more gooder news

In a world filled with terrible news every day, we wanted to bring more good news to your ears. In the second in our series of good news episodes, we share things that made us laugh or smile from around the globe and close to home. PLUS… a review of Shaolin Soccer. Cause reasons. PLUS PLUS… a deep dive into the Cherry Blossom Festival. You’re welcome.

  • Collin has an apology

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watch, marshfield, movie, good news, thought, aaron, people, talking, cool, festival, read, year, pizza party, pizza, apparently, winnie, shelby, week, book, missouri


Collin, Aaron



Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers. Trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Collin and Aaron. On this week's show. More gooder news. Hello.



Hello. Hello. Oh, there we go. Ah, things are working now.






we're good. Excellent. We love working things. I have a deep, deep sincere apologies. On the episode that was released under the title explain Raka doodle. I read in the correct title of the intro of the show. I am very soon I noticed that I was gonna say anything. I'm very sorry for the lights. Okay. Well, my my wife, whom I love, brought it to my attention immediately. I said, I know. I record that part. And I use the title that I write down during the show. But when I finished editing the show, I realized that there was a much better title to be had.



That's true. It was



and by I forgot to go back and do the whole intro thing. It's fine. It's fine. It's okay. Anyway, it's alright. We don't mind. Listeners it is. You know, you take it online and you you missed it.



Anyway. Yeah.



Other than that, well, I mean, Collins week ruined that's other than that. What else did you hear sitting quietly this time? We got a lot of rain today.



A lot.



I don't know y'all. We got we got






I would qualify it as a bit of rain. Okay, too much. I have a question for you. When I say



to you looks like rain.



Obviously, it looks like rain. Right? Okay, clearly.



The only right answer? Say this.



We we cannot be the only three people in the history of the world that have seen Winnie the Pooh. That can't be that cannot be accurate. I know for a fact Susan does. Okay. Okay. So I just find I was like, I said that today with them at work. We were walking out and loading up the truck because we were just finishing up some survey training. And I said, well,






And both my boss and my coworker turned to me and said,



What do you say? And I was like, Oh, yeah, well, I mean,



I'm used to the people that I work with looking at me like I'm an insane person. So like, that's not that's not abnormal, really.






I just thought I'd Yeah, I mean, I guess maybe they they don't recall the excellence of Winnie the Pooh as adults. So that's it they now remember though, we are talking about the amazing Winnie the Pooh and the honey tree from roll 1966. So, yeah, it's a it's a 19 old I don't remember when



all the



Yes, maybe brother maybe



does he not say that in the newer in incarnations of the cartoon? I don't only say it in the ancient VHS tapes that we had. Yes. Because he says that in relation to him being the little black rain cloud,



right. That's why he has it.



So it's only in that context. He never says it again.



I don't believe so.



Oh, it's not like a it's not like a recurring catchphrase like ti double gun or something like that. It only says at one time. I really don't know that. We might be the only ones that remember that I bought. I have not seen any Other Winnie the Pooh movie, there was that one. I've seen those old cartoons. And then that like one movie from a long time ago.



Yeah. And that



constitutes my Winnie the Pooh goodness, I own. I watched what you do. And I was very, very young, super into it. And then I also was you guys when you were also very young, and then we just sort of didn't anymore because there is a certain age ceiling on Winnie the Pooh.



Right? You know, and then.



Yeah, you could say like, appreciate it. But you don't like continually watch it when you're my age. Probably. So I mean, maybe somebody out there does. Good for you. Not me, though. I mean, apparently on November 29 2018, upou. at Disney wt poo on Twitter tweeted. Today it looks brain. You see, it's on Twitter. So everybody should know about it, everybody. That's how Twitter works. See, so other other people do know. Yeah. Maybe it's just slightly more obscure than I initially reckoned. I think. I thought, oh, Winnie the Pooh. Everybody's going to know about this. But the more I'm realizing this, it was like No, it was just from a short story. movie from Yeah, I thought it was I thought it was part of the character. I thought he said that along with. It was like tight. It looks like rain and honey. I was like his defining characters. Would they get stuck in hole? That's like,



no. All right.



Nope. Nope. Turns out it's just a honey tree. Which we want. Here we go. Is the kids obviously you're gonna watch them say you have small children. So it's, it's fair. But yeah, first idol I have. Again, it's one of those things if I have no idea why that phrase stuck with me. Forever. Just does, right? Well, no, because it's stuck with me too. So it must be there must be something about it. Or it's just it's so kind of speaking of updates.



Yeah. Oh, sorry. Go ahead. No, go ahead.



I was gonna segue out of this for a minute because I don't think we got a proper update. Last week on Shelby's reaction to rocket rule.



Oh, we did not get a chance to watch it. We we weren't able to buy it was it was so long ago. That I honestly don't remember like, What? What else? So we don't wait. No, sorry. I'm still eating. She knows she did get to watch it. We did not get a chance to watch the other movies. Um, okay. So we saw we did watch it the prop and so it was not a miss but definitely a like a Yeah, like she's like, Oh, that was different and I was like, I'm different to it right. So



you're what you're looking for is amazing. That's what you want.



So she she didn't hate it. So by definition, that's a win. Yeah. That is a win for sure. And so she she actually liked it. It was it was definitely different. And like Well, I was watching it I was like oh, I don't want this isn't like that I remember



was a mistake.



