South Dakota Brain

The boys are back to talk all about dancing, dust bowls, and birthdays. Oh, and about 100 other topics. The main topic this week? Family vacations!

  • Brandon is fully updated

  • Open windows 

  • You don’t need updates

  • Aaron is struggling with his voice


  • ‘20s in full swing

  • Collin went was hot

  • Brandon went to was hot

  • Brandon is teaching summer school

  • Brandon is building things 

  • Aaron celebrated a birthday

  • Aaron talked on the phone in a field with cows

  • Aaron’s midwest zoo tour continues 

  • Baby birds grow so fast

  • No bird hats 

  • Summer vacation takeaways! 

  • Why was arizona so miserable 

  • The first time I saw a bear

  • Huckleberry for days

  • Brandon drives to Canada 

  • And visits the nicest campground bathroom ever

Check out our other episodes:

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birds, nice, big, aaron, week, remember, arizona, fine, canada, people, dad, day, talking, vacations, bear, megan, cardboard, walking, mountain, montana


Collin, Brandon



Welcome to



Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your host, Brandon, Collin and Garrett.



On this week's show, South Dakota brain Hello.



And just in time


Brandon  00:33

just finished this like it was like trying to update. It was like No, you can't do that. I was like, but I know I need to know. Just made it.



Well good. Glad to have you. Welcome to the Real


Brandon  01:04

gotta wait for this one to go away. I guess there's two windows open and one of them says. So as you can hear I'm currently on. Yes. This other one says sign in. And when I try to close it it says leave meeting question mark. Like,


Collin  01:22

you can hit you can hit cancel below it


Brandon  01:25

again. Yeah, but it just goes back to this thing and says sign in because when I try to exit out, it can't do that. Okay, there we go. No, really? Oh, because


Collin  01:35

it shows up on mine. And then I hit cancel and says leave meeting for all and I always hit cancel. Oh, I'm just gonna, there's a way to because it says leave meeting.


Brandon  01:45

And I have and then cancel under that. Yeah, hit cancel and what is just and it just, it just stays there. It's like, No, just kidding. So I was gonna leave it open until this is over, and then close everything. Yeah, it's fine. I'll just It There we go. But to look at Nah, never mind the open window behind the open. Fine, fine. Let's open another window to hide it more. Haha. Didn't see that would come take that Windows chop with the left and the right. Yeah. It's always the answer opening more things that makes your computer run better.



It does it makes it one more efficient.


Brandon  02:28

Yeah, it loves you when you do that. It's very happy and never complains.



I don't think that's


Brandon  02:40

actually true. That's fair. That's fair.



Maybe that's what Aaron's is doing to



know I'm worried. I'm worried


Brandon  02:52

that he just did a Yeah, they just moved to zoom. I point oh, or something like that, where it's like you have to have that normal. to function so, yeah, that's probably what I did because it's been asking me for the last couple of times if I wanted to update like my general attitude towards updating things, nads fine.



This is this is exactly why I have to steal Megan's computer from at least once a month. Because otherwise, no updates will ever happen.


Brandon  03:25

It's fine. You don't need them. Right? It's not like that's necessary. Yeah.



See, fine.


Brandon  03:37

My phone is all my apps. Basically, every app on my phone is like that way now. Like, update this. Now, actually use that one anyway. That's gonna be good. Like, you know what deleted. You know what phone if, if you had apps that didn't need to be updated every two and a half seconds, and just eat all my storage on my phone, because it's like No, all of these apps need your storage because they have to be updated every five minutes.



What else you're gonna do? Do it.



growl? No like it.



Angry? Yes. Aaron


Brandon  04:25

you should text him. Yeah, I think I think he just got in. Oh. I thought he could Hello. Ah, Ah, hello, victorious victory and Aaron has been found. Sorry. Hello. Oh, just struggling with my voice. Yeah. Why have you been shouting so much? Well, apparently there's a second Dustbowl no in at this moment. Oh, that's just what we need. The actual 20s to return to the 1920s are just back in full swing. Fram Dustbowl yeah so that's that's what I've been doing with this yesterday wasn't too bad but today has been the worst even though it's been nasty it did get very windy here this afternoon. That might be our fault. My bad. No, I think that's the tropical depressions fault. I won't blame Oklahoma. This time for wind. You get up off the hook this time though. first morning, yes. Sorry. Tropical Depression, which may in just a a wonderful display of how well this year is going to reach the Great Lakes and re intensify over Lake Superior. Yay, just like a hurricane in Canada. That's exciting. Yeah.



Yeah, well, I mean In Toronto, you guys saw the I'm seeing this clip that came out from March. What was the big news in March? Anyone remember? I can't


Brandon  06:09

think that far back March. What happened in March what Euler. What's horseman was about in in March. Let's I mean, I mean, I


Collin  06:19

have found what explains all all of 2020 so far. King Tut's outermost sarcophagus was removed from his tomb for the first time in almost 100 years to be to be restored.


Brandon  06:35

There we go. I know.



It's like, why are we just no fine. Yeah.


Brandon  06:45

So, so the real answer is Curse of the Pharaoh. Apparently. It is. It is and then, oh, it was and then I saw another one where it's like because of a drought a a



Was it a flooded town will resurface for the first time in 100 years in Italy? Yeah. Someone was like not now go submerge town






yeah man



All right. Oh dear.


Brandon  07:33

Well whilst trying to survive all the extra horsemen that have come What have you been up to? It's



been a week has been. I'm actually I had


Collin  07:48

I had brought down my notebook because I was like what do I What am I? Oh wow, we laugh Oh wow


Brandon  07:55

so many things no because it's 2020 it's literally been a year Since we last time



oh my gosh, it's been it's been a lot. It's been,


Brandon  08:07

I think, Well, I think so.



I mean, one of the things that we did, I went to the daddy daughter dance with Lillian over the weekend. And that was a way it had been cancelled. The HIPAA had postponed it for like two months. And so it was in June. And because all of the social distancing stuff, they had dinner, they provide dinner inside the convention hall, and then all of the other activities were outside.


Brandon  08:33

Now, what was happening over the weekend, bit was a bit hot, toasty.



toasty side. Perfect. It was like a heat index of 102. And we



Wow, dancing was outside. Oh man dancing. So that was fine. Lily did not want to dance but she instead wanted to do was to skip through the Rose Garden. I mean obviously,


Brandon  09:02

that's one day who doesn't love skipping through thorns? Skip to the rose. This is one of those.



A it's a we skipped


Brandon  09:14

a lot which is because Collin doesn't wear shoes he skipped right on the thorns.



