how do you say s-y-r-u-p?

We once again must labor the point that we are NOT detail people. We dive into a brief rabbit hole of pronouncing words. We get interrupted for some fantastic Aaron related news!! Main topic? Our top 5 favorite Summer Olympic sports. They’re (almost) all different.

  • SOMETHING to do

  • We’re not detail people

  • How do you say SYRUP???

  • Possible titles

  • Golf CAN be a sport….The world's slowest race

  • Making golf better! 

  • Return to LEARN

  • PT days and policies for teachers

  • Open teaching? Open classroom?

  • Aaron is officially alternatively certified!! 

  • Pedagogy

  • Main topic!! 

  • Top 5 Fave Summer Olympic Events

  • Brandon

    • 5) Triathlon Relay

    • 4) Open water paddling events

    • 3) Track Cycling - Keirin

    • 2) Sport Climbing

    • 1) Indoor Volleyball 

    • Short list

      • Water polo

      • White water kayaking

      • Archery

  • Aaron

    • 5) Weight lifting 

    • 4) Free skate

    • 3) Flatwater canoeing and kayaking

    • 2) Artistic swimming

    • 1) Water polo

    • Short list

      • Track and field - hurdles

      • Beach volleyball

  • Collin

    • 5) Fencing- Sabre

    • 4) Track Cycling - omnium

    • 3) Sport Climbing

    • 2) Swimming - mixed medley relay

    • 1) Diving - 10m platform

    • Short list

      • Gymnastics

      • Artistic Swimming

      • Sailing

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watch, people, called, sport, indoor volleyball, thought, olympics, cool, year, fun, classroom, lap, climbing, golf cart, sit, golf, race, person, kayak, fencing


Collin  00:05

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers, trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin. And Aaron. On this week's show. How do you say this? Why are you a boy? Boy, Captain. What is new? Oh, not a lot during my last full week of not being at work. So it's always the first couple days are always the worst, because those are the longest meeting is generally. Yeah. And so those are the roughest ones. But maybe I probably. Will you have a new superintendent? So it might be even longer than normal? Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Yeah, well, you know, at least get something to look forward to. I guess. So. I called them. It is it is something, right. Yeah. Through the browser, I really don't want to go and stack all the rest of the boxes in my classroom. That's not really a very pleasing. I mean, thing, but you know, but it's something to do the Yeah, I just thought fun thing. That's true. But you have to help you. I was like, yeah, I'm not very good at like, all those little. I'm not a detail person. Right? Yes. Hello, thank you, like, the beginning of the year is always really hard for me, because you have to do like, all these little like, minute things. And you have to focus on these, like all these little tiny details and all that stuff. And I'm not real great that I just like sort of like, do the stuff. So it's a struggle to get through



all the other little minutia and all the here's some more paperwork to fill out. And here's a meeting to go to to, here's a new like little thing to do. Blah, blah.


Collin  02:44

teach some science, that's just what I want to do. I don't come on.





Collin  02:49

yeah, I, in the middle of Oh, with this, I was working with us a Missouri and I had the the State Retirement thing where every month they took out certain percentage. And then they also had it mode deferred comp with was an additional way to save on top of what was automatically taken out of your paycheck the extra that you put Yeah, yeah. Which I don't know, I'm just like, can't you just take out more percentage and put it like, Why just only take out 4% and then have be saved? Moreover, here, why don't put all into one account, and then earn more interest on it like, right, like when Daffy have better? Whatever, I don't even think so. So, what I have here is now I've got these two different accounts. And I'm like, Why no longer work for you guys. And they go, Oh, that's fine. You can just roll over this into an existing account. And like, great, I have an existing account, I cannot begin to describe you the amount of paperwork and signatures that I have to do to quote unquote, just roll this over. I. The other option is just to leave it there. And I'm like, maybe I just want to leave it there. I'll tell you. Anytime I've I get paperwork, and there's a there's something where I have to sign it in front of a notary, I immediately will not do it for the next year. I say that jokingly. Well, that's because that's a whole extra terrible thing to have to deal with. Like, what the heck, it took us two years to get Noah added to our trust because it said we had to do it in front of a notary and I was like, No, I'm doing that is rough. Yeah. Anyway, we've got to Oh, and I've got to like get paperwork from like, the new from the one that I'm rolling it into. So I've got to get paperwork from them. And I've got to sign the paperwork from the one that I'm rolling it out of get on both side by notary and get it signed by the Financial Advisor that's in charge of the other place to have like Taylor guess it's okay for them to do this and then my signature is like yes, it's okay for them to do this and you give them this money and they'll take this money and it's like, details and like I don't I don't want to do any of that. I want to not sound gross, though. Never change anything. You don't pop question of question true. The the sugary liquid. And this is for you to air and sugary liquid that you pour on top of pancake is called what? syrup? I also called syrup. I'm sorry, can you say it one more time?


Aaron  05:48

Is it syrup? syrup or syrup. Okay, it is what it is. It is syrup with it's a sear. You sear it s why are?


Collin  06:03

Megan says syrup to like it's an S you are? Maybe that's just a Midwest thing? I don't really know. So Megan is recognized Megan No. dictionary online thing he says How do you pronounce it the syrup?


Aaron  06:20

I am right listeners in Vermont. And or Canada.


Collin  06:25

Please help us understand how to pronounce this. in desperate need, I don't I have only ever heard it called syrup. I have never heard anybody in any form and any media. They say syrup. Are you so come on. Oh, really? What? Like first of all? I don't generally like it. This is a word that does not come up in my daily life. Right? I don't like it's just not a thing. Like I don't eat pancakes or waffles. And so I don't use this particular condiment. Like ever. So, the occasional french toast maybe but like that's like I don't get it's maple syrup. syrup. Right. Okay. Anyway, yeah, I was I was we were the we eat. The kids love pancake nag. But we get that relatively frequently when we can. And I don't know I for some reason. I just, I really get into it. I think Lillian had said, you pass me the syrup. And I was like, What? and Megan was like, Yeah, I was like, Who are you people doing here my life? Well, Megan will feel vindicated in that she's not the only one this the only thought the only thing I can think of at the top of my head. The only place I've heard it it's called syrup is in an epic rap battle of history. And I assume that was just to make it run better with the rest of thing. So like, you know what it may have been?


Aaron  08:08

By the way, yes, I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. But


Collin  08:16

yeah, I just I just sort of figured that it was like to make it rhyme. Because I just do that in rap songs. I just assumed because like, often you're like, that's not how you say, Oh, nevermind. I have to make it fit. I think that's fair. Yeah, I've been I have that with other words, though. Like the word archetype. Right? archetypal? Yeah, that's it. That's, that's how I pronounce this. I just recently had it's come up and some videos and some stuff that I've been watching and they they called it archetype. And I was like, Oh, no, why would you just say that? No, do you say arch? arch tipple arch typical like what is what what? What are you that? Are the arch attack? They only build curves. Like I don't know what. Yeah, so like, that was another one. There was another one too that I that I heard yesterday. I can't remember it now. But I heard it. And I was like,


Aaron  09:19

What? What?


Collin  09:24

One? I don't know why I've been I have no idea why this one has been coming up on a lot on like news report. But the Seychelles, the seychelle Islands. Yeah, hearing two news reporters try and save this name is very interesting to me. First off, if you're going if you know you're going to be reading some things on the air, why would you not look them up ahead of time or ask somebody? But I guess this is what I tell my sixth graders. They don't listen to me either, but I Tell them that, like, you know those words that you always read, but you've never had to say aloud. Yeah, I'm trying to think of a good example of that. But you made like, I thought that might be why I heard somebody say arched title. Yes. Right. Because it's kind of spelled that way. But like, I've never heard it pronounced like that. Ever. So like, I think the people that I heard say that have just only read it ever. Exactly. When they never took English class. We're asleep, maybe? I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. I mean, those kind of words where you're like, I wish I had a better example off the top of my head. But yeah, I can't remember the other one that, like, I heard it the other day. And it was jarring. Because I was like, What? What? What do you like, I was even like, What are you talking about? And then I was like, Oh, that's that. Why did you say it that way? Yeah. What the write these down, but maybe a challenge of come up with the words where you like, call me I have one literally rather the tip of my tongue. This will this will come to me. It's not ourselves scope. It's something along those lines, though. Where, anyway, where it's like two different ways you could say it. And yeah, definitely one of the things that like, Oh, this is a word that somebody has only ever read and never actually said out loud. But, you know, whatever. It was just just, I just had that moment at the table. Like looking around being like, Am I the crazy one? Like, am I like, what? Which happens to me more often these days than not, I guess. But if that's true, it was just one of those. Yeah. where they've only ever heard like an English person. Say it. Like what? What's his Zimbra? Oh, okay, I see. actly. What? Well, while we're at this, I do have to read a few things on the record. Do you like cat excavator and favorite ice cream? When I asked you all, what you think those are in reference, do? i? Yeah, so I was very confused. Earlier today. I was like, you're like, ignore this. And I was like, What? What? What you drew my attention to it. And now I can't ignore it. What are you talking about? I guess, I guess, I guess, Megan. And I do that to each other all the time, where we need to remember to bring something up to the other person later. But we don't want to forget it. So we'll just preference the text message with a Okay, and then give the thing that we need to remember for later. Sorry about that. That would have been some nice context to know before, like the really cryptic thing. And then I asked you what, and then there was like, no response for hours. I was like, What the heck, I don't know, I were at approximately, oh, I don't know. Or 443 444. I told a kid that I was going to be recording. Oh, brother tonight. And Lillian asked me, I was gonna say is this are this a Lilly? recommended topic? Because FSL was I know, she said, What's the title? And I said, Well, we find out the title would read done. What What do you think the title should be? And she said, um, do you like cap? Then Noah said the title should be excavator and then Lillian before she did, what is your fifth favorite ice cream which I thought we can make a deep cut and deep tech, pretty well done. As far as previous? See, she really understands the premise of the show very well. This is really nailed.



