a list set in sand

Collin is managing his windows. Brandon has assembled dentists. We have some (very weak) opinions on Halloween movies.

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movie, halloween, list, graph, number, gradebook, film, guess, watch, tabs, vibes, put, halloweeny, talking, window, windows, point, understand, person, click


Brandon, Collin

Collin  00:04

Welcome to Oh, brother, a podcast of three brothers trying to figure it all out with your hosts, Brandon, Colin, and Aaron. On this week show a list set insane.

Brandon  00:18

Oh boy. Oh boy. Is it going? Well, it is going, in fact,

Collin  00:25

is Oh, yo. I see it's it's very interesting. Oh, yes. I don't understand. Oh,

Brandon  00:39


Collin  00:39

mysterious. I'm trying a new, I'm trying to do a new window management technique on my computer, where I don't just close all of Windows that I'm not using. And I'm trying to, like, manage them. As far as like, what I'm actually like, here's one window and I'm not going to close it out, I'm just going to move it to a different space. And because I open up like all of the same things all the time constantly. And I'm like, Well, let me try to do this use use this in a different way. And it's not going well, I have not how my brain works.

Brandon  01:24

This is gonna be my question No, like,

Collin  01:26

why, like, well,

Brandon  01:31

all the things in your life to optimize, I feel like one that operates at a click of a button is maybe not the best choice to be really just like spend a lot of time overthinking why you do that.

Collin  01:47

Because, you know, modern computers are so powerful that it's like, it feels a bit of a waste to only ever have like, one window open at a time. And then just like close or minimize or like remove everything. And then we have to go find them. So I was like, well, they make window management tools. And there's philosophies around that. So maybe I don't know, philosophies. This is like, this is like when I was talking to person I was training. And I said, you know my daughter is in is in volleyball. And last I played volleyball was in middle school, like really? So like, I can tell her the theory of volleyball. Yeah, they looked at me and they were like, what? And I was like, I don't know. I said, theoretically, I can play volleyball. But I can't play volleyball, if you understand what I'm saying.

Brandon  02:46

Also, I mean, here, here's the weird thing about volleyball, right? Volleyball has secretly been undergoing massive changes throughout the years. Right? Like it is the only sport that I know of, at the high school level that has undergone like draft rule changes, right? You played different? Well, you played at different points, right? You play like 21, boom, done, right? And then for awhile right now, so now it's like 25. Are you playing best to five?

Collin  03:21

Like, the so maybe not? Massive? Right? But like, well, even it's

Brandon  03:28

like high school level, like the introduction of the Libero position, right? That was not a thing. You know, years ago, you know what I mean? So like,

Collin  03:38

it's a very weird, like,

Brandon  03:44

this thing where it's like, it is very different game actually, like the rules that you played under in the middle school PE are not the same rules that are currently being played.

Collin  03:53

And volleyball. Yeah, yeah, that won't. Yeah. Yeah, the whole thing, when to and that they also do different things. Like when we played the tournaments like that when they played when you do tournaments, you don't play to the same number of points as you do when you're not playing a tournament was just a standalone game. This was also very confusing to me. Because I wasn't I wasn't ready for that. So yeah, I There are peripheral things out there and like procedural aspects of it. But like, I know theoretically, what it means to hit the ball and how to do that well, and where the strength should come like I can I can talk about that. I can't do any of it. So that's I mean, you do still have to volley the ball. See, this is there's that. Yep. Yep. So just like that. There are thoughts on how to do windows like do you just have one at a time? Do you try and hide them and minimize them? Do you shuffle them around like some people We'll use a window. And there'll be like, each window is like a piece of paper on a desk. So all you do is just like place them on top of one another. And then you can, you know, there are apps or shortcuts where you can break them apart, find them or that you need, click back into it. And then like, shuffle basically shuffled through windows, like you would with paper like that is a method or the other one is, like, I need seven windows open. So I'm going to, I'm going to put them I'm going to, I want to see all of them at the same time, kind of like a, like a dashboard almost. And so I'm going to size them appropriately to fit them all on my screen.

Brandon  05:37

Oh, no, you gross. Why would you do that? That's

Collin  05:43

I tried to do that one for a little while, like, I'm going to have like, so. On my computer, I can have like a message, do texts and stuff from my computer. So like, I'm going to have that app. I'm gonna have that open all the time. It's gonna be always on the leftmost corner of the screen. Like that's what that's message Central. And then I'm gonna have, you know, my email in one place. No, it just I get. I'm to know, to spastic for this. Yeah. I, because also, like, while I talk, I cook. Because I have to fidget with something all like, click on a window and then like, wet, drag it around while I'm talking and like

Brandon  06:25

it's. So it's really counterproductive to the whole point of having windows

Collin  06:30

on Yeah, like static, like, No, you You stay there. Yeah, because by the time I end a conversation, everything's already been rearranged anyway, which is just like, my desk. Because I fidget with a pencil, I flip papers around, as, as Megan will say, what she's noted of when I'm like, when I'm anxious, or when I'm processing something, I'll like, especially in our kitchen, I will grab a piece of it, I'll grab the mail, and I will walk down through the end of our our, or our island, and I will sit down the mail. And then I when I walked back, I will regrab the piece of mail and like it'll take like four or seven different rallies around. Yes, it travels around with me, because that's what I need to do. Ah, yeah, I don't I don't think I use enough different

Brandon  07:15

programs on my computer in a daily basis to have to think about this. I know that like, I guess, I'd think mostly I'm a minimize person. Yeah. Right. Because they just all go to that bottom bar thing. Right? On Windows, I'm sure you know. So like, when you minimize them, they're just all the little icons on the bottom. So when you need something, you just click on it and it pops up, right? Normally I keep like, I know, like at work, right? Because at home, I'm not the I don't care. But like it work I have like my. But most of my things are web based I guess. So I still I just have like a web browser open like a PowerPoint thing open, I use Microsoft Word, I just have a blank document open all the time, so that I can write things on it. Or sometimes I need to write directions on the board, I just type it on there and flick it over to my other screen, which is my

Collin  08:11

board. Right? And so I keep that up there.

Brandon  08:17

That might be it right? Or like occasional other random things. But like I just minimizing keeping the bottom like yeah, my problem is the tab management, the aforementioned tab, man and have where I have like 800,000 tabs open where I currently have on my work computer, I currently have three different groups, right, like the tab folder things. And then plus like,

Collin  08:42

other tabs that I need

Brandon  08:43

opened all the time, right, like my email, like my gradebook thing, like my other Gradebook thing, like why whatever we're working on. So my only system I have for this is the so like, if we think about tabs moving chronologically across the top of the screen, right? All of the most important most frequent used ones are on the left hand side. And then like, as the further right you go, the more extraneous the tabs become, right? Sure. So I'll often move like my, like, if I have student work pulled up in a classroom thing, I usually have that next to the Gradebook tab, sometimes I like split window them. So I have like, I do that thing where you like, split the screen, you know, and you have like, like half half of the thing, the gradebook and the other half the thing that they're doing, so I can just flick them in there real quick, you know, oh, sure. But most of the time, I just click back and forth and I just have my tabs there. Or you just like, do that thing where you can just click flip back and forth between two tabs, you know?

Collin  09:51

I did that. That's about it. That's my big important management system.

Brandon  09:58

Most important tabs All the way to the left, which is where the email tab is, right? That's like the Home tab, like, the email tab is all the way to the left. And then sort of as we move further, right, they become just like varied and random. Right? It's like email gradebook. Other great thing. Google Classroom moves into nebulous territory, like, prod like, assignments that I'm working on things I'm making, like I have those group tabs together. Where I'm going to work on this boom, and then it like, blows

Collin  10:35

out my tabs to like a billion. Yeah. And I if I, if I'm, if I'm not, if I'm not careful, I will. I do try and do like the workgroups as well. Like, okay, this window is what I'm doing here. With like, all of my, my tabs, like I, you know, to be doing a show prep or doing some research for a blog or something. And like, that's that window will be my research window. Yeah. But if I'm not careful, I'll get to click happy and I'll close out a window. And then I'll be like, oh, oh, oh, that had like nine tabs open? Because I was, yeah, oh, no. And then I kind of lose it. And that doesn't go very well.

Brandon  11:15

It's hard to get him back. Right. Gotta do it. Like history, like I had this one and this last everywhere. So yeah,

Collin  11:24

I don't I don't worry about that.

Brandon  11:25

I just, I just had my tab management. It's a problem. I don't use enough different programs to because I think about a window as being like, program based. Right. Like right now on my computer, I have the email and the zoom thing. Yeah, those are two deals are doing two different jobs. Right. And so I think about Windows has things doing different jobs, like I would not have multiple windows for multiple web based research or writing things. Oh, interesting with it that I would just put it all be in the web, and I would group of tabs together.

Collin  12:04

Okay, so you you grew up what you have one, like, Chrome window open, but there there's like 40 tabs, but the ones that are related to another are just in proximity to one another? Yeah, okay, I

Brandon  12:17

wouldn't, I would not open multiple Chrome, windows, okay, different jobs. Because then cycling between them becomes like really annoying, because they stack on top of each other. On Windows, at least they like stack. And so moving between them is not efficient. Sure, for me, and I don't, I want them to be full screen all the time. I don't want to do like, half a screen thing. Because that makes reading or typing. Obnoxious. For me personally. Yeah, I'd rather just like, cycle through and open different tabs.

