tow truck fun

Did someone say they needed more weather talk? We got you! Did someone also ask about which can of soda is best for a float trip? We’ve got you covered. And if you’re looking for a discussion on how tow trucks could be improved, you are in the right place! We also dive deep into an interesting controversy around school disciplinary actions, and the fastest car in the world.

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car, people, truck, soda, talking, drink, big, tow truck, buy, ounce, week, drive, business, school, long, person, true, ounce cans, cans, density


Collin Funkhouser, Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, tow truck fun.


Hello. Oh, boy. Oh boy and a half happy. Happy last day of


August. Oh, yeah.


Everybody knows the recording this

Brandon  00:36

time for me about to be grumpy with September weather right? At eight degrees is acceptable on August, but not so like I kind of like in my brain like one day should be different. I understand that's not true, but like, it'll be like, Oh my God, why is it that we hit we hit like actually only 88 for August is actually pretty chill. So after July of like, 103


Oh, yeah, this is all right. I'm like, it's not so bad.

Brandon  01:12

Maybe. Maybe this isn't so bad. Yeah, no, we had. Yeah, no. We had what we have. I had like 93 this this week. And I was like, that's really not fun. I'm not okay. I'm really not okay with

Collin  01:28

now, like, it's officially time for

Brandon  01:32

not 90 anymore came over that September. Okay, you hear me? All the time. In Missouri. It's like, September will lie to you. So like month, it's like, I'm fall now. I'm September Right.

Collin  01:47

Like he. But

Brandon  01:51

it's actually, like, a ritual to go down and be like, oh, yeah, like 8985. And then like, one day,

Collin  02:01

it'll be like, 78 And you're like, Oh my gosh. Yes.

Brandon  02:07

And then like two days later, it's like 91 and you like

Collin  02:13

oh, man and we we had the worst. The roller coaster is bad. And I don't know we we had all that rain move through two days ago. And it had nothing but awful, awful allergies. Like

Brandon  02:30

oh, do I apologize right now for my

Collin  02:32

congested been bad? I don't like all I don't know like early, Late. Late summer, early fall. Allergies are just not my time. My oh my. Yeah. It's always like, I don't know. There's always just something like do it find do it find. Like, dig it. Seriously. I don't know what it is. But something just like shows up gets Yeah. Oh my gosh, I get mold. Why? Not? Once in the spring?

Brandon  03:11

You're like, oh, yeah, I'm doing okay. Doing okay. Doing okay. tree pollen? Lap.

Collin  03:16

And dead. Yep. Not even.

Brandon  03:22

Not even just some of it. All of it. Yeah, I'd

Collin  03:24

rather do this. Ah. Yeah. How's that? How's your week been? Well, ah, it's okay.

Brandon  03:40

I guess like navigating the treacherous waters that are the beginning of school, right. Second week of school, so sort of just been dealing with all that, like, trying to figure out what's going on. Still trying to get a read on some of these children because they're very odd little things, right. Like, sure. Trying to deal with people at school, like not telling you stuff. That's my favorite. Right? People being like, yeah, today. Today's example of what is communication is the other sixth grade teacher. She got a call from the secretary who wasn't in the building today, by the way, or the principal. Oh, they were doing something I don't know what there's some sort of alleged training I don't know about but she calls her like eight something sometime between eight and 815 this okay? And she said, Hey, by the way your new student is on their way up to your classroom. And yeah, exactly. My teacher, my co op, my fellow teacher was like Excuse me, what's my What did you

Collin  05:04

say? Oh my goodness.

Brandon  05:08

So that was a surprise with no warning and new student today. So, like, again, it's like fine speaking of school, so something like that big deal. But like, like, like, okay, so if I'm doing an activity today, now this person doesn't have stuff, I gotta like, drop everything and like, get them things, right, I got to do that I gotta get them. Like, I have to route my plan for X number of students to x plus one, right? Like, I have two, which is a difference. Yeah, cuz like I my activity, they I pre made all


the groups, right?

Brandon  05:45

Because, yes, it's been your school, that's probably a good idea. For groups of more than two. I'm making them right now.

Collin  05:54

So like, you know, it's not that big a deal, to put them somewhere. But like, now my plan is wrong.

Brandon  06:07

Now my things are wrong, right? So I have to try to ingratiate this new person into my classroom, in the middle of something, like without warning, so like, now they don't have stuff. So I gotta like, run down and print them a thing and like, run over there. Because I got like, you know, whatever. So I mean, it's, it was fine. Like, it wasn't, it wasn't a big deal to me, because like, I had warning, but she did it. You know what I mean? Like?

Collin  06:35

Yeah, she got a phone

Brandon  06:37

call. And five minutes later, there's a student in a room like, hotel. And they're trying to be like, beginning of the year, like, baseline testing stuff. Right? So like, the beginning of you, you have to take you do some kind of assessment for like a starting point to get where are the kids? Where do they start? And then later on, you know, you assess them again, in few months. And you can go, Aha, here's where they are now. So have we shown any growth houses, you know, but you have to have that starting benchmark, right. And she was trying to do those starting benchmarks this week. It's like so then the kid couldn't like starting benchmark, because like, she doesn't have an iPad or anything, because she just came here today. And then so we had to, and we're not getting, like classroom iPads this year. Because they're just like, giving everybody there's and then like, do I don't really understand what the plan is, but whatever, but there's not like extras.

Collin  07:39

Right? So

Brandon  07:43

I had to like, run around and like get her logged in on her. Hers the teacher one and like get her off site. Like oh my god and in like 10 minutes or so.

Collin  07:54

Wow. So again, I was okay with it. But

Brandon  08:01

she was very much like, surprise.

Collin  08:04

Just a wee bit stressed right now. Yeah. Well, the

Brandon  08:06

biggest problem is that's the second


person we've got that was

Brandon  08:11

a new student. That was like a surprise, right? The kid should have like three days ago, like, hey, or a Monday, maybe? I don't remember. Not that long ago. It was like,

Collin  08:23

surprise. Like, there's new K coming what? Like now? Normally,

Brandon  08:31

I see a good beginning of the year. I don't know what's happening down in the land that has. I mean, there are some things I'm gonna talk about him here, but like, it has caused all this chaos, but like, normal procedure is

Collin  08:45

student enrolls. I should say

Brandon  08:48

no procedure was because I don't know what normally is. Currently, I normally was student enrolls. Right? They come to enroll, they do the thing, they get their paperwork, they go get checked out, the other school has to like release records and stuff. And then like, we don't have to have those yet. But usually they're like, Okay, well, we got to process your stuff and get you in the system. So your for you can start like either tomorrow or the next day. Right? It seems that it's been like, Oh, you got paperwork, just go just go up there right now. Like What? What? What? Again, I don't know if that's accurate, because I don't know what's happening, but it's what it feels like is like

Collin  09:27

a surprise you go

Brandon  09:32

so again, it's the beginning of the year. So we're already we're all still like doing new stuff anyway.

Collin  09:37

Right? But it's like, like procedural things still, like,

Brandon  09:42

I did that stuff today. And we did like an activity to get ready for what we have to do tomorrow. Because tomorrow is our first like, experiment, right? Because we've been all talking about like the scientific method and observations and stuff. So tomorrow is like our first experiment that we're going to do and So today was like an activity about team building and communication. That was varying degrees of hilarious to watch happen. Yeah, it's pretty. It was pretty bizarre. But like,

Collin  10:19

we have that we do that things

Brandon  10:20

just because I kind of get them in the mindset of like, Hey, this is what these are backspace, blah, blah, blah, and then for tomorrow, so we're ready. We're thinking about working in bigger groups,

Collin  10:29

all that stuff. Like,

Brandon  10:35

you know, now I gotta redo all this stuff because admin teams do this, like challenge thing, right? You know? And so it's like, oh, okay, a new person go there could pull bla bla like, like, it worked out today, because like, one person wasn't here. So I was just like, insert you here, boom, go fine. Like, yeah. Yeah,

Collin  10:54

this is this is a placeholder. I'll be right back. Yeah. So I was with my

Brandon  11:03

fun for the day, really? The second fun of the day occurred after school.

