driving in the snow

We’re talking Zoom, hiring, & 6th graders. 

  • Brandon in school?? Who knows

  • Two hour pre recorded zoom

  • What is dyslexia…actually?

  • 6th graders want to know your business

  • Collin’s hiring…again…

  • And driving in the snow

  • Top 5 fav musical acts…of siblings!! That you actually like..

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sibling_groups

  • Brandon haiku

    • Lurking in shadow

    • Motives blur the lines of right

    • Something more than man

  • Ode to Batman

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graph, weird, list, notary, turn, put, good, give, bike, siblings, dyslexia, bar graph, person, monday, table, big, people, means, snow, work


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to oh brother podcast where we try to figure it all out. Your hosts, Brandon. And Colin. On this week's show, driving in the snow.  Oh, hi. Oh, hi. Can you hear me? Okay? Oh, yeah. Okay, I'm touching stuff. I'm sorry. It's all it's all going well, that's what that we can everything. Uh huh. Or not. Or not not. Not breaking. Thanks. Hopefully not today. Oh, dear.


It was it was been a good day, and lots of lots of excitement, but in mostly in it not being terribly terrible weather outside.

Brandon  00:55

Ah, I mean, it was really, really cool.


Sure, but it wasn't like actively sleeping and icing and freezing over on things.

Brandon  01:07

Well, that's true. That's bonus, I guess.


Did you guys did you guys get off school this week?

Brandon  01:15

Yeah, we kind of saw yesterday. You know, fine. Don't worry about it. Did it actually snow a ton? No. No, it did not. So one of those, like, got out on the promise of a lot of snow. And then there wasn't a whole bunch, which not sad about? Because there's like, it was really weird, because it was like coming in and starting to do all that stuff like it would it was like, when school would have been starting. Yeah. So like, Excuse me. They have to make that call at like five in the morning. Right? I think I think I have a phone call. Let's see. Yeah, 5:18am. So. So like, you got to make this call real early. And then it's difficult whenever the thing is supposed to start at like six, right? Because you don't want to be starting and get like real bad when all the kids are on the buses out and about, you know, that's not good. Nobody wants that. So the timing thing was where it did snow most of the day. They just didn't like stick on the road too much. There's a lot of snow on the grass and everything. So it wasn't a pleasant and then plus there wasn't any snow on my road. Which is like flat. Yeah, stuff, but like the roads were our buses have to go way down in the hills and hollers of the middle of nowhere. I, you know, probably a bit of a different story. So. So yeah, it was cool. Yesterday, it was really weird. That made it real weird. Because we had we went I went to work on Monday for like in service day. Oh, right. Well, I was at work. And then I wasn't at work again. And then I was at work today. But now with children. So yeah, like potentially got to watch Friday. Right? Oh, yeah. This is where it gets his work is real weird. Right. So now I have to be thinking about like, I might not see you again. So we got to watch Friday. Right? So like Thursday night into Friday supposed to be pretty potentially snowy? Behind like, Sunday into Monday is more so like, da me so we had to send tomorrow we're gonna have a talk about devices going home? Because I'm gonna send them home tomorrow. You know, because we haven't been sending them back because they're like, brand new. And even, like, even though they're brand new, a bunch of them are broken already. Did you use Chromebooks? We gotta make like paper, right? I don't really know what's happening. But the screens are just all kinds of messed up. No. Got these big crazy cases on him and stuff and the screens just all kinds of work, right? It's weird. And the lady was like, well, make sure they're not carrying a bunch of stuff on there. Like, on top of their computer, right like how have the computer than last stack a whole bunch of stuff on it? Sure. We don't have we don't have stuff though. Yeah, right. Like, we don't have things we don't because we're all just, we're trading classes in the same hallway now, but yeah, that we don't have. We have a Chromebook and like a book, like a reading book. That's it. Yeah. So I don't know, what's happened to these days. Right? We're gonna get them sent out, we got to talk about. We're gonna test them all offline mode stuff. Because Oh, I have internet. Right? Oh, right. And all my work is on the Chromebook. Right. So I gave it and just given everything through Google Classroom, because they're used to using Sure. But if, if they can go out tomorrow and have them go and just like, open this stuff, right, so that way, it's in their drive. Aha, they can open it. And then I believe the ones that I checked that didn't check like all of them, but the ones that I checked already have the work offline extension thing attached. Okay, the because it's a Chromebook thing. So it has like weird extensions off. So it has that. So I think, I think if you open it, it's fine. But I'm gonna have them all go in, in the first couple of assignments, just click the Make available offline button. Yeah, I mean, that's, that should be, should be fine. Yeah, should be good. In theory, I don't actually know.


Well, and it's hard to test because then you like, if you if you did that, you'd have to make sure that everybody, like, make sure that they leave it open long enough. So that does everything downloads, right? And then tell everybody to turn off their Wi Fi? And then you go around to verify that it's off and then look at everything. I'm not sure.

Brandon  06:59

Yeah, that's too much. So we're just gonna hope that it goes, I'm gonna have him open the first couple of my class stuff and say, All right, do this. Boom. Okay. Haven't do that. Put through there. Because that way, they'll have it. And if they don't have it at home, fine. If they do still fine. It doesn't matter. Because I got to do that, that AMI homework stuff. Some? I seem to be like, Look, you can do it. Haha, you know? So we'll see it was it with the iPads you could just like, it was way easy to just like, download it. And then if you just do it, and then just upload it back. It was like really simple to do. This one, it's like that button is gone. And what now?


Let's let us think. Yeah.

Brandon  07:54

So I think this should work. We're gonna talk about that tomorrow. We'll see how that goes. That's what we're worried about right now is just got back to talk about expectations and your life as a second semester. sixth grader. Oh, also, by the way, we might not have school a couple days here. Soon so Snowmageddon


for the next week, so Goodbye, everybody enjoy.

Brandon  08:20

Yeah, and even. Even I can't remember what day it is one of the days next week. It's supposed to be just like, stupid cold. Well,


all three this weekend, Monday and Tuesday are not supposed to be pleasantly at

Brandon  08:35

all. Yeah, so like Monday, the hires date? Yeah. Yeah. So this means that if I have any windshield at all, I'm, I'm touching like, negative 15 ish. A high. Right. So like, that's not good. Now, they might just call school for windshield. All right. Well done that before.

Collin Funkhouser  09:05

Yeah, I know we have as well. But like, Sunday, you're supposed to get between five and seven inches of snow. And Monday, you're supposed to get another one to three. So it's like, yeah, and Friday, you were supposed to we're supposed to get around an inch or so. So it's like, there's a lot of snow and it's gonna be really so it's like, it's not going to go anywhere. Then that's where this stuff gets real dangerous is because it just sticks around it. It will

Brandon  09:30

be frozen and then it'll something fall on it and freeze again. Right, like that's not good.