Yeah, so so she did she actually did like it like it um, but we did not get a chance to watch any of the other films. It was which which did which was slightly heartbreaking, but at the same time the weekend just kind of got away from us and everything was just incredibly busy. So we Yeah, we did not get a chance to watch anything else but she did watch rocketed all I did a like $3 off of off of Amazon is like no, this is happening. Like we have to watch this. So it was worth it. So that didn't happen. Yes. Okay, good.



All right, keep us updated, if any further progress is made on the list, because hopefully it goes better than my attempt at me and Susan did try to sit down and watch 13th warrior the other day and she told me so. Um, I don't know if that I forgot in that movie. That like, it is like the least exposition heavy movie ever. Because half like you know the main guy's name.



And that's it. You don't



very rarely refer to each other by name. Like they just are talking, and they never say like,






Jim, or like whatever, or whatever Viking name, insert Viking name here. They just like yell things like, go to the door. And they go, so you're like, Who's that? You know, so they're all they're all very discernible by their visual appearance. There's like, long haired braid guy. breastplate guy, guy in black that hides a tree like face tattoo Guy. Guy that can actually talk to Antonio Banderas like you get, like, even though the names just like, you know, whatever,



those guys.



So it's storytelling. It's definitely interesting. And the movie is also way darker that I remember, like, physically darker, like, there's no light in the movie.



Most of its like, like, literally like the latter half of that movie like they're in a cave.



Yeah. And all that, like the first major like action scene is at night. And then the other major action scene is at night. Because the bad guys only attack at night. See a theme here? I was like, Oh, yeah, it is dark. Literally. I mean, a little bit metaphorically to write.



I also



forgot to that was based off of Michael crighton book. did not remember that. Really? Yeah. It's based off of Yes. eaters of the dead, apparently by Michael did not know that. Or, more accurately. forgot that. I think is more. Yeah,



that's more appropriate. Yes. That's more appropriately real about this.



Yeah. Just forgot. So yeah, she might she's once watched again, because she was liking it until she but we were very tired. And so she just like,



felt like so.



So that's definitely not a hard No, either. But again,



and so.



Next time.



Next time.



I also this week, randomly found on YouTube that you can watch for free Galaxy Quest.



Right? Yeah.



It's one of their movies. It's like free. It just has ads in it a bunch. So it's just like watching TV with commercials. You definitely watched Yeah, it was like, Oh my gosh, I'm stopping everything. And watching this right now.



YouTube sometimes does that for like, like, they'll have like random movies on there. And you're like, Oh, yeah, sorry, this I this is what you're playing.



I also might have watched a forgotten gym. Shaolin Soccer.



Oh, yay. Oh, movie. Oh, man,






no shame. We're gonna jam zero shame. Oh,



I forgot.






How would you summarize? Gatlin soccer had just you know, a kung fu guy. down on his luck kung fu guy meets up with disgraced soccer legend forms a soccer team with his kung fu brethren defeats. Their literal name is team evil to win the soccer using their kung fu skills. They're



so good. It's the



silliest thing ever. I love it so much. I definitely watched that on Sunday. I was like, oh my god. Yeah. And it is on it was recommended to me. I was like, Yes. Why



are we so well? horse? I'm



going to watch this. Why would I Dodd? Watch this.



Oh my goodness. Yeah. Yeah, definitely forgotten. We jam. One of the classics. Oh, man.



I like the movie so much. It's so great. I can't remember the name of the other one that he's Steven Chow. Isn't that movie? He's like the main guy. Oh, movie.



kung fu hustle. Yes, that's it. Yeah,



that movie is so good. I did not appreciate that movie. The first time I watched it. shock you the first time I watched it. I was like what what am i And then the second time I watched it, I was like, This is so great. So it took it took a second viewing for me to fully appreciate the glory of those kung fu class. I watched it. It was just pure gold on that time. It's I'm trying to find that one because I like that.



Really something?



Oh, it's great. It made me so happy enough about my washing habits this week. What has ever happened, I'm sure.



Man. What does it do? So today was pretty much like all those like an all day training day. And so I it was kind of nice, because I didn't have to work. But I had to be in training all day. And it's mostly going over that in any state agency. There's always some sort of out of date system, that they're like, why do we use this? Because that's all we've always had. Yes, but why? The I don't know. That's just what we've always had.



So everyone knows how to use it. And it works. Good enough. Done.



Yes. So there's there is a system that we use in the state, that it's just, it's kind of like imagine DOS, but like, way more complicated to use. So dos. Yeah. So it's, it's this system, that it's really funny to listen to it, people talk about it. It's like, well, this is just something that we've had since like the 90s. Like, oh, K, and like, well, the people who were with the state no longer worked for the state. And so we don't know how to change anything. like Oh, so you just kind of just, this is just how life has been for ever. And they're like, yes. So we, we had to relearn how to use it, because it can't be helpful. Like, we're trying to locate somebody, or, you know, see if find, like other alternatives to help people. We use this system. Like we could type a name Social Security's like stuff like that, see if like for, you know, if they're getting any state assistance, and but it's, it is a very, oh, I need to go to the next page, button button, cut chunk, and then it like changes like, Oh, well, I can't use the mouse, let me know I have to scroll down, quote, unquote, and I have to press like, function and then like a different button. And like, the cursor moves on like a page.



The Page Down button doesn't exist.



