barricading a door

Collin wants coveralls. Brandon wants to know why the CIA sent biker mice to Mars. We spoke too soon about the cold. PLUS, you should just watch the Animaniacs.

History of the World: Part I:

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movies, watch, people, good, coveralls, bad, weird, real, motivation, remake, feel, pretty, car, point, losers, fine, shocking, stimpy, day, edgy


Collin Funkhouser, Brandon

Brandon  01:22

Oh boy. Oh boy. Yeah.


How's it going?

Brandon  01:26

Oh, pretty good. Oh,

Collin Funkhouser  01:30

I wasn't I wasn't sure what the inflection. I wasn't sure which direction we were gonna go.

Brandon  01:35

Well, so like I haven't been doing literally anything. So I mean, that's good. Right. Okay.


Okay, fair.

Brandon  01:43

Our our talk last week caught up to us because it's freezing right now. Yeah. Yeah, not as bad as last year apparently. But no, wait. Quite chilly.


Oh my gosh.

Brandon  02:08

You know, still feels like 20. So you know, so. Not minus, but you know, still still not great. So.

Collin Funkhouser  02:16

Exactly. Still. Great. And that's what's important, folks. Yeah,

Brandon  02:21

it's snow, like a teensy bit this morning. It was just like, teasing snow, like a little bit of like, and then like, it was gone. But it was. Oh, it's

Collin Funkhouser  02:32

been. It was been weird. We've had so we've had so many. It was like, it was snowing off and on. Throughout the last two days, were at least in Springfield and here at home where we're like, I don't know. It was very, very, I was like, What is going on? Like, why is it continuing to like, it was so cold and wet. And just anyway, I'll stop.

Brandon  03:01

True. It's not bad weather. If you're not sitting any pets or walking any dogs out, it's great. So like,

Collin Funkhouser  03:12

yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah, because all of a sudden, like, okay, so real talk. I was very busy. The beginning part of this week. Very busy.

Brandon  03:26

Shocking. Wonder where everyone was? Yeah, there was some sort of international holiday they do things on.


Well, and yes, and we had some staffing things and Oh, no.

Brandon  03:45

Not more staffing. Which is

Collin Funkhouser  03:47

fine. It was it was one of the things that like how many of them are going to ask to like must be out there doing the work of like, no, like, like, okay, like, you guys like fine. Be home with your families and like state because like they do work hard the rest of the year. So like, I get it, so it's fine. It was fine. But also,


I was I was down there. I did not pack appropriately for the weather that I am in right now.

Brandon  04:17

Oh, no. Did you how I want to know how how many. Okay, let me I gotta figure out how to phrase this question. First of all, that would be a very useful thing, right? That's how long into the first dog walk Did you consider going to buy coveralls? That's what I want to know. Like, did you just be like, Nah, forget this. I'm going full blown. Midwest mode. Get me some coveralls right now, like how long did that take for that thought into your mind? Well,

Collin Funkhouser  04:51

so I had started I had started. since Monday, I was doing visits. It started visits at 6am that day and I that the thought of coveralls did not enter my head until my walk at 845. And this was because I was at a complex and the other words were mostly like vacation visits. So we were just coming in out of people's homes, but this was a true dogwalk. Okay, so I was prolonged outs out of a long extended period time. And I look up ahead and the chairman leaves the apartment complex in coveralls. And I went,

Brandon  05:31

Oh, that's what it

Collin Funkhouser  05:35

actually would be amazing right now. Ah, so I instead had like, I had a base layer. And then I had a cotton layer. And then I had my hoodie. And then I had my fleece jacket. And then I had my, my rain jacket over that, which was using a quasi windbreaker but also it was also raining and sleeting and snowing all week. So yeah, it was kind of and, and that that combination was fine. But also, it's real tricky, because, like, you're out walking. And then you go into somebody's house, and they've had it set to like 78. And then like, peeling off layers.

Brandon  06:18

That's true. So like, here's the problem, though, right? Like the these are listeners, these are real Midwest problems, right? If you ever wondered to yourself, I wonder what Midwest people think about. Here you go, you're ready. This is officially, like, layering up on the top is no problem. Really? Yeah. Because you can put on like three coats. And then if you go into somebody's house, you just take our coats off, right? The problem is, you can't the bottom layer is the problem. Right? Because like, generally, like my legs don't get as cold as like my core, right? But like, you're out there for long enough, all of a sudden, you're like, kind of like knee area, like lower thigh starts to just freeze. Sure, right. For some reason. That's the part that gets like really cold and like, you can't you can't layer their pants the same way. Right? This is why the coveralls are interesting plan right? Because then you could do that is like removable, right? But like you can't do like too many layers on the leg. Right? The you can't take them off your comes real awkward, right? You can't rock someone's house and start like unbuttoning your trousers, right? That's not really kosher, right? You don't do that. So. Right? So you have the you have this problem of like the layering. It's like disproportional right, like you can, you know, layering is no problem on the top half of your body on the bottom half of your body becomes very tricky. Right? You have to wear like, a lot of socks. And but then like, so your feet are warm, but then like your thighs just get really cool. Yeah,

Collin Funkhouser  08:01

and I just thought that was really weird. I just kind of honestly gave, I didn't even bother with that. I just wasn't able to worry about that part. Because like, I was like, I was more concerned about my, like, my chest and my neck getting cold, because those are always Yeah. It doesn't matter how many layers I run. If I'm going to get cold, it's always at the base of my neck. And it's as

Brandon  08:24

if only there was some sort of garment that was invented that was designed specifically to keep your neck warm. But

Collin Funkhouser  08:31

the problem with one of the traditional garments that are speaking is that they dangle

Brandon  08:36

it and they don't say petsitter Is that why Yeah, okay, exactly. I mean, yet, right? You should get you should get a minute, you know, like, does the English football scarfs right, when you hold them up, and it says like, the name of the team or whatever, you should just get those but it just says petsitter just like, oh,

Collin Funkhouser  08:54

no, I kept bending over all the time, like bending down to they fall down. So I'm just getting like a neck gator would actually be fair plan that could pull it up over my face as well. Oh, yeah.

Brandon  09:08

But yours, right? That's the other. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's a problem. Right? Like, it's, it's, and it's like, it's not that bad. If you're gonna like, it's like you're going to the store. Right? It's not a big deal. Like, whatever, I don't care. I'm just gonna wear my jeans and like a shirt and a jacket. Because you're going to only be you're going to be exposed. You're going to be exposed to the weather for like, less than five minutes. Exactly. So, so that doesn't matter. It's the I have to be outside for 20 plus minutes. Now, now this becomes an important planning exercise. Like, like after 20 minutes, right? Like if I look at this official Oh, no chart here. Frostbite becomes a thing. So I need to start thinking about, okay, body temperature, hypothermia become a real problem.

