We don’t work out

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You have made it




Oh, it's been interesting today. Oh, that sounds bad. No, it's smells been something. But yeah.


Have you heard from Aaron? No, I haven't. Yeah, I just texted him and he didn't respond. So that means any


Hold on. Don't know. Yeah. He's kind of gone radio silence for a little bit.


Today, yo, yeah. Okay. I haven't heard he called me last week.


On one day, the end of the week, then


I'm going to go ahead and say Thursday. But again, that was it. So I last I heard of him so


yeah, we'll see what he says.


Yeah, I don't know.


I've been


I was in


Colombia today


at a at a meeting for some restoration. Oh, Aaron just said he woke up from a nap with the Walker from a nap at eight


Oh, you know, these things happen. Yeah, sure. You just okay. Yeah. That's cool. That's cool. Sounds your thing sounds crazy. It's like talking. It sounds like you're talking into a cup. It keeps, like zooming in and out. It's weird. Oh, is it because I'm maybe moving too much. I'm moving my head back and forth right now. Is that the silence? Yes, that would be it. That would be the swaying.


Yes. That's like


going to the left and then kind of like a Doppler. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Is this sounding better if I just maintain like this? Better? Yes. Okay, cool. I'm also having to do this in the dining room. So it may be that let me know if it gets boo me. Okay, maybe that's it, too. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. I'm sure it sounds a little weird because I'm talking and I can hear a slight echo in this room. Yes. Okay. I may I try and devise a does this sound better? I talk like that. I don't know.


No, I don't know. I'm still working this out. I have no idea I'm doing. I mentioned that today. I don't either. I just put, I just Yeah, go for it. So


I'm trying to get like a little trying to devise a little sound shield right now for me to talk into.


Put a blanket over your head and hello will cave of silence. I do. There are people that I know that listen to this podcast and the they will get under the covers and like a hotel room and podcast like that. Oh,


whatever works, but right. Okay. Well see I was in Colombia for meeting today. So had an hour drive out there. And meeting was at


930 and this is for some Yeah, we had some restoration projects going down on Shoal Creek. And I


and it's, it's with all the mind tailings and stuff down there. And we were we're meeting


Fish and Wildlife Service and USGS and a couple of the partners to figure out where we want to spend money and how we're going to prioritize it.


And this is like the seventh meeting that these people have had. And it's only the second one that I've been to. But it was like, nobody remembered what had happened in the previous meetings.


Where we had left it last time was my coworker and I were going to make all these maps in arc GIS and overlay all this crazy data so they could visually see where bad places were and possible sources of stressors and where fish were mobile. So we made all these maps and I spent, I don't know, weeks on this as my only project. We emailed about everybody and we said, review these let us know what we're missing. I had to read through no joke like five inches of reports to because they were like


We, we have all this information of which streams are which streams are impacted. I was like, great, send me the data layer. They're like, Oh, it's in this report from 2000 into in the middle of this PDF, and it was literally a sampling site PS one over 4.9 downstream 14.8 miles was still above background levels, you know of tolerance tolerance




like above background levels for human use, so that that stretches is impacted. So I had to go in the on the program and measure out 14.8 or whatever miles downstream of that digitize that I had to digitize all of these layers from a verbal description from point to point. did all this crap, gave him the sent out the email, it's radio silence from everybody. And nobody responded. Nobody said anything back in here like okay, well, I guess this is fine.


We get their day. And it was like this is the first time they had seen any of these maps. And they're like, oh, where'd this come from? And where did this? And I was like, that's why we set this to two months ago. So you could do that question. And they ended up not getting used because they just went off on another tangent. And it was just


so I mean, yeah, that's how I don't I don't know if you ever been to a meeting before. But most the time, that's what happens is you say, oh, we're going to talk about all this. And you send out an agenda, and then nobody reads it. And then they get to the meeting, and then they're very confused about what's happening. Just kind of how


it works in general.


Yeah, it was.


There's usually at least the ones that we have a work it's like a handful of people like print off the agenda, and they are ready to write upon it and everyone else's like so what's happening show up. And that's that's the most these people


Did I mean rz like low key is just like a staff meeting. So it's not kind of it's not really the same thing. totally the same like importance, but still kind of the same attitude of


these are later MI, these are lifelong career professionals at the, you know, federal level, and they're just like, Hey, cool. Yeah. And it was really funny is all we were needing as like the one goal of today was how are we going to define what a good


site is? What is a good habitat site in Shoal Creek?


Right, that's step one, step one get more than one data say


yes, we have and data point, right you get out get out of here with anybody one data point was that right? And so it was a lot of Okay, good for what for human use for biotic use for stream function. And then it was up and down for


there and honest to goodness, the list that we came up with. Could have been. I could have brainstorm that idea. Four months ago, if you asked me, What makes a good habitat is like, Oh, yeah, don't let it be near Okay, fo and it should be stable and there should be trees. It should be stable.


banging my head against a wall. Are you kidding me? It's taken this long. And, and, and they're still, it's taken that long to get to that point. And it's whatever, you know, it's a process and the process has to work. So we did that and


drove back home. And it was just I sat all day long, which is never fun. That's gross. I'm pretty sure my sixth graders can come up with more interesting things in that in like 20 minutes.


Not kidding. 20 minutes and they'd be like, boom, yo.


It is so bad. Hey, it's so bad. Aaron, do you hear us? Hello? Hey, it's an air man. I'm here. Victory. Victory has been achieved. I was like, Yeah, I totally have time to take a nap. Oh, set my alarm for 730 and then alarm never went off so apologies for the tardiness. That's all right.


Maybe it's my end. It sounds weird because you sound weird too. Maybe it's not just Collin. Oh, what has happened? My Oh no.


Are you in headphones? Yes.


Brandon is saying we're sounding like we're in a can and it's kind of wah wah wah wah wah wah. Yes. That's basically it and then with it did it while you're doing that and that was awful.


Sent Brandon into a dry heaves. I don't know I don't know what has happened but I




I didn't do anything different. I just plugged it back in and hit the button and


silly technology. Why?


Well, I, Megan, I have been gym members for four days.


I've been watching gym members.


Oh, members of a gym for four days. How's that? How's that going? Well, I've done CrossFit for four days in a row, and I am.


Oh, wow. I'm surprised. Usually official gym members have been members for four days and have gone one. Well,


you're already ahead of the curve. This


is funny, Megan said, you know, we were we wanted to


get a little better and we signed up and Megan's like, so what are your expectations for like, you know, how many days are you going to go as like


two days a week? probably good. It's probably Healthy Start.




