Honda of Theseus

Collin filed taxes and finding lost French Poodles. Brandon is debating and visiting Food Truck Friday.

  • Changing schedules 

  • Messing with AIs

  • Filing taxes

  • It’s so awful

  • Collin was rear ended

  • And is awkward 

  • Non-committal

  • Future travel podcast?

  • Honda of Theseus

  • It’s all Greek to me

  • French-French Poodle

  • Escape artist

  • inspector clouseau

  • Greek history in class

  • Athens vs Sparta debate

  • Story time with Mr Funkhouser

  • Atlantis was real…right…

  • Food Truck Friday

  • Tale of two floors

  • Peanut…dipped in chocolate…dipped in peanut butter

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dog, pay, door, people, store, food truck, talk, upstairs, french, nice, pull, blam, bumper, pretty, car, weird, company, big, taxes, slammed


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:00

Time to say completely powerless. Yeah. I wonder how fine tune like I don't know if like just moved it by a minute like,

Brandon  00:09

what's going on? So I smell an experiment coming out next week

Collin  00:16

we will that's exactly what our robot overlords would love for us to do is just start screwing with them. One minute 30 seconds.

Brandon  00:24

Yes next week's episode brought to you at 837 I'll never see it coming. I


have no idea

Collin  00:39

Yeah, yeah. They have no idea. And

Brandon  00:47

I mean, I also get confused when the schedule changes too much. Right. So I mean, it's only fair that this also happens to us because this happens to me a lot. Not necessarily with a recorded schedule. I can handle that just fine. But like, like work or like other places, like when the schedule changes drastically. I get very confused. I'm like, what, what's happening? What are we doing? What's going on? Right? Those days at work when we have like, when a lot of things deviate from the norm, right? Not just like one thing but when it's like a whole lot of stuff. It's like way different. I'm always like, looking at my co teacher like my other teachers that my grade and like, help. What are we doing?


What's going on? Where we go what

Collin  01:34

well, especially if you're like only if you're really in one of those of you are just you just have to show up like you're you're not really required to contribute much. It's definitely easy to all of a sudden go wait a minute, like I actually have no idea what on earth is happening right now and what's required of me at this moment, so

Brandon  01:57

it's hard. Yeah, it's hard at work because like, every other day, it's like, the sixth grade is like over here and we're doing our own thing. And we have our own kind of schedule. Like it's very different than the rest of the elementary, right? So it's like we're doing our thing. We have our schedule. We have our stuff and it's like baba, baba blam and we got it down and we're doing our stuff and then whenever other people are like, Oh, except for today, this is happening. We have to change everything. Like what do you mean? I don't know. It's not what I wanted. Yeah, I don't like cope with this. I don't understand. No. You know, it's alright.

Collin  02:40

It's fun. It's fun to do that when you just show up and go okay, tell me tell me what I'm supposed to do. Now.

Brandon  02:45

What's Yes. It's even better whenever you like actually show up and they're like, Hey, today we're doing this like, Excuse me? What? Oh, no. Since when? When do you what do you read?

Collin  02:57

No. Yeah, that is that was as most definitely news to me. So I guess I'll be your man.

Brandon  03:03

That was a traumatic trauma inducing and

Collin  03:07

so terribly sorry. Oh, yeah. I experienced my own set. of trauma day, yesterday. I Oh, as filed our taxes. So that was nice.

Brandon  03:25

I bet that's not exciting for business owner to do with multitudes of employees.


Well, so.

Collin  03:36

That part we actually we have a we have a payroll company that we use to other than that, so they they handle the W twos they handle paperwork to send out to the state and federal government as far as all of that


asked how he end, but this is

Collin  03:55

and also Megan and I have decided to make it as complicated as possible in that both her and I never. It's not as pot. It's not as complicated as humanly possible because here's the other thing. I fill out all of basically the same forms that like Coca Cola has to fill out. Some of its kind of wasted on me if it's like how many this is like the questions are like how many foreign entities are investing in your company? Like, oh, how is 00 There's allow, there's a lot of assumptions coming question and I

Brandon  04:34

kind of odd if it's a blanket form, like, yeah, how much of this is not applicable to

Collin  04:40

what I'm doing? And most of it is not applicable because we're allowed to fill out

Brandon  04:45

in a on all of your tax forms as


well. So here's the thing. Do they like that?

Collin  04:52

They don't, they don't like Oh, because here's the thing because we are a partnership. We're not just an LLC, we're a partnership, LLC, Megan, and I own 50% of both of our companies. So I have 30% Almost 50% which means that we have to file as a partnership. And they Oh my gosh, and they just want there's just reams of extra paper funds you can fill out of like here's how many other partnerships are invested here's how many other individuals are a part of the company here's how many foreign entities are involved. Here's how I like it just it goes on and on and on. So I have to file to I don't file I have to one is a reporting and then I file my personal because here's your wonderful tech stuff. Okay. As an LLC is a pass through to us, LLC is taxed as an individual at our individual rates. Okay. Yeah, that's that's if we were an S corp or C Corp, Megan and I would be employees of our company, and okay, and we would have to draw and then we would be taxed at a rate because then we would have to pay ourselves a set. Yeah,

Brandon  06:05

yeah. Okay,


that makes sense. Right now we just, you know,

Brandon  06:08

this is not really my area of expertise. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm barely hanging on here.

Collin  06:14

LLCs are just it's they're taxed. At the individual rates. There's, there's the the business is not taxed. I take money from the business and then I get taxed. Okay. If, if we had an S corp, you get paid in business, pay business taxes. Yeah, the business would pay its business taxes and then I would pay my personal taxes from the salary that I pull from them. Okay, now, we are not that right. We're not that complicated. But because we are a partnership. I do have to file this partnership, cut this stuff. And because when I go when I was the first time we did all this, when we set up the company, we made it blah, blah. I was entering my taxes that year and it was like, Oh, you need a Schedule K. I was like, Schedule K It was like oh, your you'll get your schedule, pay from the business that you got the money from? And I was like, Oh, it's my wait. That's me. So in January, February, I sit down and I have to basically report right Bill fill all these sheets that report to the government, how much money the company made, how much company how much money the company spent, how much money the company gave Negan and how much the company gave you. And so I have to have duplicates, of everything because they have one to file for Meghan one to one to file for me. And and because we're 5050 Everything is just split down the middle. And you tell then you tell the the them like how many schedule pays you're sending out and when to expect those I send that out. So that's that's just reports about the business. Then I turn around for filing taxes and I take those schedule cases that I've handed to myself from myself, and I fill out those

Brandon  08:00

it's not complicated at all

Collin  08:10

Yeah, yeah, not. And so that was

Brandon  08:18

that was frustrating. That does not sound fun. Right? Well

Collin  08:28

and it's, you know, it's one of the things of like, okay, like, Well, now that I know what to do. You know, it's not that it's not that bad. However, it's still it's still I love those memes where you're filing taxes. It's like, manna taxes are really it's like it says like, yeah, taxes are really important. You can't mess it up. Okay, so government, how much do I owe? No, yeah, figure it out. Like I had gas and you're like, No jail. It definitely feels like that every year. It is it does.

