be soggy, I guess

We are coming in HOT this weekend. So get ready. Collin has learned that Bob Ross is shockingly tall. Brandon has reports of strange things and will be shipping up to Boston soon.

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feel, day, boston, talk, staff members, real, movie, car, great, chapter, bit, little bit, clients, bob ross, weird, stop, sleep, rick, early, true


Collin, Brandon

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin and Aaron. On this week's show, be soggy I guess. Oh, boy. Oh, yeah.

Brandon  00:24

Ah, yes. The Great Start a drink you drink you drink like the last possible second. It turns on mid sip.


Everything coming in hot. There we go


we're still alive. We're doing well.

Brandon  00:47

Doing good start.


It is important. Right? It is. It is indeed

Brandon  00:52

something I have. I don't know if I've talked about this before I have a sign in my classroom. It's not like displayed, because this would be a really awkward conversation with parents, but it definitely says dying is illegal. Oh. Excellent. Excellent. Because a lot of times sixth graders are very, I don't know if you know, that's this about 12 year olds, but they're extraordinarily dramatic. And so they'll be like, Oh, this is so hard. I'm just gonna die. Like, I like illegal. So I don't really know what you're talking about. So that's the Oh my gosh. Yeah, it's, uh,

Collin  01:39

I used to. I mean, I I in my classes for teaching, and that's okay. So if you have a good weekend and don't die, yeah. Your goal? Goal is to not do that, please. Yeah, that's what I always said. That's one of the some say,

Brandon  01:59

What's the best advice I haven't heard? It's like, the atmosphere unit. Right? We're talking about like, the composition of the atmosphere, you know, about how breathing in large quantities of gas not named oxygen is bad for you. And so we're like, why is like, Ah, this enables breathing. One of my favorite hobbies, actually. Yeah, do it all the time. You know, can't get enough of that. Always like? Well, you know, like it. It's fun. So there we go. Yeah. Yeah, it's, um,

Collin  02:37

I definitely, definitely agree that you should do this more.


For sure. So,

Collin  02:46

yeah, we are we are in the middle of, well, it's kind of crazy. Like, we hired two people, but like,


a year to like, not say not gone yet. It's not. I mean, that's good news,

Brandon  03:02

though. Like positive things on the horizon.

Collin  03:06

Yes. Yeah, we are. We are one step closer. Um, but it's just like, I was telling Megan like, it's just, it feels frustrating. Because it's like, oh my gosh, like, we just can't, like, move past this. And honestly, like, if I have to be here, I would rather be doing like, a lot of work, because it just makes my time here. More. More worth it.

Brandon  03:30

Oh, yeah. Instead of doing like, a little bit of work. Right?


Yes. So I,

Brandon  03:36

I end up as the boss you're not like always working, but like, I mean, like, actually doing the walks and stuff, right? Like, you just have to do it, like, twice a day. Which that really makes it like, not, that makes it difficult, like other things. Like with my wife and children, perhaps like,


you know, stuffing their eggs. So yes,


I know

Collin  04:03

exactly where I wish because that like last this past Tuesday, and it sounds weird. Like, this is where I'm going. Sometimes I have enough work for like, it's very, very busy. And then like, last Tuesday,


I had two visits.


Right? So like, oh my gosh, like, I don't want to be here.

Brandon  04:24

And then I have a 70 So it's like, oh, yeah,

Collin  04:28

and and so that means that I can do other stuff of for the business. But here's the here's the real like, Oh, I'm, I can do other stuff from my house.

Brandon  04:42

Like, I am surprised. I don't need

Collin  04:45

to be here to call other businesses like I don't, don't need to be here for that. So it's just like, like, sure, like I'm working that other other time and it's not that big of a deal but also like



Collin  05:01

So anyway, that's fun. But it feels good that we're eight. We are like, we're rapidly like we just hit. Like we're at 11 staff members now, which is like, so gravy. Yeah. Tell me about it. Oh my gosh. Oh, it's bad. No, no, no, it's fine. But we, you know, we have basically it's like, okay, well, I just lost us. It's like, okay, I lost a staff member. And this happens seriously, every time of like, I think the best way to grow is lose a staff member, because that's when you, Pete, like, it just, it just works out. But that's where everybody wants you. And so, so it's like, okay, we were down one, that means I need to hire two. And then this time, it was like, Okay, we're down one, like, we need a higher three.

Brandon  05:56

And is that like, kind of like, it won't ever rain until you wash your car? Like that kind of deal? Like

Collin  06:03

this is this is exactly what it is. It's exactly what it's like. And it's frustrating. But it's like, it's also I think it's also part of the like, Okay, well, we're here, we're in the growth phase. Let's go ahead and like really, like, let's push it like, let's do that, like, let's really, since we're, I'm in the I'm in the hiring, I'm in the review mindset, we've got all our processes spun back up, like let's just, let's just do it. And so it's, it's, it's been a man in a lot, but we've got to, to coming in started. And so that's been that's been really good, though. I mean, yeah, I get really, really tired during training days where it's like, a plague. Okay. Drink a lot of water. Those days. Have my sponsor not sponsor, favorite throat, lozenges thing? That's

Brandon  06:59

right, you know? Because

Collin  07:01

you're surprising. It's like, man, that's right. I don't do a lot of talk during the day. And now, I have to talk nonstop while I'm while I'm training staff members. And then the other aspect is, when I'm doing training, I fall so far behind on my podcasts.

Brandon  07:21

Because, anytime for anything else, right?

Collin  07:25

So I've just kind of there been whole days where I've just been declared podcast bankruptcy and been like, nope, anyway. And just chuck them all away. So that's been that's been fun. Sad face. Oh, man. And it has been has been, but that's, that's fine. It's fine. I'll get back to a maybe. But oh, dear. You know. And then of course, in the so anyway, just the process is very interesting. And as far as bringing people on and as you know, trying to find make sure that we are a good fit for people. And it's, I still have that those concerns of like, I know, you say you want to work here, but like,


I've been burned so many times, to you.