No, no, no, no. Yeah.

Brandon  09:40

Yeah, because if I pulled up my handy dandy National Weather Service windshield turn. Well again, ladies and gentlemen, something that you need in the Midwest, right? You need to have this available, right? You just need to know, right? Like, if it is five degrees, right. And if there's a 10 mile an hour wind And that puts you at a windchill of negative 10. Yeah. Yeah.


Well, Monday I that's when I think the winds are. I think winds are Yeah, to you say 10 miles an hour or so. Yeah.

Brandon  10:14

So the blend means this means Wait, wait, wait for it. So this means that we have the potential here, we're gonna write down so that I like eight is the high like the, so it's going to be colder than that, like five o'clock in the morning. Right? So, like, we're going to be in the negative temperatures, if the if it is like the low overnight temperature is negative five, right? If the if the wind is still 10 miles an hour, that will dump you into the negative 22 Ray OS, which means if you are outside for 30 minutes, you you will like expose outside for 30 minutes. Frostbite happens. Yeah, right that falls into that metrical chart now. Actually 30 minutes, or frostbite to happen. So this is something else that they got. We're gonna think about right. Peak transportation.


No, it is it is it kids. Oh, yeah. And that's actually no I'm, yeah, I got me thinking or walks and everything on Monday we're gonna have to be well, this weekend will have to be cut basically been nothing. Yes.

Brandon  11:30

Frostbite. Yeah. Okay, go outside to pee, and then turn around and come back into.


Right. And we'll probably Yeah, what we do in those situations is we do that, like, four times. And but they did say we can't do a whole lot more than that. Yeah. But with kids that have, like, No, you can't have them waiting out for that. Like, no,

Brandon  11:51

no. So we'll see what happens. We'll be again, that is like the projected snowfall with you know, southwest area here. It's like, oh, maybe Oh, just kidding. Oh, wait, no, a bunch. Like it's like real confusing with our confluence of three major weather system here. Like really kinda mess things. As soon as I see will track the low. We'll see what's up. And keep you posted on that. 1000 Be nice. But then that's it. No more for ever. So. Yeah, it's gonna be pretty. Pretty intense, unfortunately. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to plan around. Like, do we have snow days? And annoyingly, I had to go back today. And they're like, oh, there's an assembly this afternoon. I was like, What?


Are you kidding me? What?

Brandon  12:57

Why would they do that? Why? I don't know. So my whole afternoon was just last turn, Billy. I mean, like, it wasn't the afternoon, but it was a good hour. And so, by the time we all go back, I had one more class. So like, you know, what? We didn't do anything. Because what am I gonna do with one clap? Yeah.


Well, I know, you had also talked about how it's hard to keep all of your classes progressing at the same rate when you're constantly being taken out for an hour here, an hour there and so on.

Brandon  13:36

Yeah. And so on the first day back, I was like, I'm not even mess with that. today. We're just going to talk about some review stuff. And then done. Okay, there we go. Bye. Bye. Bye, everybody. All Kingdom tomorrow. Be ready. Oh, yeah. Oh, so yeah, that's been my week sort of navigating whether Monday was terrible, though. Right. Like, it was real bad. Because come back. Okay. And they, like I mentioned to you over the weekend that like, they were going okay, well, the state of Missouri says we have to have like mandatory dyslexia training. Oh, right now, yeah. Identifying dyslexia in students? Uh huh. Okay, cool. That's fine. But I was like, I'm pretty sure. We've had some because in the beginning of the year, the video package that we must watch and like, you have to like, watch them their videos, they like, you watch them and then there's like a quiz assigned to all of them. And you can't proceed unless you score 80% on the quizzes, feel like you have to watch them right like you know, and so there's it's like a thing you can't just like watch the video be like, oh, yeah, I totally watched it. So there's that and then I'm There's like some in there, but I guess it's not enough time. It's not long enough, because we had to do like two hours, almost all of this, right. However, as this was like a short notice thing to remain in compliance with the surgery for two hours, I watched a previously recorded zoom call. Yeah. Technically, technically, it was two previously recorded zoom. No. Oh, that's as bad as rough.


Oh, my gosh,

Brandon  15:49

it was so bad. So it's like, eight o'clock in the morning. Right. I haven't been to work in like two weeks. I show up. At 830, because the superintendent had to give her spiel about stuff. Sure. On grass and all that stuff, as you tell a lot. Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. And then like, Oh, no. Can't sound so bad. Was the two hours of a lady talking to not me?


Was it at least, you know, like,

Brandon  16:29

informative? I mean, some of it. Yes. Some of the stuff that you like, know, is very common sense. And some of it like she started talking about stuff and say she going with this, like, Israel weird. So, I mean, there was like, the video presentation to go with it right. There was like, it was like a lady talking over like a slideshow. So like, it wasn't just only talking. That's good.


Right? But it doesn't sound fun. Like, oh,

Brandon  16:57

it was not. Right. Yeah. And I had to, like, not look at it for a long time, because they turned, there was some some, I don't know, whatever video thing. It was, like, they were playing the captions back with it. Right? Which is fine. But like, the captions play much, much faster than the lady was speaking. before. So like I couldn't. Because like, you know how on YouTube it does, it's like, it just like throws them out there. And whenever it gets to the end, then it throws new ones up there. It was kind of like that just keeps going. Yeah, it wasn't in time with any sort of rhythm of speech. Yeah. And so. So I would, I couldn't look at the screen, just all the time, because I would just automatically read the captions. And then I would be done reading way before she finished talking. Okay, and yeah, like, the syncing was really hurting my brain. Right. Like, like, the lack of synchronicity was like, oh, no, I can't. I was like, listen, right, and stare at the table in my notebook. And then like, I would look up when she referenced a chart publicly again, right? It was like,


trying to refocus on something or, yeah, yeah, it was real. Oh,

Brandon  18:29

man, it was. I know, it's short notice, right? We couldn't like have a person come? Because I'd also cost money. Right? There's that. And then like, you know, a real short notice trying to get this done. So that like our next one next time, we can keep talking about our other stuff, you know what I mean? Like, but oh, it was like a quick fix solution. But, um, oh, boy.


Is this something that they I guess, did they just like, find this out on the interwebs? or did somebody send this to them? Or how did they source this? Because this sounds okay.