Brandon  09:03

make you wonder why. You know, like, this, it's like so convoluted and so unwieldy and so confusing. Like, why? Right it just doesn't make any sense why? Like, I'm sure there are logistical reasons and like weird reasons that only apply to like, strange things, but like, I should just pay a flat tax rate and they should just be like, Okay, that's it. Goodbye. You're done. I don't need to see you anymore. Like, here it is. It just makes it so much better than like, this mystery of like, oh, surprise, you paid too many taxes. You can have some back like Why couldn't I just kept that in the first place?

Collin  09:46

Right. She's here. Well, and and the first year that we had the company everything set up. I didn't make quarterly tax payments. Oh, but what I did was I was just saving it. I was like, I'll just pay all that at the end. But then it's a lot scarier to see that you oh my numbers a lot bigger right? When you legit Oh, like $12,000 You're like yeah,

Brandon  10:10



oh, well, that can't glad I have that. But also I'll

Brandon  10:17

also oh my gosh, that number is horrifying.

Collin  10:21

And spread this out. Because, you know, I don't I don't buy company. So that's the other thing of trying to decide do you go S corp or stay a partnership as partnership? I have to pay. I pay 30% for self employment taxes and then I still have other taxes and stuff on top of that, but I have to pay out whatever money we get. If we did the S Corp. The company would pay a corporate a corporate tax on it stuff but then the company would take out all the taxes and everything from me and would actually decrease the amount of money that we get kind of but also not really. So it's a lot of

Brandon  11:07

again, it makes so much sense. It's so perfect and marvelous and nothing could ever go wrong. Like

Collin  11:15

what? What could possibly go wrong? Like I'm not I'm not trying like I'm not trying to do anything wrong here like I want to be doing it right and I'm really trying to cling to these things but


at the same time know how to do it right. Like I just don't know. And sure,

Collin  11:31

you know, you can pay for the little extra bonus that's like you can talk to a tax professional. I'm like, Yeah, but yeah, even then.

Brandon  11:39

He still doesn't make a lot of sense. Like it's so confusing.

Collin  11:43

I have not yet. I have not yet. done the Okay, like I just need to come in and slap a big box of receipts on somebody else's desk and say, enjoy. Like, I haven't done that yet. But I feel like we are except. Yeah, we're late. We're so we're so quickly approaching this. That's not even even funny at this point.

Brandon  12:11

Say I go. Lovely. Well, I'm glad that you have surpassed your trauma. You have survived paying taxes. This is good news. Hopefully.

Collin  12:26

Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's, it's absolutely wonderful. So you're all done. It's all done for now. But I was looking back over my notes. Sorry. I realized I didn't actually tell you a story from two weeks ago. Oh, man, I love stories.

Brandon  12:47

Oh, no.


Yeah. Yeah. So hold on this is

Brandon  12:54

your story of a girl who built a river and drown the whole world.

Collin  12:59

World it's the whole but actually, this was 123 weeks ago. Right? Tang? Is that really possible?

Brandon  13:07

Yes. Time has no meaning. No. My brother's getting married like tomorrow. It feels like so this is I haven't paid for this.

Collin  13:17

I'm definitely not ready for this at all. No, this was two weeks ago. No, no. Anyway, okay. Whatever. I was onboarding a brand new staff member and our other location and I am five minutes away from the the first visit for the officer onboarding the person. I am sitting at a stoplight and everyone's like creatchi, right, creeping up like everyone's kind of bumper to bumper sticker. The light is green, but everybody in front of me that line extends through the intersection to the other side. So there's bumper to bumper all the way through. I decide that this is not something that I would like to do. So when everybody moves forward, I pull up to the line and I stop and the line in front of me stops for a moment and then keeps going as it clears out. And I looked at it and I said, I'm gonna stay here. Well, when I did that the person behind me also stopped the person behind them did not stop Oh, no. No. Oh, and I heard I heard horrible. awful noise, an awful noise and as the tires screeched as this first slam, hit, and I had the wherewithal to take my foot off of the brake, and like, give it a little gas but I couldn't do that because I didn't want to be in the middle of the intersection. Yeah, well, anyway, the person behind me slammed into my bumper. Oh, oh man. And I was of course driving. Which one? The new Honda? Oh.

Brandon  15:29

Because it came out I was. I was caught off guard there.


It's not it's not gone yet. Oh.


So Oh, no, I haven't sold it. You know, because of course not because, well,

Collin  15:49

like with the winter weather and everything which made it really hard to coordinate getting down there and getting it sold and stuff. So it's like, that's fine. We'll get it sold this spring and everything will be fine. Well, no. And I knew I needed to drive it a little bit. So I was like, that'd be fine. I'll do it on the weekends. I'm down there and take it you know, keep it fresh and whatever. And well, that's slammed into that. And just Oh, I was I was so frustrated. Because it's like I just was like, Are you serious right now? Like really? Like, this is what we're doing. This is what we're doing. And I pulled all the way through and everybody was I so I'm on that complete because that because I had both let off the gas and I was pushed out into the middle of the intersection. So I pulled all the way through to allow cross traffic to come through because I was like I am not doing this like I know you're not supposed to leave or like move but like this is not safe. So I

Brandon  16:48

moved even more. Yeah, but on the flashers

Collin  16:50

I knew I wouldn't be obstructing anybody because there were two people behind me in the same lane that were blocking the traffic for them. So I knew I was gonna be fine. So I walked around and I'm standing there and the cop comes by pretty quick and he's doing stuff and he talks to the two people and then the person who hit me turns in points. And he kind of looks over at me and I'm on the side of the road. i i Wave at him personally and I point to my car and he kind of hangs his head comes over. He's like, can you move the car and I said, Yeah, it's run. It's okay, come over here pulling the windy so I pulled the Wendy's and while I'm going to my car, the girl who had slammed into both of us, runs out of her car to go and grab her phone, which had been thrown from her window, out her window across the street during the impacto both of her windows had completely shattered both side windows had shattered ever it was his tiny like subcompact car all the windows had shattered not all the windows but the side windows had shattered, shattered all of the airbags had deployed. Her car was smoking and like belching liquid all over the ground. It was completely it was it was it was total is what it was.

Brandon  18:10

I mean yeah, like from just that we're impact. Oh, that's wild.

Collin  18:15

Yeah. It was. It was a I mean she she was flat she was going hard like I mean cuz she Yes, Jesus. But then but it was crazy because I looked at the person that she hit directly like direct hit, and it was one of those Chevy HHR is the PT Cruiser look alike. Yeah.

Brandon  18:38

That back bumper was just kind of pouting a little bit like it just put her in it down. Meanwhile, this lady's Ford Fiesta or whatever it was, was completely like, slammed in the front hood was compressed in the pushed back and the glass was everywhere. And that was like, holy moly. So we pull over. I'm going to take my statement I'm calling and now I've got to tell my brand new hire that like helped me late, late, starting starting to get people in line to start getting things covered and contacting things and

Collin  19:13

the girl who had everybody was just in tears, she was bawling. And yes, right. And I understand and soon her dad shows up and comes over. And I don't want to sit in the car like it's a nice day. So I'm standing out and I shouldn't have I should have just sat in the car because he comes over to me and he shakes my hand and he does the like, looking me up and down. Like yeah, he was like, Hey, I'm Mike shakes my hand he's going up. You


doing okay?

