Not Hmong

The hottest segment in all of podcasting is back for Part TWO. In “The Return of Graphic Design Corner”, we continue to discuss things you can’t see. ALSO… Aaron does but doesn’t get a new laptop. ALSO ALSO Brandon is an old man. ALSO ALSO ALSO there’s a new Batman on the scene…a man who has previously played a bat and has a very nice jawline.

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batman, people, film, movie, dc, class, talking, watch, batman movie, science, document, fine, part, long, calling, big, happening, weird, year, home



Welcome to



Oh, brother, a podcast of three



brothers trying to figure it all



out with your host, Brandon, Colin and Aaron.



On this week's show, not much. Hello.


Brandon  00:38

Hello. Hello.





Brandon  00:45

Oh, you know all kinds of stuff trying to close on my windows. Hold on. What's up with you? Oh



First of all, oh, I'm getting a phone call. Hold on. Just record my conversation. Hi, I'm recording with Brandon iron What's going on?


Brandon  01:08

Hold on, hold on, hold on. We'll edit this lvrs fine. Okay.



Well, all right.



I was trying to is trying to find a dog collar.



And I was trying to turn off dual monitors and zoom because that was really annoying. Oh,



interesting. Okay, look, I just



kept on throwing up a little square on my other monitor here. And it was like, I don't want


Brandon  01:42

fancy boy multi monitor man



over here. Oh, no. I'm actually recording our podcast at my desk.


Brandon  01:50

It's great. Wow, that is crazy. New. Well,



usually I'm recording like, downstairs at our dining room table or something.


Brandon  01:59

Yeah. Get this new and improved beard. Well, new anyway. And somewhat annoying. Anyway Yes. So uh



oh we can we can continue for the last conversation and did


Brandon  02:20

check your text messages. Oh man the listeners love this this is their favorite when we have pictures in a dog okay I know update up logo update ladies and gentlemen here we go a logo update I meant to sketch one and send it to you but I forgot Oh, I'll have to do that later. It's



it's bad so long since we last recorded it totally. It totally makes sense. Fine. Many, many,


Brandon  02:47

many days.



They all literally all the days.



Oh, that's not bad.


Brandon  02:57

How do you feel about this one Yeah, let's have a toxin appropriately. That's good cleaned up a lot.



I can't, I guess you would have to infer that it is a toxin. And from the picture, it doesn't really scream toxin. I mean to me when you someone says doxon I immediately think long body not necessarily a shot, so Well, I mean,


Brandon  03:21

that would look really weird if it was like that. Yeah, yeah. Good and poor. The poor cat.



Do not like the cat.



The cat looks like it's a mouth breather. That's all I well,


Brandon  03:33

but you can like you can. But the idea is solid, right? As I'm saying, listeners, listeners the description here if I'm looking at the new logo. Basically what he did was he took all of mine and Aaron's genius advice from the last episode and throw it all out the window. And he has played by no doxon and a cat. Like with their paws. It looks like their paws on the table facing you. And then The name in an arch at the top, the funky bunch thing and then Petcare across the bottom. There we go, all of mine Aaron's hard work, but free free though, does consulting advice he threw in the trash. I so, so by the time we had talked, we had actually already sent off a quick email back to him with some initial responses. So this this draft is based off of some things that we had sent to him in the first place. So um, yeah, there's still some some work to be done. It's fine the faces do need to be adjusted slightly better. Yeah, because what a dog's face looks like it kinda looks like a mole on the side there he's got



this weird like so what he did was he you know, was adjusted it the dog if you can zoom in here, listeners are gonna love this. You can originally see where he quickly took a pre existing docs and


Brandon  04:58

Oh yeah, he's done something. thing with its tongue



was supposed to be coming out. Yeah. And he like he really just sort of like, drew a lower jaw and then like, tried to get it real quick on the side of its face with some black.


Brandon  05:11

Okay, yeah, it does look like it's ready for football practice. Got some black going on there. Okay. All right, as long as this is concept drawing, and that's not your final.



Okay. Okay, that's good. I want to I mean, I'm also going to say, um, I would like him to take those animals and simplify them because there's way too much detail on them for my like. Yeah, like that deep level of detail is not going to come through on a Facebook profile


Brandon  05:40

picture in mind, and it's just a nice, it's fine.



Printing wise, I don't have to print that level of detail


Brandon  05:48

either. With all the T shirts will just be disastrous, right?



I can't have that. So I've got to be I mean, but this is something I'm thinking of is are you


Brandon  05:58

thinking like cel shaded Are you thinking like, just line drawing? Like,



I don't know. I'm just going to tell them I want it to.


Brandon  06:08

Okay. Wow. Wow. Okay. Once again, he's gonna give you something you're gonna be grumpy and he's gonna go. You gave me one adjective. What are you doing? I am not the designer here.



That's why I hired you.


Brandon  06:22

I got to come up. You got to give him something to work with. You can't get simpler. Yes. No.






Come on.



Mike, you're wonderful. Thank you so much for all the hard work. Thank you, I because I wouldn't be able to put up with me. So anyway,



that's that's an update. That's our latest.


Brandon  06:46

What do you release? Are you at least happy with the template?



No, but


Brandon  06:54

it's okay. It's progress. Doing something true. It's different than the last one. That's okay. There's no hearts or pause, no hearts or problem. Or just as I saw, we were we're friends, obviously with lots of lots of pet sitters on Instagram. And no joke we saw about once we started looking at people's logos on there, we saw about three that had that exact same cat and dog from the last time on though, and I was like, I was like,



very angry right now. He.


Brandon  07:32

So it's probably just a template and like, that's probably just a thing that's in like some sort of program. Totally. Right. Right. And they just go, Hey, I want a cat and a dog and I go, okay, click,



I go, like that's part of being a designer is taking pre existing elements, right and combining them in new and different ways. I understand that's part of it. It just kind of annoys me,


Brandon  07:55

or just taking the templates from Photoshop editing. Yeah, right and lugging laminating together that's what you want,



though. I told Megan I don't think so. I think that was the part that really frustrated me of like, when when I can see something that's created and go, Well, I can make that that makes me angry. Now, can I create it and conceptualize it in the beginning to put the components together? Most likely not. But when I see something at the end and I know immediately how I could make that or where to go to make it, it kind of frustrates me so that's why I'm like asking him for like some hand drawn things like



oh, I just



went Oh, I know what's happening or what Hey, he quoted me a price already so we're good


Brandon  08:38

to go Be prepared to add to it if you go hand it on.