It's like, five days a week.


And so I was like,


okay, that's cool. My other question follow up question to this joining a gym


obviously has to be


a Why does the man that rides his bike literally everywhere I was about to add


cardio, power lifting, it's gonna be power lifting it is it well, so yes.


I mean part of it is we live literally so close to where I work now to you know jeopardize my optic here but it's it's a seven minute bike ride if I hit the lights if I don't hit the lights. And when I was in Texas, it was a 15 to 20 minute hard push one way and so I'm literally doing half the amount of biking every day that I was before you seen a longer route you can go around


Let me direct.


The other part of it is, is road safety and the lack of things like street lights in the city.


Do that makes it really hard? And I my my route is also designed for when it's snowing it because the route that I take is treated and plowed. So I can still ride my bike most of the time. Yeah, yes, yeah. But there are still times where you know, it's been cut in half. And then there are times where I'm like, I run upstairs with Noah on my hip. And I get up the top and I'm like,


why am I Oh, no.


And I bragged on CrossFit so much because it's so ridiculous. And some people's mindsets are just like, I can't I can't even and and I'm


I mean, you guys probably could tell I'm, I'm not really a gym rat.


So I'm hanging out with people who I would normally hang out with


my, some of my, like my best friend at work, she is like


an insane exercise person. Like it's crazy. And so sometimes she talks about I'm just like, why would you do that? How do you not become killed? doing? She does CrossFit sometimes other times she does other things. He's like, runs crazy long races. Like last year she ran like a 27 mile off road race. Nice like Arkansas was terrified


Yeah, yeah. Well and and like this is a people who run this gym they also teach the crop it CrossFit class. I mean, guys, the guys almost there, their late 40s, almost 58


They still both he and his wife go into CrossFit competitions around the state around the country and they're they're pretty intense about it and I didn't even know that existed. Oh, yeah, go watch there a couple in case you're wondering. There's some documentaries on the CrossFit Games on amazon prime.


They have some of those on on ESPN, like they'll show the, like the extreme CrossFit or sometimes the, what is it called? Are they it's like a all day competition where there's like, chin ups and pull ups and then there's another the CrossFit Games is a week long. Oh, that one they do. Where they do three, where they do three workouts every single day, morning, afternoon and evening. Yeah, and it is the it is the insane stuff like run a mile do 100 air squats, do you know climb this rope five times do this stuff blah blah and try and do it as fast as you


humanly can. And now Yeah, you can watch this. It's really insane.


And so I should we should


we say, my question is, how is that like a sport you watch? Right? Like I understand, so


I understand why. So I like I like to watch like this The World's Strongest Man. Right? That's interesting. But that makes like, that's, at least from my point of view. That's like something that you can watch. Because it's more I don't know. It's just more entertaining. Like, how how far can this guy farmers carry these giant cinderblock things? Right? Yeah. Or how how fast can you put up the Atlas stones? Sure. That makes sense right? watching somebody do pull ups and jumping jacks? How's that like? watchable? Yeah.


Yeah. The competition starts is that other their time to get to be like


Certain match things like that during, and there's like, there's like different teams for it to do, you know, not not, not the one I was on an individual sport. And they, but part of it is to you've got like 20 people on the field at one time. So there's a lot of action and a lot of movement. And that what's really cool though, is that they hold these they hold the nighttime events on a tennis court. So you know, like the big Wimbledon courts were really steep on all the side. Yeah. And so basically, if you could imagine a weird jungle gym contraption obstacle course in the middle, and they fill it with stage stadium of in the tennis courts, and everybody watching that, that's pretty cool to watch. But that's, that's the same. Yeah. And so, you know, and I show up, you know, it's obviously everyone who's there has been there a long time and


not many people will come


You know, a lot of people come and then they leave immediately. And so they know everybody. And the other thing that's hard for me is to get around the, all the acronyms and all of the weird kind of workouts that they do. And so, I come in, and there's literally just three numbers, and then three words on the board that don't mean anything to me. And that's the entire workout that we're supposed to do. And I was like,


what's that? And you know, they come over, and they're like, Oh, so you know,


this is just like when you do this kind of Lyft. And I was like, okay, step one. I have never done anything before. And then they looked at me and I said, No, I mean, never.


The last time I held like a weightlifting bar was for a summer PE class, my freshman year of college that I was not putting a lot of effort into.


Yeah, I mean, that's, like, I don't know. Thanks




That's like, power lifting makes sense to me because it's like, oh, this person wins because he lifted the most. Right? It's kind of, at least in my mind, it's a clear delineation of who is the victor? Well, how does one become the victor of a CrossFit game? Okay, so like tonight's workout, the warm up was, what was it one of the workout of the day was we were supposed to do 100


of these weird dead, weird lifts where you go from the floor, you do this weird flip and land on your shoulders supposed to do that 100 times. And then you were supposed to do 50 double under


double unders which are with a jump rope. So every time you jump up, the rope goes underneath you twice. Oh, girls, and then you were supposed to do 50 of those weights that weird Lyft and then you're supposed to do 25 of the I'm sure my numbers got messed up of the double unders and the first person to finish that set would win. Oh, my goodness.


Right, right, right. Wow. So so Oh, so the the warm up to this was I was supposed to do, I didn't do nearly any of these, we're supposed to do three wall walks, you supposed to have a three wall walks, which is where you put your feet up against the wall, getting up to a push up position position, and then walk your legs up the wall behind you as you push your arms towards you, to the extent where you're supposed to end up with your nose touching the wall and your feet above your head.


You're supposed to that maneuver three times. And then we had to go do 15 setups in inverted setups where you're like laying on an ankle. And then and then we were supposed to go do 20 air squats. And we had to do that as many times as you could in 15 minutes for 15 minutes. And so you're supposed to do that over and over and over until 15 minutes ran out.