Collin  19:49

Like, I I know what he's trying to do, right? He's trying to see is this guy going to be like my neck? Oh no show up in a week. Or two weeks and go Yeah. You know, is he going to take me for all you gonna call Tolbert? Viola Musgrave? That's really what is he?


Yes, exactly.

Collin  20:17

And, and I all I say was, I said like, you know, I don't feel anything right. Now. But I know most of this stuff happens in the next couple of days. And you're right. And then he starts looking at my, the bumper, and he's like, uh, she do she do that? And I went, she Oh, no, he put he pointed to me. He goes, he goes, Oh, she she hit you pretty hard. And I went hard enough to do that. Like, I don't like what? He goes, Did you see her car? And I said, Yeah, and I said, she hit the person behind me who hit me. And he looked over and also he goes, oh, oh, and I go, I said, yeah, there were there were two people and two other people involved in this. And he he got real quiet at that point in, socked away. They're like, This is worse than I thought. Yeah, right. And she's the COP is taking hit the statements and by this time the tow truck pulls her car around and drops it and they're looking at it, and the tow truck driver goes and starts chatting up. The police officer who apparently had just the night before, worked a very busy night of wrecks and so man, they're busy regaling each other with stories. Following up on all that, you know, that citations that they gave out and how much money it's going to cost these people and they're just having a gale time over there and it's a lot of fun.

Brandon  21:47

Meanwhile, I'm like, okay, like I like I want this to be over with because I my car can drive I'm going to be okay. And the girl is I've already contacted my insurance and everything's taken care of, but the girl is sitting on the curb and she's just bawling. And she pulls out her phone and she starts typing on it. And

Collin  22:10

I walked over and I said, Are you doing okay? And she said, I'm fine. I said I'm glad the airbags went off. By the way, what kind of phone cases that and she looked at me and I saw you pick it up across the street and I want that on my phone because that thing's a beast


she started laughing and her dad looks at me like what do I

Collin  22:39

and I just said, Okay, I'm gonna see myself over back to my car. Gave my statement got the little printout thing. I went and I talked over to the lady who had hit me and she was really cranky and really angry and I Okay, well, I'm going to just I'm gonna go back to

Brandon  22:56

like, I'm gonna run away now. I don't want

Collin  22:59

you know, and and the cop you know, his his perspective of was like, you know, they're all gonna get replaced, like you all are going to be fine. No one's going home on a stretcher. Hey, that's his perspective. And like, yeah, at least it's a pretty day and it's not raining


like I don't know, I'm awkward in the future.

Brandon  23:26

However, it was awkward in that situation. Like I have just been smooshed and now I don't know what to do. Like, I know. Yeah, yeah. So

Collin  23:33

I went I finished out the visits. And then the next day the lady not lay behind me, but the lady behind her. Insurance starts calling me and wants to get a statement and all that stuff. And again, I'm not trying to be cagey or confrontational. But also I know how these things work. Yeah. Well, yeah, they're right. And they're annoying because I mean, they're used to dealing with people who

Brandon  24:05

are cagey and confrontational right, so they're gonna be like real guarded already, like, be sure.



Brandon  24:12

Are you even real? Are you really

Collin  24:14

look at your hand and tell me if you're real, right? Like it's like oh, so let's say yes. And she starts like, you know, how are you feeling today? And I'm like, I didn't say fine. I said, Well, I'm was rear ended yesterday. And, you know, she's like, Oh, she says strat. She said Were you in? Were you injured?

Brandon  24:37

In the accident? Loaded question.


And yes.

Brandon  24:46

That remains to be seen.


Did you really I didn't say those exact words. But

Collin  24:54

I said, I said, it is only this is only the day after. And I have I said and I basically reiterated same thing I was like, and I know injuries can resurface many days later. And then she was like, so were you injured? And I was like, was I was really on injured, pain, or bleeding or anything like that at the time of the incident. No, but that's not to say that, you know, strains and stresses and bruises won't come up. How do you answer like, are you in? Yeah,

Brandon  25:35

I mean, because you don't want to say no, no, because then if you are, they'll be like, well, he said no, so we're not doing anything about it. Right. You have to like be non committal. Right? And it's like you're like you said you're not trying to be mean about it, but also, they're trying to be mean. On Guard, like, there is espionage thing going on. Like

Collin  26:04

I don't know where are you? Are you? Are you are you injured? Yeah. Then she asked did you seek medical attention afterwards? Not Yeah. And, and I know for a fact that in cases such as this and eight hours I don't have if you did not, don't get checked out. It's harder to claim that because they can't pinpoint. It's like who's to say you didn't go pallet of bricks the next day?

Brandon  26:32

Yeah. Right. Like what if you got what if you fell off a hay wagon? Like no, no. Yes.

Collin  26:38

Right. So I did say like at this time I have I said, as of right now, I have not sought medical attention. And I just like stopped talking like, I was like yeah, and we walked out through everything. And she was like, Well, you know, we'll we're going to accept full cleanings and you know, we'll get it paid for and all you need to do is fill out this paperwork and go through here and blah, blah and submit some photos and we'll get it repaired fully. And I I said okay, and that's that they'll take care of everything. She was Yeah. And I hung up and I was like, well, that's kind of like what roll is my like, do I did I was like, Oh, I've never I've never been in this sense. I think before Do I go through their insurance procedures or do I go through my insurance

Brandon  27:33

procedures? Oh, yeah.

Collin  27:35

Right. Because because I'm thinking of like, well, I'm paying my insurance to do stuff, right. And going through insurance companies is kind of one of the things that I'm paying him Ted is up there on the list

Brandon  27:47

pretty high, right? Like, that's like, you know, number one probably.

Collin  27:51

So I actually you know, again, I did some research. And then I called my insurance agent, and I was like, hey, they're asking me to do this. And he goes, Well, you're probably going to think this is just because I'm your insurance agent. But don't go through them. Go through us. Because then we have then we're the ones chasing them down for things and we're the ones doing all of the grunt work and everything. Because basically what happens is you'll you'll pay your deductible, we will sue them for the deductible of that and then anything else that occurs from that we sue them on your behalf instead of you having to go to them and the guy okay, well, that's what we're gonna do. Uh huh. That

Brandon  28:36

sounds much better. That's Yes. You do all the work. Yeah. So, so then then then the issue comes where do we take the vehicle to get repaired? Yes, because I don't live where the vehicle is damaged. However, I don't want the hassle of dealing with three quarters of where I live.

Collin  29:03

But at the same time, like it is something that needs to be managed and I need to manage it like yeah, like I need to manage it. Ultimately, we decided that we would leave it down there because of some of the timelines that people were giving us and it was like no, okay, like, I don't need this isn't an active thing. Like this is going to be weeks.

Brandon  29:26

Oh, yeah. It's gonna be like tomorrow, right? Like, right.