In that vein, however, Shana definitely asked somebody of the day what their third favorite ice cream was. So perfect. Boom.


Collin  14:20

starting to think it's a thing. The real thing, right?



What to put it on a T shirt, right? Just like


Collin  14:26

merchandise. third favorite. What's your favorite ice cream? I just really enjoy that kind of question. Because you get you like, you really have to think hard about that. Like you have to. It catches people off guard and you go up. Wait, what? Huh? Like, I don't know, I just I love those kinds of Yeah, no, I like it too. It's good around a topic because it really starts showing like, what you start valuing or how you start prioritizing thing. And if you just say what's my favorite, it shows you know, like you're not putting anything or another but having To communicate your way down to the third place, I love it. Well, you also have to think about it because normally you have like, an answer for your favorite. Right? Right. And you just sort of like rattle it off. You don't mean you don't have an answer like premeditated for the what's your third favorite ice cream? So it's a nice like, Oh, yeah, if we have to do any of those weird icebreaker things, when we go back to work, I'm gonna use that. I'm gonna bust it out. I think that I think it's the new I think it's the new one. You see, you should that you should say, Oh, boy, what is your third favorite ice cream?



And they will put Ahoy on a shirt too. Surely that words not trademarked or anything. Well get that on there for you.


Collin  15:47

I would never know. Chips Ahoy might come after you. Just don't make it blue. All right, that's got a different color palette. Right? different font. Kid, don't you still like wavy font? No. Yeah. Oh, big week for anybody. There. Oh, I'm gonna have another agenda. I thought about this. Okay. I thought about this. And to save being haunted forever by the spirit of our grandmother. I decided golf can be a sport.



Choice, because I thought about this more. Golf is just a race.


Collin  16:36

Right? You're just getting to the whole first. So golf is like the world's slowest race. So I think to make golf more exciting, you really need to play up this racing aspect of it like speed golf, and replace it with speed golf. golf carts become very important in speed golf, by the way. Sorry, golfing purists out there. I just a golf is so boring to me. But like I decided when I was sitting there thinking about it, it's like, wait, no, it's, it is a brace. Right? It's just a race. Because you're just getting to the whole first. So even though you do the score all weird. And you're not like going by points. It's a race. It isn't. Yeah. So in a very different. It's also it's also weird, because you don't typically think of it like that because your group advances at the same rate. Right? Yeah. You're and it's your tea time. But then it takes like multiple hours to do this. Like it's the slowest thing in the world. And you but it is a race three people, the same people, other people, whatever, like a tournament before, right? Like at the same pace. But you're right. If you just let people go individually, oh, that'd be awesome. All 50 people sign up just one at a time at the same time, and half and hit their ball. And then they have to go get it. And then they're like color coded and stuff. So I've got a then find it and then just keep hitting their ball. And to get it Yeah. And then the key comes out and no caddies, you just got to run. Yeah, right. You pick your son now strategy, strategy time. Like, just like do you bring the whole bag? Or do you just snag like, do you do that thing where you snag like five golf clubs? For clubs and go for it? Yeah, right. Well, I think I think I think integrating the golf cart is a key very key to this because then we can get some rally racing involved in it. I think I feel like 50 is too much for golf carts though. Because then you'll just be like, jammed full of golf cart. Right. And there's literally nowhere to hit the ball. Because it'll just be a fairway chock full of golf. Maybe we'll just do 10 at a time. Maybe we'll do 10 at a time with five rounds. And you get to do awesome. Awesome Derby racing with a golf cart. That's what this actually Derby raised off thrown in. I go making golf better.


Aaron  19:05

That's like


Collin  19:07

PGA We look forward to like cross country golf. Right you have them yeah, this way you also don't have to worry about like mowing so much. Right? That's good. It's last mowing. Spectators will love I mean, turning the fairway into an actual like, race track. I mean, the band Yeah, this is much more exciting. We see this on on races all the time with them, you know, right next to them as they're coming down and doing the rally stages with golf carts and I've seen Yeah, I'm pretty amazing golf cart very recently like yeah, that's that's true and your neighborhood stroll. I already swanky right it'll be like that. This will be like the strategy Yankee to the normal like bicycle road race, right like Roads are boring. How about gravel forever? Like Okay, all right. Yeah. Be how many golf carts we can see with like full like full flex suspensions and independent rear suspension independent suspensions, and definitely all wheel drive beefy tires on them to get them going up and like, No, you need to make it like, you could have divisions right? Like the like, the was weird. Like, yeah, like the stock and like the super modified. We are doing some super modified golf today. Like what was what? Yeah. They could also make all the fairways like all the holes longer. Right? To make it more exciting. We don't need like, if you're going to do like this, like, no more. Yeah, like par seven, right? really got to get stretch this out a little bit. Like I'm saying you've got if you have an 18 hole course, you can just condense it down to like, five, five holes, but they're really far apart in like, the long, long. Exactly. But it's like a race course you have to you still have to go down one and then turn around. You can't like cut over, right? You have to like like a, like a motocross track, right? to like, go down and it loops back. And they're like takhli see this one time, but you've got plenty of acreage there, like hundreds of acres on some of these places to really ask the space. Well, they go very underutilized. And it really brings the fans into the aspect of this and keep it going. Yeah, yeah, I think I think we're on something here. I feel like like this will be exciting. Very dangerous. Lots of lawsuit. That's true. You have to have like fan areas, right? Like maybe, oh, maybe not full blown rally special stage where they're just like, I'm gonna stand right on the side of the road. and cheer on this charging Subaru like, maybe step back from the road. Alright, baby. Step, just one maybe step back a little bit. Like all those things made me so nervous to watch those like, especially the ones from like the 80s



where they're just out there chain smoking in the middle of the road with others like in the road and like, here comes


Collin  22:24

the car. Here comes out Ebola like Kodak is going away. Did they get a good a good a good a good a, and then they kind of just turn it nonchalantly screw the road right as it blitzes past their support jacket. Oh, yeah, some of those highlights are nuts. You see, like a lancea just like full slide around the corner. And there's just like a dude standing there. Like,


Aaron  22:49

Oh, no.


Collin  22:52

Oh, and the drivers basically just like, well, I'm gonna trust that he's gonna move because I'm in full opposite lock right now. And I can literally do nothing. So are that for when I'm in this landsea? So if I take my foot off the gas, I will spin in a circle. Like it's just gonna happen. I yeah, that's what you know, they're waiting. They've got it. They've got the line that they need at the speed that they're going and there's not a whole lot different they can do once they're in that. Yeah, once you're in there. Once you're in the slide you're in. You're not coming out of that. It's bad news. I haven't shown Susan either because she gets very nervous when we watch the Tour de France on the climbs and they're like, patting the riders on the back. She just sits there he goes. Oh, that would that would make me so angry. I'm up there. like doing it. exerting everything that I possibly can. is literally standing there patting me on the back. Oh, I'd lose it. I would lose it. You really lose it if you got like a camera bag hooked over your straps or whatever like wasn't anybody's Avenue. I remember somebody got like a somebody tipped their handlebar like the stuff caught on his handlebars. Oh, wow. Yeah. Somebody's got like a flag stuck in their bike window. Like as you know, it's a thing. Yeah. That's why they randomly like punch spectators because like they're focusing extremely hard. Jerk yelling in your face. Cool, though. Yeah. Brandon, you're you're gearing up for for school. Well, both you and me. Right. It's the official return to learn to enforce as your first day of class is when


Aaron  24:59

so I so, so Monday is teacher orientation stuff getting set up and then open house is shooting or Wednesday and then school starts August. Well,


Collin  25:14

that's crazy. Yeah. Now, Missouri to start school that early. Because, you know, they had nothing better to do last year. And they were like, arbitrarily make it so you can start school for this day sorry losers.


Aaron  25:31

Like, no Yeah, well,


Collin  25:35

because our first day, the 24th first day you can start here.


Aaron  25:41

Shall we start


Collin  25:42

to the 12th? The 12th is actually my first


Aaron  25:44

day of meetings and stuff fire. So, yeah, Shelby starts August 18, which is actually her birthday. So she's super thrilled. Hey, um, and so she will? Yes, she does. She does that. She'll give that up. Yeah, we start practice practice. On Monday, we had pictures today. And what else? Yeah. Then your new teacher orientation stuff? is Monday. And then yeah. Schools, no. Open House, and then school starts? August? Oh, that's crazy. Do


Collin  26:24

you not have any, like full staff days? with everybody? Yeah. So


Aaron  26:28

that's what August 9 is, that's where everyone kind of gets together and be like, all right here is, you know, what this is about blah, blah.