And so the winner that would be whoever finished the most sets




I'm gonna I'm gonna take a nap now and get out That's terrible. I pulled up the the CrossFit Games 2020 website, because there's individuals and individual events and then there's team events. And like, first cut four rounds is 400 meter run, three legless rope climbs, seven squat snatches at 185 pounds, and you have 20 minutes to do like all of that. And then like the second cut is like 800 meters, 800 meter rows


66 kB jerks. Yeah, those aren't in 132 feet and stamp walk any of 10 minutes do all that. Yep. I'm XX just in like, that's in one day. And then each different. So that starts Thursday and Fridays like the rock and then there's like the sprint, cup lead and then


Yeah, so everything is time do you have to do all that in a certain amount of time? Uh huh. And then there's like a weird,


heavy ball pole thing. There's a picture of it, but doesn't really explain what it is. Oh, so a few years ago, this was one of them. Imagine a few years ago, this is one of them. So in tennis court, you know, you've got the stairs that go up from the court all the way up to the top of the bleachers. Imagine imagine on one side at the very top of the bleachers is a stack of sand filled


duffel bags, been they started like 25 pounds and they go up to 50 pounds. You have to carry them and there's like 10 of them. If to carry those down the stairs over the wall down into the tennis court. load them into a wheelbarrow wheelbarrows across the tennis court. Then unload them lift them above that dividing wall up way above your head and jump up and then carry those


up the back up the stairs until the other side and the first person to do that one. No, no.


And they do


they do this thing called the Murph. Which is


to they do it every. I'm going to get this wrong. It's to dedicate two soldiers. They start out in a they do a one mile run, and they do 100 pull ups. They do 200 push ups 300 squats, and then they do another mile run. All in a 20 pound vest or full body armor.


See every time the like this on TV, it's always happens like when I'm at like a restaurant. Like man that looks intense bomb. Well.




So Exactly. My favorite thing to do when watching other people do extreme sports is cheeseburgers. Perfect stuff my thing.


So it was fun. Yeah. The first day I showed up and


lady was very nice. We've actually sat there dogs before. So we knew them and she comes over and she's explained to me the workout of the day and blah, blah. And that day, it was 30 minutes, as many times as you could do, it was like a mile run. I don't remember. It was terrible. I didn't finish it. But


she was like, now a lot of guys come in here and they feel like they got they work really hard. And they really push themselves too hard to you know, keep up with the other girls in the class. And I said, let me stop you right there. That won't be a problem because as soon as anything hurts, I'm going to stop.




I just, I don't have that mentality of like, you want me to do 22


You know, I'm like you want me to 22 started hurting at that end? So I kind of slowed down and took like a 15 minute break and got some water. And then I did one more and I laugh


sounds better, man. No.




I had that


I signed up with a friend when I was still in college for a spin class. Yeah. And they're like, they're telling me the premise of it. It's like, I've ridden a bike before. I think I'll be okay. Well, I did not know it. It was a full hour of just continual writing different levels. I think I was gassed within like the first like, 10 minutes. Sure. Yeah. Because they're like, they play modern. Now, music that's kinda like the tempo center. And they do like all these things, or, you know, increase the level, stand up and pedal and like all this stuff.


And I was like, This is not exactly what I thought it would be. I thought we were just gonna write on bikes and


I was extremely misinformed by signing up for this stupid thing. So I did like a month.


But like, not like every day kind of thing I did like every other day and I was just


Dead. Like, then this is kind of at the same time where I attempted to ride my bike to school and I lived, you know, several miles away from campus. But you know, it was a very easy road. I was on that. That bike that I had before I got stolen. Yeah, I could totally do this. And then like day two was like,


some reservations about this. This is not exactly exactly what I thought it'd be. And there's some songs that play to this day that I'm like, that's


like, oh, we're gonna listen to this song and pedal to this beat and it's like, oh, this song is really fast. Yeah, it's only only five minutes long. Okay, though. I feel your pain of like, Oh, I could totally go sounds easy. And then it's like, oh, no, that's no. Oh, no, I didn't think it'd be easy at all. I knew this was gonna hurt.


I knew it was. At no point did I have any confidence and being able to do anything so every time I've gone, it's been


I looked at the board. And it's been like the 20 of this, the 15th of this, do eight of this. And I was like, Okay, so I'm going to do like 11.


Notice if I do less than that well, and they tell you, like, reduce it. And because my goal is not a lot of people go in there and they go, I'm going to do maximum effort until I literally can't do anything. Yeah. That doesn't sound like any fun. So I'm doing more like, I want to finish the number of rounds that I have to so I'm going to do what I need to do that soon. And also not die. And also, yeah, yeah, I told someone that the other day with they came up and they were like,


I don't feel like you have to go too fast on the lift. And I was like, Don't worry, because I don't want I don't want to die. No problem. Oh, yeah, like my shoulders where they are. I think I know.


Oh, yeah.


Two days ago, we did this thing where we did these.


So we got on a


pull up bar, but the pull up bar is one. It's the same pull a bar for everybody. So if you are five foot or if you are my height, you do the same bullet bar. So these are things are high. So I jump up and my feet are dangling like two feet below me and I had Good grief. Yeah, these things are tall. And what you were supposed to do, again, I did not do this is just a hang there, and then lift your knees. So they touched your elbows and then touched your shins to the bar that you're holding your hands onto. And you're supposed to do that like 40 times. And then you respond.


And then when you're done with that, you're supposed to do like,


the box jumps where the boxes like at my shins, and you're supposed to jump on top of it. Do that like Yes, fine. And then we're supposed to do, like 20 Barbies or something. But the Barbies are not just up and down. You kind of jump up and then shuffle over to the one side then shuffle back and then jump back down. So it's your call Ben. Yeah.


Kind of modified. And yeah, this is the funny thing. So we did the weird pull ups, which I didn't do, I just didn't need up. I just did knees as high as I could. And I talked to the guy beforehand as like, how do I modify this? So I cuz I know I'm gonna die. And he goes, Oh, you just do just do nice. So I did you supposed to those, the burpee is in the box. And that's the day I walked in. And there, again, there were these weird acronyms. There's three acronyms that represented those three workouts. And then above, those were written 2115, and nine. So in my head, I went, Oh, I do 21 of the new things. I do 15 of the burpee, and I do nine of the box jumps. Right, because there are three numbers and three workouts. Well,


I don't do all the new highs. I, I did I do like four Barbies, and I am just dying. And then I do go to the box jobs. And I finished those. I'm like, Whew, that was a really tough workout and given everything all day, and I look around and everyone is still working out. And I'm like, there's no way that I finished people. And what I didn't realize is that it was actually 30


rounds where you do 21 of all of those, and then you do 15 of all of them and then you do nine.


Oh, no, no, that's awful.


literally the worst thing ever. Just like, I couldn't help but laugh because I was like, Oh, no.


And the guy came up.


