone's favorite Archer crustal, seismology, right? Ah, yes, yes,

Collin Funkhouser  19:06

it's the intercostals pacifically that makes it makes it the best thing that's topic makes it more interesting, right?

Brandon  19:13

To focus on some of that, and just to give us some break, because when we come back, we have to start like a new thing. And so, didn't want to, again, do like an intro and then be off and come back and look okay, now start like no, no. That's not gonna work out. So ease back into this. Yeah, he's back in a little bit with some stuff. And then same thing with history time, we have to find out. Oh, we're gonna, when we come back, we're gonna do a thing and get ready for like a small presentation. Right? So we had to just do some cleanup stuff here and there before some review things and stuff like that to make sure that we don't stop because what I always do is like we read a chapter, right? And then we introduce the project at do that because it's about the section in the book write about, like, contributions and inventions and things like that. But what you definitely can't do is read a chapter in the book and then be off school for six days. And then go, yes. Let's do a presentation about what you read. You're looking back. I didn't read. Yeah, yeah. What's the book? Where are you? Where am I? Am I what's happening? I

Collin Funkhouser  20:23

don't know. Anything that you're talking about?

Brandon  20:25

Yeah. So but it was okay. We found out good. I just sort of lucked out really, I think with like, where we stopped. So it was good, we were able to maintain. So we should be able to hit the ground running, we'll come back. There'll be real excited that they have to, like sit and read a thing. But it's not very long. It's like a page, right? It's not like when I say book, it's like, sure.

Collin Funkhouser  20:47

There's our reading assignment. Yeah. Oh, reading assignment.

Brandon  20:49

But luckily, it'll be light for them. But we'll come back. We can do that. That'd be a solo reading assignment. I feel like especially after coming back from SF, we need some time to recenter. And and remember how school works.

Collin Funkhouser  21:05

Right? Not throw them back into immediately into a group? Yeah, people.

Brandon  21:14

Yeah, there's some time to re establish me like, Oh, yes, there are rules here. We must we have some expectations we had to follow. So reestablishing that after a break is tricky. Slash difficult, because I always think about like, I don't know, I just expect that you would remember how to do it. Right. But the natural Oh, no, you're 12. I have to remind you what to do. Right?

Collin Funkhouser  21:41

This is their first time experiencing the sequence of things and this event. So that's in this context. So it's, it's not for you. So it's kind of I'm sure that it's a reminder reminder, like, nope, nope, this is a they don't

Brandon  21:55

know, it's real tricky to remember that sometimes I forget. Right? And I have to be like, Oh, I don't think I told you about that. Right? Like, ah, I didn't say don't do this exact thing. Or please do this exact thing. And so I have to go, Oh, hey, please do this exact thing. So that's a little tricky to remember how to navigate just around that idea of how that works. Because I just take for granted that people know what I wanted to do sometimes, but they don't.

Collin Funkhouser  22:33

Yeah, they don't know. So now they can't they're not mind reader's?

Brandon  22:38

No, no. Which I should remember. Because I'm not a mind reader, either. And sometimes they tell me things, I'm like, wow, what's he talking about? Like, you know, the thing? Like, I don't actually know that, because why would anybody know that? I don't know.

Collin Funkhouser  22:58

We, we have to remind our staff constantly, like, if you don't tell us, like, no one's going to know, like, no one will know anything if you don't speak up about it. And so when we are surprised by things, sometimes it's quite frustrating, because we're like, if you just would have told us like, that's all sort of taken, it's a four word sentence, maybe, or something like that. It's all this takes, and we clear everything up. And same thing with us, like, okay, like, we really do have to be explicit in how we state their expectations going into this, like, No, it's not just look at the notes, it's okay, in the notes, you're gonna find these directions. Do do those are specific directions.

Brandon  23:44

Directions are hard, though. Like, can read them, you know, wants

Collin Funkhouser  23:48

to do that. Yeah. It's tough. Because yeah, you want to give a lot of it is it is a balance of giving them all, like a lot of information and being, you know, giving them enough information, but also not overloading them so that they start to skip over things and just try and guess what's going on. And, but also, like, well, I don't wanna give too little information, and then have them be completely out of the loop. But I don't want to overload them with information so that they just kind of go yadda yadda yadda and, and scroll through.

Brandon  24:16

That's true. That's not helpful at all, in the slightest. So it's hard, right? Especially with small children, because now, like all we can think about is Christmas break, right? Which is like a month away. So they're thinking like, ah, more off school time and I'm thinking more on school time now.

Collin Funkhouser  24:44

Yeah, well, gosh, yeah. Cuz you've got that looming. Oh, that must be coming back from the like, the Thanksgiving break is just a little tease. Yeah, what's about to come? Yeah.

Brandon  24:54

So trying to figure out like, how, because now I have a lot to accomp Fish in seemingly not a very long amount of time. And so pacing becomes difficult, right? I have to try to get things lined up. Right, my pacing is gonna be slightly off because I accidentally have like two big projects happening at the same time. All right, so like, big, I guess, but we have to finish our monthly challenge thing. But we're also getting ready to do like a class project for like in class to whoopsie daisies?

Collin Funkhouser  25:36

Do you find that you have to change how you present content or stuff to make it more engaging during this time of year? Or is it you just kind of stick to how you normally do things? And no,

Brandon  25:49

not really? Right? I don't. At least if I do, I don't do it. Like, I don't think about it, for sure. I don't do it consciously. But I don't think so. Right? We just do our thing. You're

Collin Funkhouser  26:05

not like, Okay, now. Now, after we come back from Thanksgiving, all the slides are gonna have like flashing lights and bars.