Collin  29:31

So but still, I've got to figure out where to take this. And so I started searching you and I happen to know somebody who is in this business and manages one of these places. I think

Brandon  29:44

I know, at least two of them, possibly. So we you can text me later. I'm telling you

Collin  29:51

call them up and was like, hey, got this thing and you're like, yeah, come on down. And it turns out he they are a preferred repair Body Shop thing with myth, my insurance, so hey, expediting stuff, and in all sorts of things and so it was kinda, you know, weird getting caught up with him. Yeah,

Brandon  30:15

mill over like a car without a bumper. It's like, Hey, how's it going? How are things right, like, what's up?

Collin  30:25

Yeah, yeah. And then he was like, don't well, we'll be in touch and we got to get the bumper off entirely so that we can see all the damage and and then and then that's when we can give you a full estimate as far as

Brandon  30:40

like the frame and all that stuff underneath. Yeah.

Collin  30:44

And I don't expect their me being the experts, Body Shop repairment than I am, you know, from my eye doesn't look like it's gonna be that much but you never know if weird things happen. So yeah, we'll see. We'll see about that. And then he was like, Oh, do you? You want to rental?


No, but also like kind of ya know, like, I learned because like, this one was like, not my main car, but also it's kind of became nice, I guess. Like, I don't know, like if it's free to decline to rental at that time. I have since scheduled a rental but why not? Why not?

Brandon  31:34

I mean, I guess that's fair. But what a hassle.


Do I need it? No, but

Brandon  31:43

I want it maybe.

Collin  31:45

Yes, it especially because I'm going to be needing to drive a few hours to go to the aforementioned wedding like not have to do that in my own

Brandon  31:54

car. That's a good point.

Collin  31:57

If I could put 713 hours of drive time on it. would rather it not be half that far away? from me? For me it is it's six and a half, six and a half hours

Brandon  32:08

to swing by and get me on the way just you know, Sam

Collin  32:13

didn't have to drive I did. I do have to drop down into Joplin.

Brandon  32:16

You have to drive pretty close to my house. So I'm sure

Collin  32:20

basically, I drive out to Lawrence and then straight down

Brandon  32:23

now you should drive through Joplin, because that's probably my house and you could just take a small detour.

Collin  32:31

So yeah, we will talk offline about coordinating. Because Because also I don't think we have to Dad, Dad has no business driving all of that by himself either.

Brandon  32:42

Just so that's a good point. Just putting that out there. So family road trips. Could be great. We could record one of these episodes in the car.


I will. I will have the travel podcasting year done. Oh man.

Brandon  32:58

There we go. Yeah, this plan. Dads get it ladies and gentlemen, a future episode coming to you either from the car with our dad complaining in the backseat or possibly a hotel room. So yes, we were already rooming together so yeah, it's pretty much already guaranteed. So I just so happened to do all of this at the time when everyone else was needing a vehicle, of course to travel so I'm actually not getting my my rental for a week. But, but it's there, right? It's on the books. It's on the books and that's what matters. That's true. It really is.

Collin  33:41

So we Yep, so that's, that was a lot of fun.

Brandon  33:44

It is a lot of something, right?


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it was not not fun. Not fun at all.

Collin  33:55

And was that when I told them when I told the kids so this just recap for all those listeners who have been with us for a little while. The Honda has now has a completely new front bumper grille, radiator and mostly of its cooling system because

Brandon  34:12

yeah, a dog going Yeah, miles an hour. Not just a not like a small dog. No, like a horse dog. Like

Collin  34:21

no, not a horse that one because it would have flipped up over the hood. Just true. Dang, this was the perfect height for 2005 Honda Accord. Front end to just disintegrate literally shove into it at 70 miles an hour just like it didn't. So new front cosmetics and now now everybody a brand new rear end. So we're just bumper to bumper refurbishing, like the

Brandon  34:53

Honda of Theseus


does the exact Joker was


great Yes. This is the sixth Yes.

Brandon  35:17

I'm looking at a book on my bookshelf literally right now called the Ship of Theseus. I couldn't not make that joke, right. It's literally right in front of me. Okay, I can't

Collin  35:26

fare it's it was waiting out. It was just calling like sirens call.

Brandon  35:31

Oh, good. Good. Odyssey reference. See, fam. slamming it in there.

Collin  35:39

Yep, it's uh, yeah, it's all in there for that. So the hundreds, you know, still trucking along. I still, you know, whatever. So it's just doing its thing and it's getting repaired. It's not getting repaired right now. It's just sitting in a shed. We'll be getting repaired we'll be we'll be getting repaired in the future. A future the future honda odyssey Oh, yeah, honda odyssey two. Oh, that's

Brandon  36:07

a very Greek, Greek. Right. It's great. Now


it's all Greek to me. It is. It should be because


it actually is right there actually. Yeah.

Brandon  36:20

So we're talking about stage right now. Like, no, listen, this is actually a thing right? Like we've been talking about because like, when we talk about like Mesopotamia there's like a few things that you recognize and be like, Oh, that's kind of familiar. When we do Egypt, there's like a couple things. You'd be like, Oh, that's a thing that people still do. But we degrees it's like, listen, here's everything that you do in your daily life, but 2000 years ago



Brandon  36:52

Marquez blam churches or temples, blam. Voting blam.


It's all their debates their

Brandon  37:02

blam literacy by just all kinds of like, random things like what

Collin  37:14

a quick side tangent and I will get back to the course of what you're doing in class. We have now encompass, we've become a very multilingual company. Recently I informed you of the dog who only knows commands in Spanish. PAHO bajo is the one that I know because that's down down the bottom. We have recently started caring for a dog who only knows commands and anyone guess Dutch. No.

Brandon  37:48

User only attack dogs. Right?


Exactly. Yeah.



Brandon  37:56

I don't know French Canadian. Not French Canadian. Just just french french french


french. Ah French dog. You think

Brandon  38:11


Collin  38:15

oh man. Yeah. So she left out a bunch of written commands for us and I was trying to so like, honestly, vn OPA tu tu fe, obviously. Oh, yes, she is. She says it's be free. So definitely the let go. Like release the release command is today. Bon fi could girl when she say rest day and then potash British. Leave it or drop it. And then Aussie Aussie Aussie a set. That's the one that's that's what I really need to know. I really need to know Aussie. Yes. And remember that but it's very Yes, it's that was very she was like oh gee, oh Patricia and like I'm cool like really?


Let's go to the Super Mario che.

Collin  39:21

Right. This was made particularly interesting in the fact that this is a train service dog. It comes from a training company out of Arizona who only trains their service dogs to listen to French. And it's to

Brandon  39:36

just to like, make it only listen to the owner. Yes. Okay. Yeah. So it's like it's like the reason attack dog speak German, but less nefarious?

Collin  39:48

Yes, indeed. Indeed. It's

Brandon  39:50

the kinder, gentler language

Collin  39:54

just a little bit yes. Yeah. Yeah, it's very like the car it's very nice.

Brandon  39:59

Val's just make it much more calm instead of just like hard consonants everywhere.