Yeah. So then, like, what, we have to do that? And it's like, Can we do we have anything? I don't know, nicer. They're like, okay, cool, whatever. So that was pretty much the gist of training today, which was kind of nice. In the end, it is sort of helpful. But like, what are your reading through things like that. There's like 1000 easier ways to do this, but I will play nice, you know, whatever, blah, blah, blah. It was and then there was like, some protocol stuff that we went over. And so we're, we're in there for about nine this morning to one ish. And then we're the only state or we're the only district in the state to, like get certain numbers. I don't know what they're basing off of. And so our supervisor in our district director Joker's pizza, but when I say like, Oh, we get a pizza party. You know, my first thought was, we're gonna get like, like, third grade three, like, you know, just cheese pizzas. And like old flat coke. No, they took us to an bellinis which, if you don't know what that is, you need to Google that real quick, because it is don't Oh, so it is phenomenal pizza. Like it is so good. And it's kind of it's it's pretty fancy. Pretty boozy. Not gonna lie. But it is so good. And because He only said pizza party, I was thinking like, oh, they're taking us to like, Pizza Hut. And we get no offer the lunch, you know, the the buffet like no, they took us to an bellinis where an average pizza is like 15 to one dollars of like a good size pizza. And it's really nice. It's really fancy. It's so good. So, and then I got home about like, one or I got home about like 230 today. And like no one worked. It was there like, yeah, just go home and, you know, do what you can and see you tomorrow. Okay? Because I was not in a condition to function working because I was just, it was full, but it was really good. Pizza. Yeah. So that's kind of what my day consisted of work wise. Shelby and myself also celebrated our at this point, numbers don't really mean a thing. But it's kind of cool to look back off of our 16 months together. way. And so we did we did. We worked out and hung out. And that was kind of about it is we're like, oh, yeah, I love you. Yeah, let's just sitting here. Like, Oh, perfect. So it was using much and watch ferngully



Oh, yeah.



burn belly. And then yeah, so that's kind of been the main crux of my week of, Oh, I'm typing things. Oh, I have to go do this. Oh, I'm typing more things. Oh, I'm eating pizza. Perfect. Nice. A few weeks, a few weeks from now. We will actually be home. It's like the weekend of like the 23rd or something. It is the Cherry Blossom Festival in Mansfield, Marshfield.



And these are very different places, but also what?



Yeah, so yeah, there's there there is an festival that we will be attending.



up and up in that region. It's, there's a Laura Ingalls Wilder person that's coming. Coming to Marshall. Yeah, Marshall that's coming to speak to it. And oh, yes, she'll



be enthusiast. She does love her. So



she so we're gonna do that. So we're gonna actually going to be up for that weekend. will be she



have a bonnet To where?



I'm gonna say no, but I wouldn't surprise the surprise. She's like, on it. So yeah, we she probably has one somewhere. But don't worry, I won't be doing that. So that was kind of a fun little surprise. That she's like, we're doing this I was like, perfect. So



yeah, that's that's what we have to dress in your prairie clothes to spin.



It'll have weird and oh, yeah, yet you still time?



disenchanted. Oh, I'm



sorry. But you're gonna dress like you.



Like, Oh,



yeah. It's more of an ad. If you could dress the ad.






Go. Yeah,



I too have a very specific, like connotation in my mind. If somebody says the word pizza party. I do think about like, folding table. There's only four kinds of pizza, then. And there's multiples of them. And they're stacked. Right? Yeah, there's like a pepperoni, a cheese, sausage. And a hamburger for some reason. Because somehow that's different. I don't know. It's just, they're just like four of each one. And they're stacked up in a table next to that. There's a bucket of ice and then just like a random assortment of soda. And oftentimes, it's not like good soda. It's like Sam's choice. Orange. mystery, right? Like, yeah. Cool. Or just like the generic like cola. Right?



Oh, cool.






week. elementary school needs a party. And there might be a K at like, next to the drinks. There could be a small assortment of cookies, possibly. But like



Yeah. So thankfully, it was. It was something that was much better than than I anticipated. So I was definitely not pointed.



Yeah, that's just like with somebody As pizza party, that is the image that comes to my head, like, boom. Every time. It's very specific, ingrained in my head from elementary school, right? Like, that's, that's what it was. And when you're a kid, you're like, super excited about it. But now you got to think about it. You're like, that was



not great, like,



Okay, all right, I need anyway. Sorry, I have been sucked into the cherry blossom website,



or Whoa,



as one does, as one does. You can go back and you view photos from the previous years. And so I clicked on 2006 because reasons I don't know. I just clicked on it. That's very previous. They have webs they have photos all going all the way back to 2004. And in 2006. Wow. They're just some of the luminaries that they had on there. They had. Okay. Mickey Carroll.



