trash tier jelly beans

Has Collin made a decision about a vehicle? Do the boys have opinions about Holiday Candy? Tune in this week to find out that both are a resounding ‘yes’! Except maybe not for Collin..who is still waffling 

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candy, halloween, halloween candy, christmas, chocolate, easter, eat, seeds, holidays, big, fine, people, lexus, reese, marshmallow, weird, bonus points, land cruiser, true, buy


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, trash tear jellybeans.

Brandon  00:19

Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Here we go. Probably

Collin  00:28

who knows? On unclear. So, we are going to we're going to try to try this again. To reuse this already. I forget to museums this time. Okay. Okay.


Yes. Last time.

Collin  00:49

Does that mean? Yes. Yes, it works fine. Yeah, it worked fine. So the key the key here is, is that, unlike so on, I think I've already described this. It's important. Okay. It's fine. So yeah,

Brandon  01:03

I just know, I didn't You didn't say whether or not it worked. So

Collin  01:08

sure, actually, I should have given an update about I'm assuming

Brandon  01:11

that since you said we're doing it again. My assumption is that must have been fine.

Collin  01:16

I know something. Something worked last time, so they

Brandon  01:19

must have been decent. Yes, it is fine.

Collin  01:23

Yeah. No, it's actually sounded really good. Yeah. Haha. Okay, so there's that Fingers

Brandon  01:29

crossed. Oh, Reno. For repeat success.

Collin  01:37

That means this would be an utter complete failure.

Brandon  01:39

Don't say that. No, no, everything's fine. Everything is fine. Round to


some. Yes, that is.

Collin  01:52

That's that. So how's how's your life, then?

Brandon  01:55

Oh, my goodness is the longest shortest week of school of all time, right. We only had to work where it was only 40 a week. But it was just the longest series of events transpired throughout the week that it was just like, Oh, my God, it's just like so much happening. culminating with for some reason, that is unknown to me, that I probably whine about to my boss, when we have the meeting, is we had parent teacher conferences on a Thursday,


which is not normal. So normally, we do it Monday and Tuesday night. And then

Brandon  02:43

we're off school on Friday. Right? That's generally how they do that, right? This year, for reasons that are unclear. Somebody decided that we needed to have parent teacher conferences on Thursday.


Only, obviously, so. So that was fun. Cuz, you know,

Brandon  03:07

a lot of parents can't come on like one night. Generally, if you have two nights. One of them, it makes it easier to attend. Because you can like, sometimes you have to work on one night or whatever. And you can't you know what I mean? Like schedules are all crazy and stuff. So yeah, having them on two nights, it is easier to get people to come. So this week, we had to do just a ton of like, phone call conferences. And like, meetings on different days like the kid, some of the parents, like came to just pick their kids up after school and just came to conference real quick, like, so it was way more work than normal to do it this way.


It's just like, No, but

Collin  03:59

did you have a lot of parents coming in? We went to previous years.

Brandon  04:07

Yeah, it was kind of ridiculous. We had all but four parents come.


Oh, wow. Yeah.

Brandon  04:15

For the entire sixth grade. My it was abnormal. I mean, that is including phone conferences throughout the week as well. Right. Still, we had you know, we had all except for all but four,


I think. Yeah. So that's wild.

Brandon  04:31

It was exhausting. Because

Collin  04:35

yeah, because those are quick. Still not quick conversations. Right? There's usually so in depth.

Brandon  04:42

Or most of them were fine. You know, because the spring No, I'm saying it's backwards again. While conferences are usually very student led student oriented, so the kids come. They show off their work, you know, we give them the grade cards we talk about how Let's go in and the kids kind of walk through some binders or some I should admire their science lab that they did that day, they finished graphing our stuff. So they showed that they talked about what they were doing a science. So the kids kind of lead it through and then we just kind of talk a little bit to the parents. Except for a few parents that we had to have some very, very in depth conversations with. That was fun. Anyway.

Collin  05:27

Cool. Pretty nice. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon  05:31

No, most of them weren't good. So that was fine. But it was just a long, long night. And then Wednesday.



Brandon  05:45

Halloween reading Celebration Day, man. Hmm. So because we don't have school Monday, right. Oh, they did the they did. Like they did their Halloween thing this year, like tied to like, the library did it. Right. Okay. Susan did it. Right. Yeah. It was like a reading celebration day. So there was lots of costumes and, and stuff, right. Probably the reason they didn't do that Thursday, because they didn't want the teachers to be in parent teacher conferences in their costumes, because a lot of wearing a

Collin  06:18

crayon or something. Yeah, sure. Yeah,

Brandon  06:21

I didn't participate, obviously. But oh, yeah. I know. Shocking. But that was another long day of like,


just because it was

Brandon  06:36

not normal school day. Those days are always like they feel long because you're not normal school things.

Collin  06:44

You don't have that you don't have that flow that yeah, that predictability, that familiarity schedule is going to be and what not, it's all just crazy. Yeah. So

Brandon  06:53

it's all weird. So that was basically my week. And then last night, we went to the high school musical production thing.

Collin  07:04

Oh, what was it this year?

Brandon  07:06

I don't know exactly what the title was. It was like a Halloween II theme. I don't remember what it's called. That's Embraer name. It was like classic premise car breaks down to Rando people knock on door of ice ice castle full of all kinds of weirdness right so it was good though.

Collin  07:28

It's a good me know where this goes. I got Yeah,

Brandon  07:30

dailiness ensues there's some super

Collin  07:35

excited things about a boom


Yeah, gotcha. So yeah, that's it but that was my week. Being like

Collin  07:52

well, I have a I have decided on a vehicle to pursue.


Oh, my gosh.



Collin  08:01

Now now, do I have the one that I'm going to drive up to and purchase? No, I do not. But I have one deuced diving into Wow. And it was it was sweetened for me Mirror Mirror an hour ago out all 60 minutes ago. So

Brandon  08:20

I have things to be sweetening.

Collin  08:23

It's fine. It's fine. Yeah. I mean, I was I still lived Okay, so i i waffle in the waffler that's fine everybody. That's all we know. listeners are aware. Continue to waffle. So anyway, so I'm sitting there and I'm like, Ah, I want something that is a bullet proof. That is not humongous. I want like I'm really looking at this like mid size SUV market because I thought about going the route again of the Honda Accord, which is honestly probably the best decision however given my line of work, and the complete chaos that things have been the past three months, I now have this probably irrational but mostly rational fear of not being able to access client homes because of a random person who quits and my staff quits like in the middle of a blizzard and I've got to go over there whatever so this is the want something that's capable and super reliable. So even though I did tread down the like, Oh, what are the new Landrover discoveries with those look like? I we test drove one day I tell you this we test I test drove a Discovery Sport and and the windshield wiper. The very original Viper like just was not working at all and I just could not stop laughing. It was like a 2018 I mean, Viper was already broken.