Brandon  19:09

I don't know. Right? I don't know if they got it from like resource thing. Or if it was, like, included in some resources that we already had, or if it was just like, somebody gave them the link to something that somebody else get, like, I don't actually know where it came from. Sure. Right. So I don't know how they found it, or where they found it, where, if it was like, just on a website of like a company or like, I don't, I don't actually know. But it was quite painful to witness for a long time. Like, sounds like it. So that was Monday. That was most of my Monday, just sitting through this like mind numbingly boring meeting about Even a meeting, really, I don't even really want to call it a presentation because like, nobody was presenting a thing. A person wasn't talking about this. You know, there were some good parts about like, some of them I remembered from other things like myths about dyslexia, right. Like, you know, and like, you know, it falls into the same like, category of like, I want to know, like other other ailments that people like, meme about, right? They're like, Oh, I have OCD. I have to move my cup over here. Like, first of all, like, that's not what that means. Right? Sure. You don't have a debilitating, crippling illness. That means you can't leave the house. Okay. Like you got, like, the making light of it, like for like, jokes or whatever, that there's a lot of things that are like that. And dyslexia is one of them. You know, it falls in that category of people, like make a lot of vivid. They don't take it very seriously. Like, oh, man, I said that word out of order, or just looks us kicking in


like, yeah, or they say, they see it off handed for like, like when they mix up some numbers, right? Like, oh, yeah, I can mix those up. I say those backwards. That's right. I'm dyslexic.

Brandon  21:24

Yeah. Technically, if you see numbers backwards, it's dysgraphia. Anyway. Right. Like, yeah, like the offhand like, making light of it. Right. And you really kind of really sort of takes away from people that are actually struggling with this problem. Right. Like, people that it's like, it's a learning disability. Right. Like, it makes learning difficult for you. Sure. You're gonna mean, yeah, it's all like, it's not something to be, like, joked about. Right. Like, I know that. It's hard to say. And I think the reason is because, like, it's really hard to, like, understand what that means. If you don't suffer from that, right? Like, if you're like, oh, man, yeah, I said, was instead of saw, like, that's not it. That's not that means like, it's not dyslexia, right. Like, you know, you like fit you like brain, there's like, a, there's a brain processing issue. Right. And there are like coping strategies and like, things that you can learn to over, you know, to deal with it, but like, doesn't build way, right? It doesn't, like, become cured, and like, you're not dyslexic anymore, right? That's not how this works. Right? It's like a very, very complicated, like, brain process issue. And so like, you're not receiving the information in the same way, as somebody else. So it's like a very weird thing. And like, I feel like, That's not the thing to talk about. Like, it's not like, funny, you know, like, just the thing that people say, all the time. And I know, it's weird. So, talk about that a little bit. But then, like, some of the myths, right, this myths about it, like, oh, it's only like a boy thing? No, like, it does present differently in the different, you know, male versus female. And it's, like, a spectrum, kind of thing to where, like, some people are like, a little bit. And then some people have like, a more severe case, right? It's not just like, thing, you know, like, it turns out most things are that most things are some sort of a spectrum qualities to them, right? It's like, oh, we not everybody experiences this thing the same way. Wow. Amazing. So there's some cool stuff like that in there. But then a lot of the other stuff they was talking about, they started talking really like for a long time about, like, accommodations, right? And accommodations are things that you do in education or accommodation, you know, means things that you can do to like, add on to help students. Right, there's a lot of things like they were talking about things like you know, give them extra time for assignments. You can shorten assignments for somebody that has you know, a thinner they're going on and on and on. These are what we call universal accommodations, right? These are these are things that you can you can give any student these you can give these to anybody so like oh, it's ours was like this is this part is not helpful at all right? Because you're not giving me any. Like, what I need some more specific things right like If I have a student that has dyslexia, I need to know, like, some very specific things to be able to help them it doesn't, you know, obviously is not going to work for everybody. But can you give me like a couple things that are like specifically helpful to them? And they're like, oh, yeah, you can shorten their assignment. If I can do that. I can do that already. I already do that for my kids, right? Like, these are? These are universal. Yeah, relations, right. I'm not. I'm like accommodating their needs, right, since the hence the term. So like, this is very unhelpful. So she talked a long, long time about things that are not useful. Like, oh, my God is really.


And that is frustrating, because you, you want to be able to help, right? You want to be able to go, Okay, you student, here are two things you can do, or here's what I can do to the assignment, excuse me. That will help you and instead of just kind of feels like, I don't like a shot in the dark, almost like, yeah, oh, no, like I was

Brandon  26:14

looking for, like, I was at least looking for like a, you know, maybe, at least like, here are a few strategies geared specifically for this, that you can try and see if that helps, right? Because it's not gonna you know, you could say like, oh, it's not going to work for everybody, but this is a good bass. You know, try these things right. Now. I got give them more time. Yes. Like, ah, have them read or like read the assignment out loud. Think, right, thank you for reading difficulty. Maybe listening to this time. It's a good idea. No kidding, man, I already know this. No. Again, have them. You know, they said we'll have them give answers verbally. Yeah, no kidding. Like these. Were really cooking now, buddy, these again? Yeah, I know, this isn't mine. Like, these are things that I already am doing, like all the time in my class for like other kids. So like, this is not going to do thing, right? Because one of the things, you know, sometimes when we're doing work with some of my other special education, children's, right? One thing that's really useful is like, I'll just ask them a question. And tell me the answer. And I'll just write down exactly what they said. I'll type it on anything for him. Because they can't, you know, typing is hard, and you can't spell so typing is visible. To me, I'll be your text to speech to text is telling me what you want. I'll type it, boom, I do quizzes like that with some of them. I was like, you come sit here, boom, let's go. And then you know, we take the burden of having to spell words off of them. All of a sudden. It's like a less stressful environment. And it they do much better. Right? So it's like, wow, fast bout done. So again, but these are not like new strategies, there was no new strategic information presented to me. So I became distressed, also, because I was reading much faster than when he was talking. And so I was like, Oh, that's very, very stressful day. But then luckily, after lunch, I didn't have to do anything else. So I sort of like, went upstairs and hid and like, thought about, what am I doing? Where am I in my life? What's happening? No,


it's out no eggs, mid day existential crisis,

Brandon  28:54

I think. Yeah. Well, it was like that. Plus, like, it was basically that but sort of redistributed in that I have. I'm coming back to school now. Like, where was I? Where are we doing? Like, what is? Where am I in my lesson plans here? Where are we? What's next? That kind of stuff. And I developed my whole new January project. So my graphing my graphing challenge, I tell you, it was gonna be graphing challenge. That's a better No,


no, I didn't say this on the fly.