That is? No,



Carol was one of the remaining Munchkins from the Wizard of Oz. He came and spoke. It's okay. It's even better. They had the grand nephew of President Richard Nixon, Devin Nixon come. They also had James he also not a crook that you'd have to ask him. You'd also option James option Claus who was the half brother of Jackie Kennedy Onassis. And I think my favorite one there's so many here. It's it's kind of ridiculous. We're talking we're talking about off off brand soda. Here. You're off off brand celebrities. And then my favorite one here is Leon Taylor. tight. Sorry. Tyler, the grandson of president john Tyler. That's crazy though. That's john Tyler passed away in 1862. And yes, Ranson. k came. And yeah, speech in 2006. I think there, he has at least one still living grants on possibly two. I can't remember if they're both still alive or not. But yes, he married somebody who was like,



way younger



way. And



I think he was like 80 something and he had like a really young wife. And I think it was his first wife. He did like a second one. Oh, the remain these people were all there is because they had the presidential descendants participated in their first presidential forum at the theater, so they invited all the descendants. What do you want? Why would you want like Jimmy Carter's cousin to come to the presidential. So Aaron, are you going to dive all the way to Marshfield to see like a guy who has read all the Laura Ingalls Wilder books? Is that what you



know, so it's actually hold on? Let me let me talk with my boss real quick. So talking about yourself.



Okay, yes. x asked the expert here. I call him why you are perusing this website. I need to know why on earth. Marshfield has a cherry blossom festival



a history of like Why?






I don't know. This is cherry blossom for those listening for those are international friends. Cherry blossoms, not indigenous to Missouri. no good reason why there should be cherry blossoms in Marshfield. I don't know. Yeah, it says here in this tiny town one weekend a year meet celebrities noted authors humanitarians presidential descendants historical luminaries from all over the world. It should be on everyone's list. Why is it you're gonna have to first of all Marshal to be a no one's bucket list. Let's be perfectly here. Sorry, Marshfield. But like no ours field is not on the bucket list. The cherry blossom festival is on the bucket list. While the if the Cherry Blossom Festival is in Marshfield. Therefore, Marshfield should be on your bucket list, which I'm here to tell you ladies and gentlemen, is untrue. I have never been to Marshfield and be like, Man, what a glorious place this is. Right. Often when I was younger, I would say things like man, I'm glad I don't live in Marshfield. Like so? So yeah. Oh, so here's, oh, here's why.



Here's beggars. Why



ready? Okay, Aaron, I'm sure I asked the question why is there a cherry blossom festive market for Aaron already knows this. However, in 2003, Nicholas Inman worked in Washington DC as an intern and fell in love with the cherry blossom, to win heat, stolen, stolen, and came back to Marshfield and began planting them around the city in 2003, and 2004, which explains why the first one was in 2004. And four, yes. And he got added by the tree city USA committee, and the watch. And they had the each living Missouri first lady came and planted a tree that first year. And so that's why there's this DC, Washington DC connection because the cherry blossoms are in Washington, DC. So they have a big, that's where they have a connection to the president stuff. And then it just kind of grew up from there. So they invite celebrities and things with ties to Missouri. On top of all of that, all right, Jerry so in a couple years, the hosts of the Oh brother podcast will be at the Marshfield ready. Oh, Mike. Okay, so Jerry Jones has come flown in and planted a tree. Gene Carney is Pat Wilson, Betty hearns. JOHN and Hilda lane. I don't know who Dr. Edwin Hubble Hubble Hubble telescope, Leslie cave.



What's up guys? Well, I



just did took me a minute because I was like, so yeah, they just, yeah, they just started inviting people to play interesting.



Alright, so hello, go ahead. That is the part that I was gone for. So it so this one, um, and Alison Ingram, who played Nellie Olson and Little House on the Prairie TV show we'll be they'll be they'll be doing a cool little breakfast thing In Memoriam? Apparently, Randy Travis is going to be there. So well. That's kind of cool. So yeah, Randy Travis will be there. And then country music phenomenon,






Apparently he will not be singing, obviously. But his wife will be. So that's actually kind of cool. And then a few other kind of like miscellaneous to get to Missouri, Missouri natives. But yeah, the lady that played one of the characters in Little House on a TV show will be there. And as we as we all know, or if you don't know, you're about to know that my girlfriend is absolutely obsessed with everything while they're in so now she's even also trying to plan a trip up to South Dakota, where they have lived the Wilder family back in the day,



so he is very prairie. So be friendly, even though



we've already been to the homestead in Kansas, since it's actually not that far from last weekend to Yeah, on the one there in Missouri, which actually growing. No idea, man. So yeah, I had no idea existed. And we only live like a few miles away. Yeah, I had no idea.



Yeah, I had a distinct memory of being a child and trying to go find it and then dad got lost. And then we gave up we came home. So like



in typical and typical dad fashion. The first time she'll be bet our father. We, we were having breakfast that one of the boys did Marshfield. And he's like, Oh, yeah, ball and ball losing Walters, you know, stuff is, you know, right down the road. And of course, you know, Shelley very calmly was like, Oh, that's amazing. And so, dad's like, yeah, you want to go and so yeah, we just went. And that's like, Yeah, no, I know. Exactly what this place is that that's how he just he just took us on a winner like, Oh, it was really cool. Because I had no idea this existed.



Yeah, I seen from driving around a lot looking for it. And like I think we might have finally found I mean, like, hey, that's it. It's close. It's like inside anything. It's like, drove by it. Like, there it is. Anyway,



yeah, it was it was really cool. Um, just just be able to like walk around like on the grounds and see like the different kind of like, the houses that they built. So that I was actually given a very neat experience, but I was like, Oh, I had no idea this existed over here. Like I was completely oblivious to it. Well, now, you






So yeah, we're done every day. That kind of poses the question of the festival that rogersville used to put on. Yep. Which that was, was that the sad surprise festival? was indeed. Yeah. This is



as fast as a native treat of Missouri. Yeah. Get with it. Yeah. steal it from the nation's capital in Michigan in mosers. Come on.