When I was wearing nice shoes, nice your dress sandals, my dress sandals. Okay Julian had on the dress and a tiara that Didi had been bought naturally and some very sparkly shoes that Deedee had also bought her. And


Brandon  09:43

the the mental image of dad buying sparkly shoes is maybe one of the more humorous things that I've thought about this



No, but you know what? His his granddaughter said



shiny shoes.






Thank you


Brandon  10:22

got that's a funny image right there. I like that. Okay.



Yeah. And and so I went and I realized that since it was a dance, you know I needed a boot near and a corsage for her. So I called the local floral florists here on stage. Oh, wow. It's like


Brandon  10:42

they realize it was a formal dance. Like



Well, I mean, let's be real.


Brandon  10:48

Many people Oh, need was the the word that got messed up here. I think okay, I wanted. Yeah, there we go. You know,



so anyway, I ordered it you I know I took Noah with me so he could help me get it and we picked out a stuffed toy for him and Lillian picked up the flowers by home. And they had a little rack of little stuffed animals and he walked over and he picked out again, the sparkliest shiny is a dinosaur that was named stompy in one neighborhood for him and Lillian, so we're having to Land Before Time. 15


Brandon  11:29

zombie, the sparkly dinosaur. Aha. Fabulous.



And so and then I started talking with the florists there they are mom and pop floral shop. been in the family for a long time. The the the shop is on the first floor and they live on the two storeys above it. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. No, it's really cool. It's it. There are several downtown shops that people still do that. Yeah. All right. There it is. It's Really cool. So I was talking to him. And I had another idea for like, for a podcast of going around and just interviewing local people about how they're doing right now and what their outlook is for the future and how people can support them just to get that out, because it's like, I don't even know how my people are doing. And there's actually a guy that runs the art fest that has one where he's been interviewing


Brandon  12:27

the local artists. So I was like, Well, you know, I could just



throw audio files at him and say, Hey,


Brandon  12:34

you know, collab.



Yeah. So do do a collab like that. And Megan was like, and what time are you going to be spending? You know, when are you going to be doing this? I was like, that's fair. It's just an idea right here.



But yeah, we went to the dance. And


Brandon  12:51

it was so hot. It was so hot and the skipping didn't help.



And they were doing limo rides. And I got in the limo with Lillian and I was like, I have This may be it I may pass out from a heatstroke inside because it's like they're blowing air. But it was like


Brandon  13:07

just air.



It just air like I don't know where the where the where the coolant went or what but it was just air and so she was all super excited because it had like the glass seat the mirrors, ceiling all these shiny thing, lights or whatever and said it was like trying to stay aware of what was going on in the back of his limo.



But it was a we finished that and then we wouldn't see play on the playground in her dress and tiara and shiny shoes. Now we came home. So we go



big events. Thanks Ben been doing it.


Brandon  14:01

Good. We had graduation on Saturday. We were also dealing with warmness. They did it. In the gym, they gave tickets to everybody. Right? I think I mentioned before I'm here that there was going to be graduation. So final count. Everybody got, they just gave everybody tickets, right. So all the seniors got X number of tickets, it was like 20, something like that. And they had cordoned off areas in the gym. So like ticket number one, you know, like person number one, all of your people sit in this area, right, person number two, your people sit in this area. So they had all their names on and stuff. And I got to sit in the very extra special staff area. Very lovely, man. Boom. So we have a short because there wasn't very many of them. Graduating because they have a small class. So I did that. And then we went to the pavilion and downtown that I was only vaguely aware existed. Apparently there's a pavilion in downtown here, and it's pretty new. And they have like, this big huge pavilion with all these nice big tables and there's like a little park thing next to it. There was some like, there's also like a water spray things and stuff. So those are the kids that went over there. So he's went over there and had some food afterwards, you know, little graduation party thing downtown. It was kind of cool. People, some people came by quite a few people there, you know, in and out of those things go but it's pretty good. So it was also very hot out there. You try to hide in the shade. They didn't turn the lights on or the biggest Fans are on the ceiling. They look very enticing you like, oh man, that fan probably moves a lot it Nope, off. Thanks. Thanks, guys. Thanks Chamber of Commerce. That was helpful. back. So, yeah, did that and then Sunday I basically laid at home going live still so hot outside because also I guess I mentioned that I don't know if I mentioned this last time when I was a moron and volunteered for summer school like you did three days before it started.



So I have so many questions.



Last week checked. You had said yes, that's basically all we knew. So did you gain access to your room beforehand?


Brandon  16:51

No. Well, no, not really. So I probably could have gone up there. I didn't have time to go do that. So I got in the big problem of summer school is I'm not in my room. Yeah, right. I'm in us I'm in this I'm right now I'm in the second grade classroom. All the things that I need and want to have are nowhere to be found. Just I'm gone. And I lose access to my room probably tomorrow. Because they're gonna clean and wax the hallways upstairs. It's like my room is done. I've been in there a bunch but like the hall they're doing the hallway now. So I can't get in. Unless I like Tom Cruise up the outside of the building and through the window. Not getting like I had like weird varying numbers of students a week like I didn't really know. I told them I would teach sixth grade for a little while they didn't have there was like they're doing like the numbers are all weird, right? Because summer school it's like, Okay, this many people signed up. But then the first couple days, more people sign up. Right? And then like, after a while, some people just stop showing up. So the numbers go crazy, right? So the for a couple days, they're like, well, we might split up the third grade and make you do one of the third grades. And I was like, Ah,



no. How do you sir? Great. Sorry.


Brandon  18:22

I didn't know I didn't No, no, no, no, wait, wait a minute. I take it. Um, no, no, no, no, they're ready to that's too That's too young about and I like that. My style must be down there. So I had about, I have some worries there. But I had about eight every day. pretty consistently. So that's not too bad, because they try to keep everybody a part of that we have distanced summer school, right? So we got to make sure people are in the hallways, not all the same time and we're using different playgrounds and stuff like that. Yeah. So not having like a million kids is pretty good because they want us, you know, sitting around and we eat lunch, the room and all that stuff. So not a lot. Normally there's a lot more. Right. Some of the like the kindergarten group, there's still like a million of them. Right? But that's always the one that has the most kids at summer school anyway. So there's lots down there, where they have AIDS and stuff, so that's really helpful for them. Yeah, sixth grade summer school, surprise, sixth grade summer school. Nice. One week down. And three more to go. Really, just two and a half, because almost halfway through this one. So like,



man, yeah, there we go.