Collin  11:11

Right? Because

Brandon  11:14

I, so tomorrow, for my experiment, I need six

Collin  11:19

cans of soda. Right? That's one show.

Brandon  11:24

Yes, as one does, right. But they have to be different brands of soda. Okay? Because the experiment is, it's not really like an experiment. It's more like a data gathering trial thing, right? We're talking about gathering gathering data and like filling out a data sheet. And you know, all that stuff. But it's about which is the best can of soda to take with you on a float trip. Right? I probably have talked about this before. But like, you got to do all this stuff. We do all this stuff. We look at all the ingredients and all that stuff, right? And then the last thing that we do is we measure the density

Collin  12:01

of the object. Right? Because certain brands of soda float, certain ones do not. Right? So

Brandon  12:14

that surprises you want to take like x brand, because it is the least dense. And if you dump it out of your canoe, it will float and you can just grab it. Right? So that's the that's what we're trying to discover. That's what we've learned. That's what we surprise because they don't know that density. Right? So it's like, they're all like, Oh, that one because it's like diet or like that one because it's like, my favorite or you know what your hypothesis is? Whatever. And so the goal is then to discover about density. And then I drop it in a bucket of water and watch it kind of like, it doesn't like Float Float, but it like floats like right under the surface. Because the densities are usually like 1.02. Right? And so that will that will kind of suspend in the water. Right? Anything much over that low it goes to the bottom like black. So it's about that stuff calculating using the calculator, all that stuff, but I need six cans of soda. Because I have zero cans of soda. Right so I was I had some cans in my closet, but like I don't think got too hot or whatever but like they like

Collin  13:27

popped open right so like

Brandon  13:31

that it was not good like other guests they leaked or something happened. I don't really know. But like now I have zero cans of soda. So had to go find six individual cans of different kinds of soda. And let me tell you

Collin  13:45

are you aware that in my area

Brandon  13:49

at least in 2022 It is impossible to buy individual 12 ounce cans of soda


anywhere really

Brandon  14:03

they're nowhere to be found. They used to have them in like the gas station right? Or like a Walmart in the thing like cooler area whatever. Yeah, like that by the checkout you know they haven't been there.

Collin  14:17

Now all gone. All gone. The only store I didn't go to was Dollar General. Maybe they're in there. But no 12 ounce cans of soda anywhere to be found. I had to buy

Brandon  14:36

16 ounce cans of soda. Okay, they sell those individually.

Collin  14:44

Right? Which is weird

Brandon  14:48

to be in a can because like if you think about drinking soda, right?

Collin  14:52

Like if it's in a can.

Brandon  14:56

You're not gonna like keep it around for a long time. You just like drink it and be done. Right? So like, I don't understand the large can philosophy. Because it's like not resealable, right? We know that soda and can taste better because of how plastic works and plastic error rates and let things in. So it kind of like messes with the flavor of the soda, so the cans are better.

Collin  15:22

But like, I've never before in my

Brandon  15:26

life bought a 16 ounce can of soda.

Collin  15:29

That's never your size. What I know it is a weird size. Like I'm very uncomfortable.

Brandon  15:37

It's odd. And then I had to try to carry six of them to the thing at the gas station. I had to go to like some random gas station. Because I went to some other gas stations and Walmart has the 16 ounce cans, but they didn't have

Collin  15:51

enough variety. Oh, right. Yeah, they had like a coke. And like something else I'm trying to think is this. What size do the energy drinks come in?

Brandon  16:05

Yeah, it's a similar size to like the monster cans, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's it same size. It's like a weird name. It's like 400 and something Mills, right. It's like 417 is weird, right? It's

Collin  16:14

like, are they? I guess they don't have to be taller.

Brandon  16:18

Right? Yeah. So it's Beth. It's about the same circumference of a 12 ounce can it's just taller.

Collin  16:26

It's just what it felt like when I was holding

Brandon  16:27

it. It might be slightly larger in circumference. I'm not 100% Sure. I don't have a 12 ounce cane to compare it to clearly but like, I feel similar in circumference, and like diameter, right? But

Collin  16:43

not the height is taller. Right? So

Brandon  16:48

in theory, my experiment should still work because its density is

Collin  16:51

just mass divided by volume. Yeah. So

Brandon  16:56

my mass will be greater, but my volume will also be greater. So my density should be

Collin  17:00

the same. Right? We'll see.

Brandon  17:04

Fine. It doesn't matter. Another science. Okay. We're learning something tomorrow. Density of


16 ounce soda can

Brandon  17:15

be new, will be something new that we learned about tomorrow. I want.

Collin  17:19

Yeah. That's sitting at the top and

Brandon  17:27

well, it's just a blank chart, right? This is not good. Okay. Because volume is one of the things I have to measure. But it's easy because we just read it off the side. Boom. Right? It's about finding the information. Where's it all adds up?

Collin  17:41

Yeah, so like, I was really weird

Brandon  17:46

experience. I was not expecting, trying to find cans of soda to be so impossible. Oh, my God. I did not know.


This. I do not suspect this right.


Who does? Well, yeah.

Brandon  17:59

I mean, I don't know. I don't buy a Kansas soda, I guess. And apparently I'm the only person in the world who wants to buy like 112 ounce cans of soda. So yeah, you want to you want to do that?

Collin  18:14

One time a year.

Brandon  18:16

Yeah. And like last year, I just went to the person that stalks the soda machines at school for like the club. And I was like, I'm going to just buy the straight from you from your closet. A but this year, they're not doing it and they're just like, No, we're somebody else's right. So like, Coke is doing it. We're not your blue what like whatever. Nonsense but like, so like I couldn't go to them. And like

Collin  18:42

your your suppliers are drying up like

Brandon  18:45

my portal died just dried up like real quick. I had no idea. This was gonna be such a problem. I did not. I did not anticipate the lack of 12 ounce cans. I didn't. I had no idea that 16 ounce cans was apparently the standard industry size for single serving cans now.

Collin  19:03

I wonder right. Usually things don't get bigger, but I guess it could be they're trying to. I don't know. Like, what

Brandon  19:12

Yeah, I definitely couldn't find like, it would have been really hilarious if they would have been selling like the eight ounce ones. That would have been great. Like, that would have been fantastic. I would have bought all those just because it would have been hilarious. Easy to carry was like


funnier, right? Like, sure.

Collin  19:28

But yeah, I was like, Man, why?

Brandon  19:32

Why the 16 ounce can it's a weird size. Right? Because like, too tall.

Collin  19:37

Oh, yeah, it's

Brandon  19:38

It's awkward. Right? Like it's a weird size to carry and like, if you think about sizing, previous sizing standards, right? Because who knows what they are now right? You have the 12 ounce can. Right? You have the 20 ounce bottle and then you have the one little liter bottle. Right? And then sometimes they had that like

Collin  20:06

16.5 ounce.

Brandon  20:11

Bottle. Remember that thing was like a weird. There's a weird in between size there sometimes? Not at all. No, that was like a brief period of time there was like a slightly smaller bottle. Sure. Like the 16 ounce cans is a weird size to put between

Collin  20:30

the 12 and the 20. Right? Because it doesn't make sense to be there,

Brandon  20:40

it's like exactly in the middle. That what purpose does that serve? Yeah. Right. There's no like motivation to buy for less ounces than a 20 ounce bottle. Right. And I was not checking prices. Like, the price for a 20 ounce bottle is not. It's like this, the same or less than the 16 ounce can. So why would you buy the 16 ounce can except for you need it for science experiments? Because there's no other cans available. Right? So like, economically,

Collin  21:19

it makes no sense to exist. None. It's useless. Because 20 ounces are probably cheaper. Right?