Brandon  09:58

Do weird rear windshield wipers ever work though? That's the real question. No, no,

Collin  10:04

no. But it's just funny because I went into this being like, obviously, this is going to have electrical issues. And then I click this button and this happened. This is not good. So I'm in midsize SUVs, right? And I'm racking my brain. And I am like, well, let me go see what I can find for like Landcruisers because those are kind of like full size, but they're also there's full size, but on the way smaller side of life. So I'm looking at older ones. And I'm like, Ah, that's not that's not reasonable. And then


I remember

Brandon  10:43

that there was another land cruiser out there over our

Collin  10:48

European friends and a basically every other market that Toyota sells knows that there's not just the Land Cruiser. There's the other variant, the Land Cruiser Prado. And we don't have that in the United States, do we? No, we don't however, we do. As the Lexus GX 460.

Brandon  11:15

It's the eyes

Collin  11:16

isn't disguise because well, here's the interesting fact is that we used to have the lamb cruiser and then the Lexus version was the LX 470 And then the LX 570. Well, they made the LX 600. And they got rid of the Land Cruiser. So now we don't even have the Toyota Land Cruiser over here anymore. We only have the Lexus rebranding. So I have been diving deep into Lexus GX is because they're kind of called like, the poor man's land cruiser. Because who can afford a Land Cruiser? Right? It's just ridiculous.

Brandon  11:49

We'd have a poor man.

Collin  11:52

rate, which sounds weird because you're like going after me. Yeah,

Brandon  11:56

I mean, Lexus isn't really a poor man's.

Collin  11:58

But here's the thing, ladies. Yeah, I went and I compared the same model year.


For runner foreigner, like a foreigner limited

Collin  12:11

to an LX 460. Sorry, a GFR 60. The Lexus was cheaper than the foreigner. Which is weird to me. But I was like, this is another sign. And then what was sweetened with me. Mere 63 minutes ago, 6072 minutes ago, since we started this phone call, oh my gosh. I learned I learned ready for this. I learned that. So there's all these different models and like you get different bells and whistles. I don't want all that I just want it like it's cool. It's like for real time for whatever all the time. And it has a couple of different offers and settings, whatever. But also like the engine bulletproof obviously is gonna go through handout smile, so I'm not worried about that. But I was a little frustrated that it didn't have the multi terrain select, like you had to go for this really upper tier trim model, which nobody ever got, because it was way too expensive and outrageously price. Nobody ever got that. So you can't find this little button on any of these models. And I was really bummed out until I found there's a little doodad that you can buy for $200 from Lexus. Yep, yep, hop off the low the glove box. You access the computer, you plug it in. Boom, you get multi terrain select like the upper tier, and she's selected on the steering wheel with the little stocks and you turn off your car, you take out the glovebox, which I watched a video on while I was waiting to do a visit I watched a 15 minute video I had disassemble this and it literally is this little like big fuse box thing that you just plug into the circuit board. And then you turn it on and you have multi terrain select.

Brandon  14:03

There's a void any and all warranties immediately. It's fine.

Collin  14:07

It's a box with you. I'm looking okay. Okay. The vehicles I'm looking at are way passport and D right? We're looking at a fair and six years old, right? We're looking at high mileage anyway, I was like, well, obviously this is the best solution to all my problems now. And it's a solution to your problem. No, it's literally the best I can think of I could think of no problems to this.

Brandon  14:34

I think I think I have no reason to be doing this but whatever. Apparently to go to pet sitter jobs listeners You must like off road through a frozen forest like rock crawling over downed trees. And then like across an icy frozen pond like that is what you need to do. So you must be more multi terrain selecting as you go like you're going to be going from severe downhill to gravel to other terrains and others muddy probably I answered all of those in the course of going to a dog clearly yes

Collin  15:26

well okay so like I said in

Brandon  15:30

all those trains are just in Springfield Missouri

Collin  15:33

that solution is no no need


there's no need that's a you're right

Collin  15:45

there's no need for concern. I have this all under control. Yeah, you can. But seriously, it's like the size of a playing card deck and then you just turn it back on and you can use all this you don't have to install any new buttons. It's just there and you can select between mud and sand, loose rock mogul and and then rock like large rocks.

Brandon  16:06

moguls the I need the perpetual nuisance of Springfield traffic, the Mogul select is really clearly that's what you need. And yours is eating towards a parakeet right in need of medication

Collin  16:21

mogul select. So

Brandon  16:22

then obviously you have to switch between mobile and sand and gravel.


You know, I mean, that's actually the one that you

Collin  16:31

use. Whenever you're that's the one that they recommend for snow. I thought that was weird. Like there was no snow mode, but I thought that that would be pretty, like obvious, but um, no. So that's the one that that sandy gravel is what they recommend for snow mode.

Brandon  16:43

I mean, that's true, because you probably don't need two different modes for snow and sand and gravel.

Collin  16:49

It was just weird that they didn't say snow. Like that's a pretty big sand, gravel, snow. Right. Yeah, that was kind of Yeah, but it was already two names. But like having a snowmobile on a on a crossover or SUV is like a big point. Like a lot of them have just a set snow mode. So it's interesting that they didn't, that word wasn't there. So I was concerned. Go. Anyway, I was I was blown away by this. And I was like, well, that like, you don't have to find that upper trim plus, here's the other thing. Upper trims came with an auto leveling rear suspension on airbags.