Brandon  26:12

Try to keep some level of consistency all the time. Right? Still do our notes. Same way. Still tell really bad jokes in the middle of class. Right? Still do. Consistency. Right. That's the important part. So yeah, I still have to, that's the thing I have to do that. I'm gonna have to figure it out. I haven't like finalized my December like monthly challenge thing. Which, like, it's also hard because it's not very long month. Right? If I look at my calendar here, I only really have like, just a little bit of time. Three weeks, maybe two? Yeah. So I don't actually matter what day we get off. So. But so that'd be that. So I have to do something. But I don't want to make it too outrageous. But I have to figure out something to put there to keep my to keep my my plan chugging along. Sure. Right. So I don't know what it's gonna be. They've been trying to balance in between, like, making things and like doing some sort of like research based endeavor. Right. So it's research based time. So I just need to find some sort of smallish thing. Right to put in there. Yeah. So they have something to do when they do have free time. And they we can keep this established plan happening. But like, I don't know what specifically. It should be. Right? Now

Collin Funkhouser  27:54

in times past, have they they haven't these challenges typically haven't done haven't had to do anything with

Brandon  28:00

the current content. That's right. Or is it? Well, sort of right? Sometimes a little bit. Right. So or it'll it's some of it? Because the last one we did the last research one we did was about like current content D stuff, right? So it just made it slotted in slot didn't really nice when with how we did it. So I don't know if it should be something like that. Or if it should be a little more like free for Olli or if it should be? I don't know. Exactly. So I don't know. I don't really know. kind of stumped. I swear to you because I wanted to be so many like useful, right? But I don't want to make it just like boring. Otherwise, they definitely won't do it.

Collin Funkhouser  28:52

So well, you should have them you should have them because you're in you're in seismology, you're looking out crust and stuff. You should have them, have them rank their favorite layers of the earth,

Brandon  29:04

oh, well to hell or

Collin Funkhouser  29:06

do a power ranking of Earth layers. And they have to defend

Brandon  29:18

perhaps we could just do like a sentence like the end of semester, we could do like a semester review. Like what is your favorite thing that you've done so far? Or favorite topics so far this semester? Yeah. That'd be that would be that's going to be Jackson short, right? And it would be like it's this. Here's why. Something about like, how is it useful? Understanding the world is something earth science is all about. Right? Knowing how the world actually functions, so that you can combat people on the internet that tell you this flat

Collin Funkhouser  30:00

If I talk to you about the firmament again. Oh, and why? Why spaceships are works.

Brandon  30:09

Of course. Yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  30:11

Sure, fine. You could do that or power ranking of Earth for that. It's fine. Okay, there's

Brandon  30:16

not that many layers you rank them, but there's like seven. I've no pins. I mean, well, depends on how in detail you want to go. Yeah, right. You do have the big four. Yeah. Okay. outer core or inner core outer core mantle crust. Okay. Do you have technically like sub layers, like a steno sphere? Ca? When we're talking everyone loves the extent of sphere. Yes. Like, Oh, do you love it enough to put on your power ranking?

Collin Funkhouser  30:41

Right, those fear?

Brandon  30:42

I mean, lithosphere is just crust plus students fear seeing, right? Well, so you know, you could I

Collin Funkhouser  30:50

was saying it's an option.

Brandon  30:52

I mean, it is an option. Like, you know, it's just I don't know if that's good. Enough clean? Fine.

Collin Funkhouser  31:02

Okay, one better one top five minerals to go all

Brandon  31:06

we are getting ready to do rocks and stuff. So

Collin Funkhouser  31:09

as an intro to that, well, I don't know if that giveaway the giveaway

Brandon  31:13

the goose so much. Yeah, sir. Because you don't want to be like, Oh, it's gonna be you know, because I don't want to introduce a thing that you have to do before we start talking. Yeah, that's

Collin Funkhouser  31:27

a good point. I

Brandon  31:28

kind of made leaves a little bit more like why?

Collin Funkhouser  31:33

Yeah, that's hard for them. It'd be hard for them to talk about that and write those. Yeah, in a straight intelligent way. Because I mean, it's straightforward cuz they haven't been taught that you're just copying stuff off of it

Brandon  31:46

could be hard. Like, hey, tell me about why you love marble. That'd be like, Yeah, you know? Marble it's marble II very marbley you know, make things out of it. Right? But this allows us but the words that we want won't be there yet. So Nope. Unfortunately. Like metamorphic their heat and pressure looking at their other minds is left blank on the other metamorphic classification word. Or what is it either has stripes or doesn't official science word for this? And it's just flown out of my brain. Right. But that one, that one? Yeah. But that was like, oh, because it's out foliated only in divorce. Of course. These are non foliated. As obviously, everyone's everyone's favorite. Yeah, I mean, who doesn't love a foliated metamorphic rock complaint? Right? It's

Collin Funkhouser  33:01

a good point. It's

Brandon  33:02

pretty good stuff. Don't tell like

Collin Funkhouser  33:05

go that's where we need to we need we need to as a country we need to draw our boundary lines where they really matter. Yeah. As a society and chiefs.

Brandon  33:14

Why? Why nice is an underrepresented metamorphic rock right? That's really that's really the crux of the issue here.

Collin Funkhouser  33:20

You know when I say I'm a single issues voter that's what I'm talking about. As you're talking about I really want to know I need to know what the how they stay nice. Nice as a

Brandon  33:30

how do you really feel about schist right that's what I need to know. That's what I need.

