Larry guy

Collin is Larry. Brandon continues his culture escapades. 

  • We have an AI among us

  • Collin hasn’t stopped

  • Business Mixer at the Moose Lodge

  • Moose International

  • Celebrity doppelganger

  • “Larry guy”

  • People don’t believe me…because it’s so odd

  • Adventure hikes

  • Brandon has been cultured on accident

  • The Play That Goes Wrong 


  • Collin went to a museum

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people, walk, dog, tennis balls, called, larry, play, fine, hand, big, art, true, gag, stopped, nice, put, pottery, coalescence, day, happened


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:00

Trying something new this evening.ta

Brandon  00:03

Having a new profile picture on your resume. Okay, new


profile picture,

Brandon  00:07

also new things.

Collin  00:09

Also two new things. We are currently being monitored by an AI. Wow, wow. Wow. Wow.

Brandon  00:16

To be fair, we did that last week too.

Collin  00:19

I know I just didn't call it out then.

Brandon  00:22

Because a trial run.

Collin  00:24

Yes, I had something. I found out that I could link. It's kind of it's kind of trippy. I can link my calendar to the transcription service. And if the calendar link calendar has the Zoom link, it will automatically join the calendar, which is fine, because I mean, I do I do edit the show but like it's not very much if we're being perfectly honest. And so a live transcription that's why everyone loves

Brandon  00:59

it. So that's fine.

Collin  01:01

raw, unfiltered good. Yeah. So I figured you know, a live transcription is basically the same thing that I do when I upload this some way I would edit the episode, get it all down to an mp3 and then I would upload the mp3 to the transcription service and they would spit something back and I thought to myself, I thought I could save that time and I can just do it on the fly. And so we're gonna that is what we're doing. We're trying these things. All right. Indeed, indeed it is. So that's typing, typing. See this is quality. I have not still not fully recovered from my lack of sleep in New Orleans, just really making sure that this is out there. I have not stopped moving since since this happened since New Orleans. So someone needs

Brandon  01:55

to switch to herbal tea for a few days to kind of get out this like I


need to find some Zen moments is when I'm really

Brandon  02:04

looking for bra or whatever came a meal perhaps maybe that would be

Collin  02:09

history. Noah's favorite tea is in fact cozy kamma meal.

Brandon  02:14

So we have some two I don't know if it's that we have some some sort of chamomile tea. It's very good.

Collin  02:20

Yes, we were looking for some so I just you know we caught back in just motion has not stopped and like we had, we had prepared the business and the podcast and everything to just basically get us through. A couple days after we arrived. We weren't quite able to get everything pushed further. Out. So basically we are we're still in like ketchup mode right?

Brandon  02:44

Like yeah,

Collin  02:45

well yeah, we just well We barely got to like some months of Tuesday's but our was our first full day back home of last week and was like that we had everything up until that day. So like we didn't we just had Oh, that was that's where we that's where we got to so gotcha i and then Yeah, so like that was a short week, because we Monday was truncated and Tuesday was a blur. And now this week, I'm actually going leaving tomorrow to go on a couple day hiking trip with Kyle and to in North Arkansas. So, so like, this is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and then like Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday is just gone. So it's been a that that was not I didn't think that through very well when I planned it for the week after returning from my eyes.

Brandon  03:35

A bit rough bit right. Not as rough as your back is probably going to feel after this right. You're gonna have the stunning realization in the North Arkansas woods that you are an old man now. I know and that's gonna be fun. And

Collin  03:50

be fun, right? There'll be a realization of my I don't know, my whatever, humanity and age. But yeah, so yeah, preparing for that. And I was like, Oh, I don't have like anything packed. Oh no. And I'm I'm, I am the kind of director interface with a lot of our clients and with most of our staff, and I'm going to be in the hills of North Arkansas. And I'm a little worried about like, cell coverage,

Brandon  04:25

because there isn't any

Collin  04:27

there's their their TOS none. So that's going to be fun. But other than that, it's been that's I think that's just why it's been so, so busy of just, we just it's not it's always it's been continuing to move and everything. So also do it every time. So it didn't help this past weekend. I was onboarding staff member, new new staff member who then the next day informed us that they didn't want to be with us anymore. So that was Oh yeah. Wasn't here. Here's, here's, here's a pro tip for all of you people applying for jobs ready for this? Okay. Let's say hypothetically, you have a full time job Monday through Friday. Okay. And you apply to a job that is specifically offering and posting for a Saturday and Sunday job, okay. If you apply to that job, you you will be working seven days

Brandon  05:34

a week. That is how accounting

Collin  05:36

works. Yes. This was realized after the fact. Specifically, the candidate the person was three this was that was that was the third weekend working for us. And it finally hit so now if somebody has at first I thought oh, this is perfect for somebody who has a week job and is looking for something extra they can work on weekends. No. I have to be very explicit now and do that math for them in their head right and help them get to that point before I hire the person, because I wasn't I didn't do that. I didn't I didn't think to do that. So that's on my onboarding now or my

Brandon  06:21

my questions, your onboarding question is now what is five plus two?

Collin  06:27

What is the number of days you will be working if you get accepted?

Brandon  06:34

Contrary to Beatles songs, they are not in fact, eight days a week, so no extra day to catch that. That was the metaphor so we can't

Collin  06:47

unreliable sources that's that's what I hear you saying? Yeah.

Brandon  06:52

Figurative language unreliable. Quite how that works. But yet

Collin  06:57

yes, alas. Oh, last. So that's yeah. So that that's kind of put it put us into a tizzy figuring out basically like okay, like how do we get that covered? But does that mean stress induced moments, which is always fun. But it is, it's okay. We'll be fine. We were able to reach out to several of our existing staff members and be like, Hey, you had mentioned previously you had wanted more hours? Well, boy, do I have an opportunity for you?

Brandon  07:34

How do you feel about next Saturday? What are you doing then?

Collin  07:39

Yeah, what are you doing? Because I can tell you what you could be doing. Let me tell you. So trying to be start there first, right. And it's just to try and get us by and being like just telling people telling people, okay, like, this is what happened. This is where we are. This is what I'd like to offer you. No pressure. If you don't want to do that. I totally understand. I just want to give you an opportunity to do this. For the time being if you if you'd need to want to here's an option that gives us some idea for what we need. What's, what next steps we need to take. And because that's just being honest with them, is is part of that and it is what it is.

Brandon  08:28

Well, yeah, but still annoying though. So hopefully.

Collin  08:35

No, it's fine. It's fine. I yeah, I will be able to find somebody and fill that spot in. It'll be okay. It'll just it'll just take time because it's a very specific time of like, four to 10pm. Set Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Like that's like, that's hard.