Brandon  29:31

Ah, so I decided that are making a thing. This month, we're going to make some graphs because we need graphic practice. One of the science things that we're supposed to be focusing on is interpreting data. So where our little monthly challenges to make a survey about anything you want, and then graph your data in a bar graph. Blam. So trying to make it a little bit more fun, right? No, it's not like it's as exciting as throwing a pumpkin down the hallway. But you know, it is useful and a key science feature. So we're gonna, I printed off a bunch of graph paper. I surveyed the staff on Monday, and I have created a big giant bar graph of the staffs favorite pizza toppings on the board. So it's like their, for their thing, right? So for the example, graph, right, like, here's an example. Here's what the graph look, you remember the y axis, remember that? Your graph labeling titles, remember that that's what we need to


put on. Now. It's coming all together, watch this people all together. Now, remember,

Brandon  30:47

remember not putting all of your data in a small teeny corner of the graph. Remember that? We don't want right now. I sure do. I sure do. Right? I have like a very, I don't know, like I have a when I when I have an interesting perspective on this, right? Because I've seen I worked as an aide in high school for a long time, right? So I have seen many, many, many high school biology students make terrible, terrible graphs. I want to do my part in sixth grade to be like, Look, we need to talk, we got to get ready. Because the science EOC in high school, there's always a huge graph on there. There's always some big thing, like make a graph. It's like your performance event or whatever they call it officially, right, like, make a graph. And so I was like, I need to help out. I need to do my part is the science is a science team member.


It's like, look, look, guys, I there's one thing Okay, I just just do this one thing for me. Everybody needs to get this question. Right? in like four years, please.

Brandon  32:04

Yeah, yeah. Tell them. Right. That's I thought it was nice, too. Because it's like a, it's like a kind of remember the official term for this. My like supporting standard, or secondary standard, I guess. I have some about graphing. And we do graph a little bit. But like, it's usually mostly towards the beginning of the year. We do some of our graphing practice and projects and stuff. So I was like, Ah, here's an opportunity to do more graphing Yes. Like, it's all good. It's all coming together now. Because we do like graph reading. Right? I tried to have graphs and stuff in my presentation so that we can look at them. And like, learn how to read it. Because you know, you know, science graphs are like, weird. Yeah, sometimes you're like, what is what am


I looking at? Yes, nothing makes sense. Anyway,

Brandon  33:00

so we got to start somewhere. So we start by looking at a lot of graphs, but I needed something to like, make another graph, or like, I have no other thing in my lessons about like, it doesn't fit anywhere else really, like I can't find another place to like, stick it. So I was like, ah, what if we make it our bonus challenge? Graph me? Yeah, I know, it's kind of boring. But that's a month back. Right. So that's where to ease into it. Right. And it's important, and we need to do more than any way. So yeah, throw it on there?

Collin Funkhouser  33:39

Well, I will say that it is helpful to as an alternate method of trying to understand the world around you with the graph, right of going, I can put information in a visual representation, so that I can better understand it or interpret it. I mean, that's simple. That's what graphs help you do. And it's going to be useful for you to be able to visualize that kind of information, whether it's for a class or not, I mean, it could be something as simple as like, understanding insurance premiums or how you relate to something else, or like, I don't know, but like, it kind of never goes away. The need to do that. Yeah,

Brandon  34:25

well, we tell them to I tell them is like very nice to have a visual picture happening, right, like I could could I just give you a list of numbers? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that has its own use. But for a very quick, like understanding of what's happening. The visual thing is very immediate, right? Because I can I could have written numbers about all of the staff's favorite pizza topping. But my bar graph is very striking, right? I made sure to make sure to I use my meter stick on the blackboard straight bars, okay. And I made sure to shade them all different marker colors. Right? I told them that's important when you do your graph, I would like you to add color to your bars, they need to be different colors. Right? Because if they're all pencil, no one can read. Great. Sorry about that. Also, spacing. Spacing is important, right? If you make a bar graph, and all your board bars are touching together, together, first of all, technically a histogram. Okay, nobody likes? And no, it's hard to read. All right, and not a bar graph. So yeah.


Well, yeah, and it's that that's an interesting, that decision to go, Is this a table? Is this a graph? Is this some other kind of figure like displaying at home? Yeah, we didn't? Oh, no, no, no, but that's what you're talking about here. Like, look, I can give you a list of numbers. And it's all the same data, but it's going to be much more impactful to you, if placed this way, right, it's much easier to interpret as much easier to see patterns and make inferences from

Brandon  36:28

a thought about giving them the option of making like one of four different kinds of graphs. Right. But I thought, now, I feel like, I feel like we've already done a lot of bargraph talking, we've already looked at a lot of bar graphs. Sure. I think we'll just stick with bar graph, right? I thought about being like, Oh, you could do one of these like in like, make for like with the same data, but like, present them in four different ways. You know, that's like, tempting, at least this year, at least a year, right? Because I, you know, I didn't want to like turn them off. Because you could do a pie chart. I think I do them on a math, you know, and they don't like math. Oh, yeah. Big division of decimals and be like, Oh, no. You know, or like the plot like the dot plot thing, right? We did that, or whatever. I can't remember, it's actually called but where it's like, it's basically a bar graph, where you just put dots over the number or whatever. It could were there. But I thought bar graph was an it's a very nice, it's very visually striking. We still don't know about the parts of the graph, we still have to label our axes appropriately. We still have to talk about making an appropriate title. These are all the other important things about graphs, right? Just title your graph, man. Like, that's all you gotta do. just title it good. And it makes it right, we talked about how scientists are boring. But yeah, they need to know exactly what you're looking at. Right? Don't be like, you can save your creative stuff for the creative writing class. Right? But not not right now. We don't?


Yeah, it has to be it. Yeah. Understanding that, like, look, all of this is information. And and something that you may try and drive the point home with that is the the graph, the figure needs to be able to exist on its own. Right, like, you should be able to look at this and have everything you need to understand what's going on.

Brandon  38:38

Yeah, yeah. And you can ask, like, tons of different questions, and you get from this one picture, right? Like, you know, the basic, like, which one's the most which one's the least? Right? But you can also now you can also quickly be like, Oh, what is the difference in, you know, preference for these two things, right? You can say, Oh, look, real quick, I can say, Oh, look, six more people like this than this one. Because it's so visually laid out, right? You can have that kind of thing. And so, so yes, that's that's what I did most of the yesterday is I compiled and staff right. Now, so I had to make this I was I was trying to, I was talking to them talk to you about forming their survey question, right? It's like, I would like you to have, like, present this to your fellow students with the question that has options already for the answer. Right? Because if you give like a big open ended question, right, you're gonna get way more data than you can graph. Right? You might end up with like, 20 different data points, but you, like, don't want to graph 20 bars on bars, right? You don't want that. So like, you need to, you need to limit your scope. Right? So if you're gonna talk about like pizza toppings, you need to give them like five choices. Out of these five, which one is your favorite? Right. Otherwise, you get like, crazy. You just get way too many responses. You know what I mean? Your dataset will be too wide. Because you need it to be narrowed down. Right? We talked about that too, as I present them with choices, you know, option one through six, whatever. You know. That way, you're like focusing in on the question you want to answer. You know, if you're going to ask somebody like, what's your favorite football team? Like, give them six or seven choices? And say, out of these? Which one would you say was your favorite? That way? You don't have extraneous data flickering? Like, otherwise, what you get is like, you'll get like 12 answers. And you're only going to use like the five or six most popular answers just gonna throw away everything else.