Collin Funkhouser  33:37

Because how else How am I supposed to judge your character until I know these things true? So yeah, that's what right this is what the voters want to know. Yeah. Going in 2024 valida you're on that I expect to see this on ballots across America Hey,

Brandon  33:51

Lauren are not we're not gonna do that.

Collin Funkhouser  33:54

It's fine. There have been worse things in the world. So there's been worse things on the ballot this is this is true well moving away from politics we have me and I had a call this

Brandon  34:16

geo political issues Yeah. Oh, we did it. Oh God

Collin Funkhouser  34:28

Oh scab moved past it. Good. Push past pain. be over soon. Man and I did a phone call.

Brandon  34:45

And it was

Collin Funkhouser  34:47

a continuation from a phone calls we had last week from somebody who's trying to sell us on some advertising. So we are a hyper geogr Africa a specific kind of service making it other traditional forms of advertising like radio and TV show not helpful. Like, wow, that's really cool that can reach so far away. I cannot. I

Brandon  35:15

can reach x kilometers from this pin I dropped in Google Maps. This is the radius of

Collin Funkhouser  35:23

various. I know you may not come to me, I only go to you. Oh, yeah, sure. So apparently, and extremely wealthy? Well, we'll do neighborhoods, maybe around golf courses. There is a magazine that they distribute to all of the residents of these places. Okay, and that is specific to that community. Wow. Yes.

Brandon  35:55

And it sounds terrifying. Being honest, like,

Collin Funkhouser  35:58

it was described to us as a private Facebook page, but printed. Once a month, they get it. And they include like, graduations, all of the content is generated by the residence. So it's quality content, very high quality and like, your grandma's pumpkin pie recipe. Well, and or an article, I don't know what they would write articles about. Actually, I didn't I did. We never asked him other than the recipes, because it's just compared to what do people writing about how

Brandon  36:31

to remove golf balls from your gutters, right? Or how do

Collin Funkhouser  36:35

we how do we shun the outside? Really, really, what I think is written about in these things is

Brandon  36:47

how to how taller gates if deter entrance from outside?

Collin Funkhouser  36:54

Look, we have electrified the sidewalks

Brandon  36:55

after hours. It's 14 feet tall. It's more imposing. Yes. To keep

Collin Funkhouser  37:01

the plebes away. Exactly. Anyway, actually, never because here's the cool yeah, we're just articles about their about graduations. And every, every new person who moves to the area gets a feature article about themselves and that to introduce themselves, no thank you to the rest of the people in the community. And anyway, there's no one here in in in our town where they are getting this magazine, it's just coming to them now. Oh, and boy, have

Brandon  37:33

they been missing. They're gonna be so enthusiastic or

Collin Funkhouser  37:36

350 homes. They reached, they reached out to us. And they were like, Hey, do you want to be a sponsor of this magazine?

Brandon  37:44

And we were like, Huh? I mean, I don't know. I don't not want to be. Tell me more. Because kind of

Collin Funkhouser  37:56

our clientele and we actually targeted to Yeah, it's very targeted. We also have already have one person in the community that is a client of ours. So like, wow, that'd be swell. If I get like two people out of this three people. And dealing with this individual who is selling this has been? Oh, it's been a racket. No, no. Oh, no, that first he was like, No, I only want to meet in person to talk to you about this. I was like, Oh, I can't do that. And he was like, is there anybody else is going to be in the decision making process? And I was like, Yeah, my wife was she's gonna be there to make sure talk to everybody involved. And I was like,

Brandon  38:37

This is sounding like someone who's trying to sell you a timeshare would just wait at all.

Collin Funkhouser  38:43

No timeshares involved. We scheduled a call and we spend like 45 minutes with him. First off, he can't use he doesn't know how to use Zoom. He does not know how to use Zoom. It's terrible. It's very bad.

Brandon  38:55

Maybe one of those four steps failed him. I just decided to be like, Man not working today. Fine.

Collin Funkhouser  39:05

This is not what I need in my life. And he spent 45 minutes I think Megan will probably correct me if I'm wrong. It was 45 minutes. Yes. Sorry, art studio. For the live studio. It was a thumbs up today. Normally, I would have just texted and said I just like to show that we're live this paycheck, just paging from a PDF back and forth be like and this is what this page looks like. And this is what this page looks like. So this is what this page looks like. And this and talking to us about the revenue growth of the company that does the the magazines and I'm like, What a weird sales pitch to a potential advertiser. Like we're so you're telling me like sure you did $124 million in revenue because it's a national thing and they come into little still. Yeah, but he was like, and we're growing really fast and he gave a revenue dollar as far as second pitch To us, and he kept saying things like our residents, our residents, our residents love this, our residents talk about this, residents do this, oh, the other day, a resident told me this and blah, blah, blah, blah. And I mean, we were very interested. And then we started to run out of time. And then I was like, Well, I have to go because I ran out of time. And we asked him about time, and I said, Can you email us?