Brandon  08:51

That's really that is kind of it. Yeah, that's a difficult. Weird, right. I would imagine

Collin  08:56

who who does that. So you know, we'll put it out there we be specific and everything but it is. It's okay.

Brandon  09:05

Second, there's a lot of second shift enthusiasts out there. Right. That's basically what that is. So

Collin  09:09

yeah, basically, what that is, for people who like who liked the nightlife or who want to do other stuff, so we'll, but yeah, so that's, that's been basically basically our time, Steven since we last spoke, just putting all that together. And oh, I'm all okay. Okay. I went I went to a business mixer at the Moose Lodge. I

Brandon  09:46

said this could get any worse Oh, no.


Yes. Yes.

Brandon  09:57

I just, I just want you to like did you learn the secret handshake? Did you do like the super secret handshake and like, see all the Signet rings and

Collin  10:09

unfortunately, it was held at that. So in all true, okay, just putting it all out there. It was not sponsored by the Moose Lodge. That means that the Moose Lodge which, which is slightly less exciting, but you do get a peek into the world of what moose lodgers do.

Brandon  10:28

Yeah, true listeners for some contacts here. The reason why I'm bemoaning this so thoroughly, is once upon a time our uncle was a Moose Lodge member. Right. And even though he would talk about the Moose Lodge, frequently I have no idea what the Moose Lodge does. Same no idea. I went there one time with him. And it was just a bunch of dudes like sitting and talking. I don't I don't really know what they're just like sitting in a table like a dining table. And they're just like, hanging out. It was like some sort of like cookout, something. I don't remember exactly why I was there. But I was just like, what's the point? And I had a very lengthy conversation with him about the reason that he likes the Moose Lodge and the stuff that they do and the things that he's in was involved in. And I every time he would be done, I would still just be like, but why? Like I don't understand.

Collin  11:40

Yep, same same I have I've done like research I've gone to Moose international or whatever their website is and I've I've you know read and it's charities and becoming a moose and like, be a moose and moose. i It makes no sense to me that all I know is that inside they have have a cricket dining area in a bar area. There's a kitchen in the back. There's a weird, like, oh stringing over in the bar area. slung from the ceiling. Are these little police systems with horses on them? That sounds terrifying. Right? I don't know what betting or whatever they do or do not do in there. But this was posted. This was a business mixer hosted by a local Realty Group. Bringing together a bunch of people, business owners, from the community and boy howdy, I just I went by myself, which was not fun. Because I was like, I was like,

Brandon  12:43

I mix that way

Collin  12:44

to mix. So so when you walked in Okay, there are a few things that I thought they did well with this first one. They when you walk in, they have the name tags, right? Okay. I've never seen this before the name tags. They all had a question on them. That was unique for every person there and they had it all lined out on the table. And you got to select the question you wanted people to ask you, and then you put your name on it, right so that was the opener that you could get if you didn't know like, what on

Brandon  13:16

earth? I like that because name tags are boring and boring. I don't know that question because they were probably like serious questions. My question I would like right on there would of course be something like what's your third favorite ice cream?


Yes. Yes.

Brandon  13:34

I did go to one thing one time where I had to have a nametag and I wrote Laffy Taffy and Laffy Taffy joke on on it. So they had to ask me and I would tell them the punch line. That was what I did.


Okay, so, so

Brandon  13:49

good to be like what and I'm like, yeah.

Collin  13:53

What these were nice is that they had some serious ones of like to ask me about my goals this year or like, asked me about my biggest accomplishment. Okay, skip, skip, skip, but mine my that I picked was who is my celebrity doppelganger?

Brandon  14:09

Oh, Larry Bird. Obviously, obviously,

Collin  14:13

someone actually pulled Colin mockery. And I was like, oh, okay, like I I got that. Maybe, maybe. But yes, this is this is this is a great thing. I have been called out on the street. I've been called Larry, from people driving by. Right I have I was just at the conference in New Orleans. There was a guy talking about building your dream team of employees. Well, when he said Dream Team what picture did he throw up there? But he asked let the Dream Team with Millie labored Michael 92 Olympic team of 92 Liberty and they turned three people in the crowd turned and looked at me.

Brandon  14:54

So like, that's not me guys. Like hey,

Collin  14:57

anyway, so this was this was a great idea. Yeah. It's fine. Don't judge me. This was a great idea. On its face. Okay. What, what, what's, what's a problem with this kind of question?

Brandon  15:13

Well, with your question is pacifically or

Collin  15:17

no, my question specifically,

Brandon  15:21

you're probably gonna get some like very rude answers.

Collin  15:25

I didn't have any of those. I will tell you the possibility is possibly it. It's opening up the door for a lot of things. Okay. Yeah. But no, the problem is is that there will be the one guy because it's a guy who will just call me Larry all night

Brandon  15:41

forever. That's true forever. You won't learn your real name. No.


And this is a problem when I'm at a business

Brandon  15:48

business conference. Meet people

Collin  15:51

and I need to, like, call it Larry. It's in so there was one guy. As soon as he saw my my nametag, he started to go around to other people and send them over to me. And it was like, you gotta go talk to this guy who has done what you think total what you think. And he would just shout Larry from across the room, and the other Larry's would turn and look but he'd be like, No, Larry guy. That was me, Larry.

Brandon  16:24

Larry. Yeah. Like he's really only funny to people older than me, because my parents stopped playing basketball very, very long time ago. Yeah. So like, any younger business owner would be like, What the heck are you talking about?

Collin  16:45

Well, yes. And I will tell you as far as demographics go, what kind of people generally would be interested in a business mixer at the Moose Lodge? That is very true. So there's, there's me and then there's not me,

Brandon  16:59

okay. There's 25 year age gap, and then there's everybody pretty much


so yes, I even whenever I left. I heard Larry God have a great night.

Brandon  17:14

I like Larry guy. That's my favorite part. Larry guy.


Because, like because

Brandon  17:19

that could act Those are both technically names. Right? Yeah,

Collin  17:22

right Larry guy? Larry guy, like a first and last name. Right? I so.

Brandon  17:30

That was that was the biggest online nom de plume Lee guy.

Collin  17:34

There a guy right? Oh, okay. Yeah, that's what we'll do. Exactly. All of our ghost written by Larry. That was that was an unforeseen consequence of my decision at first I was like, Oh, this is perfect. Right. I this people there will be this demographic will understand this joke this thing.

Brandon  17:57

South in a hurry.

Collin  18:00

It turns out so the questions and other things were like Tom asked like, the first thing I did for the last time or something, something weird like that. And it was strange. It was a very weird question. And I was like, so what was the one thing that you did for the first time and last Oh is like the one thing I did for the first and last time

Brandon  18:21

okay, that makes a little more sense.