Brandon  21:28

I don't know. I 20 ounces used to be like $1 something. Inflation. They're probably like $1 I don't know. I didn't look at the dollar 50 maybe not even that much. Yeah. Dollar 20 Something dollar 30.

Collin  21:40

These cans were $1.60 apiece. That's insane. So like, it must be, but it must just be for people who like drinking out of a cannon versus bottle. Right?

Brandon  21:53

Like the can is not transportable. Right? Once it's open. That's it, it's over for you. Like you can't put it away. You just have to have an open can mic.


That's not cool. Like

Brandon  22:08

you can't reseal it. So like you can't take it places. You can't put it in a bag. You can't like put it in pocket, right? You just have to like carry a camera around. That doesn't. Why? Why would you do it? To me, there seems to be no purpose

Collin  22:26

of a 16 ounce can it's like a useless in my opinion. Size thing should just buy the bottle by the plastic bottle. Yeah, right. Like

Brandon  22:42

it makes more sense. I mean, you can recycle both of them. So like doesn't matter. Right? Sidenote, did you see that sprite bottles are not going to be clear?

Collin  22:52

I did. And I broke.

Brandon  22:54

Yeah, because they you can't recycle the green. Right? Right. Yeah, it doesn't recycle as well. Right. So yeah, they're changing it to clear which is like, cool. But it's also like, really weird, right? Because it's like it's always great. But not now. Whoa. Anyway, like, you can recycle both containers. Easily, readily available recyclability for both

Collin  23:22

one of them is resealable. It has more drink for potentially less money. So the only

Brandon  23:33

reason that you would have a 16 ounce can is to get people to buy more 20 ounce bottles, right there's

Collin  23:39

Oh, it's it's the middle. It's the one you don't want right? It's like only schmucks buy that one, right. Yeah. If you know, right, if you have you know, you've you know, you're you're in the know, you buy the bottle but if you're the guy who's like Oh, that'll save me money but doesn't actually do any investigation. The fact that that man

Brandon  24:04

in the middle is the tricky thing, right? Which is a no it annoys me because I don't usually like like, like drinks at like restaurants like a fast food restaurants right? Like the middle is the scam one.

Collin  24:17

Because, yeah, they depending on what

Brandon  24:20

they're doing, right? They like put it like close to the large price. So your large feels like a value. Oh, yeah. Right. But I don't want that much soda. Right. And so like I don't want that much. But like the medium is not a good value now because it's only a few cents cheap. Like it's not like stinks but I don't want that my I don't want like a giant cup of right. I don't need that in my life. Like I don't want apparently you do.


I do.

Brandon  24:52

The biggest problem with the fast food restaurants is I want the big thing of fries, but not the big thing of drink. Right? Right. That's what I want. I would really just Take a small drink and a large fry. That's what I need.


This is so true.

Brandon  25:08

Of a person. All right, here's a question

Collin  25:13

about eating,

Brandon  25:14

like fast food, specifically, but like other times, right, so I want to know about like when you're eating, when are you taking drinks?

Collin  25:24

Right? Okay. And I asked this question

Brandon  25:26

because, um, I do this thing where like, I basically like, eat all my food, and then drink the drink. Like from a fast food restaurant, right? But I'm not like sipping my drink in between bites.

Collin  25:45

Right? I might like eat all the french fries. Again,

Brandon  25:49

I'm a, this is strictly fast food, right? I will eat all the french fries. I might take a drink like a little one. And then I will eat all of the burger. Or then I would just like, drink the rest of the drink. Right? Like all of it. Like, I don't like take a bite. Sip. Take a bite, sip. Take a bite sip. I basically save the drink to the end. Like, I don't want a big drink. Because that's like, I just need it for like, wash everything down. Boom, done. Right? Like, no, I'm I'm uh, I drink throughout. Because I get there's the with, like, salty food, or like mildly spicy food. And I'm like, I need to drink this. And that's your I was thinking about like, your average, like, McDonald's or like Sonic whatever. Like, oh, sure. Yeah, no, I drink I drink throughout. Mm hmm. Okay, sorry. Yeah. So I'm not I'm not I drink like, basically at the end. That's it? Like, you're I don't know, I don't know. Why do you ask?

Collin  26:48

I don't know. I mean,

Brandon  26:50

it's fine you to use whatever. But also like, what? It probably has to do with the fact that I eat

Collin  26:54

rather quickly. Right? Don't have to still, I still like eat pretty fast. So like, I just like eat all the fryers boom,

Brandon  27:04

you know, thing. And then like, drink the drink. Done. Right. Let's go moving on. Moving on.

Collin  27:13

Right, that's just some interesting trivia, I want to think about while here, so? Yes. Yes. Long story long. I finally found soda in a can. But it was not the size I was anticipating. So we'll see tomorrow.

Brandon  27:34

If that affects the results of my experiments, like I said, it shouldn't my hypothesis is no, I do wish I had

Collin  27:42

an old datasheet for when I did this experiment with 12 ounce cans. Because I would like to compare some of the numbers to see how much more like it weighs. Right. Sure. And how that would be interesting. But I don't know if I still have one or not, I have to see to dig through my file.

Brandon  28:11

But my back to school is going much better than a another school in barre County, Missouri. Perhaps you've heard on the news, or read in the local, state, national or yesterday, even international news about the goings on in one Cassville Missouri has reinstated corporal punishment as part of their school disciplinary program. Ah, you know, well, I read an article from a British newspaper about this today. It was like, Oh, my Lord. This is getting the out of hand quickly was the tape okay, what was it? What was their takes? I'm very interested. Because they have what was it unique to anything or?

Collin  29:10

I don't really know what like that. For me,

Brandon  29:14

it sort of seemingly came out of nowhere, because I'm not like part of that school did I don't know anything about them. Really? Why?

Collin  29:20

Like, from what I understand, it was like the guys knew. And I don't know if you'd like, Hold

Brandon  29:29

parents or whatever. But like, somehow it came up in a school board meeting and they're like, Yeah, we should do

Collin  29:35

that. And so there's a lot of people that are like, Dude, what are you serious? No.

Brandon  29:47

Is this so people are thinking hearing this? This is the like, the full on like paddle like space stuff, right? Yes, the hand with no paddling of the student. Oh, Okay.

Collin  30:02

Yes. Now I will

Brandon  30:04

say it is by you have to like sign off on it. Like as a parent. Yeah. So it's not like carte blanche for everybody. Sure. It is sign off double.

Collin  30:18

So that's better question mark. Um, but yeah, so that's fine. I

Brandon  30:28

don't think they've got anything done really, because I think they've just been dealing with that for


taking a lot of phone calls. And a lot.

Brandon  30:38

Oh, my gosh, it's an I can imagine that my, my friend's husband works there. So like, I want to ask him like, What in the world is going on?

Collin  30:52

I don't, I don't know what makes someone just seems so bizarre to do right now. Yeah, right. Like, that's, in other words, it

Brandon  31:04

says where I look at things, and I go. Why would you do that? Why would you do something that like, we stopped doing, like, years ago? Because we realized it's not good. It's like, harmful in many cases. And so we stopped doing it. Why did you then go?

Collin  31:27

Yeah, we should do that again. Like, What? What? What is this like regressive thought

Brandon  31:32

that goes through people's heads that like, you know, that stuff that we did, like, a long time ago, that was like, bad. Sure. We shouldn't do that. Again. Like, what?