Which sounds like it's gonna break. Which,

Collin  17:32

which the only exposure I have to airbags, air suspension, our Range Rovers and Landrovers. And those never last like they break very quick. Yeah, no, they don't. And I assume that Toyota has built in Vetterli. But also No, thank you. So I was like, like, well, if you can, the base model, which still has every other bells and whistles except the auto leveling, and they're like, Oh, if you're towing, or a lot of people these use these for overlanding, right, where you obviously need to put like 10,000 pounds of gear to go, you know, to the park, and which is obviously ridiculous. Which who else would I mean? No? Okay, please, please, let's use this for what it was actually meant for. Just dog walking petsitting, obviously, yeah. But I was like, I don't want anything else to break as, plus, a lot of people were like, well, as soon as I bought it with that, I just replaced it with cold springs. And anytime somebody says I just replace it with coils, or that's what you do eventually. It's like, why even bother? Like, why? Why? Why even? Why even start out there? If every person is like, no, just in Coral Springs, it's like, well, then I'll just start there. So, this is this is the this is the path that we are going on. Um, there we go. I have not done the thing that I wanted to do like this, which was which was by the multiscreen select Computer before I have the car, which is what I was very tempted to do. has like, extra? Yeah,

Brandon  19:01

please don't do that though. That's the most ridiculous thing in the whole world. Like, I understand you want to do it like the second you have

Collin  19:12

the car, but you can should probably wait a little bit

Brandon  19:16

deep breaths. Yeah, make sure everything else is functioning. Okay, right.

Collin  19:21

No, I'd rather just change as much stuff as possible at the same time that way could never backtrack and figure out where the problem is. Yeah, and then it's a lifelong project, which is what I need in my life more projects which is actually not true. So this is a foolproof plan and is a plan but it's fine because who who typically buys this kind of car here's the here's my other thinking or here's my other thinking. This kind of car is usually bought by whom? I don't know. No, no, no, I figured it's fine. It's fine. Doctors who are driving to get it why? Because it's Alexis, right? So they're, they want a nice car. They buy it for their spouses, cuz it's a nice car, and they drive around town. And they park it in a garage. So after that,

Brandon  20:21

you mean like where you don't need to sand and gravel button. Exactly,

Collin  20:25

exactly. So after it's after their three to five year leases, they go into they go get a new one. And then the Lexus dealer puts it on the US lot, and they sell it. So you're getting a a one owner very gently used a potted around town. The most extreme they did was they accelerated quickly one Monday morning because they pulled out two in front of a car. They were sleepy and they drove it the rain like that's


it like okay, this this is good. This is good. Good idea. At the song the mind of the car.


Well plan

Brandon  21:10

I mean, this is much better than previous where there was just no plan. The plan was test drive every single car in a multi County area,

Collin  21:19

which we're still not ruling out. Like let's be real. I

Brandon  21:22

mean, yeah, obviously. But there'll be other things on the way I imagine some detours some side quests for others.

Collin  21:31

As I was looking into, well, maybe I need a truck. So what are the what's what a Ford Raptor? What does that look like? What saw Yeah, yeah, that's what

Brandon  21:40

obviously, I like how you like


your train of thought from going to like,

Brandon  21:47

I need the most versatile settings possible. In an off road configuration to Ford Raptor, which is just like a big engine in truck like, Yes, I obviously. Got it like

Collin  22:07

I know. This looks so


versatile, the Raptor

Brandon  22:11

with its gas pedal, and brake pedal.

Collin  22:17

To settings. Look, I'm sure I'm sure in the annals of history. My psychiatrist will point back to this as an extreme manic episode that I'm going through, but it's fine. Yes, they will. But I I wish I'm continually okay like now's a bad time to be doing like buying anything in the world because everything is super expensive. But my whole brain is being having to do a lot of rewiring like the fact that a Chevy Tahoe is the same price as like the Lexus that I'm looking at or anything else like it's all it just it hurts my brain so bad to think about how all these things are now like a suddenly at parity just because everything is scarce.


It's it's weird. Yeah. This is late

Brandon  23:09

stage capitalism. That's everything is expensive. Everything costs a bit of these scarcities. They just gotta keep saying scarcity, just because they're like a.


If we say scarcity, it means I can charge

Brandon  23:26

more. Right? Yeah, this is how it was. Yeah, I know. You can have like these just like abnormal things happening


for seemingly no reason. Like, fine, just

Collin  23:40

for perpetuity, like, right, like just, it just really hurts. And the fact that everyone just keeps going along with it, and that the only way to like do something is to like, I just it just really hurts my brain to be going through this process. And Wade, do that is interesting and fun. For everybody. That's not true. That was oh, okay, well, enough Car Talk. We have to we have to meander our way to candy. I have one anecdote to say on the way there, cuz we've got to get to that topic.

Brandon  24:21

That's true. So here we go.

Collin  24:22

Did you know this is no segue at all? This is a complete non sequitur. Did you know there are persimmon trees along dad's driveway.

Brandon  24:32

I know. Yeah. What do you say along?


Do you mean? Where?

Collin  24:42

Yeah, so you know, he's got to feel no, no. So like on the Woodside, like on that right period or

Brandon  24:47

okay, just like right there in there. Yeah.

Collin  24:51

We're walking along today. I

Brandon  24:52

thought you meant he had planted some persimmon trees and I was like, No, Lord, no planting required. Okay, I know I did not know this. No,

Collin  25:01

I mean, either. We're walking along today kids are frolicking in the field. And I'm looking over and I'm talking to dad. Yeah. And all of a sudden, my brain just sees this tree. And my dad, I say, Dad, you have a persimmon tree. And he goes, what? He looked over, he goes,

Brandon  25:18

where did that come from? And I went

Collin  25:20

to, presumably a seed. I have no idea. And then we found four more. And some of them were like, four inches around.


Dad was like, Oh, that's not a new persimmon tree. You know?

Collin  25:35

These were new dad was like, well, I'll be the 30 plus years, found a new tree. And he's, you know, he Mo's alongside there all the time. We literally cannot arrive past these. But they were just there. So we picked some persimmons and ate some persimmons on the side of the tree

Brandon  25:50

to cut them open and say like, you read the persimmon seeds to get a gauge of wintertime,

Collin  25:56

you know, because I couldn't remember you have to like crack the seed. Right? You have to split


the scope in. Yeah, yeah.

Collin  26:02

I didn't have the kind of technology is not sort of flat where based on if it is forecast, based porker spoon was rooting in snow because it's like a shovel. Shovel. Yes. And fork me.

Brandon  26:17

I think there's a knife. Maybe it's there.


This is a tech show


that every once in a while somebody will talk to me a person sees as look at him go. Talking about


particularly corn seeds. What is what is this?

Collin  26:39

Yeah, I felt like oh, yeah, no, you're right. Yeah, like that's the knife. That's the fork spoon.

Brandon  26:45

You see cutlery based person? What did people think they were before they were like a


chocolate like?