Brandon  08:45

it's gonna be anime dog right? with like, lines you know the route the lines like Papa John's face when so excited. Oh,



Toby Naruto running.


Brandon  08:59

Yes. Sounds good. Yeah. Anyway, Happy Days. progress being made. This is exciting. Oh, that's nice. I could no sorry



about Kobe barking in the background there.


Brandon  09:09

He's saying I didn't even hear him that time.



I did. Yeah, I didn't even hear him.


Brandon  09:12

My date is we did that training for that online learning thing. Yeah. It was kind of awful. Like, it's pretty terrible. Imagine, imagine if you will imagine a place no, sorry, ROM Shall we



do anyway.


Brandon  09:36

So there's this like, this thing is like, hyper complicated, right? There's like 20 bazillion things that you can do on this. Right? So we did this, like, zoom call with the staff. And this lady from the company, who I mean, sure whatever she was, she's probably nice. In prison, but okay. Um, Yeah, not a fan. And like, first of all, getting all of the staff on the zoom call mildly hilarious. Because, like, they were just hitting all kinds of buttons. Like they were just they just turned on they just were like chatting away and there was like 17 people just like talking at once. They say somebody shared their screen on accident and so I was just looking at the screen for like five minutes somebody typed in the global chat once the lady started talking blah blah blah Yeah, yeah. lol So I hope the superintendent goes and talk to them because that was hilarious. I was like,



oh, here's the key. Oh, um, those that even even the person to person chat at least in zoom. Was that what you guys were using are there Yeah, platform?



Yeah, yeah. It saves.



Oh, I know everything. So even if they would have not have done the global jet, it's just funny that it was the global jet. That's great. Yeah, but everybody saw at least


Brandon  11:10

Yeah, sure. There. I typed to the guy who is great sharing his screen in like the, like, selected him and type Tim's like, Dude unclick, the screenshare Come on. Anyway. So this lady who is, you know, a sales representative, Qantas purposes was like talking to her and she just went immediately to like, all the minutiae and in depth features that this thing has to offer you. Right, like jump right in past steps. 123 we landed on step like 17 and we just went from there. So a lot of the stuff she was talking about. I was like, what, but I don't that's not I can't Oh, no, why would I do that? I don't know. Like, yeah, I need to know how how to add or subtract material. One, I know that you skipped over that one. He just said it was possible, and then went away. And okay, that's a problem. And then, like he spent a lot of time talking about just like, what it would do and kind of some of the stuff in there, but he didn't like to really show us any of what the lessons look like she did for one, she showed us one third grade reading lesson. Not all of it, because like the beginning, it sort of just what it looked like. Yeah. And so I just thought I was thinking to myself all the time. This is a very weird way to present information to people. Like just be like, Oh, yeah, you can click on this and does this and you can click on this and it does that. It's like, I don't even know how to get That what you skipped on? What even where you even are like, I don't even know what it is. So that was that was intriguing. I don't really know, I still have many, many questions about To what extent I'm required to do this for seated students versus, like virtual students I get, but I still don't know how to, like, give them the right thing. Sure. I mean, if the school doesn't care, I was gonna give them something and be like, Yeah, that's great. And if the facts matter a quarter, they're gonna be like, what the heck are you talking about? Well, you know, they just met me just told me to send you stuff so I did. You know, I don't know. I don't know how to send them the right things. Yeah. I don't know how to take away cuz like I mentioned before, like Especially with the science, like it's, it's just not worth what we do. So I need to find two quarters, but I mean, I'm probably not going to use it for the whole year. I mean, who knows, actually, but should I need if we did, like, let's just pretend it was a whole year thing. I mean, we have a subscription for a whole year, so well hang on. Um, I need to find two quarters worth of material to change. Right? Because I basically have it's not set up in quarters. So I don't know if it does that way. Like, I don't know if that's right. Cuz it's just set up in semesters. And it just has like semester one. All these topics, semester two, all these topics. The semester two is all the ones I want. semester one is all like I said something thing that is taught in seventh grade. So I need I need different things. Basically, what is their what they have set up as semester two is basically what I teach in quarters, two and three. Ah, right. So I need a first quarter, first quarter we do like it's basically intro to science. We use that to teach a lot of our expectations a class note taking practice, scientific method stuff, right. methodologies practices, it's not the whole quarter. But I you know, for all intents and purposes, it's a quarter. It's like most of the first quarter and then I jump into that stuff. And then like, fourth quarter, I do some like, quality thing. So that's not there either. I'm missing that stuff. And I'm very vague on fourth quarter since last year was my first first So you're teaching sixth grade and we didn't have a fourth quarter so like, I point I'm only mildly like, I had some ideas for what I was gonna do, but like I don't have anything concrete happening. This is what fourth quarter looks like because I don't actually know I've never taught a parent. I've never taught a fourth quarter of sixth grade science before. haha oh Whoopsie Daisy. That's the worst. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, school just starts on Tuesday. No big deal. Okay. Only two days way from now. It's fine. I got my stuff. already. I have all my fruit because we don't we Our school has one to one vices. That's another question that I had lots of questions. She kept talking about she kept talking about the lady in this training was Talking about like, the at home students pretty much exclusively, like the ones that are starting at home. Right? That makes sense, because that's where I'm gonna have to use it at first. However, our superintendent told her in the meeting, our plan is also to use this. In the event, we have to take another wellness break, taking continuous learning online. And she's like, Oh, yeah, that's great. Yeah. And then she's proceeded to talk about all this stuff, and how it coordinates with desktop computers. Think about like a blackboard situation, where a lot of this stuff is like, Oh, you take this file and then you save it. And then you type in it and then you send it back. Right? Okay, what what she was showing me was a lot like that. She was talking about these other programs that you might need to download onto your desktop free programs and you can do it from the thing but I'm article uses iPads. Ah, so the the question that I had was these things that you're talking about some of these programs that you're mentioning, those aren't iPad friendly. Right, right. Second of all, we do not require the students to have an apple id at all. It is not necessary for the use of Apple device. We have set up a an app where the tech department can push out all necessary apps through that it's called self service. And so it just goes boom, you automatically get it. You don't have to have you on sign in. You don't have to have an apple id nothing. Right. So if if we have to download extra things and cannot do everything web based only We need that list. So we can push that stuff out through self service or find something equivalent. Right? And figure out how to push it out through self service, right? To make it accessible, because we don't want the kids getting home and being like, Oh, you need to use this thing. Like I can't do that right now. Right? Jeez, that's a that's a that's a Bad News Bears time. So like, you know, some of the stuff she was talking about cool. Like and there are like I was already thinking other options because she was talking about like, voice recording software you can download for like small kids where they can record themselves reading and then send it in. Like, you can just you can just use the camera on the on the iPad, you can just like, face record yourself reading a book. Like that's not. That's definitely an option, but you need to tell parents that's the way to do it. Cuz you can just do that and then just email, boom done, whatever, fine. But they need to know that they're not there because they'll be trying to look for trying to look for something and like, Why won't this thing download? Well, that's because that's a web based thing or it doesn't download to iPad devices that way. So, uh, yeah. Yeah. And again, it makes sense at home because they've already felt to be pre approved for this. You had to say, Yes, I have these technologies on house. I'm able to learn online. Okay, okay, cool. Got it. Done. So you can do all the stuff. It's already assumed that they they have gone through the whole thing. They've gone through the like, informational briefing and questionnaire and stuff and said yes, we are ready to do this. Okay. Yes, those people find the people. If we have Like I say, in a general month or whatever, if we have to flip to online classes all of a sudden, and then how does it work with our stuff at home like Google? Right? So interesting. It does read in a ton of languages, though, which is exciting.