Collin  08:16

Or like, when are you gonna leave me? Like, I've talked to, I've talked to Megan about that before, of less like, like, when you're the importance of I'm very mindful of this, like the importance of my energy when I'm onboarding somebody. Because nobody wants to come into a company, where the person is like, well, here are the things while I'm on my Walmart, like, grumpy McCrum person, like, nobody wants that. Yeah, nobody wants a jaded, I've, we've all had that over, like we've worked for some place or like now all the people who work here just really jaded and angry, like, doesn't make you feel like you're part of something, you know, and so it kind of be and I'm always really excited and hyper.

Brandon  09:14

That is true listeners. He's like this all the time.

Collin  09:17

It's not all day, every day. It's what I do what I do, so it just, it's, I have to remember remind myself to like, okay, like, be present, be in the moment, be here for this person, because this person hears like, they're genuinely excited about this. They they're excited to be here. They want to do they want to do this. And so I don't, I don't need to be the reason to rob them of their joy. Right? I should be just as excited with them and help them integrate better. And I I think about that a lot each time I'm talking to somebody, especially whenever like, I've had a grading a day in them like wow, now I gotta go train this person.


and trying to stay present with them

Collin  10:04

is something that I really work hard on. And I know I don't always do well with it. So I've been having to have to caveat sometimes of like, it's been a long day so far, but here I am. Alright. Let's do this.

Brandon  10:19

Yeah, for sure. I mean, it's difficult to like, be on that much. Right. Like to go and do that, like, I struggled with that this year at work too, right? Of like, trying to be positive when like, I'm very, like, distressed with my, like, bosses or like, the state of things, right? Like, why is my school still a construction zone? Three months after they said everything was gonna be done, right. Like just dealing with all that, like, it's so draining that like, you know, I could feel well, there were some days where like, I wasn't, you know, in the mindset to be the best, like, most helpful person that could be right. So I struggle with that this year. And I really had to, like, have some days where I was like, okay, stop making everything. It might be negative. We got to think about this a little bit. Right. All right, because you write

Collin  11:15

something else? Well, yeah, especially when you've got all these these little, little minds and these eyes on you, where they're like soaking everything up. And I'm sure you definitely feel like they give back what you put out in some instances. And yeah, for sure, right?

Brandon  11:34

Yeah, you're like, uh, yeah, they're like little meters. So you have to like, really be careful. Like, if I'm, like, super grumpy and negative all the time, like, oh, oh, that's not what you want to put into a room a 12 year old? Oh, no. Like that. That's, that's not good. That's bad. Yeah, it's kind of like, insecurity, right? That's the other emotion that they get. They know, they're like, Oh, you don't know. Blam. Like, he's weak. Take them down. That's why your first year of teaching is like, so hard. Right? Because they're like, smell it too. Like, is that fear? Like? Little sharks. So yeah, you do have to, like, take these times and like, to be like, okay, here is, like, I need to, like, read recenter myself, for lack of a better term, right? And then decide, like, this is what we're gonna, this is what we're gonna go with. We're gonna like, yeah, right. Like, it's, it's, it's tricky, you know, it can be a hard thing to do. So. You definitely just have to, like, intentionally. The hard part is noticing it too, right? Like, being able to being like, aware of yourself and to be like, Oh, no, this is not good. I have, I have to say, like, something is wrong, I have to do something else. Right. And like, but that that noticing it part is the hard part. Because you get, like, spiraled and stuck in a thing. And then you have to be like, No. Stop. I need like, that's the hard part is the realizing it. At least for me. Anyway, other people might have a different perspective. But for me, it's hard to be like, oh, oh, no, I am the problem. Oh, no.

Collin  13:37

No, no, it is hard. It is. I mean, that's being introspective is hard. In general, it is of being able to stop yourself in that moment, and being aware enough of how you're doing, because why would you write? Like I said, Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's like, unless you be because you're just going through life, right? You're experiencing the world and it be staying in real time is how our brains are wired to sit there and go, Hmm, how am I How am I feeling right now? Huh? Why am I feeling like that right now? Like that's, that takes a lot of a lot of self control. Because Because, yeah, you just it's not it's not a muscle that we exert most of the time.

Brandon  14:32

Should recuse last season. I haven't talked on the law either. is rough times. Oh, sorry.

Collin  14:42

Oh, so yeah, we've been winning the middle of that. And then one of the things that we've been working really hard on recently has been, we are working on changing changing software's for our business.

Brandon  14:56

Oh, that sounds fun. Oh, That's the word I was gonna go with. Yes. What a joy. Fun.

Collin  15:04

It's a lot of fun, hard

Brandon  15:06

word joyous time, you're going to be having


hard. Fun.


So, we Yeah, it's.

Collin  15:20

Yeah. Because when do you like? When do you turn off the tap to the old one? When do you open the tap?

Brandon  15:29

So the new one, right? It's like a band aid situation. He's gotta like, Yeah, go for it. Yeah, like,

Collin  15:36

yeah, you do, you have to just rip everything out. Because I was I was driving and I was thinking about, like, what's my order of operations? Like, do I bring staff over? And then like, give them a few clients or take of clients over and get hills over time for a blah, but it's like, no, it just, it all has to happen at the same time. And

Brandon  15:56

it's really sound quite terrible,

Collin  15:58

that's really needed. But at the same time, it's like, man, because we're bringing over like, hundreds and hundreds of clients and training staff on it. And we're working on train training clients on it, right? Because we have a procedure and a stepwise process that everybody has learned and is known. But now, almost like almost none of that it follows over comes that comes through your system. Yeah, it's, it's definitely, I've been I've been I've been really dreading this. But it's, it's, it's gonna be good. It's one of those of we were, we were kind of we were badly abusing, I'll say that way, the the one that we've been using, badly abusing it to make it work for us. And it's just, it's just time, it's just time to, to make the change. And it's one of those, there is never a good time to to make that leap to make that change. But so you put it off, right, you go now do a little bit. Now I don't want to do that. I don't wanna do that. But now we're running. That's

Brandon  17:08

how I do it. Yes.