Collin Funkhouser  10:21

Yep. And then I'm trying to layer on top of that like, like, figuratively, of like, and literally, of how bulky can I be, I still have to like be bending and twisting and like, and then I get really hot. And then of course, you go sit down in your car, and it's like, initially cold, but also it's going to heat up really quick, because that's what they do. And so like, actually, in between visits, I was driving around with my car's air conditioning going, because I was getting so Oh, yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, I was just like, oh my gosh, like this just, oh,

Brandon  10:54

yeah, my friends and I were having this conversation as like, the driving with the codon thing, right? Because like, this, apparently is a divisive topic, right? That I was unaware of, right? Because like, some people will not drive with a codon. And I'm like, why? I mean, like, he does get high. Again, if you're gonna be in the car for like, an hour. Obviously, you take your shirt off. But if it's like, again, if you run to the store, who cares? And they were talking about, they just can't do it. And I realized at one point in my life, I had a car the heater didn't work. So like, not very well. And it took forever to like warm up. So like, the driving of the car. Nothing, I guess doesn't bother me, because I was like, a mandatory thing, right? Like, it's kind of a necessity. Need to drive with the coat on? Because it's not real pleasant otherwise, right? When you go into work at four o'clock in the morning, the car with a heater is not working very well. There's not real great plan, you know?

Collin Funkhouser  11:59

No. And for me, it's just more convenient to just like you get in the car, you sit and then you just drive with the coat on no need to take it on and off. Now, I will say obviously, if you have if you want children that are in car seats, yes, you must take them out of the car seats so they can pull in like blah, blah, blah. Yes, yes, I get I get it. But like for me, yeah, you personally, for me, personally, I'm gonna sit in and I'm gonna have I'm not going to take I'm not going to disrobe in the car. Like that's not the like, That's annoying. So because we're like, Yeah, I'm just going to, you know, just gonna go ahead and keep this. So anyway, that was not the complaint. But it was like, of course, like, this is now in the cold weather hits, like during our really busy season. And but I will say, Man, as much as people will complain and don't like it in our line of work, like working on a holiday is magical. I love it. Because we

Brandon  12:56

like yeah, for road traffic purposes.

Collin Funkhouser  13:00

It's fantastic. Road Traffic purposes. People road traffic. i i What lights there are no lights. They're not there's nobody here I have to route all to myself all day long. Like this is Oh my gosh, it was beautiful. So I was reminded of like, Yes, this is this is wonderful. It's just glorious. I don't have people around. There's nobody out. Everything's nice. Calm. Getting to do all that was great. I I double plus that that was double plus good. Highly recommend except they don't. So don't do that.

Brandon  13:38

Yeah, like even when we went to Susan's mom's house, just on Christmas, like afternoon, like nobody else was driving. It was weird, because we had to like the highway to that like to go because they live in a different town. So like, nobody here. Like Granted, these aren't like the busiest roads in the world, right? We're not talking like, you know, Kansas City loop or anything, but like, nobody is on the road. It was it was kind of weird, right? Like, especially when we came home like no cars still like that's driving through town. No cars still like what? What in the world? was awkward? Like, this is weird. Yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  14:29

No, it feels it feels like something is wrong. It really does. Yeah, you're out and you there's nobody. There's nobody out and you're like, What on earth is this? But it's I think I mean, I really I really like it but yeah, it was weird. Because yeah, Monday there's like nobody out which is fine. And then like, it didn't start getting busy again until Wednesday morning. Like Tuesday. I was also. Yeah,

Brandon  14:58

I mean, we didn't go anywhere on Tuesday. You know, that's not we didn't go anywhere today either. So there's that

Collin Funkhouser  15:11

Oh, and then yeah, and I was I was honestly a little worried about how the weather was going to impact us because of just the the temperatures how they were so right on the edge of like, it's either going to be just fine or it's about to get real, like, because of the freezing on like, you know, the overpasses and stuff. And I was like, not happy.

Brandon  15:38

Yeah, I think it was. I don't know. We went out and walks today, bottled up, right, and then went out for a walk. I mean, it wasn't too bad. This afternoon. early afternoon was right. But definitely, it was like wet. But like, I don't think I don't think you've been cold for long enough to be too precarious. Right.

Collin Funkhouser  16:01

Right. Yeah, that that's the point. It's, it's I had to remind myself, I was like, 60 Yesterday, it was 60 Yesterday, it would be fine. We're going to fly we're gonna get a flat. It's like it's not going to flash freeze. Like it didn't drop that precipitously. But you know, it pretty close.

Brandon  16:20

done before, but yeah, yeah. Yeah, we had a really low key week. Because like, everybody in seasons family got sick. So Oh, no, we're gonna go to like, do big Christmas at their house. And they called last night before they're like, No, don't. No, we're not. We give up. We're not doing like, okay, fair, good. Like everybody on her side of the family was sick. Last, like, either the week before, or like, the day of they were all sick. So we stayed home Yeah, so like, it was real. It was real lucky because they were all ill. So we didn't go see

Collin Funkhouser  17:08

it. You're not they're not the only ones. Like I see so many people who are sick right now, like for various things. In it's all different for everybody. I mean, I just had a staff member who had to call out for the next couple days because of their they're sick. And it's, it seems odd how it's hitting a wide swath of people right now.

Brandon  17:32

Oh, yeah. Well, it also because it's like, five different sickness. It's not like the flu, or the big C, or like, whatever it's like for strep, or it's like all of them like at the same time.


Yes, it is. And it's your cash so

Brandon  17:55

it's crazy. Yeah, yeah. So yeah,

Collin Funkhouser  17:58

this this Well, I'm sorry to hear that they're not hopefully they're all on the mend. Maybe.

Brandon  18:04

I believe that to be true. I know her mom is doing better. Well, because we were telling her it was her sister and stuff so I think they're doing better they were going to the literally better I don't think they're like over a over it but they're improving. We're on the upswing

Collin Funkhouser  18:23

WOOT will will hurt. Yeah. I'm pretty Yeah. Now this this week, really? It's at woof Yeah, kicked my kick my butt. I was by the by yesterday when I was texting. I was like, We need to move this more to tomorrow.


I was like, I can't actually do this physically much. Much longer.

Brandon  18:51

I was good. Yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  18:54

So yeah, it's been a that's been that's really been the bulk of of my week was just focusing on all of those things. And, man, it's been we had Oh, the weird one. Okay. The weird thing to share with you. When people travel, okay, they do all sorts of weird stuff to their homes. Like it's just bizarre and there are things that people do or don't do, to our to their homes that like I would never do or not do example. You walk in and the gun. This is not a judgment on anybody. This is just a

Brandon  19:34

facet for it is.

Collin Funkhouser  19:37

You come in in the kitchen sink is crammed full of all dirty dishes, okay? Now, okay, like piled piles of stuff in there, okay. And they go away and they're going away for like a month, right? Or like, or even two weeks, like or even a week. Like, I'm like, I'm like, What do you think? This hurts me because we go for like a day. I'm like, the whole house must be clean. I'm not coming home to a dirty house. That's not how I want to live my life. Okay, dad. These are the neuroticism that I have gathered over the course of my life. So it's fine. Again, it's fine people live their life, but like, I have to use your sink because I need to like wash pet dishes and like refill water bowls and things. So I'm having to like, push things out of the way to use a sink. And I like all this is gross. Like, I don't like this right now. Plus, I'm having to dump dirty like, slobber water. And I'm like, well, it's just going in your decision

Brandon  20:40

of buddy, it's gonna pool in the air.