Collin  31:41

Wow, what is this? Like? I don't understand, like

Brandon  31:46

parents. I mean, okay, here's actually what happened. Okay. Because for listeners, not familiar with, like, old timey Ozarks people, right, this is how it works, right? People

Collin  31:59

go. I got handled when I was a kid not turned out fine. Right. Even though, like, knowing them. They're not fine. Right? Like, they're not. And, but they

Brandon  32:16

have this idea that like, I'm perfectly fine. I'm normal. And I got paddle all the time when I was a kid like, so my kids get paddled, too, because they'll turn out fine like me. You're going, wait. Yeah, hold on. Everything's going downhill when we stopped doing it, though. See, it all lines up. Obviously, right. society as a whole took a downturn when you stop spanking the children? That's the answer.

Collin  32:41

Of course. Of course, that clips

Brandon  32:45

can be taken out of context somewhere.


That's what I'm leading with. I'm cutting that out and inserting all

Brandon  32:51

right, it's episode. Hopefully my tone is indicative of what I was thinking. But like,

Collin  32:55

yeah, it's like it seems very odd. Right? in the aggregate, that's how people think. Right? I know it is. Because I talk to people to think that way. And like you know, if education

Brandon  33:11

is all about, like, all they talk about all the time is like research this research that and bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, in all the research says don't spank


the children.

Brandon  33:22

And they're like,


Nah, let's do it.

Collin  33:27

Dude, what? Why? Why would you do Yeah, I just,

Brandon  33:41

I just, I know they say okay, the parents have to sign off on it and there has to be agreed upon things but I think just even having that as as an option for some students and not others like that. I don't think that sets students up for like, how do you have consistency of of disciplinary action between them? If you're if you're not going to like it's one of the things like you're gonna do it just do it like right like I don't know like just it doesn't make sense on how you're going to be consistent in following through with everybody and keeping together it creates a really bizarre like coward official boundary yeah caste system, right? Like patentable and the unpatentable


right like

Collin  34:30

you know that that's that's a that's a weird that's how we think the institute

Brandon  34:35

just like ah, like

Collin  34:38

what? So I will have no man like I

Brandon  34:45

asked my friend tomorrow cuz she her kids go there. I'll be like, Yo, your kids getting paddled or what like let's see what she throws.

Collin  34:58

Yeah. I'll just it's set some weird conversation

Brandon  35:02

with students like in the, in the classroom and like at lunch. I mean all the kids Alright, so what you've also done is created a bullying environment, because the people that are getting spanked are going to be like, picked on by all the kids who aren't getting spanked. And because they're gonna say stuff like your parents don't love you because they let you get spanked school, right? And then that kid's gonna get mad and he's talking to punch them and then he's gonna get spanked again, right like you see like the nothing helpful is not good. That's what I say if you're gonna do it, just like all in everybody gets involved. Everyone gets the paddle Who are you know, just like keep not doing it. And I'll probably be fine to

Collin  35:46

look like it's ridiculous.

Brandon  35:51

I couldn't believe the other Oh, man. It's just

Collin  35:55

wild. Like

Brandon  35:58

so is that is that sparked a lot of conversations amongst your board members? And I hope not because I in that I've been really interested. If that average I'm just gonna give all the news reporters all the board members phone numbers. Guys, here's an email. Please contact this

Collin  36:18

person. I know what

Brandon  36:21

I'm just gonna I'm just gonna put this phone number on this bench. And you're back when KY three rolls up and does the interview me? I'm just gonna hand him a card. Well, there you go. These people need to talk to you. Yeah. It's crazy, man. I it's absolutely wild. Like, I'm

Collin  36:39

interested to see how quickly they walked that back. Yeah, I don't

Brandon  36:43

know. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see. Because like, it's do you not think they will? I don't know. Right? Like, there's one stubborn group of people. It's like old dudes.

Collin  36:52

Right? So like, there's some stubborn people.

Brandon  36:59

Obviously, not the wrong, it's fine. So they might eventually begin to backlash from the community and.

Collin  37:08

and stuff, we'll see if they do or not. So I'm interested to see like,

Brandon  37:16

because I've been reading some stuff about like, a lot of the parents and Kassala like, dude, what? No, oh, this is me. support it. Yeah, like a lot of parents are like, No, cool. And so I want to know, like, where this like idea come from? Did you talk to like one dude, right? Like somebody's grandpa, who you talk to you? And they're like, oh, yeah, we'll just listen to them. Because they're up on current information will just speak to that person. And so I'm sure what, what what happened.

Collin  37:53

What had happened was

Brandon  37:56

they have had this kind of like stuck in their craw for a while now. And finally are in a position to where they can implement that could be a to write you in on it for a while

Collin  38:09

there one thing for the past 25 years. And finally unleash,


I want to use them

Brandon  38:20

in this context, is a bad phrase. No.

Collin  38:23

I think I'll read. Yeah, yeah, we just

Brandon  38:32

were talking about that amongst ourselves School of imagined why

Collin  38:35

making fun of them. See it like, what the heck?

Brandon  38:42

So yeah, that's just my goings on. Schools in my county are getting international press for the

Collin  38:53

good stuff. But everyone. Let's carry a bag. Well, that's. That's bad. Yeah, that's, that's not good. No, no. Like, very much. Like,

Brandon  39:10

like, we joke, right? Like a joke among teachers is like, the one thing you don't want is for like the news to be there. Right? Right. Because the news never comes when you saw the cool. Yeah, right. Nothing. Nothing good happens when the news shows up at your work if your teacher Right, right. Even though they should jump she does something cool. They don't worry.

Collin  39:33

Like, you know, we always joke like, oh, yeah, I

Brandon  39:37

don't call the news. And now these people got like, every news outlet in the world like calling news like oh my gosh,

Collin  39:47

big Oof. Big like, Oh my gosh. It'll be really interesting

Brandon  39:53

to see at the end of the year if they haven't walked this back, how many openings they have for teaching because Uh

Collin  40:01

oh, you know, that will be

Brandon  40:05

like admin that's like, no, like,

Collin  40:09

they'll still spin it. They'll spit it someday something like cleaning out the, you know, the riffraff from this.

Brandon  40:15

They always do that. But like, you know, you know that's why, right? When you look at schools and like all of a sudden there's like 50 billion openings you go? Yeah, well, that's not good.

Collin  40:29

What happens to the, and then later on,

Brandon  40:36

like, this year, like there was another school nearby that, like there was a lot of openings, right. And then like one of the people that used to work there now works with in our school. And like, they basically just confirmed some things that like, I suspected or that I like heard about, right, like, and they're like, yeah, no, it's not


good. Like. Yeah.

Brandon  41:03

It's when you see the signs and you're like, if you kind of your antennae go up, and you're like, Well, I'm gonna sit here for a minute. And then you start getting some that news. I'm sure that that's hard.

Collin  41:13

Yeah, like who? Yeah, right. Yeah, it's very suspicious when like 15

Brandon  41:19

openings like whoa. has more than normal.

Collin  41:23

Right? Like, that's not good. Yeah, it's got bad too. So. Yeah. Yeah,

Brandon  41:34

that's been my week. Dealing with random children not finding soda and glad I don't work there.

Collin  41:43

Sounds like a lot to be thankful.

Brandon  41:53

Don't even have to. I mean, I was right,

Collin  41:58

we did not start off. Well. I was in Springfield doing interviews, because we have a team member who is having a chance to buy a dream business for himself. He's being able to go into that we're very excited for where he is headed. We are needing to have somebody else take over his time slot and do that stuff. So we're in the hiring phase again. And I did your favorite phase,

Brandon  42:28

I've heard it right. So obviously, I'm learning it's all it's literally never

Collin  42:35

which is fine, whatever. I'm supposed to have for set up, back to back back to back and is that not which is fine. And one person called in so there were six are like this, please stay away. We'll just do a zoom. And so I did three and they just got like, progressively worse each time. And it's really hard. Really hard. I, I enjoy it. Because I enjoy talking with people and I enjoy getting to learn about people and see kind of like what they want to do in their life. And, and everything so it kind of needs to be like okay, what are you looking for? How can we where do we fit in if at all and it just kind of fell apart? And then I said this Yeah. And it kind of ties into a little bit of the second part of this conversation here. And of on my way back I did I hit that dog and that was brutal. Brutal.