Collin  26:55

Yes. Yeah. So kernel of spoon shaped. Snip plenty of snow to shovel if it's fork shaped. It's mild and powdery snow. If it is knife, it's frigid. That will cut like a



Brandon  27:11

Oh, is it now? There we go. There you go. So you read the bones and it tells you the winter weather forecast. Oh listeners if you did not know that was a thing. Old people in Missouri swear by this. every once awhile some random person will just tell me about the persimmon seeds. And I just have to go what? Because I forget it's a thing.

Collin  27:33

And now about now now we can take part of this because we have the marked easily so we can start this this website claims it's an unscientific way of predicting the forecast. I

Brandon  27:47

disagree. I think that is probably


very accurate because

Brandon  27:52

I think it's been a spoon for it. It's not a lot last year, I guess. But we'll know we'll see. Find out says

Collin  28:03

these are. These are very, very, very good. I've actually only had a persimmon I think like one time.

Brandon  28:13

I don't know if I've ever eaten one. No, I've thrown them at people before but I have not eaten a person in what is the first time in tastes like

Collin  28:21

it's in the peaches and pear family. So is it kind of Yes. Kind of

Brandon  28:27

like that. It's very

Collin  28:30

squishy and creamy, like so we picked them they were very very ripe, which is fine. Like you can make a fruit pie. A lot of people add them to like puddings or make persimmon breads. Which is an interesting thing that you'd added to I assuming like a like a fruit cake or

Brandon  28:51

bread pudding.


sound appealing but

Collin  28:58

they They remind me a lot of apricots is what they really do. But they're more especially when they're when they're these were very they had a much more mellow taste. But they were still pretty. Not as stringent but had I guess pretty tangy flavor to them. Good.

Brandon  29:17

We might be the over ripeness. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  29:21

But apparently you can eat them. You're like, you're definitely not supposed to eat them when they're green. But a lot of people I was reading really prefer them when they're super ripe. Like we had found them. So I thought that was like it's pretty interesting that people prefer them to us that the overripe ones are like baking and such.

Brandon  29:37

figure that's just because they can get the seeds out easier. Predict the winter.

Collin  29:42

Well, that was the that was the thing that I was. I was having to explain to the children I was eating them of like, just the prodigious amount of seeds because it's not hasn't been cultivated, right. It's a wild fruit. And so like it was just very, very little flesh in there to eat a cure. Just constantly spitting out these huge persimmon seeds. And they were very confused as well. These have not been changed.

Brandon  30:07

Yeah. Wait, wait a really, really, really? I'm confused them with your very long lengthy like, biological explanation like,


well you see this is non genetically modified tree and so the seeds have to cultivate themselves and so they have to have just enough flesh for the little squirrels enticed by them and fall on the ground but not enough so that they eat the seeds and rot from that. Yeah,

Collin  30:31

yeah. And when we see, no wonder

Brandon  30:33

Lily was like, Dad, stop talking. Anyway, just eat the seeds that just just

Collin  30:41

spit them out. Please stop saying


words just out of open. I

Collin  30:46

want to see what cutlery it is. But we didn't get to that point. But I think we'll do some more experiments.

Brandon  30:52

This is my new fantasy novel, right? There's an old lady that lives in the woods, and she's like a reader. And she just reads like, portends he's like an Oracle and her portends come from just seeds, like all seeds does not have a claim she will gather them and make a thing in the seeds will tell her something. And then that is how that's part of your inciting incident. Right? Instead of reading the bones. Right. I feel like seed reading.

Collin  31:23

There's some I think that there we go necessary by


yeah, here we go. We're gonna just

Brandon  31:29

workshop that later. But


I like this. The

Brandon  31:34

seed reading lady in the woods, right? That's what it's I mean, allows you like, like the person in the village, right? Yeah, the older it has the ancient art of seed reading, of course.

Collin  31:47

As as one does, as perfect.

Brandon  31:53

Yes, that's all I got nothing else.

Collin  31:55

It just start there. I think it'll just flow naturally.

Brandon  31:59

It's the seed of a story.


Oh, you're welcome.

Collin  32:04

I get brought back a lot of memories of us with blackberry bushes out in the East pasture, and how those are not there anymore. But I was like, oh, yeah, we used to go get those every now and then. And then I started was wondering if like, maybe we could like start cultivating some paw paw trees out here and get some pop off roots. And then we get through? I hear that that's

Brandon  32:28

a new fad in Missouri. Yeah,

Collin  32:30

we're trying to is that make that a thing? They are, they are a lot of nature. Local cultivars are trying to make the that into its own market, so that they could have something to just go out and find and export and grow here locally. So I know that's a big push for a lot of local bores, local voters,


whatever. So the route. Okay,

Brandon  32:58

last weird question before we go back to the topic. If it's so local to Missouri, how can blue sings about it in The Jungle Book show because he says if you could have a paw paw or a prickly pear, so that movie does not take place in Missouri spoilers for the Jungle Book. Right, like, why is it a song then? Is there more?

Collin  33:25

I think there

Brandon  33:26

are more just like accidentally end up in Missouri somehow. No, I

Collin  33:31

actually know I think I think the pa pa is we know it is south, south eastern variety. So I think it was just a maybe maybe a bad song writing basically Disney


writing thing. It's okay. I can agree with that. But

Collin  33:56

and I have actually, I don't think I've ever seen I don't even think I've seen a paw paw

Brandon  34:01

like fruit. I had never seen one until I saw an article about it. And they had a picture of one. Yeah. And I went, Oh, that looks not really appetizing. So I can't imagine why people wouldn't want to

Collin  34:15

eat literally full of seeds. Like I do know that. Again, it's not cultivated to to not have those. So you have to scrape out just gobs and gobs of seeds to get to them and they're big, black disgusting seeds.

Brandon  34:33

Yeah, I can't imagine why no one would want to buy this to eat it.

Collin  34:37

You gotta you gotta you gotta prep it right to prep it.

Brandon  34:42

So things you don't have even the fruit like before you cut it open. It's like oh, no, it's yeah, it's like things you don't

Collin  34:52

have to grab candy. Yeah, you just go by. So three episodes ago and astute listeners will know that the interval Last episode, I didn't think to say that we would start off with this question. And we have, in fact, not with 30 minutes into this and there was just getting to blocking. Shocking. We didn't go it didn't go as planned. So, Brady, you had you had a question you wanted to pose. Right. So

Brandon  35:18

the eternal question here is,


which holiday as the best candy? Right, we have now entered candy season, right?