Collin  40:05

So that I did have to ask you, I didn't want to ask, like why do you need this dog? But I do need to know what this dog is trained in. That's a good Yeah, yeah. Because I don't want the dog if it's trained in something weird and I'm like, Oh, this is bizarre like I don't want to do it. Turns out this dog is trained at physical for physical help of like retrieving items opening

Brandon  40:33

drawers, drawers and yeah, okay.

Collin  40:36

The dog is also trained in opening doors.

Brandon  40:40

This is problem for a pet sitter, I would imagine.

Collin  40:45

Well, so the lady the lady doesn't need the dog around her all the time. And she is currently trying her best to not take the dog with her into work for various reasons that are probably probably take those to court anyway. It also turns out that this dog has separation anxiety. So we have before us not only is it a French speaking is a French speaking standard poodle, so it's, it's smart.

Brandon  41:17

That's the most French thing. Ever. Yeah, actually. Uh huh. Right, like this is literally every movie trope just it come to life.

Collin  41:33

The dog's name is Paris. Of course, of course. And she's brilliant. She's She's poodles are insane. Experiencing the smart I've got a an insanely intelligent, anxious,

Brandon  41:46

French speaking French speaking, working, working dog. It's a combination for problems. Yeah,

Collin  41:55

so we we did the meet and greet and we said okay, like they have little latch handles. The Levers. Yeah, she was like, we're changing those two doorknobs, we're doing these things, blah, blah. And so we talked about how to do all that. Okay, great. Monday of this week that we're recording Monday, we get our scheduled staff member shows up. I get a phone call. She got us. I'm either losing my mind or this dog isn't in this apartment. And I went was the door locked when you walked in? And she goes, you know, it was it was like

Brandon  42:32

oh, the dog has taken itself for a walk.

Collin  42:37

It did and bring it open. The dog can open door knobs, altering the knob as it unlocked. It unlocked the deadbolt and then managed to get the deadbolt unlocked and then later when we were forensically trying to understand what what the heck happened here. You can


see so Exactly. On the deck.

Collin  43:10

Yeah, exactly. On the deadbolt, the scratches are vertical because the latch flips a certain way. Okay. Then in between the deadbolt mechanism and the doorknob.

Brandon  43:24

She's doing a horizontal horizontal.


Open the door knob


Oh, great. And then she can also

Collin  43:41

that we were trying to figure out like, here's where we found this dog. Another tenant at the apartment complex found the dog outside. Somehow the dog had gotten into the stairwell and then here's the thing the doors from outside to inside open in. Yeah, oh no, they're the I'm sorry. They're the push when you come up to the big like glass doors and you have to push that center bar. That the doll okay. Yeah, yeah, sorry. So the dog jumped up and pushed that and then kept pushing the door open and then going outside. So so the standby state passerby person was like trying to get this dog and was like, Oh my gosh, this dog doesn't know its name. It doesn't know anything about blah.

Brandon  44:26

Well, it's really speaking for it's called comes down the stairs like oh Patty V.


Si, si, si. Si, si. Si, si, si.

Brandon  44:36

Si you

Collin  44:41

so, yeah, then so then we get the dog back, but we showed like the the person is going to be there working right? They're not gonna be back for another like five hours. So then we got to figure out like, what do we do? How do we get to keep this dog in this apartment? So thankfully, I did come across the maintenance supervisor of the apartment complex and he was like, Oh, this sounds like fun. I love crap like this. Let's here's what we came up with. First off. The lady had just gotten some anxious and anxiety medications for the dog and had was going to try and see if she could make it work without them. So we gave her both of her medications. I turned up the volume on the TV so that you can hear voices and stuff and then and then what we did was we took a Tupperware piece of Tupperware and we taped it on top of the latch mechanism so that she couldn't like she couldn't get out. Is it guaranteed to stop her

Brandon  45:52

gonna rip the tape off

Collin  45:56

but it's something additionally I did was like she needs she needs to get child doorknob covers. Yeah, right. So I I sent her a link a direct link from Amazon it's just like

Brandon  46:10

by the by this


right now

Brandon  46:14

get on to the deadbolt things but like the you know the hotel latches but like mounted at the very top of the door. Right

Collin  46:23

there. She can't get it. Yeah. So then then though we're like well, the stock starts to be unsupervised. And I couldn't get anything because then I was like, Well, what if I try and barricade the door from the inside, but I couldn't pull like the refrigerator over and I couldn't do all this stuff like

Brandon  46:41

yeah, it just wasn't going to work. Couldn't get back in later.

Collin  46:45

So then the maintenance supervisor goes Hold on a minute, and he runs away and it comes back with a broom and zip ties. And I go tell me more.

Brandon  46:56

I like where you're going with this play. I like driver maintenance guy this guy is I like this. This is all


about this and I was like I'm so glad you're here. He took the the

Brandon  47:11

broom and turn it sideways from the outside and then took the zip ties and zip tied them to the door. Handle to create pressure. Where the burn the thing

Collin  47:28

Well, no, no, even if she turns the handle they won't push on it though because she can't pull the door in because remember the doors. Yeah, and the room is

Brandon  47:38

like cross. Yeah, and latching like an old school like barn door thing, right? Yes. Like an old school like a castle like


she had complete with. Yeah. Anyway, I was like, This is amazing.

Collin  47:54

Now the only thing is is that if the dog because he pushed pushed, he pulled it tight, but he didn't want to like pull it super tight. So if the dog would like my thoughts, like if the dog would push on the door like repeatedly, it might knock the Bluebell knock the broom down and over. But I don't think that's gonna happen. Anyway, I was like, and then we have like several tenants in the hall who were like we're gonna be here all day. Well listen for the dog was like okay, you're on point and here's the contact information and blah blah.

Brandon  48:23

Just roaming the hallway. Please call this number.


I did. It did


yes for your cat too.

Brandon  48:32

Yes. Do you have any any dogs have this tennis ball and a magnet? Good day.

Collin  48:39

And yeah, and we I then followed up with a phone call to the client, letting them know and sent photos of everything and how their things were staged and like Look, don't freak out but there's a broom on your door and it's fine like so I that's that was on Monday in and we haven't haven't heard anything since. It's good, but

Brandon  48:59

good. Do my thought. Here's what I'm going to add to this because I'm so helpful in this situation is that you need to get something on the TV that's also in French. Right? Just like put on the French news like France 24 France vocab, right? The news channel on my I just play something in French. All the times it's very, very soothing, right get some French like music, right. Tom and

Collin  49:36

I, you know that probably is not actually a bad idea because obviously the dog is used to

Brandon  49:47

that those sounds right? It's not a citizen language in general, but like those sounds right. It might like make it calm because it might like freak it out too much. If it's like hearing a lot of like English, right? It might be unfamiliar to it. So if you get some like French something and just put it on a loop. Right and that way it would you know, it might help I don't know if it will help like that. But my theory is that this will make this will help slightly.

Collin  50:19

I think it makes I think it makes sense. I don't see I have one of those things that like you don't know until you try Yeah, right. And for her I just said you know you've you really need to like basically an hour before you leave, make sure you go ahead and give your dog the medicines and I know it's not fun to keep your dog drugged up. But it's also not fun to have your dog running around outside your apartment complex. So busy road.