He's like, what number you on? And I was like, I didn't even do one correctly. One.


kind of sounds like


when I was a freshman when we had football camp, and the coaches are like, aren't seniors you take charge of like the workouts and you know, you guys come up with whatever and so like the seniors would write like, senior level workouts like, you know, clean this amount this many times, but being you know, a small, meek week, be


freshmen like, I'm excuse me, gentlemen. We can't do half of that. And I just remember getting yelled at by a lot of the coaches like how can you guys can't do this? Because we don't know what that is. And we can't do the same model way that these guys are doing. Their OO the Drager freshmen we had they had like this huge whiteboard and have like all these workouts like, um, we don't know what any of those are. And us like in the corner of this of the after they renovated the high school or


or renovated the the workout room, just like


some of kids on their phones trying to Google what some of these workouts were. am. Yeah, I feel the same thing as like, Oh, I can do this. And then you look over and it's like 10 reps of 20. Like why? Again, I was under no delusion that it would be able to do any of these things. Just


that's the end goal. Every


Time do not die. Yeah. So it's a good goal. It's a good goal to have.


But yeah, it's been it's been interesting. And, um, yeah, I've heard I've heard every day this month, all four days, all four days, which is fine. I was told it goes it goes away eventually. I don't believe that, allegedly. I mean, I'm sure herself. Right. Yeah. I mean, that's there's a distinct possibility of well, and that's permanently injured. Right. You know, I was doing supposed to do these claims or whatever they were and which is a weird bar left, I don't even know. And supposed to do 50 of those or however many of those. And I was going like really slow. And the guy came up, one of the guys come over hands, I pick it up, and he's trying to show me how to do it faster. And I was like, I don't know how to do this right, in a slow manner. There's no way I'm about to try and double my effort


to increase the pace because I'm


will break my back. And I, the leader, the person who was leading it came over and she was kind of giving me some, some coaching on it. And she was like, that looks good. That looks good. I stopped and I was like, should I back the hurting? And she was like, Where does it hurt? And I was like, at the very base of my back whenever I'm standing up, right and she was like, Oh, no, that's not No.


Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and just slow down a little bit. And, and, you know, figured out that I wasn't doing something I don't like hip thrust or whatever. Because that's, that's one way you have to like drive your hips forward to lift like it's not a it's like a lifting straight up. You have to like, it's kind of like a weird, push your hips. you're counting forward to like, leverage it out. Right and, and here's the here's the other thing that that




conceptual conceptually, I can figure out what I need to do. We have a wide


You're doing it yourself. So it's like, while you're doing it, and then it's the weird like, the weird body motions that you have to do because yeah, those cleans. It's not just a straight up. It is like a, you're you're, you're throwing your hips. You're jumping a little bit, you're doing weird stuff. You're RGA you know, all this stuff. And I, I am. I don't know if you guys know this about me or not, but I'm not the most coordinated person in the world. And so we're aware.


This is, this is asking a lot of me, like move your feet and your hips, and also your elbows and don't forget to bring forward your shoulders. I'm like,


Yeah, they were doing these weird. These weird pull ups the other day where when I think of a pull up, you put your arms above your head, you raise up to your chin, and then you go down. Now imagine if someone said you have to do 30 of those in five minutes.


What would you do to get that done?


You what the, what they do is it's one fluid motion. Once you get started in this, once you go up, you're like throwing your body in the serpentine manner to go up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down to get into this rhythm where you're just constantly it's, it is the most bizarre thing that I ever seen. And I don't know if that's going to happen. Because I just couldn't figure out how they were throwing their body like they were literally once when they were using their downward forward swing to on the backswing.


You know, S shape up into the I didn't I? Yeah, I'm over there just being like, Oh, no, no, my shoulder is hurting right now. Just thinking about that. Like, I can't, you know, like, my shoulder hurts. Like I've thinking about doing that at my shoulders just like nope, you can't do that. Sorry. Not happening today. a headstand a push up the other day.


And, and I was like, again, I was like, my mother says no to that one too. I threw my flag and I was like, I can't do that. How do I, how do I modify that? Weird like, put my feet on the box and kind of make an L with my legs and my torso and then do a push up that way, you know that once you get stronger and even that I was like, Oh, no, this is really,


really bad. Yeah, no, no, my my only like, I feel okay that I don't really work out, you know, ever because last year we were at the park or school like a field trip went to the park and they had one of those like, little workout he has like the dip bars and the pull up bars and the Oh yeah, the rope climb and stuff. And my friend who I was telling you about is my next door neighbor, teacher. She's all like fitness. Master right. Her official title at school is wellness champion.


Her official role alongside teacher She's also the school wellness champion. I climbed the rope, and she did not. So


winning. That's why I figure Okay, I'm so good. I'm all right. I'm


just my workout routine currently consists of not eating all the pizza at once. There you go.


Tonight I failed at that one. I was like, Nah, I'm hungry. I'm eating all this. I'm




that's kind of it. Like maybe I just won't eat all the food at the same time. Sure. That's got it. Yeah, I mean, it's fine with the workout stuff kitchen. That's the thing. I heard someone say that once. And so I'm going with that and I'm just giving the rest of it


it's the first step that counts. Yeah, we did a


nice on like, we do some like challenges at school for that kind of stuff. Like whatever like walking


stuff. We did that last year. So I walked a bunch


last year in the spring yeah you go they go What do they have fit? I am


the master you've looked at me I walked some laps at recess last year. Oh yes. last school year. Oh man




did you guys in an elementary school ever have to do the yes


I'm trying to think of what we call the video was the laser the hall get yeah that oh I don't like that I was terrible. The Pacer like was like a beat that you need to run faster like across the gym or whatever it was certain amount of time to get from one to the other. Yeah, my memory that elementary school junior was enormous. Like it probably isn't. Now if I went back and looked at it, but in my mind is a small child. It was like the longest thing ever like never gonna make


It over there. Nope. And I didn't like in in elementary school or middle school.


Or elementary school obviously, were like once a week, we didn't have recess, we had to go walk the track.


Or at least do some sort of like field activity where we were like constantly moving as like, isn't that just recess, but they built like, a track behind the school that the elementary school, or I guess whenever they move things around, and once a week, we had to go after lunch. We had to go out and walk the track. And every laugh we did if we did now four laps in the thing, which would be a mile we got, we got a little foot sticker.


And like we kind of raced each class is like who could do the most miles per thing. And I just remember like, I'm going to be doing this all the time.


By like, week three, I was like to lapses one quick clarification. Was it a sticker in the shape of a foot or a sticker that they placed on your foot on your foot? Yeah, that was my


sticker in the shape. But I see. Okay, I guess you could put that on your foot.


A foot foot. Good walking. Here's a sticker. Okay, that's the coolest sticker ever. I can walk.