Brandon  40:26

Your price sheet? So we can review this? And here was his response? I

Collin Funkhouser  40:33

absolutely, I'd love to schedule another phone call with you to go over that. Do

Brandon  40:36

it. Wait, wait, flags

Collin Funkhouser  40:39

galore. It was like, but I,

Brandon  40:44



So because we're still interested in this second phone call. And I'm like, we jump on and I'm like, Hey, I have to leave in 20 minutes, I only have 20 minutes. Go fast. And then he starts going to this pitch. And of course, now now, you have ads of all sizes, shapes, dollar amounts? Which one? Do you think? Which one? Would you start with trying to sell

Brandon  41:11

the middle? Right? You want to sell the smallest ad space available? You want to start talking about like the middle one, like, here's our like, this is the size, this is where we put it, it's good to be on, you know, because they usually put on like certain ads go, like, closer to the front. Yeah, right? Is do that or you explain like, oh, that's all in the back? Like, uh, you know, sometimes they do that there's put them all back there. So where it's going to be? Is it like, full page, half page, the Small Business Card one. So somewhere in there, I was talking about the most, you know, boom, middle size ad, right, that if you want full page, you can go up or you can go down. He wants Mahler, this would be a great

Collin Funkhouser  41:57

sales tactic because you hit the middle of the road. And if they seem interested in that, you can immediately start upselling somebody on a more expensive app,

Brandon  42:06

or if they seem slightly disinterested, you go down and be like, well, we have this other ones right. There won't be as visible but they're still in the book, they'll still be seen it to this lower rate. It's over, you know,

Collin Funkhouser  42:16

whatever. That would be a great sales tech. No, we got hit out of the gate with the most expensive one that I cover the Exactly, exactly. One. Oh, my gosh. And, and his comment was he talked about it. And then the other thing was, is they have advertisements. And they have sponsors originally, he remember, I started off by telling him that he was going to reach out to us about sponsors. Turns out actually, he doesn't have any sponsorships available. But he does have these other apps. And sponsorship is a is an ad that is connected to particular content. So basically, if you wanted to sponsor the recipe of the month, your ad would go next to that. Or if you want to sponsor the dog of the month, you would I would, but he has no sponsorships left. And so I'm like, well, that's a little disingenuous. Yeah.

Brandon  43:10

You definitely don't have definitely don't

Collin Funkhouser  43:12

have. And then he's talking about we've got 1224 and 36. And, you know, if you booked 36 months out, you'll get a 20% discount over everything. And yeah, so you could buy an ad spot for 1212 issues. 24 shoes and with 36 issues. Yeah. And then I had a question where it was like,

Brandon  43:32

hey, yeah, how long have you been in this place? Doing this? To which he responded, oh,

Collin Funkhouser  43:42

we haven't shipped our first one yet. Or they just got their first one. Remember all of those statements where he was talking about, like our residents love Yeah. And I gave these things. What I realized then was, Oh, these are selling points from the magazine. On total, across the country. These are the statements that they talk about of how to sell like the cabeza he shows that the communities we're in Yeah, love XYZ. In our feedback surveys from previously, this is what we get. And so that was like an immediate knocked out. It's like more flavorful, writing on the Wii. So he talks to us about this ad, its size, how its position, blah, blah, blah, tells us the price. And he goes, so

Brandon  44:31

what do you think about that? And I were gonna go by,

Collin Funkhouser  44:35

well, I like what I just said, how I make decisions. For the car. I don't make them one on one one by one. I'm like, okay, yeah, like, can I see the next one? And he's like, okay, yeah, but like, regardless of price, like, what do you think about that? When you think about the size and position and I put her versus like, we could fill it? Yeah, that's a whole lot of space. It's like, okay, well, let me tell you about The next one was slightly less expensive. And then he started saying, Oh, well, and because it is coming up on Thanksgiving, I was told I could give you guys a special Thanksgiving discount where, for the for the, if you buy one size, you pay the price of the size below it. And I could do that for you guys going into this just so you know. I was like, okay, so we start talking about the next one. And then he asked, he walks us through position, you know, the location, size, price, and he goes

Brandon  45:32

to think, what do you think of that? Do not help?

Collin Funkhouser  45:42

Oh, man, that's great. Okay, well,

Brandon  45:44

also numbers.

Collin Funkhouser  45:47

Yes, and he did this for every size class, all the way from it was back cover the, like Backpage, like the back of a covered thing. Then it was a full page on the front cover, and then full page somewhere in the middle, and then the two thirds page, half page, quarter page, third third of the page and then quarter page. And for everyone who's like, what do you think of that site? regardless of price? Do you think? Do you think that's something like how does that speak to you?

Brandon  46:19

I don't even know.

Collin Funkhouser  46:21

I don't start saying oh, well, you know, typically companies do a full page. You know, they're, they're, you know, right or wrong. Doesn't matter. But like, you know, they're typically viewed as being more like established and like more in the community when you have this full page. This whole time, Megan and I are desperately trying like, like, were I just trying to collect information? I'm not trying to emotionally pick on something. Yeah, he keeps trying to get us to start talking about emotionally like, emotionally. What do you feel? How do you feel about half a page? Emotionally? Does that make you feel like

Brandon  46:56

you have strong emotional feelings about the size of advertisements? Apparently? I mean, I don't. I mean, in a printed work, obviously. Last week, I discussed my emotional frustration with advertisers that are too small that side of the road, have emotional attachments to a utilitarian purpose. Yeah, sure. But like, that's a weird. This is a very odd sales tactic. I don't understand the goal. Right? Like,

Collin Funkhouser  47:24

he's trying to do the okay. So when you go to buy a house, what is the first real what is what are some of the questions the realtor asks you? I

Brandon  47:31

don't remember. Okay.