Brandon  19:48

So I had to like, I didn't even really bother planning the first couple days because it was like, well, they might move me. So I don't want to like start anything like really big and it's really just getting when I do I





Brandon  20:07

we've got some stuff going now we're doing some things. So kind of pulling some stuff together from all the resources I have, and just making things up as I go along. Pretty good doing some lots of like engineering stuff, right? Because we get to do build things. And we're trying to add a bunch of that in so that we can be doing stuff and have projects to do and that kind of stuff. So the first one that we did, we're tackling some physics concepts, right, like gravity. Mm hmm. So we talked about our first one we did we talked about gravity, and like air resistance and friction, right? We talked about all those things together. So naturally, we built race cars out of cardboard. De And then raced them down the ramp in the hallway. So that was our first week project was that we made we just because we have the outside the cafeteria, there's just a huge dumpster. That they put all the cardboard in. It goes to be recycled. So Oh yeah, I mean, we call that upcycling. Yeah, it's just sitting there. No, I mean, it actually goes to the recycling center. Normally, that's where it's supposed to.



I'm saying like, yeah, it's like, keeping it out of that, like you're something with it.


Brandon  21:35

So I mean, there's just a big, giant dumpster full of building material out there, that we just, you know, go out and sell. So yeah, we use duct tape and cardboard and made some sweet cars. It was really good. They did really good. I didn't know how well they were going to do it because like, they don't have opportunities to do too much of that in fifth grade. And I don't know, about younger than that. So it was kind of a bold undertaking to be like, yo, you're gonna make a car now. Like, why? Because the whole design process and the engineering process of that doesn't work. How do I make it work now is kind of if you're not, you know, you don't have a lot of practice. And that can be very daunting. Right? And I had talked to a couple of them like, yo, no, it's fine. The whole point is to figure out how to fix what's wrong. The whole point of this whole thing doesn't matter. Like you have a problem. I will fix your problem. So what's it gonna go through that? Pretty successfully? I think was really good. It was really fun and I think they liked it. Hard to know. There is a very large difference between like, end of sixth grade students and like into fifth grade students. It's kind of like, where they're at, you know? And so it's kind of weird to be like, what, and these are kind of like, not even into sixth grade cuz they didn't get all the way. They're very into fifth grade, you know? So they're, they're kind of like, there's not many of them. So they're just kind of quiet and sitting there. And I'm not really used to that because my kids last year, it looks like the loudest people that in the world, so I got very accustomed to that level of just noise in my life. And so like, when they're just sort of sitting there, like, what are we doing to you? Okay, yeah. Are you okay? Do you like, Yeah, because so interesting. And the fact there's only a few of them, right? You know, we kind of get through stuff kind of fast because we'd have a lot of time to do it, and then it's done. So keeping busy is a little difficult, but This week we have moved on to buoyancy. Ta so we are building rafts. So we designed them yesterday. And today, we went outside and look for sticks, because they're only getting sticks and yarn to make rafts.



Very nice.


Brandon  24:22

Oh, and I told him it has to have a sale. So they're getting a pieces of a plastic bag. So they can attach that. But that was interesting today, because a lot of them were just like, Okay, I have these sticks. They like laid them out and then just wrap string around it. The whole bundle. Like I'm done, like, are you gonna hold these beanbags that we're gonna test it with? Like, yeah, and so we put it in the water, and I like barely pressed on it and it goes, and all the sticks like flew everywhere. Like, we might need to



think about this a little more because I don't think that's really gonna work out.


Brandon  25:03

grouper girls though, they figured it out. They're like, Oh wait because I was like they put one crossbreed across it right? So they had a bunch of sticks laying one way. And then they put one stick perpendicular, kind of in the middle trying to attach a mask and they had tied the bottom sticks only the two outside ones to the perpendicular stick. You know, so the rest of them were just like in there dangling. And so when they put it in the water, it just disintegrated. But those two stayed on there. And I was like, why did only those Tuesday on there and she looked at it for a second she goes well, those are tied directly to that. I was like so that means since she's like, I have to tie them all to the whole get it. So it's like this crazy like it's all you looked at it this afternoon, after they had some time in It's like all like woven through there and all this gray was like, oh man wow be so awesome. lashed on there like crazily like oh bed. This is gonna be fantastic. That's really cool. Yeah, it's gonna be good. Yeah.



That's neat, neat to see you mentioned as far as like, its level of problem solving skills mixed with a little bit of engineering in just Yeah, the problem and go, like, Let's go,


Brandon  26:25

go and see I like to do that. I like to I don't like they get mad at me a lot. Because I'm like, we're gonna try this thing like, Well, how do you do it? I don't know. You got it. Like, can you show me like no, because that's just doing it for you. That's not helpful. Yeah, I want to see what your plan is. Like, I have a plan for myself. But we're not asking for my plan. Right?



Well, and yet, the whole point of this is, is not for you to have them. regurgitated. Repeat exactly that you give to them. The whole point is for everybody to solve it





Brandon  27:06

Yeah. Yeah. And that was the interesting thing that happened with the cars right there was this interesting like, where they all sort of independently realized the wheels are the most important part of this whole thing. Right? Because they would try to roll it and they all started out with like these little tiny wheels because they didn't want to cut a whole bunch of the cardboard, because it's, you know, painted a bunch of scissors. And they all had these, like really tiny wheels. And they're trying to roll it. And they weren't cut evenly because they're small, and they would be real bumpy, they wouldn't roll very well. And so like sort of, they were working in partners, but like, all at different stages, they realized I need bigger wheels. Mm hmm. Right, it just rolls better. I don't know why it just does roll better when they're bigger. So they just kind of eventually upsize until they found a wheel size they liked. Like that. was gonna this one boom. Some of them like double them up to make a little thicker because it stopped him from wobbling on the axle. Because they were like, well, one piece of cardboard wobbles too much in my car goes in really random direction.



So they would like


Brandon  28:17

sandwich a couple together because it just made it wobble less like Okay, let's do that done. So it's very interesting. Next week spoilers for next week. We're going to build gliders and throw them off of the jungle jam.





Brandon  28:40

yeah, I won't tell them because they're like, what are we building next week? I don't know. I forgot to tell you. So I think we're gonna do some glider some cardboard gliders. And talk about lifting stuff and then take them out to the jungle gym and fling them off their fur and see how far they go. I think that'll be real fun. Neat. Yeah, they should really like that. And what's it like with each successive



project like that? You know, they catch on a little faster, they start being able to think a little bit different ways and problem solving. Yeah, they're totally new problems, right. Like, it's building that skill set as far as


Brandon  29:23

Yeah. And it's nice, because, you know, they'll have a bit of a jump and on some stuff cuz that next year in six, eight, we do some of that stuff, right? We're just like, hey, yeah, how do you do this? Show me like we did an air pressure thing. And it was all we did was all I did was say, Okay. You have to make a thing that demonstrates air pressure to the class. Right go. And I gave him a list of possible choices, right? I pointed them at my website, and stuff and I didn't just say make it up, right. But they were in charge of it. They I was like you got to bring this stuff you have to demonstrate it in front of the class. You have to tell them why it works. You have to make a presentation ago and they had some amazing why they were so good. Like so this is really fun to do that so maybe they'll get a jump on it it'll work well we'll see but right now we've seen a lot of time to kill cuz I forgot also in summer school there's no break time ever. Right? There's no like plan period. It's just like no all day long go. Ah, no. So tired.



