never trust a lightning rod salesman

Brandon still doesn’t have AC. Collin is downloading Wikipedia. Brandon has investigated handcrafting.

  • Allegedly…there will be AC 

  • Feels like…

  • Never trust a lightning rod salesman

  • Collin downloading Wikipedia!

  • Signing up for volleyball!

  • Brandon looked at handcrafting

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food trucks, wikipedia, people, air conditioners, good, encyclopedia, volleyball, working, year, feel, britannica, lightning rod, edition, buy, crane, week, allegedly, book, encyclopedias, talked


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week's show, never trust a lightning rod salesman. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Uh, dude, before we move any further further, do you have air conditioning in your building?

Brandon  00:29

Now do you not?

Collin  00:37

Yeah, sorry. Any updates? What is going on? Okay,

Brandon  00:44

so allegedly, I say all this allegedly, because I don't have confirmation that any of that what I'm, I don't have confirmation any of the following is actually occurred. Okay. Just so allegedly, after school today. They were supposed to be a crane that was going to come up and they were supposed to change out the unit. Because they can't do it. While there's people in the buildings. It makes sense to fair, like hoist a giant, multi ton air conditioner up above a building while there's people in

Collin  01:23

it. Yeah, people get a little antsy when you start doing that around children too. So it's one o'clock today, roughly. I

Brandon  01:35

can email this. Everybody needs to be in the building by 330. So I'm there's a, there's a crane coming. Right. So you know, and when when I got there this morning, there was big, big spots in a parking lot like blocked off. So that that was my use context clues. Say maybe that's

Collin  01:57

for me. When I left it at 330. Was there any crane in sight? No. Oh, and

Brandon  02:08

so like, I don't want more. You know how these things work? Right. Like it will be there. 334 45 rolls? Yeah. You know, so like, I don't this was allegedly supposed to happen today.

Collin  02:25

Now, has it happened? I don't know. I won't know until tomorrow. Yeah, exactly. You won't be able to you won't know until you walk in tomorrow and either see, like, I don't know, like, are you clinging to the ceiling? Well,

Brandon  02:45

I mean, it does. So

Collin  02:46

I I speculate that if the unit gets

Brandon  02:53

the old one taken down, and the new one gets up there. I don't think it'll be working by tomorrow.

Collin  02:59

Yeah, they probably have to do a lot of the rapid runs. Plus, also somebody

Brandon  03:07

like in the whole building my whole wing, like, this stuff is messed up. Right. And so, obviously, in order to again, I said that I tell you this like that my air conditioner unit was struck by lightning.

Collin  03:20

Yes, it didn't know. If, if,

Brandon  03:24

let's think about this logically, if we understand how electricity works, right? If my unit was struck by lightning, okay. And on the roof of my building, all of the air conditioners just lined up in a big row, and they're all sort of hooked together. Hmm, there is no way that some of the other units were not affected.

Collin  03:49

Right. There's I don't

Brandon  03:50

that's just not how, generally how electricity trends.

Collin  03:55

That's one thing and it stops there because it doesn't

Brandon  03:58

seriously when you come back, and like

Collin  04:01

mysteriously all the air conditioners don't work. I mean, the,

Brandon  04:09

the problem, the reason they stopped working is probably connected.

Collin  04:14

Right? Yeah, there's probably one root cause for all of that, that needs to be addressed.

Brandon  04:19

Right. I feel like I feel like my good friend AACOM here is telling me that all of them are connected together. And so So again, I know that some of the other ones are working so because there's like parts that they need, like one specific part and apparently they can't like find it or something

Collin  04:36

I don't really know. Like, that's how it goes.

Brandon  04:39

And so So allegedly tomorrow Oh, I said all that to say that while they were trying to fix somebody else's. Like troubleshoot and figure out what's wrong with it. Somebody has absconded with my thermostat. So I have a place in the wall with a bunch of wires sticking out of it. So like even if I get an air conditioner tomorrow if Nobody brings me a thermostat. And they like, hook it back up. Why would they?

Collin  05:08

Well, they thought that maybe

Brandon  05:09

her thing wasn't working because the thermostat switch was bad. Okay, so they thought that's what they were testing. They were testing the chain smallest first. So they thought maybe her thermostat wasn't working anymore. Because when they went up on the roof and tested the thing, it was like, it was working allegedly at that time, the roof. And so they're like, Okay, well, we'll try the thermostat. So they hold my thermostat out. Oh, stuck it in their claim. I know lay right now I don't want to hurt Genki one right. Give me

Collin  05:42

cuz that's, that's what's gonna happen. They're gonna where we put this one like, I don't know. Give it back to that other guy. Yeah, no, that's terrible. So we'll see. Right.

Brandon  05:54

I don't have the greatest confidence in this being like,

Collin  05:57

solved. But allegedly, there was gonna be a crane. There was movement at 330 on the west. Like I said, when I left. There was no crane stands crane.

Brandon  06:14

That's yeah, on the southern front. Technically, I guess it was not a story. It's here. Kind of our I mean, I know

Collin  06:27

of a certain ilk. I don't know of

Brandon  06:29

an eel, right? It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. So yeah, that's the that's where we are. So this is. What week is this now? Was this week?

Collin  06:39

With three, three weeks? No air. Yeah. Beautiful. Beautiful.

Brandon  06:48

Last week was horrible. This week wasn't too bad. Right? So far. Knock, Knock knocking it has not been too bad so far. It wasn't too bad. Today wasn't even too bad. It was only like 80 Something so like.


Yeah, as of right.

Collin  07:06

i Yesterday, I was driving around with my windows rolled down in my car. I was like, this is weird. Was this yesterday morning,

Brandon  07:13

we got to school. And we got out of the car to go inside. And we both just did the parking lot like,

Collin  07:19

yes. There's this. There's this.

Brandon  07:21

When can this be my high? Yes. Right. It was like 70 Something I was like, yes. Yes. This where? Where's this? Importantly, there wasn't that much humidity. So that was also

Collin  07:38

turns out very helpers out. There give you the results of my my community tests. They tell you about this? Ah,

Brandon  07:47

I don't know if I did not tell ya. Go ahead. Let no because it was Thursday. I tested them Thursday. I might have texted you. But I didn't tell the listeners, listeners. Thursday. I think I may have alluded to the fact that it was going to use some science equipment to test some of the humidity in the classroom. So I bust out the old sling psychrometer. And I got the bulb wet. And I slung away for the requisite two and a half to three minutes. And relative humidity inside my classroom. 75%

Collin  08:23

Oh, yeah. So.

Brandon  08:27

So if you put that into it. There's a calculator online like NOAA has like a not your NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric thing. Calculated, or you could calculate the feels like temperature. Right? So I measured that I had my thermometer in the classroom. So inside my classroom, it was like 85. And I added in the 75% humidity, or the feels like temperature in my room was 92 degrees.

Collin  08:58

Oh, that's so it's so gross. I'm so sorry. I'm so sad. Ah horrible. So how do you how are the kids handling this? Like, how is that how is this impacting? Like, I don't know, education and such. Yeah, I mean, we just

Brandon  09:28

do it, I think right. They know I have, you know, they've just gone along with it. They're pretty good about it. We don't I mean, there's nothing we do about it. So we're just like, what were you in class anyway, so or, at least this week, we can go outside for recess. That's handy. Because last week, it was like so hot. We couldn't even go outside.