Collin Funkhouser  20:45

It's gonna smell bad, right? And so like, I'm trying to like not dump it, so it doesn't. So the slobber water does not fall into their coffee cups that are at the bottom of this and stuff. And it's a mess. But the other thing that people do when they leave, is that they, they don't tell us this. But they'll tell neighbors and friends to be like, oh, yeah, come over to my house and borrow my vacuum or like, use my car, or whatever. Oh. So I arrived at a client's home and I

Brandon  21:23

just sitting there eating Cheerios like, so man. No,

Collin Funkhouser  21:27

there's just a right yeah, there's just a random car in the driveway. And it's like, 7am in the morning. And I'm like, Well, this wasn't here last night at when I was here at 10pm. This was not there. So Well, I'm just gonna walk in. So I walk in and I'm making my noise and nobody responds, and nobody responds. And now I have to clean up poop mass. And I take that out into the garage, garbage can. And I noticed that the owners car that was in the garage is not there. And so I take pictures, and I send it to the client. And they're like, oh, yeah, we said they could, you know, use our car while we're gone. And I'm like that would have been really nice to know a day ago. So that I wouldn't come in and I'm like, it's it was trying to like report a burglary, right? Yeah, where the suspect left their car in the driveway and just swapped them out like this. So like, I don't know your

Brandon  22:31

game logic, right? You drop one car somewhere, you take a new one,

Collin Funkhouser  22:34

right? To your pack is big enough, right? Like so? You can't

Brandon  22:38

be over encumbered. Like that's not okay. Walking everywhere. Yes. So

Collin Funkhouser  22:43

I just, it's those things where you're like they had they obviously knew that they were okay with it. They weren't concerned about it. And I'm like, yeah, it would have been


would have been nice to update us about that. But okay.

Brandon  23:01

I mean, yeah, especially this time of year when you've washed home alone, like five times. Right? So you're just like, on the lookout for, like, suspicious things, right? Like is that? You know, did somebody turn the sink on? Is the way the wet band is here, right? Like what's

Collin Funkhouser  23:20

or the, or the client who leaves for a week, and doesn't tell us that oh, by the way, the door off of there. Okay, so this is gonna, okay, this is just the kind of client This is the door to their back patio off of their recital room doesn't latch anymore. The,


the what

Collin Funkhouser  23:42

they have, they have, okay, so they have a room in their house. That is their recital room. This is where they have their piano. And this is where they practice all their instruments for their violins their everything that they play in, it's like this little kind of like quasi soundproof room. It's, it's pretty, it's it's right off of the living room. And to get to the back patio, you kind of have to walk through this room. And then the door that goes from this to the outside just doesn't latch anymore. Just doesn't write it and they weren't going to tell us that until we couldn't get the door latched. Because we had to take the dog out there and then they're like, oh, yeah, that doesn't latch anymore. And I'm like, What do you mean? You're going away for five days. There's it's windy outside the wind is going to blow the store. Fine. So what I did was I like, oh boy, I Well, so like I made this door latch like had to lift it up on the handle, shove it in, like the deadbolt. It will last to close I did and then I set like okay, I then I set two chairs in front of it because I was like I still don't trust this. So nobody's going in and out of that door. We're going to find another way. So now we gotta go like through the basement or whatever to get outside, like

Brandon  25:06

barricaded the door. That's great. Yeah. Yeah, well,

Collin Funkhouser  25:09

because I was like, I, if I don't if I don't barricade it, and I just tell some I just tell the team to like, Oh, don't use that door. Somebody's going to forget because that's the door we always use. And then we're not gonna be able to get it last. So I have to make it awkward enough for them to to force hopefully some part of their lizard brain to go like, why is this so did Why do I have to move a chair and then a piano bench out of the way to get Yeah, you're like, that's not normal. Oh, maybe I should stop.

Brandon  25:45

Like, Hey, turn this person's house into like, What's that movie? Assault on precinct? 13? Right, right. Barricade all those doors.

Collin Funkhouser  25:57

Pretty much what it is, is just barely there. Yes. Yes, absolutely. is what we're trying to do to keep things out or in who knows? If that's a deep cut, okay. Yeah,

Brandon  26:11

right. That's a weird. That's, uh oh, yeah, I recently, recently rewatched the original version of that for like, the seven days or whatever. Yeah, like that movie. Doesn't make any sense. whatsoever. Like, at all, like mini mill. You know, when like, the bad guys are just like, doing bad guy things just to do bad guy things. Yes. Like, that's just what we do. There's like, No, there's not like, motivation. Like, why are they assaulting it? Like? Because, like, that's really the reason the whole movie is like, you know, cuz they're bad. You're like, Wait, hold on. You're right. Like the new like, the more recent version. Is that one has like Bruce Willis in it. Does that me? Think so? Okay. Yeah. Like Bruce Willis. Like most def, right. Is that same movie? No, that is a different movie. What is that? That's like 13 blocks or something. Okay. Anyway. Yeah, because the other one has Laurence Fishburne. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah. And John Leguizamo weirdly. Because lots of movies around 2000 just had John Leguizamo in it. Well, yeah, for reasons. Yeah, but at least it was like motivation against that maybe. Right? Like 13 blocks, whatever is like the same idea if there's like, their backgrounds, or like trying to get a person to do the thing, you know, whatever. But the original one is just like, Nope, we're just mad. Only right. I feel like a lot of 70 would be like that. I feel like 70s movies. You know what? Everyone's always like, oh, you know, you don't need to remake these movies. Because they're so great. Yeah. No, no, not if they were made the 70s It's like, you can remake those movies. Or like John is 60 seconds. Right? That that when the weird like, again, 2000 like crazy Nick Cage movie. We're stealing all the cars and stuff. Yeah, there is an original movie of that from the 70s. And it's like, ridiculous.

Collin Funkhouser  28:33

No, it's strange. It he said no, no, that was real. Definitely.

Brandon  28:42

So it's definitely I think we need more 70s movie remakes. Right? Oh, right. Like a like, these movies had potential. But because they were made in the 70s just sort of came out kind of like right. I felt like that is the well needs mind. Don't remake. You know, everyone's always like, Oh, we're gonna make remake Blade Runner. Like, no, no, no, no, that's fine. Yeah, don't remake movies. And we're already good. You need to remake movies that were like that didn't quite live up to what they should have been. Right. Yeah. I am going to I can see what you're going for here. But yet just didn't. Just didn't make it.

Collin Funkhouser  29:20

I'm going to do a couple things here. I'm going to come out and I'm going to say I have a I have a few block list of movies that are ineligible for being remade. Okay. Just real quick. All right. That's fine. These are these are movies that have not been remade from the 70s. These include gene Wilder's Willy Wonka, the Chocolate Factory. Okay, that one

Brandon  29:42

we've already made. We've already made like seven Willy Wonka movies, right?