Brandon  35:30

As I said earlier, it denoted by the fact that Reese's starts making specialty candies at this time. So basically,


the four big

Brandon  35:43

holidays for candy here in the United States, it's time should it be Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter. Right? This was basically just candy Central, all the way until whenever Easter is in April, at some point, maybe. So the question that we were thinking about is, which one has the best candy? Out of all of them? If you are a candy enthusiast? Which one do you look forward to the most? Which one has the worst? And then the best candy available to you during that during that season? Right. So I say the four big holidays. There are I am aware that there are just a myriad of holidays. Starting now, right? However, at least in the Midwest, those other ones don't come equipped with candies that I can procure, listeners, if you have other holiday candies that we miss, we need to know about them, possibly to eat them. Right. And so let us know. Tell us about holidays, we missed in our ignorance and tell us the appropriate candies that go with them. So that's what



Collin  37:06

ah, this the I don't know how you want to approach



Brandon  37:14

Well, I guess we could just talk briefly, we could just go through I think the best thing to do, I think we'd go chronologically through the holidays. And just talk about the different varieties of candy available. And then sort of at the end give a ranking


of like,

Brandon  37:29

which one is the best? Right. So we do like a brief overview of candies available. Just general thoughts on each one and at the end, kind of pick your favorite.


Right. I feel about that plan.

Collin  37:44

Yeah, yeah, that's fine. You want to kick us off?

Brandon  37:46

Okay. Yeah. So Halloween is hard one, right? Because Halloween has a large. Like, it's just like a mound of like the volume of candy that is available to you and Halloween is kind of stupefying.


Right. However,

Brandon  38:08

there's not a lot of candy that's like, specific Halloween candy. You don't mean there's just a few. The rest of it is just like


normal candy. Just in a smaller package.

Brandon  38:23

So that you can give it to trick or treaters easier. Right? That's like


that's the weird thing about Halloween candy.

Brandon  38:29

Is it like all we have a little bowl here for the trigger shooters, and it's all just like normal candy that's just smaller. Right? It's like KitKat and Reese's, and m&ms and stuff, but it's like, just in a smaller package.


So it's not like specific


Halloween candy. Right. And you know,

Brandon  38:53

without giving too much weight here. The


other problem with Halloween candy is there's a lot of Halloween


candy. That's bad. Right?

Brandon  38:59

It's just like, trash like cheap candy that comes in a giant bag, but it's not good.


Yeah. At all.

Brandon  39:07

It's just like, it's just, it's bad.

Collin  39:08

Really? Yeah, very cheap. It's just trash. Right? This is where you get the grab bag of those little quilts. I'm just thinking of picking those little cheap suckers, whatever they're called, like, no names. Suckers. They're just very tiny. Yeah,

Brandon  39:24

yeah. Or like just random tiny like peanut butter candy. That's like, not good. Or like there's a lot of not good candy at Halloween. Yeah, so


even though there's a huge amount of candy available.

Brandon  39:36

It's kind some of it is kind of bad. And like, I feel like in my estimation, anyway, Halloween loses some points because there's no like specific candy for it. Well,


I get a little bit you have like your candy corn, I

Brandon  39:52

guess and then like

Collin  39:56

so Reese's Reese's has recently come out with the Franken cup. Have you seen this? They're trying to make something I did. I did not. Okay, so this is a spoiler. Mine breakdown along Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. But so they have this one where it's a it's a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, but the bottom half is green cream mint flavored underneath. So it's like basically it's like a peanut butter cup. But the bottom half is green. And the top half is regular chocolate.


That's it. Okay, I'm excited.

Collin  40:36

They're trying to make that a thing trying too hard. I will say that the single best Halloween candy are there over that point yet? Can we? Yeah, that's fine. Are the are not candy horns because those are gross. But the candy corn pumpkins?


The pumpkin thing?

Collin  40:53

I love them so much. I don't know. I don't know why

Brandon  41:00

because they make they fit in really good into catapults that you can make for a

Collin  41:05

trapeze? Yeah, yeah. I think I don't know why cuz, you know, they're made it the same stuff, as you know, candy corn, but it is,



Collin  41:18

you know, I liked them a lot. So they go very, very satisfying. Very satisfying to to bite into and to chew, I think is what I mean.

Brandon  41:30

Maybe it's because there's more. They're more. Yes. Right. And they're too weird. I don't know. I don't like the chewiness of the candy coin. That's one things like they're just so like,


fair. I don't know,

Brandon  41:41

they have a weird texture, but maybe it's because they're bigger. And like, you know, no one wants to chew like one candy. That's weird. Like,

Collin  41:53

it is odd. So that is my but my vote for that one. If if there's a best one. Be that because


yeah, there's it's hard to get a good best Halloween candy. Because like, it's like I said, it's

Brandon  42:06

a lot of it's just like,


it's just m&ms. Right?

Brandon  42:11

Oh, yeah. It's just like, it's just Snickers bars but tiny. You know, like, it's just not like a big special thing


that just like the like I said, the amount


is staggering.

Collin  42:24

Yes. So for that it gets a bonus points, right of like, it's just like the sheer quantity of options. Because through the roof for this of like, it literally is it really is

Brandon  42:35

anything goes through,


but there's not. There's not really that much like specialty option. In this thing. It's

Brandon  42:42

just like, it's a Reese's. But the package has a pumpkin on it,

Collin  42:46

right? Or it's grilling chocolate instead of Yeah. Or

Brandon  42:50

it's green for some reason, or like,


yeah, it's just and like the number

Brandon  42:56

one I read this the other day, the number one like best selling Halloween candy is KitKat. So

Collin  43:07

that must be because it can just buy that. It's got to be because it's included in all of the Mixed Bag options. Right? It may make the small


one yes. Yeah. Right. Like you can just buy a kick

Brandon  43:21

at any time.

Collin  43:22

which in and of itself. KiCad is rather boring. I mean, yeah, it's fine.

Brandon  43:27

Like it's I don't have anything like against kickass like, I don't want to like run away from them. But like, for that to be the number one best selling Halloween candy is


weird, right?