So So last year, we decided because we're insane people that we were going to set like a goal for the students to walk. Right? And we were like, man, what's a big number? And we just did. So we settled on 24,901


because that is the circumference of the Earth miles.


And so we did. We challenged him to walk labs at recess and we kept running totals.


Alright, every Friday we all came into my room and we like plotted on my Google Earth where we were that's so cool like how far we've gone and then they did like little like looked up x about wherever we happen to be that we are some week I stretched it a little bit because we were like in the middle of the Iranian desert like right well this is not cool. Or like the Pacific Ocean like okay well that's where like what Island can we like zigzag to? marginally to get




whereas guy cool it was the we call it the walk around the world being and it was pretty fun. It took us like forever. Yes, whole second semester almost. But yeah, no, I had some kids that were like way to do it. They're like no, I but I'm doing this. today. I'm walking like a million.




The one thing that's nice about this place is that does


Offer childcare, so we can drop the kids off and making Yeah, seem to work out the middle of the day and not have me have to worry about me. Or, you know, the kids can go. They can go play once again. Yeah. I don't think enough gyms do that. Right? That's not like a thing that a lot of them do they some of you I mean, they used to do that I seem to recall being a use and going to some sort of gym. Why, like mom worked out and I was like, in some playroom. I mean, that was the thing that happened. But like,


I don't think you don't hear about it very much. Right? You have to like even like the why, like they don't watch like little kids most time they're like, right, oh, if you're a medium child, you can go over there and take care of yourself. Like we don't work out. Yeah, like it's so it's good that they actually have that service. It's super handy. Mm hmm. And like it is. Megan says when she goes and she goes, sometimes you go like nine or 10 in the morning or after it gets like a player naps.


It is packed in there. And you know, the workout the classes full that she's in and the kid there's like, you know, 15 or 20 kids and the little player for them. Really? Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was a lot a lot of kids on. And a lot of that's because


if the, you know, stay, you know, stay at home moms, if they've got two kids and they go make me look like us that immediately Jacks it up pretty high. And if the class that is teaching, if it's you know, whatever workout class that's in, there's 15 moms in there. They each bring good, yeah, it's a lot. Yeah, but I know that many people would be working out at 10 o'clock. Like that's, yeah, it's pretty. It's pretty crazy. It's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean, I can't I don't know how many people I can't I don't go to the gym. So I don't know if that's irregular, or nine, but I'm definitely teaching at 10 o'clock, so I wouldn't know anyway.


But like, yeah, that's, that's


the colon medical mistake the big workout area there's, there's a very small population weirdly of people that went and actually like, worked out. But I just remember a lot of people going for like the recreation stuff like a swimming. They had a weird giant area for like


ping pong, and like table tennis, all that kind of stuff. And I remember like seeing a lot of people doing that I was like is this is this is like, like not being my first time there on campus and going through this like, people don't work out they go they do but most people just come from the recreation. And people like the gym was open like 24 seven and they'll be people there like three o'clock in the morning like why now? That's a little intense.


Yeah, this gym opens at 430 and they their first class that you can take is at five and then


It's like 5678 I


think there's one it's 910 but each each class has something different. Well, yeah, yeah, they have different Yeah. Yeah.


Like the same class like just 15 times a day and I'll be weird. Although I think the six and seven o'clock hours are both CrossFit for some reason. Well, that makes sense because that's kind of like a lot of that's like before work right? That's a lot of Yeah, I would do that before because like yeah, my friend she always likes it but like she's she's always like, ride my case. Yeah, I woke up at 430 today like good for you. I don't know. It's not Yeah, I woke up at 430 to go workout like YY




I had a had a lady still work with bed until midnight before


her main goal was to run a marathon in every single state.


And there's I used to work with RS go and Joe since I'd be bartending and she would just be like


sprinting around doing all these things I was like a


banshee She is like 12 states down but she wanted to do a marathon in every single state and she gets up every morning at like, four o'clock in just like runs, you know, two or three miles. And then whenever whenever she gets home every day she runs two or three miles and like oh, that's, that's that's a lot of running. And I


down already that's a pretty good ratio she's got going on right now because


in social, she'll post pictures online on now Instagram or Facebook, of like, oh, heading to another, another state to do a marathon. I was like, that's, like, that's a really good goal to have. That's a very like


generally based goals like I'm gonna run a marathon in every state and I was like, that's pretty.


like four goals like that, like the first few are probably not too bad, right?


But then you have to like come up with a reason to go especially because like around here, you know, you don't have to go super far to get to other states, you know, right but then whenever you start your brand and you got to get to like Vermont


like well yeah then you got travel time. Also. Yeah you also kind of need a secondary reason to go to Vermont maybe because maybe


you can go you fly up there you run a marathon on Saturday.


Yes, but like


does Idaho half marathons? I don't know somebody needs Tell me but


there's some sort of


really start seeking these out like pretty regularly, right, like, yeah, the first couple easy, no problem, but then like, yeah, the far afield ones like


Alaska is gonna be tricky.


I can be the last one. That's always the last one on anybody's like 50 state list no matter what the 50 state list is. Alaska is like the end because like, right, it's just


way away. It's


really hard.


Yeah, that was that was her goal. She was always excited about it. And she tried to get other people to do it. I was like, um, I can barely run in this state. I don't know how


other states, my body is that like when I ran track, like, I was like, they if they told me to run a further than 200 meters, I was like, yo, listen. No, I was like Ghibli, right? Like, I'm built for sprinting and




As far as I go, I try to tell you garbage like no 400 years is a sprint. No, it's not. No, not my book. Too much. Yeah, who hundred meters? The furthest I ran.


I initially days are the worst. They just come out like you're gonna run the cross country course. Oh, no, I don't think so. I don't think you understand how sprinting works. Let me talk about this for a minute.


I don't need I don't need lots of cardiovascular conditioning to run a very short distance, very quickly, different, different skill. I'm going to be able to run six miles today. No, not doing that.


To do that Blaine's My poor placement whenever I did the mile because I did the mile and then for some reason I did the 110 high hurdles and the 300 meter hurdles. And so I would go and


either run the roads


and you know, Coach groves and be like, How you doing, you're doing distance a go on the roads. Do that for it's been, you know, take up 90% of the practice time setting up the stupid hurdles, doing the stretching and doing those and then putting the hurdles back. You did it wrong. See what you have to do is you put out about 40


hurdles. Oh, we just run those every every, every day until like, the day of or the day before the race we run all the hurdles but we do mostly demo Well yeah. And then they're like All right, go run the mile like on those first ones are the most important. But I think sprinting stuff today and direct no distance. I'm like, Oh, no, it's a different muscle fiber, different twitch muscle fibers are happening.