That the pacing does does change the feeling of it too. As far as like, go go, go go go go go every single day because yeah, day is is so Material where it's like, you know, like, this is a whole week of material today or whatever. Yeah.


Brandon  31:05

And I've I've only taught sick day for one year and I forgot how weird it is to have, like, I already got used to not having the same kids all day. Right? Because in sixth grade, it's like every hour like goodbye. But yeah, and now I'm just like sitting in the room with him for like seven hours. Like, what do we do now? You're still here. You're still here. So it's very tricky.



You guys leave for just 10 minutes.


Brandon  31:33

Yeah, go away. Are you still here? Just kidding. But like, that dynamic is way different. And I already forgot what that was like so. Oh, no.



It's great.


Brandon  31:57

gotta come up with something to build for the last week to finally That means I have one more week of nothing to build. So I gotta think of something else. We can occupy our time. Visiting last week is just a



junkyard wars remake in the for the school. They run it any door that's open, they can rummage freely in the room and yeah, go to


Brandon  32:27

a drone a or something else something cool. I don't know what we're going to build.



I think about


Brandon  32:33

I don't know. Let's see. So I gotta find something else for the last week. And then other than that, we're good to go. Do an opinion writing. Now, there we go. Got it.



Yeah, man, what about you?



Ah, trying to remember what all I did last week.


Brandon  33:02

We're kind of got me Friday. I spent a lot of time with Shelley's family and it was her dad's 50th birthday party and it was this really cool like so you log cabin party so hard your voice left firmed. Got it but we it was it was a it was this really cool log cabin that one of his family members had built by some little lake out in the middle of Osage County. And unfortunately, I had I had to work investigation over the phone while I was at this party, so you're gonna have to go stand in a pastor or, or cows are just going to walk around me so that they're that, you know, didn't leave till about one o'clock in the morning. Those are the kind of fun just being out there and hanging out with them a Saturday We went to hooligan link all one Lake that's over there. They had a they had an open open swim thing. So we went to the lake and swam for a little bit. Did swimming for a while and I did not get toasted. I did not get birds I did not get crispy, which is a rarity for me as I am neon pale, so spend a lot of time out there in time and then Sunday was an interesting twist. We got invited to go play with airsoft rifles, and we just ended up shooting each other. So I have some pretty gnarly welts on my back, jeez from that. And that's kind of where we're at. At this point. We're gonna try to go to the zoo, the Tulsa Zoo Saturday. Sure we met but other than that, I mean it's just been you know, enjoying weekend and then just right back to work.



They're they're starting to close, like what I talked about last time they close a lot of our offices. Yeah. So I'll be working out of Washington sort of office, and then they're gonna stop doing the the telemarketing stuff. And so I might have to get started omega field


Brandon  35:22

for the next few investigations, but we had a hour long meeting this morning where nothing was really accomplished. It was just a lot of people saying like, well, I'm confused. What does this mean? I don't know what this means. And I was just like, I'm just here. I can't say anything. I can't talk. So I'm just kind of enjoying it to hear coworkers voices, it's kind of nice. But other than that, like that's really about as far as, as I've gotten. Our avoid gotten this week. Most of us trying to finish up the week with cases And trying to heal some of my pellet wounds at a certain Shelley blasted me with a certain giant a the highest powered pellet rifle there is and as I was being I was being all tactical and I was being all like, you know, nice to people and having it on, you know, semi automatic and trying to be accurate with eye shots. No, these people are relentless, and they're vicious. They're there I mean, and no, he only goes like, oh well I'm gonna know about 2020 feet away. If you don't have to, you know, you can just shoot me once. Now. It's like 50 pellets at one time in the back. I go I didn't know if I can get you or not. You got me. Good job. Yeah, I got a nice get a nice few few marks on me. I mean, other than that, that's been that's been kind of my my week. In a nutshell basically. How are you? How are your baby birds doing? Oh, they're actually fully grown. They're flying now. Oh, big round does not does not mean they're pooping any less. But more Actually, yeah, yeah so they're there does not mean that they're not because if there's a nice little pile of



bird poop on the bottom of my door I feel that the birds are targeting me however because I car is the only car out of the front cars that has any bird poop on it. They love because they see me they see me parked there and they say oh that person that makes us have to fly away.


Brandon  37:50

Love you. It's our friend but you know there there was one, two or five babies. I don't know. Out flying and being interest. And so, I mean, they grew rather quickly, a lot quicker than I expected them to. But yeah, they're there. They're grown. They're flying now they're pooping a lot. But it's nice to see, you know, wake up in the morning and they're out there. I always kind of forget it because I'm used to like a bird flying away or two birds. There's like six that fly out and they're just so loud and it's terrifying. And I forget them every single time I walk out the door. Is it just like the movie birds like can't? It's not good. And I don't really want your life to be at Alfred Hitchcock movie. That's definitely horde, a horde of birds. Is that the right word? I guess it depends on the type of birds



and our pros and some writers.



Owner of crews Yeah, you want that.


Brandon  39:06

That's nice.



keep us updated. I don't want to lose track of our,



of our bird friend.


Brandon  39:16

I'm gonna leave eventually. Right? Oh, fly off to otherness, your age. I mean, yeah, well, they'll fly off to other people's doors and grace them with their presence and excrement. So it'll



be fine. Have you named them? Do they have names?



real question is, Is he still there? Nope. Just left out. Oh,



no. Well, let's see if he gets back in here. This will be fun. Yes, I


Brandon  39:54

don't know how that I don't know what happens to that recording. This would be fun. Okay, cool. Well my my thing says you're still recording.



Yes. I don't know. Because usually when we jump on and record I get three tracks that I edit. Oh, I don't know what happens when somebody leaves and then comes back in does it record back on the same track or do I get off track because of this? Oh,



well, then



how do I change that then how do I line these up?



This will be fun. Cool. is uh um, I



guess she may need to text him. See if he's going to be gone. Yeah.


Brandon  40:46

Should be



joining in. Oh, there.