Collin  18:22

Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yes, that's that's that was that a good question? Not a good question. Because people will go haha, like go falling at themselves. Recollect thinking back to like freshman year in college and thinking about those things. Then, but then realizing that they're at a business mixer, and they can't really say that they you know, like, they did so you could I wouldn't ask the lady and you could tell like she picked it out with her friend and her friend and her were talking I can't say hi and all of a sudden you could see that the gears just slammed to a halt and she was like, Oh, wait, wait, I mistakes are made. She was like I need she actually looked at me and I need a second answer. Just one minute please. So

Brandon  19:14

something like that. You could just make it up. Right? I ate kimchi once and I didn't like right shellfishing Yeah, something


make it a dietary thing. People go Oh, yeah.

Brandon  19:27

I drink milk once and it was bad, right like now I'm fat.

Collin  19:30

I was lactose intolerant. No, it's been a week and a half or whatever. Like, just make it up at that point. Like don't try and like because then you're like, well, what's the other thing? Right? Like what tell me about the other?

Brandon  19:38

Yeah, like no, no, no, the first one now you plant a seed. They

Collin  19:41

don't tell me don't do this. So that was fine. And then other person was like oh, how many? How many stamps were my passport or something? And

Brandon  19:51

people only zero because they don't stamp your passport anymore. Boom, fair enough. Wow,

Collin  19:58

I didn't I didn't didn't pull that one out. This question has actually led me to while having to buy 100 stamps. at the post office I did select some new passport applications. So anyway, let me get there. But at the moment

Brandon  20:13

still good for a while and after that.

Collin  20:16

We need to update Rs Rs are about I think we've got two more years left on ours. Anyway. It made me realize like oh, right like this. This this is a guy that just wants to tell you about the time he went to insert name of kind of crazy like Cancun or whatever. Like that's, that's what so, it was great. It was crazy Cancun guy that was just going on about you know how many times he got his passport stamped whatever they bubble will and that was fine. There was some other random ones. I really liked the the name tags. And then the other thing that they did was they had door prizes. But if you were like counting all the heads in the room and then looking at door

Brandon  20:55

prizes are not good. What are you talking about?


No door prizes. are great because they had that one for everybody.

Brandon  21:01

Still, I don't want I don't I'm very picky about things like this, right? I have too much just random junk in my life anyway. But absolutely. I don't want your door prize I'm not I'm gonna throw it away. Right? I'm just not. I'm not going to use it. Ever. Never once have I gotten a door prize and be like, Oh, great. Nope. Blam. Well give somebody else or throw it away.

Collin  21:32

This is fair. I think if you're going to do door prizes, doing it in a way where everybody can join like it's kind of a everybody wins kind of

Brandon  21:43

business mixer, if that makes sense. Right? Because you leave me with something, you know. Yeah. So,

Collin  21:49

so that was that was like oh, okay, well, they really at least shows them thinking through some of these decisions of like, oh, yeah, true.

Brandon  21:56


Collin  21:57

that showed some some. I was like, okay, average, I really appreciate that. That's really great. But other than that, like, it was I got to talk to Oh, and then I was like, Okay, well, I I know nobody here this is crazy. Like I know nobody in this room. And even before we were going, Megan and I were scrolling through the list of people who had RSVP and those people who like have a little booklet with all the photos and they're like, oh, you should know this person because this person like bubble blah, blah, blah like as you walk into a room like that's what Megan was doing to me of like, okay, this person will be there. And in this here's a picture of this person and I was like taking like taking mental notes and trying to be like, okay, and he talks. Nobody in this room. Did I know nobody? So yeah, well, I'm here. I got to. I got to just start talking to random people. Which was Hello, my

Brandon  22:49

name is Larry guy.

Collin  22:51

I Larry guy here. Yeah, I was so I was so angry. That was like, I this is like it's all ruined. Like why? Oh, like just it was funny that it wasn't like I ruined it because

Brandon  23:06

that's how that's how it works. Right? It's funny like the first time and then like time number 726. Like it's not funny. I have this conversation with sixth graders sometimes like guys. It was kind of funny yesterday. I never want to hear you say that again. But at this point.

Collin  23:26

That's where I was with Larry guy. But, so I did it. I did get to talk to some very interesting people. One couple they were a little older. They run they built a two storey treehouse. on their property. 20 minutes from us. And they have it on Airbnb. This thing is like, gorgeous, it is insane. And they were talking to me about like, Well, how did how did this start like what did you just wake up one morning and want a tree house? And the guy was like, No, I just went and and we cleared a little land around a pond so that we could sit out and have a bonfire together. And then we made it a little bit bigger because we got grandkids and then we made a little bit bigger, because we wanted our kids to be able to come and stay in like a cabin on our property when they came and visited us and then we

Brandon  24:20

were wildly out of control. That's what happened. It started as a normal human being thing and then it just took a left turn to crazy town and I have a giant two story treehouse. Don't worry about it's fine.


But I told him I said that spiraled out quickly and he goes it kind of did ya

Brandon  24:39

right, like yep.

Collin  24:42

Especially whenever he was like now they've got like five campsites each are segmented and kind of across this they expanded the lake and they did also put it's all like, it looks beautiful and they didn't go and just clear cut all these trees and stuff. It's all built in and around existing trees and stuff. And each campsite has its own theme and like handcrafted firepits to match the theme and all this stuff. And I was like, Oh my gosh, and he was like, Yeah, we're pretty much booked out just nonstop.

Brandon  25:11

What do you theme a campground?

Collin  25:13

Oh, it's like this is this like, I think one is like very rustic. Right? So it's super, super rustic campground. So they've got the some have little cabins, some have like a yurt. There's I think there's there's just a cute big, like a huge canvas tent that you can go on and kind of just nicer, right? It's like the color something. The theme is like glamping right? That's what they try and do. They attract those people who want to be in the outdoors but not like me who said oh yeah most camping I've done is in a three star hotel or whatever it was


those people who's after. And so he just was showing me all these pictures and talk to him about it. And he was like, Yeah, I'm was he was this is their retirement thing now so they're just gonna run this and it's fully booked and they got they got parties, they get weddings, it's all sorts of event stuff. And so that was really cool to hear and see if just like wow, that's just decided to do it. Yeah, yeah. So he, I need to sit down and talk with him more he gave me his business card and I didn't give him mine because I didn't and I

Brandon  26:28

have business cards, business cards, I

Collin  26:29

have magnets for you. So I need a call him because he wanted you do you didn't do the QR code thing. I know. I will say I will loop back to something in a second. We'll circle back but a pivot or No,

Brandon  26:44

I was at a business mixer. I tell you. I've heard

Collin  26:51

it He did ask like oh, we've been wanting to try and make this more pet friendly. So can I like pick your brain on a few things? And I was like, absolutely. So I need to sit down and talk with him about that. Okay, so what they did was they had a little like had little swag tables where you could bring stuff and I was like, What on earth? Do we like I want to bring something what what did we bring? So I brought I brought to bring some magnets. I did bring some magnets and put down but no I brought the poop bag holders and our tennis balls. These things are

Brandon  27:23

nice. Boom.