Collin  12:56

I think that's what I would rather do.

Brandon  13:01

Unless I am doing a thing where I am doing some data entry, where I'm going from one document to another, then I will bring up both windows. Like if they're both web based, then I will open two windows so that I can just look at both of them simultaneously. Yeah, but usually I'm not doing enough things where I need to look at

Collin  13:21

multiple things at once. to warrant multiple windows. Yeah, rarely. If I do I like,

Brandon  13:32

I just take that website and I bring it you know, he like pull it out and separate it, you know, into its own thing. You can like separate two different window.

Collin  13:39

I'll do that sometimes. And then overlay them but yeah, that's not a common occurrence. Yeah, I see this is this is why I have to I have to try and think about this because I feel like it's I feel like I could be better at this instead of just what I'm doing. But also that I'm like, how maybe I just keep doing what I'm doing because it's

Brandon  14:06

not Oh, it also I think for me too. Part of the issue. Part of the reason that it's more efficient for me doing it this way is because I'm doing this on like a desktop PC, when I'm doing everything with like a mouse. So it's like way faster has been done. Like I can like flick through like many things very quickly with the mouse, right? Where sometimes like, the mouse pad on a laptop or whatever is more annoying to do that because it's hard. It doesn't read the inputs right sometimes or you can like swipe around but that like, you know, you might collect your far right with the mouse I need to go data and then

Collin  14:42

click everything that I need. Really quickly. Which is perfect.

Brandon  14:51

Which brings me to another point. This is a side tangent about optimization of this kind of thing. Our new gradebook thing right this bane of my existence Okay, I don't the engineers who designed gradebooks Listen up, here's what I don't need in my life. I do not need your little thing. So you enter your data, right and you click Save the little. There's a little thing that pops up that says, like, you know, saved with like a check mark on it like to let you know that it's processed the thing that pops up directly over the close out, but

Collin  15:32

and I can't click it away fast enough. Like it like sits there for a minute. Yeah. And it just sits there. Over the button that

Brandon  15:42

I need to close the window. Like to close the submenu, right? Yeah, go back to the screen that I want. I have to wait for that thing to go away. In order to click the Close thing, so they pop it up right over the posting? Why would you do that's the worst place for that? If you insist on showing it to me, but it like right in the middle of my screen? Right? Where I no longer need to click on things. Right? All of the other it's like over all the other navigational bags. It's like this big, long thing. I don't know why it's like three inches long of like green things like save, I don't care. I believe you like I just get out of

Collin  16:23

my way. Now it really, it really wants to make sure that you are you're confident in that.

Brandon  16:29

But it hops up over the navigation buttons that I need.

Collin  16:33

Probably well else. So here's Do you think at some point, this company was yelled at by a school or multiple teachers who thought they saved it, but clicked away from it before it was actually saved. Again. So now they're like, You know what? Fine, you want to worry, you're worried about it saving. Here you go have

Brandon  16:57

all these navigation buttons are in the traditional top right hand corner of my sub menus, right? And this stupid thing just pops up right over them. Like if I can pop up in the middle of the screen. Yeah, I don't care about there. I can still do other things. If it's there. I can just click around it edit. Put it right in the way lozman You

Collin  17:19

with I need. Like, I don't know if I'm just

Brandon  17:25

too fast that clicking things like I don't really understand why it's doing. Yeah, the worst placement

Collin  17:33

ever. This is not optimal at all. Even a little bit. Ah, yeah. Yeah. Because it it's preventing you from going on to do what you what you want to go do. Right? Like there's there's more tasks to complete. And yet now here I am, you know, staring at this waiting for it is how long does it stay there?

Brandon  17:54

What what's it like two seconds? Okay, well, that's a long time and click terms, right? The other day, the other it was the biggest problem of the day because I had to go in and I had to change

Collin  18:02

a setting, but in like, multiple places. So I was doing a very

Brandon  18:09

repetitive task of like, go here, click this, click back, click back, click out, go here. Click this, right. I was just like it, it ended at the end. It was

Collin  18:15

just in the way. Yeah, it was

Brandon  18:20

just like, normally, I guess it's maybe not that big a deal. Other than I was just like, let's go. But I was doing the same task over and over again. And this thing was just

Collin  18:35

in the way wouldn't stop being oh it's terrible. I don't know why did that? Well, and those again, because it's like, okay, what what use case do the three you want to ask the engineers like, have you? Have you use this? Right? Do you actively sit and go through this process? Have you made multiple settings change? Because probably the answer is no. Right? They don't. They're not making changes to the gradebook. They're not making changes to these different settings they're just adding the feature and then moving on and so that's one of those other that's another reason why it's like really important to get good feedback when you're developing these kind of things but also like they they need to use it and get that feeling for that frustration because I'm sure they they've never experienced that at all.

Brandon  19:34

No, no, definitely not. They haven't ever tried to click that thing before like or salesman guy doesn't care about it because he's like, at least again, the guy that we were on the call thing with or the salesman, slowest talking person ever I don't really know what his were doing, but like, you're like so Yeah, that's my other that's great consternation for working currently the buttons can't click fast enough. Just like

Collin  20:13

so that was my big dilemma. Yesterday sorry. That's the that's bad rather big

Brandon  20:26

dilemma is apparently I just don't get to teach this week, right. It's like super annoying because i Yesterday I had to go sit in a big long meeting about Gradebook changes. I want to shenanigans, right like that. Like I don't.

Collin  20:39

Ridiculous. And then today, we

Brandon  20:41

went through the maze maze. Maze maze accomplished, I guess. Yes. Yeah. And then tomorrow, we have some sort of like, Dentist assembly.

Collin  20:48

I don't. That's why I don't know


why. I don't know. What is the assembly? Yeah, it's like a

Brandon  20:54

presentation about the oral hygiene. Give me a video I'll show at the end of the day, right. Yeah, I don't need to go to an assembly about or it.

Collin  21:04

I mean, assemblies are so much waste of time, because you have to. Wow, there, right? And then yeah, walk back and walk there. You have to settle down, right, then you have to be dismissed. And it's like, I like, Huh. Like that's, I understand the desire to that's like everybody who's like, No, this meeting must be in person. Like we have to have an in person meeting.


This could be a video, I can show this in my classroom, just like this could be an email


like this, you know,

Brandon  21:30

I just feel like everybody that tells me like, Oh, it doesn't take that much time forgets that we have to

Collin  21:35

walk, please. Like, I can't just operate into

Brandon  21:41

where this meeting is supposed to. Right? Like I get this app right with my all of the the entire sixth grade to where we're going. Right? This is a process that takes a little bit of time.


Because it's not just you getting there, right? It wasn't just

Brandon  21:54

me. It was just me. I'd be there in like five seconds. But like, there's more than just right. lollygagging children who are being ridiculous all the time, not following directions. So what? Surely as well, yeah, no, surprise.

Collin  22:13

Surprise, surprise. So that's just

Brandon  22:22

a really odd thing. There's like three days in a row. It was like,

Collin  22:26

why? Well, I mean, that's nice. Because again, yeah, you didn't have anything interested in? Or, you know, wasn't anything interesting in teaching?

Brandon  22:36

Oh, yeah. Yeah, cuz we don't have any teaching

Collin  22:37

to do. Right. Like, I just the same people that are telling me to, like,

Brandon  22:44

make sure I'm using all of my time and valuing my instruction time. are the same people being like, actually

Collin  22:54

do all this stuff? Yeah. Let me tell you. Like I had to go was that.

Brandon  23:03

Yeah. Yesterday, I had to go sit in his meeting for three hours. Which would have it should have only taken like one hour? Right? Are they gonna sit there? We had talked about Gradebook things yet. We're changing the going to like standards

Collin  23:20

based grading. Nonsense, right? Like, I don't, I don't care. It doesn't matter.


My salty opinion of this is like, if I measure a distance, in inches or centimeters, it's the same distance. Right? Your number is different.

Collin  23:40

Your value is different. It's the same exact same length. Right? So if you have an A, or you have a three, whatever, like, it doesn't

Brandon  23:52

matter. It doesn't, it doesn't matter. To me like, does that. This doesn't tell me any new information about this hurts the child, right? This is one of those things where they're like, well, parents will get more information, like parents could have information if they just asked me. So I don't know which parents are clamoring for this information. But none of the ones that I speak with.

Collin  24:23

They never been like, Oh, do you know, whatever? I

Brandon  24:26

don't know. I'm not a parent. I don't understand this. I don't care. I'm not a teacher to speak to parents. I don't controversial heartache. Number seven for today, I guess.

Collin  24:33

I don't know. But I don't care. Like this doesn't help me. At all. No. It just makes it more confusing, right, because the problem. I noticed that there are good initiatives and things behind us. But the problem is, is that the letters like they're kind of inculcated into the entirety of the culture and people know what they mean? Like they do, like there, there is some understanding of A's, A's and F's, I think the the problem comes in and how did we derive that letter? Right? Where did from where did that come with that based on like that I'm sure that can be worked on, but just erasing the letters and going. Now you have, you know, fluffy white ponies, and you have fluffy ponies and you like, like, okay, whoa, like, again, like you saying, we're all talking about the same thing. It's all based on the same stuff. We're just, we just kind of crossed out the A and put a three next to it.