Collin  26:38

We literally have two weeks of that.


Aaron  26:42

Is we we had what is it called? new teacher orientation stuff. This week, we finished. You know, it was just a, you know, us new people, you know, going new people going to that school. We all just all just get together. And you know, patients, you know, policy, things like that. And then then yeah, we're off to the races next week. Pretty much, pretty much some of the PT days, professional development days. You know, we'll do some of that stuff. But we have a thing every, every Wednesday aware, we will have every Wednesday, it'll be like, well, we'll stay longer more on some of that stuff. But in the later months, I can't remember which which month it is, we will we won't have school on Fridays, will slowly transition into only four days a week school. But that won't be the norm, which might be the norm next year. But right now, we'll still do kind of, you know, this, that or the other, then, you know, so we actually have a lot of days off. But but they're all like professional development is


Collin  28:04

okay, yeah, we don't have like, a ton of PD days during the year. Yeah, we have a bunch at the beginning. And then we just have a few, which is actually I like it better. Because like in the middle of the year, there's not a lot to do on a PD day. They're like, hey, and we do that thing every Monday, every Monday morning for an hour.


Aaron  28:30

Yeah, like


Collin  28:33

learning team time, or whatever, yeah, we do a lot of stuff, then.


Aaron  28:40

That's, that's kind of what it's what it's going to be or we'll kind of get together in our little groups, and then kind of go about our own things. But the kind of the first step is, you know, this, that the other in the end, it's like I go and get, you know, working on your room, or like go work in your classroom kind of thing. And so, once we do, once you do that before school starts, school starts, you know, next week, and then a week or two after that we got our first football game, so yeah, yeah. All right. Well,


Collin  29:22

very condensed schedule. I do like that. We have so many PD days at the beginning. Because like, like you said, we have a lot of them. Or at least last year, we did. I don't know about new new boy when he's gonna do but like last year, the first few days were like all day, doing all kinds of stuff. And then like, the second week, it was like, all the meeting stuff in the morning. And then after lunch was just like you can be in your classroom. Now. That's what I need.


Aaron  29:53

Most of it's going to be is like our, hey, we're gonna work on this. And then I go and spend the rest of your class. It is kind of nice. Because at this school at the last school, they're like, well, you need X amount of professional development days, but you need to do some of that stuff like on your own. Here, they actually provide. So we don't have to like,


Collin  30:14

our school does that too, which is nice. Yeah.


Aaron  30:18

That's kind of like it'd be kind of nice to go out. But like some of the coaching clinics that have that have already been to those count. That's actually kind of nice. Yeah, I don't, I don't have to worry about, you know, having to truck somewhere and sit there for a few hours on things that I'm not going to have fun with.


Collin  30:37

So yeah, that's true. I'm not about that life. I, I, as previously stated on the show, I think several times like teacher, the things that the like, PD day things that are read by teachers that alternate locations are terrible. Because the people that do it are like, so not my personality type. Right? But I just, I can't, I can't deal with it. It hurts me. Like the all that pep in the happiness. And the like energy. I'm like, you need to stop. I don't want to be part of any of those. I like to do all my stuff by myself. If I have to do stuff, I do it online.


Aaron  31:31

Let me ask you a question real quick. What is your I don't even know what the word is called? What is kind of your take on? Kind of like, Oh, I think down here is called Open teaching, or non traditional teaching. What is what is I asked the question, I'll wait for you to respond. And then I'll give you the example of why I bring I'm bringing that up. So what is your interpretation on kind of like open teaching? Open classroom? Sorry,



what does that mean?



No, no, don't go ahead.


Collin  32:04

I don't know what that means. So I'm a bad teacher, because like vernacular, and like, names of things. I have no idea what they mean. Like, you can hit me with stuff.


Aaron  32:15

And I'm like, What? What is your interpretation of what you think that is?


Collin  32:21

I have absolutely no idea. Open dg is gone. That's a weird name. That's a good vibe. That's fair. That's fair. I don't. Yeah, I don't know what I would call that. So that's a weird name.


Aaron  32:36

That may not be actually what it's called. That's fair. But I will be completely honest, I don't know teacher's name. But my school a few years ago, got a grant where they kind of revamped the entire system, which was which was needed, because they didn't really have a lot. But they they gave you know, opportunities and things for teachers to kind of develop more like modern teaching habits. So I was I was setting up my classroom. And the teacher in question came by and introduced and overdue. And I went into their classroom. This teacher has no desks, no whiteboard, no TV, or anything like that. And it's all sitting there. I was like, Well, what is what is this? And all she has is coaches in her classroom, try to get them alive and now. Oh, is teaching


Collin  33:48

breaking news update, ladies and gentlemen.


Aaron  33:53

I am officially alternatively certified. My wonderful staff Secretary notified me that I've found my teaching and certification tests



by two points.



Doesn't matter.


Aaron  34:15

Yeah, yes, I'm officially alternatives. Thank you. Hey, why I kind of forgot about that. Um, I just need two more tests. tests to take it I will be complete for certified but as at the moment, I am currently certified, which is very bueno. Amaya. She has no excuse. No desks, no chairs. It's just couches and for carpet. Okay. And I was like, this makes sense. So what is this? And she's like, Well, you know, I'm just going for a more open vibrant school where, you know, kids are going to have clipboards and they're going to teach or they're going to, you know, well when she say go by their own speed and they they are going to learn But I'm not, I'm not going to teach with them, I'm going to be with them. And you know, it gives them more movement. I'm like, I don't. I don't. I mean, I would like to have a couch in the classroom. But I that's not what I was expecting. So that it may be called something else. But that is my interpretation of what's called Open classroom teaching. Where non traditional, I guess non traditional, the better terminology. Okay.


Collin  35:33

So I will say, I mean, now that I have a better idea of what you're talking about. I don't really know how I feel about her, like not teaching them stuff. And like, that's a little bit weird. It depends on what what does she teach?


Aaron  35:47

Well, she still she will still be teaching. But it won't be like in the traditional manner of like going to a whiteboard. Or like, this is the lesson. She teaches math. Ooh, okay, cool math. Okay.


Collin  36:03

So, I still think that you need to have whiteboard, TV smart something, because you have to have, in my opinion, you need examples of things, right to look at, to do stem, especially math, that's also I need that stuff, because we do a lot of like, alternative things like presentations and other stuff like that, like skits and things, and we need to display our thing that we made. Right, so we have to do that. But the seating thing. Yeah. So that my friend did that in her classroom. Jen alternative seating, she had a mixture of tables with chairs, a couch, she had a, like a, like a pub table almost with like high chairs, she had like a standing desk or two, with a stool, you know, for when you get tired. So there's like bouncy ball seat things, like she had a mix of all this stuff. So they could sit wherever they wanted to where they were comfortable. You really have to have like, extremely onpoint classroom management, for discipline in that environment. Because it's a very different, and your classroom management has to be


Aaron  37:33

on point to deal with that


Collin  37:38

amount of chaos that you're creating by just being like sit wherever, right. So being able to keep kids on task focused on things that you want them to do while doing that is can be extraordinarily challenging. What I do in my classroom, is I kind of do think about like, hybridized approach, right? So I have all my desks in my row, boom. So a lot of times during science, we sit there, anytime we're doing like direct instruction. We're at our desk, right? desk board. Yeah. Anytime the kids are working on stuff, so it's like, whatever the assignment is. So reading assignment, project assignment, anything. They do not have to sit at their desk anymore. I have like a bench. I have seen tables with just like the normal like classic brown school chairs, right? I have a couple of big soft chairs that I bought last year from a teacher who was leaving. Yeah.



She was like, does anybody want these? Yes, yes, me, please keep it up. So I bought it from her.


Collin  38:58

I have set up like alternate seating areas in my classroom that we sit at when we're working on stuff, either independently or in a partner's situation. So that's kind of how I do it. Because I do agree with the like, I also have like carpet squares, you know, Mike, pillows, like throw pillows like these, like outdoor pillows, you know, from like, buy like outdoor deck pillows, and have like a carpet and stuff. So, I agree that it's nice. Some kids really want to sit somewhere else. You know, they need that alternate environment like like, you just want to lay on the floor and read their paper like, yeah, that's cool. Some people when they do their PowerPoints or whatever, they just like stretch out on the floor and have their iPad and they just go down. You know, cool, I don't care during Certain assignments, like they can listen to music on there if they had headphones, because I don't want to hear their terrible taste in music, right? They're awful. But like, I don't care if they're working on like a PowerPoint or Google Slides or whatever. Okay, for this music, that's fine. If you're reading No, no, no, no me out. But like, so I started doing more of that last year, I kind of do that. Because like, it mixes things up. You can sit wherever you want, it makes it easier to, if you have a, if it's a partner assignment that just generally makes it easier because you can sit by them, you know? But it is tricky. To keep everybody on task, would you do this, because naturally, when you're 12, you just want to sit next to your friend, regardless of whether they're going to work or not. So we do a lot of talking about like, seating choices, expectations during work time. And, like some classes, he's gonna have to see how it goes, like, some classes. Okay, you cannot do that right now. Because it doesn't work out for you. Like, you have, yeah, you're not getting your stuff done, you're not doing it. So you're just gonna sit right here at your desk only done. But other classes, you know, ever and read them, right? See how it goes a few times. But I do that, I find that it helps them work. It makes it more enjoyable. Plus, it gets them moving around. Because you know, you got to sit in a desk and other other classes a lot of time. So like, moving around, you know, lay on the floor, I don't care. As long as you're at work, that's fine with me. So it is hard. But yeah, I like the seating idea. I don't really know about that. No, no screen or no whiteboard. I need my screen a whiteboard. Just because like I use I use my whiteboard for I don't teach off my whiteboard. But like, I write important stuff there. We use it for all kinds of stuff. So like, I need that in my life.