Collin  27:25

They are there they look really weird next to like the realtor's pens and the banks fine. Thanks stuff and I'm like no bright blue tennis balls kubek holders in the shape of a bone. That's what you

Brandon  27:40

know. It doesn't want that.

Collin  27:43

As I was leaving I was I was putting some oh I had I put my backpack behind the little check in table because I didn't want to just leave it on a chair because I was walking around as I was leaving subway. Some lady said, is that your backpack? Because she was a different person that whenever I dropped it off? Oh yeah. Yeah. And I said yeah, and it's got tennis balls in there. And if you look in there, I'll prove it to you. And she she was like why do you have tennis balls? I said

Brandon  28:08

photog tennis, tennis coach. Larry guys tennis service. Larry

Collin  28:12

got you know what, you know, I'm the famous Larry guy tennis player. She was like, really? And I sat there for talks and she went, Oh my gosh, my dogs love tennis balls. So I just grabbed four of them and I planted them in front of her and she was like, You really did have tennis balls.

Brandon  28:30

And there's no joke about tennis.


really wanting to try and lie about like really? That's

Brandon  28:38

it's one of those things where like, this happens to me quite frequently, right? Like I'm doing something or like I have something like that. And people like don't believe me because it's just like so. Not in the normal daily thing that you do, right? Like, why are you carrying that around? Like don't worry about it's fine. Yeah, I was walking down the hallway the other day carrying tongs and something else and somebody was like what are you doing? Like? Science? Yeah.

Collin  29:12

Yeah. That makes you happy. Stop staring at me. Yes, this was it was so funny. look on her face. She's like, Oh, you weren't getting it. And then and then weirdly, she thought she thought I like made tennis balls. Or like that was the product that I had bought. And I was like, oh, no, like I weren't like so I then had to explain like, oh, no, we're dog walking and pet sitting company. We do the tennis balls for dogs blah, blah. She's like, Oh, okay, well, that's really cool. Thanks, Bob. And then a lady was like, oh can I have some? And I said, Sure. And went to grab her for and she was like, Oh, I just need one. I was like, I can't give you one since I gave her four. So you get four as well. And she was like, Well, I have a little mid pin and I don't think they're gonna like this. And I said, you get four. Like you can do it for There we go. So it was brought I brought too many get up. I I did these need to be dispersed and just to be taken away? That was that was and then at that point as I was walking down the door, that's what I heard. I learned god I'm great. I can't think we're gonna get a tennis ball. I get a face so that was business mixer, and I realized I was like, Man, I have been to so many other business things. I've been to this 1 Million Cups thing I went to a chamber of commerce thing. And we knew a bunch of people there and a bunch of people knew of us. I don't know what weird sliver of the market this was that. There's 120 some odd businesses there. And none of them had heard of us and I had, we had no connection and I was like what untapped area in my hand right now. Like this is weird. It's very strange. Weird. So I was like, great. Let's have let's sorry. I need to get back in touch with the the organizer

Brandon  31:05

bringing you different demographics. Yes, fine. Right. That's,


that's the secret. The weird the magic. If

Brandon  31:15

you do want it the Rotary Club. It's gonna be like a completely different group, a little mock up

Collin  31:20

of what happened. I guess this it's so bizarre. Like I think it's just because we run in the same circles and then you find a little pocket over here and you're like oh, you don't I mean, I don't know you,

Brandon  31:32

like go in a different circle, right? Like, Oh, totally,

Collin  31:35

totally different circle. And it's just it just blows your way. And it's like, okay, like I who, what do I how do I do something with this? And then and then weird things happened where I was in Springfield, training the staff performance or anything, and I was stopped by Have you been to no baked in Springfield? You into this thing?

Brandon  32:00

No, I don't make it to Springfield very, I am very lazy. Okay, so I don't make it very far away. It's on my house. I did. I was in Springfield this last weekend. More on that later. But yeah, go to somebody. Somebody was Susan, somebody who's like Susan about this place, though. Okay.

Collin  32:16

So this is the raw cookie dough that's perfectly edible.

Brandon  32:20

It doesn't Yeah, okay. Yeah. Okay. So I was like, you were telling Susan about this place.

Collin  32:25

It was probably Megan actually synthesis like Megan's place on our fair, right. This is

Brandon  32:30

sound very Magne. Yes.

Collin  32:33

I wasn't there. Every other time that I've been in Springfield trying to go to this place. It's been closed. They've been non operational. Like something's been odd. So like, I actually called them 15 minutes before it's about to arrive and I was like, Are you open? And he said, Yes. So I came in and I'm ordering and he looks at my hat. My hat says two things pet and then underneath it sitter, and he laughed, and he said, Oh, pet sitter, and I said, Yeah, my wife and I actually owned blah, blah, blah, going down this road. And he pauses he looks at me. He goes, Oh, do you know so and so I go. Oh, yeah, he's a he's a trainer at a kennel here. Right. And he goes, Yeah, he and I were deployed over in Iraq together. And I was like, really? It turns out the guy who is up who owns this, he's also he's a dog trainer. And so well, we got to talking about dogs, all sorts of stuff. He gave me his business card. I did not give him my business card because I see previous conversation. It's a magnet. And he was like, Yeah, call me. He said, I'd love to talk with you more. Have you stopped by before the store opens. We have a couple of flavors that are actually dog friendly, but we don't really promote that much with I'd love to be able to do something with you. And I was like, yes, yeah, yes. Yes. Pretty

Brandon  33:40

sad. It's a smart idea actually. Really? Yeah.

Collin  33:44

So Dog Event no bank, don't steal my idea people but that's where we're headed of like, like, like you go to a mixer and then like you just get called Larry guy and then you try and buy a really a not healthy for you dessert. And the person's like, hey, I want to partner with you. Like let's do a thing. It's like, yes, that's okay. I need to go what other dessert places do I need to watch?

Brandon  34:12

Just trying to drown your sorrows. You're being called Larry guy for three hours. Talk to a guy about dog friendly. No bank. Hey. Perfect. And it was just fine.

Collin  34:26

But yeah, right. This is I'll just I'll just embrace this as it's like I guess this is my life now. Like, this is what I do. And I love finding out weird things about people and those kinds of connections. And he he had actually heard of us previously. So he was like, Oh my gosh, like I've seen your posts and blah blah. You're like yeah, oh, I would have that would have been a real so that was that was totally off the wall and like, okay, like that's yep, this just kind of take new things and embrace them and go with the flow and then you try and get you just get out every guy so you know it is

Brandon  35:06

it's alright though. It worked out the moral here is it it all works out because you meet no bad guy

Collin  35:13

and it's my Yes. Exactly. Meet no bad guy. And it all it's all worth it. So yeah, did I tell you we've been doing the the adventure hikes with the dogs. Did I do? Yeah, yes. Yes. Okay. How about Have I told you about how what did I tell you about how one weight at all I don't remember if I don't remember either.