Brandon  40:50

Yay. blue arrow, return. Our sweet sweet victory. Sorry about that. All right. Glad you made it back. It's good news. It's the first time I think we've made it back on successfully after being dumped off. So you have set a milestone, Aaron, congratulations



to the audio, but we feel fine. I'll let you know. Let you know fine. I think we left off with the burning question in our bosoms is


Brandon  41:24

Yes. Who have you named the birds? I know because I can't keep track of how many there are. And so it's it's I think it usually goes back to the the classic dad method of naming animals isn't like oh look the birds and I step in bird poop. I'm like, oh.



So I have not named a we have not named any of the the the birdies might I suggest banding them. You could you could band Or maybe you could catch them and paint their beaks with nail polish,



or hear me out.


Brandon  42:07

You could just come up with names. And then it doesn't actually matter if you talk to the right one or not, because they're words you could make and so and so you could just you could just pretend because you know the birds or it doesn't matter.



Create jockey hats which you



could either heads



up anyway.


Brandon  42:37

No bow no hats, no bird hats. black hats for birds. I think. Oh dear. Okay, fine. Good NES. I think if a bird if a bird wars straw hat with that just like confused it did not know if it was nest or more hat



hat and knew each other bird. Well, I don't know, I guess


Brandon  43:08

like a bird voter. Would it be like Oh no. What am I in you wearing this fashionable hat or make a nest and impress the ladies lead and or and or gentlemen, whichever whichever type of hat whichever birds wearing what hat doesn't matter their persuasion? Yes. It could nest upon the head. Yeah. You know?



Well it is



it is summertime. And I don't know where this would go but I want to throw this out to you guys. No inflection reflections on our summer vacations


Brandon  43:57

that we used to take growing up. Okay.



And and I don't again, I don't know the



angle quite on this but the way I thought of it was just like our individual takeaways from them or how we looking back now, what we what we think about them, versus maybe what we thought of at the time.


Brandon  44:27

Well, I definitely can appreciate the fact that we never went anywhere hot. Really? I was good. Because unlike the heat, except for that one time we went to Arizona some for some reason. I mean, that was fine. But Oh, boy. That was I thought that so there here's this is a good. Here's a good example. I will because we did go to Arizona in the Grand Canyon when we were younger, right. And as a kid I seem to have a vague memory of like, it was kind of neat. And I kind of liked it. Right. And so after Susan and I got married, we went to Arizona for our honeymoon. We went to the Grand Canyon, and it was awful. I hated every minute of it. Right? Like, Arizona is officially my least favorite state of all time. Arizona, you've been marked. Okay. It's number one. Number one. I don't like it. Next week, ranking states from best to worst. I can only I can't read all of them. I haven't been to all of them. Out of the ones I've been to currently. heirs sorry. anyone living in Arizona. I know. I can. can't deal with it. Do my it's it was it was awful. Right. And we can talk about that later. We can we'll we'll come back to that at some other point why Arizona was miserable for me personally. But the rest of them I seem to have relatively positive memories of As well there's just like, random mountain things. Just kind of I don't know. I appreciate it. I like the mountains I like the I thought it was good. I liked some of those I try to remember I'm trying to sort the other the problem with always going to the mountains. Is that in my brain Now, many years later, I have trouble remembering which thing to go with which place 100% Well



yeah, no, I there's even times where I'm like, Oh, we did this. I'm like, No, wait, that was in Canada. Like No, wait, there was that Idaho? Oh, no, this is not good.


Brandon  46:41

Yeah, it was that Montana. I don't. I can't remember. Exactly.



To paint a picture for



our listeners.






loves love the Rocky Mountains. And so yeah, vacations. We're in the Rocky Mountains. Yeah, or whatever they're called in Canada. The Rocky Mountains. probably meant to they're called the Canadian Rockies. There we go. Right Rocky



Mountain. ay. Ay,



ay. m. And that's what we did. time and time and time again.


Brandon  47:19

Yes. Now this is not an every year phenomenon. By the way, this was like every couple of years. Okay, we're gonna go this year. And then you know, a couple years later we go again, right? It's one of the it was that type of situation. We definitely did not go on vacation like every summer, right? So just throw that out there. That sounds weird, right? It's like what it was is like we I have I have these bit like I do that like, Oh, yeah. Was that Wyoming? Montana, Colorado. I don't know exactly right. Like Yeah. Like, I haven't He's very like these memories of things that happened to me like I remember we were hiking somewhere and my boot like exploded. Right? And I was trying to hide. There's like this weird trail, really long trail. It felt like a million miles long and my boot like collapsed. And so that that was very uncomfortable. I don't remember where that was. I don't know. Yeah, I haven't because we did. We hiked all these trails, right, we just hike. That's what we did. Really, mostly. Most of these vacations were very hiking centered. We drive into drive there. And walking, you'd hike and then you'd come back and you drive. And the trailhead you get out. You'd hike. Yeah, yes. That was basically it. Sometimes there was cycling, or museums, or museums, but mostly hiking. And then of course, eating like literally but Yeah, there's I can't remember which ones were where now, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Tonight, you know, I think I'm pretty sure I've met the bear in Montana. fairly certain that was Montana. Yeah, cuz we shipped the bear spray back home.



Yeah, his dad was like I paid so much for this. I'm not just leaving it here.


Brandon  49:24

Do you remember that?



It was like, twice as much as actually buying it was like so here.


Brandon  49:32

So listeners The first time I saw a bear entirely to close the I was I was walking down this trail, right? And I was ahead of everybody for some reason. I don't know why this happened. That's not usually the way this goes. But I was in front I was walking and all of a sudden his noise and I looked to my left and this grizzly bear walks out of the thing so it was like an embankment down to the left full of these bushes. And then it is a light embankment up to the trail, which was just more like open forest kind of like pine forest kind of thing. And then ahead of me was all that so this grizzly bear just comes out of this bush, and it's kind of walking diagonally away from me comes out of the bush walks up onto the trail, turns around, stares at me and then turns around and walks off kind of diagonally off to my right away from me, right and so I'm just standing there, like terrified. Okay. terrified because naturally Colin had the bear spray, like 30 yards behind me back. Okay, 30 years might be a bit of exaggeration, but he was behind me nonetheless. 100 up by a considerable amount. So there's that. I just remember standing there going, oh, we're good. This bear is 20 feet away. Okay, not more than 25 is very close. It was enormous. Right? And then the worst part of this whole thing is the group that came up behind me. This man has the gall to be like, yo, did you see that black bear like But first of all, there's what's Brown. Talking about? It's huge. And staring at me, in the head on this thing was like the size of my body. All right, we ignored it. And all I remember was it was this guy. It was like, Yo, Yo, dude, that was like, that's also like 40 yards. I played football. I don't know how far away I was like what what are you





Brandon  52:06

That's the only thing I that's the only other thing I remember some guy Miss identifying this gigantic bear is a black bear. Bear that once again, clearly brown and massive. Like for as little black bear like get out. It may be from 200 yards away where you were, it looks small. No. And then the other guy was like, Yo, dude, like, I play football. I know how far away still this even make sense. Yeah, no. Yeah, I remember that one. I would like to know. Another very specific memory have involves Yellowstone National Park, because well, it's a distinctive place. I would like to know Aaron's opinion on if his memories of Yellowstone National Park match Or are different to his face in that picture that we took by the side. The side to the roof. Dad made his take the picture by



trying to



describe the


Brandon  53:20

face. Aaron, you were very cross. You did not. It might not have helped. I might have been poking you in the back the entire time we technically we're not helping that might have that might have happened. Yeah. I remember.