Well, and it takes knowing a little bit of information about what you're asking for. Or your wish I said, What's you're expecting to find? Because the, the answers that you

Brandon  41:15

have have to be relevant,


right, they have to actually be informed by some prior knowledge so that you're not just going completely off, you know, off the rails here.

Brandon  41:27

Yeah. And again, in my survey to the staff, this sort of showed up practice trying, you know, I said out of these, you know, toppings, whatever. And I still had people would be like, oh, yeah, any vegetable. I can't use that. Right? You can't,


I can't get that on there. Like, turns out, not helpful.

Brandon  41:51

Not helpful piece of information anyway, I'm just gonna throw it out there. And so I want to narrow it down to like, you know, just a few statement bar graphs. So I didn't want I didn't want to have like a giant, I didn't want to graph a whole bunch of things. I just had one person say, I like this. That's not a helpful graph. It doesn't show me information, right. Maybe I should change the title of my graph to most popular pizza topics. I don't know. But I don't want to be struggling with yesterday is making a survey and data analysis project for sixth grade science students. I also made a big sign. Not a big sign, but a sign that makes science to go with all of my projects hang out in the hallway, so that people can see them. Sure. This one I just made a big sign that says Survey said. Oh,


how how many got the reference?

Brandon  42:53

I haven't hung it up yet. Oh, okay. Okay. I want to I didn't want to hang it up before I introduced it. Because then everyone be like, what's what's? What's that like?


Building a building tension here. Hold on. Yeah,

Brandon  43:11

like calm down. Sixth graders are maddening, because, like, on one hand, it's like they don't pay attention to anything at all. Sure, right. It feels like that. But if you change one thing in your classroom Illich What's that? We're gonna go What's that? Was it?


I mean, what's happening? I don't even know.

Brandon  43:31

Yeah, like, you don't ever know where your pencil is. But you saw that I moved this book. Like, what?


Why do you think that is?

Brandon  43:38

I don't know. It's so weird. And I just have to be like, I'm going to tell everybody when class starts, because I'm not going to say this. 70 times. I'm not going to tell everybody individually. No, no. Good use of our our time together here. I would just like just wait, just wait. I'll tell everyone. First when I get stuff up for experiment, I like put one thing on the table. What's that? Hold on. Do you ever pencil No Go set out.


Yeah, anyway.

Brandon  44:25

Crazy. It's the craziest thing ever. Yeah, that's interesting. Weird.


Yeah. Because I don't understand why they would be so invested in that above all things.

Brandon  44:40

Well, it is it is a character trait of sixth grade. That we are nosy okay to know things. Okay. Right. So this is the other. It's really maddening, right. Whenever we start to be like really concerned about what other people are doing, like ah, you are now officially a sixth grader. Look at


that. Oh, look brought a world outside. Yeah, here we go. Is the person paying attention? Yeah.

Brandon  45:07

So that might be part of it. Right. Maybe they just are. No. hiding their observation powers. I don't know we got Oh, I just always think it's really funny. Like, they're like I'd have no idea what's going on ever put one cup on the table. What's that? What are you doing today? Nothing said it's a surprise


Ah, well, yeah, it's one of the things of you'll never.

Brandon  45:37

I don't know. Just. Yeah.


How do you? I don't envy you basically what I'm trying to say.

Brandon  45:46

You'll never understand them. Right?


I don't think they're meant to be understood. I think that's part I know it's

Brandon  45:55

dangerous life, you know? It's hard


Well, hopefully, maybe with a few more snow days, things will soften up a bit.

Brandon  46:11

We'll see. We'll see. Gonna see how they, how they handle being back from Christmas break. It'd be a little weird to work today. It was the first day is always weird. Right? So we'll see if we can settle in some sort of normal. I don't know. We'll see. Yeah, whatever. That rang them back in time. Because either they've either spent two weeks at home, like not speaking. He's like, hiding in the room. Like not interacting with people. Or they've just been shouting everywhere. That's kind of normal. What happens at home like they either just like go in their room and like sit there and play or whatever. Or they just are yelling all the time. Yeah. In them have to go back to school and be like Shouting, shouting right. Why are you yelling? Okay, okay people Yeah, I did that somebody today I just started whispering at them and they're like, Oh, well sorry


our move whoa

Brandon  47:19

I just sitting here and a chair talking to them. And they're just like yeah


yeah, I mean, I get real shouty whenever especially whatever I I get excited. I mean, easily excitable person and so I took it loud but also whenever I have self obviously very worst whenever I get ingested or have sinus pressure or things like that, and I just can't tell at all one of the worst is going on as you know happens most people and I know when it's it's bad whenever I'm talking and Megan's Megan's face like contorts and I'm like, Oh, am I am I talking? Very sorry. I'm gonna turn down volume knob a couple of notches. I'm really sorry, everybody. I didn't mean to.

Brandon  48:06

Yes. Or say no to because I'm allowed person but like, all the time. Right. It's like about anything, just like oh my gosh, my shoes untied. But there's like, Yo, we didn't know that or not. No, that's not important information.


Actually, thank you for announcing, I guess.

Brandon  48:32

Yeah. I know very odd, but it was a we're gonna try to try it's also hard because like I said, potentially add them today. Tomorrow. Question mark after that, right. I don't know what's


unknown weather permitting. Unknown. Yeah. Unknown time.

Brandon  48:51

Right. So it's a little bit like what's gonna happen? We'll see. We'll see what happens. Baby. Yeah. hectic week of only being at school for one day. So sounds


cool. I'm exhausted. It's very unsettling. I don't know. She started I can't imagine what a full week is going to be like for you. This is going to be a really good start this year. Oh, my goodness.

Brandon  49:24

Oh, well, we


are ours hasn't been nearly as exciting. I mean, we've been just dealing with the snow like everybody else. Which has been, you know, it's been interesting to see some of the staffs reactions to it. As far as like what they are okay with doing or not, or what their questions are regarding around it and see also how some are like, yeah, absolutely. I totally understand. We still have to do this and others are like,

Brandon  49:57

do we have to go Oh, take care.