Brandon  35:33

You said? Well, you told me about the first one that you did. Okay. Okay, so that's all I know. And then you sent me pictures. of another one randomly. Okay. Yes. So bad, is it? Yeah.

Collin  35:45

So that's been fun and I've been really enjoying that but it is also making me go like Oh, like, so how my brain works, right? My brain goes, Oh, well, I have a backpack. I wonder if is it the right backpack for this?

Brandon  35:58

Oh, no.

Collin  36:02

Oh, no. Loves but like, I wonder if I had had to do that. I bet they make different gloves. So I've been having to really like rein myself in all this stuff. Like we we bought the gear that I knew like this is essential. This is essential to doing this for safety and security of the dog. But then we got that covered. Who's booking us like two to three times a month for this like okay, like this is a thing. So what I do, but no, it's been it's been really good. And I'm actually using a leash made by a former so the owner, I'll just shout out here. She owns tiny horse in Canada and she makes Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, she just she Taylor Taylor Lidl makes the her company's tiny horse. She was a professional dog walker, but she got tired of all the crappy gear that is out there. And so she just decided, well, I'll make something better and she has a background in design and manufacturing. And

Brandon  37:11

well, that's handy, right? Like,

Collin  37:14

right. It's just, she put together this entire like brand new leash system and all sorts of things. And she uses it's called a Biothane. It's a like a rubberized webbing material. And it's insane like it's it's, it's mind blowing how wonderful this material is, and it's perfect for leashes and harnesses. And so, I we bought, she makes all these different kinds of varieties and she most of the time she focused she focuses on two things basically like group walks, and loglines and so her group walk system imagine a short handle that goes from your wrist and your arm down to a central ring in that central ring. You then clip on all of the leashes that you need, which then go to the dogs. So instead of having to hold all the leashes in your hand or on a carabiner all the dogs are pulling against each other it actually helps them manage each other and puts less strain and stress on your body.

Brandon  38:10

Oh it's it's feel like a duck letter.

Collin  38:14

So, yes, that if you watch people who actually like and they can be they're all fully customizable and adjustable. So if you have a dog who's being a jerk you you shorten their leash losses. Yeah, I can like them at length of them out and you can wire them up and you can get behind. Oh, it's it's an insane system. And if you look at it, your brain is like how? Wow the combinations here are endless. But we we we bought her long lines and she makes a couple of different ones you know they go up to like 50 feet, but she hasn't broken down into us this length. If you're trying to do this use this line if you're trying to do this and then one of them is like if you're doing an adventure hike with your dog in the woods use this length and I was like like that's exactly what I'm doing. I don't mind if I do. Well anyway.

Brandon  39:04

How did you know?

Collin  39:08

If you would say yes. So I did by that and then she also makes this really cool thing because she's got this dog and imagine the dog is at the end of the long line there 1520 feet in front of you. And that's clipped to the harness Well, if the harness breaks or if they slip out of the harness, you kind of want to have a second point of contact when what a lot of people will do is they'll use too long lines, but that can be really

Brandon  39:36

Yeah, that sounds awesome. So what she's designed, is just it's, it's brilliant. It's just like four inches long, and it's made out of Biothane and it's sturdy as all get out. It's got these two massive clips on either end and you clip one to the hardest and then just one to the color. Right? Boom, two points contact and light goes from the harness back to you. And so we bought that and it's it's great and it's It feels weird to walk. Is this something that I have personally had to get adjusted to because we're out on the trail. It's like so different, right? It's I was right now like when we go walking in on a street it's two solid points of contact on the harness, like one on your wrist and hand and the other on the shaft going down to the dog and you never let go like it's just like, Ah, I'm ready to battle. But out in the middle of nowhere on this trail, like just having it on one or two points on my wrist and my hand having it clipped to a carabiner around my waist and then just loose, loose lead, walking the dog where it's dragging on the ground and then over rocks and you're like you're the dog stops and you keep walking and it comes to you like it's a very different dynamic, and I absolutely love this. It's so much more relaxed and wonderful. And just a completely different pace. And we actually I did the loop and I was like oh my gosh, like we we didn't even hit what we did before because I felt like we went to a slower pace. And we'd actually gone like half a mile more

Collin  41:09

than the time before. So I was like, okay, like we're really finding, finding our pace here. And I just, it's one of those like, Okay, if I if I could just do like three of these week like, that would be so cool. So that's what we're working towards of trying to develop adventure hikes here locally and then down in Springfield on different days of like, no if you want to book this we only booked them on this day and this day to try and contain it a little bit more right?

Brandon  41:36

Yeah, so it's not just like insane like that's not something you want to like have no one random time and then another this Yeah, that's definitely I like

Collin  41:46

it helps make it more predictable as far as scheduling run everything else like no I really need to this day is for adventure hikes and this day Yeah. So it's been a that's, we are getting. It was it's been nice to experience that and now the what I have to do is I need to start bringing staff on those hikes. And being like, okay, like, this is how we do them because they were a little like, Oh, can I do that? I was like, Well, I want you to eventually and that's Yeah, but yes, like Yes. All right. We we've never done these so like I kind of need to figure out my idea of what these look like. Yeah. And procedures before we just throw them out there. So yeah, but later, later, yeah, absolutely something that we want to do, because they're fun, right? It's a lot of fun. Yeah. It's just it's great. So highly recommend adventure hikes. It gives you plenty of time to sit and talk to yourself and the trees. And that I will I will say real quick, cuz I want to hear about your review that that's something that I had been intentionally doing is most of the time throughout my week. I listen to music or podcasts in my air pods. I I don't do that during dog walks. But I don't do a lot of dog walks these days because staff are doing those. Yeah, I'm intentionally not listening to things while on this walk. And it's very refreshing. It's a big change to just be out here the breathing my wheezing these days. Okay, but it's a it's a very like very focused time without any distractions and I really, I'm really appreciating these they're really it's it's been very good to have those of like, okay, this is three hours of one thing just alone with dog and thoughts in your meal in the woods and it's it's wonderful.

Brandon  43:46

Well, good. I'm glad it's going well. Sounds like fun now. Yes,

Collin  43:51

so if you want to if you want to join one Friday, just let me know we'll drive out to State Park.

Brandon  43:58

Okay, maybe actually.