Yes. avoidance is the best way.

Brandon  17:13


Collin  17:18

So yeah, that's, that's what we're, we're now looking looking at this going, Okay, we need to, we didn't make this change. And we need to do this and go to a software that is specific to our industry. That's not something that we're trying to bolt on. And it's mostly because the one that we currently use is the plot that here's the Pro. And it's all phone based. So you do everything from your phone, and good news. It's all it is text native. So texting is how you interact with everything. Everything flows through text messages. And it feels really nice. It's really natural. It's basically just a messaging app, bolted in. And so with scheduling and payment bolted onto it. The problem with that is how the scheduling happens and how the payment happens, doesn't really fit with what we do.


And they're

Collin  18:21

we've been with them for, oh, gosh, for four years now. And I was scrolling back through all of our tech support documents, and realized that four years ago, there were things that were like, oh, that's in the next version. We're rolling that out soon. And they never appeared. There.

Brandon  18:41

No, you can't see listeners, but I'm making a shocked face right now. Oh, wow. I'm so surprised by that.

Collin  18:48

Yep. Oh, that's definitely on the development roadmap. Oh, absolutely. Yep, that's coming up in the next big revision, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, that's, that's huge have to go you know, what, actually, this isn't like, their, their priorities have been something that is that is not, they're not our priorities. They are like, they had a big rollout of like selling products. And I was like, Well, I'm not a product person. Like I'm, we're service only. And so all these big things that you just rolled out and all these back end things that you've been working on, and you've been working hard on? Sure. I'm sure they weren't great. We have no need for them. And so their priorities are just in a different space. And tech support is not good. Not good at all. And so that's, that's, that's huge, right? When you have a problem, you want to be able to talk to somebody and it doesn't matter how lightweight, how easy how cheap or low cost something is when you need help and nobody's there. Like that's actually when your entire livelihood kind of runs on it. It's like,


ah, yeah. Yeah, that's kind of a kind of a big deal. It is kind of a big deal. That's true.

Collin  19:57

So yeah, we're You'll be shocked to know that we got access to our for the new software. It's it's less okay. It is it is not as mobile friendly. Does a lot through the desktop. That's fine. There's tons of settings in here. There's so many toggles, there's so many little like blue blobs and blips and switches to flip and stuff. And I, you'll be surprised to know, I immediately went to the theme setting to make sure that all of our brand colors were matching.

Brandon  20:31

Yeah, once again, listeners shocked. It

Collin  20:33

was like it was like at a service, nah, figure out how to add clients. No, I'm gonna go play with colors.



Collin  20:46

What's the hex code? For my for my, my X? is what I did I got a brand kit. So I was like, let me go find the hex codes we


really? Look?

Collin  21:02

Was that the most important thing that needed to be done? No. Okay, obviously, but it's done. Now. That's all I'm gonna say. And all of our services are now added and, and I added nice


groups to everything so and what is what is nice is we, with all of our client data, they all have, you know, they've all filled out a bunch of forms, we've got all this tons of information for every single client that comes in. We don't want to have to either way I am not reentering that I don't want to make clients reenter that either, because that's not a good experience of like, hey, remember how you fill out these 40 questions a year and a half

Collin  21:39

ago do it again. So we found a way to export our data from the old company into a CSV. And we just shipped that off to the new company. And they were like, Hey, thanks for the CSV. It's kind of weird. And we've never really seen it like this before. But we're so we're gonna have to manually enter a few things. And I was like, oh, Ray, have found what you want to hear? Well, I'm glad. I'm glad they're in manually entering a few things like that. Fair.

Brandon  22:14

Fair. That's true.

Collin  22:17

So sounds like of course, the the Export Export. The other company doesn't export it appropriately. So we're navigating through that. And it'll be good. It'll be good. One of the things that I'm excited about is we can generate, so right now when we visit, we send multiple photos and a written report, but how things went. Now, we can generate report cards that have attached photos, we can write something if we want to. But then we just make a report card with a bunch of like questions and toggle. Yes, no, no, yes, a number. So it's like, how many tweets did they get? You can put numbers. And so it makes it a lot less mental, like a more

Brandon  23:05

generic form, instead of like having to remember to type all the things in your message.

Collin  23:10

Yes. So So standardizes, a little bit and then

Brandon  23:14

what I was looking for standardized, not generic, because that's not that's not that's not quite right word, but

Collin  23:19

it works. But yes, and that was going to also decrease the mental burden on staff members. Because if you have 10 or 11 visits in a day, and you have to create 11 unique paragraphs, like, that's actually really hard. Oh, yeah, for sure. To be invented. And now we're still going to have a place where they can write additional things, but that way it decreases the, again, that mental burden increasing standardization for each individual staff member. There's

Brandon  23:54

like a little personal note about it and yes, and not like a whole shebang about everything.

Collin  24:00

Yes, yeah. And then it also decreases spell chances for spelling errors. And it's just gonna it's gonna be better. So with targeted right now, that's okay. No, I'm awful at it. Like I especially. I mean, this. Here's where the spelling errors come in. Okay, we have a dog. dog's name is Leila.

Brandon  24:19

How do you spell Leila? The same way that Eric Clapton does. I would be, I would spell it. What? No, a y la. Nope. L e.


I L E. H.

Brandon  24:34

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Le IG H.