Brandon  25:36

Tada. That's really what it is. Right? It's really what it sounds like. And I don't you know, I'm not expert on this. I don't really I've read about it a little bit. I've, you know, had to talk about it

Collin  25:45

in college and stuff. But like, I don't care.

Brandon  25:49

What it's like more steps to get the same answer. Right, like, right now I can point to you every kid in my classroom that is struggling to

Collin  25:58

understand the content. Right? Every single one of them does not have like a mystery.

Brandon  26:05

Right? Like, it's not it's not a case of I don't know what they think that we're doing. But like, they're like, Well, you know that you have those some kids that like get A's, but they just don't understand what's happening. What's not? Oh,


so maybe you're like, Well, maybe I'm like, third,

Brandon  26:25

again, where they're thinking like third graders. Right? That's what they're thinking about. They think about like third graders. That's not how it works in sixth grade. Right? Like, if you

Collin  26:34

don't understand it. Yeah, I can tell. No,

Brandon  26:40

I written responses scream at me.

Collin  26:43

I have no idea what's happening. So I'm going to say this. They are reacting, okay. Like this is where this is where teacher responsibility is really important. Like, are they reacting to the fact that the students don't get it, and they're still being passed along? Right? Are they coming back and going, Wow, we've got high schoolers, we've got people going into college who don't understand this. That's probably because they got an A, but they really didn't understand it? Or is it? Really, they didn't understand it, and nobody took the time to work with them. Right? Is that what they're reacting to? You're like that? Because that is something where, like, there are there are excellent educators. And then there are some not so excellent people on there. And if you and, and sometimes things happen, right? And, and I'm sure like there's all sorts of things that can go on. But it's like, why, why do we get to that point? It's not that I hear that, that makes me furious to be like, it's not because we said they got an A right. It's because of the person who gave them the A should not have. Yeah,

Brandon  27:48

my fault. Like I like being punished for things that I didn't do. Right. Like, that's what it feels. Again, that's a that's an irrational statement. I'm aware of this, right? Because I'm not actually being punished. I'm not like, I know this. It can feel like that to me. Yes. We're just like, it's so salty about it, like I'm already doing, like all of these things we're talking about. And then you're coming in here being like, you need to change your practices, like, again, when you speak in blanket statements to large groups of people. And you're like, what, you need to change this, and you need to make sure you're doing this, and I'm sitting there going,

Collin  28:18

yep. Do it. Got it? Did that bill like, you're like, I'm where you

Brandon  28:24

are. Right? Like, what are you talking about? You're talking about one person, but then you're addressing a whole roomful of people making everybody think that they're that

Collin  28:33

one person. And they're not. Right, that's just not good. Managerial practice. Right? No, no, and I Yeah. And,

Brandon  28:48

and here's the the big kicker, right? I'm

Collin  28:51

not ready for this. Hold on. Let

Brandon  28:52

me sit down. Yeah, go here. So I'm, again, this is like, just our departments like an elementary school thing, right? And but they're worried about it, you know, like you said, are they worried about it later on in high school? Are they because that now we're for credit. So now we have to have actual knowledge, we have to do things. Like, I know, for a 100% fact that there are kids in not just my school, but other schools across the country who are getting A's because they play a sport. That's the only reason. Right? And so you cannot come at me and tell me that I need to change my practices and I need to do my job better. And I need to be a better monitor of student growth. When you are going to dole out grades, so that children can play a sport that makes their parents happy.

Collin  29:44

No, get out. Yeah, that's disgusting.

Brandon  29:49

It is the most disgusting nonsense I've ever heard. I hate it so much. But then, like, we have to wear it like you can't listen in one breath say like, ah We need to be more responsible and take more responsibility and make sure students are learning. And then on the other hand, have people giving out grades willy nilly to people so they can play basketball.

Collin  30:11

There is I mean, I, this is where I go again, into what are we reacting near? Because it is it's it's known thing that like grade inflation is very real. Like it's it's a real phenomenon. It happens for very many reasons. And going, like, Are people reacting to grade inflation, like, again, for the number of athletes that do get excellent scores because of they can maintain good standing so they can continue to play sports like, that is an act of great inflation. And that impacts the entire school. And so going, oh, gosh, but they don't actually know it. So in order to do that, let's just get rid of grades. And you're like, wait, wait a minute, is that going to help them know it better? No. Okay, well, are you still gonna give ya a leathery ice? I still gonna give out threes? Because they're on the football and it's homecoming, because they need three. Are you still gonna do that? Because if that practice doesn't change, guess what's gonna happen? Nothing. Nothing's really changing.

Brandon  31:17

Right? That's the other like, that's the other secret ingredient here is like that. Yeah. People don't discuss or talk about like,

Collin  31:27

technically, this is not

Brandon  31:30

ethical. And I don't do this right. Disclaimer, I do not do this. Right. But technically, I can just give you whatever grade I want.

Collin  31:36

Yeah, right. Like, I can just do it. I put it in there. And it is, you know what, like,

Brandon  31:49

they could people do that. Right? Like, again,

Collin  31:51

I did not do this. Right. I that's not how this works. But you could just like,

Brandon  31:58

you could just wing whatever you want to in there, right? Doesn't matter. Like, you don't have to be honest. I can be like, oh, here, I graded this kid's paper. He missed five out of 10. I'm gonna put an eight. Yep. Right. There's nothing stopping you from doing that other than it's gross. Right. And it's not equitable, you know, to morally there's many things wrong with this. But like, you know, they're just like, you just do whatever. So, like, the fact that this is happening, and the fact that there's really nothing stopping it from continuing to happen, right? Like, yes, yes, blah, blah, you have to make a rubric to fully define all of your standard, there needs to be a bubble like, I don't care.

Collin  32:46

Well, you could do what my college professor did. And my stats professor did where he just for every test, he just fit to a normal distribution. It's like, well, like, well, you know, so the, if you got like an ad, and that was the high score, well, that becomes 100%. And everything just gets fit to the normal bell curve after be off that and you're like, oh, wow, I

Brandon  33:11

don't like that. But no,

Collin  33:14

it's because you're competing against everybody. Yeah, that's how it works. Right? You could do it. You know, like you're saying, like, you, you could do that if you were a heartless anyway, this is a fine person, I'm sure. But um, yeah. We're like, again,


there's no measuring. There's just like a different measuring stick. It doesn't matter. Right. Hey, I know some of you some parents, like, Oh, I'd like to know what my kids learning.

Collin  33:42

Like, ask them. Right. I know,

Brandon  33:45

the standard Middle School response for what do you do today?

Collin  33:49

Oh, no, nothing. right thing? Yeah.

Brandon  33:51

Maybe ask that question again. Right. Like, I don't know, this is not my problem that you can't communicate with your child. I don't know this. Like, again, this is me being salty here. But like, I don't know. And I know also, the only thing that makes me grumpy about this is I know that some of this, the only parents currently that are asking about what their kids are learning in school, is to make sure that their kids aren't learning certain things in school, right? That's why because of the current climate of the world being upside down and not making any sense. Like, the only reason they're interested at all in what the kids are learning in school is to make sure they're not learning certain things. Right, things that they quote, disagree with, or things that quote aren't real, right? These are the things that they're worried about. By and large, at least, you know, in my experience, these are like made up worries Right? Like I don't know what you

Collin  34:48

don't know how learning about

Brandon  34:52

you know, volcanoes is like, upsetting to you, but whatever, like this. Like, they can look at the chrysalis. They

Collin  35:00

are good. None of that stuff is there right and assuage themselves that way. Right?

Brandon  35:08

Those are the only parents that like really care about, you know, that are throwing a big stink right now the ones that are like really vocally angry, or like, uproariously talking about like, well, I want to know

Collin  35:17

what my kids learn. You want to know about

Brandon  35:21

phonemic? Awareness? Is that what you're interested in? Do you want to know that? You want to know about division of complex numbers do you want like, no, that's not what it is. Right? Like, that's

Collin  35:32

not what it is. Yeah, you know, and it's one of those things going, like, great to see we're passionate about this. Like, what, what else are you going to do? Or what else are you willing to do? Like, how, where else? Are you going to be engaged and fostering this? Like, are you? Where are you helping? Or are you just here to here to complain? Like, that's some people, some people just want to complain, right? That's all that they want to do. And that's true. But it's frustrating because you're like, okay, like, on one hand, you're like, okay, cool. Like an engaged? Parent. Wonderful. Ah, you're engaged in? Okay. Not in a helpful way. Well, anyway, like, I'll just,

Brandon  36:13

you're just shouting at me now get out. I don't want to. Yeah, because all the parents that I show all of our sweet like graphing Do, do, they they do not care at all right? They're like, Yeah, whenever sweet. Let me go, let's go get food. Let's go. Like they're in that right there. It's like, number drawing conclusions from numerical analysis right?