Collin  44:02

I wasn't like I'm where we are like it's it's literally from our from our house. It's a 10 minute drive to a state park that has a 3.2 mile trail in it.

Brandon  44:13

Perfect, right. Yeah.

Collin  44:17

And it's also like it's wooded and then it's wooded. The trail goes through the woods, but you can have these points where the trail comes out to a massive field. So all I do is when when the trail comes to the field, the trail will continue back down into the woods, but you can step out into the field. It's supposed to be like, Oh, look how pretty it is. You just walk the edge of the field and then you do a big huge loop and then you come back to the trail and you go back into the woods and doing it that way. It gives us a really nice break between trail hike and field walk and then trail and then field walk and it's it adds it's it has a lot of variety to it as well. And it's really pretty area so yeah, it's

Brandon  44:57

pretty cool. So

Collin  45:00

and who doesn't want to walk with a husky? So I mean,

Brandon  45:02

that's fair. It makes it I know someone in this house that would definitely want to walk with that ski. Okay, well, you can guess who it is.

Collin  45:14

Friday. You know, take a trip north to go hike with a dog. That's cool. We'll do so. Yeah, but you've been you've been busy getting more more culture.

Brandon  45:30

Yes, that's true. I have been more cultured on accident this time. So so the way this happened, right? Susan was just like, hey, we're going to this play. I was like, what she's like, Yeah. One of my friends was like, they sort of planned this whole thing. And then we're like, Oh, I'd you're coming. So I really had absolutely no idea what was happening. I didn't really have any expectations. All I heard all my friends said was she's listening to this. All she told me was it's funny. Okay, what was my what's? What was my? Yeah, it was my only knowledge base.


How do you How did you possibly process all of that?

Brandon  46:32

Yeah, it was took a long time. Mentally difficult to prepare for hopefully, years. So I mean, on the one hand, this is good. I do. You know, I like to go into situations like this where it's just like, Okay, well, I'm just gonna, you know, go and whatever, it's fine. But also the fact that they're like, Hey, we're doing this thing and then like, Nobody told me anything else. I was like, guys, like what's

Collin  46:52

right? Well, then you start to wonder, like, Am I in danger of like, what

Brandon  46:56

should I be worried about? What's


the movie about this?

Brandon  47:00

This true? So we went to the Springfield Little Theatre, fright. Didn't in Springfield, they go to play, okay. And it's called, I had to look it up because that means, you know, it was actually called it's called the play that goes wrong. Okay.


Okay, now, sorry. It's tricky. It's fine. Yeah, I'm just I'm processing.

Brandon  47:33

So it took me a minute to figure out what's happening. But this play is very it's very meta, right? So like, it's actually play about the people that are performing the play. Right. Ooh, this makes sense. So also, this is like if you are a person who was ever in theater or work in the theater department, or have done a play before, like, we went with some of our friends from school and one of them is the high school choir director who is the director for those schools plays and stuff. She was dying laughing because like, she knows, right.


Okay, and a

Brandon  48:17

lot of the people that were there were theater people. Because during intermission, I could hear them talking. And they were like, Oh my gosh, it reminds me of thought about right. So it's a play. Okay, it's called the play that goes wrong. All right. So this play is this fictional? Like theater troupe. They had some sort of name, I don't remember. And they have a history of their plays going wrong. Right. And so this theater group is then performing something called the murder at Haversham Manor. And it's just like, the silliest thing you've ever seen. Like the set is built so that it like


falls apart.

Brandon  49:05

Oh, right. Well, so like they like there's all these gags where they like, they close the door and like something falls off the wall. And like, or, like the door just like comes off. Right? Or like stuff, stuff just like breaks. And it's it's designed to break. It's designed to be like they're having the worst performance of a play ever.


Oh, okay. Right. That's

Brandon  49:27

good and so like, so the actors right there, like one of the actors is just like, he they're just like hamming it up. So hard, right, because he's like that guy. Yeah, I mean, but the character that he's playing is like play you know, it's like this weird like, four dimensional thing in your brain where like, Okay, this actor is pretending to be a different actor who is then playing the character in the play, right? Because he's like, just going like crazy, like big facial expressions like silly stuff. One of the guys has, like he ever wants all he'll look at his hand and his hand is like, covered in Sharpie. And it's like the lines that he forgot. Right? And he like, mispronounce his words wrong all the time. Like there's this one part where he's like, smell this and he's like, he's like smelling a thing for the murder. And he's like kya need another guy's like, that's right. Oh, hi. And I'd like my day.

Collin  50:35

Because you can't in a play, you can't stop and say that's not how you pronounce that. You just have to you just have to go with your next line because that's what you're supposed to and you're supposed to play it straight right?

Brandon  50:49

They do that like the gag is he like mispronounce like he mispronounced is like facade, and cyanide and like just like a whole bunch of random other words and he's always like, looks at his hand and like, you could just see these words written in Sharpie on his hand where he was like, Oh, yes. No. Faqad like and like at the beginning, they like find the dead guy in the study. And as they're walking around him monologuing they keep stepping on his hand. Right? So he's on the couch be like, like scorebing but then like, nope, play dead. They walked by one time and he like moves his hand real quick out of the way like

Collin  51:39

no, oh, it's this kind of comedy. It's I personally think it's hard to pull off well.

Brandon  51:48

People did it. So well. I don't know how really did it because they should have just been like dying laughing right? It's like that. They were like, how did you play that with a straight face? Because it's like everything just going wrong. Like every little single thing goes wrong. Like, there's one time they have to open an envelope and it's just like, they can't open it. And so the guy like he's like, it's like towards the end. So he's, the character will like the the guy the actor, that he's pretending to play the plays. The character is getting like really fresh, frustrated, right? And so he takes the envelope and he's like trying to open it. And he just because he knows what the lines are, should be. He just like sticks it to his head like Johnny Carson goes oh my gosh, that's amazing. It can't be and there's like this gag where effect that actress lady like the lead actress. She's like standing there like being real dramatic. And then one of the cast members like, opens the door but it like breaks off and like smacks her in the face and she like gets knocked out and they're like, oh, oh, oh no. And they like read her lines offer. And then they they send out this stagehand lady that they just sort of like through a facsimile of the other. It's actually it's like the lady's dress but then they just like they didn't have time to put it on her. So they just like binder clipped it to the shirt. She's wearing it they sent her out with the book of lines, and she has to be like, oh, and she starts she's like reading them like, oh my, I cannot believe that looks off to the side. And you're like okay. She was my favorite part. But the random other lady like the backup lady, she was my favorite part of the whole thing. Like her part was hilarious. She was my favorite.