Collin  24:38

Nope. That'd be so and then if you're doing voice to text, there's no way you're gonna get la la. Oh, wait, it happens. And so there's just like, oh my gosh, and like I went, and this is some cat names for you. Are you in Are you in meow Gregor? Yes. And the cat who is known for escaping is to loose

Brandon  25:14

look at us to loose look at militia Yeah, anyway. People always cat owners definitely. I usually go like extra with the names dog owners do it sometimes it's not as obvious right? My friend's mother once had a cat named Mr. Miyagi that was a good name was always really good ones right? Count on those who like

Collin  26:04

they're very funny, and they're wonderful. These particular owners had a three foot version of Danny DeVito in there anyway.

Brandon  26:16

So Danny DeVito

Collin  26:17

Yes. And then a legislating sorry. Jokes. And then in their kitchen, they have a lifesize version

Brandon  26:25

of Bob Ross. But why? Alice Bob Ross anyway, actually nothing taller than you would expect. version six

Collin  26:39

to I don't know if that includes the fro that's on this thing.

Brandon  26:42

And that is a good question. But also taller than I would expect from seeing him on TV. Right? We'd not expect Bob Ross be six foot two you say that? That is a that is? I'm trying to process this information right now. Like I didn't. That's the has to be without the fro. Right? Yes. years ago, the doctor they don't measure your hair? No. So that is yeah, that is shocking information that I'm learning here today. That did not know the Bob Ross was this awful.

Collin  27:17

That was very interesting. was like, oh, okay, that's good. And they were like, Yeah,


we put them in. We haven't stayed in our kitchen when we leave. So people think somebody's

Brandon  27:28

home alone style.

Collin  27:30

Track, forcible and I looked over and they had a record player. And I said, I don't see him hooked up to the record players. I don't know how that's gonna work. And they got it like they got they're like, oh, yeah, I got it. I was like, so I don't know how it's gonna work. But here's your other movie reference for you. I want to know what you will say. Okay. So, in a Facebook group, somebody said, I'm trying to think of a job title for one of my new staff members. They're going to be doing dog walking, pet setting. And they're going to be the, the, the key holder and in charge of all of the keys.


The key Master

Collin  28:13

I responded with, well, I would say key master, but I know they'd have to get the gatekeeper. And we all know how that turned out. doesn't go well. It doesn't have him standing there going.

Brandon  28:26

Oh, yeah. When the door like blows open or whatever. Yeah.

Collin  28:30

Well, I, the one I found was him talking to the horse. You remember how sounds good to you? Oh, I

Brandon  28:41

was oh, that's a good movie. You know, I feel like because he's retired to do like family stuff. I feel like there is a great generational gap in younger children not knowing the genius that is Rick Mirantis. I feel like it's a shame because it's a very underappreciated man. In movies. I feel like people just don't understand. They have not witnessed the glory. That is


well, and he, he really was and he just like, I think of the movies that he was in obviously, Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, but like Spaceballs Ghostbusters, Little Shop of Horrors in the mid 98, mid 80s. Like for the Flintstones, I know he was in that one. Like there's just, again, very foundational movies as a part of my life.

Brandon  29:46

True. You're forgetting Little Giants. Obviously everyone loves Little Giants. Yeah, so my favorite grandest movie is actually my Blue Heaven. Ah, Oh, it's okay. So this is pretty nice. Not a lot of people know about my Blue Heaven. I want to show it real quick here because this movie is fantastic. It's definitely Rick Mirantis and Steve Martin. Okay, first of all, this is brilliant. Rick Mirantis is like an FBI agent. And Steve Martin is an Italian mobster in the witness protection program. Enhanced he is

Collin  30:34

so oh my gosh, he's so funny and

Brandon  30:39

so good. The way that they play with each other, like rain is is like the ultimate straight man. This movie, right? Right. Yeah, just just it's beautiful. And it's strutting around being all the Italian mobsters is literally

Collin  30:58

I don't know how I would love to see outtakes I mean, knowing Rick Miranda's like how professionally is and all this stuff and how good these these guys are? But like the outtakes in this because he's I mean Steve Martin is throwing himself at this like it is he's doing everything he can

Brandon  31:15

his little like life advice right about like suit wearing it just like the random to like so funny the way he delivers it all. Like it's just like so serious but it's like

Collin  31:28

in his mannerisms, you know, he does these little like head jerks.

Brandon  31:32

Oh, mannerisms are great.


Oh my gosh, it's

Brandon  31:35

great. I'm gonna have to watch the movie tomorrow actually, I just because it's just like him do that. Do they? Like the relationship advice with eBay? Oh my gosh, it's just so fun. Martin finding out that there's other monsters out there. That's the best part. I love that part. There they meet in there all like in a pet store. Or like whatever.


Ah, that's a good one.

Brandon  32:12

I like now but again, that movie is not good. Without Rick Mirantis Right. Like, it would be funny still anyway because Steve Martin, obviously. But like it's not going to be anywhere near as funny without written rain is to play off of that is the best.

Collin  32:32

He plays the foil very well.


Yeah. Other one more. Little known fact. I don't know if you know this. Rick Moran is also has a country music album. I don't I did not. Okay,


I did not know this. Okay. It's called the Agora fork cowboy.

Brandon  33:16

Yes, oh, yes. So it's like, it's beautiful. Because like, all of the songs they sound like, they're all country songs. Right? But they're all like, kind of jokes, right? Like, they're just my favorite one is called press pound. Right? And it's like, the song of like, you know, you're calling the girls on the end. You're like leaving messages on the answering machine. Right? That's what he's talking about. But it like it. It gets like, increasingly awkward. Like, the third verse is like, outside your house now. There's only one light so it starts out like you've they've broken up and like, you know, he's just trying to get answers and ask why then the second verse is like, it's a little bit much but then the third stalker like if getting arrested for stalking this. This is wonderful.