Collin  36:39

There. Whatever. Like, cool. Let's go like, eight, right? That's not I mean, rigging. Lily is doing some pretty cool bar graph reading right now. And I'm very excited about this

Brandon  36:52

bar graph coming soon. Remember, we're somewhere with depends on how many more dental assemblies I have to go to, I

Collin  36:59

guess all of them all. She did have. She did have a graph that was rather confusing. To her at first it had the x axis is was 12345. And that was number of goals. And then coming up along the y axis was an X stacked on top of each one creating the columns. And that was, yeah, it's X was it represented the number of people who scored that? Goals. Yeah, right. Yeah. So. So each X was a part was a student. And this was, this was very, like, she read this. And I could tell like, I just kind of like, let her go do her thing. And it was like, you know, how many kids how many kids scored five goals, right? Or like, how many kids total? The whole breakdown of the, of what she thought was supposed to be read there. And I was like, I know. Like, I know exactly why you did that. Now let's just reread like, the key here is very important.

Brandon  38:00

Yeah. Because like that. A lot of times those graphs don't even have a Y axis. No, it's just the x axis. I don't remember, the name of that graph has just left me. And that is distressing. But yeah, there's only an X axis. And then there's just little like, either x or a circle, like directly above the number.

Collin  38:19

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So it was like, it was, it's like, no,


you got to pay attention to the act. So I mean, I get I get very excited about about these kinds of things. But I know it's not not abnormal, unfortunately, what's very important for us to make the, to the histogram.

Collin  38:43

That what that is, I don't have

Brandon  38:45

I think the IV histogram, I Googled or is it just a dot plot? It might is just a dot plot graph. Okay. Yeah. All right. Anyway, it's very important for us also, in science land, to make start not not be 100% successful, because this is a skill that, like travels through high school science, right? It, but like to kind of start drawing those connections of like,

Collin  39:10

data table. Graph. Yeah. Right. Like, like, independent and dependent variable. Graph. Right.

Brandon  39:24

Right. Like, that's what Mm hmm. That's,

Collin  39:27

that's the big one. Right? That making that association, right. Luckily, I tell them, like, hey, you know,

Brandon  39:37

there is a secret here. Okay, this, the scientists and mathematicians have left you a secret code about how to graph this because this table is called an X Y table.

Collin  39:51

Nailed it, right. You're welcome.

Brandon  39:54

You'll never guess why. You see this number in the X column. Yeah.

Collin  40:01

Hold on everybody. Hold on. Fast here. Yeah. Looky there

Brandon  40:11

that the old math teacher always you say? Like he would tell them like, especially because in like sixth grade in math, we're only worried about like, first coordinate graphs right now, we don't graph negative numbers yet that's later algebra stuff. So he always used to tell them like

Collin  40:32

to help them remember, like you have to go in the building before you go up the elevator.

Brandon  40:40

I steal that, and I still tell them it sounds amazing. X first than why and why I started graphing y x.

Collin  40:50

graph looks all wonky, a like, but if you don't know, what a graph should look like, you don't know that it's wrong.

Brandon  40:59

Right? Like, if you don't have a lot of experience, like looking at graphs, right, right, you can't look at that you can't you'll graph it 100% Wrong and be like,

Collin  41:08

Yeah, got it. Right,

Brandon  41:11

because you don't have any correlation between the values that you're seeing and what that picture should represent. Uh, huh. The ground Oh, relationship? Yeah, there's no relation yet. So you have to we're like building that relationship. So that like, you can like later on you can like, because now like you graph stuff, after you've done it for a lot of time. Like, if you're not paying attention, you graph it, and you go, that's wrong. That doesn't go there. I know. That's not how that's supposed to be. Right? Because that only comes from like doing it a bunch and like looking at a lot of graphs. Right? So it's like just reading graphs in general, right? You kind of understand the general shape and how they're supposed to be. Yeah, right. So when you look at it in a different way, you go like,

Collin  41:57

what is that? Oh, no, that's wrong. I have to build that sort of foundational knowledge of like, Oh, yes. This is how it's supposed to look now like that. So the hardest part of that is, of course, labeling your axes? Ah, the bane of every graphologists. Yes. Very, very important.

Brandon  42:34

It's hard, they always want to just put all of the y values as the numbers on the graph. Right? Like, you know, that's not the graph has to be spaced evenly. Yes. Yep. And then you graph the numbers, you can't just pick you have to like skip count, right? You have like, ones or twos or fives or whatever, right? Those are the most common, but you could do four really wanted, I guess, but you can't just like, you can't make all your lines like one 712. Right. That's not no.

Collin  43:09

Because the scale deterministic, it will still determine the shape of what we're seeing, which will impact some of how we interpret the relationships between Yeah, what's going on getting you the shape of the grid? Yeah. Not just the number. Because again, it's that I'm looking at the picture

Brandon  43:27

to be able to get information, right? Because you don't always get a data table. You get the graph. And so you have to be able to

Collin  43:34

interpret the graph. Fun, always fun. Keep trying to

Brandon  43:45

find different graphs in like different places be like, Oh, look,

Collin  43:48

we look at this today. Yeah, that's another graph, or the graph.

Brandon  43:53

Rob isn't science, you get some like really weird ones. You have to be like, Okay, we need some, like normal looking graphs.

Collin  43:59

Not that one. Yeah. That one, right.

Brandon  44:03

That one, not the not those, like you get those ones that like they sort of make sense. But like the temperature graph, sometimes they're like, oh, double layered, right? They have like to have like the bar graph and the line graph at the same time. Like, okay,

Collin  44:19

that's a lot. So

Brandon  44:19

we're going to break this down here. That's, that's when it shows up a lot is the, like, monthly average thing, where it's like, oh, it's graphing, like, temperature and rainfall and sometimes yes, right. Yeah. And so it's like, you have to integrate it to be like, What in the world? Am I looking at?

Collin  44:40

Why that's going on. Yeah, it's hard. Yeah. And I, I never liked the those where you go, okay, like, I will show you a graph and I'm gonna have to walk you through it. I was like, oh, geez, come on. And then I had to, I had to present a principal component analysis, and I was like, oh, boy, like, hold on. Like, this is good. Hi, this is a beastly graph. Very sorry about this, like, this is not going to be fun. So I had to remember, first time, like, Oh, that's right. I have to do have to explain this because nobody, barely even I understand what's going on in this graph. So we're gonna do our best.

Brandon  45:18

Yeah. And what's like a very, like, hyper specific graph. Yeah, right. Like, I think there's one somewhere that I have that is part of something. And it's like a

Collin  45:31

I can't read it's like a

Brandon  45:33

temperature and elevation over time thing. And it's like, oh, it's like a lot. It's a lot. Yeah, simultaneously. Or the ones that have science does this a lot, where it's like, the graph actually looks like an H, because like, 1x axis is in like, meters. And then the other one is feet. And it's like, it's the same information, right? But it's just like, on opposite sides of the graphs, you have to be like, wait,

Collin  46:00

what like, right, they give you two different scales, for some reason, right? And which I'll never, I'll never understand.

Brandon  46:12

I didn't know that. But they always there's always like a meters and feet or electric kilometers and miles.

Collin  46:16

But they're like, they can't put them. Like on a map, it would just be

Brandon  46:21

one line. And like, half of the lot like one like the left side would be like kilometers, and the right side would be miles. And you just have this staggered scale thing, right. But in science, for some reason, you have to put them

Collin  46:33

you have to x axes, like

Brandon  46:36

you have like an extra axis just over here. Like I'm also here that can be done with temperature, too, right? They do like the Fahrenheit and Celsius thing. Or like, the left side is Celsius, but the right side is Fahrenheit. I know you could add, that's not necessary. Too much information on my graph, right? It's really trying to Yeah, make sure he don't need that much graphical analysis a little bit.

Collin  47:06

Yeah, I don't need to do the conversion for me in a graph. Like, that's not what I needed. If I

Brandon  47:11

really wanted it that badly. I could just type it into Google and it will convert it for me. Right? I could get close like estimating, right. But like, you know, I can like I can just calculate it. It's fine. Oh, it's always something weird, weird graphs.

Collin  47:42

Speaking of weird, maybe good points, that maybe maybe maybe we have time for some lists of what we are going to be doing today. Yes. pacifically. I'll do what I say. I say that. And it's always fun. Ah, the best, best Halloween movies. Not named. It's the Great Pumpkin Patch. It's Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. But that's what's that's the, that's the specificity with which we need to do.

Brandon  48:14

That's it. Right. I wanted to specify this because like that that's the only movie that I actually watch on Halloween. So I feel like I would just be a bit of winning and just by default, right. And so I felt like I to be fair, like we have to give it its due because it's a brilliant movie. And I love it very

Collin  48:35

much. But

Brandon  48:38

I would just like overtake the list because it's the only movie that I actually watch.

Collin  48:43

So I'm giving I'm gonna go ahead and just well, it's I was gonna give it first place but but the movie. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown can't like the list of specifically best holiday movies not named so

Brandon  48:56

I'm just gonna call this the it's the spiritual winter. Yeah, right. Like, we know it's gonna be the winter. It's the most sincere.