I was good. That was something that you were concerned about.


Brandon  21:22

I was very concerned about because the ELO teacher had said that we have like, five languages spoken in the school this year. Non five non English languages. Like that's, that's more than normal. Alright, cool. Like, yeah. So that makes that makes the online learning even more difficult. Right? Because again, like, Spanish translation, relatively available. Hmong is a little more difficult to find. Kids a little harder, a little harder to find like Because like Spanish is so prolific and lots of academic stuff is already done in Spanish, like even last year for one of my students, I would just search for, like articles that were equivalent in Spanish, like from a Spanish site or something right? There's lots of those so you can just google them in Spanish and just get primary sources in Spanish and go here check this out. Read this



been a lot of work that's already been done yeah.


Brandon  22:30

Yeah. Among the little hard to find so much primary source material about volcanology in Hmong. So it's and I can speak I can read enough Spanish to kind of you know, glance through a thing and be like yeah, yeah, this is this is good because what I want and then I translate it I will google translate it to English to kind of read through the broken and be like, yeah, yeah. That's good. But among. Yeah, I've actually completely again, ignorant of all Mung except for I know that there are two variations of the Hmong language makes even more. So, okay, that's interesting. But yeah, IT services that it reads stuff out loud and everything like that. I don't know if it, it reads it in that language. I don't know if it translates the text. I didn't see that but so that's good. But, yeah, so I've just finished all my other stuff up, basically, like a normal first. So I've got my first like, a couple things



ready to go.



For geography Well, in scientific method, Ray, so yeah.


Brandon  23:59

I don't know. So, yeah, well it was something for something like



finished up.



No, don't yet and then people will just have to document. And that obviously takes the longest part of any. Any thing that I had to do was just typing and making sure it's right and calling people for follow up stuff. So I'm gonna run them to the office Monday and do some typing. We're apparently allegedly getting our laptops


Brandon  24:50

that are state provided, however, talking with the supervisors and everyone's like, now you might as well just keep your your old laptop because or your purse. laptop because these new laptops take forever and when trying to document a bunch of things, you know, speed is important. So there are a couple you need to come pick up your laptop, like but what if I don't want to, I will use the only thing about and so I'm gonna get a lot pick it up and see



check in it's just gonna sit in the corner.



And then



that's really about


Brandon  25:24

test it out. They might be liars, they they might have got bad one Oh, God, they, they spread it out with some of the other workers in our county. And some of the other workers that do the same thing I do, like, because I call them as like, Hey, can you check this up? Like on all the things yeah, hold on, we pull up. We just got the new laptop, got a suite. And then about like, 30 minutes later, I finally get my answers like I probably could have saved time and just



looked it up on myself. But they're like, Yeah, no, it takes like they're they're good laptops, but they're not



Super compatible with the state



website or whatever


Brandon  26:06

other Cisco does,



they just don't work well with what I wear, they probably


Brandon  26:11

they're probably fine they probably don't have enough processing power to run is it? Is it a thing? Like they just like a huge form that just has fields and stuff do you got to enter? Um, like with all my documenting? Yeah. So there so it's a big system that has like basically what the incident is who's also involved were involved and then there's like different pages that I click on. That's like a you know, the,



the who I saw when I saw it and then I type out what was was talked about. And then there's a different program, what's called


Brandon  26:51

assessing the



assessment of child safety and I have to type all that up and then it's a family is Native American. I have to type That up. And then there's the last part where


Brandon  27:03

there's a part where I have to connect who's all related, and how they're all related, then I have to type up the district attorney summary, which is the only thing the DA reads. And then I have to type up, why we're closing the vestigation. And then I have to type up all criminal and you know, and other history and stuff. And so there's that, you know, all the people, when and where I talk to them, but it was all said, that aren't involved. And then what was done, what services were provided.



A good


Brandon  27:36

investment and investigations investigation, itself, typing just like pure documenting and calling. After you've see everybody takes about two to three days of just typing. And it's kind of hard to do that when every single day you get investigation, and then they just kind of pile up. And so right now I'm sitting at 10 cases that I just need to sit down and just type. Oh, yeah. And there's, there's some that are that are older. Other than, you know, there's some that, you know, that I'm done with, I just have to document it. And then but you know, the biggest thing is going to tracking down to people to see them sitting there for, you know, if you have a family of four that that's going to be a good two, three hours of your time of just getting there. And then then you have other



issues at hand when you're having, you know, law enforcement involved or you know, the tribe involved that also just kind of, it doesn't slow down, but then it just adds to what you have to do.






you know, as long as you take care of what you need to see who you need to talk to who you need to and then just let your supervisor know like, that's like they're pretty fine with it. But they, you know, they recommend you get a case done, you basically have like 30 days to get the whole thing done. But again, with school being back in session cases are, you know, or referrals are coming in more frequently. There's one day I had two cases in one day.