Oh my gosh,

Brandon  34:31

the situation is bad, right? I'm thinking about a situation. No, okay. No stocking is really bad. But so, Miranda Sings about oh,

Collin  34:44

this is crazy. You can do you have your choice, do your listeners. You can go to Amazon and you can buy a brand new audio CD for $159. And it was only like

Brandon  34:58

it was like this is like 2000 And, yeah, nine something I don't like it's not it's not widely available to that six. Right, there we go. He doesn't say, or

Collin  35:11

you can just go stream it right now.


Yeah streamable

Brandon  35:15

so Oh, that's





Brandon  35:21

it's great. Nine more gallons to good song.


So I was looking at this I was gonna see.

Brandon  35:29

Just can you hear this? Now? Don't get us don't get us caught up here just Anyway, anyway yes, it's


Yeah, that's great.

Brandon  35:49

I had no idea about this. Yeah, it's you should you should find the type of structure that because it's fantastic like the whole thing is great. My favorite one is the press pound song. Right? But all of the other ones are also good so like




I'll add that to the list

Collin  36:18

so yeah, I've just been like that what's been new with you? You've I feel like you've had maybe not personally but just like community wise, you've had some interesting things going on. Yeah,

Brandon  36:29

it's uh, yeah, strange things afoot. Down here. Right. So we're definitely so the wall the wall. Okay, so let me see. One of them. There has been yet another jailbreak the old county jail. This one is like crazy, though. So allegedly, they are building a new jail, which is good because apparently, I live in the big rock candy mountains and my jails are made of tin. Right. And you can just walk right out again as soon as you are in. Because this time seven inmates have escaped how how? They overpowered the officer there was too I was at nighttime, right? Or more early, more something. They overpowered two officers and like, handcuffed them in a closet, and then like or something. Okay, so I don't know exactly what happened. Because they overpower the officers. I think what happened is there was like, it was like one of those big cells with like, a bunch of people in it. Oh, right. And they were trying to get like one person. But then like, they were overpowered by the other ones.


I see. Right. I

Brandon  37:50

think that's what happened. Okay, that's what it sounds like, again, I'm not 100% sure about this, this is conjecture. But they like handcuffed the officers and put them in a closet or something interesting to sell. I don't really know, because like, other prisoners that were still in the jail, like freed the police officers. Right. So that was interesting. First, interesting facts. Second interesting fact. They caught three of them immediately, because they were just like, strolling down the road. It was just kind of like, I think they were just like, Okay, well, these guys wanted to get out and we were there.

Collin  38:28

So we'd rather not be a problem.

Brandon  38:30

We're out and I was like, Oh, what did it somebody else? At least one other person? Just know. Okay, so they caught three immediately. Three? Yeah, three, immediately. One person like went to their family's house and their family called the cops. Right? One or two people just called the police on themselves. And we're like, yeah, we're over here. You can come get us. We didn't mean to.

Collin  38:59

I'm a bit tired, actually. Rather. Like, alright. Well, plus, they were probably it's one of the things that they were smart enough to know, the charges that they were in, are probably not all that bad. So they were going, the more I do this, like the worse that's going to be for me, I'd rather have like, right because,

Brandon  39:20

like, Okay, well, maybe. Yeah, so I don't know. I don't know about that. But like, and then there's one guy who's still missing. Right. He is nowhere to be found. So I feel like he is the one that was sort of masterminding the whole thing. Right? You don't and then they and then


the rest of them were like, Oh, they're like, oh, yeah, we'll do it. And I'm like, oh, okay, well, just kidding. JK, JK. So one

Brandon  39:54

hardened criminal and Louis he's like, it's like real bad like his stuff. It's like not it's not good. it like it's real. I don't. Yeah. So he's not a great dude. Kind of dangerous guy. But he is still somewhere. It sounds like he fled far afield. Right. Like, I don't know. He's,


like Gone, Gone. Gone gone. Okay. But yeah, that is uh, that was the one of the things. The other thing. The other mystery that we have going on down here

Brandon  40:33

is a a doctor was reported missing and has been found dead in a lake in Arkansas. What? Yeah, so there's that, right, like this is a very, like there's some weird like shady things happening like, I'm not really sure. 100% right. So, again, these are the facts as I remember them, not as I know them, because I'm not super acquainted with the case. Right? Like, he is a doctor down south of here, right? He was living in like a big luxury mobile home, just like in the parking lot of the hospital. Okay, so that's weird. He apparently is known to be a bit of a playboy. And his divorce was just finalized. Not too long ago. Okay. He has some other children, right. I heard that his child support payment was going to be astronomical. Something enormous. I also heard that him and his friend and or brother have some sort of Bitcoin operation something


or other. Okay.

Brandon  42:13

Right. So like, his car was found, like, at the Aquatic Center. Just there


in town, or? Yeah,

Brandon  42:30

no, no, in that town. His car was there. There was some sort of security footage of him like talking to somebody in the parking lot and then like walking away. And then he was found dead in the lake in Arkansas. So shot I believe, so. Probably didn't walk to Arkansas. No. Yeah. So yeah, I have no idea. What the heck. So shady business going along. You don't say? Yeah.


That's real weird.

Brandon  43:10

It's real awkward. Like, what in the world is going on here? Yeah, that's real uncut.

Collin  43:20

I've in the world, like what do you even do with that kind of information of like,

Brandon  43:26

Huh? Yeah, right. Like, I don't even know what like you can do. Right. Like, they gotta do the autopsy, I guess. Right. But he Yeah, it's just, I don't know, I guess they're probably gonna have to find that car that he was talking with try to figure out what that was all about. Right. Like, so I don't. It's very weird. And then they like interviewed his brother and was like, I didn't even know what he's missing. He got kidnapped once before


one time. I'm sorry. What? Yeah, exact right.