Collin  49:03

Yes. So yes. as some would say. It's the winter. Yeah. Right. So this is like, these are

Brandon  49:09

really these are all runner ups. Right? At least. I don't know how you feel about it's a great Trump pumpkin Kelly Brown. But like, my list is basically all the runner ups too. Yeah. And then I have confusingly, runner ups to the runner up list then that's that's a little too much. That's don't think about the metaphor too

Collin  49:24

far. No. That's what I was. That's what I was kind of going for if like it's the winner already. Like it's the but yeah, it's a spiritual winner and then all these biggest runner ups to

Brandon  49:34

grant it's won Best in Show. No, I

Collin  49:37

think what we'd have to say is is when when somebody wins something so much what do they give them? They give them a lifetime achieve? Oh, yeah, the lifetime being nominated

Brandon  49:45

for a lifetime Halloween movie Achievement Award. So that's a great Pumpkin Charlie Brown,

Collin  49:52

a lifetime achievement or best Halloween so now we can like Okay, that's, that's we all recognize that that is the best. And we are. We're moving on to the rest to the rest the best of the rest. The best of the rest. Yeah, that's how Okay, how many I think the first question to ask a few don't have anything else is to like, how did you define Halloween movie?

Brandon  50:23

Yeah, so that is where I struggled mightily. Right. Now I take solace in the fact that I was making Okay, so I was I was struggling with the fact that like, do I want to think about like movies that specifically feature Halloween?

Collin  50:41

Right? Because that's what Charlie Brown does. Right? But

Brandon  50:46

or do I want to think about movies that are like, they just like, they embody the spirit of Halloween. They're like, tangentially related to Halloween. They're like Halloween vibes. Right? Not necessarily Halloween. I read a lot of other people's lists of Halloween movies, none of them make that distinction whatsoever. Nobody cares if a movie actually has Halloween in

Collin  51:10

it or not. Right, which is weird. Right? But also

Brandon  51:14

therefore diehard could be a Christmas movie just saying so. Yeah.

Collin  51:23

Also, interestingly, if diehard can be a Christmas movie, I think Lethal Weapon one, also Christmas movie. Alright. Anyway, I'm taking notes. That's a whole

Brandon  51:35

a whole other problem.

Collin  51:37

So I I just sort of ended up scrapping

Brandon  51:42

the idea of having, you know, because I also the other problem was if I was going to do movies that only that were like, featured Halloween. Yeah, main story component. I could only get like four out of the movies that I just thought above the top of my head, like, I couldn't fill out the list. Yeah. And so I was like, oh, and then like, then I was thinking like, I know some other ones. I don't really even like those. Don't put them on the list of best Halloween movies. It's a it's a movie. I really like. It's hard to do Halloween in it, but I don't like the movie. So I

Collin  52:29

can't do that. That is not allowed. Not allowed. So I was struggling

Brandon  52:32

mightily with this. So I decided on just like Halloween vibe movies. Yeah, movies that are kind of like spooky themed, right, I guess. Again, my other disclaimer is I don't even really like Halloween that much. Right? As we know, it has the worst candy. This is documented, documented, but like, a lot of the things that go with Halloween are like, horror movie related. Uh huh. And I don't like horror movies. Just kind of as a whole. Because there are a lot of horror movies. Most of the lists I saw online are horror movies, right? Like your classic horror movie, think about like, I don't really like those movies. I'm not it's not my vibe. I'm not into that kind of stuff. Yeah, like, that made the list hard also, because it's like, Oh, well. Chopping out a huge chunk of what most people think of as Halloween. And I'm gonna throw it over there. And not worry. Yeah. What was your thoughts about this?

Collin  53:36

How do you feel about this? Ah, I do the exact same have I really struggled to,


to. I'm not gonna say to define

Collin  53:49

it. But I basically landed on the exact same thought process of you as you have going to have my when I think of Halloween movies, if I just again, think right off the top my head. I'm only like one or two actually have like, Halloween is a central theme to it. And the rest of them are just a little like, spooky and creepy. And then yes, when you're reading lists, it's like, I mean, it's it's like 80 or 50 or like, Tabasco, all this stuff. And it's like, it's such a hodgepodge of, of like, No, this is a dedicated Halloween movie Halloween features prominently, like there are long cutscenes of pumpkin carving or whatever it's like okay, that's fine, but like, the vast majority of lists are also they're just spooky, creepy, thriller. slashers there's no



Brandon  54:41

lot of slasher movies right, like a lot of like, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street. Right. These are all Halloween hauls Halloween one through 150 I don't really

Collin  54:52

know. I don't know what a new one came out recently. So what was that last year anyway? But yes, go yeah. You know, I? That's not I don't like that and then it was like, Okay, if it's not a slasher, they're like, Oh, well, this one is like, you know, like, like, exorcist or like this stuff like, I guess I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm saying like, none of the things that I have mentioned are on my list, but like mine either, so it's alright. We can I don't like those aren't. I don't like I don't think that's the Halloween so yes the spirit and I think when we look back to the, you know, Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown like there's a spirit there of of kind of fun excitement maybe a little bit of like, you know, Ooh, spooky, mildly spooky mildly spooky, but not like horror and slasher and like, imminent terror and doom. I was like, Yeah, all right. Well, I

Brandon  55:46

want to evoke no fun no blair witch project here.


So, yes, I

Collin  55:54

have. I have my list. And I don't know about it. Like it's, it's I've been I've been moving things about pretty much I have to like real bad all day to day. So like, all of these are like really high quality like third place like I like that's like that place in lower. I kept like, I don't really know

Brandon  56:14

what Yeah, yeah, I feel pretty good about my number one. Okay. Right. But all the rest of them are like, huh, yeah. They're like, the rest of them are kind of like just where I dislike decided to put them for today. Right? Like they could move up or down a little bit. Right. There's some wiggle room in this list. It's not like a hard. It's not a very it's not a very set in stone list is a very set in sand. List. Right? Like it's very, ah, actually pliable. You could like move it around. Right? This list is like the Japanese Zen Garden have the list. You can move the things around. You can

Collin  56:53

at your whim. And it's your way of yeah, not carved in stone. Right? No, no? Well, so I don't know. Do you want to start with like, do you wanna start at the bottom and work your way up? Or do you just want to?

Brandon  57:06

Yeah, that's what we've done before. That's usually going up. And then we can throw in any, like, extra bonus, like, didn't make the list? At the end? Right. Sure. You have any? Do you have any didn't make the list? I mean,

Collin  57:22

that not really I don't I mean, I have maybe one that just didn't slide in there for this. So I just

Brandon  57:28

I had some others that I was, like, I made like a short list of like, all the movies I could think of and then I started crossing them off. Right. So I have a couple random ones. Like, I had a couple like the early. They were like, on the shortlist. But then I threw them off because I either don't really like watching them or they weren't they just weren't the right fit for my list. But

Collin  57:52

okay, well, so. So I mean, do you have a top 2125? Or three? I

Brandon  57:57

have five? You have five? Okay, do you have five? Yeah, I

Collin  58:00

do have five as well. So, again, let me do this. Let me just look at them real like, really hard. And I'll check. Like I have them in order to I have this one. Yeah.

Brandon  58:12

And the other as always, my caveat to the list is, if you asked me to watch these all if you gave me an option to watch all of these movies right now. Which one would I want to watch the most? Yes, right. That's kind of my always my final criteria of this is like, in what order? If you're like over it, we're gonna do a movie marathon. We're gonna watch these movies. Which one do you want to start with? Right? That's how I would think about this, right? That's kind of that what that'll help me organize my top five. Yeah. Is like which ones are? Am I usually the most excited about watching?

Collin  58:47

Yeah, no, I. Yeah. Okay. So okay, in that context, I think I'm going to pull. Yeah, shall we have some we have some runners up at the end? That's fine. Okay. Okay. All right. So, do you wanna go first? Sure. Number two, this

Brandon  58:59

is your number five, right, number five. Right. Number five.

Collin  59:04

I just went ahead and threw out there after much debate.

Brandon  59:10

This is actually the only movie on my list that I think prominently featured Halloween. As a plot point, okay. So we just get out of here early. That is of course, hocus pocus. Right, coming in at number five. And that's where I put it at number five. Number five. Hot Hot.

Collin  59:27

Hot number five. I'll just jump in here and say that that too was my number five.

Brandon  59:32

Hey, there we go.

Collin  59:34

Because yes, because with the I mean, it does it's definitely can't be it's definitely a fun like, I mean, it is a little scary. Like honestly, like little kids like there are some moments like it's a little like it's a little there but like it's definitely fun and goofy and doesn't take itself seriously, obviously. But yes, it's one way or Halloween definitely features prominently in in the in the film.

Brandon  1:00:05

Yeah, I put I put on there for that same reasons, right. It's very Halloweeny myths about witches and stuff like also as a person who spent a day in Salem, Massachusetts this summer I feel like I had to include it. Right? Many of the locations in the movie, yeah. In person, right. So I, you know, just like, that was cool, you know, being like, Oh hey, look at him and say, What do you think's going on and goes to her? Right. So like, that kind of influenced my thing a little bit. Right. The other thing that influenced me a little bit was, Susan said, you have to put it on there because it's great movie. So that's what I'm okay. So this is Susan's chiming in on this one as well. She says, it's one of her favorites, but I picked it five just because like, it's cool. Right? It's fun.

Collin  1:00:46

It's a little bit whimsical, bit dated,

Brandon  1:00:50

right? A little bit dated, very 90s. Okay, and like, not in just like the best way, right? Like, some of the stuff is like, lots of whatever, man, like one of the plot points is very, like, lame. 90s Gay if you know, you know, but like,

Collin  1:01:07

we're fine.