I didn't run the mile my senior year because I was just focused on doing hurdles. I saw girls like this This doesn't feel something like I'm supposed to do. Like I'm either supposed to be one or the other not Yeah, cuz I'm I was a bit little too far. And they collaborated and said, you're doing a 300 meter hurdles. Like I can barely do the 110 hurdles. And that wasn't an even event whenever I was doing it. They were like, nobody would do that. So they're like,


yeah, like sprinting, okay, I can run pretty good. Very short.


That's it, right?


Like the kids always tease me about my friend like she could beat you in a race. I was like, how long? It's


like if I'm racing her, like from the playground to the door over there. I can beat her. Right? If we have to go much further than that. I'm toast like I'm done


I can't maintain the speed


then I'm throwing rocks at her and I'm trying to transfer and Yes, Yes, I will. I'm still tackle her


exit and go about now probably let 200 meters but like you, Max. Yeah, maybe 60 maybe.


Mine. I got you. Yeah, yeah. So I can if we go to that door down there. I will win, right. We're to go past that door. is dead. A follower.


One of my, one of my friends here in Brazil, who's a, he's a fire captain. And they they have a lot of new recruits and he was telling me about the firefighter, you know, fitness test that they have to do.


You shouldn't you should come out and do it and I'm like, Nope. Nope, I'm good. Because I was reading online and he was telling me all the stuff it's like, you know, it's it's, if you have to sprint, you have to do like weighted sprinting. Yeah, just like where fireman gear. Like, I was like, if he asked me that in high school, I could probably do that. But man, I haven't sprinted anywhere in years. I get tired walking in my own apartment and


I did this event.


And I gotta train for a little bit. Still comes back. You could come out and do it like, nope, that will kill me.


That's sure I did that last year when during the


map testing, right like between sessions


We would go outside and like run, because like, we've been sitting for hours, we're going inside we're running. So we went out we ran around the baseball field. Right? And I, I made the mistake of running with the kids one day, and I got like, all of a sudden I was like,


that was bad.


didn't quite make it all the way around.


I mean, I've finished was not as quite as fast as my starting pace indicated.


I did. I did some sprinting today. Not in the workout.


I Megan had to leave for your meeting, right? No, no, I would know I dropped my feet to get that thing.


No, I. So I was on our way back from Columbia. And Megan was like, well, I really want to go to this workout at at 430. But it was


dogs picked up around that time. And I said, Well, I'll be home.


ish around that time. So just go ahead and leave and tell the people that are picking up dogs that, you know, will be a little bit late and we'll just have to deal with it. Well, the lady gets here, like, five minutes after Megan leaves. And so I'm booking it on my bike to get here as fast as I can. And I get in the door. She comes in, and we've got two Great Danes and two lab Mutt mixes. And the great, great, the great, the Great Danes are going home. And so I'm like, okay, sweet. So I run out back. I opened the door, the back of


the backyard, and I let the two labs out. I shut the door and come back up. And I'm talking to the lady and I'm saying Yeah, sorry. Yeah, we had a little tight schedule the day and blah, blah, blah. And that about that time I look out, and the dogs that I just let out in the backyard are now sniffing this lady's car in our flower


hungry. I'm still in my bike pleats and


right, and these two dogs go in different directions opposite directions. One goes East one goes West. And I'm just I'm freaking out because you know this. The ladies are picking up these dogs. It's coming very soon to get them. Yes. I want her to be driving the house see them are running down the road


with me behind them. Yeah, so fortunately one of them like loops back and by that time the owner of the other dogs had walked out into our front yard and was calling that dog close to her. So she got that dog back inside. And another dog that I was still chasing that was going way in the opposite direction was like way out in front of me and I was nowhere close to this dog. And just a random stranger was walking by and spooked. Bailey enough Bailey turned in bolted past now.


towards you back towards me and then pass me back towards the house and then a car turn and then Bailey bolted into our backyard and stayed there. There we go like


sheer dumb luck got


back into the house. Wow, it was all because Megan left in a hurry and I just didn't didn't think to shut the gate. Yeah, I didn't know that she didn't shut the gate but I had assumed that she did because she knew that dogs are getting picked up so yeah, I lesson learned.


Check the gate. Yeah.


Looks like my


my first semester in EO I got a little off campus job working at the horse stables kids, you know, and in college. And people you know, kind of I would tend to the horses tend to the stalls and but the rule was the horses could not be


Out of the field at night, they had me you know, in their end. And so it was been years since I work with horses. And so I'm out there I'm trying to get this one


horse named rusty in and you know it just you know open up the side pin and it just


go on like, Oh, it's almost dark and they get fined pretty heavily if the horse is not in. No no. And so I'm young college freshman chasing a horse there a field


that in your mind for a second I finally got him in because I was just like, I think the horse sensed that I was just like, gassed. And I was like, Oh, you're not a threat because there's just me and like, hanging on the fence for my wife just


just kind of like slowly walked in. I was like,


I'm gonna turn you into glue day


Some of the some of the other guys are like Gavin, you get the horse and so I got my little my little Lariat and sort of walking. And it just took off. And then I was like, Oh, it's a great idea to chase a horse and so I take off. Oh yeah, cuz they're not known for being fast. No.


Nobody raises them. Or


this massive field in Miami, Oklahoma, and there's just this sweet little college freshman. It's like no, please come back course it's okay.


Finally to get it


This is fantastic. I love it. It's just me like hanging on a fence post just dripping in sweat and gas. Because you know, I wanted to be cool and wear cowboy boots, which are not not applicable for certain horse printing material. No, yeah. So the horses like, you know, I'm hungry.






felt the experience that nothing like chasing after a Great Dane, unfortunately, was not. Oh girl. You see the same thing about great angels. They are actually not known for racing and nobody's ever said, Hey, I need to deliver mail across country quickly. I'll use a great name. No.


The owner of the Great Danes is actually they're very chill. The homers the big one, he's like 145 150 and


I am when I try and ride him like a pony. My I'm way on my tippy toes like I'm barely touching and grief. And yeah, as he's a big he's a big guy. And the owner basically said, he's got a GPS tracker on his collar. So if he starts to pull in your out and walking him, just let go, please, just let go.