Collin  09:47

Because we were in such

Brandon  09:49

a heat morning that they're like No. Feels like temperatures like 107

Collin  09:56

No recess for you. Which is Fair. Thank you because, like,

Brandon  10:02

if we would have gone outside, we didn't have any air conditioning to come back to.

Collin  10:08

Right? So like you couldn't like, come inside and cool off.

Brandon  10:14

Right? So you're just risk of like heat exhaustion just skyrockets, you know.

Collin  10:19

Yeah. Get really tired by the end of the day, I'm sure. Oh, gosh. That's no fun.

Brandon  10:25

Yeah, yeah. Who your body temperature down? So like, yeah, never get gotten away.

Collin  10:29

Yeah. So we're gonna check out the new playground things. Look round. Be like ooh, outside, anyway. Yeah,

Brandon  10:43

it's kind of it's right. So yeah, it's it's been difficult because they are hot. Right? You can tell they're just like

Collin  10:50

I warned them. I was like, Listen, if this thing ever does get fixed, bring a sweater. Yeah, as I am.

Brandon  11:01

prepared to be harder frozen. We're testing this baby out. We're gonna see breaking it to how low it can go. Right?

Collin  11:11

Exactly. Oh my gosh. Yeah, you will you have to you got to test the limits. Gotta break it in. You know, use it like you own it. And all that stuff. Right?

Brandon  11:21

Yeah, so I think I'm gonna petition the school board. I'm going to ask them to put in the budget for next year some lightning rods. I think that might be helpful. Uh huh. Yeah.

Collin  11:32

Okay, guys. Hear me out. What if Did you like spending all of that emergency money? Yeah. On your air conditioner? Yeah.

Brandon  11:42

Your that new flagpole? You're putting up?

Collin  11:44

Yeah, hear me out. What if on top of the flagpole is add a little bit of the little extra.

Brandon  11:52

Right and then sync that bad boy into the ground?

Collin  12:01

That much like what like 100 bucks or something? Like I don't know how much

Brandon  12:04

he I don't know. I I learned to never trust lightning rod salesman. Right. And so I can't take their word at face value. It's not safe. But I couldn't imagine running some like, wire down the backside of a flagpole and sinking a pipe, or like a stake into the ground would just cost

Collin  12:40

you know, 1000s of dollars. And don't know what inflation on lightning rods is nowadays. But I

Brandon  12:50

think it's a worthwhile investment. Yeah.

Collin  12:52

Well, now I'm curious about all the technologies behind the lightning round. Like, what are the different? Do they have like the good, better best setup? Like what are you like, surely I mean, lightning rod? Surely the lightning rod at the time, like the Statue of Liberty is not the same? That you'd want to put on your air conditioners at school? But I don't know. I mean, would would it

Brandon  13:17

matter? I mean, don't you just want you just need I mean, you need a metal that's quite conductive.

Collin  13:25

Right. So like, I'm sure there's a chart for that.

Brandon  13:30

Metal conductivity, because you need something that's pretty conductive. If you want to entice the electrons to come over there. You really want to

Collin  13:42

have something that's highly conductive as far as then you probably just need like


some wire, right? You've seen copper wire, right? And like to give it a place to go and I can't imagine maybe like, I guess you could I wonder if there's like an alloy. That's like

Collin  14:14

really good.

Brandon  14:15

You know, maybe there's an alloy that's really good, but even on this list here, it just says like copper, like electrical resistivity and conductivity. Copper scores the highest copper, iron gold, aluminum, nickel, and some

Collin  14:30

alloys. Right. So like maybe you'll see gold up there. But no doubt with doubtful doubtful on that one. Sorry. Yeah, thermal conductivity, silver, ruthenium, osmium. Iridium, right? rhodium I


guess but I mean like aluminum that's up here on this list. But silver copper gold like the most so like I See, copper? Probably I know copper prices are high, but like, you know, throw it up there and

Collin  15:09

might as well try something got a beam

Brandon  15:11

less expensive than air conditioners. All I'm saying

Collin  15:16

I would I would agree. Right. And I would, I would. So and definitely don't obviously, don't. Don't trust the salesman, but go talk to somebody maybe in the know, like an engineer or somebody. Yeah, maybe it's just door to door, lightning rod salesman that you should just trust. I think Jordan or anybody, maybe you shouldn't trust me.

Brandon  15:38

Yeah, I didn't invite you here. Don't just show up in my house and expect me to buy your thing. Here, Encyclopedia guy. Oh, sorry.

Collin  15:47

I will say thank you. It's like the PDI guys showed up at my doorstep. I'll probably buy one because I want to I want encyclopedias so bad that you can't

Brandon  15:57

buy one you got to buy all like

Collin  16:01

to buy a whole set. You can't just what are you doing? What do you can't you can't buy little one a year.

Brandon  16:06

Right? World Book Guy is that is that world, right? Yeah.

Collin  16:09

But it's like

Brandon  16:16

to see if I can apply. Ah, World Book Careers and Employment. I'd seed. What's fascinating. What Surely you can't sell? Surely you can't sell encyclopedias door to door in the age of

Collin  16:31

Wikipedia, right? Ah, no,

Brandon  16:36

I think no, I don't think it is

Collin  16:38

a thing anymore. I stand corrected. But

Brandon  16:44

I stand. Well, I mean, maybe not door to door, but you can order yours. You can pre order your 2023 set today. For the low low price of Are You Ready? Now I'm ready to understand why. A 22 volume set of World Book Encyclopedia 2023 edition with me today. Hit me

Collin  17:11

$1,000 Oh, man, right. $1,000.

Brandon  17:24

Now cool. If you would like to buy the 2022

Collin  17:28

edition 700. Depreciation, right, that is cheap.

Brandon  17:38

Oh, dude, look at it there. This is like a percentile 2022 $343.

Collin  17:47

Wait, which Wait, you said 2022 or 2021?

Brandon  17:51

Oh, that's the 2022 beginner general encyclopedia. Oh, this is only a 13 volume. Oh, 340

Collin  18:00

This is quite the man. This does not occur. I mean, it's so hard though. Because it's like, we we had those little little encyclopedias in the basement. Right. They weren't the World Book Encyclopedias. But like, those things were so cool. I love having them. Like I I wish we had a set of something like that for for the kids.

Brandon  18:21

Yeah, we had them at school, right? We had to use them for like research projects and stuff. But also, the internet didn't exist. Right? The internet was not. It didn't exist. I mean, it existed in some form, but not in a consumer

Collin  18:35

form. Right. Like you couldn't like us it

Brandon  18:40

was only like CERN or whatever.

Collin  18:44

Weird chat forums and stuff. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. They're probably still there. But like how much can I fight with but now I want to try and find some used ones too. Yeah, that's I was just looking at. We have a set. We have an old set are like the

Brandon  19:06

I don't remember what year they are. I think they might be from the seven years. See? Parents had them. Those are fun. Yeah.

Collin  19:13

Hold on.

Brandon  19:14

Let me ask the expert. My shout next our new microphone real quick. Yelling yelling she says late 70s. Early 80s

Collin  19:39

Hmm. Maybe Yeah, late 70s. Maybe late 70s. Hey, so so we have some saying I can look at him here. Yeah, I wonder.

Brandon  19:56

I don't know where he basically use world books. Want to make sure you get eBay is the thing so like, ads surely is a place where you can buy them.

Collin  20:07

How much is a set of Britannica cost of Do they still it's good question. The competing, competing encyclopedia. It was that the one that we had was on the CD ROM.