Collin Funkhouser  50:03

I'm like nobody else is. And so it was pretty jarring because we take care of several people who have health issues and are homebound so we take care of their pets for them. And we showed up to take care of their pets, but like their home health aides called out

Brandon  50:25

what's a little like, Oh, okay. Yeah.


Here we are. Hi. So, and I get like, you know, everybody has different policies and whatnot. But you know, ours is, look, if you can get out, we need to get out. Like, there's really no other option. Like, I don't know what to tell you. Like, obviously, if if, like the city has closed, and there's like a travel ban, like where we won't, it will show up later. But like

Brandon  51:01

to be safe, right? Yeah, to be safe.


So it's a weird line to balance of going like, no, like, people and pets rely on us. And if they don't get out, like it's a it's an issue, but also we have to be we are aware, hyper aware of safety and because nobody wants to be stranded there or anything like that. So it's like, yeah, we've we've, we have to walk that line.

Brandon  51:26

And just seeing

Collin Funkhouser  51:28

where everybody else's comfort levels aren't as well, because we have people who are from out of state and have never driven and anything closerie closely resembling winter precipitation. We have, you know, people who are super comfortable and like relishing getting out and skipping around and sort of like the whole game. Like, okay, well, maybe let's not, you know, kill ourselves here. That'd be great. Right? Yeah.


But it was a man it was It was wild being out in like the 40 mile an hour winds going from place to place. Like this feels crazy. Yeah. Like this definitely feels one of those aha moments. For sure.

Brandon  52:17

Oh, oh, yeah.


But yes, that was that was some discussions that we've been we've been having with everybody is just, it's all inclement weather time people. Hello, welcome. Like this is where we are. We got together really well this this year to not have to have these kinds of discussions. But ah, time has run out people. So you know, it is what it is. But that's been it's been the biggest thing is just talking with clients to about that. And I've also been doing a ton of phone interviews. So for staffing backup, so we we have tried, we coasted just being honest here through the end of the year, because I was like I can't I am very tired. I cannot focus on doing all you know, taking care of the visits, and then doing interviews and all that stuff. So we're just going to go ahead and wait till the first of the year to post our job.

Brandon  53:22



a lot of people have applied. A lot of people applied. A lot of people have also ghosted us like Ash. Just today. Yesterday, I had three Nope. People not answer their phones. Today. I had two people not answer their phones out of six. Both days. So yesterday was a 50% hit rate on phone interviews. Which is which doesn't doesn't feel good, you know, ya know? Yeah. So we're gonna go back in that swing of everything.

Brandon  54:03

And just, you know, no, no, no, it feels weird. Yeah, that's a odd place to be. Right leg. But, you know, hopefully, get it ironed out there. So we can have Yeah. Walking the dog. Oh, hi.


All right, our insurance company that we use for the business. You can add people to the insurance just by going to their website and adding a person's random name. In order to get them removed, they have to have it in writing, which means you have to email them, and you have to say hi, I am so and so here's our policy number. We need you to remove this person. Please let us know when this has taken place. And that's the only way to remove An employee and

Brandon  55:00

his really, that's really annoying actually annoying why?


It's so easy to add people. But if you want to take them off No, no, no, here's this, you have to send it in writing. And I'm like, what? Why can't you just have a form on your website of like, I click a button and I say, Please remove this person and I hit send, like, I just don't know. Why has been so yeah, that would make sense. Complicated. So I every month I have to sit down and have to verify that the right people are in the right thing and the wrong people are often like this go through that process. I was doing that yesterday. And I realized that last month I did this. I had asked them to remove bunch people and they did not get removed. So pointless. Oh my gosh. I was gonna breathe, breathing, breathing. You so now I had to be like, Hi. I need all of these people. Please respond to me. And then they did and so I was like, Okay, let me go check. I was just, oh, no, it makes you made it less complicated. I wouldn't have to ask so many freaking times. Like it's ridiculous. That's crazy

Brandon  56:20

make it hard? I guess. We're gonna make sense if they're like, I guess I can kind of see why would you do that? Because they're on all policy. And so you have you like, Are you sure? Make it official? So somebody doesn't get like dropped accidentally from somewhere because you're like, Yeah, take gym off and they take off the wrong gym. Right? Right. This person and here's the ID number on this policy number. Like it makes sense. But like, still annoying. That is not as weird on the website, just do that. Right? Right. Click on them like, okay, edit policy. Take like a box, right? Like go into your policy and your thing and there's like all the people and you can just like click somebody and be like remove Why is that an activist? Right? That needs to be some better UI here.


Well, and just like Can't we anyway, like, I'm surprised I don't have any facts something in you know, I'm just like, okay.

Brandon  57:24

Oh, don't don't let him hear you say that. Oh, right. Oh, dust off the VAX machine. There's something that people love. Is that fax dialing noise?


That's gonna be like, Ah, yes, absolutely. We've been in the wrong this whole time. What we need is a more of this Daljit feel about this. So people feel like it's a personal certified mail.

Brandon  57:48

No, make you send it like that like


Begley signed? Yeah, signed in with a notary.

Brandon  58:01

Now, not the notary that's terrible. The hardest thing in the world to do.


Right when you know there are some people who do that is all they do is public notary service.

Brandon  58:23

And they make a really good living at it.


Yeah, they do. They do. Yeah, I can operate a stamp I can do yes, they do a mobile notary and they just drive around.

Brandon  58:39

What if I make a notary stand? Lemonade Stand but with a notary and drive to me just drive up. Give me your payment or supply right let's see later get the paperwork done. Like


mobile eight here while we're putting together our mobile coffee bakery plans, we can just add a public notary to the back of it and well

Brandon  59:07

max I really confused everybody. That's not confusing at all right yoke around to the back. Especially get the nerd by the notary thing. A big he wants a stamp list not a state it's like legal weird like inputting thing right?


Yes it is.

Brandon  59:27

It's like a with that thing out. Alright man. Give me 20 bucks black


Well, maybe not that but you know we'll make it a lot more

Brandon  59:40

Okay, give me the paperwork also. What a combos I was.


I know. Right? It's quite fun. Very fun muffins and notaries. That's the name of the day

Brandon  1:00:01

Yeah. Speaking of which, like there is a new the new coffee place here in town just opened up, right? And I'm mildly annoyed because it's drive thru only. But I can walk to it like walking distance from my house, but it's like a drive thru only thing. I was like, okay, that that's kind of lame because I just want to walk there. Yeah, I can. It's it's basically on the route that we walk. You know when we go for walks extra school. It's like on the rack. It's like right over there. It's like right just like turn one little thing. It's right there like Hey, I can't make it there's no like, window. Wow, it's like only a drive thru thing. It's weird too, because they built it from scratch. They like built this whole thing as only a teeny it's got a drive thru. Yeah. Weird.