Aaron  42:19

I just wanted to get your your take, like I am all for, you know, alternative seating. But some of the other stuff was a little weird. And so I just I just kind of wanted to see that, like, you know what your take on it was


Collin  42:34

I did now I do sometimes, like on my projects, or some of my things that I want them to make for me, like my slideshows, or like, if they have to create something? I will I will. Like, it's hard to know, like, sometimes I give them like very specific examples.


Aaron  42:51

Right? And I,


Collin  42:54

especially the beginning of the year, Mike, here's a thing that I made, you can use this as a template, right? And that kind of gets some kids used to, like I just put one in Google Classroom like is when they can't edit or whatever. And they just look at it and say, oh, okay, I see how you did that. And I see. And it helps them make sure they have all the parts and everything like that. Some of the assignments I leave intentionally vague. Like the directions are much more vague, because I want them to come up with something to put, you know, like, I will not give such explicit directions. Because I want them to be interested in science, right? solving, thinking a little bit more about the process and such as, like, copying lists of direction. So it depends on the assignment, you kind of get to pick and choose your thing there. But you know, it could be cool. So yeah, I do like the alternative seating, even if it's just like, Hey, you guys can sit on the floor if you want, like, you know, start small. Especially if you know if you're like, hey, I want you to guys to read. Today, we're going to read this chapter in the book and do some short answer questions. But you can sit wherever you want in the room today. But here's what I expect. I expect you to sit. You know, if it's a by yourself assignment, I expect you to be sitting a reasonable distance away from other people expect you to be on task. And if you can't handle that, then


Aaron  44:22

you will come back to your seat. Boom. Done.


Collin  44:25

Like it's nice that you have an escape to go right. Yeah, kind of afraid to do the full blown like alternative seating because then there's no place to go back to. Yeah, and quite frankly, sometimes we need our desks to do stuff. So like, I don't want to get rid of desks on the floor. So like I don't want to get a hot commodity. Yeah.


Aaron  44:52

Interesting. Yeah, it can be cool, but no, gotta be Real on top of it,


Collin  45:01

you definitely got to be a mobile teacher. Right? If you're going to be doing that, like, you can't be like a, I'm going to hang it on my desk and type this thing while the kids are working. If they're doing that you really got to be a mobile person. Like, yeah, observing everything. So that when you're like, oh, that doesn't look like history on that iPad. Give me that. My now. Yeah, so it can be cool. But you got to be, you kind of gotta be on it, figuring that do that. So but the kids do seem to enjoy it. Right? You know? Yeah. That little bit of freedom to, you know, kind of pick their seat and do whatever so. So it can be cool. Again, I need my screen and we're gonna, we're gonna watch out, we're gonna watch sweet science videos. If I don't have a scripture, right? Come on, you don't have everybody cast out to everybody's iPads and have them watch. Yeah, that's a little harder. It's like, Hey, guys, check this out, boom, like, here's my video, some of my presentation, like, Oh, you got to watch this thing. Go for it. So, and I kind of think about like, sorry, listeners, this might be boring. But like I think about like, like, we do like notes, because we do a lot of note taking in science. And like, I've said this before, too, we do that for two reasons. Number one, we are practicing learning how to take notes. Because they have never done it before. Really, they do it a little bit in fifth grade. But like, in sixth grade, we're learning about how we take notes from the board, and that kind of stuff. So we're really kind of practicing that. And, you know, there's so much new stuff. Right? A lot of this stuff is brand new. And so we really need to do that. And then like, have those notes, have those class discussions, have all that stuff? To gather that knowledge? Before we can do anything with it? Yeah, right. So there's a lot of knowledge building that has to happen. So like, I like the desks for that, because we're all here, I can see you all, you know, we're all together in this area. And, like we can, it just for me, even just for me, or how I handle the classroom and how I do stuff like I need that structure for we are building this to use my teacher term here schema, right? Because we don't have any science schema, like none. So you know, when we're in this environment, it's helpful if we're all together, so we can all talk to each other. And we can all see the pictures on the board. And, you know, take the few notes that we're going to take or watch this video about this topic. And so we can have that, and discuss and do all that stuff together. So I'm really big on discussion and stuff. So I like it that I like that environment for that. Because we do have to have all of that new information before we can take it and then do our project, or do an experiment or do our investigation or whatever,



right? We need a lot of background. So that's why it makes it up that way. Okay. I like it. Yeah, yeah. So


Collin  48:59

it's fun to also play with the space a little bit like, can kind of, you know, get everybody spread out, he can kind of do their own thing. And it also helps make like, then when they're that way, right, when they're further apart, it makes it easier for me sometimes to come around and do like little about the assignment like has like mini conferencing, you know, real informal stuff, but like little conferences like Oh, hey, can you help or, you know, we can just talk about stuff that they don't get right or if they're confused or struggling, and it's easier to have one on one conversations, if they're spread out. You know, you just kind of keep laying down and tuck into them into Alaska. So that's another positive of that. You can get that help them or talk to him if they have a question or just check in on them and all that kind of stuff. So it makes it easier to do that too. Instead, sometimes they're they don't want to especially the beginning of the year. Like, they don't want to ask you questions, because some kids are still like, Oh, no, I have to know. You know, but I would like, why would you know this? Have you ever done this before? I don't expect you to know the answer. It's okay. Fine. It's okay. Yeah. So, especially when they're not used to that, I kind of helps them get in the mood, because they'll they'll talk to you more if they're a little separated. You know, it's a little more private conversation, you know, so they don't feel like oh, my gosh, I have to ask for help. Like, it's literally my job. Please ask. That's why I'm here. So come on now. Okay, so. So yeah, that's the long answer to that. I enjoyed it. Plus, it gives you more room to build things in science, which always get right. Well, right. We have a main topic this week. That's true. It is not pedagogy. Oh, there's a wonderful word. Get back looping this back. Right. And then we'll get to our main topic. I really promise. I love the boys. I always pronounce it pedagogy. Same time sometimes. Example. Yeah, just said pedagogy.


Aaron  51:33

Is I didn't know what that word meant.


Collin  51:48

Anyway, I've heard Yeah. Our main topic I was challenged last week to bring forward our top five favorite Summer Olympic event. Oh, man, they focused here. And I figured we would kind of do a round robin. I don't know if you guys rank guys rank yours. Or they just five


Aaron  52:13

in general, or though? Yeah, kinda. I


Collin  52:16

had a real hard time with this. Because I've been watching like so many Olympics because again, this weekend, let's do so if you're watching the heck out of them. And so yeah, I kind of I have a rough ranking for a hard. Oh, no, I yeah. So I don't know if I if you want to do a round robin, where we go through and do like 54321. And then we'll do our things that didn't make our top five, or that's good. I think that's our general format. So we got to stick with. Right. Yeah. patented, not patented. But what we patent pending? And pending? We'll never get it. I mean, just so. Yes. So main topic is our five. Try to write this down before I forget that five, fav. summer holiday. Right. Stay tuned next year, top five Winter Olympics coming soon, coming sooner than normal. Whoa, getting Cray up in here. So before we I guess before we start, does anybody have any opening comments about what this was? Like? Or, or your general approach to this? So my general approach was, it's sort of a, I feel like this list is specifically for this year. Right? This is kind of a list of events that I have enjoyed watching the most this year. Okay. Right. Because I feel like some of these are events that I haven't watched that much before. This year, just because of the timing and when stuff is on, I haven't watched as much of other events that I would normally watch or that I have watched in the past. So this is kind of like the, for this Olympics. These are the things that have interested me the most. And I've been into watching them. I feel like that's kind of what my list represents. Anyway.


Aaron  54:19

Man, any other thoughts? Um, when I remember when I was little, like watching the Olympics in general, like, it wasn't like, I was like, Oh, yeah, these people are you know, world renowned athletes like I never like really got into it. The past few years I have I thought I think it's like with like the Australian Olympics of how like, kind of cool and unique that was and then like the Beijing Olympics, like all that was different. I this year, there's been some like those promo videos for like some of the athletes that have definitely caught me in the fields. And so I've been a little bit more like in bested in in this one he like even with like sports or not even like with USA, just watching like different countries in general. And like hearing those things like, this is the first medal this country's ever won and you're like, Wow,


Collin  55:15

so Oh, yeah, no, I think so Queen, right?