Collin Funkhouser  29:46

I know. Go for it. No, no, no, no, stop it. Just stop it. And then I'm just gonna say most of like the Disney movies that we all really liked you and I like really like like, like a wrist. A cat's The Rescuers Robin Hood. All of those like Don't Don't Don't touch those either.

Brandon  30:06

Okay, it's fair. Maybe when I'm thinking of his 70s action movies.


Oh, okay. Okay, right.

Brandon  30:13

So we'll put a dent in there. If you want to make like 70s action movies, right? Like if you want to remake convoy for some reason. Yeah, I don't think anybody's gonna be mad at you. Right. Like

Collin Funkhouser  30:28

the Condor, you could probably pick that one.

Brandon  30:30

Yeah, right. Like, you know, there's probably a few in there. You know, maybe you don't want to do like you know, maybe smoking the bandits. Okay. Although, like you couldn't really? Like why would you remake that movie today? Like, doesn't make


no, no, there's no connection to literally anything.

Brandon  30:55

Like, it doesn't make sense in a 2020. Almost 2024 context, right? Like doesn't really work out. Right. Like it maybe, you know, like, the French Connection. That's a pretty classic movie.

Collin Funkhouser  31:13

Well, yeah, I was gonna say I didn't. I didn't Dirty Harry come out in the 70s. To say is that 70? But like,

Brandon  31:20

yeah, dirty. Harry's very 70s. You can remake those movies? Because? I mean, like, the first thing you hear is good, right? Yeah. After that. Right, like Magnum Force. Not real great, right? Like, I don't think I don't think anybody's gonna be like, Oh, no, you remain Dirty Harry five. Yeah. I want to see this movie, either. I've never seen this before. But we'd have to change it a little bit. Right? What? This is called the losers. All right. I'm just gonna read you. All I have seen is the poster. And the one sentence tag. Are you ready? Okay. The CIA sends motorcycle outlaws on an armored choppers and on armored choppers to Cambodia to rescue an agent. Okay, well, we have to be able to like, remake that one. Yeah, somehow, maybe he doesn't have to go to Cambodia. Right. But, you know, you don't really need to bring up that problem. Right? You know. But like, but that the premise of the CIA sitting. Like, this is a very common movie trope that is like weird, like the, the government since like, the bad guys, like Suicide Squad, but like, not lame. To like, go do things right? Like, send the guy in jail to go do the thing. Cuz

Collin Funkhouser  33:05

he's already serving a life sentence,


right? Yeah, he

Collin Funkhouser  33:08

dies on it anyway, it's fine. But if he if he does good, he's gonna you know it's a gift. So

Brandon  33:13

that motorcycle outlaws going on a mission to save agent in there X country? Right? We'll just make it a new country, we can update it. Right? Doesn't have to be Southeast Asia can be anywhere. Could be like made up country could be like, I don't know. Somewhere that That'd be funny.

Collin Funkhouser  33:40

But I think what you're what you're getting at here is this. Like, there are a lot of movies that have a very have a desire to make a very clear, good, bad, like, light dark distinction. And don't and don't want to have to get into the the reasons behind behind that. And, and some movies are able to pull that off of like, of going oh, yeah, there needs to be no motivation behind that. Because obviously, that's what's going to happen here. But others, they really stretch it and go like no look the guy he's kind of in the shadows. So he's a bad guy and he's doing bad guy things for bad guy reasons. And those are the ones where you like huh, no, that doesn't quite get to it. But there's this feeling of like, No, I don't want to have to justify it. Just believe me right in this story. It's like just yeah, I'm trying to tell you

Brandon  34:33

Yeah, and that's why I feel like after certain point a lot of those movies they don't age well, because like there's no like motivation. Yeah, right. Like the characters don't have any motivation to do the thing. Right? Like whatever it is like they just they just like I'm doing it because what, like why, like I don't necessarily want like, the whole backstory on every character and I don't need to know that, like, you know, they were pushed down the stairs one time in fourth grade, I don't even know that right. But like, they need to have like, a reason. Like, in some of these movies, like any, just a reason would be fine. Right? Like, I don't know, like, a reason would be good. Yeah, that would be fine. You know, like that's all.

Collin Funkhouser  35:34

One, please. Just one. Yeah, well, and that's that, that again, this is trying to have a story that doesn't get too much into exposition, or because we've talked like that, that that tendency to over explain of like, well, here's everything you need to know about this person and why they are here. Like, that is definitely a reaction out away from this. No, it's not clear. We can't just assume good and bad. We have to explain how that person became that way so that we can know or predict what they're going to do next and blah, blah, blah. And, and some things I think that works. A lot of psych thrillers like it's really good to know a lot of that backstory, because then all of a sudden, you know, like, oh my gosh, this person really messed up like, Wow, that's crazy.

Brandon  36:19

Yeah, I mean, it works in like, speaking of 70 movie context here, realize it works in like taxi driver. Yeah, right. But that's all about like, that's like a slow Bernie. You know, event, right? It's like, it's more



Brandon  36:38

You know, random, Dirty Harry sequel. Any movie starring Charles Bronson. Right? Like, just go over that. Right? Like, yeah, just like, Oh, yeah.


He's here. Okay.

Brandon  36:57

But also here. Got it? Yes. It's a fine line, right? That's what makes good movies good or movies bad. Right? In my opinion, it's like goes a long way. Of when you try to do that, you're like, Oh, why do I care about this person? Like, because you don't really get this? You're like, oh, no, it's just the bad guy. You're like, oh, there's no like tension. There's no like, you know, you're not like worried about anybody. Care about them? Because you're not invested in any way at all. Like, well, they

Collin Funkhouser  37:34

become they become background stormtroopers at that point, and like, have like, oh, no, like, look at all of those hundreds of people being mowed down. Yeah, anyway.

Brandon  37:45

Because there's just

Collin Funkhouser  37:46

no reason for you to care. Why would you? And that's it. It's It's interesting how quickly when if a if a director writers like No, no, I don't. They just need to leave us and how quickly it is for me to just write that off in my brain and go about Well, anyway, I don't. Why do I care?

Brandon  38:08

Yeah, like, I'm just not interested. Right? No, I don't care at all. Just going through this list of movies and going oh, yeah, some of these are. Real beard. Okay,

Collin Funkhouser  38:21

so you've got you've got losers on the list as far as I'm eligible for remake. What's another you've been throwing through a list? What's another 1970s you'd like to see remade? Um,

Brandon  38:27

well, some of these I haven't even seen the first time. So like, I'm pretty sure a lot of these can probably go for it. Right. Like, some of them are just not possible because some of them are like, you know, some of them are called like, Enter the Dragon. Probably just can't remake that one. Anyway, and again, I think contextually like we're talking about too, like, sometimes a lot of these movies are about like 1970s things and you'd have to adapt them in some way. Because the same like set up device doesn't really function properly like these this big slew of like, I forget all the time. Just how many like semi truck movies came out in the 70s? Right like what why? Why are all these what is? Breaker breaker right? What is the white wine or whatever like like what what is this like? Yeah, why were these wire there? Multiply the three smoking


Oh, I didn't I didn't really smoking the payment. I

Brandon  39:37

didn't Why does your there's three Oh no, the first one the only one that's any good? Well, sure. Mostly because it has Fred the basset hound in it. Obviously that's why you watch that one. But like you know, some of these movies about like again, like the losers right? Because you have this like Just sort of vague Vietnam inspired backstory. Not not probably quite enough to just drive a movie plot. Right? Like, like

Collin Funkhouser  40:15

capture the audience's think is what you're trying to

Brandon  40:17

say. Yeah. Yeah. So you have to update them some. But like, you know, like Deathwish right, like that's a weird just a weird movie. Right? Like, oh, there's just street punks out. Roving. Do it doing nefarious things on the street? Like, what's


that fair? That's a weird one.