Collin Funkhouser  47:34

They don't ask you. Do you like the layout? They don't ask you that. Yeah. What did they say? What's your furniture fit in here? Oh, yeah. With this room? Would that fit the dresser that you have? They started trying to get you to imagine your stuff in the home to start talking about emotionally invested. They will actively try and get you to start using the words your home. Yeah. And do you think your home would be like this? Like nodding your head? No. Yeah. Mind that you leave going? Oh, wow. That I felt such a connection with that. And really, it was just a guided like, yeah, like mind control experiment with well trained real estate agents. But you leave thinking you had all these great ideas. And really, it was the real estate agent. Exactly. Exactly. So that's what he's trying to do. He's trying to get to get emotionally attached to these ads and ad sizes, which is just ridiculous because like, I can make something to fit or not fit like it's just that's not an issue with this at all. And then he kept trying to connect with us on weird things with because he's like, you know, oh, he said um, one of our one of our residents told me again, I don't believe this story because he's but he said one of our residents said don't use the word subdivision because it has the word divide and we're a neighborhood and then he asked

Brandon  48:54

us Do you Do you live in a neighborhood

Collin Funkhouser  48:58

or do you live like you know, in a in Kansas City or further out?

Brandon  49:03

Again, he's trying to get us

Collin Funkhouser  49:04

to like I was just like, I said, like, oh, the houses are kind of close.

Brandon  49:11

But not really. Our house it's in the middle of the street. Yeah. Right. It was two cats in the yard the life used to be so hard

Collin Funkhouser  49:26

How could one little street

Brandon  49:28

that's true all smiles. Wow, that's a that's a much darker song. Yes.

Collin Funkhouser  49:36

Yes. But so, anyway, so he's going through this and then Megan has a genuine question of like, Will an ad always be in the same space is like page like, we're

Brandon  49:47

always made like seven or

Collin Funkhouser  49:50

whatever. But to use the illustration to she jumped to a full page and she said, Okay, fine, we get a full page ad.

Brandon  49:56

Does this follow up? So he just heard Full page, I

Collin Funkhouser  50:00

only thought in third and full page for the rest of the conversation because he was like, ah, they gave me something. They want full page yachts. I've got him. So then he starts. He's like, he answered the question with the full page ad. And then he starts talking about and then he slips in the hard sell of like, all of a sudden now, all of a sudden, now oh, well, there's somebody also interested in page. Right, there's

Brandon  50:27

another party and leniently involved that I

Collin Funkhouser  50:30

just, you know, I need to bring up now. And just, uh, you know, they're, they're avail So, and then I asked, So when do you need decision by and you could tell his balloon was a little pop because I think he was ready to like have us decide right now on this right now. And he said well, I mean, you know, I am booking up spots and I'm contacting you know, 32 or whatever places a week and, you know, this is kind of a rare thing for me to do, which I think means the second follow up phone call. Yeah. So like, you know, I just, you know, but if I if I hear them, you know, if they want to start getting more interested in this, you know, definitely reach out to you so that, you know, you can you can get that since that's what you want and blah, blah.

Brandon  51:12

And I was like, okay, whatever. So

Collin Funkhouser  51:17

done. And I was trying not to be just belligerent and rude. But also I was very annoyed by this entire process. Well, yeah, that's a very

Brandon  51:28

terrible way to go about conducting thing, right. Like, it's just not it's not helpful. It's not informational. It's like bullying sales tactics. Right? It's like all the other shyster stuff right that you hear about right? It's a great used car salesman, he Yes. Yeah, not that all used car salesmen are nefarious case listeners not my No, no, this is just a stereotype right? Except, you know, except for some of them are for some of them as

Collin Funkhouser  51:59

as portrayed I think rather accurately in the Docu series Matilda with

Brandon  52:10

yet All right,

Collin Funkhouser  52:12

yet Sam to it so weighs more anyway. Or whatever he does, we still want to see and yet Santa Saito remember this is gonna bother me now.

Brandon  52:21

How do you Google that

Collin Funkhouser  52:23

I talked to until the car salesman and until the sand

Brandon  52:30

hills the car salesman. I don't want to watch that. Yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  52:53

Look as apparently the Matilda two was a tank that had a possessed degree of protection that was unmatched in the North African theater. The sheer weight of the armor of the vehicle contributed to much of its success. So yes, this is so when you google Matilda sand, you get a lot of articles about history buffs debating how good the Matilda two was or was not in there. All British. Yes.

Brandon  53:17

The British Isles seem to be very big. Tank enthusiast. Right I don't know why that is particularly but like they're always the ones that show up in the forums and stuff talking about it. It's always like some British dude on a video talking about like some really hyper Nish World War Two tank something something and you're like, what I don't know what Yes. What did you know? Something about car shop scene painting hood with a paint roller. Okay, well, it's in the movie though. Yes. This pretty much at all. Anyway, so that's, that's that. A mix is something

Collin Funkhouser  54:15

with anyway, it's some I don't know. I don't it's not a word. We'll find something out. But yeah, so we did not. So we got off the phone and was like, well, we'll look to call us we'll call you go No. Joy. Enjoy. It was so bad. I don't relish in this. And then the other day, I got a random phone call from this person who said, like, Oh, hi, this is Cathy is this, you know, the owner of blah, blah. And it was like, ah, hi. Yeah. How can I help you? Hi, I got your phone. I got your card from this coffee shop. And I was wondering if we Do you get together for business networking purposes? No, she ran away, she actually said, Lee is missing networking purposes, then I'm

Brandon  55:16

not a real human. This is like I'm showing you.

Collin Funkhouser  55:20

I did look afterwards. And they are in fact, an insurance salesman. And he did say that she's with something, something insurance New York Life or whatever. And I was like, Well, you know, this week's pretty busy. And it was actually it was actually Monday. This week's really busy. I could do next week, though, and I can even do next week, because I'm gonna be in and out a lot. And she was like, they'll say, she's like, Oh, no, I was, I was thinking December 19, at 3:30pm. Like, that is, so here's what she

Brandon  55:55

has an event, no schedules, and she wants you to come and put you at a table. Right? And then there's gonna be other people to table. And then the one dude that calls you Larry guy is gonna walk in the door. And then you're gonna have to run out the back immediately right?