Yeah, so that was I just I was trying to tell Shelby's account we had the we had the sassafrass Festival just looked at me funny as it deals. That's really cool. And it always rained for some reason.



It could be worse. Nixa has soccer days is a mixer. I was like, I don't know which one. I have soccer days. back the fish like the sucker fish.






like a weird bottom feeding fish.



Okay. It's really sweet though. Yeah,



those those festivals are a weird



thing. Right? Like,



lots of little towns around this area have them. And they're just like,



a weird



period. They're all the same. And all kinds of like, in my opinion, not great. And lots of people go to them all the time. It was otherwise. You know, like, there's like, like I said, like this sucker days day, like Seymour Seymour has like the apple thing. There's like apple cider involved. I seem to recall. Yeah. That was mighty. Oh, right. Somewhere on here has apple butter making days, which is just that's a long one.






I mean, I do too. But that's a really long mean for festival. Sure,



little tiny



town fair things did happen. And there's always some kind of like weird one. And like, I know, they're just there. I've always had a really strange Well, I think I think yeah, it's it's, it's uncanny how similar they are. But just how, but also how unique they are to that area, too. Like, it is true, but I mean, like, they're similar in that, like, there's a craft booth and then your craft booth. And then someone's selling a hot dog. And like, there's some really janky ride thing. And it's not my scene, I guess. Well,



come on, bring



it on. neosho had one we played at it one year. Like our jazz band, like we play we just set up and played on the corner for a while. Like, that's cool. Hanging out, you know? Yeah. I thought no, it was kind of weird, but it is like, Yeah, right. They're all kind of the same. But they're all they all have their different flavors. And I've been to a weird number of them. And I don't know why. Well, because it wasn't her dad's fault. I think it wasn't her dad's fault, because he's like, we're gonna go buy five gallons of apple cider. Apple cider gallons of apple cider. And even know you've liked apple cider was happening right now. Anyway.



Don't really but there's a festival



all about it. So you know, that says we got to go get it.






Yes, we'll need a we'll need a follow up report about Yes. That cherryblossom fest we could do in March. Yeah. Ever. Live reporting of the terror of of a festival on the show. Schedule call. Or you could just or you could just tell us when you get back to a lot easier. Yes. Yeah.



Take notes.



Shelby. probably enjoy the time a little bit more if you weren't on the phone with us the whole time. Yes, she definitely should probably get back to me agree with us.



Start logging.



Hey, go.



Guys. There you



go. throw that on that. throw that on the Instagram page. Aaron, I will give you the login. Okay. At least one at least one live second. Kind of all about this right now. I've never done a vlog



I there was one time where I was like, when he, what is it called? When the quarantine stuff first happened? No, I started watching I don't know, out of the boredom of watching, like a lot of bloggers on YouTube and I was like, I could probably do that. I sat down in my car, I was blown away to Starbucks or something. And I like talking to my phone. I was like, Oh, this is terrible. Like, I would be awful at this. You



just pretend that you're talking to us? And just tell us what's happening. They go short, real short, not too long. From what I believe it's gonna be. Well, I think it is our challenge for this week, or 4040 minutes into this. We should probably go start. Starting There we go. We we proposed a child I proposed challenge, mostly to give us more time to do the other challenge we're working on. Yes, but to do to do another good news episode. Because the last good news episode that we did came out in June 15. And I think we recorded that like a month or two earlier than that at that point. Yeah. At least a month before. Yeah. We wanted to do another good news episode because news is okay. The day's amazing, though. Not wonderful week. So we thought we could do this. And bring some more good news to people. So if you want to listen to the previous good news episode, it is good news. Over there slash episodes, lash dash news.



You can jump to this one. And be more good or new, though?



Who would like to go first?



I mean, since you did the segue, you can do one first. That's good. I will do one and breaking rules immediately. It's actually two. It's two in one in it. Wow. Look at that cheater. But my good news is about statues, specifically some local statues. So actually back back in June, weirdly enough. Whoa, the Yeah, so this is a weird tie in the world war one Doughboy monument was vandalized and destroyed here in town. Where they broke it was it was erected in 1920. And they ripped out and broke the rifle that the Doughboy was carrying. It just was re installed three days ago after going through extensive repairs, and actually, we read they redid a few portions of it as well though, that got installed that was really cool to see put up again. And the city is has taken part in a traveling sculpture event



or whatever



we just had installed in our park which is nice 30 feet from my house statue called gentle George. It's a metal statue made out of metal parts and car parts of this face since human size is up on this big pedestal. But multiple cities around the country are taking part of these traveling statues. So every year or so they remove your existing one and they give you a new one and that's that's you that you had goes on to another city and they kind of travel around. Okay. Yeah. Oh, sorry for moving art exhibit. I suppose it is moving art exhibit. I thought those are really cool because it's a little bit of whimsy, a little bit of fun. And I like that kind of thing. And then it was good to see the downtown staff to get repaired and put back up so statues good news.



array for statues. Ah,



so I was looking around on news things. And I don't know, I don't know if this counts good news or not, but I don't throw out there. I was watching the new. The Egyptian government has built a giant new museum. Right? So they are it's called something crazy like the museum Egyptians National Museum of Egyptian civilization. That's a mouthful. But it's really cool to see moving a lot of stuff out of the Museum of Cairo into this new museum, kind of on the side of another ancient capital and what they're trying to build up everything. And so they they moved a lot of the pharaoh mummies to the new museum. But they didn't really do it like,



low key at all.