I that is frustrating. Like, there's no walk up window at all. No way to Yeah.

Brandon  1:01:12

I mean, it's in a spot that like no one else would probably walk up to it. Well, sure. But I'm saying I did. I could walk there very quickly. And I can be there to braid your credit there. Right. And it's like, yeah, I mean, like, I mean, I can ride my bike to like all the other ones. But like, sure, but anyway, sure. I mean, I've ridden my bike, I ride my bike when I do ride my bike and it's not negative five degrees outside. I ride past like two other ones. Wow. Okay. I mean, that's one of them is like a building. And then the other one is like where the dude parks that coffee truck thing. Right? He has like a coffee. He has like a, like a free track thing. But it's a coffee track. And it's usually parked. Like, close to the route that I read. It's like on the other side of the road, so I could get there but like, Oh, I could see it. I can see it. And I ride by the other one. There's like a shop. Bakery. I don't know what else is in there. Yeah, coffee and but yeah, I can ride by like the two other ones. But I can't ride it to this one. Because to try throw me on my bicycle probably won't. Push the treadle right? It's like halfway.


I didn't want to be that guy with him sitting inside watching you come around and you jumping up and down the treadle? Not aggressively bike off because you're frustrated?

Brandon  1:02:44

Yeah, I'll just go to the other coffee place that has the probably the one that's the coffee truck because I've had to get off my bike. I have to take a bike lock and like, there's no place to lock your bike around here anywhere. Like, like, why it's not a very, it's not a very cycle friendly place. Right? Well, sure. Yeah. bikeways bike lane on one road. Hey, it's all there on the other side of town.


Know where you could be going?

Brandon  1:03:23

I mean, like I could vary. I mean, I could extremely simply ride my bike to Walmart to like, get groceries and stuff. Like there's no place to


there's no bike rack. Yeah. And when I was I would have

Brandon  1:03:37

to like, latch into like the fence or something that's a little well for


for you do what I did when I was really heavily into biking everywhere for everything. When it didn't when they didn't have something outside, I would just bring my bike inside the store. I don't really want to get thrown out of Walmart. Yeah, which they don't like, because like I biked to, like my dentist's office, and I just walked in with it. And they're like, Oh, you have to leave your bike outside. And I was like, I can't because there's nothing to tie it to because you guys don't have something out there. And then I just put my bike by their desk, and I said, here's where it's gonna go.

Brandon  1:04:17

So yeah, I want to get stolen.


I was like, I don't want it stolen. And I so I'm just gonna leave it here. I'll leave it out. It's out of the way. But yeah, there's definitely a bike here now so

Brandon  1:04:28

yeah. People People don't like that. Is your pro tip. Don't don't actually know. Because yeah, but he will see where else you can put it like, right. That will disappear. Otherwise, though. That's not good. No,


no, no,

Brandon  1:04:49

no. Oh my goodness. I know. So I just like to talk about the new challenge that I have is


the new challenge when we didn't even do the other challenge yet, but we'll Okay. So

Brandon  1:05:05

here's my thought, right? First of all, we had this other challenge. We could do it in the future if you want, right, but I wasn't really into watching bad 70s Maybe after all, also, I discovered, it turns out no, here's the thing. Here's the weird thing. Right? It turns out, I was gonna watch this movie and talk about a way to remake it for the modern time. They already remade this movie in 2010. I didn't know and apparently is also bad. So apparently, there's just no hope. So maybe we'll put that on the backburner retrospective for this movie? Can it be saved at all? Is there any redeeming quality whatsoever? Who knows? Right? Maybe this summer? I'll tackle this right? Well, we'll do a big expose on and how to make this movie. Not bad. I guess that's what we're gonna call it. Okay, that's what I realized when they remade it in 2010. And the internet still says it stinks. I was like, Oh, okay. Okay.


That is there's a lot more.

Brandon  1:06:03

There's a lot more here that needs to be unpacked. We need a bigger dive.


Okay, that's hilarious. I. Okay. Okay, fair enough.

Brandon  1:06:15

I decided that we should probably table that one because it needs a whole lot more focus that I was ready to give it the moment, right.


Okay. Okay, fine.

Brandon  1:06:26

So, I stumbled my way into a different idea. Right? partly inspired by this podcast, right? And partly inspired by a list I saw on the internet that I feel we could make better. Okay, right. And so, so listeners, I feel like our new challenge, gone and I will discover we will list in a top five format, your favorite, favorite ones that you like the best? Okay, that's the qualifier here doesn't have to be best. Doesn't have to be critically acclaimed. The one that you like, and enjoy a top five musical acts featuring siblings. Right, right. Podcast. Brothers brothers was staring us in the face the whole time, right? I


don't know. Yeah. It makes me a little scared about what other things we've skipped over.

Brandon  1:07:27

Things But that still means endless possibilities for us. Can you keep on going? Right? So I'm taking five, top five musical. I said bands to Susan. And she was like, what if they're just singers? And I was like, okay, fair. So


this is why she gets paid the big bucks. That's a good, no, right.

Brandon  1:07:45

This is why should i Okay. So top five musical acts, featuring siblings that you like your top five favorite ones? Right? Okay. That's the only qualification is you have to like maybe like, I would listen to these Bob Dole. There we go. That's okay. Because I saw a list. And I saw a list of like, he was like top five bands featuring brothers or something. And I was like, a lot of these aren't even good by like, I don't like this at all. Like, once I kind of was idea I saw that was like, oh, yeah, no, we definitely do better than this. This is this is got to be better. Okay, yeah. Well,


I think key here is that you actually have to like them. We're not just listing these for posterity sake.

Brandon  1:08:38

Yeah, because I think their list was like, these are. It was like, successful or, you know, it's like, some sort of like qualifier of like, you know, whatever. I don't know, like, I wouldn't, I don't want us to have these so. And there's some that they left off that I was like, Nah, where's this? What are you talking about? I'm like, very obviously, once I after I sat and had to think about it for a minute. I was like, you don't even know me. And then after about 10 minutes, I was like, Okay, well, yeah, there's a there's a lot, actually. And then if you look it up, right. I did some cursory research this morning, just to see if this was a feasible option. Like, once you kind of look it up and get into this. Yeah, there's like a billion. Yeah, it turns out that selling music groups, a lot more common than I anticipated. And I think just to be clear,


we don't it's not that it is exclusively siblings, but not at all right. Like it's like the drummer and the basis, a siblings, but everybody else in the band can be like,

Brandon  1:09:43

yeah, yeah. Okay. Just has to be a pair of siblings. Gotcha in the band, and I can feel that with other people. Right? Yes, that's it. Yeah, I think that's a lot of times. There's like one sibling that you know. And then there's like, another one. Yeah, like I feel like that's usually the dynamic which is awkward. That's kind of me Thanksgiving a little bit weird. You know? I mean, like, and that other one. Yeah. So like, I think that's why it's having a hard time. But then when I kind of had to think. And then I kind of looked at a couple other lists, and then there's actually if you Google just to give you a heads up, if you Google bands with sibling members, there is just a Wikipedia list of like 20 million, that you can kind of go through and be like, Oh, hi, Blake. So there's, you can do that. That's why


that is such a weird, weird Wikipedia page. And I'm mildly uncomfortable that

Brandon  1:10:42

it is. Right. It's odd.