Brandon  20:23

Oh yeah, it's like to be Britannica like 97 guess. Oh, these are like the ones we have

Collin  20:29

here. Oh, man. Hey. Yo,

Brandon  20:32

this is perfect. If you would like to buy the World Book Encyclopedia 1990 1988 edition. Uh huh. Yeah, you can buy these are on eBay right now. Yes. $15.


How much is shipping

Brandon  20:49


Collin  20:51

I don't believe

Brandon  20:55

I don't, that's a lot of shipping.

Collin  20:58

That's a lot of books.

Brandon  21:00

This is the complete thing to that picture says it's a complete thing. And they

Collin  21:04

have five.

Brandon  21:08

Have some good reviews on a couple things. Right. They don't look like they sell a lot of stuff. But they do have world books. Robots IPDA. Ours are 1972. By the way, I got confirmation from the experts to inlet real quick.

Collin  21:21

Ah, that's good to know. And unfortunately, very sadly, Encyclopedia Britannica has been since 2016, exclusively online. Now that is a probably

Brandon  21:37

appropriate business model. Yes, well, you could look at the old ones too. Right. You can probably find on eBay again, is here. I'd love

Collin  21:45

to find a 2715. It says here. The 2010 version of the 15th edition spans 32 volumes and 32,640 pages is the last printed edition so yeah, I remember Britannica didn't do yearly ones they did like every five or 10 years or something.

Brandon  22:05

Now that makes more sense than every single year. Well, now

Collin  22:09

I want to find a 2010. But to that, okay, how much does this cost?

Brandon  22:12

Okay, so look for that. You don't want the last year right to be more? No, because it'll be more collectible. So you need the one before that to be basically the same but probably cheaper. Oh, hold on. I don't know if there's like a huge collector market for it's like 2000 You see? Yes. See? last edition last ever Encyclopedia Britannica. They're gonna put a big price on that. You could buy a whole brand new set of 2023 World books twice for that amount of money like that.

Collin  22:42

Oh, well. Apparently, apparently, if you are a the


BD is something about the Britannica whatever. The ninth and 11th editions are the most sought after. You see the book collecting is a weird thing. Right? Where it's like very minut specific things make them worth a lot of money for

Brandon  23:06

reasons that are unclear to me.

Collin  23:10

Yeah, a books is where usually go to find like cheap stuff. Yeah. Are you going to get from the start? At $4,000?

Brandon  23:23

See, you need a different you need to go a little bit older. Right. Okay. Wow. You don't want the desirable one now, but it's the Latin. Exactly. See, that's what everyone else said all the other seven encyclopedia collectors. We need? Because it's the last one.

Collin  23:40

Okay, so let's go. What was the 14th edition of Encyclopedia Britannica? I'm gonna find something here. Anyway. Here's a book. It's 24 volumes. When did this when did the 14th edition when it was a printed? I found

Brandon  23:57

15th edition in 1980. In 30 volumes for $225.

Collin  24:03

See, this is? Yeah. Ah, this is very odd.


Now I'm confused. I'm gonna go down the rabbit hole about this later because now it's like, why is the 14th edition from 1929? Selling for $450. That sounds from 1929. All

Collin  24:25

these bonuses are cool, but like not exactly. Relevant now. Exactly.

Brandon  24:31

Relevant. They're really hilarious to read. Yeah, I have some random old textbooks that I've picked up from like antique stores and stuff. I have a bit of an old textbook collection happening but I say collection. I mean like four, but

Collin  24:46

I'm sure it's fine. Hey, it's more than

Brandon  24:49

one. So it's a collection and when you read

Collin  24:51

them, they are astounding. Like some of them you go Ah I like the,

Brandon  25:07

like the geography ones because the maps are hilarious because you're like, Oh, this is very different

Collin  25:15

from what I should be there well, and especially how much how many borders have have changed and stuff, so Oh, yeah.

Brandon  25:26

Yeah. But the the textbooks themselves are kind of, they're humorous. Like a weird way like, wow, people actually

Collin  25:34

put that in there. Okay, like that. That was that was a choice was your choice?

Brandon  25:41

Yeah, gets a little dicey. Sometimes when you read about like the Native Americans, you're like,

Collin  25:45

oh, oh, oh my right. Wow, I just I'm just so I did dive a quick side, travels down the Britannica stuff. The first edition of the Britannica was published in covered 17. It was what was how do I read this up? It was produced between 1768 and 1771. goes to hell,

Brandon  26:15

we don't want that one either. So that was also probably quite

Collin  26:18

the 14th edition. So remember how I was like, why is the 14th edition back in 1929? And the 15th was 2010. Okay, the 14th edition was produced over a period of 45 years. So if I just made minor changes note here in there. Well, yeah, the editorial changes over the years were so vast that the content of an early 14 and a late 14 Hardly resemble each other at all. So why did they still call it the 14th? edition? I wonder? I don't know. Right? Because like, if, if that's the case, and a lot of

Brandon  27:00

like, if everything is like basically every single word of the book is no different. Except for articles. Right, then, how do you justify calling that the same addition?

Collin  27:13

So the only way I can think of is because they said, editorially. So they may have been using the same facts and figures, but they had a different context around them.

Brandon  27:25

Maybe this I mean, I mean, you know, like every, I don't know how encyclopedias are published. Clearly, this, I'm not an encyclopedia expert, by any means. But like, normally, when books are published, right, you have it like the printing, right? Like first editions are printed at this time, right? And then like, if you make revisions, and changes or whatever, in something, sometimes it's like a cover or whatever, then it's like the second edition has to do with like when they're printed, partially. And to like, you're not even printing the same book that long is 40 years. So you're obviously printing them more than once. It's like a different print edition.

Collin  28:06

So that doesn't make sense. And it doesn't make sense if you're actually changing the words in the verbiage in the book. That doesn't make sense, either. So I don't know. That's real confusing. Yeah, I don't know why they were just like, No, we will do this the same edition for 14 years. It doesn't make any sense. I'm, I'm with you on this, but I'm also just very like, the world is going on. So weird. Yeah, that's really weird. No, no, I'm gonna get them on the phone. Hello. Yeah.

Brandon  28:49

Email them, apparently send them a telegram.

Collin  28:51

That's how they that's how they communicate over there at the Botanic

Brandon  28:57

talk to their salesmen.

Collin  29:01

Georgia salesman via telegram.

Brandon  29:04

In fact, computers are so weird too, because they have like, you can have encyclopedias on like very nice things then. Yeah, right. Because you have like the these are like the general encyclopedias. Right, but then you can also have like, encyclopedias about like, other stuff. And like zoo books. Remember zoo books, basically like encyclopedia. Animal Facts are only

Collin  29:28

well, they're great. Have I don't remember what they're called.

Brandon  29:35

But I have some kilometer live from real quick.

Collin  29:38

Did airfield time. Hold on a bit? Yes. So yes, listeners It is that time of night. Things happen. I'm gonna get some water. There's some Foley work for you. So that's about that interested? Oh, there you go. Oh and we think moral that stories. Yeah.

Brandon  30:04

So I have these are trying to look for the print year here real quick.

Collin  30:09

But these are we got these from

Brandon  30:13

I went seasons mom and dad moved out of their house I found these in the attic. And I was like that they're like we're gonna throw this away. It's like you are not absolutely are not going to throw those away.