Brandon  29:19

What was Friday? Monday,



Tuesday, I did something else Wednesday, and then Thursday, Friday,


Brandon  29:29

I had at least



I went out and saw two to three different cases each day. And then just, you know, going through that, and then I have to, you know, request medical records on certain things I have to upload, you know, pictures and stuff that are taken. And a lot of that you can't do at home because you don't have access to it. So



I've been doing



Yeah, we're still kind of in that weird phase of Oh, we don't have an office so you can still go there. But Oh, yeah. And then yeah, so I'll go tomorrow and, you know, do some bust out as much as I can. With the a lot of time I have up there and then just kind of my goal is to at least close two cases


Brandon  30:17

tomorrow. And, you know, I've just sit there and like, putting my headphones in and just typing. Yeah. And that that is that has been, you know, my, my goal for tomorrow at least but it's, it's, it's, it's, it's a long it's frustrating and exhausting. And we had, I mean, especially, like I imagined the beginning of the school year is always a ramp up in time because now all of a sudden, you've got all these people in front of, you know, not their family for the first time in a while, but this year, you know, even more so because I've been at school for, you know, double Yeah, or more or in some cases what they would have been so they've been home all this time. They haven't seen anybody. So now the teachers are gonna go up. Well, yeah. And,



and yeah, that that's that's the thing and so what was it was it






a lot of times what happened last year is that we get busy from pretty much August all the way up until like October. Yeah kind of like it just kind of fluctuates it goes up in waves. Yeah, have you know been a busy season, you know, kind of not busy season busy season it fluctuates with, or it correlates with school being open.


Brandon  31:39

Yeah. And so again, that's because all of a sudden, all of these kids who might be in a difficult situation are now in front of hundreds of mandated reporters. Ah, that's one of the big things and so.



But yeah, then we have all the new restrictions of no calling. Oh, yeah. Time to






yeah, thankfully I had I had a few tough ones that I just need a document and I kind of need to set those priorities first but then I have like, little bitty easy ones that are just, I just need to document and send it off and get it off my caseload and you know, there's 1000 different things to do on each particular case. And yeah, it sounds like that form is awful. And then you have people people calling me that are like, I need to talk to you about this case. Like who were you had one?



Yeah, and then that plays



I and I don't say people's numbers because we're not really supposed to say people's numbers in my work phone but there's times where like, look like this lady calls me 1000 times. Like I need to like oh, this person and then you know, try to remember people's phone numbers or you know, all my notes and


Brandon  32:53

say people's phone numbers. This is a general rule, because the doctor anymore A lot of times, although I call me like answering the phone with you just like answering the phone with Brandon Buddhists. No, I don't answer the phone. If I don't if it's a number that I don't actually because there are some that don't say, but I know who they are. But if it's not one I don't recognize. I have voicemail for a reason.



Before there you go.



Yeah. And so like I you know, a lot of times you don't have to answer the phone.


Brandon  33:22

Yeah. I mean, your your job you have to, but am I not supposed to be on the phone? So like, I just put on my desk and say,



it is kind of the same thing. It's like, if you're like, if, you know, that investigation is already taken care of. And you know, we're already doing everything we can. Like I don't it's not. No.


Brandon  33:40

I mean, there's nothing you can do anyway. So like, yeah, yeah. And so like, I'm already doing it, literally, I'm doing it right.



Then I got people and then people could talk to other people. And I got other people calling me and it's just like, I don't know who you are. And if they're not family, I can't tell them what's going on. I'm like,


Brandon  33:56

Oh, I'm doing this. There. It is.



It's it's um


Brandon  34:02

usually you know, I was doing pretty good phone wise but I think Friday I was you know on the phone for about three hours and so I usually coming from 100% phone by the time I got home at about five My phone is at like 2% which really very rarely ever happens but now I need to have a charger so I like to use this sparingly but I also need GPS or I'm doing all these back road places.



Yeah, and then you get trouble if you don't have lunch. And I got in trouble a few times by the time she was like all you need to document you having lunch like I literally drove from Tulsa to Ponca City and I had to be there this this time and not to get written up for not taking a lunch and then yeah, it's and then they they just changed the timesheet because instead of going getting paid once a month or getting paid, you know, a bi weekly until we had to sit through a training day Do haddaway admit that and then if you don't do your timesheet properly, you don't get paid. And, again, if I get if I'm getting home at 11 o'clock at night, it's not the first thing that's on my mind. Yeah, it's having to document it. But it's there's just a lot.


Brandon  35:16

That's that is the benefit of being a salaried employee. They just Yeah, right. Doesn't it is only once a month, which is just awful. But yeah, used to it. And I've been doing it for too long that even game or just being salaried. That's the best thing ever because we have we had this weird they be there like that, like that school. Is he right? It's like, actor became teacher, and it's just like, it literally doesn't matter how much you work. You could work. You know, 75 hours a week, everyone pays him out money right away, because yeah, so they just go Okay, so as long as I show up on time, it's good to go like this.



That's great.


Brandon  36:06

I don't miss that stupid type thing. I'm terrible. And they wouldn't even work and sometimes you'd push the button and be like failure.



Why? Yep.


Brandon  36:22

That's and then you know,



if you guess we're limited on cars so if you have to take your own oh yeah own vehicle and then you have to document that you drove it's you want to get paid for that. And you probably want to see which Yeah, but then sometimes it's just not, you know, I don't want to fight the people on it. I'm gonna just give I drove here. Give me my money.


Brandon  36:46

Yeah, but you



didn't document this. Like I had literally have 100 other things more important than this right now. So can I get my money right now and that's fine. I don't do the job for the money. It's just nice to have


Brandon  36:59

why no Nothing is more important to the finance department didn't tick the boxes. Right? That's what they love the very most, which is why I can never do that job because no,



yeah can


Brandon  37:14

is like really minute detail oriented tasks like that. I'm out. I can't I can't deal with it like I am. You know, it is you know important to have those things but oh no, I whatever whenever you send off you know, you know, a summary of something that you worked like a week on, and then your supervisor sends it back like you're in a college professors I go, Well, you should use words. Like I



just just



get done with it. I just take it I'm not lazy. It's just I don't want to deal with that anymore.