Aaron  55:17

Those those things to me are pretty neat. So mine, I have a feeling. Some of the things that I have on my list are the same on some yells list. So I might, I might have to ask them just in case, I put my list


Collin  55:36

this year is weird. Well, I will say like, Is it normal? This is top five. I had to cut down some stuff. I was like, Oh my gosh, what do I do? Yeah, I have a bunch in like 678. Right. Okay, yeah, that's okay. If they're the same thing, because you know, it's gonna be it's gonna be fine, though. Don't Don't feel like you have to cut out. We're not we're not doing a draft or we're drafting our top five. It's true. Yeah. So it's not like you can't pick it if I pick it. Exactly, exactly. So yeah, no, I'll say for me, um, I very much approach this from my fav. But I couldn't I it was a hard time for me to separate out my favorite verses characteristic of like, when I think Summer Olympics, like, What am I thinking, What am I watching? What am I engaged in? And I had that same thing to write. Yeah, it was really tough, because there's a lot of this, like, things that I have a historic exposure to, versus what I enjoy watching versus like, what keeps coming to the top of mind, because obviously, there are things that are going to make it into primetime shows, for the American audience that not showing up at several events, right, that are not really primetime. Though, trying to tease out things like do I really, do I really like this, or is this like, just like a hardness? daljit kick? Or is this just what I think of was characteristics? No, that was a tough slog to me do this. But I feel like we'll get that. He's that as we go. So Brandon, do you want to get us kicked off with your, your? Yeah, I will do that. Before I do that. I will say I agree with Aaron and you both like I love watching the Olympics.


Aaron  57:14

Right? I really like it. Right?


Collin  57:18

I am like, I don't know why, what it is like, this is the one thing in my life where I'm not like a cynical, grumpy man. Right? Like I just, I really like the Olympics. I don't really care about like the medal count. With one addendum to that. That is the inclusion of any athletes from the country of Russia this year. It's just a farce, and it's the most ridiculous thing in the world anyway. Wow, were banned. Okay. Well, that was fun. Yeah, that's fine. listeners. It's been great. Yeah, that's a that's a weird, that's a whole weird thing anyway. But like, like I said, I don't really care about the metal cow. I'm like, and I'm like, I really like all those stories. And like the people that like, oh, that this country is like, never won a medal here, like, Oh, my God, that's so cool. Like, oh, this is the first woman ever from this country to win a medal. That's really rad. Right, like, and I also like, having my picks does bring light and exposure to sports that are like, not on the radar. Yeah, a lot of times, right. And it's really odd. Because, you know, you watch these sports, and the announcers, and they're talking about like this thing this like, Oh, I place like 17, like the world championships last year. And so that means there's a whole, like, hidden activity event calendar of this sport that I have no idea exists, because it's never available for me to watch anywhere. about it before. Right? Like, I didn't know they had World Championships in that. What? Like, when? Where did they do what? You know? Part of that. Part of that does come from growing up in Middle America where there is like zero anything, right? A lot of these words do not exist here. It just they don't. Right. They probably do now in some capacity, but I don't know. Where it's not here where I am. They're not here. which is unfortunate on some level. Like there's a huge opportunities out there for lots of people to be doing stuff. And they're like, hidden



away in the shadows.


Collin  59:34

Yeah, so I'll start out after that. I will say that with so this is my top five that I have enjoyed watching the most this year. Right? Just kind of what I've been sucked into what I've been drawn to would have been like, Oh, I have to watch this. And the first one, really, weirdly, was the triathlon relay. There was this year so it was like mixed triathalon Vla and I don't know why. But I thought that was like the great. I was so into it. Like, I've never watched really a triathlon before. Like, I watched him. I watched them in the Olympics. Like I watched the normal one. Yeah. And then they're like, Oh, yeah, we're gonna have the traveling relay later. I was like, excuse you with what I had. I had you. It was it was like, I really enjoyed that for some reason. I don't know why. But I thought was really cool. Like the whole idea. The big triathlon, the format for person, because it's a mixed relay. It was really cool. It was really kind of exciting, right? Like, there was a lot of movement after a while, you know? Actually, it was a fun to watch that. So my fifth one is the triathlon and the triathlon relay. The relay specifically, okay. Yeah, I liked the normal triathlon. But the relay specifically was the thing that I was like, Yes, I need more of that. Okay. All right, cool. That was awesome, man. I didn't watch that one. But no, I, I think there'll be a theme throughout. Okay. Yeah, air man. Yeah,



trying to find the highlight, they have highlights around, see if you can pick up some of these if it was really fun.


Aaron  1:01:33

Or we just are we doing them like in like, no particular order, or like, this one kind of like that? Or, if you I'm doing it like that?


Collin  1:01:41

Yeah, I'm just kind of doing a five to my number one is like the one that I've been most excited. Yeah.


Aaron  1:01:46

Okay, so for for my number five would be 123. Okay, so I would probably say for mine number five. Let's go with Oh, I got to figure out like what it's actually called. It's called weightlifting. Like, kinda like, like, the powerlifting stuff. It's, it's different. I mean, like, what, like, we see, you know, people that you know, work out, like, be the working out. But with like, you know, I kind of think of like, the story of the wrestler Kurt Angle who won the gold medal, like with the broken neck? Yes, kind of thing. And so like, things like that, like, even though against the time WWE Champion? Yeah. I mean, like, just seeing, like, seeing that to me. Like, a few years ago, were that that Russian, I think it was a Russian, or there was like the German weight, the power lifter that, like, lost his wife, like a year ago. And he went on to like, win gold medal, for the first time in German for Germany for like, several years. Like, that was super emotional. It's one of those sports that can get like, you know, one of the people like, lifting it, like, okay, cool, whatever. But then it's like, oh, it gives him like, all these stories and things like that, like, that's kind of what makes it cool, is, you know, these people's journeys from, you know, oh, I you know, lifted, you know, waves in a barn when it was like, you know, when we didn't have any equipment to tie in the Olympics. And also, it was kind of more influential because for for a lot of my football guys, like they've never had any real like, working out like weightlifting experience. And so trying to tie those together, showing some of those kids like, Hey, you know, this is, you know, this guy doing this certain thing with, you know, this amount of weight like that cool. What was kind of cool for the kids to see. And so, getting a chance to tie both of those together. And plus, it's really cool to be like, you can't live that. Oh, he lives that oh, I was really cool. That is that is a lot more weight than I could fathom. really imagine. Anyone can positively lift so for me, like things like that were were really cool. Just to kind of get to watch get to see and be involved with. So yeah,


Collin  1:04:12

speaking of weightlifting, shout out to I'm gonna say this name wrong. But this one I was referring to earlier Her name is Nate Sita Holmes. She's the first Ecuadorian woman ever to win a medal at all. And she went to a women's weightlifting in her class. So that was that was rad stories. Like oh, that's really cool. Like so amazing, right? Yeah. I apologize, ma'am. If I told excuse me out there, but shout out to you for being amazing. Cool, um, I will start with my fifth one again, all these are kind of weird, but I Fair have, I enjoy watching fencing, I have no idea really a lot of how the scoring works. And I'm going to specifically call out Sabre Fencing because it is so lightning fast in there over really quick. It's like the F one of the fencing world. It really is like, it's just like, intense splat done. And I, it fascinates me that, that this, it truly is an art style that has such a long history of, of in cultures and societies around the globe is still being performed in some to some extent today. And also never forget that. One of the first times I was able to actually experience fencing was actually on the Missouri State campus. And on an evening, they were outside. There was a fencing club, and they were practicing outdoors. And I was walking by watching people fence, and then the bell tower started going. And so every time I watch it is a little bit of nostalgia thing, but I just really I'm, it's hyper fascinating to me, the Think of the skill and the precision that goes into that and the history of it, too. Yeah, I never can remember what the different rules are for was it Sabre,


Aaron  1:06:26

fa foil and oil. They all have different rules. Yes.


Collin  1:06:31

A different sword types, right. Like, yes, different, like different physical swords. But yeah, the foil is like really? thin throw the one right, bulkier it was you get the saber and saber is a big one. Yes. Yeah. It's kind of the middle. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. But you're right, like different. Because they're the swords are different. They have different styles. And then because they have different styles, there's different scoring that goes with them. Yeah, it's so weird. That and the other thing that is very interesting about fencing is since they've moved to all electronic scoring, now you've got touch pads all over your body, and they send down in the Sabre when the oil has touched certain areas. The reaction of sensors whenever it didn't trigger is amazing to watch. And I think that's more What do you mean? What are you talking about? You talk about intense people, like the guy is literally shaking a sword at a judge. You're like, um, maybe let's just get down, man. Come on. Yeah, I'll tell ya, I like I like fencing. They're nice, upright. Alright, so for all right for was hard. Um, I haven't like a tie for kinda. I call this open water paddling events. Right? Because I like I like the rowing. Yeah. Right. Like the big skull rowing events. And that like this year, I've watched a lot of their like kayak racing, like the open water kayak and canoe. It's fascinating. It's so crazy, right? They're like, like I've watched at all it's I can't like I like the short the sprint like a to like a 500 meter categories, though.



They're all like, lap and then there's like the really long one. And there's a four person kayak apparently, like what I didn't know that was I didn't know that existed.