Brandon  43:39

Like, any of those weird maps that you see, you know, like best selling Halloween candy in each state. Like it's all like


m&ms. Snickers

Brandon  43:50

KitKat apparently right like Reese's. That's it? Like they did things that you can buy in June, right? Like not like, you know, you're not like Jones and you're like, Oh, I can't wait for Halloween to get that KitKat man, or whoever can get that any other time off a piece that? Yeah, that's right. So I think so Surprisingly so. Yeah, just like generally, I would say, like spoilers related, but I think Halloween ranks kind of low on the list of

Collin  44:24

that's fair holiday. That's fair. Okay. So then we go we roll into

Brandon  44:30

Christmas. Yeah. So sorry, Thanksgiving. You don't have any candy. So? Yeah, yeah, Christmas is the big one. Right? Like this. This is the one that has like


lots of candy and specialty candies. Right, specifically that are for Christmas time.

Brandon  44:55

Or they're specifically available at Christmas time and it's much harder to find them at other times of the year, right? Like, you know, the quintessential Christmas candy is that candy canes candy, right? Like you're not finding that

Collin  45:13

literally an emblematic of this, this holiday


is true. And

Brandon  45:20

there's all that Susan's favorite, the those weird, like chocolate covered cherry things that are like always everywhere. She loves those things. And those are


most prevalent at Christmas time.

Brandon  45:31

You can get them some other times, but like they're they they're most prevalent at Christmas time. And she said that, if I did not mention those, I was in trouble. So just so you know, we have Okay, fair, fair.

Collin  45:44

But yeah, well, you know, the candy cane brings up a good point of what when I think of just the flavor of Christmas, it tends to be nothing but what like this. Peppermint peppermint? Like, it's just peppermint. Yeah, everything gets thrown out after Christmas. And I am interested to know, I should have done this until I just literally just thought about it right now. Like, why, how did peppermint become the flavor of Christmas? And I don't know. Yeah,

Brandon  46:16

I don't either. That could be a follow up question that we have for this. But yeah, I don't really know. But it is. It's basically peppermint everything.


So if you don't like peppermint, that really does bad

Brandon  46:31

for the ranking of Christmas time. Right? Like it does not bode well for how it would rank so this is definitely if you are a person who likes to just doesn't like peppermint at all. That means Christmas is gonna be like last place no matter what. Because there is just a vast amount


of you ever made candy, right? Yes.

Collin  46:53

I think the other problem? Sorry, go ahead. No, you go. I was gonna say it's just for me. The other problem with Christmas, is that there's just such a steep competition for so many other treats that get put out at this time of year of like, the other thing that I think of around Christmas, mostly because this is what just our grandma ate was a lot of like, fudge.


Yeah, but see here, technically, this is what I was gonna bring up as well. Christmas gets like bonus points, because like, there's a lot of homemade

Brandon  47:23

candy. Well, yeah, it happened last Christmas, right. And so you get things like fudge, which is technically a candy kind of a little bit. That's like blurring the lines slightly. But like, you get that and you get like homemade candy and all kinds of different stuff. And so you get some, like weird bonus points, because there are Christmas, quote unquote, candies that are only available because people make them. Yes,

Collin  47:50

this is true. There's things that are not mass produced that are, you know, there's a lot of localized fare, you get a lot of family traditions that come out of this just making them so you know, like peanut brittle, is gets made. Yeah, that's like, that's a candy that gets made a lot like around this time. So that that's there's a lot of variety. But to me, that also adds a huge bonus points to this, of that it adds just a lot more are trying to add to this meant I was just gonna say memories, or you know, whatever, like personalization to it.

Brandon  48:28

Yeah, there's some personalized flair there. It's a lot more like whatever because like you said, like, if if we're counting fudge as a candy, which I think you probably can write. There are endless varieties of FUD that people make at Christmas time. With like, varying degrees of goodness, because some people's fudge. I don't like DHEA and other people's Pfizer like I will I need this all the time. Why do you want to make this one time? Because?


Right, like some of it's like so good. And other ones. It's like, Oh, that.

Brandon  49:01

Thanks. Really appreciate it.


Like what you have like, yeah, you have the homemade right variety. Right? So I

Brandon  49:16

think we get bonus, we gotta give some kind of bonus points for just the whole madness. Right? Because the rest of it is kind of just like it's either just peppermint or chocolate. It's in a Christmas themed wrapper. Hmm.


So so we do have the downside of Christmas does have that Halloween problem. Like they're like, Oh, it's just grab bag of candy.

Brandon  49:41

But it's,


it's literally just like milk chocolate with Christmas trees on the wrapper.

Brandon  49:48

Right here. There's little cheap candies in the bag, right? There's like a million stock. You know, it's just like an actual ball. But it's just like


Ha, here we go. Right. But it's just got

Brandon  50:04

a green wrapper. So it's Christmas. Yeah,

Collin  50:06

right before this right? Yeah. Yeah. Or everyone's the Hershey's Kisses were to make them Christmas. These are make them candy. make them happy to get peppermint or they change the wrapping to be green and red. And now that's the Christmas. Yeah. Okay, true. did nothing for this.

Brandon  50:23

That's true. You know, does it taste different from the normal silver kisses that you can get in June? Maybe the peppermints wanted to do but not the rest of them. Sorry. Nope. Santos magic. Does


that extend me?


She's come on.

Collin  50:40

Yeah, and then we we turn a new leaf and we dive into Valentine's Day.


Right? Yeah. Yeah. Which, yeah, Valentine's Day


is tricky to me. Because like

Collin  50:56

things, obviously. Bad chocolate and Brock's Katihar. Right. Yeah,


the truck gets really sick.

Brandon  51:07

Yeah, nice. Right. This conversation hearts. That tastes like


chalk. And bad. chocolates that come in a box. Yeah,

Brandon  51:18

right. Yeah. That are a mystery. Like the mystery chocolate. The worst ones like not the ruffles, the ones that aren't named made by Russell Stover who don't put any sort of labels on them. Yes. And it's just a mystery box of chocolate. And one of them is good. And the rest of them are terrible. And even the Russell Stover is ones I gotta


say, like, not the highest quality or?

Brandon  51:41

I mean, no, no, because either now,

Collin  51:44

because even if it's like, even if it's high quality ingredients, one of them is going to be marzipan. And nobody wants to eat that. Yeah, like, and when discussing


marzipan with chocolate is not good. Right like marzipan by itself, like the little like the little Mexican candies, or like the little circles that are like the marzipan.

Brandon  52:01

Those are stinking Delicious, right? But like, nobody's put gross chocolate on those for a reason. Because it would be bad. Okay. Or you get the one with the weird orange cream filling. No. No. Yeah. Or the toffee. That's just like, way too sticky. Or like breaks.