Brandon  50:51

Yes. Right. And that way you can monitor how it's doing before you leave to right if you give it to him that far in advance. Right. And I mean, you know, the other problem is hopefully that they should last long enough like it should be okay but

Collin  51:04

yeah, but you need need to be there while it's taking effect because you don't pop it in their mouth because then it's just gonna be a half an hour of massive anxiety as you wait for everything to

Brandon  51:12

get. Yeah, exactly.

Collin  51:13

So you know, I just like yeah, everyone's learning here, but the apartment complex was great and super helpful and even like the like the again, the maintenance supervisor and the housekeeping and everybody was just like, Yeah, we're gonna solve it. Like when we're on doing we're doing this and like people were giving me their numbers and they were like, if you did anything, just call like blah, blah blah. We'll get the dog in one day was like I'm home from work today. I'll can watch dog in my apartment if you need me to. It's like getting you know what, we may need to take you up on that if this dog gets through right like

Brandon  51:48

that's crazy. Yeah. That's wild. The absolutely wild.

Collin  51:58

Yeah, it was like this. Things I was not you know, did not anticipate to need to be prepared for it. But here we are. Yeah,

Brandon  52:06

man. You're insane. Wow. Wow. Yeah.

Collin  52:18

Oh, you're you're going through the your Greek history now. Specifically, yes, that's

Brandon  52:26

what yeah, it should maybe remind me of that earlier. That's what we're doing. We're doing some Athens versus Sparta compare and contrast stuff. Right. So that'd be good. And then new this year, we are going to in the spirit of Greece, right? It's very Greek spirit, right because I Traba things. Yeah. Try to think of some things that like are, you know, relevant to that, like, when we do Mesopotamia we like talk about cities and laws and stuff like that. So they make their own laws for their city they make and things like that. We do Egypt we talk about tombs and like religious practices and like the burial stuff, because that's all crazy, right? Then they do a thing where they design their own tomb and stuff like that. So we're gonna have a debate. Greek, right? Ah, yeah, do I have split the class in half? They don't know this yet. By the time this episode comes out, the two that listen to this will they already know? So it's fine we're gonna split the class in half and I'm gonna give each of them like, like half of the class has to represent Athens and the other half has to represent Sparta. And we're gonna do a debate to like show who's better. Right? That's gonna be their goal is like, prove who's the best, right and so, I'm gonna give them like subcategories. So like, since I've split the class in half, then I'm gonna say, Okay, here's the three categories we need to focus on. I need like, you know, three people on this category three people and you know, like that and whatever. Like talk about like the government, right? One's gonna talk about like, the, the values and like the things that are important right the other one's gonna talk about like, military or or No, I did put that because that that goes with values. What I say the other thing was, I have a written down somewhere. There's a third one. Oh, maybe economies like how do they make money, right? Oh, yeah, cuz that's a big difference. And then they're gonna have to use like, those little subgroups are gonna have to present their side and argue so like the people that are talking about government, they'll just get up there that talk about how the Athens government works and then why it's great. And then the other people will go, oh, this part of government is better because it's this. And then I'm gonna give them some rebuttal time. We're gonna talk about what that means. We'll see how that goes. Not expecting it to go just like smoothly because it's the first time I've ever done this. We just came up with this last week, so I'm gonna

Collin  54:55

share it enough. Lottery debates are hard to hard to do. That's,

Brandon  54:59

oh, yeah. Well, just be fun, because it'll be something different. Right? It'll be different. It'll be weird and new. So hopefully they'll like it, but it'll begin. We've been doing some like compare and contrast stuff anyway, like all this week, like some big like, reading and like you have to like write down and stuff. So they already have sources of information for this, that they can use to draw on to prepare their little. Their little two minute speech they have to give or less, right, that's their time limit. I don't see any of them going over that, but well, you know, who knows?

Collin  55:34

You better have that then, like 10 minutes later,

Brandon  55:38

let's Yeah, because there's a couple of them that could potentially talk for a very long time. It's like, oh, no, no, no, no, that's not gonna work out. We will be


prepared for this. Yes.

Brandon  55:49

So we're gonna test that out. See how that goes. That's the new that's the new thing we're doing this year for that.

Collin  55:57

Are they allowed to bring up the Peloponnesian War?

Brandon  55:59

They are of course, okay. Like we've talked about a little bit, how they're one of their favorite things to do was fight each other.

Collin  56:08

Indeed, decades. That's, that's one of the things about that if like, Man that lasted a really long time. Oh, man,

Brandon  56:15

it sure did. And then they'd stop and then like, you know, 12 years later, be like, no, just kidding. That's fine. It's more like, like, what do you do? Yeah, I mean, they do kind of have the the bonus, right that the Spartan team would be like, guess who won the Peloponnesian War? Sucker? Yes, right. We did. It was.

Collin  56:37

So do you have do you have a dog in the fight you have someone you're rooting for,

Brandon  56:41

you know, I just want to see him get up. there and talk about I think it'd be fun. And then after that, is mythology storytime. Boom. Because we had throughout the year. We've had a couple of times where like, we have a couple of days that are Storytime with Mr. Funkhouser, right so we like I like just drawing inspiration from the oral traditions of ancient times. Right? I will just sort of like tell them about one of the ancient stories right like we talked about the Theseus and the Minotaur. Right. When we talked about the Minoans a little bit, we did like a little tiny bit about the Minoans. So I told them the story of testes in the Minotaur, right? We have like verbally I had the little slides I put it the background with just pictures. So that was kind of fun. I made the last year it's like and then he went into the middle Laborat click apperance Yeah, like some crazy weird picture. And then I did one of the basically the Iliad, the Trojan War, right. We recapped that so this time, it's their turn. We're gonna give them a list to pick from like, here are some Greek myths and stories. Choose one of those to tell the class blam and they have a small group so they can like act it out last year some people like acted out the story it was hilarious. Like Hades and Persephone, they like acted the whole thing was fantastic. Somebody drew a comic book of the Orpheus and Eurydice story, and it was amazing. They like drew it and then like put it on a slideshow and they just like told the story and like click through the slideshow and showed us their drugs. It was amazing. Wow, that's a lot of work. Yeah, it was really good. But I printed that sucker off and kept because it was amazing. I was like I'm not losing this this to get what they tell the story, so it's pretty funny. So that will be enjoyable. That's always fun. It's a good end of the year thing because it's like fun and they can present with a partner and stuff like that. So it'd be be pretty good. And then we have to talk about the elephant in the room. Our last thing that we do is basically the thing that breaks your internet and ruins your search history forever. It's about Atlantis. Oh no, it's the


good old Discovery Channel. So

Brandon  59:29

yeah, he's got a bunch of Graham Hancock videos down here for you page now just talking about like there was an ancient civilization 14,000 US stop packing please. Stop. Okay, it's like Atlantis was real. Okay, that's fine. Like, we can talk about this more later, but like I you know you think the guy that wrote every thing that he wrote ever was an allegory for something else. Do you think the story of Atlantis is 100% true? What? What do you do? Everything that Plato wrote was an allegory for literally everything. But this is real.