Collin  1:08:56

So that I just been really cool to watch like, these dislike both those disciplines, right. I know. They're very different. Right? I know that rowing. And like the kayaking in the canoeing. I've been watching that too. I didn't know that was a thing either. So open water paddling. That's what we call this. Like, I did it. I only really knew about rowing before. Yes. Right. Yeah. And I've always been fascinated by those. Those robots, the skulls, right? I've always wanted to try one. Right? Just because they look really fun series. Now we're talking about that. Like, I want to try that. Like not fast, obviously. But like, I just want to sit in one and see how it goes. Right? Even just like the little single person one, right? Like the one man skull thing. Like I just want to try that. It looks so cool. Like that's really neat looking. Brad's like, is really cool, but then when you go Are you facing the other direction? Right? There's kayakers? Oh my gosh, that some of them go so fast, like, so fast. And then like that doubles. I didn't know there was CAC doubles. I definitely didn't know there was quad kayaking. Holy cow. That's insane. I have no idea. Bro brother put that up to the line. I was like, What? Excuse you. Like the canoeists there's like solo and tandem, canoeing, but they're like, kneeling on that thing. And first of all, I'm like, my hip is gonna give out looking at you paddling like that right now. That's impressive. Like, that's just a it's just really interesting and cool to watch. These athletes are crazy. Like their, their body strength for this discipline is so intense, like, imagine that, oh, you can't imagine you can see some of their shoulders just like oh my God,


Aaron  1:10:55



Collin  1:10:59

So I've been really enjoying the, the open water paddling section of this, I'm gonna lump all those rowing disciplines together. Not trying not, do not be offended rowers out there. I just like them all. And I couldn't decide which one to put. So I just put them all together.


Aaron  1:11:21

Let's see here. So one of the, I guess for for which one thing I'm going to pick. It's called, is the skating series where our brain was talking about, like, with the rowing stuff, like this is like, you know, skateboard, you know, type activities, and the one that kind of really caught my eye. I think it was more so for, like the people that were watching. But it's called free skate. And it's like, they, the skaters, I pretty much get like, what is it called a rink pretty much to themselves. And then they just, you know, get like a time limit. And they have to, you know, do X amount of things in that time. And, or whatever they get is what they get. And so it's just kind of fun. Watch what transpires in like, three second time or not, not three seconds, but just kind of, you know, a minute and a half or whatever, like, just to get like you have this amount of time to do, you know, as many tricks as possible. And I watched it really late. So I'll try to remember like all that kind of happened because we were walking out the little gym. And it just like cake came on. And I was like, I'm sorry, what is this called? And we watched it. And just like, you know, it introduced but it was the one thing that really kind of caught my eye. It was it was a one in three skate. And it was kind of like the companionship that everyone kind of had. Like, there was no like, you know, it wasn't those classic like 1980s like America versus the Soviet Union thing. And like, I must break you. Like everyone was just like, like cheering everybody on. It was, you know, that sense of, you know, hey, we're doing this together, blah, blah, blah. And I thought that was kind of cool. Because that's not at all what I was originally expecting. With the Olympics, you know, everyone's out to get everybody. I am here to win Blair. So it was kind of a unique experience to watch. Because, you know, I, yes, I've seen, you know, you know, skating before I've seen, you know, all that kind of things, but it was just a different experience of just watching people get to do that on that level. So it was unique. I liked it, I would watch it again. I don't know if I could watch it. Like, just not in the Olympics has to be like in the Olympic setting. Just to be cool. But I it was just something that was like, What is this called? Like, wow. And then like, it's one of those sports within like, you know, a few, like, you know, a minute, a few minutes of like, watching Game, you're like cheering for the people like even if you don't know how, like you have no idea what's going on. It's like, Oh, this is really cool, because this person, and then they're like, Who's your favorite person? Like, I don't know that one, though. I liked it. It was it was fun. It was definitely it was different. For sure. And so that's kind of the main staple that kind of made me watch it. I was like, Oh, this is actually like really cool. And I was not expecting this level of coolness to happen. And so yeah, that was kind of my number four. It's interesting. Yeah,


Collin  1:15:02

yeah, that that was one that didn't quite make my list. But can we talk about first like how young some of those ladies are that were not there?


Aaron  1:15:09

No lady that was like 14. Yeah, yeah, maybe



13 there's some 13 year olds out there shredding like hardcore a man. It's so cool.


Collin  1:15:20

Yeah, it was really neat. To see them out there at that level.


Aaron  1:15:26

Yeah, I watched I watched the park


Collin  1:15:29

where they have like the stairs and the rails and stuff. And also the weight. I don't remember. Then they call the other one Park. But that was like the big bowl skating.


Aaron  1:15:39



Collin  1:15:39

that one was awesome. Yeah, nice. Nice pic. Good. I remember for his track cycling, specifically. I couldn't use but mostly I really liked the Omnium. The Pursuit is also fun. But I enjoy the Omnium because of the different stages that you go through. In the race, I gets four races in one. And so you kind of play to strength of like, physicality, but also of strategy in that. And it's basically sprinting, like constantly and who doesn't love watching people sprint, not true. So I just as far as like, action. And again, one of those things of like, you don't get to really see it at this stage or at this level. year round, like you can go and find it or find results or track cycling, but being able to watch it. It's always very, very cool to get to see. See it in motion, because it is a lot going on. Just constant.



Yeah. All right. Yeah. Dad. Yeah. Find a velodrome in Missouri. Good luck. Yeah.


Collin  1:17:04

I yeah, I like when they, you know, when they've got the different every lap, there's also the sprint, or every app, please, please explain to the audience if they don't know the confusing rules that are the Omnia. Well, there's so there's, yeah, no, I mean, I do know that there's like, there's like the scratch the tempo. And then something after that. I don't really like it. It's really no, I can't explain that. I'll there'll be a link in the show notes, I'm sure. But it's so confusing. It's not basically it's a race. It's not a race, because it's about points accrued during the race throughout the race, right. So just because you went you like make it first across, right? It's like to the scratch the first start one the scratch is pretty simple. The first one across the line wins after. After a certain number of a distance. It's usually like 10. I think it's like 10k. But yeah, accurate. number of laps. Yeah. Well, no, no. So if that's true distance for Scrat, because after Oh, yeah, you get points for lapping people. Yes. In addition to the sprint races that are every other lap, in addition to whoever crosses the line for so it's like 100 lap race. Yes, you've got to, you've got to lap people to earn points. So that's what I love about this, because there is incentive for everybody to basically go as fast as they possibly can. Because you don't want to be laughed, and you're trying to lap other people and you don't want the person behind you to lap you because you know, they just earned a point that you didn't earn. You've got to lap somebody else, which means it's very, yeah. Yeah, it's so confusing. I was watching that too. And good old Christian vandevelde was up there trying to explain to me the rules. And I was like, whenever you say, buddy, all cheer when everybody else is okay, let's do this. And I did it again. Yeah, it's one of those. It's, it's very, it's so foreign. That I literally don't really know who's in the lead good portion of the time. But it's still a lot of fun to watch. Yes. So segue to my number three track cycling. Oh, really? I specifically I specifically put the Kirin Okay, okay, with a shout out to the Madison because, Yo, what the heck is that even about? Like, that's crazy. That's just like, Yes, I would like to crash my bicycle today. That's what the Madison is. But I like the keiran. Because it's very straightforward. It's like the pursuit is fine. But it's not like the most riveting to watch, because you're kind of like racing the clock. You know, whatever. So it's cool. I like that. And for the same reasons that you've mentioned, like track cycling is not a thing that is available to watch. Ever here for me, so I find it really interesting. But the Kieran is the most straightforward because it's just like here are like six to eight people. They are going to race as fast as possible for three laps go, like done. So they they get led out by little motorcycles, which is kind of rad when the bike the size of a bike, I think. So they go. They go around, they just follow an E bike for three laps. And they build up speed and they're like, we're talking fast. We're going like 40k Plus, right. And then the E bike dips down. And for the last three laps. It's just whoever gets to the line first go in it is. Yeah. Oh, man. It's just like us. Fast, furious sprint to the finish. And it is crazy. So I really liked that one. Just straightforward. We're on the track. We are racing. Go. But with a special shout out to the Madison because I have never seen that before. Yeah, ever. And what the Madison race is, is there are you have a partner. And so I know is it every lap every other I don't know. But you're switching who is racing, right? So one person is racing around as fast as they can. The other person is doing a resting lap. When you get up to your partner, you grab their hand and you do this like bizarre slingshot motion. So you use you come up to them. They like you so it's really bizarre to watch that the person let's pretend the person not there's two cyclists one on the left and one on the right. The one on the right is coming up like full speed. Big grab the person's hand they kind of like go ahead of them and then rocket them forward in this weird like the handshake slingshot motion and launch them to build up speed for them to keep seeing around the track but like this is obviously chaos time. So when I watched the one that whatever one I watched it was just like people crashing into each other everywhere. It was like a disaster I was like what is happening


Aaron  1:22:54



Collin  1:22:57

watching up Yeah, either holy cow what in the world but I like the track like my favorite track cycling event has been the Kiran because it's I can understand that one straightforward. Long sprint to the line. So that was my number three track cycling, specifically Kiran, Kiran? Okay. Aaron