Whoops I dragged him across the whole town like, Yeah, because she both her and her husband had been like dragged for yards before and like really hurt soldier shoulders and elbows and like, you know and really, really messed up there are like her but with dogs like


imagine imagine your band her and


she like when I'm out walking them because I've never heard that phrase before. Like, you know Ben Hur Imagine you're Ben Hur I gotta wait a second. That's fine. Yeah, that's, that's, you know, good imagery whenever I thought it it will with the Yeah.


He actually they, we try and walk him by himself and not with anybody else because he has a specialized harness where it it's not just a single


clip with with the leash on the on the harness. It actually has a two point so you know, yeah, more like


a bridle in a horse, where he's trained to walk on your left side.


You hold the leash one in your right arm one in your left arm and you turn him that way. You don't have a horse like that like a plow horse effectively is what you're doing you're walking alongside him and driving him like a horse. Can you show the dog who has dominance that you are going for a walk not the dog? Yeah, no.


style. No.


Get him a cart and like loaded with me anything? Yeah.


Yeah, exactly. Now you can be a pack animal wouldn't you?


Use that friend who wants to run on right in it? in every state she has to bowl massive


LC This


is the answer prayer and


else's about like 160 pounds. Then Kota is about close to 200. And the reason she got


These dogs just like I wanted them to, you know, be guard dogs. I'm like, well, that's a good dog for the choice, but they don't have a mean bone in their body, like, at all. But you know, I'm, I'm a big person. And I remember sitting on the couch, their place, they're having like a New Year's party. And the dog was like Elsa, like, you know what I want on the couch too. And it was like, the first time being actually, like, physically moved by an animal. And she's like, obviously, yeah. And so like, I'm gonna sit here, and then just like, like, Oh, no, that's okay. And the dogs like, No, you don't understand. I'm going to sit in your spot and being like, physically pushed out of the way by this


small bear of a creature. And she's like, Yeah, I don't take them on walks anymore. Because for that purpose, it's like if they want to run, they're going to run. And so she built like this super heavy, industrialized fence, or their yard, which is like a big yard. She's like, yeah,


If they're going to get out, they're going to get out. But yeah, I think she has, like their collars are tagged. She's like, I tried taking both of them on a walk one time. And it was like


yeah, another been her if you will, but just like a two pack animals or no, I'm them wearing like the, like the horse, the plow pulling horse like collar things, right? Like


those good things that they drag plasma, that's what you put on dog go for a walk. There. They're very sweet animals, but they still have that trained instinct of like, you'll get in between your legs, like if you're standing, probably like the safe position now sitting there at their place one day and I was just standing, talking to a bunch of people and then Kota, the big bull Mastiff was like, Oh, you're on I'm going to just like force my way here and for the rest of the evening. He's He's stood


between my legs. And like if I wanted to walk when there's no we're gonna go this way too. And he was he was my little physical guardian angel. It's crazy. It's like if something goes south and as the hip people say, I have this small furry tank to protect me


about that dog. Remember, I remember sitting on the couch and I'm like, No, no, it's okay. It's okay, sweet. I'm gonna sit here. Nope, I'm not gonna sit here.


Just being pushed out of the way by this four legged behemoth


Oh, I miss those dogs.


I would totally be okay with having a small dog because just seeing the medical lyst for these bull mastiffs was you know, just astronomical. Oh, yeah. I mean, also to be fair, all dogs.


All dogs will move you out of their way.


on the couch, Chuck does that he's just like, No, I'm sitting here. Move it. He's very small. He's like, he's just like, no, there's no I'm taking this whole couch. I'm very small dog. Or thing. What are you doing? Move, so it


doesn't have to do with size. Really? Right. sheer determination. Yes, exactly. Just claim the couch. Mine move. You don't get sit here anymore. Yeah.


Thanks for keeping it warm for me.


Yeah, yeah.


Oh, you know they have they have dog yoga. You can start calling. Go to do well, what? Yeah, you can go to yoga with goats and they'll like stand on you while you do positions and stuff. But


be more relaxing.


something I'd be worried about me but whatever.


don't really like things standing on me in general. No, that's why I supposed to be supposed to be relaxing not like worried is the massive things fall off


their small coats but


like what?


Not like the big Damascus go But yeah, they're little they're little bitty ones. It doesn't matter like it's not relaxing like oh, I'm doing my yoga pose there's a goat on my face like what? What is that? Pretty awesome on earth? Yeah, they have they have dog yoga. You can bring their dogs to yoga classes. And I mean there's there's more statistically speaking there are more yoga poses named after dogs than goats so at least that makes sense.


How many yoga poses Do you know that are named after dogs? I mean one which is more than


Bear Bear enough. Also I've never heard I've heard of warrior dogs and never heard of warrior goats so like they go for had a chariot pulled by goats. There is there the thunder goats? Yes, but he's also a mythological being and Ben has definitely pulled by horses so


Egyptians weren't going to war with chariots but but goats were they know they were not.


They tried it one time and they're like never again. Yeah.


They accidentally put fainting goats on the end


this will confuse them.


Really I told you the Persians will members even


remember my my kids last year. If they were having like kind of like a rough day. I would pull up YouTube and we'd watch videos of fainting goats is barely enough.


A lot of the kids have never seen like a fainting goats. I mean, there there was just one day like I just could tell the vibe in the classroom wasn't


wasn't going and I was like, Alright guys, we're gonna take a break for a second YouTube painting goats? I don't I don't think that's that's kind of a specialty thing I don't think most people have just been like


exposed to go to that fall over randomly I mean unless they watch that one episode of dirty jobs like a long time ago on Discovery Channel it's kind of like the most exposure fainting goats have ever gotten that I'm aware of could be wrong, but it is not a goat expert by any means. But


yeah, so I think it judging them be like, yo, they've never heard of fainting goats. That's, that's actually the normal response, right.


also seeing in the narrow is like the weird niche side thing. Like what


Cool district that some my kids would leave school early to go show their goats during the state fair but I was like you guys never heard of fainting go right no I like comedy gold yeah because you can't show a fainting goats right that's not and you don't want to go it like parading about being a majestic and ghostly like in those like Bolivar I'm not you probably don't get points for that kind of mean points off on the George on the scoresheet right so cute though


that's different I don't think state fair go judging is like a cute I don't think that's on a list of should be of criteria that's that's a different argument altogether I don't think


they are we have videos of bending goats and they also didn't know to Damascus get was which is I understand that one those are terrifying


Supposed to be the ugliest? I don't think I know what that is. Oh, real quick, if you will thank me later. No, you will not think in later.


You'll be here so awesome. Thank you so much. opening my opening my world Damascus goat and giving you the night terrors for the rest of your life forever.