Brandon  44:15

Like, what does that even mean? Do you mean it's actually like, oh, yeah, he was getting up once before, right. Like how do you just drop Yeah, no,


no, that's not what you

Brandon  44:36

Yeah. Wow, that is intense. Yeah, it's real. Real crazy. So lots of questions remain. Right. Why was his car in some random parking lot? Where he did it? Where would he shouldn't be right way was he in Arkansas? Right. going on. So yeah, that's uh, yeah, it's really weird. So I don't like strangeness strange is going on. Yeah. Right. Like,

Collin  45:15

having all this fun and stuff. Yeah.

Brandon  45:19

He's even was joking like, Oh man, that's a good thing we're gonna, like she's like it's getting a little hot down here. It's good thing we're gonna go to the big safe sanctuary of Boston. So

Collin  45:33

yeah, that's that'll get you. You know gives you a little bit of breathing room bringing a little bit more.

Brandon  45:39

Yeah. feel more at ease, right like so,

Collin  45:50

so yeah, you see Yeah, you are getting ready to, I believe, ship up to Boston.

Brandon  45:55

And that is true. It's true. I'm not going to be looking for wooden legs so

Collin  45:59

well, I you don't know. I might, you might? I don't know. It's fine. I would I would recommend at least keeping one eye open for it. That's how, how many times are you gonna play live on repeat? That's my question.

Brandon  46:14

Oh, well, that remains to be seen. The final count when I'm back was true. It's just gonna be like just going to download every Dropkick Murphys out what I think is what I'm going to do and just like, blare it as loud as I can to all the people in the streets. No, I'm their ally. Like, I'll be safe. Maybe like, Ah, he's fine. He's okay. He knows.

Collin  46:36

I think that's what you do. I think that's how you you make that work. Yeah, I mean, and you've obviously been been reviewing been watching Boondock Saints on repeat to get

Brandon  46:48

early early. Ben Affleck Matt Damon, things most Yeah, most of that too. Right. Just

Collin  46:53

to get a brushing up on the dialect. Yeah, I understand.

Brandon  47:00

I have a hard time saying my A's that long but you know, give it a shot right? Like we'll see.

Collin  47:07

What you gotta be able to converse with them and make sure you understand the local colloquial sayings and such as can be difficult right colloquialisms

Brandon  47:15

of of Boston. We'll see. We'll see if I can find a Yad right like, Well, yeah,


yes, yeah, just talk about

Brandon  47:25

it. Go to the yard. What is it? You gotta pack the car and have a dad right? Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  47:37

Yeah, so you guys are you're heading out when? When you heading out for that? Or you don't have to? I mean, you have to disclose? Yeah, I'll tell you. But what kind of places like you have lined up places you want to? You're going to go yeah,

Brandon  47:48

we're going with some friends and stuff. So it's like the kind of the old colonial America Turi stuff, you know, okay. Kind of so it's like some Boston East stuff. And then we're gonna go down to so it's gonna be like, you know, the North end stuff. You know, that kind of stuff like the Paul Revere House. I think we are gonna go to Salem. Oh, okay. May or may not be a ghost tour. In my future. I'm not real sure about this. I have seen but like, obviously. See in the corner. I do believe it's books. I do believe it's yeah, some of that stuff. It's like, East Coast blitz tour, right. I think it's like Boston, New York, DC stuff. Just kind of like that. Hitting the highlights of the old kind of like colonial America, founding father stuff. You know, I think there may be like a brief stop in Philadelphia maybe think works, like, on our way to somewhere else.

Collin  49:03

This is this an organized tour? Is this one that you put put together? Yeah.

Brandon  49:08

Organized thing that me and my friends are gonna us and our friends around. So. Okay. Be pretty fun. I think. Good time. Was Yes. See some sights. You know?

Collin  49:20

I was wondering, you out you and Aaron. I'm on the East Coast. I was like, Maybe you guys were gonna try and meet up. But you'll be it'd be much farther south to me boot up. You'll be a boon for now. north north there. Yeah, it has to be a wee bit

Brandon  49:36

south. Yes. Since he's like hanging out. Chattanooga, apparently. Yeah. The in the choo choo, right. Like,


that's a little bit of a different kind of culture. That's true.



Collin  49:54

Let's just say and you'll be you'll be gone for you out there for a week or so.


Yeah, about a week we'll be back Oh, okay. Can be fun think packing is not fun. No, no. Good Packer.

Collin  50:08

So what's the Yeah, what's your approach to this? What's the weather like? I mean, I mean, how do you dress for a ghost tour? I don't know is it I don't think there's a period pieces.

Brandon  50:21

I don't know. I don't he I you know I'm a little light on period clothing so that'll be rough there's still time. Yes true. Not really. I guess I can it Amazon me some shoes, a buckles. I don't know. Like,

Collin  50:41

they probably just have them in the airport there as soon as you get out so you can make sure you dress me

Brandon  50:45

like when you stopped by like the Old North Church and he's like, oh, here put this coat on. Like, oh, now I'm feeling much better. Stopped by Paul Revere SAS you get the wig like, Oh, look at this so clearly so low.


It really makes the whole experience come alive.



Collin  51:08

I don't know as Boston I mean, I know you're traveling over quite a wide geographic area. So I hope be nice and cool. Cooler.

Brandon  51:17

I think it's supposed to be cooler in Boston a little bit. But then like when you start getting into like the New York DC area, I think it's supposed to be hot still. Oh, no reprieve. Really. From I wasn't sure at Boston.