Collin  1:00:25

Well, but this this one I see that's I mean, that's how they get you. Everything.

Brandon  1:00:30

They also skip over the part where the whole point of that dialogue intimidation crisis is to talk about how cool Athens is and how they're way better than everybody else. Sure. That's, that's kind of the theme of the you know, oops, the gloss over that talk about aged underwater CDs. It's fine. But whatever. So that's pretty much anything will be done at school. Yikes. Yaks don't know what's already have, like a month. Pretty well. A little over math. Like a little over a month. Yeah. I know. It's gonna be crazy. Who knows? Then we'll have to figure out but yeah, can be weird. It's always weird. In the year is always weird. Now. It's like kind of in this weird spot of like, okay, well, I need to get ready for next year. But I'm not ready to get ready next year. So like mentally prepared for that because I just finished this year, so I need to not

Collin  1:01:52

well, especially since you still have to like you still have to have intense focus to land and finish this year. Right?

Brandon  1:01:58

Yeah, no. And so like, right, yeah. Yes. You know, just be like, okay, whatever. Do with something, right. So it'd be good, right? It's just stressful and strange and tiring. And like, I'll save time so that the more breaks because we've had Easter break and the last one No. Alright, though, we did. Last small yeah, here we go segue to the end of the episode here I guess. Unless you have anything else? No. We did more exploring on Friday. Oh, exciting times. Yes. We Friday was food truck Friday once again. Oh, yeah, man. Yo, is fantastic. It was like this time. I don't know if it's like this every time or if it was just this time because it was like Good Friday, whatever. But they started at like 11 o'clock. And then they were just gonna be there all day until like, eight or nine at night. So it was way chill. Like, we went for lunch. And there was just like other people. Around but like it wasn't the last time we went it was like it at like 630 at night or something. And it was like Mega crowded. It was like all crazy and I think they were supposed to be more stuff that night. I think they're gonna have like a little bit of live music and everything. But at launch it was just like way chill. And you know, it's really nice. Weirdly relaxing vibes having the food truck, the street by the rail yard. It's a little weird but like it's pretty nice. Right? Does it really like cleaned up and it looks really nice down there. It's also the stuff future site of the city. Dog Park. Oh, according to the sign, so who knows? I knew you learned but we didn't have a bunch of new trucks. So there was probably like 10 or 12 Different ones there.

Collin  1:04:05

Are they returning ones from previous years or

Brandon  1:04:09

some of it? Yeah, some of them some of them are like from town. Right? They're just around. Right? So like, Okay, a couple of them are from town like one of them is like a barbecue truck. The one of the places in town. They're like they do catering and other stuff. But they also have now they have a food truck. And it's excellent. Right it's very good. Right so that we we didn't do that one this time. We feel I feel bad. I always feel guilty because I know that people right? Like know them and so every time I see their track, I'm like, don't look over here because I'm going to this other pang of guilt every time I'm passionate.

Collin  1:04:48

hiding your face did you fail your head? Yeah,

Brandon  1:04:50

cuz you know, I'm like, Oh, I love you guys, but I want this other thing today. Sorry, no offense, but like yeah, it was fun Susan went to got so one of the taco trucks and their tacos are like amazing, right? They're really good. And I tried out a brand new truck. Yes. from Springfield. Right the, you know, the London calling place in Springfield. Yes. They have like the pasties and stuff. Yes. All right. So they have a food truck that comes down here sometimes. And they have the pasty food truck, which is excellent. By the way. However, they have a whole entire second food truck and the only thing that they serve is a fish and chips. Land Yeah. And I'm here to tell you it's amazing so good. Oh my God, it was with like distressingly good. I was like oh, no, that's so were they were they pretty busy. They're not it. Well, we went about like, close to we went a little closer to one. I think they had been quite busy. A little before that. And then from what people were saying they were going to be busy again later. So I think a lot of people went like I think a lot of people went later like in the evening. But I think they were just like steadily busy. For quite a while. So I know I heard a lot of people were going and a lot of people went and I talked to people at school that said they went and so like, fell it was good. So yeah, it was pretty good. We also there's also a TRO truck just makes only trip. Yeah. So we got some of those tears, to know, as one does. And then because we had a little bit of time before we had to go do something else. We just sort of wandered down on the downtown street. Right. We sort of wondered about and looked in a couple stores with varying degrees of success. Or interest, right. One of them is like a really weird store like I can't Susan's it used to be like a department store of some sort like a series or something. You can definitely tell by the layout of the store. So like the layout like if you disregard all the things that are in the store the layout, it's like the downstairs is like this big room and then upstairs there's a goes upstairs and there's like a catwalk that goes around and like a U shape and when you're upstairs they're like these little cubbies. Right. It's like a 10 foot section of like, and then there's a little stub wall and then there's like another 10 foot section and the carpet is different and everyone and she said it used to be like the showrooms for where they would put furniture sets. Oh, right. Yeah, yeah. So like each different. One would be like a different thing.


They still have they still have that.

Brandon  1:08:11

The setup is still the same, all the other stuff. So like the bones of the building are still set up that way. So it's like you're sort of walking around being like this is weird. And it's kind of like a thrift shop, secondhand store but they also are running a print like a T shirt printing business in there. And so it's like the downstairs is very cluttered. And they're doing most of their business with T shirt sales, I think, right? Because like downstairs it's really weird because like downstairs is like all the normal like nicer stuff. If you do go upstairs. It's kind of like the other stuff. So it's a tale of two floors. Upstairs is a little bit like what the heck is going on. Like it's just kind of like junk, right? Like, what they're signing on it to sell but it's like, why I went because it's me everyone's gonna be like, do you kind of want that though? Like, actually


how did they know? Yeah,

Brandon  1:09:20

but downstairs it still has like the big long glass counter.


Right Nice.

Brandon  1:09:27

So it's like really cool. So you could you can kind of tell what it was before. And then upstairs the most maddening part is upstairs. There was like another door to like, the third floor. But it was closed. But there was no like keep outside. And I really wanted to go up there, but I didn't want to get kicked out of the store. either. But I really wanted to go that's probably where the like the offices and stuff used to be like a long time ago when it was a Sears because like that stores was the sales floor and then the the middle was the showroom and then upstairs was probably offices and stuff. From what I heard her mom said her mom said that because she wouldn't remember it. But

Collin  1:10:15

well you're you remember kind of well just the Macy's Macy's famous mall with their offices. Were kind of in that back around that back corner.

Brandon  1:10:23

Yeah, back area. Yeah, yeah. in the break room was back over there. So that's what she said. Her mom said we've talked to her mom about it. And she said that's probably the offices. This is where the offices are most likely were upstairs. But I really wanted to go up there like real bad. I didn't. But I wanted to.