Brandon  37:49

So that's that's the hardest part about air for me anyway, of like, teaching is all the like, extra. Like, I don't even No, like administrative things you have to do. Like we have to do a learning team goals, right? And all this stuff at the beginning of the year. And then you have to have like, individual goals for your class or whatever. So it's like, how are you going to monitor this? Like, what's the expectation? What does proficiency look like? All those like, really detailed things are really hard for me, because I like I know, in my head, what I want it to be like, but I can't get it onto the paper using the verbiage that they want to hear. Like, like, I know these things, like I know what I'm doing. Like, I know that my science class this year. Our big, kind of like, extra goal, like this is outside of state standard goals and monitoring student things like that, like for me, is like we're gonna make sure that we talk a lot about, like, how science works, right? And the process of science and the kind of that whole thing, but especially with the current climate, culturally, the fact that being wrong in science is awesome, right? Just good news, if you're a scientist, and people have trouble with this, so just kind of implementing that to the kids, like, Hey, this is this, this is the process of science. These are the thinking, like the strategies and all that stuff, documenting that into, like, how would you monitor this? What does you know? proficiency look like? Like, um, you know, it's a little harder but like, I yeah, I've got it on my paper. So I've gotten that but like, our science team has been talking about this. So that's going to be our like our team goal is well, similar. But It's hard to get those into things like those little minute details and the vocabulary like we have to do the math to do that, since I'm still technically a probationary teacher, because I've taught less than five years. You have to do those on your evaluation thing, the thing that the principals and stuff evaluate you on when they do your formal evaluations during the year. So I had to do one of those last year, I was like, words that go on this form are what exactly I like it. Like I have the big general idea, like I don't know exactly the specific thing you want me to write here. I have I struggle with that. So yeah, that's the hard bit. And I definitely don't envy people like the like the financial office people because they have to do all that and then they have to do with like auditors to come in stuff. Oh, no. Or no? Yeah No it's scary what that are like it's a similar to like the special education department like if you forgot to tick one box on that big form turnout in trouble like, oh no. Yeah so I don't envy that at all. That's referee No, but hopefully you can get some of those knocked out of the way can get cleared up. Yeah, that's the other frustrating thing is like oh you know I'm gonna set this amount of time now for this but then it's like oh no, you have to do this now. And yeah that's the trying to find you know, free time to kind of work on one particular thing and so this week should be interesting. I should go knock on wood. get some work done, but we'll see what happens in a similar vein speaking of Surviving this last week, Shana has officially survived her first week of college done today. Was it? Well, it was trying to write is very, very difficult. All of her classes are Monday, Wednesday, all of them because she got scheduled so late. It was a whole thing. They're all Monday, Wednesday. He does. She has extraordinarily long days. Like, see, I think her first class is either eight or nine. I don't remember exactly which one. And then her last class gets over at like seven o'clock. I mean, they're they're spread out. There's big chunks of time in the middle of day where she's not doing anything. But she's on campus. Yeah. That's what makes that because like her first day, she was like, Man, what do I do with this time? Like just wait, you'll have plenty to do. I mean soon it'll be it'll fill up real quick because she has English her first semester it you'll be pitiful at times because freshman English is like, for some reason that's the class that all colleges go What should we make our hardest class in the court for English? 101? Yes, perfect out what the heck? You want to wear like, oftentimes the most difficult classes in courseload they just like Ah, I don't know if this is because English teachers are inherently just like vindictive. Or like people I don't know what's happening but I find that oftentimes it is that class it's like here we go. Welcome to college. 87 papers go out. What No, so yeah, it's good. She is liking so far. been pretty But the transition is rough. Especially for somebody that again, she hasn't been in school since March either. So now gone from having no schoolwork, or anything. She's just been working, like at her job, you know? Yeah. To now. All the schoolwork literally Oh no. Oh no. Oh, well. I'm glad she



survived. And



yeah, sounds like no. It's been a


Brandon  44:36

lot of troubleshooting because you know a lot of them some a lot of them have online stuff so we got to figure out the blackboard thing has this Blackboard thing where you just click a bunch of buttons. You see what happened? You just go to the course and click the day see what their stuff in there guarantee. Yeah,



yeah, if they set it up, right.


Brandon  44:55

Yeah. And you got to check it all the time. We had that conversation today that you have to check it All the time, because the seats up in there. They don't like to tell you. It's not like they go about it. No, no. It's not like in high school, they're like, hey, make sure you get all this stuff turn in. Nope, it's just there. It just, it just appears no one will tell you it appears. And then before you know it, if you don't see it, it will just disappear again. Got to be on gotta make sure you get it. Like I remember running black running a black Blackboard courses and being frustrated that you couldn't give automated alerts when something was posted like that, that you could I mean, you could sit there and send out emails, people say, Hey, I just posted this content Yeah, to the blackboard course. But that gets tedious. And so it I just so wish that there was some way for whenever I posted a course or when I posted an assignment or an announcement. Like, then it would automate automatically send out but it just Yeah, I don't know why it doesn't do that. That's the weirdest thing. Like, it doesn't just send you an alert. Because Heck, my Google Classroom. Does that. You see being blurts for days. Yeah, every time every, every time all the time in the class, like, obviously, my life has just go. Ding, ding, ding. There it is. You can, even if I schedule it, you know, like scheduled to be sent out at the beginning of the hour, because I do that sometimes. I just stagger schedule everything. So like my first hour class. It gets sent out at that time. next hour class, it gets in at that time. So I'll just be like, you should be getting something for me here in a second. And then usually right after I say that, it's like detaining me. Also, why are your notifications on right now? Just kidding. Are you written Actually, I have I have asked some people before, like, why do you have those on so loud What are you doing? Oh,



I don't understand that.



Okay, that'll be


Brandon  47:10

to see how the rest of the semester advances. Yeah, this is pretty stacked courseload so we'll see I think she's taking 17 hours a lot so yeah, yeah. I said that



like crazy. first semester. Yeah. I think the most I took was 18 but that was because I had labs and those hours while you did while the hours didn't count for a grade they still counted against your schedule as part of the


Brandon  47:47

party as she does have one science class. Okay, so that's where I think that big she's got a five hour big five hour cuz the sciences are five a crowd There's a lot I think they're five. God. Yeah. So yeah, they're usually five hours. Used to be like when I was going there also distressing thing. I had the realization that I am officially a super old man now, because I did some quick math this week and realize that I also started going to Crowder 17 years ago, boy Oh wow, ouch ouch sorry know that. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I did. I was like, oh, man, this is awful. This at all. It was terrifying news. Yeah. Ironically, still remember my student ID number. That's funny. Anyway. Because I actually used it more recently than that, when some of the courses that I picked up before I did my finish my bachelor's, like Sure. Okay. Still, I was like, Oh, I just remembered that this week, it's popped in my head to go eliris. But anyway, that Yeah, their classes were five because I had I used to have to go. They're not doing classes on Friday this year. For reasons, obviously. But we had class seated class like, Monday, Wednesday, lab on a Friday or a Thursday, whatever the teacher did. Right. If he was feeling Froggy, sometimes it was like, after class Wednesday, lab time. So it was usually like four hours of class and then one hour was the lab is how they had it broken up. So there were five. I don't know if that's how it still is or not. But that's why that big number She has that science class, that physical science. So still, that's a lot. I only ever I didn't Yeah, I think my first match, I only took the 12 that was required to live in the dorms and whatever. Like course meter took me like more than two years to graduate, but that you know, it's fine. No worries.