Collin  30:24

So these are like not just the most handy

Brandon  30:28

thing ever. This is it. This was a these were printed in 1965. This is the practical handy man's encyclopedia in like 20 volumes. Wow.

Collin  30:41

It is incredible. It's amazing. Yes. It is absolutely incredible.

Brandon  30:51

It has like like it would you like to know how to make a Swedish lounge chair?

Collin  30:59

Because yes, boy, I have plans.

Brandon  31:05

I have measurements. I have design photos. I have how to steps. Right. I got everything right here about an adjustable lounge for your sunbathing needs.

Collin  31:18

Boom. Got it right here in this book. Right. Right. It's, it's, it's incredible. It's amazing. I love it. I like

Brandon  31:31

all this stuff. Pharmacy, you picture up like this. So you can understand the glory that we're dealing with here.

Collin  31:40

Well, I I do have just stumbled across an article whose title says I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print. I regret nothing. And Diego, this is a you this is this is a future me. I think this person writing for a day. He wrote, he's writing for Ars Technica, this is written by Ben Jones. Edwards. And he's doing like an unboxing review. And like right up of the encyclopedia, this is beautiful. This is amazing. I love it. She sent

Brandon  32:18

me right here, I had to like hold it way out. So I'm cropping out some of the stuff here. So that like, you know have like the TV in the background and all this nonsense, but here you go. This what we're dealing with on the inside, boom, big go. In all of its 1965 glory as well. Right? Fetching read cover, right? Like oh, yes. Decorative masonary touches. General Maintenance. This is just volume 11.


And what was the insect? What was this out of again, this just says the practical handyman.

Collin  32:58

Look at it. Like it was say, hey, Cindy says here, like

Brandon  33:04

the cover this day? They were like we're just gonna throw them away. And I was like, no, no, you will. So they're just sort of sitting in here in my closet. But like,

Collin  33:16

I cannot get rid of the possible. Like, oh, God is gorgeous, right that you see, you can't get rid of that. Oh, they're just set up in the attic. Fantastic. You know, some

Brandon  33:36

of this information is even still good like this. There's a part here about spray guns, right all about paint sprayers and you think like 1965, whatever. And then you open this up. And you look at this thing, right? And what I am confronted with here is almost exactly

Collin  33:57

the Deville bliss

Brandon  33:59

spray gun that I used when I worked in the window factory to paint the window. Right? It's just like, it's almost exactly the same. It's like the same shape. There's these parts that I used to have takeout clean sometimes like this is basically it. So like,

Collin  34:17

oh, cheese there. And like how an air compressor work. Right? Yeah, I hear there's some space so like, you have the whole set. Yeah, I have all of them.

Brandon  34:30

Like does your air compressor look different? Yeah, probably. But, well, this is a sidewinder paddleboat. Right. This page has a side where it's like, it's like a big like a boat. And it has a paddle wheel on the side with a hand crank that you can sit on and like double crank.

Collin  34:51

That's amazing.

Brandon  34:55

Got all the plans, all the measurements, all everything.

Collin  35:02

It's crazy. stuff in here. It's like, well, but like, but also, how many of those things are or what? Not a whole lot of us know how to do these days. So

Brandon  35:15

as you're looking at this patio dining set, this is pretty sick. Right? Like, your 1960s style, right? Yeah. Just neat. This is really cool to like, look at it. Right. Like, I don't know, I just find it extraordinarily fascinating.

Collin  35:36

And, yeah, they were like, we're gonna throw these ways. No, I'm sorry. But no, that is not allowed. No, no idea where like, it looks like that's the last year that those were printed, too. So those are really Yeah, I can't find anything later than 1965.

Brandon  35:54

All man, there we go. Be the last. The last one.

Collin  36:03

Right. Maybe there are

Brandon  36:06

more, but I can't find me. Maybe. I mean, there might not be I don't know. But like, you know, how much more updates do you need? What technological updates have there been to a square?

Collin  36:14

Right, exactly. Exactly. You don't need.


Meanwhile, I haven't hit it. I'm sitting here hovering over the 2020. But the 2020. World Book Encyclopedia going, Ah, for a mere $400. Like, maybe, maybe that's worse.

Brandon  36:35

It's instead of 1100. Hmm, that is many hundreds difference. quite the same. It is quite

Collin  36:47

the same. kind of tells you that that's how they hit their price points. They still print 2020s

Brandon  36:56

It's a benchmark year. Right? Lots of I mean, you probably want the 2021 wine.


Right? Because 2020 You like, Oh, something you know, we're all doing Cliff like? Yeah, right. Whole lot. Not really drove off the edge of a cliff there. So I want that's a benchmark year. The last time the world made sense, kinda. Yeah.

Collin  37:21

Dan, was that now now? I'm kind of like, oh, man, I didn't you look at the you look at the $1,200 price tag, and you're like, wow, I mean, but then like, next year's comes out? And then like, what are you gonna do? Ah, yeah.

Brandon  37:36

So I mean, I wonder, you know, I would want I want to know, who has time to do this type of thing. But what would be handy is like a chart, right? So I want to know, like, how, how much do you think it actually changed from year to year? Right? What percentage would you say from? From like, if we just talk about a book, right? If we just pick a random year? Like, what, how? How much difference? Do you think there is between like, 9095 and 96? Right, well, there's a couple big years, right? Like, if between like, 1991 and 1992. Big differences, right? Yeah, like that's a benchmark year 1991. Big benchmark year, right. It's kind of the end of the 20th century, almost, right? Little early, like that. A lot of historians felt like the short 20th century because, you know, like, that year is a big one. But like 9596 Like, oh, man, that marker rain is not in here. Oh, man, a big mess, like

Collin  38:42

quiet. But here's the thing, they have to update, like, semi like they have to update Supreme Court justices, they have to update, like Olympic gold medal winning people, if that's if it's that year, like there's, there's like a country of presidents and things like that all have to be updated. So through, like,

Brandon  39:03

I mean, I just in general, what do you think the percentages? I mean, you're gonna have to add, like, death dates to

Collin  39:08

some people. Right? You know,

Brandon  39:11

that'll be you know, you've added a number, you know, on one end, instead of, you know, 1937 to present it as like 1937 to now, so like, like, Woody, I just wonder how much they actually changed. You know, it'd be interesting. It'd be interesting, if you had, like, I don't know, just like the M book for like, two consecutive years. And you could just like look through

Collin  39:39

and see how much was different, right?

Brandon  39:42

Yeah, this is not an exercise you want to do on the whole encyclopedia sets. You need it with a small one like P right. It's like a little one, like one of those ones, and see, like, how

Collin  39:57

much does it really do? interesting, because I don't know.

Brandon  40:01

I mean, you right? There are some updates, but like a lot of them are just kind of like inconsequential, right? Nothing like the Cold War is over. Like, was it?

Collin  40:10

Well, yeah. Oh, kind of

Brandon  40:13

David Hasselhoff brings down the Berlin Wall.

Collin  40:17

You know, if you looking to

Brandon  40:19

speak historians look at this

Collin  40:20

now. And now I have clicked on database download for So often sign Anyway, that's all sorry I'm so sorry. You can get wiki Wikipedia as an e book. That's why I don't I don't how

Brandon  40:47

importantly, I don't



Collin  40:52

But yeah, you can you can access this is a whole new. Wow, wow. Also Wikipedia offline. Yet these databases can be used for personal informal backups. All context is like I have a server in my basement. It's true. I need to backup I need to backup Wikipedia. That's why

Brandon  41:15

all of it all actually all we actually can hold on, sidenote, what we actually need to do is create the old brother Wikipedia page, right? Just that page. Fair enough. Fair enough to get started on that. Where I look at you make a Wikipedia page for yourself.