Brandon  43:59

A large dog Yeah, it

Collin  44:01

was a lab. Big old lab at 70 miles an hour. My neck hurt my my neck hurts. I'll say that. Oh, no. No airbags deployed. But it was enough of a jolt when when you just hit something so solid all of a sudden, the I woke up I woke up at midnight last night with active pain in my face in my neck. Because I was because I had so tensed up on the day before finally caught up with me and my neck is still still pretty sore. And I hit law. Yeah, he ran out. I was in the right lane Crouzon wide open and he just bolted out in front of me and like square like dead center straight into my radiator. And I first hit him and it's a bizarre feeling of you know, because I was still driving because I have all the forward momentum. So I'm Guy Yeah. And I look up in my rearview mirror, I rug him for

Brandon  45:07

fun, no

Collin  45:09

and driving and I'm in shock. And I'm just like, ah, like, pool. Ha. And I'm like, well, the car is still like, going and then I'm like, I need to pull over. Like, it took me a few seconds to be like, get to a lot of holen it's like process, right? Yeah, that's. And so because at first my the first part, my brain was like, Well, I guess I'm okay, I can just keep going. And then it was like, No, pull over.

Brandon  45:38

You definitely not. Okay, stop thing man

Collin  45:42

got pulled over and I came around and the plastic bumpers are I love them because they are easily replaced. They absorb a lot of damage. But they also conceal a lot. Because after they've done and like my bumper flexed pretty much back into place. Like it didn't even pop out. So at first I'm like, Okay, this isn't so bad. And then I actually listened to the engine, and it's a really bad ticking noise. And then I get underneath, and I look and his fluid is just pouring from my radiator. And then that's whenever I see that my radiator has a dog, a large dog shaped indention across the entire radiator radiators. The big it's got a big bar that sits at the bottom that's supposed to prevent things from denting it is like currently coming out in Yeah. Then I'm like, oh,

Brandon  46:42

it's not gone? Well, we I'm here.

Collin  46:45

And so I pulled over I moved a little bit more further over. Because I was like, I don't know how long we would be here. Yeah, kind of on this weird curve. And so, and I had big storms that were coming in. So

Brandon  46:57

I asked Drew,

Collin  46:59

made some phone calls and got towed in it. And everything was I think everything's gonna be okay. We're still waiting to see the assessment of car for, you know, how much it's going to be versus the cost of the car and stuff. So it's, that part is kind

Brandon  47:24

of his whole thing other than the radiator like,

Collin  47:28

well, and then I'm sitting here going, it's a it's a it's a hybrid. So I don't know, like, where, like how the hybrid system is stitched together. Or more importantly, hers. So I did drag the dog for a little bit like, well, robot. So like, what did it do to the underside of the car? Yeah, that's true. This is just like, oh my gosh, there's just so many things, right?

Brandon  47:49

Less than the initial impact I would imagine. But hopefully, hopefully

Collin  47:53

it who knows. Like so I truly, just like I'm not even going to try to guess. Because I Yeah, so then it's all trying to figure out like, Okay, what, what we want done and we have to wait for numbers to come back and are like, the assessment and value of car and anything like that. Yeah. And on the right in, Aye Aye. So I was an hour and 22 minutes away from home. And I called my insurance agent and they were like, Oh yeah, call this call these people and I was like sweet, like call them and then I was like oh, I have to wait an hour and probably 35 minutes for them to get here and then I have to drive that back I'm going to be here for four I'm not gonna get oh yeah or hours oh well. company comes in and and cupboard guy comes in and gets it all in fact, these Bluetooth controllers Now have you seen this? No. Yeah. And they his entire truck is controlled by a little Bluetooth controller that he wears around his neck. Whoa. Yeah. And what's really cool is that when he pushes a button on it the standard levers that are at the truck move move to so many lowers the bed. You first see the lever go up and then the back boots and you're like

Brandon  49:47

oh my gosh, I mean yeah, I still hydraulic probably so that makes sense. That's wild man. Like holy cow.

Collin  49:54

Yeah. So I was like, This is amazing. And so he like he stepped out. He has this Massive reflective jacket on and he's like, for your safety please go sit in this talk. I'll be there in just a moment we'll get you home. I was like, okay, so I get and I'm like my first thought is no it is going to be so jealous. That's true like so I was trying to take pictures and stuff so the process we get in and we start going and he's like it took no time at all like in my brain like the towing process of getting the hook and all that stuff like that the hook rate I just feel like that it used to take a long time this took no time like the car was up and going and like

Brandon  50:42

what yeah now the the ones with their like the flatbed on it yeah right they just like tilt the bed down drive up to the thing just like alright done like Yeah, wow like takes longer to like bolt down like strapped down the car like the back axle to the bed so it is like wiggle like that's the

Collin  51:03

yes exactly. And so he we get in and we start going and the first time a little like I don't know what I'm going to talk to this man about because i What

Brandon  51:20

do I do here? And so I'm just like I'm so listeners Collins answer was interview times

Collin  51:28

I do these for a living. So let's do this.

Brandon  51:35

puts on his like, like just out of his like bag like whips out like as reporter hat with the press, like the press thing, right for like the comic books and like a spiral notebook like, so tell me about trucks?

Collin  51:51

Yeah, so I'm kind of I'm trying to fit because I have some general idea. I have seen this gentleman around town in the truck before. But I don't know if he works for them if he owns the company. So I do I just say like, how long have you been doing this? And he's like, Oh, well, my dad used to own a car lot. And as a side business, he did this. And since like 1998, I was I've been doing this as like a part time job on the weekends, my buddies and I would go out these my dad's old tow truck, and we'd make seven 800 bucks on a weekend. And that was our that was our job. And it just he went to a business school, and was like, well, I'll just do this, because that's what I want to do that. And so what was fascinating was how he thinks about it. Because I was like, so like, tell me, in my mind what I said in my mind, the tow truck industry kind of has some, I don't know, misconceptions, or biases or assumptions that people have about that. And he started laughing. He said, Yeah, tell me about it. And I said, I said,

Brandon  53:01

No, you tell me.

Collin  53:03

What I said was, I said, What do you do about those? And he said, he said, Well, I believe that I can, there's so much of a gap between what people are currently experiencing versus what's possible. It's basically the sky's the limit for what I can do in my company. And that every little thing that I add on, nobody expects for us to do. And so one of the things that he does is he said the comment of like professionalism, costs, and basically his thinking is to be a professional to act professionally and to do things in a professional manner that costs money, which means I have to have the height, I have to raise prices. And he was talking about the delta between his prices and other prices in like a county. And I was like, goodness, he said, Yeah, a lot of people haven't. So I also picked up some lingo so look rate is the rate is what they call for. This is the tow truck fun. And of like he said, some of this guy, some of these guys haven't changed their hook rates since the 90s. They're still towing cars for like 35 bucks. And he was like, I am not $35 But I was like good for you. And he was like, thanks. We want to give people a better experience. And I can only do that if we charge more. And so he like refreshes all of him his and his staffs uniforms regularly. He makes sure that they all have good good belt so that you don't see, you know, your lower back and backpack on the side of the road because he's like people expect that when they don't. It's a nice surprise.