Calling good.


Brandon  50:21

Yeah, it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter how long, it's fine. It's all fine. Fine.



I use that word so much. And I get in trouble every time I use that word.


Brandon  50:35

Yeah, that's what Yes, my wife definitely pointed out. It's like, I only took 12 hours. She's like, it also took me three years. I'm like, shut down, buddy. Nobody asked for that. He's saying, Okay. I did it. I went back. I finished those night classes. Dang it. Yeah. I was not fun. But yeah, so yeah, it's been this week been a very eye opening adventure. to the land of college classes, a whole



new world, a whole new world,


Brandon  51:09

a dazzling place you never knew.



dazzling? I never knew it. That's for sure.


Brandon  51:17

That is true. Is 100% Yeah, so the cool thing is that one of my friends that actually went to college with is actually the theatre department. There. That's right. That's right. So, like I've been telling her I've told Shana months, we need to go see her. We go down. You should go down. You like her? Yeah, went down and they're like, Oh my gosh, I love her. So I told you, I told Why did you listen to me? I was getting bored all the time. They're just so and it's some of those hours. She's been just hanging out in the theater building. You know? Have a theater class and she's been doing some work and she can hang out in. She's like, yeah, just come hang out my office. She's a big office. They have like, lots of rooms around in there. So she's been going over there. That's nice. That's Yeah, because it's like separated, that building is separate from the rest of them. There's a lot less traffic in and out. You can actually just sit out in the foyer, a thing on the couch, and just like, do stuff and like, no one's coming in there. So it's cool. So that's nice that she has that place. So why don't we go like just go in that building is you'd be fine. Go in there, hang out do stuff. Or you're going to have work very soon. Trust me.



This will not last forever.


Brandon  52:46

Start building up some it'll be quieter. It'll be quieter than like the library or the, the, the bigger common thing, whatever it's called. Remember over there So moving doing that this week.



Let's talk about that. Let's talk about the



Batman thing. Aaron you sent out.


Brandon  53:13

Oh, that's right. fandom. Yes, first of all, genius idea. Right, like can't go anywhere. No Comic Con, like, good. All Day Long live stream of all the new DC stuff. That's kind of cool. Right? So, Aaron Oh, first of all, Aaron, did you see all this stuff for about this? The Justice League Snyder cut finally getting to see the light of day.



I don't know when it'll be released. I kind of read through that quickly and just kind of didn't get my hopes up because I know that was a big thing for the last, you know, yes. Or whatever. It's like, Oh, it's gonna be released, but it doesn't really


Brandon  54:00

Well, I, it's apparently officially it's going to be released initially as for one hour, like episodes basically on HBO plus and then after that, there is going to be a complete we're just like all four plus hours long of the whole thing. Like simultaneously. Wow. Huh? Yeah. So that was interesting a lot of the stuff that they're like no, this is different and there's like all these characters that were just not in the other version of this storylines are like wait, that's okay. So






I you know, I the only thing I've read about the Snyder cut and everything has been like the,



the animation on a lot of things and just how


Brandon  54:57

to the Steppenwolf looks way better. Yeah. May I ever? Yeah. And then kind of with a What's his name? Some of the other CGI elements of just being like yeah, no these are just going to be done better and that's the main thing I was excited for and Well, yeah, a lot of the stuff that was taken out of the story or they're supposed to be more Cyborg I guess more something else I can't remember exactly. watched a recap thing I didn't watch the live thing I watched the recap deal the damn URL, recap you know, I watched his stuff about okay. Like Denver. Oh



no, that's Yeah, I kind of saw it on Twitter. But I remember the last time they go they're trying to release this. I think there's also


Brandon  55:46

there's also the new Wonder Woman 1984 stuff. But yeah, the I liked the the other or the the first one. On the movie I really liked it No, I don't think it kind of grabbed my attention enough to go see it and film but yeah but ursi in theaters but I thought it was really cool. I was excited about the Batman film because I just you know being a DC or through a good chunk of my life and not ever having you know that one definitive DC film



because you know with things like Suicide Squad or well I guess the other like, you know, Dark Knight Rises Jen also


Brandon  56:37

just is gonna be it looks weird but anyway, it was again Yeah, cuz I it was it was



some of those were like, like Suicide Squad like wasn't wasn't bad. It wasn't great. It wasn't great. I I actually didn't know Mind the Justice League. So here with me in films, I can either just go in and just nitpick it the whole time which one of my best friends, girl Ralston can, you know that that's what we would use to do like all the time especially in Stillwater we go to a film and there are several times where it just be like us too in the theater. And we kind of we treated it like it was a mystery, Mystery Science Theater 3000 kind of thing of just us commentating the whole time. Or there's other times where I can just like completely turn my brain off and just watch whatever. I think


Brandon  57:36

it's about the expectation that you have going in, right? Yeah, a lot of times if the you know, if it's built up or a certain thing like you're like, Okay, let's see if this is a good thing what says it is, but other times you're like, I don't care. This looks like when I went and watch the Godzilla movie. You know? Yeah, I was like, This is gonna be awesome. I'm gonna see giant things. Godzilla smashing stuff can be great. Yeah, I did it. My expectation is not one of like, Oh my gosh, did you see that camera angle the way might be in another film, like when I saw The Revenant you know, with Leah. Everyone's like, Oh my gosh, this is the greatest movie ever. So I was I was in more and that's a different film. That one definitely has a different mood anyway. But you're in a different headspace. Right if watching that. When I got in that movie, side, tangent was an old lady and her husband sitting behind me the whole time to be like, Oh my gosh, did you see that? That was so bad. Hey, hey, how do you watch those meanie? Oh, I got a whole movie. Yeah, okay, great. I loved him. So much down. Hey, that went away DC.