Collin  41:38

Oh, so they'll come see. Here's the thing.

Brandon  41:40

We're firmly ensconced on the internet. At this point. We use the first note, we accidentally missed the benchmark episode 200. Complete. Oh, sorry. Yay. Yeah.

Collin  41:55

Yeah. So what little I know of Wikipedia, you as the primary cannot start a page for yourself. Somebody else start it for ourselves. Oh, I don't. I don't

Brandon  42:09

know that for me. Yeah, it's for the entity that and how will they notify alternate Google account?

Collin  42:19

Brian Johnson. Right. What is this? See sees a slick one here? One. I got it. Right.

Brandon  42:34

How's that worked out?

Collin  42:39

Well, you know, we may, we may try that. We may try to add an article submit something. All right. All right. All right. Let's do that. I've got so many things on my to do list. I gotta make a wiki. I gotta buy encyclopedias set. I gotta get a

Brandon  42:57

download on load.

Collin  42:59

Wow. Yeah. Well,

Brandon  43:00

how much servers base? Do you reckon you need for that? Okay. Well, so

Collin  43:05

well, so what was somebody said, you can download it all for like 30 gigs at the end. But now that I'm digging into this, it says sounds like not enough. Yeah. Like a PDF thing. And it's saying when it's a it's a pages, articles, current revisions only. That's probably what you want. And it's Oh, it's over. 19 gigs compressed, but it expands. It expands to 90 gigs when decompressed

Brandon  43:36

okay, that that sentence makes a lot more sense to me. Indeed. right that there? Yes. The Wikipedia zip file just got

Collin  43:50

Yeah. Now I don't like how do I Oh,

Brandon  43:55

you can in a bit of internet ception you could

Collin  43:58

means you will be downloading the compressed file off the internet that

Brandon  44:08

contains information about zip disks. This this man for over that like where is it? Yours where that was?

Collin  44:21

I was so jealous people who had a ZIP disk and I was like, Oh my gosh, it's so cool and fast and not this floppy thing. And now it's like well, anyway, it's

Brandon  44:32

like the next year that like, means you use you to the USB drive thing.

Collin  44:36

Ah, like Ah, okay, that's better.

Brandon  44:40

Every conceivable way. ZIP disk.

Collin  44:45

Exactly. Oh, oh no. Do I Do I need to download multiple 20 Download the French Wikipedia as well. Or, or the Oh I mean, how, how much French do you need to practice? Yeah. Oh, that's a good point.

Brandon  45:08

I feel like I feel like you don't need all of it. Like you could probably pick some articles and just download those, like, you probably don't need all the French Wikipedia just because, you know, just to practice you don't need like every single article ever. Right? Just the one about John Tesh. Okay. The one that was important as we know

Collin  45:35

one about I don't know, Paris, maybe? Croissants? Definitely. You know other huh. Anyway, this will be a project I started downloading something we're gonna do. Oh my gosh, we're gonna see what happens here. Oh, see what happens. Internet come to me.

Brandon  46:01

When the when this episode, just like ends abruptly? It's because Colin broke the internet with downloading all of Wikipedia. Right. So I just happen.

Collin  46:09

Like, that's what I do. Call downloading Wikipedia. Anyway, anyway, we'll just set that mark there. That's my slide with my days. It's not good. It's not good. So I did. I did. I did go to the doctor, I tell you that I told you that the outcome of that everything was fine. Right? Yeah. Well, because I'm an awkward human being. We know like, my, my, my appointment was set for 330. And I was gonna be late. I was running late because I was in in Springfield. And I was not going to make it back in time to call them and they're like, Okay, like, okay, yeah, 10 minutes is fine. I'll see you then. And I was really rushing to be there because they close it for right. So I knew that I was not making their day nice by doing this. So I show up, I get all my paperwork filled out. And I'm sitting in the waiting room. There's one other people in there, they go in, right. I'm the only person in this room. And Lady opens the door. And she says, Colin, to which I respond to pick me off. She goes, sir, you're the only one in the room. And I said, and I said, Oh, that's how I always get pick. stain on the scale.

Brandon  47:36

Right? Here's it listeners, listeners, especially, especially American listeners, right? If you don't know already. Here's some very important advice for you.

Collin  47:44

Nurses only have humor at the beginning of the day.

Brandon  47:52

Right, because more often than not, there is some sort of horribly, just horrible event that happens in middle of their day. So if you'd like to make jokes, make sure it's at your like 830 doctors. Yeah, not the one who not the last person. Are they?

Collin  48:13

No, no, no, that's not that's not what

Brandon  48:16

you're supposed to do. Nurses definitely got jokes at the beginning of the day is a fact. Right. Some of them are hilarious. Not at four o'clock is not not happening. Right. And so

Collin  48:27

they are not pleased to be there. And they're not pleased to see you.

Brandon  48:30

Yeah, there's something catastrophic has happened to them today. Right? Just remember. Like, whatever. Whatever bad. You had a bad day. No, not at all. This is worse. Okay. vomited blood on them. All right. That's not.

Collin  48:47

So I, I weighed myself. And I waited for the doctor. And so by now, I had been going all day, I had been doing visits and training and I was caught in traffic. I did a two hour drive back home, racing to get there before it all ended. And I'm like, I have a I have a stress headache going on. And I'm sitting down and she's like, I take your vitals and I'm like, Oh, boy. Just good luck. How? How high does your machine go up?

Brandon  49:22

Let me warn you right now.

Collin  49:24

Yeah. And she puts the cuff on. And I always know when when it's going to be bad. When when when the velcro doesn't stop popping. Up and up, and up and up and up. And I heard step back in and she goes, Oh, a little Hi there. Ha. kind of been a long day. Sorry. I'll try and breathe a little bit. And it beeped and she was like, Yeah, I'd say well, why don't you close your eyes and relax, their doctor will be right in.

Brandon  49:56

And maybe they can take it again later. Sometimes they You sit there for like, 10 minutes. I'll do it again. And

Collin  50:02

it's more normal. Yeah, I don't I don't think she was interested in doing that.

Brandon  50:07

Why me? Not? Not bad, but like, if you go at 830 in the morning, that's what they'll do for you guys. That's

Collin  50:14

probably so we, we did got there and doctor was like, Hey, what happened and kind of explaining he's like, okay, cool, well pop up and he says okay, go ahead and lay down let me see it. He's like, you know ACO anything else bothering you? And I went God no, but I guess you know, you tell me that if it was a thing and and you go goes, Yeah, well we'll see he lays down I've got that hernia on my belly button and he goes, he goes, Well, can't miss that, can we? I said, That's why I came to an expert. He laughed and he had a medical student there with him. And the medical student goes, Okay, well, can you feel around and see how large the opening is? And the medical student kind of looked at me and I was like, I won't scream loud. It's okay. Because when I was supposed to say was, like, I'm not in pain, whatever, right? Yes. But I was like, I won't scream loud. It's okay. But he's pushing on me. And the doctor is like, can you feel anything? And the guy was like, No, and he doctor looks at me and goes, does it hurt? I said, No, he can, he could push harder. He needs to duck. The student couldn't do it. So the doctor just just like takes his head like jams it in. He's done this 10,000 times. Yeah.