Brandon  54:58

The best kind of surprise

Collin  54:59

Yes, yeah, like, and things like making sure that the truck cabs are detailed on a regular basis. So that it's a pleasant place to be at making sure that the his crew all have like, stay up with hygiene and are, you know, and he's like, you know, I understand people's lives are kind of hectic and stuff but like, show up to work looking presentable. And because I don't want anybody to be sitting in the passenger seat uncomfortable with me or one of my staff, that's a really bad experience, especially if you're in there for two hours or three hours driving with them like, right, like, that's true. Nobody should be uncomfortable or unsure of what's happening. And he talked about the apps that they use for their booking. And then he put into this amazing discussion of all of the motoring clubs, right, so like AAA is really big one, I had this, this whole thing blew my mind. So triple A right? You buy that, and they give you a guarantee that you will get access to a tow truck if needed. Right. I always thought this is amazing. I had no idea of what this actually does to the tow truck industry. Because the tow trucks have to negotiate a rate with AAA. And usually AAA comes in and says no, this is our rate you want access to our network. That's what we'll pay you for it. And they agreed to all of these terms of service of like, how far their radius will be to get access to this, what their rates will be their call time, the response time, all this stuff. And so he was giving away some of his rights, or up to 50% off or 60% off sometimes. But no, but he was like, you know, my phone was ringing nonstop. True. I felt paid off. But I was making no money. I was leaving. And it really came to a head when the gas prices started going up several months ago. Yeah, because he used to pay $1,500 a week. Yeah. When gas was at its peak, it was over 7000 a week, holy cow. A week, he runs four trucks. And I was like, you've got to be kidding me. He was like, No, that's what my costs went to for gas. And I was like, and he said, I was losing so much money following these car clubs that I just had to eat just basically came to them and was like, this is your this is your two week notice that I'm pulling out of this. And they tried to convince them and he was also having to invoice them. And he said they would do nothing but dispute every single invoice he sent them. Every single one they never didn't dispute an invoice, hoping that he would just give up.

Brandon  58:03

So they're like an insurance company?



Collin  58:07

They are like, Ah, you didn't need that like, isn't it? Well, and he was like, everything we do is is geo located? Like the moment you he's at least at the moment you called me. I knew your exact GPS location.

Brandon  58:23

And oh, that's handy from way different than back in the day. Right?

Collin  58:26

When it's like, Yo,

Brandon  58:30

seem to be a mile marker at one. And


you know, going to

Brandon  58:36

hoard solar. So like, I'll try to find you

Collin  58:41

flashlights every now and then right? Like type of thing. You're like, yeah, man. So he was like, I knew from my desk, like the apps, we use else exactly what it is I submit all those reports and they do nothing but dispute they would be six, seven months late paying on things. And so he finally was like, Look, I need to run my business. I am losing money here. I can't give my staff the quality of life that they need. And so we're we're cutting you out. He said, so I don't service any car club. And he said I couldn't be happier. could not be happier. And he's like, you know, the call volumes are down. But I can actually, you know, we can actually operate the way we want to operate. And, yeah, you know, so it was as seeing how you, it's so it's sold us so beneficial. And it was it kind of reminded me of like the like the Grub Hub and the DoorDash and all that stuff and the impact that the app the restaurants have how they make no money on any of that. Yeah, and how it still you know, things like that. So it was just it was very fascinating. And he's like He's really good. He's just knows like I can. He's like, I can make such a big difference here. And I don't want to stop. And he's was. So he's so worried about complacency in business and helping other people. It was a really good conversation. So afterwards, I was like, when I go to coffee we like swapped book recommendations. I was like, What are you reading? And he was like, gave me this, like three or four things. And I was like, oh, you should read this. Oh, my goodness. Oh, it was great. And he, you know, he's like, trying to figure out like, what? Talking about what he wants out of his business and why he's still working in it, even though he's not all the staff and stuff. And I don't know. It's kind of like, he's trying to figure out his role as his company has grown. He's been doing it full time for six years. And he's still trying to figure out like, what my, what his role is, as he's brought on more people and more trucks and stuff. And

Brandon  1:01:04

yeah, I see why you were so interested. This conversation. This sounds vaguely familiar. I heard some of this before. Somewhere. Remember where

Collin  1:01:17

nobody does? So? Yeah, it's

Brandon  1:01:19

fairly coincidental, obviously, purely.

Collin  1:01:22

I was just very, I was not expecting this conversation. And people just talk to people more, but I've just what I learned was like, tell me what's going on? Oh, my gosh, and I ya know? Yeah, it was a lot taken while I was still like processing having

Brandon  1:01:50

trauma, right. Like,

Collin  1:01:53

it was a good distraction from that. So it wasn't just sitting there stewing about, like, oh, my gosh, like, we're done fair. I'm going to be doing a Springfield nonstop for the next three weeks, I'm going to be doing this, the kids are starting school, like, I don't want spinning through my head. And then I was able to kind of deflect that for at least another hour.

Brandon  1:02:10

That's good, at least that's helped with that.

Collin  1:02:14

Trauma Recovery slightly, right. Well, and it just kind of reinforced the importance. And as we were talking, he was like, he deals with his his businesses, nothing, nothing but logistics, right of like, cost. Oh, yeah. 100% like I was, yeah, that's all he does. And when I first told him what, what we did, he was kind of like, Okay, that's cool. But then I talked about how we operate it. He was like, oh, there's a lot of overlap between Wait, wait a minute. Like, I was like, I know, I know. You. I don't know I to drive for a living some days. And it was just fascinating for him to be like, like, I don't I don't know how you do that. He's like, you know, we're talking about like, what we charge and all the stuff. He's like, you're not charging enough. That's insane. But I can't believe that. You have so much liability on your head every time you go to somebody's house. And I just have to deal with the car. It's usually already wrecked. So what am I supposed to?

Brandon  1:03:15

Like? It's already broken. So like, whatever. Yeah. What am I going to scratch it? Oh, no.

Collin  1:03:23

Sad. Whoo, I'm so sorry. It's a giant, a heap of broken metal and sugar last shards, a little scratch on the on the way up is not going to. But that's not gonna be a problem. He was talking about of like, he invested in this eight point harness system for every car he puts on his truck bed. Because I guess they used to just hook the front springs and the back springs and like, tie him forward and backward and kind of anchor the car in place. Yeah. And he was like, that's fine. Until you have to like until you have to stop suddenly, or you have to do an evasive maneuver or truck gets damaged? Because they're

Brandon  1:04:02

top heavy. Right? That's a very high center of gravity. Well,

Collin  1:04:06

and what it does, is it torques the car chassis that's on the bed, because yeah, that's true. The car itself can't flex. So the hardest that he invested in just basically ties down the tires. And then


that he's also the suspension still

Collin  1:04:25

works. Yes, that's what he said. Or has he said, the suspension do what the suspension do? Was like, of course, he said that that makes sense. I was like, Oh, that is amazing. He said, You know, it takes a couple minutes extra to put on but in the long run, like he said, I I can afford that extra time to secure people's car in a better way. Because my prices aren't set. So is that I'm always looking at my clock going gotta get to the next one. Next, the next one next one next one.

Brandon  1:04:56

Yeah, because that volume, right like that guy. Yeah,

Collin  1:04:59

you can he can spend an extra five minutes to make sure that your car arrives actually in decent shape. Yeah. Just leaving it on. And so, yeah, just all the little details that he thinks about and encourages his team to think about was very encouraging. And, you know, I'm like, yeah, like, that's, that's what people want. But I was like, how do you? I didn't get to this part of just like, how do you convince people that it's worth it, right like that. Because what you want is somebody to just sometimes some people, all they want us to just show up. But I think, you know, for him, it's, they don't know what they don't know. And they are so used to something for so long that when this true truck pulls up, they have an expectation. And then literally the moment you step in the truck, it's like, oh, it's not, it doesn't smell like cigarettes. Yeah, it's not true everywhere. Yeah. Not filthy. High. Yeah. And he's got like, a nice, older, like, a nice charging spot for your phone. And he's got like, this nice thing and like, oh, there's a place for my bag. And I can, okay, like, this is like he purposely invested in extended cab trucks. They, he was like, you know, it's a little daunting. I have. I have four. He's a tech lead. I have five mortgages worth of expenses, because four of those are my trucks. We're talking Yeah, he has a heavy wrecker. And it's like, almost $400,000 the

Brandon  1:06:29

housings are massive.