Brandon  1:01:08

Fine. It's wonderful. But like, it is generally an enjoyable movie. Like it's still funny. Right? Most of its like, still humorous. Like the jokes the land. That Muller still hilarious, right? Uh huh. So Oh, yeah, I put it there. I put it five just because like, it's very Halloween is like very Halloweeny. Right. Like if like, it's one of the first movies I thought of when I was like thinking about Halloween movies. It was that. So just that alone, I had to have another list somewhere.

Collin  1:01:37

Okay, put it at five. So that's why I did that. I like this. Like this. Okay. Yep. Again, same, the same, very same reasons.

Brandon  1:01:47

All right. Okay, now I'm interested to see where the rest of the list goes from here because my picks a weird turn here.

Collin  1:01:54

Number four. Number four. After

Brandon  1:01:59

saying all that stuff that I don't like gay movies, and like slasher movies and all that stuff is out and I don't like them.

Collin  1:02:05

I put a bit of a

Brandon  1:02:08

suspense thriller movie on my list at number four. Okay, right, but I put it on here because it contains like

Collin  1:02:16

you know, buki supernaturally stuff?

Brandon  1:02:21

Or is it right question mark? Mystery abounds.

Collin  1:02:25

Force. Brotherhood of the wolf. Okay, okay, throw

Brandon  1:02:30

it on there. That's about it for like, I have a natural love for this movie. I don't know why. I have no idea why I like this movie so much. I shouldn't like as much as I do. Because a lot of the things about this movie I don't like Like, they're like things that I don't like in movies. Yeah,


I love this movie so much.

Brandon  1:02:51

Longtime fans of the show might have heard me talk about this before, but basically rave about it and rave about right again. Is this a raving movie? Like of Manny Okay, hashtag Manny. Like

Collin  1:03:05

well it's beautifully shot to like it's it's cinematically Very good. Lots of suspense, lots of thriller and this, but not very much. You know, slasher Gore almost.

Brandon  1:03:19

There's just like the monster that's like a monster movie. Right? They're like editing this like unknown monster. Right? It has the air of suspense comes from the unknown. Right? Which kind of makes it Halloweeny because like, is it a werewolf? Is it this thing? Right you have the hunter coming in looking for the for the beast? Right? Yes find out what's been killing the villagers right also be based on a moderately true events right the, in the shaver Dawn region of France. There was a time where if something killed a bunch of people and nobody really knew what it was. No, no, I had noticed points for loosely based on true story. But yeah, like I like the mystery. I guess. I like that. It's very actually. It's very stylized action. I think that's why I like it so much. That fight scene in the rain is the best

Collin  1:04:11

thing. It's ever amazing, right? Like yes, I know. It's the pre

Brandon  1:04:19

pre French Revolution costume, like 18 1780 Something like that. I remember. Like, the slow motion like fight scene in the rain is my favorite scene in that whole movie. Like I love like that part where he like the slow turn with the tricorder hat and the water like dripping off of the hat and the cot with that high collar that's up over his nose. That that is like seared into my memory for some reason.

Collin  1:04:50

Oh, well it because it's a beaut beaut again, beautifully shot. Very well done very well,

Brandon  1:04:56

but like the hunting of the beast and the mystery of like ASA The supernatural thing, like what is it? Like? It's like got that suspense element and then it's got like a little bit of like supernatural spice in there just for funsies. So I put brotherhood of the wolf at number four.

Collin  1:05:14

I will say once it gets into like the like, the cultish stuff and things like that gets a little like,

Brandon  1:05:21

the end is not strong.

Collin  1:05:23

Yeah. Okay. But like the opening of that movie. Oh, good. Grief.

Brandon  1:05:30

Like the opening scene of that movie is so intense. It's like amazing. Like

Collin  1:05:37

it's crazy. Yeah. The end. Yeah, I think parts of like, towards the end. It falls apart a little bit. But

Brandon  1:05:46

all a lot of stuff in the beginning is like really good. Yeah, I

Collin  1:05:49

think the very end is bad. But like some of that stuff at the end is like 90% of the way into it. You really get, you know, really good, good. Yeah. I don't know. Okay.

Brandon  1:06:00

I also just love the stylized art style. That movie is great. It's a good one. And that's a movie that like in the fall in like, Halloween season. That's a movie. I'm like, that's like when I watched it. I was like, Oh, yeah.

Collin  1:06:16

Oh, well, I think so. Yes. Good. Good choice. Mine. My interesting. My fourth. My number four also follows kind of a similar pattern of is it supernatural? What's going on? This mystery in the town trying to figure this out. But also, this adds a little bit of extra twist in that trying to figure out you know, that werewolf II thing like who is who is that? Who is doing this? And some friend combatants? Of course I'm not talking about werewolves I'm talking about Wallace and grommets The Curse of the were rabbit where where Wallace is switched into becoming aware of rabbit and eating all of the giant vegetables for the for the town's giant vegetable competence. I look I think it's just because I love Wallace and Gromit so much like I don't even know when I first started seeing their shows or you know, the shorts and TV stuff, but like, my goodness, I can't not laugh at it. It's just it's so such British humor and it's like too thick. It's wonderful. I love every ounce of it. And this one of you know the where rabbits Of course, you know, again it's a little bit it's just a bunny a cheek there. Yeah, yeah, tongue to cheek there. It's just I Yeah, it's everything's just so zany. Like the mind manipulation nomadic machine that turns the from what liking vegetables to making them life vegetables, and how in the end grommet saves Wallace his life by making the cheese and that undoes the curse of the veg shop.

Brandon  1:08:07

is always the answer. Right? That's what we learn If we learned anything from

Collin  1:08:10

Wallace and Gromit. Cheese is the answer. Right? Yeah, yeah. So it's just it's funny. And it's, you know, it's it's a funny take on everything. So I I love it a lot. That's great. I like it. Do you remember?

Brandon  1:08:26

I don't remember we must have watched some of these movies like very early on because do you remember when we attempted to make a stop motion animation film with our VCR?

Collin  1:08:35

Not only two, I remember this. I was thinking about this this past weekend as I sat watching the kids because we we did it. Down on the ground. We set out the blue blanket and we tried to make it a what was it a boat and a fish?

Brandon  1:08:51

Or something like that? Yeah, we had some way lay away.

Collin  1:08:55


Brandon  1:08:55

played everything.

Collin  1:08:57

I remember this very much.

Brandon  1:08:59

We figured out the timing on that. Because we we listeners that the setup here was very 1980s, early 90s. Right. It was very rad. We had the V dad's visa. We had the old VCR in the basement right now. The old one like they got it. I don't know when they got the thing. It's like early 80s. Like, like the early 80s one, but it's like it had two parts. Okay, but you could plug in the video camera like in you had to plug it into the VCR because if the video camera didn't hold the cassette was a full size video cassette. Uh huh. Right. And so we had to record like there was a cable running from the camera to the VCR right and it was a lot you had to hold we had to like we had to work out the recording timing because it was like longer than you thought I guess because of the delay in the like, spin up of the tape and stuff. Yep.

Collin  1:09:55

Yep, I remember I mean shooting the I remember shooting that scene of this like yeah, Stop motion animation and being like, This is

Brandon  1:10:02

amazing. The floor in front of where that green couch is right now. Right where

Collin  1:10:07

I was sitting on the floor playing Lego thinking about making a stop motion animation film. Man, I wish you know, I don't I don't know where that thing is, but that would be cool to dig out. Yeah, I

Brandon  1:10:19

don't know. It's probably around there somewhere. I don't know what it's on the end of some like random tape though. So like, I don't know where

Collin  1:10:28

it could be. But yeah, that's a lot of that's a lot of film that I don't want to shape yet. Ah. So, yes. All right. Number four. So you want to number three?


Number three.

Collin  1:10:45

All right. Number three. Bit of a

Brandon  1:10:48

contentious choice here. Right. As with the rest of us, so what is Halloween? Right, again? Lots of themes. Okay, so I kind of have a bit of a cop out on number three. I am

Collin  1:11:03

choosing Harry Potter. Right. But

Brandon  1:11:08

specifically, like a two way tie here. We have a tie between the Chamber of Secrets and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Those are the most Halloweeny one. Yeah, right. Yeah. Because like, I couldn't decide, right. And I didn't want to have two spots on the list for Harry Potter movies. That seemed too much. So there's a Harry Potter in general, but specifically chamber because it's like a monster movie. Right? It's very similar to brotherhood of the wolf. But like, like,

Collin  1:11:32

my engine, right?

Brandon  1:11:34

It's kind of the same movie right? Unknown, like people getting attacked. unknown creature stalking? A castle. Right? Is it being controlled by somebody spoilers from brotherhood, the wolf. Like, right? Like you have to like it's a whole thing, right? And there's ghosts and there's magic and there's silliness, right? That's kind of Halloweeny Prisoner of Azkaban is also very Halloweeny because it has like, the haunted shack thing. There's like, werewolf and like, stuff, right? Like, again, Mystery Of like, Who is this person? Like, we're worried about this, like, all this stuff. So they have it's like, those are the most Halloweeny vibes, right? Plus, you know, Buckbeak is in the pumpkin patch it Haggard's house. Right. So it's like,

Collin  1:12:26

that's fair. That's those two, right?

Brandon  1:12:32

That's my number three. Kind of Harry Potter because it magic, which is monsters, blah, blah. Like that's very Halloween eat but I think those two are the most Halloween movies out of all of them. Right? Because like Goblet of Fire is like a sports movie basically. I don't know what Half Blood Prince is, is a movie a mess, mostly? And then like what are the Phoenix is like something way different altogether?