Collin  1:10:45

Yeah, I mean, this is the this is the calling of the shut door of going. I know I need to see if this is like I just need to know if this is locked or not right because that's gonna tell me Yeah, what about the expectation

Brandon  1:10:59

it just was a door and it just had like, you know, like the little screen door just like the little hook latches you it was just that but on the outside. So like I could open that door no problem. Yes. And I nobody would have known. Oh, but again, I didn't really want to get kicked out of there a few little awkward.

Collin  1:11:21

Well, you know now now that you've been there, right, it doesn't matter if you get kicked out. You know you're missing

Brandon  1:11:27

I'm sure I know what else is there? Sure. So So yeah, that's what it was kind of interesting. We just wanted to check out that store because we there's a couple of random stores like that down there that we like drive by and like I wonder what's in there. And so we went in that one. We did not go into the one next to it, which is also like us another store like us stuff but we didn't go in that one. This time, maybe leader. We did however, go to the old five and dime store. That store. Right Italy. Yeah. And it was kind of distressing, because it was exceptionally empty in there. Oh was kind of sad because like even a few years ago, it was like full of stuff. Right? And like now it was like very empty. And we were like, Oh, no. The store is really cool. Right? And it's like, it's definitely old. You can definitely tell it's old. But again, he had the back door open to like the stockroom. And I wanted to go in there so so bad, right? Like I can see it had it was like so it had the back doors open and there was a huge dock with tons of shelves with just like stuff on it. So who knows how old that stuff on that shelf is it could be from the store has been there. For like a long time. Yeah. So and then it has stairs that go up to another level above it. And next to the staircase they have it's just like a ramp. It's so like they it's got stairs that go up to us a second floor storage area. And right next to the stairs are just it's like it's like literally the same page as the stairs but it's a ramp and that's where they would slide down boxes from the upstairs storage thing. Instead of carrying them down the stairs. They just throw them on the thing and it slides down to the bar I love that so much so cool. What it's like all the original brick Have you could see it from the door all the original brick is upstairs. It's all unpaid, bro. It's so great. I really wanted to be like can I go back there? Can I want to check out the back of the store because it looks really cool. Yeah, he was a really nice guy. I don't know if he would have said yes to that either. Oh, I

Collin  1:13:52

think you I think if he would have said I think if you were like I really appreciate this architecture. I'd like to go see more. Maybe I'll try it probably be like

Brandon  1:14:00

there was nobody else in there at that time. Other people the other people did come in later. There were also other people who said they had also been to the food truck Friday thing. So that's how I know it was one day there was like, Oh, you guys been over there to heck yeah, I made some of that barbecue and I was like, Yeah, I guiltily walked by that because I know him but I


I ran I ran quickly past him.

Brandon  1:14:28

Yeah. So we get bought some stuff from the from the store from the five and dime store just because I was like oh man, and there's like a bunch of stuff in there. That's like really cool. And like some of its like older stuff that I Who knows how long it's been there. But I bought a couple random things just because I bought this box of like, you know, there's like little janky like not janky but like those maddening like puzzles that are like a bunch of like metal rings like hooked together. So like that, you know, I bought one I bought a box of them. Great. I can't decide if I want to keep them all to myself or want to put them in my classroom in some some capacity.


Oh, yeah.

Brandon  1:15:12

But about some of those and then we sort of wander around and look at whatever is left. However, the fully functioning part of the store is the very front, which is the candy rack in the candy counter. Yeah, yo, they have like it's like it's a big glass display case. It's full of candy and He scoops it out and measures it on the old timey scale and puts it in the bag for you.


Oh, well that's just it's great. Just awesome.

Brandon  1:15:48

I think this is what most people go to the store for now. Yeah, there's like little stuff there's like the big like a huge cigarette thing and the candy so I think that's a lot of his business.

Collin  1:16:01

You know, that's we have a we have a store that just opened up as a candy store. It's called lollies candies. Yeah. And I they I wish they had that kind of setup because that would really fit the like the vibe, the vibe of the interesting in the downtown on the main where it is like if they don't have that. But that would be that'd be really cool. Be a great addition. Yeah,

Brandon  1:16:26

this guy has that and it's I walked by his time that said okay, I know if you're ready for this. He said peanut butter coated chocolate peanuts. Yeah. And I was like, well, he's like you interested? Anything? I was like, you don't walk by a sign like that and say no, no, right. Because it was it was a peanut dipped in chocolate. Then dipped in peanut butter.

Collin  1:16:52

Yeah, you have that for instance.

Brandon  1:16:56

We bought a bag of that. And because Susan was all over that and I was like, Okay, well, since you were really into these and you really don't like malt balls. And there's this big giant bin of malt balls here. I'm going to buy them I love my balls very much. It's using Oh, despises them. Yeah, it's like one of the very few things that I like that she doesn't and says like okay, this will be fair. You can eat those. I'll eat them up both that way. I'm not stealing all your candy. She was like this is a good plan. Get out of my feet.


Stay away. Stay away from our way. Well, that's good.

Brandon  1:17:36

So but some sweet candy. And then then we had to go do other stuff. So we did not get to explore any of the other stores down there. But we did that one. So we got a little bit of exploring done in the big downtown street. There's still doing some revital renovations. I couldn't decide how to say that. Renovation buildings revitalizations right. But yeah, sounds pretty good. It's pretty good day. Pretty good. I'd say sorry. Specific expiration. And then the rest of weekend we like to stuff that we had to we got to hang out with her mom on Easter did all that stuff so


so yeah. Wow. Yeah,

Collin  1:18:22

that's very good indeed. So you've been very busy. I like it. Like it? Yes. Especially like old buildings and peanut, chocolate you that's just

Brandon  1:18:34

like walking around them. Right? Like even just like walking down the side road. Like we can see like the backs of all the old buildings was like yeah, like it's cool. Like it's they


just have a cool good

Collin  1:18:44

feel. They do. They do. They were definitely built for a great purpose and architecture is always very pretty. And they're in generally interesting places as well. Yeah. So

Brandon  1:19:01

some of the things that like the pavilion in the area where they have the food truck stuff. It's kind of weird, right? It's on the street. And it's been so like there's the the main downtown street and this is on the street behind that. So it's like between downtown and the railroad tracks. So like you have a rail yard behind you. And just like the backs of all of these old buildings on the other side, but you can see like some of the faces of the buildings on the other side of downtown street and they have this big new pavilion and like this really nice park thing with like kids playing and future home of a dog park apparently, and like just kind of a cool little spot, you know, to meet so it was fun. We enjoyed it. It was nice weather. It wasn't too cold. It's nice. It's just a little chili sounds good.


That's what you want when you're outside

Brandon  1:19:51

made the hot fish and chips just real Excellent. Right?

Collin  1:19:55

Where they brought out the fish and it really did. I was like oh my gosh, this is amazing. Well, there you have it. I love that. That's awesome. Yeah. Okay, so recommendations this week. learn French. go downtown.

Brandon  1:20:15

I'll get I'll see if I'll just off my French chops here.

Collin  1:20:19

Same same I feel I was like, Well, this is gonna be a weird a staff meeting. Be like Okay, everybody this is an excellent. A Gu how we say that a little bit outside of our normal repertoire, but we'll make it work. Very good.


It's gonna be that's gonna be so on that on that bombshell. Bye