Collin  1:06:30

But in order for him to be on. What is it police rotation, he had to have access to one. So if all for large scale large scale stuff, and he was like, hey, I want those are those those are those are good for us. So he was Yeah. But he was like, you know, I've got all of this money in here. And he invested in these extended cab trucks. Why? He said,

Brandon  1:06:59

because there's like a family. Right family. Exactly. Yeah. You have more than one person driving like,

Collin  1:07:06

yeah, with luggage. Exactly. Or like, yeah, bags that they want out.

Brandon  1:07:11

Yeah, just like your work bag or like your backpack or like, you know, whatever. Because like, some of the last time I was in a tow truck, it was one of those ones that was like the

Collin  1:07:22

bench seat. Like the flat nose bench seat. That was it. Yeah. Right. And it was very tight quarters

Brandon  1:07:30

in there. Like when our car broke down in Arizona. That's what drove us to the thing. And it was like, me and Susan and this dude. And it was kind of like, crammed in there. Like, we just had to keep our bags in the car. Right? On the back because like, it's, uh, we got to the plate because it was a whole like we couldn't. It was so crammed in there.

Collin  1:07:53

Yeah, he was like, I, I could have the big truck and then the little truck. But if both trucks are out, like I, that's not fair. And so, like, well, we got to have two big trucks. And it's like, a lot to run but it turned into four big. Well, no, he was telling me about he has three of them were like, which were like when I was in. The fourth one is I was at the big one. Yes. Sorry. So he's got two of the big ones. He's got the big wrecker and then he's got the fourth one, which looks like one of the standard, um, a tow trucks from of your where it's got the big T crossbar where the Oh yeah. And they've got the king crab. It's also it's also four wheel drive full time. And so interesting. He'll take he'll take, he'll take it and like, be able to drive through field and like, through the woods, and over the field and over the hills.

Brandon  1:08:47

Like the off road. I mean, you need that from Missouri, right. Like he's

Collin  1:08:50

like, this is exactly what he was like. He's like, I've got to go do like expedition sometimes. And it's also what they take to. He won the contract to be the wrecker for several of the race tracks in the area.

Brandon  1:09:03

Oh, okay. There you go. That's, that's all right there. He's gonna drive out on that dirt and rip it out and

Collin  1:09:12

get it back to the best of the best possible. That makes sense. So that's, that's what they use. And I was like, but he's like, everything he does is like, like, there's it's a very intentional purpose of like, yeah, because he thinks through like, what does what is what possibilities does this give me or or maybe he really thinks through and like seeks out a couple opportunities and goes, Okay, here's the one thing that will solve that.

Brandon  1:09:35

We are like, nobody else is doing this. So I need this thing so that I can do that. Right. That's yeah, because I wouldn't have thought about like, All Terrain wrecking, right? Yeah, because I'm not. Again, that's what you get from being in the business for that long amount of time. Right. His biggest asset to him to his business is his experience. And the longevity with which he has worked in it, right? Because he's going to be able to think of these things and be like,

Collin  1:10:04

Yo, we've never done this hmm.

Brandon  1:10:08

So I should do it right like that's what he knows the gaps like he knows the ins and outs kind of what's going on so he can think about like, because I definitely would not have thought about like off road wrecking, right like bagel truck just to get out there and some dudes out camping and like his, you know, axle broke, right? Because that's the thing that happens.

Collin  1:10:29

Stuck in field help.

Brandon  1:10:33

Yeah, my truck wrecked cars like nobody's asked tow truck can go get that.

Collin  1:10:36

Right. But he's going to show up. Yeah. And then and then take the next step and go, What else can I do with this and be like, Oh, this is a really good fit for racetracks, because it's relatively, it's smaller right than his, his big one. But it's also available can lift those cars easily. And it's fast, and it's nimble, and it can, you know, weave around. So he was like, Oh, this is also a great fit for my wrecking truck that I'm paying for. So it can pay bills. Faster. Exactly. And it's like, Ah, okay, like that makes. That's pretty, pretty cool. And then he, yeah, he was telling me about, again, I had an hour and a half to talk about what happens when people don't claim their, their cars. And he said, For the longest time, he would just because you know, what happens is people wreck a car, they might not be from the area, or they are in the area, you don't know where they're going to take it. What do they say? Take it to your yard? Right? Take it to the tow yard? Yeah, I'll figure it out. This is what they do, then. They don't they just realize, Oh, my car is worth X. My repair bill is going to be why.


I'm just gonna leave it there.

Brandon  1:12:01

We're not gonna we're not gonna worry about fixing it.

Collin  1:12:04

And so he, at first, he's like I he said, for two years, when I first started, I was not going to get into the resale of cars business. So he just kept renting and leasing more and more land around him to accommodate the cars. Yeah, expecting that people would start coming. And he was like, what they don't. i He said, I got to the point where I was paying so much in leased land, to stem cars for people for free. That didn't want them and you don't want them. So we got to do something with this. liquidate. Yeah. But here's the thing. Like there's he walked me through the legal process.

Brandon  1:12:49

I mean, say what is that legal process look like unclaimed car with no? Owner? Technically, I mean, take a look as an owner, or try. Right title. Right. So they're all salvaged? Yeah, technically, yeah.

Collin  1:13:04

So what he does is in? I said, so how long do you have to hold the car? He said, 10 days? Oh, wow. Really? That short? Yeah. Yeah. So what he does, is he gives them legal notice after five days. Yeah, it's like a Here we go. And then 10 days, he sends another one. And I think he ends up holding it for like two weeks or something. Oh, yeah. I mean, and, and then

Brandon  1:13:32

let's just put that on the contract of when he's towing your car, like, Yo, if you leave this at my place, it's gone pretty No.

Collin  1:13:39

So he, then he has to go through the process of taking ownership of it. And it's like, what do you say? He said, each car, and it depends on if it's an in state or out of state car, but it's something on the like, of like 35 pages for each car. He asked to fill out, then he has to wait. Then he that's just to claim it. And then he has to go through filing for the title for each one. And so every two weeks, he has to go to Jeff City. And he spends nine hours at the DMV there. And you're like, oh, nine and you? Yes, he has he waits in line before they open so that he can make sure he's there first. And then he just sits there with the DMV people and title after title with all of the paperwork. Whoa, you're gonna think he

Brandon  1:14:33

has to call ahead like yo, I'm coming down with 57 titles. You imagine how grumpy those people would be if that's a surprise like you got what

Collin  1:14:46

I'm, I'm 100% sure that he does just doing his like,

Brandon  1:14:50

we're gonna go to the back office because we're not doing this in the front here. We're

Collin  1:14:55

sure they probably have

Brandon  1:14:59

a center for that. Right. I imagine there's like a separate

Collin  1:15:01

line. Yeah. At the like, DMV headquarters of headquarters, like I'm sure. Sure they have. So anyway, so he was just like, yeah, I go down there. I spend a nine hour day getting these retitle hosts, then he has to go and find a buyer for them. And sometimes, sometimes he is the buyer, right? So sometimes he will go, oh, I actually, that's what he said. He said, My, my wife and I, we only drive Honda Accord. And I was like, well, that's funny, because you're driving one. He said, Yeah. Looks pretty nice. And I was expecting this. He did. That's fine. He was like, Yeah, and so we just, you know, we, I used it all buy a car for three grand, I'll pour six grand into it. And then we'll drive it for a year. And I'll flip it for it'll sell for 12. And I'm like, Are you serious? And he's like, Yeah, that's what salvage titles can do. And I'm like, That's amazing. Yeah. Okay. And so he has to then find them. And so that it means this process takes months. And oh, yeah,

Brandon  1:16:04

this is not a short term. Situation

Collin  1:16:07

cars, right. And it just, it shocked me that there was enough people in our area that would just be like that. Nevermind. And he said, some people you know, they, they forget about it. Other people know darn well, where their car is, and they don't want to thing to do with it. Do you ever

Brandon  1:16:25

get about it? That's crazy.