Collin  1:13:00

The tone of the films really, too. I mean, like, the books changed as they tackle like, harder and harder subjects. Yeah, one of the reasons like I really like the series, because yeah, like, not only like, they are written to be to age with the child to age with you as you grow them, like, and especially like having experienced that, like not one of those like we had to be there to experience but like, in real time when these books were coming out every two years. It was like, oh, right, like, yeah, like these. I'm older. They're older, like I can relate to this. So there's a lot there's a lot there, but he has a lot their tone and how things are shot also do change. Quite a bit.

Brandon  1:13:38

That's true. I mean, that's what happens when you have a different director for like

Collin  1:13:41

every movie. Yes, right. That's part of the problem with that

Brandon  1:13:46

incoherent like the inconsistencies in some of them, right? Like, why is all of a sudden Harry just like super grumpy, like, oh my gosh, because like, like in the book, he's like, Wait grumpier, but at the movies like, oh my gosh, stop. Like,

Collin  1:13:58

it's so bad. I can't even watch it. Like I

Brandon  1:14:00

just yeah, it's just like Harry Potter and I refuse to confront my emotions and talk to my friends. Like, hey, if you'd be like five minutes long, the book is much the book like you get a lot more of the undertone and you get a lot more of the why. Right? Yeah, like in the movie he just comes off he's like broody and annoying. Like didn't like it. So that's also why the other ones don't make it the list because they're annoying but like, I just feel like I like the whimsy of like the first three movies the most right because after that after asked bad things get like real serious they started getting like really dark. Literally ordered the Phoenix like It's like what who is where's the director of lighting in this movie? Like I don't know what

Collin  1:14:39

they didn't have one right they only after the fact that was all that lighting in that movie was added in post production right?

Brandon  1:14:47

It was like black screen


so bad.

Brandon  1:14:51

Like I like I like those are the most Halloween need to be they're still like whimsical. There's like one, right? It's not too serious yet. yeah and then my other my was hot take number 90 today. I do like Richard Harris is Dumbledore better than Michael Gambon? Yeah, right like that. I do. What's that? Do?

Collin  1:15:15

I? Yeah, I do too.

Brandon  1:15:20

Yeah, my number three is Harry Potter but specifically chamber and asked man

Collin  1:15:25

Okay well I think my my number three I'm not gonna say I think my number three because I know my number three right here in front of me. My number three is probably not probably it is the most serious of the films that are on my list and probably one of the most genuinely concerning films it's it's actually classified as it as a dark fantasy horror. And it's one of other worlds and not being able to trust those around you for various reasons. But it's it's also interestingly another stop motion animation film. I'm talking about Coraline. Ah 1009 The this film is based on a Roald Dahl book.


I think so, yes. Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  1:16:21

Which is a genuinely upsetting book as well. as well. A lot of books really kind of are when you kind of


get down to it right?

Collin  1:16:28

Like yes. And I am yeah, i i But it's one of those like, it's, it's so well time like I it's it's it's it's an actually scary upsetting film in that in that instance. But it's, it's when I it's it's creepy. It has the other worldly stuff. It's also kind of goofy and funny at times, but it has this like, seriously serious Oh, undertones of it during the entire movie. And I genuinely liked this film. It's not a Halloween movie, so to speak, but kind of fitting in that like, spooky creepy vibe thing. It it is it very much is so so I don't know what your feelings are on this film.

Brandon  1:17:19

I have never seen that. So I don't have any feelings whatsoever. Ah, okay. I don't know. I don't know. I I legitimately thought from your description that I was like, Yo, he puts secretive name on his holiday.

Collin  1:17:34

Okay, so I Okay, I mean that also terrifying film. Right Like for real? No, no, no, that's me and I kind of watched that one

Brandon  1:17:46

now scription was like very secretive to me though.

Collin  1:17:49

Yeah, it is. That's a good point. Yeah, I've

Brandon  1:17:51

never seen it I mean, it I don't know I missed it as one of those ones I just like never got around to watching I don't ya

Collin  1:18:00

know it's it's extremely interestingly if you want to know if you really want to know it was it was the third highest grossing stop motion animation film of all time behind two films ready? It was behind chicken run. And it was behind Wallace and Gromit The Curse of the were rabbit Yeah. So it's it's you know it what it's what a lot of awards accompany you know, the music is by a guy a Bruno Coleus glace. Excellent score. I, it really helps punch up the film a lot. But no, it's, it's good. It's good. Nice. Anyway, the creepiest part of this is not to spoil the film. But like Coraline is in an unhappy world with her mom and dad who don't pay a whole lot attention to her. So she goes and explores, and she finds a secret realm in the same house, where she goes to explore is where the mom loves her and the dad loves her and everybody loves her. And she's the best and it's like super colorful, and her whole life. It's all shot in gray, like north. Yeah, north northwest Pacific stuff, like, like all that. And turns out the mom's just trying to like, devour her basically other the other mother. And so like, it's, she's, you know, distrusting of the magical and turns out the other world is not as magical as it's supposed to be because it's all like, a fake. It's all fraud and there's nothing of substance behind it. So a lot of great lessons, but Oh, creepy. Yeah, that sounds cool. Yeah, I understand that. So. Very nice. Hey, go. Okay. On to number two, to number two. Number two.

Brandon  1:19:47

This one again, very Halloween vibes, but much more in my wheelhouse, right. Much more.

Collin  1:19:51


Brandon  1:19:55

actually, right. Much more It venturi much more comedy. Actually, sometimes you just need to watch a movie, where, you know, a team comes together to try to save New York City from an ancient evil. And you know, when that happens, there's only one group of people you can call. Yeah. And that's the Ghostbusters. Right that is that is that right? Yeah.

Collin  1:20:37

Oh my gosh,

Brandon  1:20:38

I just I just like, because I'd see the comedy that, you know, when you hear about like, you know, comedy ever they say like, comedy is timing. Right? This movie just has the quips. The one liners. Yeah, like it's got it all right, it's it's the dry dead and humor. But like, just like real, like the amped up sarcasm of like 80s Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd right it's really I think like the straight man of Egon right come on. That's like the best

Collin  1:21:15

No, it's your greatest

Brandon  1:21:20

star that is? Yeah.

Collin  1:21:23

Great movie. No, no, fantastic. I was just gonna say I mean, the part that sticks in my head all the time is I am the Keymaster right like it's yeah, it's so good. So I

Brandon  1:21:35

got just like lots of classic scenes right again, ghosts everywhere. Slimer right. You got all this stuff? Right? I just have like, right the story is weird. Right? And a lot of stuff is kind of odd. But like

Collin  1:21:52

Right. Like yeah,

Brandon  1:21:54

but yeah, I just the Ghostbusters is my is very Hollywood vibes. It's all about lusty ghosts. Oh, yeah. hauntings everywhere. Creepy supernatural goings on, right? Yeah, yeah. So yeah, that's my number. Employee number two.

Collin  1:22:09

Number two. Okay, no good, good, strong showing. I think my number two is equally strong. I mean, obviously, but mine is also kind of a ragtag team trying to prove a point to make a name for themselves. And is also filled with lots of I mean, action, some some scary moments. A lot a lot of comedy. However, I am I'm of course referring to the 1974 classic Young Frankenstein.

Brandon  1:22:43

Ah, there we go.

Collin  1:22:47

I I liked this movie a lot. Fond memories. I know mom was a big fan of this movie. And so watching it always good feelings. And just the hilarity of being directed by know Mel Brooks with Gene Wilder involves to like the the timing again of the jokes was was impeccable. Yes,

Brandon  1:23:11

he is excellent. So excellent. That it's actually my number one. Oh nice. I like to read a lot, right.

Collin  1:23:24

I feel like it really?

Brandon  1:23:28

I don't know. Like, yeah, like, is it like, if timing is important? This movie has just got it in spades. Right. It doesn't help that it is just like the best spoof of a movie that has ever existed. Yeah, right. Like, if you watch like that when some of the early like MGM like Frankenstein movies. It just, it is this movie, right? Like you watch both those movies back to back. It's incredible. Right? Like this, the amount of like seed stealing and the jokes are they hit way harder if you watch them. But it's just so good, right? And I like I don't know. I also feel like it benefits from being an early Millbrook film because like you know, Mel Brooks is a great director. But like all of these jokes are recycled in all these other movies. All of them. Yes. All of them. So like if you watch like Robin Hood bitten tight, it's just like, Oh, I've seen all these jokes. Yes. Which is a weird but you know, whatever. Right? Whatever. Yeah, so I it's my number one because I love Jean while this performance is

Collin  1:24:40

so great. Yeah, so that's my number one actually. Okay. No, yeah, that's Gene Wilder. always hilarious. And again, I still think about moments of this film. For sure. So

Brandon  1:24:52

it's very comfortable. Maybe yes, right. That's why it's also

Collin  1:24:55

it is it is so, so my number one ah, again in order of things that like things I would want to go watch right now because of what they are again this is this actually, I don't know I'm not gonna sell this very well. What it is it's a nightmare before Christmas. Yet another stop motion it makes you feel

Brandon  1:25:19

better themes here like a good strong theme with your list Kyle and I think it's

Collin  1:25:25

Oh also another one highly influenced by Tim Burton and directed by the amazing Henry Selick whenever he did I forget who was working for at this time, but Halloween while not playing a major role, it all takes place in Halloween Town. And the spooky ghosts fun elements. Also, I'm a sucker for a musical. Yeah, what's this? What's this? I guess? Yes, I had a big was actually what kind of cue this up it's probably just because it was it was I've been prime I was mentally primed for this was I went to the client's home in like, October 1, they had a giant Jack Skellington by their dope tour to their house. So it's been on my mind this entire month on ice itself.