Brandon  51:32

And I punched you in the backbone from Friday here.

Collin  51:37

Exactly. Well, that's fine. I'm fine. like

Brandon  51:40

Indiana Jones and the Temple of new right here in the front.

Collin  51:46

Pretty much. So I, I, you know, I do that and I sit down and he's like, see, you can go back in law was set up and he's like, you know, don't, you're fine. Don't worry, like, you're gonna be good. I was like, Okay, that's good. Thank you so much for today. And as I was he said, Okay, you know, it gets a bit concerned when you can't push it back in anymore and this is just fat right now coming outside actually tested so your your long ways off from needing anything. Okay, great. That's fine. And he said, now watch when he sits up I said it pops up. Cuz I couldn't. I couldn't stop myself from just like, because I sat up and as I was sitting up, he was wanting the student to see that the the hernia come back out just a little bit. And I just said the words it pops out. I finished a sentence. Like, I was reading a children's story. Student kind of looked at me, and the doctor was like, Have a good day. Oh, gosh. I can't handle situations like this. This is not

Brandon  52:53

clearly Nice.

Collin  52:58

Sorry, people. Sorry. So, anyway, all that's fun and good times. Sure.

Brandon  53:09

I don't necessarily believe you. But you know, that's, uh

Collin  53:16

yeah, that was probably the highlight of the week. Getting that gonna take care of what a little bit exciting highlight? Yes. It is marvelous. It's very, very marvelous. Kids are getting shaped up. Oh, oh. Oh, the daughter. I send you this photo, the daughter has decided that she would like to be a to like to do volleyball.

Brandon  53:44

Ah, what? No, not officially is that I know that we have talked before that she is a volleyball enthusiast. Yes. Right. Yes.

Collin  53:51

Which which? Yes, yes. She is


indeed. A volleyball enthusiast. And has asked, we had an option to do volleyball. And really, yes, at at the with the parks department. So the parks department has, starting at in third grade, you can go sign up to do volleyball. And they even do like games and stuff. Like, oh, wow, I don't know. I don't know who's gonna go where I don't have to figure it out. Right.

Collin  54:28

So originally, we were like, Hey, here's volleyball. We've been talking about this for a long time. Do you want to do it? And just think about it. And we gave her like a due date of like, you have to let us know by this because then we have to say no, yeah. And she said, No, I don't want to do it. And we're like, Okay, are you sure? Like we showed pictures, talked about it and blah, blah. She's like, Yeah, I don't want to do

Brandon  54:48

you get to volley a ball.

Collin  54:53

Two days later. I want to search for volleyball, like dominate a little bit. So I to call and I was like, hi, I know in press two is there space available. And sure enough, there is space available. So in our first practice, we had to go and get knee pads and put our ponies and tails. And that is true that is important to this. And she is a very stoic person. She's out doing these things you would not like such a goofball and everything else for life. But when she's doing these kinds of things, she's so straight faced serious in the Sony's like, you can't get can't make her blink or anything from the sidelines, like you do whatever you want. She's not gonna ignore you. She's, she's just like, I don't like playing volleyball doing this thing is great. And they did a couple of warm up exercises. And then they went to, like, straight into serving, like, get it over the net. And did they lower the net people? No, no, nice. Net not lowered. And all be she gets it over the net, like, a lot. And was even during the point where it was okay, you had to get it over the net every three times in a row. And every after that you had to take a big step back. And she Oh, right. Yeah. Right. So you could get progressively got progressively harder and harder and harder. And she ends up taking like three or four steps back. She's one of the farthest ones back there. Now, of course, accuracy and power are kind of opposed at times until you control it. So like, this was just purely focused on power, like, what does it feel like to get this thing over the net? And then we're going to hone it in later but like, yeah, she said, that was one of our favorite parts. And there's a couple other like weird exercises, where, of course, me being the the bleacher, bleacher coach, I was like, what does this even have to do with volleyball? Like, come on? Couldn't they do other stuff? Like come on? Like, really, they're doing like a handshake thing? What

Brandon  57:10

is that? What is that? What? wrist strength, a volleyball is about the wrist, right? Because otherwise, the ball does just go like, to Timbuktu, right? It's like, it's gone forever. And it's where to go. Who knows, to Mr.

Collin  57:28

They also had this exercise that they tried to introduce that none of the kids really got, but imagine a version of volleyball, that instead of having to worry about set spike, it served, you just stood in a little spot, and you like underhand or overhand threw the ball over to the next side. And then wherever you threw it, the person when they caught it, they could have to stop. And they couldn't move their feet, and then they had to throw it back over. And the goal was to try to make volleyball. Right, so yeah, it was yeah, it be and I was like, Oh, I get what that is like that's getting them to hustle to the ball. Like that's getting them moving. In court. Yeah. Positioning like without having to worry about the setting and the spiking and the hitting and the you know, all that stuff. It's just like, run to the ball and call out the ball like that. So they'll work on that, but I think oh, that's a pretty neat that's a pretty fun exercise to do

Brandon  58:34

yeah, that's pretty good.

Collin  58:37

Let's go it's every every Monday and Wednesday night. 630

Brandon  58:44

I can't I yeah, that game is gonna be a little rough. Right? It's also like sixth grade basketball time.

Collin  58:51

And yeah, that's That's rough already. Right? Like fifth grade basketball. Ouch.

Brandon  59:01

Right this year there. What do they do are different. Like they are school like change it up last year, like the sixth grade plays with like the seventh graders and stuff. Because they now have like, fourth and fifth grade basketball.

Collin  59:14

Ooh, basketball. Isn't it's just like, if you

Brandon  59:21

like basketball, if you are a basketball person. Don't watch that. Because you will just cry. It gets like not really discernible as basketball. Like it's sure again, I understand that these kids are like, nine right like, I don't think sure little teeny teeny people. But like that's a little young and if you've liked basketball, like I don't know why a fourth grader needs to be playing like competitive school basketball like yeah, we're they're really like this is not a

Collin  1:00:00

cuz like, I don't know.

Brandon  1:00:03

This is one of the this I think it's partly schools like, we got to start them younger so we can be more competitive like, sure. That's not how this works right? There are some people like I don't know me where I could practice basketball every single day of my life. Am I gonna get better

Collin  1:00:20

at basketball? No, no, not that it. There's a ceiling. It's low and Africa thick, but you have to accept that this is true.

Brandon  1:00:36

Right people like me exist no matter how much they play basketball. They don't get any better


than me. Okay. Yeah, right

Brandon  1:00:51

it'd be entertaining at least exciting. Right? Yes. smash the ball,

Collin  1:00:56

though. Well, that's what Okay, so she, she did the did the first one to get over and it like, didn't quite hit the first couple were hard for her to gauge. Like how hard to hit. Yeah. And I was like, Megan and I said, she has her mother's secret weapon, rage of neck. And then all of a sudden, like, this should really sweater our back naked,

Brandon  1:01:20

like you.

Collin  1:01:22

Just like shot over. And I was like, there we go. But I did

Brandon  1:01:30

your eyes like glow red sticks into the wall.

Collin  1:01:36

Pretty, you know, it was out of some Yeah, some manga cartoon that I was looking at. But I did have to have that conversation with her before because she was like, Really, before she went on to the court to meet everybody was like, really reserved, really? I could tell she was nervous because she was just making her body small and like, pulling in her shoulders and holding her hand. Yeah.