Brandon  40:50

Yes. Let's see they did remake Mad Max. Yeah, there we go.


Will maybe, yeah.

Brandon  41:01

To get on this list, maybe that's what we'll do. Maybe we'll have to come up with a definitive list of movies that should be remade. Okay. All right. There we go. It doesn't necessarily have to be from seven years to be from anytime you want. But we should do that. Maybe not next week. But whenever you want to, we should do that way movies that should be remade, because they were like, they were like, you can see where they're going. Right. Yeah, but they never quite got there.


No, they did not. Unfortunately.

Brandon  41:39

Unfortunately, too, not to turn this down. Too bad of a path, right. Like movies like that, that are like Vietname in nature, right? Like that was like, you know, that was what was happening in 70. So like, you just put it in there because like, everyone has the context already. Right. But now unfortunately, we know about all the other stuff that was going on. Right so like a movie that is like sitting under the cover of bikers to Cambodia kind of not as funny when you actually know what what happened in Cambodia. Right like once you realize that oh, oh, this zany action movie. Not quite so zany, right like, Oh, no. Yeah,

Collin Funkhouser  42:30

Nevermind. Nevermind. Back out. That one folks.

Brandon  42:37

Realize that like more bombs were dropped on Cambodia than Germany. You go. Wait, what? Oh, no. Spoilers listeners. It wasn't conflict. Cambodian war either. So it's that. Good job. There will be some updating needs. Yeah, I do. Yeah. I would like to see the CIA send bikers somewhere to do something. I don't know what. Maybe they just send it in like Montana. Or do something over Mars. Mars. Oh, yeah. Okay,

Collin Funkhouser  43:25

here we go. So, the backstory now think so actually, CIA? CIA operatives. Okay, now we're coming together.

Brandon  43:39

ere we go. There we go. Like this.

Collin Funkhouser  43:47

Yet another, yet another one of those moments. I know. Last I know last week we talked about like, how many things were just straight up fever dreams and our childhood and, and I've just constantly looking back at these going. I think that gets where I have a tendency to be like, Oh my gosh, all of these. All these new TV shows are so weird. Oh my gosh, how do people watch any of this? And then I'm reminded of the things that we know were on our, our television and I'm like, okay, fair. Okay, fair. It's things are weird. This is

Brandon  44:23

Yeah, right. Like normal. You forget about some of the ones you know, that were out there that were just like, real wacky, right? Because you're like, oh, yeah, you remember the Batman and then you remember, you know, things like that. But then you're like, Oh, yeah. Ren and Stimpy existed. So there's that right like


yeah, that's certainly isn't saying

Brandon  44:56

you have to do to remember like the cool ones. And then, you know, again, when you when you Google that you get just all these like lists of like, oh, the best cartoons like, no, no, that's not what I'm talking about. Right? I

Collin Funkhouser  45:14

don't just show me the worst, those should be the best. I mean,

Brandon  45:16

I want you to think about the other ones for a minute. Like, yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  45:22

Yeah, we're gonna have to sit with this and remind ourselves that we, we as a society saw this and said, Yes, that's what needs to be on. Right now. Actually, right. Now,

Brandon  45:34

again, there was a Beetlejuice cartoon. Right. Do you do Beetlejuice cartoon? Okay. Yeah.


Was that was that actually necessary? needed? Yeah,

Brandon  45:47

it wasn't. It wasn't that way. It

Collin Funkhouser  45:49

turns out folks. Was not people. Nobody needed that. Nobody needed that.

Brandon  45:56

No. Did not. So. Yes, I Yes, I agree. But because you blocked those things for your mind, right? Because either you didn't watch them to begin with, because they were like, even at the time you're like, No, that's wacky. Like, I don't want to watch that. Yeah, like that's too weird for me. So you don't even do it. And then you go, Oh, later, you're trying to think about things and talk about things, you know, Oh, yeah. The barnyard commandos existed for like, five episodes. Just think about that for a minute. Think about that. There was a show called the barnyard come in, done. This, I think was shows 1990. Okay, shows

Collin Funkhouser  46:44

like that. I have to remind myself that like, there were boardroom meetings, right, like, like grown adult, grown adults sat down in a room together. That was we have to like, just setting the scene here. Right? Executives, people that were in C Suites have heard this pitch, listened to it. And nodded along and went Yes, indeed. That is going to take us to the next level. You're absolutely right.

Brandon  47:18

Yeah, I don't know who was like planning on, like, riding the coattails of Bobby's world, okay, again. Why? Why did Bobby's world why was that a thing? I don't know. For every Darkwing Duck there is a Bobby's world and that's the yeah, there is a James Bond Jr. Okay, that

Collin Funkhouser  47:53

Yeah, yeah, yes, people were paid a lot of money to come up with these ideas.

Brandon  47:59

And I know I'm in the minority here probably. But also Ren and Stimpy was not cool like I even as a kid I was like what the heck is this? I don't like this. Like no. I willingly watch cowboys in blue Mesa but not Ren and Stimpy No,

Collin Funkhouser  48:23

I don't know what I don't know but what it was about Ren and Stimpy that was so I mean, besides everything being off putting but even yeah as a kid I don't know exactly what age group they were expecting was supposed to watch that or like, why but like, I remember being like very off put by it like very not I mean, they revolted maybe too strong of a word. But like, I definitely was like no that that is unsettling to me at like every level of my being so no, thank you.

Brandon  48:54

Yeah, it's just like it's so crude. Yes, right. And so like not funny I don't know maybe again, this just my sense of humor is very niche I guess but like it just like real like crude slap sticky dump stuff. You're like I don't want to watch this like it's not a pleasant it's



Brandon  49:28

like it's Yeah, I think that's probably it like that. And there was like other shows that were like that because you could tell people were like either the same. Some of the same people worked on it or like even they were inspired by Ren and Stimpy. Because this is a very seminal show for a lot of people. Like people love this show. And I just don't know why. Like, because then you talk about like, kids today watch it. Trash you go. Do you have you seen an episode of Ren and Stimpy recently, like just go back and watch one episode and be like, oh yeah, this is RT now, you can't you can't lie to yourself like that right? You can't you can't be like ah yes the high art that is multiple fart jokes for 20 minutes

Collin Funkhouser  50:14

yeah I'm reading wonderful I just the the animation style to is very the proportions how it's also crude right like it's just weird it is it doesn't it's very It's unsettling it's not comforting to even look at I mean the here's the storyline is IMD puts it an intense hyperactive Chihuahua. Is there any other kind and a happy go lucky empty brain cat that's a that's a revelation. I guess they never realized that. Okay, anyway, they share bizarre and often your cat is apparently a happy go lucky empty brain cat share bizarre and often repulsive adventures. Their experiences usually involve hairballs filthy litter boxes, magic nose goblins, jars of spit outhouses, eating dirt monkey vermin, and any other imaginable disgusting substance. And that was that was that was t y through there was a TV y seven was the certificate it got. Case people were wondering. Yeah,

Brandon  51:21

I just none of that sounds appealing to me. Right? Like, I don't know. I just not. I don't get it. I guess. I guess even when I was like, five I was like,

Collin Funkhouser  51:35

I remember like being immediately turned off by this

Brandon  51:39

like, oh, yeah, no, I was just not. Yeah, I agree. Like, at no point was like, Yeah, I want to watch this. I think one of my friends watched it. I was like, yeah, no, I don't.