Collin  53:54

But you get what I'm saying here. We're like, trying to it takes a lot of to me it takes a lot of skill to do something poorly in a profession in a way like that like you Oh yeah, absolutely. I see it of in like people who are really good singers and they quote They sing that are off key like, it takes like it's hard right? Yeah, it's really hard. Or someone else that comes to mind is what? Gosh, burns pork nine right? Is that who we Oh yeah. Piano guy we like it that that is such a skill and it's not easy to do because then if you don't do it right, people think it you're like it can come off as being fake or corny or whatever but to make it like that good. Like honest like no this part this person is really trying and it's just really bad. Like that's,

Brandon  54:49

that's to me like earnest Right? Like it has to be like this very this is like they really are trying their hardest and it's just going wrong everywhere. And that the this play did a really good job of doing that. Right? Like even the the there's like the stage hands, air quotes. stage hands are part of the cast, right and so they're like the opening gag is like they can't get the mantle to stay over the fireplace because the SEC keeps breaking. Right? And so like there's one part where they like put it on the mantel piece. And he walks over there to like pretend to put it on there and a stagehand like punches their hand through the set, and just grabs the thing. That they were gonna pull it down, because there is no mental Easter it was, it was like all these like really, really silly things like that.

Collin  55:46

But But I my limited time in and around theater and Productions is that stagehands are really dedicated to doing anything to pull off the show, right of like, they use a gaffers tape and whatever else to make something happen so I can definitely see how people who are more in the theater would be like, Oh my gosh, like Yeah, like that, that really kind of fits this trope of or whatever,

Brandon  56:13

exactly, or like one time like, part of the set falls down. You can like see somebody and they're like, and they're like, run off you know, just like all kinds of like crazy stuff like that. It's like, just like it literally anything that could ever happen in a play. goes wrong, like in the same time in this play about a play, right. It's really funny. It is what it's a play about a play, kind of like but it was hilarious. So

Collin  56:42

yeah, it sounds like and so how did you don't have to give away the ending or anything, but it was fairly, I guess it was fairly well received by the people in the audience.

Brandon  56:54

Oh, yeah. It was really good. Yeah, it was they all really liked it because it was just done so well. Right? Well, the actors did like a really good job. And it was just they just pull it off like so good. So that yeah, it was really good.

Collin  57:09

And was it in fact funny?

Brandon  57:12

Yes, it was in fact, so they did not lie to me, my friends. did not lie to me, which is always good. Right, I did spend the first like, because I didn't know anything that was happening. I spent the good first like 10 minutes of this being like, What in the world is going on? I had no clue like for a little bit. I was just like, what? But that's happening. That's

Collin  57:42

well, it was done. If Yeah, if you were like, wait a minute like that. Is that like, were you questioning?

Brandon  57:49

No, I wasn't questioning I was just like, really confused. I see. Okay. Then I was like, that kind of play, right. Because like even before it started, like, part of the performance were the quote, stage hands like rushing around trying to get things ready at the last second, right. Oh, and so that was part of the show but it was like the show officially hadn't started yet but they were out there like trying to do all this stuff like sweeping things like trying to screw on this mantelpiece and making sure the door was working on the set, right. But like, so what like one of the gags is the door opens and the back side of the door says paint Brown. Right like it's time right, like Oh, no. And then like they were messing with the doors so much that like one of the first big things like it won't open. And so the actors like go around the set to the other side of the door and they're like, oh, no, like they just came through. But they have to like go around the outside of the set to get on because the door is stuck and they can't get open, right? And then the stagehand has to come and like, mess with it while they're talking to try to get it open. So it's like it's just like that kind of like silliness. It's like slapstick II silliness. It's happening the whole time. It's just great.

Collin  59:27

Well, so that's, you know, it's, it's very smart humor. And also it sounds like it was integrating a lot of physical comedy, as well. Definitely a lot of I am a sucker for physical like, yes, yes. Yes. Absolutely. That sounds Yeah. Sounds like a great, great time. Yeah, it was pretty good.

Brandon  59:48

So yeah, that was basically our weekend. And then because we weren't going with a bunch of teachers we accidentally stopped at Barnes and Noble. Oh, no. Oh,

Collin  59:56

shoot day. What did you What accidentally fell into your cart?

Brandon  1:00:00

A couple of bucks here a couple you know, it's fine. Everything's fine. Don't worry about it. I can't remember the title of neuro we're here at alone so we did go eat at the civil kitchen though downtown because that's where they want us to go. So it's like right on the square. It's we're trolleys used to be Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's pretty good. Friday, so we ended there. That was it. We just sort of walked around downtown for a little while. walked over there.

Collin  1:00:26

It's a it's a Hip, hip, indoor outdoor spot. You ate it a hip

Brandon  1:00:32

place? Yeah, it was a little too hip for me. Right. I'm not quite cool enough to eat there. I don't think that they let me in any way. So it's all right. I think all the other people that I was with are cool enough to go so they let me in just because I was with them. So that's how I got in the door. It's fine.


Very good. Yeah. You just kind of appointed put on your fight. No,

Brandon  1:00:57

I'm with him though. So like, Okay, fine. You can go into I guess.

Collin  1:01:07

We also can had a it wasn't quite to that extent of of the play that goes wrong. And now I'm writing down some information about that to see if we can we have a chance to go see it because that sounds hilarious. I sent you the link for the little. Yeah, I saw that come through. So

Brandon  1:01:22

I said that's what that was, if you didn't see that context.

Collin  1:01:25

We have kind of another weren't quite as experiential. But we went to so we have a museum here locally, who is actually it turns out for First off the original curator of it lives like two doors down from us and I talk to him almost every day.

Brandon  1:01:41

That's hilarious.

Collin  1:01:42

Yes. Yeah. He's great. He had he was the personal art collector for a very wealthy man in the town. And would actually be would be sent on like Commission's to like South America or over in Europe, like the guy would pay him to go creep. Get art for him and bring it back. Okay. That's, that's what this guy did. And it was very interesting when I talked to the gentleman about this in that he was like, Look, I'm sure the guy here was super wealthy, but he wasn't he's not like West Coast or East Coast wealthy. He was Midwest wealthy, and so we couldn't we couldn't go out and afford paintings is a paint most paintings were just too expensive for to do collections. So he focused on and this was, like 30 years ago. Pottery because pottery at the time, the art teacher was like this is an undervalued asset from an investment standpoint. It's been a huge one day and sure enough, now, this museum nearby us has a world class pottery exhibit. And the benefactors now like pay. Oh, it's obscene pottery that they've gotten. They do have big paintings. And they do other stuff as well. But like they are people from Kansas City, St. Louis, come in to see the pottery exhibitions that they do here at this museum. And the artists that they have, and it's all sorts of all sorts of crazy art. Styles and things that you'd be like, is that clay? Oh my gosh, that's clay like how did they make it look like that? Like these are just obscene Lee gorgeous pieces. And they do. What I like about them is that they also they don't just have the pieces out there for you to just walk by and see. They do something really cool where they have their their pottery and they do get things on loan and they do purchase new ones all the time. But, but they reuse a lot of their existing pottery and put them on different exhibitions to showcase different aspects of an art style or to to showcase different techniques or whatever. And like one of them was my favorite is called triplicate. And they went through and they found triplicates of like certain styles by the same artist and had those on display. You can see subsequently, this most recent one. I absolutely loved some of these pieces we had seen before. But it's called coalescence. And it's an art it's a it's it's it's an art exhibition, but it's also a way of exhibiting your art.