Collin  52:21

It's really great. Yeah, not well done. Toffee. Yeah, very, it's just yeah, very mass produced cheap stuff. It's just to me so yeah, I'm gonna like, well, you can find again, this is this is not saying you can't find high quality Valentine. Oh, yes, of course. It's just saying that what is emblematic and pushed out there is just the literal tons, like, metric tons of garbage on store shelves

Brandon  52:47

are so bad. Like, I yeah, it's just like, and it's and again, like, say it's like only chocolatey rice. Like, that's, that's the only thing with Valentine's Day. It's like only chocolate just chocolate everywhere. Yeah, sometimes there's fruit involved, like strawberries.


Yes. But yeah. Again,

Brandon  53:11

it has chocolate it was. So that's like, yeah, it's a very one trick pony. And there's also the bad toffee and the chocolate that really, like, I cannot stress to you how terrible it is when you like, just grab one of those things out of that box. And you just like eat it. And then it's so sticky that you can't open your mouth again. You can't because your molars have been cemented together.

Collin  53:35

Like I do, oh, no, do have feet. What have I done? Confession time, I do have a feeling or two in my teeth. And I'm always worried Is this the time is this time I'm going to chew on this. And I'm going to have to go back hat in hand and say, you know how we told me not to. But I did. I was too embarrassed to flip the box over and make sure I didn't do this. Because people were watching me. And I was so self conscious. I just ate the first thing and it was this rip out three of my fillings. That's what's gonna happen and just goes in my brain. So


I there's also there's also something


about, like, I don't know why they would

Brandon  54:16

make them not look visually distinct from each other. Why every single piece of choquet in that box has to look exactly the same.


Because you're you're always like, Oh yeah, I think this one's the one I

Brandon  54:27

like. And you eat it you're like, Nope, that wasn't


it. No, that was wrong. I


pick a pattern

Collin  54:34

every two cylinders mean one thing there's no code there's nothing it's sometimes you look for the long you know you know blanc cute nose cylinders or the like low low filling thing know where to draw the circle to drizzle that's on top. Nope. None of that means a single thing. They're just completely careless. Which means like, what must these make? First off? Let's what must these manufacturing plant plants look like in order to accommodate That level of diversity candies like just it's insane. So what do you think of the rounding out the holiday the candy holidays with


Easter? Yeah, so, so Easter is

Brandon  55:19

think he's just got some good candy man. Right? Like,


I think Easter definitely gets bonus points for a variety because like we were talking about like Christmas, like Halloween has like it's basically

Brandon  55:30

just chocolate normal candy. Right? Christmas has peppermint and chocolate. Valentine's Day has chocolate and chocolate. And Easter has a lot of different kinds of stuff. Right? Right.


I have like, I mean jelly beans. Right. Let's be honest here. Jelly Beans are at Easter thing.


And jelly beans are delicious. So like,

Collin  55:57

yeah, there's just the variety here is not just different kinds of chocolates. But like you said, like, there's, this is the one holiday where Christmas has started to this. And I'm going to say this as though the holidays are the entities that are making the candies because that's just easier for my brain. It's almost like it's fine. Halloween, Christmas has started to steal some of this of the use of marshmallow in the candies. But that is definitely solidly an Easter thing of because obviously, obviously, peeps, but like the people, right? Christmas has started to do that where they get like a marshmallow. Santa sometimes covered a little bit of chocolate, but like that's true, but like like that, but that's definitely an Easter. I'm gonna say technology. So it's been it's been it's been appropriated by some other holidays, but it originated in Easter. So I definitely marked as true.

Brandon  56:53

I don't know if that's actual fact. But it's fine.

Collin  56:56

I see it's fact Yeah. Yes. So it and, and Easter also has some, I think some companies that have built there. At least there's one right Cadbury like, that's like, their thing, like their shtick is we're Easter.

Brandon  57:17

Yes. And so like for as as a US customer, right? In other places such as England, right? You Cadbury chocolate is there all the time, right? But for whatever reason. It is just most readily available in the United States during Easter. And as I'm pretty sure, literally anyone will tell you. Cadbury chocolate is like far


superior to any other.

Collin  57:45

Oh my gosh, it is crazy. It's so good.

Brandon  57:49

It is so much better than like many other chocolates that are made in the US. Right, like just vastly superior. Right? And so you definitely get bonus points for Cadbury anything but those Cadbury eggs are delicious. Oh, even though they've had the same commercial for 25 years and


it's dumb. Um, doesn't matter pass on that

Collin  58:10

their product is immaculate and divine. So

Brandon  58:15

as you're mine for mine, yeah, no,

Collin  58:19

I Yeah, Easter definitely has the upper hand for that. And it again like I also say that the one thing I started off this conversation by saying that one of the things that will rank the holidays is how Reese's repackage repackages their peanut butter cups. They often they also have they have the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup trees, or Christmas. Holidays they have started or start Halloween. They start to make some like bats like some bad shape. Oh, yeah. Well, I

Brandon  58:55

think that's for the small ones, but the bigger ones are pumpkin

Collin  58:58

pumpkins, right? Yeah, for some reason. I have yet to fully understand why the egg shaped freezes are far superior to every other shape of Reese's. Ever every imaginable way.

Brandon  59:15

I don't know. I think I think they're bigger. They are bigger. definitely bigger than the trees. Yes, they're bigger than the heart. Right? Yes. I think they're of similar volume to the pumpkin. Yeah, I

Collin  59:29

think it is the volume and it is the it is the appropriate ratio of chocolate to peanut butter, of which all Reese's Peanut Butter Cups should be made but they are not. And so is the they're just they're perfect. pieces. It was I'm saying and that's why every every Easter I buy a year's worth supply and storage. Actually, but

Brandon  59:54

also I think, I think one of them is more expensive than the rest of the I think it's


the tree. Which doesn't

Collin  1:00:03

work because it's complicated. It's complicated shape. I don't

Brandon  1:00:06

think so. Yeah, cuz the die, maybe they have to use it. But like, I'm


pretty sure.

Collin  1:00:12

That's a weird distinction

Brandon  1:00:13

that's more expensive than the rest. Right? I think that's true. I don't remember which one it is. But I want to say it's the tree is more expensive than the rest of which is odd. Do some research on that. Yes. But you would think that I'll be a saint, but no, but no, of course. Yeah, I think Easter definitely gets bonus points for


a variety of like,

Brandon  1:00:41

ingredients used? Yes. Right. Like, yeah, like you said, the marshmallow. And just, I just like now, before I say this, I really do like jelly beans a lot. However, I really do not like all jelly beans.