Collin Funkhouser  51:50

I distinctly remember going up to, to Iowa. See our friends up there. And yes. And he had what's one of those was watching on or something like that. And I just remember being like, what is happening like this is? I don't feel like I should be watching this right now. Yeah, yeah.

Brandon  52:14

Yeah, I'm just learning to it. Right. Like, yeah, I agree. I don't know. Yeah, I don't, I don't really want to go watch it again. And like, deep dive into why it was distressing to me. But I think it also kind of falls back on to the same conversation we have earlier, right. It's like, why, like, why are you doing this? Yeah, to what is the motivation for this? Like, if it's, like, that kind of writing is just I don't find it interesting or engaging, because there's no point. Right? Like, that's not telling a story. Like nothing's happening. Right? Like, nobody's overcoming anything. There's no motivation for anything. It's just like, Yo, bucket, this bodily fluid. Hahaha. Isn't that funny? Like? No, it's not. It's not right. Like, there's no, there's no reason behind any of it. Right? Like, there's no, there's just no nothing. Right? It could even it doesn't have to be a good motivation. Alright, you remember, there was a Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon show? Not just tons of motivation in Sonic but there's something right? Say hey, animals, evil scientist. Eat chili dogs, right? These are like, that's it. That's all I need. Okay, you don't have to give me like, world bending motivation. Right, but like, give me a plotline. Right? Do something. Right, like, give me a reason to watch this give me like something, right? Just not just like, Haha flatulence joke, like, holy? Yeah,

Collin Funkhouser  54:10

I think I think if you and maybe this is one of those things that like, if if your go to is always a fart joke, I think you may be on the losing end of a thing of humor and comedy.

Brandon  54:25

Yeah, I feel that way. I think a lot of people would disagree with you, I think. But yes, I am not one of those I just you know, like, this is why Batman The Animated Series is one of the greatest cartoons of all time, right? We have all kinds of all kinds of motivation, all kinds of storytelling, right? Also don't sleep on reboot. Reboot has a lot of this as well. Me in weird animation choices, right, looking back watching it now a little bit like Oh, Ah, are jarring. But you know, we had motivation, we wanted to save the sister or like, defend the town or do things like this from this stuff? So, you know, these are fine. It's fine.

Collin Funkhouser  55:20

Well, and those, I think that what that kind of shows here is the the oh gosh, the shows kind of they do embrace complexity in their characters, at least to some like, very small extent. It's not as though you go, No, this person has this breadth from, you know, from x to y, and they can't advance they're not going to change. They're always predictable. It's always the same stuff. Like, again, like, No, I'm not gonna explain why or anything, but this just is what it is. So things like reboot or Batman, like, No, these are actually complex characters, things are actually, you know, sometimes difficult and tough decisions and stuff. And I think it's okay, that should be okay to know kids can take that it's okay to do that. That's why, you know, when we we read through the Hobbit, I was also reading through the hobbit with my kids, and like, they absolutely loved it. And it's not a super simple, straightforward book. You know, there are a lot of motivating factors and things like that behind them. But can you talk about them, yet? They they latch on really fast?

Brandon  56:31

Yeah. So I feel like maybe when I look at a kids TV show and go, Why would you watch that? Maybe it's because it's lacking complexity, right? It's like, people think kids can't handle it. Right? They're like, we're gonna dumb it down for the kids like, yeah, why would you do that? Right. That's not helping. Anybody? Right? Well, yeah. They're able to they need, like, they might need to be able to learn how to understand and like decode, and process emotions, right. So like, seeing other people experience it is way to do that. Right? And being exposed to it through like, well written television is one way to do that. Right. Like TV is not all bad, right? Internet, things aren't all bad. Right? So then Well, right. But they're not done. Well, a lot of times. So that's the problem. Yes, it's not that they're there. It's that they're done badly. Right. That's really

Collin Funkhouser  57:32

Yeah, as it turns out, things done badly. Or

Brandon  57:35

bad. Yeah. Yeah. Well, you don't want you don't yeah, there's lots of reasons to make things like entertainment is important. Right? We need that release in that outlet. Right. But like, it doesn't have to be bad. No. Right. Like, doesn't have to be just like slapped together. Right? Like, even. So like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna juxtapose with juxtapose this for you? Right? Okay, give you 290s cartoon shows, one that I don't like, and one that I think he's done really? Well, it's smartly, right. They're both high energy. Right? There's a lot of stuff. So we're gonna take readings to be, right. We have a lot of like, high energy. Like, there are a lot of jokes. Okay, but I'm not like, good, right? A show that I would say, was like, high energy, and like fun. But like, done in a more entertaining way. That was like, I think adds value to the watching experience would be something like the Animaniacs. Right? That shows like, insane. Yeah, doing all kinds of weird stuff. But it's like, funny and like, the characters are more fleshed out, like you can know about them. Right? Like, pinky in the brain are funny, right? Like, they, you know, have their own little thing going on there. There's like, like, even though it's high energy, and it is I would say zany. Some would say zany to the max, right. I feel like he's just executed better. And it's a more enjoyable experience. Right? Maybe it's not like edgy. Haha. But also I think it's better. Much better show.


Yes, it is. Okay.

Brandon  59:34

That's my thought on this. Oh,

Collin Funkhouser  59:35

sorry. Were you I thought you were going to compare to another so are we comparing to bring in Stimpy to compare the recipe

Brandon  59:44

the two that I was preparing, it's like they're, they're both like several high energy. They're like weird and there's like a lot of like odd things in them, but I think one of them is executed very well and the other one is executed. Not Well, in my opinion. Like I never enjoyed Watching recipe but I did enjoy watching the Animaniacs No,

Collin Funkhouser  1:00:05

I agree ma X is is does have its manic at Definitely. It's,

Brandon  1:00:10

it is manic because

Collin Funkhouser  1:00:13

it's it is very, it's hard to predict but it's also it's also written smartly like it is like,

Brandon  1:00:21

yeah, it's very clever. Right like the jokes are funny they land there's like ties into things right there's like recurring characters but they're like they're not all funny but like it's I don't know, I just think it's more enjoyable I just trying to think of another show that's like really high energy and kind of like, insane like a little bit like I just think it's better than it used to be in my opinion it I guess it just jives with my humor better though. Because it's like, pushy. And like, yes. Right. It says much creepier like come Baqi. Right, like fast, like clever responses, and not just like, flash on jokes much prefer a good clip. Right? I feel like that's.