Collin Funkhouser  56:14

away. So I realized what she's actually doing is she's just blocking out a full week of this. She just went to this coffee shop and grabbed all of the business cards. It's just cold, calling the people and scheduling them in these little slots. I am, why she wants to talk about business insurance, and probably business liability stuff and probably yada yada yada stuff and stuff and

Brandon  56:43

stuff and things. And

Collin Funkhouser  56:47

I am. But yeah, soon she said, business networking purposes. Like, Oh, no.

Brandon  56:54

Oh my gosh, I've never seen this tunnel here before I can't

Collin Funkhouser  57:00

I'm in the mountains. Oh, no. Oh, no, no dad.

Brandon  57:08

People wonder why nobody will answer their phone anymore. Right. This is why when my phone rings if it doesn't say, Susan on it. I'm just like now. I'm not going to answer that. I'm not going to bother with that one. This seems like not real. I don't

Collin Funkhouser  57:27

do much work. For sure.

Brandon  57:32

So, yeah,

Collin Funkhouser  57:33

I It's so annoying. So anyway, yeah. So maybe you want to join me for some business networking purposes,

Brandon  57:41

I don't think I would be very useful for you. And your business. Well,

Collin Funkhouser  57:46

this, I guarantee you that this networking purpose is not going to be beneficial for me and my business either. So I'm going to when I said I can pencil that in. Because this was also a very busy day for us. We were like trying to get things packed and put away. So I was just like, yeah, get this off my plate. I said, Call me the week of

Brandon  58:04

and we'll we'll see if I'm still spoiler he's not gonna

Collin Funkhouser  58:12

be available. So we'll

Brandon  58:15

just mysteriously busy nudity doo doo unrelated. You know, things just unknowable. So busy. Yeah. So they say oh, yeah, I have stuff, stuff and things. Sorry. Oh no, that's bad. That's terrible. The cold calls. That'd be like the worst thing ever fry your leg.

Collin Funkhouser  58:45

And I guess in this day and age, it still works.

Brandon  58:48

But on the other hand, like,

Collin Funkhouser  58:50

does it work? Like yeah, well, people see this coming from a mile away when these people call them and like or do or do they? I don't know. I just it's so it boggles the mind. I don't know.

Brandon  59:03

Because you get stuck between, like you talked about earlier, like, you get stuck in this place of like, you want to be nice. But also you don't care. Right? And you're trying to balance this out between like, oh, yeah, I'm trying to be cordial and I'm trying to be a nice thing, right? Like, I this does remind me legitly of the time where we got stuck talking to a timeshare guy. Right. And so like, we're just listening, right? Do the thing and then like, you know, we tried to leave he like keeps talking. And then like, we're like no, and then they like ask all these like probing questions about like, why not like because I actually don't want a timeshare in Arizona. That doesn't seem interesting to me and like they like you're in these walking this really fine line, where you don't want to be like, Listen, buddy, get out of my face. To like, trying to still be like a cordial individual. It'd be nice, but you really just want to tell him to go jump off a cliff because you don't care about. Yeah, it's like I, that's

Collin Funkhouser  1:00:12

when I have to tell that. So the ad guy is going to be calling us back to follow up probably this coming week. And I'm going to try and do the easy letdown. Usually I say something like, well, where we are right now with our ad spend, I don't think this is the best fit for us because of the direction that we're moving. But it is something that will keep in mind as that changes and we do for future reassessments on a quarterly basis. I really appreciate you and your time.

Brandon  1:00:40

Don't call us we'll call you right.

Collin Funkhouser  1:00:44

If he continues to ask eventually it's going to get down to because we don't feel comfortable buying from you. Yeah, I don't Yeah, just straight up.

Brandon  1:00:53

I don't really like you. Please,

Collin Funkhouser  1:00:55

thank you. No way. I can also say things like, well, this is unproven. In this market, this magazine, like, who knows how it's actually going to be received here? Sure. It's worked? How many times?

Brandon  1:01:06

Has it worked in Milwaukee?

Collin Funkhouser  1:01:09

Or North Carolina or whatever? So, okay,

Brandon  1:01:11

how likely is it just close locations that you didn't tell us where you were, but you know, that's cool. Tell me

Collin Funkhouser  1:01:16

about all the times that you that this company entered a market like this and then failed, right? Because it was rejected or not well received, or people didn't participate? So like, you know, maybe after you've been at this a year, maybe we can revisit to see what kind of successes you're having. But as of right now, we're not interested in doing an unproven marketing scheme.

Brandon  1:01:36

Yeah. Because I don't know. I'm not the target audience for this sort of thing, obviously, right? Like, my, just the way that I interact with the world doesn't really follow this particularly line of thought, but like, like, I'm already not the type of person that would live in a country club. environment. But even if I was living there, if somebody was like, Hey, I'm gonna come write a thing about you for our monthly club newsletter. I would Yeah. No, I don't want that. No. So yeah, I don't know how many other people are like that. Or if there's like, go away, man. I don't know. Yeah, do we have to pay for this magazine or taking the drop it on their door. So

Collin Funkhouser  1:02:22

free, it is free, because of the advertisers. And so here's the other thing, you

Brandon  1:02:28

know, what I do with all the free magazines I get in my mailbox, I put them in the recycling bin is where they go, I go straight to the recycling bin. Like I don't even look at them. So

Collin Funkhouser  1:02:41

that's my other thought to have. Obviously,

Brandon  1:02:44

I liked nothing less than unsolicited mail, right? I don't want and this these

Collin Funkhouser  1:02:48

people are obviously extraordinarily wealthy. They know that. They know they're the target of many businesses. So now I get another thing marketing to me and advertising to me like that kind of feels weird, doesn't it? So that's like, yeah, just how exactly is this received by people? And what percentage of the households? Because he's kept on talking about like, oh, yeah, 350 households get this and three, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Just statistically, from your other areas, what percentage of the total number of houses are actually actively engaged in this? Do you know, right?