I'm trying to remember what I remember. I remember taking a picture. I don't remember where it was in front of like one of those signs like outside like the big Yellowstone National Park sign. We just like pulled over on the side of the road into it. Because dad's like, Oh, I had to do this when I was a kid. You're gonna do that. Just now and


Brandon  54:02

we're all kind of like, okay, whenever



I mean like


Brandon  54:09

I I remember liking the trip, like it was fun. But that's honestly all I remember like I remember going to Cody, like that was fun and because we went to the museum there right the gun Yeah, that was the Buffalo Bill Cody museum and man things in there. Remember that? Yes. And then that's like I remember the cool hotel. We stayed at the Yellowstone heard the old faithful hotel or something. Oh yeah, I remember that. I remember being out in the lobby until like super early and that drunk up or coming to talk to us. Now Was it okay, so that different Well, that was a time or is that Oh, no, no, that was the same trip. But that was not the Old Faithful and it was a different saying it was different hotel but in the park though, so yeah, I don't remember. It was a different it was like yellow. I remember the yellow. Yes, I do remember that that were in the there was a guy playing the piano. And then there was a kid and his dad and the mom was like, wasting.



The kid and dad were playing chess and this lady was talking to us about I don't know about what note but she was hammered. Who's the band that plays? short skirt? Long jacket? CAKE CAKE CAKE. She was talking to us about going to cake she was yes. I remember this dude. Because he


Brandon  55:46

was playing chess now. Yes. Yeah,



the kid was kidding to never playing chess and she was talking to us very drunk over a glass of wine that Yeah, or you know, about how she liked to go to a cake





Brandon  56:00

I remember she was hammered. Yes. Okay, and we were singing along to the piano songs. That's why I think she came over there. And to put this into context.



How old were we? This was I would


Brandon  56:15

have been like



I see.





Brandon  56:22

I'm pretty sure I was like 17 or 18 Yeah, I was probably, well, maybe 18 or 19 I think that was the last big vacation that we went on. Really? Right. Possibly, I think so. So I think I was either 18 or 19 years old. Yeah. And



yeah, I remember being that situation that was really



very I remember I remember some lady mistaking us for like, international soccer players.



Well yeah, that was in the that was in the



in the people are weird man elevator.



Well, yeah. It'll be cool because you and dad had bought us all like rugby shirts or something.


Brandon  57:05

And no, no, it was. It was memes about that. Aaron was wearing that Aaron was wearing that like Italian soccer shirt and the lady was like, Are you an Italian soccer player? And he's like, What? What?



He had dumped because that's how shirts were right that shirts were if you were Aaron, the redheaded Italian. Right. It's like, you know,


Brandon  57:26

I think I think they were I think there were those shirts because we also had because Brandon had like a green Mexico shirt. I had a bright yellow Brazil shirt. I think Colin had like, like a European shirt, but like, we're all three wearing them. And this lady's like, Oh, do you guys play international soccer. I was like, Ma'am, I'm 12 I start early over there. Do you know what a soccer player looks like? Because I don't think you know what I'm talking about. It looks fine. It's fine. It's okay. I vaguely remember that. Yeah, well, I remember the trip being like But see that also goes back to like, did we take the helicopter trip? there? Or was that some other mountain he plays or? No, that was that was Montana. Yeah, cuz



that was over the Continental Divide that would have



yes with the biker dude. Yes and random biker man, one of the more awkward situations expose me early in life where Yeah, it was it was Dad. Dad set up front. I don't remember that that's in the back because I wanted to sit in the front, but dad's like, no, you'll better let him sit in the front. Right? Yeah, yeah, so well, awkward to biker dude in the back with us. So. Oh, yeah,


Brandon  58:44

that's right. I mean, it was fine. But like it's, you know? Yeah. No, that was also Yeah, okay. That's where we that's where calling and I came face to face with the mountain goat. Do you ever that Yeah. Calling on that layer, we



go along this precarious ledge thing. And with it like I'm terrified of heights. It's like this weird like,


Brandon  59:10

Oh yeah, that's very important to the story. Collin does not do heights don't do height like and this was on the side of a mountain It was like three slope on the right narrow foot and a half wide path and scurry slope down to the left. We're up



on this big mountain pass. That's right We pulled over height to walk around



like to walk around and we're in front and all of a sudden, and goats starts milking tour double goats. It was double


Brandon  59:40

giant mountain goat and baby like throw jello mama goat.



It's just like, I guess we go backwards now like


Brandon  59:50

well, we hopped up on that rock there was like a big outcrop rock and we hopped up on top of it. And the baby goat went by mama go up by us. She's kept going. It was like a foot and a half away from what she was like. And then like I'm like, Okay, get off. Yep. Cuz that was that was also, there's two parts of that that trip that I distinctly remember I remember coming back from Cody, there was that one road and it was shut down going one way so we just like got out and like started talking to our neighbors, our neighbors. Yes. And then someone's like, oh, there's a bear eating of a moose and I was so heartbroken. Yeah. See the bear eat? Yeah, yeah. Also, that guy was like, going to his first Bluegrass Festival. And he was all excited. And we were like, he was like, Do you guys know about bluegrass? We're like, yeah, it was there a man like what like



is like all excited. You're right. I forgot about that. We were sat on the mountain pass for forever. And there was some dude behind us in the RV. That wasn't that wasn't Wyoming. Yeah. Yellowstone. Yeah, yeah. Oh man, I forgot all about that. That was hilarious. Because like the I I remember bits and pieces of like that trip and then I distinctly remember going to like some weird twin sisters restaurant out the middle of nowhere. But then like my mind, my mind jumps to like, we want to we were up in Canada. Like we took a cab somewhere and we were just in the city and there's all these like, elk and caribou walking around. And I was like, This is normal. I guess. I had to remember that walking down the street. You're like that's an elk. Okay. What's up?



Yeah, cuz that's the same.



That's when we went to that restaurant and that was the first time I was exposed to where they you could tell us to rusty because you could buy the the menus. From the restaurant, and we bought one I don't know where that thing is.