Collin  51:36

When we when we when I moved out to San Francisco. For a conference, something that I did not adequately prepare for was excited heard about them. But I didn't think they were this severe was the microclimates within San Francisco have just like oh, yeah, how like when we were in one area, it was like, Oh, it's so hot here. And it was in shorts and like to short sleeve shirt. And then it was a little bit later in the day, but we were down by the bay and it was like really cold and drizzling. Like I did not plan accordingly. Well,

Brandon  52:11

the current the ocean current over there is going the opposite direction. Right? So you get a lot more cold water current out there. East Coast is still that's the Gulf Stream. So that's warm water coming out from the Caribbean. So sort of moderate and the coast is generally pretty warm fish so I'm really expecting it to be like warm to hot I don't know it might rain. I don't really have a good sort of rain solution. That's the thing I didn't think about just right now.


I'll alone you my umbrella.

Brandon  52:43

Just gonna be soggy I guess I don't really know because I didn't operation travel light, right, we're going okay, I'm all this luggage this time? Can we try it out? See how we go? Okay, ever attempted this before? Could be good. Could be utter catastrophe. Who knows? See, I guess it'd be

Collin  53:13

Are you alright? So you're not gonna try? You're trying not check any bags or anything? Yeah,

Brandon  53:17

carry on my eyes. It.

Collin  53:20

It's, um, it's really nice. We have traveled like that a couple times. And you stress out about it.


But then, like, when you're

Collin  53:31

on the plane you like, just get on the plane. And then you just get off. It's like, oh my gosh, like, this is amazing. Like, this is so nice. But then yeah, but when you're when you're preparing because you're like, oh, there's I only have one of these or I only have this to this, but like just the getting on and off the plane. Like that whole experience is wonderful.

Brandon  53:50

Yeah. And since it's like a multi city thing, right? I feel like that's just the solution. You know what I mean? Like just keeping track of stuff. Just easier, right? It's just like less things just like a bag. Done, right? Like not worried about it too much or anything like that. So the plan, see, see how the plan goes I got a sweet carry on backpack thing. So that's handy. Okay, because that'll be make it easier to keep track of it stuff. And I like rolling things around. It's in the way so yeah, and backpack strap. So

Collin  54:35

problem solved. Solved. Yes. And what am I one of my things is was always just like, because you can shove clothes into a duffel bag pretty easily, but like man, you also have other things that you're taking that don't shove nicely. Like you know you have a charging cables and you'll have books in your hand like electronic stuff or you're having shampoo in the way like though Those items are what to me really make a lot of that, that bulky and problematic because you're trying to pat around those you can't just shove and cram and whatever and like, that's what makes it pretty awkward in

Brandon  55:10

some instances. That's true. But I think I mean, I'm just gonna be taking my phone and stuff because I don't really my laptop is very ancient because it's super old. Really needs an upgrade. Don't tell it. I don't want it. It's feelings but match.


We are doing great little buddy. Keep it up, Pat. Pat, pat.

Brandon  55:38

They're there. Yeah. That'll be nice, too. Yeah. So, as far as that goes, hopefully, we'll see was a good plan. Start laying stuff out here be like, how many socks does a person need if they're gonna? Sure. Don't want to go light on the socks. Right? That's the one thing you don't want to know. You don't know. Never have too many socks. Like one shirt and like 50 pairs of socks. Like, I'm ready. I lost dance, and I gotta make sure I was over my feet. So I gotta go. Well, you know? Yeah, well, that'll be. Yeah, but it'll be fun, I think hasn't really set in that I'm leaving. Yeah, it's one of the things like I've known about this for a very long time. And then it's like, it's always been like very far away. And I was like, Oh,

Collin  56:39

wait, it's suddenly very real. You're like, oh, yeah, like, right.

Brandon  56:43

No. Oh, no. Doesn't happen. What am I actually ready for this? I don't know the answer to that. Yeah.

Collin  56:54

Isn't that weird, though, but how that happened with light is just like, I guess just the life events in general about how how good our brains are it just like pushing it off. And like that, that subtle denial that comes in at times to just like, No, that's not real. But this, I guess it's part of our like, we are so experiential, that it really isn't real until we're actually doing that. And I think that's good in some cases, because then, rationally you would go, hey, well, you know, the fears and anxieties aren't real until I'm actually experiencing them. But we tend not to focus on it in that way. We go no, no, all those all those potential things are those are very top of mind. But the actual event itself isn't isn't real time sitting on the plane or I'm in Boston or whatever. Yeah,

Brandon  57:41

or I have to wake up make early to go there for Yeah, how


early Are you getting up?

Brandon  57:47

Oh, well, that's a good question. Our full we have to be at the airport at like, for our flight is somewhere around six o'clock in the morning. Obviously, so. I think you have means you have to be at the airport by at least five o'clock in the morning, so I got to get up really, really early. Okay. And be distressed mostly because I cannot I cannot sleep on airplanes. Like it is the hardest thing in the world.


I don't know how people do it. I can't even really

Brandon  58:38

like I can't like if I do it's like naps, right? Like micro naps like you'd like sleep for like 20 minutes right? So I think it's that first day is gonna be terrible because I'm gonna have to get up mega early and then you know,

Collin  58:57

you're also losing time that day because you're traveling to the east

Brandon  59:01

and then But then once we get there I think it's like go time right like all right, we got to get ready to get our stuff and then we got to go off to start doing the year blah blah. So it's like

Collin  59:10

Yeah, yeah, it's it starts I think part of it for me is it's the like, sleeping in public thing. That's what I can't I can't let my guard down enough to do that. Of like, what there are people around

Brandon  59:27

there are people I don't I've never really thought about it that way before I that's not something that bothers me like I can't sleep in like a car.


Is it the sitting upright thing or is it the my thing maybe? Or maybe?