Yeah, there's like there's movies. Like when the Star Wars movies came out and the newer ones. Granted it was over Christmas and I was the only one like in my apartment because everyone else has like gone home so I went and watched it twice. Hmm um, not so much this the newer one rises Skywalker whatever but I guess I just went and watched films I was like I don't care Star Wars just want to watch it



yeah and



there's there has been a few movies where it's like I don't care I just want to go see this thing and this Batman one was definitely one of it like the the Joker movie that came out with Joaquin Phoenix like yeah, like oh yeah, that's cool. But it like that movie for some reason just wasn't like wasn't really something that I mean


Brandon  59:33

I don't like Joaquin Phoenix just in general so like I didn't I didn't really want to see that one either like now I'm good I'm out I don't feel like I know



it was good but I was just like, Man


Brandon  59:45

that like that dad



that didn't get like it yeah it didn't you know like truly exciting but the just seeing this and like


Brandon  59:56

the new Batman trailer



I it kind of was just one of those Things were like, you know, I don't know if it's just like a little kid in me it's like oh, you know, I think with any Batman movie I was gonna


Brandon  1:00:06

say that's part of my anything Batman like Hello? Yeah,



like you're like oh, no Captain America like Oh cool. Oh no the Thor.


Brandon  1:00:15

Okay no connection with Captain America like no one was frozen for a while okay cool whatever



I do like the Marvel films just because they are so kind of unique and there's so many of them but like with with Batman stuff it's like you know i i don't know why but I just it that's fun for me like now


Brandon  1:00:37

that's I know you bring up a good good issue DC has had this problem for a long time where the Marvel has had this like that's been their strategy is like they're everything is connected into one contiguous storyline DC has finally bitten the bullet and said, Nope we are going to make the whole DC multiverse thing in the films now. Yeah. Done. Which, in the comic books, that's kind of a weird cop out because they're like they have, they have 700,000 timelines and it gets really confusing. But if you just say that in a movie, and then you're gonna go Oh, yeah, we're gonna have another Batman movie of someone else. Okay, it doesn't, it literally doesn't matter. So it's fine. All you have to do say it. You don't have to have the weird like, nonsense about the doll, that new guy, whatever. You just say it. Yeah, it's cool. Whatever. It doesn't matter. That's, that's the part that has really kept me away from the Marvel stuff because it is supposed to be all connected. It makes it very daunting to get started. Right. And that's true. And the whole like, infinity, whatever. Thank you. Yeah, the word Yeah. Yeah, no, I like that. You watch those last couple movies that have that are kind of wrapped To wrap all that up with a dose and all that, like, some of those scenes that you watch, have much more weight to them for somebody who's actually seen the rest of them. Yeah. Right. And if you're someone like me who's watched none of them I've watched whenever that one comes out. Yeah. And they're like, oh, yeah wraps up the whole story. I go, Okay, okay. Yeah, I go into because I've not invested at all. I've seen part of Ironman one. That was it. Which was by



far I think, to this day, the best of all anyway,


Brandon  1:02:31

I have. I haven't because I didn't watch it the whole thing, so I don't know. Yeah, but yeah, like



they're there. You're making a movie that can Yes, be enjoyed on two different levels of somebody who walks in and goes cool action movie superheroes. Sweet. And then another one. It's like, I've invested in this and I it gets back to a lot of things like my FOMO that gets in of like, I feel like I'm enjoying it right. I don't feel like I'm understanding the depth behind it. It I just don't want to even go I don't even try. And at that point, I'm like, I better watch how many hours of exactly I don't want movies to enjoy the last one.


Brandon  1:03:07

And like, again, even if they don't go through some of the weird like, Doomsday, weird, whatever, bizarre comic book multiverse stuff, just saying that it makes it perfectly fine to have different people play the same character to different movies. Yeah, 100% It's fine. Now. It doesn't matter. Like you all you have to do say it. You don't have to explain it in films. You just have to say, Oh, no, it's a multiverse. It's fine. And I know in the Justice League, that's part of the Snider cut thing with like, in the original Justice League movie, there was like this weird like, flashback thing that happened with the flash. And but it was only like, five seconds or whatever. And you're like, what, right? What the heck was that? Was that supposed to be one of the alternate dimensions that exist? Right? Oh, it was supposed to be like teasing that it is a thing that's happening. But then they never said anything about it. Now basically, they just been like, there's going to be a little more of that in the slider. And then they've just said, Oh, no, yeah, it's the thing now that's fine. So that's where you get the new Batman where you can have What's his name? Robert, is his name Robert. Teacher, Robert Pattinson. Cedric Diggory is back.



Yes, we are going to completely gloss over the fact that he was in some sort of movies about maybe being a vampire. Those are allegedly he's also played a bat already.


Brandon  1:04:31




that was my point. And the text message he's got



he's he's played a bet of some sort. And I liked it. I will say DC does make some pretty bomb


Brandon  1:04:46

animated movies. Which is true, but it's true.



Like I just remember, you know, they brought in a lot of a list of voice actors and a lot of you know big name people and I did a lot of these DC animated films. And the ones that I've watched I'm just like, oh, that's but yeah, they still don't match up to the, you know, big budget Marvel films.






yeah, but I mean,


Brandon  1:05:12

at a certain point, like the reason I like a lot of the DC stuff, at least in the film universe recently, it I don't want my eyes to burn out of my head with like 42,000 colors.



It was just like it's shot. It's not just content wise, but just visually made statically like, oh, man, turn on any light. They saved a lot of electricity, or a student that



had a light bulb on the set. I mean,


Brandon  1:05:42

that's true, but it's so like, it's also character driven, like in Wonder Woman that that aesthetic doesn't fit. Right? Sure. In Batman, the actual Dark Knight if that's what you want in a Batman movie. I don't want to see a Batman movie. It's like bright and shiny and like that's the way what's the



what's the YouTube channel? Like? It does like the Honest Trailers? Oh yeah, they did. They did a lot of stuff for the DC stuff. And it's like, at the end where it's like starring and it says like whatever character Yeah, and like every DC one it's like darkness and just like all the scenes and just like


Brandon  1:06:16

now they did so so part of the reason they did was like the Christopher Nolan's first film, Christopher Nolan does that. He does weird things with lighting anyway. And they just went Oh, that's cool. We're just gonna try to copy that. And then some of them didn't copy as well. And so yeah,



like, I know, I do kind of like the I don't want to say I don't want to use the term realism when it comes to a lot of DC stuff because