Brandon  62:04

Isn't that where is that? Is that where we hit those parolees? It was like literally the best thing ever. Yeah. Oh man. Yeah, the Polish restaurant. Yeah. Also the other thing I remember about Montana is that where we just kept going to the same restaurant over and over again in the parking eating pie. I don't remember what it was. It was just like, pie for days. Like Yeah, and that dumb Huckleberry jam stuff. Dad was like, Oh my gosh, I got it. Gotta get some more of that Huckleberry sir. Oh, man, no, Huckleberry pie for days. Dad was like, No, I'm eating. I'm eating literally all the Huckleberry pie. You were there every single day the lady was like your back. Yeah. Wasn't that pie. That's



the world.



The what?



Oh my gosh.


Brandon  63:08

Yeah, well, I also remember that twin that with two sisters, right? We had to drive we drove forever to get there. Because that was like, Where's the place we can eat guys like, hey, there's a cool place over here and we do like, a million miles away here. Yeah. I don't know what state that was. Was that also why are we there? There was mountains and like we went to like this big opening and it was like pretty much like a valley and there was like no restaurant was



it. It was in Montana. It was in Montana is worth okay. I did I did have to Google but I remember Bab. Yeah, it wasn't to two sisters cafe.


Brandon  63:48

We were in our Chrysler.



What was that? What was that car? I don't know. Not the


Brandon  63:56

Pacific. It was the Pacifica. Oh, okay. Chrysler Typical driving out there and yes, it was just a one place in the nowhere but yeah, I can't remember where that was. I remember what it kind of looked like in there. I don't remember where that location might be. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.



I remember I think one of the things I took away from it I have a lot of memories of like Yellowstone one of my favorite memories from that is the smell obviously.


Brandon  64:28

Oh wait no, that's no one's favorite memory of this



is is leaving I don't know if you guys remember but when we were leaving Yellowstone we had to leave at like, four in the morning.


Brandon  64:39

Yes, cuz dad flights great. Yes. Yeah. All right, guys, guys, we're gonna get this blade. It's six o'clock in the morning.



And it's three hours away. So yeah,


Brandon  64:49

but we left



and we pulled off to the side of the road, shut off the engine and roll down all the windows and looked at the sky.



Oh yeah.



I just had have that sense, and then I had that dread of like, oh God, like they're also bears out here and we're sitting down.



So I start to get a little bit panicked about that.


Brandon  65:11

But then my memory my biggest memory of that hotel though, was that because I can't sleep ever still an ongoing problem, Ray. Like Colin and I sat on the porch. Like just outside for ever. It was like so dark out there because there's no lights in



that park anyway, well, no, like a walkway or a breezeway. Yeah, it was like the buildings too.


Brandon  65:40

Yeah, it was something like that, like outside the rooms, because like the hallways were open, or whatever. And so we just sat out there and you could like hear the guys are like going off every few minutes, whatever, but we're sitting Yeah, on the porch thing. breezeway bench. First, it felt like ever because like, I can't sleep Like, with no stimulus at all, because I'm a child of my time, I suppose, like a cabin in the woods with like, barely any electricity. It's like my worst nightmare. Like dead quiet everywhere. I can't sleep in that. I can't deal with that. I just sat outside on the balcony thing for ever.



I also remember all of the Native American monuments and stuff that we would go to, or, or cities that you know, like the where's that



one? I do remember one. And


Brandon  66:53

I remember going to the Pueblo places in Arizona. Yeah, go there. I don't I don't think I was ever that. Oh, that was I seem to recall I went we went I don't know if you guys were there first. We went to some sort of soup thing in South Dakota question mark there was a big thing out there that I seen your main going to vary I don't know if that was when we went hunting one time that might have been why that was maybe. Yeah.



Oh yeah, by the way, we also must complete this with all of the numerous like boyscout trips we took to this exact same area of


Brandon  67:33

Yeah, that's the other problem too is because I definitely went to summer camp and Boy Scouts to the Rocky Mountains at least three times. So this is well twice in the Badlands is out the code of one year. So my brain my South Dakota brain gets real messed up. Because I I went to those I went to the public I went to this Native American things in Arizona when Susan and I went It was hot fella lizards. That was cool, but oh my god. And somehow I don't think I was able to get to that. What's something in South Dakota somewhere?





Brandon  68:13

mixture I have a postcard of it someplace at home my dad's house for sure. Look at that. Yeah, no, that was



Yeah, I need to go through some of the photos that he took. And maybe like, get these memories a little bit more concrete in our brains. Maybe. Maybe it might be useful. Who knows who can who knows who can tell? Really? Who can tell the good






Yeah, yeah, no, those were.


Brandon  68:46

Yeah, I definitely appreciate the the immense effort and headache the dead put up with with us. As you can tell listeners, we've only gotten worse as we got older. So like you can only imagine our poor father dealing with this in a car for hours, hours, the headache that you know, and then the planning and organizing to get all that stuff as far as like put in place is helped I'm sure that all the activities that we did were stuff that like hiking. He liked to do. Yeah. And didn't really require too much planning because it was like drive here. Walk biking. Like



now that I'm realizing that these were forced marches through me. Yes, yeah. It was really his his way of making sure we were tired.


Brandon  69:40

Sure. I have another very interesting memory. I don't I haven't absolutely no idea where this happened. But we were on one of those ski lift things in the summer. Right. And I remember a column gets his idol new heights thing from our dad. Right dad does not do height. at all, which I found interesting that when he was hanging wire for his radio that he called Collin to come help him. The two people that are like terrified of heights together on top of a barn, it's just a



great. It's I do have to note that the person who ended up climbing the ladder was Megan.



Well, tavish nice down there, telling her how to tie the knot. For Megan


Brandon  70:34

Megan, will you listen to this? I'm sorry, I didn't know that. But I was we were on this. It was one of those big wide ski gondola, so I think we were all on it at once. Right? And, and I was sitting there and I think Aaron and I were humming and like kicking our feet, you know? And the thing was, like swaying back and forth, and dad all of a sudden like, threw his head out and just goes, stop you Cuz we're like, oh, you 70 feet up, baby. Everything's just swinging all over the place. He did not. He did not enjoy that.





Brandon  71:20

I can imagine was was that where the restaurant was on top of this mountain? I think was that was a different one because that was in a cable car. I remember that one. Yeah, I don't know where that was. But I had fun at Collins expense there because we were riding up in this cable car and they have all those cables on the ground. You know? What's like the power and phone cables that go up to that restaurant thing? Yeah, I was like, Yo Collin. That's what happened to the last cable car. He did. I didn't know I couldn't do it like that very much. So I got in trouble for that one. Like, Oh man, I didn't clean it all up if you



don't like heights, yeah.