What they did was they had a gigantic parade of the Golden Pharaoh, where they specially built 22 vehicles to resemble Egyptian parks, that the pharaohs would have used in their original funeral procession and paraded them through Egypt. This massive parade new homes, I had the new museum, so I just thought it was cool. Like these



are insane.



Oh, yeah, right. It's nuts. So there's 22 Pharaohs, including four of the female Pharaohs, or like royalty that got paraded through the streets to go to this new museum, and like, the whole spectacle is just insane. I watched the live stream thing. And like, just really crazy. Like, you know, they're trying to promote tourism to Egypt again, because like, you know, after this year, like, nobody went, go visit them so clearly. So they're just trying to remind people, when traveling becomes available, like,






Egypt, it seemed to me. And they had this parade and festival about ancient Egyptian culture and that kind of stuff. So it's kind of cool. It's very interesting. kind of deal. And I just thought it was neat. Like, I enjoyed watching that. Most of it anyway. And so that was my one of my good things that I just like, found randomly. That happened, just like, Whoa,



that's cool.



I am I am reading here that there's a 50% discount on museum admission until April 17. So I think I know what, well, that's not. That's a little too close. I don't know if it gets me. So there we go. Okay, three years. My first one. Oh, another I guess it's mildly part to get a personal good news is boys. I got my second vaccine shot on Monday. So Blam, they go, Hey,



yay. Alright,



there we go. is mine.



Aaron, do you have any good news to share? Aaron, you're muted. And he's gone. Sorry, I was I wasn't here much in a way. Um, how did you feel after your shot? I know fine.



Susan had a mild reaction where she just kind of got like, I like fever and just felt like blah. But she's good now. So I was fine. I was sore. Other than that, sounds good.



I'm trying to think I kind of panicked on this one. Good news wise. So one of the biggest things for Shelby is that she, she, she teaches at a really nice, private school in Tulsa, it's really pretty used is really fancy. And one of the big things that she was kind of worried about was, you know, constantly, you know, being afraid of another job or, you know, all those evaluations that they talked about. And so, for the longest time, they were like, Oh, hey, you know, we'll schedule that into the your meeting. So we can, you know, go over all that kind of stuff. And but they kept pushing it off, because it's like, oh, well, we need you to substitute or Oh, well, we need this or, and so finally, today, they finally like hey, you know, now's the time to do this, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, after much deliberation, they're like, like, you know, we're really excited to have you so just get ready for next year. And that was gonna have a huge sigh of relief for Shelby because she is like, Oh, you know, worried about, you know, teaching next year. So that was kind of the biggest relief for today. No, I didn't know she was gonna be back next year. And so thankfully that she will be is that something that she was been really excited for and, and all that stuff. So I was trying to look at first of World News. Besides the state of Oklahoma finally approving Bigfoot hunting Yes, I'm pretty sure they did. I have a really chill super super update on it. But other than that the Martin Scorsese killers of the flower moon movie that started doing like, on location kind of stuff. Apparently Leonardo DiCaprio has been seen in Alaska. And oh, really? Apparently, yeah, they've been doing like review settings. You know, they've been getting like, all the logistics down and stay. He's apparently staying in some Airbnb, their widget now it's actually really cool for Alaska because even though it already gives the same amount of tourism and from the German Pioneer Woman, excuse me. Stuff like that. That's another big, big win for you know, small town, small town, Oklahoma. So well, it's



actually a big win that they're filming that movie in Oklahoma.



Right? Yeah.



I mean, I mean, I'm not surprised that Scorsese would do that. But that is really cool. Because a lot of times they'll be like, Oh, yeah, it's totally Oklahoma.



There was that one. True Grit movie. It's like, Oh, yes. This takes place like, you know, in Oklahoma. They shot it like in New Mexico, like Yeah, yeah. Like, okay, close enough. Yeah, so that's really cool. As far as you know, Oklahoma. That's



cool. I didn't know first of all, I didn't know that they were gonna shoot that on location. I just heard. That was something they were going to be doing. Maybe Yeah, so that's cool. It's on location. That's pretty sweet.



So yeah, there they started doing that. Every time I'm in Alaska. You know, I kind of do like a little drive around. And you're like, Oh, I haven't seen him. And of course, I leave for a week and they're like, dude, Martin Scorsese was like breakfast here. And I'll come on out.



When I was eating






I was there. But you know, on the podcast host I was eating there too. It's fine.



As famous, but yeah, so they're doing that so that's actually really exciting. I'm really excited for one of the things I love I love the book that you and the Susan got me for Christmas. I was actually wanting to read it again because it's actually really fascinating. And if for those listeners out there if you want like a really good read Gilja flower moon but then everyone I talked to in BIOS goes like no if you want like the real stuff you need like the read like the FBI files like no



bit dense.



Like 1000s of pages. This is like 200 something like why would I waste the time so yeah,



maybe start with the book and then if you become ensnared then graduate to official documents. Yeah, fine.






Sweet. There we go. We'll come back and go We'll give you some time to take peek around and think about some more we have Collin another chance here. My my second my second one. Good news. The 2021 Dacia Sandero one the what car you know Car of the Year.