Yeah, I think I'm okay.


I'm perfectly fine being ignorant of the goat related thing. Shoot in its own way. That's not but


also, they also have the same going back to yoga.


They also had this thing on campus of the the things called like the sauna yoga.


hot yoga yoga. Yeah, they just like lock you in a room and just turn the heat up. And they say, do yoga. I saw a thing on the news about that one time and I thought, wow, that's awful. That's negative


Favorite yoga? Really? Oh yeah, yeah, yes. Have you met? Have you met Megan if she could be wrapped in zero




Like oh my gosh it's


at is the point of contention or a household that's whenever above 80 I start sweating below it is when she starts walking around and socks. So


sweater it is no, no no no joke the other day that makes sense. That makes sense. I were we were getting ready for dinner and she was like I'm freezing and she ran over and wrapped herself from head to toe in this blanket and sat down at the dining room table and I'm like, What the heck are you doing? called like okay,


if you could rapper and one of those like foil thermal blankets and then put her inside of a sleeping bag and then put her inside of an oven that on light that on fire and then launch it towards the sun. If you would probably start feeling just fine.


Yeah so when our car when we got our new car and and had like the split thermostats where you could have like the dual does oh right the climate zone thing and no joke mine is always a crank hard to let too low and hers is always too high with the heat cedar on no matter like it doesn't matter it does doesn't


not to be fair sometimes I put the heat senior on the seat heater on I mean just because it like feels good my back like Oh sure. Yeah, go turn it off because like holy cow, I'm on fire right now but like Yep, I got your back a little bit muscles. So I always have to check to make sure because there will be at that moment where I have it all set too cold blowing on my face. I'm like, why am I still sweating from every pore in my body?


Because Megan drove the car and last and the heat is on. Hi. Yes, no. Well, ours you have to turn it on every time it doesn't like remember what if it does, I don't know how to make you do


That but it's for the best because I'm


yeah no this is this is just a little switch it's either it's often the neutral position up too high and then all the way down to low oh yeah there's a little button on the little screen thing okay yeah it's not like a hard switch I think you you probably can set it I imagine that's an option but I don't mess with that because I know you need a project I think you need to project you know look I did like change the stupid turning on that car the headlight and that was a project on yourself and Oh, you're on there and file that young That was awful.


So no, I'm that's enough project. I have many other projects to do. I don't need to mess with settings on my car that I don't care about especially when it's hot outside. I just need to be on the only one I


got it.


I my kids all my kids always come to my classroom too. And they come in and they're like, look at me and they can't get my code. Yeah, sure. Go get it fine. Okay.


Like cuz do things


Once you're in there long enough with like 20 children it gets hot to keep it cold and then also y'all stink so I'm not about trying to heat up because that's all I


have to recess all sweaty metal hot classroom No, no, I think so. raincoat keep your locker


that was a constant battle in my classroom because I always kept it cold not even that cold it's like 70 something it's not even like mine was set like a right at 70 like it's cold was like come back from PL thank me later it's actually yes you guys smell there's the mile you'll you'll me when you get back and be fine.


I even keep my apartment cold like I prefer the cold. And the winter King. Well, yeah.


It's cozy to have a blanket. Yeah, right. I cannot convince eigen of the optimal sleeping where the room temperature is like 68 or colder.


You're under all the blankets and you're nice and warm. Megan thinks that's a beating. And she's like, if it's gonna be cold if you want to be GSK if you're going to be warm under the blankets, just make the room warm, and then you'll be warmer under the blankets and


that's not how that works. No, no, that No, no, I agree. That's wrong. Incorrect. Yeah. It's on the nights. On the nights were upstairs AC was broken. And it was just like, no, it was at three at night, you know? Yeah. And,




she was like, she was curled under all the blankets. She was like sleeping under the pillow. She's probably like, yeah,


just like a T shirt and sweat pouring off of me. Fighting Can I put ice in the bathtub and sleep there? Is that possible?


Or is that a feasible goal or really trying for just this one night to levitate latencies


Can I have a day in the air so nothing is touching me. I just I just want to levitate this one time


I didn't love it I just wanted disappointing I'm sorry


Oh, oh no, the only the only time I have like an issue with stuff like that is if I meant like friends house and there I go hey you know you can you know sleep on the couch but no no problem but they never have adequate blankets


and hear my voice I have no I have big blankets. I'm a very big tall person. I have big blankets. They have those stupid little couch bling gets like a throws that are like little napkins. four feet, four feet maximum blanket like oh, no, yeah, give me like, do those. They're like, All right. Good night. No, no, I didn't.


Making the fans on it's got turn them diagonally getting longer like it that way you can cover a foot and


it's not over sleeping on the couch. It's fine. Yeah, right. diagonal and like just hang out the couch me like yes, this is no nice sleeping I agree because you like pull it up. I like to have things over my shoulders, right? And so if you do that you like and I my feet are exposed and I'm freezing to death because again


if you get cold, I'm done done for I'm just kidding.


See if I can schedule my area and have a better connection. So it stops being a weird sounding Nice. Yeah, all a little bit interesting is whenever I listened back to this and start, you know, putting it back together, if I hear any of that on on your side. Yeah, that'd be interesting.


Because my screen flashed me once that my internet my connection was not stable. Oh no, I don't know what that means cuz my little thing down the corner is like Yep, everything's good. That's really weird. I think


you sounded good on on my end at least I think there's been one time where it got a little bike little rubber it in then and then that was the only time so yeah, and then we'll see because you've been sounding insane the whole time so it's oh no


no it's not your fault I think it's my internet is just like a I'm not gonna work today and okay Don't be so sure. Now as long as it comes through that way should be fine. Okay, yeah, yeah, I have to see what on my end it's garbage so I don't know, like barely functioning those days so I don't even know


why rural Missouri internet stuff


I open okay every single time I go to my phone to open the calendar I open the stupid calculator right next to it it's the same color icon and I always though because I use the calculator the most own and my my muscle memory is a computer and I look at it go that is the least helpful thing in my life right now I


sort of numbers but not the one I know but I mean the




the worst idea ever it literally every time


my my my muscle memory is just like boom I need I need this blue icon. I know I need the blue icon right next to it. The other blow this what is this like, is the one time a week




my fingers to like no calculator. You want this calculator right now? Or the clock. The clock is right about it because he's at school for my like I stopped playing a timer all the time, right? Or like wait time stuff. Okay, I'm gonna give you a minute before I asked her responses bland right. Yeah none of that is the calendar anyway 20th 21st