There's a corner of your house that



I cannot



climb up there on the ladder. It just genuinely freaks me out. So I will sit, I will put the corner. Good basically in the opposite corner and basically waste about 100 gallons of water to try and get the gutters cleaned all the ladder on the other side. So anyway,


Brandon  72:33

when I was in Australia, we were I rode with those cable cars across a canyon to get to this other side of this thing to hike them. And they definitely had the one that has that bottom that that the glass starts out as opaque and then goes boom, and it's clear glass while you're standing on it. Nothing. It was awesome. And it's like hundreds of feet in the air and then all of a sudden it's like boom glass bottom. No, it's only a One part so you can stand over on the other side if you want to but like there was this cool thing picture somewhere else maybe like mine



Yeah, yeah I know.



I talked with Megan about my her vacations that she would take as growing up and they were very opposite of ours of where can we go that is Honto notion that we can sit and you know and go to lots of lots of museums that we don't


Brandon  73:36

like and those kind of thing go shopping. museums are fine I don't like yeah, I know I don't I'm not good. I've been hiding in the shade all week at recess right every time and there's a tree over there Okay kids. Does burnouts. Oh my god. Insane. Yes. Susan's vacations were way different. They were like, these weird, like tracks to, like destinations where they would stay at a place and like do everything in that one spot. You know what I mean? Mm hmm. Whether it was Disney World or someplace in Tennessee or wherever they were going. That's kind of how they were to like, we're gonna go here. And it's a destination thing. They're gonna shop. They're gonna do the thing. They're gonna do all that. Yeah. Where? Yeah, ours, apparently very odd. Yeah. I mean, apparently not that there were other people there. So apparently other people do it too. But like, yeah, like, I get that. It's fine.



I keep trying to convince Megan that one of these days when you take whenever things get less pandemic.


Brandon  74:58

Go be nice. I would like I would be I need to go for less panicky Vicki just in general but as



a sleeper car on a train to someplace and instead of driving or flying, okay


Brandon  75:14

we're gonna do this. Okay,



well be a Funkhouser plus extended family vacation so get ready


Brandon  75:23

yeah, so remember what I was talking about how I can't sleep ever? I don't really think throwing sleeper car into the mixes can go well for me to sleep



you're talking about not stimulus like it's constantly moving and good counselor he literally told me to


Brandon  75:38

be thinking about the Murder on the Orient Express alone. No, I didn't help him did it? spoilers. Ah No.



Either that or doing a large like getting all of us together to go somewhere and do something like I don't know.


Brandon  76:00

Like, I kind of want to do that board spoiler alert for, like next year, I guess spoiler alert for your future. Aaron. You're gonna go somewhere and do a thing. Do a thing. Wow. They're gonna have fun gonna have fun. Fun, ya know,



you do that need to be good. That's a challenge challenge. Challenge. Oh, decide where we're going. Oh, his entire family vacation. It sounds terrifying.


Brandon  76:30

Oh, it doesn't. We're gonna have we're gonna house be fine that we don't have to pay for hotels. It'll be really cheap. I mean, that's true. He know. She's gonna be down for that. Don't forget to tell her about it and say oh yeah, did he do this? No. Take a week go to someplace



negative will probably not agree to anything north of


Brandon  77:07

here. rally northern northern where she is currently. Right. Amy who are the words she's currently she's not going. So listen, we can just lie to her. Like everyone lied to me every time I went to a northern state or Canada all known summer it's fine. It gets warm in Canada it gets it's pretty warm in Montana now. He's alive. Every time I went, lied, lied to by everyone. freezing. I once went to Canada with this was outside of your family thing I went to I went to Canada with my friends. Like one of the summers after after he graduated. Me and my friends decided, hey, we're gonna drive to Canada. I can't go wrong. Just FYI. Another episode. Well, we get that the point is I need to tell this one part of the story is we do that because we went Hey, what's up Canada cuz that's what smart, intelligent 18 year olds do. Right? I got it there. We looked at the weather. Oh, it's gonna be great. It's warm. Nice and warm. 70 degrees. No. Three days rainy. This is July By the way, rainy 45 degrees in Winnipeg, Canada and not even the mountains. We have a right. We're like oh we'll go to a campground we'll save money 45 degrees and rainy three days in a campground bathroom, right. Side note nicest campground bathroom ever. Okay, it was beautiful. Birds Hill National Park went to a Canada What's up?



Hot takes on campground bathrooms. That's the best campground


Brandon  78:55

bathroom I've ever been in. Cuz I spent a long time in there drying out parts of my sleeping bag on the hand dryer thing oh yeah Provincial Park okay that's where it's at. Duly noted right the nicest bathroom I've ever been to



came from yeah



there's so many qualifiers felt


Brandon  79:32

fine so you could just not tell Megan about the weather it's fine yeah, I don't I don't I then we get there. It just kills you. That's whenever Collin he definitely didn't fall down this mountain. I don't know why.



Pretty Didn't you guys see all those bear?






no, it would unfortunately, probably have to be actually warm.


Brandon  80:01

I'm not going back to Arizona



thinking Anyway, we'll put out the backhaul. We'll get people


Brandon  80:11

mobilized. We'll do. We'll do that story. Another battle. Yes. And long but like, I'll give you the full story of Arizona later. Yeah.



Yeah, no, that's something that that's on my list.



Yeah, well, we'll


Brandon  80:27

hang in there. Give it a shot.



kept picking up.


Brandon  80:36

What? Hopefully things start picking up. I mean, right. Yeah, I think we could put some things down. Please. Be nice. Yeah. 70 to 80 up his voice. I mean, well, that's fine. Dust bowls fault. So it's it's the comeback.



vinegar and honey telling you Yeah.


Brandon  80:59

You watering it to not just vinegar by the way. Get some get some whiskey over there that might Oh dear.



Oh, Aaron's just gonna treat his sore throat with hot toddies Okay, cool, you know fun.


Brandon  81:10

That's that was my remedy when people would come into whenever I was bartending like, oh man, I'm not feeling good. It's like, well, you can either have a screwdriver, which is pocket orange juice. I was like, Oh, I got some whiskey over here. And they're like, Oh, I mean, like, medicine. I was like, Oh, well. You just want the orange juice



then or like, nothing. I mean, I've seen Back to the Future three where he



wake up. Wake up.



I've watched that the other day that made me so happy.


Brandon  81:46

I love that movie so much. Get some wake up juice and I should be good to go. Alright, here we go. There we go.



scheduled soon. Now ready.


Brandon  82:04

Love you guys. Love you. Bye bye