Oh my gosh.



Ray Romania. Yay. You too. Kills are so ridiculous because their names are so so odd. this YouTube video this YouTube channels name is actually what car with a question mark but what car they named? They named me santero their 2021 Car of the Year, which is odd. Because it's only April. That person is definitely not Romanian. 100% or James May. It might just be James May secret YouTube channel. Something something that I learned is that the scenario has been the best selling retail car I'm not exactly sure about what means retail. I think that means retail car. Retail car of like you could buy it on a car lot is what I think that they're meaning they're like versus like a higher end model or like whatever. Send the button I like a special or situation. Right I think that's selling retail cars in Europe since 2017. And an over Have them over 2 million of them have been sold since 2004.



Though, wow,



James May selling cars. Look at that. You guys recommendations go a long way.






that's my that's my good news brand here.









let's see. Next on my list that I wrote down of maybe too many. I have four so we can come back around. I just saw this. This was a, this was a new Well, I just these were things I thought were interesting this week. And the last one is important. This is just like a happy new story that I saw. Like I was reading. It was reported by CNN. And it wasn't like doom and gloom. So I clicked on it. There was a first grader in Arkansas, who is working on, they were talking about persuasive writing. So she wrote a letter to Old Navy that was basically like, Yo, I like your clothes. But why do the girls pants not have pockets in them? I like to put my hands in my pockets, and I like to carry stuff. Why is no pockets in the pants? And Old Navy just wrote her back and we're like, Hey, thanks for your suggestion. We really appreciate this. We're gonna give this to our research people and send her four pairs of pants and pockets in it. All right, there we go. That's



how you do. Just ask. Boom. Done.



I just made me giggle. I like that one made me smile. So there's my second round of good news there. I was just kind of a fun. Nice story that happened.



I like that.



And you find another one. You want me to hit you with this next one?



Well, I don't know if this counts or constitutes as good news. I literally clicked on. Do you think it's good?



And is it not sad? All right, perfect.



We're gonna scroll back and find it. So on one of the channels that I follow on Instagram. The headline literally says Mexico's Lucha Libre, a wrestler is helped by COVID-19 these pro wrestlers have been recruited to help by COVID 19. In Mexico, they literally travel around and help people with masks. And oh, yeah, I didn't get a chance to read the rest of it. But it's just showing a video of libri wrestlers walking around like the city streets like putting, like, how would people like put on masks or stuff like that? I was like, I don't. I want to click on it. But I don't want the sound to pop up and disrupt what we're doing like you do want to put on it? Because yes, I might. I might go dark here shortly, but it was just fine. That's good. I like that. Yeah. That made me happy. Yeah. Yes. So yeah.



That's good. Collin, you got any more.



I do have one that I just found interesting. So my last one here, um, that this was pretty recent. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That was just a few days ago, it was released. researchers use a grand total of something like a 2000 microphones, 12 high speed cameras and six pressure plates to listen to the wing beats of a hummingbird to figure out Whoa, why they hum? Because they were like what exactly is causing the humming of a hummingbird? Where is that coming from? How is that being generated. And they found that the wings are shaped such that they are constantly generating a large amount of upward pressure, even on the downstroke. And that was the speed at which they're beating. makes that thrumming because they beat basically what is the lift that they're beating is generate even on the downstroke. And because they have basically twice as lift per wingbeat because when they beat down, they're also generating uplift, and when they beat up, they're all yeah, it's that double drumming basically that twice per week of that crane, that sound pocket that's making the humming sound so and it kind of insects kind of do the same thing, I guess. But what's interesting is that teams immediately were like, You know what, we could use this to make bands quieter in your house? And I was like, Oh, that's crazy. I mean, I figured it did have something to do with the speed. Because let's be real, how would it not? But that's while they generate that much force even on the going the wrong way through that. So it has to do with the pressure difference that's constantly being generated, with each, you know, twice per wingbeat that's making that exam.



Oh, that is nuts. Yeah. Wow.



That's really cool. Yeah, be a heck of a fan. Right. Like, what's that look like? And they and they did talk about like, Well, you know, or, obviously, if you're in aviation, you're thinking, yeah, you know, my helicopters kind of noisy. Oh, yeah. Or, you know, my drone that I'm flying is also insanely noisy. So how can we shape the wings? And how can we generate different pressures? to almost off that, that, so it's not constant? Right. It's this constant beat that's making it.



Do that. Wow. That's cool. Man. All right. There we go.



My next the last one here is the I just saw this today. So I just snuck it on my list. This is the they are some researchers in France and they, they somebody in like, 1900 found this like stone with like some drawings on it. And because it was like, early 1900s, they were like, that's cool. Anyway, and I kind of like, stuck it somewhere. And then it got lost. And so some people recently refound it. And because they were curious, they read some documents about it, and like, wait that I want to, what's that hold on. And so they went looking for it, they found it again, somewhere, they like got moved and was like, in some way impossibly hard location to find, I guess, whatever. But they think what this stone is, is quite possibly the world's first 3d map. of a river system in Brittany, France. This map is currently dated to the Bronze Age, sometime between 19 116 50 bc is when it was made, and it are very, seemingly a very accurately depicts a River Valley region in Brittany, France, in three dimensions, sort of carved into this rock with like little circles and lines and stuff sort of depicting the terrain. So it's basically a 3d topographical map that looks like it was most likely constructed in the Bronze Age. Which is awesome.