Brandon  1:03:27

No, there's no market research on that. Because there should be a pie graph for that one. That should be a graph Come on, because then

Collin Funkhouser  1:03:35

suddenly, because then suddenly, the $14,000 they want you to spend on the back cover ad excuse, you doesn't really

Brandon  1:03:45

seem to just say $14,000 for an advertising three year that's you can buy cars for less than that. I mean, maybe not in 2023. Because the world doesn't make sense. But normally, this is car money. Right? Oh, good by the van that you've been dreaming about? Dream band money dream van. And that is maybe not for that. But that money would be much better suited for Van Van

Collin Funkhouser  1:04:14

Van life. Yeah, yep. It's basically we're spending $14

Brandon  1:04:19

per household

Collin Funkhouser  1:04:22

to get to make this to make something work. Ah, that

Brandon  1:04:25

there's no way the return on investment that could be anywhere near useful. No, right. Like, you'd have to get so many new clients that have acted. Yes.

Collin Funkhouser  1:04:33

Yes. And then because yeah, you could probably

Brandon  1:04:36

get from a much less cost effective. Advertisement right are much more cost effective. I mean, like, less, that's what I'm gonna say an advertisement that costs less.

Collin Funkhouser  1:04:48

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, well, like what so what we do we make bespoke postcards, right. So we actually customize postcards, make sure that they're really nice, high quality, really nice appeal. All good photos. send those out. Yeah, we send those to people. They're like $1 or less depending on you do per person. Do that. Much more.

Brandon  1:05:14

Much better. Yes. And then van rang.

Collin Funkhouser  1:05:20

And he kept saying things like, Oh, I would typically target people who, who've never advertised before. So they usually only ever don't worry about what kind of person who's never advertised before, is going to look at $14,000 and go, Yeah, that's what I need to do.

Brandon  1:05:35

A person that's never advertised. Oh, no,

Collin Funkhouser  1:05:40

he's talking he he works with suckers. Zebras are the sucker hits? Oh, no. Because then he was in the, in the example he was showing us. It was filled

Brandon  1:05:49

with dentists, and real estate agents. And you need a real estate agent if

Collin Funkhouser  1:05:56

you already have, because they have real estate because they want to be the one to sell your home when you go to sell it. So this is a long game of real estate agent of going, Okay, here's a house, it's $1.4 million. Right now, when they go to sell that. I want them to remember me so I can sell it. So I have to advertise them at all times. And it's yeah. So that and I was like, but dentists and real estate agents, they advertise all the time. So what you just said is yet another lie like right like it's also true, right? There's some of the most advertised people in the world. And doctors and lawyers and stuff I was like lawyers

Brandon  1:06:38

right around Bradshaw right as what you

Collin Funkhouser  1:06:43

did you did you hear the the real estate news that's making the world a buzz?

Brandon  1:06:49

Oh, probably not.

Collin Funkhouser  1:06:51

Probably not. Okay. You'll be proud of Missouri because this lawsuit came out of undeserving gasps. Okay. So, National Real Estate Association, not the National Association of Realtors, the NRA know the National Association of Realtors.

Brandon  1:07:12

Is that what it's called? Fact check. We don't know.

Collin Funkhouser  1:07:19

That's fine. We so they were sued by a bunch of people. And it was found that they were held. They were guilty of colluding to keep prices on houses high and shocking price fixing for the percent given to the seller's and buyer's agent. So when you sell a home, you pay a 6%

Brandon  1:07:48

surprise that something like this would happen. But I'm not Yeah. So when

Collin Funkhouser  1:07:53

you sell it when you buy or sell a home so the buyer but is it seller? Seller? Okay, seller? When you sell a home 6% of your sale? Goes to real estate agents knew Yeah. 3% goes to the buyer agent 3% goes to celebrate Yeah, okay. Easiest money real estate agent. What makes in their life is when they're a buyer's agent, because they do nothing. They do. They do nothing, especially in the modern day and age where Zillow and all these other places work where like when we bought our house, I was the one on Zillow and like looking at the MLS and doing all this stuff going, Okay, we're gonna do this. But here's the thing, in order to list your home on the MLS, you have to agree to the National Association of REALTORS terms of agreement, which includes that you agree if you sell your home that's listed on the MLS, that you will pay the 3% and 3%.

Brandon  1:08:43

And even if you don't even use an agent,

Collin Funkhouser  1:08:45

even if you don't use any Well, no, if you don't use an agent, this doesn't apply. But you can't list it on the MLS if you don't have an agent. So if you list it, you must have an agent must be listed through an agent. And in order to do that you agree to pay that three and three. So now what they've deemed is that oh, and then the other thing was is that if you think about it in this way, sellers agents and buyer's agents doing because their commission based on the 3% Neither of them have a an incentive to sell at a cheaper price. Oh, yeah.

Brandon  1:09:17

No, they're just like sell whatever. Yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  1:09:19

Or the buyer, the buyer's agent, they're not really gonna go in there and negotiate down on anything because they know they get less money at the end of the day. So I was like,

Brandon  1:09:27

I this is very fresh. Anyway.