Collin Funkhouser  1:01:19

Yeah. Well, and again, it's, it's, it's, it's quick, the fast pace. But also, again, I'm gonna go back to the drawing style here to have it's not grotesque to look at, like, Renens gesture like, it's actually enjoyable to watch in that in that sense. So like, I don't have all of my senses being assaulted. While I'm watching it.

Brandon  1:01:45

That's true. He's not offending my eyes, right? Yes, yeah. Yeah, I'm a very part of it. To be big part of it actually, to be real here.

Collin Funkhouser  1:02:02

Oh, yeah. So anyway, I, I think about that in the context. You said, like to what end? And that's a great question. We should all ask this, especially in these contexts, like when we're consuming media, and I know things try to be edgy. And there's some reasons to do that. I know. Like, again, that's why a lot of people are actually drawn to Ren and Stimpy. Because they think like, oh, no, it is edgy, it's countercultural. It's doing all this stuff that's not being done before. And that goes across all media types. And it's never it'll never stop, like happens in music all the time. Like, you know, when kiss came out and was doing their thing, it was like, Oh, my gosh, what in the world? Is, is this right now? Like, but like, I think you have to remember like, what, what is the point behind the act? Like, what is the point? What are the what's the message trying to be driven home here? Because that was something like just real 10th? Like, weirdly, here, I'm gonna bring it back to buy one of my all time favorite TV shows, here's like Top Gear of like, once you like, if you want, you can watch that in so many different layers of like, at the end of the day, though. They are. They are they are car reviewers, I think are commenting on on cars and car culture. And there's a whole bigger thing that they're actually having a conversation about. And so the things how they frame things is really important, even though it's really absurd and sometimes stupid. It's like no, that the whole framing device is important to know what point they're trying to drive home and why their conclusion is so ridiculous, because of where we started. But like, see, that is actually like back, not so much once they've gone to Amazon like there's we've much discussed. Like when they had the strictures and constraints of BBC like, it was really smartly done, like how they link things together. But there was a purpose behind why they had were exploding things and dropping things off buildings and things like that, like there was, and we, as a consumer, asking that of ourselves. Can we figure out why this is happening? Because sometimes people just do it just to shock. And I have no interest in consuming that kind of media or content. I'm like, Oh, this is just supposed to be shocking to shock me like, ooh, like if I want to be shocked, I'll go I'm gonna go watch the evening news that the atrocities that are happening?

Brandon  1:04:25

Yeah. I think music is a really good sort of analogy to this conversation because there are a lot of bands and stuff throughout history that are like that. There's like, Oh, we're just edgy to be edgy. And like, I never liked those views. Right. Like, I understand what you're doing. I to an extent, but like, I don't like it, right. I'm like, I don't know. I'm really worried about this kind of thing. Like, there's a lot of people out there who are like You know, like a lot of early like, genres, right? When we're trying to like genre fi things like some of them are just like, No, I just want to play this kind of music, right? And then people like, oh my gosh, that's so crazy, right? Like, I wouldn't say link array is particularly edgy. But he did get an instrumental song banned from the radio. So, you know, just too exciting, right? Those Yes. Teenager just couldn't deal with


a lot going on

Brandon  1:05:32

with the loudness. But like, once we get more like, into it, right? Like, I think after, you know, the 60s, right, then people started like, oh, no, now I'm going to do this just to be shocking, right? Kind of in the 70s. Like the 80s, like with early like, hardcore stuff, or like, things like that, like, okay, that's really not cool. Like, it's not interesting, right? Like, you get, you're not saying anything, right? You're just saying like, Oh my gosh, I'm so like, blah. I don't care like that doesn't like there's no message. Right? The message is like, wow, look at me. That's not very cool message. I can't really get behind them. It's just like, I like a lot of like, early punk hardcore stuff. But like, some of it's just like bad because there's no like, message behind the song. There's no like a meaning there's no meaning other than like, wow, look at how extreme This is. Like, I don't really care about that, like, real like, like early, like extreme metal. Like, I don't really care about that. Like that, like, not at all. Like, that's not like it's whatever. It's just like, I'm not into that just because like, oh my gosh, look at this. Like, I don't I don't care about the theatrics in this stuff. Like, I don't. I'm not interested, like I want. We did we talked about this later. Right? Like I but one of the important messages of like this song, like, Can I sing to it loudly in my car? Well, if I can't, then what's the point of like, I can't. As a teenager, this was my criteria, right? So like, people were like, Oh, you're this death metal song or like, it's cool. But like, I can't sing along to this. So


yeah, I remember

Brandon  1:07:22

this. Like, I can sing along to a lot of other stuff. Like, you know, Oh, I like punk songs. I can sing along to Bad Brains in my car. So I'm gonna listen that step. Right? I'm just gonna get

Collin Funkhouser  1:07:39

a bad point at all. Cuz you, I think when you mentioned the shock value, what it really does is it focuses people on, it's about drawing attention to the to that person to themselves. It's a very, I'm gonna say it's a very selfish act, right to be known as somebody who just as like, basically, it's just a look at me. Look at me and I, man, that's a great turn off for that kind of content. Yeah,

Brandon  1:08:10

like, I don't know. I don't know. i It's the music is difficult, because like, I do, like some extreme music, right? But it's not because of the person. Sure, right. I feel like that's where it gets weird. There are some performers right here saying like, I don't care about you. Because you're like, when you start being like, oh, yeah, I want to shock people. Like, I'm not interested in that. Right. Like, you know, I think like, early Marilyn Manson stuff when he came out. Turns out he actually is a trash human. So there's that now we know but hmm. Like back then, like, everyone's like, Oh, gosh, like, it's like is not your number one. I don't care because I don't care about this person. Right. Like, it's not. It's not important to me, and they're not gonna be like, Oh, wow. It's so shocking. I don't care if he's Music Good. Actually, no, not really. But like

Collin Funkhouser  1:09:11

yeah, you know, because there will always be people who are doing that. I mean, like David Bowie. Akasha just had a brain fart completely on who I was going to Madonna, right. Like, like these. Like, I haven't really pushed out and we're edgy and trying to be shocking, different. And it's like, yeah, because then at some point, like, if that's not okay, David Bowie, fantastic musician. Madonna has some great hits, but I'd throw them out there because those are people they they they really pushed an envelope. Sorry, an envelope really far.

Brandon  1:09:44

Yeah. And I think the problem with Madonna she's still trying to do it and it's not because that's her only that's her only stick, right? Yes, that's like her only thing. So like now, when you look at her you go Well, what are you doing?