Brandon  1:26:18

Right. Printing?

Collin  1:26:20

Exactly, exactly. So again, is it a Halloween film? Is it a Christmas movie? Who knows the

Brandon  1:26:26

eternal question, right? Yes. Yeah, the real philosophical debates of our time.

Collin  1:26:31

Just do it's both. So that's that.

Brandon  1:26:35

I mean, technically, that means you can watch it from

Collin  1:26:38

Halloween till Christmas. Right. Exactly. So you just watch it all the time. Just constantly it's good. No, I Well, because there is the scene where they also he's in the woods and he does see the trees with the with the different ones on them. So yeah, like all the other holidays. Were there. Was it spirit? Right, spirit? Yes. So I guess that's my number one. I do enjoy that. And the songs are stuck in my head. So that's to me, that that makes that that evokes the most like, Halloween the spooky season. thing for me, basically. Nice. I like it. Yeah. Yeah. So cool. So runner, runners up runner. So

Brandon  1:27:22

So did not make the list. Right. I'll go through a couple of them here. Okay. By this again, they didn't make the list for many reasons. The first one that I saw another movie that I thought about quite early on as being like, very heavily. Like, because Halloween is an important part of the movie was at. Right. Okay. But then I was like, that's when I was like, Do I really even like ET though? Like, not really? Right. Like, it's fine. But like, yeah, as a kid, right. Like, I'd never really into it. Right? I wasn't really big fan. Sure. Like it's very Halloweeny it's very, like supernatural like, alien. Right, obviously, but like, yeah, so I put that on there. That was on the shortlist eventually. The other two classic 90s movies that I was thinking about whenever I was brainstorming is of course the Addams Family. Right? Yeah. Yeah.

Collin  1:28:22

You know, that's very Halloween vibes. And then Casper, right the night. Oh, man. My brain did not even go to the movie. Wow, I didn't even have a

Brandon  1:28:35

Yeah, because I have like a Halloween party. The end of that movie is like a Halloween party. Right? Yeah, I don't think so.

Collin  1:28:40

I think I think we, we may have talked about this. But like, I find the cat I find Casper immeasurably annoying. Yeah, yeah, that's why I didn't put them in. Because like, as a kid, it was fine. But like, when you watch it more than when you watch it, it's just kind of like just

Brandon  1:29:00

awesome. This suffers from being a 90s movie that viewed through today's lens has

Collin  1:29:05

problems. Yeah, like, the whole like, can I keep the thing? That's a little right thing as

Brandon  1:29:14

a 90s kid, though, obviously had an immeasurably huge crush on Christina Ricci, that's just, you know, tout is facts. But so those are on there. Other runner up. The family favorite Private Eyes, featuring Don Knotts way

Collin  1:29:34

that also on my runner up list, so not gonna lie. Yeah. That was on my list for sure.

Brandon  1:29:39

Yeah. And also, kind of in a similar vein, the ghost did Mr. Chicken. Right. That was also that was awesome.

Collin  1:29:50

I mean, it's appropriate. It's appropriate. Yes. Right. It's

Brandon  1:29:53

fives, right. It's Holly vibes. The last the last movie that I thought of, right and then again, getting Get some heat for this being a 90s kid, right? But like, a kid that grew up in the 90s, right? Like I the other movie that like I thought of immediately, but did not put on my list because like, No, right? It's a movie about very heavily Halloween influence. But like, it's just so weird. You know what I mean? That would of course be Ernest scared stupid when I was brainstorming Halloween movies, that isn't a movie, like jumped in my head from

Collin  1:30:39

my childhood was like, I'm I'm glad that didn't make the list.

Brandon  1:30:43

Oh, yeah, no, I read it was free online. So I rewatched part of it. Oh, no. Oh, no, this is too much. I can't.

Collin  1:30:51

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Well, I will I have mine here. So I do have private eyes. On on mine.

Brandon  1:31:02

I'm good. It is. It is. It does suffer from being slightly problematic. Now.

Collin  1:31:09

Indeed, indeed. It does have some issues.

Brandon  1:31:12

Just like it's like, again, it's like a 80s. It's 80s movie. So it's like stereotype city. But the plot is hilarious, right? Oh, yes. No doubt about it too Cavalier. So

Collin  1:31:23

funny, but it's a great, they're great pair. It's such a fantastic film. Yeah. I I'm going to add a late 90s film that you could just not escape from when you were then is the 1988 film Halloween Town? Ah, yeah.

Brandon  1:31:45

I saw I watched part of that the other day. It was on TV. Doubt. I was thinking about it. And I was like, oh, man, this movie. A lot, isn't it?

Collin  1:31:53

It's, it's there's so much in this film. I it's it's not particularly a good thing. I could find a good movie.

Brandon  1:32:03

I don't really it really aged poorly. Right. Like the like, just the look of the movie that like any like specific thing. Like the theme is there. I like the plot is fine. But like the look of the movies

Collin  1:32:15

like Ouch. Ouch. Yes. Yeah. It's it's very dated, very dated. Very. So yeah, that one I did have to throw in there just as an obligatory like, this was impactful. I had seen this movie quite a lot. And it's very Halloween centric, but it's terrible. That one is not terrible. And I didn't know quite how to to, to place it is actually one that I think is I think it is kind of a more of a it's pretty. I don't know if it's pretty scary. But if you did a certain light, I would say that Spirited Away is actually pretty Halloweeny it's feel and it's vibe for like, there's a little bit of like, I mean, claws. I like body horror. Like attorney. Pig. Yeah. And like, you know, young girl abducted and taken away from her family and like, all this stuff. Also, with like, the ghosts, like they're everywhere, right? Like she's in spirits, like, spirits away. So I thought about that one for a while, and was like, is that Halloween? Is it? Is it not? Also, I just liked that movie. So true.

Brandon  1:33:31

I'll force it on it. Yeah, we can probably come up with a better place to put it on the list. Right? It's really don't try to force it onto a list where it

Collin  1:33:38

doesn't. It's not home. But I did want to at least mention it. So I could talk about it. Because I do like that. So oh, that's fair. Yeah. Next, next thing we need to do like a ranking of Miyazaki films, have we done that yet? We I don't think so. Not officially,

Brandon  1:33:54

right. We've just discussed them several times. A lot. That's true. Oh, there's a new one, though. And I haven't seen it. Yeah, I haven't either. But there's several that I haven't. There's a couple that I've missed, right. Or I've only seen like once, like a long time ago. Yeah. So that would require some serious rewatching. Oh, right. Well, yeah, but so that that could that is something to put on the list for to do in the future. We had to plan out because it needs some told watch. Oh, yes. Watch Porco. Rosso again, I kind of

Collin  1:34:26

guess. Yeah, yes. Yeah. His new one for the boy in the heron. Yeah, isn't it? Yeah. Anyway, so I just need to put that on the list.

Brandon  1:34:36

Oh, no. Yeah, we could put it we'd definitely do that

Collin  1:34:39

stuff. Anyway. Top five number middling ranked films. In terms of best Halloween movies. huge gap between its Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and everything else that we just mentioned for only clearly 45 minutes but that's fine. That's fine.

Brandon  1:34:59

That's okay. It's got its rightful place at the top. And then all the they you can also watch all these other ones because it's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown is only like 30 minutes long.

Collin  1:35:08

So there's a lot of time to eat. Watch

Brandon  1:35:13

to watch other things.

Collin  1:35:17

Oh, okay. Well, I these are good. I need to put this on my watch list to this track these two and also I

Brandon  1:35:23

guess maybe Secret of NIMH? Is it a movie?

Collin  1:35:27

I mean, it was mentioned. I mean, it is creepy

Brandon  1:35:29

as heck. So like, we

Collin  1:35:32

all get out. I will get out of here without no it's not. That movie is not okay. Like I know it is still like, who people wonder where I am. It's like, why am I against like, laboratory testing and like environment. It's like, let me tell you a story. Hey,

Brandon  1:35:49

why? tell you I'm gonna tell you a secret.

Collin  1:35:54

eyes. The eyes. The eyes. I use our eyes were terrible. Never wanted that. And then just like, like the terrible like destruction of the home and like it's just Oh, yeah. Oh, gosh. It's pretty good movie. I mean, it's great.

Brandon  1:36:11

I mean, it's a good movie, but like it's Yeah.

Collin  1:36:15

Crispy on the wrap. Okay, well, yes. Science fiction, fantasy and horror film band horror film me talking about? Okay. Lots of okay. I'm scrolling. Yes. Well, we've, we've done a thing. I like all this list very much. Very high. All right. It's it's so mission accomplished. Yeah. Okay. And I don't think I'm going to try and watch something as I fall asleep. All right. There we go. Okay. Very good. Love you.

Brandon  1:36:47

Let me do bye bye.