Aaron  1:23:22

curry. So I'll go with kind of what Brandon talked about with like the canoeing and like kayaking events, there's there was one I think it was one of the things that's called flatwater canoeing and kayaking so that there's, there's one that caught me kind of off not like off guard, but like I was transfixed on it and like I had to watch it where they were in kayaks known as a single event, and they just lined up. And then they It was kind of cool because they lined them up. And there was like a little like underwater like, track system thing that like held them into place. And then you know it the gate drops in the day just look at that was fun to watch. There was a it was just like something that, you know, getting to watch, like a Yeah, watch kayaking and whatever on any given day, but I just watching kind of what Brandon said, like, just the tenacity that people have. It's like, Whoa, this dude is booking it. I want to do that. And you know, kind of like where you watch it and you're like, I wouldn't, I wouldn't. Now, like I can code up in there coach. Kind of ordeal so that that was fun. Just to like, get a chance to watch experience that like even even though it was literally just like, you know, people in kayak kayak drag racing, like it felt much more to that because there was and like there was watching within like five seconds I already have like, a favorite person who I wanted to keep watching and all I want to do, I'm going for this country I want this country to win and you know it. I don't know, it was just I'm basing a lot of these off of just like fineness of like things that like I could you know, watch on a given date, you know, basis the last one, man, but like this one I I could sit and watch this for you know, a good good chunk of time because like they would just you know, sitting there calmly floating paddling around doing no tie he things and then just a little gate flipper thing drops and then they're just going and so yeah, I was like, Oh, that's really cool. Because I because I I changed the channel like right when they were just getting set up and I was like, Okay, so what are we doing here? What What is this? Why are they doing this this way? Strange and then just not expecting that much watch more please. Though I got a kick out of it because yeah, we're in little gym just watching you know walk before the through the channels do they have like six different Olympic phase going on to go you could watch this on this channel, or you could watch this on this channel is like your whatever. And then I started watching it. I was like, Oh, I'm glad I picked this show. This is really cool. So I believe it's called flatwater racing. But if it's, if it's not been, I will just go with kayak drag racing. I like that it's a good name for for the event in question.


Collin  1:27:05

Number three is definitely a sport that I could not see myself doing with makes me more and all the people who do it. And that is sport climbing. I love that. It is extremely technical. But also there is that time to aspect of like, how far can they get through these set of maneuvers and along the course in a certain amount of time, which scores points to people. So it's not just speed climbing. But they do factor in time in the course that you're that you're doing. And then they have, you know, you have to finish it within a certain amount of time. So it's a little constraint as well. heights terrify me, I've tried climbing, it's insanely difficult. I could never do anything a 10th of what these people are capable of doing. And I'm just fascinated by the strategy that it takes plus the sheer rank that each of these individual people have in order to implement and execute these different things. That I don't really, that makes it really really unique. And just for me fascinating. Ya know, pretty good. Again, segwaying into my number two, sport climbing Oh. Oh, I really I liked it. It was I was fascinated because this is the first Olympics. It's been in. Yeah. Right. It's like the inaugural event. And so I was interested again, I know, I knew that this was a thing that you could do. I've only ever seen this speed climbing part of this in like random things. Right. But the fact that there is a speed climbing, a bouldering and a lead climbing section pretty makes it interesting. Because people are competing together and a lot of them are really, really good at one of those things. And then like pretty good, like good, like just normal good at the other two. So like there's this big, like, interesting thing that happens like okay, well this guy is like, you know, he's a LEED specialist, but he's only okay at bouldery. So, like, how, in the way that they calculate the points, you know, like, how are you? Like, the one that I really enjoyed watching the most was the bouldering one, because, like, you know, what? problems they're resolving, like,



how did how did you know real hard to because some of them like, only like one person solved. Yeah.


Collin  1:29:40

And just watching them go through that kind of strategy and process and seeing them, you know, planning and just the sum of the bouldering moves that they're doing. super impressive. So like, yeah, sport climbing is my number two. For


Aaron  1:29:55

sure. Cool, Aaron, on to yours. Well, it's a toss up. It's one of them is very, like, traditionally Olympics because like when like, whenever you think of Olympics you know, it's either like a track or a swimming. Sport, you don't really think a lot of like the outside kind of things. And so I am going to go with this dummy. This one's just like fascinating to watch. Like I can have, I have no idea how they score. I have no idea. Like, what anything is based off of I don't have like a rubric to say like, Oh, hey, this is it, because I have it synchronized swimming. Yeah. It is just, like, trying to walk and like copycat somebody. It isn't possible. For me anyways. So trying to put that into water. Or like, just like the synchronized diving like that, in itself is like, Hey, I have to do this amount of things in this amount of time, before I hit the water. Oh, and I have to do with someone else. So synchronize anything. Is, is just like mesmerizing. I don't know how they score, you know, because one part it's like, oh, it's about the splash or you know, they have to flash at the same time and things like that. I get it, but just watching it, you know that, you know, they're in sync? From the moment they walk out of the locker room to like the moment they hit the water and you say how, like, I don't I don't get it. How does that happen? So synchronize anything to me is, is my number two. Very nice.


Collin  1:31:46

Well, sounds like we're all going to get a little bit wet here. Because mine is it's not, it's not. And they've recently rebranded by the way they've rebranded it from synchronized to artistic swimming. And I will say that note, we watched that. And yeah, we were all enthralled by it, especially Lilian ainoa. Because they've been doing a lot this summer, and just sitting there being like, how are they doing that? How are they going, they're upside down, and they're moving up, and they're not touching the bottom. And they're like doing these things. They're like defying physics. Because they're like lifting people. We watched the Russian routine, and they all went underwater. And then they lifted somebody up on their feet. They went up, they're going up, up with their feet up. And there was a person sitting on the person's feet. And I don't know how you do that. And not shy. So any Yeah. Right?



Or they're just like in there. And one of them will just like, leap out of the water like a fish. Like how did how do you physically do that? Like,


Collin  1:32:48

literally leaping. So I that didn't quite make my list. But the one that did was another first board we've mentioned sport climbing, and we've mentioned the skating as being kind of the first for these Olympics. Another one that made it for the Olympics, was the mixed medley relay swimming. And


Aaron  1:33:10

oh, yeah,


Collin  1:33:11

I really, really enjoyed that. And, and that's because the mixed Medley you have four swimmers, two men, two women, and they have to do one of four strokes, the backstroke, breaststroke butterfly in the freestyle. And it's fascinating, it I like that it's men and women on the same team. And I love anything that's a relay, like, I just really, really like realize, and it seems to be like that's where a lot of the teams, it's a team sport, but they're they're relying on individual like really heavily an individual strength. Yeah, and this especially because usually in relays, they're like, Who's the closer who's the one that's going to finish strong, but it's also who's the best at each one of these things that can also finish strong, who's also the closer who's going to, you know, the fastest reaction time so it really brought together a lot of strengths or the people and it was just again, I love these things where it's like, you don't see that combination of things in one place. And it was really fun to watch. Nice. Alright, so this is number number one. Let's read number one. Yeah, recap recap what you've done at this point, then take us into one. Alright, so, so far, I had at five, the triathlon, specifically triathlon relay, again, relays are cool, we've learned. Then number four, I had paddling events, the rowing and the tracking canoeing, the flat water stuff, four or three, I had track cycling, specifically the main number for climbing. And number one, my number one favorite thing to watch this year. It has been


Aaron  1:35:01

indoor volleyball.



Oh, specifically, the women's indoor volleyball. They're playing for the golden medal on Sunday.


Aaron  1:35:11

So, yeah, I


Collin  1:35:13

don't know. I don't know why I just watched one match. And I've watched it before, right? indoor volleyball is a sport that like, It's weird. Because like, and like every high school in the land, you have basketball, baseball, softball, sometimes football and volleyball. And then like, in the United States, volleyball kind of disappears. Yeah. Right. You play volleyball in college. And then it goes away. It's not, it's not a thing, like indoor volleyball is not a thing. at the professional level, really, in the United States that I'm aware of. I could be mistaken. But like, all of these ladies, they play like Turkey, and Japan and China. And like Korea, whatever, South Korea and like, they're so good.



And the men to there's men's indoor volleyball, there's definitely no men's indoor volleyball in the US. Like,


Collin  1:36:20

ever. Like, you know, that's not a thing that's around. So watching, like, indoor volleyball at this level is so impressive. Right? Like, it's amazing. Like both men and women, and you know, some of the like, I don't like, some of these dudes are like six foot nine. They're all playing volleyball. Like, what?


Aaron  1:36:48

Holy cow.