Collin Funkhouser  1:10:02

Right? Like, that's all they have. And that's

Brandon  1:10:05

different. That's a difference from like, so when you talk about someone has been around for like a really long time, right when you talk about, like Madonna, right? I don't personally think like, yeah, she was always like real shocking, right? Like, oh, scandalous, right, like all this stuff. And so like, the fact that she's still like trying to do that, and like, her age is kind of distressing, right? But then you look at somebody like a share, and you're like, oh, yeah, it's fine. She can still sing, right? Boom. Hey, go ahead, because she's just like, been singing the whole time. Right? Nothing like too crazy. Right? It'll be a little weirdness. Everyone's wild, but like,


our tune, but yes, yeah. Yeah. But like,

Brandon  1:10:52

it's the songwriting. It's the stuff, right? It's nothing like oh, my gosh, I'm so like, skinned list and look at this weird video I made well, no, that stuff. Right. So it's like, right. She's been around forever. And people still go like, Oh, yeah, cool. Right. I don't think they're, I don't think I don't know. There's probably people out there like, oh, my gosh, share out right, like, but, you know, they're still just like, okay, meet

Collin Funkhouser  1:11:14

me because she's been a She's been like you said, I singer, right. Yeah. Not trying to show up with the next biggest, great because it's just become a competition, right? And then they're just peacocking around being like, look at me, look at me, look at me. And there's no end. Because once you've done like, the biggest shocking thing, it's it's so ephemeral, it just fades away. Right? And it's like, well, anyway, on to the next shocking thing. Yeah. And they're just chase that and then that's the next boost that they're going to have to have to whatever their, you know, reputation is or whatever their career they're trying to make. Yes.

Brandon  1:11:51

Yeah. I feel like, yeah, and then if you run out of steam, because you can only do so much. Right. And or, you go so far that people go oh, that's. Yeah. No, let's just not do that. Right. Like, let's not know, like,


vanity. Vanity is not really a good Yeah.

Brandon  1:12:14

Yeah. I don't know. So,

Collin Funkhouser  1:12:23

yeah. Hey, well, I like this. Oh, so we've got some recommendation, watch the Animaniacs. Not Ren and Stimpy. If you're looking for a manic, but actually good TV show. Hey, and I think maybe we actually what we need to do is we need to watch the losers from 1970 and do a movie review of that, as

Brandon  1:12:44

we might do that, and just see how it can be improved. Oh, script treatment of that. Oh,

Collin Funkhouser  1:12:52

that's the kickoff for our movies that need to be repaid. Okay.

Brandon  1:12:56

Oh, okay. There we go. Okay. All right. So part one, see if I can actually watch the loser somewhere. Yeah, surely I don't have to pay for that. Surely. Surely, that's free on my assumption.

Collin Funkhouser  1:13:11

Let's see. If I, if I can find okay, if you can't find it, I'm going to do my own. I'm going to prevent it do some searching. And it has to be, but I don't know. If I find it. If I find a copy of it. I may send you a link. Oh,

Brandon  1:13:29

yeah, you can. It's free. I got it. Okay. Perfect. Oh, there we go. Okay, it's on to be whatever that is. For free. Okay. You go. So, okay, there we go. There's my homework. kind of watch that. Okay. Right. And then we'll go from there.


Love it. Like this.

Brandon  1:13:54

Okay, wait. So I also both watching


this are mice where we we can

Brandon  1:13:58

Yeah, if you want to. That's fine. Yeah. If you have time, but I'll watch for sure. Okay, because you're the busy one. I'm on break till January something so.


Let's see. Yes.

Brandon  1:14:11

Okay. And we can discuss another I discovered this other thing, like well, I guess we talked about later, but I found this YouTube channel that like, they just like upload, like random classic movies like Mac classic, but like, random movies, and I discovered a genre. That's like, it's beautiful. And I watched one and I was like, Okay, there's more. And I was like, I have to watch for these there. It's like, it's like a so you know how like spaghetti westerns are like, battalion western movies. Yeah, right. So these movies are like, they're like, this one is like a 1980s cop movie, but it's Italian. But it's set in America. Like cops in like Miami. I was like, Oh my gosh, this is beautiful. It's like spaghetti. 80s action movie.


Oh my gosh. Like a whole bunch of

Brandon  1:15:15

I don't remember the name of it now but look if I begin, but oh, oh my lord

Collin Funkhouser  1:15:25

it was pretty excellent. That sounds I don't I don't know what, how to put No, I don't know what word to use there. That sounds interesting.

Brandon  1:15:36

Yeah, interesting is the best word for it. Yeah,


let us know what happens with that. Yeah,

Brandon  1:15:43

I'll update you on that one too. I'll see if I could find the name of that again. And, and just find it. Oh, I did. It's called Miami super cops. Okay, go get it at fives finest supercaps okay, this sucks. It's pretty great. Yeah, right. But apparently there's more. So I'm going to try to find more of those because they're.


Well, this may turn into an ongoing series. Like

Brandon  1:16:15

those two guys are like in a bunch of movies together. Oh, really? Terence Hill and Bud Spencer fella. What their lives definitely like Italian movie, right? It's crazy.


Is a? Well, I'll say yesterday that you go.

Brandon  1:16:36

Yeah, the YouTube channel is cult cinema classics. Emphasis on cold here I think. Maybe not. Very nice movies. Like yeah, like nine people have seen these. So they have a great meeting. It was pretty great. I was like, wow, this is this is fantastic.

Collin Funkhouser  1:17:05

Well, interestingly, they have published the entire The Night Of The Living Dead. 1968. Yeah.

Brandon  1:17:10

Yeah, there's tons of movies on there. It's great. Good times. Just, there's also a whole bunch of like, random like 50s like monstery movies on there for like the 40s and 50s are just like crazy. Like, the lady turns into a wasp or like, all those cool ones. Those kinds of crazy ones like that. Or the one there's like a it's like a giant one of literally called like, Attack of the giant helium monster or something. It's like Yes. I definitely it's great. Because it's literally just like, ah, and then cut to heal a monster lizard. Like crawling, but like real close up like Yes.

Collin Funkhouser  1:17:55

I think I think this one I think I have actually used show art from this movie. Yeah. Because we show art at one point in time. Oh, perfect. I'm pretty sure Yeah, cuz this is the Yeah, this is off me and I'd love okay. Yeah, that's Yeah.

Brandon  1:18:13

I think I talked about something I watched on there before me. Because I did watch something last summer that less than one summer for my family originally, but yeah, it's good stuff. But anyway, good. Try to watch the losers. There we go. There's some homework, listeners. If you want you can follow along with us. Let us know your thoughts. If you've seen it, please let us know what we're in for. All right. Well, I believe that just leaves us with haiku time. Ah,


yeah, yes, it does. Right. I don't remember what you were what was gonna happen here so I'm well

Brandon  1:19:01

I don't really think we talked about it. So I just decided to write one inspired by your traumas that you discussed on last week's episode. Oh, no. Oh no. Here we go. Here go this is for you. Okay. Lost without a trace disconnected terminals sometimes it happens you go that's perfect Everyone says so they love it. Okay. Yeah.

Collin Funkhouser  1:20:01

That's the perfect way to end that one, Bill. Wonderful. Right. Okay, well, we asked with that in the much anticipation for the losers review and remakes a glore Sure we go off into the All right. Okay, mom, Love

Brandon  1:20:25

you. Love you. Bye bye