Yeah, I'm just so poor

Brandon  1:16:30

that this is like a shocking, right? Like, oh, my goodness, how in the world like

Collin  1:16:38

think about a car

Brandon  1:16:39

as being something like disposable, right? Like that's, that's insanity. Like, what on

Collin  1:16:45

earth? Yes, this is something that I was just blown away by what he's like, you know, sometimes people aren't maybe also on the up and up, and they don't want to feel like they're dealing with an authority who may turn them into somebody who you know, and he was like, you know, I said, I'm not sure law officers and things like that are involved sometimes. But he's like, I just, I just want you to take my car away. Like take your car from one place to another man like, yeah, you know, to hear him say like, I don't actually want to be in the business of retitling cars. But he's he's realized that it's just like a weird,

Brandon  1:17:29

like, side thing that like happens like one that

Collin  1:17:33

he does be grudgingly because otherwise he knows it will just consume the cars will consume his life. Yeah. That's crazy.

Brandon  1:17:43

scrappier yard, dump them in there. Sell people hubcaps, right, like yeah, that is wild. So I can't believe somebody to be that guy. Yeah, I was gonna leave my car over there. Right?

Collin  1:17:57

Whatever, who just walks away from that. But again, it's like,

Brandon  1:18:00

like, even if you don't want your car, right? You can, you can like at least sell it for scrap weight. Like, it's not that much money. Like, you're getting something out of it to put towards something else. Right? You know, it's like, leaving it in a field somewhere. Because weird, like, you could tell the dude like, Yo, take it to the scrapyard. Get you like $800? And then

Collin  1:18:24

be done. Right? Like, there you've benefited, right? Like exactly like it just anyway. So it just very illuminating to both the behavior of people in general. And for stuff that he has to put up with. And then the other thing was, he has the contract. So apparently, police don't typically run their own tow trucks. Some, I think, sure, some larger cities do but most Yeah, the smaller ones don't I would think they subcontract out to towing companies in the area. And they go on a rotation of what you have to so that no one person just is the does all of it. Because that would just consume them. And he said yes, on rotation. It's like kind of the worst thing ever, because people blame him for like prices and stuff. But it's what like, he's like, we agreed to all we sign a document. Everybody signs a document with the police force that says, This is what we will charge for our hook rate. And it's everybody's the same, right? Yeah. And yet he gets chewed up one side down the other when he was like, Yeah, you're the tow I towed your car and it's 125 bucks. And that's what it is. And people just, you know, he has to sit there and hear the appeal of one side down the other with everything. He's like, Yeah, yeah, the other people would they would do the exact same because we're all the same contract.

Brandon  1:19:52

Like this is my rate. Yeah. With the police department says I have to charge you like exactly.


So I So he's just looking at it like

Brandon  1:20:00

if I was if

Collin  1:20:02

I'd charge you double? Well, that's what he tells me sometimes. Because he'll be like, like, Look, I'm not even going to charge you my storage fee per day. Yeah. That one I have control over. So like, look, just come pay me the money and you get it. And he's like, I don't I'm not trying to be extraordinary here. I'm actually trying to help them. But I am legally required to collect the payment. Like that's like part of this thing that we've signed. And he's like, yeah, so it's very.


That's messy. Let's go. Yeah.

Collin  1:20:38

Yeah. So lots of life's lessons taken from that and things learned. And I thought that was that was a company through Monday, and then been busy. So Java, jobs and cars today. Oh, boy, no, boy. Well, we just we just kind of need to be ready to pull the trigger ASAP, in case.

Brandon  1:21:02

Yeah, I think so. Like, once you've been looking anyway, right? Yeah. So that's what I was like, once you just leave your car with this dude. And don't come back and get it exactly.


No, no.

Collin  1:21:17

But I was like, well, we should probably just do this in a bit more earnestly. Because if we get it fixed, right, like, it will never quite be the same. And then we will have the insurance money to have like, made it better. And now it's worth more as long as it doesn't have a salvage title, which I? Yeah, like, it'll be repaired. And now we're good. And that'll be good. And then we can do the money from the car sale towards something else. And then it's been do we take the money from the insurance for the car and then just sell the car as is? Or, you know, chunk it or whatever?

Brandon  1:21:55

Right? Yeah. It depends on how much the repair costs would be. Right. Like, that's the that's the magic number there.


Yes. Like,

Collin  1:22:03

I think in Missouri, it's 70% 6060 or 70%. If the repairs are 60 or 70% of cars, current value of the value before it was wrecked. It's yeah. Yeah. That sounds right. That would be like, my car. Was it worth a whole lot going into? Yeah. Yeah, so let's see what that washes out to. Yeah. And see how that goes. So that'd be interesting. Or something.


We'll see cuz I kinda want to just have

Collin  1:22:48

like a couple lined out so that whatever we can do, is the last thing I want to do is wait for too long. Yeah. True. And then as we do

Brandon  1:23:02

No, you definitely do. Like I

Collin  1:23:05

definitely do. Especially next week. Next week. I have my staff members leaving, which means I am doing all the morning and afternoon visits in Springfield Monday through Friday. Ah, ring starting next week. So

Brandon  1:23:18

yeah, so that's 100% then as well. So

Collin  1:23:21

I will say that the rental car that I have scheduled will be getting lots of miles on it, and there'll be quite shocked

Brandon  1:23:30

so rental cars work sometimes as fine

Collin  1:23:32

as we all know, the fastest car in the world is


a rental car rental car. That's true. Very true. I've

Collin  1:23:39

heard that I have scientifically proven Yes, yes. Oh, dear. It's a high sorry, it's a higher car there. That's Ferrari.

Brandon  1:23:52

Oh, yeah, that's true. It makes it official.

Collin  1:23:57

If I could find that clip, probably. Somewhere it's out there. Yep, there it is. Alright, first it boom victory. Insert that 53 second clip. All right. Yes.


And done fancy with you.

Collin  1:24:25

It's all the fly. Fancy schmancy. So that's

Brandon  1:24:31

a very beautiful day for just one day. So take the teaser as the week you got all your excitement and adventure out of the day all the way on Monday. So you're very downhill slide if you're a little bit. Calm down. Too much fun guy.

Collin  1:24:50

Lacks, we're awesome. Well, unfortunately, we're going into an extremely busy business with Labor Day weekend. is all that's right is I Oh,

Brandon  1:25:00

yeah, yeah, I forget about Labor Day existing. Like a lot. Fair. So


my my DAF and I this weekend is I'm not gonna say brutal but it's gonna be real.

Collin Funkhouser  1:25:21

It got to the point where one person on the weekend was not enough to cover everything from having second person and he should take care of it. Oh, yeah, that's when you know things reveal whenever you're Oh, because it's like well, it's like oh, I have I have five houses to spare. Which means you immediately have 15 visits. Yeah, because you come over three times a day

Collin  1:25:45

that's a lot

Brandon  1:25:47

yeah, that is a lie.

Collin  1:25:48

That's too much too long though.

Brandon  1:25:52

We'll Yeah, yeah forgot about labor day that's next Monday. That means I don't have school man hey look at they're just plans accordingly yeah yeah, back that up a little bit. Dragon fix my planner I think I think I forgot to take into account was Monday

Collin  1:26:27

sounds like you have some homework tonight.

Brandon  1:26:29

So as my upline is a school so that doesn't help me area.



Brandon  1:26:35

on my desk arena.

Collin  1:26:38

So yeah, well, on that bombshell in there. All right. Call tonight. Indeed. Love you. Love you.