Brandon  1:01:58

It asking awkward jokes to the nurses. Oh,

Collin  1:02:02

hey, now. I was like, you know, I hate like, what do you? You know, are you are you excited? Tell me about what you're feeling right now. And she's like, I don't know. I said, Do you want to go out and play volleyball? And she's like, yes. And I said, Are you worried about anything? And she was like, kinda, and I said, Are you? Are you worried about meeting new people or learning new things? And she said, Well, I guess kind of the things I'm going to learn. And I said, Are you are? Because I know, I know how she is. I know who she is. She's like, a lot of people. If I'm not immediately good at it. It's ridiculous. And I don't like it. I'm going to leave it right. I said, Are you worried about things being hard tonight? And she's like, Yeah, I'm worried about being hard. I said, well, guess what? Things are going to be hard. Like, that's why we're here. You're here to learn. But if you enjoy it enough, you'll keep doing it. And you'll try hard to get a little bit better at it each time. But that's we do hard things, sometimes to make ourselves better. Or sometimes we just like doing them in their fun. So you get to tell us how you feel at the end of the night. And then we had to talk to her the next day because she was pretty worked up afterwards. So she came back and she said she liked it. She wants to go back on Wednesday. Nice. All as well. Hey, Oh, very nice. Yes. Yes, let's fun. Indeed. Indeed. 20.86 gigabytes of Wikipedia is downloaded. Little that how

Brandon  1:03:40

much? How much French is that? Including?

Collin  1:03:42

It's no I didn't I'd gotten no French Okay. Okay. Zero French is being downloaded. I told her now. My question is like, what do I do once it's downloaded? Like I don't I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do with this. Like, how do I? Ah, anyway, I've just got this pullover, little tablet. I keep checking over on it. And I think

Brandon  1:04:03

some people would think about that before they started. Oh, no.

Collin  1:04:12

That's what quitters do.

Brandon  1:04:18

About whenever they get to actually do it. Well, but then again, I have 20 volumes of the practical handyman encyclopedia sitting in my closet so well. Otherwise, I


know exactly. Yeah. See, you said save those from that. We are yard same

Brandon  1:04:35

conservatory we could servitor right. That's what's happening here.

Collin  1:04:40

Yes, that's what that's a great title. conservator. Digital hoarder, like,


I don't know, like stop it.

Collin  1:04:53

So anyway, not me Yeah, well other than other than

Brandon  1:05:06

warding off heatstroke really having that really um, do a lot. We did go on Sunday. And Nick real quick about that. It was all weekend believe on Sunday, they had like a repurpose stroke craft. Fair thing. Oh, downtown. It was really cool. We went to that page one of the days, got some looked around. See what was going on down there downtown at the Pavilion thing.

Collin  1:05:36

So we went check it out. Right?

Brandon  1:05:39

Once it goes to kind of see because I've never been and so we just wanted to go see it was like importantly, for later in the story. Also food trucks available at the craft slash repurpose fair. So even better is the main reason we went what I was gonna call they had a whole bunch of stuff, what kind of walk down there was a lot of

Collin  1:06:04

jewelry based things. Right? And like kitschy T shirts things. Right? So, you know, like, there was not a lot of stuff for me to like.

Brandon  1:06:22

It was a there was like a tear the level of masculinity in the items was quite low, right. But there was some like they had like, kind of like, little small collections of like, antiquey sore type stuff. There's a cool stuff around. There was like a lot of like, really cool handcraft stuff. There's like the you know, honey stuff and like, we did buy some, like soap thing.

Collin  1:06:47

Some like a soap. Somebody made soap? I don't know. It was cool. They smell good.

Brandon  1:06:56

Lots of like, there was some like wood craft things, right? I don't I don't really know who is buying these like $100 Handmade. cutting boards. Oof seems like a I mean, a big piece of what you're going to stab with a knife seems a bit high. Like I know there's a lot of labor as a person who took woodshop and made several cutting boards. But like, who you're kidding with that price tag, man. What is this like Brazilian rosewood, like what is going on here? Gorilla gorilla.

Collin  1:07:33

They had like,

Brandon  1:07:35

had the waterpark thing turned on. And they had like a bunch of kids a playground and stuff. So it's pretty cool. It was nice. It's fun. It's awesome. The students there already and so like, obviously their reaction to seeing the after one week of school on a Sunday is right, like what are you doing here? Right. I came to the food like what are you doing?

Collin  1:08:01

This it's pretty cool.

Brandon  1:08:02

Lots of cool stuff. And we did okay, it's food review time. Everyone's favorite time. So apparently, the food trucks that show up to craft fair. And the food trucks that show up to normal food truck Friday. Not the same old watch. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. What is this couple of were the same. Like one of the tacos. Some of the taco trucks were the same

Collin  1:08:28

thing. The hot dog truck was there. But importantly, very importantly, there was a crepe truck. Oh, man. Oh my goodness. This

Brandon  1:08:46

This seems right, right. I feel like crepes in craft fair. That probably is a good match. I would imagine crash right. But I think I feel like the customer crossover is quite high. I was standing in line next to a woman wearing an extremely large belt hat with bedazzled jewels on it. And yeah, I turned to ask her if she wanted to go in front of me in line because I was making really like hadn't decided yet. So I was like You can go if you know what you want, right? As you do because we were standing like back, you know, not like up by the window. And she goes, That's okay. I haven't decided either. I did a real hard doubletake because she was standing there holding her phone. Right. But on her phone was definitely perched up parakeet. And I was like, well, she had like a little leash on it's like a little artist thing and it was like, in her hand and it was like perched on her. What this was a sensory overload. I had no idea. I was not expecting this. I was just like, cuz I literally turned back to her and it was like, I looked at her, and then I snapped doubletake, that was like, that's a bird. What are you doing with

Collin  1:10:03

That's all Larry. Wow, that's sure.

Brandon  1:10:10

You know that's the thing was taken aback by the presence of a bird. That was not understand that there was lots of dogs at the craft. This makes sense, right dogs everywhere Susan loved it because craft fair people are very kind and nice, right and welcoming. And so if you ask them like May I please pet your dog? They all say yes. So Susan was like, This is the greatest art ever. That's me pet their dog. Right? It was gay. It was. Sure enough dogs everywhere. I think we bought the soap from the people because they had a Cavalier, right. I think that's why they had to actually Cavalier spaniel puppies. So I think that's why we ended up buying some

Collin  1:10:50

art hard for the company for hard for the arts for the owners to replicate that sale when they're like, Man, why do people like why did she buy this to the soap? Dogs the dogs? Well. Anyway,

Brandon  1:11:08

as one does when confronted with the option of tea youth, do you Would you like a sweet crepe or a savory crepe? The answer of course is yes. You get one of each right as why not? And so we did make sure we did pro move. Right we pulled the pro move we made sure not to get the same ones. That won't make you so you can sample Reno, right, but they were real good. Like way, where's this truck? Often everywhere? How can I find that the Monte Cristo crepe, right.

Collin  1:11:49

Yes. Yes. Right.

Brandon  1:11:54

And Susan had like a it was like a play Swiss. It was like a weird it was like a chicken spinach. Saucy, but it was real good. Like,

Collin  1:12:03

that's really nice.

Brandon  1:12:05

It was really nice. And the best part about Sunday morning, as we like got in the car. We drove over there, opened the door and was like it was like 74 degrees outside. Right. I'm just gonna stand right here.

Collin  1:12:21

And not move.