I can't think of



what the how that was even.



Yeah. Yeah. Yeah,



it looks like it's sort of like carved like, it's kind of a flat stone. And it's, like, carved down into it to kind of mimic how everything looks. It's wild, though. It's really cool. And if that is, that's what they think it is. Again, this is like current hypothesis. They're not like 100% sure, obviously, but that's what it appears to be. And it's that's just really cool. That Bronze Age people would like you know, we don't give people that time era a lot of credit, especially people not in places named Greece. But like, or Rome. Yeah, like random people in Brittany. That kind of stuff. So I thought that was really cool. So I'm pretty interested to see where that one goes. See if I can find more about that later. Once I do some more research because that was pretty new. Thanks. I read that today's blog and write that down because



to go brief, okay, Aaron, do



you have one more nice.



gone again? Okay,



if not, that's okay. Cuz we only said two, but I overachieved again, because I was just like, I can't decide what to write down. All of them. Yes. Perfect. That's fine. That's fine. Yeah. Why don't you round us out here. Aaron, did you have one?



Sorry. I had my headphones disconnected. So I've been scrambling. Alright, sorry. Die. I did. I did not I was unable to find another one for follow up. Okay, no worries.



Here's the last one. And I save this one for last because this one is important.



On October the 19th



The publishing company I forget which publishing company, I forgot to write them down. Maybe I'll write that down later, the on October 19, will be released






version of The Lord of the Rings book series that for the first time will contain original artwork by Mr. j. r. r. Tolkien.



Oh, wow. Yeah.



So there, he did illustrate a lot of stuff for those books. But it was never published anywhere. In the book forms, some of the maps and stuff, obviously. But apparently, there are a lot more illustrations that go in there. So in October, apparently, the plan is to release the set that contains his original illustrations from that he made while he was writing that book. And that sounds cool. And I kind of want it so. No, I love that so much. The fact that he was only writing the stories, but drawing things to go along with it, probably the, you know, as a writer to help out the process, or just to flesh out some ideas a little more. I don't know if he would ever thought they would have been published. But yeah,



that's really cool.



Yeah, so I think it's gonna be cool. I hope it is. Because you know, there's like 75,000 different versions of this series you can buy, right? It's all different. Like, there's a bunch of cool ones with like, random things. And like, there's some with the maps. And there's some with like, the original dust jackets that they reprinted. And those ones look so weird, by the way. But they're so good. But like, and then there's one set with like the original plan dust jacket, but like the one that got it got changed something else, but then they rereleased it recently, and like a modern version, and it looks great. But this one, this rifle. That was cool. That would be his actual illustrations accompany his work the first time. So it's kind of we'll see if I remember that in October. So I have to bookmark that. So I would just say, cuz that sounds cool. Yeah, that sounds pretty cool. And I kind of want to check out just because it'd be kind of neat to have, right, we have a set. We already have those books in the living room. But like,



it'd be neat, right? Like,



it's kind of like when an author does their own audio version?



Right, like audio? Yeah.



Right. Like it just gives you a little bit more of what they're thinking, what into what intent, what intonation, or Tom or tambor they had, or somebody saying something? Or, you know how? Yeah. Yeah. So I thought that was an interesting news that you might like to know about, because



it's really



percent. Good.



Good news. So yeah, there you go.



My favorite part of these episodes is me trying to frantically do a quick Google search while you are talking, and figure and do the shortest amount of keystrokes possible to get the end result. I can add that, like science perfect. Like, what if I could distill this information down to find an article about this? What would I type?



anyway? No, yeah, I



liked all those very, very much.



Thank you for contributing, and making that part of the good news show. Always like these. Big side note,



in case you didn't get my text, the other important news is that you need to watch that Russian Lord of the Rings version I've got really because we've got talking about that. Oh, my God. It's painful. It might hurt you, but you need to at least watch part of it. Because we have got to talk about Soviet Frodo. Okay. It's important topic. We



do a financial watch



this on YouTube. Yeah.



Oh my gosh. Yeah. Yeah. It's just there. Yeah, it's, it's, it's



so we'll talk more detail about that later. You need to watch at least part of that at some point in the future because we've got Yeah, I recent the link that you sent us. right in, in our super secret. Okay. So that should come through in a moment. But yes, listeners Bad. It is real hard, just google Rushton Lord of the Rings, and you'll find it. It's not it's everywhere. Yeah. Man, it is a rip. It is. It might hurt your eyes a little bit. Oh, well, in every sense is it's an assault on the senses and disabilities, but it is a it is definitely a thing that was done. And it's interesting. Yeah. So yeah, you got you got to watch at least pieces of it because we got to talk about that. At some point in the future. I will add that to the list. I like that challenge from the challenge from now or something. Review. Yeah, because we got something for next time.



Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Okay. To do. Okay.



Got it. Okay. homework and homework. Homework, homework.



But the teacher All right.



That's true. All right. So I'll get on my homework for next week. Yes. And try to find something interesting for there. Yes. Likewise.



Should we at least share a title with each other so we don't accidentally watch the same movie? Yes. Yeah, sure. titles, alright. Whenever I find Okay, so I'll just text you whenever I'm going to watch whatever you are going to watch so we know not one that



Hey, thank you guys.



Yes, Love you. Love you. Bye.