Collin  1:00:54

They're not created. There.

Brandon  1:00:56

Yes. Not all we must acknowledge the fact that not all jelly beans are created equal. Okay, we can, some of them are horrid.


They are straight there, too.

Brandon  1:01:07

I don't know what's wrong with him. But good jelly beans are amazing. So we have to acknowledge that we I will acknowledge that there are trash to jelly beans, right? That can be a whole different list for some of the time, right ranking different types of jelly beans, I would have to do some extraneous research on that. But so we'll save that we've related but in general, Jelly Beans are pretty great.


So okay. So

Collin  1:01:41

yeah, that's yeah, I do like a good Jelly Bean. It's not just the flavor. It's also the consistency. And yeah, that goes into that for sure. But we'll we'll bring jellybeans later. I'm sure. But yeah, I don't know. So we've walked through all four of them. I don't deep in your list. Do you have a ranking of one to four? Or do you just want to say tartan? Or do you just


I don't know. I so I so we'll just I guess we go four to one. Right. We'll

Brandon  1:02:13

just start the bottom and go up. So I think my number four? I think it might be Valentine's Day.

Collin  1:02:18

Yeah, I'm right there with you. Yeah, but it definitely ranks very low. Just did the focus on I love chocolate. I'm not. I'm not typically a sugary candy kind of person. But I'm just there's nothing. Nothing really there that excites you about it's not even again. Good. Chocolate by


by and large.

Brandon  1:02:42

Yeah, it's all it's it's a lot of it's bad. Yeah, I would say I would say Valve has a four. And then I guess that means Halloween would be number three. Right? Yeah. Yeah,

Collin  1:02:58

I think so. For me. Yeah. I might. I might. Yeah, yeah.


Now. It's the Valentine's it was kind of easy. Like, yeah, I don't like that

Collin  1:03:11

track. I think I think it's staying, I think in staying

Brandon  1:03:14

true to this. Of like, the,

Collin  1:03:21

I'm going to I'm going to add the cat. A couple caveats here in this selection of, obviously, holidays with the best candy and a big part of that is the holiday specific candy that goes to it. I think that that definitely weighs that's a big weight because that it's showcasing a lot of things. So I will agree that Halloween while it has a wide variety, which is nice. So you can anybody everybody gets to choose something. As far as specificity goes. It's it's extremely lacking.




I would agree. I think

Brandon  1:03:59

the lack of specifically for Halloween candy that you can't get other times of the year. I think it loses a lot of points for that. Yeah. Right. And because it's just like repackaged normal candy. Or some people try to slip in trash like the circus peanuts or something horrible like that. Like get out of here like nobody wants. Nobody wants that. Right.


Yeah, yeah.

Collin  1:04:33

So I think with that in mind, so now we've got between Christmas and Easter.

Brandon  1:04:39

This is the big fight this is

Collin  1:04:43

and this really comes down to how you're going to to weight the different aspects that we've discussed of like specifying specific candy. Also like showcasing stuff or the homemade or whatever that's involved in this variety, whatever.

Brandon  1:05:00

I feel like this one is pretty close. Right? I feel like the gulf between these two is nowhere near as wide as the gulf between like whatever event say and Halloween. Like there's a big chasm between the map but like the difference the difference between one and two is pretty. It's kind of almost like one and one a right. I feel like they're pretty

Collin  1:05:24

close. contenders. One A and one B. Yeah.

Brandon  1:05:29

Yeah. I feel like they're pretty close. So I don't


I don't know.

Brandon  1:05:38

I feel like I want part of me wants to put Christmas in number two.


Right. Knowing full well,

Brandon  1:05:47

then my wife will try to chop me. I will hear let it be known that her ranking would put it number one. Okay. We will acknowledge that.

Collin  1:05:59

Okay. Acknowledged internet record. Yeah.

Brandon  1:06:03

I feel like, just based on the criteria that we've been talking about, like, I don't know, I feel like it's got to be number two.

Collin  1:06:12

Yep. This is where it goes on my list as well. That while the it is nice. I mean, the homemade aspect of this is what separates it. Points. Big, big, big points for that. The heavy reliance on peppermint though. You know, it's like, everything gets peppermint, which is fine, because it's a wonderful trough with lots of medicinal. Like, yes, it's very soothing. It's very medicinal. It's a nice pairing with the other like, other like very, very savory stuff that you're eating about this time as well. But the heavy reliance on like it has one flavor. And then the homemade aspect of it while it makes it very unique. It doesn't quite rise to the level of


Easter in my book. There we go.


So number one

Brandon  1:07:04

unanimous unanimous apparently Yeah, exactly. Yeah, Easter shall go. Yes. Yes. Cadbury eggs did it

Collin  1:07:14

for being serious here. Okay. Jelly Beans, Cadbury eggs, I, I would eat my body weight three times over and catch our cream eggs. Their show good. And it's good. It's one of those things like, it is so specific, the only company that only come out for Easter you can't get anything close to them throughout the rest of the Shire year. They only come out there for us that time was that that month or those couple of weeks? And then they're just gone. So it's like, there's such a that just gets built up and they're amazing. And then the use of marshmallow I keep bringing that up because it's it's, it's it's really is odd in many cases.


But I think also it's true, like a little marshmallow like they're like, I don't know, I think you can get them they're like little they're just like a bunny but they

Brandon  1:08:03

have marshmallows

Collin  1:08:07

are they is it marshmallow? Who knows? I don't think it'd be the definition to that.

Brandon  1:08:11

No, it partly marshmallow I don't really know. Yes. I don't know what something has to have to be called marshmallow. I'm not real sure. I don't know if it has to come from a marsh but

Collin  1:08:28

anyway, so yes, I think I guess what we're really saying is here is Cadbury does a lot of heavy lifting for Easter. So I fully agree that so yes, Valentine's Day Halloween, God Christmas, Easter.

Brandon  1:08:49

Unless your name is Susan, and then you flip flop those last two last two Christmas reign supreme. Okay. So let it be known as Susan. Susan's dissenting opinion, yes, but that

Collin  1:09:09

Susan dissents Yes. All right. Okay. Entered into the public record. ere we go. Very good. Well, we have we haven't got to this. And we are. We're good. So that's all folks. All right. Okay. So we have to hold out until spring and we'll be we'll survive. Okay, good, good. Well, love you. loads you.