Right? This is, okay. So this is one of those things of like, yes, the internet is supposed to catalog and be the Encyclopedia of everything. But like,

Brandon  1:10:57



this what we want to be catalogued? Like,

Brandon  1:11:02

these? I need it for this particular challenge that I've set for you. So that's


a fair point. It's necessary. It's this. This This website has now gotten to more clicks and it never has. So we're

Brandon  1:11:15

also like, titles article listeners is List of sibling groups. Yeah, it's not such a vague. And the first, I think the thing that's off putting is the first thing that you see is that weird painting. That's, that's understood


understand. A painting of the brothers.

Brandon  1:11:35

Like, sisters. Yeah, the Bronte sisters painted by their brother. That's yeah. That's not what I was thinking about. But oh, you know, whatever. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Ah, okay. Yeah, no, I'm just randomly scrolling through here. And I'm already going real. Oh, really? Oh, okay. And I'm only I'm only to the bees. So there's some

Brandon  1:12:06

surprises in there that I do. Remember or realize, I guess, and I'm like, Oh, yeah. And there's several that I was like, Oh, yeah. Right. Of course, there was a bunch. I was like, I'm really like, under that. And again, it's because I think you know, one of them and then like, not the other one. Right. So. Yeah, there you go. Yes,


we will do this. Is this a? Is this a next time thing? Discuss? Or do you know, I

Brandon  1:12:39

was gonna ask you, I was gonna ask you that. Do you want the next time thing or next next time?


I'm fine. I'm fine with whatever we can we can make it a next time thing. All right. Tune in. Tune in next time. Yeah, that shouldn't be. I mean, there's only seven like 17,000 entries on this. I can. I can scroll and think I pick five. Yeah. Oh, okay. So interestingly, Okay, this one, with Audible mentioned support, I'm sorry, this. This really takes a turn towards the bottom. It goes through all of the, like, the artists in these groups and then at the at the bottom, it's like, sibling groups in other mass media. So yeah, that siblings in crime, other sibling groups, and then takes a return. I don't know why it lists fictional siblings.

Brandon  1:13:33

Yeah, that one doesn't make a lot of sense.


And obviously, we understand that Brian's favorite it starts off Alvin and the Chipmunks

Brandon  1:13:43

I know I didn't know of the Blues Brothers. That's acceptable. Right? Interesting.


Interesting. The the Skywalkers Luke and Leia those are those were a fictional sibling group. Did you know that? That what a weird amalgamation? How is this they listed the Mario brothers sky? Well, not the

Brandon  1:14:08

brothers charisma or what are the Brothers Grimm? Where's that? Yeah. Where's that? Maybe that was in maybe that Oh, nope. That's it.


It's an other siblings group. Okay. Okay. I don't know why it made that

Brandon  1:14:20

the brothers Cressman off or whatever not in this list. It's incomplete list of add it login add that. Okay. Yeah. Well, anyway, they go okay. Yeah, we will do that. That will be our our challenge for next time. All right.


And it's a musical acts not paintings of siblings. That's great. Yeah,

Brandon  1:14:50

exhibiting is a weird weird thing to put on there the way they lead with, right. I don't understand why you leave that as well.


Interesting thing is that the photos are on the right at the top. But those listings like what would happen to wait all the way to the bottom? Like, yeah, very misplaced someone, someone someone paid look big, big paintings gotten their thing. Yeah and and paid a lot of money to have those sante Yes. Pay to surface that first. So I'm saying ah

Brandon  1:15:30

okay we go challenge that actual challenge this actual challenge actual challenge. It's a good one, right? There we go. Ah, so that is it, I believe is my turn. Yes. Or haiku action, haiku action, right was knocking down, knocking them down picking them up and knock them down, right. Oh, so this time this time? Well, I'm, I'm going to read this IQ. Okay. And I want to see if you can figure out if I've done my job as artiste if you can guess the subject. Oh, conversation on the last episode, okay. We there was a lot on the last episode was a lot. It was hard to zero on one real quick I


I didn't take notes on the last episode because it was right in person. So what I did was I through the, through the transcript into chat GPT as I said, I said list 100 topics. And then I said list 100 more and it came up with other things that we talked about. And I was like, Okay, let's, let's trim this down a little bit.

Brandon  1:16:44

So, yeah, it was a lot. It's a lot. We had an attorney Aaron, we have the live chaos, right. It's all thing. Yes. So we had the inappropriate sized table of chairs that up it was


the whole thing, right? It was fine. It's a lot going on. Yes. I'm just gonna be in the moment. I was going to talk not gonna take notes. And then afterwards, I was like, Oh my gosh, like I really, we went a lot of places right. Swinging the misalignment.

Brandon  1:17:13

Really, there was only one topic. Haiku worthy. Oh, no, especially after you graced us with your wiggling one. Oh. juggler, whatever they go. Yes, juggling dancer to juggle and George Wright. Hashtag please don't sponsor us.


Stay far away. We give you restraining orders in the mail.

Brandon  1:17:37

There was only one other topic. Of course, I would latch on to and write a haiku about can you get lurking in shadow? Motives blur the lines of write something more than man.


Oh, is it is it Batman?


Okay, so as soon as you said the lurking in the shadow, I was like, Well, that wasn't the 70s card table or or Trainspotting?


Yes, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. No, I liked that went to Batman. Yeah,

Brandon  1:18:36

I didn't consider Otokar table maybe at some time, but


that was where my brain went immediately. Because I was like, Yeah, we had that weird conversation about the current tables. No, but the good one was good.

Brandon  1:18:53

Maybe. Maybe, maybe. Yeah, maybe rehash one of that 70 design aesthetic featuring card table with dinnerware so


yeah, just get all that in. Yeah. Okay, no, I liked that Batman. Good stuff. Oh, good. Good. I like it a lot. Something more than man. Specifically, a bats worth more than man.

Brandon  1:19:18



So justice, justice. Yes. Well, we will go into into the into the night and we will we will indeed by way


okay, well with that. Well love you