Brandon  1:12:25

Boy, this. Yeah, after 92 degrees of my classroom. This is what I need in my life. Just gonna stand here in this pavilion and just absorb this weather because

Collin  1:12:38

I'm not going anywhere.

Brandon  1:12:43

Yes, it's gonna sit right here. I don't care. I'll look at these bracelets all day. It's amazing outside. Yeah, it got warmer later, but it wasn't like hot hot. So sure those guys. Well, we did need to craft beer.

Collin  1:12:56

But soap apparently, but crepes. That's the most important part of the story. Craig had. Perfect.

Brandon  1:13:06

That's not one of them. We talked to one of the other guys. He has like a brunch truck. Oh, right. And so I was like, Tell me more. And he's like, Yeah, well, we only brought like, they will only do like a limited menu on that day. Because they like just wanted to sell a lot of obviously, right? It's make sense, right? You like music is like three things. So you can just like, blast out the food. And you can bring more but you don't have to have ready. But he said they also go to the farmers market that they haven't found. I wasn't aware that food trucks showed up at the farmers market. Oh, so like, apparently now I have to go to a farmers market on Saturday morning.

Collin  1:13:49

All right. Well,

Brandon  1:13:50

I mean, I'm not going to Saturday, but like, they're only like for another month. So at least in the next month. I'm gonna go too far. They might have good, like,

Collin  1:13:58

tomatoes or something else who knows? But like, sure.

Brandon  1:14:02

To check out what what sort of food trucks show up at a farmers market. This is intriguing. Like I must No, no. So what goes here? Because that's just information that I need to buy. Like, what if it's this? I need to know what the brunch guy has in his food truck? Like what do you normally have? What's the rest of your menu?

Collin  1:14:23

I have so many questions. Why are you walking away from me?

Brandon  1:14:26

I have a lot of questions. Like I probably need a brunch panini. That sounds like something I definitely need in my life. So I mean, just you know the Yeah,

Collin  1:14:37

it makes perfect sense. This Friday is like the last like summer food truck

Brandon  1:14:47

Friday thing, right? Because I always do it like the first of the month. And so this Friday's like the one for September and I think September is the last month they do it until the spring.

Collin  1:14:57

So I think we're gonna go to that Just because we went to all the other ones so gotta go the last one

Brandon  1:15:07

might as well like buying the blast World Book you can't gotta have it right so we're gonna do that. That's the big plans. Food trucks my week is down food trucks apparently. Right and not sad about this, but like,

Collin  1:15:24

why would you be sad about that? This is a this is like a

Brandon  1:15:34

no, this is these are great inventions. Right if you if listeners haven't by now picked up the fact that I love food and trucks as

Collin  1:15:42

just really great inventions for like

Brandon  1:15:46

diversifying your eating out prospects, right? Because then you can just be like, you know, it's not all the time, right? It's everyone's wants to come over here, especially here, right? They don't have like, every day they have a couple every day but like, just like it's like an adventure, right? Oh, what are we gonna eat? Who knows? Which egg roll truck is going to be there? I have no idea which which taco truck or video today?

Collin  1:16:11

I don't know. taking us back to our scavenger days.

Brandon  1:16:16

Yeah, right. It's like a little boy's interest in that, right? It's exciting. Like, oh, sure. The best part is, of course, the mixing and matching, right? Like, oh, I'm gonna get what if I get this from over there? And then like, this thing from there, they can mix and match like sides and mains however you want.

Collin  1:16:34

There's no rules. Yeah, like, yeah, there's not

Brandon  1:16:40

want a hoagie and macaroni and cheese? Maybe. And I can get them from two different trips. Blair.

Collin  1:16:49

Yeah, going on to the sweet. I think I told you, we used to have a food truck time, and then they all disappeared. And it was very sad. It was upsetting. And so going to the fair is actually a little bit like that similar experience I met because you can go okay, well, let me get my lemonade from over here. And my, you know, whatever, my fried thing from over here. And it kind of put together the kind of, of meal that you want to clog your arteries. Yeah,

Brandon  1:17:24

it's a it's a fun, like mix and match thing, right? Because you can kind of do whatever. And then like, we have some that are like, sometimes not all the time, because I don't know which ones you can do. But they have like an ice cream truck. Or like, the churro truck. Or like the funnel cake and other thing truck, right? Yeah. So you can like, you know, you can go like, Oh, I'm gonna get this like sandwich but then I want like, funnel cake or what you know, so it's like a Yeah, it's kind of like a fair environment. Just kind of like walk around. There's tables or weddings hanging out and just like picking random stuff.

Collin  1:17:58

Yeah, it's a fun. No, I just like it's

Brandon  1:18:02

it's enjoyable. Right? And we always go with like some of our friends too. So we just like hanging out.

Collin  1:18:08

Eating whatever. So as ordered on Friday, that's That's it. That's the week. I like it

Brandon  1:18:17

bookended by

Collin  1:18:24

again, not

Brandon  1:18:26

not bad. Definitely not bad. Definitely done worse things than that. So and again. Yeah, I'll let you know tomorrow. If there ever was a crane if the crane was a lie, I'm, who knows very excited about that. If it's still in a parking lot, and nobody can park tomorrow. That's likely.

Collin  1:18:47

Exactly what you need. Just be taken over. Yes. Yeah. Nothing been accomplished the entire time. Yeah. Probably. That's what I'm betting on. But we'll see. We'll see. We'll see. Yeah. And I'll have I should have some updates to to about whether I can run Wikipedia locally. Okay, on my sighting and see what happens here. It's Yes. I just kept staring at me. So I'm going to close out some things. Hopefully it doesn't consume my my entire house by tomorrow morning.

Brandon  1:19:32

Well, you know, if we ignore it like that, it might

Collin  1:19:35

Oh, speaking. Okay. So the keeper we have we talked, we've talked about the book. There's no such thing as a dragon. Right. We've talked about this kid's book. Yes. Okay. Yes. Okay. Anyway, yeah. I consistently and reminded just how brilliant of a story that is and the number of facets that it relates to in life of like, oh, yeah, that problem? Yeah, maybe you shouldn't ignore it. Or maybe listen Back to other people, right, like, like

Brandon  1:20:07

that's true. That's true as life lessons here.

Collin  1:20:09

Life Lessons. I'm still learning on that on that bombshell,

Brandon  1:20:17

oh, question. Okay, do you did you still want to do some sort of Hobbit movie retrospective at some point? Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, not today because I haven't watched them. So I think about Joseph now, but anyway, is that something you would want to do? Yes, yes. Okay. Should

Collin  1:20:33

we should we put that on the script? Should we not that we pre planned anything in this room that

Brandon  1:20:37

really again, our buzzword is extemporaneous blabbering with?

Collin  1:20:43

What a buzzword? Right. I think I think next week, we should definitely do a connection to the movies. Okay.

Brandon  1:20:53

So I'm gonna do some reading. I have the album off flipped to the appendices. Also, that I have laying around in like a little bit of Unfinished Tales, because I know there's like a little bit in there. See if any of the movie stuff came because allegedly, some of the movie stuff came from there. Okay, my flip through

Collin  1:21:09

there and I will let you handle that research. Alright. It's not a live like. Yes. And I Yes. So next week, we'll come prepared to talk about our movies retrospective back on track book and what we'd like to didn't like and yes.

Brandon  1:21:25

All right. Good. Game Plan

Collin  1:21:26

sets up plan. Aha. Okay. And on that bombshell. I love you