Collin  1:36:49

This is terrifying. You know, like, but just a way that that many people play together. And like volleyball is cool to watch. Anyway, like, I watch High School volleyball, sometimes. It's cool, it's fine. But like, this is like, professional level volleyball. And it is amazing. Like, it's so good. Like, just everything about it. It's just like this speed. These people are serving Holy cow. That the precision they have, like the their ability to jump a hit these blocks. Some of these blocks are insane. Like, holy cow. So I've really really been sucked into watching the, the women's volleyball team, especially because they're, like I said, they've been doing like super good. They're playing in the gold medal match. against Brazil, I believe. You know, I do love a tournament. Like, you kind of get into like, Oh, I gotta watch this team. Because we're gonna play them next. So I gotta you know, I want to see like who their players right? Right, you get that vibe going on. So like both both men's and women's volleyball, indoor volleyball, I've just been like, really fascinated. Again. You don't? It's you're not exposed to it really that much in the United States at this level? Right? You see college volleyball. And they're pretty good. But these ladies Holy cow. Cover great size. Really? In the men too. Don't get me wrong. All the dudes out there playing volleyball and the Olympics. That is some next level stuff. Right? But just me specifically, have been released into the US. Women's National Team, indoor volleyball. So that's my number one. Let's go ladies. Let's go. Very good. Good. Okay, air man. I've been having to be real quiet because I caught the match. I stayed up. I was like, gonna go to bed. And then I was like flipping channels before I went to bed and their game just started. I was like, well, guess I'm not going to bed now. Anyway, watch him play. And I'm like, I mean, yes. Let's go. All right. Golf. Like, yeah, everyone's like asleep. And I'm like,


Aaron  1:39:19



Collin  1:39:23

Yeah, that's my number one. Indoor volleyball. Specifically, US women's national team. Let's go ladies. Got your amazing


Aaron  1:39:34

okay. I mean, it was just so. So for me. Like, I have seen this sport before. And every time I watched it, I'm like, Yeah, cool. I you know, it's kind of like that mystique of like, Oh, this is this is in the Olympics. You know? Like, you know, it's like you Like, you know, it exists, but you've never like really paid attention to it. My, my number one spot is going to go to water polo hit is such a weird sport. And like when I say that I'm not talking like, it's fun to watch, it's really cool. But it's also like, a lot more complicated than I imagined. Like, there's a lot more rules to it. And like, it has to be safe like that, because, you know, you have the possibility ability of Oh, I don't know, drowning. literally dying. It's so it's, it's, it's that, but like, there's a lot more rules to it than I anticipated, there was a lot more to it, it's, it's a lot more, like, you know, you have to be an athlete to play because you're treading water the entire time you're swimming back and forth, you're also throwing a ball. And you're also trying to and this is the part that got me you're trying to like fight physically fight off somebody. Because I like we're watching it. And like these people go ham on each other. Like it is a like they have like the above water view. And then they have like cameras like in the water. And as long as the camera shots are crazy. And it's like, Look, look at you know what this person did. And it literally shows someone like punching people underwater or kicking. And like when they call it when they call a timeout, and they get out of the water and they're just rude. And it's like all water polo is a lot more violent than I thought it was. And like just watching that. We watched the was Hungary and Croatia, game play. And Croatia last but I was cheering for them the whole time because they are the underdog and it like just the way they had to like bend and twist their arm just a throw it looks like a big medicine ball. Just to try to score and like there's a lot more strategy than to it than I thought of just like a rundown and swim down and throw this in there. Alright, good job. swimmac. Like, there's a lot more strategy to it. There's a lot more moving pieces to it than I thought and it like, I need to pay attention to it more just because of the sheer fact of how like fun it was to watch again, it was one of those sports where like, I watched it once and I if you know, like if I get a chance to go go somewhere and watch it. I'm gonna go watch it.



Yeah, it's that's a crazy sport. It's It's so intense, man. I bet


Collin  1:42:50

right, Colin? though? My my top four so far. We're fencing, specifically the Sabre. Oh,


Aaron  1:42:56

I didn't go back. Sorry. Oh,


Collin  1:42:59

track cycling Omnium for climbing, swimming, specifically the relay. And I'm going to stay in the pool. And it's probably a pretty boring pick. But this is something I will always watch. And I'm constantly fascinated by and continually mesmerized, and it predictably I will watch it as much as I can. It's 10 meter platform diving. I don't know why I think it because it's it's insanely simple concept. Jump off from this high playing, and don't make a big splash. But it's the interim stuff. Right? Where, where all of a sudden, everything in between just adds up and compounds of like, if the launch is wrong, if the if the twist is wrong, it all affects the entry and it's one of those things that like very immediately you as the viewer it gets if you're paying attention enough like you can see the difference between divers by their entry and it's very apparent. And it's also just like can therapeutic watch people plunge meters down while they twist and turn and then splash and then the underwater cameras always a lot of fun. I've always enjoyed watching diving, and it continues to be something that I will just I can have on and just I will be drawn to it. Time and time again. Very nice though. Yeah, it's a fun one too. is one that doesn't take a lot of like intense interest is like there's a lot of anxiety inducing you know, like the Omnium is something where like your heart and your throat is you're watching people raced around and the sport climbing to is they're racing up and down. It's like it's it's much more like ah is not not quite the like super mega in intense. Yeah, that's fair. All right. So, uh, we can, we're running a little long time here, but we can go back through and if you've got like maybe two more that you want that didn't quite make the list. We can we can throw those out. Okay, so just fast, cuz I made a shortlist. So the only ones on my shortlist that I really, I couldn't figure out where to put them and so one of them was water polo. And just because this year, I haven't watched it as much Normally, I get more into it, but this year for whatever reason, I just haven't watched it on if I've missed it or whatever. So waterpolo was on my shortlist. Two hours on my shortlist was the whitewater kayaking. Oh, yeah, that was really fun. I just, it just didn't either. I thought the other ones are more exciting this year, but I do like the whitewater kayaking, like the you know, we go through the little slalom stuff. That one's really fun. And then the last one, weirdly, that the very beginning. I was watching it a lot was the archery. I don't know why I find Olympic archery so fascinating. Yeah, it's just two people standing there not speaking at all shooting a bow but like, like the distance and just like how incredibly accurate and good they are. That is just like, it's impressive to watch. And it is kind of nail biter because they are so evenly matched a lot of times you're like, Oh my gosh, I don't know, he's got he's got to get the nine this time. He just has to otherwise good. You know, you kind of starts ramping up when you get further into the set up. So that was my the ones that didn't make my top five would have been water polo. The whitewater kayaking and archery.


Aaron  1:46:43

Okay. I would, I would probably have to stay like professional hurdles. is like when you get to the track event, or professional hurdles? Is all that serious hasn't been on yet. Right?


Collin  1:47:04

Yeah, yeah. It's hard, because this week has been all track stuff. And it's just like, randomly on Yeah,


Aaron  1:47:11

I find I haven't got a chance to watch it this year. But I know in the past just watching like professional athletes, because when when I did hurdles, like I would move pretty fast. But it is it is taken to such a level of degree of like, competitive speed. Oh, and trying not to you know, get your shin on this mental thing. So as on a professional level. That is such a cool experience to watch. So that's one and then I will probably have to say like beach volleyball. Like like yeah, you know, playing volleyball, I call it you know, going out there and do this. Like it is such a back and forth. It is such like a physical to implicitly. Like they got they got hops for days. They can just like oh, let me just move an inch and then like, boom, I'm seven feet off the ground. Like what do you whoa, wait a second here. So that That to me is like really fun to watch. Just because like oh you don't expect it like oh whatever and then they're like boom hops for days. I guess those are those are kind of my two that I want to add.


Collin  1:48:24

I guess I would just say that like for me also just real quick that like track is kind of like the quintessential Summer Olympics experience. So I would just like watch I don't have a specific one I just would like watch all of it. Like oh yeah, track and field stuff here. It is like the faces the most but like all the other stuff is really fun to watch. But it didn't make my list this year just because it's like I just kind of watch it it's in the background. It's cool and exciting but it didn't draw me in as much as the other stuff except for Alison PGM Alison you're making Yeah, I was gonna say I'm just looking over our list yeah tracking no no track and field things made into our top five made an errand shortlist also no racquet sport, made it into a or any of our But yeah, I didn't watch any of them I guess I missed them. I don't know I just in this year nobody brought up a question which I'm very shocked about I did watch some of that. It's kind of cool. We watched some with the with with the kids. Or Susan that I decided that the horses should definitely get medals. Like I don't know what that's about like model like great. They get the refund stuff when they win the Kentucky Derby. Give those horses a metal man. Yeah, come on. My my short list includes everything, gymnastic. Again. For me. It's one of those like totally quintessential it's like track and field and Jeanette and gymnastic


Aaron  1:49:49

our man what like in body


Collin  1:49:54

Summer Olympic, though. Specifically,



I really like when the men are on the rings. I don't know why I think it's just a bizarre


Collin  1:50:04

torture chamber event to see on television of like, what like, how, like, what, what's going on here? Like, why is he suspended? It's just one of those things of like, It's weird. It's one of those just really kind of weird obscure things that's like, okay, but it's also really awesome. I also had on my list artistic swimming, because again, I'm just fascinated by them. I just didn't get to watch it a whole lot this year. And I'm not, I haven't really kept up with it. It's one of those things, it's always on periphery. And then also my short list is dealing just because why not? Like, why not go sailboat, and then compete race people like it just seems like insanely fun to do that. Yeah, I didn't see that at all this year either. I wanted to watch it. I just missed it too. I guess I didn't know what we were watching. Again, I was like,



Oh, yeah.


Collin  1:51:03

Oh, yeah. It is really cool to watch. But like



so sweet. I, I enjoyed this immensely during this. Yeah. Good. I am retired. Yes. And I appreciate


Collin  1:51:23

all that and we will be back. We're top of five lists coming soon. Coming. In earbud near you. Okay. Love you guys. Bye.