Brandon  1:06:43

like, well, it's more I believe that rises Yeah, the buzzword that they always use is grounded. Right That's what Yeah. But like when it when it talks about like, oh, oh, this can actually like, you know, grant you know, like a giant crocodile thing. Yeah, yeah. But like you know the was it The Dark Knight Rises or the dark night begins with I think it was rises with the Joker you know having that you know that reality of you know someone's no yes order comments I was like oh that's a really even like oh with the Marvel's oh there's wormholes and but then if you can see has a multiverse I just want if you if you have if you look at some of the other like outlandish DC stuff like you know like watchmen it's like oh yeah that's oh well I mean it's so they take their cues from Batman because Batman is the grounded one, right yeah and then but then you have like the flat. Okay, well how do we make that seem more normal? How do we make like I mean Wonder Woman kind of makes sense i guess is a little bit it kind of fits into their Superman. You have to do some things because some of those comic books Superman comic like But



yeah but


Brandon  1:08:05

yeah, so I thought the design a site was kind of cool. I don't know about Robert Pattinson does have a good jawline that's important for you play Batman say prior they you they could see when you're Batman so that's fine I think using the Riddler is the bad guy is pretty interesting. I am because Yeah, I like to that



because last time we have seen you know, was was Jim Carrey


Brandon  1:08:38

and the only other time we've seen him in film was in the 1966 Batman. So we have had, that's what Dan merles said also on his thing he's like, we've only had like, really over the top, Goofy, crazy Riddler. So like, Yeah, I thought the same thing like having a actual like Creepy, scary Riddler. Actually, kind of good, right? I'm kind of like, in the Arkham games when like, the Riddler the arcade games is like, Yo, I mean, it wasn't like, as dark as this one's looking, but it was a lot more serious. Like, yeah, I'm going to you know, that's why there were there's brothers kind of interesting, because like I said, in that text earlier, like, you know, Batman's one of Batman's taglines is, he's the world's greatest detective. And like, almost no Batman movies. Do we see detective things happening? So if we could get some detecting that would be cool. Like, let's see that. That's like, I guess that's what made the Arkham games cool is it's all about detective stuff. Yeah. And I know that also, Brock is making the Suicide Squad game. Just throw that out though.



Did you see golf Night.


Brandon  1:10:00

The video game coming Yeah, but I'm really understanding what was watching. So,



um, one thing that I really like about someone's kind of full synopsis of the Batman's, we're kind of talked about the different


Brandon  1:10:14

mentality and the different characters that Batman's been portrayed as over time. And someone did like really good things like oh, well, Christian Bale, you know, he's definitely like a very, you know, playboy esque you know, rich fancy, um, then you have, you know, Ben Affleck, who's kind of like he kind of portrayed like the old grizzled. You know, he's been in the game for a really, really long time. And,



you know, he's just got tired and I've tried to remember what they said about you know, with patents and of him just being kind of like, you know, he's been in it for also kind of a long time but he's just, you know, like, already beaten down and I don't know there.


Brandon  1:10:55

There was interesting that one shot of the trailer where he is like, Just standing at the crime scene talking to the police though. Yes, different. We haven't seen that Batman in a while. True. Yeah. The Batman like, really? Like, we haven't seen that Batman ever. Unless you're gonna count Adam West. Right? Yeah, like Batman that gets along with the police a little bit like, crazy dangerous in a tree. Yeah, Michigan, correct. Robin, let me just remember talking about like, you know, whenever they they were choosing kind of the different characters of one and portray Batman in like a certain light. You know, they they went you know, Christian Bale as kind of the you know, the rich and like, I don't think Let us push tables together and like all this shit. I own the place. Yeah. And then, you know, Ben Affleck, Bruce Wayne, of him just kind of, you know, all scarred up and a little bit more grizzled. You have to have all that all those parts somewhere. Yeah, and but they all kind of didn't show And with I think with patents and it kind of shows that little, you know, a little bit of all of those were, you know, they're the ones seeing where they're in the house and he's just kind of, you know, they like he looks like clean ask, but he's doing detective work and he looks kind of beaten up and then there's the other scene where he's, you know, sitting at his little desk he's but just take his helmet off and he's got all the eye makeup and he just looks tired. It's kind of a neat, neat little trick to remember what Michael Keaton Batman was like, it was pretty Oh, he was a little bit



more of the I feel like more of the the Playboy as I think they all were,


Brandon  1:12:37

because that's like George Clooney was like ultra playboy. Mm hmm. The Val Kilmer one was pretty ultra playboy. That's pretty much the only side they played up really before you know like yeah, didn't really do a whole lot of else you know your Adam was he was just like random dude like yeah There's a special place in my heart for that movie. It's so dumb, but man, I like to watch it sometimes. It's funny, though. Some days you just can't get rid of it. Wait, wait, wait. Yeah, I said the best part. The most interesting part to me about the that trailer they put together was they apparently have only actually shot about 25 to 30 minutes of movie. Yeah. Yeah. That's what's because we're in the middle of filming it. Oh, and all asset spraying, right and so like, they're in the middle of shoots, and they're just like, Oh, just kidding. Okay. Hold on now. So it remains to be In, that's the only thing that's slightly like, they have a pretty interesting direction and think, like, Can I keep that continuity up with the rest of the stuff to have to do? Yeah, because it's kind of weird if you're, you know, you're working on something going on and you got to take a long break and you got to come back and do it again. Are you like ready for that? You know what I mean? Yeah. That's mildly interesting slash terrifying. But he or they could have used that time just iron out a bunch of stuff. Who knows? But yeah, apparently they only have like 25 to 30 minutes of movie. Wow.



A lot more stuff.


Brandon  1:14:44

It's not done.



Which is just crazy to think about but that's where you know we are these days, right?


Brandon  1:14:56

Yeah, like how that's the other things bizarre like how out of sequence they can shoot these And present and then edit. A lot of it comes in editing and post production stuff. But like, yeah, we'll see. But yeah, I thought it was kind of cool. If first, you know, I was like, Alright, we'll see. I kind of like the aesthetic though. So copes helps hopes for that. But again because mcgahren like if it says Batman, I'm interested I'm ready. Like I said, there's very few movies that are just like, you know, that come out with, you know, some sort of trailer and like I watched this first trailer on Twitter because someone posted it. I was like, click like don't care. I didn't care what it said. I saw Batman and said click and yeah, there's very few movies that are like now that immediately have my attention or just kind of get me excited and yeah, this one was definitely it. So yeah, I was intrigued. So hopefully They can get back to filming and do some stuff there. Finish it up for that M us 20.1 release. Fingers crossed. Also the question marks is the Riddler like 2021. Who knows maybe?



Like, I don't know. It's kind of nice. Like



I see


Brandon  1:16:29

the Riddler and also, maybe so yeah.



Let's look forward to well,



you guys



enjoy your evening



give it a shot


Brandon  1:16:55

we'll find some food around us



Recording before separate