Collin Funkhouser  1:09:30

So that was part there was a lot more in depth in there though. keeping prices elevating high because they were just be like, oh, yeah, I'll take $1 off. Yeah, who There you go. But they found this 3% 3% was actually illegal as well. So now technically, real estate agents can charge whatever they want. But think of it this way. In the world of high prices, and easy accessible services. You're not gonna be able to charge high percentage rates and actually get AUDIENCE That's true. So the thought is, is that this will actually drive a market wedge of there will be lower priced agents and higher priced agents. And hopefully some thought is maybe they'll even just go to straight, like, all sell your home for $2,400 or whatever, like no percentage base just a fixed just

Brandon  1:10:17

commission costs. Yes, that would make a lot more sense. Yes. And so

Collin Funkhouser  1:10:21

because this has just ripped out a major chunk of just like, easy income for real estate agents, they're expecting to have real estate agents, there'll be like, in the next five to 10 years, there'll be half as many

Brandon  1:10:35

out there right now, as they're all right now. Because you

Collin Funkhouser  1:10:39

can't you can't list you can't be like, oh, yeah, you move to the area, you want to buy a home, I'll be your agent, right? Like now, buyer's agents will probably be they'll probably be the ones that make 1%. And then there were sellers agents are gonna be the ones that make 2% or 3%. But yeah, this is. So I thought this was very interesting and exciting news that I need to make sure that we share here, because I know how, how closely you follow the market trends? Oh, yeah,

Brandon  1:11:08

everything? Because I do that. No, but that is, that doesn't make sense. Right? Like, that's always seemed like a weird job to me anyway, because, like, it's a little bit nebulous about what some of the real estate agents actually do. Right? Like, I don't like if all they're doing is like listing your house in a national database. That doesn't feel like a large percentage of money to do that. Right. Like, it feels like Like, like, I can see the seller agent because that's the people that like, take the tours and like meet you and or, like if you're buying like, you meet that person, and then you go and yeah, like you, you go to visit houses with them. Like, they're, like actually working, they're trying to they're taking they're showing you around stuff they're, you know, perhaps negotiating things on your behalf with other people so that that person that feels like a jobs, it's like, doing stuff, right, but like the other ones, like Yeah, listen to house. So so

Collin Funkhouser  1:12:11

this whole like, this is where you could see some market fragmentation start to occur of like full service agents. Yeah. But who, who like it? Sure, some people may go look, I'm willing to pay your 6% fee to you only because I don't want to lift a finger to get this house. I mean, yeah, versus like when we bought our house again, like I would have chosen a real estate a buyer's agent with a really low thing. Because all I need them to do is like read the legal document. Yeah, I don't need them to find houses or arranged tours or anything like that. Like I can do all that online. So like I would have actively sought out somebody who wasn't a full service because it was gonna save me money in the end. Yeah, because we're gonna utilize them. Exactly. Exactly. So food for thought moving forward and you'll have to put your real estate license dreams on

Brandon  1:12:58

Oh, I didn't have those anyway. Oh, well. Oh, I know a lot of people do that. Yeah, this is like a thing they do and they do it for like a side job probably because they do if they're just getting like fixed 3% All the time no matter what that would be why they're doing Yes. They're gonna weed out the part timers already anyway get like this serious people that actually work at that real estate like agency right? Not like Jim that has a

Collin Funkhouser  1:13:24

you took his test and like yeah, I can sell real whatever I can help you like

Brandon  1:13:29

No, yeah, he took the class to test was able to do sells like a couple houses a year right.

Collin Funkhouser  1:13:37

For like, friends is failing. Yeah. Right. Like

Brandon  1:13:39

so my uncle Jim's house and like, you know, all that stuff like that is an interesting. It's interesting. They go useful. Something Missouri. One thing one year one thing so far. Well, but

Collin Funkhouser  1:14:07

I do have a haiku. Oh, to

Brandon  1:14:10

close this out or go all weekend. Okay. He's been denying that it existed. So he probably just read it five minutes ago, basically,

Collin Funkhouser  1:14:17

like you wrote, so I was challenged last week to write a haiku about Tom Bombadil using a Yiddish word. Ah, okay. Okay, this not so easy. No,

Brandon  1:14:30

I can't imagine not.

Collin Funkhouser  1:14:32

And so I had done a lot of work to find words to. So we'll see how this goes. Actually, I just had put everything together. Okay. So I had the research done just didn't put it okay. So the final draft was not final. No, it was not so. Okay. And I hope I'm actually using this word, right. Like I'm also like, really, really worried that Okay, okay. Yeah, it just, it doesn't sound like it sound Okay, so I'm gonna I'm gonna say it All right. So, this is my Haiku of Tom Bombadil with a Yiddish word alright. mench of the woodlands. Tom's laughter echoes brightly nature's song, his heart.

Brandon  1:15:14

Very lovely.

Collin Funkhouser  1:15:17

A bit strong starting out with many

Brandon  1:15:21

stars, you know? Right attracts fine

Collin Funkhouser  1:15:27

and it's one of those were like mentioned it does not sound like a positive word. That's true. That's hard. And I didn't. But it's about like somebody with honor integrity or whatever like it's actually a very good positive thing, but it just it does sound a bit harsh.

Brandon  1:15:44

That's fair. That's fair.

Collin Funkhouser  1:15:47

So good still be furthered workshops on how to find a better, more fitting job. But anyway, all right. That's that. All right. Okay. Well, we have yet wandered in woven our way through another other time. kablam kablam. Until next time, until next time,