Brandon  1:04:30

This is a word I've heard before, but I don't know exactly what it means. Like that. Sounds familiar. I've heard that in an art context before but I don't.

Collin  1:04:41

So it's just coalescence coalescence in in general is just merging of elements. To form. So that's what so what coalescence was, apparently. So what they did with this, imagine a giant hall with obviously four walls in a big open space in the middle. Well, all along the walls on the outside they have big pieces, or they have been showcasing different things. And then they've got all these pieces in the middle. And if you just walk into it, this was you talk about when you were you were sitting there for 10 minutes, looking at this play, and you you know the title so you think something's up and you're trying to figure out what's going on.

Brandon  1:05:23

I didn't even know the title. When I sat down. I had to like ranch up for Playbill from somebody to be the playbill was even printed badly. Right? It was like, Oh my gosh, like the back was like upside down. Right? Like it was in the wrong order. Kinda. Yeah. So this is there was a little note scribbled on the cover, like fix this later. Like, oh, that is amazing. They really committed to the gag. It was.

Collin  1:05:54

Wow, okay, well, that's amazing. Okay. All right. So what what they did here is it showcases different artists are part of a different group and also using in house art pieces. See walking around the walls, and I know that it's called coalescence. I didn't read anything about what Colossus was. Suppose I started to read it but it was all like this, like, this is a you know, exhibition about you know, realizing like all these words were like those

Brandon  1:06:27

word salad right here.

Collin  1:06:30

What this did was if you walked around the outside walls, and they always put the one of the reasons I love the way our museum does this is that there's no boxes and I think things are just sitting on these giant white walls. And every art piece just looks like it was like grown out of the wall. You don't even see any hooks or wires or anything. It's just like on the wall. And so it's it's crazy. Anyway, you're walking along and you see the little placard that says exotic artist, but then your brain starts to go, didn't I just see a piece like that person? And then you stop and you turn around and you're looking and all of a sudden what you realize is on opposite walls, they have a piece by the same artist. And so and so as you walk around, if you stop at a piece and you turn and look around, turn around look behind you, like almost on the exact opposite side of the entire hall on the opposite wall is another piece and then you turn in you walk towards that and it's like, oh, that's by this artist. And so if you ping pong around the room like that, also, while you're doing that, you're having to cross all the interior pieces. You also have their own showcase. And so it's it's a way of just showing off art in a much more connected manner. And then, like forces you to see all of the art pieces from every possible angle, right?

Brandon  1:08:00

Like that. Okay, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah.


So it's it's,

Brandon  1:08:04

it's phenomenal. Yeah.

Collin  1:08:07

It's really, I felt like Jason I felt like Jason Bourne there for a minute was like,

Brandon  1:08:11

whoa. Everybody stopped. I got a text like this right?

Collin  1:08:21

So it's all about connectivity. And but yeah, like all of the none of the artists have the same style, but you kind of cross this like you literally have to cross a Rubicon to go see something else. So it was very interesting, and I really, I really enjoyed it. And then we could go in and see some other pieces and whatever after that, but that was a that was our experiential art. Cool. Oh, it's um, yeah, it's a really interesting museum. It's, it's a, it's specifically for it's a museum of of contemporary art. So some of the art you know, you know how contemporary art can be where you're like,

Brandon  1:09:02

oh, yeah, like, oh, okay, anyway.

Collin  1:09:07

So red line, my goodness. But they also write me like, Oh, geez. Did you a really good job as well of showcasing different art styles techniques and mediums so like they've got Yeah, anyway, I Well, after our after our adventure, hike, we'll go and go to the museum just do some other stuff. So yeah, yeah. So yeah, go on a walk, go see a play and go to museum. I think that's, yeah, like that. Okay. Anything else is coming this week.

Brandon  1:09:46

Coming this week? Yeah. I don't have any idea what I don't think so. Okay, I'm usually wrong about these things, but I don't think so. Yeah, not not really not really. I'm gonna do my whole lot the only other thing I exciting I did was I finally went got my tux fitted for

Collin  1:10:10

it. How was how did you get fitted for a shirt and jacket? Or did I did nice. Oh, you were you were well loved by the lady.

Brandon  1:10:20

So it'd be fine, I guess. I don't know. The dude in the store was pretty nice. I had to go over to like the next town over I have to go over to Aurora because like I can't do it here. There's no place to find them. Finally found a spot over there but he was real nice. Talking about that just sort of wandered around over there. And found drinks and coffee. That's about all I did with some coffee shop over there while we were there. Just because we were already there. So why not? We didn't have exactly. We didn't have school that day, on that last Friday. Because we had parent teacher conferences the night before. So we just kind of went over there hung out. And that was it. That was my big excitement. Here. teacher conferences and then going to see a play that I didn't know anything about. I like it, but I did. I did have that. Feel like Colin right now sitting in this coffee shop picking some not black coffee cycle. This branching out here I am. Good job. It was good. It was pistachio latte. Yeah, how and yeah, with some cherry foam or whatever. Oh, pretty good, actually.


It's very that's very unique. Yeah,

Brandon  1:11:37

it was good. I liked it.


Two thumbs up. Yeah. They go.

Brandon  1:11:47

Yeah, I don't know what's coming next week. Hopefully nothing too exciting, but we'll find

Collin  1:11:56

now, always an adventure. So update how my time in North Arkansas goes,

Brandon  1:12:01

Oh, yes. Nope. You should be eaten by a bear or

Collin  1:12:05

or I am mountain lion or a bobcat or I am taking our snake the mace that we take for dogs when we're at walking it will have that good

Brandon  1:12:15

idea. Especially in northern Arkansas. Yes. Be very nice. It'll be might be useful. Hopefully it's not. But no, it's never No.

Collin  1:12:28

I'm, I'm very loud enough. Everything will know that I'm coming. So that's

Brandon  1:12:31

true. That's a good point.

Collin  1:12:37

So on that to see if I survive.

Brandon  1:12:40

Hopefully not literally, there are a lot of cliffs down there.

Collin  1:12:42

So Oh, see? Who knows what a coffee shop will braided into next. We'll call it be hanging from a cliff for the weekend. Tune in next time tough to find out. Love you bye