Brandon  59:39

I don't know, I could sit on the couch. Like but like I might be the movement. The motion thing I might be that I'm not rushing but like I can't sleep in the car? hardly at all. So clean. Much worse. Much less comfortable than a car. Right for sure. already. So Like, cuz I mean, I, you know, fitting an airplane seat not just super great, but like I don't like see myself as like a big person. Right? What I am? Well, yeah, I mean like I don't think of myself that way. But like, when you look at other people like, Oh, I am kind of bigger and then, like, sitting in an airplane seat. It's like, oh, now I don't know how anybody people do this like, like actual big people like real tall people or like, like, how does this work? Like what in the world is going on? Well, I mean, yeah, you don't

Collin  1:00:49

have a big person until you sit in an airplane seat and that makes anybody feel claustrophobic, right? So that's

Brandon  1:00:56

like, I feel like really conscious about how wide my shoulders are like, oh, oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. I don't fit in these you have like, sit like all hunched. And like, oh, I don't want to like, play for me. Like,


for me, it's the How long are my femurs? Wow, I didn't I didn't realize they weren't that stay stuck out. Over there. Oh, no. But that'll be

Collin  1:01:30

an exciting trip. And you get to have some, some history. Hopefully you can incorporate some of your own photos and your presentations. Now when you talk to your students. I don't know if you do cover?

Brandon  1:01:42

I don't. Well, my friend does. So okay. It'd be good for her. They go. Yeah. You should

Collin  1:01:48

at least try and sneak him in at some point. Do it?

Brandon  1:01:52

Well, I mean, we are going to some museums, too. Right. So there could be


something. Yeah, some some

Brandon  1:02:02

things I'm thinking about, right? Because I think when we're in DC, we're going to the Smithsonian. But I think it's just like, Okay, go go. I think we've had like X amount of time. So it's like, which one? Do you that's the real problem here. There's like, nine or something ridiculous, right? So like, in my few hours here. Where do I go? Well, that was

Collin  1:02:33

yeah, let's like when I took the that school trip, and we went to the Louvre. And they're like, Well, you have two hours or whatever. And I was like, oh my god, like, ah, like, we were literally running through that entire thing. And looking back, that was a poor choice. Like, should have had more of it. They always like plan.

Brandon  1:02:49

That's how it works, right? You're just like, oh, we have some time and we want to fit this in and blah, blah, blah. So no, it's like, I mean, we did that in Auckland, right? They're like, here's this museum, and it was like, really big. Oh, no, we don't have very much time, Ron.

Collin  1:03:06

Yeah, well, I mean, so hopefully you have a little bit of time to, to plan that out. Do you have an inkling of where where you'd like to go? Or are you still have to

Brandon  1:03:14

I don't even remember how many buildings there are. So I have to like, gonna have to do some research speaking be like, which one? Where? What part? Are we going to target for this? Because there's like, 20 bazillion things here. The place is enormous. So like, I don't know, it's a little overwhelming, right? Like, Oh, no. What? What do I do? How does this work? How do I maximize my time here? Because it's gonna be rough. But we'll see. I think you're up for the challenge. We'll be able to track you know, me. I think it's our last day too. So it would be kind of like


a few espresso shots to really?


Yeah, yeah. No,

Collin  1:04:15

I'd look forward to that report. And everything so well. Good. Okay. And I think next time we will, we will we will tackle the first Do you want how okay, but we'll transition reading here. Do you want to do one chapter two chapters at a time? How do you want to approach this? Okay, me? Well,

Brandon  1:04:35

I there's 19 chapters. Okay. So do with that if I feel like one chapter at a time. Maybe not the most efficient way to do this? No, but I feel like our our first one definitely should probably just be like one chapter. Right? Okay, because then we could talk about like We could review our own histories with like a Tolkein and other things and have some like other stuff to go on here. And then we can just do like introductory stuff. Uh huh. And then do the do one chapter, at least for the first one. Okay, I agree. And then we could do two at a time after that if you want to do, or it just kind of depends. We'll see where we are. See? Yeah. Yeah, I think he like one to two based on timing and stuff like that. Your schedule, mostly because after, after next week, I got one week of stuff going on. And then after that, I got nothing.

Collin  1:05:44

Yeah, I think we can we can definitely do too, especially because we do an 18th. And these are some of these are not too long of chapters. I mean, some of them are pretty meaty, but not too terrible. So I think that'll that'll help us get through it a little bit quicker in

Brandon  1:06:00

super long. Make the most of our time. Yeah, yeah. On some of these cases. Some of these aren't suit. Yeah, the next. I just pulled up my book here. Like, chapter one is a pretty long, but then like, chapter two is not that bad. And chapter three is really not long at all. So yeah.

Collin  1:06:17

I think we should plan on doing two at a time today to make the most of

Brandon  1:06:21

that. So. So that way, it's not like a million part series.


Yeah, yeah. Well, actually wouldn't mean actually get through it.

Brandon  1:06:31

That's true, too.


All right. Well, we will do that.

Brandon  1:06:36

So for next time. The chapters are really short. I'm just flipping through the book right now.

Collin  1:06:40

So yeah, and so we may, we may adjust. But I think we should have a goal of doing at least two, we may tack on a third. Depending I mean, towards the end, like the ending chapters are very short. Yes. Yeah. Because they start going

Brandon  1:06:53

through that. So right, these last? Like, yeah, 13. That was not very long. But yeah, we'll see once we get evaluate towards the end, but like that chapter was like three pages. So okay.

Collin  1:07:05

Yeah, that's what I remembered. So I didn't think they were too bad because it's not a big book. So okay, well, yeah, not

Brandon  1:07:11

really. My accuracy is only 276 pages. So

Collin  1:07:18

yeah. Okay. Well, we will we will do that. We'll tackle an unexpected journey. They're bad. They're bad and good. Have its tail. And go from there. Okay. I like it. Me too. Oh, cool. Well, go forth. Conquer and so much breed. It's so hard because I'm gonna want to Well, I just have to talk offline about the doctor thing and whatever. Just stuff like so. Yeah. Okay. But we'll have it next time. Everybody have it? Okay. Very good. Very good. Well, we will do that. All right. Love you. Love you too. Bye. Bye.